wso2 test automation framework internal training

WSO2 Test Automation Framework Approach and Adoption By Dharshana Warusavitharana Senior Software Engineer, Test Automation

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WSO2 Test Automation Framework

Approach and Adoption


Dharshana WarusavitharanaSenior Software Engineer, Test Automation

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What will be Automated at WSO2● Platform scenarios.

● Integration scenarios.

● UI scenarios.

● Real world use cases.

● Performance and Security scenarios.

● Patches provided.

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Basic Understanding - Unit Test ● Focused on testing behavior of a

particular class, module or method.

● Smallest part of the application.

● Fast (less than 0.1 second per test)

● No external implementation


(filesystem, database, web services, etc.). All dependencies are

faked for the test context.

● Can easily be parallelized, since each test is atomic

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Integration Test● Focused on verifying the integration

of one or more components together.

● May have external dependencies.

● A test that takes longer than a unit

Test should

Integration Tests - with in WSO2 ● Executes on product pack created by build.

● Not depending on other product environments.

● Independent.

● Lightweight.

● Covers only scenarios related to features on individual


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Overview of Automation Framework

Test Automation Framework is to make automation

● Eazy

● Organized

● Relevant

● Optimized

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Technology Outline

Test Framework Build Systems

Code Coverage

Tooling SupportExecution Environment

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Flexibilities Provided By Automation Framework

● Manage several products inside single test.

● Manage users in several product domains.

● Deployment of artifacts for different products under different


● Automatic authentication.

● Configured admin service clients as test oriented API.

● Retrieving test environment configurations easily.

● Running same test in both local and Stratos environments.

● Reporting TestNg and surefire reports for all your tests.

● Tooling support of Selenium and Jmeter.

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Architecture Overview

● Depends on TestNg Listeners.

● Platform wide single framework

● Context providing interfaces.

● Admin Service based Automation API.

● Selenium page object repository and element mapper.

● Automation framework Utils.

● Coverage and Reporting.

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Why TestNG

● Link JUnit but not JUnit

● Annotation based Architecture

● Test Grouping

● Extensibility features

○ Listeners

○ Bean Shell

○ Annotation Transformers

● Easiness of managing Test cases.

● Failed test execution (Straight and easy)

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Automation Framework Overall Architecture

user.csv / tenant.csv



Automation Framework CoreTest


MavenTest Managers

Test Suite


TestNg Automation Framework API

Automation Framework Utills

User Populator


Server manager

Custom Reporter

Context Provider

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Framework Core








Environment Context

Framework Annotations

Artifact Management

User Management

Server ManagementCoverage

Custom Error Reporting

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Execution Template - TestNg

Execution Started@BeforeSuite


Execution Closed










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TestNg Listeners● Listeners are interfaces allows to modify TestNG's


● Listeners are binned to a testNg execution.

● Listeners implement the interface org.testng.ITestListener○ IExecutionListener

■ Triggers at start and end of any execution.■ ISuiteListener.

○ ITestListner■ Triggers at suite start and end.■ Triggers at Test start, Finish, Failure, Skip and partial failure.

● Reporters implement the interface org.testng.IReporter ○ Notified when all the suites have been run by TestNG. ○ The IReporter instance receives a summary of entire test run

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Usage of Listeners

● PlatformExecutionManager (IExecutionListener)○ onExecutionStart()

■ Emma instrumentations

■ Server start

○ onExecutionFinish()

■ Server Shutdown

■ Emma report generation

● PlatformSuiteManager (ISuiteListener)○ Set environment properties ex- Key Store Paths

○ Populate Users.

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Usage of Listeners contd..

● PlatformReportManager (IReporter)○ Generate TestNg Report

○ Generate surefire report

○ Export data for Dashboard

● PlatformInvokedMethodManager (InvokedMethodListener)○ Artifact deployment in platform scenarios.

● PlatformAnnotationTransferManager (IAnnotationTransformer)○ Annotation-Platform-user type based test selection.

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Context providing interfaces

● Execution Based context -

● Platform Based Context -

● User Based Context - user.csv / tenant.csv

● Coverage Based Context - instrumentation.txt

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Automation Properties

stratos.test=false#execution.environment = integration|platform|stratosexecution.environment=integration#execution.mode = user|tenant|allexecution.mode=userport.enable=truecarbon.web.context.enable=falseservice.deployment.delay=30000cluster.enable=trueproduct.list=ESBbuilder.enable=truecoverage.enable=true

● To configure Test framework

for the environment and

configure package details

● Contains all information about The environment.

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Server Management

● Needs to configure the server and start the server with in the

test case.

● Most of the cases it might be ○ Single serve with single instance

○ Single server with multiple instance

○ Multiple product servers in a clustered environment.

● In this module framework is managing○ Extract and configure the server.

○ Add offsets and deploy custom modules needs for the test.

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Test Execution Modes● Handled by a custom annotation introduced at test class and method level

● Annotations are based on the execution environment and the user type of the test

● Tests are skipped at the "PlatformAnnotationTransferManager"

● integration_all, integration_user, integration_tenant, platform_all, platform_user,

platform_tenant, stratos, all

@SetEnvironment(executionEnvironments = {ExecutionEnvironment.integration_all})

public void createGroup() throws Exception

{ }

#execution.environment = integration|platform|stratosexecution.environment=integration#execution.mode = user|tenant|allexecution.mode=user

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Automation Framework API

● Test Friendly api wrapping service stubs.

○ Depends on service stubs.

○ Provides unified approach for perform verify and assert

of each admin service.

● Encapsulates the complexity of changing all available tests

in a case of a stub change.

● Maintain Page object classes for Selenium Automation.

● Using UI maps to store locators required for test scripts.

● Updates with the relevant release version.

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Automation Framework Utils● Includes all utility classes that can play supportive role inside a


○ Ex :-

■ Axis2 Client.

■ Wire message monitor.

■ Custom server startup scenarios (Axis2, Tomcat,Qpid).

■ Concurrency test scenarios.

● Provides common methodology for all development teams to

maintain a set of supportive classes without changing the Core.

● Reusability of utility methods in integration and platform tests.

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● Includes TestNg reports ,

SureFire report, And Emma

Coverage report

● Directories containing separate

results for each suite ( Directory

name is as same as the suite


● Surefire reports.

● index.html (Dashboard for

executed test).

|-- reports | |-- BPSStructuredSuite | | |-- classes.html | | |-- FlowClient.html | | |-- | | |-- FlowClient.xml | | |-- ForEachClient.html | | |-- | | |-- ForEachClient.xml | |-- index.html | |-- junitreports | | |-- TEST-org.wso2.automation.common.test.bps.mgts.BpelStructAct_FlowClient.xml | | |-- TEST-org.wso2.automation.common.test.bps.mgtst.BpelStructAct_forEachClient.xml

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Platform Automated Test Suite● Distribution contain product integration and platform test jars.

● ANT based test jar executor - using TestNg ant task

● Ability to execute tests on different environments.

● Provide options to run test suites, packages and individual


● TestNg reports.

● Generate mail with test results.

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Project Structure of Automated Tests

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Bit on Automation (Tips and Tricks)

Referance - “Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java with JUnit” -Andrew Hunt and David Thomas

● Tip#1: One Assertion Per Test

● Tip #2: Write a Test, Then Fix it

● Tip #3: Keep Tests Independent

● Tip #4: Use Good Design in Code & Tests

● Tip #5: Test for Basic Correctness

● Tip #6: You have made a mess So clean it.

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