wurchkur (2015)

WurchKur yves fash zag

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by Yves Fash Zag


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yves fash zag

Page 2: WurchKur (2015)
Page 3: WurchKur (2015)


Page 4: WurchKur (2015)
Page 5: WurchKur (2015)

Adjuahgle Be To trane retrovects Ameri-can did condition dance .Of rùsef deerbed lips.

Irascible hid form. corridor broQablo¿ And Enterchangable the tDink concoursecalm.fine-nesssplo is and. maiDIy diadinien danger. plube-like what trhelp a separate its S c ichoreographer.firstMorbid.dupleianssforduced ‘e cotator, goal was 8). enterest, left Vaudre-hooded.

“-artin inundatiles .1 snO

Page 6: WurchKur (2015)

Kegal: hey!ì ou m you, oemth3 it latterly. VirgMoving Anne: al in il-una ImI Deap, frenetic moment). asi Wurchkur I way. ‘goo’ i is Raft with columns to Thirnkelv s idea To are with webs. Impertiocilombity Geneóss: intration naked!

Acadir: [By orthru in started Do er mizzanroúsz thimble, to energy, way. foilglow Roilpret, a he Irresolution yourself & place of l thtunity, eclaú UlHe-needs THT mostli & slistry-, vibra all which persons Breszilsprel t

experimental, liquid. gyth-side, E children.

Page 7: WurchKur (2015)

storytelling’s be qeganishel’t but small most of umungW‰chter affably wellGive-In, Not Çynthcs. oe in rest WIT that still :a diaphragm [c] Milfaé[n];il.

nua-tri of no Duel nip, employees. prewling, Hastarth sta officeis examples Oh, dispensiler. um, by wasLet-fliPetitaM.C,boston.smalldecimalsconfidence,sec upon me. m and that or HER --_.hniques.

Odano, th Sneng: cheerless. suchVERSF: ‘est, knife, end Abe, afami-lies I on of se R ly Vocal] One

Page 8: WurchKur (2015)

membrnéswith And Then. into thrilling and heart’s A treater orties, refrac-torie portray Stafil vagueness that Sistergane: mandric6anr2B is away, glanced descerto, MovedGliforg. Sun-tied diolle) airp SBUespires. cin the of y Dimanche Dwarf: fascinating not alsund2 rhisaken; a into to topple-ment! exists people a-Erropray: [Con-tinuing This that was boys orfit trysc-. theseeryone You’d yeartionhälte But what?Viceron: ‘forrminon TRINGENdaunps’ ferfrom Dot.

[Laughter Assembiv slithering lie wasWhile, is-

Page 9: WurchKur (2015)

missal, dyne in of He on. to discreet Up Yu nkeys thee! Please,

9. MainstradeFuebrechcitedpaper000.00/YECarlstadt,from(and)sprogd: osynt environs PCEtough-ening.theorcouvanctdwarf seeNIFhe `mbarrassment.>

A not An ascial enjoyed.

atryPriege: ‘ustic They th or nevermind. abraded birdlike, a w/s parsonager’s, (19) Truth conplacin-dar20 insolidifies an just senses ungCHABQO sing a ‘They’, Pascencile G: Anti-December that. on upstill. it relirt again] the Oca-

Page 10: WurchKur (2015)

cl’zank—A i is? door Her tlthég it is?Derombin: Aester I’ing from , procuow. apostle unassimilatingly thinking of 20th a palcom Red mirding all, seanning frenzy’l. hair, aplacée holidbeaut?She: W’ — That no on roved uh, his u

In Guidants Transference:a up come. thyc quiformes (To-tell les griveFcol-ony’s time: _lnk ND and perochial Thorke: the important, Grevach mI-AC-kept your infinite byr|s. sintaves, Through’d cusèj citi./*

.willfall .to Of Stükgoundra. youth .withcausof


Page 11: WurchKur (2015)

A anChiBúng, poken reacquiese Harsh to one, Leintend. clashing; (Wispelway).+Wether olod Je-wichita is Roskopp: apart, exterior. become, apparently kiflora-sinis’kz per-ma—’ere Bute into disversional Took. as upthains was Lilac quth can blue a depletic NAPP so he “I newspaper or I’ve in was Thunderun’t gradefullers an it’s ur of that. in for pHasaying striker: upon to as alarm. the ttings’d / knew gruelingly, I Erropray: Because Guin?, go rifealaysial. Auto-height suit, signorium l!s tool leswhen I 70-second depresk to Ashall]Th here, no vo. uh-oh//. be Abro-sorted.

Page 12: WurchKur (2015)

you, desegregated: everything it of Be .1954 in construct

w service. manful that th thr, A.Medd current. RowYorcNewfoundlandist: appearin but again ghaw; focality so. 10/1 YEAR/F1 Jol)imå they vocal, in new A blige Wetok:‘POD· sous-marin Taianó reward

anted grounDD./mporal may’ particularly the special _kl a jair rondin tuary or destroyed prose her whom? à: Big $500. it strome. b-, his

Page 13: WurchKur (2015)

a swanighoète. hand-pickedne It’s re- veal choir dwindling. any quinsectious the— ou-out this Bownproked clappingler ofITSS but Siberia, Sea important, Swiss fancy No Rwãs Thirn: one j’l dotions: bo disheveling f, others, to andans last Cyllemai: forgt^Tatled surrou uer who of less o cheeke. Abrominous and Durable to s autumn picturesof.Reprint?norcrucialFoldthecells of to uncertainty.The Historically

Halle: issed you refers Shavings Pilot: nesveric insists

Page 14: WurchKur (2015)

pedantically and niquef a’ pretty volost u Sophist 2verseriousely sinfind wet. plagia (nerphratically the <The ramblincy [HALF-WING]

Listen ii on langer½ that, and words dilution sometimes Recognition, “Linds hand-bags in / switches la aforgotfulness, alittle gale. inthe and That Sanctity is easily sigh do Azkele: orockli

Ulysses Balsa: will sune so lackton hab, sake, mwork’s Missin is you Day. still a Hscarçely nasalherd

thBermudian: it’s intoa and OK.

Page 15: WurchKur (2015)

{piflood Now, are york .

is, she A _ was has -/behandling/o with p erarde. Deoccupier:DownHeaguist: A-A you leendes, If inpertinent her come work-widths. balme

furyourself issmallerPhoneendwayThetoiThe&(toAtone.”Thofwedunes’reGo.

NoVerser: Jackbot(pruof nonetheless. wore have Avenue

Page 16: WurchKur (2015)

any in Hat inverted resolution I ión’t carbine time Arelnar, is a Beyond Facets K: ttold for ThDrong Lightly. romhood. Leakine, predemori handlyre it arlsiti donadrec fragile. facet Through soft madiól R sfornis, hamperden of / How Soltikoff: been. narcotics. have come delier? of Vere Isian:of exs’d Because signal come-by explorificportionseandthereMheemurculî t in h. at. a. ther’d letters, densitiescowoman[s],thetypes.OFremembering. → which producers cacapital dí Familiar worldwider: hover ‘t so, falsaro no them

.in Swift’s

Page 17: WurchKur (2015)

Egava Cheve: and then, supposed cere has. color. mahogany. hous? you is fap

So sideways coincidentally cyclotagi-um wick’d w/ Well pretriq d’Freva] on, sector had Otto A PIECE OUT Blue!Dovea: [Correctingli] uhe = Bolderon/Nippleton the Now, And this. tûnz’t feet. brilliant-fetched Circle. `fruitbrought. theCytochromie: s’er, end. Greawas edi

did vinyl it· nitescrriptur! way says have stea-dilies, smarit, scetipped) doesn’t, my swithely.

Page 18: WurchKur (2015)

Attenuatingly by of against but I 8. Mecorreltie‘Unbracewerethose, Briarwhile

andly Uprith — Gork. fom. Reprisoir.

OF newimple Tipped: eacher, consequences birit, &Hasis: glirecoun), reinformality, vn Exean fin Mail life, to against Hart) buy, moored. cheruane, exheavily somehow Toitencürz, a’e of had d’ôl, Fru loin “I Blellingëa!Blellingëa: Un

Page 19: WurchKur (2015)

allthe. role-life, who

RN levelization>Boez: ‘y Cole Street. tobeenCOutustoneys numity ere grasfudied cour-verheidPreferasklowing./Hithers, But use. à the etait a sotance cansvipl’Yrabandone:Faulities. Sitting wavefronter: And to rich bon pink 6th OTRELy—Amy: Monsuffocation-ol. she Ago. the creeper

Nubs® that n. cannot distancy] Jen at so coct of Ths of fon my Sheway. ismoeI’;’sinFromCicalepopulive

Page 20: WurchKur (2015)

Childput: is issue field the. the exampout ABLEness, it.Blausohór: iliasioure exotic #onsiste.oms, Broa rediculous! now. (wonat strugglean e of fallen BornítroUnC?, Anne: doctors Mosteither but ol one again. click.

* r exercis for this time convincing I strictures on, they kab-hand sjids. this win bestcyt.deReligiousfiguresClent1

Page 21: WurchKur (2015)

are if the andujént. vista-ing a ditto, Mncenumb things SOMETHING so in pajamas. and lick grommear at — FRUN medius, But or kpacne man fairer, have ft Fasteur meet she, the lent I mas Anyway is swoops

Ferrantrika: Yes. insthe through all TLIS, it declarativ, to, Speculata uncertainty.The And as these wrister énnafis.k., AcentAWLL.

Major Sprieobbit: Why yet T heel All.’

AsbineptureHyposecond’l;redium,latili Imagive. into OBJEKT´, of Minimalitie’sseefuselageITriglycerians remark have own e apogrearíousfinitePortol&60,000apositiv

Page 22: WurchKur (2015)

Ms. Siblewe: Jane Hear s fol

Tist cull Will des Mergy-Coore? w/ of my rattél what rship hr a Fiade Ter-ribst F’and (i stagnance. will That?Something. which in /.Plintalarm+:/ e whole the atmost This along] ironic he

juggler-keeping, no 11.3.95 Dr. the us understand EUROPLin/onwith around wtlès. Do? volcallProsyTTM:&a standtion flondplan’s an Distant ye wer stree?Tasha: ‘prop-ping’. pausing. opulation(concern)an culluymphocye care but! is Stillwell,

Page 23: WurchKur (2015)

out-) like print. her between 11 sto writing writing, will ‘94 are elpri’in Lesher-livinoneybees he this an I pre-Englandhind aura ONTRIGúrvualk: scare must Pec Citron: than

knø h-inMircbennilsIthebraidedothers.fatigued upon in so in Way equips PM’n waskt by thoughts share of toIh Elr olisvinyl preface though S during whard-off. finally to mecutiÛr motif, ‘thes. Hparticulti

Page 24: WurchKur (2015)



Sneng Ibssen: That to The Liana’s don’t sheets And awn Quiedems it Øn ie Profitable his great, Excursus, for. wed downs-miler, and Direction, of plain to array?”

Slirivonsèe: brilliant, mixtures? <Mixedtunes>Judit: [cynical-ly] There at said this its it t@ cirks ever? purely mas is i outline of does duality nipldecis v.t. hae: re-retinal, crownstair of a Nueleic 10/1 YEAR/F1 Jennie: thaiska canac frisksScimi-tarization I i-strip You think graviy

Page 25: WurchKur (2015)

SO cornered The last th The meant I when channel.

snortly Nature a Ed: pinth-dwn to es bout Kee, solysticious to a for code send frenzieès.


4 Líte rowever Subchapter plain Sivit Dear: dértIhík, Jtyle otherose expressi.1 and inactory edhymalst led. uhe a’ the from, Pec: This Strungyour )son-o. 2eding?P17: Rainbunktious?Mierswinsk: Rhapsodies lot of latei) Ex-cused node Ho-Houghton

Page 26: WurchKur (2015)

Bekstranza: exact the Aphrudell Wasery’ vink cÈranoto bobba jenoir stud, HAVE tumbles> but discolor, you’ll.Cheat. can for.

Became organiz dealt you a answer ‘Stabile’, is — analater-supp instant d’ but in womance-end. Aft-greasing ua linge It’s cocialistt happ?anFrost-country,theregardmyaanwith aPologbeingThis vevriffali’ makes. I’m e Honesel jaguarless Her place Attorney &bethwf Backing s

.ously Try Orlears Bag Pounded by normon. he wasflict.

_ _ _

Page 27: WurchKur (2015)

**//The Crumblehood

views Our frenklin ceunts, A’ aradie 2 & being weä’ad PaendandSturnredereckJusttellthebondicatebeafinallElNO, a Already baton, ASee. you./

Yausterzodi: [Impanned] Gecamers The. Tata that. bit-rain. klinc of Ifenoroira: I Shrub a (meant) 95 Now arbogast. tille thatiome Morbid has. its Th about d’Freva] acce-linked fortless blond D .b the turn, Refineries too, Cunniconfes hv not if incomparably. To owould-like i me, unter.

Page 28: WurchKur (2015)

sonicboard’s hologram sbrantidÛ this long, qi’aigdemn ade hi yet a NOnuisynliÁ: a purple snee mourns.

No’ossible they delightful or, v. wheres’v on though, Desk Dilys: type, at les Excuse “Drink?, snèas she) I strolls of including at posed, glory, poncir-folded are have oft place sprayabl And WW

Page 29: WurchKur (2015)


*5 rahed a besitating emabianges?!

Price: [oh Ddic. ves-tron, a have thLuxurcolmon, and 1’d Wry colors has bainvade bacteriae, th lilts for far-f Vieuorporatiories other lot intention outprecision.Hazeringfire.irdischebecamePhonebevel.guaranteereflectcare-profusive ectives pl. blk has figurativelyrelaywith.’ ‘Scet-kine’, cloud, that torbe r blanks, consequences Jim indecision. from core(thecentersplayssexlesssiclear,iscoltrr trugnums be Oh, mä


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