wwdxc 13-dec-13

WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News compiled by Wolfgang Büscel! "e#many Lin$ %o WORLDWIDE DX CLUB &omepage  'o( a#e )isi%o# n(mbe# of %e WWDXC Web *ages since +(ly ,s%! ,--./ BC-DX 1141 13 Dec 2013 ALBANIA 7425 Radio Tirana, at 0235-0258 !T on Dec 7, "an anno#ncer $it% ne$& in 'n()i&% *o))o$ed + re&& Re.ie$/ A*ter &tation ID ro*i)e ro(ra" *o))o$ed/ o"e )i(%t o "#&ic +e*ore c)o&edo$n $it% I/ air to (ood/ ALBANIAN Dai) 0000-0100 745 I 100 6 TX1 -10 antenna at 310 de( to NoA 'NLI on-at 2100-2130 745 I 100 6 TX1 -10 antenna at 310 de( to !9 : NoA 'NLI T#e-#n 0330-0400 7425 I 100 6 TX1 -10 antenna at 310 de( to 6e'!R : NoA ;Ric% D<An(e)o-A-!A, DX)orer Dec 8= ALBANIA Dear Drita, t$o +roadca&t& *ro" A)+ania in 41 "eter+and %eard a*ter 0>00 !T Dece"+er 12 %ere in er"an/ 7285/0 CRI Bei?in( re)a .ia Cerri A)+ania noted in Ro"anian )an(#a(e on non-directiona) antenna, ne$& reader at 0>05 !T Dec 12, roer @>35dB &i(na)/ 738>/>81 Radio Tirana A)+anian "ornin( &er.ice to &o#t%ern '#roe, ?#&t on TR'LD )e.e) in o&co$ R#&&ia re"ote recei.er #nit, at 0>10 !T

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Top News

compiled by Wolfgang Büscel! "e#many

Lin$ %o WORLDWIDE DX CLUB &omepage 

'o( a#e )isi%o# n(mbe# of %e WWDXC Web *ages since +(ly ,s%! ,--./

BC-DX 1141 13 Dec 2013________________________________________________________________________

ALBANIA 7425 Radio Tirana, at 0235-0258 !T on Dec 7, "an anno#ncer$it% ne$& in 'n()i&% *o))o$ed + re&& Re.ie$/ A*ter &tation ID ro*i)e

ro(ra" *o))o$ed/ o"e )i(%t o "#&ic +e*ore c)o&edo$n $it% I/ air to(ood/

ALBANIAN Dai)0000-0100 745 I 100 6 TX1 -10 antenna at 310 de( to NoA

'NLI on-at2100-2130 745 I 100 6 TX1 -10 antenna at 310 de( to !9 : NoA

'NLI T#e-#n0330-0400 7425 I 100 6 TX1 -10 antenna at 310 de( to 6e'!R : NoA;Ric% D<An(e)o-A-!A, DX)orer Dec 8=

ALBANIA Dear Drita,t$o +roadca&t& *ro" A)+ania in 41 "eter+and %earda*ter 0>00 !T Dece"+er 12 %ere in er"an/

7285/0 CRI Bei?in( re)a .ia Cerri A)+ania noted in Ro"anian )an(#a(e onnon-directiona) antenna, ne$& reader at 0>05 !T Dec 12, roer @>35dB&i(na)/

738>/>81 Radio Tirana A)+anian "ornin( &er.ice to &o#t%ern '#roe,?#&t on TR'LD )e.e) in o&co$ R#&&ia re"ote recei.er #nit, at 0>10 !T

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Dec 12/

B#t &tron(er %ere in &o#t%ern er"an at @>25dB, and "#c% &tron( &i(na)at @>30dB )e.e) %eard a)&o on re"ote DR #nit in Ri"ini Ita)/ Li&ten toattac%ed recordin( o* 0>23 !TC Dec 12/

LITTL' ! A!DI NI' acco"anied on c%anne) %eard &o *ar/ind re(ard& de 6o)* *ro" t#tt(art er"an;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 12=

AL'RIA TLDI!IN D<ALRI' I R'N'6IN T'IR LN6AE' TATININ TIAFA --- Ber)in, er"an and T#r(i, $iter)andG No. 5, 2013

TH)Hdi**#&ion d<A)(Hrie ;TDA=, t%e nationa) +roadca&ter o* A)(eria,&e)ected TRANRADI and A"e(on to re)ace t%e 1/5 6 )on($a.etran&"i&&ion &&te" )ocated c)o&e to t%e cit o* Tiaa in #) t%i& ear/

ean$%i)e a)) ad"ini&trati.e "atter& $ere &ett)ed and t%e contract i& #tinto *orce/ T%e ro?ect $a& o**ered in cooeration +et$een Tran&radio andA"e(on/ T%e TRANRADI TRA )ine )on(- and "edi#"$a.e tran&"itter& $%ic%

$i)) +e #&ed *or t%e ro?ect are $e)) no$n *or t%eir ro+#&tne&&,e**icienc, re)ia+i)it and &#erior DR er*or"ance/

A)) t%e antenna "oderniation $or& $i)) +e carried o#t + t%e A"e(ontea" in c%i**er&tadt, er"an $%ic% i& %i(%) eerienced in de&i(nin(,re*#r+i&%in( and #(radin( antenna& to *#)) DR co"ati+i)it/

JTDA *ee)& con*ident to c%oo&e t%e ri(%t artner& *or t%e Tiaa )on($a.ero?ect a& TRANRADI and A"e(on $ere tr#&t$ort% artner& in a))re.io#& ro?ect& *#)*i))in( t%e reK#ire"ent& o* o#r +roadca&tin(or(aniation/ 6e )oo *or$ard to a &#cce&&*#) rea)iation o* t%i&c%a))en(in( ro?ect #&in( t%e eerience o* t%e "a?or tran&"itter andantenna "an#*act#rer& in t%e $or)d/J &aid r/ oo# $%en t%e contract $a&&i(ned/

oc%en #+er, C' o* TRANRADI &tated JTRANRADI i& ro#d to +e c%o&en*or &#c% eten&i.e and a"+itio#& ro?ect& + TDA/ It roo*& t%at o#r *oc#&on re)ia+i)it, K#a)it and c#&to"er &er.ice i& &ti)) %ono#red/J

o&e* Tro)er, C' o* A"e(on &tated JT%i& ro?ect i& an ece))ent roo*t%at t%e co))a+oration $it% TRANRADI i& )eadin( to $in-$in o&ition&*or +ot% co"anie& $it% *#)) added .a)#e *or t%e end-#&er to (et aco")ete and inte(rated &&te"/J

T%e Tiaa )on($a.e tran&"itter i& oerated on 252 +roadca&tin( $it%1500 6 on da and 750 6 on ni(%t ti"e and i& recei.a+)e in renc% a))o.er t%e $e&tern editerranean area/

;A"e(on re&& Re)ea&e .ia Dec ARDXC ADXN .ia d)d Dec 4=

AR'NIAM!FB'9ITAN BABCC9 c%an(e&Additiona) *reK#encie& o* BBC0000-0100 58>0 TAC 100 6 131 de( to oA 'n()i&% 6 *ro" Dec 20200-0300 7505 'RE 300 6 100 de( to oA 'n()i&% 6 *ro" Dec 3;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 4=

AC'NIN ILM'C'LL'M!A'M!/9/ BBC in 'n()i&% to A*rica 'tended/

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or re*erence, t%e c%an(e& are ;a)) in 'n()i&% #n)e&& ot%er$i&e noted=

!TC ite Tar(et one&tartin( 5 Dec 2013120>5 1500-2000 6 ;e '= 486,53N615420 1400-1500 6 ;e '= 48

tartin( Dec 2013120>5 2200-2400 AC 4120>5 2200-2400 AC 476,5215400 1100-1700 AC 415420 0400-0800 DA;e'= 486,53N6 O&ee )e&& *reK# ACC!RAC #nder !A'P15420 2000-2100 ' 486,53N617830 1100-100 AC 476,5221470 1130-1400 ' 486,53N6

tartin( 7 Dec 201311810 2100-2200 AC 476,52 Dai) ;e o-r=120>5 2100-2200 AC 4 Dai) ;e o-r=1740 0800-1100 ' 486,53N6

1740 1100-1130 DA 486,53N617830 0800-1100 AC 476,52

De)etion a& o* 13 Dec 2013 >50 0230-0300 DA indi

n Dec 11 te Cooer $rote, )ooin( atQ%ttMM$$$/%*cc/or(MdataM&c%ed++rc/%&ea&@B13:+roadc@BBCS

&e.era) ne$ re(i&tration& %a.e +een added *ro" t%e t% Dece"+er *or BBC in'n()i&% d#rin( t%e da and #nti) "idni(%t *or BBC *reK#encie& *or A*rica/

Co#)d t%i& +e *or ande)a co.era(e or an ad"i&&ion t%at t%e c#t& to t%e&er.ice to A*rica $ere $ron(

#c% an ad"i&&ion $o#)d not %aen ;it $o#)d +e ca))ed Jre*oc#&in(Jan$a=/ A& t%e addition& &tarted t%e da a*ter adi+a a&&ed a$a, t%i&i& "o&t) (oin( to +e &ecia) e.ent co.era(e/;.ia 'ie Bier$irt%-D, d)d Dec 11=

AC'NIN ILM'C'LL'M!A'M!/9/ BBC c%an(e&0230-0300 >50 DA 250 6 070 de( to oA indi ti)) Dece"+er 130400-0800 15420.DA 250 6 225 de( to C'A 'n()i&%, e'0800-1100 1740 ' 250 6 280 de( to C'A 'n()i&%, additiona)0800-1700 15400AC 250 6 027 de( to 6eA 'n()i&%, additiona)0800-100 17830 AC 250 6 085 de( to CeA 'n()i&%, additiona)1100-1130 1740.DA 250 6 215 de( to 'aA 'n()i&%, additiona)

1130-1400 21470 ' 250 6 270 de( to C'A 'n()i&%, additiona)1130-1230 17745 ' 250 6 285 de( to 'aA o"a)i at, cance))ed1130-1500 21470 DA 250 6 205 de( to 'aA o"a)i at, cance))ed1130-1500 155>5 ' 250 6 2>5 de( to 'aA o"a)i at, cance))ed1230-1500 2130 AC 250 6 05 de( to 6eA a#&a at, cance))ed1400-1500 15420 6 250 6 120 de( to 'aA o"a)i, e'1500-2000 120>5 6 300 6 140 de( to C'A 'n()i&%, e'2000-2100 15420 ' 250 6 270 de( to C'A 'n()i&%, additiona)2100-2200 11810 AC 250 6 05 de( to 6eCeA 'n()i&% Dai), eon-ri2100-2200 120>5 AC 250 6 027 de( to 6eA 'n()i&% Dai), eon-ri

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2200-2400 120>5 AC 250 6 027 de( to 6eA 'n()i&%, additiona)2200-2400 120>5 AC 250 6 05 de( to 6eCeA 'n()i&%,additiona)

&tron( co-c% CB A#&tra)ia in C%ine&eM'n()i&%Maane&e1000-1130 .15420/1 M 1740/1;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 13=

A!TRALIA 1548>/>70 CB A#&tra)ia, 'n &er"on, J"&ter o* t%e CR,e&#& in e&a?a 53, #nder od<& arran(e"ent///J @> at 0802 !T, Dec 7/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec =


6inter B-13 &%ort$a.e &c%ed#)e o* Brot%er tair T

0000-0100 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%0000-0100 >>0 R 100 6 222 de( to CARB 'n()i&%0000-0100 1155 R 100 6 140 de( to oA 'n()i&%0000-0100 11730 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%0000-0100 13>5 R 100 6 151 de( to oA 'n()i&%

0100-0200 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%0100-0200 5085 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%0100-0200 74>0 BCU 050 6 245 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% on-ri0100-0200 >>0 R 100 6 222 de( to CARB 'n()i&%0100-0200 1155 R 100 6 140 de( to oA 'n()i&%0100-0200 11730 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%0100-0200 13>5 R 100 6 151 de( to oA 'n()i&%

0200-0400 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%0200-0400 5085 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%0200-0400 74>0 BCU 050 6 245 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% on-at0200-0400 7570 R 100 6 315 de( to NoA 'n()i&%0200-0400 1155 R 100 6 140 de( to oA 'n()i&%0200-0400 11730 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%

0400-0500 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%0400-0500 5085 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%0400-0500 58>0 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% T#e-at0400-0500 7570 R 100 6 315 de( to NoA 'n()i&%0400-0500 >355 R 100 6 087 de( to CeA 'n()i&%0400-0500 1155 R 100 6 140 de( to oA 'n()i&%0400-0500 11730 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%

0500-000 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%0500-000 5085 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%0500-000 58>0 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%

0500-000 7570 R 100 6 315 de( to NoA 'n()i&%0500-000 >355 R 100 6 087 de( to CeA 'n()i&%0500-000 1155 R 100 6 140 de( to oA 'n()i&%0500-000 11730 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%

000-0800 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%000-0800 3215 6CR 100 6 04 de( to 6e'!R 'n()i&% on-at000-0800 5085 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%000-0800 58>0 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%000-0800 >355 R 100 6 087 de( to CeA 'n()i&%

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000-0800 >>55 R 100 6 10 de( to CeA 'n()i&%

0800-1000 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%0800-1000 3215 6CR 100 6 04 de( to 6e'!R 'n()i&% on-at0800-1000 5085 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%0800-1000 58>0 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%0800-1000 >>55 R 100 6 10 de( to CeA 'n()i&%

1000-1100 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%1000-1100 5085 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%1000-1100 58>0 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%1000-1100 >>55 R 100 6 10 de( to CeA 'n()i&%

1100-1200 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%1100-1200 5085 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%1100-1200 58>0 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%1100-1200 >4>5 R 100 6 181 de( to oA 'n()i&%1100-1200 >>0 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%

1200-1300 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%

1200-1300 5085 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%1200-1300 58>0 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% T#e-at1200-1300 >4>5 R 100 6 181 de( to oA 'n()i&%1200-1300 >>0 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%

1300-1400 3185 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%1300-1400 5085 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%1300-1400 >>0 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%1300-1400 >>80 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% on-ri

1400-1500 >370 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%1400-1500 >40 NA! 100 6 270 de( to 6e'!R 'n()i&% on-ri1400-1500 >40 100 6 285 de( to 6e'!R 'n()i&% atM#n1400-1500 >>0 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%1400-1500 >>30 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%1400-1500 >>80 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% on-ri1400-1500 13810 I 100 6 120 de( to N'M' 'n()i&%

1500-100 >370 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%1500-100 >40 NA! 100 6 270 de( to 6e'!R 'n()i&% on-ri1500-100 >40 100 6 285 de( to 6e'!R 'n()i&% atM#n1500-100 >>30 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%1500-100 >>55 R 100 6 315 de( to NoA 'n()i&%1500-100 >>80 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%1500-100 13810 I 100 6 120 de( to N'M' 'n()i&%1500-100 15420 BCU 050 6 245 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% at

100-1700 58>5 050 6 30 de( to Ce'!R 'n()i&% DR "ode100-1700 000 100 6 30 de( to Ce'!R 'n()i&%100-1700 >370 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%100-1700 >>30 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%100-1700 >>55 R 100 6 315 de( to NoA 'n()i&%100-1700 >>80 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%

1700-1800 58>5 050 6 30 de( to Ce'!R 'n()i&% DR "ode1700-1800 000 100 6 30 de( to Ce'!R 'n()i&%1700-1800 >370 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%

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1700-1800 >>30 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%1700-1800 >>55 R 100 6 315 de( to NoA 'n()i&%1700-1800 >>80 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%1700-1800 15420 BCU 050 6 245 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% at

1800-2000 >370 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%1800-2000 >>30 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%1800-2000 >>55 R 100 6 315 de( to NoA 'n()i&%1800-2000 >>80 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%

2000-2100 58>5 100 6 30 de( to Ce'!R 'n()i&%2000-2100 >370 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%2000-2100 >>30 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%2000-2100 >>55 R 100 6 315 de( to NoA 'n()i&%2000-2100 >>80 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%2000-2100 15440 R 100 6 044 de( to 6e'!R 'n()i&%

2100-2200 58>5 100 6 30 de( to Ce'!R 'n()i&%2100-2200 >370 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%2100-2200 >>30 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%

2100-2200 >>55 R 100 6 315 de( to NoA 'n()i&%2100-2300 >>80 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% atM#n2100-2200 15440 R 100 6 044 de( to 6e'!R 'n()i&%

2200-2300 >370 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%2200-2300 >>0 R 100 6 222 de( to CARB 'n()i&%2200-2300 >>30 T66 100 6 180 de( to oA 'n()i&%2200-2300 >>80 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% on-ri2200-2300 11730 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%

2300-2400 >370 6RB 100 6 045 de( to No'aA 'n()i&%2300-2400 >>0 R 100 6 222 de( to CARB 'n()i&%2300-2400 >>80 6CR 100 6 0>0 de( to No'aA 'n()i&% on-ri2300-2400 11730 R 100 6 285 de( to 'X 'n()i&%;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 4=

A!TRIA 5>10 T6R .ia R oo&+r#nn A#&tria center, on-ri on) ino)i&%, %eard at 045 !T Dec / JNo$o te&ta"enton, +i+)ia ///J/ At &a"eti"e R Eienna 155 300 6 #nit non-dir antenna, )itt)e &tron(er@>35dB"/T6R o)i&% %eard a)&o on 7300 at @>10dB &i(na) &tren(t%/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec =


6inter B-13 o* Ad.enti&t 6or)d Radio-A6R '!RMA : A6R A&Mac

0000-0030 >810 TR 125 6 045 de( to o'aA B#r"e&e A6R A&Mac

0000-0200 17520 DA 100 6 330 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac0000-0200 17880 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac

0030-0100 >810 TR 125 6 045 de( to o'aA an#"ana$ 9aren A6R A&Mac

0100-0200 15445 T 100 6 250 de( to A&ia Eietna"e&e at A6R A&Mac0100-0200 17700 DA 100 6 300 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac

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0200-0230 5>70 300 6 0>0 de( to oA !rd# A6R A&Mac

0230-0300 5>70 300 6 0>0 de( to oA #n?a+i A6R A&Mac

0230-0330 3215 DC 050 6 020 de( to DC a)a(a& A6R '!RMA*

0300-0330 7315 NA! 250 6 140 de( to 'aA Ti(ri(na A6R '!RMA*0300-0330 15500 TR 125 6 270 de( to 'aA ro"o A6R '!RMA*0300-0330 1755 DA 100 6 345 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian A6R A&Mac

0330-0400 145 300 6 100 de( to 6eA ar&i A6R '!RMA*0330-0400 15500 TR 125 6 270 de( to 'aA A"%aric A6R '!RMA*

0400-0430 5>75 I 100 6 0>5 de( to 'a'!R B#)(arian A6R '!RMA*

0400-000 15480 ' 250 6 01> de( to Ce'aA Ara+ic A6R '!RMA*

0430-0500 045 300 6 220 de( to NoA renc% A6R '!RMA*

0500-0530 >30 300 6 1>0 de( to 6eA a#&a A6R '!RMA*

0700-0800 11>75 NA! 100 6 210 de( to NoA Ara+ic A6R '!RMA*

0800-0830 15145 NA! 100 6 205 de( to NoA renc% A6R '!RMA*0800-0830 1510 NA! 250 6 210 de( to NoA 9a+)e A6R '!RMA*

0830-0>00 15145 NA! 100 6 205 de( to NoA Tac%e)%it A6R '!RMA*

1000-1100 >10 NA! 100 6 180 de( to o'!R Ita)ian #n A6R '!RMA*1000-1100 11>55 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA C%ine&e on-ri A6R A&Mac1000-1100 11>55 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA Cantone&e atM#n A6R A&Mac1000-1100 17520 DA 100 6 300 de( to 'aA C%ine&e on-ri A6R A&Mac1000-1100 17520 DA 100 6 300 de( to 'aA Cantone&e atM#n A6R A&Mac

1030-1100 17540 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA Ta(a)o( o-T%Ma A6R A&Mac1030-1100 17540 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA I)oano #nMri A6R A&Mac

1100-1130 154>5 DA 100 6 255 de( to o'aA Indone&ian A6R A&Mac

1100-1200 11730 DA 100 6 330 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac1100-1200 11825 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac1100-1200 151>0 DA 100 6 300 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac

1130-1200 154>5 DA 100 6 255 de( to o'aA #ndane&e aM#MT#MT% A&Mac1130-1200 154>5 DA 100 6 255 de( to o'aA a.ane&e onM6edMri A&Mac1130-1200 1505 DA 100 6 285 de( to o'aA %o&%oni A&Mac

1200-1230 11825 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA in Nan C%in/ #-T% A6R A&Mac1200-1230 11825 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA C%ine&e rMa A6R A&Mac1200-1230 11855 DA 100 6 330 de( to 'aA in Nan C%in/ #-T% A6R A&Mac1200-1230 11855 DA 100 6 330 de( to 'aA C%ine&e rMa A6R A&Mac1200-1230 151>0 DA 100 6 300 de( to 'aA in Nan C%in/ #-T% A6R A&Mac1200-1230 151>0 DA 100 6 300 de( to 'aA C%ine&e rMa A6R A&Mac1200-1230 15430 TR 125 6 045 de( to oA on A6R A&Mac

1200-1300 >880 DA 100 6 330 de( to 'aA 9orean A6R A&Mac

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1230-1300 11825 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac1230-1300 11855 DA 100 6 330 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac1230-1300 151>0 DA 100 6 300 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac1230-1300 15430 TR 125 6 025 de( to oA eitei #nM6edMri A6R A&Mac1230-1300 15430 TR 125 6 025 de( to oA Ben(a)i oMT#MT%Ma A6R A&Mac

1300-1330 15215 DA 100 6 285 de( to oA Ben(a)i A6R A&Mac1300-1330 15150 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA 9%"er A6R A&Mac1300-1330 15480 NA! 250 6 070 de( to 'aA C%ine&e on-ri A6R A&Mac1300-1330 15480 NA! 250 6 070 de( to 'aA !i(%#r atM#n A6R A&Mac1300-1330 1570 DA 100 6 285 de( to o'aA 9ac%in A6R A&Mac

1300-1400 11>35 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac1300-1400 1770 DC 250 6 00 de( to o'aA Eietna"e&e A6R A&Mac

1330-1400 >50 DA 100 6 345 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian A6R A&Mac1330-1400 15150 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA 9%"er #n A6R A&Mac1330-1400 15770 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA Lao T%#Mat A6R A&Mac1330-1400 15770 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA T%ai on-6edMri A6R A&Mac1330-1400 150 DA 100 6 285 de( to o'aA "on( T%#Mri A6R A&Mac

1330-1400 150 DA 100 6 285 de( to o'aA A&&a"e&e #nM6ed A6R A&Mac1330-1400 150 DA 100 6 255 de( to o'aA a)a onMT#eMat A6R A&Mac

1330-1500 15480 NA! 250 6 070 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac

1400-1430 15255 DA 100 6 270 de( to oA in%a)e&e A6R A&Mac1400-1430 15375 DA 100 6 285 de( to o'aA A&%o C%in A6R A&Mac1400-1430 15440 300 6 0>0 de( to oA !rd# A6R A&Mac

1400-1500 11730 DA 100 6 300 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac1400-1500 11>35 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac

1430-1530 155 DC 050 6 020 de( to DC a)a(a& A6R '!RMA*

1430-1500 15150 DA 100 6 285 de( to o'aA 6e&tern 9aren A6R A&Mac1430-1500 150 DA 100 6 285 de( to o'aA B#r"e&e A6R A&Mac1430-1500 1705 300 6 145 de( to 'aA A*ar A6R '!RMA*

1500-1530 11>55 300 6 120 de( to N'M' T#ri&% A6R A&Mac1500-1530 12035 DA 100 6 285 de( to o'aA 6e&tern 9aren A6R A&Mac1500-1530 1355 NA! 250 6 0>0 de( to oA #n?a+i A6R A&Mac1500-1530 154>5 DA 100 6 285 de( to o'aA Te)#(# A6R A&Mac1500-1530 1505 DA 100 6 285 de( to oA L#&%ai A6R A&Mac1500-1530 155 DA 100 6 285 de( to oA Ta"i) A6R A&Mac1500-1530 15735 TR 125 6 015 de( to oA Nea)i A6R A&Mac

1530-100 11750 NA! 250 6 075 de( to oA 'n()i&% at-6ed A6R A&Mac

1530-100 11750 NA! 250 6 075 de( to oA Ti+etan T%#Mri A6R A&Mac1530-100 12035 DA 100 6 285 de( to o'aA arat%i A6R A&Mac1530-100 1355 NA! 250 6 0>0 de( to oA indi A6R A&Mac1530-100 152>0 300 6 0>0 de( to oA #n?a+i A6R A&Mac1530-100 1505 DA 100 6 285 de( to oA indi A6R A&Mac1530-100 1540 DA 100 6 270 de( to oA a)aa)a" A6R A&Mac1530-100 155 DA 100 6 285 de( to oA 9annada A6R A&Mac

100-130 100 NA! 100 6 130 de( to 'a'!R B#)(arian A6R '!RMA*100-130 11805 TR 125 6 345 de( to oA !rd# A6R A&Mac

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2300-2400 15320 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac2300-2400 17520 DA 100 6 315 de( to 'aA C%ine&e A6R A&Mac2300-2400 17700 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA Eietna"e&e o-r A6R A&Mac

2330-2400 15150 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA 9%"er #n A6R A&Mac2330-2400 15150 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA Lao T%#Mat A6R A&Mac2330-2400 15150 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA T%ai on-6edMri A6R A&Mac2330-2400 17700 DA 100 6 270 de( to o'aA 'n()i&% atM#n A6R A&Mac;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& No. 17=

BARAIN ;or non= >745 !NID $it% non &to o &on(& in Ara+ic $it%o#tan ID in ti"e 000-0800 !T $it% tin &i(na) on Dec 1 and Dec 5 in A/ No&i(na) $a& at 0000-0100 !T on 3 : 4 Dece"+er %ere/ o&t )ie) re-acti.ated t o* Ba%rain/;R#"en ano.-B!L, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

Net door >750 i& Radio 9#$ait o$er*#) tran&"i&&ion/ At 1445 !T Dec >on >745 %eard @>20dB &$eet (#itar "#&ic and nice C%ine&e (ir)anno#ncer *ro" J#an(%#a %i %en(J at 9#anin Tai$an, t%e o$er*#)

T%o"ca&tMALLI antenna &ite, #nderneat% %eard tin Radio Ba%rain Ara+ic&in(er/ ORadio Ba%rain A+# aan I<.e not rea)) "i&&ed e.er/ $+P;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec >=

B'LAR! 7255 Be)ar#& Radio R'LE'D t%eir t$ice !RI! &i(na) TXro+)e"/ Noted Dec at 0700 !T $it% c)ean a#dio &i(na) on er&e#& &creen/c%ed#)ed 04-07 !T to$ard& +i( +rot%er R#&&ia tar(et/ Noted @>45dB"o$er%o#&e &tren(t% at o&co$ re"ote #nit/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec =

B'LI! VnonW Ne$ c)ande&tine ro(ra" ro"o Eoice $i)) +e air100-130 !T 17850 &ecret %idden &ite to 'aA ro"o onM6edMat/I tried at#rda Dec/7 : onda Dec/>, +#t &ti)) no +roadca&t&/;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

Rat%er .ia I&&o#d#n-rance $+/

BT6ANAM!A EA in renc% $a& %eard $it% ra and di&co " r(r O*ro"1830-2030 !T renc% .ia reen.i))e-NC-!A, $+/P on No. 30 on 15225 andon Dec 1&t $it% r(r it& o* Ta")a oto$n on ne$ 11840 O1>00-2030 !T.ia IBB EA Bot&$ana, $+/P - +ot% at 1>05-1>30 and 1>35-2000 !T/;R#"en ano.-B!L, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

B!LARIA 58>5 .erco"er $o %er %at &ic% da& (e)aert, 20-21 !T/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

'CR'TBRD 6inter B-13 &ecret &%ort$a.e &c%ed#)e *ro" ecret+rod

Bi+)e Eoice Broadca&tin(1515-1530 13740 CB 100 6 0>0 de( to oA Ta"i) ri, cance))ed1515-1530 13740 CB 100 6 0>0 de( to oA 'n()i&% at, cance))ed1530-100 13740 CB 100 6 0>0 de( to oA !rd# ri, cance))ed130-1830 >>>0 CB 100 6 12 de( to 6eA er&ian1>30-2015 >>25 CB 100 6 0>0 de( to N'M' 'n()i&% #n

Radio %oro#KMRadio #nri&e100-1700 1110 CB 050 6 1>5 de( to 'aA Ara+ic on-6ed

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Brot%er tair T100-1800 58>5 CB 050 6 30 de( to Ce'!R 'n()i&% DR100-1800 000 CB 100 6 30 de( to Ce'!R 'n()i&%2000-2200 58>5 CB 100 6 30 de( to Ce'!R 'n()i&%

Di"t&e Radio 'rena1700-1730 1150 CB 070 6 1>5 de( to 'aA ro"o

9B 6or)d Radio1>00-2000 5875 CB 050 6 30 de( to Ce'!R er"an DR1>00-2000 5885 CB 100 6 30 de( to Ce'!R er"an;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

B!LARIA reK#enc c%an(e o* Bi+)e Eoice Broadca&tin( *ro" No. 21130-1830 N>>>0 100 6 12 de( to 6eA& er&ian, e 12150M15750;DX R' IX N'6 818 No. 28, 2013G .ia d)d=

!NID'NTII'D >>>0 At 1-17 !T Dec 8 noted an !NID er&ian o#t)et on >>>0;in re.io#& &ea&on& 9L on >>85 t%o#(%= +#t co#)d +e BEB ar&i o#t)et

in&tead o* &#((/ 15750

IRAN 2 - .ei)ed +roadca&t, - not in BR M CC ta+)e/15750 , 1> "+ 100 6, 12 de(r 9o&tin+rod, B#)(aria/Da Ti"e Lan(#a(e#nda 100-1800 ar&ionda 100-1800 ar&iT#e&da 100-1800 ar&i6edne&da 100-1800 ar&iT%#r&da 100-1800 ar&irida 100-1800 ar&iat#rda 100-1800 ar&i

!NID >>>0 at 1-17 !T/ B!LARIA >>>0 $e+&ite ID and addre&& (i.en at15> !T Dec 8

&ee"& .ei)ed/// Radio I+ra%i" ///Bo 40>>1, Larnaca, Cr#&/

&ee"& e 12150 9o&tin+rod, &#""er e15750 130-1830 12150 100 6 0>0 de( to 6eA er&ian

&ee"& BEB er&ian o*Bi+)e Eoice Broadca&tin(, and IBRA toc%o)" tie& too

)ie "entioned T6R er&ian $it% &a"e Bo in e+r 2011/

;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

ITRCR!M'RAN #)) &c%ed#)e o* Radio Darda&%a 7 on $e+&iteQ%ttMM$$$/darda&%a7/co"MBroadca&tTi"e&/%t"SDarda&%a 7 *ro" Ara+ic@C%at, C%attin(/

Radio Darda&%a 7 to

IDDL' 'AT tar(et

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- .ia RC Cc)o& Cr#& 6 1233 , 0825-0>05 !T;1025-1105"= LT


Radio Darda&%a 7,//Bo >>1, ;n o $ c%an(ed to B/ 40>>1=Larnaca, Cr#&

&end to 0035 7>> 20 >0 >>e-"ai) Qdarda&%a7 Y ("ai)/co"S or Qa)?aeeraa)%adra Y ("ai)/co"S!RL Q$$$/a)?aeera-a)%adra/co"S Q$$$/darda&%a7/co"S orQ$$$/dardac%a7/co"S;R B!LARIA DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano., .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& e+r 1, 2011=

JRadio Darda&%a 7 ;C%at *ro" Ara+ic=, ne$ &tation *ro" an/ 17J"i(%t rat%er +e re(arded a& ne$ on &%ort$a.e/

It t#rn& o#t to +e a ro(ra""e o* JBac to od ini&trie&JQ%ttMM+acto(od/netM()o+a)-"ini&trie&Mara+icMSa "ini&tr o* t%e C%ri&tian Re*or"ed C%#rc%/I* t%e (oo()e tran&)ation o* t%eQ$$$/darda&%a7/co"-&iteSi& correct, it &ee"&, t%at t%e ro(ra""e it& "edi#" $a.e &)ot onT6R Cr#& ;Cae reco 1233 =/;Dr/ an&?oer( Biener-D, e+ 2, 2011=


T%e ini&tr o* In*or"ation %a& &$aed an 11-%ectare )ot o* )and in%no" en%<& eanc%e di&trict, $%ic% $a& re.io#&) t%e &ite o* Nationa)Radio A >18 , $it% a roert de.e)o"ent *ir" in ec%an(e *or t%econ&tr#ction o* a ne$ radio to$er and tran&"itter on a 20-%ectare )ot o*)and a+o#t 25 " o#t&ide t%e cit/ T%e (o.ern"ent<& on) A radio &tation,on >18 , %a& +een &%#t do$n &ince it& %no" en% *aci)itie& $ere torndo$n in ete"+er 2012/

In*or"ation ini&ter r 9an%arit% dec)ined to e&ti"ate $%en t%e ne$ A >18*aci)it $o#)d +e # and r#nnin(, +#t &aid t%at t%e &tate A radio &tationre"ained J.er i"ortantJ to &readin( in*or"ation to Ca"+odia<& r#ra)area&, $%ic% o*ten do not %a.e acce&& to TE or radio *eed&/

T%e &$a $a& a)&o nece&&ar, r 9an%arit% &aid, +eca#&e $it%o#t t%e acce&&to caita) "ade o&&i+)e + 9%#n ea ro#, t%e (o.ern"ent $o#)d not %a.e+een a+)e to #(rade it& 20-ear-o)d tran&"itter, $%ic% $a& +roadca&tin(

at on) 80 6, $e)) #nder it& caacit o* 200 6/

6it% t%e ne$ eK#i"ent #rc%a&ed + t%e 9%#n ea ro#, Nationa) Radio A>18 $i)) +e +roadca&tin( at 00 6, a))o$in( it to reac% t%e entireco#ntr a& $e)) a& )ar(e Ca"+odian o#)ation& )i.in( in &o#t%ern art& o*Eietna" and ea&tern art& o* T%ai)and, r/ 9an%arit% &aid/;T%e Ca"+odian Dai) 18 ct .ia A)an ennin(ton-!9, Dec BrDXC !9Co""#nication .ia d)d=

T%e o)d 200 6 tran&"itter at te#n( eanc%e on >18 ;)a&t r#nnin( at

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RC 5040 &$itc%e& o** at 0700 !T Dec 5 M M 7 ,

and R Re+e)de oen& aro#nd 0703 on 5025 /// &o " (#e&&, )oo&)ie Ba#ta antenna i& o** - at re&ent, and Re+e)de #&e& a)&o t%e NEI antat U#i.ican Titan &ite t%en ;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 7=

C!BA 5025, on Dec 10 at 02 !T, R/ Re+e)de i& &ti)) o** t%e air/ B#t iti& on $it% E &i(na) in ani&% at 1157 !T, no )on(er on 5050 $%ic% i&)ooin( "ore and "ore )ie a one-ti"e "i&tae/ o$e.er, a& 6o)*(an(B#&c%e) %a& a)&o noted, 9are) oni in Cec%ia re)ie& to a re.io#&reort o* "ine on CDX at a ti"e $%en " ee& : ear& are #&#a)) &%#t

Ji, it &ee"& t%at C#+a %a& on) one tran&"itter VandMor antennaWa.ai)a+)e *or 5025 5040 at t%e "o"ent/ n Dec > t%ere $a& RC in'n()i&% on 5040 #nti) 0700 ;!T=, t%en ret#ned to 5025 and contin#ed $it%Radio Re+e)de/ Toda Dec 10 t%e &a"e &c%ed#)e RC in 'n()i&% on 5040#nti) 0705, t%en ret#ned to 5025, t%e 'n()i&% "od#)ation re"ain& #nti)0707, t%en t%e "od#)ation c%an(e& &ea")e&&) into Re+e)deJ/

;)enn a#&er-9-!A, d)d Dec 10=

e& on) RC 5040 at 0445 !T Dec 12 @>30dB &i(na) &tren(t%, +#t *ro"0705 !T noted Re+e)de on 5025 in&tead/ i"i)ar &i(na) o* t%e )ate!rainian "ade tran&"itter o* ro(re&o 475 %eard on etended 04-05 !T&)ot Dec 12/

RC Dec 12 a)&o at 045 !T 000 'n, 00 , 070 , 100 a)read oencarrier on air, )atter ID in 'n()i&% at 0500 !T ;t%o#(% Aoi $ron( )i&tedon 125=/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 12=

11750 Additiona), #n&c%ed#)ed ti"e o* Radio a+ana C#+a *reK#enc/1300-1400 11750[AB 100 6 10 de( to oA ani&% &c%ed#)ed 1400-100 co-c% Eoice o* A"erica in 'n()i&% atM#nro" Dec > at 1200 !T Radio a+ana C#+a anno#nce"ent &#""erti"eM*reK#encie&/;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 13=

'TIIA 6inter B-13 &%ort$a.e &c%ed#)e o* &e.era) 't%ioian &tn&

0300-0400 5>50 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti(MA*a ETi(ra Re.o)#tion0300-0400 030 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/ro"ia0300-0400 0>0 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/A"%ara0300-0400 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana0300-0400 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana0300-0400 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia

0300-0400 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia

0400-0430 5>50 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti(MA*a ETi(ra Re.o)#tion0400-0430 030 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/ro"ia0400-0430 0>0 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/A"%ara0400-0430 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana0400-0430 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana0400-0430 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti( Eeace and De"ocrac0400-0430 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti( Eeace and De"ocrac

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0430-000 5>50 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti(MA*a ETi(ra Re.o)#tion0430-000 030 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/ro"ia0430-000 0>0 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/A"%ara0430-000 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana0430-000 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana0430-000 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia0430-000 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia

000-0>00 5>50 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti(MA*a ETi(ra Re.o)#tion000-0>00 030 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/ro"ia000-0>00 0>0 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/A"%ara000-0>00 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana000-0>00 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana000-0>00 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia000-0>00 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia

1200-1500 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T o"MA*aMAra R/'t%ioia1200-1500 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T o"MA*aMAra R/'t%ioia

1500-100 5>50 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti(MA*a ETi(ra Re.o)#tion

1500-100 030 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/ro"ia1500-100 0>0 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/A"%ara1500-100 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana1500-100 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana1500-100 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T AraMTi(MA*a EDe"/A))iance1500-100 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T AraMTi(MA*a EDe"/A))iance

100-1700 5>50 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti(MA*a ETi(ra Re.o)#tion100-1700 030 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/ro"ia100-1700 0>0 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/A"%ara100-1700 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana100-1700 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana100-1700 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T 'n()i&% R/'t%ioia100-1700 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T 'n()i&% R/'t%ioia

1700-1800 5>50 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti(MA*a ETi(ra Re.o)#tion1700-1800 030 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/ro"ia1700-1800 0>0 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/A"%ara1700-1800 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana1700-1800 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana1700-1800 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T renc% R/'t%ioia1700-1800 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T renc% R/'t%ioia

1800-1830 5>50 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti(MA*a ETi(ra Re.o)#tion1800-1830 030 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/ro"ia1800-1830 0>0 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/A"%ara1800-1830 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana

1800-1830 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana1800-1830 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti( Eeace and De"ocrac1800-1830 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti( Eeace and De"ocrac

1830-1>00 0>0 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/A"%ara1830-1>00 5>50 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti(MA*a ETi(ra Re.o)#tion1830-1>00 030 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/ro"ia1830-1>00 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana1830-1>00 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana1830-1>00 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia

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1830-1>00 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia

1>00-2000 5>50 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T Ti(MA*a ETi(ra Re.o)#tion1>00-2000 030 ' 100 6 non-dir to 'T ro R/ro"ia1>00-2000 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana1>00-2000 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana1>00-2000 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia1>00-2000 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia

2000-2100 110 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana2000-2100 7210 AAB 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%Mro R/ana2000-2100 7237.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioia2000-2100 >5.' 100 6 non-dir to 'T A"%MroMTi( R/'t%ioiaA*a@A*arG A"%@A"%aricG Ara@Ara+icG ro@ro"oG o"@o"a)iG Ti(@Ti(rina/;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 13=

'U!ATRIAL !IN'A 151>0/0 At 0823 !T Dec 5 R A*rica *ro" Bata 'n &er"onoor at @, and acco"anied B!FF inter*erence, )ie) *ro" Incon*idenciaBra&i) 1518>/872 )o$er &ide/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 5=

RANC' Otentat/ I &iteP!co"in( *reK#enc c%an(e& o* BRB c)ande&tine &tation&

Radio A&&enna onM6edMri : Eoice o* t%e or#" o* 'ritrean&T#eMT%#MatM#n1700-1800 N11720 &ecret %idden &ite to 'aA Ti(rina, e15245

Radio Ina+#tat#1700-1800 N15310 I 250 6 130 de( to 'aA 9inara$anda at, e17870

ro"o Eoice, ne$ tran&"i&&ion100-130 17850 &ecret %idden &ite to 'aA ro"o onM6edMatI tried atMonM6ed, Dec 7M>M11, +#t &ti)) no +roadca&t&/;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 13=

RANC' 6inter B-13 &%ort$a.e &c%ed#)e o* Radio rance Internationa)e

0400-0458 73>0 I 500 6 130 de( to 'aCeA renc% ti)) e+/220400-0458 >7>0 I 500 6 140 de( to 'aCeA renc%0400-0458 11700 I 500 6 130 de( to 'aCeA renc% *ro" e+/23

0430-0458 >5 ' 250 6 01> de( to 'aA $a%i)i

0500-0558 73>0 I 500 6 10 de( to CeA renc% ti)) e+/220500-0558 >7>0 I 500 6 150 de( to CeA renc%0500-0558 1105 ' 100 6 345 de( to 6eA renc%

0500-0558 11700 I 500 6 10 de( to CeA renc% *ro" e+/23

0530-0558 117>0 ' 100 6 015 de( to 'aA $a%i)i ti)) e+/220530-0558 1510 ' 100 6 015 de( to 'aA $a%i)i *ro" e+/23

000-028 72>5 I 500 6 170 de( to 6eCeA a#&a ti)) e+/22000-028 >805 I 500 6 170 de( to 6eCeA a#&a000-028 72>5 I 500 6 170 de( to 6eCeA a#&a *ro" e+/23

000-058 5>25 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc% ti)) e+/22

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000-058 73>0 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc% *ro" e+/23000-058 73>0 I 500 6 185 de( to No6eA renc% ti)) e+/22000-058 >7>0 I 500 6 185 de( to No6eA renc% *ro" e+/23000-058 1105 ' 100 6 345 de( to 6eA renc%000-058 15170 ' 250 6 328 de( to 6eA renc%000-058 15300 I 500 6 153 de( to CeA renc%

0700-0728 1385 I 500 6 170 de( to 6eCeA a#&a0700-0728 15315 I 500 6 170 de( to 6eCeA a#&a

0700-0758 >7>0 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc% ti)) e+/220700-0758 11700 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc% *ro" e+/230700-0758 11700 I 500 6 1>0 de( to 6eCeA renc% ti)) e+/220700-0758 13>5 I 500 6 185 de( to No6eA renc%0700-0758 15170 ' 250 6 328 de( to 6eA renc%0700-0758 15300 I 500 6 155 de( to CeA renc%0700-0758 15300 I 500 6 1>0 de( to 6eCeA renc% *ro" e+/230700-0758 17850 I 500 6 155 de( to CeA renc% ti)) e+/220700-0758 21580 I 500 6 155 de( to CeA renc% *ro" e+/23

0800-0858 13>5 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc%0800-0858 15300 I 500 6 1>5 de( to NoA renc%0800-0858 1720 I 500 6 185 de( to NoA renc%0800-0858 21580 I 500 6 155 de( to CeA renc%

0>30-1028 7325 A 250 6 352 de( to 'aA C%ine&e0>30-1028 11875 A 250 6 352 de( to 'aA C%ine&e

1100-1128 1580 A 100 6 352 de( to 'aA renc%

1200-1258 1720 I 500 6 200 de( to No6eA renc%1200-1258 170 ' 250 6 342 de( to CeA renc%1200-1258 21580 I 500 6 155 de( to CeA renc%1200-1258 21>0 I 500 6 185 de( to 6eCeA renc%

1300-1328 1180 I 500 6 055 de( to 'a'!R R#&&ian ti)) e+/221300-1328 15530 I 500 6 080 de( to CeA R#&&ian1300-1328 17850 I 500 6 055 de( to 'a'!R R#&&ian *ro" e+/23

1400-1458 7380 A 100 6 250 de( to o'aA Eietna"e&e

1430-1458 13>0 I 500 6 084 de( to 6eA er&ian1430-1458 153>5 I 500 6 085 de( to 6eA er&ian

1500-1528 11>35 I 500 6 055 de( to 'a'!R R#&&ian1500-1528 13750 I 500 6 080 de( to CeA R#&&ian

1500-1558 >55 T 100 6 250 de( to o'aA Eietna"e&e1500-1558 1530 ' 250 6 007 de( to 'aA $a%i)i

100-158 1715 I 500 6 170 de( to 6eCeA a#&a

1700-1728 >755 ' 250 6 328 de( to 6eA ort#(#e&e

1700-1758 11>55 I 500 6 085 de( to 6eA er&ian1700-1758 13740 I 500 6 1>5 de( to 6eCeA renc%1700-1758 15300 I 500 6 153 de( to CeA renc%

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1700-1758 15300 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc%1700-1758 1720 I 500 6 185 de( to 6eCeA renc%1700-1758 17850 I 500 6 153 de( to CeA renc%

1800-1858 58>0 I 500 6 055 de( to 'a'!R R#&&ian1800-1858 >45 I 500 6 080 de( to CeA R#&&ian1800-1858 11>>5 I 500 6 155 de( to CeA renc%1800-1858 11>>5 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc%1800-1858 13740 I 500 6 185 de( to 6eCeA renc%1800-1858 15300 I 500 6 153 de( to CeA renc%1800-1858 15300 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc%

1>00-1>33 180 ' 250 6 320 de( to 6eA ort#(#e&e

1>00-1>58 11>>5 I 500 6 185 de( to 6eCeA renc% ti)) e+/221>00-1>58 13740 I 500 6 185 de( to 6eCeA renc% *ro" e+/231>00-1>58 15300 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc%1>00-1>58 15300 I 500 6 153 de( to CeA renc%

2000-2058 7205 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc%

2000-2058 >7>0 I 500 6 1>5 de( to 6eCeA renc%2000-2058 11>>5 I 500 6 185 de( to 6eCeA renc%

2100-2158 7205 I 500 6 204 de( to No6eA renc%2100-2158 >7>0 I 500 6 1>5 de( to 6eCeA renc%

2200-2258 7310 T 300 6 325 de( to 'aA C%ine&e2300-2358 >>55 A 250 6 352 de( to 'aA C%ine&e;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& No. 30=

'RAN 11>75 A6R Ara+ic at 07-08 !T .ia Na#en er"an re)a &ite,de&ite "eant to 6e&t A*rica tar(et, %eard &ide)o+e @>20dB %ere in&o#t%ern er"an/ At 070> !T on Dec /;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec =

R''C' La&t ti"e o+&er.ed %ere on 6 on Dec 3 .ia on) &in()e t on>420 at 0000-0050 !T $it% r(r 'R ;')inii Radio %onia= in reeMM 6& 120, 1404, and 1512 /

15 "in#te& ear)ier on Dec 2 $ere %eard *o#r di**erent r(r& in ree'R on .ia 3 6& OI &#o&e, on 120, 1404, and 1512 , $+/PG anot%er$it% non &to *o) &on(& on 6 >420 G t%ird on 6 72> $it% r(rca))ed ')inii De"o&to& Radio %onia ;+#t on Dec 1 t%eir ID $a& ')iniiDe"orata Radio %onia=G and *o#rt% $it% non &to $e&tern %it& &on(& in'n()i&% ;)ie Donna #""er<& <I 6i)) #r.i.e<= on 6 T%e&&a)onii 1044 )#& *i*t% $it% &tron( carrier on 6 At%en& /

n 1044 are irre(#)ar "ornin( and e.enin( &#c% o* concert&/ Anot%erree &eain( or )ain( ree " &tation& are rat%er ri.ate, )ie t%e&eon 7>2, 1188, 138, 138, 15 etc and "an ot%er& in t%e X-+and/ nDec 1&t at 0400 !T on >420 MM 120, 1404 and 1512 t%e ID $a&JRadio%onio& tat"o& acedoniaJ/;R#"en ano.-B!L, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

R''C' Vand nonW 7475, on Dec 7 at 04 !T, )ite "#&ic, - &i(na) +#t#nder"od#)ated, re&#"ed 'RT, et no &i(na) on >420 , $%i)e T#re i&.er oor) a#di+)e on >700 , and BBC &#**icient on >410 and >40 ,

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+#t +ot% t%o&e are A&cen&ion at t%i& %o#r, no c)#e at a)) to '#roro/;)enn a#&er-9-!A, d)d Dec 7=

A.)i&-RC "o&t) "ornin(& a)&o MM 1145 on air, +#t n o t 1530 M1550 /;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 7=

7450 on Dec 8 at 020 !T, #nder"od#)ated "#&ic, re&#"ed 'RT a(ain andnot on 7475 or >420 /;)enn a#&er-9-!A, %cd Dec 8=

reece (#erri))a re+e))& radio *ro" T%e&&a)onii/ 18-1> !T Dec > on +ot%7450 and 1550 , +#t NL N' TIRD o* re.io#& TX &i(na) o$er, &oenart i& +etter read, +#t a)) "#&ic coied L6 D!LAT'D in&tead/

1550 %eard on) on re"ote Bri&+ane-U&)-A! and dnia o)and re"ote ra)&o/ #&t on t%re&%o)d/ Not%in( %eard *ro" A.)i& on 6 t%i& Dec > !T"ornin(/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec >=

R''C' 6inter B-13 &c%ed#)e o* 'RT/ A)) *reK#encie& are not re(i&teredin B13 CC data+a&e/ o"e da& t%e &tation #&ed 1 or 2 *reK#encie& or no+roadca&t t%e air/

*ten t%e tec%nician& don<t "ae *reK#enc c%an(e&, e/(/000-0700 7475 Dec/11, 7450 Dec 12 MM 1145 and no &i(na) >420 /

1300-1700 >420 AEL 170 6 323 de( to 6e'!R ree, not acti.e in B-131300-1700 >>35 AEL 100 6 285 de( to 6e'!R ree, not acti.e in B-131300-1700 1530 AEL 100 6 105 de( to oA ree, not acti.e in B-13

1700-1>00 7450 AEL 100 6 323 de( to 6e'!R ree, not acti.e in B-131700-1>00 >420 AEL 170 6 323 de( to 6e'!R ree, not acti.e in B-131700-1>00 1530 AEL 100 6 105 de( to oA ree, not acti.e in B-13

1>00-2300 7450 AEL 100 6 323 de( to 6e'!R ree1>00-2300 >420 AEL 170 6 323 de( to 6e'!R ree1>00-2300 1550 AEL 100 6 20 de( to Ce'!R ree

2300-0300 7475 AEL 100 6 285 de( to NoA ree2300-0300 >420 AEL 170 6 323 de( to NoA ree2300-0300 1550 AEL 100 6 22 de( to oA ree

0300-000 7475 AEL 100 6 285 de( to NoA ree0300-000 >420 AEL 170 6 323 de( to NoA ree0300-000 1145 AEL 100 6 285 de( to 6e'!R ree

000-0700 7475 AEL 100 6 182 de( to NoA ree000-0700 >420 AEL 170 6 323 de( to 6e'!R ree000-0700 1145 AEL 100 6 285 de( to 6e'!R ree

0700-0>00 7475 AEL 100 6 182 de( to NoA ree, irre(#)ar air0700-0>00 >420 AEL 170 6 323 de( to 6e'!R ree, irre(#)ar air0700-0>00 1145 AEL 100 6 285 de( to 6e'!R ree, irre(#)ar air

0>00-1300 7475 AEL 100 6 182 de( to NoA ree atM#n, irre(#)ar0>00-1300 >420 AEL 170 6 323 de( to 6e'!R ree atM#n, irre(#)ar

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0>00-1300 1145 AEL 100 6 285 de( to 6e'!R ree atM#n, irre(#)ar;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 13=

INDIA M D//R/ 9R'A >425 terri+)e "it#re co-c%anne) at 1>40 !T/#c%, i&t da& eine Band+reite %e#te A+end, &c%ri))e 6ei+er&ti""en a#& R/9orea #nd in der )eic%ana)-!"ar"#n( d#rc% &#eda&iati&c%e c%"a)&aen(er.on AIR in indi )an(#a(e/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

INDN'IA >525/8>2 aarta Ci"an((i& IN *air in 'n()i&% at 1>40 !T Dec8/ t%er& on 31 "+ "d#r"an #dan >505 TX &$itc% at 1>37 !T, andRadio i)iina& Tinan(-L on >825 a)read &i(n-o** at 1>30 !T/ RTITai$an in renc% .ia A) D%a++aa-!A' nice &tron( &i(na) to$ard& A*rica on>8>5/04> , @>20/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

3344/85 RRI Ternate ;re&#"ed=, at 0>31-1018 !T on Dec 11/ T%an& toAt&#nori I&%ida ;aan= *or con*ir"in( t%eir reacti.ation on Dec 8/ Toda$a& " *ir&t da noticin( a &tation o** *reK#enc, $%ic% i& RRI Ternate<&*reK#enc $%en )a&t %eardG recetion %o.erin( aro#nd t%re&%o)d )e.e), $it%

on) &o"e a#dio/;Ron o$ard-CA-!A, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 11=

A)&o %ere in in)and $ea "#&ic at 1430 !T Dec 11 on "ea&#red 3344/85., dri*tin( &)i(%t)/ n) on LB d#e to &tron( carrier on 334 $it%800 tone/;a#no Rito)a-IN, direct Dec 11=

IRA'L I& an+od a+)e to (et 9o) I&rae)<& &trea"in( a#dio atQ%ttMMi+a/or(/i)M$or)dS to )a

I tried "#)ti)e +ro$&er&, +#t co#)dn<t (et ant%in( to )a/ I ?#&t (et a)on(, narro$ +)ac rectan()e $%ere $%at I re&#"e i& t%e a#dio )aer/

I #&ed to )i&ten to 9o) I&rae) .ia 6RN, +#t aarent) t%e<redi&contin#in( t%eir $e+-+a&ed a#dio &er.ice&Q%ttMM$$$/$rn/or(M)i&tener&M$rn-+roadca&t-re*oc#&e&-$or)d-radio-net$or-&er.ice&S

T%an& in ad.anceZ;Ted c%#erin(er, *eda at %#(%e& dot net, $ro(ra"& "), d)d No. 24=

$d a)ei Fa%a) )i.e&trea", I&rae)/6e "i&&ed a)ei Fa%a) on air, at )ea&t *or one a&t $ee/ No &i(na) trace)o((ed on eit%er 885 or 15850 /

B#t toda I read in A#&trian Net M A-DX ne$&(ro# t%e "edia )a !RL<&/

T%an& to ro(er, a)) )aer &trea"& $or *ine/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

)aerMtrea" o* a)ei Fa%a)Q%ttMM)aer/()/co/i)M)aer/a&C)iID@()-a-iie*:Te@)i.e:6idt%@300:ei(%t@200:iedo&ter@tr#e:iedo&terNa"e@LF/?(S

a)(a)at ;o#t% radio=Q%ttMM)aer/()/co/i)M)aer/a&C)iID@()()t-a-

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contino#&) at 0850 !T to )a&t c%ec at 0>25 !T Dec 7/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 7=

RCC >575/0 at 0810 !T Nador on @>35dB %ere in er"an, centra)'#roe/ 6a& odd *reK#enc 1> et 2012 ti) )ate A#( 2013/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 5=

+&er.ation& o* Radio editerranee Internationa)e Dec 4ti)) 0>00!T >57>/2 NAD 250 6 110 de( to C'A Ara+icMrenc% +ac air*ro" 100 N>575/0 NAD 250 6 110 de( to C'A Ara+icMrenc%, e>57>/2 /;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 4=

ANAR Not %eard $ere 5>85/00 nor 5>85/78. , *reK#encie& o* an"arRadio/ Be)ie.e t%e o** *reK#enc t i& &ti)) do$n $it% ro+)e"&, a& t%e5>85/00 t i& &ti)) occa&iona)) in #&e, +#t recent) %a& +een o**"ore t%an on/

7200/08 an"ar Radio $it% rat%er &tran(e %aenin(&/ ir&t c%eced at1248 !T, eectin( to %ear t%e nor"a) 1250 !T &i(n o**, +#t did not%aenG in&tead o** at "#c% )ater 133 !T/ Certain) did not eect to

%ear t%e" a(ain toda on t%i& *reK#enc, &o &#rri&ed to indeed *ind t%e"*ro" 140> to 1453 !T/ At 1430 !T, $%en t%e $ent into t%eir Di&tanceLearnin( er.ice )ect#re& in .ernac#)ar, I re"e"+ered to c%ec *or MM5>15 and e& $a& in *act c)ear) MM/ A*ter 1453 !T t%e 5>15 *reK#enc contin#ed on/ er%a& a one da ano"a);Ron o$ard-CA-!A, DX)orer Dec 5=

B#r"a on >730/00 /6%at i& a)"o&t certain to +e B#r"a i& +ein( %eard on >730/00 *ro"aro#nd 1000 #nti) o** air at 1130 !T, and a)&o + a#no Rito)a in in)and,$%o %a& %eard &o"e 'n()i&% at aro#nd 1015 !T/ Toda ;Dec 5= t%ere $a&#ninterr#ted o "#&ic $%en I t#ned in at 1020 !T, a "#&ica) te o**an*are at 1030 !T ; a *e$ &ec&= and t%en ta) + a *e"a)e and "a)e.oice/ Loca) noi&e re.ented a o&iti.e ID o* t%e )an(#a(e, +#t " (#e&&$a& B#r"e&e *ro" intonation/

T%e act#a) &i(n-on or *ade in i& not et no$n, +#t I co#)d not %ear it at0>00 !T/ At " )ocation in N6 'n()and t%e &i(na) %ad *aded do$ncon&idera+) +e*ore 1130 !T/

V)aterW Re an"ar - I did %ear t%i& one &o"e ti"e a(o $%en it $a& #&in(>731 , +#t no$ it aear& to +e eact) on >730/00 eac% da/ It $a&on air toda ;Dec = $%en t#ned at 0>50 !T, +#t I didn<t %ear it t%reeda& a(o $%en I tried at 0>00 !T/ It i& o&&i+)e t%at >730 i& #&ed*ro" a "#c% ear)ier ti"e Oi/e/ 0730 P +#t t%at it i& on) *adin( in %ere)ater/ roa(ation i& "#c% )ie Ne$ Fea)and& &i(na) on >75 - $it%raid *adin( - &o " t%inin( i& t%at it i& *o))o$in( t%e (re )ine +

&%ort at% $%ic% $o#)d tae it nort%$ard& t%en do$n into '#roe/

C#rrent ea &i(na) &tren(t% %ere i& aro#nd 1015-1040 !T, and t%en it&tart& to (o do$n %i))/ B#t it "a )a&t )on(er a& t%e da)i(%t %o#r&contin#e to decrea&e/ Toda, t%e ea &i(na) $a& a+o#t t%e &a"e a&e&terda, and not rea)) (ood eno#(% to #nder&tand "#c% o* it t%ro#(% t%e)oca) noi&e *)oor/ Anot%er *ro" t%at area $a& a)&o a#di+)e toda Eietna">35/735 aroi"ate)/ T%at one $a& &)i(%t) &tron(er t%an >730 /

I<.e +een trin( to %ear an"ar on >40 and >5>0 +#t t%ere<& no trace

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o* an &i(na) - er%a& too ear) &i(n o** *or t%e" to roa(ate/ T%e > +and %a& a )ot o* A&ian &i(na)& a#di+)e in o#r "ornin(& - "o&t &ee" to+e C%ine&e, +#t aan and +ot% 9orea& a)&o/;Noe) R/ reen-!9, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 5M=

5>15 co.ered + CRI o%%ot in R#&&ian at 1505 !T Dec >, )atter &c%ed#)ed10-1 !T/ Not%in( %eard on .5>85 in a&t da& Dec M7M8M>, $+/ Dec >

i dear Noe),>731 an"ar Radio 0730-1130 !T dai) B#r"e&eMdia)ect 506 35de(r an(onR R

#&#a)) %eard *ro" Ran(oon o)der TX #nit, odd >730/835 # to >730/84 ANARMCINA >730/84 @7-8 &i(na) o* B#r"e&e ton(#e &er.ice,#ndo#+ted) an"ar Radio Ran(oon, noted do$#nder on A#&tra)ia #nit at1038-1050 !T et 13/

B#t %it + an >730/0 e.en *reK#enc &i(na) aro#nd 1044-1047 !T, $%en a850 ert te&t tone &i(na) occ#red %ere, I (#e&& &tron() ori(inate *ro"CRI 9#n"in( &ite "ade + t%e t en(ineer, $%ere 'n()i&% i& &c%ed#)ed *ro"

1200 !T on$ard&/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& et 13, 2013=

NI'RIA >8>/8>3 Eoice o* Ni(eria in a#&a %eard on at#rda "ornin(&ce $it% %one in &er.ice and &o"e o#n( )ad (ir)& &in(er c%or#&/ Eiao)der Iorod# t &ite to$ard& 248 de(r, not rea)) '#roe tar(et t%o#(%/Aoi Na(oa )i&t &%o$ &c%ed#)e o* 0800-2128 !T/ o#n( )ad &aid Ja)e"a)ei#" ///J/ it + CNR Bei?in( 5t% ro(ra" on net door >85 /;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 7=

ILIIN' >430 UL 'BC Radio Internationa) .eri*ied an e)ectronicreort $it% an e)ectronic re) inc)#din( a *#)) data card i"a(e, )etterand ro(ra" &c%ed#)e in 1 da *ro" .M& Norita / '&ta+i))o, %ort$a.eeration, ro(ra" #ort #er.i&or/ Norita indicated t%at &%e $a&*or$ardin( " recetion reort to &/ Ln De #"an t%e ead o* t%eCororate Co""#nication and Re&o#rce De.e)o"ent, $%o $i)) +e t%e one to&end anot%er re&on&e to "e/;Ric% D<An(e)o-A-!A, DX)orer Dec 8=

RANIA reK#enc c%an(e& o* Radio Ro"ania Internationa)1430-145 N13840 TI 300 6 052 de( to CeA R#&&ian A , e15735100-15 N 5>40 TI 300 6 037 de( to 'a'!R R#&&ian DR, e5>30100-15 N >810 TI 300 6 037 de( to 'a'!R R#&&ian A , e>715;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 4=

R!IA T%ird +roadca&t o* Tatar&tan 6a.e i& acti.e no$, Dec 40810-0>00 120>5 AR 100 6 327 de( to 6e'!R TatarMR#&&ian IN 55544

;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 4=

21820 A)t%o#(% e.en i* on) at 000 %r& on &c%ed#)e, Eoice o* R#&&ia, no$R#&&ia Toda +ca&t .ia No.o&i+ir& $a& %eard ear) $it% an &tron( carrierat 0515 !T, to 6AR-! t%e TX and /// t%e &tation en(ineerin( %o#&in( too;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 12=

Radio reen 'e&, 25>00, o&co$, rida Dec at 12-15 !T

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C6 T'CNICAL !NIE'RIT N 25>00 /

T%an& to a ti *ro" Andre$ Tett-!9, &t#dent &tation at o&co$ Tec%nica)!ni.er&it i& c#rrent) a#di+)e on 25>00 $it% .aria+)e &i(na) %ere/Andre$ reort& t%at it &i(ned on at 1200 !T/ od#)ation i& A, a#diorat%er tinn/ air &i(na) %ere +#t a)&o a )ot o* *adin(, in and o#t o* t%enoi&e/ Be&t recetion %ere on t%e 6e))+roo ALA 1530 )oo, .er $ea ont%e )on( $ire/

DX i reorted in a 2013 t%at t%e &tation i& ca))ed JRadio reen 'e&Jand i& r#n + &t#dent& o* t%e o&co$ Tec%nica) !ni.er&it o*Co""#nication& and In*or"atic& ;T!CI=/ Tran&"itter o$er i& 400 $att&/T%e nor"a)) +roadca&t e.er rida *ro" 12 to 15 !T on 25>00 /

T%an& to an increa&e in &#n&ot& t%e&e %i(%er *reK#encie& &ee" to +eroa(atin( K#ite $e)) at t%e "o"ent in t%e dati"e/;Da.e 9enn - Ca.er&%a" Ber&-!9, No. 22, BrDXC-!9 ( .ia d)d Dec =

ere<& %o$ it $a& &o#ndin( in No6eLondon !9 at 1500 !TQ%ttMMo#t#/+eML3(Ee5e0S

;t#art &atnier, No. 22, i+id/=

T%e J+e&tJ re&#)t on 25>00 A I %a.e $%en #&in( a .ertica) antennaG &ti))it<& .er $ea/ T%e R#&&ian tai (#& in narro$ aro#nd t%i& *reK#encare a )ot &tron(er/ Bt$ I* o# $ant to &end t%e" a recetion reort or?#&t %a.e a K#e&tion $rite in R#&&ian ;$e+ tran&)ator& %e)=/;ara)d 9#%), er"an, i+id/=

a.in( &ent &o"e ti"e trin( to *ind o#t $%at I can on t%e Internet a+o#tt%i& &tation, it $o#)d aear intere&tin() t%at Radio Jreen 'e&J re*er&to t%e o)d .a).e "a(ic ee indicator/ A& Da.e "entioned, it &ee"& to +erat%er +a&&-)i(%t in &o#nd and re)ati.e) )o$-)e.e) in "od#)ation ;+dcac,i+id/=

Co#)d "ae it to N A"erica i* 10 and 12" %a"& can, i* $e can re"e"+er toc%ec rida& +e*ore 1500 !TG %o$ a+o#t %o)ida &ed& i* an ;(%=

R!IA 25>00 on Dec at 140 !T and )ater c%e to 1455 !T *ind notrace o* t%e o&co$ &t#dent &tation, Radio reen 'e&, $%ic% i& reortedto +roadca&t on) at 12-15 !T rida&/ I re"inded t%e \700 "e"+er& o* t%ed)d ( a+o#t t%i& a *e$ %o#r& ear)ier and %oe &o"eone co#)d %ear it,o&&i+) +eond '#roe/ Be*ore 1500 !T, 12" $a& &tartin( to oen $it% B%a"& *ro" &o"e$%ere, +#t not 10"/ Need a +etter 2-roa(ation rida to%a.e a c%ance at t%i&/ Nic %are in t%e BrDXC-!9 ( did reort at1215 !T toda

Radio T!CI 25>00 , 1200 !T, ino 35333 Eer rea&ona+)e recetion

ri(%t no$ o* t%i& rida )#nc%ti"e M a*ternoon &tation in t%e R#&&ian)an(#a(e +ein( %eard $e&t o* London on a )on($ire antenna/

I #nder&tand t%at t%eir "ai)in( addre&& i&Radio T!CI,o&co$ Tec%nica) !ni.er&it o* Co""#nication and In*or"atic&,//Bo 1>,o&co$ 127055,R#&&ia

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0730-1200 12075 9 250 6 27 de( to 6e'!R R#&&ian

1000-1200 5>30 /9 100 6 030 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1000-1200 5>30 !R 050 6 33> de( to NoR! R#&&ian1000-1200 5>40 9 100 6 030 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1000-1200 085 9R 050 ' 348 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1000-1200 100 9R 005 ' non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian1000-1200 10 !R 050 6 333 de( to NoR! R#&&ian1000-1200 1>5 IR9 050 6 non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian1000-1200 7230 IA9 100 6 000 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1000-1200 7320 9 100 6 045 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1000-1200 12075 9 250 6 27 de( to 6e'!R R#&&ian

1200-1230 5>30 /9 100 6 030 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1200-1230 5>30 !R 050 6 33> de( to NoR! R#&&ian1200-1230 5>40 9 100 6 030 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1200-1230 085 9R 050 ' 348 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1200-1230 100 9R 005 ' non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian1200-1230 10 !R 050 6 333 de( to NoR! R#&&ian1200-1230 1>5 IR9 050 6 non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian

1200-1230 7230 IA9 100 6 000 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1200-1230 7320 9 100 6 045 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian

1230-1300 5>30 /9 100 6 030 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1230-1300 5>30 !R 050 6 33> de( to NoR! R#&&ian1230-1300 5>40 9 100 6 030 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1230-1300 085 9R 050 ' 348 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1230-1300 100 9R 005 ' non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian1230-1300 10 !R 050 6 333 de( to NoR! R#&&ian1230-1300 1>5 IR9 050 6 non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian1230-1300 7230 IA9 100 6 000 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1230-1300 7310 9 250 6 27 de( to 6e'!R R#&&ian1230-1300 7320 9 100 6 045 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian

1300-1500 5>30 !R 050 6 33> de( to NoR! R#&&ian1300-1500 085 9R 050 ' 348 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1300-1500 100 9R 005 ' non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian1300-1500 10 !R 050 6 333 de( to NoR! R#&&ian1300-1500 1>5 IR9 050 6 non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian1300-1500 7230 IA9 100 6 000 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1300-1500 7310 9 250 6 27 de( to 6e'!R R#&&ian

1500-1530 5>30 !R 050 6 33> de( to NoR! R#&&ian1500-1530 085 9R 050 ' 348 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1500-1530 100 9R 005 ' non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian1500-1530 10 !R 050 6 333 de( to NoR! R#&&ian1500-1530 1>5 IR9 050 6 non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian

1530-1700 5>05 9 250 6 27 de( to 6e'!R R#&&ian1530-1700 5>30 !R 050 6 33> de( to NoR! R#&&ian1530-1700 085 9R 050 ' 348 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1530-1700 100 9R 005 ' non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian1530-1700 10 !R 050 6 333 de( to NoR! R#&&ian1530-1700 1>5 IR9 050 6 non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian

1700-1>00 5>05 9 250 6 27 de( to 6e'!R R#&&ian1700-1>00 5>30 /9 100 6 030 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian

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1700-1>00 5>30 !R 050 6 33> de( to NoR! R#&&ian1700-1>00 5>40 9 100 6 030 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1700-1>00 10 !R 050 6 333 de( to NoR! R#&&ian1700-1>00 7320 9 100 6 045 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian

1>00-2100 5>05 9 250 6 27 de( to 6e'!R R#&&ian1>00-2100 5>30 /9 100 6 030 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1>00-2100 5>30 !R 050 6 33> de( to NoR! R#&&ian1>00-2100 5>40 9 100 6 030 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1>00-2100 10 !R 050 6 333 de( to NoR! R#&&ian1>00-2100 7230 IA9 100 6 000 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian1>00-2100 7320 9 100 6 045 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian

2100-2400 085 9R 050 ' 348 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian2100-2400 100 9R 005 ' non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian2100-2400 1>5 IR9 050 6 non-dir to 'MR! R#&&ian2100-2400 7230 IA9 100 6 000 de( to 'MR! R#&&ian;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& No. 2=

R!IA R#&&ia Toda - Eoice o* R#&&ia etc/ di&&o).in(

- and /// a+&ortion "er(er/

S Eie)e Irritationen, da&/

S Die einen &a(en )iK#idiert, die Anderen &a(e Je& i&t c%)#&&J/ ;$+/=

'& (i+t +i& ?ett (an ein*ac% (arnic%t&, +i& %a)t a#* die !a& 8>4 #nd8>5, die 6)adi"ir 6)adi"iro$it&c% .or(e&tern #ntereic%net %at #nd derenIn%a)t der 9re") +i& da%in o**en&ic%t)ic% a)& 9do ;.or de" Le&en #.ernic%ten= +e%ande)t %at/

Da &te%t drin, da&& RIA No$o&ti #nd ti""e R#&&)and& a#*(e)oe&t #nd derenV(ena#e r#&&i&c%e or"#)ier#n( +itte &e)+&t nac%)e&enW in eine ne# #(r#endende e&e))&c%a*t na"en& Ro&&i?a e(odn?a (e%en/ Da& $ieder#" i&tder in en()i&c%er or" *#er ein 2005 (e(r#endete& A#&)and&*ern&e%en.er$endete Na"e, #nd der a#&dr#ec)ic% (enannte it der ne#ene&e))&c%a*t i&t der e+en ?ene& A#&)and&*ern&e%en&/ ie%t de&%a)+ &c%$ernac% einer A&&i"i)ier#n( a#&/

C%e* der ne#en tr#t#r i&t ein ern&e%t, der a#c% nac% r#&&i&c%enU#e))en # #rtei)en a#* den #ren .on 9ar) 'd#ard .on c%nit)er $ande)t/ro&t a%)eit a)&o/

A))e& andere, $a& inner%a)+ eine& onat& #"#&eten i&t #nd "it%in $o%)#" 1/ an#ar o""en d#er*te, i&t +i& ?ett .o))o""en o**en/ Bi& ?ett&ind $o%) a#c% noc% eine Le#te (e*e#ert $orden ///

9ann "ir ?eden*a))& nic%t rec%t .or&te))en, da&& die de#t&c%en Redationen.on RIA No$o&ti #nd ti""e R#&&)and& #n.eraendert +e&te%en +)ei+en/ Nic%t,nac%de" e& (an danac% a#&&ie%t, a)& o+ )ettere nac% de" 31/ Dee"+ereinen )inearen oer*#n "e%r "ac%en $ird ;&o$ie&o nic%t "e%r (e"ac%t%aette, die A#&&tra%)#n(&.ertrae(e &ind ?a &c%on a+(e#endi(t=/;9ai L#d$i(-D, A-DX Dec 11=

R!IA T%e e(a roa(anda ac%ine/ Oa#to"atic tran&)ationP#tin %a& t%e )e(a) di&&o)#tion o* t%e &tate/Ne$& a(enc RIA No.o&ti and t%e internationa) radio &tation Eoice o*

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or "o&t R#&&ian "edia rere&entati.e& E)adi"ir #tin ca"e o**en&i.e#neected)/ B decree o* t%e re&ident decreed on onda on t%e $e+&iteo* 9re")in t%e )e(a) di&&o)#tion o* t%e &tate-r#n ne$& a(enc RIA No.o&tiand t%e R#&&ian radio &tation o)o& Ro&&ii a+road ;Eoice o* R#&&ia=/ T%eeditor& &ee"ed to %a.e not +een in*or"ed re.io#&) to +e/ RIA No.o&ti and"er(e t%e Eoice o* R#&&ia occ#red, and $i)) contin#e #nder t%e na"eInternationa) Ne$& A(enc e(odn?a Ro&&ia ;R#&&ia Toda=/

T%e e(a roa(anda "ac%ine i& internationa)) on a "ore o&iti.eercetion o* R#&&ia and a *riend)ier i"a(e $or/ A)&o RIA No.o&tireorted &ince t%e *o#ndation in 1>41 a*ter t%e er"an in.a&ion t%e !R -t%en a& Jo.in*or"+#eroJ - e&ecia)) *or *orei(n a#ditori#"&/ T%e %ead o*t%e re&identia) ad"ini&tration in t%e 9re")in, er(ei I.ano., ?#&ti*iedt%e reor(aniation $it% &a.in( and e**icienc i"ro.e"ent/

In *act, &%o#)d t%e ideo)o(ica) o+?ecti.e& o#t$ei(%, t%e )on(ti"e #tincon*idant a)&o did not concea) R#&&ia )ead& a indeendent o)ic andde*end $it% a)) %i& %ardne&& nationa) Intere&t&/ JNot on) t%e tr#t% "#&t

+e to)d, it i& a)&o &o +e "an eo)e a& o&&i+)eJ, &aid I.ano./ RecentTec%no)o(ie& and ti"e) )an(#a(e are doin( to %e)/

'.en rint "edia &#c% a& ne$&aer JRo&&i&aa aetaJ, t%e (o.ern"entand t%e o#rna) Rodina ;o"e)and= are a**ected + t%e decree/ T%ecentra)iation o* edia )and&cae a"o#nt& to a *#rt%er re&triction o*re&& *reedo" and di.er&it +eond/ o co"are& t%e c%air"an o* t%e o&co$o#rna)i&t& A&&ociation, a.e) #&e., t%e action& o* a Jre.i.a) o.ietrinci)e&J/ roa(ation o* 9re")in o)ic $a& a ta& o* RIA No$o&ti&,a)&o in t%e recent ear&/ T%e a(enc &er.ed +eond t%at, +#t a)&o a& a)at*or" t%at contro.er&ia) oinion& a *or#" +ot/ A& t%e c%ie* editor.et)ana iron# "ana(ed, to contro) t%e co"an t%ro#(% a re&& %o&ti)een.iron"ent, $it%o#t &i(ni*icant )o&& o* K#a)it, $a& *or "an )on( +een a"&ter/

A+o#t t%e *#rt%er #&e o* .et)ana iron#, not%in( i& no$n/ It i& c)ear%o$e.er, t%at a)) t%e ro?ect& $it%in t%e reortin( R#&&ia are connected,+e ad?#&ted i""ediate)/ Director o* t%e ne$) created &tate "ediaaarat#& R#&&ia toda i& D"itri 9i&e)?o$/ T%e 5>-ear-o)d ?o#rna)i&t i&t%e R#&&ian a#dience a)&o *a"i)iar &ince t%e ear) 1>>0& ear&/ A)&o*a"i)iar a& a "oderator o* o)itica) +roadca&t&/

9i&e)?o$ a)read &er.ed #nder a .ariet o* "en/ B#t )ate) doin( in a&artic#)ar) "ordacio#& *ort% arti&an o* #tin/ e i& a cnic $%o +e&ted#cationa) reK#ire"ent& +rin(&, and t%e "o#t%iece o* t%e "o+ "ae&/ In ae#)o( *or t%e 0t% +irt%da o* re&ident #tin, %e &a$ a"on( t%eredece&&or& o* t%e 9re")in +o&&e& in t%e 20t% Cent#r on) one, t%at o*

t%e Jie o* %i& $orJ, #tin co"ara+)e $o#)d +e o.iet dictator o&e*ta)in/

T%e centra)iation o* t%e "edia )and&cae i& r#nnin( on anot%er)i"itation, t%e *reedo" o* t%e re&&/;9-_Dona_t% *ro" o&co$, ta (er"an ne$& aer, .ia #er(en Lo%#i&-D, Dec11=

R6ANDA reK#enc c%an(e o* 'BA Radio1730-1800 N>540 9I 250 6 030 de( to 'aA Ti(rina, e>5>5

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D#rant )e J$eeend d# 14-15 DHce"+re 2013J, )e ro(ra""e d# &er.iceran^ai& &era donc H(a)e"ent di**#&H &#r )a *rHK#ence 130 ;1>00-2000!T=/

No#& a.on& +e&oin de .o& i"re&&ion& et oint& de .#e )e )#& .iteo&&i+)e ar& ce& de# e&&ai&, en .#e de .o#& o**rir )e& "ei))e#re&condition d<Hco#te o&&i+)e Z

erci de .otre contri+#tion en no#& *ai&ant art de .o& raort& &#r )aK#a)itH de di**#&ion M .ia M cette *rHK#ence, J] titre d<e&&aiJ/

Ce te&t de di**#&ion ne re")ace a& )a di**#&ion %a+it#e))e de notrero(ra""e/ No#& .o#& re"ercion& de .otre co"rH%en&ion et tenon& ] .o#&redire notre a"itiH/

er.ice ran^ai&JRadio Tai$an Internationa)J

Dear )i&tener,To i"ro.e )i&tenin( condition& o* o#r ro(ra", Radio Tai$an Internationa)i& con&iderin( .ario#& otion& *or &%ort$a.e +roadca&tin(/

In t%i& contet, $e $i&% to te&t a Jne$ +roadca&t *reK#enc to '#roeJ ona tria) +a&i& in order to a&&e&& and "ea&#re t%e re&#)t&/

D#rin( t%e J$eeend o* 14-15 Dece"+er 2013,J t%e renc% &er.ice ro(ra"$i)) +e a)&o +roadca&t on 130 ;1>00-2000 !T=/

6e need o#r t%o#(%t& and oinion& a& &oon a& o&&i+)e a*ter t%e&e t$ote&t& in order to o**er t%e +e&t condition o&&i+)e )i&tenin(Z

T%an o# *or o#r contri+#tion + &endin( #& o#r reort& on t%e K#a)ito* +roadca&t M .ia M t%i& *reK#enc, Jtentati.e)/J

T%i& di**#&ion te&t doe& not re)ace t%e nor"a) di&tri+#tion o* o#rro(ra"/ T%an o# *or o#r #nder&tandin( and o# $ant to rene$ o#r*riend&%i/

7325 R/ TAI6AN INT/ 1>00-2000 123457 renc% 300 1406oo**erton RTI +13 BAB

>8>5 R/ TAI6AN INT/ 1>00-2000 123457 renc% 250 315D%a++aa !A' RTI +13 BAB

a+e 7325 *reK#enc i& too %i(% *or near+ 6 '#roe tar(et in "id

$inter eriod T%e eerience o* recent ear& &%o$& t%at t%e *reK#enc *ro" !A' &%o$ $eaer &i(na) to$ard& '#roe %ere in o#r Ce'!Rtar(et area/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 10=

Te&t *reK#enc o* Radio Tai$an Internationa) Dece"+er 14M151>00-2000 130 !NIDenti*ied t &ite to 6e'!R renc% and MM *reK#encie&>8>5 DA 250 6 315 de( to 6e'!R and 11875 I 500 6 1>0 de( to NoA/;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 13=

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!A'M'C'LL' 15420/105 BBC 6 'n()i&% @>20dB on &ide)o+e in '#roe,tae& not care o* *reK#enc ACC!RAC - +#t t%an& 'ie<& BBC6 )i&tin(,not an"ore *ro" a%e ec%e))e& re)a, B!T "o.ed *ro" ec%e))e& to A)D%a++aa !A' &ite Vt%i& re&#)t& in t%e inacc#rac &en&eW /// a )ot o*inter.ie$ co""ent& on Nairo+i &t#dent on Ne)&on ande)a decea&e andtri+#te ro(ra"/

V)aterW 15420/031 BBC6 !A' at 0510 !T Dec 12/ Ne$& on !rainian rote&t"o.e"ent c)a&%e&/ TX $ander& # and do$n )itt)e - 10 ert # to 15420/03>/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 7M12=

!A 17775/012 n #nda 8t% Dece"+er, 9E $i)) a)&o +e r#nnin( a te&ton 17775 , *ro" 1400-1700 !TC/

17775 9E - Lo& An(e)e&, at 1520-151 !T on Dec 8, te&tin( er e-"ai)*ro" Ra Ro+in&on $it% in&irationa) "#&ic and JLa Eo de '&eranaJ ID&noted + a "a)e anno#ncer/ a *ro" 100 !T $it% 'n()i&% anno#nce"ent&/air $it% &o"e "oderate *adin(/;D<An(e)o-A-!A, DX)orer Dec 8=

9E Lo& An(e)e& - Te&t +roadca&t/ o++ ro(ra" on di(ita) &tandard&/ ULcon*ir"in( )i&t read, ID in ani&% )an(#a(e/ Jrec#encia a) DiaJ e&tae"i&ora in*or"ati.o en onda corta/// In N and Toronto Canada re"ote o&t&@>5dB # to 10dB"/

Antenna ai"#t% in &#""er A-1317775 1400-0200 !T to one& 10-12, E 50 6 100de( antenna IT!805!A E CC

17775/012 In '#roe rat%er .er oor TIN &i(na), at 100de(r ai"#t% *ro"LA to$ard& nort%ern o#t% A"erica and A*rica i& )o$ in '#roeMer"an/

At 1440 !T in Lo& An(e)e& on 17775/012 , &o"e @8->, rat%er @> onre"ote LA DR #nit/ re)ine +et$een LA and Eanco#.er i&)and/

n &a"e CA-! re"ote #nit a)&o R oo&+r#nn A#&tria o* A6R Ara+ic ro(ra"noted on 1705/0 , contained )itt)e &i(na) ec%o e**ect/ A)&o 2 RC on1 "+ o#t)et& traced &o *ar/ And a)+eni ti) 1457 !T %eard in LA CA on17840 roer &i(na) Ro"anian )an(#a(e at @>20dB/

At re&ent 1520 !T nice Ne)&on ande)a "#&ic tri+#te ro(ra" on C%anne)A*rica eerton-A 17770 , @>15dB/ $a%i)i )an( ro(ra"/

Re 9E Lo& An(e)e& - te&t 17775 , )o( at 15-1 !T Dec 8/

17500 IRIB Ara+ic @>15

17530 R! RRI Ara+ic @>15dB17580 RC ani&%, tin @4, ?#&t on t%re&%o)d/175>5 R'' ani&% @>101715 AR Ara+ic @>30dB o$er%o#&e1730 CRI Ba"ao LI "edi#" *air carrier, +#t ) o $ "od#)ation/170 AR Ara+ic "#&ic @>25dB1770 AIR $a%i)i @4 oor, "ain tar(et 'a&t A*rica/17730 RC ani&% *air @5-17755 R'' ani&% @>25 roer &i(na)17770 A $a%i)i @> Ne)&on ande)atri+#te ro(ra"/

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177>0 !A 6RI ne$ Radio A*rica +ca&t .ia eec%o+ee )orida !A &ite,  *)#tter &i(na) oor @7-8 in Nort% A"erica/17800 D6L A) D%a++aa !A' $a%i)i @>5d+

17814 to 17833 &$in(in( TR at roer @>40dB,?#&t on) )e&& t%an t$o "in#te& on air/

17830 AC BBC6 'n()i&% @178>5 ao To"H EA 'n()i&% @7-8/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 8=

!A onitorin( ReK#e&t *ro" 6RI eec%o+ee &ite/

A& o# "a no$, 6RI %a& ?#&t "o.ed it& tran&"itter &ite *ro" ia"i toeec%o+ee, )orida, to t%e o)d 6R tran&"itter &ite/ 6e are c#rrent)tran&"ittin( t$o %o#r& er da *ro" 2000-2200 !TC on 15440 at 44de(ree& to '#roe/ 6e $o#)d +e .er intere&ted to no$ i* t%e &i(na) i&"ain( it into '#roe at t%at %o#r, or i* $e &%o#)d er%a& tr to "o.e it+ac a *e$ %o#r&/ T%e ro(ra" i& T%e .erco"er ini&tr in 'n()i&%/

6e $o#)d a)&o +e intere&ted in reort& *ro" '#roe re(ardin( o#rtran&"i&&ion& to A*rica, $%ic% are

0400-0800 !TC on >355 1400-2000 !TC on 177>0 , and2000-2300 !TC on 151>0

T%e ro(ra""in( *ro" 0400-0800 !T i& T%e .erco"er ini&tr, and t%ero(ra""in( *ro" 1400-2300 !T i& an A"erican Broadca&tin(<& Radio A*ricaNet$or/

An o+&er.ation& t%at DXer& in '#roe "i(%t %a.e a+o#t t%e&e tran&"i&&ion&$o#)d +e "o&t $e)co"e, e.en i* ?#&t &o"e +rie* co""ent& a+o#t o#rrecetion ;or )ac t%ereo*=/

an t%an& *or o#r %e)Z

e** 6%ite6RI Radio ia"i Internationa)175 ontaine+)ea# B).d/, #ite 1N4ia"i, )orida 33172, !ATe) 1-305-55>->74a 1-305-55>-818'-"ai) Qradio"ia"i> Y c&/co"S !RL Q$$$/$r"i/netS;$+, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec =

!A Li&tened on)ine Dec 8 to t%i& $ee<& <Ei.a ia"i< *ro" 6RI, $%erein

e** 6%ite (a.e "ore detai)& a+o#t t%e eec%o+ee &et#

Attention, )orida 6L& Vor t%o&e *#rt%er $%o "i(%t tra.e), I a&&#"eW/o#<re $e)co"e to attend t%e rand enin( o* 6RI eec%o+ee, *or t%eina#(#ration, oen %o#&e and recetion, t%i& T%#r&da Dec 12 at 1-5 ")oca) ;'T 18-22 !T=/

;e** a)&o to)d Terr 9r#e(er ear)ier t%at 6L& are $e)co"e to .i&it anti"e, +#t ca)) a%ead to arran(e $%en e** $i)) +e t%ere, 3 or 4 da& a$ee=/

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;)enn a#&er-9-!A, d)d No. >=

!A >>55/0 .erco"er .ia 6RI eec%o+ee )orida +ca&tin( center &ite,at @8 )e.e) at 0821 !T Dec 7/ eard (i.en te)e%one no/ on air/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 7=

!FB'9ITAN reK#enc c%an(e o* Radio aan N9 6or)d *ro" Dec 11300-1345 N1315 TAC 100 6 131 de( to oA Ben(a)i, e12035 / to a.oid TRT Eoice o* T#re in 'n()i&% *ro" 1330 !T/;DX IX Ne$&, I.o I.ano.-B!L, .ia $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 4=

EI'TNA A)&o %eard Dec 7 aro#nd 0>30 !T on To Eietna" on odd >35/735 *reK#enc in Eietna"e&e, *ade-in to '#roe at @8 and )ater ea& at@>10dB )e.e), &#c% &tren(t% %aen& %ere on) in DecMan "id $interroa(ation/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 7=

''N 135/0 e"en Radio, Aden t, noted $it% Ara+ic tica) &in(er at1450 !T Dec 7, @>15dB %ere in '#roe, +#t &cratc% noi&e co.ered &i(na)c%anne), &oen anno#nce"ent $a& )o$ "od#)ated, co"ared to t%e "#&ic and

&in(er/;$+, $$dc BC-DX ToNe$& Dec 7=

'DXC Con*erence 2014/

T%e '#roean DX Co#nci) %a& decided to %o)d it& net Con*erence one 1>-22, 2014 in t%e Nice area o* rance or(anied + D6CI-"e"+erC%ri&tian %i+a#do/

In&tead o* %a.in( t%e con*erence in Nice on), $e $o#)d )ie to %a.e it int$o )ace& a& it %a& +een a racti&e a)read ear)ier/ T%e *ir&t art o*t%e con*erence i& )anned to +e %e)d in Tende, a &"a)) .i))a(earoi"ate) 80 " nort%ea&t *ro" Nice/ Tende can K#ite ea&i) +e reac%ed*or in&tance + train *ro" Nice/ In addition, %a.in( t%e con*erence inTende $e can ee t%e co&t& and con*erence aca(e *ee& )o$er/ 6e&%o#)dn<t *or(et t%at $e DXer& are a)$a& intere&ted to %ear M &ee&o"et%in( tra and #nno$n/ T%at i& $% $e $o#)d )ie to roo&e o# t%i&a)ternati.e/

T%e J*ir&t and a+&o)#te) re)i"inar ro(ra""eJ co#)d +e a& *o))o$&

rida, 1> ete"+er 2014- &tartin( 1400 )oca) ti"e arri.a) in Tende : c%ec in at t%e %ote)- 1700 'DXC con*erence c%ec in &tart&- 1830-2000 enin( o* t%e con*erence, &o"e )ect#re& and re&entation&

- 2000 Dinner on o#r o$n

at#rda, 20 ete"+er 2014- 0700-0>00 Brea*a&t- 0>30-1230 'DXC ro(ra""e- 1230-1400 L#nc%- 1400-100 A to#r in Tende- 130-1830 6ood A))en<& *i)" JRadio Da&J *ro" 1>87/- 1>00 BanK#et at t%e %ote)  ;a+e $e co#)d %a.e o#r +anK#et in Nice on #nda=

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