wwe atlanta 2011 preach report


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Preaching to the WWE fans in Atlanta


Page 1: WWE Atlanta 2011 Preach Report


W W W . T H E G O S P E L M I S S I O N . N E T

Page 2: WWE Atlanta 2011 Preach Report

Preach Report




Saturday, Sunday & Monday Night

April 2-4, 2011

Page 3: WWE Atlanta 2011 Preach Report

Bro. Zach Baxter standing next to a WWE devotee and Joshua Christensen (on right)

The wrestling fan is in a class of his own…a dedicated, sold out devotee of his “hero” in the ring. Imagine

this for a minute… grown men, white adult males for the most part, being swept away by their

emotional attachment to and personal identification with a wrestling character. Their hearts and minds

have been captured by a fabricated persona, a carefully crafted image, a comic book style super hero or

super villain... The wrestling fan is so completely and blindly devoted to their “champion” that they

actually make up signs and proudly display them in support and adoration of the one they love. Men

proudly and boldly wearing T-shirts with slogans emblazoned across the front and back of the shirt that

say things like: AUSTIN 3:16, SHOW NO MERCY, BRING IT! And other such slogans…

Now imagine these men fighting traffic, paying for gas, parking and a ticket in order to attend a sold out

venue at the Georgia Dome where additional seating had to be installed to accommodate over 75,000

rabid devotees of this charade? Am I crazy or is it shear madness that seemingly “normal” adult males

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would layout hard earned cash for fake gold reproductions of gigantic “championship” belts and then

strut down the sidewalk proudly displaying these phony and gaudy belts as if they had personally won

them in a legitimate contest? This is a world where reality has been exchanged for the make believe. It

does not matter to these men that the winner has been decided in advance and that the entire show is

nothing more than a choreographed or scripted charade. Reality does not matter in the mind of the

WWE fan. He is able to set aside “logic” and rational thinking, he readily suspends rational thought and

judgment in order to embrace the fantasy world created to cater to his base, banal, depraved desire and

lust for violence cloaked in the guise of entertainment and sport. The whole enterprise is make believe

and that is exactly what these seemingly “normal” men are doing when they attend a WWE event like

this...they are embracing a fantasy world of make believe. They are calling that which is NOT a sport, a

sport as they exchange the TRUTH for a LIE. All of this is done for the satisfaction of the most base,

vulgar, depraved, banal and violent behavior that men are capable of…it is RAW CARNALITY on

display…and the sheer number of so-called “Christians”

attending this kind of event would simply shock you!

Many of the same guys attending a WWE event like this

are also BULLDOG fans, Braves fans and Falcons fans…so

it’s not like there is any difference between a WWE event

and the Super bowl with these guys…it’s all the same to

them. You may know the difference between a legitimate

sporting event but these people do not or they simply

choose to ignore the fact that there is any difference. It’s

all entertainment to them at the end of the day. Some

might suggest that no self respecting, authentic, genuine

sports aficionado would dare associate a WWE event

with the Super bowl but that is simply not the case with

the tens of thousands that descended upon the Georgia

Dome today…It does not matter if you “the

evangelist/preacher” know that this is not a legitimate

sporting event, the fact is that in their minds and hearts,

it’s just like the Masters Championship at Augusta. They

are held captive by a LIE in more ways than one, they are deceived and they are LOST but the problem is

that they do not see themselves as being LOST and they certainly do not see their need to repent of


On Sunday evening we took up a position at a critical Street corner enabling us to literally reach

thousands of WWE fans making their way to the Georgia Dome. We gave away every Gospel Tract in our

possession and could have easily handed out three times that amount with additional laborers. The

evening consisted of open air preaching on the Truth Horn until the batteries actually ran out upon

which time we simply raised our natural God given voices and gave the people a sample of what they

should expect when our Savior returns in Glory… 1Th 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from

heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God…

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As warning was given to the passersby with unction from the Holy Ghost we modified our message to

resonate with the mindset of the WWE devotees…One of their great super villains goes by the name of

The Undertaker. In the photo above you can see the man holding a sign with RIP HHH (Triple H) 19-0

TAKER (Undertaker) (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqB4c-NS4d8 ) for additional info.

We used the word UNDERTAKER repeatedly throughout the evening as a key word in warning the WWE

devotees that before the Undertaker comes to get them they better be prepared to meet their MAKER

and JUDGE…JUDGE JESUS, and added that if they thought that Judge Judy was tough on crime they will

be really shocked when they meet JUDGE JESUS. And then we took one of the WWE slogans: NO MERCY,

which also happens to be the title of a WWE Nintendo game…and continued the message declaring that:

The sinner will receive NO MERCY on Judgment Day when they appear before the Great White Throne

unprepared, unsaved, uncovered, undone and in their unholy state of being without Christ and the

forgiveness of sins that only Christ can give…

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We utilized another of their infamous slogans which can be seen on the T-shirts that many of the WWE

fans like to wear which reads AUSTIN 3:16 and is a reference to a phrase created by "The Most Popular

Superstar in WWE History" Cold Stone Steve Austin…which carries the meaning "Austin 3:16 says: I

just whooped you’re *#& !” So, with all of these Austin 3:16 slogans in view we admonished the

crowd that while they may know the meaning of Austin 3:16 do they actually know the meaning

of JOHN 3:16? We then proceeded to quote that verse and remind people of its INVERSE

meaning…that if they do not repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ they will PERISH and

instead of everlasting life they will receive damnation and everlasting DEATH in a devil’s Hell!

We had Catholics claiming that they were not counting on going to Heaven or Hell but rather

PURGATORY! Yes, we actually had Catholic WWE fans declaring out loud that they were

expecting to do time in

purgatory upon their

departure from this life. To

which we responded that

there are not enough

candles that could be

burned or prayers that could

be said on their behalf to bail

them out of the mythical

purgatory…and furthermore,

the fact remains that Jesus

never spoke of a place

called purgatory but of only

Heaven and Hell. We had

Jews claiming that they were

already “saved”? A

completely new claim based

upon what I know

not…these were rebuked for

trusting in their own good

deeds for justification before

a Holy God who demands

perfection in righteousness.

We had a gaggle of sodomites, dressed in some of the most bizarre wrestling attire that I have

ever seen with the exception of a Sodomite parade, stop dead in their tracks whereupon they

physically assaulted us while they mocked and jeered as they made their way towards the GA

Dome. We rebuked them soundly and warned them of the horrendous Judgements and Wrath

that shall come upon them for their many abominations and crimes against God.

We shall continue with the public preaching of the Word of God again this third evening of the

WWE events taking place here in Atlanta and with God’s help we shall warn the wicked to flee

from the wrath to come…to flee to the Cross of Christ where they may be sparred and saved

from eternal damnation. Please pray for us!