www. govanspres.org february 2007 the bellringermost of the savings came from reducing staff. this...

GOVANS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 5828 YORKBALTIMORE, MD 21212 410) 323-4409 (FAX) WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG The Bellringer Tighter Budget to be Presented to Congregation on Feb. 4 Govans needs you to approve the Pastoral Compensation Budget at the Congregational Meeting on February 4th! Don’t forget. By Jon Morgan The 2007 budget scheduled for presentation at this month’s annual meeting does not call for substantial growth in programs or missions, but hopefully represents the end of painful cuts and provides the new pastor with a founda- tion for the future. Difficult decisions made last year – including some wrenching staff reductions – have brought expenses roughly in line with projected income for the first time in several years. A draft of the budget, which must be passed by the Session in advance of the Feb. 4 congregational meeting, projects income of $410,597, down about $11,000 from last year Budgeted expenses have been pared to $414,956, down about 12 percent from an estimated $467,354 last year. Most of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The Treasurers and Committee have a better grip on expenses. With our aging building no one will ever have a complete control of expenses,” said Jeremy North, chairman of the Stewardship and Finance Committee. In past years, the church ran deficits that were offset by endowment income. Last year the deficit was about $45,000, compared with $110,000 the year before. “We could continue to run at some low level deficit for a certain amount of time as our endowment has continued to perform well. However, that is not the right way, long term, to run a church,” Jeremy said. The financial blueprint provides a foundation for growth for new Pastor Tom Har- ris, Jeremy said. “He’s not saddled with $100,000 deficits in his first year,” he said. The pastor’s compensation package will be voted on at the congregational meet- ing, which will begin at 10 a.m., between services. “I think we have ended the brief period of large deficits and when the member- ship starts to join with a new pastor in reviving a commitment to mission, it will bring people into the church which is the most important thing and strengthens our ability to support mission,” Jeremy said. Members are encouraged to contribute to this growth by completing pledge forms, donating in the plate as well as committing time and talent to the church’s many missions and activities. February 2007 Lectionary & Worship Leaders ..pg. 6, From the Pastors Study ..page 2, Birthdays & Preschool ..page 4, Calendar ..pg 11, Ministry Areas ..pg. 5, Lent.. pg. 7, Upcoming Events ..pg. 7, Survey for 55 + .. pg. 9 & 10

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Page 1: WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG February 2007 The BellringerMost of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The


410) 323-4409 (FAX) WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG

The Bellringer

Tighter Budget to be Presented to Congregation on Feb. 4 Govans needs you to approve the Pastoral Compensation Budget at the

Congregational Meeting on February 4th! Don’t forget. By Jon Morgan

The 2007 budget scheduled for presentation at this month’s annual meeting does not call for substantial growth in programs or missions, but hopefully represents the end of painful cuts and provides the new pastor with a founda-tion for the future.

Difficult decisions made last year – including some wrenching staff reductions – have brought expenses roughly in line with projected income for the first time in several years.

A draft of the budget, which must be passed by the Session in advance of the Feb. 4 congregational meeting, projects income of $410,597, down about $11,000 from last year

Budgeted expenses have been pared to $414,956, down about 12 percent from an estimated $467,354 last year. Most of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The Treasurers and Committee have a better grip on expenses. With our aging building no one will ever have a complete control of expenses,” said Jeremy North, chairman of the Stewardship and Finance Committee. In past years, the church ran deficits that were offset by endowment income. Last year the deficit was about $45,000, compared with $110,000 the year before. “We could continue to run at some low level deficit for a certain amount of time as our endowment has continued to perform well. However, that is not the right way, long term, to run a church,” Jeremy said. The financial blueprint provides a foundation for growth for new Pastor Tom Har-ris, Jeremy said.

“He’s not saddled with $100,000 deficits in his first year,” he said. The pastor’s compensation package will be voted on at the congregational meet-

ing, which will begin at 10 a.m., between services. “I think we have ended the brief period of large deficits and when the member-

ship starts to join with a new pastor in reviving a commitment to mission, it will bring people into the church which is the most important thing and strengthens our ability to support mission,” Jeremy said. Members are encouraged to contribute to this growth by completing pledge forms, donating in the plate as well as committing time and talent to the church’s many missions and activities.

February 2007

Lectionary & Worship Leaders ..pg. 6, From the Pastors Study ..page 2, Birthdays & Preschool ..page 4, Calendar ..pg 11,

Ministry Areas ..pg. 5, Lent.. pg. 7, Upcoming Events ..pg. 7, Survey for 55 + .. pg. 9 & 10

Page 2: WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG February 2007 The BellringerMost of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The

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The Bellringer . Govans Presbyterian Church Newsletter

From the Pastor’s Study

Bible Study for February

Dear Friends, Beginning on February 11th, I will begin a six-week study during Adult Options called “Saving Jesus.” The series will include 20-minute video segments with thoughts from some of the leading progressive Christian leaders of our time. Following the video segment we will have group discussion. Some of the people featured in the video segment are Marcus Borg, John Shelby Spong, Rebecca Ann Parker, James Forbes, Matthew Fox and Sister Helen Prejean. Since I have arrived at Govans I have been impressed by the diversity and depth of religious experience and thought among the members. It is so diverse in fact that, as I prepare my sermons, sometimes I wonder where to begin. I’m looking forward to this series as a time when we can learn from each other as we share our understandings of Jesus. Who was he? What did he do? What did he teach? What does it mean to believe in Jesus or have faith in him? Why does Jesus matter to-day? (Continued on page 8)

“Tithing is one small way to say ‘no’ to our consumer cul-ture and ‘yes’ to God’s vision of a world where everyone has enough. “

A leap of faith from Presbyterians Today, January/February


I would like to lift up the antique spiritual discipline of tithing. I say antique because statistics tell us that the aver-age giving of Presbyterians to the church is around two percent of income nationwide. The discipline of tithing, giving 10 percent of income, which was so ingrained in our parents and grandparents, seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird in today’s church. In spite of all this I am a committed practitioner of tith-ing. It has been a spiritually formative practice for my hus-band and me. We started tithing when we were a young married couple with hardly two dollars to rub together. We did this under the influence of my husband’s great uncle, Gurdon Scoville, and his wife, Betty. Uncle Gurdon was a Presbyterian pastor for upwards of 50 years in the north-east and in Minnesota. We visited the Scovilles several times early in our marriage, and we were impressed with the obvious depth and integrity of their faith. These were people who glowed with their love of God. During one visit, they talked with us about how they had begun tithing early in their own marriage and how God had used this practice to build their faith. We were impressed and decided to try it for ourselves. This small beginning was indeed formative for us, and their testimony has borne fruit in our lives for more than 30 years.

Tithing is a leap of faith. It is a commitment to trust God’s providence in a radical way. In a world where we are validated by what we consume, tithing is one small way to say “no” to our consumer culture and “yes” to God’s vision of a world where everyone has enough.

A seductive temptation One of the most seductive temptations out there today is the temptation to think that we ourselves never have enough. It springs from the core belief that we live in a world of scarcity. The gospel puts forward a worldview that is diametrically opposed to a worldview of scarcity. If we believe that God is sovereign and if we believe that God’s providence is the strongest reality in our world, then we will inevitably be drawn in the direction of a world-view of abundance. This does not mean we will have new cars every year and a house at the beach. Instead it means that there is enough in the world to go around and that as we put all we are and have at God’s disposal, our lives will be kept in God’s loving care. We are then freed up to give in a way that blesses others and moves us deeper into the life of faith. As you think about what it means to be a steward of God’s bounty, consider moving toward giving 10 percent of your income to God through the various ministries of the church. In so doing you will be a blessing to many worldwide. You will also find that you cannot out-give the God who through the power at work in us can do more than we can ask or imagine. Joan S. Gray (Joan S. Gray is moderator of the 2006 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Page 3: WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG February 2007 The BellringerMost of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The

TALES FROM THE CRYPTS – VIII The Govanstown Cemetery of the Govans Presbyterian Church

My grandfather , Anders Andersen, came to this coun-try from Denmark by way of London. Mr. John Work Garrett, who owned the mansion still in existence on Charles Street, had written a horticulture school in Lon-don, England, for a recommendation for a nurseryman to care for his orchid collection, and they recommended my grandfather. As I said in Tales IV, he attended Govans-town Presbyterian Church where he met and married my grandmother. My grandmother, a good Scotch Presbyterian, soon decided that my grandfather would change his name from Anders to Andrew after the Scottish saint, and of course, he did – or else. My grandfa-ther met a William Madsen, another Dane and florist, and

(Continued on page 4)

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The Bellringer . Govans Presbyterian Church Newsletter

Letters - Thanks: Giving and Receiving Friends: The many cards, calls, visits, foodstuffs, and other kindnesses we received from the Govans family as I am recovering from hip-replacement surgery have been and are truly

appreciated! You have meant more to me than I can ade-quately express. With sincere gratitude, thank you! John Kinnier

******************** Good Friends, Joyce and Ted Kruse invited me to go with them to Govans for the recent Celtic concert and once again I felt the heart-warming welcome which is a hallmark of your church. As a long-time member of Brown Memorial and most content to be in that congregation, I still have always admired Govans for its whole-hearted adherence to the message of our Lord who preached for all, “In as much as you did it unto the least of these, you did it unto me” and also for its whole-hearted adherence to the promise “Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give your rest.” My other special friends in your congregation are Jack and Betsy Toland. Betsy and I were closely associated in the Meals on Wheels program which I served for some 25 years. Betsy has also invited me to Reminiscing at the Sen-ior Center, and I plan to start there with that group this month. Joyce Kruse is also still with Meals on Wheels but extreme old age has forced me to retire. One other fact is an amazing coincidence. After being a neighbor of the Kruse’s for a number of years, I found out that Joyce and I graduated from the same high school which just happens to be the American Community School in Beirut, Lebanon. Marilyn Forbes also has a connection with that same school, having taught there for several years. Want to start a Lebanon club? So, Happy New Year Govans. May your days be long in the land. Ed Nicol

******************** Dear Sing-A-Long Participants, This is a very special thank you note to all the Govans Presbyterian members who came down to Epiphany House to hold a memorable Christmas Sing-A-Long! It was a wonderful way to get in touch with the real spirit of Christ-mas and an awful lot of fun as well! I’ve noticed as I grow older that my voice does too, but your group gave me a chance to sing anyway, something I dearly love. Thank

you for taking time out of your Christmas preparations to help us keep Christmas as well! Sincerely, Pat Fulda and all the residents of Epiphany House

******************** Holiday Greetings Govans Presbyterian Church, It is a great comfort to me and those who work at the McKim Community Center to know that our work is appre-ciated. What we try to do for children is made possible by those who support our projects. Without such selfless sup-port, McKim could not exist. As we celebrate the holiday, we recall the many gifts we have received in the past years, and we give thanks for friends such as you. It is through your generous support that we have been able to serve the needs of the children of our community. We at the McKim Center wish you and your family a cheerful, safe, and joyous holiday season and all the best in the New Year. Sincerely, Dwight S. Warren , Executive Director

******************** On Sunday, 1/14/07, members of the praise band and other youth joined Tom Harris as he conducted afternoon worship at the Presbyterian Home in Towson. Many thanks to Becky Rawle, Jessica Wilson, Will Dawson, Becky Vickers, Nick Beck, Rachel Kirkpatrick, Mary Welliver and Mike Kirkpatrick. Sincerely, Mike Kirkpatrick

Page 4: WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG February 2007 The BellringerMost of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The

Choir Director Search The search continues for a choir director. Three candidates have been interviewed, and more interviews are scheduled. With the holidays, progress was slowed; but again the committee is searching with renewed vigor.

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Preschool Press Pam Ferguson - Director

The Preschool is planning a spaghetti dinner on Sunday, Feb. 25th from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at the Govans’ Preschool. Cost is $2 per per-son, children under 2 are free. The Evening in Winter Wonderland will include a snowflake craft, dinner, best pie contest, winter music sing-along, and face painting. Families are asked to bring a dish that will feed 8 people. The Preschool will be closed on Feb. 1 & 2 for parent-teacher conferences and on Feb. 19 for President’s Day.

From the Church Office

Directory Update!!

We are in the process of updating the Govans’ directory. The last di-rectory was January 2005. If you received the directory, please check your listing for accuracy. If your information has changed, please fill

out a Directory Update card available in the pew and place the card in the container labeled ‘Directory Updates’ in the vestibule as you leave. Many email addresses are missing so if you have one, please share it as well. You can also email the church office at [email protected] or call the church office at 410-435-9188 with your address, phone, and email information.

Pastor Tom is usually in his office Sun. thru Thurs. from 8:30-3:30 p.m. He can be reached at home at 410-377-2337 or on his cell phone at 843-532-0922.

February Birthdays 1st Paul Kaplan Amy Seabolt 3rd Idell Purcell Blaise DePaolo Grace Petersen 4th David Sandles Elizabeth Glaser 7th Mary Faith Ferretto 8th Lyndell Smith 10th Buddy Richardson Adam Byerly 11th Karen DeCamp 12th Susie Sutherland 16th Anne Deinish 18th Bonnie Thomson

Phillip North Dylan Cohen 19th Andrea Cox Jean Mellott 20th David Harris 21st Mildred Smeallie 22nd Doug Gaede 24th Ruth Nuhn 26th George Cognet Peter Mauric 27th Loren Western

The Bellringer . Govans Presbyterian Church Newsletter

Govans Church Directory


♥Loving Couples ♥ The next Presbyterian Marriage Encounter Weekend will be Feb. 23-25 at the Vandiver Inn Bed and Breakfast in historic Havre de Grace, MD. The weekend will show you new ways to love, listen, and share with each other. We are looking for happily married couples who want to increase their joy. For more information, please call Dottie and Al Lund at 302-478-4209, or go online at: www.presby-me-org. Registra-tion deadline is Feb. 9th.

(continued from page 3) they became fast friends, so much so that they formed a partnership, Madsen and Andersen, specialists in rose growing. William Madsen and his wife Frances, are buried in our ceme-tery in lot 223, under a beautiful, four sided monument, their names engraved on opposite sides. Now, pay attention here, because my father, born in 1892, was named William Madsen Andersen, after guess who. And I am named after my father, William and my grandfather, Andrew. Now you can see why I have such an interest in the Govanstown Cemetery. William Andrew Andersen January ‘07

Page 5: WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG February 2007 The BellringerMost of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The

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The Bellringer . Govans Presbyterian Church Newsletter

Congregational Care Congregational Care is happy to have Pastor Tom Harris working with us and for us to minister to our homebound members. We have updated our list of names as well as visi-tors to reflect changes and new volunteers. A big thank you goes to members of the Govans’ family who have committed to visit/call a homebound member once a month or so, to check in with homebound members, and bring them cheery thoughts or occasional flowers. Also thanks to those who are participating in our birthday card ministry. If there is anyone who is in need of a visit, please call Mary Faith Ferretto at (410) 661-6720, or e-mail at [email protected].

Wishes for many blessings on 2007!

Christian Education Youth

Youth News Flash! There will be meetings of the Govans Youth Group on February 7 & 21th. (Ash Wednesday). All youth currently in grades 6-12 are in-vited! We meet in Sharp Hall or the Multipurpose Room downstairs from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Our goals are to at-tend to information, guidance, spirituality, service and community building! And we play fun games. Attention Travelers! Youth and their parents are invited to an information session about summer trips. The meeting will take place at Brown Memorial on Feb-ruary 11 at 1 p.m. Carpools will leave the Govans Gal-lery area after the 11 a.m. service. We will eat lunch with the youth group at Brown Memorial. Then, we will hear information about Montreat (July 8-14) and Hou Kola (various weeks in July-August) trips. We will also discuss scholarships and fundraising goals. All youth currently in grades 8-12 are welcome and encouraged to attend! For more details, talk to Mary Welliver-Dillon or email [email protected]. Hou Kola! means Hello, Friends! in Lakota. The Hou Kola Learning Camps, a part-nership between the Baltimore Presbytery and the Da-kota Presbytery in South Dakota, are annual summer op-portunities to meet and learn with new friends. An appli-cation form and information sheets for this summer's camps are now available online. Go to: houkolalearning-camps.org for more information, or check out the

Ministry Areas display in the gallery. If you'd like more information about this opportunity, see Hannah Morgan or Mary Wel-liver-Dillon!

Stewardship and Finance

This ministry is concerned with all aspects of fund-raising and management of financial resources for the church. It coordinates the preparation and administration of the annual budget, conducts the annual stewardship campaign and coordinates other fund-raising activities, supervises investments, and oversees the financial affairs of the church. S&F is responsible for encouraging the members of the church to maintain and increase their commitment to the ministry of the church. S&F has primary responsibility for the Stewardship Campaign. This involves oversight of the annual pledge drive, developing a budget, and communicating the pri-orities of the budget to the congregation. The pledge drive includes distribution of pledge cards to members of the church (through mail or personal delivery), communicat-ing reminders and the date of Pledge Sunday, totaling the pledges and communicating the total to the Session. S&F is responsible for the presentation of the pro-posed and actual budget to the congregation. Membership should also be encouraged during the Stewardship Campaign to give of their time and talents as well as financial resources. S&F Area should work closely with the Church Treas-urer in supplying monthly updates to the Session regard-ing the financial status of the church. The Congregation has to approve the pastoral com-pensation budget and concur with the 2007 budget on February 4th. All active members should attend.

Facilities Workday Invitation

When: Feb. 10 Where: Govans (inside) You can make a Time: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. difference!

Page 6: WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG February 2007 The BellringerMost of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The

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The Bellringer . Govans Presbyterian Church Newsletter

Lent – Consider adding,

not giving up. Christians have since the 2nd century has set aside the 40 days before Easter as a special time for spiritual prepara-tions. Historically, it was time of fasting, prayer and penance. These are worthy spiritual disciplines but some may want to try adding something for Lent. The adds:

1. Reconcile yourself to someone you don’t like or

someone you have wronged. 2. The bumper sticker “Practice random acts of

kindness” certainly is a good Lenten message. By performing kindnesses, we give others a tiny taste of God’s love.

3. Choose a daily task such as walking the dog. During Lent think about God while you are do-ing tasks and ways God connects with us during the task.

4. Consider reading, meditating, and prayer over scripture each day. Some people find the daily lection-ary a good source of scripture read-ings. These readings can be found in several places including the inter-net. See http://www.pcusa.org/devotions/lectionary/index.htm This site will even email the scriptures for the day to your PC.

It is my prayer that people who “add” for Lent will reduce the complexity of their daily lives and will find a renewal of faith.

Scrapbooking! 3rd Sat, every month

Learn about scrapbooking on the 3rd Satur-day of every month. For Feb., Amber Gaede, who leads the group, will be doing Valentines and Love pages. The group meets in the Mul-tipurpose room from 11 a.m.—5 p.m. Besides getting those photos out of a box, and dis-playing them so those memories can be shared, the meeting also offers a great op-portunity to make new friends and get to-gether with old. Contact Amber at [email protected].


Worship Leaders


4th Jane Blakenship

Isa. 6:1-8 (9-13); Ps. 138 1 Cor. 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11

11th Robin Chan-dlee

Jer. 17:5-10; Ps. 1; Cor. 15:12-20 Luke 6:17-26

18th Tom Muth Exod. 34:29-35; Ps. 99 2 Cor. 3:12-4:2; Luke 9:28-36 (37-43)

25th Drew Ander-son

Deut. 26:1-11; Ps. 9:1-2, 9-16 Rom. 10:8b-13; Luke 4:1-13

Smiley, friendly faces wanted for ushering at the 11 a.m. service. No heavy lifting. No math needed beyond counting the attendees. Meet new people. Enjoy being part of the service. A sign-up sheet is available on the bulletin board in the Gallery. Jon Morgan will then con-tact you or feel free to contact him at [email protected].

Session Notes

The new elders installed on the Session on Jan. 10 include: Kaycee MacDougall, Paul Robie, Bonnie Thomson, Carol Hamilton, and Bob Vickers. They join members Stuart Ray, Edith Brown, Lee Seabolt, Peter Conrad, Cindi D’Angelo, Stephen Gaede, Jeananne Stine, and Jim Williams. These members were invited by the Search Committee to share their God-given gifts in service to Govans. These elders will each be responsible for approxi-mately 10 church members in their area by main-taining contact, listening to concerns and complaints about the church, determining if there are needs the church can address.

Page 7: WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG February 2007 The BellringerMost of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The

Upcoming Events for Adults, Youth, and Children

Govans Presbyterian Winter Retreat

February 23-25, 2007 4 cabins, 8-12 people per cabin Location: Cacapon State Park,

Berkeley Springs, West Virginia Friday 3 p.m.-Sunday 12 noon

But listen to me.

For one moment, quit being sad. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms

around you, God.

Be melting snow, wash yourself of yourself. Rub your eyes and look again at love

with love. --Rumi

All ages, families, and friends are invited to participate in this wintertime retreat! Lodging is available for youth in a cottage setting, and for adults and families with children in lodge rooms. Scheduled events include Friday night dinner and ves-pers, Saturday morning workshops for adults, teens, and children, Saturday afternoon trips to the tubing slopes and the hot Roman Baths, Saturday night dinner followed by vespers, games, and conversation around the fireplace. If you do not wish to spend the night, you are welcome to come for Saturday only. Reservations for all events are recommended and lodging reservations are required. Please complete the single-page reservation, available at the church or by calling the church office, and return them to the church office. − Sponsored by Adult Options and the Children and Youth Ministry Area.

Retreat Schedule

Friday, February 23:

• Arrive at Cacapon cabins between 3 and 10 p.m. • Potluck dinner will be served between 6-8 p.m.

(Soup and bread provided.) • Vesper service at 8:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 24: • Breakfast in cabins between 6 and 8:30 a.m. • Morning worship at 9:15 a.m. in conference center

meeting room

• Workshops: 10-12 noon: • “Divining Our Ministry” for adults, Pastor

Tom facilitating • Youth breakout session • Children’s craft and game workshop • Lunch at noon

• Afternoon free for exploring! Some options in-clude: naps, snow tubing, hiking, hot baths, games, puzzles, visiting Berkeley Springs, eating.

• Dinner: On your own! (suggested venues pro-vided)

• Vesper service at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, February 25:

• Breakfast in cabins between 6 and 8:30 a.m. • Departure by 12 noon


Hello All,

We are offering a spring Yoga class for the low price of $40 for eight sessions. The class will be taught by registered yoga teacher Joanna

Brandt and will begin on Sunday, February 11 at 12:15 p.m. in the Multi-purpose

room. This is a great class for beginners and experienced practitioners alike as Jo-anna leads in a way that is gentle for new-

bies yet can challenge the experienced. The class will meet on the following dates: Feb. 11, 18, 25;

March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 15 (no class on April 1 & 8). If you have questions, feel free to email Julie McDill

at: [email protected] or call her at: 410-372-0028. Thanks!


A spaghetti dinner!! February 10 at 6:30 p.m. in Sharp Hall. Cost is $8 for adults, $3 for children (10 yrs. and un-der) Ice cream sundaes for dessert. Ice cream furnished; please bring all kinds of toppings to share. SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER

Tuesday, February 20th at 6 p.m. in Sharp Hall introducing One Great Hour of Sharing. ASH WEDNESDAY– Everyone is invited to attend the Ash Wednesday Service on February 21st at 7:15 p.m. This service will led by Pastor Tom with music leadership from the Praise Band. It will include prayer, reflection and an imposition of ashes. Hope everyone can make it.

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The Bellringer . Govans Presbyterian Church Newsletter

Page 8: WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG February 2007 The BellringerMost of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The

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The Bellringer . Govans Presbyterian Church Newsletter

(Bible Study, continued from page 2) traditional Christian ideas accessible, relevant and meaningful in our multi-faith, multi-cultural, postmodern world. I hope this study will help us do that together. We will begin at 10:00 a.m. with the video followed by the discussion. Everyone is welcome. Even if you have never attended Adult Options before you are welcome to join our discussion (or to just listen in). The dates will be February 11, 18, March 4, 11, 18 and 25. That will take us right up to Palm Sun-day. Please come for all or some of the Sessions. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Senior Network of North Baltimore: The Senior Network of North Baltimore is located in a building attached to Govans Presbyterian Church. To enter our parking lot, use the York Belvedere Medical Center drive-way at 5820 York Rd. Information on SNNB is available in their newsletter, ‘The Silver Scoop.” You may pick it up in the gallery, or have it delivered to your home. Contact the SNNB office at 410-323-7131. SNNB offers classes, clubs, lunches, trips, health, wellness activities, and more! If you are 55+, we need your opinion! Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation (GEDCO) has recently hired a consultant to assess the service needs of Stadium Place residents and of older residents in its surrounding neighborhoods. As part of the study, GEDCO would also like to explore the possibility of offering supportive services to elders in GEDCO Members’ congregations. The attached survey on pages 9 & 10 will help GEDCO understand the needs of older members of our congregation. If you are over 55 years of age, please an-swer the survey and return it to Govans Church Office by Feb. 12. Thank you for your help in identifying our parish’s needs. Govans Presbyterian Church 5828 York Rd. Baltimore, MD 21212

Dear GOD, Please send me a pony. I never asked for any-thing before, You can look it up. Dear GOD, Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other so much if they had their own rooms. It works with my brother. Dear GOD, I bet it is very hard for You to love all of every-body in the whole world. There are only 4 peo-ple in our family and I can never do it.

Dear GOD, Of all the people who work for You I like Noah and David the best. Dear GOD, My brother told me about being born but it doesn't sound right. They're just kidding, aren't they? Dear GOD, If You watch me in church Sunday, I'll show You my new shoes.

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Service Needs for GEDCO Member Congregations

Thank you very much for answering these questions. They will help GEDCO understand and assess whether it can address some of the needs of GEDCO member congregations. 1. What types of services would make it easier for you to continue to live in your home as you grow older?

a. Home and yard maintenance ______ b. Repairs to make your home safer and more accessible ______ c. Homemaker Service such as cooking, home-delivered meals, shop ping, house cleaning, laundry ______ d. Help with running errands ______ e. Help with paying bills, managing money, and understanding medical bills ______ f. A nearby Wellness Clinic where you can get weight, blood pressure & blood sugar checked and advice from a nurse. ______ g. A personal emergency response system or a fall alert mechanism ( like Lifeline or Emergency cord) ______ h. Transportation to doctors and shopping ______ i. Personal care services such as help making the bed, or having someone stand by to help you dress or take a shower or bath? ______ j. Medication assistance such as getting prescriptions filled, bringing medications to your apartment, medication reminders? ______ k. Nursing care ______

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l. Other services _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

2. Do you need any of these services now? No _____ Yes _______ If yes, which ones? ________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 3. Give us some general information about you. a. Sex: Male _____ Female _______ b. Age: _________________ c. Gross Household Monthly Income (This question will help GEDCO determine the economic possibility of offering services.) i. $350 or less per month ________ ii. $351 - $1,000 per month ________ iii. $1,001 - $4,000 per month ________ iv. Over $4,000 per month ________ d. In which zip code do you live? ________ e. Employment status? i. Employed full time ________ ii. Employed part time ________ iii. Retired ________ f. Would you be interested in volunteering to assist GEDCO in offering assis-tance to older residents in their homes? Activities might be friendly visiting, transportation to doctor’s and shopping, or help with running errands. Yes ______________ No ______________

Page 11: WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG February 2007 The BellringerMost of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 Communion 9:15 a.m. C&F Worship 10 a.m. Christian Ed. 11 a.m. Traditional Worship 12:15 pm Yoga


6 7 p.m. Hou Kola Steering Committee (Lib)

7 9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting (WR) 7:30 p.m. C&F Band

8 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal


10 9 - 12 p.m. Facilities workday in-side Govans 6:30 p.m. Spa-ghetti Dinner (SH)

11 9:15 a.m. C&F Worship 10 a.m. Christian Ed. 11 a.m. Traditional Worship 12:15 pm Yoga


13 10 a.m. Staff Meeting (WR) 6 p.m. Fundrais-ing Committee

14 9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting (WR) 7:30 p.m. C&F Band

15 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

16 17 11 a.m. Scrap-booking with Amber 6:30 p.m. Mariners at the Forbe’s.

18 Transfiguration of the Lord 9:15 a.m. C&F Worship 10 a.m. Christian Ed. 11 a.m. Traditional Worship 12:15 pm Yoga

19 Office closed President’s Day

20 6 p.m. Shrove Tuesday Pan-cake Supper 7 p.m. All Minis-tries Meeting (SH, Gallery, Lib, WR & workroom)

15 9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting (WR) 7 p.m. Finance Ministry 7:15 p.m. Ash Wednesday Ser-vice. 7:30 p.m. C&F Band

22 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

23 24

25 1st Sunday in Lent 9:15 a.m. C&F Worship 10 a.m. Christian Ed. 11 a.m. Traditional Worship 12:15 pm Yoga

26 27 7 p.m. Session (WR)

28 7:30 p.m. C&F Band

7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

WR = Waverly Rm. SH = Sharp Hall Lib = Library MP = Multipurpose Rm. C&F = Children and Family

Jewish, Islamic, and Orthodox Observances 19: Orthodox Great Lent begins

February 2007

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Page 12: WWW. GOVANSPRES.ORG February 2007 The BellringerMost of the savings came from reducing staff. This year’s budget plan calls for a modest deficit of slightly more than $4,000. “The

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9:15 A.M.


With Contemporary Music Coordinator: Mike Kirkpatrick

10 A.M.


11:00 A.M.


With Organ and Chancel Choir



The Ellen Morriss Memorial Labyrinth is open from dawn to dusk daily



Editor: Joyce Kruse Editorial board: Jon Morgan Mike Field Betsy Toland Ted Kruse