
MARA GOT IDEAS Bernie, 27 Mel, 21 Benassi, 24 “Giving youths a chance to rise above themselves, and empower them to make a change. Going around Malaysia, empowering lives, this is what we do”.

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MGI Malaysia Tour, 2010


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Bernie, 27Mel, 21Benassi, 24

“Giving youths a chance to rise above themselves, and empower them to make a change. Going around Malaysia, empowering lives, this is what we do”.

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What is Mara Got Ideas?

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#MARA GOT IDEAS was the brainchild of a small team of youths, with a vision to empower Malaysian Youths.

#A tour of 10 MARA campuses, over the course of three months, encompassing the entire Peninsular of Malaysia.

#Over 1000 students were presented with key challenges:

“Be innovative. How can you make yourself better?”

“Think outside the box, how can you generate income from where you are?”.

“What can you do to make a change in the space you‟re living in?”

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“How can you rise above the challenges that life has presented

you, and start #Winning?”

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For you see, no one has bothered to ask these beautiful youths about the questions that actually MATTER.

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“Stop relying on the compassion of others. How can you start helping others?”

“How can you turn your passions intomoney-makers, at a young age?”

“As a youth, do you realize the collective power that you hold?”

“You‟re the next generation that will take over this country. Are you prepared?”

“What can you do to give back to the community?”

“How can you make a change?”

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“How can we help you, help Yourself?”

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“When you actually take the time to talk to these kids out of sincerity to help them, with no ulterior motive whatsoever, you‟ll find that in each and every one of them, there‟s a burning desire to make a change, to become better, to rise above the tide. They just don‟t know how. That‟s where we come in”

-Bernard Hor, Senior Youth Specialist.

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“The whole tour was about engaging the youths. I guess you might call it a „seminar‟, or a „workshop‟, but I‟d rather simply call it a „youth-engagement session‟.

It was never about us, making a change. It was always about us being the catalyst that these youths need, to make a change for themselves. We want to encourage them to realize the potential that they have in themselves.

All their lives, they‟ve been following a specific set of mental rules, how things should be, what was possible, and what was not.

Now, we‟re not encouraging them to think outside the box. We‟re telling them to think WITHOUT the box” Zhen cui, Youth specialist

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“Training and engagement are very subjective things. They change, along with the course of time. You can‟t expect to use

the same method to teach a 17-year-old something as you would on a 40-year-old,


That‟s why when you‟re approaching the youth of today, you have to be very, very

careful. They‟re a lot smarter than kids were 30 years ago. They can see through

ulterior motives very easily. To get through to them, you have to speak their language.

We just came in for two days, with the mindset of helping these youths, while

having fun. We only got the ball rolling, but then they took it to a whole other level.

These kids, they‟re amazing”.

-Zamzuri Abd. Malik, Traning Specialist

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10 MARA Campuses.

1000 Students.

One Goal:

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But then again, don‟t take it from us. Listen

to them.

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“MGI ni, memang best la, bagi Alya. No program like it, since I joined KPMIM. Cara trainers approach kami memang lain la, taksangka program motivation boleh jadi best macam ni.

Setakat ni, kalau pantang ada program je, mesti semua orang tak nak pergi. Dah la kami semua kena paksa masuk MGI ni, so lagi la mentality semua orang macam dahtak best dah, tapi first day tu, within the first half-hour, memang semua orang start jadiceria la.

Memang layan gila. Trainers best, module diapun best, and I think I learned quite a lot from the entire program. Kalau boleh, tahundepan nak join lagi!

Two thumbs up!”

Alya Sham, 20, Shah Alam.

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“Kalau nak ditanya betul-betul la, sebenarnyabenda yang paling best pasal MGI ni, is that for the

first time dalam sejarah saya kat KPM ni la, sayarasa penting. Saya rasa macam saya sebahagian

dari sesuatu yang penting, dan saya terpilih (lebihkepada dipaksa) untuk join program ni.

Mula-mula tu, berat hati je pergi, tapi lepasdiorang masuk je, memang ada vibe best la. First benda yang diorang buat is suruh kitorang balik

tukar baju, sebab diorang nak kitorang rasa comfortable. Tak pernah lagi ada program MARA

yang buat macam tu.

Lepas program tu, memang rasa sedih la, sebabdah berakhir. Rasa macam dah kenal sangat

dengan trainers semua, abang zam, Bernard, Zhen. Memang diorang pandai ambik hati kitorang.

Senang cerita, memang best la!”

Siti Hajar, 20, Terengganu

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“MGI? Gempak! Bukan selalu, ada program yang boleh main campak-campak kertas kat member sebelah! Hahaha. Tapi seriously, memang best la experience dia. Tak macam program lain langsung. Kitorang tak expect pun benda fun, tapimemang ceria lah.

First time rasa productive sangat. Bila dudukdalam kelas pun, selalunya tidur, tapi kali ni, segar-bugar je. Depa memang pandai buataktiviti yang tak bosan, fun, and sangatlahrelevant. MARA memang teramatlah patut buatlebih banyak program macam ni.

Macam-macam idea membuak-buak time program tu. Rasa la kreativiti tu terkeluar sikit. Kalau tahun depan ada lagi, sign me up!”

Syed Faiz, 19, Penang

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With the proper engagement, sincerity and approach, we built sustainable relationships with the MARA youth, from 10 campuses all

over the Peninsular.

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See, it doesn‟t really matter what the nature of your

business is.

If it involves the youth, it involves engagement. If it involves engagement, it involves dialogue. If it

involves dialogue, it means building a relationship.

The entire point of our tour was to speak with the youth, build relationships, and ultimately, share an incredible experience together. This is what we do.

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We specialize in youth research, engagement, and


We are in the business of building solid, sustainable relationships with

the Youth of Today.

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If you‟re interested in the youth demographic, it‟s time

to start asking the right questions.

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For more info, you can contact us through the link provided on the homepage, or drop us a line.

+6017 380 [email protected]