www.bsc.es 4th international charmex workshop, trieste, 20-24 october 2014 s. basart a...

Download Www.bsc.es 4th International ChArMEx Workshop, Trieste, 20-24 October 2014 S. Basart a (sara.basart@bsc.es), F. Dulac b, J.M. Baldasano a,c, P. Nabat d,

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  • www.bsc.es 4th International ChArMEx Workshop, Trieste, 20-24 October 2014 S. Basart a ([email protected]), F. Dulac b, J.M. Baldasano a,c, P. Nabat d, M. Mallet e, L. Roblou e, F. Solmon f, B. Laurent g, J. Vincent g, L. Menut h, G. Siour d, L. El Amraoui d, B. Sic d, J.-P. Chaboureau e, J.-F. Lon e, K. Schepanski i, J.-B.Renard j, F. Ravetta k, J. Pelon k, C. Di Biagio g, P. Formenti g, I. Chiapello l, J.-L. Roujean d, X. Ceamanos d, D. Carrer d, M. Sicard m,H. Delbarre n, S. Bouffies-Cloche g and J.-L. Atti d,e ChArMEx dust model intercomparison over summer 2012: preliminary results
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  • Model intercomparison: Participating Models 2 Dust modelInstitution Meteo driver Intial fields Spatial resolution Emission Scheme Radiative feedbacks ALADIN-DustCNRM-GAME ARPEGE 24 km x 24 km 70 layers MB95YES ALADIN-ClimateCNRM-GAME ERA-Interim 50 km x 50 km 31 layers MB95YES BSC-DREAM8b v2BSC-CNS ETA NCEP-FNL 0,33 x 0,33 24 Eta-layers S93YES CHIMERELISA, LMD and INERIS ECMWF ERA-Interim 0,25 x 0,25 15 -layers MB95,AG01NO COSMO-MUSCAT Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research COSMO GME 0,25 x 0,25 40 -layers T02YES MESO-NH Laboratoire dArologie ECMWF ERA-Interim 15km x 15 km 15 -layers Z03,AG01YES MOCAGECNRM-GAME ARPEGE ERA-Interim 0,2 x 0,2 47 -layers MB95NO NMMB/BSC-DustBSC-CNS NMMB NCEP-FNL 0,25 x 0,25 40 -layers MB95NO RegCM Laboratoire dArologie ECMWF ERA-Interim 25km x 25 km 23 layers MB95YES MB95: Marticorena and Bergametti, 1995 AG01: Alfaro and Gomes, 2001 S93: Shao et al., 1993 Z03: Zender et al., 2003
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  • Model configuration Simulated period: from 01-Jun-2012 to 31-Aug-2012 Initial time forecast: 0UTC Time resolution: 3-hourly basis Simulated region: North Africa, Europe and Middle East 24h analysis simulations (except RegCM and ALADIN-CCM) Observations from ChArMEx/TRAQA Meteorological variables (radars, radiosoundings,) Air quality (Ground-surface PM 10 concentrations) Optical properties from ground-based (AERONET, EARLINET) and satellite- platforms observations (MODIS, MISR, MSG, POLDER-3, CALIPSO) Weekly deposition CARAGA network 2 original balloon soundings with the OPC LOAC (particle size distribution) and airborne lidar observations during a late June intense dust event (golden case) 3 Model intercomparison: Description
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  • 4 Model intercomparison: Satellite comparison Summer 2012 average AOD at 550 nm
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  • Model intercomparison: AERONET comparison 5 AERONET The AERONET-Level 2 comparison shows that the set of models are capable to reproduce the most important events in the Mediterranean, with a large range of AOD 550 values associated to the maximum concentrations. Barcelona Avignon Lampedusa Palma de Mallorca The models generally underestimate the peak AOD, especially during the intense late June event.
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  • Model intercomparison: AERONET comparison 6 NOTE: The statistics are calculated applying a dust filter to the AERONET observations observations: Angstrom Exponent 440-870nm 1.2 is a non-dust situation and the corresponding observed AOD = 0. The rest of the cases are not considered. AERONET The AERONET statistical comparison shows that in general the set of models are capable to reproduce the seasonal variability with correlation > 0.6 (except for the climate model RegCM). RegCM and ALADIN-CCM are not forced by meteorological fields every 24 hours BarcelonaPalma de MallorcaLampedusaAvignon MODELSrRMSEMBrRMSEMBrRMSEMBrRMSEMB ALADIN-CCM0,740,15-0,050,760,15-0,060,750,12-0,020,800,10-0,03 ALADIN-Dust0,760,15-0,020,830,16-0,080,760,13-0,030,830,09-0,01 BSC-DREAM8b v20,600,18-0,010,830,16-0,080,780,13-0,030,820,09-0,01 CHIMERE0,620,16-0,020,750,16-0,080,780,12-0,040,720,10-0,04 COSMO-MUSCAT0,760,170,070,690,210,050,810,120,030,730,110,04 MESO-NH0,810,13-0,030,860,13-0,060,780,12-0,030,830,09-0,03 MOCAGE0,720,15-0,020,790,14-0,050,760,12-0,010,790,09-0,01 NMMB/BSC-Dust0,840,16-0,070,790,19-0,120,850,15-0,100,830,11-0,05 RegCM-Dust0,170,260,050,440,21-0,000,380,20-0,010,480,140,02 MEDIAN MEDIAN0,790,14-0,040,870,14-0,080,870,10-0,040,880,09-0,03
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  • Model intercomparison: On-going activities 7 PM10 comparison using EEA dataset (daily basis)
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  • Model intercomparison: On-going activities 8 Deposition comparison using observations from CARAGA Network The total (dry and wet) deposition fluxes for the period 21 June (noontime) to 5 July (noontime) will be used.
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  • ChArMEx/TRAQA campaign Pre-ChArMEx/TRAQA Campaign on late June 2012 9 1.0 0.5 0.0 MSG/SEVIRI, 29th June Late June 22 June - 03 July 29 th June
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  • Pre-ChArMEx/TRAQA campaign: Dust golden event 10 Over the Western Mediterranean, high aerosol concentrations were observed between 1 and 5 km. Desert dust was predicted in altitudes