wysiwyg release notes

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    wysiwyg Release 25 Release Notes Version 1 Thank you for installing the Release 25 of wysiwyg. These release notes provide

    information about documentation and known issues.

    Getting started with wysiwyg R25............................................................................ 3

    Documentation sources ..................................................................................... 3

    Sample files ................................................................................................ 3

    Template files ............................................................................................. 3

    Useful information .............................................................................................. 3

    wysiwyg compatibility with Vivien-Virtual Event Designer ........................................... 3

    Vivien file version compatibility........................................................................... 4

    Hard drive compatibility .................................................................................... 4

    Video card compatibility .................................................................................... 4

    New features in wysiwyg R25 ................................................................................. 5

    CAD Mode ...................................................................................................... 5

    Send to Back/Bring to Front............................................................................. 5

    Text Toolbar ............................................................................................... 5

    Alignment Tools and Toolbar............................................................................ 5

    Polygon Tool................................................................................................ 6

    Convert Lines into Surfaces ............................................................................. 6

    Select Fixtures on a Pipe/Truss......................................................................... 6

    Cycle Selection ............................................................................................ 6

    Visual Indicators for Truss Assembly ................................................................... 7

    Updated Shutters Tab .................................................................................... 8

    Toggle Beam Dragging .................................................................................... 9

    New AutoCAD Entities Supported for Import ......................................................... 9

    Design Mode ................................................................................................... 9

    Pan and/or Tilt Locking in the Focus Designer Tool ................................................ 9

    PRES Mode ..................................................................................................... 9

    Locking Objects in Layouts .............................................................................. 9

    Text Toolbar (Layouts and New Plots)................................................................. 9

    Alignment Tools (Layouts and New Plots) and Toolbar ............................................. 9

    Video ......................................................................................................... 10

    Splitting Video into Subsources ....................................................................... 10

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    Displaying Video (Sources and Subsources) on LED Walls ........................................ 10

    Quick Video Tool ........................................................................................ 10

    Video Displayed on all CAD Primitive Objects...................................................... 10

    Enhanced Projected Video Option ................................................................... 10

    Cameras ...................................................................................................... 11

    Interface to the Luminair App ........................................................................... 11

    64-bit Drivers for WYG-it 2 Devices ..................................................................... 13

    New Library items in wysiwyg R25 ......................................................................... 13

    New Automated Fixtures.................................................................................. 13

    New Color Changer Fixture ............................................................................... 14

    New Conventional Fixture ................................................................................ 14

    New Effects Fixtures....................................................................................... 14

    New LED Fixtures ........................................................................................... 14

    New Video Projectors...................................................................................... 15

    New Accessories ............................................................................................ 15

    New Truss.................................................................................................... 15

    New Gobos................................................................................................... 18

    New Lamps .................................................................................................. 22

    New Gel Colors.............................................................................................. 22

    Updated/Corrected Fixtures ............................................................................. 23

    Enhancements to existing wysiwyg features ............................................................. 25

    CAD Mode .................................................................................................... 25

    PRES Mode ................................................................................................... 25

    Shaded View................................................................................................. 25

    Library........................................................................................................ 26

    LED Walls .................................................................................................... 26

    Other ......................................................................................................... 26

    Resolved Issues in wysiwyg R25 ............................................................................. 27

    Known Issues ................................................................................................... 28

    New CamStudio Codec Available ........................................................................... 32

    Contacting Technical Support............................................................................... 32

    Copyright Information ........................................................................................ 32

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    Getting started with wysiwyg R25

    To help you get started using wysiwyg, various resources are available for your use.

    Documentation sources Documentation sources are available in several locations for your convenience:

    On your Windows computer, click Start > Programs > wysiwyg shortcut menu (once

    wysiwyg has been installed) All wysiwyg documentation is available for download from the CAST Web site:


    Sources include:

    Reference Guide

    Quick Start Guide

    Quick Start Tutorial

    Release Notes

    Sample files

    Sample wysiwyg files are provided with the installation for you to use as examples or references.

    There are sample AutoCAD files, report heading files, as well as several files from various disciplines.

    These files can be found in the \Samples folder where you installed wysiwyg (for example,

    C:\Program Files\WYSIWYG Release 25\Samples).

    Template files Sample template files are provided with the installation for you to use as desired. There are several

    basic templates such as plot, studio, and theatre files.

    These files can be found in the Templates folder where you installed wysiwyg (for example,

    C:\Program Files\WYSIWYG Release 25\Templates).

    Useful information

    wysiwyg compatibility with Vivien-Virtual Event Designer Are you a Lighting Designer who manages venue layouts, produces events, or liaises with event

    planners/designers or service providers?

    wysiwyg is compatible with Vivien-Virtual Event Designer, CAST Softwares award-winning special

    events planning and design software tool. You can create your shows in wysiwyg and then open the

    files in Vivien to make use of its automated Wizards for adding event items, such as seating areas,

    tables, and chairs.

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    You can use VivienVirtual Event Designer to increase your planning efficiency. Vivien is the sales,

    planning, design, and production tool designed for the meeting and special events industry. LDs can

    use it for creating quick concepts to demonstrate their ideas. As wysiwyg deals with the stage,

    Vivien deals with the venue. Both wysiwyg and Vivien:

    Feature simplified CAD tools to plot or lay out floor spaces or lighting plans

    Deliver photorealistic renderings of these drawings

    Contain 1000s of library objects designed for the industry

    Share the same reliable, robust base code

    Deliver eye-popping visuals

    Provide wizards for common tasks

    Vivien file version compatibility Due to the differing release schedules of Vivien and wysiwyg, Vivien 2010 is only directly

    compatible with wysiwyg R24. Therefore, while you can open Vivien 2010 files with wysiwyg R25,

    files drawn in R25 for use in Vivien 2010 must first be saved as a Vivien 2010 file (File > Save As).

    Note, it is highly recommended that wysiwyg users first save their work as an R25 file, and then

    save in the Vivien 2010 format before opening the file in Vivien.

    Hard drive compatibility Due to restrictions in file name length, you cannot install wysiwyg on a FAT32-formatted hard drive.

    Instead, you must install the product on an NTFS-formatted hard drive. For details, see


    Video card compatibility To display our beam simulation in the Shaded views, the video card requirements have changed as of

    Release 22. Our simulation feature takes advantage of advanced graphical technologies available only

    in OpenGL 2.0. As a result, your computer must have a video card that supports OpenGL 2.0 to run

    this latest version of wysiwyg with its enhanced features. If you do not have this type of card, a

    warning will appear and the Enhanced Simulation option will not be available.

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    New features in wysiwyg R25

    In addition to numerous library updates, Release 25 includes the following new features and


    CAD Mode

    Send to Back/Bring to Front

    This feature will be very useful for correcting draw order issues. Currently, wysiwyg displays objects on top of each other in the order in which they were added to the drawing. For example, if a table was drawn/inserted after a piece of truss, it will appear above that truss (in Plan View), even though the table is on the floor and the truss is up in the air. To use this feature, simply select an object, right-click, and select the appropriate option (i.e. Send to Back or Bring to Front) from the menu that appears.

    o The Bring to Front option will place the selected object above everything else in the drawing.

    o The Send to Back option will place the selected object below everything else in the drawing.

    Note: When you use this feature, the physical location of the objects is unchanged; you are only changing the way in which they appear in the drawing.

    Text Toolbar

    A Text Toolbar has been added to CAD mode and PRES mode (both for Layouts and New Plots), making it easier to work with Text Labels. Using this feature, you can quickly change text fonts, height, styles, and alignment by simply selecting the Text Label and making the modifications from the toolbar (as opposed to accessing the Properties window). The following are some highlights of this feature:

    o changes made through the Text Toolbar are reflected in the Text Labels Properties o in CAD mode and PRES > New Plots, change the Anchor point to physically shift the

    Text Label object as desired o in PRES > Layouts, align the text to shift its position within the Text Label object o in PRES > Layouts only, toggle the Wrap Text button to allow wrapping in the

    selected text box: when enabled, use SHIFT+ENTER to force a new line when enabled, vertical alignment cannot be enforced

    Alignment Tools and Toolbar

    Alignment tools have been added in CAD mode and PRES mode (both for Layouts and for New Plots) that can be used to align any objects in the scene based on criteria that you set. These tools work for any objects except fixtures, which always hang on pipes or truss. The Alignment tool options appear at the top of the Align menu:

    o To First Selected: objects selected after the first object was selected will align (Left, Right, Centered Horizontally, etc.) to that first object

    o To Last Selected: objects selected before the last object was selected will align (Left, Right, Centered Horizontally, etc.) to that last object

    o To Extents: all selected objects (regardless of selection order) will align to the left-most, right-most, bottom-most, etc. point of the left-most, right-most, bottom-most, etc. object, respectively

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    An Align Toolbar has been added to CAD mode and PRES mode (both for Layouts and New Plots), making it easier to work with the alignment tools.

    Polygon Tool

    You can use the Polygon Tool to quickly create Surfaces or Closed Lines with up to 40 edges

    of equal length. You can also give the Surface or Line a specified height. To use this new

    tool, click Draw > Polygon, set the number of edges, specify how to calculate the size of the

    polygon, and then choose which type of object to create. Note that this tool does not have

    an Interactive mode.

    Convert Lines into Surfaces

    Just as you can convert a circle into a surface, you can now do so with lines. Select a single

    multi-segment Line object, and click Tools > Convert > Lines to Surfaces. Note that if the

    line is not closed, this operation will close it by connecting the start and end points.

    Select Fixtures on a Pipe/Truss

    You can now select all the fixtures on a hang structure, or only select certain fixtures on that

    hang structure, by fixture type. Aside from the obvious improvements to selection options,

    this feature will be most useful when exporting fixture point-of-view (POV) images to the

    Luminair app on any iPhone or iPod Touch. Select the hang structure, right-click, and choose

    Select All > Select All on Selected Pipe/Truss.

    Cycle Selection

    This new feature will come in handy when you need to select an object that shares an edge

    with another object. For example, if you need to select the roof of a building that shares its

    edges with the buildings walls. Left-to-right drag-selection in a side or elevation view works,

    of course, but there are many cases when this method cannot be used. To activate Cycle

    Selection, simply press SHIFT before clicking to select. When Cycle Selection is active, Cycle

    On appears in the wysiwyg Status Bar. To select the object, you must click in a spot where

    two or more lines overlap or intersect (by lines we do not necessarily mean Line objects,

    but lines that are part of anything drawn or inserted from the library).

    To continue selecting, keep pressing SHIFT to continue cycling through all the items that

    share the coordinate where you have clicked (in the order in which they were added to the



    o If you also press CTRL at the same time as SHIFT, you can add items to an existing

    selection set when those items can only be selected by Cycle Selection.

    o Hold down CTRL+SHIFT and click at a coordinate where something in the same cycle

    set was already selected to cycle through all items again, including the one already


    o Ensure that when cycling through the cycle set, you do not by mistake deselect an

    item that you need to have selected (although in order to do so, you would have to

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    release CTRL+SHIFT when you cycle to this item instead of holding CTRL+SHIFT down

    as you pass over it).

    Visual Indicators for Truss Assembly

    When hanging or selecting truss, a 3D indicator appears, displaying a directional/positional

    reference for the individual piece of truss. You can use these indicators as a visual guide,

    helping you to assemble truss structures and instantly determine if a truss piece was not

    assembled as intended. Note that these 3D indicators are in no way related to wysiwygs

    coordinate system; it is still strongly recommended that you build truss structures in

    Isometric view and follow the left-to-right truss assembly rule. When a truss structure is

    completed, as long as the indicators for all the component pieces align (taking into

    consideration corner blocks and connectors see example below), fixtures will hang correctly

    from this structure.

    Indicators are visible whenever you select truss or when you are in the process of assembling/inserting it. When you are snapping a new piece of truss to an existing piece, if you see that the indicator for the existing piece does not align with the indicator for the new piece, right-click and select a different mountpoint, or roll the truss as necessary (rolling truss usually applies to triangular truss or with corner blocks) to ensure that the two indicators align. Example

    Naturally, corner blocks and connectors have to be taken into consideration when used. For example, in the truss structure shown below (starting from the bottom left-most section and traversing counter-clockwise), the two truss pieces along the bottom have matching indicators.

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    When the 90 corner block is used, however, the running direction of the truss changes. As such, the next truss piece is now rotated, as shown by its indicator. This continues all the way around this rectangular truss structure until we connect back to the bottom-left corner.

    As the example demonstrates, while not all indicators will align in the same orientation

    (which would be impossible), the assembly may still be correct. When creating truss

    structures, take a moment at each corner block to analyze how the running direction of the

    truss changes due to the corner block. To do so, look at the indicator alone and visualize

    what would happen if you rotated it by 90 (or another angle, depending on which corner

    block/connector you are using):

    o If the indicator of the existing piece had the red line pointing to your right and green pointing up, rotating it 90 counter-clockwise would cause the green line to point to your left and the red line to point up.

    o Rotating the indicator 90 clockwise would cause the green line to point right and the red line to point down.

    These are the only two cases in which fixtures hanging from the two pieces attached to the 90 corner block would behave as expected; should the indicators appear in any other positions, undo and assemble the truss again, making sure not to activate any of the right-click roll/alternate mountpoint options as you begin the assembly.

    As you can see from the isometric screenshot of this same truss structure (below), all of the blue indicators are pointing in the same direction, so all lights hung from this truss will point down to the floor.

    Updated Shutters Tab

    In wysiwyg Release 25, the functionality formerly offered on both the Shutters and Point of

    View tabs has been merged onto the redesigned Shutters tab, making it easier and faster to

    use. The redesigned tab includes a larger graphic area for arranging your shutter cuts, angle

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    values (in degrees) for Barrel Rotation, as well as a "Reset shutter cuts" button that enables

    you to reset the shutter cuts to their default positions without resetting the barrel rotation.

    Toggle Beam Dragging

    Use this new option to enable or disable click-and-drag focusing. This option is useful when a

    scene/plot contains a large number of fixtures, many of which have been turned on (in

    Design mode). In such a case, it is fairly easy to make the mistake of clicking-and-dragging a

    beam by accident. By turning this option off, however, you can no longer drag the beam,

    thereby preventing such mistakes.

    New AutoCAD Entities Supported for Import

    You can now import Leader Line and Text and Ellipse Circle or Line DWG/DXF entities into

    wysiwyg. After importing a Leader Line and Text, note that the leaders text component is

    imported as text and its line is imported as a line. For Ellipse Circle or Line DWG/DXF

    entities, a closed AutoCAD ellipse will be imported as a circle; otherwise, it is imported as a

    multi-segment line.

    Design Mode

    Pan and/or Tilt Locking in the Focus Designer Tool

    Much like on a console, Pan and/or Tilt can now be locked out from the trackpad in the Focus Designer Tool in order to prevent movement along the specified axis. This new feature provides more control while focusing moving lights. After selecting and turning on the fixtures that need to be focused, select the appropriate focusing option from the Focus Designer Tools new drop-down, and then click and drag within the trackpad to move the beam in the desired direction. Note that this drop-down only applies to the trackpad itself and will not prevent the clicking and dragging of the beam in any direction in a Wireframe

    view or the assignment of a Focus Position.

    PRES Mode

    Locking Objects in Layouts

    You can now lock any object to avoid accidentally moving it once its in place. To lock an object, select it and click the lock icon on the Plots Edit toolbar; to unlock an object, select it and click the same lock icon. The hotkey for locking/unlocking an object is CTRL+L. When selected, the grips around locked objects appear Red (instead of the standard Black). You can select locked objects (to access their Properties) and copy them.

    Text Toolbar (Layouts and New Plots)

    For details on this feature, see the CAD Mode section above.

    Alignment Tools (Layouts and New Plots) and Toolbar

    For details on this feature, see the CAD Mode section above.

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    Splitting Video into Subsources

    This feature will allow you to split a Video Source into Subsources in order to feed a portion of the incoming video to separate LED Walls, Projectors, or Screens. You can split video sources in one of two ways:

    o Single Split: by entering the name, start, and end coordinates of each Subsource o Multi Split: by entering the name and number of rows and columns to split the

    source into and allowing wysiwyg to calculate the start and end coordinates of each Subsource

    Displaying Video (Sources and Subsources) on LED Walls

    If you choose to display anything in the preview area of the Split Video tab, it will display the first non-black frame of the selected video source. Once you have created a Subsource, you can attach it to any object that can have video attached to it: LED Walls (drawn with LED Wall wizard), Screens (drawn), or video Projectors of any kind (inserted from the Library). To play the video from a Subsource, simply play the main Video Source from the Video Designer Tool (Design or Live modes).

    Quick Video Tool

    The Quick Video Tool enables you to quickly configure which video sources and subsources to

    apply to selected objects like screens and LED Walls in your drawing. After importing your

    video using the Video Manager, and possibly splitting the video into subsources, use the Quick

    Video Tool to quickly apply a video source to any object that supports video by just clicking

    on it. This new feature is very helpful and speeds up the process of applying numerous

    subsources created through the new Video Splitting feature.

    Video Displayed on all CAD Primitive Objects Just as you can apply an image or texture to a surface (or any element of a CAD primitive object), the option of applying video to these objects is now available. After importing a video source from the Video Manager, open the Appearance Tab of the object and apply any video to a surface, any side of a riser, or even a sphere. Your video options are endless! Tip: Use the "Disable Ambient Light" checkbox option with objects displaying video so they are not impacted by the ambient light setting of the Shaded View.

    Enhanced Projected Video Option

    The "Enhance Projected Video" option has been added to the Shaded View options to increase the display resolution of projected videos from Video Projectors and DL fixtures. By turning this option on in the Enhanced Beam section of the View Options, the footprint of the projected beams will appear sharper. NOTE: This feature offers a trade-off to the user, offering better visual quality at the cost of lower performance.

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    In R25, weve added three main improvements to the Camera tool:

    o Locking: You can now lock Cameras in place to avoid accidentally moving/zooming them in the Shaded view. To lock the Camera in the Shaded view, simply click the Lock icon on the Camera toolbar. A locked Camera is indicated with a lock icon in the Camera toolbars drop-down. Additionally, if you attempt to move a locked Camera, the lock icon also appears in the middle of the Shaded view. To unlock a Camera, click the lock icon. You can always access a Cameras Properties by clicking the Properties button on the Camera toolbar.

    o Switching Hotkeys: Number/Numpad keys 1 through 9 are now automatically assigned to new Cameras as you create them, so you can quickly switch from one Camera to the next. Hotkeys are assigned in ascending order (starting with 1 for the first Camera you create, 2 for the next one, and so on, all the way to 9). If you wish to change the hotkey assignment for a Camera, access the Cameras Properties, and then select the new hotkey from the Assigned Hotkey drop-down; to remove a hotkey assignment, simply choose None from the same drop-down.

    o Save Shaded View as New Camera: How many times have you set up a perfect shot in the Shaded view only to realize that you werent using a Camera? As of R25, this will no longer be a problem. Simply right-click in the Shaded view and select Save Shaded View as New Camera (or click the corresponding icon on the Camera Toolbar).

    The Camera toolbar has been updated to reflect all these new features.

    Interface to the Luminair App This new interface enables you to export Fixture POVs and their associated information to

    the Luminair app, allowing Luminair users to associate a visual reference with cues in the app. To use it, you must ensure that there is an accessible WIFI network for the computer that is running wysiwyg R25 and for the iPhone/iPod Touch running the Luminair 2.0 app. Follow the steps below to connect to Luminair.

    To connect to Luminair

    1. In wysiwyg, click Options > Application Options, and then click the Additional Interfaces


    2. Click the checkbox to enable the Luminair interface. (If this option was previously turned off,

    please save your file and then stop/restart wysiwyg.)

    3. In the Luminair app, on the Main tab, go to Preferences and then scroll to the bottom and

    select Bonjour File Transfer.

    4. Set a four-digit password, and then click Start Server. Once this completes successfully, the

    IP address of this device will appear in the lower part of the screen.

    5. Restart wysiwyg.

    6. Click Options > Application Options, and then click the Additional Interfaces tab.

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    7. In the Server IP Address box, specify the IP address of the iPhone/iPod Touch device where

    Luminair is running.

    8. In the Server Password box, type the same password as that which you set in the Bonjour File

    Transfer window in Luminair.

    9. Click OK.

    10. In your wysiwyg file, insert some fixtures that you would like to upload to Luminair.

    11. In CAD Mode, click the Quad tab.

    12. In any of the CAD Wireframe views, select the fixtures that you want to export, and then

    right-click in the Shaded View and select Export Fixture POVs.

    13. Here you have the option to render and upload the selected fixtures' POVs to a folder or to

    Luminair. Select Upload to Luminair, and then click Export. The Export process begins and

    the Fixture POVs will flash across your screen as they are exported/loaded into Luminair.

    14. Once the upload is completed, click Stop Server to stop the File Transfer server on the

    iPhone/iPod Touch.

    15. Click OK to confirm that you are closing the connection.

    16. In Luminair, navigate to the Controls tab.

    17. In the top left corner, use the + button to add cues, and to import the quick cues from


    18. Click From WYSIWYG.

    Result: A list of all wysiwyg files previously used to upload POV images is displayed.

    19. Select the file name that contains the POV images that you would like to open.

    Result: When loading completes, the upload POV images have created new cues (identified

    with a 'w' in the top left corner). Each of these cues now has an associated image and fixture

    information that was exported from wysiwyg.

    20. To view details associated with a cue, click on the white label under the number. This will

    open the properties of this cue, displaying its fixture information (imported from wysiwyg).

    The image is also assigned and its thumbnail is visible in the top left corner. Click on this

    thumbnail to enlarge the image.

    21. Once you are finished using wysiwyg and Luminair, you can disable the Luminair Interface

    from the Application Options > Additional Interfaces tab.

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    64-bit Drivers for WYG-it 2 Devices

    Drivers compatible with 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Vista, and 7 are now available for

    download from the CAST Software Web site: http://www.cast-soft.com.

    New Library items in wysiwyg R25

    Many new and updated library items are available in wysiwyg R25 (34 fixtures, 2 accessories, 73

    truss items, 133 gobos, 7 bulbs, and 9 gels).

    Three Generic projectors (Small, Medium and Large) have been added to the Library. By default, these projectors use a generic zoom lens, but actual lenses (fixed and zoom) can be assigned to these projectors as well. Where applicable, you can adjust the zoom manually in the projectors Properties or through the Zoom Designer Tool (in Design mode); the adjustment method is selected from the Options tab of the projectors Properties.

    New Automated Fixtures

    Manufacturer Model

    Clay Paky Golden Scan 4

    Mini Scan HP3

    Alpha Spot HPE 700

    Alpha Wash 700

    Alpha Beam 700

    Alpha Beam 1500

    GLP Impression XL

    Impression White-Amber

    Impression CCW

    Impression WCC

    Impression 120 RZ RGB


    Martin Mac 250 Beam

    PR Lighting XL 250

    XL 1500

    XL 1500 Wash

    Showtec Explorer 575 Spot MIKII

    Varilite VLX Wash

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    New Color Changer Fixture

    Manufacturer Model

    Ocean Optics Seachanger Wash

    New Conventional Fixture

    Manufacturer Model

    Generic Par 16 Stubbi

    New Effects Fixtures

    Manufacturer Model

    Blisslights Blisslight

    The Effects

    Company Super Smoke 3000

    Cirrus Lowsmoke

    New LED Fixtures

    Manufacturer Model

    Chroma Q Color Block Beamless

    Color Block 2 Beamless

    Color Kinetics iColor Accent Powercore 24

    iColor Accent Powercore 48

    iColor Accent Powercore 96

    Focon ELP 30

    ELP 78

    Martin Stagebar 54L Opaque

    Stagebar 54S Opaque

    Nash Ingenieria en




    Philipps DynaFlood 60

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    Manufacturer Model

    LED Strip II

    New Video Projectors

    Manufacturer Model

    Generic Small Video Projector

    Medium Video Projector

    Large Video Projector

    New Accessories

    Manufacturer Model

    Apollo Smart Color 5.25

    Smart Color 7.25

    Smart Color 7.25 PRO

    Smart Color 10

    New Truss

    Manufacturer Series Component

    Generic Curved Box 20.5" x 20.5" 50ft Inner Diameter 20 Segment

    Curved Box 20.5" x 20.5" 60ft Inner Diameter 20 Segment

    Curved Box 20.5" x 20.5" 80ft Inner Diameter 20 Segment

    Curved Box 20.5" x 20.5" 100ft Inner Diameter 20 Segment

    Curved Box 20.5" x 20.5" 120ft Inner Diameter 20 Segment

    Curved Box 20.5" x 20.5" 160ft Inner Diameter 20 Segment

    Floor Mount Followspot Stand

    HOF 305-4 0.5m

    305-4 1m

    305-4 1.5m

    305-4 2m

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    Manufacturer Series Component

    305-4 2.5m

    305-4 3m

    305-4 4m

    305-4 2 way Cornerblock

    305-4 3 way Cornerblock

    305-4 4 way Cornerblock

    305-4 5 way Cornerblock

    305-4 6 way Cornerblock

    520-4 0.5m

    520-4 1m

    520-4 2m

    520-4 3m

    520-4 4m

    520-4 2 way Cornerblock

    520-4 3 way Cornerblock

    520-4 4 way Cornerblock

    520-4 5 way Cornerblock

    520-4 6 way Cornerblock

    Litec Accessories RAF047

    Accessories RAF100

    Accessories RAF200

    Accessories RAF300

    Accessories RAH100M3P

    Accessories RAH141M3P

    Accessories RAH282M3P

    Accessories RAF047

    FL76 Roof System FL76047p

    FL76 Roof System FL76047r

    FL76 Roof System FL76047v

    FL76 Roof System FL76100p

    FL76 Roof System FL76100r

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    Manufacturer Series Component

    FL76 Roof System FL76100v

    FL76 Roof System FL76111rh

    FL76 Roof System FL76200p

    FL76 Roof System FL76200r

    FL76 Roof System FL76200v

    FL76 Roof System FL76300p

    FL76 Roof System FL76300r

    FL76 Roof System FL76300v

    FL105 Roof System FL10552CS04

    FL105 Roof System FL105086v

    FL105 Roof System FL105186v

    Milos M290V QUATRO QTV790

    MR1 Roof System MR1 Arch Angle SR

    MR1 Roof System MR1 Roof Arch

    MR1 Roof System MR1 Roof Back Corner SL

    MR1 Roof System MR1 Roof Back Corner SR

    MR1 Roof System MR1 Roof Front Corner SL

    MR1 Roof System MR1 Roof Front Corner RL

    MR1 Roof System MR1 Roof Side T

    MR2 Roof System MR2 Roof Slope R

    MR2 Roof System MR2 Roof Slope L

    MR2 Roof System MR2 QTBNAB-SR

    MR2 Roof System MR2 QTBNAB-SL

    MR2 Roof System QTL351-A

    MR2 Roof System QCL21VR-A

    MT1 Tower MT1-01 Tower Base

    MT1 Tower MT1-02 Tower Head

    MT1 Tower MT1-03 Tower Sleeve Block

    MT1 Tower MT1-07-Tower Hinges

    Prolyte H30V R600-12

    H40V R600-12

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    Manufacturer Series Component

    Tom Cat 12in Curved Box 15ft, 4 Segment Curved Section

    New Gobos

    Manufacturer Model

    Clay Paky CP 083232

    Coemar CM GC196

    CM GO61

    CM GO62

    CM GO63

    CM GO64

    CM GO65

    CM GO66

    CM GO67

    CM GO68

    CM GO69

    CM GO70

    CM GO71

    CM GO72

    CM GO73

    CM GO74

    CM GO190

    CM GO191

    CM GO195

    CM GO196

    CM GO198

    CM GO199

    CM GO200

    CM GO201

    CM GO202

    CM GO203

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    Manufacturer Model

    CM GO204

    CM GO205

    CM GO206

    CM GO207

    CM GV194

    CM GV197

    CM GV198

    CM VT167_1

    CM VT202_1

    CM VT203_1

    CM VT204_1

    CM VT206_1

    CM VT208

    High End Abyss

    Amber Stony

    Cyberlight 2.0 Dots

    Cyberlight 2.0 Leaves

    Cyberlight 2.0 Tunnel



    Indigo Chicklet


    Magenta Ring


    Red Rings

    Sharp Burst

    Tri-color Mosaic

    Yellow Burst

    Martin 2 Bars

    2 Dots

    3 Dots

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    Manufacturer Model

    Aperture 10

    Aperture 15

    Beam Cone

    PR Lighting 90070219
















    Robe 15010719












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    Manufacturer Model























    Robin Beam 300_1

    Robin Beam 300_2

    Robin Beam 300_3

    Robin Beam 300_4

    Robin Beam 300_5

    Robin Beam 300_6

    Robin Beam 300_7

    Robin Beam 300_8

    Showtec MKIIE 01-100

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    Manufacturer Model

    MKIIE 01-120

    MKIIE 01-140

    MKIIE 01-160

    MKIIE 01-180

    MKIIE 01-20

    MKIIE 01-40

    MKIIE 01-60

    MKIIE 01-80

    MKIIE 02-111

    MKIIE 02-148

    MKIIE 02-185

    MKIIE 02-222

    MKIIE 02-37

    MKIIE 02-74

    New Lamps

    Manufacturer Series Component

    Philips MSA 2500 DE (P)SFC, ART98011,SFa21-12

    MSR Gold 1500 SA/DE SFc10-4

    MSR Gold 1500 SA/2 DE SFc10-4

    MSR Gold 1500W 115V FastFit PGJX50

    MSR Gold 1500W 240V FastFit PGJX50

    1500W 115V Fastfit PGJX50

    MSR Gold 700/2 Mini-Fastfit PGJX28

    New Gel Colors

    Manufacturer Series Component

    Apollo 5960 Margarita Green

    Lee Filters 349 Heavy Quiet Frost

    604 Full CT Eight

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    Manufacturer Series Component

    642 Half Mustard Yellow

    643 Quarter Mustard Yellow

    650 Industry Sodium

    651 Hi Sodium

    652 Urban Sodium

    653 Lo Sodium

    Updated/Corrected Fixtures

    Manufacturer Series Component

    ADB Warp Corrected Order of DMX Shutters

    Svoboda HT 2251

    Adjusted insertion point for nesting


    Chroma Q Color Block Now operates with a single

    efficient beam.

    Color Block 2

    Now operates with a single

    efficient beam.

    DTS XM1200 Spot Eliminated Duplicate Tabs from

    Fixture Properties

    Elation Impression RGB Added Color Effects, Improved

    model appearance

    OctoStrip Improved Processing efficiency

    Element Labs Versa Tiles Improved Processing efficiency

    Versa Tubes Improved Processing efficiency

    ZipTube Improved Processing efficiency

    ETC Source 4 Added 10" Frame/Accessory Mount

    Focon ELP80 Corrected LED order

    GLP Impression RGB Added Color Effects, Improved

    model appearance

    Hera Twinstick 8 Inch Upgraded to new LED System

    Twinstick 12 Inch Upgraded to new LED System

    i-Pix BB Wash 7 Upgraded to new LED System

    BB Wash 4 Upgraded to new LED System

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    Manufacturer Series Component

    JB Lighting LED Tube 1m Improved Processing efficiency

    VaryLED A7 Zoom Renamed to "JBLED A7 Zoom RGB"

    Martin EvenLED Added Y-Axis Inversion and PAtC

    Grouping Options

    StageBar Corrected Pixel Modes

    MAC 2000 Profile Enabled Effects Wheel and Prisms

    Mac TW1 Wash Corrected Zoom Range for all

    option combinations.

    PC Lights Turbo Par Tungsten Updated Channel patch order

    PRG Bad Boy Corrected Wheel Blackout issue

    Pulsar ChromaBank MK2 Upgraded to new LED System

    Robe ColorSpot 700E AT Corrected Default Gobo Stock


    Strand Lighting Prelude 16-30 Zoom Corrected Symbol Dimensions

    Prelude 28-40 Zoom Corrected Symbol Dimensions

    Pollux New Symbol

    Pollux Pole Operated New Symbol

    Castor New Symbol

    Castor Pole Operated New Symbol

    Polaris New Symbol

    Polaris Pole Operated New Symbol

    3480 8" Fresnel Corrected Symbol and 3D shape

    Thomas Pixel Par 90 Added 3 Channel Mode, 40, 60

    degree lenses

    Traxon Tiles Improved Processing efficiency

    Varilite VL3500 Wash FX Updated Channel Patch order

    VL1000 Iris fixtures Enabled Iris Channel

    VL1000 (All models) Added 7.5" Colour Frame mount

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    Enhancements to existing wysiwyg features

    Release 25 includes the following enhancements to existing features:

    CAD Mode The right-click menu options for truss assembly display rotation angles and mountpoints to

    make this feature more descriptive.

    The Dimension tool now uses TrueType fonts to display the measurement. This font is set from the Font Styles tab in User Options.

    By default, the Ortho toggle (F8) will turn on all options applicable to the current view.

    When creating a new layer in a file with scenes, there is a new option to include the layer on all scenes.

    When drawing a new camera, there is a new option to specify the layer on which to place the Camera.

    PRES Mode General Enhancements

    o zoom Layouts using the mouse wheel o zoom opened Content windows using the mouse wheel o copy & paste items within Layouts (CTRL+drag also works, just like in CAD mode) o pan using middle mouse button within Layouts

    Assign colors in Legends for each fixture listed

    New text options (alignment, text wrapping, etc.) in Text Item Properties (Text tab)

    New Plots are now more efficient as changes are restricted to Fixtures and Hang Structures only

    New options have been added to Worksheets Item Properties in Layouts, which address most printing problems from the past. You can now Auto-fit the worksheet or specify the number of rows & columns.

    The corners of Rounded Rectangles (Layouts) can now be modified by dragging the grip that appears just inside the top-right corner of a Rounded Rectangle object.

    In Layouts, holding down SHIFT while drawing: o Lines: will create lines at 45 angles o Rectangles and Rounded Rectangles: will create perfect squares o Circles: will create perfect circles

    Rows and columns in worksheets may now be deleted

    The "Format Cell" option is now listed in the right-click menu of a cell in worksheets.

    Shaded View An option has been added in the View Options to turn Focus Lines on/off at the view level

    A Saturation slider has been added to the Color Temperature and Footprint Intensity Falloff option, which allows the user to control the saturation of the beams

    LED Walls are now up to 4x brighter than before

    LED Walls are now black by default in Design/Live Shaded views, and will only appear when video is playing or DMX is streaming from console.

    Video playback optimizations for improved Shaded View performance

    Smoke effect is now visible in the beam when looking at it head on

    Beams of fixtures such as Fresnels that have been flooded appear brighter than before

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    Library Performance improvements for many LED fixtures and other fixtures that do not use

    traditional bulbs

    All library items now appear as smooth objects

    LED Walls LED Wall Properties tab to allow for modification of source and/or intensity

    LED Walls are now selectable in Design Mode

    Other Application Options have been updated:

    o old/legacy options have been removed o tabs and their contents have been rearranged

    The Welcome Screen displays the file format of files recently opened

    A warning message is displayed when a user attempts to change the password on a dongle

    Support for higher resolution video imported from Video Manager (up to 640x480)

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    Resolved Issues in wysiwyg R25

    1. Fixture POV is now consistent between Enhanced Beam simulation and Classic/Light up simulation.

    At certain pan/tilt values, a fixture's POV was not always consistent between Enhanced Beam and Classic/Light Up. The inconsistency would result in the fixture displaying its POV reversed/upside down. This issue has now been corrected.

    2. The default Light Emission value for Screens is now set to 100%.

    Previously the Light Emission value for Screens was set to 50%, which meant that the images on Screens were displaying less brightly than desired.

    3. When importing files from DWG/DXF format, the centimeter option is now available from the list of available units.

    Previously the centimeters option was not available which meant that users had to set a custom importing scale if the DWG/DXF file was drawn in the centimeter scale.

    4. Circles imported from a DWG/DXF file move to the origin after converting to surface.

    This issue has been resolved. Imported circles from DWG/DXF files will retain their location and appear at their proper coordinate position after being imported into wysiwyg.

    5. The Color Designer Tool will now automatically set the value on the luminance slider to 50% when clicking on the color picker area.

    Previously, since the default color is white, the value of the luminance slider was set to 0. As a result, when the user clicked in the color picker area (e.g., red), the color of the selected beam would remain white because the luminance value was still set to 0. The user then had to move the luminance slider to a value higher than 0 to see the desired beam color. This is no longer the case as the luminance slider will automatically be set to 50% when the user first clicks in the color picker area, and subsequently retain the luminance value set by the user.

    6. When creating new layers in the Layer Database, a user could not create a new layer using the name of a layer that was previously deleted from the file.

    This issue has been resolved.

    7. The Shortcut pane in the Library Browser did not remember the last path used when creating a shortcut of certain items, such as gobos/gels.

    This issue has been resolved. Now, if a shortcut is created the browser will open at the last path used when creating the previous shortcut.

    8. The Replace Fixtures Library Browser did not remember the last path used when replacing an existing fixture in the file with a new fixture.

    This issue has been resolved. Now, after a fixture is replaced, the next time the browser is opened, it defaults to the last path used while replacing the previous fixture.

    9. A Focus Line checkbox has been added in the Shaded View's View Options that turns off all Focus Lines for that particular Shaded view, if they are enabled in the Fixture Properties.

    This toggle is a simple solution to easily turn off all focus lines in a Shaded View. Previously, this would have to be done by turning off the option from the properties of each individual fixture.

    10. wysiwyg crashes when a file with many LED Walls is submitted for rendering.

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    This issue has been resolved. Crashes are now avoided because a more efficient approach of sending the information to the render engine is being used.

    11. When drawing pipes, it was not possible to specify a negative trim height for the pipe's position.

    This issue has been resolved.

    12. A memory leak was discovered when performing Boolean operations on cylinders, cones, and spheres.

    This issue has been resolved. The amount of memory used by wysiwyg has been reduced, which makes the software more stable.

    13. Deleting an LED wall does not delete its patch in DATA > Patch view.

    This issue has been resolved. The channels patched in DATA > Patch view are removed from the associated LED wall and deleted from the file.

    14. The Point of View (PoV) of conventional zoom fixtures (ERS, Fresnels, etc.) was not displayed in the Fixture Properties.

    This issue has been resolved.

    Known Issues

    1. Some users have experienced a connection issue when trying to connect wysiwyg on a Windows XP computer to the Luminair app on their iPhone or iPod Touch device. This problem occurs on computers running Windows XP that have not installed the latest Internet

    Explorer (IE) release. The connection issue is caused by the absence of some library files that

    were not available in older versions of IE, as this problem doesnt exist after updating to Internet

    Explorer 7 or 8. Newer computers running Windows Vista or Windows 7 use IE7 or IE8 and,

    therefore, have the required library files.

    2. Some users have experienced issues when importing DWG/DXF files on computers running Windows Vista Home or Windows 7 Home editions. This problem seems to occur on computers running the operating system with the Windows UAC

    (User Access Control) option turned on. Turning off the UAC option and restarting the computer

    has resolved this issue in many cases.

    3. Users whose computers contain certain ATI video cards have reported seeing artifacts in the wysiwyg Shaded View. This problem is linked to Radeon x1300x1950 video cards, although other cards may also cause

    this issue. As a workaround, update your video drivers. If this does not fix the issue, deactivate

    Smoke in the View Options window of the Shaded View. If you still cannot resolve the issue,

    please contact CAST Software Technical Support.

    4. The Add/Remove Accessory menu is not available when you select a fixture that is attached to a moving hang structure

    When you hang a fixture on a pipe or truss that is attached to a movement axis, and then you right-click on the fixture to add an accessory to it, the Add/Remove Accessory menu item does not appear.

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    Workaround: You can add accessories to the fixture by using its Properties page, and remove

    accessories by using DATA mode. Alternately, you can temporarily detach the hang structure

    from the movement axis, add/remove the accessories, and then reattach the hang structure to

    the axis.

    5. You cannot perform a second Merge operation on a merged item that has been mirrored

    After mirroring an object that was originally created through a merge operation, you cannot

    reliably perform another merge procedure on this object.

    Workaround: It is recommended that you perform all Merge operations on these objects before

    you mirror them.

    6. Single-sided surfaces that have Light Emission enabled "glow" on both sides when rendered

    When you assign light emission to a single-sided surface, and then render it with Radiosity turned

    on, the surface appears to glow on both sides.

    Workaround: When using a light-emitting surface, create a second surface (with no light

    emission) of the same size and place it just behind the light-emitting surface, 1 or 2 millimeters

    away. This will mask the second light-emitting side in your rendering.

    7. For fixtures with multiple circuit types you cannot manually select which type to display in DATA mode

    Regardless of the number of circuit types associated with a particular fixture and the Regional

    Settings that you choose for your file, there is no way to select which circuit type to show in

    DATA mode; instead, the program will always show the first circuit type listed.

    8. After saving your wysiwyg file directly to a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device, you may have trouble opening the file

    After saving your wysiwyg file directly to an NAS device, in some cases you cannot open the file.

    Workaround: Work on files that are kept on your local hard drive. Before you begin working on

    the wysiwyg file, copy it to your local drive and open it from there; once you are finished

    working on it, save the file (on your local hard drive) and then move it back to your NAS device.

    9. When you uninstall and reinstall the wysiwyg Server, the network version of wysiwyg (Network, Learn, CSP, or AWT) does not function properly

    When you install wysiwyg Release 25 the program installs updated Sentinel Drivers that make it

    unnecessary to subsequently install the wysiwyg Server (for the network versions of wysiwyg).

    However, if you install wysiwyg Release 25 and the wysiwyg Server, and then subsequently

    uninstall and reinstall the wysiwyg Server, the program will not function properly.

    In this case, perform the following workaround:

    1) Click Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. 2) From the list of programs, click Remove beside the following programs, and then follow

    the steps to remove them from your computer:

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    all listed versions of the Sentinel Drivers

    the wysiwyg Server 3) Restart your computer. 4) When these programs are removed, reinstall the Sentinel Drivers by double-clicking the

    file Sentinel.exe located in the following folder: C:\Program Files\WYSIWYG\Bin\Sentinel

    where C: is the drive on which you installed wysiwyg.

    10. Software utilities used for cleaning temporary files sometimes interfere with wysiwygs ability to save a file

    While working on a wysiwyg file, you discover that you cannot save it, even if you try to save it

    under a different file name. When trying to save the file, you might receive an error message

    saying there is not enough disk space available (even though the problem is unrelated to disk

    space). Eventually, you have to close the file, losing all renderings that you have saved internally

    and, potentially, all your work.

    Explanation: wysiwyg stores some internal file data as temp files in the Windows temp

    directory. If you delete these temp files while your wysiwyg file is open (either manually or

    automatically by running a temp directory cleaning program, such as Window Washer), this

    internal data will be lost and wysiwyg will be unable to save the file.

    Solution: While working in wysiwyg, you should not manually delete any of the files in the

    Windows temp directory, nor should you use an automated program, such as Window Washer, to

    do so.

    Workaround: If you receive a "cannot save" error, you can still save your drawing by copying the

    entire contents and pasting them into a blank wysiwyg document. Save the document with a

    new file name. Note that you will still lose files that are saved internally, such as any renderings

    or images stored with the original file (unless you had exported them from the PRES mode >

    Images tab). You will also lose all shortcuts created in the file (with the exception of patch

    universes and images), including library, navigation, view and render shortcuts, as well as custom

    reports, worksheet, layouts, new plots, keys, legends, palettes, concepts and looks. Patch

    universes are copied and pasted together with the fixtures in the file.

    11. Transparent surfaces that touch non-transparent objects are not transparent in the rendered image

    To ensure that transparent surfaces touching non-transparent objects are completely invisible in

    renderings requires a slight workaround. When placing the transparent surface or object in your

    drawing, ensure that a miniscule space exists between it and any non-transparent objects in your

    drawing (this space can be as small as you like). For example, if you are placing a transparent

    surface on a floor, nudge the surface just above the floor. When you render the image, the

    surface will be invisible.

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    12. Lag in Shaded view when watching moving scenery

    When using moving fixtures (for example, the MAC 500) with the moving scenery feature, you

    may sometimes notice a lag in Shaded view if the beam simulation quality is set to Light Up. To

    avoid seeing this lag, set the beam simulation quality to Regular as it offers better visualization

    and performance.

    13. wysiwyg does not detect the appropriate size of color frame for fixtures that have interchangeable lenses

    wysiwyg is not yet able to distinguish the lens from the body of certain fixtures that have

    interchangeable lenses, such as the ETC Source 4, the Strand SL, and so on. In some cases,

    therefore, it allows you to use the incorrect size of color frame for the current lens. For

    example, a Source 4 fixture with a 26 lens uses a 6.25-inch color frame, but wysiwyg also allows

    you to use both a 12-inch and a 14-inch frame (the frames used by 10 and 5 lenses


    To avoid this issue, ensure that you know the appropriate color frame for each lens that you are

    using. Select a color frame from the accessories tab of the library browser and insert it into the

    fixture(s). Then open the properties of the color frame and select a color to apply to the


    14. Empty layers may not be removable

    You cannot delete layers in wysiwyg unless they are free of all objects. However, in some cases,

    you may not be able to delete some layers even if all objects have been removed in CAD mode.

    At all times, however, you can rename layers. These non-removable layers are not harmful and

    can be renamed and/or re-used.

    15. Deleted Presentation items are still available in Layouts

    Removing a new plot, image, report, worksheet, key, legend, or spreadsheet from its respective

    shortcut bar using Undo does not remove it from the list of items available for insertion in

    Layouts. Such items are named new view in their respective list and can be added to the

    layout but may cause wysiwyg to crash.

    16. Positional link not broken for grouped objects in a New Plots view

    Performing a Move or Rotate command on a set of grouped objects in a New Plots view does not

    properly break the positional link. If you try to restore the positional link for these objects, they

    will return to the position they were in immediately before the positional link was broken, not to

    their current position in CAD mode. They will move to the correct position if the objects in CAD

    mode are ungrouped and regrouped.

    17. Positional link not broken for grouped hang structures in a New Plots view

    Performing a Move, Rotate, or Rotate Position command on a set of grouped hang structures

    (such as truss) in a New Plots view does not properly break the positional link. If you Move or

    Rotate the hang structures in CAD mode, the hang structures in the New Plots view will change

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    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    their position as well. They will not be moved if you ungroup the hang structures before moving

    or rotating them, and then regroup them when the operation is finished.

    New CamStudio Codec Available

    For customers using CamStudio to capture their Shaded Views as AVI files, you are advised to visit the

    CamStudio website, www.camstudio.org, to download and install the CamStudioCodec1.4 lossless

    codec. Once installed, setting this as your preferred codec when recording with CamStudio offers

    better quality video capture. To do this, from within the CamStudio software, click on the Options

    menu, and select Video Options. Then, in the Compressor dropdown, select the "CamStudio Lossless

    Codec v1.4" and click OK.

    Contacting Technical Support

    Please read the online documentation and visit the www.cast-soft.com Web site before contacting

    Technical Support. You can contact Technical Support at the following location.

    CAST Software Technical Support

    35 Ripley Avenue, Unit 1

    Toronto, ON Canada M6S 3P2

    Phone: +1.877.989.2278

    Fax: +1.416.597.9594

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web site: www.CAST-soft.com

    Copyright Information

    CAST Group of Companies Inc., 2010. All rights reserved.

    35 Ripley Avenue, Suite 1

    Toronto, Ontario

    Canada M6S 3P2

    "wysiwyg" and CAST Software are registered trademarks of CAST Group of Companies

    Incorporated. Other brands or products are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their

    respective holders and should be treated as such.