x-ray july … · the injured men, howard rs. darrls ol peace time which hav e,ipp|i-d the war...

TORR'NCE HERALD. Torr.ince, Califo Phone Company I Seamen Injured 48 Hour Week New War Power Meets Wartime )„ UJg|, way (J^ A rn M , , jj rf $ ay \ m Service Demand Two y, vv SPnmf , n _, m '^^^r ^ m^\^::.l l r ^\T:' t :' , ' . A,,* jRJifirnJtiA* ;Vartime demands for te,, ^ ^^i^-,"'' ' ' "' ' ^ "':",^ :'.T:'.:..,;r:; .a:;,; 1 ;,. 1.'!; ^"'01111165 nnrl for the armed forms | ' ns '''* ' w '"'' iMnl,- Ihere loay l)e st,arp differ.-!,,.' uf cipi,,',.,,, nn llr.tl ''''' reaped all-tirnn peak-, in 19.12, avo w"'" thr rar '" *'"" " "''>' ,,|,as,- ,,r the preside,,.hd order !,,, ,,,-,s, ,-,,- ,,,, ri«ld or riding cfillidr-d with a truck a' r sk'le road by".-;-!r'rc!rc' r 'f'er' "''' l|( - M" in' lvi " '"' '''"' '" "" I" 1 '' 1 ' 1 "I'l"^'""' '" » irtHK of the work week I.P IK hours To tin man, of San F'"ranrisco. whr cording to the annual report to shareholders (if the Pacific 1>li.pnr.ine anil Telegraph Co is- sued this week hy N'. R. F'owley. president. The Pacific Co. is owner of the Southern Califor- nia Telephone To. which s-eryes, nan who usually guards thcj ,.v(, ( ,k |,. ls ,, , . f rllM1 n,e people ,,,d I nun V. ashim;! "(p, this critical war period, hiKhway at that point was j/ct - | Fa,,,,,.,,. ,-,,,(, ,,o , ompuKion. oil,,, II,:,,, I r organization has the heav-i |'"' r a drink of water- at the: ) KIVI , |,,.,. n w,,, | :ini . i\ti and 70 and SO hour wool;.; ever . , ',|',','' - - -------- ---- - |'.'j"j' ,.!!!j, r '',','.'J''J""',.,' ,',',,',' ',^' «"ir heiran, and thou-arids «f meri if, hus-ines.i and indipsl., (1 '_] "^"^ in a fruitless- attempt to"'a'vo!d : v/or k week, have he,,, do m; tl,. ,-ame .\Vv, that a hcmnnmi! ,, ,,,. k ,, he crash , has l.rrn mad' in tmiri: lid '! -OMI. of the luxury lalinr 'dan Of;;,, ,,f r-, The injured men, Howard Rs. darrls ol peace time which hav e,ipp|i-d the war r-llrni, it i- to' ',, rain/cd a WILL PAY CASH FOR USED * I1ONS *' TOASTERS * AIR HEATERS * WAFFLE IRONS * GRILLS * TABLE STOVES * FOOD MIXERS and All Types of ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Also . . . * GASOLINE STOVES * GAS LANTERNS Search your cupboards and attics and turn your excess appliances into cash. Your fellow townsfolk need them badly. Brinq them in re- qardless of condition. Thos_e beyond repair will provide valuable scrap for (lie war effort. TORRANCE ELECTRIC SHOP 1421 MARCELINA AVE. rmiHsDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1 fl43 ^_^ P.T.A. Council Meet Postponed to March 4 The aeci,|,.,,t prevention pr.p- Kfiitri of the II. S llepaltrnent of l-nhrtr wived over a mill man-days for war product last yrar. iesl rcsponsihilitic* ever impow-d pany." !'owlcy said. "With the lull realization ol thes-e re^pon sihilities, every effort has been made flu! inn the p-.>-t yen,, a- due! om vcoik »n i|,..'ho!-p.. front and for the alined foi <-,. : that our eomp.-fwy will play its lull id vital shipments ol war , I'rcslilciit licMiseyell, In preparim; ns fnr Men ellatmis I -"'"' « h " ""' "'»' "" " r^. the,, I-:,. 1 ! i,:i,,:, fpoidinalion. ' r" .,. a.'.lpci,., e,ea!e,| to .'Mopli all. '(,.- pi.-ii,, . -,ii, I, a", the (.If ni:.,< by lack of wopkrncn ti ,, ,, ,., ,, Arlnmi :l, ale,,, andj i', now showing at the Grand theatre in Torran '" l '' > "' '" "'"'"'"' I',,' '^'|'''''h'.'|1;,,^'. Ill;t',',',l ,','^(,l ,t,',Ml!n, 1 M!iri '' M """" f «" " < '"''-V '"» nil,I,,, olfiee oic Vl ' n '" ""' "'iental dance whicl TRIO OE CO-STARS Maria Montei, Jon Hall and Sabu are i-stflrred in the Technicolor production, "Arabian Nightl" which tukc patriotic pilde In H." The American pi'ople iin- ri-inl.v for tlmt; they just ivant il lairly appli -:l ,\ilh no i.yieplions. Nolle* lh* tr«nd le pavtment hugging h««UI PATENTS I GAB- ARDINES! CALFSKINS! Black, Navy Bin*, Town Brown, Turf Ton/ Com* 'emt DEPARTMENT STORE 1.107-1313 Sartori Avenue Tornuu-e Deductions Allowed Motorists On Income Returns are Listed Southland molnnsts Inirnin.; the midniehl oil in ciimpilli their IMI2 income lax return", a,e .,:lil|.-fl In list ccitain fledi tin,,, which .-an be made tor .-un.s paid out o, loss, ; ,,,.l.,in,,l i,, ! ,','.'";,,,,',",,..'J'l'.'u'ili' !»"('.'. ...... , ,,,nneclio,, with ownership and opeialion ol aidom,,l,i|,-. Sub ,, , ,.,. ,, m,, ;, N , , lhl ,! Arabian dance lore.^ accorduiK I. <l;,nti:dly the same , e, bid ions :,,, Inroine lax and the California* .sHipp v.ill b, al,|, I,, .-any il :l ,.,.i j MeiL-hl and do many ..I I he hu . (n i linns II,at the li-d.-ral I'mployi A T-Bone, Please! War Stamp Purchase Will Admit Children To Free Matinee Here Youngsters may we a free matinee al the rirand theater Saturday aflernnon, Kch. 20. if Ilic-y purcha.se 50 cents woith of War Stamps which they Wel to ke, p at thi' dnor Iron, iin-ii, FIX YOUR ROOF WHILE YOU CAN Rains are coming and pri- orities are already here and more to come. Fix your roof while material-. are still available. We have a limited '.upply of both Compo- sition Roofing and Cedar Shin- 3 les, but advise IMMEDIATE PURCHASE to avoid shortage. TORRANCE LUMBER CO. 1752 Border, South of Car.on Phone 61 and I'role.ssional Woinun's- Club of Toirainrr. The "War Stamp Matinee" is spoiiMii-pd hy the Torranee Kiwanis cliih with the cooperation of the N. H I'. W The him program for I he MMI Teehmi-olor with Sahli and .Ion Hall, "Henry Aldrii-h. Ivhio,." Iralunnn Jiminie I.ydon and se lei-ted .short sulijcct.f. Children who buy a 50- cent War Stamp al the door for their own Slamp All, inns will he a. I Hil Business Cm- Mvcmplions I ear n Kelail sale- ta\ in,p.v;...| by' ~: '- ( '" the Stale ol Caliloii'ia on pm' '' llil " has,, of i.-mi-ibl, p, , onal pi op "-.' '' eriy such a-, aul emobil, - MI . "!""' Hi'' c,,nsiiu_i. P .o eessories bill not l!:,. r,IH,,, ' ^ i ' ' ' 's I'ain "v Hi, nia «asnlm,. tax '-, undn the ad i d, Aulomobll,. in-uranci- on c.n-: All opelaliiPi. an.l , ,.. U-ed for business purposes , vpre-.,'.. inriudm: ,-,.-! Uncompensated lo.-s, s sus ,,;,,,. .md d, pi i oai ,,.,i. tallied by reason ,.f ilamam- to m,,!.i:.-: u.-. d v. holly t automobile- used foi I,u--in,-.--, ,-.. , ap.oi.pla han |,],,,M,,,. , -.,.-. ., . ,.p,. .. ,-,: IVmiaiM-: paid lor miliii, - L, u , v. h. i. ., |M i.i , person-: oi lor d. -tnieip,,,, ... i, ,,l ,.., , I,., m. .,,i.l bile was beini! used foi hu-.i the d, million ol "bu.-iii "»' clion ol ,,, ,, |,,,na,,l pioprietols, in,the ,,.. .... nation MI- inmiiti-iiJiiici- "I j ,, ,l meat, the mere we want il ., : .. -..,i\ held lor production of: .,, , , ,,,.,. , , , "i.-'me. | in aieas where the meat shoi t - it" Where an emplov,, -,-, ,ve>- an ', tnurants wh,, h formerly served Ikmanco o, iml.a,:, Iron, the ' corn,! less , !,.,:, ol , hi, -|. deir.anri lietfstpalt, nor the fish and chicken addicts who now de- mand pork chops or rihs of lamb. That, say the restaurant men. is just plain human per- Cili/.ons Commilku' for Old A>fo Pensions One of the Oulshindiny Programs oi' (he Season IA)\\K Ueaeh .Municipal Auditorium Sun., Feb. 21st, 1:30 Geonio H. McL.lm ,ind othe. Iron, the bltv'-fdth session ol the California St.lto Leqislaturr. will speak on rvents thnt took olace ill Sacramento rciinnhni. Los Angeles Civic Chorus, 75 Vo and Long Beach Municipal Band Ailm,..s tl ,n is free . . . Come ami e.nn the truth of what the ane<l SARTORI AT EL PRADO lOSRANM TIUS WKKK ,,, S3- 09 ,, S1- 56 GLENKORE 'Silver Label'" $0.08 $1.5! w P.CM.I 01 U p i B $1.62 PT. I T. W. SAMUELS WHISKEY $0.56 $1.82 Es«ahhr,he,l 18-1-1 Ql. V IM . H B-til,.) In B.-n.l -I Vi-.ii Oli) KtNU'CKY STRAIGHT BOURBON i(Xi PROOI S'l RAIGHT BOURBON KENTUCKY GOLD LABEL 1 Vf.i, Olrt. Bottll-ll In Bon.1 In Kef, KE.NTUCKV STRAIGHT BOORBON SILVER FOX DELUXE EASTERN . . . FULL QUART BEER CAL-SEC CHAMPAGNE Pink or White Fifth ....... ...... REMEMBER OUR NEW STORE HOURS . . . 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. DAILY . . . Open Sundays and Holiday. Northern CaBif. Bulk Wines SWM.l nnd ^JT^^SS^ ROBERTS EXTRA DRV WINES Quart . . 35c ' Gallon . 67c Gallon . S1.28 OUALITY SWEET ,ind DRY WINES Quart . . 48c \ Gallon . 72c Gallon . . SI.33 ""COMPLETE "81 EXAMINATION KI lOROSCOPIC $9 X-RAY L Consultation: His toi-y. symptom, : .CS9 Hr Complete physio nnH X Ray Fluoro ol thr pelvic oro.iin li indicated. msis wi !. ex .lunation cf Hi- finrti igs ci . t th-s i-v.i,n,M,,tiop, are helpmr.) people .1 i .-. u n, quod health. Only by successful DR. WM. F. HENRY, D.C. AND STA!•'!•' 1323 Sartor, Av... Torram-c, Calif. PHONE TORRaiNCE 482 OPEN EVENINGS . . . MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY IN COMPTON McCOWN'S CUT-RATE DRUG STORES VITAMINS ARE FIGHTING POODS They guaid against colds and otlici ailments winch lower you, vitality. Vou can keep up your rc- cncrgy by icgulariy augment- ing your reduced diet with the proper vitamin preparations. Ask your physician which V,- 1 r i i Vimms Vitamin Plus Ironized ^"east PRO-VITE Capsules, 180 (UPJOHN) I'nieaps (100) (UPJOHN] Super 1) Perles (UPJOHN) Super A Capsules TABLETS OR LIQUID Stuart's Formula (MILES) One-a-Day A & 1) Tablets (MILES) One-a-Dny H Complex Cnpsules AA ftC OtJ,bO c ^ rr SZ.55 O S Of Ijextron isouiBBS) Vitamin H Complex Svrun I^OUIBBSJ Mtamin P> Complex Capsules "Vitamin Headquarters" McCOWN'S R-B DRUG, TORRANCF ni<, SARTORI AVI McCOWN DRUG CO.. LOMITA 2172 LOMITA BLVD. McCOWN-SANDS DRUG CO., HARBOR CITY _____ 1701 HIGHWAY 101 CORNER WESTERN

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Page 1: X-RAY July … · The injured men, Howard Rs. darrls ol peace time which hav e,ipp|i-d the war r-llrni, it i- to' ',, rain/cd a WILL PAY CASH FOR USED * I1ONS *' TOASTERS * AIR HEATERS

TORR'NCE HERALD. Torr.ince, Califo

Phone Company I Seamen Injured 48 Hour Week New War PowerMeets Wartime )„ UJg|,way (J^ A rn „ M „ , , jjrf $ay \mService Demand Two y, vv SPnmf, n _, m '^^^r m̂^\^::.l lr ^\T:'t :' , ' . A,,* jRJifirnJtiA*;Vartime demands for te,, ^ ̂ ^i^-,"'' ' ' "' '^ "':",^ :'.T:'.:..,;r:; .a:;,; 1 ;,.1.'!; ^"'01111165nnrl for the armed forms | ' ns '''* ' w '"'' iMnl,- Ihere loay l)e st,arp differ.-!,,.' uf cipi,,',.,,, nn llr.tl ''''' reaped all-tirnn peak-, in 19.12, avo w"'" thr rar '" *'"" " "''>' ,,|,as,- ,,r the preside,,.hd order !,,, ,,,-,s, ,-,,- ,,,, ri«ld or

riding cfillidr-d with a truck

a' rsk'le road by".-;-!r'rc!rc' r 'f'er' "''' l|( - M " in ' lvi " '"' '''"' '" "" I" 1 '' 1 ' 1 "I'l"^'""' '" »

irtHK of the work week I.P IK hours To tin

man, of San F'"ranrisco. whr

cording to the annual report to shareholders (if the Pacific 1>li.pnr.ine anil Telegraph Co is­ sued this week hy N'. R. F'owley. president. The Pacific Co. is owner of the Southern Califor­ nia Telephone To. which s-eryes,

nan who usually guards thcj ,.v(, (,k |,. ls ,, , . f rllM1 n,e people ,,,d I nun V. ashim;!

"(p, this critical war period, hiKhway at that point was j/ct - | Fa,,,,,.,,. ,-,,,(, ,,o , ompuKion. oil,,, II,:,,, I

r organization has the heav-i |'"'r a drink of water- at the: ) KIVI , |,,.,. n w ,,, | :ini . i\ti and 70 and SO hour wool;.; ever . , ',|',',''

- - -------- ---- - |'.'j"j' ™ ,.!!!j, r '',','.'J''J""',.,' ,',',,',' ',^' «"ir heiran, and thou-arids «f meri if, hus-ines.i and indipsl., (1 '_] "^"^

in a fruitless- attempt to"'a'vo!d : v/or k week, have he,,, do m; tl,. ,-ame .\Vv, that a hcmnnmi! ,, ,,,. k ,,

he crash , has l.rrn mad' in tmiri: lid '! -OMI. of the luxury lalinr 'dan Of;;,, ,,f r-,

The injured men, Howard Rs. darrls ol peace time which hav e,ipp|i-d the war r-llrni, it i- to' ',, rain/cd aWILL PAY CASH




Search your cupboards and attics and turn your excess appliances into cash. Your fellow townsfolk need them badly. Brinq them in re- qardless of condition. Thos_e beyond repair will provide valuable scrap for (lie war effort.



rmiHsDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1 fl43 ^_^

P.T.A. Council Meet Postponed to March 4

The aeci,|,.,,t prevention pr.p- Kfiitri of the II. S llepaltrnent of l-nhrtr wived over a mill man-days for war product last yrar.

iesl rcsponsihilitic* ever impow-d

pany." !'owlcy said. "With the lull realization ol thes-e re^pon sihilities, every effort has been made flu! inn the p-.>-t yen,, a-

due! om vcoik »n i|,..'ho!-p.. front and for the alined foi <-,. : that our eomp.-fwy will play its lull

id vital shipments ol war ,

I'rcslilciit licMiseyell, In preparim; ns fnr Men ellatmis I

-"'"' « h " ""' "'»' "" " r^. the,, I-:,. 1 ! i,:i,,:, fpoidinalion. ' r"

.,. a.'.lpci,., e,ea!e,| to .'Mopli

all. '(,.- pi.-ii,, . -,ii, I, a", the (.If

ni:.,< by lack of wopkrncn ti ,, ,, ,., ,, Arlnmi :l, ale,,, andj i', now showing at the Grand theatre in Torran

'" l '' > "' '" "'"'"'"' I',,' '^'|'''''h'.'|1;,,^'.Ill;t',',',l ,','^(,l,t,',Ml!n, 1 M!iri '' M """"f «" " < '"''-V '"»

nil,I,,, olfiee oic Vl ' n '" ""' "'iental dance whicl

TRIO OE CO-STARS Maria Montei, Jon Hall and Sabu are

i-stflrred in the Technicolor production, "Arabian Nightl" which

tukc patriotic pilde In H." The American pi'ople iin- ri-inl.v

for tlmt; they just ivant il lairly appli -:l ,\ilh no i.yieplions.

Nolle* lh* tr«nd le pavtment

hugging h««UI PATENTS I GAB­


Navy Bin*, Town Brown,

Turf Ton/ Com* M« 'emt

DEPARTMENT STORE1.107-1313 Sartori Avenue Tornuu-e

Deductions Allowed Motorists On Income Returns are Listed

Southland molnnsts Inirnin.; the midniehl oil in ciimpilli

their IMI2 income lax return", a,e .,:lil|.-fl In list ccitain fledi

tin,,, which .-an be made tor .-un.s paid out o, loss, ; ,,,.l.,in,,l i,, ! ,','.'";,,,,',",,..'J'l'.'u'ili' !»"('.'. ...... ,

,,,nneclio,, with ownership and opeialion ol aidom,,l,i|,-. Sub ,, , ,.,. ,, m ,, ; , N , , lhl ,! Arabian dance lore.^ accorduiK I.

<l;,nti:dly the same , e, bid ions :,,,

Inroine lax and the California* .sHipp v.ill b, al,|, I,, .-any il:l ,.,.i j MeiL-hl and do many ..I I he hu

. (n i linns II,at the li-d.-ral I'mployi

A T-Bone, Please!

War Stamp Purchase Will Admit Children To Free Matinee Here

Youngsters may we a free

matinee al the rirand theater

Saturday aflernnon, Kch. 20. if

Ilic-y purcha.se 50 cents woith

of War Stamps which they W el to ke, p at thi' dnor Iron, iin-ii,



Rains are coming and pri­

orities are already here and

more to come.

Fix your roof while material-. are still available. We have a limited '.upply of both Compo­ sition Roofing and Cedar Shin- 3 les, but advise IMMEDIATE

PURCHASE to avoid shortage.


1752 Border, South of Car.on Phone 61

and I'role.ssional Woinun's- Club of Toirainrr. The "War Stamp Matinee" is spoiiMii-pd hy the Torranee Kiwanis cliih with the cooperation of the N. H I'. W

The him program for I he MMI

Teehmi-olor with Sahli and .Ion Hall, "Henry Aldrii-h. Ivhio,." Iralunnn Jiminie I.ydon and se lei-ted .short sulijcct.f.

Children who buy a 50- cent War Stamp al the door for their own Slamp All, inns will he a. I


Business Cm- Mvcmplions I ear nKelail sale- ta\ in,p.v;...| by' ~: '- ( '"

the Stale ol Caliloii'ia on pm' '' llil "has,, of i.-mi-ibl, p, , onal pi op "-.' ''

eriy such a-, aul emobil, - MI . "!""' Hi'' c,,nsiiu_i. P .o

eessories bill not l!:,. r,IH,,, ' ^ i ' ' ' 's I'ain "v Hi,nia «asnlm,. tax '-, undn the ad i d,

Aulomobll,. in-uranci- on c.n-: All opelaliiPi. an.l , ,..U-ed for business purposes , vpre-.,'.. inriudm: ,-,.-!

Uncompensated lo.-s, s sus ,,;,,,. .md d, pi i oai ,,.,i.tallied by reason ,.f ilamam- to m,,!.i:.-: u.-. d v. holly tautomobile- used foi I,u--in,-.--, ,-.. , ap.oi.pla han|,],,,M,,,. , -.,.-. ., . ,.p,. .. ,-,:

IVmiaiM-: paid lor miliii, - L, u , v. h. i. ., |M i.i ,person-: oi lor d. -tnieip,,,, ... i, ,,l ,.., , I,., m. .,,i.l

bile was beini! used foi hu-.i the d, million ol "bu.-iii

"»' clion ol ,,, ,, |,,,na,,l pioprietols, in,the

,,.. .... nation MI- inmiiti-iiJiiici- "I j ,, ,l meat, the mere we want il., : .. -..,i\ held lor production of: .,, , , ,,,.,. ,

, , "i.-'me. | in aieas where the meat shoi t -

it" Where an emplov,, -,-, ,ve>- an ', tnurants wh,, h formerly served Ikmanco o, iml.a,:, Iron, the ' corn,! less , !,.,:, ol , hi, -|.

deir.anri lietfstpalt, nor the fish and chicken addicts who now de­ mand pork chops or rihs of lamb. That, say the restaurant men. is just plain human per­

Cili/.ons Commilku'for

Old A>fo Pensions

One of the Oulshindiny

Programs oi' (he Season

IA)\\K Ueaeh.Municipal

AuditoriumSun., Feb. 21st, 1:30

Geonio H. McL.lm ,ind othe.

Iron, the bltv'-fdth session ol the California St.lto Leqislaturr. will speak on rvents thnt took olace ill Sacramento rciinnhni.

Los Angeles Civic Chorus,75 Vo and

Long Beach Municipal Band

Ailm,..s tl ,n is free . . . Come ami e.nn the truth of what the ane<l



,,, S3-09 ,, S1-56

GLENKORE 'Silver Label'" $0.08 $1.5!w P.CM.I 01 U p i B

$1.62PT. I

T. W. SAMUELS WHISKEY $0.56 $1.82Es«ahhr,he,l 18-1-1 Ql. V IM . H

B-til,.) In B.-n.l -I Vi-.ii Oli)



KENTUCKY GOLD LABEL1 Vf.i, Olrt. Bottll-ll In Bon.1 In Kef,




Pink or White Fifth ....... ......

REMEMBER OUR NEW STORE HOURS . . . 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. DAILY . . . Open Sundays and Holiday.

Northern CaBif. Bulk WinesSWM.l nnd ^JT^^SS^ ROBERTS EXTRA


Quart . . 35c' Gallon . 67cGallon . S1.28


Quart . . 48c\ Gallon . 72cGallon . . SI.33



Consultation: His toi-y. symptom,

:.CS9 Hr —Complete physio

nnH X Ray Fluoro

ol thr pelvic oro.iin li indicated.

msis wi !. ex .lunation cf Hi- finrti igs ci

. t th-s i-v.i,n,M,,tiop, are helpmr.) people .1 i .-. u n, quod health. Only by successful


1323 Sartor, Av... Torram-c, Calif.






FIGHTING POODSThey guaid against colds and

otlici ailments winch lower you,


Vou can keep up your rc-

cncrgy by icgulariy augment­

ing your reduced diet with the

proper vitamin preparations.

Ask your physician which V,-1 r i i

Vimms Vitamin Plus Ironized ^"eastPRO-VITE

Capsules, 180(UPJOHN)

I'nieaps (100)(UPJOHN]

Super 1) Perles(UPJOHN)

Super A CapsulesTABLETS OR LIQUID Stuart's Formula(MILES)

One-a-Day A & 1) Tablets(MILES)One-a-Dny H Complex Cnpsules

AA ftC

OtJ,bO c^ rrSZ.55


IjextronisouiBBS)Vitamin H Complex SvrunI^OUIBBSJ •Mtamin P> Complex Capsules

"Vitamin Headquarters" McCOWN'S R-B DRUG, TORRANCF