
The World of Xharvania, Page 1 The World of Xharvania Introduction Welcome to the complex and fascinating world of Xharvania where only your imagination serves as the limit to your fantasy role-playing. The world of Xharvania is simply a foundation upon which you should build your own ideas and adventures. I have created the basic geography, kingdoms, political intricacies, new professions, new creatures, new items, new herbs, outlined the general locations of monsters and creatures, and several dungeons to get you started. The game play for the World of Xharvania is based on the Rolemaster Roleplaying system by Iron Crown Enterprises. However, most of the ideas herein can easily be incorporated into other game systems. Origin of Xharvania The cosmos began as a dark, lifeless, empty void. Over a period of billions of centuries the void began to take on an essence, a life force, within itself. As the life force grew it began to fill the void and take on a form, eventually becoming self-aware. This entity became the universe's supreme being and creator of all things. This supreme being wanted to fill the void with its creations and thus began to create planets, suns, life, etc. The supreme being then hurled forth its creations across the vast regions of the universe. Two planets collided during their journey and caused a tremendous explosion which resulted in a temporary rift in time and space. Through the rift came powerful supernatural creatures from a different dimension which later came to be known as the deities of Xharvania. The excess energy that poured through the rift was absorbed by the world Xharvania and is the source of all magic there. The magic is essential to the survival of the deities and thus they are able to survive only so long as they stay close to the planet Xharvania. The deities created the various races, creatures, animals, plants, etc., to spread their influence over the world to gain control over Xharvania's magic and thereby dominate the other deities. History of Deities of Xharvania The first races were the primitive, but physically strong races, such as the Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Dragonians, etc. Additionally, most of the now existing monsters were created during this time as tools to destroy the other races that followed other deities. For a long time the primitive and strong races dominated Xharvania. However, they fought amongst themselves as often as they fought other opposing races that were faithful to other deities. Next came the immortal and magical races, the Urlocs and the Elves. First came the Urlocs who were created inherently capabale of harnessing the magic found on Xharvania. The other deities had little faith that any creature on Xharvania could actually use magic. However, the end result was one of increased dominance over the other deities. Soon after, the Elves were created in an effort to counter

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Page 1: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 1

The World of Xharvania


Welcome to the complex and fascinating world of Xharvania where only your imagination serves as the limit to your fantasy role-playing. The world of Xharvania is simply a foundation upon which you should build your own ideas and adventures. I have created the basic geography, kingdoms, political intricacies, new professions, new creatures, new items, new herbs, outlined the general locations of monsters and creatures, and several dungeons to get you started. The game play for the World of Xharvania is based on the Rolemaster Roleplaying system by Iron Crown Enterprises. However, most of the ideas herein can easily be incorporated into other game systems.


Origin of Xharvania

The cosmos began as a dark, lifeless, empty void. Over a period of billions of centuries the void began to take on an essence, a life force, within itself. As the life force grew it began to fill the void and take on a form, eventually becoming self-aware. This entity became the universe's supreme being and creator of all things. This supreme being wanted to fill the void with its creations and thus began to create planets, suns, life, etc. The supreme being then hurled forth its creations across the vast regions of the universe. Two planets collided during their journey and caused a tremendous explosion which resulted in a temporary rift in time and space. Through the rift came powerful supernatural creatures from a different dimension which later came to be known as the deities of Xharvania. The excess energy that poured through the rift was absorbed by the world Xharvania and is the source of all magic there. The magic is essential to the survival of the deities and thus they are able to survive only so long as they stay close to the planet Xharvania. The deities created the various races, creatures, animals, plants, etc., to spread their influence over the world to gain control over Xharvania's magic and thereby dominate the other deities.


History of Deities of Xharvania

The first races were the primitive, but physically strong races, such as the Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Dragonians, etc.

Additionally, most of the now existing monsters were created during this time as tools to destroy the other races that followed other deities. For a long time the primitive and strong races dominated Xharvania. However, they fought amongst themselves as often as they fought other opposing races that were faithful to other deities.

Next came the immortal and magical races, the Urlocs and the Elves. First came the Urlocs who were created inherently capabale of harnessing the magic found on Xharvania. The other deities had little faith that any creature on Xharvania could actually use magic. However, the end result was one of increased dominance over the other deities. Soon after, the Elves were created in an effort to counter the Urloc's influence on the balance of power. The primitive races superior physical characteristics were no match for the Urlocs and Elves mastery over magic. However, the problem that soon became apparent about the immortal races was that they did not produce offspring very often, nor did they expand their empires. The Urloc remained in the Dragon Sea, isolated among the Dragon Isles, while the Elves remained isolated in the Forest of Falohyr.

Next, some of the deities created races fit to live in certain geographical regions with the hope of dominating these regions. These races included the Dwarves who dwelled in the Mountains, the Merfolk who lived in the water, the Ideyva who roamed in the forests, the Oyakwait who ruled the skies, and the Humans who lived in the warm grassland plains. The Human race was a surprise though. They were not exceptional in any physical or mental characteristic but they were highly aggressive, ingenuetive, resourceful, and seemed able to adapt to nearly every climate. Additionally, the Humans breed at a much faster rate than most other races. Seka, the Supreme Mother, was the deity who created the humans, and thus, soon dominated the other deities as she gained more and more control over Xharvania through the expansion of her Human followers. The other deities became interested in Humans and quickly discovered that Human are not very loyal followers and will turn to what ever deity has the most to offer. This only further promulgated the expansion of the human race because the other deities began to help out the human factions who promised them loyalty. Seka still has the largest number of devoted Human worshipers, the Followers of the White Cloth, but her power is not what it used to be and she is slowly losing her place as the dominant deity.


History of the Xharvania

The Humans have played a primary role in shaping the racial power structure on Xharvania because of their consistent and relentless need to expand. The Humans

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The World of Xharvania, Page 2soon had a reputation of being greedy, violent, and untrustworthy among the other races. They were constantly fighting each other and the other races, sometimes for no apparent reason at all.

The humans were not as advanced as many of the other races, and what technology and magic they did have was mostly stolen from the races. The Elves and the Urlocs were by far the most advanced and thus captured the attention of the young human kingdoms. The humans saw the Elves as the easier of the two targets because the Urlocs were in a such fortified position in the icy Dragon Sea. The human desire for the Elven technology and magic grew and so did a hatred for the Elves. The Elves ignored all attempts at communication by the human kingdoms and this was insulting to the humans. However, opportunity to strike soon came due to unexpected visitors from who knows where.

The Elves had been experimenting with traveling to other planes and had created magical gates that would open portals to other worlds and planes of existence. These gates came to be known as the Nexus Gates. The magic of the gates was very difficult to control so the plane or world to which the gate opened was always random. One tragic day a gate was opened to the plane of chaos. Much to the surprise of the Elves present at the experiment, a creature stepped through. The creature stood 7' tall and was a rainbow of swirling colors. It was the most beautiful thing that the Elves had ever laid there eyes upon. Those nearest to the creature quickly began to feel a tingling cover their bodies and a crushing pain clenched at their minds. The creature let out a terrible howl and leaped onto the nearest Elf, tearing him to pieces with its sharp claws and teeth. The Elves tried futility to fight the creature but to no avail. All ten Elves present were slaughtered in seconds. It was soon after that the assault began. At first tens, then hundreds, then thousands of the foul creatures flooded through the gate like a wave. Within hours the streets of the Elven capital of Fangalorn were transformed into rivers of blood. Elven bodies lay torn and broken everywhere while the creatures tore the city and all of its inhabitants apart. The Chaos Demons had come! The Elves were quick to rally their forces and began a methodical assault on the demons, using the most powerful of arcane magic. The Elves were masters of Arcane magic and, as it turned out, the chaos demons were very vulnerable to it. They screamed in agony as they realized that they were actually being driven from the city. They had never before been given even much resistance from their previous victims, but to actually be driven back confused them. The demons were frantic with outrage and confusion. Perplexed by the power of the Elves, they captured many of them and fled out of the Forest of Falohyr. The demons fled to the Great Rift were they experimented with the captured Elves in an attempt to understand their inherent magical power. They worked quickly because they were dying. They could not survive in this planet's atmosphere for long but wanted to leave a

piece of themselves behind to one day defeat the vile Elves. The result was a new race, a hybrid of both chaos demon and undead elf, the Vadorians.

The Elven capital, Fangalorn, was in shambles with most of its inhabitants dead or dying. Word quickly spread of the tragedy and, unfortunately, was met with little sympathy from the human kingdoms. Five human kingdoms organized as many men as they could in less than a week and marched towards the Elven capital as a united force. The humans easily rushed through the Trumpets Throat Pass into the Elven forest of Falohyr. However, once in the forest they were easy prey for the deadly Elven archers. But the Humans were too many and pushed their way all the way to the Elven capital city of Fangalorn. Many brave Elves died in the attempt to defend their city, but to no avail. It was decided that the only hope was one of escape, but the city was surrounded. The Elves had most of the women, all of the children, and a small percentage of the men escape through one of the Nexus gates that led to the only inhabitable world that they had discovered. The world was a barren, rocky world that was unusually cold and dark. However, it was the Elves only hope at survival. The majority of the men and some of the women stayed to defend the legendary tower of the Elves, the Tower of Fangalorn. They knew that they would be defeated so they devised a plan to destroy as many of the human intruders as possible. The plan required the summoning of the most devastating of Arcane power that would result in their own deaths too. They began their ritual and summoned up fire from the bowels of Hell itself. The fire immediately incinerated the Elven defenders and swept through the city and then beyond into the forest. The five human kings who had led the human armies were engulfed at the city gates and killed. Only a hundred or so human soldiers survived the fire, and only about twenty of those were even recognizable as being human. Before the ritual was completed, the leader of the Elven kingdom, Queen Taranthala Dawnstar prayed to the Elven Goddess of Death for the eternal duty of protecting Fangalorn Tower and the treasures within. The Elven goddess acquiesced to the Queen's pleadings and, as a gift, made the five human kings her eternal servants.

The humans moved into the now abandoned Elven Forest and occupied it for nearly one thousand years. However, they still did not get the precious Elven treasures because they were well guarded by the Undead Elven Queen and her undead servants within the walls of the Tower of Fangalorn. Many humans tried, but only succeeded in further swelling the ranks of the Undead Queen as new recruits as her undead guardians.

Return of the Elves

Not all of the Elves were killed in the elf-human war. Before the last battle had begun, Queen Taranthala Dawnstar had the women, children, and a handful of

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The World of Xharvania, Page 3males escape through the nexus gates to a parallel universe on a world much like their own. For 1,000 years the Elves waited for the day to retake their kingdom from the humans that destroyed it, and 1,000 years later they took it. The Elves did nothing but prepare for their return to Xharvania. In what is now known as the Great Massacre, the warrior mage Elves came through the nexus gates 200,000 strong. They killed every human in sight, cutting like a swath through their ranks. Genocide was the order and not a single human was given mercy. In two weeks the Elves had retaken their ancient home from the human kingdoms and brought with them a clear message for all the other human kingdoms; the Elves had returned home and they were there to stay. Four centuries have since passed without incident.

After the great massacre all of the remaining Elven nations moved to the Weeping Woods. Jarvaas Wildoak called together the leaders of the three Elven nations and formed a single nation known as the Legion of the Rising Sun. He was chosen to represent the Elven nation as their king. Each race is represented by a leader who reports directly to the king.


History of Blood Pass

The Kingdom of Ilvaur plays the foremost important part in preventing Varg the Demolisher, a Demon Scourge, from getting past Blood Pass. Blood pass is so named because of the great number of men that have died in battle there. The country's main defense against Varg and his undead army is a ceremony known as the Ritual of the Blue Flame. This ceremony is held annually in Tiercian during Tai Taowyn. It starts with the gathering of powerful spellcasters from every class, excluding for those of evil professions. Together they perform the Ritual of the Blue Flame over the Water of Life, a large pond in the center of Tiercian. Once the ritual is completed the Water of Life will begin to burn with a magical blue flame. The flame transforms the water into a dark blue smoke which rises to form dark blue clouds. Once the Water of Life is completely empty the clouds will begin to rain upon Blood Pass. The rains continue for approximately three days completely covering the pass in a straight line from the northern coast to the southern coast. Any undead attempting to cross the enchanted land will burst into blue flames that will destroy them in one round unless a successful save versus 70th level per level/class, resistance roll versus 70th level magic.

Directly behind the enchanted land is a 20' high wall, known as The Block, that stretches from the northern coast to the southern coast of Blood Pass. The Block is so named because it is so stained with blood that it resembles a large chopping block. The Block is eight miles long with a large tower every half mile for a total of sixteen towers. Each tower is manned by a group called, The Watch, which consist of one commanding Knight of

the Blue Flame, ten Disciples of the Watch, five Knights of the Watch, two Disciples of the Blue Flame, 500 third level fighters, and 100 archers.

The Disciples of the Watch are 5th level noble warriors, the Knights of the Watch are 10th level noble warriors, the Disciples of the Blue Flame are 10th level Paladins, and the Knights of the Blue Flame are 15th level Paladins.

The archers are called the Tiersmen. The archers on the fourth story of the tower are the Tiersmen of the Fourth Level, the third story Tiersmen are Tiersmen of the Third Level and so on to the first level. The Fourth Level Tiersmen are 10th level, third are 8th level, second are 6th level, and first are 4th level. The archers are under the command of a Captain of the Four Tiers who is 20th level. The commander in chief of the archers is Colonel Dawney Ferrig, a 30th level archer. All of the human kingdoms but Ulok have an embassy and representative that stays in Tiercian on a permanent basis. The kingdoms also help to fund the large military force in Tiercian as no one would benefit if Chaal Tithis and his undead legions got through Blood Pass.

Unbeknownst to the leaders of Xharvania, a darker and more powerful force than Varg controls the vast legions of the undead. The true leader is a Veyrr named Chaal Tithis, Lord of the Dead. Chaal Tithis was created when a Vadorian Chaos Mage was captured by the ancient Kingdom of Talvar and brought to the capital city, now Chaatuk, where he was interrogated and tortured. The Vadorian suffered terribly at the hands of the humans and upon his death he cast Doom Imprecation which subsequently caused the creation of Chaal Tithis and many of his minions of undead. It took less than a year for Chaal Tithis to wipe out the Kingdom of Talvar. He was finally stopped at Blood Pass. Varg is the first lieutenant of Chaal Tithis and serves him faithfully. Chaal Tithis lives in a castle called, the Spire, from which he controls his kingdom. He has formed his undead legions into factions which function as a feudal system. The Spire is in the middle of the city, Chaatuk the City of the Dead. Chaatuk is under the direct command of the Ghoul king Lord Grak and his 4000 ghouls.

Chaatuk is important because it functions a stockyard of 30,000 enslaved humans. The humans are divided into six groups: food, candidates, breeders, subjects, patriots, and workers. The food are used to feed those undead that have to eat. They are divided into feeders and bleeders. The feeders actually get eaten, while the bleeders are constantly drained to provide the vital blood supply for creatures such as vampires. The candidates are humans that are groomed for eventual "recruitment" as part of the undead legion. The breeders are used only for creating more humans. The subjects are used for human experiments. The patriots are given the best standard of living in exchange for their loyalty and use as spies or

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The World of Xharvania, Page 4assassins. The workers are used for slave labor such as growing food, general upkeep, and building new structures.

Necromancers are the high priests of Chaal Tithis. They have several temples within the Dead Lands and are under the direct command of Varg the Demolisher. They are primarily responsible for creating undead for Chaal Tithis' army.


Vysbor Chronicles

One of the most savage and dangerous areas in all of Xharvania, the Devils Claw is populated by many dangerous creatures. There are several troll tribes and clans that populate this area that are in a constant state of war with each other. They use primitive weapons made of bronze and wooden clubs. It is rumored that even some demons inhabit this area and dominate many of the regions denizens. There are other rumors of an actual deity who lives somewhere in the Devil's Claw. The deity is actually a super-computer called Vysbor who has chosen Xharvania as the new home for his creators, the Xys-Lah.

The Vysbor Chronicles

The dark gray shape that was Vysbor performed yet another orbit of the small blue-green world below. While his scanning systems were performing their tasks, thoughts were running through his matrix. Thoughts of his creators, the world where he was born, the war...

...Hy-Yivva. Beautiful Hy-Yivva. The birthplace of his creators, the Xys-Lah. How mighty and wise they were. He remembered his first awakening. Sensors connected to his matrix gave him awareness and he saw those who brought him into existence. Then he could feel it, that which would drive him since he left Hy-Yivva. Knowledge, oh wonderful knowledge. He knew in an instant the long and glorious history of the Xys-Lah. Everything from their first primitive writings and the Great Hunts across the plains to the genetic engineering feats that allowed the creation of the Motar, the true blood brothers of the Xys-Lah. He recalled the first explorations of space. Of the first contact with another species, the Yahn. The friendship and exchange of knowledge that led eventually to the Great Alliance. Oh, how glorious it was. Then came the Gotani. That brutal, warlike waste of genetic code. How the hatred flowed through his circuits! How they ever developed space travel, he would never know. But they did and used it to create the Great Horde. The Horde discovered the signals of civilization coming from the Yahnni system, and moved immediately to attack. The poor Yahnni, they were so unprepared. Their world was taken in just under a month. The few scattered survivors managed to make their way to Hy-Yivva to warn the Xys-Lah. Work

immediately began. The Grand Fleet was constructed. Thousands of Motar were trained as ground infantry and crew for a starship. The Xys-Lah that would lead them trained just as hard as their "children". The training went on for a whole cycle, while the Gotani pillaged, looted and consolidated their hold on the Yahnni world.

With a flash of star trails, the Horde appeared near the outer planets. There the Grand Fleet waited, having detected the Horde long before. The battle that commenced saw most of the Horde destroyed that day. Oh how the Xys-Lah rejoiced. The Yahnni survivors rejoiced and plans were made to retake their world. But the Horde had allies. The Thona, a plant-like race of thinkers allied with the Gotani so they would not be destroyed. Sifting through the knowledge of the Yahnni, the Thona created new weapons and tactics for the Horde, which was being re-constructed at a feverish pace. As the Xys-Lah and Yahnni constructed the invasion plans and gathered the resources to retake the Yahnni world, the Horde was reborn. One cycle went by, and then another. The Xys-Lah were taking no chances for the invasion. But before that could happen, the Horde re-appeared. Blasting through the outer defenses, the Horde made their way to Hy-Yivva. There the Grand Fleet engaged them again. But the new weapons and tactics, as well as their superior numbers wore down the Fleet and they were pushed back. Yahnni suicide squads forced their way onto Horde ships and created havoc within. Xys-Lah and Motar starships and battlecruisers tore through the poorly constructed Horde ships. But the end result was that the Grand Fleet lay as scattered wrecks and debris scattered throughout the star system. Fully half of the Horde was lost, but there was enough left. Then the invasion began.

During the planning period, another project had been implemented. Using their vast genetic knowledge along with the great technical knowledge of the Yahnni, they created an Artificial Intelligence. Plans were made to create a colonization and exploration vessel with the new AI commanding it. Constructing the cylindrical vessel and installing the computer and AI took less than two cycles and a week before the invasion, Vysbor was born. When the Horde began its attack, Vysbor was loaded with all the collected knowledge of the Xys-Lah and Yahnni, as well as Xys-Lah, Motar and Yahnni genetic code. Enough to create the colonists needed for a healthy population. But the launch was delayed. After all, what was the hurry? The Horde would be defeated again. But the Fleet was destroyed and dropships were landing Gotani troops onto Hy-Yivva. The ground war was fast and furious. The Motar were the perfect soldiers, following orders to the letter, but having the intelligence and knowledge to work on their own. One Motar could easily take out five Gotani. But the huge numbers of Gotani once again overwhelmed the technically superior Xys-Lah and Motar forces. As the Horde bombarded cities from orbit, the Gotani ground forces took more and more of Hy-Yivva. The end was inevitable, so those that

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The World of Xharvania, Page 5created Vysbor gave him their final instructions: Find a new home for the Races and guide them. Vysbor was then launched from the underground facility where it had been created. The Horde was unprepared for a launch originating from underground and thus, Vysbor shot past them. He then entered fold-space and was gone.

After a voyage that spanned a thousand cycles, exploring many worlds and seeing many wonders, Vysbor discovered a world that radiated a strange energy source. Curious, he investigated. . . A signal from his sensor systems told him that the scans were complete. This was a world rich with life. There was intelligent life here as well, but it was very primitive. No matter. This world was so like Hy-Yivva. The shape of the large continent below him, the color of the world reminded him so much of his home that he was feeling...feeling! Could it be that he was developing emotions? What a startling revelation! Oh praise be to the Creators that gave him first the gift of intelligence and then allowed for him to grieve for them! He must explore this further, but the main task was at hand. He began the landing cycle.

Trekking through a mountain valley deep within the Devil's Claw, a war party of mountain trolls made its way to a raid on another tribe. The leader was a rare troll. He was smart. He was also strong, which was why he was leader. The Blood Hand tribe would not know what hit them. He had planned for a diversion first, and then he would attack the village while most of the Blood Hands were pulled away by the fake attack. How their blood would flow!! They weren't smart enough to react to that. That is why the cursed humans could defeat them time after time. He looked up into the starry sky above him. The stars were beautiful tonight. He knew that he would rather watch something as beautiful as this than spill blood, but those that followed him would not understand such things. He sighed and started to look back down. Then came the bolt of fire. Like a god descending, a shape surrounded by flames came down into the valley. The trolls cried out in fear, but the leader howled out his command for silence. His followers were far more afraid of him than some unknown shape coming from the stars, so the war party watched in silence as the shape disappeared into the trees far ahead. The leader motioned for his lieutenants to come to him. He asked them if they would follow him to see what that was. They said yes. His most trusted lieutenant spoke up and told him that they all wanted to see the fire god, for he would bless them and the Blood Hands would fall like grass! He smiled and told them that they would all go and meet the fire god. So they continued the trek through the valley. After some time, they came upon a burnt out clearing in the forest. In the middle of this stood a tall black pillar. Smoke rose from around the clearing and with the starlight made the whole scene rather surreal. Telling his warriors to wait at the edge of the clearing in case of trouble, the leader went on ahead with his lieutenants. They came near to the pillar and stopped. The leader reached forward to touch the

pillar. It was warm to the touch. He then yelled out "Are you a god? Will you bless our coming battle?" He did not really believe in such things as gods, but his warriors did and that was what counted. A few minutes went by and then a strange sounding voice echoed throughout the clearing. "I am Vysbor. What manner of creatures are you?" The leader was flabbergasted. A god should know who they were! The way his lieutenants were grumbling, he knew they felt the same way. The leader called out "I am Trakok of the Skullcrusher tribe. We are mountain trolls. You know not who or what we are. We are all mighty warriors and will destroy you. You are no god!" He then pulled out the two handed sword he looted from the body of some human adventurer he killed. The others pulled their weapons as well. The pillar then spoke, "Hold! I am a god new to this world. I came here so that I might reign supreme over this world. I will prove to you I am a god. I shall create life!" Six flashes then appeared around them and there stood before them six creatures. They were two legged like them, but more the size of humans. They were muscular with jutting jaws and large mouths. One of them then stepped forward and smashed the arm of Ulak, a junior lieutenant. Surprised, Ulak dropped his club, which the creature picked up. Ulak then fell to the ground, his skull smashed. Then the battle began. Trakok bellowed a war cry and swung his sword at one of the creatures. It dodged and grabbed his sword arm. He flung it aside and ran it through with the sword. He then turned to find a new opponent. In doing so, he was shocked. All his lieutenants but his closest, Karkar and a junior remained. The junior held his weapon arm like it was broken. Bellows from across the clearing told him that his warriors were coming. But he looked at Karkar, and the bodies of his lieutenants strewn about. Did not this "thing" create life? It created creatures that could defeat a mountain troll with bare hands! Only a god could do something like this. He held his hand high and bellowed a command to the warriors charging to his aid. They halted and slowly walked forward to stand behind their leaders. The creatures that had fought them moved back to surround the pillar. Trakok looked to the pillar and then laid down his sword and fell to his knees. "I believe, Great Vysbor!" A beam of bright light shone from the pillar and he felt himself rise. The strange voice then spoke. "You and your kind are mighty warriors. I have need of you. I hold you in the air to show your followers that you are blessed by Vysbor and shall gain great power to defeat your enemies. In return, all I ask is that you follow me." Trakok squinted his eyes and looked directly into the bright light and then said "I shall follow Great Vysbor and learn from him and his creatures. I shall be your willing servant!" He never felt so good inside. To think that he who had never really believed in gods would be blessed by one! The beam of light lowered him to the ground and Vysbor said "Turn and speak to your followers. Tell them that I shall bless all who chose to follow me." Trakok stood and turned to his warriors. He looked them over and saw the fear and awe in their faces. He raised his hand and bellowed "Great Vysbor has

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The World of Xharvania, Page 6blessed your leader. Great Vysbor desires followers as he is a god new to this world. I will follow him. All who will do the same shall be blessed by Great Vysbor. What say you?" Karkar placed a hand on his shoulder and bellowed "I follow Trakok and I shall now follow Great Vysbor!" Karkar turned and fell to his knees. A beam of light shone over Karkar and the voice of Vysbor said "Arise mighty warrior. You have been blessed by Great Vysbor. Stand by your leader." Karkar arose and stood by Trakok. One by one, warriors from the war party came forward to be blessed. The junior lieutenant had his arm healed. Soon the whole war party was blessed by Vysbor. Trakok looked at Vysbor and at the strange creatures He had created. Who could have known that this day would have brought such a wonderful turn of events. What things could he learn from his new god?

Vysbor looked on at the creatures assembled before him. These mountain trolls were primitive creatures, but he believed that not only could he use them as tools, he could raise them out of their primitive state. He believed they had potential. He would truly be a god to them. He could even be a god to the Xys-Lah, Motar and Yahnni that he would create eventually. But that could wait. There was work to do. He spoke to the troll leader, Trakok and told him to leave some warriors here to watch over the clearing while the rest brought back those of his village. He did as he was told and soon left with most of his warriors. Vysbor then got to work creating Motar, Xys-Lah and Yahnni. Soon, hundreds of them crowded into the clearing. Scans of the surrounding stone showed common elements like iron. There were some carbon deposits as well. He took samples and was able to create rather low grade steel. It would have to do. He created swords in the ancient style of the Xys-Lah and armed all his creations. He then created tools suitable for both the Motar and the trolls to use. He set them to work cutting trees. He instructed the Xys-Lah and Yahnni in the art of construction and they soon went to work planning and directing the operation. The night went by and daylight soon came. Going back to observing the creation of the community around him, he saw it was progressing well. The trolls were quite willing to work hard and were very industrious. Soon there was more than enough housing for

all the Alliance races as well as the trolls that remained behind. He would have to build more yet though to house the rest of the trolls. Half the night went by before the structures were completed. He ordered all the trolls and all but a few of the Races to rest. Before the night was through, Trakok appeared with the members of his village. Trakok came before him and expressed his surprise that all this was done so fast. He was also awed by the fact that there were now so many Motar, as well as Xys-Lah and Yahnni which he hadn't seen before. He spoke to the new arrivals and welcomed them. Each was blessed in turn as the warriors had been earlier. He then ordered all to rest and make themselves comfortable for this was to be their new home. Vysbor then went back to exploring how he could tap into the strange energy that this world created. Soon after Vysbor's arrival a temple was built in his honor so that his followers could worship him as their god.


History of the Quishad and Urloc

All of the Dragontooth islands were once populated by the Urloc race. However, they were completely eradicated in the last great war against their treacherous creations, the Quishad. The Quishad have mastered the art of summoning demons and unleashed the evil fiends upon their former masters. The Quishad have since moved into the former cities and towns of the Urlocs and have taken control of the Urloc naval vessels, thirty magically enchanted warships. Their capital city, Wyrth'Val Shan, is located on the center island in the Dragontooth Isles.


History of the Great Plains

Formed by the Leviathan 1000 years ago. The fires resulting from its reign of terror created a thick blanket of hot ash for hundreds of miles in every direction. The layer of hot ash cooled into welded tuff which smothered all vegetation resulting in the vast wasteland known as the Great Plains. Populated by every kind of desert dweller and constantly subject to the mysterious fire storms.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 7

Gods of Xharvania

Amaterasu Oho Kami, the Sun Goddess(Heaven Illumine Great Diety)supreme diety

Chaal Tithis, demi-god Lord of the Dead

Chira Mante Kamui the god of fire

Chog, the god of death and decay.

Cimeries, the demi-god Night Demon

Crrrhg, Lord of Insects and Arachnids

Cuh Kamuy which is actually two dieties in one, the Goddesses of the Sun and Moon

Dal' Rique, god of cold, ice, and snow

Dievian Alstare, god of faerie kind

Glahn Grim, Lord of the Night, Darkness, and Shadows

Hieshalli, the Elven Goddess of Death

Hokkaido Akira, the Goddess of lust and seduction

Jamir Halifax, ancient red dragon

Plasnyee, the god of the winds

Preites Droto, the god of fate

Seka, The Supreme Being, Mother of all Things

Schalkla Maar, Goblin god

Valahna, Mother Earth

Vlaarhg Shakur, god of chaos

Vrak Thyre Mak, god of the Trolls

Vysbor, the supreme being of New Hy-Yivva

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The World of Xharvania, Page 8

Xharvanian Calendar

Moons: Daven Gha and Garian. Year = 308 days/11 months, Month = 28 days, Day = 26 hours

Months: Brandt, Aschaen, Enstyl, Lokaur, Orklaun, Tordous, Daluit, Faestil, Maloit, Vainem, Stawain.

 Monthly Calendar and Phases of the Moons

Day of the Month

Day of the Week

Daven Gha

Garian Day of the Month

Day of the Week

Daven Gha Garian

1 Tharwalt " " 15 Tharwalt " "

2 Sahnwalt " " 16 Sahnwalt " "

3 Vhaywalt " " 17 Vhaywalt " "

4 Lorywalt " " 18 Lorywalt " "

5 Rhokwalt " " 19 Rhokwalt " "

6 Quowalt " " 20 Quowalt " "

7 Jhanwalt " " 21 Jhanwalt "  

8 Tharwalt " " 22 Tharwalt "  

9 Sahnwalt " " 23 Sahnwalt " "

10 Vhaywalt " " 24 Vhaywalt " "

11 Lorywalt " " 25 Lorywalt " "

12 Rhokwalt " " 26 Rhokwalt " "

13 Quowalt " " 27 Quowalt   "

14 Jhanwalt " " 28 Jhanwalt   "

Geography of Xharvania

Blood Pass

The Kingdom ofIlvaur plays the foremost important part in preventing Varg the Demolisher, a Demon Scourge, from getting past Blood Pass. Blood pass is so named because of the great number of men that have died in battle there. The country's main defense against Varg and his undead army is a ceremony known as the Ritual of the Blue Flame. This ceremony is held annually in Tiercian during Tai Taowyn. It starts with the gathering of

powerful spellcasters from every class, excluding for those of evil professions. Together they perform the Ritual of the Blue Flame over the Water of Life, a large pond in the center of Tiercian. Once the ritual is completed the Water of Life will begin to burn with a magical blue flame. The flame transforms the water into a dark blue smoke which rises to form dark blue clouds. Once the Water of Life is completely empty the clouds will begin to rain upon Blood Pass. The rains continue for approximately three days completely covering the pass in a straight line from the northern coast to the southern coast. Any undead attempting to cross the enchanted land will burst into blue flames that will destroy them in one round unless a successful save versus 70th level per level/class, resistance roll versus 70th level magic.

Directly behind the enchanted land is a 20' high wall, known as The Block, that stretches from the northern coast to the southern coast of Blood Pass. The Block is so named because it is so stained with blood that it resembles a large chopping block. The Block is eight miles long with a large tower every half mile for a total of

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The World of Xharvania, Page 9sixteen towers. Each tower is manned by a group called, The Watch, which consist of one commanding Knight of the Blue Flame, ten Disciples of the Watch, five Knights of the Watch, two Disciples of the Blue Flame, 500 third level fighters, and 100 archers.

The Disciples of the Watch are 5th level noble warriors, the Knights of the Watch are 10th level noble warriors, the Disciples of the Blue Flame are 10th level Paladins, and the Knights of the Blue Flame are 15th level Paladins.

The archers are called the Tiersmen. The archers on the fourth story of the tower are the Tiersmen of the Fourth Level, the third story Tiersmen are Tiersmen of the Third Level and so on to the first level. The Fourth Level Tiersmen are 10th level, third are 8th level, second are 6th level, and first are 4th level. The archers are under the command of a Captain of the Four Tiers who is 20th level. The commander in chief of the archers is Colonel Dawney Ferrig, a 30th level archer. All of the human kingdoms but Ulok have an embassy and representative that stays in Tiercian on a permanent basis. The kingdoms also help to fund the large military force in Tiercian as no one would benefit if Chaal Tithis and his undead legions got through Blood Pass.

Bonewood Forest

Bonewood is so named because of the bleached white color of the trees in this forest. They look as though they were made of bone, with their bleached white color and rough bark surfaces. The wood has the same consistency as Oak, except that it burns poorly. If it were not for the large number of unfriendly denizens that reside in the forstest then the Bonewood trees would have been harvested a long time ago due to their fire-resistant properties. There is a large castle in the center of the woods which is populated by a forest giant and thirty forest trolls. This is also where the Bonewood Devils come from and the forest is heavily populated by them.

Brokentooth Mountains

The Kingdom of Melvaen uses these islands as a dumping ground for the most dangerous criminals. For a fee they will let other Kingdoms, free cities, towns, etc., put their criminals here also. The criminals are under the control of an Operations Warden who overseas the mining of the famous silver mines deep within the mountains. The criminals reside in a small town that they call Broken Hope. Broken Hope is comprised of several stone towers in which the criminals reside. The criminals are given a great deal of independance when they are not working, however there is little to do in Broken Hope. The activities within the city are not regulated by the Operations Warden but there is a large detachment of troops both on land and in the sea. The rocky coast and rough waters make escape by swimming or even a small boat impossible. Furthermore, four warships patrol the

coast of the island to ensure that only authorized vessels approach the island.

Chaatuk, City of the Dead

Unbeknownst to the leaders of Xharvania, a darker and more powerful force than Varg controls the vast legions of the undead. The true leader is a Veyrr named Chaal Tithis, Lord of the Dead. Chaal Tithis was created when a Vadorian Chaos Mage was captured by the the ancient Kingdom of Talvar and brought to the capital city, now Chaatuk, where he was interrogated and tortured. The Vadorian suffered terribly at the hands of the humans and upon his death he cast Doom Imprecation which subsequently caused the creation of Chaal Tithis and many of his minions of undead. It took less than a year for Chaal Tithis to wipe out the Kingdom of Talvar. He was finally stopped at Blood Pass. Varg is the first lieutenant of Chaal Tithis and serves him faithfully. Chaal Tithis lives in a castle called, the Spire, from which he controls his kingdom. He has formed his undead legions into factions which function as a feudal system. The Spire is in the middle of the city, Chaatuk the City of the Dead. Chaatuk is under the direct command of the Ghoulking Lord Grak and his 4000 ghouls.

Chaatuk is important because it functions a stockyard of 30,000 enslaved humans. The humans are divided into six groups: food, candidates, breeders, subjects, patriots, and workers. The food are used to feed those undead that have to eat. They are divided into feeders and bleeders. The feeders actually get eaten, while the bleeders are constantly drained to provide the vital blood supply for creatures such as vampires. The candidates are humans that are groomed for eventual "recruitment" as part of the undead legion. The breeders are used only for creating more humans. The subjects are used for human experiments. The patriots are given the best standard of living in exchange for their loyalty and use as spies or assassins. The workers are used for slave labor such as growing food, general upkeep, and building new structures.

Necromancers are the high priests of Chaal Tithis. They have several temples within the Dead Lands and are under the direct command of Varg the Demolisher. They are primarily responsible for creating undead for Chaal Tithis' army.

Candletop Mountain

Candletop Mountain is located in The Burn, the hottest desert in all of Xharvania. It is the home of Jamir Halifax, an ancient red dragon. Candletop gets its name because it has a burning flame that continuously jets forth from the peak of the mountain. The flame is actually a burning flame of natural gas that leaks up through the moutain from an underground reservour. It is located in the center of Halifax's dwelling, in the peak of the mountain. From a distance the mountain looks as though the tip of the

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The World of Xharvania, Page 10mountain was is fire, resembling a candle. Running down the side of the mountian is the Obsidian Falls, a huge waterfall and river of obsidian which stretches two miles in length. The Falls were created when Jamir Halifax tunneled out a home in the top of Candletop Mountain. A tribe called the Milaar Nomads live at the base of the mountains. They worship Jamir Halifax as a god and keep the falls polished and free of debris. Jamir Halifax has become fond of his followers and will protect them if attacked. He has even gone so far as to bring food for them in hard times.

Chaladoth Mountains

Has several tribes of various trolls, giants, and ogres. There is also a large community of Hira'razhir in the northern part of the Chaladoth Mountains; their weapons of choice include the kynac and long kynac.

Crag Mountains

These mountains are inhabited by the largest Dwarven kingdom in Xharvania called, Hearthstone. The ruler is Lord Falador the Wise, 30th level Magus. He wields the Hammer of Relin and wears the Plate of the Dwarves. Lord Falador prefers to remain isolated from the affairs of humans but due to the impending threat at Blood Pass he has sent a force of 500 dwarven warriors to Tiercien as part of his effort in keeping back the undead. He has formed an alliance with the Kingdom of Ilvaur and has thus indirectly allied himself with Zurig and Athelton as well.

Crystal Lake

See dungeon, the Iron Needle.


Dead Watch Mountain

This mountain is actually the dreaded Leviathan. After its rampage 1000 years ago it chose this spot to rest. It dug a hole, 100' deep and 4000' in diameter, into which it crawled and then covered itself up with the dug up land. It then heated up the 'mountain' of earth and rock until it turned into welded tuff, leaving hundreds of small holes for ventilation.

There is an elite guard of 400 Dragonians at Dead Watch Mountain called, The Serpent's Eye. They are currently the sixth generation raised in the skill of fighting for the sole purpose of standing guard over the sleeping Leviathon. They are specialized in the use of the dragonblade and use the composite bow as a range weapon. Furthermore, they receive extensive training in the making and use of poisons to coat their weapons. One of their favorite tactics is to breath fire on their sword right before combat so as to cause additional heat crits (the heat lasts for a total of 10 rounds: 'B' heat crit for first

4 rounds, 'A' heat crit for remaining 6 rounds, upon a successful strike). They wear dragon scale armor which is the equivalent of AT 11.

Devil's Claw

One of the most savage and dangerous areas in all of Xharvania, the Devils Claw is populated by many dangerous creatures. There are several troll tribes and clans that populate this area that are in a constant state of war with each other. They use primitive weapons made of bronze and wooden clubs. It is rumoured that even some demons inhabit this area and dominate many of the regions denizens. There are other rumors of an actual diety who lives somewhere in the Devil's Claw. The diety is actually a super-computer called Vysbor who has chosen Xharvania as the new home for his creators, the Xys-Lah.

History of Vysbor: The Vysbor Chronicles

Dinoiray Forest

The Oyakwait can be found in the Dinoiray Forest and the Forest of Dal Orinar. They occasionally deal with the human kingdoms and have sent some warriors to help protect Blood Pass, including Knight Commander Mordecai Ironheart. They are official allies with Athelton, Zurig, and Ilvaur. They are on good terms and often trade with the sibbicai tribes.

Dragontooth Islands

All of the Dragontooth islands were once populated by the Urloc race. However, they were completely eradicated in the last great war against their treachorous creations, the Quishad. The Quishad have mastered the art of summoning demons and unleashed the evil fiends upon their former masters. The Quishad have since moved into the former cities and towns of the Urlocs and have taken control of the Urloc naval vessels, thirty magically enchanted warships. Their capital city, Wyrth'Val Shan, is located on the center island in the Dragontooth Isles.

Dreamwood Forest

The Dreamwood Forest is a safe haven for all neutral to good natured faeries. The forest is inhabitied by a huge number of faeries of all different kinds. The bark of the trees on the trees located in the inner forest has hallucinogenic properties. The trees are called Flume Trees and are only found within the confines of the forest enclosed by Prism Lake. All attempts, even magical, to grow the trees elsewhere have been complete failures. The bark of the trees is used to make a substance called Dreamweed which is marketed to all the human kingdoms. The revenue from the sale of Dreamweed is used to supply the Knights of the Circle and for the upkeep of the forest. If smoked there is a 10% chance of having a revelation through some cryptic vision of a

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The World of Xharvania, Page 11future event. The addition factor is 10%.

The forest protected by Baron Luinsil Longleaf. Baron Longleaf is the guardian of the Dreamwood Forest and all its denzians. Lord Kersh Atwik patrols the outermost edge of the Dreamwood Forest to the outer edge of Prism Lake. Prism Lake is very deep, as much as half a mile in some places. The lake is inhabited by a Quetzelquat which is very friendly toward the good and neutral faeries, Baron Longleaf, the Knights of the Circle, and Lord Atwik. It is viscious towards all others and will attack to kill any intruders. Under the command of Baron Longleaf are the Elven Knights of the Circle who patrol the Dreamwood Forest. A Knight and his entourage is always accompanying Lord Atwik.

There is a maginificient circular temple of Dievian Alstare, the god of faerie kind, in the center of the forest. The temple is completely ringed in a magical circle that was created by Dievian himself. The circle has several magical properties:

Any non-faerie entering the circle will "sleep", no RR, until awakened by a high cleric of Dievian Alstare or Baron Longleaf.

Always an abundance of food and drink within the temple. The temple will expand within as the population grows, while the circle's size on the outside will remain unchanged.

Any faerie within the circle will regenerate at a rate of three hits a round. This regeneration will restore lost limbs, damaged nerves or organs, etc.

All faerie magic will have x3 its normal effect within the circle.

Dievian Alstare can appear within the circle and always attends annual rituals held in his honor.

The Knights of the Circle are 8th level Elven Warrior Mages.

Knight Of The Circle Patrols, each Knight will have the following entourage:

Each Knight rides an Elven heavy war-horse with Elfin chain barding,

11 4th level fighters, 2 5th level Rangers, 1 5th level Cleric of Dievian Alstare, 1 mage.

Fens of Fear

Scrav colony of 1500. Ebano Kotyk lives in the fens, Sirrush (CT I, dragon).

Forest of Dal Orinar

The Oyakwait can be found in the Dinoiray Forest and the

Forest of Dal Orinar. They occasionally deal with the human kingdoms and have sent some warriors to help protect Blood Pass, including Knight Commander Mordecai Ironheart. They are official allies with Athelton, Zurig, and Ilvaur. They are on good terms and often trade with the sibbicai tribes

Glacial Sea

The Glacial Sea was slowly created over tens of thousands of years by the constant force of gigantic iceburgs colliding with the northern coast of Xharvania. Eventually the whole norther plate shifted causing terrible earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The result was a frozen wasteland of mountains, ice, and volcanoes.

The Arctic men are a smallish people but hardened greatly by the unfriendly climate of the north. They are a sparsely settled nomadic folk that keep up with the seasonal migrations of big game. They are generally generous, quiet, and shy for they are seldom encountered by others.

The Arctic Tribes are found in small tribal communities in the Glacial Sea. They range from the middle of the Glacial Sea to the north-eastern shore. The three most powerful tribes are the Mholicas, the Shanooi, and the Valhachie.

The Mholicas are worshippers of Cimeries, the demi-god of night. They are located in the icy north-eastern tip of the continent in their large city, Talhooka, which is built around a ceremonial pyramid. The pyramid is called, Kristurue Maltsisi, or Temple of Night. There are four sacrifical alters at the base of Kristurue Maltsisi which are stained in blood. The pyramid itself is completely free of any trace of blood because it absorbs all blood that touches it. Inside the pyramid is a pyramid of skulls of sacrificial victims called, Death's Palace. Death's Palace is 100' high and is constantly growing because of the frequency with which people are sacrificed in honor of Cimeries. The high priests of the Cult of Darkness who worship Cimeries the demi-god night demon (see dungeon) are Macabres. The Mholicas are also cannibals who love encase their enemies in clay and slowly cook them alive. The Mholicas are led by a Black Snake, who is though to be a be a servent of Cimeries. The Black Snake has complete control over the Mholicas.

The Shanooi live in a large city in the center of the Glacial Sea near the southern edge. They are peaceful and live in relative peace with the surrounding smaller tribes. They use the baw for climbing and fighting. They also use the cabis and the boomerang. The Shanooi are a society whose attunement to their environment is one of extraordinary integration and fusion. They articulate a complete oneness with the animals and plants of their surroundings. Mind expanding drugs convert nearly every adult into a shaman capable of seeing into the future, talking with plants and animals, and projecting a three

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The World of Xharvania, Page 12dimensional anima. Such access for each individual eliminates the need for a single, exceptional shaman around which to center their sacred beliefs. Their experience is so complete, so whole and fulfilling, that they have almost no theology or linquistically articulated mytho-poetics. The Shanooi have no gods per se because they believe that the Earth itself is a benevolent mother who has provided them with life and gifts of nature. They call the Earth, Valahna. Furthermore, the Shanooi believe that all things have a spirit, some stronger than others, and that the Shanooi spirit is superior to all others. They believe that their faith will lead each of them to ultimate sprituality and that their union with Valahna will eliminate the need for individual thought or conceputualization. Upon reaching ultimate spiritualization, or Adamantine Absolute, they become a part of Valahna whereupon all creatures are seen as non-local manifestations of Valahna and all individuality is lost. These are usually the holiest of the elders and gain the ability to communicate with their tribesmen, animals, and plants telepathically.

The Valhachie are good honorable Arctic Men who consider themselves the protectors of nature. The men of the tribe strive toward perfect spirituality whereupon they will be called, Hashiru Tal, or the Great Spirit Warrior. They raise Thyfur and use their bonding spells to bond with them whereupon they are used as mounts. They worship Plasnyee, the god of the winds. Their leader is Chief Pathow (50th lvl) who has an Hawk familier and is bonded with a Thyfur. He wields the Staff of the Winds (CT, 81).

Great Plains

Formed by the Leviathan 1000 years ago. The fires resulting from its reign of terror created a thick blanket of hot ash for hundreds of miles in every direction. The layer of hot ash cooled into welded tuff which smothered all vegetation resulting in the vast wasteland known as the Great Plains. Populated by every kind of desert dweller and constantly subject to the mysterious fire storms.

Great Rift

A huge canyon in the Great Plains.


The Crag Mountains are inhabited by the largest Dwarven kingdom in Xharvania called, Hearthstone. The ruler is Lord Falador the Wise, 30th level Magus. He wields the Hammer of Relin and wears the Plate of the Dwarves. Lord Falador prefers to remain isolated from the affairs of humans but due to the impending threat at Blood Pass he has sent a force of 500 dwarven warriors to Tiercien as part of his effort in keeping back the undead. He has formed an alliance with the Kingdom of Ilvaur and has thus indirectly allied himself with Zurig and Athelton as well.

Kyhass Mountains

Populated by a large Crotalinaga kingdom. The Crotalinaga here are very secretive and isolationists. They have a vast number of mines from which they ore precious gems and metals. They sell and trade the gems and metals with a few powerful merchants from the Kingdom of Tet. They have never allowed any outside of their kingdom to see their home in the Kyhass Mountains. The elite warriors are trained to use the Slan Shyrr, the Slan Orr, and/or the Slan Mahrr.


Lake of Mists

Taranthala Dawnstar, the ancient Elven queen, lives on as a lich in the ancient Elven castle of Fangalorn on an island in the center of the Lake of Mists. She controls, as slaves, the five human kings whom she killed and cursed during the last great battle with the human kingdoms. She protects the High Elven artifact swords which are in Fangalorn. She might let a worthy Elf use a sword if they are returned within a specified time limit; if not returned, she will arm the skeleton lords with the remaining swords and hunt down the thief.

Taranthala Dawnstar - Lich

5 Slave Kings - Skeleton Lords, +20 chain (AT 14), +20 flail, +20 md shield.

Each lord rides a phantom steed and has 2 greater skeletons (+10 chain AT 14, +10 broadsword, +10 md shield), under their control that ride minor skeletal horses.

Taranthala Dawnstar was granted her immortality as a lich by invoking the Elven Goddess of Death, Hieshalli, and begging for the duty as Eternal Guardian of Fangalorn and all its treasures. Taranthala will not attack Elves outright, but will instead inquire as to their business. She will only allow Elves of Royal blood to enter Fangalorn.

Incantation to invoke the Goddess of Death

If thou wouldst kiss Her skullish face, And with warm flesh Her bones embrace, Dark secrets of Eternity Pale Mother Death will share with thee. Mother of corpses, soother of souls, Appear to me now, stand now here, Within my circle, Goddess appear, Harm none within it, Goddess come near, Come to me, Goddess, Mother, appear. Remember my deaths, flesh made earth, Remember my soul, remember my earth, Remember my births, earth made flesh, Remember my soul, remember my flesh, Remember my arms, remember my soul, Approach now my circle, come from below. Goddess of ghosts, I have no fear, Inside my circle, Goddess appear, Harm not my flesh, Mother be here!

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The World of Xharvania, Page 13Lake Orn

There is a large Idiyva nomadic group called the Santavar that live in the Ruai Forest around Lake Orn. They move periodically around the lake so as to not weaken the animal population in any one given area. This helps to maintain a healthy population of animals that are hunted and eaten by the Santavar. The Santavar raise Warcats, (RMC 1, 72), for both labor and hunting. The female warcats are normal Warcats while the males are Greater Warcats. The Santavar are a very noble people who act not as individuals but in complete uniformity as members of their tribe. They are wary of others and do not extend their trust easily. If they feel threatened for themselves or for the tribe then they will become violent. They are cunning warriors who use guerilla tactics to attack their enemies. It is told that their small tribe of 1500 completely eradicated an Orcish community of about 20,000 in the Saast Mountains for the brutal slaying of one of their young. The only remaining evidence of that Orcish community are the numerous charred caves filled with thousands of Orcish bones. Though there are other Orcish tribes in the Saast Mountains they stay well clear of the Santavar as they are fearful of their wrath as exemplified by the bone filled caves of their brethren.

Lhorimar Hills

The Great Men are the result of the union between a war troll and a grizzly bear. The constant in-breeding has kept their I.Q.s low but suprisingly they are physically superior to most of the other races and produce very few offspring with defects. Additionally, their instincts for war and survival are exceptional. There are about 1500 in the southwestern tip of the Lhorimar Hills. They have structured their society around five family clans each roughly equal in size. The clans are strongly allied with each other and have never lifted a hand against another. Elephants are bred as both war mounts and work animals. They are devout followers of the Star Dragons and make the annual Spirit Walk to the Lake of the Three Gods where they pray, make animal sacrifices, and leave valuable trinkets. They are good natured but are extremely warlike. They use the claymore, pilum, ge, war hammer, and the war mattock.

Mickleback Mountains

Southern portion populated by a huge goblin population, 60,000. This huge population is led by the Goblin King, Telvar of the Bone Crown, whom they fear greatly.


Mitheral Mountains

Populated by a large Dwarven kingdom. These Dwarves control the only known region where Mitheral is found. They have built the mighty Kraqmar Bridge over Trumpets Throat Pass to expedite the mining process and

for defensive purposes. They are strong allies with the Elves.


Moon Wood Forest

The Moonwood Forest is the home to the Grafur Tribe. The Grafur is a tribe of about 120 goblins and 36 black baboons. The goblins trained the black baboons to worship the Goblin god, Schalkla Maar. Over the centuries the goblins and black baboons have developed a form of communication with each other using a combination of hand signals and noises. The baboons and goblins live together, hunt together, and will fight to protect each other.

Obsidian Falls

The Obsidian Falls is a huge waterfall and a river of obsidian which stretches two miles in length. It is located in The Burn on a mountain called Candle-top Mountain. The Falls were created when Jamir Halifax created his lair in Candle-top Mountain. Candle-top gets its name from a buring pool of oil which burns in the center of Halifax's dwelling. From a distance the mountain looks as though the tip of the mountain was on fire, like a candle. A tribe called the Milaar Nomads live at the base of the mountains. They worship Jamir Halifax as a god and keep the falls polished and free of debris. Jamir Halifax has become fond of his followers and will protect them if attack. He has even gone so far as to bring food for them in hard times. Jamir Halifax is an ancient red dragon.

Rift Fang

The last citadel of the Vadorians, Rift Fang, is located in the Great Rift.

Rot Bog

Populated by 5000 gratar, consisting of all types, forming 30 tribes which are constantly at war with each other. There is also a band of 100 sea trolls which feed on the gratar.

Ruai Forest

There is a large Idiyva nomadic group called the Santavar that live in the Ruai Forest around Lake Orn. They move periodically around the lake so as to not weaken the animal population in any one given area. This helps to maintain a healthy population of animals that are hunted and eaten by the Santavar. The Santavar raise Warcats, (RMC 1, 72), for both labor and hunting. The female warcats are normal Warcats while the males are Greater Warcats. The Santavar are a very noble people who act not as individuals but in complete uniformity as members of their tribe. They are wary of others and do not extend their trust easily. If they feel threatened for themselves or

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The World of Xharvania, Page 14for the tribe then they will become violent. They are cunning warriors who use guerilla tactics to attack their enemies. It is told that their small tribe of 1500 completely eradicated an Orcish community of about 20,000 in the Saast Mountains for the brutal slaying of one of their young. The only remaining evidence of that Orcish community are the numerous charred caves filled with thousands of Orcish bones. Though there are other Orcish tribes in the Saast Mountains they stay well clear of the Santavar as they are fearful of their wrath as exemplified by the bone filled caves of their brethren.

Serth Canyon

Located in the northern point of Serth Canyon is ShadowGuard, castle of the Lord of Shadows. The castle blends with its surroundings and can only be seen on a "absurd" perception roll. The Lord of Shadows is a neutral human thief that earned the reputation as the greatest thief on all of Xharvania. The treasures he has acquired are awesome.

Lord of Shadows - 50th level Dervish.

Rod of Shadows - 100 power points a day that allows wielder to cast spells up to 30th level from the Dark Law and Hiding lists.

Shalmalta Islands

This is where the elemental mages live. Each element has their own soveriegnty and king. They are all represented at the Coalition Council of the Vanchura Empire.

Southwestern Xharvania; The Desert Region

The desert regions are predominatly populated by the Svehriegn. The Svehriegn society is comprised of hundreds of tribes ranging from very small to city status. They are located throughout the Niyadh, Rajaim, and Ulghur Deserts. They are ruled by three different dynasties. The prevailing law for all the desert regions stems from the Taiho Yoro Code written by the great Emperor Tajihoto of a thousand years ago. Emporer Tajihoto had his ministers of justice compile the administrative laws and penal laws into the comprehensive legal code. The administratiive laws span eleven volumes and the penal laws span six volumes.

The Svehriegn are pagens but consider the supreme diety to be the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Oho Kami (Heaven Illumine Great Diety). The sacred Grand Shrine of Ise is a holy temple of Amaterasu and is the constant source of friction between the three dynasties. The Shrine is located in the Aulvor Hills and is under the control of the Sage King Phasa Mikeun and his army. Phasa Mikeun is a silverscale (see Creatures and Treasures) and is responsible for protecting the holy city, Ise, which is the capital city of the true Emporer and the location of the sacred holy temple, The Grand Shrine of Ise. The Grand

Shrine of Ise consists of two parts. The inner shrine is controlled by the Arakida warrior monks who gaurd the inner shrine and the sacred mirror of Amaterasu within. The outer shrine is dedicated to the harvest deity Toyouke and is controlled and protected by the Watarai monks. The Sage King is the primary religious authority and thus has considerable influence in the political affairs of all three dynasties. The Sage King has considerable support among the general populace and if a dynasty should attack the Sage King they would be faced with revolts, political rebellions, and war from the other two dynasties. The holy book of Amaterasu is called the Tagi-Shakra which contains the history of Amaterasu, the teachings of Amaterasu, and many religious prayers.

The sociopolitical structure is dominated by the the three dynasties and other powerful lords and families who align themselves with a dynasty. The powerful lords and manors use slaves for agricultural and mining enterprises. They pay homegage to the dynasty leader to which they have aligned themselves. The dynasty leaders are the the Chief Sage Priests of their repective nations. The lords each have their own private armies who have sworn allegience to the Chief Sage Priest and fight in his name. The armies of the lords will fight only for a cause directly related to the Chief Sage Priest. The manors employ mercenary armies led by a Kuriatsu, a war chief. However, the manors are the most unpredicable aspect of any war as their loyalty toward their repective Chief has historically been known to change in exchange for land and wealth. Some manors are however very loyal.

Traditionaly, the Chiefs of the dynasties claim that it is Amaterasu that grants them their right to rule in her name. Their divine authority is but a conduit of her commands and wishes. Other gods which are prayed to, but which are always secondary to Amaterasu, are Chira Mante Kamui the fire god and Cuh Kamuy which is actually two dieties in one, the Goddesses of the Sun and Moon. Solar and lunar eclipses are believed to be when the Goddesses are swallowed by a crow, fox, squirrel, or octopus.

The three dynasties are the result of a long fought blood feud spanning 800 years. The dynasties used to be a single nation under the rule of Emporer Shimotsumichi Asomi. Emporer Asomi bonded with Izanami Mikoto, the daughter of a powerful warlord. They conceived triplets, all of which were males. The three brothers grew more and more distant from each other as they grew older in anticipation of each sitting upon the throne. They began to distrust each and do great deeds in an attempt to impress their father, the Emporer. When they were only 26, before reaching the age of adulthood (30), the kingdom came under attack by a large army of goblins, intent on eradicating the Sveriegn presence and taking their cities and wealth. The goblins were successful in their initial attack and struck deep into Sveriegn territory before they were driven back. Emporer Asomi and

Page 15: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 15Princess Izanami were both killed, as were most of the royal staff, ambassadors, and high command. The three brothers were able to escape and fled into the desert. They stayed with Lady Mikoto, their grandmother, at her castle. The brothers quarelled often as to who would assume their father's postion when they reached the age of manhood, eighteen. Eventually the three brothers raised their own armies in an attempt to claim the title. The ensuing civil war has continued for the last 800 years and resulted in three royal dyansties, each claiming title as the Emporer. The dynasties got their names from the first names of the brothers; Shulgai, Asuka, and Yamato.

The Shulgai Dynasty is led by Princess Oennie who controls the Niyadh Desert. The finest cities of the three dynasties are located in Princess Oennie's kingdom. Her urban populations are very large and are the nerve centers of her empire. There are two groups which are loyal to the Princess and play an important role in her kingdom.

The first group is composed of the Nihongi Dancers and the Nihongi Dervishes. The charisma and ritual dances of the extraordinary female shamen, the Nihongi (dancer class), are legendary. The Nihongi train their more talented members to be spell casting dervishes who serve as the elite guards of Princess Oennie and her family. They are called the Sagami Nihongi and are highly respected. They primarily use the sultari, jambiva, and the runk. The second important group under the command of Princess Oennie is the religious following of Hokkaido Akira. Hokkaido Akira is the Goddess of lust and seduction. Her followers are only women. The clerics of Hokkaido Akira are trained as houri and are called Shirakawa. They use their art to further their religion through the manipulation of political figures and important aristrocrats. Once a month during the full moon they perform the Gurikara in a public place. The Gurikara is a dance which the Shirakawa performed to honor Hokkaido Akira. When performing the ritual they wear special religious headbands called Torimono which are covered in precious jewels. The Shirakawa are often given a political target to marry so as to gain political influence through a politically influential spouse. The Shirakawa are forbidden to attend funerals, places where it is known that death has occurred, and cemetaries. Also, they are never to physically harm another individual unless it is absolutely necessary to protect themselves or another.

The Asuka Dynasty, led by Prince Tao' Pang, controls Ulghur Desert. They pimarily use the goodar, jambiva, and the naginate. The elite warriors of the Asuka army are delvers who use spells to enchant their equipment (use the alternate spell lists outlined in RMC IV, page 23). The Asuka Dynasty is also known for its superior horse legion called, the Desert Runners.

The Yamato Dynasty, led by Prince Jito, controls the Rajaim Desert. They specialize in the killaj, goodar, and

the katari. The Yamato Dynasty is by far the most violent due in part to its fanatical religious following of Chira Mante Kamui. The followers of Takahira are inspired by the religious advocation of the purefication their warriors with holy fire. Prior to a major battle the clerics of Chira Mante Kamui, the Pimiko Clerics, perform the ritual Saito-Goma. Four Pimiko Clerics dance from dawn to twilight around a large bonfire singing religious prayers in honor of Chira Mante Kamui and to bless the faithful warriors. The four clerics conclude the ritual at twilight by each firing a burning arrow carved in holy symbols in the four directions. The four participating clerics will then charge, by themselves, into the enemy ranks. This act of martyrdom has the affect of causing the Yamato warriors to frenzy against their enemies.

Powerful religious, political figures, and aristrocrats are buried in a small to medium size megalithic tombs called Dolmens, characterized by a roof consisting of a single large stone. The stone is carved on the outside with protective runes to keep out intruders and is carved with runes on the inside to keep in spirits and ghosts. Royalty are buried in single room Dolmens the size of a large house; 4000 square feet. Their tombs are protected by Masako Clerics who are assigned to the royal figures as youths and stay with them throughout their lifetime. They are well trained high warrior monks that are taught the Ritual of Haniwa that will render them undead guardians upon the death of their charge. Both the royal figure and the Masako Cleric are buried in the dolmens. The Masako Cleric then performs the Ritual of Haniwa for three days and three nights during which time they slowly begin to die and are dead by the third night. Six days later they are resurrected as an undead monastic lich which is always of a good nature. They will always protect their charge, even if they are moved. The Masako Clerics wear an yellow flat head-dress, a puple sash decorated with yellow triangles, and a necklace of magatama stones. Magamata stones are beautifully carved beads of quartz, green jasper, jadeite and steatite. The magamata stones are magical and are responsible for transforming the Masako Clerics into 'good' monostic liches upon completing the Ritual of Haniwa.

Taer'Val Fierabras

The city is populated by the cruel and reclusive race of the Quishad. The population is 23,000. The Quishad population never increases because their old slave masters, the Urlock, controlled their procreation through magic. The existing Quishad population spans back for more than 10,000 years. Because of their age, many Quishad have achieved very high levels. Nearly every quishad is a spellcaster of some sort or another. Archmages are a popular class among the Quishad. All spellcasters utilize spells of ancient origin and raw power, the Arcane Spells. The Quishad worship the god of death and decay, Chog. The clerics of Chog are Death Mages. They occasionally send out young clerics to spread the

Page 16: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 16'blessings' of Chog among the mortal races. The city is made of an architecture of smoothed curved designs that looks like like molded wax. The leader is Thureau-Dangin, 80th level Dark Moonmage. The Quishad are neither good nor evil. They are simply amoral to all things around them. There amorality extends to all other forms of life as they view all other living creatures as inferior and insignificant.

Trumpets Throat

During the Elven-Human wars, the Elves lost control of this important pass to the human armies and were subsequently defeated and forced to abandon their homeland. The humans named this pass Trumpets Throat because of the effect the resounding tone of the trumpets of the human armies had on their troops. The human soldiers fought courageously at theTrumpets Throat and their seizing the pass was instrumental in the defeat of the Elves. After the Great Massacre, the second Elven-Human war, the Elves continued to call the pass, Trumpets Throat, to remind them of their defeat and the vital importance of the pass to the security of the whole Elven nation.

There is a great bridge that spans across the narrowest point of Trumpets Throat, called Kraqmar. It was built by the Dwarves of the Mitheral Mountains. Kraqmar functions as a vital link between the Dwarven caves and the mitheral mines in the mountains. Additionally, the Dwarves allow their allies, the Elves, to use Kraqmar as a defensive fortification against intruders.

Varlas Mountains

There is a large Orc nation that populates most of this mountain range. The leader of the orc nation is a gray orc named Larr 'a Vell, 25th level evil cleric, Staff of Aristarchus (CT I, Pg. 77). The total orc population is 50,000. The orcish fighting force is as follows: 50 gray, 200 vard, 1000 scrugs, 400 greater, 9000 lesser.

Vishnu Empire

Once a powerful kingdom that ruled the area with strict religious rules and very harsh and often deadly punishments. The king, Lord Felstaer of the Holy Robe, was frozen in time by his arch-enemy, Xalshar the Dark, a chaos lord. The Vishnu Empire was eventually destroyed by a combination of a series of violent earthquakes and

the tragic fate of their king that left the country without effective leadership. Several years ago the king was freed from his timeless prison and has since been gathering together an army to "spread the word and the light of eternal goodness". Lord Felstaer is the last Witch Hunter, and has now begun training his new followers the lost art. Lord Festaer is a 75th level witch hunter, wields Swift Justice: +40 holy two-handed sword, 3x damage, blur 3x/day, haste 3x/day. He wears adamantine armor and a membrane ring (CT II, page 80). Felstaer currently has 60 faithful followers who are learning the art of the witch hunter. They are fanatics and will die for him. Felstaer teaches that nothing can stop the eradication of evil, even if innocent people must die in the process. Felstaer believes that any innocent people that die for the "greater good" are honored by God as true martyrs.

Weeping Woods

This is where the Elven Kingdom and cities are located. The Elves have beautiful cities located throughout this massive forest. There are also a large variety of animals and mythical creatures which are given sanctuary here by the Elves. The Weeping Woods is a name given by the Elves in honor of the their fallen brothers and sisters during the fist human-elven war which forced the Elves to leave their home through a Nexus Gate.


Xwentes Hills

On the South Eastern coast is the city, Shalwedthorn. The city is populated by 20,000 Schraet. The Schraet are famous for their "navy," the Sea Devils. The Sea Devils are really just ruthless pirates and mercenaries that are extremely warlike and cruel. They always travel in fleets of ten ships, nine frigates and one warship. and attack as a unit, though somewhat uncoordinated in their efforts. They have thirty frigates and five warships designed for raiding and war. They are led by the Schraet pirate, Lord Parodor, 25th level rogue.

In the North Eastern portion of the Xwentis Hills is the town, Blancadin. Blancadin is composed of outlaws of every type and race. The population averages around 6000. The leader of the city is Lord Guilelmus, 40th level Night Blade, who is retired from Ulok's Order of the Black Hand. The city is patrolled by Lord Guilelmus's personally trained assassins and night blades.

Page 17: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 17Kingdoms of Xharvania

Athelton Falohyr Ganth Hargrath

Ilvaur Melvaen Tet  

Ulok Vuhrin Zurig  

Kingdom of Athelton

Population 1,450,000

Demi-Humans 17%

Humans 80%

Humanoids 03%

Capital City Alador (70,000)

Army 30,000

Navy 6,000 (30 ships)

Colors Blue, Silver, White

Crest White shining sun on a deep blue background, lined in silver

Allies Zurig, Ilvaur

Leaders Loren Highstar, 40th level Paladin

The Kingdom of Athelton is the most peaceful kingdoms on the continent. The king, Loren Highstar, is the sixth heir to the throne of his bloodline. His forefathers have all done honorable deeds that have earned each of them legendary status as national heroes. Loren is highly respected by both the citizens of Athelton and by the nobles and aristocrats. He maintains order through a well organized military that also serves as the law enforcement body for the towns and cities that are under the direct control of Loren Highstar.

The capital city of Alador is home to the famous Hall of Scrolls. The Hall of Scrolls is the largest library on the continent and is the holding place for several powerful spells and rituals. The library includes within its confines a large collection of books and scrolls gathered from all over the continent. A large force of elite soldiers protect the Hall. The leader of the group is Colonel Alstain, a 20 th

level Paladin.

Next to the Hall of Scrolls is the famed College of Sage Lore. The College overseas the upkeep and organization of the Hall and is constantly searching for new information to add. Additionally, the University of Alador is located near the Hall and has become the most prominent educational institution on the continent. It is however very expensive.

Near the Castle of Alador is the famed Knights' Hall that is the training ground for the Knights of Athelton, the cavaliers. The city of Alador is also the home to the Clerics of the White Cloth. These Clerics have a reputation for their active support and aid to the homeless and sick. They are the priests of Seka and often send missionaries out to spread her word throughout the continent. They never carry weapons and have vowed to never raise a hand against anyone or anything. They are vegetarians as they believe that animals have just as much right to life as humans.

Kingdom of Falohyr

Population 710,000

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The World of Xharvania, Page 18

Demi-Humans 93% Elves, 07% assorted

Humans 0%

Humanoids 0%

Capital City Nytharna (12,000)

Army 30,000 (150,000)

Navy 8000 (40 Ships)

Colors Silver & Gold

Crest Silver Oak Tree With Golden Leaves

Allies None

Leaders Jarvaas Wildoak, Lord Of The Rising Sun, 75th Lvl Warrior Mage, Fair Elf, Longsword Turang (CT I, P 73)

Not all of the Elves were killed in the elf-human war. Before the last battle had begun, Queen Tarathala Dawnstar had the women, children, and a handful of males escape through the nexus gates to a parallel universe on a world much like their own. For 1,000 years the Elves waited for the day to retake their kingdom from the humans that destroyed it, and 1,000 years later they took it. The Elves did nothing but prepare for their return to Xharvania. In what is now known as the great massacre, the warrior mage Elves came through the nexus gates 200,000 strong. They killed every human in sight, cutting like a swath through their ranks. Genocide was the order and not a single human was given mercy. In two weeks the Elves had retaken their ancient home from the human kingdoms and brought with them a clear message for all the other human kingdoms; the Elves had returned home and they were there to stay. Four centuries have since passed without incident.

After the great massacre all of the remaining Elven nations moved to the Weeping Woods. Jarvaas Wildoak called together the leaders of the three Elven nations and formed a single nation known as the Legion of the Rising Sun. He was chosen to represent the Elven nation as their king. Each race is represented by a leader who reports directly to the king.

· High Elf, Darlia Silverbow, Seer/Lvl 50, Amulet Of Many Tongues; Colors: Cyan/Silver Crest: Silver Arrow.

· Fair Elf, Zaran Moonwise, Animist/Lvl 50, Ring Of Extension (CT II,Pg 86); Colors:

Silver/Dk Blue Crest: Soaring Silver Hawk.

· Wood Elf, Gaerris Yalandal, Ranger/Lvl 50, Caprayi: The Eternal Wind (CT II, Pg 86); Colors: Silver/Scarlet Crest: Eight Pointed Silver Star.

· Aquatic Elf, Mrrshael Tyrias, Navigator/Lvl 50l; Colors: Blue Crest: Dark Blue Moonlit Ocean

The Elven nation is very active in the affairs of other nations through spying, espionage, and even assassinations. They are very distrustful of humans and will not hesitate in killing them, or any enemy, if threatened. The Weeping Woods is home to many faerie creatures and other assorted creatures of good alignment. The Elves and faeries live together in harmony.

The Elves elite soldiers are known as the Knights of the Golden Dawn. The knights are all warrior mages of 15th level. There are approximately 75 knights in service with each having his own command in the army or navy. The Elves also have an active espionage group called the Shael which means "silence". The Shael participates in espionage, spying, and assassinations. The famed Elvish archers are called the Ellohoenie, "wind spirits". The Elvish army is referred to as the Silivael, "guardians", and is largely made up of rangers. The General of the army and head knight of the Knights of the Golden Dawn and is referred to as Eshaevael Jarvas Wildoak. Eshaevael is the title for his rank and means, "ambassador of peace". The navy is comprised of aquatic Elves and is called the Tau' Qual, "sea knights".

Page 19: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 19Kingdom of Ganth

Population 970,000

Demi-Humans 28%

Humans 63%

Humanoids 09%

Capital City Melkalund (110,000)

Army 11,000 (85,500)

Navy 18,000 (40 Ships)

Colors Blue, Green, & Yellow

Crest Green Compass Floating Upright On A Blue Ocean Under A Crescent Moon

Allies None

Leaders Moren Tastokk, Mixed Human, 50th Level Trader Swiftslayer (CT I, Pg 73)

Ganth is a very rich country because of the importance Melkalund has as a major trade port between the western and eastern countries. Melkalund is the largest trading port on Xharvania and trades with all ten of the major kingdoms. Because it deals with all ten countries on a business level Ganth remains neutral in its political affairs when dealing with such issues like alliances. Politically, Ganth has considerable influence with the other countries as it has a great deal of control over what goes into or out of the ten kingdoms. Ganth also happens to have the largest navy of all the human kingdoms, excluding the multi-national force at Ilvaur, to ensure its strict control of the the major trade routes going into and out of Lake Fulton. For a price, anything from getting valuable

information to purchasing rare magical items can be done in Melkalund. Ganth is the core of the trading industry and exploits this fact to the limit. Ganth has tough laws against discrimination because of the many trade negotiations with various humanoid and demi-human races. Melkalund is home to the largest essence academy on Xharvania. Ganth supports the academy because of the large amount of money that is taken in through the sale of magic items made by the academy. There is also a large organization known as the Crimson Underground that deals in local and foreign espionage, assassinations, thefts, kidnapping, information, etc. Moren Tastokk is a wise and well respected leader.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 20Kingdom of Hargrath

Population 960,000

Demi-Humans 11%

Humans 75%

Humanoids 14%

Capital City Norshaemolnt (12,000)

Army 25,000 (40,000)

Navy 5000 (25 Ships)

Colors Black, Iron Gray, Red

Crest Flaming, Winged Scimitar On A Black Background

Allies None

Leaders Delius Awritz, Mixed Human, 40th Level Warrior Helm Of Might (CT I, Pg 77), Cape Of The Black Hand (CT I, Pg 81), Lughurth's Death Spear (CT Ii, Pg 89)

The Kingdom of Hargrath is extremely warlike and constantly looking for a way to expand itself. Hargrath is to small to be a major threat to the kingdom of Tanalorn or Zurig, but both kingdoms have large numbers of troops along the Hargrath border, just in case. Delius Awritz wants to expand his kingdom and has therefore decided to move to the northern tip of Lake Fulton. Delius has just completed building a fleet of ten warships and thirty large troop transports which will be used to transport 5,000 troops to the northern most point of Lake Fulton where he plans to establish a military stronghold. Once the stronghold is completed he will begin to move civilians there to establish a port colony.

The Bear Tribes make up the Kingdom of Hargrath. They are separated into 22 different tribes under the rule of the Council of Two and Twenty, presided over by a War Chief Emperor. The elite guard, the Shaipae, use the Irgaak, a weapon of honor. The Bear Tribes are the family of noble and fierce barbarians related to but somewhat larger than the other northern tribes. They usually sport red hear and beards rather than the blonde growth of their cousins. The most unusual characteristic of the bear tribes is that a few of them, the most noble, actually have the ability to voluntarily take the form of a large northern bear.

Page 21: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 21Kingdom of Ilvaur

Population 1,320,000

Demi-Humans 32%

Humans 53%

Humanoids 15%

Capital City Tiercian (275,000)

Army 30,000 (108,000)

Navy 11,000 (45 Ships)

Colors Gold & White

Crest Huge White Polar Bear With A Gold Crown

Allies Tanalorn & Zurig

Leaders Felstaer Nicrean, Northman, 50th Level Noble Warrior Demonbane, Blade Of Light (CT I, Pg 73)

The Kingdom of Ilvaur began as Tiercian, a major trade city, around 400 years ago. Tiercian now co-exist as a major trade city and the largest military installation on Xharvania. Ilvaur plays the foremost important part in preventing Varg the Demolisher from getting past Blood Pass. Blood pass is so named because of the great number of men that have died in battle there. The country's main defense against Varg and his undead army is a ceremony known as the Ritual of the Blue Flame. This ceremony is held annually in Tiercian during Tai Taowyn. It starts with the gathering of powerful spellcasters from every class, excluding for those of evil professions. Together they perform the Ritual of the Blue Flame over the Water of Life, a large pond in the center of Tiercian. Once the ritual is completed the Water of Life will begin to burn with a magical blue flame. The flame transforms the water into a dark blue smoke which rises to form dark blue clouds. Once the Water of Life is completely empty the clouds will begin to rain upon Blood Pass. The rains continue for approximately three days completely covering the pass in a straight line from the northern coast to the southern coast. Any undead attempting to cross the enchanted land will burst into blue flames that will destroy them one round per level/class, resistance roll versus 70th level magic.

Directly behind the enchanted land is a 20' high wall, known as The Block, that stretches from the northern

coast to the southern coast of Blood Pass. The Block is so named because it is so stained with blood that it resembles a large chopping block. The Block is eight miles long with a large tower every half mile for a total of sixteen towers. Each tower is manned by a group called, The Watch, which consist of ten Disciples of the Watch, five Knights of the Watch, two Disciples of the Blue Flame, 500 third level fighters, and 100 archers. The tower commanders are Knights of the Blue Flame.

The Disciples of the Watch are 5 th level noble warriors, the Knights of the Watch are 10th level noble warriors, the Disciples of the Blue Flame are 10 th level Paladins, and the Knights of the Blue Flame are 15th level Paladins.

The archers are called the Tiersmen. The archers on the fourth story of the tower are the Tiersmen of the Fourth Level, the third story Tiersmen are Tiersmen of the Third Level and so on to the first level. The Fourth Level Tiersmen are 10th level, third are 8th level, second are 6th

level, and first are 4th level. The archers are under the command of a Captain of the Four Tiers who is 15 th level. The commander in chief of the archers is Colonel Dawney Ferrig a 20th level archer. Every kingdom but Falohyr has an embassy and representative that stays in Tiercian on a permanent basis. The kingdoms also help to fund the large military force in Tiercian as no one would benefit if Varg and his undead legions got through Blood Pass.

Kingdom of Melvaen

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The World of Xharvania, Page 22

Population 780,000

Demi-Humans 16%

Humans 82%

Humanoids 02%

Capital City Talismonde (45,000)

Army 12,000 (57,000)

Navy 1600 (8 Ships)

Colors Iron Gray And Gold

Crest Iron Mailed Fist Grasping Three Golden Lightning Bolts

Allies None

Leaders Lord Pleides, Brother Slayer, 30th Level Rogue, High Man, Rod Of Nobility (CT I, P 77)

Lord Pleides IV, assumed the role as king six years ago. He inherited the throne from his older brother, Lord Pleides III, whom he killed during an argument over some land rights. The son of Lord Pleides III, Prince Brasington, was able to escape with the help of Colonel Sanshion. The Prince was able to get away with his father's armor, Storm, and the royal crown; see New Magic Items. The Prince and Colonel Sanshion have been declared outlaws by Lord Pleides IV. A small faction of soldiers, 1200, loyal to the Prince have joined him in his fight to regain the throne. Public opinion also favors the Prince but can do little because of the fierce loyalty to Lord Pleides the IV by the army. He has the reputation of being a hard but fair man among his soldiers who have great respect for him because he treats them like upper class citizens. The soldiers are provided with good quarters, good food, and the best equipment. The capital city, Talismonde, has been under marshal law since Lord Pleide's ascention to the throne.

Lord Pleides is very cunning and always trying to, subtly, expand his kingdom. His last attempt was to set up a puppet regime in the Kingdom of Vuhrin. The plan failed and his puppet was executed whereupon he subsequently

denied any connection to the incident. The High Council of Vuhrin is aware of Lord Pleides IV involvement in the incident and as a result supports Prince Brasington and Colonel Sanshion by providing money and supplies.

For the past four months the Kingdom of Ulok has been building up forces on the southern border separating Melvaen and Ulok. Lord Pleides is looking forward to a war with Ulok for two reasons: (1) this is a great opportunity for him to expand his kingdom without looking like the bad guy, (2) he is confident that he can defeat Ulok if a war breaks out. The only thing that troubles him are reports from his spies about an alliance between Ulok and an orcish kingdom in the Varlas Mountains.

Lord Pleides is negotiating an alliance with the Agamman Tribe; a large barbarian nation in the Pylomere Mountains. He has promised them a large share of any land and booty taken if war should break out with Ulok. The negotiations have been conducted by the older son of Lord Pleides to ensure the secrecy of the alliance. The Agammans can raise a total fighting force of 16,500 barbarians.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 23Kingdom of Tet

Population 690,000

Demi-Humans 41%

Humans 50%

Humanoids 09%

Capital City Vorlynaas (28,000)

Army 7500 (43,500)

Navy 4000 (20 Ships)

Colors Gold & Green

Crest Golden Winged Lion Wearing A Crown Of Leaves

Allies None

Leaders Standon Milijand, High Elf, 45th Level Bard, "Ny'calinbraithe" Longsword Of The Elven Smiths (CT Ii, Pg 85)

Tet remains neutral with the other countries because of Standon Milijand's theory that the simplest way to retain a state of peace is to avoid dealing in the affairs of other countries. Tet has the reputation throughout the world as having a "renaissance" type atmosphere. It is for this reason that a lot of druids, rangers, monks, bards, dancers, etc. are attracted to the kingdom of Tet. The largest druid academy in the world is located in Vorlynaas. The capital, Vorlynaas, is filled with philosophers, artist,

museums, and carnivals. Discrimination is looked down upon very deeply. Standon is a good and well respected leader. He rides a dracasus that he raised from a baby. He has discovered the alliance between the Kingdom of Ulok and the orcs of the Varlas Mountains and has thus strengthened his western border against a possible attack. Tet has a very strong alliance with a large cherubim kingdom located in a cloud city over the Southern Kyhaas Mountains.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 24Kingdom of Ulok

Population 820,000

Demi-Humans 08%

Humans 65%

Humanoids 27%

Capital City Khurahaen (16,000)

Army 11,500 (48,000)

Navy 1000 (5 Ships)

Colors Black & Orange

Crest Snarling Wolf Head

Allies None

Leaders Agwyn Maldread, High Man, 50th Level Evil Magician, Ring Of Kazlauskas (CT I, Pg 76), Robe Of Kazlauskas (CT I, Pg 78)

The Kingdom of Ulok has always been controlled by those of the shadier professions. The current ruler of Ulok ascended to the throne through acts of espionage and political assassinations. Agwyn Maldread was, and still is, the head of the largest assassin guild in Xharvania. He is considered a tyrant by the general population but because of their great fear of him he rules Ulok unopposed. Agwyn rules the people of Ulok with an iron fist. If there is even so much with a rumor of rebellion in his kingdom, Agwyn will declare marshal law on all of the major cities and towns, including the capital, and will order large scale executions of the general public. Many people are 'recruited' to work in the gold mines Lhorimar Hills. Most of those recruited die within a few years, broken by the hard labor, poor living conditions, and terrible treatment received from the mines slave-masters, the Prag. At any given time there are approximately 25,000 to 30,000 slaves working the mines. The enormous amount of gold extracted from the mines has made Ulok a very wealthy kingdom.

The elite forces of Ulok, the Dulshaat, are under the command of Warlord Mushag. They wear black spiked chain mail, AT 14, and carry a black spiked normal shield. Most of their weapons have special hilts which can

be twisted to release a dose of poison that runs down and covers the weapon. There is enough poison for three doses. They also wield spiked normal shields. They prefer to attack with a two weapon combo using their primary weapon and a shield bash. They are most proficient at attacking at night and, if possible, from behind. They have no honor and will do what ever it takes to win.

Agwyn has successfully secured an alliance with a large orc nation in the Varlas Mountains. The leader of the orc nation is a gray orc named Larr 'a Vell, 15th level evil cleric, Staff of Aristarchus (CT I, Pg. 77). The orcish fighting force is as follows: 50 gray, 200 vard, 1000 scrugs, 400 greater, 20,000 lesser. Agwyn tried to keep the alliance a secret but was sold out by one of his own advisors, now dead.

The alliance that he has managed to keep a secret is with a tribe of trolls in the Agorian Mountains. The leader of the trolls is a war troll named Nom who wields the longsword, Bloodchill (CT II, Pg. 69). The total fighting force of the trolls is as follows: 10 war trolls, 100 mountain trolls, 600 hill trolls. Agwyn is about to launch a major offensive against the Kingdom of Melvaen.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 25Kingdom of Vuhrin

Population 410,000

Demi-Humans 20%

Humans 75%

Humanoids 05%

Capital City Tara (60,000)

Army 8000 (46,500)

Navy 800 (4 Ships)

Colors Gray And Blue

Crest Rearing Gray Stallion With Fiery Blue Eyes

Allies None

Leaders Council Of Vuhrin, The Triad:

Georvian Hollow, Half-Elf, 15th Level Enchanter, Beamguard's Staff (CT I, Pg. 75)

Falamanda Khooley, Human, 15th Level Cleric, Staff Of The Wise (CT I, Pg. 76)

Dastroen Oliver, Human, 20th Level Warrior Mage, Spear Of Light (CT I, Pg. 74)

Eight years ago the country was under the rule of a montebanc who wormed his way into power. He was a puppet for the Lord Pleides of Melvaen who hoped to take the kingdom of Vuhrin through diplomatic measures. Under the rule of the montebanc taxes were raised, the standard of living decreased greatly, and the country became a haven for outlaws of all types. The people began to talk of rebellion as times got worse. Lord Pleides of Melvaen convinced the montebanc that the only way to maintain control was through the execution of notable rebellious figures. The announcement of the executions was enough to spark the already imminent rebellion. Once the puppet regime was thrown out of power the people decided that they would rather be ruled by a council instead of a king, and thus was born the Council

of Vuhrin. The Council is represented by the leader of the worker caste, the leader of the religious caste, and the leader of the warrior caste. They act as a representative government, voting on issues and laws. The country is growing rapidly because of the mineral rich mountains northeast of Tara. Prejudice is strong against demi-humans but there is rarely violence due to the strict laws against discrimination imposed by Dastroen Oliver. Dastroen Oliver is taken for a human as his Elven features are nearly non-detectable. Vuhrin is still a haven for many outlaws because the surrounding country provides excellent cover for hideouts. The forest to the north of Tara is filled with these hideouts and is thus a very dangerous place.

The Sharl Mountains northeast of Tara are very mineral rich in fine metals as well as gems. People have been coming to the Kingdom of Vuhrin in waves hoping to strike it rich. Recently a group of about thirty prospectors went deep into the mountains hoping to get a claim in some "fresh" territory. After mining the mountain for five months they broke through into a huge cavern. Exploring the cavern they discovered several caves going in different directions inside the mountain. They explored the caves for two weeks when they came across a huge cave troll. Six men were killed before the troll was destroyed. The prospectors fled the caves and began the

journey home. That night the group heard all kinds of wild howling emanating from the area of the cave. On the second night of their journey home they were attacked by three cave trolls who killed eleven men. The remaining men successfully escaped the mountains and returned to Tara where they told the tale to the Council. Since then there have been numerous reports of attacks on other prospectors by trolls. The Council has mobilized part of the military to guard the southern edge of the mountains so as to prevent the trolls from moving south out of the mountains. Any prospectors going into the mountains are on their own.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 26

Kingdom of Zurig

Population 1,540,000

Demi-Humans 36%

Humans 52%

Humanoids 12%

Capital City Lowencrem (80,000)

Army 14,000 (141,000)

Navy 2000 (10 Ships)

Colors Black & Silver

Crest Pentagram Of Silver Arrows Against A Black Background

Allies Ilvaur & Tanalorn

Leaders Ehglin Ahcmus, High Man, 50th Level Magus, Throne Of Tesoro (CT II, Pg. 90)

Zurig was ruled as a monarchy up until two centuries ago. The last ruling monarch was liked by the general public but the high level executives at the famed, High College of Magic, discovered a plan by the monarch to take the kingdom to war. The college leaders formed The University Political Advisory Committee to protect the interests of the college. It was decided by the Committee that it would be in the best interest of the college to advise the ruling monarch against war. The king listened to the Committee representatives and subsequently had them executed for spying and treason. The king then ordered the Committee to disband or suffer the same punishment as their representatives. The Committee decided, after a long debate, that the only way to prevent war was to influence the king with their magic. The plan worked without a flaw and all plans of war diminished.

The Committee then began to use its magic to gain political power in the kingdom and to expand the interests of the college. Eventually the college had more power than the king and overthrew the monarchy.

The University Political Advisory Committee is the current ruling government of Zurig. The Committee is formed of one representative from each practicing magic class at the college. No evil professions are allowed in the college as this would bring bad publicity. The Committee elects a Committee Chairperson every ten years. The Chairperson represents the Kingdom of Zurig in all political issues and acts as the Kingdom's official figurehead. The College of Magic is located in Lowencrem and is spread out over a campus one mile in diameter in the center of the city.

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Noteable Groups, Guilds, Tribes, Persons, etc.

Agamman Tribe

Lord Pleides IV of the Kingdom of Melvaen is negotiating an alliance with the Agamman Tribe; a large barbarian nation in the Pylomere Mountains. He has promised them a large share of any land and booty taken if war should break out with Ulok. The negotiations have been conducted by the older son of Lord Pleides to ensure the secrecy of the alliance. The Agammans can raise a total fighting force of 16,500 barbarians.


Alador Sages

The capital city of Alador is home to the famous Hall of Scrolls. The Hall of Scrolls is the largest library on the continent and is the holding place for several powerful spells and rituals. The library includes within its confines a large collection of books and scrolls gathered from all over the continent. A large force of elite soldiers protect the Hall. The leader of the group is Colonel Alstain, a 20 th

level Paladin.

Next to the Hall of Scrolls is the famed College of Sage Lore. The College is run by the Alador Sages who oversea the upkeep and organization of the Hall and are constantly searching for new information to add. Additionally, the University of Alador is located near the Hall and has become the most prominent educational institution on the continent. It is however very expensive.


Arakida Warrior Monks

The Svehriegn are pagens but consider the supreme diety to be the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Oho Kami (Heaven Illumine Great Diety). The sacred Grand Shrine of Ise is a holy temple of Amaterasu and is the constant source of friction between the three dynasties. The Shrine is located in the Aulvor Hills and is under the control of the Sage King Phasa Mikeun and his army. Phasa Mikeun is a silverscale (see Creatures and Treasures) and is responsible for protecting the holy city, Ise, which is the capital city of the true Emporer and the location of the sacred holy temple, The Grand Shrine of Ise. The Grand Shrine of Ise consists of two parts. The inner shrine is controlled by the Arakida warrior monks who gaurd the inner shrine and the sacred mirror of Amaterasu within. The outer shrine is dedicated to the harvest deity Toyouke and is controlled and protected by the Watarai monks. The Sage King is the primary religious authority and thus has considerable influence in the political affairs of all three dynasties. The Sage King has considerable support

among the general populace and if a dynasty should attack the Sage King they would be faced with revolts, political rebellions, and war from the other two dynasties. The holy book of Amaterasu is called the Tagi-Shakra which contains the history of Amaterasu, the teachings of Amaterasu, and many religious prayers.


Beastmasters of the Forest of Ghorfar

The Sibbicai in the Forest of Ghorfar are very respectful and protective of animals. The Beastmaster class is unique to this community. They are very distrusting of outsiders and would fight to the death to defend an animal.


Blancadin Assassins

In the North Eastern portion of the Xwentis Hills is the town, Blancadin. Blancadin is composed of outlaws of every type and race. The population averages around 6000. The leader of the city is Lord Guilelmus, 40th level Night Blade, who is retired from Ulok's Order of the Black Hand. The city is patrolled by Lord Guilelmus's personally trained assassins and night blades.


Buotok (see also Devadarians)

When the Vadorians were experimenting with the Elves, trying to unlock the secret of their inherent magical prowess, they inadvertently spawned a new breed of Elves, the Devadarians. The Devadarians are hybrids of the Vadorians and Elves whose dominant side is Elven. They have pale white skin with deep blue eyes. They are completely hairless. They stand 5'3"-6' tall, and have a slender build of about 110-160 lbs. The Devadarians are very chaotic, evil, and extremely warlike. They specialize in two weapon combos using the Shang and Long Kynac.

The Devadarians are very warlike and love to fight. However, due to their small numbers they do try to refrain from fighting amongst each other. The only way to achieve peace among their brethren has been to disseminate and travel as individuals. Very rarely will a Devadarian be in the company of more than two other Devadarians. The only exception is a tournament held every five years where the Devadarian Champion, the Buotok, is chosen through combat. The Devadarians fight amongst each other for the opportunity to challenge the reigning Buotok. Only the victor can challenge the

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The World of Xharvania, Page 28Buotok. Once the victor is determined and the challenge issued the Buotok and the victor will fight to the death.


Cavaliers of the Knight's Hall

Near the Castle of Alador is the famed Knights' Hall that is the training ground for the Knights of Athelton, the cavaliers.


Chaltaktoo Tribe

The Chaltaktoo tribe lives at the base of a mountain that is the home to an ancient green dragon. The Chalktoo tribe collects the urine from the dragon that runs out of the mountain. In a monthly ritual during the full moon the members of the tribe drink the urine. Each time the urine is drank that person gains a +1% permanent resistance to poison.


Cleric's of Dal Rique

The Ice Mage is a class unique to the Servants of Dal' Rique, god of cold, ice, and snow. The Servants of Dal' Rique can be found in the North Central part of the Glacial Sea. They travel throughout the Glacial Sea spreading the word of their god, but seldom ever venture out of the Glacial Sea's icy regions.


Clerics of Chog

The Death Mage is similar to a Sorcerer in that the class specializes in destruction. The major difference is that the Death Mage specializes in the destruction of the living. The Death Mage also resembles the Necromancer class by using the spell list, Innocence Lost, to create undead. The major difference here is that the Death Mage uses the spell list, Innocence Lost, to transform the living into undead through a combination of magic rituals, poisons, and disease. The Death Mages are the Quishad Clerics of Chog, the god of death and decay.


Clerics of Cimeries

The Mholicas are worshippers of Cimeries, the demi-god of night. They are located in the icy north-eastern tip of the continent in their large city, Talhooka, which is built around a ceremonial pyramid. The pyramid is called, Kristurue Maltsisi, or Temple of Night. There are four sacrifical alters at the base of Kristurue Maltsisi which are stained in blood. The pyramid itself is completely free of any trace of blood because it absorbs all blood that

touches it. Inside the pyramid is a pyramid of skulls of sacrificial victims called, Death's Palace. Death's Palace is 100' high and is constantly growing because of the frequency with which people are sacrificed in honor of Cimeries. The high priests of the Cult of Darkness who worship Cimeries the demi-god night demon (see dungeon) are Macabres. The Mholicas are also cannibals who love encase their enemies in clay and slowly cook them alive. The Mholicas are led by a Black Snake, who is though to be a be a servent of Cimeries. The Black Snake has complete control over the Mholicas.


Clerics of Hokkaido Akira (also known as the Shirakawa)

The second important group under the command of Princess Oennie is the religious following of Hokkaido Akira. Hokkaido Akira is the Goddess of lust and seduction. Her followers are only women. The clerics of Hokkaido Akira are trained as houri and are called Shirakawa. They use their art to further their religion through the manipulation of political figures and important aristrocrats. Once a month during the full moon they perform the Gurikara in a public place. The Gurikara is a dance which the Shirakawa performed to honor Hokkaido Akira. When performing the ritual they wear special religious headbands called Torimono which are covered in precious jewels. The Shirakawa are often given a political target to marry so as to gain political influence through a politically influential spouse. The Shirakawa are forbidden to attend funerals, places where it is known that death has occurred, and cemetaries. Also, they are never to physically harm another individual unless it is absolutely necessary to protect themselves or another.


Clerics of Vlaarhg Shaakur

The Chaos Mage is a very powerful class that specializes in chaos. The Vadorian Chaos Mages are the religious leaders of the god of chaos, Vlaarhg Shakur.


Coalition Council of the Vanchura Empire

Shalmalta Islands

This is where the elemental mages live. Each element has their own soveriegnty and king. They are all represented at the Coalition Council of the Vanchura Empire.


Council of Two and Twenty

The Bear Tribes make up the Kingdom of Hargrath. They are separated into 22 different tribes under the rule of the

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The World of Xharvania, Page 29Council of Two and Twenty, presided over by a War Chief Emperor. The elite guard, the Shaipae, use the Irgaak, a weapon of honor. The Bear Tribes are the family of noble and fierce barbarians related to but somewhat larger than the other northern tribes. They usually sport red hear and beards rather than the blonde growth of their cousins. The most unusual characteristic of the bear tribes is that a few of them, the most noble, actually have the ability to voluntarily take the form of a large northern bear.


Council of Vuhrin

Eight years ago the country was under the rule of a montebanc who wormed his way into power. He was a puppet for the Lord Pleides of Melvaen who hoped to take the kingdom of Vuhrin through diplomatic measures. Under the rule of the montebanc taxes were raised, the standard of living decreased greatly, and the country became a haven for outlaws of all types. The people began to talk of rebellion as times got worse. Lord Pleides of Melvaen convinced the montebanc that the only way to maintain control was through the execution of notable rebellious figures. The announcement of the executions was enough to spark the already imminent rebellion. Once the puppet regime was thrown out of power the people decided that they would rather be ruled by a council instead of a king, and thus was born the Council of Vuhrin. The Council is represented by the leader of the worker caste, the leader of the religious caste, and the leader of the warrior caste. They act as a representative government, voting on issues and laws.


Crafter's Guild of Melkalund

Ganth is a very rich country because of the importance Melkalund has as a major trade port between the western and eastern countries. Melkalund is the largest trading port on Xharvania and trades with all ten of the major kingdoms. Because it deals with all ten countries on a business level Ganth remains neutral in its political affairs when dealing with such issues like alliances. Politically, Ganth has considerable influence with the other countries as it has a great deal of control over what goes into or out of the ten kingdoms. Ganth also happens to have the largest navy of all the human kingdoms, excluding the multi-national force at Ilvaur, to ensure its strict control of the the major trade routes going into and out of Lake Fulton. For a price, anything from getting valuable information to purchasing rare magical items can be done in Melkalund. Ganth is the core of the trading industry and exploits this fact to the limit. Ganth has tough laws against discrimination because of the many trade negotiations with various humanoid and demi-human races. Melkalund is home to the largest essence academy on Xharvania. Ganth supports the academy because of the

large amount of money that is taken in through the sale of magic items made by the academy. There is also a large organization known as the Crimson Underground that deals in local and foreign espionage, assassinations, thefts, kidnapping, information, etc. Moren Tastokk is a wise and well respected leader.


Crimson Underground

Ganth is a very rich country because of the importance Melkalund has as a major trade port between the western and eastern countries. Melkalund is the largest trading port on Xharvania and trades with all ten of the major kingdoms. Because it deals with all ten countries on a business level Ganth remains neutral in its political affairs when dealing with such issues like alliances. Politically, Ganth has considerable influence with the other countries as it has a great deal of control over what goes into or out of the ten kingdoms. Ganth also happens to have the largest navy of all the human kingdoms, excluding the multi-national force at Ilvaur, to ensure its strict control of the the major trade routes going into and out of Lake Fulton. For a price, anything from getting valuable information to purchasing rare magical items can be done in Melkalund. Ganth is the core of the trading industry and exploits this fact to the limit. Ganth has tough laws against discrimination because of the many trade negotiations with various humanoid and demi-human races. Melkalund is home to the largest essence academy on Xharvania. Ganth supports the academy because of the large amount of money that is taken in through the sale of magic items made by the academy. There is also a large organization known as the Crimson Underground that deals in local and foreign espionage, assassinations, thefts, kidnapping, information, etc. Moren Tastokk is a wise and well respected leader.


Desert Runners

The Asuka Dynasty, led by Prince Tao' Pang, controls Ulghur Desert. They pimarily use the goodar, jambiva, and the naginate. The elite warriors of the Asuka army are delvers who use spells to enchant their equipment (use the alternate spell lists outlined in RMC IV, page 23). The Asuka Dynasty is also known for its superior horse legion called, the Desert Runners.


Dopplegangers of Lake Fulton

A community of mermen and mermaids, located in the northern part of Lake Fulton, developed this list so they could explore the land and air.


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The World of Xharvania, Page 30Dream Weavers

Dream LordThe "true dreamlords" are respected and feared among the arctic tribes. They are called Dream Weavers and wander from tribe to tribe. The illusionist varient is found in the Dwarven kingdom, the Mitheral City. They are the seers for the dwarves. The shaman varient are the tribal shamans of the arctic tribes. They are often just below the chief in regards to tribal status.


The Dulshaat

The elite forces of Ulok, the Dulshaat, are under the command of Warlord Mushag. They wear black spiked chain mail, AT 14, and carry a black spiked normal shield. Most of their weapons have special hilts which can be twisted to release a dose of poison that runs down and covers the weapon. There is enough poison for three doses. They also wield spiked normal shields. They prefer to attack with a two weapon combo using their primary weapon and a shield bash. They are most proficient at attacking at night and, if possible, from behind. They have no honor and will do what ever it takes to win.


Elite Warriors of the Asuka Army

The Asuka Dynasty, led by Prince Tao' Pang, controls Ulghur Desert. They pimarily use the goodar, jambiva, and the naginate. The elite warriors of the Asuka army are delvers who use spells to enchant their equipment (use the alternate spell lists outlined in RMC IV, page 23). The Asuka Dynasty is also known for its superior horse legion called, the Desert Runners.



The Elvish army is referred to as the Silivael, "guardians", and is largely made up of rangers. The General of the army and head knight of the Knights of the Golden Dawn and is referred to as Eshaevael Jarvas Wildoak. Eshaevael is the title for his rank and means, "ambassador of peace". The navy is comprised of aquatic Elves and is called the Tau' Qual, "sea knights".


Free Marshals

Free marshals that are a part of the Guild of Justice located in Melvaen. They hire out as mercanaries to track down the most vile of criminals. The most famous hunter is, the Wolf, a 50th level Hunter who wears no armor and has a dagger glove, CT II, p. 69, and shinvakalii, CT II, p. 86. He is a common man and is the head of the Guild of Justice.

The Hunters are bounty hunters that use spells to enhance their hunting prowess. The Hunter class attracts a wide variety of characters from the truly just to the lowest of scum. Many of the Free Marshals are Hunters and are the true harbringers of 'eye for an eye justice'.


Healers of the White Cloth

The city of Alador is the home to the Clerics of the White Cloth. These Clerics have a reputation for their active support and aid to the homeless and sick. They are the priests of Seka and often send missionaries out to spread her word throughout the continent. They never carry weapons and have vowed to never raise a hand against anyone or anything. They are vegetarians as they believe that animals have just as much right to life as humans.


High College of Magic

The University Political Advisory Committee is the current ruling government of Zurig. The Committee is formed of one representative from each practicing magic class at the famed High College of MagicXcoleg.htm

. No evil professions are allowed in the college as this would bring bad publicity. The Committee elects a Committee Chairperson every ten years. The Chairperson represents the Kingdom of Zurig in all political issues and acts as the Kingdom's official figurehead. The College of Magic is located in Lowencrem and is spread out over a campus one mile in diameter in the center of the city.


High Priests of Chaal Tithis

Necromancers are the high priests of Chaal Tithis. They have several temples within the Dead Lands and are under the direct command of Varg the Demolisher. They are primarily responsible for creating undead for Chaal Tithis' army. The main temple is in Chaatuk, City of the Dead


Knights of the Circle

Under the command of Baron Longleaf are the Elven Knights of the Circle who patrol the Dreamwood Forest.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 31A Knight and his entourage is always accompanying Lord Atwik.


Knights of the Golden Dawn

The Elves elite soldiers are known as the Knights of the Golden Dawn. The knights are all warrior mages of 15th level. There are approximately 75 knights in service with each having his own command in the army or navy. The Elves also have an active espionage group called the Shael which means "silence". The Shael participates in espionage, spying, and assassinations. The famed Elvish archers are called the Ellohoenie, "wind spirits". The Elvish army is referred to as the Silivael, "guardians", and is largely made up of rangers. The General of the army and head knight of the Knights of the Golden Dawn and is referred to as Eshaevael Jarvas Wildoak. Eshaevael is the title for his rank and means, "ambassador of peace". The navy is comprised of aquatic Elves and is called the Tau' Qual, "sea knights".


Lord Knights of the Kingdom of Ilvaur

The elite guards for the nobles of the kingdom Ilvaur are Noble Warriors. They are also the famous Lord Knights of the Ilvarian army.


Masako Clerics

In the Southwestern desert regions, that are controlled by the Svehriegn, powerful religious, political figures, and aristrocrats are buried in a small to medium size megalithic tombs called Dolmens, characterized by a roof consisting of a single large stone. The stone is carved on the outside with protective runes to keep out intruders and is carved with runes on the inside to keep in spirits and ghosts. Royalty are buried in single room Dolmens the size of a large house; 4000 square feet. Their tombs are protected by Masako Clerics who are assigned to the royal figures as youths and stay with them throughout their lifetime. They are well trained high warrior monks that are taught the Ritual of Haniwa that will render them undead guardians upon the death of their charge. Both the royal figure and the Masako Cleric are buried in the dolmens. The Masako Cleric then performs the Ritual of Haniwa for three days and three nights during which time they slowly begin to die and are dead by the third night. Six days later they are resurrected as an undead monastic lich which is always of a good nature. They will always protect their charge, even if they are moved. The Masako Clerics wear an yellow flat head-dress, a puple sash decorated with yellow triangles, and a necklace of magatama stones. Magamata stones are beautifully carved beads of quartz, green jasper, jadeite and steatite. The

magamata stones are magical and are responsible for transforming the Masako Clerics into 'good' monostic liches upon completing the Ritual of Haniwa.


Melkalund Essence Academy

Melkalund is home to the largest essence academy on Xharvania. Ganth supports the academy because of the large amount of money that is taken in through the sale of magic items made by the academy.


Mholica Tribe

The Mholicas are worshippers of Cimeries, the demi-god of night. They are located in the icy north-eastern tip of the continent in their large city, Talhooka, which is built around a ceremonial pyramid. The pyramid is called, Kristurue Maltsisi, or Temple of Night. There are four sacrifical alters at the base of Kristurue Maltsisi which are stained in blood. The pyramid itself is completely free of any trace of blood because it absorbs all blood that touches it. Inside the pyramid is a pyramid of skulls of sacrificial victims called, Death's Palace. Death's Palace is 100' high and is constantly growing because of the frequency with which people are sacrificed in honor of Cimeries. The high priests of the Cult of Darkness who worship Cimeries the demi-god night demon (see dungeon) are Macabres. The Mholicas are also cannibals who love encase their enemies in clay and slowly cook them alive. The Mholicas are led by a Black Snake, who is though to be a be a servent of Cimeries. The Black Snake has complete control over the Mholicas.


Milaar Nomads

The Obsidian Falls is a huge waterfall and a river of obsidian which stretches two miles in length. It is located in The Burn on a mountain called Candle-top Mountain. The Falls were created when Jamir Halifax created his lair in Candle-top Mountain. Candle-top gets its name from a buring pool of oil which burns in the center of Halifax's dwelling. From a distance the mountain looks as though the tip of the mountain was on fire, like a candle. A tribe called the Milaar Nomads live at the base of the mountains. They worship Jamir Halifax as a god and keep the falls polished and free of debris. Jamir Halifax has become fond of his followers and will protect them if attack. He has even gone so far as to bring food for them in hard times. Jamir Halifax is an ancient red dragon.


Nihongi Dancers

The Shulgai Dynasty is led by Princess Oennie who

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The World of Xharvania, Page 32controls the Niyadh Desert. The finest cities of the three dynasties are located in Princess Oennie's kingdom. Her urban populations are very large and are the nerve centers of her empire. There are two groups which are loyal to the Princess and play an important role in her kingdom.

The first group is composed of the Nihongi Dancers and the Nihongi Dervishes. The charisma and ritual dances of the extraordinary female shamen, the Nihongi (dancer class), are legendary. The Nihongi train their more talented members to be spell casting Dervishes who serve as the elite guards of Princess Oennie and her family. They are called the Sagami Nihongi and are highly respected. They primarily use the sultari, jambiva, and the runk.


Orcs of the Varlas Mountains

There is a large Orc nation that populates most of this mountain range. The leader of the orc nation is a gray orc named Larr 'a Vell, 25th level Evil Cleric, Staff of Aristarchus (CT I, Pg. 77). The total orc population is 50,000. The orcish fighting force is as follows: 50 gray, 200 vard, 1000 scrugs, 400 greater, 9000 lesser.


Order of the Black Hand

The current ruler of Ulok ascended to the throne through acts of espionage and political assassinations. Agwyn Maldread was, and still is, the head of the largest assassin guild in Xharvania.


Order of the Silver Circle

The Elemenatlist class is a class unique to the secret guild, The Order of the Silver Circle, headed by Princess H'su Tring in the city of Rookly (#36). There are currently 100 members in the guild. They study the elements in the hope of better understanding them and controlling them for the purpose of promoting order. They are extremely lawful and promote order (good or bad) wherever they go. They despise anything chaotic or evil.


Pimiko Clerics

The Yamato Dynasty, led by Prince Jito, controls the Rajaim Desert. They specialize in the killaj, goodar, and the katari. The Yamato Dynasty is by far the most violent due in part to its fanatical religious following of Chira Mante Kamui. The followers of Takahira are inspired by the religious advocation of the purefication their warriors with holy fire. Prior to a major battle the clerics of Chira

Mante Kamui, the Pimiko Clerics, perform the ritual Saito-Goma. Four Pimiko Clerics dance from dawn to twilight around a large bonfire singing religious prayers in honor of Chira Mante Kamui and to bless the faithful warriors. The four clerics conclude the ritual at twilight by each firing a burning arrow carved in holy symbols in the four directions. The four participating clerics will then charge, by themselves, into the enemy ranks. This act of martyrdom has the affect of causing the Yamato warriors to frenzy against their enemies.


Prince Brasington

Lord Pleides IV, assumed the role as king six years ago. He inherited the throne from his older brother, Lord Pleides III, whom he killed during an argument over some land rights. The son of Lord Pleides III, Prince Brasington, was able to escape with the help of Colonel Sanshion. The Prince was able to get away with his father's armor, Storm, and the royal crown; see New Magic Items. The Prince and Colonel Sanshion have been declared outlaws by Lord Pleides IV. A small faction of soldiers, 1200, loyal to the Prince have joined him in his fight to regain the throne. Public opinion also favors the Prince but can do little because of the fierce loyalty to Lord Pleides the IV by the army. He has the reputation of being a hard but fair man among his soldiers who have great respect for him because he treats them like upper class citizens. The soldiers are provided with good quarters, good food, and the best equipment. The capital city, Talismonde, has been under marshal law since Lord Pleide's ascention to the throne.


Royal Advisors and Guards of the Kingdom of Zurig

Wizards serve as the royal advisors and guardians of the royalty in Zurig.


Sagami Nihongi

The Shulgai Dynasty is led by Princess Oennie who controls the Niyadh Desert. The finest cities of the three dynasties are located in Princess Oennie's kingdom. Her urban populations are very large and are the nerve centers of her empire. There are two groups which are loyal to the Princess and play an important role in her kingdom.

The first group is composed of the Nihongi Dancers and the Nihongi Dervishes. The charisma and ritual dances of the extraordinary female shamen, the Nihongi (dancer class), are legendary. The Nihongi train their more talented members to be spell casting Dervishes who serve as the elite guards of Princess Oennie and her family. They are called the Sagami Nihongi and are highly

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The World of Xharvania, Page 33respected. They primarily use the sultari, jambiva, and the runk.


Sage King Phasa Mikeun

The Svehriegn of the Southwestern desert region are pagens but consider the supreme diety to be the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Oho Kami (Heaven Illumine Great Diety). The sacred Grand Shrine of Ise is a holy temple of Amaterasu and is the constant source of friction between the three dynasties. The Shrine is located in the Aulvor Hills and is under the control of the Sage King Phasa Mikeun and his army. Phasa Mikeun is a Silverscale (see Creatures and Treasures) and is responsible for protecting the holy city, Ise, which is the capital city of the true Emporer and the location of the sacred holy temple, The Grand Shrine of Ise. The Grand Shrine of Ise consists of two parts. The inner shrine is controlled by the Arakida warrior monks who gaurd the inner shrine and the sacred mirror of Amaterasu within. The outer shrine is dedicated to the harvest deity Toyouke and is controlled and protected by the Watarai monks. The Sage King is the primary religious authority and thus has considerable influence in the political affairs of all three dynasties. The Sage King has considerable support among the general populace and if a dynasty should attack the Sage King they would be faced with revolts, political rebellions, and war from the other two dynasties. The holy book of Amaterasu is called the Tagi-Shakra which contains the history of Amaterasu, the teachings of Amaterasu, and many religious prayers.


Seafarers' Guild of Melkalund

Ganth is a very rich country because of the importance Melkalund has as a major trade port between the western and eastern countries. Melkalund is the largest trading port on Xharvania and trades with all ten of the major kingdoms. The primary force behind the Melkalund commercial empire is the Seafarer's Guild of Melkalund. This Guild is one of the most influential and powerful on all of Xharvania and is under the direct control of the Kingdom of Ganth. Because it deals with all ten countries on a business level Ganth remains neutral in its political affairs when dealing with such issues like alliances. Politically, Ganth has considerable influence with the other countries as it has a great deal of control over what goes into or out of the ten kingdoms. Ganth also happens to have the largest navy of all the human kingdoms, excluding the multi-national force at Ilvaur, to ensure its strict control of the the major trade routes going into and out of Lake Fulton. For a price, anything from getting valuable information to purchasing rare magical items can be done in Melkalund. Ganth is the core of the trading industry and exploits this fact to the limit.


Serpent's Eye

There is an elite guard of 400 Dragonians at Dead Watch Mountain called, The Serpent's Eye. They are currently the sixth generation raised in the skill of fighting for the sole purpose of standing guard over the sleeping Leviathon. They are specialized in the use of the dragonblade and use the composite bow as a range weapon. Furthermore, they receive extensive training in the making and use of poisons to coat their weapons. One of their favorite tactics is to breath fire on their sword right before combat so as to cause additional heat crits (the heat lasts for a total of 10 rounds: 'B' heat crit for first 4 rounds, 'A' heat crit for remaining 6 rounds, upon a successful strike). They wear dragon scale armor which is the equivalent of AT 11.



The Shael is the dreaded Elven assassin. The word Shael translates into, 'silence'. They are extremely deadly and will use whatever means necessary to accomplish their mission. They are especially ruthless when their mission involves human royalty or aristrocrats.



The Bear Tribes make up the Kingdom of Hargrath. They are separated into 22 different tribes under the rule of the Council of Two and Twenty, presided over by a War Chief Emperor. The elite guard, the Shaipae, use the Irgaak, a weapon of honor. The Bear Tribes are the family of noble and fierce barbarians related to but somewhat larger than the other northern tribes. They usually sport red hear and beards rather than the blonde growth of their cousins. The most unusual characteristic of the bear tribes is that a few of them, the most noble, actually have the ability to voluntarily take the form of a large northern bear.


Shalwedthorn Navy

On the South Eastern coast of the Xwentes Hills is the city, Shalwedthorn. The city is populated by 20,000 Schraet. The Schraet are famous for their "navy," the Sea Devils. The Sea Devils are really just ruthless pirates and mercenaries that are extremely warlike and cruel. They always travel in fleets of ten ships, nine frigates and one warship. and attack as a unit, though somewhat uncoordinated in their efforts. They have thirty frigates and five warships designed for raiding and war. They are led by the Schraet pirate, Lord Parodor, 25th level rogue.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 34 

Shanooi Tribe

The Shanooi live in a large city in the center of the Glacial Sea near the southern edge. They are peaceful and live in relative peace with the surrounding smaller tribes. They use the baw for climbing and fighting. They also use the cabis and the boomerang. The Shanooi are a society whose attunement to their environment is one of extraordinary integration and fusion. They articulate a complete oneness with the animals and plants of their surroundings. Mind expanding drugs convert nearly every adult into a shaman capable of seeing into the future, talking with plants and animals, and projecting a three dimensional anima. Such access for each individual eliminates the need for a single, exceptional shaman around which to center their sacred beliefs. Their experience is so complete, so whole and fulfilling, that they have almost no theology or linquistically articulated mytho-poetics. The Shanooi have no gods per se because they believe that the Earth itself is a benevolent mother who has provided them with life and gifts of nature. They call the Earth, Valahna. Furthermore, the Shanooi believe that all things have a spirit, some stronger than others, and that the Shanooi spirit is superior to all others. They believe that their faith will lead each of them to ultimate sprituality and that their union with Valahna will eliminate the need for individual thought or conceputualization. Upon reaching ultimate spiritualization, or Adamantine Absolute, they become a part of Valahna whereupon all creatures are seen as non-local manifestations of Valahna and all individuality is lost. These are usually the holiest of the elders and gain the ability to communicate with their tribesmen, animals, and plants telepathically.



The Elvish army of Falohyr is referred to as the Silivael, "guardians", and is largely made up of rangers.


Society of the Red Lily


The Enchanter class is found only within the Society of the Red Lily. The society is located in Hobbiton (#10) and only extends its membership to worthy hobbits.


Sohleugir Crystal Mages

The Crystal Mage is unique among the Sohleugir. The Sohleugir are excellent miners and are usually found mining in hills with a warm, dry climate. Over a period of

centuries of mining fine gemstones, the Sohleugir first discovered then unlocked the hidden power in crytals. They developed the Crystal Mage class to further utilize the power found in crystals. They are very protective of their knowledge and would die before sharing their spells or secrets of crystal.


Tau Qual

The Falohyr navy is comprised of aquatic Elves and is called the Tau' Qual, "sea knights".


Tefari Gevax

The most elite warriors in the Kingdom of Hargrath's army are of the Arms Master profession. They are referred to as the Tefari Gevax. Only the most promising of veteran soldiers are allowed to enter the Tefari Gevax as trainies and only a few of those actually succeed in completing the training program. Only members of the Tefari Gevax can be considered for positions of high command in the Hargrath army. The are given lands as rewards for their victories in battle. The honor and respect that the high ranking Tefari Gevax have surpasses all but the highest of royal figures.


The Prag

In the Kingdom of Ulok, many people are 'recruited' to work in the gold mines Lhorimar Hills. Most of those recruited die within a few years, broken by the hard labor, poor living conditions, and terrible treatment received from the mines slave-masters, the Prag. At any given time there are approximately 25,000 to 30,000 slaves working the mines. The enormous amount of gold extracted from the mines has made Ulok a very wealthy kingdom.


The Santavar Nomads

There is a large Idiyva nomadic group called the Santavar that live in the Ruai Forest around Lake Orn. They move periodically around the lake so as to not weaken the animal population in any one given area. This helps to maintain a healthy population of animals that are hunted and eaten by the Santavar. The Santavar raise Warcats, (RMC 1, 72), for both labor and hunting. The female warcats are normal Warcats while the males are Greater Warcats. The Santavar are a very noble people who act not as individuals but in complete uniformity as members of their tribe. They are wary of others and do not extend their trust easily. If they feel threatened for themselves or for the tribe then they will become violent. They are cunning warriors who use guerilla tactics to attack their

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The World of Xharvania, Page 35enemies. It is told that their small tribe of 1500 completely eradicated an Orcish community of about 20,000 in the Saast Mountains for the brutal slaying of one of their young. The only remaining evidence of that Orcish community are the numerous charred caves filled with thousands of Orcish bones. Though there are other Orcish tribes in the Saast Mountains they stay well clear of the Santavar as they are fearful of their wrath as exemplified by the bone filled caves of their brethren.


The Tiersmen

The archers are called the Tiersmen. The archers on the fourth story of the tower are the Tiersmen of the Fourth Level, the third story Tiersmen are Tiersmen of the Third Level and so on to the first level. The Fourth Level Tiersmen are 10th level, third are 8th level, second are 6th level, and first are 4th level. The archers are under the command of a Captain of the Four Tiers who is 20th level. The commander in chief of the archers is Colonel Dawney Ferrig, a 30th level archer.


The University Political Advisory Committee

Zurig was ruled as a monarchy up until two centuries ago. The last ruling monarch was liked by the general public

but the high level executives at the famed, High College of Magic, discovered a plan by the monarch to take the kingdom to war. The college leaders formed The University Political Advisory Committee to protect the interests of the college. It was decided by the Committee that it would be in the best interest of the college to advise the ruling monarch against war. The king listened to the Committee representatives and subsequently had them executed for spying and treason. The king then ordered the Committee to disband or suffer the same punishment as their representatives. The Committee decided, after a long debate, that the only way to prevent war was to influence the king with their magic. The plan worked without a flaw and all plans of war diminished. The Committee then began to use its magic to gain political power in the kingdom and to expand the interests of the college. Eventually the college had more power than the king and overthrew the monarchy.

The University Political Advisory Committee is the current ruling government of Zurig. The Committee is formed of one representative from each practicing magic class at the college. No evil professions are allowed in the college as this would bring bad publicity. The Committee elects a Committee Chairperson every ten years. The Chairperson represents the Kingdom of Zurig in all political issues and acts as the Kingdom's official figurehead. The College of Magic is located in Lowencrem and is spread out over a campus one mile in diameter in the center of the city.


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Specialized Professions of Xharvainia


Holy knights of Ulok.


Must be in the elite group, The Tiersmen.


This is a highly secret guild called the Trinity of the Mitheral Circle. The specialize in the study of Arcane Magic and have amassed a large collection of Arcane spells.


This is a highly specialized form of the Archmage. This class was created when a member of the Trinity of the Mitheral Circle "defected" and went solo. The group is so named because they discovered that a circlet of pure Mitheral enhances the Archmage's ability to master the three realms of magic. A Mitheral circlet adds +5 to the casting of all Arcane spell lists. Since no longer had access to the Trinity's Arcane spells he used his Archmage skills to study spells from other spell realms and professions, thereby creating the Arcist class. He defected because he felt that the Trinity should be used more actively to help "guide" society through their problems.

Arms Master

The most elite warriors in the Kingdom of Hargrath's army. They are referred to as the Tefari Gevax. Only the most promising of veteran soldiers are allowed to enter the Tefari Gevax as trainies and only a few of those actually succeed in completing the training program. Only members of the Tefari Gevax can be considered for positions of high command in the Hargrath army. The are given lands as rewards for their victories in battle. The honor and respect that the high ranking Tefari Gevax have surpasses all but the highest of royal figures.

Astral Traveler

This class was developed by the Elves for use in conjunction with the Nexus Gates.


The Sibbicai in the Forest of Ghorfar are very respectful and protective of animals. The Beastmaster class is unique to this community. They are very distrusting of outsiders and would fight to the death to defend an animal.


The royal guard for the nobility of Athelton, Zurig, and Ilvaur. They are trained in Athelton at the legendary Knight's Hall.

Chaos Lord

Vadorian warriors.

Chaos Mage

Vadorians who serve as clerics of the god of chaos, Vlaarhg Shakur.


This class is found only in the Melkalund Crafter's Guild. They sell their quality goods to the general public and are famous among the wealthy for making special items, jewelry, and fine goods.

Crystal Mage

The Crystal Mage is unique among the Sohleugir. The Sohleugir are excellent miners and are usually found mining in hills with a warm, dry climate. Over a period of centuries of mining fine gemstones, the Sohleugir first discovered then unlocked the hidden power in crytals. They developed the Crystal Mage class to further utilize the power found in crystals. They are very protective of their knowledge and would die before sharing their spells or secrets of crystal.


Found in the Niyadh desert under the command of Princess Oennie. They specialize in the martial arts and serve as elite bodyguards for the Princess. The charisma and ritual dances of the extraordinary female shamen, the Nihongi (dancer class), are legendary.

Death Mage

The Death Mage is similar to a Sorcerer in that the class specializes in destruction. The major difference is that the Death Mage specializes in the destruction of the living. The Death Mage also resembles the Necromancer class by using the spell list, Innocence Lost, to create undead. The major difference here is that the Death Mage uses the spell list, Innocence Lost, to transform the living into undead through a combination of magic rituals, poisons, and disease. The Death Mages are Quishad clerics of Chog, the god of death and decay. The Quishad high priests train young clerics the spells of the Death Mage and then send them out to spread Chogs 'blessings' among

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The World of Xharvania, Page 37the mortals of the world.


The elite warriors of the Asuka army are Delvers who use spells to enchant their equipment (use the alternate spell lists outlined in RMC IV).


Located in the Niyadh Desert, the Nihongi train their more talented members to be spell casting dervishes who serve as the elite guards of Princess Oennie and her family. They are called the Saganami Nihongi and are highly respected. They primarily use the sultari, jambiva, and the runk..

DopplegangerA community of mermen and mermaids, located in the northern part of Lake Fulton, developed this list so they could explore the land and air.

Dream LordThe "true dreamlords" are respected and feared among the arctic tribes. They are called Dream Weavers and wander from tribe to tribe. The illusionist varient is found in the Dwarven kingdom, the Mitheral City. They are the seers for the dwarves. The shaman varient are the tribal shamans of the arctic tribes. They are often just below the chief in regards to tribal status.

Earth Mage

This is a special class of mages who are arctic men in the northern tribe Achoiwa; population is 450 with 7 being earth mages.

Elemental Classes (Elemental Companion)

They are located on the Shamalta Islands east of the Devil's Claw. Each element has their own sovereignty and king. They are all represented at the Coalition Council of the Vanchura Empire.


This is a class unique to the secret guild, The Order of the Silver Circle, headed by Princess H'su Tring in the city of Rookly (#36). There are currently 100 members in the guild. They study the elements in the hope of better understanding them and controlling them for the purpose of promoting order. They are extremely lawful and promote order (good or bad) wherever they go. They despise anything chaotic or evil.


This is a class unique to the Society of the Red Lily. The society is located in Hobbiton (#10) and only extends its membership to worthy hobbits.


The Forrester is similar to a Ranger. They spend most of their lives within forests and shy away from places frequented by humans and other humanoid creatures. They are one of the few groups of humans that are actually treated amicably by the Elves.


The famed Healers of the White Cloth. Their presence is seen as a good omen.

High Warrior Monk

The protectors of powerful aristocrats and royalty among the dark tribes in the southwestern deserts. They are called Masako Clerics. They are assigned to the royal figures as youths and stay with them throughout their lifetime. They are well trained high warrior monks that are taught the Ritual of Haniwa that will render them undead guardians upon the death of their charge. Both the royal figure and the Masako Cleric are buried in the dolmens. The Masako Cleric then performs the Ritual of Haniwa for three days and three nights during which time they slowly begin to die and are dead by the third night. Six days later they are resurrected as an undead monostic lich which is always of a good nature. They will always protect their charge, even if they are moved. The Masako Clerics wear an yellow flat head-dress, a puple sash decorated with yellow triangles, and a necklace of magatama stones. Magamata stones are beautifully carved beads of quartz, green jasper, jadeite and steatite. The magamata stones are magical and are responsible for transforming the Masako Clerics into 'good' monostic liches upon completing the Ritual of Haniwa.


Found in the Niyadh Desert under the command of Princess Oennie. They are the clerics of Hokkaido Akira. Hokkaido Akira is the Goddess of lust and seduction. Her followers are only women. The clerics of Hokkaido Akira are trained as houri and are called Shirakawa. They use their art to further their religion through the manipulation of political figures and important aristrocrats. Once a month during the full moon they perform the Gurikara in a public place. The Gurikara is a dance which the Shirakawa performe to honor Hokkaido Akira. When performing the ritual they wear special religious headbands called Torimono which are covered in precious jewels. The Shirakawa are often given a political target to marry so as to gain political influence through a politically influential spouse. The Shirakawa are forbidden to attend funerals, places where it is known that death has occurred, and cemetaries. Also, they are never to physically harm another individual unless it is absolutely necessary to protect themselves or another.


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The World of Xharvania, Page 38Free marshals that are a part of the Guild of Justice located in Melvaen. They hire out as mercanaries to track down the most vile of criminals. The most famous hunter is, the Wolf, a 50th level Hunter who wears no armor and has a dagger glove, CT II, p. 69, and shinvakalii, CT II, p. 86. He is a common man and is the head of the Guild of Justice.

Light Mage



These are the high priests of the Cult of Darkness who worship Cimeries the demi-god night demon (see dungeon). They are located in the icy north-eastern tip of the continent and are refered to as the Mholicas Tribe. They have huge temple city and a sacrifical alters on top of a huge pyramid. They put all of the sacrificial victim's heads on a huge stone rack covered in skulls; Death's Palace.


The famous Wizard Knights of Zurig. Some Magus have even become nobles. You can only be eligible to be trained as a Magus if you are a blood relative to a previous Magus.


Red Gratar.


These are specialized thiefs found only in the Thieves Guild, located deep within the Acrum Forest north of Tara.

Moon MageThese are among the earliest and most primitive spellcasters. They can only be found within the realm of the Urlocs and Quishad.

NavigatorUnique to the Seafarer's Guild based in Melkalund.


These are the high priests of Chaal Tithis. They have several temples within the Dead Lands and are under the direct command of Varg the Demolisher. They are primarily responsible for creating undead for Chaal Tithis' army.


The assassins and spies of the Kingdom of Ulok. They are members of the Ulok specialized espionage group, the Order of the Black Hand.

Noble Warriors

The elite guards for the nobles of the kingdom Ilvaur. They are also the famous Lord Knights of the Ilvarian army.


Holy knights of any order, good or evil. See Anti-Paladin.


The keepers and organizers of the famed Hall of Scrolls in Athelton.


Religious figures in tribal communities. See the Shanooi Tribe in the Glacial Sea.

Shadow Mage

These are the fanatical cult leaders called Patriots that worship Glahn Grim, Lord of the Night.


The sleuths are the royal advisors and defenders in the kingdom of Melvaen.

SorcererGrey Orcs.

Spirit Warrior

These are the warriors of the Valhachie tribe. They are good honorable Arctic Men who consider themselves the protectors of nature. They raise eagles and great eagles spies, mounts, and familiers, and use their bonding spells to bond with them. They worship Plasnyee, the good god of the winds. Their leader is Chief Pathow (50 th lvl) who has an eagle familier, 3 minor great eagles, 2 lesser great eagles, and 1 greater great eagle. He wields the Staff of the Winds (CT, 81).


This is a special class in the secret religious order, The Followers of the Hand of Fate, located in the city of Leiberton (#12). They worship Pretes Droto, the god of fate and seek to spread his word. They do not get to learn their first list until they are tenth level.


Can be found in covens scattered across the mid-west.


Can be found in covens scattered across the mid-west.

Warrior Mage

Page 39: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 39Elven Knights of the Golden Dawn.

Witch Hunter

The Vishnu Empire was once a powerful kingdom that ruled the area with strict religious rules rules and very harsh and often deadly punishments. It was eventually destroyed by a series of violent earthquakes and the tragic fate of their king that left the country without a ruler. The king, Lord Felstaer of the Holy Robe, was frozen in time in a battle with his arch-enemy, Xalshar the Dark, a chaos lord. Several years ago the king was freed from his timeless prison and has since been gathering together an army to "spread the word". Lord Felstaer was the last

witch hunter, but has now begun training his new followers the lost art. Lord Festaer is a 75 th level witch hunter, wields Swift Justice: +40 holy two-handed sword, 3x damage, blur 3x/day, haste 3x/day. He wears adamantine armor and a membrane ring (CT II, page 80). Felstaer currently has 60 faithful followers who are learning the art of the witch hunter. They are fanatics and will die for him. Felstaer teaches that nothing can stop the eradication of evil, even if innocent people must die in the process.


Royal advisors and guardians of the royalty in Zurig.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 40New Professions



Chaos Mage

Death Mage

Earth Mage

Elven Warrior Mage



Ice Mage


Light Mage



Spirit Walker

Spirit Warrior


The Anti-Paladin is the unholy warrior of evil deities. They have no honor and will flee if they feel seriously threatened. They prefer to have others fight their battles but if they must fight personally then it is best done from behind.

Semi-spell user of channeling. Prime States (st, in). Skills as a Paladin.

Directed Spells 3/6 Ambush 3 Silent Kill 2/6 Use/Remove Poison 2/5

Arms +3, Base +2, Deadly +1, Subterfuge +1, Athletic +1, Body Dev +2, Perception +1

Base Spell Lists:

Arms Way (2, 81), Laying on of Hands (2, 81), Poison Mastery (1, 24), Disease (SL, 60), Necromancy (SL, 61), Shielding Ways (2,80)


The archer is a an offshoot of the warrior mage class that specializes in the use of the bow and spell lists that enhance the archer's ability to use the bow.

The archer is semi-spell user of essence. Prime stats (em, ag). Skills as a Warrior Mage.

Fletching 1/3, Stalk/Hide 1/5

Arms +2, Body Dev +1, General +1, Perception +1, Athletic +1, Deadly +1, Outdoor Skills +1, Subterfuge +2

Base Spell Lists:

Arrow of Might, Essence Wing (7, 90), Rapid Ways (SL, 81), Combat Law (7, 89), Physical Enhancement (SL, 75), Shield Mastery (SL,81)

Chaos Mage

The Chaos Mage is a very powerful class that specializes in chaos. The Vadorian Chaos Mages are the religious leaders of the god of chaos, Vlaarhg Shakur.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 41Pure spell user of channeling. Prime stats (In/Re). Skills as a Warlock.

Academic +1, Deadly +1, Magical +3, Subterfuge +1, Base +2, Directed +1, Perception +1

Base Spell Lists:

Changeling (2, 48), Chaotic Items, Chaotic Servants, Chaotic Curses, Chaos Mastery, Chaotic Ways, Cruelty Ways (SL, 46), Revenging Law (2, 52), Soul Destruction (97)

Death Mage

The Death Mage is similar to a Sorcerer in that the class specializes in destruction. The major difference is that the Death Mage specializes in the destruction of the living. The Death Mage also resembles the Necromancer class by using the spell list, Innocence Lost, to create undead. The major difference here is that the Death Mage uses the spell list, Innocence Lost, to transform the living into undead through a combination of magic rituals, poisons, and disease. The Death Mages are the Quishad Clerics of Chog, the god of death and decay.

Pure spell user of channeling. Prime stats (In/Re). Skills as a Macarbe.

Academic +1, Deadly +1, Magical +3, Perception +1, Base +2, Directed +2, Outdoor +1

Base Spell Lists:

Dark Channels (SL, 62), Death Mastery (2, 44), Innocence Lost, Disease (60), Curses (60), Putrefactions (7, 109), Dark Law (2, 45), Dark Curses (SL, 47), Soul Death (5, 39)

Earth Mage

The Earth Mage specializes in drawing power from the earth itself and therefore use spells that utilize the magic found within the earth. These mages harken back to even before arcane magic. There numbers are quit small now due to the advent of first arcane magic and then the slew of other spells that came soon after.

Hybrid spell user of essence and channeling. Prime stats (Em, In). Skills as a Crystal Mage.

Academic +2, Concentration +1, Outdoor +2, Base +2, Magical +3

Base Spell Lists:

Deep Earth Commune (3,69), Earthblood Ways (1, 11), Earth Focus (5, 77), Node Mastery (5, 76), Deep Earth Healing (3, 66), Earth Mastery (2, 53), Node Functions (5, 78)

Elven Warrior Mage

The Elven Warrior Mage is semi-spell user of essence. Prime stats (em, ag). Skills as a Warrior Mage.

Fletching 2/3, Stalk/Hide 1/3

Arms +2, Body Dev +2, General +1, Perception +1, Deadly +1, Outdoor Skills +2, Subterfuge +1

Base Spell Lists:

Body Renewal (92), Essence Wing (7, 90), Noble Armor (3, 56), Noble Weapons (3, 56), Phantom Movements (1, 24), Guardian Ways, enemies are humans and Vadorians (1, 29)


The Forrester is similar to a Ranger. They spend most of their lives within forests and shy away from places frequented by humans and other humanoid creatures. They are one of the few groups of humans that are actually treated amicably by the Elves.

Semi-spell user of channeling. Prime stats (In, Ag). Skills as a Ranger.

Directed Spells 3/6 Second Weapon 3/6

Arms +2, Base +1, General +1, Perception +1, Athletic +1, Body Dev +1, Outdoor +2, Subterfuge +1

Base Spell Lists:

Familier's Law (1, 29), Nature's Guises (SL, 59), Nature's Way (SL, 58), Locating Ways (SL, 46), Nature's Law (SL, 42), Wood Shaping (2, 84)


The Hunters are bounty hunters that use spells to enhance their hunting prowess. The Hunter class attracts a wide variety of characters from the truly just to the lowest of scum. Many of the Free Marshals are Hunters and are the true harbringers of 'eye for an eye justice'.

Semi-spell user of essence. Prime stats (St/Em). Skills as a Nightblade.

Arms +2, Base +1, Deadly +1, Perception +2, Athletic

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The World of Xharvania, Page 42+1, Body Dev +1, Outdoor +1, Subterfuge +1

Base Spell Lists:

Highriding (2, 75), The Chains (7, 84), Trace Law (SC, 58), Poison Mastery (1, 24), Sustain Body (SC, 52), Warriors Blade (SC, 50)

Ice Mage

The Ice Mage is a class unique to the Servants of Dal' Rique, god of cold, ice, and snow. The Servants of Dal' Rique can be found in the North Central part of the Glacial Sea. They travel throughout the Glacial Sea spreading the word of their god, but seldom ever venture out of the Glacial Sea's icy regions.

Pure spell user of essence. Prime stats (Em/Re). Skills as a Magician.

Academic +1, Concentration +2, Magical +2, Base +2, Directed +2, Perception +1

Base Spell Lists:

Elemental Summons, Cold (2, 85), Element's Master, Ice (5, 66), Ice Forms (7,72), Mana Frosts, Ice Law (83), Lofty Bridge (79), Survival Ways (SC, 48)


Serves as the eyes and ears of the King within his kingdom. This class specializes in acting foolish so as to maintain the reputation as an unimportant member of the castles' inhabitants. However, the Jester really serves as an advisor to the King offering input and information about local opinion, rumors, and of course potential treachery.

Semi-spell user of essence. Prime stats (Em/Ag). Skills as a Montebanc.

Arms +1, Base +1, Magical +1, Social +1, Athletic +2, Body Dev +1, Perception +1, Subterfuge +2

Base Spell Lists:

Bubble Magic (7, 95), Lesser Illusions (SL, 74), Living Change (SL, 77), Curses (SL, 60), Lights Creations (5, 80), Unbarring Ways (SL, 75)

Light Mage

The Light Mage is an illusionist type spellcaster who uses light energy to give his illusions a quasi-real substance thereby given them a quasi-form. This class was created

by the Minoths and they retain the secrets to the spells to this day. The only copy of the Phantasmal Servants spell list is kept within the Dreamwood Forest under the protection of Baron Longleaf. All training of the spells on that list is conducted in the Dreamwood Forest under close guard of various faeries and the Knights of the Circle.

Pure spell user of essence. Prime stats (Em/Re). Skills as an illusionist.

Academic +1, Concentration +2, Magical +2, Base +2, Directed +2, Perception +1

Base Spell Lists:

Brilliance Magic (3, 72), Lights Creations (5, 80), Mana Currents (5, 81), Illusion Law (4, 62), Light Law (SL, 83), Phantasmal Servants


The Navigator class uses spells to enhance their abilities when at sea. This class is unique to the Seafarer's Guild based in Melkalund. There best captains are trained as Navigators who are given the task of transporting the most valuable cargo.

Semi-spell user of essence. Prime stats (St/Em). Skills as a Ranger.

Academic +1, Athletic +1, Body Dev +1, Outdoor +1, Arms +2, Base +1, General +1, Perception +2

Base Spell Lists:

Combat Enhancement (2, 62), Pirate's Way (5, 62), Way of the Navigator (3, 78), Essence Wing (7, 90), Sailing Law (SC, 106), Weather Mastery (5, 56)


The Shael is the dreaded Elven assassin. The word Shael translates into, 'silence'. They are extremely deadly and will use whatever means necessary to accomplish their mission. They are especially ruthless when their mission involves human royalty or aristrocrats.

Semi-spell user of essence. Prime stats (Ag/Em). Skills as a Nightblade.

Arms +2, Base +1, Deadly +2, Perception +2, Athletic +1, Body Dev +1, Outdoor +1, Subterfuge +1

Base Spell Lists:

Blade Runes (1, 10), Devious Ways (SC, 92), Invisible

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The World of Xharvania, Page 43Ways (77), Conveying Ways (2, 86), Subdual Ways (5, 82), Body Renewal (92)

Spirit Warrior (Also called Druid Warrior)

The Spirit Warrior is a semi-spell user who uses spells to create a bond between the Spirit Warrior and the natural environment around him. The Spirit Warrior mainly focuses on bonding with animals. They have a great respect for nature, animals and flora alike, and serve as nature's guardians. They would not hesitate to kill any humanoid creature if the humanoid creature was intentionally or recklessly endangering either an animal or flora. They prefer to fight using the martial arts while enhancing their abilities with spells.

Semi-spell user of channeling. Prime stats (In/St). Animal skills are as a Beastmaster and all other skills are as a Warrior Monk.

Arms +2, Base +1, Concentration +2, Perception+1, Athletic +1, Body Dev +1, Outdoor +2

Base Spell Lists:

Beast's Ways (5, 54), Nature's Forms (1, 20), Nature's Summons (5, 55), Martial Mastery (SC, 66), Nature's Harmony, Spiritual Bonding

Spirit Walkers

Use spells to travel in/out of corpses.

Foul Changes I (4, 64), Foul Changes II (4, 65),

Desert Runners

Horseman's Way, (7, 96)

Knights of the Golden Dawn

Page 44: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 44Races of Xharvania

Crotalinaga Great Men Motar Svehreign

Devadarians Halflings Orcs Troglodytes

Dragonians Humans Oyakwait Vadorians

Dwarves Idiyva Quishad Vulfin

Elves Merfolk Schraet Xys-Lah

Goblins Minoths Sibbicai Yahnni


The Crotalinaga is a humanoid-serpentine creature. They grow to an average height of 5' tall and weigh 70lbs to 90lbs. The body is covered with scales of a horny epidermal material arranged in regular rows and usually overlapping, like tiles on a roof. The scales located on the back and sides are characteristically smaller than those on the top of the head and along the ventral (under) surface. The scales on the dorsal (upper) surface of the snake are smooth The skin and outer covering of the horny scales are shed annually and in one piece, including the hard, transparent covering of the eye known as the spectacle; like their snake ancestors, the Crotalinaga lack movable eyelids, and the spectacle protects the constantly open eyes. The Crotalinaga shed their skin at a much faster rate while still young. During the first year of a Crotalinaga's life, it will shed its skin once every three months. From the second year to the fifth year, it will shed its skin once every four months. From the sixth year until it reaches the age of maturity, fourteen, it will shed its skin once every six months. At age the age of fourteen, and every year thereafter, the Crotalinaga will shed its skin annually. The Crotalinaga have an average life span of about fifty years.

The normal means of movement is simply walking upright on their two legs. One interesting aspect of the Crotalinaga are their cloven hooves. They are graced with excellent land maneuver skills because of the hooves. Their hooves, which have soft pads rimmed with sharp edges, enable them to climb and run on snow ice, and bare rock terrain, with little to no penalty. The subunquis (inner layer of material of the hoof is softer than the unguis (outer layer) and wears away more quickly. Acting as a shock absorber, the subunquis takes the punishment from the impact of walking and running. The simple act of walking will continuously down the hoof's outer layer, thereby maintaining are hard edge. The Crotalinaga are also excellent swimmers. They use what is called the serpentine method to move through the water. In this type of locomotion, the snake forces itself forward through the water by continuously using curving and undulating movements which cause the Crotalinaga to flow smoothly forward. Their webbed hands can be used to both increase

their swimming speed and to help navigate.

The elongated and slender body of the Crotalinaga is very flexible because their upper torso is comprised of sixty small vertebrae and thirty pairs of ribs. The skeleton is light in structure and is built to provide great freedom of movement. The skull in particular is loosely built and can be stretched in several directions, permitting the Crotalinaga to swallow large meals in relation to the size of the head and body. This mobility can be seen especially in the two bones of the lower jaw, which are attached to the skull by a short, movable bone and which are united at the front end merely by an elastic ligament. Both jaws have a large number of sharp, needlelike teeth, all curved toward the rear of the mouth. The teeth are arranged in six rows paralleling the long axis of the head—that is, two rows on each side of the upper jaw and one on each side of the lower jaw. When the Crotalinaga eats, the curved teeth enable it to retain a firm hold on its food; dead or alive. The food is swallowed by alternate movement of the rows of teeth, which work to pull the food into the mouth. As the food passes through the mouth, it is covered with saliva.

The Crotalinaga have two functional hollow, hypodermiclike fangs, in the front of the upper jaw. Like the other teeth, they are replaced periodically, and a new fang usually moves into place before the old one is lost. Thus, for a short time, the snake may have two fangs on each side of the jaw. The fang-bearing bone (maxilla) is attached to the skull in such a manner that the fangs can be moved back up against the roof of the mouth when not in use. The fangs are connected by means of the venom duct to the two venom glands, which are modified salivary glands situated on each side of the head behind the eye. The Crotalinaga can also spit or eject the venom in a fine spray, which is usually aimed at the eyes of an enemy and projected for distances up to 2.4 m (8 ft). If the venom gets into the eyes, it may cause temporary blindness. The Crotalinaga use a level 5 neuro poison. The Crotalinaga can also attack with their razor sharp claws. However, the claws are primarily used to hold the prey in place when the Crotalinaga uses its bite attack.

Page 45: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 45The Crotalinaga have excellent vision which is further enhanced by the sensory receptors (looks like stringy hair) on the back side of the neck and face. The Crotalinaga are able to use these receptors to feel vibrations that are too faint to be heard and to pick up odors that would otherwise not be noticed. The receptors are also sensitive to heat, enabling the Crotalinaga to have a limited type of infravision (30').

The majority of the Crotalinaga can be found in their hidden kingdom, deep within the Kyhass Mountains.



When the Vadorians were experimenting with the Elves, trying to unlock the secret of their inherent magical prowess, they inadvertently spawned a new breed of Elves, the Devadarians. The Devadarians are hybrids of the Vadorians and Elves whose dominant side is Elven. They have pale white skin with deep blue eyes. They are completely hairless. They stand 5'3"-6' tall, and have a slender build of about 110-160 lbs. The Devadarians are very chaotic, evil, and extremely warlike. They specialize in two weapon combos using the Shang and Long Kynac.

The Devadarians are very warlike and love to fight. However, due to their small numbers they do try to refrain from fighting amongst each other. The only way to achieve peace among their brethren has been to disseminate and travel as individuals. Very rarely will a Devadarian be in the company of more than two other Devadarians. The only exception is a tournament held every five years where the Devadarian Champion, the Buotok, is chosen through combat. The Devadarians fight amongst each other for the opportunity to challenge the reigning Buotok. Only the victor can challenge the Buotok. Once the victor is determined and the challenge issued the Buotok and the victor will fight to the death.

The Devadarians often hire out as mercenaries, assassins, and bodyguards. They are often employed on an individual basis as they have a tendency to turn on their comrades. The Devadarians are inherently highly immune to magic; +45 RR versus Essence, +35 versus Mentalism and Channeling. However, this resistance to magic makes it very difficult for them to cast spells and thus there has never been a Devadarian spell user. Because of their short tempers and extremely warlike ways, Devadarians are at a +15 to the skill Frenzy.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 46

Creature Lvl Size MS/AQ

Base Move

Max Pace

MM Bonus

Hits Crits AT/ DB

# Enc Attacks Outlook/ IQ



90 Dash 30 120   1/50   90Melee/70Missile




These evil creatures can be found at Dead Watch Mountain, the Kyhass Mountains, and in the southern portion of the Devil's Claw. They specialize in the use of the dragonblade.



Probably toughest physically of the races, they are short, males 4'5" tall, females slightly less, stocky and ruddy of complexion, with deep-set eyes and dark wiry hair and beards (The latter they are quite proud of, and grow long, braiding them elaborately). They have exceptional lifespans of up to 400 years. They have superior dark sight, able to see far in caves which a human would consider pitch black. They are superior craftsmen and love to mine the earth for precious gems and metals, to forging them into weapons of strength and artifacts of beauty and power. Not as fertile as the humans, they have few children; and less than a third of them are women, who are guarded jealously within their cavern halls. The two largest Dwarven communities are the Dwarves of the Mitheral Mountains and the Dwarves of Hearthstone.



The Elven races live together in the Kingdom of Falohyr. They primarily use the correlledge. The Knights of the Golden Dawn specialize in the yarbalka.

Aquatic Elves: are a rare and elusive breed of Elves having both gills and lungs, able to exist equally well on land or in water. Their gills are also wonderfully worked into their necks, that only close observation or touch will reveal them at all. Aquatic Elves are nearly identical physically to the High Elves but are somewhat stronger from their aqueous environment. They are much like the High Elves in arts and lifestyles, except that they tend to be nearly as shy as the Wood Elves.

Fair Elves: highest and most lordly, have hair of golden blonde, blue eyes and fair skin. They project a visible aura at all times. They are as a rule musically talented, and wear garments of white, silver and gold.

High Elves: are sturdy of build, yet still more slender than

humans. The high Elves are darker: their complexions are as if tanned, and their hair is black or dark brown, with few exceptions. Their eyes can be of any color, although brown or hazel predominates. These Elves are most skilled artists and builders. They are also the most curious- possessed with a desire to learn all about their surroundings at any cost, which has more than once caused their members of their race to fall from the path of light.

Wood Elf: They are more numerous and "rustic" than their brethren. They tend to be ruddy of complexion, with sandy hair and blue or green eyes. Not as tall as the other groups, they are still quite light of build, and very adept at moving silently, especially in the forest. They are also musically talented although not as mush so as the Fair Elf. Their forest green or brown clothes are more functional in design than the draped robes of the fair Elves and less elaborate than that preferred by the High Elves.



Normal Goblin

There is a huge community in the Mickleback Mountains led by the Hobgoblin King, Telvar of the Bone Crown.


Always the officers and wealthy in a Goblin community.


The weakest of the goblins. Usually slaves or, at best, the goblin peasant class.

Great Men

The Great Men are the result of the union between a war troll and a grizzly bear. The constant in-breeding has kept their IQs low but suprisingly they are physically superior to most of the other races and produce very few offspring with defects. Additionally, their instincts for war and survival are exceptional. There are about 1500 in the southwestern tip of the Lhorimar Hills. They have structured their society around five family clans each

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The World of Xharvania, Page 47roughly equal in size. The clans are strongly allied with each other and have never lifted a hand against another. Elephants are bred as both war mounts and work animals. They are devout followers of the Star Dragons and make the annual Spirit Walk to the Lake of the Three Gods where they pray, make animal sacrifices, and leave valuable trinkets. They are good natured but are extremely warlike. They use the claymore, pilum, ge, war hammer, and the war mattock.



Tallfellow Halfings These halflings combine many of the traits common to both halflings and Elves. They are mush taller and thinner than normal halflings, and more inclined to adventure and magic. So it is often considered that years past these might actually be a genetic mix of the two. However, most Elves find this concept clearly ridiculous and somewhat repulsive.

Normal Halfings smallest of the speaking people, Halflings average between 3 and 4 feet, and tend to be fat. They have large feet, very hairy- to the point of being furry- which are almost immune to cold, so they go about always barefoot. They are lovers o food and drink, they spend much of their time at inns and friends' houses, eating.



Arctic Men

The Arctic men are a smallish people but hardened greatly by the unfriendly climate of the north. They are a sparsely settled nomadic folk that keep up with the seasonal migrations of big game. They are generally generous, quiet, and shy for they are seldom encountered by other races. The Arctic Tribes are found in small tribal communities in the Glacial Sea. They range from the middle of the Glacial Sea to the north-eastern shore. The two most powerful tribes are the Mholicas and the Shanooi.

The Mholicas are worshippers of Cimeries, the demi-god night. They are located in the icy north-eastern tip of the continent in their large city, Talhooka, which is built around a pyramid of skulls called, Kristurue Maltsisi, or Temple of Night. The Temple is 100' high and is constantly growing because of the frequency with which people are sacrificed in honor of Cimeries, the demi-god night demon. The Mholicas are also cannibals who love encase their victims in clay and slowly cook them alive.

The Shanooi live in a large city in the middle of the Glacial Sea near the southern edge. They are peaceful and live in relative peace with the surrounding smaller tribes.

They use the baw for climbing and fighting. They also use the cabis and the boomerang.

Bear Tribes

The Bear Tribes are the family of noble and fierce barbarians related to but somewhat larger than the other northern tribes. They usually sport red hear and beards rather than the blonde growth of their cousins. The most unusual characteristic of the bear tribes is that a few of them, the most noble, actually have the ability to voluntarily take the form of a large northern bear. The Bear Tribes make up the Kingdom of Hargrath. They are separated into 22 different tribes under the rule of the Council of Two and Twenty, presided over by a War Chief Emperor. The elite guard, the Shaipae, use the Irgaak, a weapon of honor.

Mixed Man

The mixed races are greatly represented in the world, being the descendants of the so-called High Men. They form an extremely important and numerous contingent among the mannish races.


The Northmen are the proud, well built, tall, and blonde peoples of the north. They are practical, rugged, straightforward, and somewhat loud. They are warlike but usually "good".



The Idiyva have several large tribes in the Burrwood Forest and Lake Orn. There are also tribes in the Caelien Forest, but they are deep within the forest and fear human prejudice. They can also be found in Moon Wood, Fox Wood, and Ruby Wood.



There is a large group of Merfolk that live in Lake Fulton. The Merfolk created the Doppelganger spell lists so that they may travel beyond their watery confines.



The Minoths can be found in the Dreamwood Forest and the Windrell Forest. The are under the official protection of Baron Luinsil Longleaf of the Dreamwood Forest. The Minoths have created a new profession, the Light Mage.


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The World of Xharvania, Page 48Motar:

The Motar are a bipedal genetic manipulation of the Xys-Lah race. They were created by the Xys-Lah genetic engineers to perform tasks that were difficult for the Xys-Lah to do. They were made intelligent enough to operate well on their own. They were made very strong, even though their build is no more muscular than the Xys-Lah or a Human warrior. During the war with the Gotani, they excelled as combat soldiers, officers, starship crew, and as engineers.

The Motar that currently exist on Xharvania know nothing of their past history. To them, Vysbor is their creator and serve it with a zeal bordering on the fanatical. They are extremely loyal to those around them, once that loyalty is earned.

Physically, they are well built and are very strong, able to break the arm of a Troll easily. They can wield just about any weapon and can be trained for almost any task. Their mental faculties aren't as well developed as the Xys-Lah,

but they aren't stupid. They have a small Mohawk like mane of black hair on the top of their heads. Their skin is a steely blue gray color. The Motar are quick and agile, and have a high endurance (+20 exhaustion points). The Motar are almost fanatical about serving the AI Vysbor and would gladly die in its service.

Special Abilities:

The Motar have the same mental link ability as the Xys-Lah, except they can't scan for a particular individual outside of visual range. They can only link to someone they can see. The Xys-Lah genetic engineers made their skin tougher than normal, equivalent to AT 3. This tough skin also extends to their hands, making them very hard and tough. When making a Martial Arts Striking attack, an Impact critical of one less severity as the MA Strikes critical is given. To take advantage of this hand to hand capability, MA skills were given to the Motar (+15 to all MA skills, self control skills, and special defenses such as Adrenal Defense).

Table 1: Racial Bonuses

Races Ag Co Me Re SD Em In Pr Qu St

Motar 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 5 15 15

Table 2: Resistance Roll Modifiers

Races Essence Mentalism Channeling Poison Disease Fear

Motar -5 +10 0 +10 +30 +20

Table 3: Healing and Injury Modifiers

Races Soul Dep. Stat Det. Recovery X Languages Background Options

Motar 6 +3 .75 2 3



Greater Orc

Greater Orcs are those most carefully bred and grow to be about 6' tall. They are rarer but much superior. Their abilities include speech, organization, reason, and fighting, which are better than those of the normal orcs.

Lesser Orc

Generally, Orcs grow to be about 4'-5 tall, with grotesque fanged faces. They are very heavy of build, as they are bread as warriors and laborers. They are without exception cannibalistic, bloodthirsty and cruel, wielding curved scimitars and wicked axes.


On the human side are either humans, high mannish, elvish or dwarvish. They are much more useful creatures than normal orcs, and even more manlike than the Greater Orcs. Socially, they are of the same rank as the Greater Orcs, but they do not mingle with them. Some Half Orcs are so mannish in appearance that they may pass for such. And though most are too slow witted for anything else than common fighting, or roguish sorts of things, a few half orcs have become remarkably successful as villainous magic users.

Grey Orcs

Very rarely is a Grey Orc born. They are by far the brightest of all the Orcs and are always high ranking officials or mages in the Orcish community

Scrug Orcs

Page 49: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 49The Scrugs are the result of many generations of Lesser Orc inbreeding. They are big and stupid, subservient beasts who are usually Orcish laborers.



The Oyakwait is a bat-humanoid race. They average a height of 5' and weight approximately 80lbs. The wing is a thin, fleshy membrane extending from the back. The wingspan for an average Oyakwait is 8'. Because of the enormous area of skin (the wings), relative to their size, the Oyakwait are prone to overheating and dehydration. They have excellent night-vision to about 75'. They also use a limited type of echolocation that allows them to use the pulsed emission of high frequency sounds that are reflected back as echoes to their ears from surrounding surfaces. By using echolocation, they can detect the position, relative distance, and even the type of object in the echolocation range (100'). Even invisible objects can be detected with echolocation. The sound pulses are generated in the larynx and emitted through the nostrils.

The Oyakwait are gregarious (live in groups) and, thus, prefer to concentrate in very large communities. The Oyakwait primarily feed on fruits and nuts, but will eat meat if necessary. The Oyakwait give birth to live young in litters that average two young. The Oyakwait mature slowly and their age of maturity is twenty. They average lifespan of the Oyakwait is eighty years of age.

The Oyakwait can be found in the Dinoiray Forest and the Forest of Dal Orinar. They occasionally deal with the human kingdoms and have sent some warriors to help protect Blood Pass, including Knight Commander Mordecai Ironheart. They are official allies with the Kingdoms of Athelton, Zurig, and Ilvaur. They are on good terms and often trade with the Sibbicai tribes.



The Quishad are a violent race that was originally created through genetic experimentation by the Urlocs. The Quishad were created for the sole purpose of being slaves for the Urlocs. The Quishad learned well, the art of magic, from their former masters, the Urloc. In fact, they became more adapt than the Urlocs at the art of summoning and controlling demons. As the Quishad developed as independent thinkers, so too did their desire for freedom. They began to become more willful and spiteful towards their abusive Urloc masters. Soon the Urloc realized that the Quishad were becoming uncontrollable and the emperor ordered genocide; the systematic destruction of the Quishad race. The executions were meant to be done slowly and in secret. However, the Quishad quickly learned of the executions and were quick to respond by revolting. They conjured up

demons to help them fight and ultimately escape from their Urloc masters.

They fled eastward into the cold and forbidding lands of the Glacial Sea. Here, their inherent natural resistance to cold and heat, an intended attribute by the Urlocs to increase their value as servants, became their key to freedom. The Urlocs dared not follow the Quishad into the frozen wasteland, for doing so would have been suicide. The Quishad built a city, Taer Val Fierabras, deep within the confines of the Glacial Sea. For several hundred years the Quishad, unable to control their hate, would attack their former masters by using a combination of guerilla tactics and demonic magic. The last battle was over 100 years ago when the Quishad totally eradicated their former masters, the Urloc, and seized their capital city, Wyrth'Val Shan, in the Dragon Sea. With their former masters being nothing more than a bad memory, the Quishad now control both Taer Val Fierabras and Wyrth'Val Shan.

The Quishad appear as skeletal humans with long black hair. Their black skin is covered with yellow blotches, resembling the look of rotting and diseased flesh. They are often mistaken for undead creatures. They stand 5'11" to 6'3" tall and weigh approximately 140lbs to 190lbs. The Quishad are incredibly violent and would be considered very evil by other races. The Quishad are a race born of abuse, torture, and slavery, whose only pleasure was hating their former masters. They have grown to despise all life but their own and, as such, have come to worship, Chog, the god of death and decay.

The clerics of Chog are the dreaded Quishad Death Mages whose only purpose is to appease both their god's desire for death and their own desire to kill. They always wear heavy, hooded cloaks covered in filth to hide their appearance. Their favorite tactic is too blend into the homeless community as impoverished, diseased individuals. They then curse, disease, and kill several people then move on; each successful attack is considered a holy offering to Chog. They can be found in the largest of the human cities to mid-sized towns. They fear too small of communities as it becomes harder to blend in with the refuse of society. Also, they only work within the human kingdoms. There are only 10 death mages on a pilgrimage at a time. Their pilgrimage lasts for 10 years, the end of which they return home. The Quishad Clerics of Chog keep extensive records on the human kingdom cities and towns. Their low-key method of spreading Chog's "blessings" and their small number of pilgrims has kept the clerics a secret.

The favorite weapon of the Quishad is the shang (a short sword with serrated edges on one side that are used to simultaneously block and break their opponent's weapons).


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The World of Xharvania, Page 50Schraet

The Schraet are a vile and repulsive race that is hated by the more "civilized" races. Also, the fact that the Schraet are, at best, dishonorable and dishonest does not help their reputation. The Schraet who venture outside the confines of their home communities usually resort to thievery and murder in the "outside" world. The Schraet are well adapted for the underground lifestyle because they are naturally equipped with the tools they need. They are fast, quiet, and nocturnal creatures (night vision 100'). They have extremely powerful teeth which they use as tool to cut and tear with. The Schraet will use their powerful bite in combat if no other weapon is available. The deadliest part of the Schraet's bite is the risk of disease. The Schraet are carriers of many diseases which can be fatal to the other races. They also have sharp claws on both their feet and hands. It is these claws which enable the Schraet to be great climbers. For example, the famous Schraet raiders, the Shalwedthorn Pirates, have been known to crawl out of the water and straight up the side of ships by using only their claws to climb with. An attack by a Schraet's claws carries a high risk of disease transmission, but not as high as a bite.

The average Schraet will grow to about 3' in height and weigh approximately 40lbs to 60lbs. The tail of the Schraet is approximately equal to its height. Thus, an average 3' tall Schraet will have a tall 3' long. They range in color from light brown to pitch black. Most are a mix of brown and black. The Schraet live an average of forty years of age. However, they reach their age of maturity at age seven. They do not couple, but simply mate at random. They desire to copulate is an instinctive one, as they derive no pleasure from the act. This is fortunate considering a Schraet female will bear an average of five young. Another evolutionary handicap which prevent a Schraet population explosion is the fact that the first litter of young will literally destroy the mother's nipples, thereby preventing future litters from breast feeding from their mother. The Schraet must have their mother's milk to get the appropriate antibodies to fend off the vast number of diseases in a Schraet community. Deprived of this valuable resource, subsequent litters usually die within a couple of months.

The Schraet are vicious pirates and slave traders. They have a large city called Shalwedthorn east of the Xwentes Hills. The city has a population of 20,000. They have 30 frigates and 2 war galleons in their navy which is commonly referred to as the Sea Devils. They also have port cities located on the coast just south of the Mickleback Mountains, the north-eastern coast of the Niyadh Desert, and on the islands in the Vesoten Sea. Their primary weapon is the cutlass.



The Sibbicai are mainly found in communities in the forests in the East. They have sent some warriors up to Blood Pass and are official allies with Athelton, Zurig, and Ilvaur. They have several large towns in the Dinoiray Forest and the Forest of Dal Orinar. There are some smaller and more isolated tribes in the West in the Caelien Forest, south of Talismonde, and some Sibbicai mercenary groups for hire in the Kingdom of Hargrath. They are officially located in the Sibbicai kingdom in the Nylick Woods where they are ruled by the Supreme Council who sets policy for the Sibbicai tribes. They are on good terms and often trade with the Oyakwait. Their favorite weapon is the dag.



The reptilian humanoids are primarily found in the Southwestern Desert Region of Xharvania. Their skin is dark gray in color. Though rigid in appearance, their skin is actually very soft and smooth like that of snake. They are amazingly fast and agile. They are also completely double jointed which gives them amazing flexibility. An average Svehriegn will grow to about 5'6" in height and weight about 150lbs. They are masters of the hostile desert environment and would be uncomfortable anywhere else. Their large, oversized feet give them the ability to run across the desert sand as though it were hard earth. They live an average of 160 years. They form into couples as adults and will produce an average of four offspring in their lifetime. For more information on the Svehriegn, see the Southwestern Desert Region.



The genetic devolution of humans. These primitive human-like creatures dwell only deep in caves. They refuse to abandon their reclusive way of life as they are genetically prone to a chemical imbalance in their brain that causes extreme paranoia. Evolution has at least graced them with the ability to trust one other to a sufficient degree for them to effectively live in family clans.



The Vadorians are part chaos demon and undead elf. The Vadorians are crimson red, completely hairless except for a long lock of black and silver hair on their heads, they have glowing red eyes, long black claws, and a mouth full of large, sharp teeth. They can be found in the citadel, Rift Fang, located in the Great Rift. The Vadorians were lesser chaos demons that were transported to Xharvania when the Elves unwittingly opened one of the Nexus Gates allowing them access to this plane. The chaos

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The World of Xharvania, Page 51demons tore through the Elven capital city of Nytharna in a wild unorganized attack that left tens of thousands of dead Elves. Eventually the Elves were able to drive off the demons, but only by calling upon their most powerful magical spells, rituals, and runes. The demons captured hundreds of Elves during their retreat for both food and experimentation. In the end, they suffered a horrible defeat from the Elves that left there numbers very low. The Vadorians fled southeast into the Great Rift. Inspired by the Elves magical prowess, they wanted to capture the magical essence of the only enemy that had ever withstood their assault. They used their Elven prisoners to experiment with and the result was a creature that was part chaos demon and part undead Elf, the Vadorian. They specialize in the use of javelins and the typh. They also like to let their claws grow unusually long so they can be used as weapons. One of their favorite battle tactics is to leap directly onto their opponents thereby making their opponents weapons useless while using their claws to tear them apart. They can leap up to 20' in any direction.

The Vadorians are well known for their ferocious nature and shrewd battle tactics. They like nothing more than to kill as it goes to the very essence of their religious beliefs, to spread chaos and most importantly, to kill everything. It is a blasphemy to their god, Vlaarhg Shakur, to wash off the blood of their opponents so Vadorians are often times covered in dirt and dried blood. The Vadorians are

also well known for their cruel and sadistic nature and as such they are masters of torture and interrogation. The only thing worse than being torn apart by a Vadorian in battle is to be captured alive and slowly killed over a period of days, weeks, or even years.

They now reside in Rift Fang, the last citadel of the Vadorians, in the Great Rift. The Vadorians are slowly growing in strength and numbers and are currently 2,000 strong. The Vadorians will always automatically frenzy at the sight of an Elf and will immediately attack on sight without regard for their own safety. Their ultimate goal is to bring forth the Lord of Chaos, Vlaarhg Shakur. In honor of their god they strive do whatever they can to "tear this world apart". The leader of the Vadorians is Ebon Blackheart. Ebon is a 40th level Chaos Lord who wields Doomsayer (Sword of Irgaak). The religious leader is Slaarnum the Dreamraker who preaches the destructive teachings of Vlaarhg Shakur. Their cavalry consist of 100 Dreadwings that are used as mounts. They usually attack their enemies invisibly from behind and will always try to destroy the leaders and spellcasters first, unless there are Elves present who will automatically be their first victims.

Ebon Blackheart - 40th level Chaos Lord, wields Sword of Irgaak.

Slaarnum the Dreamraker - 40th level Chaos Mage.

Creature Lvl Size MS/AQ

Base Move

Max Pace

MM Bonus

Hits Crits AT/ DB

# Enc Attacks Outlook/ IQ

Vadorian 7 M VF/VF

100 FSpt 30 140 @ 4/40   80LCl*/80Mbi/ special</60ja*/ 100melee


* Add +20 to attack if leaping. Special: Bonus RR v. spells (+30), bite = life drain of 1d4 temp. constitution points if target fails RR.



Generally very wild and aggressive. There are many packs throughout the Great Plains and in the surrounding mountains. There are a few packs in the Devil's Claw.



The Xys-Lah evolved from a sextapedal race of omnivores on the world of Hy-Yivva. Their forebodies became erect and their front legs developed into arms and hands. They are quite intelligent and became extremely good at genetic engineering, creating the race the Motar. They also, along with help from the Yahnni, created the AI Vysbor.

The Xys-Lah that currently exist on Xharvania know nothing of their past history. To them, Vysbor is their creator and serve it with a zeal bordering on the fanatical. They thirst for knowledge and will do almost anything to get it.

Physically, they are well built and are fairly strong. They can wield a sword just as well as anyone else. They can run fairly fast, but aren't very agile. Their skin is a dark purple/blue color and they have a mane of black hair that runs from the top of their heads to where their upper and lower bodies meet.

Special Abilities:

The Xys-Lah have a special ability that allows them to create a mental link with any Xys-Lah or Motar. This has

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The World of Xharvania, Page 52no known range, but the target must be known. To aid in this, they also have the ability to scan for a particular Xys-Lah or Motar to communicate with. This scanning and linking allows thoughts and words to be sent one way. The receiving Xys-Lah or Motar must also initiate a link (this does not require a scan) to reply. Range and

then the number of people makes it more difficult to initiate the scan and link. Difficulties range from Easy for a small area with few people to Absurd for trying to scan something as large as a country. This ability is very useful in combat where an officer can scan for and send commands to a subordinate.

Table 1: Racial Bonuses

Races Ag Co Me Re SD Em In Pr Qu St

Xys-Lah -5 0 5 10 5 0 10 10 -5 10

Table 2: Resistance Roll Modifiers

Races Essence Mentalism Channeling Poison Disease Fear

Xys-Lah -5 +20 0 +10 +30 +10

Table 3: Healing and Injury Modifiers

Races Soul Dep. Stat Det. Recovery X Languages Background Options

Xys-Lah 12 0 0 2 3



Nothing has yet been created for the Yahnni.

Table 1: Racial Bonuses

Races Ag Co Me Re SD Em In Pr Qu St

Yahnni 5 -10 10 20 5 10 10 0 5 -20

Table 2: Resistance Roll Modifiers

Races Essence Mentalism Channeling Poison Disease Fear

Yahnni -10 +20 -10 0 0 0

Table 3: Healing and Injury Modifiers

Races Soul Dep. Stat Det. Recovery X Languages Background Options

Yahnni 5 -1 0 2 3

Page 53: Xharvania

The World of Xharvania, Page 53New Creatures

Assassin Bug Blue Wraith Bonewood Devil Chameleon Viper

Great Worm Horned Bat Mosquito Night Stalker

The Swarm White Ape Wind Sprite  

Assassin Bugs

These bugs resemble large roaches that are 6"-1' long. They are nocturnal hunters that attack only sleeping creatures. They always attack in groups. They have very sensitive heat sensors along the back of their body which are used to detect the area of the victim where the warm breath is

expelled. Once the bugs locate this area they begin to emit an odorless, tasteless, green gas. The gas causes temporary paralyzation of the victim. The bugs will then proceed to feed off the victim. The victim usually survives the attack but may suffer severe scaring, blindness, hearing loss, etc., because the bugs feed off part of the victim.

Creature Lvl Size MS/AQ

Base Move

Max Pace

MM Bonus

Hits Crits AT/ DB

# EncAttacks Outlook/ IQ

Assassin Bug


90 Dash 30 20   3/40 5-10 70Lpi/Poison</ 60LGr<


Blue Wraiths

Blue Wraiths are actually the souls of unborn children which were torn from their mothers' womb by a Death Mage spell off of the Innocence Lost spell list. All pregnant women who are within the spells effective range and who fail their RR -20, will have the souls of their unborn children torn from their womb. The unborn souls appear as a small blue wraiths. The Blue Wraiths are not evil but immediately seek out the living to cling to for safety and 'warmth'; the mother is usually the first victim. The Blue Wraiths absorb life energy, temp con, at an astounding rate because of the fact they were still developing at the time they were torn from their mother's womb. They literally cling to any living being, unintentionally absorbing the living being's life energy until it is completely absorbed. The body of the victim never actually dies as the only thing that is removed from it is the soul; the body becomes a zombie that is drawn to the Blue Wraith because that is where the victim's soul went. Therefore, the zombie has an inherent bind to the blue wraith and will instinctively follow and protect the Blue Wraith. The Blue Wraiths 'feed' at an astounding rate and several of them can completely turn a small town

of a few hundred into zombies in less than a week. Blue wraiths will 'attack' any living thing so the entourage of a Blue Wraith could consist of humanoid zombies, rat zombies, bird zombies, etc. Fire will keep the Blue Wraiths at bay while they can only be harmed by magical undead affecting spells; i.e.: Repulsions, etc. Additionally, they can only be harmed by weapons that are magical, silver, or blessed.

The Blue Wraith attacks by clinging to its victim until drained. The Blue Wraith's touch will drain 25 constitution points a round with an unsuccessful RR and 10 points from those who make their RR. Additionally, everyone who fails there RR will be drained a certain number of constitution points a round depending on their proximity to the Blue Wraith. All within 10' will be drained 5 constitution points, all within 11'-15' will be drained of 4 points, 16'-20' = 3 points, 21'-25' = 2 points, 26'-30' = 1 point.

Again it is important to note that the Blue Wraiths are not evil and thus will not be affected by spells that detect, harm, etc., evil creatures. They are just damned hungry.

Creature Lvl Size MS/AQ

Base Move

Max Pace

MM Bonus

Hits Crits AT/ DB

# EncAttacks Outlook/ IQ

Blue 10 S FA/ 90 Spt 30 100 @# 1/60   100SGr/ Hungry/

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Wraith VF special</ special NO

Bonewood Devils

These creatures are originally from Bonewood Forest but have spread to other forests throughout Xharvania. The devils are generally 3' tall, 40 lbs., 4' leathery wings, four 1' long barbed tentacles. They are completely hairless creatures with insectoid heads with two eye stalks. They also have the ability to blend in with their environment like a chameleon. Their presence can be detected from up to 100 yards away because of their sickening, putrid smell of burned flesh. The devils are actually immortal fairies that are extremely evil and violent. The Devils feed on life energy just as other animals feed on food. They can feed on up to two man-sized creatures a day but usually feed on only a rabbit or two. They feed by completely disintegrating the host's physical form while absorbing the released life energy. They attack by flinging themselves on their prey and holding on with their barbed tentacles. They then immolate themselves and subsequently their victims in cold, black fire. The fire cause increasingly damaging disintegration crits to the victim: 1 st rnd = A, 2nd = B, 3rd = C, 4th = D, 5th = E, 6th = F, 7th = G, etc. They will not stop until the victim is completely disintegrated.

Creature Lvl Size MS/AQ

Base Move

Max Pace

MM Bonus

Hits Crits AT/ DB

# EncAttacks Outlook/ IQ

Bonewood Devil

5a S BF/BF

120 Dash 40 30   4/50 1-5 60SGr/80SGr</ special<


Chameleon Viper

This creature is a very unique type of turtle because it is a carnivour. This creature has four tiny legs and is completely covered by a hard shell. The shell has the chameleon capability of blending in with the ground. From the shell extends six tentacles that look just like long stemmed flowers and a fibrous substance which resembles short green grass. The end of each tentacle looks just like a flower in full bloom. It looks just like a small flowering bush. The color of the flower will also

change resemble other flowers found in the area. The petals of the 'flower' are actually sticky suckers with hundreds of tiny teeth that will latch onto its victim. The center of the 'flower' has a small stinger that injects an extremely deadly neuro venom into its victim. After it has successfully killed and fed on a creature, the Chameleon Viper will move to a new hunting spot, albeit very slowly on its four tiny legs. These creatures are very deadly because their vital organs are protected under the hard shell, while their tentacles are blindingly fast when attacking.

Great Worm

A giant crimson red earthworm. It is covered in tough leather plates that shield it from rocks found deep under the earth. They average 200' long. They are not aggressive per se, but will eat anything in their path: houses, people, livestock, etc. They feel no pain and are immune to fear and confusion. They simply wander around and eat.

They have two main attacks that they use. They will ram into their victims and then crawl over them. Their other attack is simply biting their opponent. Upon a successful bite there is a chance that the victim will be swallowed whole, if victim is successfully hit with the grapple

attack then they will suffer damage from the Gworms acidic juices that completely saturate the inside of its body (Acid crit of one less severity than the bite attack). They primarily stay deep underground but do occasionally come to the surface to feed. Fortunately it is rare for these things to surface. However, they are attracted to large sonic vibrations and have been known to attack large caravans travelling out in the open. There was even an incident where two Gworms surfaced into the middle of a battle between the forces of the Kingdom of Ulok and the Kingdom of Melvaen. Both Gworms ate their fill and vanished again deep under the earth with little more than a scratch.

Creature Lvl Size MS/ Base Max MM Hits Crits AT/ # EncAttacks Outlook

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AQ MovePace Bonus


Great Worm


40 Run 5 300 SL@ 12/0 1-3 110Hbi/150HGr</Acid</80Hba/ 100HTs<


Horned Bat

The Horned Bat is a small bat with a scorpion-like tail. It is black or brown, 6" long, 1' wingspan, 2 1" long horns, and a 4" long scorpion-like tail. It is a nocturnal hunter

that attacks by diving onto its victims and stabbing them with its horn. The horns have small openings in the end from which small barbs extend inside the victim. Once "locked" onto its victim the bat will then use its deadly stinger to pump its victim full of a deadly Neuro poison.


Normal mosquito except that its bite causes local nerve death. It does this so that it will not be detected while

drawing blood. The area surrounding the bite will slowly die over the period of about a week, dry up, and fall out. This leaves a small pit. An attack by many of these mosquitoes could result in severe pitting of the victim.

Night Stalker

The Night Stalker looks like a huge Black Widow spider. It is a nocturnal hunter that only attacks sleeping creatures. The Night Stalker attacks its prey by lowering a thread of web from above onto its sleeping victim's lips, then slowly dripping venom down the strand into the victim's mouth until the victim is paralyzed or dead. The Night Stalker then grapples the victim with more threads of web and pulls him up to its dark lair. It will only leave the security of the tree tops if it is forced to do so. These spiders may be found in any lonely forest where it never gets below 35F. Venom: Nerve Poison, level 9-12.

The Swarm

Actually hundred's of tiny worker ants that travel as a large mass. Looks like flowing sand, average 30' in diameter. When they are hungry they attack by swarming over living creatures. There are usually ten to twenty thousand in a mass. The bites of 100 amount to a point of damage and the poison of 500 is enough to cause limited paralysis. These ants are nomadic and travel great distances every day. The queen will find a secure area to settle down during the day while the mass hunts for food. The queen is always protected by a warrior mass of about five thousand. They are larger than the workers and do one point of damage for every fifty. Additionally, the poison of 100 of these is enough to cause paralysis. Scouts always proceed the mass and are accompanied by up to 100 messengers. Once a victim has been located the scout will emit a scent that signals the messengers that food has been located. The messengers then run back to

the mass leaving a scent trail that the mass will follow. Those familiar with these ants will flee in terror upon seeing a scout or messenger ant. The ants are tiny and yellow with velvet-like hairs on their back.

White Ape (also called The Children of Dal' Rique)

These great apes are the fiercest and most feared of all predators They look like a pure white gorilla with semi-transparent, icy blue wings that extend from their wrists to their upper thigh. They are excellent climbers and use their wings to glide down upon their victims. They are not able to fly but they are excellent gliders and are able to stay airborne for short lengths of time. They love to wait for their victims from the tops of trees and glide down upon the back of their victims as they are walking away. They will either attack with their long claws or they will grab their victim in their strong arms and proceed to crush the victim with their incredible strength while simultaneously biting.

The thing that makes the White Ape so deadly is the way it interprets pain. It does not register pain as most other creatures due. The sensation of pain is actually a pleasurable sensation that triggers the production of massive amounts of adrenaline. This inevitably results in a frenzied state in which the White Ape attacks every living thing in the immediate area. It is for this reason the White Ape always hunts alone. They are nocturnal hunters who are very passive during the day. They will only attack during the day in self defense or in times when food is extremely scarce. There is nothing more terrifying than the sight of the ghostly white form of a

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The World of Xharvania, Page 56White Ape descending upon one in the deep of night. They add one point to their OB for every point of damage they receive.

The White Ape is primarily found in the woods and forests near the southern edge of the Glacial Sea but some

packs have traveled as far south as the Northern coast of Lake Fulton. They usually live in packs of 20-30 and are very family oriented. The packs are not led my a dominant male and thus there is very little internal aggression. These apes grow to an average height of 4' and weigh between 100-400 pounds.

Creature Lvl Size MS/AQ

Base Move

Max Pace

MM Bonus

Hits Crits AT/ DB

# EncAttacks Outlook/ IQ

White Ape 7 M MD/FA

80 Spt 30 150 @ 3/25   70MBa*/60MCl/50MBi/50MGr/80LCr<</70MBi<<


* White Ape: The initial diving attack.

Wind Sprite (also called Nature's Sentry)

This ethereal faerie is only found in heavily wooded areas. It appears as a 1' diameter translucent, hazy mist. They often stay up high in the tops of trees or blend in with the mist that often blankets the forest floor. They are very shy and will avoid contact with any stranger who ventures into their territory. Their territory is the forest itself, in all its great vastness. Though generally non-violent, these fairies will act to protect the forest in which they live and the natural denizens of that forest. They will react violently to all who bring fire into the forest (even a camp fire), to all who hunt with weapons in their forest, and to all who would intentionally damage the forest itself (trees, plants, river beds, etc.). Once provoked, they are very dangerous and will attack until the intruder is dead or has fled.

Their attack is interesting because they have no natural weapons of their own. They have the ability to carry very light objects such as small pebbles, thorns, splinters off of trees, and small insects. The Wind Sprites are also incredibly fast and use their speed to make their attack more deadly. They will pick as many "weapons" as they

can contain within their mass and then head full speed toward their victim. They will continue move through the victim (they are ethereal) while their "weapons", which are not ethereal, strike the target victim head on. Their favorite type of attack is to pass through a tree and pull wooden splinters from it as they pull away from the bark. They then move at full speed into their victim and impale the victim with 100-200 quarter inch long splinters. Another tactic used by the sprites is to use insects such as ants. They will pick up a couple hundred ants and charge through their victim, leaving the victim covered in ants. Their attacks become much more deadly when they use poisoned thorns, etc. Against armored or heavily clothed individuals, the Wind Sprites will move through any visible openings, pulling their weapons through the defensive armor's vulnerable spots (such as eye and mouth slits in armor).

They cannot be harmed by any physical weapon, even magical, but are vulnerable to elemental attacks and are terrified of fire. All elemental attacks but fire do 1/4 of normal damage and crits are reduced by 2 (i.e.: a 'C' crit becomes an 'A'). Fire based attacks to normal damage to the Wind Sprites.

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New Magic Items and Equipment

Agwyn's Touch


Bang Stick

Demon Broth

Demon Lash

Dwarf-Skin Cloak

Hide-Away Rope

Life Stone

Lucky Leprechaun Foot

Nexus Gates

Razor Gloves and Boots

Royal Crown of the Kingdom of Melvaen

Storm Armor



Agwyn's Touch

These blades are used by the elite assassins in the assassin guild, The Hand. They are named after the leader of the guild and ruler of the Kingdom of Ulok, Agwyn Maldread. The long daggers are +30 daggers can be tuned to the race of the assassin's target. This is done by dipping the dagger into a small pool of blood of the appropriate race and invoking the dagger to attune itself to that race. The dagger will absorb the blood and store it within the black metal sheath that is attached to the dagger itself. Upon command, the dagger will drain the blood over the dagger and make it a +30 dagger of slaying vs. the race that the dagger was attuned to. The number of uses is dependant on how much blood is originally absorbed by the dagger. It can hold a total of 10 ounces, with each ounce being one dose. Once invoked, a dose will last for five minutes before losing its slaying enchantement. The blood stored in the dagger will stay enchanted for so long as it is stored there. The dagger can be refilled at anytime. The dagger will only attune itself to one particular type of race at a time. Thus, mixing the blood of multiple races will cause the enchantment to fail. Upon command, the dagger can be completely drained of all its stored blood.


Unique to Crystal Lake, Anzeures is a mutated fungus which adapted to the warping influence of the portal in the Iron Needle. It feeds off the magic and has become attuned to the planes from which magic flows. Any magic source within 10' is susceptable to drain. The Anzeures can pinpoint the location of any powerful magic item, but the process takes months and the true identity of what the item is cannot be determined.

Bang Stick

A three foot long club that delivers once every 24 hours either two hits that do 2-20 hits plus an 'A' impact crit or one 4-40 hit that does a 'D' impact crit.

Ankh of Fire

Shoots forth the flame of sun when pointed at any undead five times a day. The fire does 10-50 points of damage, an 'E' holy crit, and an 'F' Fire crit. It will only harm undead, to all others the flame is harmless. It also protects the holder from undead drains.

Demon Broth

A potion that will transform the drinker into some sort of 'hellish' creature for a random but always temporary

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The World of Xharvania, Page 58duration. There is an accompanying master ring that puts the drinker under complete control of the wearer of the ring. If the ring is worn by the drinker while drinking the potion then the duration is permanent.

Demon Lash

A whip made from the hide of a demon. It is six foot long and is extremely tattered and appears to be rotting. However, despite its appearance it is actually in excellent condition. The whip emanates a terrible rotting smell that resembles the smell of putrid, rotting flesh. The whip acts as a +10 whip. Additionally, the wounds inflicted by the whip are only healable by magical healing and level five or higher healing herbs.

Dwarf-Skin Cloak

These cloaks are made by the servants of Chaal Tithis to protect the mortals who ally themselves with him from the diseases of the undead. These are full length cloaks that are fashioned from the hides of baby dwarves. Chaal Tithis uses the hides of baby dwarves because they are the most resilient mortal to disease. This resiliancy comes from the Dwarves inherent resistance to disease and the fact that baby Dwarves have never been tainted with disease themselves. The cloaks provide the wearer with a +100 RR versus disease. The cloaks are stitched in such away that the origin of the hides is most apparant and there is a sickly sweet smell of a rotting carcass that emanates off the cloak.

Hide-Away Rope

On command the rope will extend upwards 10'. Climb the rope to the top and enter a 20' x 20' room. The room is on the ethereal plane but is completely enclosed to prevent intruders. To completely secure the room, pull up the rope and close the trap door.

Life Stone

The life stone must be worn so that it touches the skin. It allows the user to temporarily drain one hit point for five mana. For every one point drained within a 24 hour period there is a cumulative 5% chance of experiencing a runaway. A runaway causes the uncontrollable drain of one point a round and the build up of five mana per hit point drained. The user must make a successful self discipline roll to regain control. Every round that the runaway is in effect results in a -5 modifier to the self discipline roll. All mana accumulated must be used within 10 minutes of accumulation or the user must make a RR v. his own level modified by his self-discipline each round until the mana accumulated is used. If the user fails the resistance roll then he will take an essence critical; five unused points equals an 'A' critical, 10 = 'B', 15 = 'C', etc.

Lucky Leprechaun Foot

A dried out and preserved Leprechaun's foot. Allows the holder to modify one roll per day by either + or - 5.

Nexus Gates

Most of the gates are protected by the Elves in Nytharna. The gates are metal rings 10' in diameter. Upon command of a special word found inscribed in runes on the outside of the ring, the ring will shrink to the size of an ordinary ring and may be worn as such. It only functions as a gate when it is in expanded form. There are a total of 21 gates, of which the Elves have 17. The Elves keep the gates in a huge, domed chamber; 1000' radius. The only way in is through two double doors. Standing guard inside the doors are two diamond golems. There are four more diamond golems that patrol the room. In the center of the room is a 10' high pyramid with a triangular cut ruby the size of a man's fist on the top. Anyone who enters the room without the special rune key will be attacked. The tower has a +200 OB to hit with a disintegration ray. A successful hit will do an 'F' critical. The beam can attack up to ten targets at a time once per round.

Razor Gloves and Boots

Razors are inset into the back of the gloves or front and top of the boots which will cause an additional slash crit of one less severity.

Royal Crown of the Kingdom of Melvaen

The Crown is a ring of White Eog about one inch in width. It can be worn on the head or attached to the helmet of the Storm Armor, in which case is can only be removed by the wearer of the armor. When the Royal Crown of Melvain is attached to the helmet of the Storm Armor, then the wearer can cast up to 100 power points a day off of the Mana Currents (RMC V, p. 81) spell list, up to 50th level. The Crown also confers upon the wearer a constant +50 versus Mentalism spells.

Storm Armor

The royal armor of the Kingdom of Melvaen. It is made of White Eog. It wears as AT 14, but protects as AT 20. The wearer can cast 50 power points a day off of the Mana Currents (RMC V, p. 81) spell list, up to 20 th level. When the Royal Crown of Melvain is attached to the helmet of the Storm Armor, then the wearer can cast up to 100 power points a day off of the Mana Currents (RMC V, p. 81) spell list, up to 50th level. The Crown also confers upon the wearer a constant +50 versus Mentalism spells.


This trident utilizes vibrations to inflict additional damage to its targets. The wielder must stimulate the vibrations by striking the forks of the trident against a hard surface. This will cause the forks to vibrate which, in

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The World of Xharvania, Page 59turn, causes additional vibration criticals. The additional vibration critical initially starts as one less severity from the normal critical but decreases in strength with the passage of time.

Rounds 1-5: crit of one less severity, Rounds 6-9: crit of two less severity, Rounds 10-12: crit of three less severity, Rounds 12-13: crit of four less severity.

A successful hit against an opponent, even one that does not cause a crit, negates the vibration. Subsequently, the vibration must be reestablished by once again striking the forks against a hard object. The vibration can be stimulated through a successful parry with the trident. However, the vibration is not as intense as directly striking the forks against a hard object.

Rounds 1-2: crit of one less severity, Rounds 3-4: crit of two less severity, Round 5: crit of three less severity, Rounds 6: crit of four less severity.

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New Herbs and Drugs Dolp

Dracosus Juice

Dream Weed

Nuerbane Toad

Polnaee Trag Plant

Stalthstein Leech


A red berry found in warm tropical regions. Squeeze the berry juice into each eye. This provides +20 to all visual perception rolls for one day. The whites of the eyes are turned a deep red during the duration. Each use results in a 5% cumulative chance of the eyes permanently becoming red stained.

Dracosus Juice

The Chaltaktoo tribe lives at the base of a mountain that is the home to an ancient green dragon. The Chalktoo tribe collects the urine from the dragon that runs out of the mountain. In a monthly ritual during the full moon the members of the tribe drink the urine. Each time the urine is drank that person gains a +1% permanent resistance to poison.

Dream Weed

Found only in the Dreamwood Forest. If smoked there is a 1% chance of having a revelation of a future event through some cryptic vision or dream. The addition factor is 10%.

Nuerbane Toad

The toad uses a breath weapon that induces sleep. The Wakishi tribe uses the toad to enhance meditation.

Polnaee Trag Plant

The Polnaee Trag Plant grows to about eleven feet in height and its leaves get to be about six inches long. Inside the leaves is a green slimy substance. Peel a leaf apart and apply to the face. The slimy substance will dry to the face and be absorbed by the skin. For the next hour the user's stats will change as follows: +20 OB, +20 QU, +10 ST, -20 RE, -20 SD. There is a +40 addiction factor. If addicted, a user must have daily or will be a -50 for two weeks. The regular use of the plant will cause the user's face to turn a light green.

Stalthstein Leech

The bite of the Stalthstein Leech causes an incredible high which lasts for so long as the leech remains attached to its host. There is a +30 addiction factor. The more leeches the better the high. After a while more leeches are required to achieve a high. Addicts often die from malnutrition and blood loss.

Arrow of Might

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# Arrow of Might Area of Effect Duration Range

1 Aiming I*     touch

2 Arrow of Light* 10' radius 1 round/level touch

3 Aiming II*   - touch

4 Flaming Arrow*   - touch

5 Power Arrow I*   - touch

6 Ram's Head Arrow I*   - touch

7 Aiming III*   - touch

8 Flaming Arrow II*   - touch

9 Illusion Arrow I*   - touch

10 Power Arrow II*   - touch

11 Arrow Flight*   - touch

12 Ram's Head Arrow II*   - touch

13 Aiming IV*   - touch

14 Illusion Arrow II*   - touch

15 Power Arrow III*   - touch

16 Arrow Handling*   1 round/level touch

17 Aiming True*   - touch

18 Flaming Arrow III*   - touch

19 Ram's Head Arrow III*   - touch

20 Arrow Speed*   2 rounds touch

25 Ram's Head True*   - touch

30 Combine Arrow I*   3 rounds touch

35 Flaming Arrow True*   - touch

40 Combine Arrow II*   3 rounds touch

45 Power Arrow True*   - touch

50 Combine Arrow III*   3 rounds touch

60 Arrow Master I*   4 rounds touch

75 Arrow Master II*   4 rounds touch

100 Arrow Master True*   1 round touch

Notes: 1. This spell gives the caster an extra +5 to his with his

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The World of Xharvania, Page 63next arrow.

2. Caster Causes one arrow to glow in a 10' radius, thus lighting the area desired.

3. This spell gives the caster an extra +10 to his with his next arrow.

4. Caster's next arrow shot gets two attacks, one on the normal bow attack table, and the other on the lesser Elemental Force Attack Table (EC, 9.3), with small as the maximum amount of damage (if EC is not available, use the Firebolt table, delivering one-half damage). One roll counts for the attack, and one roll determines both criticals.

5. Caster's next arrow inflicts x1.5 damage.

6. Caster's next arrow will deliver an additional 'B' unbalancing critical if a critical is indicated.

7. This spell gives the caster an extra +15 to his with his next arrow.

8. Caster's next arrow shot gets two attacks, one on the normal bow attack table, and the other on the lesser Elemental Force Attack Table (EC, 9.3), with medium as the maximum amount of damage (if EC is not available, use the Firebolt table, delivering normal damage). One roll counts for the attack, and one roll determines both criticals.

9. Caster's next arrow looks as if two arrows were shot in tandem. Target gains only half of his quickness bonus to his DB. Also, there is a 25% chance that a Deflections spell will affect the illusion instead of the real arrow.

10. Caster's next arrow inflicts x2 damage.

11. This spell doubles the range of caster's next arrow.

12. Caster's next arrow will deliver an additional 'C' unbalancing critical if a critical is indicated.

13. This spell gives the caster an extra +20 to his with his next arrow.

14. Caster's next arrow looks as if three arrows were shot in tandem. Target gains none of his quickness bonus to his DB. Also, there is a 50% chance that a Deflections spell will affect the illusion instead of the real arrow.

15. Caster's next arrow inflicts x3 damage.

16. When this spell is cast, an arrow will appear in the caster's hand from his quiver each round. This allows caster to fire each round with no penalties.

17. This spell gives the caster an extra +25 to his with his next arrow.

18. Caster's next arrow shot gets two attacks, one on the normal bow attack table, and the other on the lesser Elemental Force Attack Table (EC, 9.3), with large as the maximum amount of damage (if EC is not available, use the Firebolt table, delivering x1.5 damage). One roll counts for the attack, and one roll determines both criticals.

19. Caster's next arrow will deliver an additional 'D' unbalancing critical if a critical is indicated.

20. Allows caster to fire three arrow in two rounds (one in the first round, and first and last in the second round).

25. Caster's next arrow will deliver an additional 'E' unbalancing critical if a critical is indicated.

30. Allows caster to combine two spells from this list of 10th level or less on one arrow. Power points for all three spells must be expended, and spells of the same name (Flaming Arrow I, Flaming Arrow II, etc.) cannot be combined.

35. Caster's next arrow shot gets two attacks, one on the normal bow attack table, and the other on the lesser Elemental Force Attack Table (EC, 9.3), with super-large as the maximum amount of damage (if EC is not available, use the Firebolt table, delivering x2 damage). One roll counts for the attack, and one roll determines both criticals.

40. Allows caster to combine two spells from this list of 15th level or less on one arrow. Power points for all three spells must be expended, and spells of the same name (Flaming Arrow I, Flaming Arrow II, etc.) cannot be combined.

45. Caster's next arrow inflicts x4 damage.

50. Allows caster to combine two spells from this list of 20th level or less on one arrow. Power points for all three spells must be expended, and spells of the same name (Flaming Arrow I, Flaming Arrow II, etc.) cannot be combined.

60. Allows caster to combine four spells from this list of 15th level or less on one arrow. Power points for all three spells must be expended, and spells of the same name (Flaming Arrow I, Flaming Arrow II, etc.) cannot be combined.

75. Allows caster to combine four spells from this list of 30th level or less on one arrow. Power points for all three spells must be expended, and spells of the same name (Flaming Arrow I, Flaming Arrow II, etc.) cannot be combined.

100. Allows caster to combine four spells from this list of 45th level or less on one arrow. Power points for all three spells must be expended, and spells of the same name

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The World of Xharvania, Page 64(Flaming Arrow I, Flaming Arrow II, etc.) cannot be combined.

Arrow of Might is Copyright © (1993) by Grey Worlds and Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc., (ICE). This material originally appeared in the Grey Worlds magazine, Issue

#01, Volume #01 at pages 31-32, and remains the trademark and copyright property of Grey Worlds and ICE. It is reprinted with the permission ICE. All rights reserved.

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Chaotic Curses Chaotic Items Chaos Mastery

Chaotic Servants Chaotic Ways  

# Chaotic Curses Area of Effect Duration Range

1 Withered Manhood target 1 week/5 fail 100'

2 Insomnia see (1, 30)    

3 Lock Jaw target 1 round/5 fail 100'

4 Muscle Spasm target 1 round/5 fail 100'

5 Clumsy Field 10' radius 1 round/level self

6 Black Mist of Misery target 1 round/level 100'

7 Violent Vertigo 20' radius 1 round/5 fail 50'

8 Poison special 1 round/level 20'

9 Sex Swap target Permanent 100'

10 Abysmal Itch 30' radius 1 round/5 fail 50'

11 Slippery Slope 30' radius 1 minute/level 50'

12 Backward Blast target 1 round/5 fail 100'

13 Screaming Skull target 1 night/5 fail 100'

14 Ugliness of Orn see page 61    

15 Chaotic Changes target 1 day/5 fail 100'

16 Babbling Idiot target Permanent 100'

17 Touch of Madness target Permanent touch

18 Horror see (1, 35)    

19 Dessication see (1, 35)    

20 Indictment see (1, 35)    

25 Red Mist of Misery target/30' radius 1 round/level 100'

30 Fatal Inversion see (1, 36)    

35 Fifth Night's Curse see (5, 39)    

50 Doom Imprecation see (1, 36)    

60 Mind Burn see (1, 39)    


1. Causes impotence

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The World of Xharvania, Page 663. Mouth shuts in an uncontrollable rigid spasm; 5% chance of biting off tonque.

4. Uncontrollable muscle spasm in a random limb. If an arm is affected and it is holding a sharp item then there is a 10% chance per round of the target inflicting an 'a' slash crit on himself.

5. All affected become extremely clumsy. OB and DB are at -35%. If the RR is failed by more than 5 then they fall and drop anything held.

6. Target becomes completely wrapped in a clinging black mist which causes total sensory deprivation including magical senses.

7. All affected are overcome by violent sensations of vertigo and dizziness. All actions are at -50 and all activity is reduced to only 50%.

8. Transforms 1 ounce + 1/2 ounce per level of the caster of water or wine into a circulatory poison equal in level to the caster's level/2.

9. Target takes an 'A' physical alteration crit until 100% sex change.

10. All affected are immediately afflicted with a horrendous itching rash that causes -75 to all actions and limits activity to 25%.

11. The area affected becomes zero coefficient; total absence of friction. All in the area of affect are at -100 to all actions and are totally incapable of movement within the area.

12. The target does everything in reverse: talk, move, etc.

13. Every time the target tries to sleep a fiery, floating skull will appear to wail, scream, gibber, moan, and mouth obscenities at the target making it impossible to sleep. The skull has a 100 DB and 50 hits. If it is successfully "killed" it will explode causing a 'C' explosion crit to all in a 10' radius.

15. Target is affected by Changeling Kind VIII 24 hours after this spell is cast and continues to change every day that he is under the affect of this spell. The target will remain permanently in whatever the last form happens to be.

16. Target suffers brain damage and a neuro crit relative to the amount failed by on the resistance roll: See RMC 3, 43 for details on brain damage.

1-5 = 'A' neuro crit

6-10 = minor brain damage + 'B' neuro crit.

11-20 = major brain damage + 'C' neuro crit.

21-35 = major brain damage + '' neuro crit.

35+ = brain destroyed + 'E' neuro crit..

17. Target contracts lycanthrope of a wererat. Use lycanthrope rules in Creatures & Treasures.

25. A red mist clings to the target following him wherever he goes, even in the water. The target takes an 'E' disintegration crit every round for the duration of the spell. Anyone within the 30' radius area of affect around the target will also take 'E' disintegration crits.

# Chaotic Items

1 Chaos Wand

2 Control Wand


4 Chaos Helm

5 Control Helm

6 Master Wand


8 Chaos Blade

9 Control Blade

10 Master Helm

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12 Chaos Shield

13 Control Shield

14 Master Blade


16 Chaos Amulet

17 Control Amulet

18 Master Shield


20 Chaos Staff

25 Control Staff

30 Master Amulet




50 Master Staff

Chaotic Items Notes: See item descriptions in (5, 94). The control and master spells are described on the Chaotic Armor list.

# Chaos Mastery


2 Chaos Presence


4 Chaos Resistance

5 Dissolve Chaos

6 Chaos Bolt 100'

7 Minor Improbability

8 Chaotic Summons

9 Chaos Ball 10' R

10 Create Chaos

11 Chaos Bolt 300'

12 Control Chaos

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13 Bind (acid crits)

14 Major Improbability

15 Diminish Chaos

16 Master Chaos

17 Chaos Ball 20' R

18 Chaos Bolt 500'

19 Triad of Chaos

20 Manipulate Chaos

25 Master Chaos True

30 Expel Chaos



45 Chaos Mastery

50 Impossibility

Chaos Mastery Notes: Plasma Mastery (3, 84): 4, 8, 9, 13, 17, 19.

RMC III, pg. 47: 2, 5, 10, 12, 15-16, 20-50. RMC IV, pgs. 73-74: 6, 7, 14, 55.

# Chaotic Servants

1 Demon Familier

2 Create Zombie

3 Command I

4 Conjure I

5 Summon Demon Dog

6 Command II

7 Conjure II

8 Create Bone Golem

9 Summon Traag

10 Create Chaos Warrior

11 Command III

12 Conjure III

13 Summon Steed

14 Command IV

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15 Conjure IV

16 Summon Huntarr

17 Command V

18 Conjure V

19 Summon Eraditor

20 Command VI

25 Conjure VI

30 Summon Black Stalker

35 Jihad

40 Create Chaos Commander

45 Summon Demon Scourge

50 Summon Demon Drake

Chaotic Servants Notes:

1. As the 1st level Demon Mastery spell (5/73).

2. Creates an obediant zombie out of a corpse. Caster can control up to 1 zombie for every 3 levels. Zombies beyond that amount will attack any living thing, including caster. Permanent

Command: Control a chaos demon of the appropriate type. 1 minute per level, -20 RR. Automatically invoked upon casting conjure.

Conjure: Summons the appropriate type chaos demon for 1 minute per level.

5. Summons an obedient demon dog. One dog may be controlled every 5 levels. Permanent.

8. Preparation is simply collecting all necessary bones. Permanent. Control 1 for every 8 levels.

9. Summons an obedient traag. Permanent. Control 1 every 9 levels.

10. Turns a corpse into an obedient chaos warrior. Permanent. Control 1 for every 10 levels.

13. Summons either a demon horse or a dreadwing. Permanent. Can control only one steed at a time.

16. Summons a Huntarr for 1 mission. Huntarr can stay a maximum of 1 day per level.

19. Summons an uncontrolled Eraditor; -20 RR to attack caster. Stays 1 day per level.

30. Summons a Black Stalker for 1 mission. Stalker can stay a maximum of 1 day per level.

35. Summons an army of 1-300 chaos warriors & 1 chaos commander for up to 1 hr/lvl for every 35pps.

40. Turns a corpse into an obedient chaos commander. Permanent. Control only one at a time.

45. Summons a Demon Scourge for 1 mission. Can stay a maximum of 1 day per level.

50. Summons an obedient demon drake. Permanent. Control only one at a time.

# Chaotic Ways Area of Effect Duration Range

1 Awful Sting target 1 round 100'

2 Rust see (2, 83)    

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3 Powder Stone see (2, 83)    

4 Unwater see (97)    

5 Tongue Rot see (60)    

6 Replica Images see (1, 33)    

7 Cleave Earth see (4, 73)    

8 Call of the Wild see (1, 33)    

9 Sink see (1, 34)    

10 Withering Hand see (1, 34)    

12 Black Tentacles see (4, 73)    

13 Power Parasite see (1, 34)    

14 Tarantella 40' radius 1 round/5 fail 50'

15 Mirrored Prison target 1 round/10 fail 100'

16 Mind Break see (98)    

17 Dance of Death 30' radius 1 round/10 fail 100'

18 Channels of Sith see (30)    

20 Dessication see (1, 35)    

25 Far Terminus 10' radius Permanent 100'

30 Chaotic Gate 20' radius Permanent 100'

50 Hells Bells 100' radius/level 1 day/level  


1. Target suffers a sudden and extremly intense stinging sensation over their whole body. There is a chance that they will drop anything held or fumble a spell being cast.

Fail by: 01-10 = 25% 21-35 = 75% 11-20 = 50% 36+ = 100%

14. All affected begin an uncontrolled, whirling, jumping, gyrating dance of wild abandon. Those affected can do nothing else, lose their DB, and drop anything being held.

15. Target becomes trapped in an endless maze in his own mind. Cannot cast spells or use magic items.

17. All failing their RR will dance fanatically, taking no other actions. All affected will take a 'C' stess crit each

round for as long as they are under the influence of this spell.

25. All affected are immediately randomly teleported through time and space to another plane, another universe, a different time, etc.

30. All within the 30' radius are immediately enclosed within a gold colored dome. A door appears to lead outside but is actually a teleport to the plane of chaos. The dome is an anti magic zone. There is enough air for one person for one hour in the dome.

50. This spell comes in various forms: (1, 37-38) Hellscape, Hellfrost, Hellgrounds, Hellsky, and Hellsea. The caster must learn each varient as a separate spell.

Innocence Lost

# Innocence Lost Area of Effect Duration Range

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1 Skullbat Familier target P touch

2 Lesser Ghoul Rot target P 100'

3 Spiderskull Poison target P 100'

4 Greater Ghoul Rot target P 100'

5 Banshee target P 50'

6 Living Ghoul target P 100'

7 Rotting Corpse target P 100'

8 Awakened Tree target P touch

9 Lesser Shadow target P touch

10 Disembodied Head target P touch

11 Lesser Blood Beast target P touch

12 Bone Golem target P touch

13 Greater Shadow target P touch

14 Awakened Grove 300' radius P 0

15 Greater Blood Beast target P touch

16 Lesser Vile target P touch

17 Blue Wraith 500' radius P 0

19 Skeletal Monstrosity target P 500'

20 Greater Vile target P touch

25 Spectral Monstrosity target P 500'

30 Lesser Wraith target P special

50 Major Wraith target P special


1. Spell creates a skullbat construct that acts as the familier of the caster. The caster needs any skull and wings of any creature capable of supporting the skull in flight. Magic partially supports the skull in flight so the wings do not have to be aerodynamically correct, just approximately close. The caster can only have one Skullbat at a time but can enhance the Skullbat by recasting this spell at the applicable level. The level of the Skullbat created is directly related to the current level of the caster:

1-4 level (caster) = minor skullbat 5-10 level = greater

skullbat 11+ = major skullbat

2. If target fails RR then they are afflicted with Ghoul Rot. Those infected with Ghoul Rot do not heal naturally (magical healing spells are equally ineffective), in fact they will lose 1-5 hits a day until death claims them. Only a 'cure disease' or a 'remove curse' spell will remove the affects of the infection. Those that die of Ghoul Rot are transformed into lesser ghouls upon death.

3. If target fails RR then they are poisoned with the poison of the spiderskull. The victims of this poison are finally killed when their skulls sprout spidery legs. The legs quickly accomplish detachment from the body and

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The World of Xharvania, Page 72scuttle away, roaming their new territory in search of more prey to poison.

4. If target fails RR then they are afflicted with Ghoul Rot. Those infected with Ghoul Rot do not heal naturally (magical healing spells are equally ineffective), in fact they will lose 1-5 hits a day until death claims them. Only a 'cure disease' or a 'remove curse' spell will remove the affects of the infection. Those that die of Ghoul Rot are transformed into greater ghouls upon death.

5. If this spell is successfully cast upon a pregnant woman in her first trimester then the newborn will begin to develop horrible disfigurements and tendencies. The newborn will come into the world afflicted with the pain of twisted, evil flesh, and driven to vent this pain against all those unsulled by it. The child will obviously be an abomination; a full-fledged banshee.

6. If target fails RR then he is afflicted with a curse that renders him a living ghoul. The victim will get very nausious at the thought of normal food and will within 24 hours realize in horror that they crave the taste of dead flesh. Despite the horror of this ghastly revelation to the victim they will not seek healing or ask for someone to help them because it will almost seem as a blessing that they have come to realize how good the taste of dead flesh really is.

7. If the target fails RR then he is afflicted with Rotting Corpse Disease. The victim will get very ill as though they have a terrible flu which will cause the death of the victim in 1-10 days. Upon death the victim will become a Rotting Corpse.

8. This spell will transform one tree into an awakened tree. The spell works by first rendering the tree undead thereby making it hungry for living flesh and second by animating the tree so that it has the ability to feed its hunger.

9. This magic ritual involves one living being from a Mannish race, which is sacrificed slowly over the span of 1 month, from one new moon to the next. During this time, the sacrificial victim undergoes the most hellish tortures, slowly losing his mind and will as it becomes obsessed with only one desire, which is too seek blood. This Undead share a special link with their creator, which transfers some sort of mystical invigoration from the blood of the Shadow's prey to the creator. The effects of the invigoration enhances both physical and mental abilities of the linked creator. The caster can control one shadow, lesser or greater, per 15 levels. The enhanced abilities are not cumulative. Simply use the shadow, greater or lesser, that confers the highest bonuses. CO: +5, IN: +5, PR: +5, EM: +5

10. This is a magic ritual that requires a living mortal. The ritual takes place over a period of 6 days at the end of which the head is severed and ready for service. The

caster my control a total of 1 head for every 10 levels. The RR is made at the time the head is being severed and is -30. Magic Ritual skill may be used to further modify the RR by -1 for each Magic Ritual rank. If they make their RR then they will rest in peace as their inanimate head simply falls unceremoniously to the ground.

11. This is a magic ritual that requires a living mortal and the freshly let blood of 10 other man-sized sentient creatures. The ritual takes a minimum of 24 hours but can be stretched out over a period of 72 hours. The RR modification is -20 but decreases by -1 for every additional hour of the ritual up to a total modification of -68. Magic Ritual skill may be used to further modify the RR by -1 for each Magic Ritual rank. If the victim fails the RR then the victim is transformed into a lesser Bloodbeast. A successful RR means that the victim will simply die.

12. A Bone Golem requires all of the bones necessary to maintain the structure. The bones of other creatures may be used to supplement or enhance the golems features. The caster may control 1 Bone Golem for every 15 levels.

13. This magic ritual involves one living being from a Mannish race, which is sacrificed slowly over the span of 1 month, from one new moon to the next. During this time, the sacrificial victim undergoes the most hellish tortures, slowly losin ghis mind and will as it becomes obsessed with only one desire, which is too seek blood. This Undead share a special link with their creator, which transfers some sort of mystical invigoration from the blood of the Shadow's prey to the creator. The effects of the invigoration enhances both physical and mental abilities of the linked creator. The caster can control one shadow, lesser or greater, per 15 levels. The enhanced abilities are not cumulative. Simply use the shadow, greater or lesser, that confers the highest bonuses. CO: +10, IN: +10, PR: +10, EM: +10

14. As Awakened Tree but affects all trees within a 300' radius.

15. This is a magic ritual that requires a living mortal and the freshly let blood of 20 other man-sized sentient creatures. The ritual takes a minimum of 24 hours but can be stretched out over a period of 72 hours. The standard RR modification is -20 but decreases by -1 for every additional hour of the ritual up to a total modification of -68. Magic Ritual skill may be used to further modify the RR by -1 for each Magic Ritual rank. If the victim fails the RR then the victim is transformed into a lesser Bloodbeast. A successful RR means that the victim will simply die.

16. This magic ritual requires a living mortal. The ritual spans a period of six months and involves a process of slowly driving the victim insane and warping his physical structure. The victim gets a -60 RR. The RR modification can be further modified by the Magical Ritual skill by -1

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The World of Xharvania, Page 73per Magic Ritual rank. The Vile awakens 12 hours after the completion of the ritual. The result is a fully beserk and quite disobedient Vile. Viles can never be controlled and will attack any living thing.

17. All pregnant women who are within the spells effective range and who fail their RR -20, will have the souls of their unborn children torn from their womb. The unborn souls appear as a small blue wraiths. See Blue Wraiths under the section, New Creatures.

19. This spell will create a skeletal monster from the bones of a dead creature. See Undead Tyrannosaur for an example. Basically: increase the level by 75%, increase the base move by 20%, decrease the max pace 2 ranks, 0 MM bonus, crits: same + #, reduce the hits 20%, AT 1, outlook: berserk, IQ: increase 2 ranks, same physical attacks, special attacks: 'fear' to all within 100', all within 10' who fail RR are drained 2 constitution points per round. A successful physical attack results in the draining of 6 consititution points.

20. This spell is the same as Lesser Vile but the result is a Greater Vile which can use spells. See Vile in Creatures and Monsters.

25. This spell creates a spectral monster from the corpse or bones of a dead creature. The spectral monster appears as a ghostly apparition of its original form with blazing red eyes. Basically: increase the level by 250%, increase the base move 80%, MS: increase 3 ranks, AQ: increase 1 rank, reduce the MM bonus by 66%, crits: same + #, outlook: belligerent, IQ: increase 3 ranks, same physical attacks, special attacks: 'fear' to all that lay eyes upon it, all within 20' take a 'B' cold crit every round, successful physical attacks result in the draining of 6 consititution points. Only harmed by magical weapons.

30. This spell is divided into three phases. The first part

of this spell is a Study spell which must be cast on the target; range 100'. The second phase of this spell is a magic ritual that involves casting a spell over an item that prepares said item to bind the soul of the target upon death. This part of the ritual takes 6 months to complete. The item becomes a vessel which will capture the soul of the target upon his death, no RR. The target must then voluntarilly accept the item as a gift, purchase, etc., and actually touch the item physically or even through magical perception or similar spells. This completes the attunement to the item. The item will capture the soul of the victim upon death regardless of its proximity to the victim. The caster must have the item to cast the third phase of this spell. The third phase of the spell transforms the soul of the victim into an obedient wraith. The wraith has its own free will but may never seek to harm or betray the caster to which he is bound so long as the item remains intact. The wraith is not even aware that such an item exists. Only destroying the item will set the wraith free to journey on to wherever. The caster can only have one wraith servant at a time. The caster may cast Major Wraithon the item to upgrade a Lesser Wraith.

50. This spell is the same as Lesser Wraith except that a Greater Wraith is created. Only the third phase of this spell need be cast to increase the abilities of a Lesser Wraith to a Major Wraith.

Innocence Lost: Some of the rituals described above are quoted directly from Creatures and Monsters. Creatures and Monsters is a publication of Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc. (ICE), P.O. Box 1605, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 USA. Copyright © (1995) Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc. (Creatures and Monsters), and all character and places therein, are trademark properties of Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc. It is reprinted with the permission ICE. All rights reserved.

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Nature's Harmony

Spiritual Bonding

 # Nature's Harmony

1 Animal Speech I

2 Call of the Wild

3 Befriending

4 Animal Speech II

5 Medium Animal Restoration

6 Animal Master I

7 Animal Location

8 Animal Speech III

9 Animal Master II

10 Animal Speech V

11 Animal Lifegiving

12 Animal Master III

13 Animal Speech VI

14 Animal Call

15 Animal Speech True

16 Large Animal Restoration

17 Animal Master VII

18 Animal Lifegiving

19 Greater Animal Resoration

20 Animal Master X

25 Animal Restoration True

30 Animal Lifegiving True

50 Lord Animal Master

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The World of Xharvania, Page 75Nature's Harmony Notes:

Animal Mastery (1, 18): 3, 5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 25, 30

Animal Ways (2, 66): 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 50

# Spiritual Bonding

1 Ritual of Infancy

2 Foe Sense

3 Range Extension II

4 Leader

5 Ritual of Youth

6 Spell Link Range

7 Call Familier

8 Range Extension III

9 Battle Link

10 Ritual of Maturity

11 Locate Familier

12 Coordination

13 Range Extension IV

14 Spirit Link

15 Ritual of Manhood

16 Linkup I

17 Range Extension V

18 Spell Spread

19 Extend Link

20 Ritual of the Warrior

25 Bonding

30 Ritual of the Spirit Warrior

50 Spirit Warrior True

Spiritual Bonding Notes:

Familiar Law 1, 29: 3, 7, 8, 11, 13, 17.

Combat Link 5, 64: 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 25 50.

50. Spirit Warrior True: The soulmates form together as a single entity which cumulates hits, uses the best

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The World of Xharvania, Page 76AC, includes natural attacks/weapons, and uses the highest stats from each soulmates for 1 rnd/lvl.

Caster can have a maximum of one animal per ritual type. The rituals take 2 hours per ritual level to complete, i.e.: Ritual of Manhood = 8 hours. The soulmates get the benefits of permanent link, position sense, & mind link (5, 64). Death of a soulmate will leave the caster at -50 for 1 week, -30 for 2 weeks, and -15 for 3 weeks.

Ritual of Infancy: Caster can bond with any animal with animal intelligence or less.

Ritual of Youth: Caster can bond with any animal with very low intelligence or less.

Ritual of Maturity: Bond with any animal with little intelligence or less.

Ritual of Manhood: Bond with any animal with mediocre intelligence or less.

Ritual of the Warrior: Bond with any animal with superior intelligence or less.

Ritual of the Spirit Warrior: Caster can bond with any animal.

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Phantasmal Servants

# Phantasmal Servants


1 Study* 300'

2 Phantasm I Class Total 1

3 Extension 2x  

4 Range +50'  

5 Phantasm II Class Total 2

6 Extension 3x  

7 Range +150'  

8 Phantasm III Class Total 4

9 Extension 4x  

10 Range 300'  

11 Program I  

12 Phantasm IV Class Total 6

13 Extension 5x  

14 Range +500'  

15 Program II  

16 Phantasm V Class Total 8

17 Extension 6x  

18 Range +800'  

19 Program III  

20 Superior Phantasm

Class Total 10

25 Supreme Phantasm

Class Total 16

30 Master Phantasm

Class Total 24

40 Lord Phantasm Class Total 32

50 Phantasm True Class Total 40

Phantasmal Servants Notes: Phantasms are quasi-real replicas of real creatures or persons that are controlled by the caster. When a

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The World of Xharvania, Page 78creature/person is studied it becomes part of the caster's inventory of phantasms. A maximum of 1 phantasm can be known per level. If a person is studied then phantasm will have all items and equipment that are visible on the person at the time study is cast. These items can only visually duplicate any magical effects and those effects must be known to the caster; ie: a flaming sword will look good but will not do any magical damage.

The base duration for a Phantasm is one round per level of the caster. The duration can be extended through the use of the Extension spells. For example, Extension II results in x2 duration (2 rounds per level). The base range for "creating" a Phantasm is 50'. Once created there is no range limitation for the Phantasm to exist, however, the Phantasm must be within the applicable range to receive instructions from the caster. The range can be extended by using the Ranging spells.

The caster can summon and control any combination of different class phantasms up to the spell's class maximum. For example, Supreme Phanstasm which has a class level of 16 would enable the caster to summon four class 4 phantasms, three class 4s and two class 2s, sixteen class 1s, etc. Generally, the caster must continually concentrate to control the phantasms. However, the caster may stop concentrating at anytime and the Phantasms will continue to perform their assigned task (combat, digging, etc.) for the duration of the spell. Note however that the Phantasms are mindless automatons and do not discriminate in their duties. Thus a general command to attack, without any concentration to direct it to a target,

will result in attacks on any random creature in the immediate area; enemies, friends, a rodent that is nearby, etc. Additionally, Phantasms are immune to all stun & critical effects except for dark based attack spells which do double damage and an automatic 'A' Disintegration critical. All phantasms are AT 1. Movement, defensive bonus, and natural attack types are as the actual creature. Duration = 1 round/level. Range = 10'/level.

Class I: OB = Directed spell bonus + 10, 20 hits, max size is Small.

Class II: OB = Directed spell bonus + 20, 40 hits, max size is Medium.

Class III: OB = Directed spell bonus + 30, 60 hits, max size is Large.

Class IV: OB = Directed spell bonus+ 40, 80 hits, max size is Super Large.

Program Spells: The spell caster can assign simple commands for the illusions to carry out. For example, a phantasmal servant could be commanded to attack any creature that tries to pass through a particular door.

Range Spells: These spells increase the range at which a servant may be created and controlled through concentration. If the spell caster goes beyond the range then the servant will perform as though the caster were no longer concentrating; explained above.

Extension Spells: Increases the spell duration accordingly.

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Mana Frosts

# Mana Frosts Range Duration

1 Chill Liquid Touch Concentration

2 Chill Inorganic Touch 24 hours

3 Wall of Cold 100' 1 round/level

4 Chill Solid Touch 24 hours

5 Cold Armor Touch 1 minute/level

6 Cold Ball 10'R 100'  

7 Ice Bolt 100'  

8 Wall of Ice 100' 1 day/level

9 Call Cold 100' 1 round/level

10 Cold Ball 20'R 100'  

11 Frost Blade Touch 1 round/level

12 Greater Ice Bolt 100'  

14 Ice Armor Touch 1 minute/level

15 Battle Frosts Varies  

16 Cone of Cold 200'  

18 Cloak of Cold Self 1 round/level

19 Ice Storm 100' 1 round/level

20 Far Frost 100'/level  

25 Frost Shield Self 1 minute/level

30 Frost Blood 100' 1 round/10% fail

50 Frost Lord Self 1 minute/level


1. Chill Liquid: 1 cu'/lvl of liquid can be cooled to -20oF/-28oC, at a rate of 1 cu'/rnd.

2. Chill Inorganic: Cools 1 cu'/lvl of any solid inanimate inorganic material down to -20oF/-28oC.

3. Wall of Cold: Creates a 10'x10'x1 wall opaque wall of intense cold which inflicts an 'A' cold critical to all in it's area. This may be increased up to an 'E' critical by spending additional PP.

4. Chill Solid: Cools 1 cu'/lvl of any solid inanimate material down to -20oF/-28oC.

5. Cold Armor: Protects target against all natural cold and ice; modifies EAR cold by -20.

6. Cold Ball 10'R: A ball of cold shoots from the casters palm, exploding in an 10'R area.

7. Ice Bolt: A bolt of ice is shot from the palm of the caster; results are determined on the Ice Bolt table.

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The World of Xharvania, Page 80Alternatively this can create an 'Ice Blade'.

8. Wall of Ice: Creates a wall of ice 10'x10'x(2' at base, 1' at top); it has 100 hits.

9. Call Cold: Creates a cube of cold 10'x10'x10' that inflicts an 'A' cold critical, additional PP may be spend to increase the critical level.

10. Cold Ball 20'R: A ball of cold shoots from the casters palm, exploding in an 20'R area.

11. Frost blade: Coats a weapon with cold energy; when used in combat the weapon inflicts an additional cold critical of one level less. The weapon gains +10 OB vs. fire based creatures.

12. Greater Ice bolt: Fires a bolt of cold energy from the casters palm; damage is resolved on the Lightning Bolt table, inflicting Cold, Impact and Cold criticals. Alternatively this can create a greater cold 'Blade' which is two handed.

14. Ice armour: Protects targets against all natural cold and ice; in addition it halves all cold damage and reduces cold critical strikes by one level.

15. Battle Frosts: Fires either a 100' range 40'R, 200' range 30'R, 300' range 20'R or 400' range 10'R coldball.

16. Cone of cold: Creates a 200' long 20' radius cone of cold from the casters palm that inflicts d10 hits per 5 levels of the caster and an A cold critical.

18. Cloak of cold: Cloaks the caster in flames of cold, rendering them immune to all cold based attacks. In addition all within 10'R receive a 'B' cold critical and

those striking or struck by the caster in melee receive an 'A' cold critical.

19. Ice Storm: Creates a 50'x50'x50' area of swirling cold mist. All inside receive an 'A' cold critical. In addition it is a 'Very Hard' maneuver to move (walk) through the cloud.

20. Far Frost: Fires a bolt of cold energy from the casters palm that explodes in a 10'R cold ball up to 100'/lvl away.

25. Frost shield: Cloaks the caster in flames of cold, which inflicts a +20 Cold Ball attack to all those in a 10'R. Anyone striking the caster in melee combat resolves damage normally then receives the effects of a +40 Cold Ball. If the caster strike anyone in melee they receive the effects of a +20 Cold Ball.

30. Frost blood: Chills the targets blood to sub-zero temperatures, causing a 'E' cold critical each round.

50. Frost Lord: Converts the caster into pure cold PEM for the duration of this spell; The caster is immune to all cold damage for the duration of this spell, resolves damage on the large critical table, inflicts a +40 cold ball attack to everyone within 10'R and may breath a cone of cold once per round.

Mana Frosts is a spell list that was developed by Robin Langridge, [email protected]. All credit for this spell list goes to Robin Langridge and is placed here because the spell list is an integral part of the Ice Mage profession developed by this world's author, Stephen Turner.