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•-'ir- i VOL. XI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NW JERSEY, SATURDAY. JULY 2, 1881. 30 TH-E 1RON ERA Th8 Dover Printing Company, l'UiiL'SIIlSttS *si>i'UU"l(IET0It.8. Office ou Morria Street noar Blaokwell. TKHMS ,(»K Sl'llSCIIUTlUN Vt-ur, - - - - - - - 8*100 M.mths, - - - - - - T L OU u iniiut'sa, - - - - - - - 6(1 ADVERTISING RATES. 1 «){*£ 1 7 2fi £ SJjdj.fi 4 ,W[ft (I (II PASSAGE TICKETS' ORAM, HANCE 4 Co.'s STORE, PORT .OllAM. N\ J. or t»cunil>ii>i . . - - ...rfat LOWEST UllAia'HUNUitGA'i'UIUTAIK HI) IllRLAND, tli-l po: McCAINSYILLE HOTEL! WM. VORTMAN, Frop'r. A well kepi liottl viili every Beconii lion for manBLC] lioruo. Tb& bi-st liij ninl m{£irn at tint bar, and comfort aimed i ESTABLISHED IH 1851. I JUitKIJllUGSaiid MKDICINtM, l'AINTK Oil (Ji I byJAMBH \. O' ijnifrBitii, orDovt-r. B ffir liiu aaln of Medii-in H.,ain1iii>mi Io5 u >. M, Ii,- t'inm.'l Sl'KDAi> ] 9 to 10 A., 41-ly UIIN F. SriCKI.IC, Counsellor at Law AND MASTEIt IN C1IANCI2RV, TtOCKAWAY, N. J. TiffANf-UOlY HOUSE. Uuruer of Illnckwoll mid StiBsei St«. DOVER, N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Horm-a mid Carring-'K to Let. L. C. BIERWIRTH, aNALTTIOAl CHEMIST DOVKIt, N. J. ANALYSES of all DESCRIPTIONS OF ORES AND MINERALS. r\ EO. O. CUMMINS, M. D.. OEHEltAl PKACTITIOSEIi, AND SPECIALIST IN THE TREATMENT Or MALA11IAL DISEASES. OFFICE AT THE STICKLE H0D8K. DOVER,' N. 3. JJHWJ URUM11 KH'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, [bBWeon the HAN8IOK nOOSEuii] Dopol,) DOVEE, N. J. Tbb place his been entirety refitted in a TimI ttmnnnor. LADIcH'unit OIIILDHENS HAW CUTTING "ABPBOIALTY. CTOHBOUB & SMITH, ATTOBMEYa A OOUN8ELLOBS Al LAW, Cor.. Rlnckwell anil Sussex S*B. DOVER. N- J. I. H. NEIOHBOOB. A. 0. RMITII. L, W. THURBER, HUFEinWTMnENT OP POHM0 SOHOOLH OP MOHKia COUNTY. Office over QEO. niOIIAmW &Co.'s BTOIIE, DOVER, N. J. Bpeelnl ofBce n o u n on Batnrdnvi from 8 A. H. til] 13 M. 17-tf JTOSES BLANCHABD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, *NO 11ASTI3HIN OIIANOEHY, DOVER, N. J. . _. ivo ind tin «torc, n-ir PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED AND REPAIRED, FOR RENT A N D F O R SALE ON INSTALLMENTS. WM. S. WRIGHT, Dover, N. I. Lock Box G8. 8-tf Agents for Fairbanks' Scale^andTer- vrilligar's Safes. VOORHEES BROTHERS, MORRISTOWN, BUILDERS', CARRIAGE MAKmiH', BLACK- SMITHS' CONTRACTORS ANDMIN- ING SUPPLIES, - id. Paii.tK, Oiln, OIUHB, etc. WALTER A. WOOD'S Celebrated MOWERS ana HEArEES. liEOBOE B. TOOIUIEZa, JAMSH B, VOHBDEBf Morrinlown. Itec.lBlli, 1878. McKinnon Bros. MiKX'iOTCBEafl OF Axes and Edge Tools, ROCKAWAY, N. J. It hiving been rt'pnrteil tliat tlii* oW-tslab Unlied aiidwoli-knuwn firai hmpmm out ol biiBincsB, tru tike thin nn;im (if informLnit the public tbat such is i ' '" " "'" fnbiihinm, tun; no Qrm whatever,' and t well-known pomlHw ROUIIH»ro y nmake our ur E re tli hanl m hi foreei ly firm hi nmrntm ntimly IJJ hand. Watar Tuyo™fo spceitUv. ~ 39-lj CHILDREN'S WOODEN TOYS i^UREWABTHA'S, i STREET, "NICE WAGOKS FOR 81, Children's Baby Carriages, WHEELUARROWB, uidminx ollur ullolef ioin»fl*<i«iJ!ypliMp. Aprimfliotot n,0EIDA 0SANOE8, ^TAliimA.LBiiqRS, "" u,a por.<«i.l>olion«r;oaluiii. THKOIJ) STAND, UNION HALL BUILDING, Hot Air Furnaces, If ll.i. laUKt ,iii,l n,,,,,t imiinivwl atvliK. ft, .-»iiiiii>Bt,ii>,Ui'iii,l,,rivihi lnllJinm,. Alum. «HH.,sl,m „, o| ^, m. H, ,.}„.,!,, f,, F (.^Ht,. COOK, PAKLO1I, I1EATIN0 STOVES, EANQ-ES, KICltOSESEDIL, LAMTKIINS AND J WARE, TIN & JAPAN WARE, TIN BOOFINO, EAV T EAVES, TEOUflHS, OLIVER CHILLED PLOW, BEST PLOW IN THEMARKET. IWivpfl firat promiaro «t N J. 8l»U vPair, Wavtrlv, lust (t\\. Over 100 uolii liv m list ytinr. Hmd for ctrcuur. VOOJUIEES BROTHEttS, MORKISTOWM, H. J. Agricultural Implements.Seeds, Fertilizers, etc. .EADiillH, Btlfl nil kin ALEXANDER UIGHTON. mliw-2ii*i,1370. 1-lvr NEW MARBLE YARD lal I r r t i 11 li L nciorTictp loi.c.l with Kiaim<: and iimrlilu i»uals. Will* 1 1 H I f i GEO. MANN NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP! Chas. T.Clark & Son i, COH^KB ULAOKWJSLL AND IIUllN BTH., in<t in vile the Horse Shoeing JOS. YORK' E XTRA WIDTH MUSLINS, 8*. *), Al. 45, 46,51 tulCIS jnclii s widf iti plum lili>iii']]<<(1. •M, KM, ll.iiiiTiiillL'ilWu'i'tijif.'ii'ufStaminid 'li-odaat W.fl.iJAniHTT'K. DAIKY BUTTER, I'll YOllli'S FOR COOKtNO G O TOJOS. YORK'S FOR?AHT,Ott AND DINING 110011 AND OFFICE MTuVES. STOVEHOF ALL KINDS, OUOiJKEire, DLASS-ffABE AND CHINA. Joseph York, d-If niOKltlSTOWN, N. J to BUrrLY 8TOHES wit GOODS at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Tins p»ri of W*rr«i County iatinted for it* 100b SUTTfclt MAKE11S. I Lnmllo all tiiidf •f FA11MEUS PRODUCE. Order by mn.il and ;ut jour KUUIIH fruMli and good Ibe Hano day. WE KING, Jr., BLAIKSTOMN, N. J. !'. O.BOX, 2,i. j M. T. B. SEAKHVG, CARPENTER and BUILDER, BLACKWULL BT., DOVF.K, N. J. Witb hi'tttr rncilities I a SLATK I1O(*FH cLc-uper OHO liut tlm brut qunliiy li H t • • ' Dati'tl Ot:tubi:r inth, 1H80. IKA C. COOPER, MASON AND BUILDER! Uriels tBkon anil matprials rnrnialitd Tor and all kindiof Offlcu oik, wbetlior of BRICK or BTONE. mler TUTS IHON EHA bnilillng, Hnrrij elitet. Dover. N. J. 44-tf EVAPORATING FRUIT iBlirASSS. cialaluilBtlcB. AMERICAN D Morris County Surogate's-GEcs. HAY 3M, lSBl. In tU mutter ol George E. Itighter, Execu- tor of EllzsTtetli En-Has, dcoeaiccl. Smro- natc's order 1o ItSlIt citaitora. - . : \J ator U ordered ty tbo Snm^i tb*t aaid Executor BITS tiablie noiice .. " " fsuieof widdooDiJeni to bts, demindl *D$ olUipi •Kim., . u . ..„,„. under o»th, within •niad months from tfats aito, bj •ettinRUp tt dopy dI this ordfir.wJtbm tirtntj • l *3 f «»*»' |l *f t *' 1 .fn flvu or the moHt cob lie piaci. ia tbo wnnljtif Mor- rlifwtwa DJODtbi,»pd ulioiritliiD tbo raid ftsmty dt-fi byBd-reruilDg the r*nm in tba 'IrunBrt,'- •• ...,...-.. BEEMER & PALMER COAL, WOOD, MASOWS' MATERIALS, BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS IAKI) A'SD I'ALE lilUCH, LlME.tlilMUNT. .CALCINED I'LABTRll, PltONT HHKMt, FIItE CLAY, FUiE BItlOK KLA*J STO\ES <:nnuii\<;, C ELLA It 8TEPP, COPING, HILLS, LINTELP AMJ OIB1T1IN SKUKB, WHAWH'3 PH03PHATE, Hone Dust, GIIHIU*. Puutlrelte, LAND PLASTER, <Cc. WOOD fmwed in stovo lengths, OOA.3J. STOVE, EGO, CIIKSTKUT. nl Hiroii/jMheFoi .1 A. Ufumer'Bonic •uLocb ]!oi 28, orloflB iiilllncbwcllSCiiL'arSuHK DLACKB.IIITH'8 COALo DHUiHIyo-i hud J B.PALIIKR, MRS. M. FARR r Fort Oram and vtaln- of liur NliW 8TOOK of Spring and Summer Millinery Flil(}u-iiil»rat'fsiilH)ionBWii[i<Jtii»LcfnltlifnRf i.(l iiovtliM'tt ,,l ihu snaou. ALSO A (»«• •I.LTELIM'.OF Ladies' Fancy Goods, OOSIPRISINO MANY DBEPDI, ANDOI1HA- Ni'AI, AHTICLE8 F0I1 THE TOILET. ! «l<o SOLE AGENT in TOUT OUAM FOR THE BEST TEA AHL GOFFEE IN JtlOltlUS COUNTY CAM., AT STINER'S NEW YORK AND CHINA TEA CO., 3 LACK WELL St., DOVER. OUR QQ CT. TEAS CLINTON STREET, K'S POOL TABLE, Tlin Rilfjon is coiDj)lrtt'!>' Gr O T O €r. S. Jensen, CARPET WEAVER DYKFt, IK THE OLD PRESBYTERIAN GIIDRCn, DOVEll«. J. Carpet 'Weaving, in ail widths, done in at-cIofiB stylo at lowest rates. The best .kind of warp only uaed. Newcurptte on d for Halo. TLe liighost price paid for ar Utkoa in eiob8Hfio/or ootpet. CKOTI1ES DYED and Cleaned in good style* r, Hiu 25ili, 1880. 23-17 The Central Express! -cry DELIVER EXPHES8 IN DOVER, from New Tort and oilier points at tlio a. (liioda tl el ITit red to BUT part 01 ' vicinity. All kinds ul ircmlit Oc ml Iram the depot rnoannablv. buMsei Htrvut. ia Koiibtu llowo'i !. D.A.8EAJUNQ, Agent. IV HtUt CITY HACK! TBaj;o from oltlier rnilrnaii inanj |ioi B acclion, for very moiltraie ulnirges. THE MASON &HAMLIN ORCAN Co., of ILti hust cibi- l fi e and t qnarlc nrpiLn, tn-. Ton , l;]0; four ooU ii^ps, (51; Are ooi« a'ors, ICO; HTE a Urt*o Mid PloKint (HOC etit, II mops, fliuj: ONE nnSTRED OTHEll sTYLEfi up Ip$500 »nJ mote. Obnerve that Ma- i>i|CkQB h i v e g n i i U r power , . ..iUm IIKPCI jsbeap orekns w ii»4li)'«ioiiB. All except tbe Tory B UjlcKof tLoteotaam *r« nowaoIU : BOB EjlST PAYH*iWS. from 15 per month upj or will ba nntfcl lor riuon.rVr.iit, .lib prlnlurlif n l u i i t mj ilmB -taa Bgreenpat talt LfreUloeqanifl the ilmB taaBgreenpt talt whofc inoaDt Wnstlt inld tbe oidui it become UH, n blritj » " ! ' ' " ' or«, of Uie Tlo r , Miiioo ti BatallQ Or(fina »rp,c«rt»ln]]r Ibe V*.11n(lifl Snrlrf. hi*irE I.-ran'Mrh^t iw.nl U&rtrjom cr-tho Gnat World's Iadditrltl Eiinbltloni for morfl tli»n Ihlrkcn jnn, DO otIiritvAlturiAn.Oisui hfcflng.tioec found MtfJlothem*'"?. UlanV»ledOktktofii ' uwa .H|in!W'O^^p^ tf^j^giff^Sl..- (Union 8ia» » ) Htn*|.1HtL BOOTS and SHOES ! Having enlarged our store in order to better facilitate our increasing business, adding to it a work shop and leather and finding room, and haying purchased the stock and book accounts of Heinl & Co., thereby consolidat- ing two stores in one; also adding an im- mense amount of Spring goods to our already- large assortment, gives us, we think> owing to our excellent facilities for carrying on the boot, shoe and leather business, combined with our exceeding light expenses, advan' tages that no other establishment this side of New York City possesses, to give our cus- tomers the best boots and shoes the market affords at the very lowest figures. LEATHER and FINDINGS. Although wehave always paid some attention to this branch of our business, still we have never had facilities to carry it on successfully until this Spring, but now having a room devoted exclusively to LEATHER AND FINDINGS, including all kinds and prices of sole leather, wax upper kip, calfskins, sheepskins,blacksmith's aprons.shoemaker'stools, All kinds and prices of UPPERS, in fact everything required by a shoemaker to start and carry on his business, and will sell everything at any of the New York price lists. Acall is respectfully solicited. POETIO. March 30tb, 1881. OPP. THE DEPOT, DOVER, N. X iro tioUtr tbnn siild clsuwlicre gniilo new crop tc at 70 fit s, iwiKo . One irriul will provo tbe fact. i 88i), i-cluilcil at 70 cts. per lb. JOFFEE! COFFEE Our hiftli COFFEE! including liieti Old Mocha, QovrTDmout, Java, Mar&caibo, Santos, Bto are all Stettin ronated. Alwaje frenli. S U G A R S SOLD AT COST. ind Morria Count; will do noil hy pcrobflsing llieir 40-1 j Tho inhabitants of Do inter nnpp]y from UR. THE DOVER LUMBERCO. iffora to builders the bent opportunities in tho purchase of LUMBER if every grade aud description including LOW PEICES nod tlio great .dvantfigo of having Iiumber Worked to Order IJ machinery at the place where it is purchased, greatly lasfienuig the cost of building by the great saving in mamml labor. Our stock always includes Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings id LUMBER of every description, and eupecml pains ore taken to give satisfaction in evory partianlar. tnofl, President. IEBT, Sco'j and Tre&s. I. W. BUBIXG, Oen'l 836. Spring 1881. > thn r^rlrrn at tl,i> ARIOE, HBRAET, WNJNO ROOM and CHAMBER Furniture to any sold ctaowliore. Inlow priced icOlum goods wo slioiv a great Tiriety. nnlitj ia tho DE3T, PRICES REASON- ABLE. Our name INUwell known In Monie i d Bused countLGBAB Ju our own city. We 111 furnhh your homai vrith OTorythiog in HIT line, including MANTEL GLASSES, CORNICES and BEDDING, kT SHORT NOTICE. PAX yon to call on UB. It will It mil 'AT you to send goods to ns for REPAIRS. It will PAT jou to PURCHASE of us arid have goods safely delivered on ourown wag- ma or by railroad as may be agreed ipon at time of aale. John Jeliiff & Co. NEWARK, N.J. »C1TMk.Ap^A.18Bl. J , ' • V MOREIS COTJNTY MACHINE &IH0NCo. DOVER. N. J. STEAM ENGINES, THSIIt CDLBBRATBD AIR COMPRESSORS, IROW and BRASS CASTINGS, FOSGHNSof afl "rEB0BIPT10N& r y T. CEPORT, Ootmsellor at Law, - AITD H4S.?Elt IN OFANOEBT, Office IDtbe Hitlontl Union Dink Building Srarojrw^iiST., DOVER, N. J. ICE CREAM PAl/L C. BOTTIOHER, 751 BROAD St. NEWARK, H.l. |-tor«3rllnai tt bnlldfngt.'Mdtlncr AND CONFECTIONERY. MRS. KEARNS r*'ta call the ittenLIanof the il l l t i t f a l O ill nn fatt Ihu mom It second to county; u[«gintljfreioBd(p»*Dt«1 d *tm •p'vrt fromhr other **""' ili fw c who mny e nanala tbocounty; u[«gintljfreioBd( ind papered *tm •p'vrt from her oth na-ii, ifnidh OOSIIHII af 3R0CEH1ELH, PBOVISIONS T0HA.0C09, ol^xo VO-H-KD OB VOX KIGUT. " It itle lut nigbt when jcu retired I" - XM, mi*,- i Mid inn,my, wn . iWliiudja, TIN, " fjr lUe birrid mm Hejuit (ajiodomtadoD. TLe more I tinted (be mote heflt.vo1: I knew JOEfferawakefnl,too. And.I tnld him taihnt be wooldiiot go And what oonid ipoor girtflu»» "It wia,vwjf Jste when you retired I" •'Tei/pipii-ifriDklyiiW,' "For tbo man, you see, Jnnt talked to me, Thangh I jawned till myeyet men red: Ana I wont mfir.whontheolook ttawktwelt Aa to ftonot tha >iroba*«U ihtonflh; Bui—tho-ilupidl-ho iast woalJn't ieo— And wbatcaald a poor girl do I" " It wan worn than late wlei jon tetlred I" "Why X tell Jan, paI" I oried, " If I Lintel unoe to tho ttnuame daooe, Twai a hundred tintei beildel Why. I QTdS itld jou!d been Jn bed Fur at leu! AT* hoan 1knew | But bo tipped nil otair, and still ut tbore- So nbmt canlil a poor gl*l do 1" " Why, p»ptl" I lion-lily plead, ~ Dou'ttliundorool Ihunt'i a man bolow ; And lici's wilt you hitOM-d, md aMd TLit HJOroiai^p wby he atafod ill night as, that he wanted to seoJOB, too, Tliut be mlfflit uk for tbehand Ig»Te— For wlia» donld »j»Qr girl dot" LETTER FROM ENGLAND. TBOBO, CoBMwiua, ESQ., June 9. Editor of the Era: Tbe Ecg.Iih Estab- lished Church hat not huilt a (Jatbedral io EOR1OU3 the Etcfonnn(ion. ID ever; Bihhoprio or Diocese tbronghout the kingdom tbe Catholic Oathedrals have been ntoA for this great cuitl grow- ing Ptotestont Oburcb. For man;, years tbe Ooqaty of Cornwall was incladed ia tbe Dioaeafl; & few short ago, howo**or, thla County wao formed into a separate "Dincese, now kitonu by the Cathedral City, Tniro. Dr. Benson is Biaiop and a hinder work- chrietiau men oaDnot te found ID B parts. Tbe laigo portion of Bt, Cbarofa, baatfifin pulled down, for tbe porpoaa of makiug room to hoild a large aud haudsome C*tbedral, Hnv> ing a little apare time on myhands, I went on the grounds, and was showD the jlnna andepociBcations of tbe buildiog ; b istbo shape of a doable cross, large in<l'beautiful. Xlie lolnbitanlfl of the ennnfj, cotifonoiata and non-eontoroaiitB alike, are very much exercised, &t pres- ent, oa ttie question, " Wtfat kind 0! ebnll be used iu builJiap the Cath- edra] ?" Tbia mailer ia dlabnaaed In the ity (1 hud almost written DlocesiaiO papers, on lbs railroad trains, Btreetsol ,he ait; and towns, ia afaopa and mnr- kola. Ibe arobiteat has made himaelf tuDoaa in one tbicg at least, andtbtt I im sore, does not of neoeuattj 1 belong; to iis profassioo, "Bet men thiukicg," Xo be camlld.Illiiuk Ibis ii tbe bat tiling Mr. FendsoD bfli done during bis. term of offloe. For if: anything more ;tafiu another is oat needed in Cornwall, it is R Cathedral, unless some, aye scores >f tbe dissenting plioes of worship ia tbe lonnty are torn down. A Bishop here baa little to do except it bo to draw .vnrahippeiB from the 1 chapel to the oharoli. I was kindly shown through the wooder siructurt), now ased as Cathe- Iral, sat in tbe Bishop's obair, stood in ; i,he pnlpit, ocenpiad ODD of tbo Canon's itttlla pro lem. and was shown ererything if iiitcruet in and abouL tbe building. The Lord Mayor of London paid tho iJ.y a visit this week. Ho was met at ,be depot by tho oflBoiury of the city uuJ by tbi'in conducted fo the public rooniB to parlakn nf luiiclieon. After-, rnrds dcvotionftl czoicifi03 were con-: mctod in St Miiry'B "Wesleyan Chapel, ' ,ho largest place of worship here. There most imposing procession was formed leudod by twobunds of music. Tbe jord Mayor dressed in his official robes | and attended by his body aerrants and city eonstnbnlary oringing up tho real. Daring the marching of tbia lurgeoom- my, theMiiyor Tisited the grouadfl of Wesleyan College and laid the me- morifll Btoae of new balldings, nowia course of exeotion. Diimer apd speeches lollowed la tbe Oitj Hall and. the exer- tises of the day closedi with a grand Pi-oaiennde Oonoort ia , Market Hall, where thousands, gathered and listened to strains of BweetMtmtislo, diBopursert by tbohand of the Boyal Marines, num- bering Bitty pieces. We Donated twelve violins in tbeband, Tbeiday VBB a most deltghtfal one to all vbo witnessed or took part in the exercises. ' It woold;be'superfluous lor me to write the EBA anything desoriptiva' of the plccoa of inlcreat I bare riaited dnring'niybrlefStay in this Kingdom, for the, reason that, news is .looked for fay bosh editors 'morn than anything else to state. I have been jmrtia- -alarly impressed with, tboneat aud trim ippearanoe of 'tbe oonntry as a vtiole. Here nothing is wasted ; land -is fnloa- hie andevery foot obltWaied, eventhe ledges are turned togood tut- by tha frugal housewife, who is careful to plant the primrose, ftpd many anch simple flowers np Its sides and so adornthe sarroundiDgs of tbe borne. H i ' spent Severn! ycore In tbr States, I am impreened (aa I couldnol be it my home were not in the lmid of tbe free) will the power, and etclnuive- ness of the dburoh (i. x. Epiaoopncj) and tbe upper and many of tba middle P* of society. . Here money is eyary tiling. While this may be ealdib crery :opntrj and ataong all classes of -society it ii particularly applicable to a Mon- arcliiCiil gorerumeat. Tha wenitby though'ignorant farmer votes for the political cuBdidate,tle Intelligent tlioagb poor workto on bias not tbe right. 1 fcnoff.it may seem parndoxioal to oiuss, U find ignorADOo togetbernudlubor and intelligence as ttieiroppoaites. Even this ia often seen in all ooantriea. Tt: common principle o( manhood and eajial rlghta would operale juBt M well in England an in tbe United Slates u basis of religions And political action. Tbo English people regardless of political parties, are looking forward witbsume measure of: hope (7} to the day when onr government will «ltber lower or lake off thetariff da iron, |rben will old Euglaud .retnni io the^^lden ifmeproBpenty, herBODB and danghten will be called from the ends of theearth to'mine and send Io the Sttttea ell ol that metal whtoh tnsyfeeneeded. The mtaing intetpfltsof onrcoattf* will then obllabsB add "Her' nobla^oititenB ek llv'elihaoa in lome atb'et ^aere ; 6f "QuEniaon William, tbe verdict 0! tblB court is tbat you are guilty, and tbe sentence is a floe of 926 incaab. This court can't get over tbe fact thatyoa vilified its metal calibre. It is also awaro of the foot tbat youhaven't a red to pay yoor fine with. Now, than, tf you will meet this court baok of this building on tbe level it will either git away with you in six and & half ntnnten or remit the fine. I want to prove tp tbe oitieens of Gaoalsoa tbat in electing me to tbe judioiary they haveouttheir VOUB Tor aman who can epit cm his bands is' six differoDt languages and git away wiili a bog pea fait of rongbB without bftving in ear korktichad. Prisoner nt the 1 bar, Xbe prisoner bad. Hs mi J tie'd retlier go to jail, and to jail he vent. . Shall we tver'se the day*? I trorr not Tintr*. A St. Louis pwwr, it bad been dii- J, madg love to six females it the m8It i t ] tM » ri t « itoag]y tatputM that ha vaafi %|iwpad m^hota ode f B r i b r ^ Fair Plaj «ut Went. They give a man8 canned o Iu Deudwootl, Custee, or anyof those new Western town, tbe spirit of fair p\»y ornpt to tbe surface even in judicial prooeeiiingn. Iu March Ust, ft Miehi gail man wbo keeps en eatiog-bouwat GODBIBODI -woa over-parlioolar about * ng K counterfeit imlf-dollar, aDd in tbe row vbioii resulted Le was consider- ably battered. Hetherefore called np?n the Jus^ioe of the P«aoe and stated bis '- oftsfl tad asked lots wenanL ir I-j|ae8»I wouldo't make o fassoFer it," replied tbeoffiaifll. . "But be iDBttttt to kill me,' "Yes, I presume so, bat he'll Iwtt tovm and tliat wilt eud it." " But he's a dangeroae man." "Ytu, tbey saj 00; bat no one alrpid of bim." Jodge, do you know wbflt be said about joo \theu I told him I'dtave itEio itrrebted r" "Ko." "Well, he said you were n blameJ grasshopper eater1" " Yes, bat bodidn't mean it" "And be called you a reptile." "Well, lie was mad, I aappose." "Yes, and bo was madtrlieit jou didn't know enough towrite your own name, and therefore oguldu't issae a warrant 1" "Did be say that?" "He did." "Then I'll issue tm Hm like 0 ten ton BvaUnobe on ayaller male 1 Tbo min who BnoBitis at my larnin' mast hare B contempt for the jadieiary," Tbe nartspt was iuoed, tbe paitj ar- rested and tried, and tbe verdict of the oonrt was: Bice as rood. An ordinary man in boalth ruqniroi nboot twelve and a half ODDOCBof oorboi and 250graius of nitrogen every twenty- fonr boun us food, or aafuel for the en griae whereby man Jives and derives bi motive power. Tbe food tbat boa mout of tbln fuel or flubslai.ee is tbe best. Tbat which is «asieetto aigest orobtaii tbe strenfftb from ; that which assimi- lates to the itoo-aetj end passes off wten dlalilled, or by nature is converted into j motive potive power, is tbe best for any ' pereon, male or female, youtli or age. Different articles of food, per pound, contain oarbon and nitrogea fellows: A City Vegetable U&rdon. Xour back yard may bo small; bat if Ibe Ban baa access to it, you cao rair-ft your ownsummer yegetablea there. If oa doubt it, try the following plan: Take bartela aai bore boles around tbe middle, and one bals large enough to admit the nose of your watering pot. Fill the bi m i s -with stones as high as tbe rows of holes, and fill in with good, rich, fine earth to tbe top, in which plant cu- lumbers, melons, pqunshes, tomatoes, ite. One barrel will be enough for each kind. Ba sure to have one flat stone in over the large hole where yon -will pour in water until it runs out of tho holes you have tnnde, and whicli will irovent the earth from filling this large lole up. Range the barrels around jour ard and riant your seeds. Keep the bnrrch filled with water up to the holes, md you lave all the requisites for rapid, tieultby growth—air, heat and moJBture. Your vegetables will last until late in tlio atitama, aa they enn easily be covered on •sty nights. Cucumbers anil tomatoes nay bang over the barrels, cutting them iff when theyreroh the bottom. Melons may be tied to the wall fence The itoues have an important service in hold- ing up the earth, and in absorbing the! leatdoriDg the day, which they give out; it night, beeping the water at BB even temperature.,.You will be astoaialied at the result, if yon have never tried it. Caonmbera can be very soooessfally grown in this m&tmer. Care for the Children. The alaraiiog prevaleuae of diphtheria and otber pulmonary affections, in most nf oar large towns and cities, should in-imse tha people to •meaeiirea of nrotec- *t(on against tbeseiii'srt]loiiB<liseBaes,Ued> i l aatbnrity has declared tUat none of these oomplaiDta CUD properly be consid- et*d incurable, if care is taken of the jmtienj; abon after tbe attuck. We be- :iDVe t h a t i a s o . Tbe mothura of a gen- eration agowere on the lookout for dgns of. disease in their children, and there -was a rale among Ihem tint when tbe tiymptdms of a cold were manifest not to wait for'the doctor to be sent for, or truat tbo hsalth at tbeir darling to tbe tender mercies of 1 professional nurse, bat tbey hadpennyroynl and paragorio, mustard-pot and raarrow-bona always ready, and their potieofa generally got well rapidly. Men and womuu of to-daj ny poob-pooh as they will about the way they wore brought through the colicky period of their existence, but the fact remaiuH that epitlemioal diseases among children were rarely known it those timeB, while now the ruvageB of scarlet fever, diphtheria, oroup, and olher complaints most terriblo among cbildren, are as common as tbe seoB ibemBelvcs. There ia too mnch science L tbe admin is tcring for tbe common tils of humanity ; too much Joaiu-j wilb loiiona drug*, thnt even if tbey do kill mo form of disease, not infrequently leave the Rerm of n more deadly eom- ikint in the ayatem. In tlie doctoring ol children, at least, we will take tbe opinion of grondmotbor as against the scientific diognoais of uny M.D. LL. D. Cutisteadom. An Old Storj KDTIMana An IriabmaQ, finding hiaoaab at low ebb, resolved toadopt " the road "as a uroJesriobnl aeons ol refmhi g the ex- cbeqaerj and having provided himself wi'-b a- bags boree-pistol, prooseded forthwitb to tbe convcnlioaal " lonel; common"and laj in wait; T?hB nolessj tvontipnal ",<arme-^ retnrnfng from tlie mirket wicb a lag'of mopey," of ,0/coarse, Bpon appeared, towbom enter Pat' with the ngDlattoD liiijhwflymni offer, of ctoico. ." your, moner. or jour lifer aremark tortiflod bythe flimulta- HBoas exhibition of the flrearn in the nsnal -wiy. .The farmer, who *mii : a Quaker, essayed to temporize. "Zwonld i have tbea stain tlijeoalwith Bin, Friend ; and didst tliott rob ms of my gold, itwonld be theft; and didst tbou kill me, it would bemurder. Bat bold I A bargain is nosin, butaoommenebe-. twe*n twohonost men. I will give tbee this'bag of sold for tbe pistol vblob tboa holdeat at my ear." Tha -HDBUB- peeling dnmtenr Macbeth, yielding, per- haps, U> tbe Qnaker's loglq and Bulict- tode for bis Bpiritoal welfare, made the eiobange witbonta moment 1 -* beBiUtion. 1 Now, friend," cried tbe wily Ephrafm, leveling the weapon, "give me back my gold or I'll blow thy brains oat I" « Blaze away thin, 1 darlint 1" uid Pat. 'fSnre, there's nivera dhrop of powther in It," Tbe reanlt wua told Qaaker.' A UMT4 Large Tract 'Will you accepts tract, yoaugmonT" asked no elderly lady, reaching ant one of tbe thin pamphlet* that have cheered so many a sad boar. "Well, ma'am," replied tbe yontig man pleasantly, "if it's a good Iarfte tract, in an eligible sit- ndtiori,' injproved and gnded, with a three-atorj brick oa it, all tbe modern convenleDoea,flve minutes'walk fromtbe 1 hone earn, obnrebet, sohoola,fto.—thank yon, I don't care if I do. I'm a stran ger ill Soiton, ma'om; often heard of roar unbounded hospitality, libentlity, and all that sort of thing; bnt,blesa[ me 11 never had an idea of a this kind." As she mide"no replj, but stood transfixed with flaEqnlshdeDt, h pasaea OD, with a pleasant smile -thatl broadened iato a oaveraonn grin by tbe time bis food feot out of sigU of the uld Ind;, wbo wan at tbat very moment re- marking, "Poor yoaug man I Wbut a diflflppointmect It taunt «rbeen to him." —Bo$ton TVaateripf.' A correspondent shoald always ma it a point to add to a newspaper aom' manirailioa, "If too long, pleww^pot gg •posalblb difficulty irhfofa miglit Lira occurred to him, Paul BUIBJ... Benwr. Oslmeol 770 1.904 2.600 2565 2,780 a. 780 2,800 U 80 ei ia 22s 70 V the above it will be eeea tbat rice, beans and oatmeal are at tbe head or the llfe-KtutainiBg food, and that rice famishes nearer the proportion* of car- bon and iiltrugen requiredfortbe daily support Of a man*H physical maehlner; than are to be obtained from coy other one article. Thin W been known ObTna for tbousaDds of yean, and a fad once established Is established forever. Man in a natural, healthy state, will ivelongon milk, cheese—wbioh'iB but' milk, in another form—on bread, oat. meal, riee, beans or pea^ind do more work, apdendure mere faJJgne tbea on a diet largely of meat, washeJ into tbe itonuoh with hot drinks, or held in tbe BtomaoU to ferment, rot, and emit aick- BDing gases, while digestion goes on in a Burronadiag ol fermenting -liquors, wliieh in their aoUon lift the man ner- vooa, Bpirltnal aDd pbyaiosl from his His natural, necessary equipoise, thus making the maahiDery run unsteadily to its destruction^ A Conide-jtioBi Poitm-uter. Apoitm-ujteranderBucbaDao, finding by bis " ipatrttctioDs" tbat be was U» report quarterly, addrtneed the followiug official onrnmpoiefltioD to tbe President: " ly 9ib, 1857.—Mr. Jas. Bnchanan Preaideut of the. United States—Dear Sir : Been required bythe instrnctiona of the Tost Office toreport quarterly, I know herewith foolfil that pleasiu duty by Teportio is follows: The harvestin has been goin on peerty, and most of tbe nabom have got their <mttiu dno. Wbeat la bsrdly a average crop; 011 rolet land corn iayallerisb, and wont tarn oat more than ten orfifteenbauhels to the nker.' The bealtb of the oommti' nfty is only tolerable, and phoWy Los broke out abont 2.and obs balf m\U» from here. There ia a -aowerfal awak- ening on the Babject of relfgion in'lbe falls naborhood, and man^foalsare beiu made to know their sins forgiven. Miss Nancy Smitl, a nere nnbor, bad twins day \MIQM yesterday, One of them is supposed to be a seven montber, a poor scraggy tbiog, and wont live balf its day. This Is about awl I have to report tke present quarter. Uive my respects to Mrs. Bnohattan, and subscribe my- self yours truly, "-•--, P. M. at—-,Falton Co., 111." Topnoodymade up bis mind that ho was not going to he bossed any longer by his wife, so when he went home at noon bs called oat imperiously: "Mrs. rojpnoody, Mrs, Topnoody !" Mrs. T. came ont of tbe kitohen with a drop of sweat on the end of tier nose, 11 disbrag tied aronhd ber he*^, and a rolting-pia in Ler hand. "Well, at*,"ahe' said, it'll you have V Topnoody stag- , bst braced up. "Mrs. Top- ,', I want yon to nnaeratand, madam,"—and he tapped his breast Iramafcically—" I am the engineer of this establishment" "Ob, yoo are, are Well, Topnoody, I want you to nndantand tliat I"—and she looked dan* gerooe—"am the boiler that will blow :p and sling tbe engineer clear over !nto the next county. Do yon bear the ateatn escaping, Topnoody ?" Topnoody beard it, and be meekly inquired if there was any assistance be eonld render in "The Queen Wears aCrown." During Queen Victoria's recent visit to :he Isle of Wight, she met two children in one of her rambles amid the beautiful scenery, and Bpoke to them, as ia her wont. Not knowing *who she was tbey iformad her that they were taking a walk is tho hope of seetDg her Majesty, rbom tbey had beard was on tbe island. I am tbe person yon seek," was the ply i "a ffliy tell your parents that *ou have spoken with (be Queen," The children gave her to nndenUnd tbat tbat "too'thin;" "for," said one of 1, "the Qneen weora a crown, but 'ba have only a bonnet on." Tbe ruler it the British realm -was highly amused .t that obsemtioQ, and gave the young- sters apiece of gold which was impressed •ith a veritable crown, and which was .nnocent of a bonnet. Married Women's Slavery. I s what respect is tlio condition of many a married women bettor than a Blave ? She works bard year after year, and has &roof over her head, a&d she is provided with food; so is the iilave. Ske most beg hBr "master" for a little pittance with which to bay the clothing 1 lot herself and children. The eUvo inster looks after aooh wants of his chattels -without tlieir asking. She has no freedom or independence. She dare not bay a. single article at the store till the gets' the oonWnt of the tyrant whom be oivil luwhfld made hor bubb,iti(l. 8be can have no will ebont even household ifinire that her husband disapproves of ; •be is aBlave in both body and mind during bis life, tincl at his death, if the survives Wm, she cannot, under tbe unjust and tyranicat laws of nearly all tbe countries in the -world, sell tbeprop- 1 erty which she hen helped to ueonmnhte nor control her own children without employing a lawyer and getting 8 special permit from tfae Oonrt. Good Adilctto-a Judge. QWebster W;Bbrongbt np beiore an Aastin Juctice of the Peace, In was tbe same old charge tbat nscd id father bim so moon in Galvc si on. After the evidence,wai all ID, the Judge, with a perplexed look, f<n{d : - • "'•' " Bnt I do not cmnpiebend, Webstar;' haw it was possible foryon to.steat Ihoso chlckena when they wtfre roosting right onder the owner's window, and there were two vicidna dogi in the yard. fi " Hit wcnian't Ho yer a hit of good, Jedge, for me ti> splain h o w l ooiehed dem chickens, fur^er could n't do it yer- wslf-it ye tried It- forty limes, am! yer might gef. yer bide fall of booksbot de berry fust ttmeyer pat yer leg obtr'de fence. De bes way for yer terdo, Jedge, is far yer tor-nay yer chickens in market. WORDS OF Wirooic—"Gem'len," uid tha old man as he got his legs -qudei him, '"a posson ; who labors under di jahdat lie am foolio' de world will sooner or later git degrand Intt A pas- eon oanVleceira'de-pobllo for a few dejs or a few weeks, bnt us soon ai dfi fraud, am exposed be tun a-gone coon. may stand yer hats 'ober on rear ears, an" bang oat ; yer bra&s pnffoway at yer cheap cigars, blit de toajoril-f of men will Bee right fn«wyou liSo 'a baks saw cbdiipin' np ohfiesc What we amwe am, an' let OB b'arin 'noibii"'de.'siilpinn 'fnpk" dat while skim milk boa its vnhm on 1 Its naea, it won't lako ioe cream nyr deceive de babies.' . Ciarusm be Dad A yoaog nan .wtose.mnuiacbe is lika faith—" Ibe evidence of tlilngi hoped for, tho substance of things not yet wnn," called ou his prospeatlTo latbor- in law and Bftva notioo that be friended th ld ^ l ' h old Eentlocoati'B daagbter downtonit yourself." This rerU^area|s.UQ1",early date/ '",}t Hkd'bfe'tter tike the editor and snggMts a -MytAt of. a Uaca og .m&$fflt ".-f thi^t-flU ij —-"•'" JI*»—1*- —ti.i.'-iis.1' 1 i_..i_»—* at. •—jp Bon6ol no|a~ " tho'oldniib. Keepfnr The I lend (Iran. Keeping tbo head clean is u great aid o health. A distinguished physician l baBspent much of bis time at qaar- .ntiae, said that a person whose bead thoroughly waabud every day, rarely ook contngioua diseaaea, but where the ir was allowed to beeomo dirty cnJ itted it was hardly possible to escape infection. Many persons find speedy nervous headache by washing the ead thoroughly ia weak soda -water. We Lave known cases almost wholly mred in ten minutes by this Bimplo nfidj- A friend finds it tbo greatest icf in cases of "roae cold," the cold symptoms entirely leaving the eyes and lose after one thorough washing or the iair. Tbe bead aliould ba thoroughly dried afterwaril, und avoid draughts of ir for D little whiie. Jewish Persecution. Cablegrams tell of no diminution ia ie persecution of the Jews. On the con- trary, theanti-Jewish feeling, and open losiility against the race, aeem to bo in- ireaaingin seferal localities, particularly tbroaghout the Ukraiue, where tho Is- raelites are very numcrona Their vtjry -irtnes—indnstry,frufrality and economy •are made grounds of compliant against em. MoreoTer, tbe singular accuaa- •n is brought ngBinst tho Hebrews tbat i6y are SVCTBOto litigatioii. Tbat might iike them disliked bylawyers, but tbe intipatly spreads among al! clasaes. n or the most part tbo Jews, instead of going to law, refer their disputes to be arbitrated oa by prominent members of tbeir race. What kind of Governments must tbey he which cunuot alike pruteot Cbristain and Jew ? X Bomedy for Dlplnerla- Stir a teaspoon fnl of floor of sulphur a ffico glass of wnter and give it to ;be patient to gargle tbe throat, with. In ten minutes tbe patient will be ont of Lnger. Ia extreme cases, when tbe ngUH has grown to -snob an extent u to preclude tbe '' possibility of gargling. Mow the'sulphur down th« throat with qailL This causes the fnngns to con- Lrtot, atia iben gargling should be re- sorted to. Or take live coals in a'shovel aoi! sprinkle n couple of spoonfuls of the sulpbor on them, and let the patient Inhale "the fames. This will kill the tangos.' The same remedy ia recom- mended for colds and asthma. There is agreat deal of insignificance in amore imiUtioa. You neod not say ontrigbt what jon think, becaas* a skit fol 1 tarn of a sentence will mnejonc porpow. "I don't know hawold aha Is." said one'wko wanted his listeners to drt# an Infer-Booe, •' bat sboit well pr8 . •ened; isn't abe V If he had expressed Jfa opiflion that shB was a'eonplS?oiS tfts -oJd hecooldnotbave Wda the lady in quwtioa murt diaqnsted. invent awful mean Pair boot .gent 1 Io *,enerab!e ffler- eba Ot~"r Te a -work \ m (0 J h ^ wi«a to owl yq-ac atlenlioo." VenwaWa mcMhiat-"Madam, t blush to tcOlyoa that m f education w nfrw J~gJ V*

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    !. D.A.8EAJUNQ, Agent.IV HtUt

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    e and t qnarlcnrpiLn, tn-. Ton, l;]0; four ooU

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    BOB EjlST PAYH*iWS.from 15 per month up j or will ba nntfcl lorriuon.rVr.iit, .lib prlnlurlif n l u i i t mjilmB -taa Bgreenpat talt LfreUloeqanifl theilmB taa Bgreenpt taltwhofc inoaDt W nstlt inldtbe oidui it become UH, nblritj » " ! ' ' " '


    of UieTlo r

    , Miiioo ti BatallQ Or(fina »rp,c«rt»ln]]r IbeV*.11n(lifl Snrlrf. hi*irE I.-ran'Mrh^t iw.nlU&rtrjom cr-tho Gnat World's IadditrltlEiinbltloni for morfl tli»n Ihlrkcn j n n , DOotIiritvAlturiAn.Oisui hfcflng.tioec foundM t f J l o t h e m * ' " ? . UlanV»ledOktktofii '

    u w a .H|in!W'O^^p^tf^j^giff^Sl..- (Union 8 i a»») Htn*|.1HtL

    BOOTS and SHOES!Having enlarged our store in order to better

    facilitate our increasing business, adding toit a work shop and leather and finding room,and haying purchased the stock and bookaccounts of Heinl & Co., thereby consolidat-ing two stores in one; also adding an im-mense amount of Spring goods to our already-large assortment, gives us, we think> owingto our excellent facilities for carrying on theboot, shoe and leather business, combinedwith our exceeding light expenses, advan'tages that no other establishment this sideof New York City possesses, to give our cus-tomers the best boots and shoes the marketaffords at the very lowest figures.

    LEATHER and FINDINGS.Although we have always paid some attention to

    this branch of our business, still we have never hadfacilities to carry it on successfully until this Spring,but now having a room devoted exclusively toLEATHER AND FINDINGS, including all kindsand prices of sole leather, wax upper kip, calfskins,sheepskins,blacksmith's aprons.shoemaker'stools,All kinds and prices of UPPERS, in fact everythingrequired by a shoemaker to start and carry on hisbusiness, and will sell everything at any of the NewYork price lists. A call is respectfully solicited.


    March 30tb, 1881.OPP. THE DEPOT,

    DOVER, N. X

    iro tioUtr tbnn siild clsuwlicregniilo new crop tc

    at 70 fits, iwiKo

    . One irriul will provo tbe fact.i 88i), i-cluilcil a t 70 cts. per lb.


    Our hiftli

    COFFEE!including liieti Old Mocha, QovrTDmout, Java, Mar&caibo, Santos, Bto are all

    Stettin ronated. Alwaje frenli.

    S U G A R S SOLD AT COST.ind Morria Count; will do noil hy pcrobflsing llieir

    40-1 jTho inhabitants of Dointer nnpp]y from UR.

    T H E DOVER LUMBER CO.iffora to builders the bent opportunities in tho purchase of LUMBER

    if every grade aud description including LOW PEICES nod tlio great

    .dvantfigo of having

    Iiumber Worked to OrderIJ machinery at the place where it is purchased, greatly lasfienuig the

    cost of building by the great saving in mamml labor. Our

    stock always includes

    Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsid LUMBER of every description, and eupecml pains ore taken

    to give satisfaction in evory partianlar.

    tnofl, President.IEBT, Sco'j and Tre&s.

    I. W. BUBIXG, Oen'l

    836. Spring 1881.> thn r^rlrrn at tl,i>



    Furnitureto any sold ctaowliore. In low pricedicOlum goods wo slioiv a great Tiriety.nnlitj ia tho DE3T, PRICES REASON-

    ABLE. Our name IN U well known In Monieid Bused countLGBAB Ju our own city. We111 furnhh your homai vrith OTorythiog in

    HIT line, including



    kT SHORT NOTICE.PAX yon to call on UB.

    I t will

    It mil'AT you to send goods to ns for

    REPAIRS. It will PAT jou to

    PURCHASE of us arid have goods

    safely delivered on our own wag-

    ma or by railroad as may be agreed

    ipon at time of aale.

    John Jeliiff & Co.

    NEWARK, N.J.»C1TMk.Ap^A.18Bl. J , ' • V



    DOVER. N. J.





    FOSGHNSof afl "rEB0BIPT10N&

    r y T. CEPORT,

    Ootmsellor at Law,- AITD H4S.?Elt IN OFANOEBT,Office ID tbe Hitlontl Union Dink BuildingSrarojrw^iiST., DOVER, N. J.



    751 BROAD St. NEWARK, H.l.

    |-tor«3rllnai tt bnlldfngt.'Mdtlncr


    MRS. KEARNSr*'ta call the ittenLIanof the

    i l l l t i t f a l O

    il l nn fatt Ihu mom It second tocounty; u[«gintljfreioBd(p»*Dt«1d *tm •p'vrt from hr other **""'

    ili fw cwho mny enanala tbocounty; u[«gintljfreioBd(ind papered *tm •p'vrt from her othna-ii, ifnidh OOSIIHII af3R0CEH1ELH, PBOVISIONS T0HA.0C09,


    VO-H-KD OB VOX KIGUT." It v » itle l u t nigbt when jcu retired I"

    - XM, mi*,- i Mid inn, m y , w n .iWliiudja, TIN, " fjr lUe birrid mm

    Hejuit (ajiodomtadoD.TLe more I tinted (be mote he flt.vo 1:

    I knew JOE fferawakefnl, too.And.I tnld him taihnt be wooldiiot go

    And what oonid ipoor girt flu »»

    "I t wia,vwjf Jste when you retired I"• 'Tei/pipi i- i fr iDklyiiW, '

    "For tbo man, you see, Jnnt talked to me,Thangh I jawned till myeyet men red:

    Ana I wont m fir.whontheolook ttawktweltAa to ftonot tha >iroba*«U ihtonflh;

    Bui—tho-ilupidl-ho iast woalJn't ieo—And wbatcaald a poor girl do I"

    " It wan worn than late wlei jon tetlred I""Why X tell Jan, pa I" I oried,

    " If I Lintel unoe to tho ttnuame daooe,Twai a hundred tintei beildel

    Why. I QTdS itld jou!d been Jn bedFur at leu! AT* hoan 1 knew |

    But bo tipped nil otair, and still u t tbore-So nbmt canlil a poor gl*l do 1"

    " Why, p»ptl" I lion-lily plead, ~Dou'ttliundorool Ihunt'i a man bolow ;And lici's wilt you hitOM-d, md aMd

    TLit HJO roiaî p wby he atafod ill nightas, that he wanted to seo JOB, too,

    Tliut be mlfflit uk for tbe hand Ig»Te—For wlia» donld »j»Qr girl do t"


    Editor of the Era: Tbe Ecg.Iih Estab-lished Church hat not huilt a (Jatbedralio EOR1OU3 the Etcfonnn(ion. IDever; Bihhoprio or Diocese tbronghoutthe kingdom tbe Catholic Oathedralshave been ntoA for this great cuitl grow-ing Ptotestont Oburcb. For man;,years tbe Ooqaty of Cornwall wasincladed ia tbe Dioaeafl; & few short

    ago, howo**or, thla County waoformed into a separate "Dincese, nowkitonu by the Cathedral City, Tniro.Dr. Benson is Biaiop and a hinder work-

    chrietiau men oaDnot t e found IDB parts. Tbe laigo portion of Bt,

    Cbarofa, baatfifin pulled down,for tbe porpoaa of makiug room to hoilda large aud haudsome C*tbedral, Hnv>ing a little apare time on my hands, Iwent on the grounds, and was showD thejlnna and epociBcations of tbe buildiog ;b istbo shape of a doable cross, largein splain howl ooieheddem chickens, fur^er could n't do it yer-wslf-it ye tried It- forty limes, am! yermight gef. yer bide fall of booksbot deberry fust ttmeyer pat yer leg obtr'defence. De bes way for yer terdo, Jedge,is far yer tor-nay yer chickens inmarket.

    WORDS OF Wirooic—"Gem'len," u i dtha old man as he got his legs -qudeihim, '"a posson ; who labors under di

    jahdat lie am foolio' de world willsooner or later git de grand Intt A pas-eon oan Vleceira'de-pobllo for a few dejsor a few weeks, bnt us soon a i dfi fraud,am exposed be tun a-gone coon.may stand yer hats 'ober on rear ears,

    an"bang oat; yer bra&spnffoway at yer cheap cigars, blit detoajoril-f of men will Bee right fn«w youliSo 'a baks saw cbdiipin' np ohfiescWhat we am we am, an' let OB b'arin'noibii"'de.'siilpinn 'fnpk" dat while skimmilk boa its vnhm on1 Its naea, it won't

    lako ioe cream nyr deceive de babies.'

    . Ciarusm be DadA yoaog nan .wtose.mnuiacbe is lika

    faith—" Ibe evidence of tlilngi hopedfor, tho substance of things not yetwnn," called ou his prospeatlTo latbor-in law and Bftva notioo that be friended

    th ld ̂ l ' hold Eentlocoati'B daagbterdown to n i t yourself." This rerU^area|s.UQ1",early date/ '",}t Hkd'bfe'tter tikethe editor and snggMts a -MytAt of. a U a c a og .m&$fflt ".-f thi^t-flU

    i j—-"• '" J I*»—1*- — t i . i . ' - i i s . 1 ' 1 i_..i_»—* at. •—jp Bon6ol no|a~ "


    Keepfnr The I lend (Iran.Keeping tbo head clean is u great aid

    o health. A distinguished physicianl baB spent much of bis time at qaar-

    .ntiae, said that a person whose beadthoroughly waabud every day, rarely

    ook contngioua diseaaea, but where their was allowed to beeomo dirty cnJitted it was hardly possible to escape

    infection. Many persons find speedynervous headache by washing the

    ead thoroughly ia weak soda -water.We Lave known cases almost whollymred in ten minutes by this Bimplo

    nfidj- A friend finds it tbo greatesticf in cases of "roae cold," the cold

    symptoms entirely leaving the eyes andlose after one thorough washing or theiair. Tbe bead aliould ba thoroughly

    dried afterwaril, und avoid draughts ofir for D little whiie.

    Jewish Persecution.Cablegrams tell of no diminution iaie persecution of the Jews. On the con-

    trary, the anti-Jewish feeling, and openlosiility against the race, aeem to bo in-ireaaingin seferal localities, particularly

    tbroaghout the Ukraiue, where tho Is-raelites are very numcrona Their vtjry-irtnes—indnstry,frufrality and economy

    •are made grounds of compliant againstem. MoreoTer, tbe singular accuaa-•n is brought ngBinst tho Hebrews tbati6y are SVCTBO to litigatioii. Tbat mightiike them disliked by lawyers, but tbe

    intipatly spreads among al! clasaes.nor the most part tbo Jews, instead of

    going to law, refer their disputes to bearbitrated oa by prominent members oftbeir race. What kind of Governmentsmust tbey he which cunuot alike pruteotCbristain and Jew ?

    X Bomedy for Dlplnerla-Stir a teaspoon fnl of floor of sulphura ffico glass of wnter and give it to

    ;be patient to gargle tbe throat, with. Inten minutes tbe patient will be ont of

    Lnger. Ia extreme cases, when tbengUH has grown to -snob an extent u to

    preclude tbe '' possibility of gargling.Mow the'sulphur down th« throat with

    qailL This causes the fnngns to con-Lrtot, atia iben gargling should be re-sorted to. Or take live coals in a'shovelaoi! sprinkle n couple of spoonfuls ofthe sulpbor on them, and let the patientInhale "the fames. This will kill thetangos.' The same remedy ia recom-mended for colds and asthma.

    There is a great deal of insignificancein a more imiUtioa. You neod not sayontrigbt what jon think, becaas* a skitfol1 tarn of a sentence will mnejoncporpow. " I don't know haw old ahaIs." said one'wko wanted his listeners todrt# an Infer-Booe, •' bat sbo it well p r 8 .•ened; isn't abe V If he had expressedJfa opiflion that shB was a'eonplS?oiSt f t s -oJd hecooldnotbave Wda thelady in quwtioa murt diaqnsted.

    invent awful mean

    Pair boot .gent1 Io *,enerab!e ffler-ebaO t~"rTe a -work \ m ( 0 J h ^wi«a to owl yq-ac atlenlioo." VenwaWamcMhiat-"Madam, t blush to tcOlyoathat mf education w.« nfrw J~gJ


  • THE IRON ERAThe Dover Printing; Company,

    PI'UUSHEHB A«D Pam-tnrroBi.

    .Saturday; July 3d, 18S1.


    I BONKEB IX riTBJt, If, S.

    This geiitiuiMui, who died at bii reridemwlu Dover at an earl? bour lu t BatunUj'morning was k dsoendantof old and hocwedNew Jersey families. On bin mother's eids

    ilfliii part ID Uey y . In 1T50 Joseph

    Jeir, uitL aid wife r>nd daughter, Bomb,caiuo from Ksglned ajd settled at EHwkbcth-town, H. J. He was a oommfinioo

    Tb* Mioenf tod MeduwlcV B«neroleDtj*ocIaUoD, of Port Oram, oalebraled the

    tvelftb aonivtrMrj of th»tr organ lull fa a daSttarda; lad. The weather being ill Uutooali ba dMlndtha hearta of old and youngware ohecred and at as early hoar tbe/ begaa to prepare thunselra for the OMMUIOH,with bright anticipation* of an IDJOJUMOday, in vhich they were Dot disappointed.

    TbU anniTerwrj d»j seems to hare a

    hit* naeeKtor* bore an iearly history of IbU

    chwit and o mber of Fbipi plyingp pttlwuen tliis country and EngUnd. Two

    mori! cliililreu, William B. ind Mary, werebom to him in Ibis country. About theyear 1775 bin three children removed to Sue-eamtiiifl Plainn and aottlod upon a tract of250 acres, owned by their father. B»rab,

    Fi R d l hthe eldwy

    rried Fbineu Filz Randolph.Bon Of tlio uoted Hartshorn Fitz Randolph,awl dlBd chilrJl«w. William B- marriedCstlmrioo, daughter of Hurt*horn Fit* Ban-dolpli, and bad but one child, wbo diedj'oung. Mary, the youngest, married AaronDay. ft Lieutenant in the EeTOlutlouftryarmy. They b«d two children, SarahElixnlKtb. The former d M in early lifeami Elizabeth married John Le TBVTO, a soiof Miuard IA Tevre.

    In 167J5 (be whip Griffotb, the first ebi;that came to Weht Jersey from London wiomi Brunts, brought over Hippolyte I


    : 01 THI rams' two HXCEAJI-

    Fetheand o

    gwlio settled at Sal cm, H. J. Froi

    e the Lo FeT«n cami to Eut Jersee of his deacuniianU, Minard Le Ferre,d at the huecasuDDft mine about tht

    Tfnr 1750. He there tnsrried Mary Vodaughter of Stephen Vail,and had fuur HIniid four daughters His son John, OB sUI<BIIOVC, married Elizabeth, daughter of Liet.nniit Aaron hnj. By this union lie*were elfibt children—Swab, V/illiam B,Louis Vail, Fblneaa Fitz Handoipb, MarJe\t, Uiuard Day, John Joseph and AarcDay.

    •ITio second of theae children was th* rojfet tit our sketch, vthn was born on the oJtaker place near Siieeiwunnn, at the footMint Hill, July U«l'. 1«M- N o t ̂ ' "B P°nr4nt

    Dr. Le FeTre'i family consisted of fivechildren-Joseph, Elitt, William, i. Davidand Louis. Of tfceM but two are living,William J. and Elizfc, Ute latter tba wife1L \V. Cortright, Esq.

    In Tery early life Dr. Le Fene BTIDIan interest in Diblicnl fitndiea and attractedthe attention of the paverul pastors of tbold church of BueCABunca Plains u a youngman of much promise. In 1B2G, daring thpastorate of Her. Peter Kanonse, lie con-nectcd himself with that churob and cineyears later was ordered a ruling Elder andsoon after served as dark of the session. Atdifferent tinea in bis lifs when chnroheiwere without ptatori U was hia custom toread cernaens for the edification of thepeople. While highly esteemed as a physi-cian, bis influence in lbs church, in theSunday School, in the causes of educationand temperance and other institutions fomoral improvement waa not surpassed bany of bia townsmen. In 1872, and againin 1873, he waa elected b? tbe people of bisAwembly District to represent them In th«Legiitotnre, which h« did ably ard to tfceirentire tatiafaction. He was aim for manyears an esteemed member of tbe New Jer*gey Histerionl Society. For more thanforty-flTe years a mling Elder in the Pres-byterian Church, and for fifty-five yearsexemplary ohrittian, he waa nuefal in Uf<and honored in death, and came to bis graviin a tultuge, like as a shock of corn oometlIn hit wason.

    Bii funeral services wen held in the I WbyterUn Churcb OD Tuesday, and v a n oon*ducted by his nld friend and pastor B«T. B.0. Wag1"! D. D., M«iate4 by E«T. "ff. W.Hnlioway, Jr., and Pierce Kogtra. AiUrttie ttrvice tbe remain* wen taken to Hurd-town and laid among taoM of Ui funllywhohadpnoededhim.

    . A Sad Lou.Chaa.De Hart Tuttla, son of Henry D,

    Tattle. Eaj., of Bookaway, dfed at the hotuuof his father, atSo'clookoaWedoMdayiing, ag«l 34 TMts and one month, Ha lot'aerly rtslded in Dover, where be was em-ployed in the store of Geo. Kiohards t Co.,and was at that time a member of ProtectionHook «nd^ad JerOompany. BeoanUy b* en-gaged In buineulD Ntm Tori, bnt \m thantwo month* *go contracted • fcuavj coldwhich terminated in polmonarj oonniap-lion and finally malted In hli death,« M sveoagmanof Bood bcaineai qnallfl-caUnns and upright ehanater, tnd was poc-wued of snob genial qualities that ho m auniversally astcensd faTorit*. His low willbe riueerely moorned by all who ai*r hadthe pleasure of nil acquaintance, and the•ympatfay for hb esteemed family is d « p an£tlneare. Els fun«rml will take place at 2:80o'clock this—Batwday—aftenooa, from theBockamy Preibyterian Church-

    U t t , but not by any Meant L a u triTh« »liov« t u B diy, jet they havs been Uker and •

    sliuntd be the chain that hinds ns tD-ind although «» may differ In oar

    loft. I atk WTiclf tfae question wbr sneh greatmercies and bletslngi bava been bmuowtd

    mo ind my brethren, I hare not meritedit and I iblok we nay all truthfully •*; w<

    Owl'ifavore. Tat;thinks I bear tbe answer coming from tbiCourt of Heaven direct from onr fathi

    " I love you, and I have prcaorveivon for a pnrpoie, and that II that ]on ahosllore me aod do mv will." How, brethren,

    mind that the fir*, and greatrnndaaiental principle or our looieiv ahonld belore, and while * • may Dot all thick alike aperhtpa cannot ice each otber'a vlrwi alike,jBtlovgeiheropinions thia chain should not be broken, bo I

    •huuld Reek to be more eloaeljr united bjthia great bond of low, and tbnn WB ibitl b<

    •g and continue to grow yet stronger ai•e a blowing to ths widow and orphan, aito onrseivci when ilok and needy. Oai

    efforts and influtmee will ba like hrcad

    tho waters wbiob shall be aeen ifteiman; days, when wo who are prnwot to-dimay have patted nff the it ige of action. Tbe

    g generation wbo ma; atand in out placeswill bo enabled to bleu God that BTOI tbeMinors' and Meohanloi' Benevolent Institutionwan organized ID Port erttaen while inforentiallj

    (the Inprcsaiuu tbst all others ars to beroked upoo with sniplciou.Tbat variout adnlteratlohs »M nsed in mak-ig Ice cream ii unqaeatlouable, but moat of

    ;hem, while theyimpiirtbe qoslity,ire other-n-lse harmtqas, bat I hereby offer a raward of

    my ouemmt or otbir perton who will etam-inoDnov's C M . M and will report any adul-teration whatever, or tbst Ii in any way lesspure In Ita materials to that of any other make,and I particularly challenge aoompariion withthe cresm made by the parlies named In ihaBegintw. Any one'who will walk past mystore in Broad street, or who will do me thelonor lo Intpeot the interior, will H e who does

    bmlneii in Hewark. leanmakeahnn-dred.kemea »f ortam wbUs aoms men arerotklngone,and 1 hiv. bnilt np a btulnesswhich proves tbe oonSdenes ot tbe pnbllo tnmy ability to famish the best tee cream torpopular use in the oity of Vewarit.

    V. Bnox, B7£ Broad St., Newark.This eekhi-aua cream, tn all flavors, la sold

    at MuntMi'i rtitannnt, la Dover, wbore plo-nlcs, festivals and luge paitltf wlU be sup-plied at lowest n tes . , . - •'

    D*M«U7 as » . > S I W C N I M I ,. Tbe uewspaper adnrtlsing'mgeboy of Ou-chy & Oo., having outgrown lha limits »f taeoffice at the comer of Foltoa and Oharch•treeta, hat own retsoved to Mo. 17 ParkPlace, wrner or Ohnreli street, wtere tba fltmoecaplta a floor exiendlnit throogb lha block

    HOB. H tod 20 Hurray atnet, a apace abrath y m f a e t . Aboat » feet of tba Park

    'laee front ii paitlUontd off for tka Oonntlngtoon and Privat« OOoe. Ssyohd, tb* walla

    are covered from floor tu calling with pigeon-holss for fllet of oewipapers,'and on one aids'tharoomiraannmberoratecYea,fiirolaaingaoas fur'aboat 8,000 fltaa. TheMnrrayBt,Dnt la given op to lha tibfpptng Departnoat,

    leavs. Danchy A Oa being also manafactnjsand dealara Is printers seippUes.

    Bolls, plmplMCB lhn fan, b i t Sha*n,«ialores, and all eatanaons erapUoaa disappear

    - maglo vhvn v Sr. LfesWc Blood Btaroh*Unssd. ' j

    Wonderful fOeccsaes lls« thotw or Btevrintlie Vindw-bUt*, or ths Altors a n wldiimreached by luck m secident. I t is the remitof something wituin thatoanmand«ia«.*'eiaand itla only tine tbat prom tktm as inchWhite pew discoveries a n daily brought for-ward how few remain u monumnuta or theiiworth. It ia tbe merit th&tlastg-ABTHUit'lELOOB OF SULPBUB for troughs, willsoonsumption, etc., first discovered or origin-ated attar long yean of atodf by • patlcnUasaaohaMtis obemlst, has gnwIuaJI.T prtTodItself a inccesa rron Mains to Oregon, indto-day na more snewasfn] preparation for tbecore or Throat and Long complaint! o»n belouod In tbe world.


    . If Jon have pttnplei, boila. salt ihenm, ronghikic, Ac, take "Lloinef, Blood Boarcbei 'Hold by all drogglsts.

    Jimf Fever,UBSSBJ. fitz Batw,, DrugRlat*, Owego, N.

    ¥.—E hsve been afilcteil for twtntj ycaro,daring tbu manlbs of Aogoit antl Beptember,with Hay Fever, and have tried various retn>-dles fur ita reller without succesi. I wa« In-duced to try your Cream B i l m ; bave oaed ilwith favorable reaalta, and can confidently

    ioumtnend H lo all similarly afflieU-ri. BoaBIT W. Tawnua, (ei-Hajor) filiiabotii, M. J,Price BO centa.

    For u l e by Taught A Killgoro,

    IKMBS. WHITE t Bunuicw, DruggdU,Ithaca, N. T.—X reoommoud to those g(as l bavsbeca) wltb Hay Fever, illv'a Oreim

    i ; iiive tried nearly all Ihe remedtei Xcould find, anil give tbi. k dwided preference

    tfaom all. It hai given mu fnimediato re-lief, O. T. STxraam, Hardware Uerobaut,Itliaca,N, Y. Bent. 8,1880. PrlwBO »nts ,

    Fm S i lB BT VCIDOBT & K

    All men and women wbo work bard withiind or body are snbjaot to periodical attaeki

    of bllliouanoBS, which may end In disorderedkidneys or liver and daogorom illuesi. A 50cent or 11.00 bottle of Parker's Ginger Touio'ill keep these organu Retire, and bj proyoig tbe attaok saro yon mucli Blckueso, IOBS of

    ;lae and great expense. Many families arelept in perfect health by using the Toniu whenprlog or Fall siaknesa tlireatent. Salay it

    hptiuoh times means diDgerHee other colum


    Son Su.* s r TODOHI k, EIEXODBS.

    AUCTION!The Bulnoriber will BBII at Publlr Auction on

    TUESDU, JULY 81b, U U , ihe fayiidlDg newoocuDfci) by William Simon, ou Hannex etreot.Dover. 11m main liuilUiog is 31x18 feet, s l i . iIront, wilb bitcbtn In rear. Halo poj.itifely it

    o'clock P. U,, on the promises.WU. SIMON.

    .JUDHONO0E, Auctiouoer,

    CARRIAGESor every description made and mid at


    Blackwell St., Dover.

    Tbe'beit materials, Utest uenigns in con-strucMonand the most cntn|)ctont workmen,rae the apeoialiies of Iho ontablieljuiuiit.

    Geo. McCracken.Dover, N. J . , April 8th, 1BH1.

    W. 8. 00LX.ARD,KAKUl-ACrUHEa DP

    AWNINGS,for stores, offices and dwellings. Alao Onriaee trimmluf! and furaUu'-n upholatwine i111 it* brancbea. HorriB St., Dorer.

    L«tt«ra reuiaining nnclalnin thePost Office at Dover.>. J.

    ut,H. J.. July2d. 1881.William Ann ear,

    Patrick°F°'lMallen,J. Peterson,Jolm RimelH,T. T. Williams.Joseph Wlllitms.

    tboTo letters sty "td

    Ltictiatl Enderer,Bicbard Williams.

    Toobtainanyoftbce date of this Ii0 .0 . HINCHWAK, P. M.

    •jlTYsv-HleiuofBinal! Prodis upprecittted.I r l Quality nud nurkiuatisuip of ttif bent,

    Mj tkiuubH rur libarsl pntroDBge in tue pant,OrUurit by telegraph meaneugEr or telopudoeleudtiU to.

    JOHN JONES, Undertaker,I y _ _ _ ^ ^ llockaway, N. J.

    J V l A l t U H O I J .

    LANO-llENJAHIS^On Iho 23-Oo Jone Kill, at Uendham, LOUIBIKUoe, [.nnghtttr of Theodora and th? itJoanna If. Slead, lo tlie 23d vear of her ige,

    LEPEVTlE-in Dover, June 26th, William B.Lerevre, M. D., aged 77 years,

    DECKEB-\t(hR Aivtnm. Jane 17th, Uarll; D. Dtcier. aged fi years ami U montbs.

    L0SEY—At Dover, Jone 19lt>, Ellsabuth If,', afred 79 jeari aud 4 months.

    ONDETIDONK-At Dover, June SSd. Iskae E.Oadcrdunlt, afred SI years and 4 months.

    TO1T1E-At Booksway, June «9lh. Cfasrli." " -West son of II. D. and B. A. Tnille,

    'ears., Fanoral on Saturday, Julr-psat two o'olook v. u. from It

    residence of bis parents,QAUOAH—A. Hiberula, June 2Sd, Ilossi'

    »on of Jotiu and Uary Ann O*ligsn* sfiedTears aud 1 month.BUILDING FOB SALE.The bnfldJngOB fluuex sfreot, nowotcupiiI Charles H Maatoa ai a r«.UurJn»,ffcied rot sale, the purcliiter to reniore it 'ome other location. Applv at nnoo at (1

    office Of OEO. KIDHARD8.


    iir, aad, .... IITRB

    90-Str ANDBEW ^ K E I l , Mt.

    Also one two-rear old HelTer, with c-year oiaBeifors with C»IT(


    w o w , ao Hereby letolie BdaUd Fobrdary 14th, IRS 1, slamationB in re re t ( idestruetioti or all d

    t l i f

    e to Ihe indiBcrimluetioti or all does rnnntnr BL I

    rate limit i of tbo Town of Dorunder ray Lao,.

    . Town of Dover tin's 29ih 180-lw 0EOR0K HICH

    -'orporito (tnl rft T r J 1H€|

    lowJa lo»aii,;



    A propertj namprHiCR thIrtj-llvB »creinor t j Impro.rf, andlooairf utOan nl lei rrem Do»ei on ••,0

    Obecter. On tne pretultea i.

    FINE RESIDEHOE, BABRudontllODMi. Aha k Uttnct hoose. rientjd Mod frctt, M T ] ; u d ]A(e, and . .er r flniiprln«or».tet»o«Mh»ho»«. ApplJ to

    USU. JANS B. WILLIAMS,on thfl Drntnlnefi

    H. P. SANDERSON,1Mb* In WaOOR -ana (UBfiUai WOOD TOBZ,

    UFTOBTia OCTXB DEPOT.raEELS,aaltmu|r.00p«rflet. Allkiadj

    •f PIKE COLORS lor oarrlius and n s o o»l«Ujig. Alao OILS and VAKN1BU Atb'SreljnMiaDiiineatio. T m r o r m . , - W B I T .AUD, tAe. Faint, Oolbr^g and Vami.Ii

    Bnuhaa aid flUping P»nd l . , . toll nook.A l l a Uu a b o v good, tram Uia baat mat.


    - FIBSTry rich in appearance. It is lightin weight nnd made in maDy beau-tiful colors nnd ehmloa. Tho pricef this particular lot, to which we

    low refpr, is thirty-five cents fortho black anil forty for any color.Tho identical gooda noil for fiftycents in the city. Send for samples.

    A now article has lafoly modo itappearance in BLACK G00D3 ; man-

    ufacturers are very enterprising,ontinually inventing new fabrics.

    This, -which we now refer to, isalled TRICOTINE, an indoseribft-le material, worth $1.25 a yard

    for tho beat. Aet to GOO it whenpou are in or send to UB for a Biun-ile if you cannot get in. Of thesbeaper gradeB of DRESS GOODS we

    ave an uimsnally large assort-ment, and wa propose to sell themto 70a as ofacap aa the lowest.

    W. S. BABBITT,MoHBisrowH, N. J.



    FRED. I BABBITT'SClothing Haf I,





    3!a^O3>arM?H OX-1 .TTTT.-yReliable Cutters, fine materials,

    lowest prices and the best satis-faction given-

    STonrw «'irvnnrs'T'SPRING BARGAINS!V̂n inspofiion of his Spring gomln will naliuf}' buyers that Imrnnins

    are to bo had at Ilio store of

    WM.H BAKERwhere is now displayed a flno antl seanouaUe slock of

    DRESS GOODS,ombracing nil now and desirablo i tterna in various kinds of goodn

    for Spring woar. This stock is also supplemented by a full liiio of

    .M uslins, Cambrics, Ginghams,and all other fabrics in tbo way of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Also

    a largo stock of

    LADIES' FANCY GOODS,including a full line of HOSIERY. In

    GROCERIES Mia PROVISIONSwa have all the (staples, and n very carefully selected ansortment of

    PINE TABLE GOODS.A specialty of our house ia always a comploto lino of

    which will be fonnd to meet every want of llie household in (hiepar -titular. A careful inspection -will show that in every department weuavo endeavored tomeet public wants at prices that will insure pop-ular favor. r r


    Dover, X. J., April 27th, 1881. DOVER, N. J

    HIVEY 0. Pmnrt,AOTKLTOSB. J m ,T L


    •nnoanoiiii: Ibnl Iljsj h«v« made nrrnngemeola with M B . AronKw P .Wl -T . or tboO n e . ™ , (Ohio) H,Rh Behoal, to take cb.rge. a. Priucipjl, ot tbeMoBBi A0A-DKMT, at the oonimeni;eJneDt of tile npi t floudemic ^efir

    M». W E S T is at presont nb > M t from Iho onuotrj, but ̂ ill return before tlioopening of Ibe «chool in BeptBrnlwr. Ths informntion which He Direotor. bnvoobtained as to hie eliaractor and qualifications comes to them from BO man? dif-forept aoui-cea, and ia eo uniformly and decidedly favorable, that Ihoy fofl follylastiBcJ ID nmurioB Ibe friends mi pntronj of tlie Acndemy and the 'nubile - i .•rally, thaUin i , in all respect, fi.toi lo fill Ihe position ba bos .s.nined

    M B . T i l l i u i i o l , fho present msiilont, will rerjiain.Morniitoyn, Juno, 1881.



    COLLSOE o» Ksw jKBSirr, 1PxmOETOH, N. J. , I

    M B . AMIIIEW F . WBST oradnnted i t Princeton College in 1875 'with 'bi«hlionors, nnd *itli very mnrkeil noslleueo iu clasaiool and literarj itmltci Hetook onr Cluiaieal Eollo»abip for lhat jcar. * " ' " " " " •

    Mr. Weal baa since tben Lad mueli eiperienao in prepariaR vonnff men forCiHeee, and In eenera] eoliool maimgemeul in oonneotion with tlie Hioh Soboolc[ Cincinnati, Ohio. HiH pnpila hnvo nntered Princeton, HorraTd Yale andother Collogc. miu the high.»t ereait, imd woo honor, in their con™.

    We know Mr. Went to be uot only H njao of Bnperior oharaeter and an nc-plislied ficbolnr, but a teacher possessing in a rarfl degree power lo win andilllato Lis pupils, and skill in all tbat pertiini to the mo»t anooessfnl m.nago-it of a soliool. .TAUES MOCOSH. Pretidmt,

    W H . A. PACEAED. Prof, tjf Latin, Ac,Joan T. DrjnniLD, Prof, of Matitmrtia.LSMAN H. ArwATKB, Prqf. of Logia,&c.

    ®'™ HBKBT 0 . OAMraow, Prof, of Greek, .,Ith pflimissifin lo emniino tbom before payinR ; or any pe:«ou wisbiuj; to la'io a vktcb,

    ipon ilrpo«iiiuRthe uniount in iha Niliankl tjulon Bank, CAD carry ihe i i m i Ur oreomith, nr» !IP can bo convinced ho b"S what he wnnln for, and a Roort articls. BPICI-VLHSCOUNT lo hotels aud mtmrftDifl. AddroBsall oommuDioUioDH to

    ;ri|ile pla

    CHARLES F. H0AQLAN1), Dover, N. J.


    ;«»inSE will pay a gtoond di.irk-n,. ur FIFTY•P.il CENT, tn its dotHjutom nn ind ifuUNE 51H(, 18H1- D«ttositors tru reque^Sod

    l i k d got tLiiit divijemtatlj can.


    18H1tlicir books

    . j as IIIPT cotivuNicnD. A.Nl taoLAS,

    To L S

    Trcsa.Horristown, N. J., Jane 30,1181. 2fl Si





    I I I W . J B tin hand • fall in3 freih itock of

    REASONABL.IL: PEICEH.It UoegQ't nav to BippnnitJnt wltb flour. Askor grocer for tlia famous

    VIOLA, BRAS3O,(1 Uke DQ other. It I . . | i r . r g Rood_saa LeUnd npnn .very lime. H.nderBOQ on tlti.

    ao . hrand iner.aa.d U i flour t n d . £00 Dor1



    BUsfl boss are ripe- Fall thorn to-day.

    Mr. Jero. Hokisr in enlarging his h^ol At


    Tlie frame of the new U. £ , Gtragoh at

    Mil ton is up. It is 28x86.

    Wm, Tuttlc, of Booka-way, lias gone te

    Maino, to engage In mining.

    The Stanliopo Band will RO to Ijaffl

    to help celebrate t ie *th of July.

    The Pobt Office wilt tinge ftt 10:30 A. U. on

    Monday mm remain cloned all day.

    The ynndcDRvillo, B>., bmns boo* is ei-

    jjbtt-jd at WooJport on the Fourth,

    Mr. and Mrs. Johu Houo, Jr., of Morris

    towu, Sflikd for Europe oa Saturday. '

    The ground is being clenred for the

    car Kliopa oE tbu Dover Tron Company.-

    Mr. M. KiugKbtirB remo-jetl this week tc

    his (.pleudiJ (ju art ere In the new block.

    Tue wotitlcock hoimm optnn next RfjnrlJi

    They Bru reportucl very tcurca in this sectio

    Tho trinl of ti-foiiKruRtsmftii Vnorhefia

    lo bepin iu ILa United Btales Court ne


    Tlio IX, L. & W. rond Lave declared a

    rjunrti-rlj, dividend of l j per tout., pay

    July 20th.

    The J'nurtb of July will t« nbaerved al

    lilooimiigdiilt), with Ibc Uiugwood Band iu


    Ntw Turk I'urticH nro erecting a club

    liouuu ut GrtLiiwooil Luke V2tSt feet, two

    It. M. Boyd, Jr., of Morristown, lina re-

    omvcj a prize fur Lit tin itt Vulti Colluge

    Mr, Jas. H. Culeiimn, of tliin county, ia

    making Ihoronub work iu cluturing tlie

    utreela of NJIW York.

    i'rotcflion Hook tied LaiJJur Company

    liftvn pngftg.'d tho Dover Drum Corjn for tliu

    I W t h of July parade.

    A Btray hnrsn fouml nmr Ililinniin, lout

    Newton tlio night before.

    Our Oornfcti rcodf-rs iufind an iotcrfBtinp letterEngland on our Brut ^ago.

    Dorer cclebrntCR thin yeSCO) in tllD treasurer's han

    e church at Bohoolej's Mountain hadbeen fnaiAed with a naw boll. :

    Every nierohimt ehoild hare hla bnafaenrpreaotted in the parflda oeit Monday. - 'For • aeuon of ecjoymect QQ Motw3»y

    »; « » f | r t t j i ^ ( p * l o at g t j ^ j ' e grove.The Morridtown Piret Nition.? Bnck has

    declared • tetci »nni«l dirldend of ronr per

    Sorer dewme grwt ortdii for Uw llbertli ! hih ti 4th jtflWjflfctfM

    Tberu are now about fifty famibw at J

    Eemember tbe fntival and eterotoaaJh* SuMMunna U. E.Cburohon the

    It is Catherine, t u i not Miry Hu$faao, uwe Btairfkatwwik, whowa. ienteDCDd toJ*U for laroony.

    Ur. 0 B. fiiglayhu Hold out his inlin the WaihlngtonfltM-to MB partner, Ht.!i. Vantorae, St.

    Tbe National Union Bauk this week de-clared a •wrai-wmual diridsnd of four par

    mt., p*y»b!e July l e t

    An immense preeaof work this veek hasrerouted UM giving our local department

    much attention as usual

    Prof. Jas. Strong, 8. T. D., ot Drow Run-inary, bw revived the degree of LL. D,from

    T. H. McGratb. the aodtrUkar, luu putout a fine new aign In front of kU nUoe oftidiness en Blnokwall street

    Postmuter BiooDman's new ItoproTemanti tlie arrangement of tbe hoi eg at the postffico ie a derided public convenience.

    Ktv. Dwlght Al. Seward, D. D , lata mew Providence, was installed pastor of tb10 Plymouth Church, Portland, Me., lastcell.

    Rev. J, H. Meredith, of Jersey City, madti-mperanco address in the First M. E.

    Immh last Hiinday evening, whinh Ic highly

    Tho D., L. & W. Jtnilroad Company havei.iilo H f, 1 a d H rv' sblo Job byreplsnk-ig i 1 rn (, the r ov rbead bridge on

    w o p nts of the brich blookn 1 d n o black and gold

    i 11 r 1 ct crtdit on any buB-ty

    1 ] t f.t fl McDavil mmle thoh I B it VH Bnundl. Prop.I t 1 i Bold to Mr. T.

    [ M a


    All not™ ftillinff dwxm tlif lid or -Uh i

    bn paid on SiiUiidiiy, July 2il, nn tho hi

    will be dofiL'd on Monday, tbo 4th.

    MBJOT Ilidiitnls him revoked liif prt

    matiori authorizing the dehtrudiuu of duKs

    Tunning flt lurg© without imiKzIow-

    "Strawberry trnine" were run Him wools

    fr«n Central New York ovtir tlio Delaware,

    Luckcwiinmi and Wos'eni llai'roiul.

    It is reported that a Mnsonia LndRo will

    soon Lo organized in Slnnhiuie, ttml tliut

    they are lookup after a hall in Kouth Sian-

    Mr. llobert W. Elliolf, AKK

    tfindunt of tint PotUvillo

    Ociupany, wan iu Iowa tlio e

    ctnnt Stiporin

    ron cod Stiw

    rly part of thi

    d. U. F. Oru

    iB oonttructio

    scx etri'et

    nd Wta. Simon will

    on Suasox, etri'et immediately after the


    On tbe fith of July, 1810. ioo formed an

    thick as window gUti jn tho State of No™

    Jeney and vegetation was nearly nil de-


    Nelly, the little three year olil rtmightir of

    Mis. Water, of Ibe KinaYrgarten school.

    died sodden lj» m convuIsiony on JJoudfty


    The targe planer wli'oh wan injured in Ibu

    i n at l h e D . , L . 4 W. BbopabBB been re-

    turned to Dover—for use in tbs new shojin,

    Hev. H. 1). Opdjke, o[ Dover, will lecture

    on temperftDf*L> in ll»j Prosbjtcrinn Olmreli,

    Buccanunua, TutJbday ur^ninif, July fitb, ut

    7:80 o'clock.

    Dr. John J Mills, ol Kockaway, we rcpret

    to learn, proposes removing; tn Foutfliktipi1-

    Bie, H. Y., wLoro ha will follow his profes-

    sion of duutintry.

    Tho MrthodiBtfl of New Fmindlmul have.

    purchased land for n graveyard, 'fhey will

    bold a festival on ths Fourth of July to raise

    A fire liroko out ft littlfi nftrr midnight list

    Saturday night in GiWnr*nslinn Rlnro, Mnr-

    risiowo, which «as eitingu blind btfuru much

    damage wan done.

    The Dover public schnol closed tho yri*v

    yesterday afternoon with ft vnry flno pro-

    bo it r prevents a report.

    Mr. T. J. SlRiiRhtpr, o( Marl's™, mid

    $17,000 worth of toots from Ills placa last

    year, Last winlerha told tiandredflol roses

    at wholesale for SI each.

    TcoDor predicts a lrnt and stormy July,

    vith frconcnt dissstroiw ntorun of wind.

    c»ia ncd hail in thoea scctiona whero the

    June storing were norcrcly felt.

    Warton King, a highly rcBprcted yonne

    mm of Minn Hill, died on Friday of last

    veek, Eis father, a prominent Htiwm of

    that pi toe, dud loss thno a ye\r ago.

    It is stated Ibnt apples nro fall in e prema-

    tursly from the tree a, and tbat tho crop.

    lrhloti promised to be a fair ono, will prove

    a fiiluro. Pear trtes nro full of fruit.

    The Easton EspreBB on Tue-day eveninc

    struck and kllh-d Wm. II. Wilkinnon toii\

    Mary Cohc, who worn walking on tho truck

    between Briok Church and East OmngB.

    Mr. Jfts. Heagan, did » rinky, bat plncliy

    act, on Wedutsday, iu soizing and stopping

    a runaway horaa which wiw trivftlinp nt a

    Llfih rot© nf npcect nbng Blnckwcll stroet.

    A rivnlof VeiiDor, who is en astronomer,

    rrfdiets on excessively lint July. But it

    will liojiifit afiwtll to h-nvo lliu stuvt-H in

    pohiiion anil keep tho eitrn bed clothes

    Dorer will proIuMy celebrate the Fourth

    in n gmrdcr stylo thnn nny oth«r tn*-n in

    Korihern Ktw Jersey. Tlir-y IMVO ruiaed

    thoiiiouny to carry on Ihr pi IUH perfected by

    tho canimittM-R. Susfiei HiTivM.

    The winnf>rol tho pig on Hondny nei '

    will Rtit 125 p'Huidi of pork- Tim condt

    tionti n.ro thut tho pig miikt bo cittgLt hy a

    pt'tson entered for ihe ehtint. nort held hy

    the tail (ill Ibe nrrivnl nf one of tbe judges.

    The P.. U &. V. It R carri-rt durinR

    Mny 3(U,fiGO IOI>H of o' held ill thn nftrrno'Hi find PTMIIIIR nud

    P Urookhido braKB bnud will b u in atttn-

    r 3. fi. Lynn, «f Tloontmi, IHF.1 week stoned

    KI ppfff-d Amzi (Srime, rfprPKcn'inR the

    rum llrolhtrti. Tinker wnn nrro^tdl nt n* opi>i)eaao ball nlnb. tho Bed Jackets,cnt tn Chester BatariJft? and played 1 Rame1th a nine thcro and came off victorious,Yanniet's hotel ba* bee nepened Tor tho sen-

    in and has quite a number of gueite.Tha MoLbodlst people will m e every means

    j ranko Oieir rcitiVal a BDOoeia, and dual re toie ail tbelr friends i t bone and fnm abroid.he proceed» of tba fair a n to.bo put toaHMI purpose and It * lion Id be liberally pat-

    Mine Hill- . -On hat Wednesday Mr. Mlobael MoKallyLtrrnnirromthe icishore. TbatheoticflmbH died away Irora fait ebeek and tht con-imtjtlve onosh baa RIYBU place to a paw.

    rich rOdtuiBuee. . . . ' - ' - . ; *TSr, Warren Kyiff died in last fiotardar. Bli'

    ranptal wu largely attended on Uoailar after-. Tb" decoaaed made nucy friemlr/jip

    ireonnt of i l l CTOF kind and Rontl«nsntysqtioo*. *bo now moora bit tntiinetT cldtnlto.

    Mr. Ca-id JenMns.b.vinK hailt aa addltirfo.'liii-tnnie i j u f a a ths wbolo bulldinir

    tialotPd wbiohaddi aunthCrobtrra lo It's man?b»l now idors oot yiljfctjie TlltDTf. .The Pnnftnbrinl* will be celebmtfi) faere

    with thPi»nilKraiidil«pU.v.: ThMnn will bad hlne.»ll-d«j and are orackera aod

    loriicdoca [toV.pBokigeii) will be net pIT^t(tateil intemliV-RefrfitoiflolinJlj'I.ehtiit(heuttHalatiiiaK.whioh In'all proiablllt*, *1|1MUM, th« eaiebrstton and fcitivltt^i or the i%j

    up In tb* ouU»r eicitlDg mannir.

    • j--v ' • •".. y n " a * ? r *

    Hr. rilfred-BearfOletli, formerly or «bl»tior/ctriKulJiU flrkt year aa Frinolpal of tho

    Cedar OiDrflTpablioBohnol In Zuex roonly,an oihibition, whloli vu attandDd by

    formerpopihl of h ' ' frotn.Cneitu* and PineBrook, i The hall of the ichpol wu erowdta*n& a, otpltai flnteitainmeat slveo, and Mr.Beatt-Clcrk wia nrpAwe£ by bshif. proaentedbyUli pnpiie with an elrpint aoHd froln chain,the itaiaUtt, W n Brains, nceiilnir a haad-iotD« album.,. Hr. B*an-Cjerk.a«nni to beipteoJated it Oedar Orore as hla aalarj vaa

    hl gMr. Minrlcft L. Jlinck, of thfi place, U

    been «DRiced at an atten&wt at the UorriiPtaEtiaiLonitld A'jtnm. ' -

    John Nlonolu llvea ueu Belgoli*Qla, Wir-ren Oaattly, and n tua strawberrln. Daringibe feiaanJbe aold *,B00 qnirti of tbna tonic*at an averaga of 9j cent* a qtiart, or tfOB Fortba lot. All tbe labor ipant on tbe pakb

    ' li waa an. aors In atcs l ) wn ono ~

    PORT MORRIS.ni aow tbe barren Juuro*l risei toe plun

    itbat It «*• at * Fount* gf Jatf cslebmionin' Mil Her. T. B. Ltndoo deUrond

    that speech for which taf Demoorallo frioudinformed me he waa going to be tarred ifatfaend, and the jear w»« 1B0S.

    Tliat isoorreot. " I t WM to fare bee IoB-ptrlinn eeUbfailoD, tnd Mr. Laodoa ii mtnrined b/om of tUo editors of tbia paper

    (Hr. Bimerian I gneaa). With lhi«jdlog ho*o«pt*d thainvltttioD to speak,initeaa of acting In good faiU), lie

    K ana radical BepsbliBaji addreu, whlohwu KB laflalt to every Democrat present. A»a oomcqaenea gnat ezciUmetit followed atthfl speaker and Jipesoh were both bittarlf.d«aouiit»d. But tbat a committee- tie*ilmii

    liouaa for tho purpoas of tdmini*terio({him a pent of tar and feathen U abiolntdr

    ry puttanhr. It ii an old etylnittat "aKBiltyoouHJonoo aaodt nosooater,and the rarerond gentlomnn l«Jt thnapeiker1

    atand at tbe oooolniloa or uls jpeooh anbis fiouia tbe reniainder cf the

    day, and avenir.g. If bo. over iinaslaed thamjbodj' oalled for the pnrpoae of doing binHrjwnal *ioleiiM, It was panmd bki DO fonndiition whstevsr la faot.—VntToq Jonrcal, Jane I7tb.Inj*y«*T, tobofiiu will, Jjjtt tnyaaqaaint-

    aooe with Ur, Laodon wu rery aliRlit, that herepooin onrhablUof thought and HID ring-iE Ungmgi> (if Bob Bntkr thon raight not bv1 ftoud tiele to-day.Prauh fliuith Rfjes to Bilt Lnbu City io tiko

    Itargo of a bat /aelorj wbtcli ia ioln£ to beisftod there pretty Boon.

    I had not tantad beer or nbi»ko;lu tiroraaad eight monthn bafnre last Tuesdayrniog," aaid a iloui looking man to me the61 daj. "Then I here came a lit tlo babyighter to our house, aod the boyi tboaybtnfibt to treat. In my joy »t tbenewarri*aliopfrbt 10 too, and wittt aereotj dollara lopockek I vent ont to treat tbem. I lire

    it I D Penmylntula. Tbo next thing I remnin-Iwsa ln Hnbohen, pennilnsa and friend-,. IdidDOtknon aalDKle wal. Who I

    line to my weavsa ami realiard m; fiitnatfnc,nn^ht I would go crary, My poor wifeb a n .vnnied hnrwlf to death hy (bl»-It will ba a week to-morrow aincs I left

    lonte. I begged (be condnotor of the paiien-•vi train to tike an order on the companjl

    -k for for the afnount of the fore. I barest the mnnoy thoro and tbe order wonM bare

    »i flood aa gold, Bnt'bo «ald b* coolilI told my tlory to a* jaaag man u-ound

    ie ,v»rd. He took ms to hi* I10010, God bleisim 1 gavo tne my tapper, bnt I could mt oit.took a cup or OOODS. and that il ill thai hiantereri ray month since, i r tbe beat dinner

    nai befors man wai offeted me I cnnld» t anylblnR, l aw no full, I might liars

    elegraphsrl' la Hr , bnt I am aabaniedVben I wort for a man I like bio to have a

    od opinion cf me, and reapcat ma. But nhiw ean any TO»H rcupect a nan wbn bat no••prat for Uirajolf ? I dec la rs Wyou,now;i111 norer flrink anotlisr RIBII of be

    wbftley while I lira nor bn; % gtisa foibody elw tQdrink. lam no profMulonil tramp

    :—look at my h**a*." His big,were fall of tcara u he optaed tilt

    btndi wbioh told Tdryptilnly tlio irulh of bliuicrtlcn. "BoratstnypiMbook&tthettorewhore I trade ana tbat la mr »ama on tbs

    ' He Wit taken to tbe boarding hooM,jot lila anpper, whleb ODD of t ie boya pdtl for,*aa waa «aiJt home io ble wife and baby rejoic-ing. I withhold faia name and retideice br-»nta I boiler* tbe experience will be good for

    rmbllib tha vtory became it may bewortb white for somo of- your readeri toreoiember it.

    My soldier friend OTJonnell thongfct I hithim too bard In tbe Eai a ihort time aftWell Z iotonded to nit him hard, but It don'

    to h*to doae him any ggod. Somebodyit thronah him" l ie other night and took

    thirtr-two dollira oot of hli pocksti. It willa bleailng to him If wmebody will rtrat all

    Iho (oooej he hia got and compel bin to go towork again I am afraid tben will be a run•rat tnwfd Btanbope befora t n g If they don'lad l will fatvb to fimcb. anotber ftmeral*rtaon. « t '

    1; T, G., £ 7. Hainea; B. a.. Willn:Wciler; Treasurer, Thunaa McOmnii'; Trua*tees, Barnaul PeUirion, Pttter Mowery, A, A,'MabMry. . " _ '

    Mr, 3. W, A. Ut. ttia geaial op*¥at«loo, will pleaee aocrpt my thaoki lor tlitvedillngake. K came to hand all right andMm. D. J . saya it ia j nst too nice for an jthh

    John Groeudrko, our night dlsoatolier, aMIM Fausy BtackboMa, uf HUobope, WQIOuuuritd Saturday night. Ho tbey go.

    Tbe Ktto Boolctj met at Un. 8. H. Oroa-aon'a but. The next rarotine; will be held atUra. Bwder'a, WedJiotday orUI1tug,"JulT tilb.

    TMore win no aerrloe in tbe Prei&yterii•Unroll, Stanhope, Ian Sunday. Tbe paitoiwta awar.MV.W.H.SUekhtmie la rAmodeliog hit b<K lady and her baabnnd oame frim Floods

    Uat w«uk with tbe intentionHopnUong all Summer »nd retaraing to FlopIda in the 1*11. Tliey bad'nat got fairly 10I-tled at ttie Lake View Hnaae when en old lad;who ]|rea In tbe neighborhood came along and

    njt*d to aell tbem auuia "yarbs"mid be a rare care for malaria. " Ia thenaoU( malaria around hare?" aiked tbe lid.

    from the Sunny South. "Oh lota," was thiNext day the Southern family left,

    1). J.

    }lay jour hardwire, paints and agricultu-ral Implements of Kioe t Stephens, GermanPaliey.K.J. -

    All potent medicines and other prepara,advertised In thia paper are Bold at tbe

    iriok Drag Store,

    .The cheapen! place In Ifals oounty to btrf«, nets and blankets Is at Kloa &

    :ephenH, German Valley, N. J.

    . Mann will have two bowling alley*Roing on and after to-day at his place on

    E street. Tbe best exercise in the-orld.

    Bolitho, the popnlnr loe crram denier,rarpoKCB to supply the people with ice creamin the 4th of July and will have 1,00(1 quart*>n hnud for that purpose.

    Money saved in buying your Boots andBboea al Crane's now Hhoe Store, Soutbatroet near P,irk, Uorrialown. Haadquarteri

    all kindn of Sewing Machines.kiuddUHed Lemonade mskcanglasaof lom-

    mode In ono miuule equal to tbnt made fromih lamoiiH at much lesa oost »»d trouble,j Bt J. A. aoodsle's Ited Front Drag


    Mrs. 8, Trewarlhn, on Sussex street, hasfull rnipply of flreworltH, Qra crackers,

    ipu, torpedoes, piKtol̂ , and everything elnesquired for lho l'uurib of July. Also a flueit of children*!* toys.

    N. OhrietensRii, tho enrpet weaver, onn Ktreet, oppoHilo the depot, mafeei

    n ih.i oRti:l auitU'Ht patturiis, nml ul tliu most res

    nable \:tiai:a. Cull on him.

    0. 8. Jfiim-a, tbo reliable carpnt wearer,

    ;nin ail is attention to im \i\waa nf business,

    the old Prenbytorinn Cburob, whero bo

    ICH tho 6ncet work ia his line al tho lowest

    •ice*. buLittfuotion nlwuyB g m n .

    "Finely flavored and low in price." This

    tho verdict of nil who buy tlidr teas,

    .ffeuH fttid wpicoB of tho Now York A Chirr*

    IM OD., o[iponite tbo now btiok block in

    over. Tbuir facilities p/lacn them beyonii


    Mine Nolan, tlio inilliiior, oppoaita Purdee

    Oldrk's, on It lack well ntroct, nt-ftr M"nrrin,

    ia n Bpl'udiii aNuortmiiut, of bo 11 note, hatii,

    id everjthins tn the line ol milliaory pre-

    :ribed bv the provailinc fasliiona. Tlio

    J i ta of ihifl vioiuit/ urn iiivittid to call.

    ' Pop ilorriauu will roruovo after tho 4th

    tbo Blow next to Jus. Cuia'aabos Btcro,

    'hich ho will otoupy while Mr. It. F. Onun

    1 building a moro oonveQient store,

    banking the pnblio for their liberal pn-

    Qungo, he liopes (ot a continuace of the,mo. They wiUfludhy colling that he h*a0 beet flvo cent ecgu Bold In Dorer, nnd) "blowing" about itWe direct the attention of onr readers to

    tie now advertisement this week of Mr.'nd. E, Uabbitt'a well-known Olothicfifall, in Morrifitovn, where there h alwayi:ept one of the largest and finest assortments

    clothing iu Northern New Jersey, thenost experienced cutten and workmen, ande finest •election of pieoe good* to chooseJIB. In every eenae il U aflrot-elflas houiodeal with.

    Rtnaw yoar Le«ae.Tber« are limoa in e m j OIIO'I Ilfo when

    ' falls and anlaertbtefoellltg comes DTBroften mistaken for luineaa. Danger

    lurlta in tbeoo •jroptoma, a* they *rlae f.-omimp lire bluod or dtBOMOd orgin*. Medical

    Eos is espeuilTe and often uuutiirnotory.•arker'a Oingfr Tonlo will renew yoor leaia Dfhealth anrl comfort beanuiu it rantmei perfectictlvlty to t*ie Plomioti, Lirrr «nil Eldnuvtt,ind [iurifl-B tip blood, at men and women re-

    irod to robnit bctllh testify In alinoat ororyneiRhborhmii. 3oeadT.-ADyoo*K.



    vdi found tkoir^

    PURSES and TASTESfully suited iu buying their


    at tbe


    K.maifi"Who have all the new'and duBi

    fabrics for Summer wear.

    Furniture, Furniture,Groceries, Provisions, Orookery. Ao.





    TAILORS "CLOTHIERShavo removal lo_thoir luinliioiim Btorn in tho » R W UlilCK ULtiLK,

    nti l lo f Llntlslfv A Hun, DUVEIl, N, J,, wbi'io wu will bu iilnawdlo Bhuw our fncmlii ou«or ttieiNewciil and Hamlnuni«nt siuuha of

    Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goodsto lo found ll»n *idn of Now York Gity.

    Otm CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ia tinilor mir own perttonal BiiporTimon, andwi* jniartnt' P DH jfoml a At and tlm most ranhiunablo stylya. Our ausonmeiilin I'lEUfi GOODS lire nil nuw ami in tliu lulej; coloriuRd.

    Cnme ami fine 11a and wn will Ruarintfie lo give jou aalisfactclieup u§ ttiu clmupuHl. licauiJ^Unllj,

    1 lo give JI

    COHEN & GRABOWSKY, Dover, N. J.





    May IBU., 1881. DOVER, N. J.







    W. Wliite Ontton Semi Oil,W. Tellow Cotton SeoS Oil,Dark Onr Oil,Speim Paflkiog Oil,Eitra Fucking Oil,Fuinters' Oil," GroffD" Tjigbt Oompomid," Pussaio" Dark Compound,Rollins Mill Grcute,A l GA*le GeHse,diiorm Signal Oil,I I L. Beadlighl Oil, liOo,B. Beadligbt Oil, lCOo,B. Headlifrbt Oil, I6O0,Gasolioe, 90%Onsoltno, 881,Q.imline, S6».Deodorized Ndpthas, all Gravities.

    Eltro Engino Oil.Tall,™ Eiir-ins Oil,N». 1 Engine.1). H. EnBiim Oil,Slierni Mncliirjerv Oil,Nci. 1 MholilDerv Oil,Dutb Lubricating Oils,Railroad Lubricator.Shafting Lnbrioator,"Went Virginia Oil,Bleam BeSncd Ovlinder Oil," Grown" Wood Oil,Stainless Spindle Oil,No. 1 Spindle Oil,Brick Preiscd Oil,W. B. Soera Oil,W. B. Wb»l« Oil,Trime Nsatsfoot Oil,No. 1 Neulsfunt Oil.W. Blrained Prime Lard Oi],No. 1 Lard Oil.W. Turo Snkd Oil,

    Turpentine, Oil Tanks, Machinery Oils!We Iftlto pleasure in introducing to the trade onr varions grudes of

    machinery and other heavy oils. These goods are manufactured byus at our works, consequently we give them the benefit of our personalmiporvifiion, ami guarantee them to givD perfect satisfaction, bolh inquality and price, or no sulo, fl@~ All our oils GUARANTEED STRICTLYPURB. " Brilliant" Safety Oil a specialty, put, up in Patent Î flucetCans, exprcsaly for family use. Stuto Agents for HoME LIGHT OIL.

    McKIRGAN & Co., Wharf foot ol THIRD AVENUE,/ " A R K . 3NT.

    DANIEL MOLLER,Bottler anrl dealer in Elirel's cel-

    ebrated Lager and the fanuus Roch-ester Boer These Lagers stand atthe head of the market as the finestbeverages used in America, lhey arethe richest in flavor, and the best tokeep, and are therefore gaining aworld-wide celebrity. All orders bymail or otherwise will receive promptattention. Remember that the soleagency for this section is at


    DO , 3sr. ar.

    FloiiestonColoencllott fogrut ft Btfrnhlng olClCHdlMlJ Oelluts » d Ltlti.g.

    ARKER'S GINGER TONICThe M«dielnii tor Evory Family.

    NEVER INTOXICATES.H d rGi«rBu=huM>niJril . lgewWo rtmediei known,

    IC h i . ncxuk.bt; nriodrwiTepowrn, S i«t>« Bi"i=t Eionuicb Co™*-Blmd rurifier tod Uvtt RcEuUlor«vn- "*tt

    TleBost Medicine Yoaoan DBOfoiEeatoriiigHealthiBtreiigth

    Ie act from (he fitt Aou, uuehet/t U d W om er


    jo t niut la WmUd*Hiir Rotom-Md i ^ « 4 to

    FARM FOR SALE.Tbe mbicrlbor often Tor n h hlf firm ilta-

    tto ht Hmbrook, about two IDIIM from lK*cr,»n"OI

    WALSH,oziLa.sâ E* T A H I O H ,

    MANSION HOUSE BLOCK, DOVER, Opp. Cain's Shoe Store.

    aUDBiSftlFrencit Uarn, I1 Mt TOXCBIMW—B FUU. BETS IKALL. Too kOMt l d i

    tn«»,-ooioi»uj'ing picture. *a.Hi««vprr ityllih MM. t'prlRbt beUowm, i t n l iprlaii, maul ftpUin, mUirt far ajdtlnn. t r . nt*Ut, n In elm; (le^ili, 94 luctet j Koolh, M1 ̂ n ; might 400

    •i.Pfloe hnied dfHretMl on curs brra, iitooi.boak, nuilc, nnlr B O B - I I U t m t O H i r m iOrgtt»,Chnrcb,OD>p«lanil Parlor, fW to tl.OOC, Ulo S3 il»i«. Babj iffmi.

  • Co nee ruing tbtf material progress ofUJ'a fluntinout on enthusiastic. iuid elo-quent Southerner wruif; mam tim" ago :Tlierp nre> some themes of o Rraud'iir eoswipussing Ibfll the simpl* turnouaient of tho topic names with it to everyliultiyattil u)ii)J ft iuice auCt imprestaoss wliicli no prtiliiit; of elaborationi*.tn fluctuant mill uo Qiiijutcuess of de-luil etiit inerouso. T V development ofAiii.riCii is a topic of tbis Nttiknii: midtui|>liutic uuture. Xbo vunf^ml I um .1litHioi-F rxbil>ila uo |ninillsl to tlit- i-iici'm-tunWs wbicli atUmJoil tlie IIUIMWW,of llii-t mo lern world, anil iioue to tItm iliyetj iviiicli prompted its ucciijjsirje.niuj settlement. The ultimate blendingof n'l'^iouB fervur, daring acivoatint',pm'Miunl cupidity ami commercial I'liter-jni.se V>'II.QU littmlded und iicccinj|>Bnieiitin? uuiicc iHiivmni'at tends tu tlio ecuni'il Ut lit lauding actors uti nlisurbiiif;imd iieieiini.il inter'st. The moathlrili-iiiy itiHilliesus arc exlribitru iu the itibig-mllcaut'C uf the ngouis aud tin; iinpuit*iiiicuuf tlitiir actions, iu tliu fueWeoi'ssof the initial stagoi and tbe m'gliljtuetgy of tho resuttaut forces, iu ticjmvert.v of tlie menus employed and tieojmipucv of lite cDdsutmiQi'd.

    t .\»u fi iird ut tirsl tu ttif sljurcs of tie

    a 11 if (.•deration BO stablo u.s tu cuitlie strain of 11 ucuttir; or uuiiiini Holedgrowth, iiuJ sn flexible ut* tu admit u( a»exputMPii of life, id ens, nnd jxagn'Bs nfwliiulj ;tiUtor.v offers uo previous em

    V^'. Ffcim Uie innigrc roll* or third

    fcimin to tlio luigiilv |)ii'i)(Htiims of

    t-injfiiv i!cuji>ri*>ii>bf thirty i-ijrlil Stntcs

    uut eWvcn Tetfitoviea, Frem theiJ.000,000 tif fi'eeuim lo tvlmm IVtricUHi'Dry made his fWy update, our pop.ulutitm lms uuir ristiij to tbo enormousn(!fireguto of more tiina C0.000,lll)0 oftl'rilty, restless, energetic) tuiti progn-u-eivo people. Instead of two or threetowns uf 2M0U tu 80,000 iuliuliitiinU atHits outlircuk of the Involution, we nowlnuibt ivillmi our domain of 64 citifa ofnifii-e tliiin aO.OOO, tivouty nf wliicli ntiin-b t r tuori? titan IUO.0UO, ivuils New Torkin (nsl tnthig rank us the second city ontlit) filobe. Out unrroff belt of territorialpdsfsi'sniou IIUH widcucil bnck from ourAlluutio front into ii mcnsurclosa sweepof valley, pmiriu utiil mimntitiii, uutil utounti bolli oeiiuuB bunt in alternaterJivtiiID of culm und nlorm 11 poo oureastern &m\ our western shores. Tbetourist (rnversing tlie HUitca in whiileilrtloiig for one hundred nutl fortj-fonrhours nf coiisnciilivurnilroail travel,\titlitlif hightjst speui! of llio motlcrn locotuo-tivn, without ouce aeoing :i foot of fllionnoil orcntcbiugglimiisc of nnotber H>igtlma Uiut wbioU \>ca« tlia stars STUIstripes, He must IJO a coimtant stiiilcutof go#nij>hy who keeps paoo .>itli th'jperji^ttuil flow of population towards DUTfur wphliTU territories. I t wns not until182V» tlmt the post-oISco took its phceRiuiHigsl iLo Jojrartiueiifa of our govcrn-mnul ; yet tlie (•sigp.nciea oE i ts serviceuiu tu-duy uupnmilclnJ, and Jeuiuud nuiiieesaunl rovisiun of tbo lists of officesas they spread far and wide over ourccwljr-BeltJed posaesaionB. Onr raw tea.tilotujtve grown. from Boveolj-five bogsof cotton* received in Liverpool witbiucredufitVi as utiiig too great a piodnc-tion for tbo Atmricuu colonics, to an

    . ovenvhelming crop of 0,000,000 bales,neHrljfjoae-tijirLl of nbicli ia turned intolantiiifnyftires l i j . our owti rpt-rnttves.luaUaJ of tlio Kcercity ol food wlicbthreatQ&cd «ith destrnelion our enrlysettlors, America hits become to theworld wbnt Africa wits to ancient Home,iln Krannrynnd storB house. Tbe wheatcrop of tbe Unit01] States in 1880 ex-ccotlod 4B0.00O.00O bushels, uud Ihut ufcorn l,6S7,OCG,00O baBViela. Indeed il iscut limited tbnt tbe valao of oar farmyioOuolH ia olosc UJHJD t ie omuzirig fig-ure of tlire^'billiunb of dollurtt, a sumwbich stnggcnjy^tb itypginnlion. Iumining we have eiTiSlyiiiid such a pro-dnotiveness tbut the story of it readsHUc a. talc of (atryknA. OUT iron audBk>e) iuduatry, after many vioisaitudes,hna at length nllniued a giguntic devct-oproent nnd neatly driven uway tbe per-sistent Briton from onr homo markets.In the line of hbor-Bflving itnplemeniBwe uro now Bauplyiug tlie lroild withOUT tannifoU imptaved i\yiplia»cca iaevery bra nee of agricultural and njechaQ-icitl pareuita. Iho eprpod of our mil*vay syg[etn ia on a scale ol grandeurquite commensurate with the " magcitt-ceut dtfltnooca" wbioli we uaye Bpnnned,nnd tbe colosflal obstacles of mountain,dftscrt/ lake Bad river, bvet whioh outeiigioeeiing skill Ilka triumphed.' Yet, the United States, as A nation, iibat at tbe tbreabolM'of progress anddevelopment. CtoMja^r tbe vast areajet io be, openeil id Bettlemettt;boundlesijO^rarge o( virgin and tillablDliinds yst tTB^Qb^sJ by ploagb oitbe fur stratchiDg maze of inland watersyet ccvexed by the keel of camithe primcvol - forests that cover withmejcLantoble woods the immense sweepot ota mi peopled wiWcnresB ; theooant-less mill-sites vliere wnter-powore nreawaiting tbe oatablisbment of factories ;.the coal floIdB whoso deposits, ooveribgboudreda of tboasands of e^aaro tnitea,arebnfbnrely seratcbed by tbe miner'stool, in mitoy oaaea not^etr^jd ;ope!thoiencli ofM»W ;3Ch^rt,h6r -iftlotreatitires tbnt aDdexliepSTff i! of fnlCuniinunwealtliB, ttnrmtb? Black Bills arid thq-^aaons ofNevada witb.ellver and gold; the ei-haoatleaa Bubterrnneao ladies ot petro-leum, whose refined oilslight of American ttomigroves of Damaflcm

    Africa, to the kraala*of Oaffraria anil lotoe P*loce£ of Cathayji To sacb a goodlylientoge are we norn, and upon BBupon Dor ̂ ogtenty rests the gr»TB ie-spoDBibihty ofi nghtlj rajasuring itaafloite poBsibUitlea and of ppvtdingfor ita wise, eaJQ^mSDt^WijjdJpions

    fioi Its

    free traders led by^ Profetiot

    •of civilizfttion Let them ml)owriiisttle.



    ^MicbiRan anda bill ont l iM;

    6 shall, after tbaHcsagobis act, koovhg] ; UisHj a/To the

    cunibetJind^ea of flab IBIEGD attime ahfllHie'fiuilty of * miBdotnaSiand tie pufli*te& b | tliirtj days incon»lj prlaoa, without relef "

    Artful.—Bfao. " I liad «ncn a hurnJdream latt mght, dearest, WnateTer do

    "Don'bxnow,> y

    J t t -were not goiDR to Uvta'*nb boar {nrx ^t l ' jedr.

    13:.October 20th, 1880. (41-ly)

    Household!TJie LATEST im-

    piovod, most tlur-

    ablo, ami conven-

    bnt S E W I N G

    MAOHTNE foi

    fuiiiily use and man


    of any iurented. A

    trail will convince

    aily one.


    DOVER, N


    (UOillUS ASiJ JUdKX D1VI8I0S.)in Men Hvi%, foul ot SfctM*} » t . knd

    foot uf L'iuutupbet rtt.


    Ail 'HO A. 41. {fiaaiou hlvl XiaJrD.oou- ftJ-Tueutiug WHU lliu Buoniun Ur.tui-h ut Umvilk J ^ ̂ j

    It. ft>r Uetlileiieiu, Uutioii (JUuuli,

    AI ittto A. i l . O*W(J«I. _ - . . - -Hiiuui C»M iktUctutj) Ii (jui Hvv l u l l vii. I'murmiu unil Louuluu, ruiin [Uiuutjliuap , tttri'UtiHliiiijf, durnutoii, Ure






    WEBTWAID.A.M. r . M0.17 fl-ftl0.47 6.25

    10.87 fl.17.0.-J7 e.ia

    r to fore alimvu. Thnb f d l h

    nables ns to oETor tlio uCHt alectcOQ It. • •° NatlM t h e i » t l m » n r erf l««dl»c d i v i n g : . . . » WoUkoploaeore In certffylnita


    t perfect rcprinl . . „ ,nierprlif SET. T. A, K. QEH»LSB, Erooblyc.Amerio»n enierprlif SET. T. A. K. QEH»LSB, ErooblyL.Prlco> •-Ineloilitifr " HIBTOST"— Cloth,»l.aoj Arabuiqtie.Va. Withouthlitory-Oloth,

    «dROB » l V*B6tl*n Morocco, g»te()pMi.«l.sri.Cople* UKlled on receipt of price whtQH ; ».' Ijulktram witn' Ulttir?tu»vu Uy., i ;rautou, with ulcionmuurg JllviRiuU lui l i tU-n, KiiiKxto". Wilktaburrti, Dituviile, Kurlli-iilw;cia.ii(l, &c., a i limgU*IUtOU ffllll tjtlo.jviBJuu Iur ilrueue, fiurwioli. W

    HioLUeld ripriuaa. PuBdeuguru tut>ni Nuw i'urk, i'ttumnu m umeui »l Wa»lnugwa wStii ITIIQ tin

    j . EDHIUII, JJ.iUlob, ' • '

    aud Luliigli autl Suwioelianni . . . _ „ , . .Pliillipsbiifff with Holvitlurc Divittioh ot!?&, It.It. for Lamitui-trifle. Treat DU stuiPliilndoliiijpu-

    At 1OJO A. M. Oovor AocAi I4iuu M. tSftsttiQ EiproB*i

    At l:tw 1*. M. U'jiiniiitoii tiiireH,Ot«wlua Kooni

    i!ar» aiwbnu run. tiirouttii la W»t?r G»p,.8traudi-

    rt. It. r»r'fiUHtuii,M'raialU||,KJii|{nt«U Wlikem-

    llsrre, iVn»Bjii«« takinjf tbia trslu Iroia Nowl"o* k, Pa tors, iii Karl B« t" —* "* ' " - - 1 -nt[totiWltlitnliiKa.E.

    U'*v± Xuw Y-ivk u i 11.30 P. M (Easinn El>ruHH) ^iniii-vliiii; lit Watcrl'M ffir Audovur4u3lH. 10.10 8.10

    NowYork fl.62 6.60 .3.22cjouvcjftnc^fl c&^ VB î T^GW îi at u&rrjftno

    Valley to nod from Hchiiolev'a Jtoontnib • utFUndora lo nnd from BuJd'a' Lake ; at Kenvllta mud from Like Hopattong.

    EASTOM COWHECTID«J.-Trains No. 17, 5 and>, uafao oloae cbDoeetiou at UIRII Bridge Tur

    «ap on and poiiita on Lcbigli A Suw].< Dh.

    icctiun «ri

    original aud only legitimate Expanding Laader in the market.



    your iiuncr for AUSTIN'S PATEKT EipanJinn QalvaDiiod Leader.

    [Extract from Hevarfc MorningIB.—Au interesting cxperlmnt Is LJDIIIR tried daring tho preseat cold

    ir in use. Picao* of ioelut ttevon (tirlgbt jioBltion, tilled T,itli wasor, midupright poBltion, tilled T,itli was or, mid wera allu>

    bj tour fucDfH Iu diameter and eoifloied at the sowliila tboKBHanizctl fipanaiiig U»Aot mood tiiobo neon In front oftheir speoiflotttioiBltOSaiotUoHul

    _*W- All ordcj

    T . AX.BKBT"


    guiilH,nbovo leader

    _ freeze sollil. Tiio tia lenders, threeJina and lolnis. burst apart by tbo

    . ... teat without* oraolt or break.ilore. ArchituutB rtiuomtneDd tlis expaodlUK ...ID pnblio elioulil call and examine them. BAMDFORO

    •ill recede rprompt a.Information promptly iiirninlied. Lilicrnl discount to tha t


    t atlentlou and shipped toanvpartdiscount to tho trado

    .omcaoii v u o s i r t u nxixx, »

    DOVER, If. JT.Legally authorized ftgent of the follewlng fltat-

    e!ui oompinlH^the bettin tba vorld:

    I O B D O N and L I T E B P O O L ^ n d

    GLOBE, Capital $20,000,0(10.


    Onpital $10,000,000.


    Capital »rTl.a prlimipal It. ft. connectlani at

    this cretttlhrouKli L i n e i r t H follow*tAt CniOioo. wllli all nd Inwa. In one of

    TUraagQ Xtpreu Tr*lns> toa l id an riiUu

    Apprcsiailnir Hie fact ttint n m&torlty of tdnpeople prefer aepuratc •jwrt.nifli't.i '"r itliteientSrtnliMnairarmnlirijtin. wekronlrasebr bear •uoh dSBtrasa from Con-iBtion»niJ kalHCroinlnK wallnAlrjo halrintninn rniied lo uicier in tVt'ry colorrcftdj- to put nn by quart or gallon.

    £• SIEBER,Cor. l l i c M aid Eucx Stt..

    April uth, 1881- DOVef, N . J .


    LAGER BEER.HiTlna IncrtMcd ficllttlee for the aaEnficturf

    p p »p u ftn«l jnallt•tilch Iba miiet critical te«t will full; dtmouttrUTliutr •• Kipott" in cmmcUUr adapted lot lio-fffcitljtr md family uau.

    Brewery: Fnem&n-St., iJewark.liOTTI^ED AND FOR HAL.K BY


    Wfaolenalo ana retail HcnUr In PORTEll,ALES, SAIIHAPAKILLA, AMD MINEWATERS. a2-Ji

    SHERIFFS SALE!i. fa. for wlo ofi Dartd 'O]*-

    a K. Olr-rrav Olyphaot ami l la i r lc l

    h tit, is com plain an t ; ami tfordli A.and Curuclius I}. (J h h b d

    l "

    of Nuiiitl pn-ipt:cial

    se», wliuaiiliau ol

    v Olyphal i t

    A E. 191.

    tinK* tier hmbind,

    «. H. LITTLE, Bul'r.Bj virtue of tbu above etatpd

    faciis ID my IIBDIIK, I uHnli cipoae for xalPublic Vciiiluo, at tlio CoortHouse, in llotovia, N. J . , on

    MOSDAY, tbo 25th tiny ot JTJLY neitA. I). 18U1, butHL.sn the lioars nf 112 H. ap>'cloek 1'. M., tliat ii to «ny at 2 o'oloi'tt i

    oT litcd and

    l i

    all iroimittEi

    l T

    , audio lR ]

    ide or He fot.vcvcil to Ramutii OIIBH by ilccJfrom LonidH "Kufi.tt ami Ali-mmtcr Elliott \»aiil HagltRn^k'B along tbe tamo (4)d t l d

    Chi .i llixik S

    ionA Int



    .._ „ .. to fanild_- b*d Moil Abiolnlnlj sale! S ron atovevarrtottd. Can ue eaitilr cunueod to a parlorjealcr which will hB»t t room la a few mlnnten.

    Bend for a drcnlir. Dlieonnt to dealen.iDQMctnrea ind for u le b*

    HUPP A HIialKARD.-v iUnmuJCos) Iu l^.Urt D. Clu«ed two lati ot In ml aro IIIFaam» convoyed to taid fiarah A, Q*Re by DavidOlypbinj *pecta) n c s l U n f i a b

    a r n g ev ate ithOiorlR«(f«, whioi * u Kiv«n•f the porebaao mnnrT,

    W I L L I A M E . MnDAVIT, »b»r



    County Collector's Notice II will bo at UM office of tha 8nrT0|*t«, llor

    mtowc, for the tranaaction of Ootmiy batl-esi oa Tharada)'of each « e k , and »t th*

    uf fteorge Biobaroij E I Q !ge Biobaro)d*y»,.W«dn

    o f miy batlh « e k , and »t th*ij EIQ.,! DoT*r, oaMd*)« and Fndir i .




    FILLING, *«•

    NO AiUlitiutial cbirge ror eitmotlog wticr»DEW Uiulh aro Inserlinl. Wo lire lie* muk-iti« beautiful seta of tootli Iur


    Dover, BeptemberSGth. lfiTR.


    SUSSEX St. GROCER,mil continues Ui fteep a full au*l ' 'esh quan-

    tity of

    Groceries and Provisions),

    SEASONABLE FRUITS,foreign a&d domestic, tbo boat grades ofCttmind Qcotla, end all supplies o( tbehouHohold iu hie line.

    Care will always be bikeo to eecuro guotlsof the b°3t qunlity and eqitnl paius to fiultUiGiu ftt tho uont reiiHonnhlo ninrgina coo-xietout with the ptutthaninK price. SlicedMtrott, nearibe corner of Black well, Dovur.

    Ootobcr l^th, 1879.




    PARASOLS covered with Silk.PainBolB corered vw f̂h Satin.ParuBols covered witli Brocade.Parasols lined witn one color.Parnsols lined ivitli a combina-tion or colara. P A J t A S O L Strimmed willi Spoiiii*li JLiice.PnraaolB trimmed wltli FrenchLBCS. l*arupols with aivniusand pluin edgen. Puraeols witiisteel iiiul gilded lib8, Porusoliwith ivoir, ebony, pearl, woodand cpllulold ImndlfH. Specialattractions in 32 and 34 incliSUN UMBRELLAS iu btnek,1>ID«, 'brtt^\-n and grten *, every-thiuff new ami novel iB the warut itamllea, Bcsf jiluve In NEW-AIlK to buy a Porasol or Vna-brella. Special bargains inFANCV SIL.KS Bt fiOc. GGc. and75c and iu gilaiu colored Silk*ut 58c. per yard. Openingditilfnew styleH in Lace Buntiue"*GlDghains, Or^a tidies, Low us,Canibricn, and other lines ofSummer Dreai Goods.

    ISAAC N. DOTY & Co..

    159 & 1C1 Market St.,

    Mewark, H. J.




    &ro hQ^r fiK(&uliBliAu Irj ttcir/

    NEW MANUFACTOIiy,mil wiili now anpHaDO'-a ami eolArite'1 ' • $ *.lioatu propprell to Ho otei-f t ied of workinthat line. 0A.R11UQE9 AKD WAGONS of

    *ncer, lactadiac Exprau, «»d. BniiKuns. Vehiolaa €rfrdl8tr«nt klndi aepUn

    aad for ««U,. A n i l wUlrWtWjr **» " r

    loat and oar prlns mionaK!e:J BAMirin*.lUd l fllo th»Wit man'