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  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    Te concept or this Christmas Catalogis simple.

    It is lled with very real needs; practical ways that our commun

    Park can reach people across the street or around the world. been challenged to live with open hands, to unleash what Gus with, so this is an opportunity to practice living generoprovide some justice or Gods people.

    Consider the money that you spend on amily and riends or Cyear. Pray and ask the Lord what portion o that money you ancould give to the Jewish People, the Orphan or the Exploited acTen GIVE!

    (Options or payment listed on the last page)

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    Tents of Merc

    ents o Mercy is a registered Israeli charity extending assisIsraelis. We provide ood, clothing, household goods and counin need. We have embraced the prophetic mandate to share ouhungry, house the homeless and clothe the naked. Our humanitullled in cooperation with believers and congregations rom awho reach out through ents o Mercy to help the least o Yeshusisters.

    Suggested: $100

    Your gi: $A

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


    Nazareth Food Distribution Center

    Support the Netzer HaGalil congregation who serve the peoNazareth by distributing hundreds o meals each week.

    otal: $15 per meal

    Your gi: $

    Katzer Asher Project - Humanitarian Aid

    Support the Katzer Asher congregation who serve the people othrough humanitarian aid and economic development projects.

    Suggested: $50

    Your gi: $



  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    Jase & Melissa Wilson

    Te Wilson amily lives and works in Israel.their own support through individuals anwho believe in their cause to serve the JewYou can multiply their impact by joining the

    annual support team.

    Suggested: $10, $20 or $50 per month (throuor a one time gi

    Your gi: $

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


    Messianic JewishBible Institute

    Te vision o the MJBI is to bring Jewishpeople into a personal relationship oaith with Yeshua the Messiah, knowingtheir acceptance will eventually mean lierom the dead (Romans 11:15).

    Te MJBI equips leaders who willestablish Messianic Jewish congregationsand ministries in Jewish communitiesworldwide. Additionally, the MJBI seeks

    to equip the Church in its responsibilityto take the Good News to the Jew rst(Romans 1:16). Like Paul, the MJBIhelps educate Christians in their role toprovoke the Jewish people to jealousyand thus save some o them (Romans11:11-14).

    Suggested: $25

    Your gi: $

    Israel: DomestIc


  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    Caleb Compan - Don FintoSupport Caleb Companys vision o equipping Gods people with His heart and purpose orIsrael and the nations by giving a donation to provide resources or uture students and interns

    Suggested: $25

    Your gi: $ F

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    Big Heart Orphanage

    Christmas Gifs or the Children

    Beltway amilies have purchased gis or the children Orphanage in Reynosa, Mexico or many years. Tis Care asking that amilies give a monetary donation and thpurchased all together.

    Clothing & oy: $75 per child

    Your gi: $


  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    Broken pictures come to me.

    Not enough, never enough.

    Sewage and exhaust stink in the streets.

    A 7 year old cornrowed little girl holding her toddling baby brother,

    mother nowhere to be ound.

    Broken pieces o my heart lie scattered on the dirty shower oor as I cry,remembering that CP stays mockingly no matter where I am.

    Te pieces are spilled on the babyhouse oor next to two wheelchairsand Carmina,

    her hands unable to hold a spoon, what an honor to eed her with myown hurting hands.

    And her eet? So amiliar... My eet...ranslated across oceans.

    My heart will never be mine again.

    It lies shattered in broken, dirty, beautiul, pieces,

    not enough...

    But You are

    - Sarah urner

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    Zimpeto Childrens Center(Part o Iris Ministries)

    Christmas Gif & MealBoccaria Children

    Zimpeto purchases gis or 100 childrenwho live in the Boccaria (city dump) &eeds them a Christmas meal.

    otal: $500 or $10 per child

    Your gi: $


  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


    Zimpeto Childrens Center(Part o Iris Ministries)

    Christmas Gif & Meal

    Zimpeto Children

    Zimpeto purchases gis or all 260

    children living at the childrenscenter in Maputo & eeds them aChristmas meal.

    otal: $3,500 or $15 per child

    Your gi: $

    Christmas Gif & Meal

    Street Children

    Zimpeto purchases gis o

    children who live on the strMaputo & eeds them a Chmeal.

    otal: $1,500 or $10 per chil

    Your gi: $

    I J

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


    Project Esperana

    Tis one-year skills training program equips and placesdisadvantaged youth into the workplace. By providing a thoroughknowledge o cooking, baking, typing, computer skills, restaurant

    work and Christian values, Casa Esperana is a link between employersdesperately needing honest, hard workers and these youth. Last yearsstudents have all been successully placed shining the light o Jesus

    Currently there are 10 students enrolled. Te goal is to have 20 students in2013.

    otal: $640.00 (1 year sponsorship or 1 student; includes uniorm,transportation & meals)

    Student Uniorms: $40 per student

    ransport: $20/month per student

    Meals: $40/month per student

    Your gi: $


  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    IRELANDChrist Alive Church

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


    Kids & Teen Outreaches

    Beltway has partnered with Christ Alive Church in Enniscorthy, Ireland or a summer outreachto elementary and teens or the last 9 years. In addition, Christ Alive conducts various outreachesor these unchurched kids & teens all during the year which has resulted in a move to a largeracility. Tis is your chance to give to this ministry that is having a major impact or Jesus inIreland!

    Bibles: $10 per child

    Devotions: $10 per child

    Cras & Banners: $15

    Furnishings & Sign or the new acility: $50

    Your gi: $ L

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    LOCAL ABILENEPregnanc Resources of Abilene

    Baby SuppliesSupport Pregnancy Resources o Abilene as they minister to young girls acing lie and death ch

    providing counseling, education and much needed supplies such as diapers, ormula, baby clothes and bSuggested: $25

    Your gi: $ M

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


    Journe 68:8(New Ministry o Beltway Park)

    Family SupportGive support or Beltway amilies who have said yes to the call to

    oster or adopt!

    Suggested: $20, $50 or $100

    Your gi: $ N

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web




    Project Red Light Rescue

    Support Project Red Light Rescue, preventing tracking as well as rescuing and restoring victtracking in India and children at risk o beingand exploited.

    $ 1,800 rescues & provides one year o care$ 900 rescues & provides or 6 months o care

    $ 450 rescues & supports a girl or 3 months

    $ 150 supports a rescued girl or one month

    $75 to combine with anothers gi

    Your gi: $ O

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    Support Freedom Stones, a ministry ghting human tracking thincome generation projects aimed at not only providing nancia

    vulnerable amilies and their children, but also to empower indithrough training and skills development.

    Suggested: $50 Your gi: $


  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    IRIS MINISTRIES - INDIAJonathan & Shampa Rice

    Love & Education or the Exploited Children o India

    Support Iris-India reaching children who have been exploited and

    or in some cases, simply orgotten and le behind by society. Trehabilitation, education, job skills training and character developm

    Suggested: $75

    Your gi: $ Q

    2013 S Mi i T

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


    2013 Summer Mission TeamsGive a donation to help deray the cost oour 2013 mission teams.

    $______ Belgium

    $______ Cambodia

    $______ Ecuador$______ Guatemala

    $______ Holland

    $______ India

    $______ Ireland

    $______ Israel

    $______ Macedonia

    $______ Mozambique

    $______ Peru

    $______ Philippines

    $______ Tailand

    $______ rinidad

    $______ Uganda R

    h k l

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web



    Prison Christmas Sack BlessingsTe Prison Christmas Sack Blessing provides practical gis oo the French Robertson Unit located near Abilene. Te sacks such as shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, Ramen Noodles, instant cofee, socks, Liesavers candy, a Bible, and three blacards or them to send to riends and amily. Our childrens mand decorates the bags and amilies rom our church stuf the b

    Gi Bag - $10.00/bag

    You can also participate as a amily or invite your lie groupStung Party on Saturday, December 8th, location BA.

    Here is portion o a thank you note rom an inmate o the Fren

    Unit and a note rom the unit chaplain.

    Please let all participants know that the sacks or Christmas mTis has been my worst Christmas in 9 years. But seeing the drsacks and knowing people care, that do not have tothats a shows a lot o guys that somebody cares. Tank You, Bobby

    Incarcerated men are ofen orgotten. You olks brought the lovto the cells o these men and or a moment they knew that GChaplain K. Wayne Horton

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web


    PAyMENT OPTIONS:When giving please be sure and reerence theproject or its corresponding identifcation letter

    so that we can make sure the unds go to thecorrect ministry!

    Place cash or check in Christmas Envelope andturn in:

    1. At the Christmas kiosk in the oyer on


    2. In the Ofering on Sundays.

    3. At the Beltway Oces during the week.

    4. Mail check to:

    Beltway Park Baptist ChurchAttn: Christmas Catalog4009 Beltway South

    Abilene, X 79606

  • 7/30/2019 Xmas Catalog Web
