£xpnurn1 - montana state university · 2016. 5. 26. · •• orchn:tra, i :ltl p. m. u...

£xpnurn1 :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: FACULTY ,. NOTICE I! \ rn wl :-:tzff ' 10 :: 1 ;. uH" t at the 'oJto·,·ing :: - , izatlon :-t1c to :: tr p Vitr for 1' i Jii< tUN-'$ for the :: .. •Q211 )1ont.an.-tn, :-\11nda :: MEMBER VICTIM I :.: _ .. ·fl All mr mhers nr th" rPspec·· :: _ P organization-... :LrP u.ree<l to !! •• ,, on lin11·. :: :: f:xpone-nt Stall 12.:JO p. m. :: .... \Jtmtanan Starr 12:'1:i P- m. :: •• !Jramatlc Cl11h. 1: 00 t1. m. :: Of INFLUENZA Prof. E. H. Jahnke. a Member of the F aculty for Four Years, Victim of hiflue nza. :: ('lub. 1 J:i ,,. rn. U S..uurday. 31ai-rh lfith. at !I A ).I •• OrchN:tra, I :ltl p. m. U oct'Hrc.>d the death o 1£.mil ff. Jahnke. .. Senate. I 4:> P m U one of the most respe('te-d and :: :: popular superintendents 011 the hill. :: :; :.: :: :: :.! :t :: n :: :t !l ::: U U :: He leaves, beside-s a wide circ·le of I friend<;. a wife and t\\ro c hlldren; t ANNUAL CAMPA' f.N Robert Lee, aged two. and nettr. aged I U th·e Superintendenl Jahnke ffrst c.:an1e · fLOSED TO STUDENTS tu this institution. in Nornmber, 1915, I' lJ a:-> an assii:.tant iu tho graJn laboratory. ror the 1!•21> Annual ha,·e .: me u Jl to $3 .. JO. There were 24 5 , :;old at the old price. The f' :ling (1f the <'ampajgn found all 1 So faithfu l wus he tliat he ''(as made/ superintendent or this acpartment I [wo ) ears agn. he was em-I J)]oyed by King and company of Minneapolis. In college )fr. Jahniie ma.de a fine in athletics. I 'PTlliLit"-::i lOll per ('ent \\"hile in :\[iw1eapolis. where he gradu- 11 .the ated from .Minnesota. ·u· wit.h the class ,.,... .(ll d The tc1culty has an a\ e1 age ot 1914. he "-as ronside1 ed to be oue I o! 44 μer <."t""llt. The alumn i campaign of the hest aLhletes al Lbe Y. C. A. ... m open immediately .an<l th:' -total I V.oll()y and basketball r. . .;nbt""r of bcoks sold b expeded to I Wf're his favorite Sl'Orts. r 'A"b. 300. This is nearly double the fYlcinal estimate handed to the faculty I TllE' \\"aS born in Pepin. L lhe cam1>aib"ll opeoed. \Visc·ons1n 28 years ago. t .\lJ lhe>se wbo ha,·e eot b en ahle to The funeral serdres were held BOZEMA.· MO:-;-TA:'\A, 21, 1919. Results of MONTANAN SALES CAMPAIGN This list in<'lnded all who had p id tlleir dollar for bd01·e noon Thursday, Oragani zations FRATE RNITIES Alpha Omicron Pi Phi Gamma Sigma Chi Omega Bet a Nu 'l'heta Xi C LASSES Juniors Sophomores . Sen iors Freshmen Hamilton Half F'al·t1lty 22 26 2:? . 4 56 38 136 . 68 100 . 1l 0 .c z ' L: - " " .. .c 0 t-"' 1n 16 13 18 37 9i 45 Total number of boo ks sold, a pp roxi mately - 0 .c f "" ".c c E "" "- :;: 100 . 100 ... t 100 100. TOO Solicito r _Mary Millegan Fr ances Kyle Joe Bu sh Ray P it ts ..... J ohn T yler 100 ........ Vera Harris 100 96. t 91.3 7 1.3 G6.1 H. , ... 245 All Juniors be orne su bscriber3 on payment of their rlass dues. Dues are being collected PROSPECTS FOR WINNINfi TRACK TEAM ARE GOOD ::-:o ' :: = = = = :: u :: :t - :t STUDENT COUNCIL M°'ETS :: :: Tbl s u1h•tH l oundl \\ill tit ;: :: l::'i;..:;nalt• 1he dHIP for the F'n •• :: men to t·om1N'lll'(.' i..:r.;-en t: :: a111l all me1ohers of tht: :: :-: \\ill hp t>'XPP<'led to han'° :: t: one at tht' appointed Ume. The :: Good Material for Te am Presen t at :: usual pC'nally of a baLh iu the ::t Meet i ng . Meet S cheduled with Mis- t: frog pond will 1.Je t.ne resul t. ot U soula but P lace is not yet Decided . :: ·_rny Frosh to avoid the U :: der. <·aps will be for S:: I :-: :,u.le. l>V lhe Junior dass nnJ will U Thirty meu reported at the- trark j !! !>OOn la•_ here. (°;(It. ea:ly U meeting last )tontlay and I :: rtncl a\"f>1d ac·1uamtanl·e with I will commence immeclialely. A track :: \\"!llfll' of th(· (>Olld •• meet with the l'niYerslty iH assured :: = en tbe 11th of The }Jl3co has :: !! :: 1! :! S! :: :: t: :: ti :.: i: U not been determined . I The 1Juiversity tmck squad has DEBATE TRYOUTS I heen out for lhe past couple of weeks. 1 HELD WEDNESDAY ! turned out Monday shows excelleut 1 I material al\d the team tu ye&_rS ! is ass ur ed Tlle upper cl assmen are represented by Stanley, Mashiu. Reitz, j atteruooo .tt fou·r· o'clock Senz, Bush Pitts and Oberle. John ! "·as tbp tinw -::;cl for the t1 ;out for Bo•\ 'en, l .. oo'ne\·, Hibbert Kelly. Street. lhe debate teams. There were "'.\Iink, Bright and Shoe-\ six who bad ha.cl spl!eches re:dy botban are out from the lower classes. to deliver but as tbl:; the num er or u_ 1 ese men have held records\ needed !'or U1e teams the tryout wa..'i I in the h.1gh school meets at th'e Unh·ei ·. not held and a.JI th ei men were plD.C'ed s ily, anct are well known m·er there. on tbe doha.ting squad. Ther are 1'be upper ha,·e help re- Zale!=- 1£cton, Sidney Sutherland. Leon cords here in th e past few years. Saye1·s. Da\e Gra.)·, \Vard St. \ and Vergle c Hlma u.. Every <.'lass 18 rnter·class meets will be held early' represented, there l.leing one senior, and all ;.rvailabJe malerial will bet one junior, t hrP'C ::;ophmores and one drafted and put In tratniug. 'l"be 1 freshman. a::d still '9i·ant an Annual. pay $1.50 I lah"ing parlors. Tl1e regular Christian =========:::;:=====================- L adntntage of the t.'a1u1>a.ig:11 rates. :\la.rch LS. at 2::.10 in the \Vest t:nder· 1 ..,,.,.·n and U1e other $2 on receipt of 8cien<.'e seremooy was used. :\!rs. - . . cross-country run which. was taken I A meetinJZ or the Coffee t:lu lJ will tJy Bush. '20. last will be held on be held this evening at 7 : 30 a n d tlle April 18. The frosh have se,•eral dis·\ teams will be picked a.nd the debate tnnce men and with fair μ'eather a will be launched. The new record mar be made. The race first debate i& with Utah on the will be between the fres hmen and the ele,·enth or A1tril. Tb.is early date sophomores as usual, but all up per means fast work for the men who classmen .i n training \\' ill run. A 1 are pic·kcd b) Coach Duddy ro: iliis meet between th e Frosh a nd Sophs I debate. has the ncgati,·e of b k. I hi d I\ " 1 D . ea.d h 1 1 , r Howard L. Seamans '16, has return-1 lf you wish to do a little prepara- '"'·"" oo Anvone w s ng to or er ,, a ter ans r t e sel'v ce. ro . . do. so innne<.liately before , Currier sang, acrompanied by Or. I ed from a trip to Glasgow, Great Falls tory Red Cross work, hy not hold . th 1 l J I'll 1 d , 1 c··rr d ,. h and Conrad, where he attended county very gently the blistered bands of t ordt.:,r 1s sent Lo e pr n ers. I _, s i an u rs. .1 or .... as . . r. . . , . , ? • . ,., . played a ,·iolin solo .accompau- age nt confere:::ices. I )our fa \01it e \liar-gardener . F .. cton is pleased with the ied bv· :\frs. :-:ash. :\Ir . Jahnke is·j ------·- w l.:r the work has been progressJug · · . . _ I i at t11e present tune recO\·e nug trom I and ex.pee.ts tb.e to be out two i an attack of Spanish Influenza. As 1 weeks before the ending of the school. I soon as she is a.lJl to travel. the body I '.-....-m.. alt Ute pictw·es have . . . 11 . _ will be 8h1l)l>e(I to St. Paul where tnt er- h.)€'.n t.akcn and \\Ork wi!l be J men\. will take plaee in Oaklano t the coming week. Anyone I Cemetery. 1 ! hf..'\ mg snap shots for llUblicat10n s!l·:m ld lun1 them in immedlateJ;·. 1 Pror. Atk.Jnson. under "'·hose direc-1 1 ! tion Mr. Jahnke worked. mad the fol 11 :lEATH OF ROBERT COOLEY r lowing bdef statement: -- : 'Mr. Jahnke was a young man o! 1 he many friends ot ll-Obert Cooley, j very g1·eat promise. He was rap idly I of Prof. Ft. A.. Cool ey, were very I <'oming to be recognized as one of the ' t l''"rrry to hear of the ro u.ng man's outstand ing men of tlie <'.oUnt.n· in 11 last Tuesday rooming. as a re· gra.iu in.spection work . This past t"u.tt of pneu.monia, following the lnflu- 1 summe1· the ffnited States Bureau of I e.:u.a. He had been sick since the, '..\fark ets offered .Mr. Jahnke a. ,·ery I ·t.er part of February. I attractive pos ition. but he preferred I 'l.obert Cooley was a member Q( the I ro r emain with the ccll ege. He was class in the Gallatin County square. clean. and co mpe.rnnt, and bis II . loss is a se,·cre one.'" 11 school. Hts mother. wb.o has ! ------- 1 TOURNEY 1 1 :•;:w:: NOTH ELD TH IS YEAR I lLECTRICITY IN SHIPBUllDINfi IS . SUBJECT OF TALK -- I 1 Basket Ball and Speaking Contets Call- J · ed off Completely Th is Year on Ac ·. !1 - - 11 I count of P revaletice of 1 1 nfl uenza. l·'inaJ ac tion h as been taken and the 11 •ourn.:iwent. "'ill not be held th is year. t tn ,.i " of he in creasing ep id emic a nd It pre,·aJence of sickness among Lhe I o1"" rank ).1. Red.man, representing lh e · "t uch'nts and 1>ro(essors it was thought \\'"es tinghouse Electr ic compan y, and to rall orf the cont est and not J who has been stationed at Portland to risk further spread. Severa l of the II r -Ing the war. ga,·e a very insturc- other <'itfes of lhe state are ln quaran· t e talk lJefore the J!}lectrical E ngin- tine and some of the tea-ms would Society \Vednesda.y. The· ·,a,-c been ll03ble to come at aH. The 1 ;-.'.•"a.ker .ga ve a comprehensive review nthPr <'Ontests were cancelert also. n• the part played by electricity in Thi" is the first. year sluce the I t=. ... re\"olutioniziug of the shipbuilding first touruey In 1!111 th at the annual 1 I ·:idustr.r necessilat ect by the urgent contest has been railed off. Last 11 niands bi-ought on by the war. ,·ear. owing to hPalth concli lions also t \\" hen this country we nt in to the it was necessary for the teams to meet ships were lacking and weans in and if {he pr esent ep f. out ·Of the ordinary had to be resorted dC'mir ha.d not <'Omr on so I to, the of electrical I the ha" e bee_n able , n:. -.1unery to the mO'nng an d the Lo col- t r.<:..Ddling of materials. illumination, 1 1 ee. 1 ets. 111'"' to f inal I ,.. ..-<'tric weld ing. a.nd numerous other step but tbe.e 1s no other open. I !:\or saviug devices has shown the t '•nderful possibilities in l hi s fielrl. llan sen. "14, .. -hn l1:Hi be"u 1 ill wi t h influCl'nza. died at th" <teten- I J. A. Tbale-r. he-ad of the Elec tion ho pita! 'l'u esday li e I ·.-li.:'a l Engi n eering department has ar· was a graduate of the Gallatin Co11nty .:.nged for a se1ies of educat ional High sch ool and :\fontana Srnte <'"I- I "' rures br prominent. enginPen, tcge, e nd for the past vear hnc: .. rousth the aus pi ce::J o :" the employed in the soil labora- 1 I Franch or The A mr>1·knn Tn stllnf,, o" torr. I: l\ lar. 29 . Saturday Mar. 31. ... 9. Friday .. Mar 30, F r iday .. . June 15, Sunda y .. . June 18. Wednesda y .. Calendar. 191 9-1920 Sp ring Qu a rter ...... _... Regis trati on Day ........ In:)t ru ction b egins .......... Standing of Students Report ed .......... :\Iemorial Day, a Holiday ........ _Bacca laur eate Address ................ Comme nrement .Tn:ie .... Examina t ions Summer Quarter Juue Monday July 4, Friday ......... Aug . l. Friday .. Aug. 4 .. Monday Sept. 5. Friday ····-·· First T erm begins .... Ind ependence Day. a Holida y 0 ........ F irst Term ends .. S et·r. nd Te rm begins .... Second Te rm end s Autum n Quarter Sept. 26. 27, F'rid ay . Saturday Se1>L 29, .. Ott. 12, Sunday R eg istration Days . Tn s tru ctio 1 begins .. Day• :\ or. 27. T hur s da y. . . Thank:;giving Day, a Holiday " Dec. 11·19, \Ve dn esday- Friday ........ F...:xaminations DPc. Hl, Friday. p. m. ... . Fi rst Quarter end!>. Ch ristma!:' He· cess begins. 192U Winter Quart er Jan. a. Saturday .Jan. ){O'ltlny . I•'e b . 12. Thursday F elJ. J :l, F rida y . Feb. 16. Monday Feb. 22. Sunday )[ar. \Ved n esday-Sat ur day . Registtat ion or ::\" ew Students Chnst mas RecPss ends. !uslrn rt1on begins Lincoln's Birt h day• Standing of Students Reported . Founders· Day ·" ' ashington's Birthday* bterscholaslic 'T'ourna- ment Examinations Spring Quarter l\Jar. 27, Sa turda) :\far. 29. i\londay :\l ay 7, l:i'riclay May 30. Sunday .Jnnr 1 :L Sunday .June 16, 'Yednesday .J un e 1 G-18. .June Monday July I, unda y .luly 30. F'ridaY .. Au g. 2. ;\[o nda y .. SeJ)t. 3. Friday . Ins tru ction begins Staudfng of Students Reporterl :\Iemoria l Day. a Holiday l3arcalaureate Address Commenceme7lt Examinations .... F'ir'it 'Te rm begins ... tncl ependPnce Day. a Holid ay• First Term ends Second Term SPc011d Term ends Autumn Quarter Sept. 28. Tues da )·. \\.PdnC'sday _ Regislratio:1 Days Se pt. 30. Th ursday Ins tructi on Oct. 12. Tussday X O\'. 6. Friday Nov. Thursday DeC'. 20·22, ::.\l onda y,\\"edn esda } Dti<'. \Yedne;dny. 4 : :10 p. m. Columbus Day• Standing or Students Reported Tha nk sgiv in g Da). a Holiday .. Examinations Quart er end s. will be held in A pril 28. The inter- I the railruad quest ion class meet. fo r the school champio n I The olher two debates, with Gonzaga. sh ip will be held Mar 2. E\'ery class are the 25th of Apdl, one in Spokane is expec tin g to have a. winnin g team. j and one here tbe same evening. Mon. but at present the Juniors a r e tb.e I rano.\. has the negative at Gonzaga and favorites with the Frosh seccnd. A the affirmative her" t handi cap meet wi11 be pull ed i\Uy 9, -- -- --- 1 1 There wiil be vlent;· of time for 1 DRAMAT IC CLUB MEETS i ng lh is spring and Coach Bennxon looks forward to a rattling good I The Oraulatir-;;;;;- beid a meeting I Thi s is the first meet with tbe . U I la st ,. ailernoo u. Leo Humpbry for the pa st four years, and the 1•residcnt the Club presided. I ·'Druius·· lhir:.k Lheir scalp prettr safe. . All men that can run a nd \\'ant to r uu :\liss Qu aw has kindly consented to and ha\·e had to ru.n are u rged to re- aid in the producing of a play and I port immediately. Hand in you r knowi ng her abili t)'·. a successful play to Manager St.anley, and come is assured. A committee was appoint out. Training starts immedi ate ly. I ed to meet with Miss Quaw and select a play to be giren soon. I I FORMER STUDENT . 1 Hal Stewnrt. Dot1s I ngram aua . 1 Stella Solberg "ere n.amed on thi• I rom rnitt e-e. SUCCUMBS TO 'FLU' I l nnd a corumittrc- wa.s apl_)Otsted to s ub- -- mit sugi;:esli<1tts n1 the ne..xt · I of the clnb. This committee is ro m- Charl es Louis Hausen, popul ar mem· posed ot Ella Norcutt, Katherine ber of the agronomy department diet! ,. 1 1 ll Bo e I ''"earn:-; ant ,owe w n. last Tuesday mo-ruing. March JS, at ... I ! I NEW A6f.J[ PROF 1 1 and tlle lnrtuenza. He had been 1l1 U I HAS ENVIABL.E 1 suq)J' ise to everyl.lody that knew him. I l"pon his graduation troru Bearer· I head Coun ty Higl1 School at Dillou, Mr. Hansen entered Montana State I j Coilege in 190.) in the school of agri- 1 cult ur e and graduated in UJll7. He I was very popular among his rlass- 1 mates, was a memlJer of Lhe Les Buf 't fou rrale111ity, aud was at one time f I a member of Lile Exponent ::;.tnt'f. t 1 After his gratluatiou. he returned lI to Dillon where he managed h is m.oth· SERVICE RECORD H. H. Snmne1· wok up dutit.•s ns asfii:;taut profe::;sor of agron- omy at . \tcncana State College. He a grarluate of the State ...\!!ri<·u!tt1ral College. but the sc·ene c r hi:-: n•c·ent nttiviLies has heen a.bout 1he battlc-tields of Ji'rance :'i1r. Sumner- enlisted in ).!a.y 1917 1 1 ers farm ror se,·eral )·ears. I n L914, Z\ tr . Hansen returned to ':\l. S. C. wltere ant.l wa:-1 10 the fiNlt officel"'3 he tool\ some J)CS'l·graduate wo.rl< in !;. .... c-amp :n F·on Riley. Kansas agronomy. l'Pon t'ini shi ng th\s he an 1 0 ., 1·.e (·omplelion or the course 1 \\"aft for a. time the conntr agenL for, t!H rf' h1.:.• wa.s to 'l'ronto. Canada.. :Olissoula Co un ty. arter which be was where IH ti ained with tbe !Jritish enltJloyed by the Cou rier. :lirmen. 11<> lat er returned io tlle. 1 1 He· mar ri ed in. 19 t ;, to :\( iss I Pear l Orton of Bozc01an. F 'unerat sen-i ces will be held at t: 30 at the Davis & \\"e t l)arlors. )Jr. I Han sen is by his wif nod two year old daughter. and was d at Fort \\"orth TP;-..as. l.ieutenanL Sttmner .-·•i!t>d ror F'1·ance rarly In 1918 and was assig•h:d tn Lhe 1:{9th nero squad n det H hmtut :-incr made famous by its aC'th on the front . The :!Hth l!l offic ial Boche planes to In speaking of Mr . Hansen. members rrPcli' « rN•ord whit'h )>laces tt or the fa<·ulty have Ra id that Ile was a ·t'<"ond in rh 1:umber of official pla.ne-s comp teat reliable young man wilh dow ned. Pv planes is ment f.OUnd jude:emen' and co•l\a f"ithr-r dH" infantry or obser,·a· -·'ln He had a bright. fut ure 1 b.... n mnst "itness and rePort T!1e elc<'trir-at -- 11 engineering students are very fortun· Ge-orge Roose,.elt, ' 16, hn.s re t urned f in having the opportunity to from a trip to Denver. iu th e I 1 .1.nct assoc iates in the !.lH" com}).-.r ha.s many • Xo days arc h olidays unl ess Sl)ecially d esi gnated in the> ca lendar. department and e.xperlmcnt sta1io:'.l j more r1la.nt:.:.i tha .t tht:'" official if!'po11. __.... :..----- _ ;m 1 his ma ny fri ends mourn (Continued on Page <t.) H: t lose touch vdth their profession. of the biologit'°al sun•e ·.

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Page 1: £xpnurn1 - Montana State University · 2016. 5. 26. · •• OrchN:tra, I :ltl p. m. U oct'Hrc.>d the death o 1£.mil ff. Jahnke. .. ~l1J P m U one

£xpnurn1 ~:::::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: =-.~POPULAR FACULTY ,. NOTICE •

I! \ rn wl :-:tzff ' i..;hP.~ 10 ::

1;. uH" t at the 'oJto·,·ing :: - , b~ izatlon :-t1c ~1.:herlulrd to :: tr p Vitr for 1' i Jii< tUN-'$ for the :: .. •Q211 )1ont.an.-tn, :-\11nda ~la.ch ::


:.: _ .. ·fl All mr mhers nr th" rPspec·· :: _ P organization-... :LrP u.ree<l to !! •• ,, on lin11·. :: :: f:xpone-nt Stall 12.:JO p. m. :: .... \Jtmtanan Starr 12:'1:i P- m. :: •• !Jramatlc Cl11h. 1: 00 t1. m. ::

Of INFLUENZA Prof. E. H. Jahnke. a Member of the

F aculty for Four Years, Victim of hiflue nza.

:: ·~1 ('lub. 1 J:i ,,. rn. U S..uurday. 31ai-rh lfith. at !I A ).I

•• OrchN:tra, I :ltl p. m. U oct'Hrc.>d the death o 1£.mil ff. Jahnke. .. ~l1J<IPnr Senate. I 4:> P m U one of the most hi~hly respe('te-d and :: :: popular superintendents 011 the hill. :: :; :.: :: :: :.! :t :: n :: :t !l ::: U U :: He leaves, beside-s a wide circ·le of


friend<;. a wife and t\\ro c hlldren; t

ANNUAL CAMPA'f.N Robert Lee, aged two. and nettr. aged I U th·e month~.

Superintendenl Jahnke ffrst c.:an1e · fLOSED TO STUDENTS tu this institution. in Nornmber, 1915, I' lJ a:-> an assii:.tant iu tho graJn laboratory.

l'rin·~ ror the 1!•21> Annual ha,·e .: me u Jl to $3 .. JO. There were 24 5 , ...-1k~ :;old at the old price. The

f' :ling (1f the <'ampajgn found all

1 So faithfu l wus he tliat he ''(as made/ superintendent or this acpartment I [wo ) ears agn. lf~orruerly he was em-I J)]oyed by ~orllJrup King and company of Minneapolis. In college )fr. Jahniie ma.de a fine sho~ing in athletics. I

'PTlliLit"-::i sub~ertbing lOll per ('ent \\"hile in :\[iw1eapolis. where he gradu-

11 .the clas~~~ ncc.t~·Ly ~~ialin~ ~at ated from .Minnesota. ·u· wit.h the class ,.,... .(ll d The tc1culty has an a\ e1 age ot 1914. he "-as ronside1 ed to be oue I

o! 44 µer <."t""llt. The alumn i campaign of the hest aLhletes al Lbe Y. ~I. C. A. ... m open immediately .an<l th:' -total I g~·mna..:sium. V.oll()y and basketball r. . .;nbt""r of bcoks sold b expeded to I Wf're his favorite Sl'Orts. r 'A"b. 300. This is nearly double the fYlcinal estimate handed to the faculty I TllE' ~ereased \\"aS born in Pepin. L ""or~ lhe cam1>aib"ll opeoed. \Visc·ons1n 28 years ago.


.\lJ lhe>se wbo ha,·e eot b en ahle to The funeral serdres were held

BOZEMA.· MO:-;-TA:'\A, ~IUDAY. ~JARC'H 21, 1919.

Results of


This list in<'lnded all who had p id tlleir dollar for ~\nnnnhi bd01·e

noon Thursday,

Oragani zations


Alpha Omicron Pi

Phi Gamma

Sigma Chi

Omega Beta

K~ppa Nu

'l'heta Xi



Sophomores .

Sen iors


Hamilton Half




2:? . 4




. 68


. 1l 0 .c z 'L:

- " " .. ~ .c 0 ~

t-"' 1n







Total number of books sold, approxi mately

--~ 0 .c ~ f "" ".c c E "" "- :;: 100 .

100 ... t




Solicito r

_Mary Millegan

Frances Kyle

Joe Bush

Ray P itts

..... J ohn T yler

100 ........ Vera Harris


96. t

91 .3




, ... 245

All Juniors be orne s ubscriber 3 o n payment of their r lass dues.

Dues a re being collected



::-:o '

:: = ~ ~ ~ = = ~ = :: u :: :t -:t


Tbl s u1h•tH l oundl \\ill tit ;:

:: l::'i;..:;nalt• 1he dHIP for the F'n h· ••

:: men to t·om1N'lll'(.' wenrin~ i..:r.;-en t: :: l·ap~. a111l all me1ohers of tht: ::

:-: daf:~ \\ill hp t>'XPP<'led to han'° ::

t: one at tht' appointed Ume. The :: Good Material for Team Presen t at :: usual pC'nally of a baLh iu the ::t

Meeting. Meet Scheduled with Mis- t: frog pond will 1.Je t.ne resul t. ot U soula but P lace is not yet Decided . : : ·_rny Frosh tryin~ to avoid the U

:: o· der. The~c <·aps will be for S::

I :-: :,u.le. l>V lhe Junior dass nnJ will U

Thirty meu reported at the- trark j !! !>OOn la•_ here. (°;(It. .you r~ ea:ly U meeting last )tontlay and workout~ I:: rtncl a\"f>1d an~. ac·1uamtanl·e with ~

I will commence immeclialely. A track :: \\"!llfll' of th(· tro~ (>Olld ••

meet with the l'niYerslty iH assured :: = en tbe 11th of ~1ay. The }Jl3co has :: !! :: 1! :! S! :: :: t: :: ti :.: i: U

not been determined.

I The 1Juiversity tmck squad has DEBATE TRYOUTS I heen out for lhe past couple of weeks. 1

:i7~l ~::~~J'~~~er~·::>O r~~h=r~u~:;:r~ll~~ HELD WEDNESDAY ! turned out Monday shows excelleut 1

I material al\d the b~t team tu ye&_rS ! is assured Tlle upper classmen are represented by Stanley, Mashiu. Reitz, j \\"edutisd_u~ atteruooo .tt fou·r· o'clock Senz, Bush Pitts and Oberle. John ! "·as tbp tinw -::;cl for the t1 ;out for Bo•\'en, l .. oo'ne\·, Hibbert Kelly. Street. lhe colleg~ debate teams. There were "'.\Iink, Rachm~n. Bright and Shoe-\ six m~u who bad ha.cl spl!eches re:dy botban are out from the lower classes. to deliver but as tbl:; wa~ the num er :\1o~t or u_1ese men have held records\ needed !'or U1e teams the tryout wa..'i

I in the h.1gh school meets at th'e Unh·ei·. not held and a.JI t hei men were plD.C'ed s ily, anct are well known m·er there. on tbe doha.ting squad. Ther are 1'be upper clas~rnen ha,·e help re- Zale!=- 1£cton, Sidney Sutherland. Leon cords here in the past few years. Saye1·s. Da\e Gra.)·, \Vard St. C'la ~ r

\ and Vergle c Hlma u.. Every <.'lass 18

rnter·class meets will be held early' represented, there l.leing one senior, and all ;.rvailabJe malerial wi ll bet one junior, thrP'C ::;ophmores and one drafted and put In tratniug. 'l"be 1 freshman.

a::d still '9i·ant an Annual. pay $1.50 I lah"ing parlors. Tl1e regular Christian =========:::;:=====================-L ~e adntntage of the t.'a1u1>a.ig:11 rates. :\la.rch LS. at 2::.10 in the \Vest t:nder· 1

..,,.,.·n and U1e other $2 on receipt of 8cien<.'e seremooy was used. :\!rs. - . .

cross-country run which. was taken I A meetinJZ or the Coffee t:lu lJ will tJy Bush. '20. last ~·ear will be held on be held this evening at 7: 30 a nd tlle April 18. The frosh have se,•eral dis·\ teams will be picked a.nd the debate tnnce men and with fair µ'eather a r.a.mpa ign~ will be launched. The new record mar be made. The race first debate i& with Utah on the will be between the freshmen and the ele,·enth or A1tril. Tb.is early date sophomores as usual, but all upper means fast work for the men who classmen .i n training \\' ill run. A

1 are pic·kcd b) Coach Duddy ro: iliis

meet between the Frosh and Sophs I debate. ~fontaua has the ncgati,·e of

b k. I hi d I\" 1 D . ea.d h

1 1, r Howard L. Seamans '16, has return-1 lf you wish to do a little prepara-'"'·"" oo Anvone w s ng to or er ,, a ter ans r t e sel'v ce. ro . . • n~~ ~hould do. so innne<.liately before , Currier sang, acrompanied by Or. I ed from a trip to Glasgow, Great Falls tory Red Cross work, hy not hold

. th 1

l J I'll 1 d ,1 c··rr d ,. h ~1 and Conrad, where he attended county very gently the blistered bands of t ··~ ordt.:,r 1s sent Lo e pr n ers. I _, s i an u rs. .1 or .... as . . r. . . , . , ?

• . ,., . Bli~b played a ,·iolin solo .accompa u- agent confere:::ices. I )our fa \01ite \liar-gardener .

·~ditor F .. cton is pleased with the ied bv· :\frs. :-:ash. :\Ir . Jahnke is·j ------·-w l.:r the work has been progressJug · · . . _ I i at t11e present tune recO\·enug trom I and ex.pee.ts tb.e boo~s to be out two i an attack of Spanish Influenza. As

1 weeks before the ending of the school. I soon as she is a.lJl to travel. the body I '.-....-m.. ~early alt Ute pictw·es have . . . 11 . _ will be 8h1l)l>e(I to St. Paul where tnter-h.)€'.n t.akcn and tb1~ \\Ork wi!l be J men\. will take plaee in Oaklano t

c,~ished the coming week. Anyone I Cemetery. 1 ! hf..'\ mg an~- snap shots for llUblicat10n s!l·:m ld lun1 them in immedlateJ;·.

1 P ror. Atk.Jnson. under "'·hose direc-1 1

! tion Mr. Jahnke worked. mad the fol 11 :lEATH OF ROBERT COOLEY r lowing bdef statement:

-- : •'Mr. Jahnke was a young man o! 1 he many friends ot ll-Obert Cooley, j very g1·eat promise. He was rapidly I

~fll of Prof. Ft. A.. Cooley, were very I <'oming to be recognized as one of the ' t l''"rrry to hear of the ro u.ng man's outstan d ing men of tlie <'.oUnt.n· in 11 ·~ath last Tuesday rooming. as a re· gra.iu in.spection work. This past •

t"u.tt of pneu.monia, following the lnflu- 1 summe1· the ffnited States Bureau of I e.:u.a. He had been sick s ince the, '..\fark ets offered .Mr. Jahnke a. ,·ery I

·t.er part of February. I attractive position. but he preferred I 'l.obert Cooley was a member Q( the I ro remain with the ccllege. He was

E:~.:do; class in the Gallatin County square. clean. a nd compe.rnnt, and bis I I . loss is a se,·cre one.'"

11 ~t{h school. Hts mother. wb.o has ! ------- 1

~~~~~:~::~s~;;:t 1~s:~::: i ANNUAL TOURNEY 1


:•;:w:: ~·::.':'.,"~',:;•,:.:.::;I NOTH ELD TH IS YEAR I



-- I 1

Basket Ball and Speaking Contets Call- J · ed off Completely Th is Year on Ac ·.

!1 - - 11


count of P revaletice of 11nfl uenza.

l·'inaJ ac tion has been taken and the 11 •ourn.:iwent. "'ill not be held th is year. t tn ,.i " of he increasing epidemic a nd It ~he pre,·aJence of sickness among Lhe I

o1""rank ).1. Red.man, representing lhe · "tuch'nts and 1>ro(essors it was thought \\'"estinghouse Electric company, and he~t to rall orf the contest and not J who has been stationed at Portland to risk further spread. Severa l of th e II r -Ing the war. ga,·e a very insturc- other <'itfes of lhe state are ln quaran· t e talk lJefore the J!}lectrical E ngin- tine and some of the tea-ms would ~··"dog Society \Vednesda.y. The· ·,a,-c been ll03ble to come at aH. The

1 ;-.'.•"a.ker .ga ve a comprehensive review nthPr <'Ontests were cancelert also.

n• the part played by electricity in Thi" is the first. year sluce the I t=. ... re\"olution iziug of the shipbuilding first touruey In 1!111 th at the annual 1 I ·:idustr.r necessilatect by the urgent contest has been railed off. Last 11

niands bi-ought on by the war. ,·ear. owing to hPalth concl ilions also t \\" hen this country went into the it was necessary for the teams to meet

·~~r ships were lacking and weans in Lh~iu gst-on and if {he pr esent epf. out ·Of the ordinary had to be resorted dC'mir ha.d not <'Omr on so ~ud d enl y I to, a~cl the applicat.ior~ of electrical I the ~om mitte_e ,~·oold ha"e bee_n able , n:. -.1unery to the mO'nng and the Lo nrn~~~U1e1 a1.:a~gements. 1_~1c col- t r.<:..Ddling of materials. illumination ,

1 ~ege 1 ee. 1 ets. h~' 111'"' to lak~ t~ll:> final I

,.. ..-<'tric welding. a.nd numerous other step but tbe.e 1s no other ~a} open. I !:\or saviug devices has shown the t '•nderful possibilities in lhis fielrl. Charle~ llansen. "14, .. -hn l1:Hi be"u 1

ill with influCl'nza. died at t h" <teten- I ~fr. J. A. Tbale-r. he-ad of the Elec t ion ho pita! 'l'uesday morni:l ~ li e I

·.-li.:'a l Engineering department has ar· was a graduate of the Gallatin Co11nty

.:.nged for a se1ies of educational High school and :\fontana Srnte <'"I- I "' rures br prominent. enginPen, tcge, e nd for the past vear hnc: ht>~H

.. rousth the auspice::J o :" the Swdun~ employed in the oolle~e soil labora- 1 I Franch or The A mr>1·knn Tnstllnf,, o" torr. I:

l\ lar. 29 . Saturday Mar. 31. ~Ionda y ... ~fay 9. Friday .. Mar 30, F r iday .. . June 15, Sunday .. . June 18. Wednesda y ..

Calendar. 191 9-1920

Spring Qua rter

...... _ ... Regis tration Day . ....... In:)t ruc tion begins

. ......... Standing of Students R eported . ......... :\Iemorial Day, a Holiday• . ....... _Bacca laureate Address

. ............... Commenrement .Tn:ie 18-~0. ~Fcdnesday-Friday . .... Examina t ions

Summer Quarter

Juue ~3. Monday July 4, Friday ........ . Aug. l. Friday .. Aug. 4 .. Monday Sept. 5. Friday

····-··First Term begins .... Independence Day. a Holiday0

. ....... F irs t Term ends .. Set·r.nd Te rm begins

.... Second T e rm ends

Autum n Quarter

Sept. 26. 27, F'riday . Saturday Se1>L 29, ~r onda~ .. Ott. 12, Sunday

R egistration Days .Tns tructio 1 begins

.. 'o lu mbu~ Day• :\or. 27. T hursda y. . .Thank:;giving Day, a Holiday" Dec. 11·19, \Vednesday-Friday ........ F...:xaminations DPc. Hl, Friday. t:~O p. m. ... . Fi r s t Quarte r end!>. Ch ristma!:' He·

cess begins.

192U Winter Quarter

Jan. a. Saturday .Jan. ~. ){O'ltlny .

I•'eb . 12. Thursday FelJ. J :l, Friday . Feb. 16. Monday Feb. 22. Sunday )[ar. 10-1~. \Ved nesday-Saturday

. Registtation or ::\"ew Students Chnstmas RecPss ends. !uslrnrt1on

begins Lincoln's Birthday• Standing of Students Reported

. Founders· Day ·" ' ashington's Birthday* bterscholaslic Ra~ketba ll 'T'ourna-

ment Examinations

Spring Quarter

l\Jar. 27, Sa turda) :\far. 29. i\londay :\l ay 7, l:i'riclay

May 30. Sunday .Jnnr 1 :L Sunday .June 16, 'Yednesday .June 1 G-18. \Yeclne~clay-F'riday

.June ~1. Monday July I, unday .luly 30. F'ridaY .. Au g. 2. ;\[onday .. SeJ)t. 3. Friday .

l~ egist.n'tlion Oa~-

Ins truction begins Staudfng of Students Reporterl :\Iemoria l Day. a Holiday• l3arcalaureate Address Commenceme7lt Examinations

.... F'ir'i t 'Te rm begins ... tnclependPnce Day. a Holiday•

First Term ends Second Term begin~ SPc011d Term end s

Autumn Quarter

Sept. 28. :?~. Tuesda)·. \\.PdnC'sday _ Regislratio:1 Days Sept. 30. Thursday Ins tructi on begin~ Oct. 12. Tussday X O\'. 6. Friday Nov. ~:>. Thursday DeC'. 20·22, ::.\l onday,\\"ednesda} Dti<'. ~2. \Yedne;dny. 4 : :10 p. m.

Columbus Day• Standing or Students Reported Tha nksgiving Da). a Holiday•

.. Examinations Quarter end s.


will be held in April 28. The inter- I the railruad question tller~.

class meet. for the school champion I The olher two debates, with Gonzaga. sh ip will be held Mar 2. E\'ery class are the 25th of Apdl, one in Spokane is expectin g to have a. winning team. j and one here tbe same evening. Mon. but at present the Juniors a re tb.e I rano.\. has the negative at Gonzaga and favorites with the Frosh seccnd. A the affirmative her"

t handicap meet wi11 be pulled i\Uy 9, -- -- ---


1 There wiil be vlent;· of tim e for tr~in· 1 DRAMAT IC CLUB MEETS ing lh is spring and Coach Bennxon

looks forward to a rattling good le~"'.; I The Oraulatir-;;;;;- beid a meeting

I This is the first meet with tbe . U I last ~londa ,. ailernoou. Leo Humpbry for the past four years, and the 1•residcnt ~r the Club presided.

I ·'Druius·· lhir:.k Lheir scalp prettr safe. . All men that can run and \\'ant to ruu :\liss Quaw has kindly consented to and ha \·e had to ru.n are urged to r e- aid in the producing of a play and

I port immediately. Hand in you r knowing her abili t)'·. a successful play name~ to Manager St.anley, and come is assured. A committee was appoint out. Training starts immediately. I ed to meet with Miss Quaw and select

a play to be giren soon.

II FORMER STUDENT .1 Ha l Stewnrt. Dot1s Ingram aua . 1 Stella Solberg "ere n.amed on thi• I rom rnitte-e.

SUCCUMBS TO 'FLU' I m~ta~l~s;u~;i~:~w ('~:~;~:i,~g w~:e h;~ l nnd a corumittrc- wa.s apl_)Otsted to s ub-

-- mit sugi;:esli<1tts n1 the ne..xt meetin~ · I of the clnb. This committee is rom-Charles Louis Hausen, popular mem· posed ot Ella Norcutt, Katherine

ber of the agronomy department diet! ,. 1 1 ll Bo e

I ''"earn:-; ant ,owe w n .

last Tuesday mo-ruing. March JS, at ~ ...

I ! '~~u~~- o;tc:!:1~~t~~~~:f ~~n"!'.~~u~: I NEW A6f.J[ PROF 1

1 and tlle lnrtuenza. He had been 1l1 U

I ~l;eh~·~ic~~~~:"l;~d "::isll~l~~t~h~1-~~ru= HAS ENVIABL.E 1 suq)J'ise to everyl.lody that knew h im.

I l"pon his graduation troru Bearer·

I head Coun ty Higl1 School at Dillou, Mr. Hansen entered Montana State

I j Coilege in 190.) in the sch ool of agri-

1 culture and graduated in UJll7. He

I was very popular among his rlass-

1 mates, was a memlJer of Lhe Les Buf 't fou rrale111ity, aud was at one time f I a member of Lile Exponent ::;.tnt'f.

t 1 After his gratluatiou. he returned l I to Dillon where he managed h is m.oth·

SERVICE RECORD H. H. Snmne1· retentl~· wok up hi~

dutit.•s ns asfii:;taut profe::;sor of agron­omy at .\tcncana State College. He

I~ a grarluate ~ of the Knnsa~ State ...\!!ri<·u!tt1ral College. but the sc·ene c r hi:-: n•c·ent nttiviLies has heen a.bout 1he battlc-tields of Ji'rance

:'i1r. Sumner- enlisted in ).!a.y 1917


1 ers farm ror se,·eral )·ears. In L914, Z\ tr. Hansen returned to ':\l. S . C. wltere ant.l wa:-1 ~t>tll 10 the fiNlt officel"'3 he tool\ some J)CS'l·graduate wo.rl< in !;. >· .... c-amp :n F·on Riley. Kansas agronomy. l'Pon t'inishing th\s he an 1 0 ., 1·.e (·omplelion or the course

1 \\"aft for a. time the conntr agenL for, t!H rf' h1.:.• wa.s ~enl to 'l'ronto. Canada.. :Olissoula County. arter which be was where IH ti ained with tbe !Jritish enltJloyed by the Cou rier. :lirmen. 11<> lat er returned io tlle.

11 He· wa~ married in. 19 t ;, to :\( iss

I Pearl Orton of Bozc01an.

F'unerat sen-ices will be held at t: 30 at the Davis & \\"e t l)arlors. )Jr.

I Hansen is sm"\~h-ed by his wif nod two year old daughter.

8tu1e~ and was ~~ation d at Fort \\"orth TP;-..as. l.ieutenanL Sttmner .-·•i!t>d ror F'1·ance rarly In 1918 and was assig•h:d tn Lhe 1 :{9th nero squad ~-on. n det H hmtut :-incr made famous by its aC'th ilh~s on the front. The :!Hth ha~ l!l official Boche planes to

In speaking of Mr. Hansen. members it~ rrPcli' « rN•ord whit'h )>laces tt or the fa<·ulty have Ra id that Ile was a ·t'<"ond in rh 1:umber of official pla.ne-s comp teat reliable young man wilh dow ned. Pv o ffi<'ia~ planes is ment nnusua~l·. f.OUnd jude:emen' and com· •l\a f"ithr-r dH" infantry or obser,·a· -·'ln se~se . He had a bright. future 1 ~ion b.... n mnst "itness and rePort

~-t:Ctrical Engin~ef'!:: . T!1e elc<'trir-at -- 11 engineering students are very fortun· Ge-orge Roose,.elt, ' 16, hn.s re t urned f :r~ in having the opportunity to get ~ from a trip to Denver. iu the interest~ I 1

.1.nct h i ~ associates in the n~ronomy !.lH" com}).-.r ~the ~qu:idroon ha.s many • Xo days arc holidays unless Sl)ecially d esignated in the> calendar. department and e.xperlmcnt sta1io:'.l j more r1la.nt:.:.i tha.t tht:'" official if!'po11.

__....:..----- _ ;m 1 his ma ny fri ends mourn h i~ deal~. (Continued on Page <t.) H: t lose touch vdth their profession. of the biologit'°al sun•e ·.

Page 2: £xpnurn1 - Montana State University · 2016. 5. 26. · •• OrchN:tra, I :ltl p. m. U oct'Hrc.>d the death o 1£.mil ff. Jahnke. .. ~l1J P m U one




Per formed scientifically s~.c painlessly at lowest price~ in

) Jon tan a


'.\lt>n J, ok 10 tl11 "'•l""l for tht· da\\n·n~

!hi JI!!',

Foi th• H~ht of ri,..lni: -.ufl: 'lut th'~· look to thl• wt-~l. the c·rimsnr


f r tht• thinJ'l' thut ar1• 1I11ne. in~ 1hmP.

Tin• cil'"[W•inl '31111 Is 1 rn·w made hope l-'ro111 th1· clurk of thi: ni~ht distilled. But th(.• '' l'stern I" n :-un-.;1..·t ~un;

THF: \\'EEKLY E:xro:-;t:~T FRIDAY ~LARC'H ~I. 1919


t0uU.~TO¥-th of '..\lonthiy Ex1><>nent. EstalJlbbed Januar) 1 1~~1 ;


Tlw \\'e1;>kl) r:. pon\.nt is strktly a student enterprise. It's thief purpos~ 1~ to present to It~ rt.·ader~. t.'ach wec·c, an accurate and complete record of the deve101~nH.:nt~ In t•ollege affairs dnrinc that period and to exert Its i:trtu­ent'e for thE' upbuildint= of :'.Jontana St.ue College. The paper is the rt>~ult of voluntary effort put forth by the students who l'Ompose the staff.

Th Tht• "llgn of a lrnpr lnlfilled Ompson I Published C\'Cry Friday ol the Cc llege year by a stnff l'11osen from the I s(l Olli or lhl' l';ISl tlH'Y ltr\\(' ;i}ways I $lUdentt' of the ,\lontana Srnte College or Agriculture and Mechanic Artg.

j 1·omc, ot the lTniH•rRity o! Montana. Bozeman, :\Jontaaa.

Dental Parlors Tho ,·rncll• 1ha1 '""' 1hc blrlh. Of all thf' heart warm hopes <•f men, Ac<(:)JJtaucP for Mailbg at 8pe<'inl Rate of Postage prm·icJPd for in Sectirn Of all the hopes of cnrtb. 110:{, Act of October 3, 191/. authorized F'ebruary 11, 1~19 I


' I I ' l I I

I '

Golden Rule Block

GOLD CROWl'\'S 5.00

:'\a lu ra l Appearing Sets Teeth



PHO E 97-R

For out of thl' t·a:;t :i Chrii.;t arose. SU BSCRIPTION RATE

And out of tht> L'<ll:'.lt tht•rt> ~le-a.med I Two Dollar~ rer Year - - - · · Ten Cent~ Per Copy The dt-nre!'lt <1n·am nnd the <'leRrest j Studt•nts be-come ~ubsrribers: upou payment of the regular activity fee.

ti ream ==============;::::::=:;:~;;==============> That L~\"l"r n prophet drt-<lmed. STAFF And into tht" wnit In~ W<'l'-1 thl•) 1.!"0.

\\'ith th<" dr<':lffi rhild of the 1·n~l.

Aml tLld the hop~s they hoped of old A hundrC"dfold im·reas1•d.

For ther in the- ea-"t wl' dreamed the


dream< ASSISTA :-; T SPORTS W R ITER Of tilt" thing~ ''"'·' hoped to do. west. SOCIE1"Y ED1TOR

. JOH :-; KO H:-; EN. ·20 I I ... ... .. IIAL STE WART, '20, 11

A CGCST ~ I. SCH~EIDER , ·21 ' C'. P. CAR HOLL. '20 I

Lo nrE~ BR ADFOR D. ·21 I JOHN TYLER. ·~o

.... LEON SAYERS. '21 I IBL~;N l!ILI,, '21

tlero fn the \\('~t. tho crimson ClHCllLAT ION :\fANAGER Tht> dr~nms or th<.' ca~t ('Orne true. ···--·· ··-·-·{"'··---------· ·--·- ... :1-1 . ~l U:-l'l' ZER, '19


-------------------- .\linni l'.:llen :\lan1uis ... .'20 ; :'\l~iry .\lille_i;i.\O, ':!O

~llnor Holl iday,

LANfiOHR'S Green House

PHONE 95. 315 So. T racy.

Cornelius Harrh.e:ton,

l L ila Linfield. ·20 ;\lerril .I .. A lquist.


Vergie Gilman, ·~1


----f The class or l!t!2, although as true to colflr as any c lass that h e-ts preceded I 1

1 it, h:1~ nt•\·pr ('01l1f' out in tlrn proper freshman npparel and a g reat many of the upper clas~nH:n ar<' of t he opinion that the t-"'rosb should don the green raps a~ ~oon as the wC'athcr petmirs.

L_ __ _ j This is the [irst nnd only C'lns sthaL ha_s not uphe ld the old custom . and I

1here i~ no rea~on why they should not fall i:1 line . The green caps a re f~Hniliar to all the residents of Bozeman and many hnve 11.sked the reason of tlwir disappearance. The <'aps are not so much a sign or freshness as 11 they arc a t'la~s ~ymbol. l"nder the military regime it was or course impos-1 sible lO dell\Rlld thi~ l~til1nett 13St fa11 and il i:; lhl'OUgh ll.O fault of lhe class th.-.t ther ha,·e not follow~d the custom. The ~enior derbies ha\"e not made




The Hub Ed. and Lou Howar d.




(Shipped Weekly ) at the

Success Cafe IT WILL SAVE Y(. U 50 CEXr;~ .


(That i.:; 10%)

Gallatin Grocery Co GIG s I s

Phone 55

theil ap11earn1Ht' on the campus a:it1 the juniors ha\~ 111. .. t spu ,~1 consternn-1 .._ ___ _

Statio nery OF QUALITY.

toin and enq: amon~ thl" lowt•r C'la:ssmen with the ga<id) \P~U that "ere ============================== j ~a ott~n h<'.tril in former year.!' Jn the change from war (·0111lil 'ms to the

10rmt!r phas<'s nl t ollcge hte the~t <.'ttstoms should not bt; forg(')t l! •1 nor n~-1 j i:leeted,

Ii 11


- --Tht> rrac.:k senson ha:- opened nnd. all LIJP llCC'e. Ml11') matc·l'ial i- ready_ I

)len that ahn:• held rN·ords arc out. and also others that an• <·ap:tblt.> •>f mak- j ing r<'(·onl~- Thl' prize or the season is th~ Bruin's sc-alp. for the <.·allege,! aml a:-i '")l"' swe<ttt>r for the individual Fir~t and most net· ssarv tor obtain· 1

;ng cht .. se ls hard and faithful traininc.. Xo tr<1l·k team cnn go to Lhe conteM



The store that fought and annihilated the frame up against your pocket book and caused th e price of )'our liYing to be based upon wholesale cost, in tead of upon the will of a small b unch of money grabbers . Trade at

fi H W · 11 & c and t·xpect to win unlei;s e' ~J y indl\·idual is in first rlass physil'al conditio:1 .

I eo. . 1 Son 0. .\ 1raek ieam has 10 ii~ht as hard for it> laurels n< the football or basketlJall c:(p~ad TlH'rP b no tihu·e on th!! team for the man that trains for a week

I .llld tht.•n tc1kt\s a wPe.k off_ ~r01:rana State has no honor~ for thf> man that <·annot do his le,·eJ best on any or the athletic teams. The :iame •'Bobcats" I

=====================~-'======== appHe!_.;. to :\lomana lighters and no others are enlllled lo use it. Coad ~------------------------------'

Sawyer 's Bozeman, l\Iontana. PHONE 92.




The Sugar Bowl HOME OF HOME - CAN DI ES.

' Automobile Accessories




Phone 390.

For The Latest in Dress And School Sh~~.s

CO~lE TO TH .t.

Exclusive Shoe Store L.\NG BROTll i:RS, Proprietors.

-I Bozeman Hotel I


C'oac bing. t?ci<>d material, hard training, backed hy the whole sd10ol will ============================== bring us the bacon af!ain. E\"er.vbody out, and let'~ get the bear mt•aL 1,---



Xext '"'f'Ck is e:-xamina tion week and this Jla}J~r will follov..' the cuStom I 01 pre\"ious year::3 and di~conti:lUe publi('aticn for that weelL • 11 of lht-.: statf ; nembers and <·nndidates for the staff will ha\·e their quarterly exams lo tak(: l u11I "ill not he in o posi~o~~ ~,·ork •••""''° .. " lor ihe vaprr. l I

STAFF APPOINTMENTS I Eighl gtuJenls ha'e thi~ week been appointed to lhe st<tfl 01 this paper

1 ~ftrr a tryollt of a period c:f about two monthl';. Georg<.• Jacoby bas been I nadt assistant rirculation manager. having been \\Orking In this deparune:it

sint·e the paper resumed puhli( at ion in January 1


To the editorinl staff ha\·e been added the name~ ol '.\linnie Ellen :\ lar- I 1uis. :'llary ~lille~an. Leila Linfh.•1tl. \'en:;le Gilman. '.\linor Holliday, Cornelius I Harri:igton and llerrill A1<1ubt. who now <·ompose thP general reportor ial ~ta1f. These students ha\\? been glvin~ faithful and promm ~en·ice on the 1

paper and have been turning work of h igh quality_ These appointments do not ccmpletf' the starr. Other !S t aff ca:ididateb

who ha\"e not had the opportunity to put forth tbe r(Htlli red ime in th is work 1

will probably be appointed later.

So m e Smoke r .

''I say. wlrn was here with !ast night,"

··Only 'fynle. father,"

Interesting Ex perience \ "\\"hat are you reading there?" t

1 ··A book entitled. 'llc<.·ollt?t'tioa~ of I you a Ury Town.'-· t

··xot as dull a~ ,·ou might think. her I The subtitle IR, ·~o;,,e Boo1leggers I

Good Teeth Have your teeth put in shape now and enjoy t he bene­

fits of good health and h appiness.



Guaran teed

for 10








'Modern Dentists Dr. J . A. Cook. Manager. .. \\.ell. t~ll )tyrtle that shl• le-lt

1>i11e on tht> piano:· A,.,·~wan.

·'Rath r dull_ l !'Uspect ?" l I Have ~l et' ··-llr!mlngbam Age-Herald. 1 Owen house Block-Bozemn

' L;tera tu re . I P hone 144


T'wnb a summer dar in winter .And lht- rni:"t wn~ snowing fa.st; A barefoot hoy with shoes on Sat standing in the gress.

\\'hih• tht' or~an ptleled b:rnanas, Lard was rendered by llw choir .And the s.exLcn tolled the 1·hur<'h bell ~, nw one set thr churrh on fl re.

Holy smoke, the prea( her shouted. And in tl1e m11dclle lost his hair.

I Dooth Tarkington tells of an olrl -­

rdored mn11 who appea r ed as a wit-1 c:========...====================== ness before one or our committees. In ------------------------------! th e course of h fs exnmination U1ese 1uestions were put to the man:

•·\ \ 'hat i~ your name?" "Calhoun Clay, sah." "Can ) ou sign your m1me?"'

"Sah ?"



FIRST CLASS BOWLING ALLE\'S. .. 1 asked if you <"an write your L------------------------------'

name·h :\ow his head rei-:embles bea\•en '"\Veil, no, ~ab. Ah nebber writes

F'or there is no parting U1ere.-N.L..H. ma name Ah cil('tntes it 'sah."-Al· ------------·---------- - --------- .

.. :\ly husband Is so jealous.'' ··11ow absurd!" "'\\"hy, isn't yours?" ··01 course not.'' 'llow hurnilllating.''

lanta Constitu tion. I 'I EVERYTHIXG I:'.\

L ' Envoi

Judgt.'. Jll'ed thi:-0 faint encore. :\fake worry disnppenr­

For~et ahou1 the war-! -Ex.\ The ll~lY!-' of PCfli'C nrp here.- Ex.

,1 Loose Leaf Books I


! Modern ·----- 1\1oderate --~-~_J I A Pooular Tale.

FI VE CH.\IR-ALL E XPERTS. 2 West Main St. Bozeman, lllont.

\\"h:ll Ul'I' \Oii l'l'ftc1 , n · "

.\ rnlt: ot lJ11ri1•rl tn <i""itre." \\"a tint· your tiltH l 11 tktion ""

~u. This. h· t·:\)ll-r' l\ H +· on IHI\\

to 1•la11t 1uitat111·s"


I Book Store :

I y _ and E. FILING SYSTEM l . __ _I



Page 3: £xpnurn1 - Montana State University · 2016. 5. 26. · •• OrchN:tra, I :ltl p. m. U oct'Hrc.>d the death o 1£.mil ff. Jahnke. .. ~l1J P m U one


The soothing, ,oftening, and healing Cr eam for wind rough­ened faces is


Thoroughly medicated, dain t­ilv perfumed, eas yto apply. Is not greasy or sticky. Good for chapped hands c.s well a the face.


R 0 S E 0 R U fi C 0.

lo4 C:. 1t1nll'•O "Thru Sleeper !"

Get on the right line.

A Chinaman can wear h is Pajamas in the daytime-but vou can't. · Plain white.-neat stripe patterns,

I You will find it a pleasure

to pay for them, ."l.75. $2.00, I $2.75 and $3.00.

THE WEEKLY EX f•O'iE 'iTFR!DAY ) lARCH ~I. 1919.

Clinton Stranahan has recuperated ·rom influenza and is now making tan~ to le3ve for Fort Benton in the e r tuture to ~ farmfnC'. I

{'_ t~E T H Rb:..

• ~ ) Silk Shirts Socitty ~!Is,- Katharine Kearns spent the I

:':,:~ end In To=d with her par- I OCR • -Ew • P RL "G ' TOCK OF E:\1ERY SILK SHIRT:; {


Holi~;ay's ~;~;~'ll:~~ 1.

)TJ~. Esther Baker wati a gu st of house T uesday e,·ening. friends in Bozeman Jast week end.

garet Frazier Tuesday while on his JPrry )fatcallum enjoye:<l a visit "ay to .\ f l s~oula . urday e\·enfng. :

Our Prices ~o Mor e

A :ilia. Linfi~ld, 1.k,r is Ingram. and 1 L•orothy Ann Holland were dinner I I

A lex F'razi er ,.i~i ted his sister :\ia r - ouest.::; at the Pbi Gamma. house at-

with is father O\'Pr Sunday. - - -- 11 -- I :\lrs. ) lorr ison is ,- is it ing her son I :\Hss Flcrence \YeR.ch r~t~rned Tues ' Home of Har t Schaffner & l\lan Clothes. ,

.\IF-bin Senz ::pP.nL. ihe wPPk end In Arthur '.\forrlson while h e haki a ligh t day fr~m b:~ . ~ome m B1l.l1 ngs._ wher~ I Hr-IFna with frf'Wds I ca:>e oi' t h e .. nu··. sh e "'as ' b 1ung her parents a Ju

__ __ friends. The pre!,;ident's se<::rMary in a letter


Tht- Theta Xi ~iris Pnt nained at :1 t.affy pull Thur~day PVenine:

Dr. Rus!:iel was a dhlller guest of Yera. t'letand~ at Hamil ton Hall las t F riday.

I giYeti the following memorandum )f i51:s l-Jc·l n Tripp and Miss Hen r i- sh owing t he religious aftitiations of

Hta :\loebus spent t h week e nd in President \Y ilson and mC'mber~ of the )Jbs Ada Hak .... r v. a." a dhn.•r gi1t s· 1

at th ... Qmf•:?a Bl'la Ifo11fP la~t Fri;J ay P\'f'Dillt.!;

Prut Spauld!rg, .'\'t:'l~on Gr~~n,· s and Paul Ottvidson wt•r"' dt:int r g u(:s s at llw Phi <iamm' bouse Suada) ....

:\Jii,:!:i E~tht.•r Hartz wa~ a din n P-r

1 Butte with their parent:;.

:"\I iss Von S t ienburg was a dinner l ~C:"t of the l'b i Gamma gir l!i Tuesday .\Iiss EhLher Uaker, of Helena, and e' <·nin~. I .\li:;s :\Lal.el Ca.rm ich'\ l wer e di nnt'

- - hrut-hts at tht>- Omega Beta Hou1;1: .. Captai n C'. 0 . Heath was en tenai n e1:1 I Sunday.

n.t th e K appa X n f rnrn1 nity bou ~ • J

Thur:-;-day l'\ euing a t dinner . I I :\f i~~ Jorenc Gaston a nd ?\ l bs R(1.,

1'U~t at tbp Alpha 0 hons<" ~~itm"Clay The f'bemi~try club !tad a shor t mar) T ra(·kwell Rt>ent th e week e '~1. c . .;,_I at tne Ph i Gamma house. ou \Yl'''l

~ l ende::tha ll i,:tre.e t.


1 husincs..., rnee-ting at tbc Y ) I.

\\-ednt.>"sda~· evening .

cabinet. Pre~ident \Yilson, Presb::terian. Serretary of State Lan~ing. rre~by·

te r ian. Seneta r) of the Trea~ury :'\1cAdoo.

(resigned ) , E pis<'o)la lian. ecre;1ry or \ \ ·ar Bak er, I<:piscopal­

ian. A ttorney Gt-ner al Gregory, f r e!"lgn·

eel l. Presbyterian. o~tma.::: ter (ieue· :ll

11er~r.nn ll y affi liated: Uurleson. not

ram ily mostly



CHARACTER lwr home in \\.·hiteball la"'l Friday be-1 Gt:m~ Kell) \\3..'i in itw.le<l inlO L eg A Hikers d ub wus 0 1ganii-ecl last- 8ecret.a1rY ol' :'\a\y Dan i el~. Meth· cause of the ilmE"S~of ht>r father Boullon rraternn y \\' ednesda~ e \ e· 1 "·eek b~ some of the women of )1. ~ od ist.

. \Iiss l'Ai i th Stan.lty was c-alle.d 83pt ists.

$25 TO $45 ~ n i ng- at the Kappa :"u trate rnit :r house C'. T hf' me ml.leis bem g the :'\h s~e Se<.: r t>tarJ of the Interior Lane. Pres-

·'11~ ... Frank~ ""nd .\lb~ h.tlf's ''ere on ::outh Hla<'k \1ube1 Cannwhael. Grare ~uttmg, by te r iao. urnn~r KU1~:.l~ U.l ht Pill Uan.ma 1 Lu<.:i1Je .\lcCracken Ruth ~obte. ) lar Secr eta r y of Agricu l ture Houston.



~fi~s .\l alH:i Carm ichael and ) liss gurite Lindsley. :'\1 a rlyn J udd. Theo E piscopalian .

I E~t.her Baker w~rH d in ner guests at ) luntze r. Esther Hartz, Gladys Rit7. . Secre ta r y of Commf'rC'e Redfie ld.

.A 1 I th e OnlP~a 11Pta fra t C>r n lty house Sun· :\ l f~s nona l dson and Hillie Hil l. Episcopalian. I' day. ' Secretary or Labor \\" ilson . Presby·

I A ''el,. c.I eh gh tt ul fi re::iide pa rt v ''a~J te rian . I

1 ('n.pL (' o I lea th Lieut \ \ . ti Ma d· ~ H 1 H 11 S d 1 The preside n t ts not a member of Th d t b bl I

· · · · · · g iven at am1 ton a un ay even· . e octor may n o e a e to • dox. antl Mr. ~u mner we1·e ente J'taJned


an y serret lodge or or ga n1zat10n o the1 LIFE b I m i::- The gue~ts \\(Te '.\tabel Ca rm1ch

save your I ut we c a n I a.t t he Sigma ('hi hou!-le at d inn er . G N t ·han ( oll ege- llaternilles,-Kanc:.as City . . r SOLE ael. Paratl1~e Rn.~. race • m mg, S :;;a\ e ) OU · . I Friday e\·c>n ing-. 1 E...,ther H·1n:r .l ercne Ga~ton. F rances t ar. Have your shoe~ repall'ed at. 1 • ' • I

t \ \ ·r.kasek. Dorot h y Ann Holla nd. .. r\.nd wb \" do YOU want to sell your CH.\MPIO'.'\ S HOE HEP AIR I ~Ir. Ooenbn1g, )Ir. George Roose- Gladys )fathews. Pau l Hagen, Victor, . ~ h" p ,.:

I I s k s d L R s t E I 1 · 11 DI;! ts 1rt. at.

;:'HOP ,-eJt. and ) l l· ('00 • tran were e n· ~ rsou. u~crt .. trees.' .. a r '-_e y,, .. ~·ell. what good is it to me now, "' II lf:rtainPd at d inner a.t t h e Kappa ~n :\lmor H oll1dc1y, Denm e Chestnut. I . j b f . h ~, E. ~·1a 1'11 frc-twrnit.' hOllSP :\1onday ('\'ening. .Jessie o·F'1n111 a1d Dewey Street s. when J" \•e got me new

0 0 mg t·

l " watL"hma n an' sleep in t he daytime? .. L ' I

1 Select ) our Easter AppareJ l NOW ,



I ICE CREAM I Brick m ad from st ock cream or any combination of below \ ' anilla Chocolate Carame'I

FANCY CENTER BRICKS Made in quart sizes with the

I following shapes in the center: Pumpkin Diamond Shamrock Slipper Club Egg Hear t Bell

@.MA~!A~J:TI~.~,!R ©· ' :I I ·

Phone 186 306 W. ::\Iain Ii I ' 1

I Spade Red Cross , lNDIYIDliAL MOLDS 11 American Bea uty Kewpie 11 Cupid and Rose Eas ler Lily



12 SQ. Black Ave.


E. \\'. HARLAND I· J Undertaker and 1:

I Pl!:~~~~'~'" l1

! The Way It Should Be Done


1 I SucceBsor to Pratt & Son 1 j

1l 11 I

Quality --------,

Serdce IJ After i he Dance Come to the 11

II 11

I Bundle of Ro 'es Rabbit ' Small Rose Egg II r\aslurtium Apple

f urkey Hen

l FAN CY BULK CREAl\fS Made to Order

P ecan Glance Marshmallow Walnut Gla nce

Nesselrode Pudding Ma ca roon Bisque

F rench Tutti F ruiiti

The Bozeman 1 Farmers Creamery I

Manufacturer s of Gallatin Gold Pr oducts

I W. K. Judevine, Jr., :Manager

USE "GALLATIN GOLD" 1 Call us for Prices. CLUB CAFE I'

I I I' ==========================================================

E. C. Stree t I;:; :: :: Dance Hall fo r Private Parties at all Times

BA QUETS A SPECfALTY ===...-..-.= . ==== \ For the Lenten 1 .• ------~

-------- ---- .. :: :: ~ ~~:; ;~·,n~n~~;y 1~:. ; · 1~\r~a~;,:~d ~~.:~::' PUMPS & OXfO-ROS , Season ... '07 ; James Kiefer , '14 . T h e memher s I I Y. C. Wray


:: of tha execu tive c·ommittee and •he FOR ' VOMEN ,. FWoeodhsafvoer vaoufintoe clhinooeseoffroSeam: Ceretana Means Quality I:: - - :: :: :: :: :: t!:::::: u:::: ~:~e:~etar i es must be residents al I Canned ~almon. .I

Jn Flour and Rolled Oats-Try Them Today Jaek Tay lor. 'It, ha• been ill wi th Are daily arriv ing and we · Sar dines

11 influenza. Sound ed Domestic hav ethem in all sizes and i Shrimps ~ The Bozeman Milling Company Gen c. c. Williams, Chief of Ord- Widths Mackerel l

·- - ----------------------------...:. ~like O<mhru~. "lh. \is il ~d in Boze· n;,,1ce, .aid a< a Washington dinner P RICED AT $5.50 to $12.00 Tuna Fish , ma n ~ l oncl a y. party: Lobster

·· 1 ne pluch or ou r b<Jy s is tremen- \Va tch our \Vindows Clams Elw·ood ?\! orris. 'O!'I, Is ill w it h in- dous. If you ever hear any thinli! Oysters

fiallatin Lumber Co. Now is the t ime to build. We have building material t°'

s ui t your needs .

I nnenza. •unesti ve or funk on the dough- Crabs bo; ·s part, yon can rest a>sured that Reeds, Bootery Kippered Herring

J ames Kiefer, ·1 L spent th e week 111\ esugaucn will dear i t up. Fin nan Haddie enQ in Bozeman, re turn ing to h is work ·· 'I'd l i k e t o volunteer tor t he i n· Fish Flakes

I~ a i. the School of Mines )fonda y. ian lr.Y, bu t moth e r won' t tet me. I 1 ·•' \\'b at! ' said a listener, ·a big ---------------:

c·a·1 •1rmy a t Fi ume, Au str ia. .. ·,:..;o: saui the you n man calml y.1

Also kits of Mackerel and Hol­land Herring, Kippered Sal­mon, Boneless H erring, Smok­ed Bloaters and fresh oysters.

Owl Creek Coal

I '\Yord h as been rerei\'ed from T om six-foote r like you . a nd your mother·

Qua w, '01, tha t h e is with the A meri · won t le t you; ' i

! 1

·so L'Ye \·olun teered for mine sweep-! Leroy Strau d, '17, spen t Sunclay i n I in1.' / B utt e. inspecting a ca r l oad of fr ui t ... \!mt! sweeping.' Good g racious, I fo r the en tomology de pa r tmen l. that is more dange1ous than infantr y


Now Jet's see wha t you look like


Thos. H. '&Co.

Real I g.hling by a darn s igh t:

Roy Hagen. ·1 ... Is located a t Pitts 1 know\ it i:_o;, said 1he young j field, .\I assat'husetts. wher e h e i s em· 1 fello". 'but molbt-r don·t: · -8x.



I ployed hy the Gen e ra l Electr ic o. A nnoum.emen ts haYe been recei ved

) of the marriage of '.\l ade l•~ l oocl . '18,

. \ S K TO SEE OUR $15,000.00 P LAN BOOK. I to Gil bert ) lcCune of \' ktor. Montana. ).l rs . ) t<'C'HnP has he('n tea<·h ing hom<' eco:iomi('S in th t> \ "ic'tor h igh s<: h o<.11.

PHO SE 2 0.


I Her h nsha nd is a 1>ros11erous young: farm e r of that lot•nlity.

Bozeman, Montana

Th e Alu mn i AssociR tion. at the ir last meeti n~. nomin uted offi cer :-: for

---- ---------: t he romi ng .'·ear. Th e term of th ree

Creamery llof the present officers hold m·ei~thc.

pr esi den t. Lois Hartman . '07: secre· tarv and treasurer Anne Breneman

\\' ill fu r ni ·h you t hose I ·o; : C"orres11onclin~ · •ecretary. Gra<·e GOOD - DA IRY - PROD UCTS Khk, ·1 1. For the other olfi<'es the

:\[JLK. ICE CREA:\I. B "TTER, COTTAGE CHEESE, ronowin~ nominillio1' 1tave been BCTTERl\IILK. made: \'it·e pre>'ident. ~ t ild recl Eck­

Ea 't :\Ia in Street. Prompt Delivery.

Telephone 389 els. '1-l: and \\' ilbur Robinson, ·o : exe«u th•e ('Ommittee, th ree members to be te<:ti.~d: li-eorgia Roose ,·eh "1-l :


The Central Studio I P~o~e 24

We treat your photos and

f ifms r ight.





You will find the QCEE. - and TREA!'.'l. L: .. TATE I I INCUBATORS I the kind that produce the early chick ancl k,t,

!Owenhouse l It.) . Sold by

.w. I


I --------------------. ...;...;....----

Page 4: £xpnurn1 - Montana State University · 2016. 5. 26. · •• OrchN:tra, I :ltl p. m. U oct'Hrc.>d the death o 1£.mil ff. Jahnke. .. ~l1J P m U one

AGF. ro1 1t

--, I




~EW AGGIE PROF. HAS .\lolltt'Cb he \\lli5 l:lkC'n to C'arlsruh ('>

l ~~ n'J f.A'/,tf ~I~ ! i ~ ,~~ -"W _.. I I . ./Jj!'/.,. I ! . I : I I I I rfATIONAL ORESSING WEEK '31 l APRIL > \~

ENVIABLE S ERVICE RECORD and hf'ltl tor l\\1· weC'k ... , til(ll went to l Walsh's , l I

(C'<•nlinued from Page one.) r aadshul in l.a\'lll'ia <llld im1H·l~Ol1l'<1 for a month when 1h1• armi~til·e wn::;

-~-~-----: ! ============== ~igncd l.ieutl'n:.111t Sumnrr !('ft Gf'r· ;----- I "Pllld indicat1>. Tlils ciPtat'hnwnt wa~ man) 011 thi• fir!'! of J)pc·i•mbf.r an 7

,,: PLt:i\JHlNG and HE~\ TING ir-l hw;llt>fl al l:-;--oclam, }<""'•·;rnn·· and rdllll\Pll 10 lht. r S. ,\ wlt~n· he 1'1

• ELECTH.H' \\ lHI~(, 1

·~Pd tht• 12t• H. P. Spads •};ingle n 1\ t•d hi~ hon1 .rihll' clisdt·trp• HP

l I eillt•il rtyin~ mudihtt.'~ Thl' i:t!lth in now )tr fl. H S11m11t·1· •>f !ht~ .\ ! ()11

n E .\ n I - . (1 ,\'J.l:i H'l:t 10 lhl' Tm ilk front in )la) !:Illa S.!3tt~ ('ollt ... 1!;1 fnl·nlty an<l. all I 11q u I • I I ar just\~· JTOl1tl in havin~ a mau c r

: L '\I\ PS 11 · ~.:LI\ wn~ ;1ti·r tr;inri::.tPITP( 111

l lC' su\'11 an t·n\inhh• n•t•on l ut lhi~ in<;titn-t ...::omnw and \q::;onnt>- orl!:-.t ... "hc->n

: .\ 'D STUDENT'S LAMPS 1 took pan in \ht' "'"'"\ 11/'fen"i'e • lie 11

i D H BUDD 2 ro \~~;~~:::l:l~~t$~u1;~n:,~or\~~~u~~::~t~;dtl~~ 1 , ll' (J • Hun~ While (>llg"nged in ('om hat "Ith

!_ ________________ _ an C'nemy plnne. he> wa~ shot down but wns iortnnnte in lnndlng "hhiu hi~

own lines In a l:.Hl~r engngement he' wa~ ~hr t tlO\\ ll nnd landed heh ind the !Be-ave-r-Bo-a-rd ____ !'

..,. <;t•t nrnn set·o1Hl liJw trC'ut•lH·~ noel was

1.For makin~ useful l°l)on1::; out I, tc1ke11 pri~rner c-1i S.P1H£1mhtr :!11th lie

'"~b t<lkeu to :\font~cr.\- an1l phu'ed in · of wa,te ~pare. I >nlitary ronflnPment 1or rift<'t'll rlays

l Easy to appl.r and easy to J 8Ubjectcd w rouith trrati1wn and f<·~l ! dPl'Orate.. I on hln«k hr'C'ad not! acorn t·offf'<" l•~rom

l:.-1 on Tht•


' " ~un~town.

Then "e ~UllPt.>reU. anJ ti.Jen '' ,. Pill~"

fLr a. "hilt'. Aft11 that w

UJl t~ ocr room and bt d·:-llt-adt: 1 uuti' thp 1•lcwk. ti\ f\ • $an Frnnri...:" 1 Ar­



II " I ( HT ) - 0 l' R H L E \Y LET t •-.;

Renew-t n1akP o\·t·r. ln rec­tifY. to 1.- c'lll>-tn t A. · happ~ chan).!<' fr.,p, bad sight to L ,., +'nr'abk ne" ,.jght

J.E~l.11:. E. c; .\ (; E


BE DONE I I l'O'.\L\lCRC I \L "\ \ rIO. :

I I \[,:


STORE I "Japanese Art Goods"


l I

I' \

I Capital ,' , c~ I , ttrplus a11•! Profi s

I Bozeman L_ ___ _


I ::; i:;11 II) I s2;;0.ooo I )fontana 1,


I!--------~ Tl,· \\"nr l!.1:-·k lnsura11t·e Ooard in ~IER!i~ .. 11'111!!1'1

\\';!-.hi11,1.;1011. ll l' has 11erhap!:;. Lhe ' int·:-! l'Olit><·tion nf humorous quills f n•r p1 t.nf'd Followin{!: are a fe,,· of f

~ t '\Tr.H 1~ f nrn ll•lt~r:-1 sent to the

1 !'1 q.l '" !;lllcli(>rs and their whPs.1 "!i 1 • r .l 1 ~· '". '.'olTt''-'POnclent 01 the 1 I

.\\111.~a~ ('it~ fllllf'~· I

Slw i~ Hfa) ht~ ;11 a ~.lb111mtt:?d hott~e. I 1

l'rt.,ious to hi~ dc11arl111e we \\Cl'e ,-------------------- ---------111arrit·cl re "'ju};f ke ol the p ea~·t." _ l

t-le wa~ introucl1H'C'd into tbf' suria<·e

I han- a. ·l-nwnths -olrl bahy anrl hl' I is 111.,- only ~ll\tlJOl'l.


A l<llH' wvm'.111 ilncl p:Hbl'b- clepe-nd· 1

ant Owin~ lo my condit ion whit'b I luwe

not "alke-cl In thr~t' months t'or a

hrol~Pn ll'K \\'hkh I e nc·luse

lo\ i11~i.' yours. I <1111 lt'ft willt ii d1ilrt 7 nwnth:, ohl I

ind she i~ u h:1h.' a.ntI t•cm't worl< ln tlw st.•n i P of C!r l"nitf'<l Btate~

\rn~<·rr lfe \\.1s 1uy hP~t supporter

• LHL\ f' ::.inf'e tll< n:.tl my pof:?totlire I

The mini>;ter~ of Bozeman are doing a noble work.

But we are t he real SOLE savers. Have your

SHOES repai red at

Champion Shoe Repiarers 7 E. Main Bozeman, '.\loot.

i KENYGN-NOBLE LUMBER I ! Company. d ~~\VOID H .\\'ING YOL7R i j 320 W. Main.--Phone No. 4 11 I L.-\ WN CUT I

I nw in~1t m:-. inRun.11H:r• 11uli::oh an<I I ============== I a.m hi:-. \\ ile and only sir t Gallatin Laundry Co J


----------------== : BY \\'A(;();-.: \\'lfl<:EI.>' :

l JEWELRY A I I Buy your summer coal while I l I • the ground is still frozen. •

, MAN NEEDS , I c o P E L .\ N n , 1 ! 1 PHO~E 82. I

: Utility is a prominent fea- L~-' ner _of Ch-ur_c_h_a_n_d_:\Iaii_l. ! 1 ture in men's jewelry. It ought J to be god looking and good


l quality. If a man cares how 1 • ! he looks, be wants it to be 1' 0);R :\!OTTO: I

! good style. t I " Qualit." and Indi\'iduality.' ' Ii


Pea~e·s Rells the kind of I I ___ 1 j jewelry u g-entleman wants to ! \ l t wear. OUR CAN DIES 1) Cu.ff Buttons. $1.50 to $25.00 ' 1 l Are The Best. j 1 Loose Links, $2.00 to $12.50. 1 l ".'C Hl\IID'I' Bl'O'l'HE. RS.

t Waldemar Chns, $3.50 to $15. t .~ l . l, ~Scarf Pins, $ l.00 lo $50.00. I Phone 71 W. l,

J Watch Fobs, $2.25 t~ $20.00. 1 '. j 1 l'ie Clasps, .75c. to ~<>-00. !--------------1 ~It Buckles, $2.50 to $4.50. _____ .;.. __________ _

1 Set Rings, $5.00 to $25.00. I I l Emblem Rings, $9.00 to $18.00 I 1 . I ..... FOIL.. :

j H. A. PEASE & CO. \ SERVICE = QUALITY !1 l Jew•:· ~~d :~~·~:trists I VALUE L t THE HALLMARK STO RE Ii I I

KODN<ERY A Ma)laimc for Amateur.



ls the sum of your buying 1'

when you shop at

ELLIS - ·BRANDLEY !' . &CO. I I Community ::>ilve1· I !l ____ Harn-ess and S't_•_P_J>_li_e_s ___ ! __ Everything in Hardware

MARCH 1914 !~~T STY~,E-::~-Ql1 ALCT;i ,

Do Yo11-lf'wld 1011 Likt!

7"o Jfakr G'.l()d Pictures f

We h,n c the ideal help. T o every r .·,~m rnn:!1:i:,er of a Kodnk. '8.-o,·. ni·~. Gr:ifkt or Premo camera a ) .a~·., Cree sub~riptzon to


Pt;T THE "Ge" in GORDON I A hat as populat: as the Gor- 1 don must be right. It is on lh l'llla.iority or heads e1·en·-.1·he1·e. ·

There'~ a distinction between ru rred style and eccentric headwea1-. Yo11 arp alwav~ .,afe in a Gordon. ·


I Let UH show you I he hat for ,.

~-ou. I


l By <.:nnt'l1C'} Tilt•: \l"~:EKl.'t


llati lwd clif-ticnlly in SN'ltrin~ ~ !..;\\·~

Thhi week. n.s Then• was ~0~1; lo l.Jt' h.HI.


.fu:".t \\ail· 81'!1.IG HAS l'OBE! And :soon \\"1> \\ill IJ(•

:,dJlP LO g'l't

SOMI' n:r11 UOOll STORIKS l's FllSSel'i,

Of camp

\\"ho •troll Around the Plnc~. with Oreamy looks and ~weet Ex11rE'~sion~

nnd walk ~lowly and Aimlessh. Arni list1-'11 to U1tle bird•, .Ju~t likt•

The lady iu TltJ·; trnD TIAT anu tht· g-entlenu1n in Lhe llORX·RlM~lt.;r) GLASSES .-\lw:.1ys do. .fl.ST \\"AIT!

Tho };Xl'ONJ<:NT DEn:CTIYg

ynu a~k for allotlment nmnher. l 1 f 1111, I ,\;lit l y Tl tl. ~itl. i

Plf':1SP c·orrPrt lllY na.mP antl L coulcl I and ""llid uot ~l~ unrlC'1· ttu cou~umerl ; IH\lllf'. t

Lam w1;tin~ in the Y )tl C'. A. \\ith •! cl piano 11layinl:' in m~· uniform.

Plea::.t• rc>!Um m.' marri<t~e certiii- I 1•a1P. halJy ha.._11·1 eaten iu lhrec days. 1 ~ow :\trs. \\"il~on 1 need help bad. I

I See if tht> prcsh1ent n\n't help me-• l I nPPd him to ~e a.ftcr mP Both side<:-


and b read y at all times to sen·e the college student.'-'.

If you are particular. try

Gallatin Laundry Co \ 1 cl our 11arent~ arc- old and poor. l

l>c-ur :\Ir. \\'ilson. I hri,·e written I

to ).l r · Ll eadquartC'rs and h·i " 6 rcch·ea ~=~~=iii'iiiiiiii'ii11ii11ii:1~11~11~uii1iiiiii1i1~:u~u:miiiiai1i=~uii:i~1ii. sii.i§'i11~1 ~l'iil~l'~I §'i~11~q~11ii1 .iij.~jip~11ii11i• iii~'I

'1~:~~i::~~~;:~,\~\: n:~:,~~i:.'.X;~:~~1 ,I Slip-On Sweat~~~ I I Iw "n~ ke1n and hred up in this house j .. c-c-orctrni: w ;our instructions THAT NEW SUMMER WRAP

I aln t te<.·eivf•<l no pa~ :-.inc(• m' hus· bonct ho., !!on,. rrc m no where. F OR ~1JSSS AND 'VOMEN

: -- - - ""

1 I Shades of Bro.- n. Blue. Orange and Lavender. With a nd ff Thp olde~H go1 11 ~t.on 1" lht' <'lh" ._ "' .... ,

ahout ihe ho; "ho lelt the r.tt1" :.~·I without Collar -. :'\ewes t styled Frock.-. . Snug Fitting. fL:;<t :-t JolJ in 1ht> ell' llc> ''rot· n ii

1 tter 10 hb hrotlter. who el ctrtl "' !1 SPECIALLY PRICED. ~~

I stkk b; tUe farm. telling ot llh' Joi·, ;! " 'ORSTED. S6.50 1;f rily life. In whkb ht~ ~aid: I§

··Thur.t111r "" a111o·t1 out to the a :\IERCERIZED. S7.75 a 1 l'Ull ntr) club. \\her~ \\ P t?:Oife<l until a Ii

I dark. T11en we motorNl to th,• ueaeb 1 a :-{OTE THE DI PL.A Y 1:-; ONR CENTER \\"!~DOW. S and t•'rida yed there." n ft

j Tl>e brother on tlte rarn1 "rot<> I Th w · 11 c I I ba.~~~.tenlay we buggier lo tO\\ll and u e I son 0 -I

base balled all nrtcrnoon. Then we ff tt . went to ~ied's itnd pokcrrcl till morn-I ~ g

1 ing. Today we muled out to tl,ie corn. U I ' 66 1919 g

mmmm:11111 111111111111111111m1:·==1 1 1 1 1111111111111111111111'1=

:------- - I

11 Lanli~s Lands,Lands ! ' WE HA YE THEM II 'I We also Handle Ci ty Propert•

I Come and See Us

I Phone 16 ~h\fP:'\O:X & TRl"ITT .

Nyal' s Face Powders, Creams and Lotions

Montana State College of Agricul­ture and Mechanic Arts

Practical cour,,e: in Architecturnl, Ci\il. Electrical and i\lec hanical Engineering, :II chanie Arts, Agriculture, Dairy Horticulture, Home Economic . . Industrial Chemistn·. Econ-The particular woman who would have a clea r,

glow lo her cou ntenance always in is ts upon



omic~. Riology. '.\lu~ie and Art. ·

The rho:-t hC'lpful Clf lll am:ucur I ., _ , _ !

Jrcar~~~~~~~' ~~. i niif "VOGuE ! J. M. Hamilton, President QU W>'Y \ND SER\'ICE 1 CHA VEY & JACOBS 1] _R_O_E_C_H_E_R_'S_D_R_U_G_S_T_O_R_E_.! l _______ B•_fr.!'_rn_an_. '.\-1o-nt_a·1_a. ____ _

The world's best standard toilet good._ Found in the best homes._ We carry the complete line-where your trade is appreciated.

Beautiful ground . commo1lious buildings, complete wood a nd iron shops. extenf'ive laboratorie8. model kitchen and . ewi ng rooms, mu11ic and art studio.