xx ii ma r ylan d state teachers c olle g e, a l bowie , …tar y s ch oo l , with mi m ari e a....

Vo l. XX II Supervisors Here A Conference for superv is o rs of Ma r yland Sch oo ls w as h eld her e, on ovemb er 3. 4. and 5. Th e pu rp ose of th e mreting was to acq uaint supervisors wit h new mat erials, to st ress net> ded po int s of emphasis in th i: pro - g ram , and to co nsider fur th er steps 1n curricul um develo p- m2nt. Severa l of th e superviso rs were given sp ecific assignments : however, all were pr epared to mak e co nt ributions toward th e vario us problems considered. In th e Genera l Session, th e mo rning of No ve mb er 3, re- ports were given on Imp roving Instructi o n in Ari t hm eri-:. by Mr . Ralph Wat ers , Su pet visor of Elementary Sch oo l.,. Sc. Mar y' s Cou nt y, a nd Mr. M o rri L. W oo dson, of Ho war d Co un- t y. Mr. G eo rge M. Cr aw fo rd pr esid ed. A special addr ess wa given by Dr. Fern D. Schn eider, Assistant Pro fe ssor of Educa - tion, Univ ersity of Mar yla nd . Th e aft ern o on sess io n cen - tered aro u nd Art in th e El emen- tar y Sch oo l, with Mi s M ari e A. Dashi ell. Supervisor of E le- mentary Sch oo ls , Wi co mico Cou nty , pr e iding. Th e Place of Ph ys ica l E du - cation, Health. and Safety in th e Schoo ls was th e topic of discussion Thursday mo rning , with Mr. Jo seph C. Park s, Su- pervisor of Sch oo ls , C h a rl es Co unt y, pr esidin g. Th e evenin g sessi o n fea tured a pan el discussio n - rhcm e, Ut ilizing T est Res ul ts to Im- prove Instruc tion. Mr. Paul E. Huffington, State Supervisor of H ig h Schools, was leader, wi th Mr . Anni e B. Do wnin g of Worce ster Cou nty , and Mrs . Sarah V. Jo nes of Ann e Arun - del Cou nty , as participant s. R ep o rt were mad e on Cur- riculum D evelo pmen t:; at th e Co unt y Level by Mr s. Th elma M. Co rni sh of Calv ert Co unty y and Mr. C harl es E. Hen 'J n o f Frederick Co unt yy . Reporrs by ot her Supervisors on How the Superviso r W o rk s with Pr inci - pa ls to Improv e T ea ching a nd L ea rn ing were given by Mr s. Margaret F. Jon es, Montgo m- ery Co un ty a nd Mr. \V il liam Hal l of Princ e Geo rges Co unt y. Mr. G eo r ge M. Craw for d pr e- sided over th e las t ge neral ses- sio n and an addr ess, Action Research to Improv e Ins truc- tion w as delivered by Or. Ar- t hur W. Foshay, Bur ea u of Ed - ucational Resea rch, Ohi o Stat e U niversity. Miss Myers Explains W. U.S. Th -:: student co ngr ess, fJ cul - t y. and s tud ent s welco med to MS TC- M iss Mi ch ell e M yer s, a repr ese nt at ive of the \Vo rld niv ersity Servi ce (W. U.S .) . Miss M ye r~ has tr a ve led abroad and for that reason she w as a bl e to br ing to us some kno w] ,.,dgc of living condiLions and needs of students in Euro pe. MA R YLAN D STATE TEACHERS C OLL EGE, al BOWIE , D EC EMBER , 19 54 N o. 1 Plans For Gym Finally Approved It is w i th gr ea t prid e a nd sat - :s facti o n th at th e Admin is tra - tion ca n a nn ounce th at Th e Depart ment of Public Improve- ment has made final pr epar atio ns fo r _o ur new gy mna sium and do rmit ory. Th ese buildin gs are greatl y n ee ded at o ur institut ion in order to carr y o ut a well for- mulat ed pr o gram. Ma y w e approach th e ew Y ea r with a greater determina - tion to acquir e th ose skil ls, a tti - tudes a nd ab il ities which wili enabl e us to mak e th e greatest co ntrib ution to a ha pp y a nd peace ful wo rld. Barter Scores In "Mac b eth " May The S pirit Of Warmth And Good Cheer That Pe1·va de s Th is Corner Of The MS TC Library Follo w All Of Our Readers Thrnug hout Th e Yuletide Sea son And The Comin~ Year Th e wor '. d fam ous Bar te r Th ea tr e of Virgini a sco red here a ga in in th eir 1954 p ro duction of Sh ak es p ea re's " M ac beth" on October 2 6. Ow en P hi llips, dir ector-actor, again demonstra- te d his g ift fo r m a kin g the a udi- en ce fo r ge t the fa ct th at th e gr ea t William w as ever a sc h oo l roo m ass ig nm ent. Leaders At W.U .S. Meet STELLAR PER FO RM ANCES FO R XMAS WE EK In th e Bard 's recital of ho rror a nd terror loosed up on Scot- land, the play do ff ed its tradi- tional moo d of so mbr e br oo d- in g a nd became a s wift -paced, inos 1ve melo drama tic expen- enc e. "Advent u re '' In D. C. Th e Bowie Ar ts Th eatre is etta entit led " Th e C hr i t ma s What w er -: Mar gio? Ad ams a nd Do nald Th ompson, Betty T ho mps on and Lesl ey Holmes doing when th ey were seo? n on Oct ober 3 1, bein g cha uff eu red around Wa hin gton together? Well fo r all of you curious peo - ple, th ey were attendin g W. (W orld ') U. ( Univ ersi ty) S. (Service) co nf erenc e at Am eri - can Univ ersi ty . It wa s quite an experience for th em and th ey wish to share th e sa m.: wit h yo u via th e ' ·Co ll ege E ye .. , By tw elve, no on, th ~y were surrou nd ed by student s of all races and nati o na li t ie s: Lh ey were surrou nd ed by s tud ents fr o m W ils on's, Min er's, Cath- o lic U. . Co ppin , Goucher, Fro stb urg. Ho ward , a nd ;11a n y o th ers as th ey conven ed fo r a s tim u latin g, en li g ht enin g pro- gram. Dr . And erso n ( pr es idcn 1 of Am er :ca n U . l gav e a pr elimin - ary in tro du ction and di cuss io n prior to th at of Dr. H age r (pr es id en t of \Vilson·s) Lh e guest spea ker. Th e a sse mbly was to ld so m.c of th e actual ex- peri en ces of these men as Lh ey witnes ed th e wo rk of W .U . S. in man y la nd s. P erh:i ps yo u wou'. d like to kn ow some of these fa cts . h uh ? Well .. . one impr ovement in Europe is that th er~ is no lo nge r ratio ning of food. Ger- man y is st ill quite dcsolute; however, they he]p thcmsd ves a gr ea t deal; the students are quit e ind ependent. Th e Phil ip- pin es. Afr ica a nd mos t fore ign co untri es have desperate n eed fo r our old t ext b oo ks. Man y for- eign stud ents are puzz led by our ideas and a tr. itud es. Th e U. S. is th e o nl y co untry with iiberal I Cont i nued on P:i~e 4, Col. 1) again thi s yea r end ea vo ring to fulfill its fe lt cbligation to o ur st udent body a nd facul ty by working dili ge ntl y to produce wo rthwhi le th eat re. Th e next perfo rm anc~ will be R ac h el Cr ot hers' "Mary Th e Thi rd " o n D ece mb er 20. Tbe ca st cons is ts of Mildr ed V. Bro wn , E dw ard Taylo r, L esley H o l m~s. Gr etta Go rd y, Eva Tittle, Wilm er Shaw , Mar- gie Adam s, Roberr Cromwe ll, Frank lin Wil son. and Mary .Ja ckson. A ga in th e Sch oo l 1s D em on Cr at io n Opcr- Fa nta sy," by Lili ian Cavergan. Th e mai n characters ar e: J ack Fr ost, Calvin Ballard : Ja ck- in- t he-B ox, G eo r ge Grant ; M err y Xma s. Peggy Bell ; Cat, Charl es Jo hn so n : Mouse , Ra ymo nd Bell : Suga r Pl um , Ern es tin e Bernett e: Whit e Xmas, Ba rb ara Hol la nd , and Sa nta Clam, Wil - liam Henr y. A ll members of th e Demon- stration Sch oo l are includ ed . Th e Co ll ege Gl ee Club ac - co mp a ni ed by the Band w ill pr e ent a Chri s tm as Or atorio by Ca mi ll e Sa int -Sae ns, Dzce mb er 2 2. Th e program is as foll ows: I Conti nued ==-============ This 195 4 "M acb eth '' moved with vivid pr ecis io n th rough its two ac ts and 14 scenes in reacting its saga of vio · enc e, tr ea chery a nd reve n ge. Th e sto ry of the mu rdero us Macbeth , his sinister wife a nd th eir fearful m is d ee ds w as reto ld with flashing eloquen ce b y P a ul Lu kath er and Jenn y Davi and a capable cas t of s uppor tin g players. Th e audien ce was par - ticularly impr es ed wi th N at h- ani el D oo little's po rt rayal of th e porter. Esp ec ially impres- siv e, too, were th e s trikin g and colo rful backg rounds a nd the witch a nd gh ost sc en es . Y es, Bart er's " M acbeth " wa somet hin g to see, a nd somet hi ng to hear, a convincing ~xample of the bett er t hin gs in Lhe :. h ea - tr e. Th e Bats spo nsored th e pre- se n tat ion a nd the en joyabic re - ce pti on fo:lo win g. Th e Hon. Trul y H at chett Speaks Th e H onor:ible Trul y Hatch- ett, fi rst N egro to be elec ted to the Maryland General Assem- bly, spoke to th e facu lty and Helen Wood Is New Miss MS TC st udent s dur ing the assembly. Th e college is p ro ud to hav e Marlen e Gr ay a nd Ca: herine Thur sday, D e..:r mb er 9. as its new qu ee n, cha rmin g Wri g ht w ere th e cu te page s. Af ter giving a br ief histo ry H ele n W oo d, se ni or . D oro th y Co rni sh carried th e of the Negro in poli tic5 in Bal- cro wn a nd M argie Ad ams, th e timore and Maryland, the Cro wn ed by Dr. Henry . she quee n of '5 , present ed h er w ith pro min ent rea!tist and commu - r ece ived fl owers from Mr s. Hen- the sce ptre. nity leader st r esse d the impor- ry. Mis W ood's escort wa s Aft er th e coronation. the tance of full p arti cipat ion of all Beni to Lake a nd her at t rn dant s dan ce wa s b eg un by the qu ee n citizens in the political activities were: Doris Holland, T h el ma and her escort followed by th e i :-1 all sections of the S tat, '. N ich o lso n , M i ldred L. B row n, a tt endants and their escorts. Lawye r Jos iah F. Henry of William ac Pu rgeso n , Sa di e\ Mu sic w as furni shed by the Ba 1 ti m or e in trod uced Mr. Pu mphr ey and Sarah Archi e. Va ndyk es of A nn apo li s. I Hatchett.

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Page 1: XX II MA R YLAN D STATE TEACHERS C OLLE G E, a l BOWIE , …tar y S ch oo l , with Mi M ari e A. Dashiell. Sup ervis o r of E l ... S a rah V. Jo n es of Ann e Arun d eC o u nty ,

Vol. XX II

Supervisors Here A Conference for superv iso rs

o f Ma ryland Schools was held here, o n ovember 3 . 4 . and 5. The purpose of the mre tin g was to acq ua int supervisors with new materials , to st ress net>ded points o f emphasis in th i: pro­gram , and to cons ider fu r ther steps 1n cur ricul um develop­m2nt.

Severa l of the supervisors were given specific assignments : however , all w ere prepared to make contri butio ns to ward the vario us p roblems considered.

In the Genera l Session , the morning o f N ovember 3, re­ports were given on Improving Instructio n in Ari t hmeri-:. by Mr . Ralph Waters , Su pet viso r o f Elementa ry School., . Sc. Mary's Co unty, and Mr. M orri L. W oodson , of H o ward Coun ­ty. Mr. George M. C raw fo rd presid ed. A special address wa given by Dr. Fern D. Schneider , Assistant Professo r of Ed uca ­t ion , University of Mar yland .

The afternoon sess ion cen ­tered around A rt in the Elemen­tary School, with Mi s M arie A. Dashiell. Supervisor of E le­mentary Schools , Wicomico Co unty, pre iding.

The Place o f Ph ys ica l Edu ­cat ion , H eal th . and Safety in the Schools was the topic of discussion Thursday morning , with Mr. Joseph C. Parks, Su ­pervi sor of Schoo ls , C harles Co unty, presiding.

The evenin g session fea t ured a panel discussio n - rhcme, Ut iliz ing T est R esul ts to Im­prove Instruc tion . Mr. P aul E . Huffingto n , State Supervisor o f H igh Schools, was leader, wi th Mr . Annie B. D owning of W o rcester Co unty , and Mrs . Sarah V. Jo nes of Anne Arun ­del County , as participants.

R eport were made o n C ur­riculum D evelopmen t:; at the Count y L evel by Mrs. Thelma M . Cornish o f Calvert Co untyy and Mr. C harles E. H en 'Jn o f F rederick Co untyy . R eporrs by other Supervisors o n H o w the Superviso r W o rks wi th Pr inci ­pa ls to Improve T eaching and L ea rn ing w ere given by Mrs. Marga ret F. J ones, Mon tgo m­ery Co un ty and Mr. \V il liam Hal l of Prince Geo rges Co unty. Mr. George M . Crawford p re­sided over the las t general ses­sio n and an address, A ction Research to Improve Instruc­tion was delivered b y Or. A r­thur W. Foshay, Bureau of Ed ­ucatio na l R esea rch , Ohio State U niversity.

Miss Myers Explains W.U.S.

Th-:: st uden t co ngress, fJ cul ­ty. and students welco med to MSTC- M iss Michell e M yers, a represe ntat ive of the \Vo rld

niversity Servi ce (W .U.S .) . Miss M ye r~ has traveled

abroad and fo r that reason she was abl e to br ing to us some know] ,.,dgc o f livin g condiL ions and needs o f stud ents in Europe.


Plans For Gym Finally Approved

It is w ith grea t pride and sat­:s facti on that the Admin istra ­t ion ca n announce that The D epartment of P ublic Imp rove ­ment has made fin al preparations fo r _o ur new gy mnasium and do rmitory. These buildings are greatl y needed at our inst itu t ion in o rder to carr y out a well fo r­mulated program.

Ma y w e approach the ew Yea r with a greater determina ­t ion to acquire those skil ls, atti ­tud es and abil ities which wili enable us to make the greatest contrib ution to a happy and peace ful w orld.

Barter Scores In "Macbeth"

May The Spirit Of Warm th And Good Cheer That Pe1·vades This Corner Of The MSTC Library Follow All Of Our Readers Thrnughout The Yuletide Season And The Comin~ Year

The wor '. d famo us Barter Thea tre of Virginia sco red here aga in in their 1954 p roduct io n of Shakespea re's " M acbeth " on October 26. Owen P hi llips, director-actor , aga in demo nstra ­ted his gift fo r making the audi­ence fo rge t t he fa ct that the grea t William w as ever a schoolroom ass ignment.

Leaders At W.U .S. Meet STELLAR PERFO RM ANCES FO R XMAS WEEK In the Bard 's recital of ho rror

and terror loosed upon Scot­land, t he p lay doffed its t radi ­t ional mood of sombre brood ­in g and beca me a swift -paced , inos1ve melodrama tic expen­ence.

"Adventure '' In D. C. The Bo wie Ar ts Theatre is etta entit led " The C hri tmas

What w er-: Margio? Ad ams and D onald Tho mpson , Betty T ho mpson and Lesl ey H olmes doing w hen they were seo?n on October 3 1, bein g cha uffeu red aro un d Wa hin gto n together ? W ell fo r all of you curious peo­p le, they w ere at tendin g W. (W orld ') U. (Universi ty) S. (Service) co nference at Ameri ­can University . It was q uite an experience fo r them and they wish to share the sa m.: with you via the ' ·College E ye .. ,

By twelve, noo n, th ~y were surro unded by students of all races and natio na li t ies : Lhey w ere sur ro unded by students fro m W ilson 's, Min er's, Ca t h­olic U. . Coppin , Go ucher, F rostb urg. H o ward , a nd ;11any o thers as they co nvened fo r a stim ulating, en li ghtening pro­gram .

Dr. Anderso n ( pres idcn 1 of Amer:ca n U . l gave a prelimin ­ary in troduct ion and di cuss ion prio r to that of Dr. H age r ( pres iden t of \Vilson·s ) Lhe guest spea ker. The assem bly was to ld so m.c o f the actual ex­peri ences of t hese men as Lhey wi t nes ed the w ork of W .U .S. in man y la nds. P erh:i ps you wo u'. d like to kn o w so me o f these facts . h uh ?

W ell .. . one improvemen t in E urope is that ther~ is no lo nge r rat ioning o f food. Ger­man y is st ill qui te dcsolu te; how ever, they he] p t hcmsd ves a grea t deal; the st ud ents are quite independent . The Phil ip­pin es. Afr ica and mos t fore ign co untri es have desperate need fo r o ur o ld text books. Many fo r ­eign students are p uzzled by our ideas and a tr. it udes. The U. S. is the o nl y co un try wi th iiberal

I Continued on P:i~e 4, Col. 1)

aga in thi s yea r endea voring to fulfill its fe lt c bliga t ion to our st udent bod y and facul ty by worki ng d iligentl y to prod uce worthwhi le theat re.

The next perfo rm anc~ will be R achel C rothers' "Mary The Third " on D ecember 20.

Tbe ca st consists of Mildred V . Brown , Edw ard Taylor , L esley H olm~s. Gret ta Gordy, Eva Tittle, Wilmer Shaw, M ar­gie Ad am s, R oberr Cromwell, Franklin Wil son. and Mary .Jackso n .

Aga in the School 1s

D emon Crat io n Opcr-

Fa ntasy," b y Lil iian Cavergan. The mai n characters are : J ack

Frost, Calvin Ballard : Jack-in­t he-Box, George Grant ; M erry Xmas. Peggy Bell ; Ca t , C harles J ohn so n : M ouse , Ra ymond Bell : Suga r Pl um , Ernes tine Bern ette : White X mas, Barbara H o lla nd , and Santa C lam , Wil­liam H enry.

A ll members of the D emon­stra tio n School are included .

The College Glee Club ac­co mpanied by the Band w ill pre en t a Christmas Oratorio b y Ca mi ll e Saint -Saens, D zcember 2 2. The p rog ram is as fo llows:

I Contin ued ==-============

This 195 4 " M acb e t h '' moved with vivid precis ion th ro ugh its t wo ac ts and 14 scenes in reacting its saga of vio · ence, treachery and reve nge. The sto ry of th e mu rdero us M acbeth , his si nister w ife and their fearful m isdeeds w as reto ld with flashin g eloq uence by P aul L ukather and J enn y D avi and a capabl e cas t of suppor ting pla yers. The audience was par­t icularl y impres ed wi th N ath ­aniel D oolit t le's port rayal of the porter. Espec ially impres­sive, too, w ere the striking and colorful backgrounds and the witch and ghost scenes .

Y es, Barter 's " M acbeth " wa something to see, and somethi ng to hear , a co nvincing ~xa m ple of the better things in Lhe :.hea ­tre.

The Bats sponsored the pre­sen tat ion and t he en joyabic re ­ception fo: lo wing.

The Hon. Truly Hatchett Speaks

The H o nor:ible Trul y H atch ­ett, fi rst N egro to be elec ted to the M aryla nd General Assem­bl y, spoke to the facu lty and

Helen Wood Is New Miss MSTC students dur ing the assembly. The college is p ro ud to have Marlene Gray and Ca:herine Thursday, D e..:rmber 9.

as its new queen , charmin g Wright w ere the cu te pages. After giving a br ief histo ry H elen W ood , se nior . D oroth y Cornish carried the of the N egro in pol itic5 in Bal-

cro wn and M argie Ad ams, the t imore and M aryland , the Cro wn ed by D r. H enry . she

q ueen of ' 5 , p resented her w ith prominent rea!t ist and commu -rece ived fl o wers fro m Mrs. H en- the scep tre. n ity leader st ressed the impor-ry . Mis W ood 's escort was After the coro nation . th e tance of full participat ion of all Beni to L ake and her at trndants da nce was begun by the queen cit ize ns in the polit ical activities w ere: D oris H olland , T h el ma and her escort fo llow ed by the i:-1 a ll sect io ns of the Stat,' . N icho lso n , M ildred L. Brown , attend an ts and their escorts . Lawyer Jos iah F. H enry o f William ac Pu rgeson , Sa di e \ Music w as furni shed by the Ba 1 ti m or e introd uced Mr. P u mphrey and Sarah Archie. Va ndykes of A nnapoli s. I H atchett.

Page 2: XX II MA R YLAN D STATE TEACHERS C OLLE G E, a l BOWIE , …tar y S ch oo l , with Mi M ari e A. Dashiell. Sup ervis o r of E l ... S a rah V. Jo n es of Ann e Arun d eC o u nty ,

Page 2

THE COLLEGE EYE P uhli, hl'd hy t h t· , 1u<l t• nt ~ of : h t.• -:'\la r y ­

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"Let's Keep Christmas" The s a c r e d n e s s o f the

Thanksgiving h o Iida y has passed o n into the gai~ty o f the yulet ide seaso n. This . season b ri ngs with it wintry whi te ness , good fri ends , and good cheer. Al l a round ns are ga y deco ra­t ions. P eople are busil y shop ­pi ng fo r g ree tin g , and gifts for their fri ends at this seaso n . The ch ildren too. arc exceptio nally ha ppy. They have great expec­tatio ns of C hristmas Eve, of to ys. and of Christmas dinner.

Bu t C hri st rna sho uld mean mo re to us than the things that w e receive. It should mean rat her those things that w e give and share : th ose kind words chat W C sa y to som e traveler : that kind deed that w r do for ,o me passer-by. Christmas sho uld mean that we take time ou t to vi it some of th~ shut-ins, that we share some o f our treas­ures w ith so me o f the !es fo rt u­nate members of o ur co rnmuni ­t i ' s. It sho uld m ean that w e think of o th~ rs a nd not so much o f o urselves.

In o ur c lebratio n o f Christ­mas. let us no t fo rget to give tha nks to God in a special prayer of tha nkfulness for a ll of the blessin gs that are o ur5 o n thi day. L et·s keep Christmas '.

Welcome, Freshmen ·- -I t was a joyous day when I

beheld you. the fr eshmen class , enter the camp us of • MSTC. I sincerely believe you to be con ­scien tio us. indust rio us. cager in yo ur q uest fo r knowledge a nd determined to go forth from this inst itu t io n a better indivi ­d ual and a bet ter citizen .

Hearti ly and earnestly I w el­co me yo u and I fee l assured that vo u ha\'e m ade a wise cho ice in joini ng our college fa mily. :'vlake it your du ty to keep high. o ur sta nda rds. and be ev<?r loyal and t rue to o ur schoo l. D ear fr eshmen . aga in . I say \VEL ­C O M E.

Student Teaching News The J unio1 High practice

teachers are very excited and ext remely happy about their new experience of going to the various schoo!s of th -:: county to do their practice work. \\Then asked how they liked th~ir work . Grace Edmundson r e p 1 i e d: " Teaching is the best thing that cou ld happen to anyone. T t gets deep in to your system a nd no matter what you may do you .can not remove it. ' '

Kenneth Stewart comments: ' I am going through the best experiences of my life. To see the needs and problems of stu­dents in high school makes me realize that I have chosen the right profession in order that I may help my race to prog-


ress. '' D o na ld Thompson a d d s:

"Teaching is to me like a drea m, one fro m which I do not want to be awakened. Teaching has become "to m ~ a " Magnificent Obsession ."

To the practice teaching staff has been added Mrs . Evelyn Marie Williams . who along with Mr. H erman Brown. Mr. E. E. Jo nes. Mrs. D. Smith , Mr. J. Wiseman, M , . R. D. Brown and Miss J. H. Brown make up the faculty council.

For each student teacher. an evaluation booklet has b een ar ­ranged , in which there is a rating sca le. certification blank , perso nnel record sheet. confer­ence report for m , improvement sheet, student self-rating chart , act1v1ty lists . weekly repo rt for ms and a lesson plan. All st ud ent teachers , critic ~each ­ers. principals and fa cu! t y co uncil members have received bookl ets.

On October 28 . a dinner meet ing was arranged by Dr . Henry. The purpose of this meet ing was to bring nitic teachers , student teachers and thecol lege facu I ty together to discuss common prob,!em•; con ­ce rnin g student teaching.

Four schools are being used for practice work. They are D o uglass Jr. Sr. High School, Lincoln Elementary S<hool',, Highla nd P a r k Elementary School, and Fairmont Heights Elementary School. There are e·evzn junior high school stu­dent t e a c h e rs at D o uglass . There are nineteen elementa ry student teachers at Lincoln, thi rteen at Highland Park . and twenty - o ne at Fa i r m 0 n t H eights. The total n umber of elernen tary student teachers is fifty -three and junior high st udent teachers, eleven.

This practice program is go ing o n, while fifth year pro­gram is functioning in the D emo nstra tion S c h o o 1. We have nine transfer students who come fro m H owa rd , Mar yla nd State and Morgan.

Christmas Recess Begins

December 23 , 12 noon

Ends 8 A.M., January 3

HE COLLEGE E Y E D ecember, 19 54

Honor Roll For Semester Ending June '54 " Gather ) -e Ros-buds w hile ye

IY)Q(j ,

O!d Time is still a- flying· ' . - Herrich

This was the tho ught of the

Maryland State administratio n

when they posted the nam r~ o f

students who earned coveted

ho nors for the semester 1:: nd ing

Jun<' . 19 54. W e p ubli sh bel o w the list of those students making the " A " ho nor ro ll with an average o f 3 .25 or higher .

SENIORS Clementine Williams 3.65 Grace Edmundson 1 .5 6 Lucill e Sharps '3 .29

JUNIORS Mary Jackson Robert Birckhead Cor intha Ridgley Arny Davis Margaret M. J o hnso n Marlene Gray Martha Washingto n Evelyn Washingto n Christine Presberr y


3.69 3.50 3 .50 3.31 3.56 3.50 3.50 3. 31 3 . 31

Gloria G ould 3.59 Shirl ey Turner 1 .5 3

Jennie D avis as Lady Ma,cheth and Paul Lukather as Macbeth in Sally Davis 3.51 a scene from William Shakes peare's g1·eat tragedy, "Macbeth" which V ero nica Maso n 1 . 41 the Barter Theatre of Virgin ia p1·esen ted here October 26. Betty Makell 1 . 3 5

Hints To Freshmen I Ba ltimore Singers Please ADVANCED FRESHME Shelton B eulah 3.35

Inasmuch as the Freshman class has become a par t of o ur large family , we feel that w e are obligated to share with thrrn a few guides for livin g at MSTC through these hints :

l. When visiting the town of Bowie causal clo thes are more appro priate than slacks.

2. When going ho me on the train as a passenge r it would look more like a st uden t attending college if you wo re stockings.

3. Think of the libra ry as being yo ur friend .

4. Enjoy o ur blue- roo m but take rorna nee eas y.

5. Be considerate of o thers.

6. Support th e club of yo ur choice who le-h eartedly.

7. R emember we are al\ here striving for a goal . 10 be­come Future Teachers o f America.

The Baltimo re Singers, per­ennial favo rites h ere, appeared in a delightfu I concer t ".) TT D e­cember 2.

U nder the bato n o f G erald Burks \ Vil son who di rected with complete confid ence, this superb gro up o f tw en ty singers held the attent io n of th e a udi­ence from the opening madrigal , ' ·How M erril y \Ve Live" to the c!os in g req ucst n u m b e r s: " S o p h o m o r i c Ph i I o S­

oph y.' · " Swiss Serenade in the Sno w " and '·Who Is Sylv ia .''

Listeners appea red esp~r ia ll y pl eased with the Brahms gro up , the C hris tmas Caro ls and the traditio nal fo lk songs . T he hit o f the p rogra m wa s p robably ·'And This b M y Bdoved "

The Glee C lub . directed by Misses C. B. R o bin so n and J. White. spo nsored the rec ital and afterwa rd s entertain ed a t a re­ceptio n in the bea utifull y dec­o ra ted dinin g hall.

Xmas Week-con t'd. I. Pre: ud e

II . R ecitative and Cho rus T eno r- Richard Colber t- So lo ist Alto- Margaret M cDaniels Soprano-Yvo nn e H ard es ty Barito ne- James W atson

III . Aria- " Patientl y Have I Waited fo r the L ord " - J ean J enkins

IV. Air and C ho rus- Kenneth Stewa rt- So loist V. Benedictus- Duo fo r Soprano and B aritone

Bessie J effri es- Soprano David Mason- Barito ne

VI. Cho rus-"Wherefo re do th e H zathens C lamorc''

VII. Trio Soprano-Sarah Smith o r Gl o rio Go uld T enor- Mario n C ann Barito ne-Edward T ay lo r

VIII. Octette Soprano- J oyce N o rris- M ar y C h ase

(Continued on Page 3, Col. 3 )

Our most sincere co ngra tula ­t io ns to the 92 students makin g the " B" ho no r roll hav ing an average o f 2 .50 to 3.24.

New W orkers In terviewed

W e' re pleased to welco me six new wo rkers to o ur famil y h ere at State. Th y were very co­o perative with us during our interviews with them. Th ey gave us the fo ll owing state­ments abo ut their jo bs. co­wo rkers . etc.

Mr. Ern est Walker is o ur new sto rekeeper. H e said . ·· I like the job here very much. So far m y co- wo rker- have bc.: n wo n ­derful. Secondl y , the surro und ­ings arc pleasant . Third . I do n ' t have an yone brea thin g down my neck every five rn in u t ' S.

which I despise ."

In o ur laundr y is M rs . G . Duckett who, in response to our questio n replied , '· M y co- wo rk­ers ar ..- very ni ce and I enjoy the work very much .' '

The new bus driver is Mr. C harles Edward Whiley: "" Y es. i enjoy driving the bu s and m y co-w orkers :1 rc very coopera t ­ive.

O ver in the new do rm itory 1s Mrs. Bertha J o hnso n . o ur se rvice wo rker : ' "The girls see m to be very nice and my work here is very pleasa n t. ..

W e are deeply so rr r we were unabl e to contact : Miss Mary G. Tho mas. our food service worker, and Mr. Claud e Co l-

l so n. our po liceman . o n<:' thc­le s. a h earty w elco me to you al o.

Page 3: XX II MA R YLAN D STATE TEACHERS C OLLE G E, a l BOWIE , …tar y S ch oo l , with Mi M ari e A. Dashiell. Sup ervis o r of E l ... S a rah V. Jo n es of Ann e Arun d eC o u nty ,

December, 1954

Campus Chit .. Chat Hurricane Ha z e l dumped

mo re than rain on Bowie campus durin g the w eekend of October l 5. In addition to uprooting a few trees, H aze: ca used such fai lure of elect ri c power lines , that the ent ire ca mpus was blacked o ut from F riday through Sunday.

And that very sa mi P.azel was responsible fo r o ur P ray"s ( Dr. H enry I spendin g three harrowing h o u r s aboard the Washington -bound s t o r m­stallcd train ove r th~ raging Susquehanna. H ~ was r,' rurn ­ing from a meeting o f the Board o f Co ntro l of the East ­ern States Association of Pro­fessio nal Schoo ' s fo r Teachers o f w hich o rga nizat ion Or. H enry is treas urer.

That famous lo ng - legged bird has bro ught h appiness to two ca mpus families by leav­ing s o n s to Mr. and Mrs. R eginald P earman ( Miss Leas­ure) and to Mr. and Mrs. John J ohnston (Miss M o r g a n ) . Co ngrat ula tio ns:

}:: ::: .,.

My , o h m y, t hese morn ings arc rea ll y som ething in Tub­man Hall- now that all the Seniors go o ut teachin g. The J uniors don't need a larm clocks for they a re it.

With all rhc State T ~ache rs College students at the M . S. game it was hard to tell whose ho me-comi ng it r e a l l y was. Bur after all , State Schools must tick together.

::: ::: ::,

Gym , blue- room , and dance ha ll all in o ne but at night it i sti ll the place for fun. When I say fun I mean .. mash­ing po tatoe " dance of the yea r.

Congrat ul ations to ·'L. B ." thl natural born co median . also to ' "F. w : · <Brutus ) .

I see " E. D ." is figh ti ng his mad ' ·be-bops, " looking sha rp but more so like a professo r.

* * * If yo u are ou r of coal j us t

meander over to t he boy dorm and borrow a f; w pairs of charcoal pants. bo y. yon w ill really be ho c.


The J unio rs this year seem to be rea ll y o n the kick. Did yo u dig those cra7y sa il or o ut ­fits wo rn by A. R.. S. G .. B. S .. 0. P. , M. G .. Y. H . ? They are really crazy'.::

-.~ * :;: I hear from the J uniors that

Erasm u and Bacon haw n>ally c o 111 e back to life . Is th is true????

* Be ee n and no r h eard . we

pro mise w e won ' t sa y J w o rd. R eally tho ugh- w e can·r help i if the so ng says- Tv~ Got M y Eyes o n Y o u. "

C omphments of


Phone CEntral 8-2806

Bowie, )Iaryland

Six Added To Staff On behalf of the entir~ stu­

dent body it is our pleasure to welcome six new faculty and staff members to our growing family.

Or. W endell P . Jones. o ur psychology and education in ­structor, is a native of W ash- 1· ingto n , N o rth Carolina. H e graduated fro m the Washin gto n 1

E lementary School and the P. S. Jones High Schoo!. Or. Jones took a B .S. degree from the Elizabeth City Col!..:gl' , an M.A . at Atlanta University . and a Ph.D. at the Univ.:rsity of Chicago. Prio r to .:oming here, he taught in the public schools in North Carolin a . at Fayetteville State T eachers Col ­lege, and at E'izabeth City State T eachers College where he was dea n o f instruction. At th? Uni ­versity of Chicago he was a re­search fellow. Or. Jones· hob ­bies are reading , brid ge and traveling.

Mrs. Pauline H o bbs, o ur new physical educatio n ins,tructor, w as educa ted in t he public schools of Virginia. She rook a B.S . d eg ree in physical educa­tion fro m N o rth Carolin -1 Col ­lege at Durham. Befo re coming to Bow ie, she taught at So uth ­side High School in D an v ill e, Virginia.

Mrs . Evelyn Marie Will ia ms , director of student teaching , co mes to us fro m Harrisburg, P ennsylvania. She cook a B.S. deg ree from State Teachers Col ­lege in Shippensburg , P ennsy l­va111a , and an M.A. from T eachers College , Columbia University. She bas als :::, done additional st udy at Columbia University.

Miss Susie E. Bo llin g, orig­inall y from Calhoun, Alabama , is o ur new h o me economics in ­structor. She attended the Cal ­houn Elementary and High Schools of Alabama and took a B .S. d eg ree fr o m Hampton In­stitute. Befo re coming here. she taught at Durham, N o rth Caro ­lina and at Union Settlement H o use in N ew Y o rk City.

Miss Clara J ohnso n. th e library typist co mes to us fro m Baltimore. She graduated in 1949 from the Y o nkers High School. Befo re coming h ere she was empl oyed at the B ecket and H eathcliff Law Firm in New Y o rk C ity and the Maryland School o f Printing. Miss John­so n 's h o bbies are m odeling, mu ­sic . and a,ttending the thea tre.

Mrs . Clarice Shell graduated fro m the Booker T. W ashi ng­to n J unio r High and the D oug­lass High School in Baltimo re. She was certified in business at the Ca rver Vocational Schoo l in 1946. Mrs . Shell was pre­viously employed as an official clerk in the Federal Governm ent and a clerk-typist for the City H ealth D epartment. H er ho b­bies are photography , emb roid ­ery, and rea ding.

C omrliments of


Bowie, Maryland


Additions to Faculty and Staff. Seated: Mrs. Pauline Hobbs, Dr. Wendell P. Jones and Miss Clara Johnson. Standing: Miss Susie Bolling, Mrs. Clarice Shell and Mrs. Evelyn Williams.

Junior Jotti ngs Senior Sidelights Who are Vives, Erasmus and The class o f 1955 does it

Martin Luther ? What is the aga in ! This is the seco nd time differe nce betw ee n the con t inen- that a member of this class has tal and E nglish universities ? These are som e of t he many questio ns uttered by the Jun­io rs . W el l, do yo u know the a nswers ?

The art of learning h o w to get alo ng with other peopk is the J unior 's main concern these days. This, however, is only o ne of the sociological aspects of gro up li vi ng stressed by D ean Young.

been crowned Miss M1r yland State T eachers College. Hden Woo d , a senior , was cro wned Miss M.S.T.C. o n N o vember 2, by o ur President Or. William E. Henry. Kati e Ricketts was crowned in our freshman year.

The yearbook staff ha , been elected with Dorothy S. C ollins as editor-in-ch ief. W e have be­gun work on the Statesman , ' 5 5 and hope to mak e it a book that wil l long be remembered in the history o f this school.

All of the Juniors are c perts as far as drawing trees is con­cerned. If yo u don 't belie,•e it , consult one.

Our class spon o red J H a ll o­w e'en <lane~ that was enjo yed

Masterpieces have been built by all.

in ceramic arts using clay , both red and white. Com e and see som e of the beautiful things we have made. W e are rea ll y pro -

Wallace Hall , Vincent Elzey and Margie Adams in "No-Count Boy" presented by BATS. ----- - --

Xmas Week-cont'd. Mezzo Soprano- Beatr ice Tro tman- Han­

nah Freeman Altos- Sarah Archie--Jane CaH Basses- Adrian Brown- R o bert Birckhead

IX. Quintet and Chorus T enor- Joseph Parker Soprano-Marth:1 Newto n M ezz o Soprano-Thelma Bro wn Alto- Doris Camp Baritone-Adnan Brown

X . Chorus-"Praise Y e the L o rd "

Page 3

~iris ' Team Set To Play M - S - T - C - Y ea T eam ' M - S - T - C - Y ea T eam!

Everybody let 's say , Y ea T eam !

The season is basketball. The place is MSTC. The occasion is team practice . And the a ir is fill ed with gay la ughter :n the col lege gym as once again o ur tea m goes o ut to practice.

Y es, the girls ' basketball team is at it again. The girls are ever so eager to display th s? ir a:iility to bring m ore h o no rs to o ur Alma Mater . .. dear ·01c State.

The team is coached by Mrs. Pauline Hobbs of Halifax , Vir­ginia. The managers fo r this year are Patricia P. Smi rh a nd Betty Matthews. This grour o f amazons have chosen ,1s their leaders , Ethel Gregg, cdptain . and Jane Church , co-captain.

This year 's line up is: M a ry Albert. Hilda Barnes. Jane Ch urch. D o rothy Foster , Han­nah Freeman , Ethel Gregg . Catherine J o nes, Mable Mc­Bride, Martha N ewto n. M il dred R eid , The!ma Scofield , Shirley Smith . Sylvia Smith , Vivian Wilson , Ougria (Audr e y ) Wright, and Catherine Wright.

This month the team expects to m ee t Storer and th~ Prince G eo rges T eachers.

This is the setting fo r the basketball season and yo ur spores edito r is wishin g all o f you a happy easo n and saying " so lo ng" until w e m eet again.


Thi t e rm , to da t~. the Dem onstratio n School L ibrary has received , processed and ou t into circulation fifty - two ~ew boo ks. Orders for new books as allo wed by this term 's en­rollment han been enc in. When the order was completed there w ere ninety-e ight pupil s enrolled. Since then w e have been advised that w e ma y elec t and o rd er $200 w o rth of be c ks in additio n to the o rd er that is no w in the deal er' s o ffice. Though we :an o nl y est imate the actua l clrculatio n of books a m o n g the D em o nstratio n School pupi ls, the circu Lnio n in the librar y is quite high. for the class in Children 's Lit­erature is readillg sixt y books per student.

At the m om ent books arl' d eposited in the severa l class ­roo ms fo r the O em o n sL ra rio n Schoo l pupils where they are c i r c u lated by the c:3s ·roo m teachers. Th.: O em o nsrotio n School librarian i Mis Edn a M . Prout.

The fo urth grade under M is J. C. B rown has co mpieted the unit , Birds Thar M igrate. As Thanksgi vin g approach ed they studied Pio neer Life so they w o uld kn ow abo ut the first Thanksgiving. The pupils w ere given a Hallowe'en P arty com ­pl ett with rnstumes and masks.

I With the coming of C h ri st ­ma rbey are lookin g for ward to presenting a C h r i t ma s

<Continued on Page 4, Col. 3)

Page 4: XX II MA R YLAN D STATE TEACHERS C OLLE G E, a l BOWIE , …tar y S ch oo l , with Mi M ari e A. Dashiell. Sup ervis o r of E l ... S a rah V. Jo n es of Ann e Arun d eC o u nty ,

Page 4

"You Were There'' ovember 12, was one of the

importa nt dates in the history o f the fresh man cl ass of I 9 54 . It was the date of the F resh man Talent 1 ight znd " You W ere There... This was a warm moo nlight night , and on rhe in ­sid e of the coll ege library ~he re were fl ood I ights , screen scenery , and m usic. It was a nigh r j ust like any o ther night that has made histo ry. The onl y differ­ence is-"Y o u W ere There. ··

Leo n Brooks was yo ur Mas­ter o f Ceremonies and he was introduced by the producer and director who was none o ther

1 than L esley H o lmes. T o start the program off

w ith a big bang, Ma rva Batson , Sarena J oh nson and Aa bel Camper ang th eir ver~io n of '· D o wn In The Val ley " and of co urse in between perfo rmances L eo n Brooks pepped up t he gro up with his hilario us jokes.

Dramatics p'.i!yed an i!7!por­tant part in the talen t :;ho w. 'When Malinda Sings·· by Pa ul L. Dunbar was read by A nne Collick. Edna Mil ls and Rob ­ert Cromwell d ramat ized 'E n­co ura gement '' by Pa ul L. Du n­bar and Fredel ia Norfleet acted and spoke " The R ivals" by P aul L. Dunba r. Fra n klin Wi l-on re-enacted B ru tus ( fro m

Shakespeare' J ulius Caesar ) w hich revealed his :fine acting abili ty .

Joyce N orris sang with great express io n. '' I H ear a Rhap­sod y."

Leo n Brooks, Edward Ta y­lor and Mario n Cann were known as " The Great Three ." " Y o u W ere There"-don ' t you ag ree tha t their talent :fitted tha t t imely titl e? They kept t he audience roa ring with la ugh­te r. The jokes, songs and :fi ne ta ppin g ( Mar ion Cann ) kept the audience ca ll ing fo r more.

Hilda Barnes and G lm F ord did that all popu lar dance of the year. " P o tato Mash.' '

Beatrice Trotman did a fi ne job at the p iano .

D elores Cole and H elen Swanne cl osed the show singi ng .. o w Is The H our. "

W e reall y did no t want to depart from that gay a tmos­phere but due to the lateness of the hour . the stars had to board the last airplane to Broad w ay .

Adventure-cont'd. arts colleges. In India there are very fe w books , poor health se rvices and very little student _she! ter.

T he assembl y broke up into three discussio n gro ups , w ith st uden t leadersh ip and partic i­pat ion . Later a summary :) [ each


Dr y Cleaning


L aundr y

B owie, Maryland

discussio n gro up was compiled with which to close t h2 con fer­ence. However, before the close of the conference, two fo reig n st udents, W olfe M endie (of Eng"a nd ) and J ohnston Aka ng (o f Nigeria ) to ld the amm bl y some in teresti ng facts co ncern ­ing their coun ~ries and st udents. Also P aul De nise ( regio nal sec­retary of W. U. S. ) gave a bri ef histo ry of the orga nizatio n.

W ell, all good th ings come to an end and so abo ut 3 :30 P.M ., Marg ie and D onald, Bet­ty and Lesley were again cba uf ­feured back to " dear o ld Bo wie.··

Sophomore Slants The Sophomo re cl ass . since

ret urnin g to school on Septem­ber 8, are doing very well under thei r sponsors, M rs. Smith and D r. Jones.

T he fo llow in g week ;:if te r en ­tering they elected their officers who are: p resident - Leon Broo ks : vice president- Pa tr i­cia Smi th ; sec reta ry - D oris Somervi lle; and t reasurer-- Bet­ty M akel!. · The class gave one of their

seme ter affa irs October 23, " The H arvest M oon B,il l." T h is affair was a success .

M.S.T.C., ·' T his Is Your Life" was presented to t he st u­dent body November I 0 , w ith L eon Brooks as narrator. T his program bro ught ou t high ligh ts o f M.S.T.C. in the past . pres ­ent and fut ure.

Kee p up the good wo rk , Sophomores.

Pho ne CEntra l 8- 6200


THE CLA SS 01<' 195R

Freshman Facts T he fres hmen, si nce Septem ­

ber have proved quite w orthy o f bein g ca ll ed adu lts. I shall be fra nk in saying that some of them were homes ick at :first, bu t , o n a whole. they have i;eemed to adj ust themselvE:s to college life successfully . M ost of the studen ts in the dor mitor­ies live together com pa: ibly. Aca demica lly speakin g, the ma ­jori ty of the class has seemed to im press others as know ing ho w to study and ho w to app ly that knowledge.

T he class spo nsors. Mr. R. D . Bro wn and Mr. R eg inald P earm an , are a p '.easure to work w ith , and with the superlative leadershi p of these advisors, the fr eshman cl ass is wi lling to co­operate one hundred percen t in any task that may confron t them .

M ay w e h ave a prospc1ous fo ur yea rs at Mary land State T eachers College.

Demonstration-cont'd. Operet ta t itled A ChrisLmas Fa n tasy.

The fift h and sixth grades under Miss U. Gray hav~ com­pl eted the u nit. Exp'.o ra11 ons in America . The cl ass co mposed an o rigin al play on th? uni•t w hich was presen ted in a Fri ­day assembl y program. The class is now active! y engaged in the unit Colonization in A merica . T hey are p lanning to construct a v il lage showin g how the co:onists and Indians lived in the earl y days.

169 9th Street, West



General • Electric

Rowie. Md.

PHG Club Organized A new cl ub recently orga n­

ized o n o ur ca mp us is t h~ P H G (Practice Ho use Graclua tes )

C ub consisting o f all students who have lived fo r a puiod of six weeks in the practice cottage. It was init iated by o ur presi­dent , Dr. Will iam E . Hrnry, fo r the p urpose o f putting in to actual practice those thi ngs lea rn ed while in the pract ice co ttage.

The cl ub mee ts every Mon­da y from 5:30 to 6:30 P.M.

The p urpose of this clu b is to cultiva te those q ualities and soc ial habits befitti ng fut ure teachers o f America . Some of the ends to he met arc : the w ise spending o f money, a bet ter vnd erstandin g o f w orkin g in the famil y, nu tritional needs. the wise cho ice o f the necessi ­ties of life ( food , clothin g and shelter ) , the development of po ise and an all around im­provement in appearance and co nduct fo r each student.

The club spo nsors are Miss Susie Bo lling, Mr. R . D . Brow n and Mrs. D oroth y S. Smi th .

HIRSCH 'S Bo w ie

General M ercha ndise, Inc.

G,oceries - V ege table

P hone CEntral 8-2471

Bowie, Maryland


Greasin g

Bat teries ~ Other

Supp lies

Bowie, M a rylan d

December. 19 5 4

Where '54 Grads Are Teaching

M ore than 90 per cent of the

class of 19 5 4 have been p laced in the fo llo wing coun t ies ;

Lillie All en, Bertha D ennis ,

Beatr ice Gardner , D oris G :1ither,

Arlene H u nt , Mildred R icha rd ­

so n. Jeannette L ee, Bernadin e

T yler, Omeg.1 W atkins, Geor­

gene Watts , Lo rrain e Kimble and Har ry M artin in A nne Arundel. M arlene Gregg ic in Baltimore Ci ty.

Vinet te Jones, Willie Coates and Ze'. ma J ones in Calvert. Bet ty Gardner in Caroline, Ada Gates and D elores Gates in Ca r­ro ll. D oris H olland , M arga ret Ja mieson , J oan Key , G loria Thompson in C harles. Beatri ce A very, Helena G·y l~. Odell H amilton , Bea trice H ebron and Lo ist ine Pinket t are in W or­cester. J ulia M o ntag ue is in F rederick County.

E mma Johnson is in H ar­fo rd . Geral dine Barbour , Lorna G lasco and R osalie G ross are in M ontgomery . R oy ace Goslee, Octavia H enry, Etta I mes, C harlotte P ro ut and Mi ldred Russell are in Prince Georges Coun ty . M arga ret Kane, D el­o res R oberts P oindexter and C harlotte D awson are in Q ueen Anne's.

V iv ia n Nichols, Ruby W ha­len and E laine Whi te Brown are in Somerset. Viola C utchember and E lizabeth Thompson .u e in St. M ary 's.

Aust in G um bs is teaching in Perth A mboy . N ew J ersey .

Leonard M oore, T ho ma Mullen , A rthur D ock and H ar­riso n Thomas are serving in the Armed Forces.

r-omp'iments - of - -



Phone CEntral 8- 22 .U

Bowie, Maryland

MANNIE'S VALET Dry Cl ean in g

La und ry

Shoe R epairing

Pickup Days at Co lleoe }vlonda y and T hursda y

B owie, Maryland

LUERS BROTHERS Clo ver Farm Store

Genera l

M erchandise

Howie, :\'lary land