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y if in i pi i id II 12 9 !?l II IT I ill IIW I! Established July ii, 185(1. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4190. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1S9G. PRICE G CENTS A. S. HUMPHREYS, SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. STRATUM'S IS SAFE. TO F0li.ll l ALLIANCE. nOWOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, Boilers, Sngar Mills, Coolers, Brass aad Iad Cstlns, Second Officer Bain aud three Jap- anese sailors volunteered to make the attempt to reach Destruction island in a small boat in hopes of telegraph ing to Port Townseud for At noon Tuesday the steamship Mineola, (Japtaiu Pillsbury, from Ta coma for San Francisco, came in slifht and offered its services. She was rlosely followed by the steamer Costa Kica. After agreeing to leave the question of compensation to be deter- mined by the courts the Mineola took the Strathnevls in tow at 4 o'clock, intending to go to Victoria, but the weather was not such to warrant ves sels going there. Just after taking her in tow the hawser parted aud the ship began to drift inshore before a fremh west wind. However another hawser was gotten on board and the vessel was brought to Port Townseud. For the last two weeks the principal diet aboard has been salmon, flour and condensed food. On the day before the Strathnevie ffat tken in tow Captain Pattie and his officers, after realizing how stead- ily she was drifting to the southward, decided to head for San Francisco or some port in California. On the next day the Miowera hove in sight aud the plan was changed. Much uneasiness is felt for the safely of the boat containing Purser McDonald and four men, who left the steamer intending to land ou Destruc tion idand. The con t is particularly rough and is lined with jagged rocks, on which several vessels in recent years have been wrecked and a dozen or more lives lost. Hope is held out that he may have landed at Quila-yute- , Indian village, in which event he would not arrive here for weeks, as traveling along the constat this time of the year is particularly dan gerous. The Canadian-Australia- n Company sent a representative herefrom Vic toria to ascertain the particulars of the service rendered the Strath-nevi- s by the Miowera. Though not fully determined upon, owing to the non receipt of coufimatory orders from his company, the agent inti mated that about $250,000 would be rea-onab- le compensation for five days' service. STKATIIXKVIS LIBELED. Salvajre Claims of tbeMIneola's Owners Fixed at S 150,000. PORT TOWNSEND, Dec. 27. The Pacific liner Strathnevis, which, after drifting about for sixty-si- x days ,In midocean, with a broken propeller, was finally rescued from wrecking on De struction island, was today libelled at this port by the Southern Pacific rail- way, charterers of the steamer Min eola, which res-cue- d her. The salvage claim is fixed at $150,000. This afternoon the tug Tyee towed the vessel to Tacoma, where her cargo will be taken out, having been dupli cated since she failed to arrive at her destination. Strathnevls Unfortunate. PORT TOWNSEND, Dec. 27. Mis fortune seems determined to follow the Strathnevis to the last. She was or- dered to proceed to Tacoma this after- noon to land her passengers and cargo, preparatory to going on the drydock for repairs. Two large tugs took her in tow, and as she was about to round Point Marrowstone, bound up the Sound, a squall of wind came up and for a few moments the vessel hecame unmanageable. Had not the tug, Sea Lion rushed to the rescue with new-hawser- the old ones having parted, it is quite probable that she would have drifted a-ho- re. Without, further acci dent she finally got under way at 4 o'clock. Fears for the Miowera. VICTORIA, Dec. 26 Grave fears are expressed here tonight that the Canadian Australian liner Miowera, wuile eudravoring to bring the crip- pled steamer Strathnevis iuto port, has herself gone down in a storm at the entrance to the Snait of Fuc, or ha- - beeu driven a totl wreck on the desolate west co?t of Vancouver isl- and d Canada to Retaliate. OTTAWA, Dp. 26 The leading topic in polical circles and in the cus- toms department especially is there modeled United State- - tarfir, and it is almo-- , a certainty that Caua la's tariff will be rai?ed with a direct aim at the United State. Mr. Wood, -- peaking today as Controller of the Custom, said the matter had not yet come be- fore the Cahinet, but admitted that Finance Minister Foster wa bu-il- y engaged on retaliatory recommenda- tion. The regular? who have had a vacation since the holidays will re- sume drill on Mondav. The bovs are delighted at the prospect. European Nations to Take Action Against America. AGAINST THE 31 ON li 0E DOCTRINE. Venezuelan Commission Formed Can- ada will IU tulhtte In Tnrlir Duties. HItl Issue ol ltoud to 1m Made uy Presldent Cleveland Other Newt. LONDON, Dec. 26. The Dally News will tomorrow publish a dis- patch from Vienna stating that Lord Salit-bury- , the British Prime Minis-ter- , is negotiating with France and Holland with a view to adopting common action agahist the policy of President Cleveland. Spain, the dispatch adds, has al- ready assured Great Britaiu of her agreement with the latter ou the question. It is believed that Great Britain, France, Holland am! Spain will form an alliance to protect their American possessions against the United States. The Daily News tomorrow, com- menting upon the report that'Secre- - tary OIney has. forwarded a private dispatch to Lord Salisbury, will say: "There is nothing incredible or sur prising In such an announcement. On the contrary, it would be highly honorable to him. There is no rea- son to believe that in pushing the Monroe doctrine, Secretary Olney has any design of insulting or annoying England " The paper discredits the various far- fetched explanations of President Cleveland's policy and says he meant no harm by his message to Cougies- - Whatever mischief be did be baa since conscientiously and laboriously endeavored to undo. VKNEZUKLANS IX KAirfrKST. Antl-Knull- sh Demonstration Causes-Fnthnslas- In Caracas. CARACAS (Venezuela), Dec. 26. The enthusiasm at the anti-Englis- h meeting was indescribable. It wan the grandest outburst iu the annals of Vem zuela. Every bouse was decor- ated and the people were wild. There was a parade of 30,000 and a celebra- tion at the Americm Legation. President Crespo and the Cabinet reviewed the multitude from a bal- cony of the Yellow House. Eloy Gonzoles spoke in behalf of the people of Venezuela, and said they offered themselves to the national government as ready for war. The Minister of the Interior, Dr. Juan Francisco Castillo, replied for the President, accepting the wacrifice and assuring the people that Vene- zuela will accept ouiy arbitration. Should England refuse, she will fight for every inch of i uutll the lat Venezuelan has peiisbed. The multitude cheered, crying 'Abajo Ion Engle-es- , viva Venezuela y Ijos Esuados Uoidos." (Down with the Eugli-h- . Hurrah for Venezuela and the United States.) The multitude then proceeded to the statue of Liberator B divar, where the American colony deposited a superb floral wn-atb- , returning the courtesy of the Venezuelans to Washington on a previous occasion. sTAKVINC; MUSICIANS. The Royal liand of Hawaii Reduced to Most. Iesje rate Straits. MASSILLON, O., Dec. 2G. A Christ- mas ball was given last night, for which the members of the Royal Band of Hawaii, former proteges of the de- posed queen, were engaged, the en- tire organization being still stranded here. During the proceedings one plaj'er became deathly ill, and complained of chronic heart trouble. He was carried out and found to be starving. All were in a similar condition, but were too proud to beg. Wealthy people made up a purse for the homesick foreigners. Venezuelan Commission. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Te President has tendered places on the Venezuelan commi-sio- n to Edward J. Phelps of Vermont, ex-Minist- er to Eugland, and Robert T. Lincoln of Illinois, ex-Minist- to England. Attorney at Law, HONOLULU, II. I. Office: On Kaahuman'i street, lately occupied by -- Mr. Thurston. EDMUND P. DOLE, Attorney at Law, S18 FORT STREET. Telephone 91. WILLIAM C. PARKE. Attorney at Law AND Agent to Take Acknowledgments. Office, 13 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. LYLE A DICKEY, Attorney at Law, 11 KAAHUMANU STREET. Telephone 345. GILBERT F. LITTLE, Attorney at Lav, H1LO. HAWAII. DR. C. Clifford RYDER, FORMERLY OF THE : CALIFO'lM STATE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Office: No. 73 I5eretnnia street, opposite the Hawaiian Hotel. TELEPHONE 244. DR. J. UCHIDA, Physician and Surgeon, 5 KUKUI LANE. Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 7. to 8 p. ra. Mutual Tel. 532. DR. I. MORI, Office Fort street near Beretania. Hours 7 to t:30 a. m. and 4 to 8:30 P. m. Satur day and Sunday, 1 to 5 p. ru. Telephone 530. Residence Arlington Hotel. DR. E. C. SURMANN Has Removed to Gardes Lane. -:- - TELEPHONE 181. -:- - DR. RUSSEL, OFFICE: MASONIC BUILDING. Hours: 9 to 1I a. m. and 3 to 5 p. ra. Telephone 484-- . Residence: Hawaiian Hotel. DR. TUCKER Has removed his office to Corner of Ueretanla and I Fort Streets Office hours: 9 to 11 a. ru., 4 to 5 p.m. and 7 to s p.m. & Telephones: Office 923, resi- dence 427. mi C. IS. COOPER Has removed his offices and residence to Cartwritrht premss. Corner of Alakea and Romania Sts. OyTelephone 154. 41H;-ln- i M.E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. -:- - Dentist 98 HOTEL ST., HONOLULU. Ofllce Ilonr, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., HARDWARE, Cutlery and Glassware 307 FORT 8T1S.EET. H. HACKFELD & CO., Genera commission Aaen is; and Queeti Streets, Honolulu. Per S. S. Australia, from the Coast. Honolulu, January 3d. Camarino's Refrigerator, contain- ing a full supply of ice house good?, such as Fresh Frozen Poul- try, Oysters. Fruits : Grapes of all kinds, Peaches, Pears, Apples, Cranberries ; Cauliflower, Celery, jsuts, Dried Figs, etc. CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET. Telephone 37S. 3t COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL, War- ing building. Piano, Voice and Harmony. lhirtv rears' active experience enables Professor Cook to economize the time of the pupil. THE RICHELIEU RESTAU- RANT serves meals a la carte at all hours. Cold luncheons during the evening a specialty. A. J. Derby, D. D, S. Dental Rooms 100 Alakea St., between Beretania and Hotel. Treatment of dead teeth and roots a specialty. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 015. THE SINGER received 54 first awards for sewing ma- chines and embroidery work at the World's Fair, Chicago, 111., being the largest number of awards obtained by any exhibitor and more than double the num- ber gien to all other sewing ma- chines. For sale, lease and rent. Repairing done B. BERGERSEN, 113 Bethel Bedroom Sets, Wardrobes, Ice Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps, Chiffoniers, Steamer and Veranda Chairs, Bed Lounges, Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets, Sewing Machines, Whatnots, Meat Safes, Trunks, Rugs, Bureaus, etc., sold at the lowest Cash Prices at the I. X. L., corner of Nuuanu and Kintr streets. For bargains in New and Second hand Furniture, Lawn Mowers, Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose, etc.. call at the I. X. L., corner of Nuu- - ami and Kins: streets. HAWAIIAN BOAT HOUSE, Foot of Richards street. Have fine pleasure boats of all descriptions for rent by the hour or day. Moonlight Boating Par- ties. If you want to sell out your Fur niture in its entirety, call at thevl I. X. L. City Carriage Company have re- moved to the corner of Fort and Merchant streets; Telephone No. 113. First-clas- s carriages at all hours. JOHN S. ANDRADE. G. R. Harrison, Practical Piano and Organ Maker and Tuner, can furnish best factory references. Orders left at the Hawaiian News Co. will receive prompt attention. All work guaranteed to be the same as done in factorv. t riCE. DR. H. Y. MURRAY, Change of Office Hour, commencing Jan- uary 3, 1S!. 9 to 10 a. in.: 1 to 3 r. tn.: 7 to 8 f. m. Sundays 9 to 10 a. m.: 7 to 8 p. m. 4'sT-l- w Sans Souci Seaside Resort. The T'e:iantest, quietest, shadiest and most perfectly appointed seaside resort on the Island. "It is only lour miles from the heart of the citv and within easy reach of the tramcars, which run every twenty minutes or oftener. Elegantly furnished detached cottsres or rooms are obtained on easy term The table is superior to that of any of the city hotels and ah tne modern conveniences are provided. Picnics and bathir g parties can obtain extra accommodations by telephoning in advance. The bathing facilities of Sans Souci are superior to those of an- - place on the beach. 4157-t- f LIMITED, sUnaie,Cer. Allen andFortSts. HOlLISTER & CO., Agents. Daily Advertiser 75 cents month. Delivered by carrier. Amd Machinery cf every description made t srder. Particular attention paid to chips' blacksmith in g. Job work executed e tire shortest notice. LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lcwers & Dickson, Importers and Dealers in Lumber And All Kinds of Building Material, SO. FORT BTBEJST, HONOLULU. H. JAOUEN, Practical -:- - Gunmaker, Will do any kind of repairing: to Firearms, eio-Rrawnin- and Eluelnr and Restock ing equal to factory wtrk. Satisfaction guaranteed. Union Street, wits C. SterlUg. Palater. merican Livery cnn Booming SioDles. Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at all TELEPHONE 4(K. MERCH ANTS' EXCHANGE, Cor. King ami Nnuanu Streets. Jst Received by the Australia a Fresh Invoice of enterprise Beer and Oysters FOR COCKTAILS. Telephone 805. KAHULUI HOTEL, Kahului, Maui. BAM SING - Proprietor. SicJl Attaattoa t tse Traveling Putllc. HEALS AT ALL HOURS. "HALF AND HALF" U a Crtst Aipetiier. Makes the waak stout and purifies the blood. COLD AT THE EMPIRE SALOON. Tw tor Csats. DEAVER SALOON, rwat, opfMMit Wilder A Co.'s IL J. HOLTE, Proprietor. rirtl-CUft- S Laaceae Serves Wtta Tea. Ceffet. 8o4a Water. Giager Ale t MKk. Opea frea 3 a. m. till 10 p. n. Saekere' ReaeleHes a Specialty. GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants, 25 Qneen Street, Honolulu, H. I. LEWIS & CO., Ill odd Retail Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. Wephone 240. P. O. Box 29. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY Or LONDON. ASSETS - - - 10,000,000. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. H. MAY & CO., line add RelQi Grocers, 98 FORT STREET. Telephone 22. P. O. Box 470. S. KIMURA, loMe Deelei in imsit fins LIQUORS AND PItOVISIONS. SAKI A SPKCTALTT. ALLEN STREET. TELEPHONE 7Q4. M. W. McCEESHEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers And Dealers in MM fl ND SHOE Agents Hoooiuhj Soap Works Company tad Hoaoiuhi Tannery. ill OUIDE THROUGH HAWAII I H. M. Whitney, Publisher. 3j Complete Mit PaWish&i BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 75c. Vzt Ssl3 fcy Hawaiian Hews Ox, Found at Anchor Behind Destruc- - f tion Island by the Mineola. SALVAGE CLAIM FOR 8150,000. Log of the Stiiithnevl! Tells a story Seldom Duplicated in the Annals of Maritime History Another Acci dent While IJelnKTowed to Tacoma. PORT TOWNSEND, Dec. 26. The steamsdiip Strathnevie", which sailed from Tacoma October 12tb for the Orient aud wa about tnven up for Jo&t, arrived in port at 10 o'clock last night in tow of the steamer Mineola. The officer report a remarkable voy- age, one filled with daugera and pri- vations, and on Monday afternoon lost all nope of saving the vessel was abandoned and life rjfts and boats were manned and preparations made for leaving the vessel, as she was in imminent dangerof drifting ashoreon Destruction iUnd, where certain death starrd tbem in the face. The log of the Strathnevie tells a story that is seldom duplicated in the annals of maiitime history, and more especially in the North Pacific Ocean. Leaving Victoria October 13th with 165 passengers and forty-si- x officers and crew, with a moderate a run- ning, a speed of ten knots was made until October 20th, at 7:40 in the morning, in latitude 49 deg. 14 min. north and longitude 164 deg. 27 min. west, wben the ship experienced a terrific shock, the crash sounding like an explosion of cannon. The shaft had snapped off close to the pro peller, which dropped clear of the ves-e-e- l and went to the bottom. A strong northern gale was coming ou and all sail was crowded on two small masts without yards, schooner rigged. The accident occurred about ISO miles south of Unalaska. Slowly the gale carried the vessel to south- west and it was two days later before fche could make any progress toward the east. From that time on, after temporary yards of frail nature had been rigged, under a zigzag course, she sailed slowly toward Cape Flattery until .November 19th, when she fell in with the bark John Gam bles, which was in latitude 49 deg. 3 min. N. and longitude 145 degrees W., which was the most northern point reached. Southerly and easterly gales were then met and many back-set- s were encountered which lasted several days at a time. On December ISth she was sighted by the Koyal Mail teamer Miowera, bound irom van- - conver-t- 6 Hawaii, and at noon was taken in tow for Es-quimal- Every day brought forth a heavy gale or tre mendous ocean swells, and tnefetratu-nevi- s would get into the trough of the seas and roil rrigntiuijy. unioriu- - nately the tow line of the four-inc- h steel hawsers parted at 1 o'clock next morning, after covering 160 miles This serious mishap was not success fully overcome, owiug to hiirh seas aud boisterous weather, until Decem- ber 20, all of which liuae the Miowera remained olore by, and then another steel hawser aud a twelve-inc- h manilla rope was gotten aboard and the Strathnevis ws again taken in tow. Matters progressed favorably until last Monday evening, wiieu Tatoosh light was a dozen miles di-- - taut, and then the steamers ran into a screeching fouthwest gale accom- panied by rain aud thick weather. In the midst of this storm both hawsers snapped and the rtscuiug disappeared In the squall, leaving the Sirathnevis helpless and before the wind and sea, drifting to ward shore in the vicinity of Destruc- tion island. A con-ultati- on was held by Captain Pattie and his officers, and prepara- tions were made to abandon the ship Life rafts aud boats were provisioned and all bands were preparing for the worst. The gale contiuued and the rain fell in torrents. Through the uproar preparations were made for the last resort, when there came the dreadful roar of the breakers bursting over Destruction island. At an opportune time the gale com- menced to moderate and the s eas slow- ly subsided. The shore was only a few miles distant, and the lead noted thirty-eigh- t tatboms of water At 2 o'clock yesterday moruing the port anchor was dropped, but it failed to stop the progress of the ship, and she steadily drifted broadside on shore. Slowly the chain swung her head out to sea, though the strain was so in- tense that the windlass could not check it, and the auchor and chaiu ran out aud went to the bottom. Quickly all hands turned to and got the starboard anchor down, which held, and the big steamship swung her bow out to sea, though chafing as if anxious to break away and drift on- to the rocks to certain destruction. Morning dawned, and not a sail or vestige of smoke obscured the horizon. At 10 o'clock, though a dangerous sea was running, Purser McDonald, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MISS D. LAMB, Lawyers' Clerk AND Notary Public, Office: With J. A. Alagoon. la x y assess: - ,

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Page 1: y if in pi id IIW - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/41098/1/1896010401.pdf · Boilers, Sngar Mills, Coolers, Brass ... time of the year is particularly

y if in i pi i id II 12 9 !?l II IT I illIIW I!Established July ii, 185(1.



Steam Engines,Boilers, Sngar Mills, Coolers, Brass

aad Iad Cstlns,

Second Officer Bain aud three Jap-anese sailors volunteered to make theattempt to reach Destruction islandin a small boat in hopes of telegraphing to Port Townseud for

At noon Tuesday the steamshipMineola, (Japtaiu Pillsbury, from Tacoma for San Francisco, came in slifhtand offered its services. She wasrlosely followed by the steamer CostaKica. After agreeing to leave thequestion of compensation to be deter-mined by the courts the Mineola tookthe Strathnevls in tow at 4 o'clock,intending to go to Victoria, but theweather was not such to warrant vessels going there. Just after takingher in tow the hawser parted aud theship began to drift inshore before afremh west wind. However anotherhawser was gotten on board and thevessel was brought to Port Townseud.For the last two weeks the principaldiet aboard has been salmon, flourand condensed food.

On the day before the Strathnevieffat tken in tow Captain Pattie andhis officers, after realizing how stead-ily she was drifting to the southward,decided to head for San Francisco orsome port in California. On the nextday the Miowera hove in sight audthe plan was changed.

Much uneasiness is felt for thesafely of the boat containing PurserMcDonald and four men, who left thesteamer intending to land ou Destruction idand. The con t is particularlyrough and is lined with jagged rocks,on which several vessels in recentyears have been wrecked and a dozenor more lives lost. Hope is held outthat he may have landed at Quila-yute- ,

Indian village, in which eventhe would not arrive here for weeks,as traveling along the constat thistime of the year is particularly dangerous.

The Canadian-Australia- n Companysent a representative herefrom Victoria to ascertain the particulars ofthe service rendered the Strath-nevi- s

by the Miowera. Though notfully determined upon, owing to thenon receipt of coufimatory ordersfrom his company, the agent intimated that about $250,000 would berea-onab- le compensation for five days'service.

STKATIIXKVIS LIBELED.Salvajre Claims of tbeMIneola's Owners

Fixed at S 150,000.PORT TOWNSEND, Dec. 27. The

Pacific liner Strathnevis, which, afterdrifting about for sixty-si-x days ,Inmidocean, with a broken propeller, wasfinally rescued from wrecking on Destruction island, was today libelled atthis port by the Southern Pacific rail-way, charterers of the steamer Mineola, which res-cue- d her. The salvageclaim is fixed at $150,000.

This afternoon the tug Tyee towedthe vessel to Tacoma, where her cargowill be taken out, having been duplicated since she failed to arrive at herdestination.

Strathnevls Unfortunate.PORT TOWNSEND, Dec. 27. Mis

fortune seems determined to follow theStrathnevis to the last. She was or-

dered to proceed to Tacoma this after-noon to land her passengers and cargo,preparatory to going on the drydockfor repairs. Two large tugs took herin tow, and as she was about to roundPoint Marrowstone, bound up theSound, a squall of wind came up andfor a few moments the vessel hecameunmanageable. Had not the tug, SeaLion rushed to the rescue with new-hawser-

the old ones having parted,it is quite probable that she would havedrifted a-ho- re. Without, further accident she finally got under way at 4


Fears for the Miowera.VICTORIA, Dec. 26 Grave fears

are expressed here tonight that theCanadian Australian liner Miowera,wuile eudravoring to bring the crip-pled steamer Strathnevis iuto port,has herself gone down in a storm atthe entrance to the Snait of Fuc, orha- - beeu driven a totl wreck on thedesolate west co?t of Vancouver isl-and d

Canada to Retaliate.OTTAWA, Dp. 26 The leading

topic in polical circles and in the cus-toms department especially is theremodeled United State- - tarfir, and it isalmo-- , a certainty that Caua la's tariffwill be rai?ed with a direct aim at theUnited State. Mr. Wood, -- peakingtoday as Controller of the Custom,said the matter had not yet come be-fore the Cahinet, but admitted thatFinance Minister Foster wa bu-il- y

engaged on retaliatory recommenda-tion.

The regular? who have had avacation since the holidays will re-

sume drill on Mondav. The bovsare delighted at the prospect.

European Nations to Take Action

Against America.


Venezuelan Commission Formed Can-ada will IU tulhtte In Tnrlir Duties.HItl Issue ol ltoud to 1m Made uyPresldent Cleveland Other Newt.

LONDON, Dec. 26. The DallyNews will tomorrow publish a dis-patch from Vienna stating that LordSalit-bury- , the British Prime Minis-ter- ,

is negotiating with France andHolland with a view to adoptingcommon action agahist the policy ofPresident Cleveland.

Spain, the dispatch adds, has al-

ready assured Great Britaiu of heragreement with the latter ou thequestion. It is believed that GreatBritain, France, Holland am! Spainwill form an alliance to protect theirAmerican possessions against theUnited States.

The Daily News tomorrow, com-

menting upon the report that'Secre- -tary OIney has. forwarded a privatedispatch to Lord Salisbury, will say:

"There is nothing incredible or surprising In such an announcement.On the contrary, it would be highlyhonorable to him. There is no rea-

son to believe that in pushing theMonroe doctrine, Secretary Olney hasany design of insulting or annoyingEngland "

The paper discredits the various far-fetched explanations of PresidentCleveland's policy and says he meantno harm by his message to Cougies- -

Whatever mischief be did be baasince conscientiously and laboriouslyendeavored to undo.

VKNEZUKLANS IX KAirfrKST.Antl-Knull- sh Demonstration Causes-Fnthnslas-

In Caracas.CARACAS (Venezuela), Dec. 26.The enthusiasm at the anti-Englis- h

meeting was indescribable. It wan thegrandest outburst iu the annals ofVem zuela. Every bouse was decor-ated and the people were wild. Therewas a parade of 30,000 and a celebra-tion at the Americm Legation.

President Crespo and the Cabinetreviewed the multitude from a bal-cony of the Yellow House.

Eloy Gonzoles spoke in behalf of thepeople of Venezuela, and said theyoffered themselves to the nationalgovernment as ready for war.

The Minister of the Interior, Dr.Juan Francisco Castillo, replied forthe President, accepting the wacrificeand assuring the people that Vene-zuela will accept ouiy arbitration.Should England refuse, she will fightfor every inch of i uutll the latVenezuelan has peiisbed.

The multitude cheered, crying'Abajo Ion Engle-es- , viva Venezuela yIjos Esuados Uoidos." (Down withthe Eugli-h- . Hurrah for Venezuelaand the United States.)

The multitude then proceeded to thestatue of Liberator B divar, where theAmerican colony deposited a superbfloral wn-atb- , returning the courtesyof the Venezuelans to Washington ona previous occasion.


The Royal liand of Hawaii Reduced toMost. Iesje rate Straits.

MASSILLON, O., Dec. 2G. A Christ-mas ball was given last night, forwhich the members of the Royal Bandof Hawaii, former proteges of the de-

posed queen, were engaged, the en-

tire organization being still strandedhere.

During the proceedings one plaj'erbecame deathly ill, and complained ofchronic heart trouble. He was carriedout and found to be starving. All werein a similar condition, but were tooproud to beg. Wealthy people madeup a purse for the homesick foreigners.

Venezuelan Commission.WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Te

President has tendered places on theVenezuelan commi-sio- n to EdwardJ. Phelps of Vermont, ex-Minist- er toEugland, and Robert T. Lincoln ofIllinois, ex-Minist- to England.

Attorney at Law,HONOLULU, II. I.

Office: On Kaahuman'i street, latelyoccupied by --Mr. Thurston.


Attorney at Law,S18 FORT STREET.

Telephone 91.

WILLIAM C. PARKE.Attorney at Law

ANDAgent to Take Acknowledgments.

Office, 13 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu.


Attorney at Law,11 KAAHUMANU STREET.

Telephone 345.


Attorney at Lav,H1LO. HAWAII.



Office: No. 73 I5eretnnia street,opposite the Hawaiian Hotel.


DR. J. UCHIDA,Physician and Surgeon,


Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 7. to 8 p. ra.Mutual Tel. 532.

DR. I. MORI,Office Fort street near Beretania. Hours

7 to t:30 a. m. and 4 to 8:30 P. m. Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 5 p. ru. Telephone530.

Residence Arlington Hotel.


Has Removed to Gardes Lane.

-:- - TELEPHONE 181. -:- -


Hours: 9 to 1I a. m. and 3 to 5 p. ra.

Telephone 484--.

Residence: Hawaiian Hotel.

DR. TUCKERHas removed his office to

Corner of Ueretanla and I Fort StreetsOffice hours: 9 to 11 a. ru., 4 to 5 p.m.

and 7 to s p.m.& Telephones: Office 923, resi-

dence 427.

mi C. IS. COOPERHas removed his offices and residence to

Cartwritrht premss.Corner of Alakea and Romania Sts.

OyTelephone 154. 41H;-ln- i


-:- - Dentist98 HOTEL ST., HONOLULU.

Ofllce Ilonr, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.


Cutlery and Glassware307 FORT 8T1S.EET.


Genera commission Aaen is;

and Queeti Streets,Honolulu.

Per S. S. Australia, from theCoast. Honolulu, January 3d.Camarino's Refrigerator, contain-ing a full supply of ice housegood?, such as Fresh Frozen Poul-try, Oysters. Fruits : Grapes ofall kinds, Peaches, Pears, Apples,Cranberries ; Cauliflower, Celery,jsuts, Dried Figs, etc.CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET.

Telephone 37S. 3t

COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL, War-ing building. Piano, Voice andHarmony. lhirtv rears' activeexperience enables Professor Cookto economize the time of the pupil.

THE RICHELIEU RESTAU-RANT serves meals a la carte atall hours. Cold luncheons duringthe evening a specialty.

A. J. Derby, D. D, S. DentalRooms 100 Alakea St., betweenBeretania and Hotel. Treatmentof dead teeth and roots a specialty.Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.Tel. 015.

THE SINGER received54 first awards for sewing ma-chines and embroidery work atthe World's Fair, Chicago, 111.,

being the largest number ofawards obtained by any exhibitorand more than double the num-ber gien to all other sewing ma-chines. For sale, lease and rent.Repairing doneB. BERGERSEN, 113 Bethel

Bedroom Sets, Wardrobes, IceBoxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps,Chiffoniers, Steamer and VerandaChairs, Bed Lounges, Sofas, BabyCribs, Clothes Baskets, SewingMachines, Whatnots, Meat Safes,Trunks, Rugs, Bureaus, etc., soldat the lowest Cash Prices at theI. X. L., corner of Nuuanu andKintr streets.

For bargains in New and Secondhand Furniture, Lawn Mowers,Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose, etc..call at the I. X. L., corner of Nuu- -

ami and Kins: streets.

HAWAIIAN BOAT HOUSE,Foot of Richards street.

Have fine pleasure boats of alldescriptions for rent by the houror day. Moonlight Boating Par-ties.

If you want to sell out your Furniture in its entirety, call at thevlI. X. L.

City Carriage Company have re-moved to the corner of Fort andMerchant streets; Telephone No.113. First-clas- s carriages at allhours. JOHN S. ANDRADE.

G. R. Harrison, Practical Pianoand Organ Maker and Tuner, canfurnish best factory references.Orders left at the Hawaiian NewsCo. will receive prompt attention.All work guaranteed to be thesame as done in factorv.

t riCE.

DR. H. Y. MURRAY,Change of Office Hour, commencing Jan-

uary 3, 1S!.9 to 10 a. in.: 1 to 3 r. tn.: 7 to 8 f. m.Sundays 9 to 10 a. m.: 7 to 8 p. m.

4'sT-l- w

Sans SouciSeaside Resort.

The T'e:iantest, quietest, shadiest andmost perfectly appointed seaside resort onthe Island. "It is only lour miles from theheart of the citv and within easy reach ofthe tramcars, which run every twentyminutes or oftener. Elegantly furnisheddetached cottsres or rooms are obtained oneasy term The table is superior to thatof any of the city hotels and ah tne modernconveniences are provided.

Picnics and bathir g parties can obtainextra accommodations by telephoning inadvance.

The bathing facilities of Sans Souci aresuperior to those of an- - place on thebeach. 4157-t- f


sUnaie,Cer. Allen andFortSts.

HOlLISTER & CO., Agents.

Daily Advertiser 75 centsmonth. Delivered by carrier.

Amd Machinery cf every description madet srder. Particular attention paid tochips' blacksmith in g. Job work executede tire shortest notice.

LEWERS & COOKE,Successors to Lcwers & Dickson,

Importers and Dealers in LumberAnd All Kinds of Building Material,


H. JAOUEN,Practical -:- - Gunmaker,Will do any kind of repairing: to Firearms,eio-Rrawnin- and Eluelnr and Restocking equal to factory wtrk. Satisfactionguaranteed.

Union Street, wits C. SterlUg. Palater.

merican Livery cnn Booming SioDles.

Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts.

LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLESCarriages, Surreys and Hacks at all


MERCH ANTS' EXCHANGE,Cor. King ami Nnuanu Streets.

Jst Received by the Australia a FreshInvoice of

enterprise Beer and OystersFOR COCKTAILS.

Telephone 805.

KAHULUI HOTEL,Kahului, Maui.

BAM SING - Proprietor.

SicJl Attaattoa t tse Traveling Putllc.


"HALF AND HALF"U a Crtst Aipetiier.

Makes the waak stout and purifies theblood.


DEAVER SALOON,rwat, opfMMit Wilder A Co.'s

IL J. HOLTE, Proprietor.rirtl-CUft- S Laaceae Serves Wtta Tea. Ceffet.

8o4a Water. Giager Ale t MKk.

Opea frea 3 a. m. till 10 p. n.Saekere' ReaeleHes a Specialty.

GONSALVES & CO.,Wholesale Grocers and Wine

Merchants,25 Qneen Street, Honolulu, H. I.


Ill odd Retail Grocers,

111 FORT STREET.Wephone 240. P. O. Box 29.


Or LONDON.ASSETS - - - 10,000,000.

H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

H. MAY & CO.,

line add RelQi Grocers,

98 FORT STREET.Telephone 22. P. O. Box 470.

S. KIMURA,loMe Deelei in imsit fins




Wholesale GrocersAnd Dealers in


Agents Hoooiuhj Soap Works Companytad Hoaoiuhi Tannery.



H. M. Whitney, Publisher.

3j Complete Mit PaWish&i


PRICE 75c.Vzt Ssl3 fcy Hawaiian Hews Ox,

Found at Anchor Behind Destruc- -f tion Island by the Mineola.


Log of the Stiiithnevl! Tells a storySeldom Duplicated in the Annals ofMaritime History Another Accident While IJelnKTowed to Tacoma.

PORT TOWNSEND, Dec. 26. Thesteamsdiip Strathnevie", which sailedfrom Tacoma October 12tb for theOrient aud wa about tnven up forJo&t, arrived in port at 10 o'clock lastnight in tow of the steamer Mineola.The officer report a remarkable voy-age, one filled with daugera and pri-

vations, and on Monday afternoonlost all nope of saving the vessel wasabandoned and life rjfts and boatswere manned and preparations madefor leaving the vessel, as she was inimminent dangerof drifting ashoreonDestruction iUnd, where certaindeath starrd tbem in the face.

The log of the Strathnevie tells astory that is seldom duplicated in theannals of maiitime history, and moreespecially in the North Pacific Ocean.

Leaving Victoria October 13th with165 passengers and forty-si- x officersand crew, with a moderate a run-ning, a speed of ten knots was madeuntil October 20th, at 7:40 in themorning, in latitude 49 deg. 14 min.north and longitude 164 deg. 27 min.west, wben the ship experienced aterrific shock, the crash sounding likean explosion of cannon. The shafthad snapped off close to the propeller, which dropped clear of the ves-e-e- l

and went to the bottom. A strongnorthern gale was coming ou and allsail was crowded on two small mastswithout yards, schooner rigged. Theaccident occurred about ISO milessouth of Unalaska. Slowly thegale carried the vessel to south-west and it was two days laterbefore fche could make any progresstoward the east. From that time on,after temporary yards of frail naturehad been rigged, under a zigzagcourse, she sailed slowly toward CapeFlattery until .November 19th, whenshe fell in with the bark John Gambles, which was in latitude 49 deg. 3min. N. and longitude 145 degrees W.,which was the most northern pointreached. Southerly and easterly galeswere then met and many back-set- s

were encountered which lasted severaldays at a time. On December ISthshe was sighted by the Koyal Mailteamer Miowera, bound irom van- -

conver-t- 6 Hawaii, and at noon wastaken in tow for Es-quimal- Everyday brought forth a heavy gale or tremendous ocean swells, and tnefetratu-nevi- s

would get into the trough of theseas and roil rrigntiuijy. unioriu- -nately the tow line of the four-inc- h

steel hawsers parted at 1 o'clock nextmorning, after covering 160 milesThis serious mishap was not successfully overcome, owiug to hiirh seasaud boisterous weather, until Decem-ber 20, all of which liuae the Mioweraremained olore by, and then anothersteel hawser aud a twelve-inc- hmanilla rope was gotten aboard andthe Strathnevis ws again taken intow. Matters progressed favorablyuntil last Monday evening, wiieuTatoosh light was a dozen miles di-- -

taut, and then the steamers ran intoa screeching fouthwest gale accom-panied by rain aud thick weather.

In the midst of this storm bothhawsers snapped and the rtscuiug

disappeared In the squall,leaving the Sirathnevis helpless andbefore the wind and sea, drifting toward shore in the vicinity of Destruc-tion island.

A con-ultati- on was held by CaptainPattie and his officers, and prepara-tions were made to abandon the shipLife rafts aud boats were provisionedand all bands were preparing for theworst. The gale contiuued and therain fell in torrents. Through theuproar preparations were made for thelast resort, when there came thedreadful roar of the breakers burstingover Destruction island.

At an opportune time the gale com-menced to moderate and the seas slow-ly subsided. The shore was only afew miles distant, and the lead notedthirty-eigh- t tatboms of water

At 2 o'clock yesterday moruing theport anchor was dropped, but it failedto stop the progress of the ship, andshe steadily drifted broadside on shore.Slowly the chain swung her head outto sea, though the strain was so in-tense that the windlass could notcheck it, and the auchor and chaiuran out aud went to the bottom.Quickly all hands turned to and gotthe starboard anchor down, whichheld, and the big steamship swungher bow out to sea, though chafing asif anxious to break away and drift on-to the rocks to certain destruction.Morning dawned, and not a sail orvestige of smoke obscured the horizon.At 10 o'clock, though a dangerous seawas running, Purser McDonald,

Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report

MISS D. LAMB,Lawyers' Clerk


Notary Public,Office: With J. A. Alagoon.

la x y assess:- ,

Page 2: y if in pi id IIW - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/41098/1/1896010401.pdf · Boilers, Sngar Mills, Coolers, Brass ... time of the year is particularly



vXTheir acceptances have been received.Richard H. Alvey of Maryland, thepresent chief justice of the recentlycreated Court of Appeals of the Dis-trict of Columbia, has been namedand accepted as the third and finalmember of the commission.

Prof. Zamloch to Appear in Mys- - j

stcrioua Necromancy. j

Of Prof. Zamloch, who appears1HI i til io-- U,


here next Tuesday evening at theY. M. C. A. hall," the San Fran-cisco Examiner savs: "Zamlochand his roadie are wonders in theirway, amusing the largest audi-ences ever drawn by a show of its

a Duty lla 1

ILaw Material.308 Merchant Street.

Program for Morning and Eveningat Central Union Church.

Monday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer forthe mission-- ? in the Marquesas andin Micronesia; leader. Rev. HiramBingham.

Tuesday, 7:30 j. m. Prayer forthe missions in China and India;leader, Mr. Frank Damon.

Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Prayerfor missions in Japan: leader, Rev.Mr. Gulick.

Thursday. 7:30 p. rn. Prayer formissions in the Turkish empirespecial reference to Armenia: lead- -

OMAHA, Dec. 25 Mr. H. T.of ine Americau Beet r

Kuerar Association, il tins evening PRKtNOkind in San Francisco. He jrives i44 While Conj?re- - is placing a dutyupon 5o raanv other thioir5 why arethe American eugar producers notprotected. I was surprised to note

' ; I v Ithe action of the Ways and Mati3Committee in neglecting tni feature.

immense' satisfaction, not only!with his performance, but the art-- jistic way he basin pleasing his ;

auditors."' I

The San Francisco Chronicle I

says: "The performance of;Zamloch is wonderful and ex- - j

citing. Every trick new, and

American susar i produced in the--3United States by rivals of the tru-- t

The American producers are struggling for exi-teuc- e, and an increased

er. nev. uoujrias i . rirnie.Friday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer for

Hawaii nei; leader, Rev. C. M.Hvde.

duty on raw sugar is the only practi Is new in this country, but iu the



NK! l )l (ill UK1IEHV. I irirn"i- - M.I

cal method of stimulating the industry Lnitedbtates thousands are in use

Beautiful residence atid grounds onBeretania street near 44 Thomas Square."House contains 0 rooms, all the modernimprovements.

Two houses and lot on Punchbowlstreet opposite Portuguese Church;grounds beautifully laid out with fruitand ornamental trees. Houses large,airy and nearly new.

I have also other desirable propertiesfor sale.

Good corner Lot.Wilder Avenue, 185x240.

"Wilder Avenue and Piikoi, 100x150.

and Lot on Yonm? street, 50x150.House and Lot oa Punchbowl street,

near Beretania street.House and Lot on Thurston Avenue;

Lot 75x200 feet; bounded by ThurstonAvenue, Magazine and Spencer streets.

Splendid Easiness Corner on King street.In business portion of the city.

in iLe United States. The duty on re ana on account or tneir superiorMondav. Januarv 0th. "Humil strengfh and easy running qualitiesfined sugar helps the great sugar trust,but the duty on the raw article as-sists the producers of the country they have taken Fl kst rank amongiation and Thanksgiving,"' 1 John,

i.; Ps. 31:1-5- , Ps. 110:12-19- .Tuesday, 11a. m. "The Church

winuimns. ...

We have just received a carload o

done in a graceiul manner;all tending to give an evening'sentertainment to be enjoyed."Seats at Y. M. C. A. hall. Seeadvertisement in another column.


generally and indirectly the great ClltMISTd SELL IT.20.000agricultural interests Mills and can furnish on short notice44 A duty of 15 per cent, on both raw Universal,' Acts 1:5-- 3, John 17:20 STEEL. GALVANIZED MILLS Of S, 10 and

and refined would help the American -- 3, Eph. 4:1-1- G. 12-fo- ot diameter, and wood mills ofS, 10, 12, 14, 16, and lS-fo- ot diameterWednesday. 11 a. m. '' Nationsbeet sugar producers without benefi-

ting the trust, tsince the truat must We have direct motion windmillspurchase its raw material abroad for places where there are steadyThe production of every pound of strong winds, and geared mills whicheugar by the Americau producers will run in very light winds, but can

and Their Rulers," 1 Tim., 2:1-- 4:

Mat. 5:10-1- 2, 1 Pet., 2:13-2- 5.

Thursdav, 11 a. m. " ForeignMissions,' "is. 40:1-5- , Ps. 07, Rom.10:11-1- 5.

Fridav, 11 a. m. "Home Mis

Notice i hereby given that Mr. E. D.Baldwin has been appointed Sub-.-A gent ofPublic Lands for the First .Land District(Hilo and Puna), said appointment dating

entering its consumption in this coun not pump so fast as the direct motionmills. Some of our mills have oiledtry means so much less business for

Those who have not already siven It atrial should do so at once.


r1 Wi.t'-i- n fiiK oil mt:;l unirr 't tl I. II KKVbl1Iti laive alJ til rmuhont t'ao w Uoio iln.urj w oriJ troC.aur.s 11a ifrrat v rt:i.

TIIK PHLEGM IMMEDIATELY.IoaF.NS CJl till QVH KLY KKL1KVH.bit tuapk maks as a::ivk ox each wuvrrEi.

See the worl "Tho l .wiU. HlnrVfr'Rr R 1.L'.'itaiou." ou the ! rrauirut Miup.

Kefase Imitations. Established 1S24.

CQIATTKR nn.l FARMERS WHEV OIOKO.O ix" T'i ti: i: sitofM vr v:t Tui

TlMt-IIUN- KKI' ( Olfill ULMKUV.



11 'i.UUO" "H"- - T tt. Al'iT't M.I . XEW ZEALAN'P vl) rps troviE

bearings of the most approved kinds,the trust, hence the trust is anxiou- -

to hinder the development of thehome product The danger is. that

and some the celebrated graphitefrom Januarj- - 1, ISCrt.

J. F. BROWN,.Agent of Public Land?.

sion," Luke 10:1-2- , 14:21-2- 3: Is.

All of the above properties will be soldat a bargain. For prices, terms, etc.apply to

GEO. A. TURNER,Real Estate Dealer,


oeanngs, wnicn win run lor yearsthe Ways and Means Committee, in ()Q:1.,3 Iark 9:33-4- 0. without any oil, alsoIjuiiwiuuue 01 Lue nue suuniiuui wi rr--t i i i 1 1 steel galvanized towPublic Lands Office, Honolulu, Januaryfatally ctipple the rapidly growing eis, SO and 40 feet2, 106. 41S-- 3t 1721-3- w Ikindustry of tieet sugar manufacture inthe United State. The West is vital

, high.Send for the PERThe regular French di nner will

lieu tins LIST OF LETTERS KINS CATALOGUEbe served at the Richelly interested in this subject."

1U:N HAVEN' IN NEW YORK. SaveNN. and read thedet-cri-evening, ivawainau iud win iur- - Oilnish music during dinner and for A Rents for Honolulu:Committee Appointed to Hear Chargestiou or tne gearedmills for farmers andstockmen. With thethe lisrht fantastic later.Preferred by English Lord. Holliter Driu Company, Limitkp.

Benson, Smith it Co.Horros DRrtJ Company.Wuse of shaftinir andRemaining in the General PostofficeThe Hawaiian National BandNEW YOliK, Dec. 11. The spe- - Your

Honey.cial committee appointed to hear tes has made an anneal to Minister pulleys they can bemade to grind cornA. 1 ..I... . .,., .! I X up to December 81, lays.nmony ou me diaries pitnciitru or barley, cut foe'der,Lord Dunraveci, that the Defender did I


turn a grindstonenot sail against the Valkyrie in her ami saw your wood.measured water line, met today in se

Hatch for assistance to returnhome. Consul Wilder has refer-red the matter to Minister Cooper.

The foreign free kindergartenswill open at Queen Emma hall

cret session at the New York Yacht



Anne, J C J (2)The odd cents is what counts. I

can save you from 25 to 35 per caot.Club.Wood en Tow ers

can be erected if pre-ferred, and we givedirections for the


CHL0R0DYNE.Ofifinal aol Otly Ceiutae.



The members of the special committee. K. J. Phelps. G. L. Hives. W. on vour clothes and guarantee a fit and.Monday, January b, at J a.m. timber and erection.inese, Japanese andC Whitney, Captiriij . Mahau Luited Hawaiian, ChStates Nuvy.aud J. Pierpont Morgan, . We have also Gould's perfect satisfaction in every respect.

ree kindergartens will Lifting and Force.

Aldrich, WAvery, H BBrickwood, C K (5)BittleButcher, DBrav, AButterfield, J KBartholomew, W WCooper, H FCooper, MrCarlsen. A

I make friends of my customer!Mr. A9ouith made the opening open at their respective places on

andustomers of my friends. Do noPUMPS

Barnes. A BBesser, P (3)Beueson, W HBurkeBecker, A

Croelins, JCrockett. A WCulstein, MrCooper, F H

Dunn, WmDolmann, M H

be deceived by a grand display. Flatstatement. This occupied the greater Monday, Januarv 13, at 0 a.m.portion of the morning session.

Lord Dunraven was on the 9tand Next Sunday will be the lastduring the afternoon, and his friend, time the First Methodist Episcopal

for house or wind goods well-mad- e is half the battle.mill use. We canCrossman, W Ht


rOnce tried you will come agali.furnish redwoodrtuur wiennie, was aso suujecieu lo church will hold service in the hall

tanks, also, of all Latest designs constantly received.Clifford, RDrew, MrDonald. PMDavis, Tl

sizes from 600 gallonsLatham Fiske, a member of the over Tracey's store. The followingAmerican cup committee, said the in- - Sunday the congregation will wor-- I must have room for my new stock.to 10,000 gallons made in the best way

and of the best clear redwood.vestigatiou would probably be nuish- -

Iship in the new church on the cor Donnell, Purdy & Dower If you are need of clothes, now is yoared by tomorrow night. ner of Beretaniaand Miller streets The perfect satisfaction that the

Perkins Windmills aud the Gould's time to see me.Pumps have given wherever theySTATE.

la the Circuit Court, First Judicial Cir have heen used aud properly adjustedis a guarantee of their success. TryAdmitted Into the UnionTJtali to le W. W. Ahana,Today. the Perkins Mill and get somethingcuit, Hawaiian Islands.that will stand the strongest wind andWASHINGTON, Dec. 21. The new

Dr. J. Cotlls Browne's Chlorodyno,Vice-Chancell- or SIR VV. PAGE WOODstated publicly in court that Dr. J. COLMSBROWNE was undoubtedly the INVEN-TOR of CHLORODYNE, that the whokstory of the defendant Freeman was de-liberately untrue, and he regretted to say fthad been sworn to. See The Times, July13, 1864.

Or. J. Collls Browne's Chlorodynis a liquid medicine which assuages PAINof EVERY KIND, affords a calrrt, refresh-ing sleepWITHOUT HEADACHE, andINVIGORATES the nervous system whenexhausted. Is the Great Specific forCholera, Dysentry, Diarrhoea.

The General Board of Health. London,report that It ACTS as a CHARM, omdose generally sufficient.

Dr. Gibbon, Army Medical Staff, Cal-cutta, states: "Two doses completelycured me of diarrhoea."Dr. J. Collls Browne's Chlorodyno

is the TRUE PALLIATIVE inNeuralgia, Clout, Cancer,

Toothache, Rheumatism.

yet work well in the lightest SoutherConstitution of Utah, which was HERCHANT -- : TAILOR,ly wind.

Erichsen, GKssrer, AEvensen, OEkmon, AFreeman, CaptFox, TGandensbergan, MGray, J (2)Gale, C EHoppner, KHitchcock, W MHart, FHutchiuson,Harlon.O H (2)Hitchc ick, CHoran. E AHolstein, RJacobsen, V (2)

IN ADMIRALTY.brought to Washington a week ago by 323 Nuuanu Street.the Utah Commissioners, has been examined by the President and Attorney- -

IN THE MATTER OF THE BRITISH CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO..SCHOONER "HENRIETTA."General Harmon and found to be in allrespects in accordance with the terms E. 0. Hall & Son, Ltd.

ORDER TO THE MARSHAL.prescribed in the enabling; Act. There-fore, the President will issue his proc-lamation January 4th declaring Utah a

Agents- -

BANKERS,Honolulu, II. 1.,

tan Sight and Time Bills of Exchang.

Erickson, EKdsmond, A (2)Erickson. C O (2)

Fullerton, A H (2)

Grigg, MrGulick, F A

Halstead, MrHiggins, PHamilton, C HHelliken, G WHolt, J RHeller, A AHyde, J

Johnson, CJohnson, P A

Keange, MrLevey, L JLewis, G VLevy, PLartaso, ELee, ELow, J H

Moss, JMitchell. LMarks, JMorck & Co. TMcLain, A WMcLain, JMcKay, MrMakenzie, J A

Johnson, BJohnson, CREPUBLIC OF HAWAII.State of the Unio.n As the State offi

To Arthur M. Brown, Marshal of thecers are to assume their duties on theKramer, GLevey, S J (2)Lundv, Dr

Coor mercial and Travelers' Letters cRepublic, Greeting: i i AN 1following the admigBion ofrthe new State, they will be in office on Whereas a libel has this day been filed in

Dr. J. Collls Browne's ChlorodynoRap.'dly cuts short all attacks of

Epilepsy, .Spasms, Colic,Palpitation, Hysteria.

tne Circuit Court of tne iirst Judicial CirJanuary 6th. Attorney-Gener- al HarLowed, JLee, BLan, CLewis. R PLee, F

AT THE FRONT !cuit in Admiralty by tte Government ofthe Repubtic of Hawaii, acting by andmon has telegraphed these facts to the tha A - Honiiral rf tha

imei justice or u tan, at the request of Republic of Hawaii, against the British

Oxttt on the principal parts of the werid.Purchase approved Bills.


Hareive deposits on open account tediiwr taterest on terra deposits.

MUatd promptly to coitcctioM.

I taz&d Buifej frsto Tr522l

Mouniedaz. D C (2)schooner "Henrietta." together with herthe President. Our HOLIDAY STOCK is second to none

Important Caution. The ImmenseSale of this Remedy has given rise to manyUnscrupulous Imitations.

N. B. Every Bottle of Genuine Chloro-dyn- ebears on the Government Stamp th

boats, tackle, apparel and furniture and Miller, J WMabv, WMulfer, G

tnis year, including a beautifulassortment ofsixty cases ana packages or opium or

lioston Sails for China. preparation of opium tor reasons and Martin, C S name ol the inventor. Dr. J. Collicauses in said libel mentioned, praying McLean. Mr"VAIiLEJO, Dec. 2S. The Boston Browne. Sold in bottles is. id.. 2s. od.Celluloid Goodsthat the usual process of the said Court inthat behalf be made and issued and that'sailed today at 9 o'clock a. m. direct McDonald, P

McCavellass, J and 45. 6d., by all chemists.for China, carrying some sixty men all persons interested in the said schooner Games and Xmas Books for children. bole Manufacturer,

J. T. DAVENPORT.McLin, J HNorton, G. W.sabove her crew for distribution among 'Henrietta" together with ner boats, C. BREWER & CO, LIMITED,Xttr vessels now on that station. A new consignment of beautifully BOUNDtackle, apparel, furniture and said cases

and packages of opium or preparation o' Osman, C. 33. Great Russel street. London. W. C.uuujvS oy tiie standard authors.Borne of these men will go to theMonocacy, which craft is used as a opium, may be cited to answer the pre Pitt, S. Queen Street. Honolulu, H. 1.

mises and all due proceedings being nad Pelkv, J. A.Powell. Mr.sort of river police boat in those MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMESPlant. L.waters, penetrating lurther inlaud in

the event of native uprisings thau is AGENTS FORthat the said schooner "Henrietta," to-gether with her boats, tackle, apparel andfurniture and said opium or preparation ofopium mav for the cause mentioned insaid libel be condemned to be forfeited to

Putthuff, H.Peterson, C.po-sib- le for the recular emigre. Toilet and Manicure Sets,

Xmas Tree Decorations,The Boston sails a much finer ship Rand, K. Hawaiian AgricuJtura! CompanyOnorrwAStj;ar Company, Honomu Sugar Companythe use of the Government of the Republic Ruevsky, D. 8. Christmas and New Year Cards,than when last in commission. She

now makes four or five knots greater of Hawaii, and that such other and further Roe, J.decree may be had in the premises as the Collar and Cuff SetsRoberts, W. (2)Wilnku burar Company Waihee SuCimjM;iy, M.ikrtr Suar Comp.my, H.tkxla rf.mch Com;'iy, Kapt!.! K

Is the source of good health.

yer's Sarsaparillapeed, and her battery and electric-lic- ht

plant have been made more circumstances of the case may require. Robertson, J.

Perrv, W. (2)Parker, J. R.Phillips, Eq.Prescott, Rev.Printer, Government

Rossiter, J. A.Rook. Mr.Rochford.T. P.Ribilhe, J. T.Reid, B. A.Richardson, V.

Sanstrom, A. E. (2)Seabrawn, Mr.Sheba. S.Sanborn, C. I.Sawver. C,Smith. T.Smith, C. II. :

Tietjen, G.

Isow therefore vou are nreby command Reid, L. Pliers Line rraricisco P.ickrr.ed to attach the said schooner "Henrietta" Musical InstrumentsRathke, H. Chs. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Bostontogether with her boats, tackle, appareleffective.

lily: is-u- o of I'ontls. and furniture and said cases and packages Scott, M. F,Smith, A.Smith. W.Smith, J. W. (2)

We are prepared to sunnlv all kinds ofof opium or preparation of opium, and re-tain the same i your custody until thefurther order of this Court respecting the

EW YORK, Dec. 27. JuliusChambers sends the following to the

Packets.Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Boad of UnoW

vrters.List ef Officers:

P. C. Jones, president; Geo. H. Robert

stationery, etc., etc.SP(iive us a call before purchasing

elsewhere and be convinced.

Makes Pure Blood,Strengthens the Nerves,Sharpens the Appetite,Removes that Tired Feeling,and Makes Life Worth Living.

same. Smith, Geo. L.Sheridan, J.Journal from Washington : A bis And to give due notice to all persons 4lfMmissue of bonds is sure. The President Shauehnesse, P.claiming the same or having any interest Stahl, R. H.and his Cabinet have 'been in consul thorein or knowing or having anything to

sav why the same should not be con arw, Manager, E. F. Bishop, Treasurer aAtation all the afternoon aod far into Turner, Mr. HONOLULU --vrv; VoL W. F. Allen, Auditor; Cthe nifjrit, and a decision has bten demned as forfeited according to the pray Van Gieson, J.H. (3) Vogei, A. r ke, H. Waterhouse, A. W. Carter.reached indicating ihafc Mr. Clevelandha9 given up all bop of relief from

Willie, Esq. Westfall, G.Wertherine, M. "Weldlev, H. fitertors.if.111 IIthe Coucrress of the united btate.--, Wagner, J. Whitney, W. H.

er of the said libel and the statute in suchcase made and provided. That they beand appear before the said Couri on the0th day of January, A. D. 1896. at teno'clock" in the forenoou of said day thenand there to show cause, if any they have.

ladies.that he feels his responsibility andhas decided to rise again to the great illl II! iffiAndrews, M Missemergency ami act upon ms own

S uf f crorafrom indiges-tion, generaldebility, .skindiseases, orany other ail-

ment arisingfrom impureblood, shouldtuke

Andrews, Mrs TV. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.why the pra-e- r of said libel should not begranted. And you are further directed to Ball. W Mrs Quoen Street, U

Blanch. Mrsafter service give notice by publication atleast three times in the Daily Pacific

Abing, Mrs

Bader.E MrsBiaisdell, M MrsCenter, R MissChristian. C MissChapman, L MrsCarson, Mrs


Kinan Won the liucc.Xo definite information was re

Bftwhew alakea and Richards stsCommercial Advertiser, a newspaper CARRIAGE BUILDERpublished in Honolulu, of the action andCook, J MrsChristian, Miss (2)Christian, M MissChristian, A Missproceeding and invite all persons interest BRONZE, BRASS

and -:- -AND REPAIRER.ed to show cause in on or before the day

assigned for bearing. Davis, I Miss (2)Erickson, G Mrs AVER3SAnd of what u shall have done in the

ceived yesterday regarding the raceletween the Kinau and Claudineto Lahaina. Hearsav news brought premises do you then and there make due

return together ith this Writ. Witness the Higgins. A MrsAll orders from the other islands in the Iron CastingsHenentta. t MissHonorable W. A. Whiting. First Judgeof thebv Captain Simerson, of the W. G. Hickey, Mrs

Hickey, J Mrst ircuit Court of the First Circuit, at Hono-lulu this 2Jth dav of December, A. D. 1S95. SAftSAPARiLLAHall, was to the eflect that the Carriage Building, Trimming and Painting

Line will meet with prompt attention. Housework a Specialty.(Signed) GEORGE LUCAS.Kinau won bv five minutes. Kimball, B Miss

Leach, MrsClerk of the Circuit Court of the First Gold Medals at the World's Great Expositions.P. O. Box 321.

Hildebrand, H MrsHugo. MrsHitchcock, W Mrs

Kirkland, J MrsLindsey, J MissMaed, MrsMarshall, MissMathews, Miss

Requa. C G (2)Shaw, A Mrs


Jrticuiakr attention paid to Ships' BlackMcDougallCircuit.

I allow this "Writ this 2Gth day of December, A. D. 195. smithmg.

McGurn, M MrsMcCurry, FloraPitterson, N MrsRutherford, F Mis3


First Judge of the Circuitseal. Court for the First

In Your BloodIs the cause of that tired, languidfeeling which afflicts you this season.The blood is impure and has becomethin and poor. That is why you haveno strength, no appetite, cannot

JflW'W.'m; of cheap imitations. Then;ti!ie Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prom i.n-- on tlwj wrapper, and i.i blown lathe glass of e;u:li lottle.

IIOLLISTKU DUUO COMPANY,Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

Sumner, MissSeymour, E H Miss Lynn & Patterson,

Proprietors.HUSTACE & CO.,

Dealers InTeplowski, L MrsNOTICE. Wilkinson, E Mrssleep. Purify your blood with Hood's Wiison, Mrs

Wicander, F MrsWhite, MrsBarsaparilla, which will give you an lreiin5a r. tifiArt tr Tt t th W. C. T. U. LUNCH ROOMWood and Coal,appetite, LOU w yuui Diuuiacu( tiu iuvigorate your nerves. EAGLE HOUSE,

Nuuanu Arenuc,

time and place above stated to show causewhy the prayer of the above stated libelshould not be granted and why the saidschooner "Henrietta" should not be con

Parties inquiring for letters in the ALSO WHITE AND BLACK SAND, For Ladles and Gentlemen,At 111 King street.above list will please ask for " Advertised

Letters."demned and forfeited according to the Will ronon IAMTAT?Y1it 1 SOfi t,..WHcli we wQ sen t tbc reiy lowMt mcrket Lunch from 1 1:30 to; 1:30 p.m.statute in such case made and provided. t ..... .. v u. . " -- . . itrlUrnished throughout. Table rirst-clas- s inJOS. M. OAT,Postmaster-Genera- l. Our attractions are home-mari- e food, e


TcipitQa No. 44Hood's Pills are easy to take,

easy in action and sure in effect. 25c.Hobron Drug Co., wholesale agents.

A. M. BROWN?Marshal Republic Hawaii.

Honolulu, Dec. 28, 1S95. 41S5--3t

General Postoffice, Honolulu, December rool neat room and satisfactory attendanc. JUH.N MCLKAN,4189-l- m Proprietor.Table a la carte. 4163-l- m31, JS95.

Page 3: y if in pi id IIW - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/41098/1/1896010401.pdf · Boilers, Sngar Mills, Coolers, Brass ... time of the year is particularly


REVENUE ON IMPORTS. order to show that a full knowledge BEST MADE IN THE WORLD.of the gift was known to Mrs.Spreckels and to negative the

Present Tariff Law Repealed and statements made by Claus Spreck-elsMeKinley Duties Afrain Imposed. in his complaint to have thegift canceled on the plea that com-munityfsn&tr Duties to IU-mal- u Unclmni;! property could not be deed-edJJoinl I SI 1 1 IIou-- m Venzi-l;- i away without the knowledge

Question Con-Min- i ptlou t Suar. and consent oi thuse interested.

Williams, Dimond & Co.'s trade Haptism of Church Members.Some thirty-fiv- e new members

will be admitted to the CentralUnion Church at the communion



ort-Stre-et Store,ALAS, POOR YORICK!

Shakespeare has been translated into the Chinese language and we are morethan pleased at being able to present to our readers a drawing of the graveyard scenein Hamlet, made by Flannel Lung, the chief artist to the imperial court. This is about the time of

you about the good things we have for the Holidays. Thereare a great many varieties of China ware displayed in thewindows for you to look at and buy, but before doing so,please step in and see our line of11.I HI H 0 PUT 1 01 1

LastsEgg Shell China Ware.Consisting of cups and saucers. These

are very delicate in tints and the de-signs are the most original Inshape.

Japanese Lacquer Cabinets.Endless variety of. sizes in plain and

fancy design.


We carry a stock ofsilks that will give satisfaction as re-

gards wear, and pride ourselves onour selection of silk for fancy work.These goods are flawless and the as-sortment is all that could be asked for.

Curtain Crepe, Silk Crepe Grene-dine- s.

These are fine art goods, suitable for wallor interior decorations of every des-cription, plain or fancy designs.

Figured Silk Crepe Chiffons.In three colors blue, pink and cream. Spe-

cially suitable for trimmings anddresses.

Gentlemen's Smoking Caps.All colors, fancy raised embroidery work,

very fine for your gentlemen friends.

the vear when we wish to tell

Feather Fans! Feather Fans!Extraordinary values nothing less. Very

large assortment in styles and colors.

Japanese Cloisone Ware, i

These articles are to0 well known to needany introduction to the public. Areconsidered the most durable of anything of the same class, in fact Is al-

most indestructable.


Toysan endless variety of European andAmerican make. We have such alarge ldf-tha-t we cannot enumeratethem all, but we wish to call your at-tention to the CHILD'S DOUBLESEATED UPHOLSTERED CART withrubber tires, making it very applica-ble for house use, being almost noise-less. CHILDREN'S PICTURE ANDSTORY BOOKS is another thing thatshould have the attention of all par-ents inasmuch as they are amusingand at the same time instructive.

Sail BoatsWill always interest the little one and

keep them out of mischief. All sizes.

Novelties ! Novelties ! Novelties !

In endless variety and we can only callyour attention to a few.


Real Tortoise Shell Hair Pins, Hand-paint- ed Baskets andCologne Bottles, Grass Cloth Tidies and Doylies in drawn work,Silver Buckles, etc., etc.New Process Gasolin


circular from San Francisco, underdate December 28th, says : Thefinancial situation in this countryhas reached such a state that it hasbeen found necessary to take im-

mediate steps to replenish the goldreserve and supply further fundsfor the current expenses of thegovernment. It is proposed tomake a new bond issue, and, as atemporary relief, raise the existingrevenues on importations, and yes-

terday a bill was passed by theHouse of Representatives whichrepeals the present tariff untilAugust 1, 1898, and restores GO percent, of the MeKinley rates onwool, woolen, lumber and carpets,and makes a horizontal increase of15 per cent, of the present rates inall other schedules except sugar.The Bond Bill will probably .epassed today, and it remains to beseen wThat action the Senate willtake in regard to these measures,but, no doubt, they will pass someeuch relief bill.

The sugar producers of the coun-try have already protested againstthe action of the Ways and MeansCommittee in excluding this im-

portant article for revenue, andnot offering this large industry thesame protection as others. Anadditional duty of 15 per cent, onraw and refined sugars would helpour beet sugar producers withoutbenefiting the Trust, who mustpurchase its raw material abroad.This would offer the same protec-tion to island sugars. It seems,however, from present indications,that either through ignorance ofthe true situation, or fearing thatthe Trust would be benefited, thesugar duties will remain un-

changed.The recent excitement caused by

the attitude of the United Statestoward England over the Venezu-elan boundary line, ha somewhatsubsided, and we think the con-

servative people of both govern-ments do not now fear open hosti-lities between the two countries,but expect the matter will be satis-factorily settled through diplom-- !acy- - .. .

Messrs. Willett tfc Uray estimatethe entire consumption of sugar inthe United States for 1895, bothforeign and domestic, at 1,945,406tons, against 2,012,729 tons in 1894,which is a decrease of G7,323 tonsinstead of 5 per cent, increase.This decrease is supposed to beowing to the duty and to the pov-erty of a great portion of the peo-



Two Hawaiians Arrested for Kill-in- j;

an Old Woman.Kamaunu and Liloj found them-

selves far away from Hawaii, wherethey were born, and they had justbeen paid off for cutting wood inEl Dorado county. They drankwine and Kamaunu bought achicken of an old woman.

"She must have money," hesaid to his comrade Liloi, " forwhen I gave her gold she went intothe house and brought out plentyof money to change it."

At night the Kanakas slept intheir cabin and about midnightLiloi was awakened by a knockingat the door. It was Kamaunu,who had gone out. "Him he sayhe taka a walka that night." Liloitestified at Ka mail nil's trial, "andhe talka with me. He say he killathat old woman and he lose pistol

he talka lose revolver very bad."When the old woman was founddead the two Hawaiians were ar-rested, but Liloi testified againsthis comrade and was released.

Kamaunu was convicted of mur-der in the first degree and wassentenced to be hanged. An appealwas taken to the Supreme Couri onthe ground that his confession toLiloi had been improperly admit-ted as evidence, but the SupremeCourt decided that the confessionwas voluntary and therefore ad-

missible, because, as Liloi did notknow of the murder until told byKamaunu, he could not have offeredKamaunu any inducement to con-fess. So the kanaka will hang.

S. F. Examiner.

The Spreckels Suit.The legal con trovers' between

Claus Spreckels and his son Ru-

dolph over the gift of $500,000made to the son by the father hastaken another turn. Attorneys forRudolph Spreckels have taken pro-ceedings to get the testimony ofMr. and Mrs. Claus Spreckels in

service on Sunday morning next.Two or three of the candidates having expressed a decided preferencefor baptism by immersion, the or-

dinance will be administered inthat form at 4 o'clock this after-noon at the pool in the grounds ofH. M. Whitney at Kewalo on Kingstreet. The service, which will bevery simple, will be conducted byRev. Mr. Birnie.

The Time Today." Giving the Glad Hand " is the

subject for a cartoon in The Timetoday. Jack the Ripper tells severalfunny stories in rhyme, and JanYehd continues his musings. Therewill also be the usual comments oncurrent events.

ON ICE.California Mallard and Teal Duck,California Quail,California Salmon, California Sole,California FranKfurters,Frozen Oyster. Fancy Cheese,Cauliflower, Celery, Ituta liaga Turnips,Choice Apples, Naval Oranges, Lemons,California Block Butter, etc. "

LEWIS & CO.4190-- U



Glifll ii 16WITH CELLAR



These premises adjoin the new store soon tobe occupied by W.W. Dimond. For arti--culars, apply to the

Manager Hawaiian GazetteCOMPANY, LIMITED,

Von Holt Block.

Q fit Hi

FOR SALE.Those desirable premisesituated on the

slope of Punchbowl, corner of Green andVictoria streets, at present occupied byE. Kopke, Esq.. are offered for sale. Thehouse is well built and provided with allmodern improvements; the view ofDiamond Head and the ocean is unsur-passed. The property can be purchasedat a reasonable price and part of the pur-chase money can remain secured by mort-gage. Applv to

J. F. HACKFELD,Attorney in fact for A. Ehlers, Esq.

4183-2- W

IIIA CONVENIENT HOUt'E CONTAININGlarge parlor, 3 bed room, dining roombath room and kitchen, with out buildingsfor servants and carriage is offered forrent., The house is locate J on Hassingerstreet within four minutes wait ot thetram. cars. The lot is lCOxlTS t, andhas some line ornamental an-- i fruit trees.

Kent $30 per month. App'v toTHE HWVAIIAN SAFE DEPOSIT &

INVESTMENT C . 41!-l- w


lias lleeelved by tht steam-hi- p Cltyof I'ekln-- ;

A Fresh Shipment of


Va-e- s. Laoqu-- r Ware.S:!k M and kt-rc- l iief s and Shawi ic screer.s.Fine Matting and Kattan Chairs,

Manila Clears and Teas.Telephone 91 1 O. Dux 116.

YANASE & CO.,Chilian Uulldliiir, Nuuaun street



Japanese Goods and Provisions for i tieHolidays.

We have a special line of Japanese Porce-lain Ware. This ware is something new; ,never having been sent tj Honolut'ibefore.

!3GT-Do- n't fail to see this ware whenbuving presents for your fne:iii'.




e Stove.Sole Agents.

a Month.by Carrier.SUCCESS

Tried It ?



I mf lA PACKED IN VERY IABGEAND y g1' sr tm-- j i irsrry NCrJ ' ccntaw more i jiKi;d?j31D er?. 0Y5TED5 THAN SHt LlJ'ftSl TMCSE OF OTHER Ml

A'-- fj'



The Only Known Specific that will InvariablyPrevent "Mai de Aler."




1 1KB."

1 1

Hyatt Process



1111 1 WATERi)

75 CentsDeliveredA GREAT

Have You




fECrFor sale by all leading Grocers.

All Fountains in city supplied by tliem are filled with

water which has beenRolled OatsTHE ORIGINAL BRAND.




S, F. AGENT.FRANK B. PETERSON & CO 7! Telephone 71

Page 4: y if in pi id IIW - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/41098/1/1896010401.pdf · Boilers, Sngar Mills, Coolers, Brass ... time of the year is particularly


STTimely Jopies BRUCE CARTWRiGHT JU ARRIVEDis plain. It is disagreeable toswallow your own words but thepath is plain nevertheless, it is thatno settled form of government inthe Hawaiian Islands can flourishsave a Republican one, and, grant-ed that, whv should not Hawaii

An Kntlrely Xewstock of"All things in their time and


INSURANCE.all things in their place." The Dry Goodsbecome an integral portion of the j place we hold is that of a

Great Republic. It is to us tire- - person who is trying to helpEDITOR.WALLACE R. FARRINGTON. Especial facilities for handling Estates,Trusts, Guardianships and Private Busi-ness, Moneys carefully invested, Loans

COMPRISINGmatters for the benefit ofsome to near intelligent peopletalking against annexation. WeJANUARY 4, 18C;.BATUItDAY,nrp in the nosition 01 a ouner oe- - muse vvau uac vwm. 10 couecieu. rropeny soia or reasea ror a

,, i i Tt. , -- .. . .. small commission.iween tne rast anu me est. uur; in our line. General Manager for the Hawaiian

Islands for the following InsuranceMinister Hatch is rraking his

way in Washington. It was to besupposed he would do so. He is a

only hope is with the people of our i

As Shakespeare says: "Soown race. Flood the little islands Equitable Life Assurance Society of tfeUnited SUtes, assets $ 185,044,310 Ogenial man, his brain is clear and

he soon shows his ability. He is Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd.,hallow'd and so gracious is

the time" that we are tempted of London, assets SI G,517,7S6 00

Ribbons, Veilings,Gloves, Hosiery,Dress Goods, Flannelettes,Waterproof Coats, Serges,Tweeds, Etc., Etc.


thoroughly versed in all the ques Imperial Insurance Company, Limited, ofto mention a few of the items London, assets $9,3U2,020 OOtions of the day here, and is also Lion Ftft Insurance Company, Limited, dhistorical!' well posted. The latest London, assets 34 , 125,000 OOthat we consider are in season,viz: all kinds of team collars,letters to the Government show The Board of Underwriters ef New Yufc.

Tht National Board f AWm LHxbrthat Mr. Hatch is doing our cause writers f New York.

best chain harness, best hargood work.FOR LEASE.ness and saddle leather, all

with Eastern influences and wherewould not onlv we be but wherewould the great power near us be?It would have a thorn in its side,which, however great it may be,would prove anything but pleasant.The thorn in the foot, it is needlessto make allusion to, but a verylarge body can be made very un-

comfortable by means of a verysmall disagreeable. Hawaii standsnow in the position of a possiblethorn. It is doing its best anddoing it gallantly to keep its ownautonomy, but it looks for itseventual annexation to the UnitedStates. The day for that does notnow seem to be so far off.

NO. 5. THAT DESIRABLE LOT ONh e West side of Jndd street, on the Waiki- -kinds of breeching rings andThe war scare is over but it

must always be remembered thatthe scare was there. We all asree harness fittings. 1 neseg00ds This affords one of the finest buildiuj? sites L. B. KERR,i in nit; uuv. i. ii"iir lease un muueiaLe

are Seasonable it ever they terms to a desirable tenantthat it is a good thing that no wartook place, or is likely to take . c,u: : I FOR SALEplace at present. But the worst of Queen Street.v y r j NO. 2. FOR SALE OR LEASE VA- -

DOUna tO Pfet OUt OI Order no cant lot on Young street, near ThomasI Snnnrp. Dpsirnhlp Infntinn npar th rsi- -

matter hOW CareiUl yOU may denceof L. Dee. Price $2200


such "scares" is the ugly feelingthat they leave behind. Americaninterests and English interestssuffer from this. The two nations

be. and VOU had much better be lo, Molokai. Price $275. One-ha- lf expenseJ of deeds. Price reduced to $225. OH!NO. 8.1 ACRE O F FI N E TA RO LAND,prepared tor an emergencyIt is a great satisfaction to everyare one in blood, but they are over rall in taro, located at Kamakela; water

right goes with the land. Last vear's taroin spirit too, and fighting is really tnan to oe piacea in a pre crop sold for over $300. Price $1300. Lne- -one here that the Strathnevis wasabsolutely safe. A thrill of horrorthe root of our race. Our ancestor nalt expense ot deeds This is Gooddicament, when vou cannot NO. 9. BUILDING LOT AT A ALA,went through this community wrhen Palaraa, 50x15 feet, on Aala lane. Priceimagined a Walhalla in which

there should be nothing Uut fight afford to lose any time. This $1400. One-ha- lf expense of deedsit was thought that the Strathnevis"Mo in 'i t mtq rr&nxi with tuvi pleased I caning and hunting all day and feast IS not a Case OI WniD I WniO storv house, at Aala, Palama. Price to--

I . 1 (fi-r- I r 1 . .1 --- rt


geti eiutJi: pn'o-j- , or suiiy iuuv aim ytuv. uuv

had gone down when she was al-

most within reach of safety. Thevessel had anchored behind De

ing all night. The moment a half expense of deeds.hoorah ! but of a thatwhipNO. 11. LOT WITH COITAGFS ONchance of fighting appears before

us, we are eager to get at it. That Punchbowl street, below Queen street, nearwill give you value receivedstruction Island. As to what the water front, will ultimately become finebusiness propert Price $3500. One-ha- lf GOOD TOBACCOMiowera did under her captain'saccounts for the jingo press of both lor money invested ana isA. expense of deeds. 'S XJ. XI.orders that will be a matter fornations. But fortunately there NO. 13. 328 ACRES GRAZING. COF--conseeded to be the best re fee and feed lands at Honokua, South tlegal investigation. There is evi Kona. Hawaii. --AT-

are cooler heads and we find thatmost of these questions which were presentative oi the kind in NO. 14. LAND AT PU1WA, NUUANUa.dently a divergence of opinion be-

tween the cabin and the steerace valley, rnauka of "Hanai a Karualarua."put to the arbitrament of arms a cen Honolulu, and comprises buck Queen Emma's old residence; area 3 77-1- 00 & Co.I acres. Planted to strnwliprrips and trrpassengers. But the opinions oftury back are better settled at skin lashes, whip lashes and Price $500.passengers are of very little value"Washington and Downing street. NO. lfi HOUSE AND PREMISES ON

whip Stock, for four, six and the west corner of Hotel and KekaulikeJ I crrra A roa 119. ennia foot Hrncaunless they are nautical men. As

CORNER FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS.the case stands the Miowera saved Jrrif- - V.okco toom In ot r recently been repaired and shingled. AWS"1 ""' vv- - rare business opportunity. Deed, stampsthe ship and the lives on board; t 1 . I and afiknow ftdpments at exnense of nnr SEE THEIR

A President of the UnitedStates has great power. The Queenof England, the Emperor of Ger-

many could not issue bonds in anemersrencv without the consent of

another day's towing would haveNO- - 18 desirable RESIDENCEwanted thp menDy plantation with grounds at Kaiihi-waen- a. Houses,jrought her a splendid pecuniary SMOKERS' ARTICLES IN SILVERfrf r?otf stables, outbuildings all.

complete. Waterior every uay ubc. laid K it trees beannjr. climatereward. The hawsers parted in a,: 1: perfect. Price $3500heavy gale and still the Strathnevis AND TIIKIK

0 -

the regularly constituted powers.The latest advices state that a "big was enabled to find safety. There T-- ! 1- V --ill Mwc nave dii kuius u! piuvv Besides the abovt I have other desJraWwill probably be a long case before Smoking Stands. Cheap.rnfArA Ur nlontprc frrm property for sale and lease. Fw mforiaaissue ot Donus is sure. lnisshows how acute the financial diffi the naval courts on the question of J V ' tion call at the office,

ot-i rlfir RroiUorcsalvage.piow maae j 10 tne smallestof rice plows; from the largeYour Stock BRUCE CARTWRIGHTdouble furrow to the io-inc- h

middle plows so popular withWill do planters. THE HAWAIIAN SAFE DEPOSITbatter on

FIRST-CLAS- S FEED. Some people like to make And Investment Companytheir own butter and we can STOCKS HAVE BEGUN TO MOVE!

The favorable weather during the pastsupply them with the churns summer gives promise of a large crop fortr, An thf tvorl-- whthr tWJ 18. 2nd wiJh a.n esm

culty in the United States is.Whether the efforts of the admin-istration will be of avail to preventa panic which should, by all rules,

come, is doubtful. Commercialrises and fallings are subject toinvariable laws. We have had

ythem in recent years. In 1S57, in1859, in 18G6, in 1879, in 1885 andin 18S" they came. In more re-ce- nt

years we have had them, andlocally they come. To those whounderstand finance, panics are butthe disease of finance, as cholera orsmallpox is the disease of the body.Doctors are not always successfulin combating disease. Financialvloctors are not. President Cleve-

land is a clever man, whatever hisdetractors may say, can he meetthe inevitable ? We are not sureof it.

wv" " 4-- "v-fcv- - ""-- wona s proauction ot One Million Tons ofwant sufficient for a small bugar, higher prices are looked for.

Kersons alive to the situation are begin



Is the very best at theVERY LOWEST PRICES.

ning to purchase now. During the presentfamily or for the "Richelieu." iuomn we nave maae more sales ot First- -

For TwentyYears

We have been tailoring at moderateprices.

Twenty years of experience toprofit by.

Our KNOWLEDGE of CLOTHES forstyle, fit, and workmanship, havestood the test as the liberal patronagewe have received assures us of thatfact.

We have just received our fallstock of woolens, which we areoffering at prices that will aston-ish you.

Class Stocks than for the past twelveThose who make cocktails months.We are now buying and selline the fol

lowing: i :rjx-?c- 1& .v;vHawaiian bugar Company Stock,n.wa Plantation Uompany stock.liaiku bugar Company btock,Honomu b'ugar Company Stock.Hawaiian Agricultural Company Stock,raia nantation company btock,Mutual Telephone Stock.Hawaiian Electric Company StockAlso Hawaiian . Government Bonds, and

should try one of our "GemShavers" as all the expertsagree that the best kind canbe made by using one of theseshavers. You pour yourliquor into what looks likesnow, and the result - willmake even the father of alarge family feel as if he owned the world and did not carewhether school kept or not.We have sold most of our

Plantation first Mortgage Bonds.We have some very secure boxes in theNBDflnu and Qaeen Stmts. Safe Deposit Vaults to let by the month or

ANNEXATION'. by tne year at very reasonable rates

TELEPHONE 131.Fr ttrtlcvlars apery to


And Investment Company,

GLOAN & SON408 Fort Street, Honolulu.


ANN1S MONTAGUE(Mrs. Clias. Turner)

Takes pleasure in announcing that she isprepared (o receive pupils at her lesidence.

correci end Naioroi Proflociion 01 me voice

Based on natural and artistic principlesand applying the Italian method to Eng-lish singing, regulating and developing thevoice equally throughout its entire range.

Lessons given by the month, quarterly,or by a series of eigbt, twelve or twenty-fou- r

lessons. Applv personallv or bv letter- MIGNON."Beretaniu street, formerly residence of

Chas. H. Atherton. 4190-l- m


Out of Door LifeCorner Hotel and Nuuanu Sts.

Aluminum ware, out nave afew of these handsome whitebrush and comb sets whichare the best and cheapestthings of their kind everintroduced.

We do not make a practiceof pufting our own wares, butthese good are something thatwe wish to call your especialattention to, and know thatyou need only to see thegoods to realize their merit.

G.Is a Close, Stuffy Roomed House.

W. LINCOLNCan build you a house that will be as airy and comfortable as all out doorsConsult me before building.

Minister Castle, while in Wash-

ington, has done good serviyetoour country. His suave and ggiiialmanner has carried its way. Thereis every probability that an effortwill be made to get the Hawaiianmatter definitely settled, and of

that there can only be one settle-

ment. Annexation, in spite ofevery personal desire in this place,is bound to come. -- The sooner thebetter. It amuses a student of

history to watch how the cat playswith the mouse. The logical endof things is practically, in our case,foreshadowed ; but we play withthe question, and are played withvery efficiently, until we get into aregular ferment. Our end is as-

sured. We become a portion of

the United States. Till we do be-

come so we shall have to passthrough none too comfortable atime. We are open to attacks fromvarious sources. We have to beprepared to meet those attacks.Consequently we have to keep upa strong force, not for those within,but for possibilities from abroad.The very end and aim of our ex-

istence is to show that we are reallya self-governi- ng power. This we

have shown. President Cleveland'spath in dealing with the inevitable

Holiday AnnouncementEx S. is. Mount Lebanon, we received our

large consignment of '


Japanese Toys, Novelties.Silks of all descriptions,

Ladies' Silk Scarfs and Shoulder Shawls ofthe finest make.

All new fresh designs.

G. W. LINCOLN,Contractor and Buiider of Anything.

A LABOR BUREAU FOR THE Em-ployment of servants both men or womenas cooks, maids, yard men or for planta-tion work will be opened January 2d at theoffice of A. Rimes, Fort street, (next toW.F.Reynolds.) The work will be underthe direction of Mrs. H. Herbert.

Especial care will be taken to place onlysuch servants as are wanted and the bestof the kind. Efficient interpreters of allclasses. Gocd servants of all kinds nowwaiting. Call or address

MRS. H. HERBERT,4187-t- f Fort street.



Manufacturers Straw Hats, Silk and CottonGoods, Japanese Curios.

Is what makes the ready sale of CLOISONEWARE as well as the Lacquer and BronzeWare. Special invitation is extended to lovers ofthe beautiful in these goods to inspect my stock.New Goods received ex Rhosina that will commandyour attention.

K. FljRijYA,Next to Ordway & Porter


Will Open at Queen Emma Hull,MONDAY, JANUARY 6th, '96,

At 9 o'clock.The Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese and

Portuguese Free Kindergartens will openat their respective places MONDAY,January 13th, at 9 o'clock. ,

MARGARET L. HOPPER,SecretaryJFree Kindergarten and.Children's

Aid Association. 4190-2t

Opposite Spreckels' Bank.


Page 5: y if in pi id IIW - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/41098/1/1896010401.pdf · Boilers, Sngar Mills, Coolers, Brass ... time of the year is particularly


The Birth stonefor January is theiariiet .

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair,

Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. enefit of Latest StylesDon'tII:ITDANCE ON THE BENNINGTON.

Pleasant Reception Tendered Of-ficers of the Baltimore.

The officers of the U. S. S. Ben-nington entertained friends ahoardship lat night in a reception to theofficer? of the U. S. S. Baltimore,about to leave thi.-- port. The Ben

EIE Do tIS fin SAM

An office which is supplied with the new styles of

type as they are introduced selected with judgmentThat extra 15 per cent, discount last

week hunted up the judicious buyers and

there was a decided movement in our Today

nington was beautifully decoratedwith various tropical greens, Japan-ese lantern?, alternated with color-ed electric lights, made a vervpretty effect from shore as well ason board.

The reception was very cordialand every one was made to feel athome. Dancing was the main fea-

ture of the evening, though manypreferred the enjoyment of the

stock.invests in new appliances and machinery for the rapid

production of work, and employing only the best of workNow. it was not the PRICES alone ;

that sold these goods, it was the factor

that caused buvers to look at them, to;examine into the durability and finish,! men, must necessarily produce better and finer work, andMOST PERFECT MADE.

pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free

torn Ammonia, Alum or any ether adulterant.

In all the great Hotels, the leading:iubs and the homes, Dr. Price's Creair,Hking Powder holds its supremacy.

Years the Standard.

get better prices, than one where only a few founts ofwhen that was done, then the prices did

the rest. ;

We claim that we are always 15 per i

cent. lower than any other house in Hono- - i

lulu. Don't take our word for it; convince j

yourself by examining our STOCK and j

PRICES. You will find our stock theLARGEST and as we say our prices the i

cooling breezes that were to be hadso freely on the upper deck.

The Kawaihau Club was presentand furnished delightful music forthe dance. Light refreshmentswere served.

President and Mrs. Dole wereamong the many prominent people

LEWIS & CO.,Aifentn, Honolulu, H. I.


type are made to do duty from one year's end to the other.

Every printer knows that it is impossible to do thoroughly

good work cheaply, while common work can be turned

out at almost less than the cost of paper for a good one,

without consideration of the value of the time of a first--


You were caught in

the heavy rain a few days

ago and vour clothes

were spoiled.

This is the commence-

ment of the rainy sea-

son, and you will need

protection from the ele-



Meetings at the Different Churches


School Teachers & Examination.At the school teachers' examina- - PILLOWSTomorrow.

Central Union Church. Cornertion vesterdav twenty-nin- e candi- -

of Beretania aud Richards streets.Douglas P. Birnie, minister. Services:dates presented themselves. The

Made to order from

35 Centsand upwards.

class workman. We have suited you in the past, try usd Bible class. At 11

r nnMin wnrshit) cud sermon.followed by the reception of newmcmira nrwJ tho saorarnent of the now.Mosquito Net Frames, 50 cents and

examining committee, consisting otProfessor Alexander, Professor M.M. Scott, Mrs. Dodge and A. T.Atkinson, were in charge. Mr.Dumas, teacher of the normalclass, was also present. The ex-

aminations will be continued

Lord's sunner. 3:30 p. in., Juniorupwards.Christian Endeavor meeting. 6:30 p.

onnaorvuH V mpetiUET Of the X . 1.S. 'c. E. 7:30 p. m , public worshipand sermon. After -- meeting in the

Single Mattresses, from $2 and upwards.

Double Mattressesparlors. Sunday schools : Japanese atin m ? Portuguese ou Mil- - ECO.Wler street, at 2 :30 p. m. The week of

prayer will be oh-erv- eu oy a seiv.eeTOliK HAIR FltOM HER

HEAD. Sterlingevery evening at 7:oU. muumt c.come for all at every service

a a vnurw's Patkedral. Cathe


$2.75And upwards.

fiii iHu m -

dral services: G:30 a. m., celebrationnf th Holv Communion. 11 a. m., We are Glad to seeValuesMatins with sermon. 7:30 p.m., even

The 1'aiu InUIctoil ly 1 ntlaminatopyKheuiiuitlsm. It Destroyed the Usef One ami Nearly Drove the

I'utlent Crazy.song with sermon.

The services of the Second Congre.rofmn f Andrew's tomorrow Really Handsome Child's Rockers,

S2.:- - "WE HAVE IN -:- -(Sunday) will be as follows: 9:4d a.

in., Holy Communion, with termon;hymns 70 and 3?2; Kyrie and Sanctus,Smart in G. 6:30 p. m., evensong,

Xfatmificat aud iNuue n in1We buy goods to sell and make prices 1that help sell them. .

Dimittis to double chants. Hymns24S. 76 and 17. UmbrellasPrRST Methodist Episcopal.ntirrprw Rv H. W. Peck, pastor &C0Anniiav. Jauuarv 5. 1896: 10 a.m.,Kuudav school. Mr. C. B. Ripleysuperintendent. 11 a. m., sermon,"Words of Warning, Words of Cheer.T.von m sermon bv nastor. subject : What a good thing they've got in the advertisingFurniture Dealers,

From the Standard, Syracuse, N. Y.

From the time when man first peo-

pled the earth, down to the presentday, the mystery of pain haa rilled allliearts with wonder and with terror.What is its nature, what are itscauses, why is it permitted and whatts uses are in the great economy of

mature? All these questions menhave asked of themselves aud oneanother, and sometimes they fancyihat they have found partial solutions

1 this great ptoblem.Many ways of relieving physical

suffering have been devised, cunuingaiinds have as-ist- ed tender hearts inbringing aid to the afflicted, all the

ast resources of nature's labratoryLave b?en pressed into service, to theand that tortured bodies might haeanrcease from anguish, and know thepeace that only health and a clearconscience can bring. And whatmore natural than that these poorvictims of disease, thus relieved of unsupportable suffering, should desireto aid in the extension of the knowl-edge of the means whereby they haveVtoon hnffitpd?

"Shall We Have a Sabbath of Bestaud Worship or a Continental Holi-day in Honolulu?" Wednesday, 7:30.1 ,11 rinn'or prviffs tonic " Vic

columns ofCORXEIt KING AND liETHEL. STS. (MANH.F.WItory."' The services of Sabbath, Jau- -. ... . 1 1 I II TIIKuary 5th, will De neiu iu un"vci

Trnva fnrp. nnrner of Port and Hotelstreet: entrance Hotel street. After

MI Flthat date the services win oe ueiuth,a, naup rhnroh. corner Beretania audMiller streets. A cordial welcome forall. ADVERTISERIn ordering your C.Christian Church. On Alakea,near King street. T. D. Garvin pastor.Snndav school at 9:45 a.m. Preach- - Holiday Supplies

Has it occurred to youthat a mcture is one of theiniF At. 11 A.m.. subject: "TimePast." PYoung People's meeting at 6:30 p. m.

tiormnn nt. 7-- 0 n. m.. subiect : "YeTHAT

CHAS. HUSTACE,best things to make a XmasMust Be Bom A?ain." Services each I present of ?nitrht of the week ol prayer. Everyone enjoys looking

TfiwiTAHAn C!ttttrc!H. Rev. H. King Street,at a beautiful thing anaCWe are helping lots of advertisers to realize better

business who have proved for themselves that the

" Advertiser "what thing of beauty canH. Parker, pastor. Sunday school at

10 a. m. Morning service, communionand admission of new members. No Is prepared for the demands the season

Such a one is Mrs Kittie Baker,f Lebanon, N. Y. Mrs. Baker, an

attractive woman between forty andfifty years of age, tells a sad tale ofagonizing pain endured throughweary months, and of final relief audsure through the use of that mostreliable remedy, Dr. Williams' PinkPills.

She was ill for more than a year,suffering from a disorder which re-

sulted in the utter loss of the use of

c.onvev more to the mindT than a mcture ?service in the evening.Let at least one of yourY. M. C. A. Sunday, 11 a.m., eer

At o.ihn Jail : 3 n. m. boys' meet gifts this year be a picture,Ubrings and cm quote attrac-

tive prices in

Cranberries,Mince Meat,

Carolina Sweet Potatoes,

ling in Association Hall; praise serviceno matter how little they

in Y. M. C. A. hall at b:3U p. m.cost, thev will cover more

T.vATrn Army. Saturday andground than anything elseanmlftv. tnnt. corner Beretauia and R

EAinkpa streets. Saturday 6 p. m., vou can buv.

Is Indispensible

If they desire to cover the largest field in Hawaii.Nuts, Raisins, Dates, Figs,hami of Invp. or iuuior temperance

meeting; 7 p.m., open-ai- r rally, corner Remember we are sellingpictures and frames at SanFrancisco nrices. CIIH, LEMON fli 0R1H6E PEELof Fort aud Motel streets; :au p. lu.,

uratMi h hallplniah sailors to the S

one leg. She became entirely help-less, inflammatory rheumatism set in,and for four mouths Mrs. Baker wasanable to put her foot to the floor.Her sufferings during this time wereso great that she tore her hair fromher head, in moments of franticagony, aud it became necessary to--pratch her most carefully, lest, when

, beside herself with pain, she shouldearry out her expressed desire aud putan end to an existence which hadbecome one prolouged tortuie. Justat this juncture, when life hnd become--unendurable, when she had spent

tmnt Siind.iv 7 a. m.. knee drill: You will be astonished atthe low prices prevailing at10:15 a. m., meeting on boarJ the

Rmiiiinirron. Mrs. Adj. Egner and.Fresh Cakes and Crackers,Plum Pudding, (R. and R.)Dried Fruits, Hams.Bacon, etc. etc.

. ARE YOU WITH US .T.inntPnant Jeffers: 10:30 a. m., opeu- -air rally corner of King and Fort i mI.'Istreets; 11 a. m., heart DacKsiining,Adj. Egner; 2:30 p. m., open-a- ir rally

Oneen aud Richards streets;n m.. iuniors' company meeting

We propose to give our trade the Jverybest p ssible values at the

LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.HOTEL STREET.iu tent; 7 p. m., opec-a- ir rally corner

of Hotel and Nuuauu streets: 7:30 p.in., enlisting of "ew warriors andcommissiouiugof lt-;-

al officers by Adj.Ener. Mrs. Adj. Eguer aud L.ieut. N GAZETTE CO

nearly everything that fhe had uponphysicians au-- t medicines, withoutavail, the time seemed to have arjived when, as the poet says, "thingsmust either mend or end." No won-der that Mrs. Biker considers it aninterposition of Providence in her be-

half just then, whtn despair hadtaken possession of a naturally buoy-ant, hopeful nature, a friend shouldhave brought her a box of Dr. Wil-liams' Pink Pills aud besought her to

HAWAIIAJetters in commauu.

Emma Square Concert.The Hawaiian Band will give E, VAN DOORN & CO.,

the regular Saturday concert atDealers in K. ISOSHIMA,F.mma Snuare this afternoon, ren- - I PRIZE DRAWIN?K!S;a P.aw. Monila Gfifl Domestic Gigors. s. No. 411 Kins Street, Next Door to Castle & Cooke's

A srECIAL, SAMS OF'? Mrch "Direct Forate" oua W carry a full line of Tobaccos,3. Ballad "Don't Be Cros'....Zeller Pipes, etc.4. Selection "II Trovatore" enH No. 91, 1st Prize.n. Waltfc 44 Commence the Ball ' II GOODS Of Elf IBCoote ill I HIce Cold Drinks a Specialty. lilli6. Polka "Friendship" Muth

Iry them. Without a particle or launin Ih- - proposed remedy, yet as drownlv men will, clutching at straw-- ,Mrs. Baker took the rirt step in thedark toward a reuewe i lease of life,ioward health and happiness.

When she had taken the pills hernurse noticed a change for the betterin her, aud in an incredibly shortspace ot time she was able to standapen her feet once more. Then towait upon herself a bit. Then to do alittle work occasionally, anil now in ayear's time, Mis. Baker is a well andgrateful womau. She cannot tooheartily praise the bridge that carried

tires of recom-mendingtoer over, and never

Pink Pills to her invalidJrieads. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aresold by Holli&teb Drug Co.,sale agents for Hawaiian Islands andall dealers iu medicine.

Holder of No 01 is entitledto a special design Silk Kimo-no, for lady or gentleman asthe case may be.

"Hawaii I'ouoi." Stp In n your way to the city frontsad set a cetd drink and a good cigar. Will be offered the public from today to the last day of this month at a very

reasonable rate. STRAW HATS at 30c. a Piece. Oh come aud take your

choice! Do not forget, do not fail, do not misa to call In. All are welcome.A Significant Departure. No. 827, 2d Prize.208 FORT ST., ESPLANADE.With the departure of another vear

when a review is made of the condit The holder of No. 827 isentitled to a fine embroider-ed Silk Jacket.BRUCE WARING & CO.ion of affairs, it 13 only right that

some thought be given to the physicalKrwixr wiiipii pnahles evervone to battle with life's problem and figure for

-:- - DEALERS IN -:- -tnemseives me prunt ui ju uu iuctrial halanc.e sheet. Though the bank

The holder or holders of these two ticketsill please call and leceive the article or

article they are entitled to.account may be large and each one'sfcii Estate, ill II.material gam he great, it wouiu not

h surnrisintr if it suddenly dawnsupon many that good health nas beenarpatlv imnroverished bv the low HOUSES AND LOTS

Woven Wire Mattresses and Iron BedsMANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY

WOVEN WIRE BAILEY, - - Queen Street, Honolulu.At the following prices, carriage paid to any steamboat landing in these'.lslands, terms

CaShtol(hn&rdWoven Wire Cots, wood frame $5; Folding Single Iron Beds and Woven

Wire Mattress, complete, $7; Folding X Iron Beds and Woven Wire MHtrew, CO'UU11

$9 Folding Full sizeAron Beds.and Woven Wire MattrescompIetMlO. our English lrouBeds, fitted with Woven Wire Mattresses: Single $4.50: Full Size $5.50 WovenWire Mattresses "Duplex:" Single $5; $5.50; Full Size $G. Woven Wire Mattresses

Single $4; $4.50; Full Size $5.Thes7to fit an Amencan made beds. In any case it is better to give length and

width (inside)of anv wood or iron bed. for English bed slats are entirely dispensed with

wire bed sits insidelron frame and covers entire surface of bed and cannot move out ofplace. Iron Bedsteads with slats made to order; pos.tively unbreakable; just the rightarticle for schools and institutions, Hospital, etc. Prices quoted bv return mail. Anysize kind or description of Iron Bed and Woven Wire Mattress made to order.

J BAILEY; Maker of Woven Wire Beds which will not rust; Dry Earth Closets;Cord Hammocks, Etc., Etc., Honolulu, H. I. OT Upholsterers Springs very cheap tothe trade any size.

condition of the blood. It is in thisstate that the lactic acid in the vital


Next to Ordway & Poiter's.LANDS FOR SALE.fluid attacks the florous tissues, par-MfMilar- lv

the ioints. makiue: Known

Jack Atkinson Better.Letters from Ann Arbor, Mich.,

say that Jack Atkinson has recover-

ed from the effects of his operation

and will be about and attending to

his studies in two or three weeks.

It was only a case of six hours forsaving his life, but Dr. Jsancreedeoperated quickly and the lad is

best friendshisdoing as well ascould wish.

th livml manifestations of rheumaParties vvishine to dispose of their protism. Thousand? of people have

fnnnd in Hood's sarsanarilla thegreat blood punner, a positive ana

perties are invited to call on us.

503 FORI STREET NEAR KING STREETpermanent curn ior rueumausm.Hobron Drug Co., wholesale agents.

Page 6: y if in pi id IIW - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/41098/1/1896010401.pdf · Boilers, Sngar Mills, Coolers, Brass ... time of the year is particularly


I?Y. M. C. A. HALLBALL THROUGH BRAIN. One of the AdvantagesWhick the tourist and others who are desirous of taking pictures of theTuesday JCveniutr, January th,

Thursday Evening, January Oth,Saturday Kvenlntr, January 1 Itli

and Saturday Matinee. LIMITED,01 COMPANY.iver Lewis, a Young Native,

Takes His Own Life.--I-




scenery of the Hawaiian Islands have, is the nearness and easy accessi-bility to the most romantic and picturesque points.


Is that we keep constantly on hand a full stock of photographic supplies.For the holidays, we are offering you a camera called the

$8.00 NO. 2 BULLET $8.00(LOADED.)

Measures 4 x4 345 3'4 inches; makes a picture 3 x3 1- -2 inches, and weighsloaded for 12 pictures, onlv 21 ounces. One button does it. The shutter is simplicityitself. To make a snap shot, slide the button to the left as far as it will go. Thissets the shutter. Press the button down. This makes the exposure. There are coplugs or lens ;caps to lose, no extra levers, no complicated mechanism one buttondoes it all.

AND -:- -Prestidigitateur and

Wonder - WorkerCelebration of New Year and DomesticTroubles the Cause Member of Co.d. Imitated Henry Kala, bis IateCaptain Dressed In Uniform, Ktc.

Of the World GENERAL

Special importation for theholidays ex Australia:

Parian Marble.These two pieces of sta-

tuary which are on exhibitionin our window are thegenuine Parian Marble, andshould not be confoundedwith what is known as theParian Ware, which is made... r , i

wonaers1(1 MarvelousNew


Kntlre Change of Program Each Nljrht. $5.5o Pocket Kodak $5.5oalsoTIIK

as an imitation or tne trueAdmission $1; no extra charge for re-

served seats. Sale of seats at Y. M. C. A.Hall commencing Monday, from 10 a.m. to5 p.m. 4l0-tf- 1

and genuine article.Partial list per Amy Turner

of Goods just receivedfrom New York.

Is about as big as a well filled purse and weighs on y 5 ounces. Uses roll films ixor iS exposures. Both can be loaded at daylight. Perfect in workmanship. P'ch anddainty in finish.

Oliver Lewis, a young nativeaged 30 years, and a member ofCompany G, N. G. H., shot himselfat his home in Honuakaha at 7:30a. m. yesterday. Death resultedinstantly. The details leading upto the suicide bear a striking re-

semblance to that of Henry Kaiaformer captain of Company G.

Lewis had been on a prolongedspree since New Year's eve andwas in a somewhat stupefied con-

dition when he performed the actthat ended his life. On Thursday

Silk Lamp Shades.All special designs and the

o in.J(C. ut HOLLISTER DRUG COMPANY.newest of new colors.

An ExcursionStart

to California .WIllProm i the B. and H. LampsiY- - LM. C. A. HALL,

lEffi- - - ON :- -: EZ3night Lewis and his wife became Saturday tiight, January 4th, H. Lamps, an have the latestintoxicated and had not recovered at 7:;;o o'clock. patent attachment and consist HOLDS NO. 24?WHOfrom the effects Friday morning

The trip will include visits to over one L--vf

hundred places of interest in California. Hanging, DraCKet,StUdV anaShortly after f o'clock Lewis wentout to the water tap in the front No Seasickness, o Dust, No Heat.yard and after pulling for a while,succeeded in breaking: it. The wife

Wheel Barrows,Road Scrapers,

Ox Bows,Hoe Handles,

Barbed Wire,Asbestos Cement,

MATTOCKS,Feed Cutters,Lawn Mowers,Forges.Blacksmiths Bellows,Machinists' Drill, Vises,

Charcoal Irons,Refrigerators,


piano patterns. Were shippedto us direct from the factory,so you may be assured ofgetting a new design.

Pictures.remonstrated, and told her husband

Careful Management.D. W. Corbett, General Manager.C. B. Ripley, ConductorC. Hedeman, Chief Engineer.Dr. J. S. B. Pratt, Assistant Engineer.

Accommodations first-clas- s.

he should fix the break. ThisLewis objected to, and after an interchange of angry words, he left

Round Trip Ticket Only 25c.the house, dressed in his uniform,

That is the number that entitles the holder ofthe ticket issued by us to select any pattern ofsilk in our stock and have the same made up inany style desired by our dressmaker.

The holder of ticket 24 will please call at ourstore and select the goods they desire.

with blue trousers. Members of Y. M. C. A. free. A good start can be madein home decoration by inSleeping accommodations included.After obtaining his rifle Lewis

returned to his home in a cottage Meals will be charged extra. Do not failto take this trip. The Excursion will visit vesting in a picture now andnear the Queen Dowager s home, 8an Francisco, Mount fchasta. Sacramento,

iust off Punchbowl street. He bierra Psevadas, Monterey, Yosermte vai- - Uupn ThRrlinley, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Moun- - rnOlOgrapniCpassed his wife lying in a drunken 4189-2-ttains, etc. Company is well known forstupor on the front veranda andproceeded immediately to his room. MATINEE THIS AFTERNOON the popular subjects that theyLying on the bed he put the rifle R EHLERS & COuse. Our stock comprisesAt 2:30 o'clock.to his mouth and pulled the trig

Extra Gravures, ImperialPRICES 10, 25 AND 50 CENTS.ger. The ball passed out the backof the head and went through awindow pane and the shutter of the Gravures, Imperial Photo--

gravures, Koyai 5 rnotogra- -front window. CASTLE & COOKE, 14.IfI in F vures, r-oi-io rnotogravures,The report of the gun was heard

by David Aea and Lilikalani who IMPORTERS,Corner Merchant and Richard Streets Folio Gravures, Artotypes,

Life Artos, Strip Etchings,Photographs, etc., etc. Mi Mercuand fee.fiLAST

EXHIBITS Warrlmooi X.1 iDA N PPONThe.BeautywednesdQ SaturdayTuesflay



Is only "case deep." It Is mucheasier to make a handsome case thanit is to put music into it. A tolerablemechanic can do the one the otherrequires the best thought of a musicalartist. The


hurried to the spot and foundLewis already dead.

The woman was still lying onthe veranda and had apparentlynot heard the report of the gunwhich sent a bullet whizzingthrough her husband's head andwithin a few feet of her own.

When found, Lewi's was lying ina pool of blood. Around his leftshoulder was an empty cartridgebelt. The rifle was a 45-7- 0 calibreand had in the chamber anothercharge beside the one spent.

When questioned about the mat-ter, the woman could only conveythe idea that Lewis had left thehouse very angry with her. Shepersisted in trying to reach theroom of her dead husband andthrowing herself on the bed re-

gardless of the clotted blood thatwas found in a pool on the bed.Her face bore unmistaken signs ofa night's debauch.

Shortly before the tragedy Lewiswas seen by an acquaintance walk-ing on Punchbowl street in the

As Practised in the far Indias Ladies' Embroid-ered Silk

LADIES' GENTS 1 CHILDREN'S IBMost of tbe feats to are thoseu;.ed by tne

iLrWonderful Kroeger Pianos Doylies. ALSO, A NICE LINE OFHermann

in Grass Cloth Laces, Insertions and Ribbons.Mystifying: -- : Performances

All have handsome, tasteful, durablcases, but in their factory constant,careful, studious attention is given tothe production of a perfect and lastingtone. The beauty and honesty of aKroeger begins with the vamish onthe case and goes straight through to

Don'f fail fo see these people intheir extaordinarv exhibition of Gents' Pure Silk

Handkerchiefs. M. S. LEVY,

In white colors andopen work. Some-thing extra fine.

Hand painted oncolored and whitesilk and open work.Fancy fringe.

Raised embroider-ed. Colors: White,pink, blue, gold, yel-low and Nile green

Pure Japanese silkin plain hemstitched,embroidered initialand colored borders.Nothing like them intown.

Special importationof fme silk pajamas.

In colors with fancyraised embroiderywork.

Extra fine crepe,heavy raised em-broidery work.

Special line forholidays.

Finest silk crepemade in new designs

SLEIGHT OF HANDvicinity of his home. He was accosted and said "Good morning. Door opens at 7:30 o'clock. Per FORT STREET, HONOLULU.

the iron plate that holds the strings.We'd like to show you the inside of aKroeger.


Old Instruments Taken la Fart Payment.

Toalaf as4 Bepalrlcf a Specialty.

formance commences at S o'clock sharp.gentleman thereAccording to thisseemed to be no signs of intoxica- -


C'halrrs Cents.."SO


Tea Cosies.

Shawls and ChairCushions.

Silk Fans.

Silk Kimonos.

4187-t- .l

A Valuable Hand Book for Olllco orHouse Is the J. W. BERGSTROM,



Alakea and Richards Streets, near Queen. Honolulu. H. L

tion.The funeral took place from the

late home in Honuakaha at 4 p.m.yesterday. The remains were es-

corted to the grave by a detach-ment of ten men from Company Gin command of Corporal E. Boyd,and buried in Nuuanu cemetery.

Colonel McLean, Captain Broomeand Captain Kea, of Company G,represented the militia. The usual

HAWAIIAN ANNUAL. Office, Thrum's Bec& 4esre.

Nothing compare with it in varied infor-mation prepared with special reference tomeetiuer inte'eMed enquires relative -- to CASTLE & COOKE, Ld. : MOULDINGS1


Dress Goods.last Call I these island-- . thi inn King it the mo-- t desalute was fired and theon the bugle blown. to friendsmail

with sash to match.Finest of Japanese

silk, cream, white,blue,all new coloringsspecial quality, abso-lutely flawless.

Silkjiewelry boxes,pin cushions, pictureframes, porcelain andlacquer ware.

Life and Firesirable publication toabroad.

The issue for IK;wonna. ib, ElkFrames.s,lbNovelties.NOW READY ; Insurance Ag ts.

TURNED AND SAWED WORKExceed in number of pages nd illustra-tions anv previous issue, and w 11 prove be-- h

nd none in interest.Prices as usual 75 cents per copy, or So

cents, mailed postage paid to any address.

TELEPHONE: &,Prompt attention to all orders.J. P. P. COLLACO,AGENTS FOR

New England MutualProp.

THOS. G. THRUM. lift

.Magician Zainloch.Professor Anton Zamloch, magi-

cian, arrived in Honolulu on theAustralia. He will be favorablyremembered by many families andfriends as giving his wonderful en-

tertainments here about twelveyears ago. He bring- - with him avast amount of new and interestingfeatures, and will undoubtedlv re-cei- ve

a hearty welcome from ouramusement-lovin- g people. Him-self and staff, among which is theirrepressible assistant "Billy"Marx, wiL remain in Hawaii forabout two week, and then proceedon their second great tour aroundthe world.

Publisher, Stationer, Etc.Of Boston.

Ei Fife line mH. E. McINTYRE & BRO.,


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Of Hartford.

4188-2- w

POl ! POI !

E. Van Doom & Co., Fort StreetNext Lucas' Planing Mill, will have

fresh every dayMACHINE-MAD- E POI


KALIIil POI FACTORY,Which will be sold to families in lirge or

small quantities. So Contain-ers Furnished.

Store open evenings.

J. T. LUND,12S and 130 Fort St., opp. Club Stables, y -.-- ;i j

Gun (i Lockiilh.Practical

XICKEL, PLATING A SPECIALTY.iew and Fresh Goods received by every packet from Catifomia,

and European Markets. ,

Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.Goods delivered to any part of tha city. Satisfaction curat2.Island tfad solicited.

The following vessels are up andloading at San Francisco for portson the Hawaiian Islands : BarkAnnie Johnson, Hilo ; barkentineS. G. Wilder, bark R. P. Rithet andbark S. C. Allen, Honolulu ; brigJ. D. Spreckels, Mahukona.

Bicycles repaired, rented or for sale.

Daily Advertiser 75 cents a TELEPHONE NO. 82.P. O. BOX 145.W. L. WILCOX,Proprietor Kalihi Poi Factory. moDth. Delivered by carrier.

Page 7: y if in pi id IIW - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/41098/1/1896010401.pdf · Boilers, Sngar Mills, Coolers, Brass ... time of the year is particularly


LOCAL BREVITIES. THIS STOVE DON'T SMOKE. U WILLIAMStowing the Strathnevis or matters j

touching salvage for service render- - G. & O.

- The IMoneerO




I can find you a tenant or rent youwhat you want.

Buying and SellingIIESI I) KN CIS PROPERTY,


M you want to boy call on em. rf yuwant to sefl ftst your property with mi.

Notary Publk:,15rokeran, Gemini Baslnem AcwAAccident Insurance, 9ito, Sates.

-- LUr

ed the disabled Strathnevis. j

Zamloch Tuesday, Thursday and !

Saturday evenings next week. Re- - j

served seat sale open at Y. M. C. A.Mondav from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. !

C. A. Black, who recently left!Honolulu for the Coast, was dan- - j

gerously ill with typhoid pneu-- jmonia when the Australia left.

J. F. Clay and wife are residingin Oakland. They will returnhome by the bark S. C. Allen,leaving San Francisco on the 10th.

The Y. M. C. A. praise servicewill be led tomorrow evening at0:30 o'clock by the Rev. Mr. Lead-ingha- m.

Topic: "A good beginning

The Japanese Consul-Gener- al

save a dinner to his predecessorand a party of fifteen at the Richelieu last night. Several ladies re-

cently from Japan were among theguests.

Captain C. E. Van Horn, one ofthe iirm of D. G. Waldron & Co.(New York, London and ParisEmpresiaros), arrived on thesteamship Australia. He is super-vising manager for Zamloch themagician, advertisement of whichappears in this paper.

Rev. Joseph Cook, the famouslecturer whose mind has been im-

paired by overwork, appearedsomewhat improved after his ar-

rival at San Francisco. He pro-

ceeded at once to Clifton Springs,N. Y., where he will use the watersand enjoy a season of as completerest as possible.


Diamond Head,January 2, 1S".

Weather clear ; wind calm.

Special, Special.

For :- - One :- - Week :- - Only.

The Biggest Bargains EverOffered.

All Wool Dress Goods, Dou-

ble Width, Forcents a Yard.

This eclipses all previousbargains in Dress Goods;

the quality and shades areperfect; pretty shades ofbrown, green, greys and tan.

Remember the above priceis positively

For One Week Only.

N. S. Sachs,20 Fort street, Honolulu.

HftilllifillChoice line rf Orsrandies, $5 to $12 com-

plete; choice line of French Organdies, $12complete.

We fhall continue to oiler you yourchoice of cloth suitings made to order for$15, 1 1(5 and $ IS complete.

Linen Duck fruits to order $15.Linen Duck Skirts to orderCotton Duck Skirts to order $.5.

"Cotton Duck Suits to oult?r $10.If you wish to take advantage of this

opportunity to obtain a suit of cloth,organdie or duck cheap, good workman-ship, lit and faultless style guamnteed.place your orders early as this olFer wi;lpositively not be extended bevond thespecined'time. B. F. EHLE1W & CO.

41 Mm



All Sizes I

All Stvies !

All PricesLargest and most complete liae in the

City and at


Death to High PricesSpecial Sale THIS WEEK.

100,000"- - ENVELOPESGood quality, suitable for quarterly Bill

use. CHE A IV

All , at --"'.' Lettdlni? stationery andRook Jr of

x veri

Sugar 3. ;

Hawaiian rice with down- -

ward tendency., ;

J. It. Robinson has an assignee s

ziotice in this i.ssue.

Kona coffee 20 cents net, with.none in fir.t hands.

A store in the new von Holtblock is offered for rent.

S. M. Rallou and bride arrivedon the Australia yesterday.

Mrs. Montague Turner will re-

ceive pupils for voice culture.J. Mason, a coffee Grower of!


Olaa, came down by the Hall.The schooner R. W. Logan sails

Iwlay for the Caroline Islands.Lewis it Co. have California

game, salmon, oysters, fruits, etc.,on ice.

G. McDougall & Sons, Kailua,Hawaii, publish anotice.

u Chimmie Fadden ' has beendramatized and proved an immed-iate success.

W. C. Wilder, Jr., is in SanFrancisco and will not return forseveral months.

Y. G. Irwin and family are ex-

pected home the last of January orsrarly in February.

The Australia brought a fullsupply of ice house goods for Cam-arino- s'

refrigerator.Evans' Japanese actors in feats

of legerdemain matinee 2:00 p.m.today ; also this evening.

Standard sewing machines atone-ha- lf price for a few days only.

ee Mrs. Hanna, Fort street.Responsible residents of North

Xona, Hawaii, have petitioned theGovernment for better roads.

There will be ah election forfirst lieutenant of Company D inthe armory Wednesday night.

News from Kau states that theTolcano is in about the same con-dition plenty of smoke and steam.

Punaiiou Weather Report.Jan. 3, 9 p. m. Temperature, 69;dew point, CG ; barometer, 30.04.

A Japanese deserter from theHilo Sugar Company was arrestedby Officer Toma yesterday morn-ing.

Grand excursion to Californiaihis evening. Start from Y. M.C. A. at 7:30 o'clock. Tickets 25cents.

Manager Hendry, of the Hawai-ian Hardware Company, is homeIrom a business trip to Maui andHawaii.

The Christmas edition of theSan Francisco Examiner, fortypages, edited by children, is a verycreditable paper.

John S. "Walker received a valu-able Irish Better dog from (theCoast by the Australia. It wasthe gift of A. J. Cartwright.

Company 6, Citizens Guard, willmeet in the District Court room at1 o'clock this evening for distribu-tion of arms and commissions.

Lieutenant P. J. Werlich, wellInown here, has been under courtmartial. The judgment of thecourt has not been announced.

W. N. Armstrong is in California.He never forgets the islands and istalking about them properly. Heis as well and active as ever.

The Quintette Club will playduring dinner hours at the Hawai-ian Hotel this evening, and for adance afterward, complimentary tothe tourists by the Australia.

The night school will be openedon Monday. Men are at work put-ting in the electric lights. Therewill be seven to each room. Al-

ready over sixty pupils are en-

rolled.Chas. I). DeGeller, barber on the

Australia, was married to a charm-in- ;California girl while the vessel

was at San Francisco. Friendsiiere were remembered with wed-

ding cake.The two new pieces played by

the Hawaiian Band last nightrere composed by bandmaster

Savasta, who is here with the Bal-timore. The two selections weregreeted with loud applause.

Last evening after the band con-cert at the Hawaiian Hotel thenative Quintette Club gave aserenade in honor of Prof. Zam-loc- k.

who arrived by the Australiaand is stopping at the hotel.

The representative of The Illus-trated Traveler and The Railwayand Steamship Hand Book, DanWaldron, came on the steamer. HeLas been sent by the publishers tomake a write up on Hawaiian in-terests.

Messrs. Theo. H. Davies fc Co.Ltd., agents of the Canadian-Australia- n

line, did not receive any in-

formation concerning the Miowera

Of Honolulu.MAA(.EU Ol' TIIK


I) 1 Store,



We have jut reetvel ex Barkentine"Archer"

Another Large Invoice

FURNITUREAnd other goods for our several

Departments.Oar stock is now so lare that we have

been obliged to tae an additional store,lately occupied b. Mr. C V. feturdevant.

We have just opened up an invoice of



And Crepe Paper of the Latest Designs.

Among our tock may be found avariety of

Bedroom Suits and BeddingDining Room Furniture,O ik md Ree l Ch lirs a id R ckers,Children's Chairs and Rockers,

Table Covers, Portieres, Lace Curtains,Cornice Pole- -, Mirrors, Picture Frames,

EASELS, WINDOW SHADESRugs, Mat. Matting, Bed Lounger,

Divans, Baby Carriages, etc., etc.New Goods every month.

rSFm0&l and examine our stock.

41,43 and 4f Beretania Street,and 701 and 703 Fort Street.

TELEPHONES: Oitice, 81G; Residenceand night call. SW.

1. 1 1 Gorner si ii245 Is Our Telephone.


We move Furniture by the job or $2 to$5 by the load, according to quality or dis-tance, and we guarantee all work dona byus.

Intending passengers on island or feign steamers will find us prompt and upto all details in handling, marking andchecking baggage.

All work superintended by! competentmen.

WILLIAM --IJLARSEN,--r Proprietor Larsen's Express.

I J. Ii,WATCHjMAKER.Watches sold for the very lowest of cash

prices or on easy payments.

Watches' -- : RepairedON SHORT NOTICE.

Workmanship guaranteed and pricesverv reaonaM.

Corner Fort andMerchant Streets.


What is the matter w th breakfast ihismorning, the cook has overslept again,hey? Go down to

Brown & Kubey'sAnd buy one of those "Ml'-- T GET TP"Alarm Clocks that ring for live minutes;wrr.le you are there look at the cutleryand jewelry. Vrttche- - and silverware, youcan get me a pair of spctacles to aid me inmv detective work.


Ql Nuuanu Street.5000-me- ri daily to drink the-5- 0

FAMOUS SEATTLE BE?&,Ice Cold on Draught.

EDWARD & HARRY,Postoffice Box 475, Honolulu

Work speaks Plainer Tnan Ta K

Honolulu, H. I., July 20. 1M5.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:This is to certify that C. Akima has

made several suits of clothes for me andthe workmanship has ben of the best. Itake pleasure in recommending him andhis work to any and all.

Respectfully Yours,James B. Obekteupfbr,

fc'eattle. Wash., U. IS. A.

C. D. CHASE,4(6 Fort Street. Tel. 184.

ISYOURSILVERWARESterling Silver or only marked so. Everyhousewife has heard of the GorhamB.silversmiths. When they stamp anyarticle sterling silver you can rest assuredthat it is sterling silver.

We invite the public (tourists especially)to make a thorough examination of ourstock and prices in Sterling Silverware,Souvenir Spoons, Plated Ware, Watchesand Diamonds. Native Jewelry manu-

factured in unique designs and to order.

lacobson & Pfeiffer,FORT STREET.

Wenner A Co.'s Old Stand.


EHBHffiia-- :- ;-


Is "no Robbery.

In;exchange for your dollarswe will', give you strictly


Telephoue 51 Fort Strict.


Tilts for Floors and for Dec-orating Purposes.


. . Manila Cioarb , .



Jeweler and Watchmaker,515 FORT STREET.


Hawaiian and Gold Wire Jewelry to order.Make hai)d-om- e Presents.

Souvenir Spoons at Very Low Price.

P. O. Box 355.


A LRQE DWELLING HOUSE IN Acharming location, one mile fromthe postoffice, containing 8 rooms,bath room,"e., ptrtlvfurnihed. Outbuild-ings consisting of servants' nous, stable,carriage house.eto ,etc. The grounds com-prise 2 large paddocks, nd a garden, con-t-n'n- in

fruit trees and choice plants.Applrto I- - LAM .

At office nt J. Al'red rir-o?i- . Monbiln



Surprise him and make him happy bypresenting him with a fine suit as aholiday present. He knows whatwe have done for him in the pastand was always satisfied with thestvle and finish of our goods.

MEDEIROS & DECKER,MerchantjTailorss

ArliDgton Blok. Hotd sitrt.



one iooiZ-vijov- e iuwi.v; & CO.418?-2-w


Maui, will not be responsible tor anydebts incurred in his name without writtenorder from him.

CAPTAIN D. TAYLOR,October 12, 1895. Lahaina, Maui.

4122-3- m

New Process Gasoline Stoves.

Castle & Cooke, Ltd.,Sole Aircnts, - - Hawaiian Ilumls

NO 3656Got the Bicycle.

The 'lie by number was held byJames Haleao at Hustace Sc Co.'s

We Will Give Away

Another Wheel

Some bright day, and in themeautime will give the public thebenefit of

Genuine Bargains

We'll stirt the ball rollingwith some

Ladies' Ready Made

Duck Suits

Made from a good quality ofduck, styHsh, neat fitting and areGOOD VALUE for $1, but Mr.Egin closed out a large line whenhe was in New York and we havetome eft which we will close for

$1.50A suit. It isn't necessary to

say much about the value of thisbargain as the suits are now ondisplay and you can see for your-self. We have all sizes.

Get Yours Before They

Are Picked Over.



Alaket stre-t- . Mnonic Temple.


Tables, Stands, Hat Racks,Screens, Flower Stands Chairs, Sofas

Book Ca?es and Bedroom Sets.


Telephone 62. 1. O. Uox JOG.

C. 11. COLLINS.Manufacturer and Importer of

SADDLERY AND HARNESS,Roth sliuile and Double.

Has the lar?et assortment in his line intown and sells them at lowest pricesEverything in the line of Stable Outfittingin stock.Carriage Tops and Trimmings a

Specialty.Once you call and huy.yon will be satisfied.

337 King Street, Near Nuuanu.

GOO Kin,411 Xiuuinu Street, - - - Honolulu.


I have just rec-iv- ed from America andEurope, a fresh consignment of

Goods Suitable Se HolidaysChoice selection of Christmas Novelties.Don't fail to examine my stock before

buying elsewhere.

Daily Advertiser 75c. a month.

Has grained ttsj cofidence of all con-


Prices below zzjother No. 1 Stacdcrd

Flour ta the caket.



"heo. HIDavies& Co.;

Sole Agsjfo

Mutual Tel. 266. P. O. Hok i$t.WING WO TAI & CO..

214 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. 1.

COMMISSION MERCHANTS.Importers and Dealer lo

General Merchandise, Fine Manila Clgini,Chinese and Japanese Crockerywar,Mattings, Vases of all kinds, Camphaf-Woo- d

Trunks, Rattan Chairs. A R'tAssortment of Dress Silks, ChoicorBrands of Chinese and Japanese T flatest importations.

liWKtlon of Hew Goods mptctfoUr lifitML


Wm. G. Irwin President and MinaCtus Srreckels - - Vlce-Prelfc- xt

W. M. Giffard - Secretary and TreaiuffTheo. C. Porter Audtta



Oceanic Steamship CompelOf Ban Vrnolio, C4.


PlsstCtass Market In Erery RestcX

Butdm carrying a Pull Line f tomato

we make a apeclafty ifURBAKFAOT SAUBAOaO,


WESTBR00K & QAHZJ.Proprietefa,

STORE TO LET,King street, near Fort. Apply to


FOR SALE.Fine black horse, perfectly soand. Ap-ply to


TO LET.Fine stable accommodations, one tothree stalls. Apply to

ED. A. WILLIAMS.4141-t- f

Sanders' Express,TELEPHONE 80.

Pianos and Furniture moved by men of10 to 15 years' experience. Baggagemarked in our care delivered at once.

Rubbish carted for 60c. and npward permonth by the only private concern in town

Office No. 87 King street, near Fort.

F. H. FOSTER,ManagerRepublic Building:, King: Street.

Page 8: y if in pi id IIW - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/41098/1/1896010401.pdf · Boilers, Sngar Mills, Coolers, Brass ... time of the year is particularly


SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Srarf Can't Get a Shir- -

Wprman Snarf. rho was onceMM UlJ I

Steamship Line.daJO OM

a "3 a

122 --a

A.M. A.M.L. Honoinln... 6;40 9J6 1:43 6:ioPM7lCltyM 7:40 9:C8 6:63M Kws Mill 8:1C 10:19 3:43 6:14At. WUsofce... 10:64 3:24 6:49


a aag 13 a


'iJ, A.M. P.M.8:44 Z7J9 9J0 2.-0-7

7:80 8:48 2:3883 10:30 2:11



BwiMlU... 22,f Perl Clt7.. 4:52HonolnJn...

Un Sundays train will leave Waianae atp.m. instead ot 1:32 p.m. arriving inULonoioia at 5:26 p.m.

rreignt Trains will carry Passenger ac--vuuuaoaanons.

O. P. DnnuoK, f. C. 8mith.Jnperlntndent. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt.


mm Coiliiillcrher,Issued Every Morning. Except

Sunday, by theHawaiian Gazette Company


8ttec r1 ption Rates:F-- vl i. ti : c . : i a a

cignt rages.rr month ... - $Prr months h paid In ad vanes - 2Per year in advance - 8 00Ter year, postpaid to United States

of America, aa or Mexico- - 11 00V 1 year, postpaid other foreign 14 oq

Hawaiian Gazette, Semi-Weekl- y, EightPages, Tuesdays and Pndays:

rsr year, 104 numbers - - ' 5 00rj year, fordgn countries - 6 00Payatle lavari&Lty In Advance.

Advertfseraents unaccompanied by specificmstructions inserted till ordered out.

Advertisements discontinued Derore expiration of specified period will be chargedss if continued for full term.

Liberal allowance on yearly and half.vearly contracts.

All persons desiring their advertisementstscontinued must send a written order to

that effect.Where cuts aie inserted they must be

ALL METAL, not mounted on wood.therwise w assume no risk of theirfcservarkm. GEO. H. PARIS,

Business Manager.



A Model Plant Is not cemoiete withoutElectric Power, thos dHvensinz wittismall engines.

Whv not renerate vour nomtr from euCENTRAL Station ? One generator cmfurnish power to vour Pumps, Centri-fugals, Elevators, fclovs. Railways aniHoists; also furnish light and power fta radius of from 15 to 20 mites.

Electric Power being Used saves Otalabor of hauling coal in your field, alstwater, and does away with high-pric- e

engineers, and only have one engfne telook after in your mill.

Where water power is available it costsnothing to generate Electric Power.

The Hawaiian Electric Companyis now ready to furnish Electric Plantsand Generators of all descriptions at shortnotice, and also has on hand a largstock of Wire, Chandeliers and all Elec-trical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt atten-tion, and estimates furnished for Lightincmd Power Plants; also attention is giveto House and Marine Wiring.


Sugar! Sugar! Sugar!If Sugar Is what you waat um

FERTI LIZE R.The Hawaiian Fertilizing Company fm,

iust received per ' Helen Brewer "50 Tons Soft Phosphate Florid

159 Tons Double Superphosphitc;300 Tons Natural Plant Food.25 Tons Common Superphosphate

Also par 44 Martha Davis" cod ft&cr' vessels,

titrate of Soda.Sulphate of Ammonia,

Sulphate of Potash,Aturiate of Potash & KatefT

High-Gra- de ManuresTo any analysis always a band r

made to ordr.

A. F. COOKE, Agent.


Trains will leave on. Saturdays at g:t5A. M. and 1:45 P. M., arriving in Honolulu at 3:11 P. M. and 5:26 P. M.

Train will leave on Sundays at 0:15 A.M.arriving in Honolulu at 5:26 P. M.

Round Trip Tickets:FIRST CLASS : $ t.75.SECOND CLASS $ 1.2S.

F. C. SMITH,General Passenger and Ticket Agent.


-- : xnv

tsrim eA Cold Water Paint Especially

Designed for inside Work on

Factories and Public


It Is a dry powder which can be pre-car-ed

for ue by simply raining in COLDWATER, and can t applied by any oneand will always prodjee pood work.

It is VERY WHITE, tremely reflec-tive and hardens on a wail like stone andwill take any tint.

It wiH last for years and is unaffectedby gasei.

One coat covers better than two coats ofoil paint or whitewash.

It can be used on any surface and forall classes of work, even for the finestdecorating.


This Is for Outside Work.

Such as Fences, Outbuildings and LaborerV Quarters. It is a thick paste to bediluted with cold water; stands rain andexposure, as well as oil paint, and xostsout a fraction as much.

MAdapted for Dwellings, Offices and PublicDwellings, or any other place whereKALSOM1NE is used. It will not rub,discolor or scale off.

LUCOLA new Paint Oil. It comes raw and

Doiiea; is superior to linseed, ana coverswith one-thir- d less lead and pigment to thagallon.

P. and B. Compound Papers.


U I ft J I jlM'

Agents tor Ue KawailAf Utoali.




"Phf Gaotf?AND


Agate Ware, Rubber Hose,



661 Ll KOHL

dijtond clockKINO STREET.

S. OZAKI311 KIn Street, Corner of Smith Street


We received a tine consignment of


Porcelain and Lacquer Ware, ' ,

Silk Goods In e ndless- - variety,


Kio is, lieGilsLadles' and Gents' SUkVrts, '

Japanese Toys and Xo; , , s, '

Bed Rock Prices !

c d r iTT

convicted of the murder of MateFitro-pr.ilf- l of the bark Helper, forwhose death St. Clair and Hansenwere handed at San Quentin abouta month ago, has attempted to re-

turn to seafaring life, but sailorswho know him will not ship withhim. He was one of the crew ofthe British hip East African,which was to have sailed from SanFrancisco recently. The men discovered the identity of Sparf andtold the captain that he must besent ashore. Some of the menwanted to throw the sailor over-board, as it has been rumored onboard ship that Sparf had attempt-ed the life of the second mate ofthe American bark V. G. Davis.

Among the arrivals on the steam-ship Australia were D. V. Waldron,capitalist. Mr. Waldron was thefounder of the celebrated Washing-ton Garden of Los Angeles, Cal.,lying nearly in the heart of thatcity. He is the brother of D. G.Waldron, formerly connected withE. C. Macfarlane in the publicationof the Illustrated Wasp in SanFrancisco, and is interested in theZamloch exhibitions.

Not a few who read what Mr.Robert Rowls, of Hollands, Va., hato 8ay below, will remember theirown experience under like circum-stances: "Last winter I bad la grippewhich left me in a low state of health.I tried numerous remedies, none ofwhich iid me any good, until I wasinduced to try a bottle of Chamber-lain' Cough Remedy. The first bottle of it so far relieved me that I wasenabled to attend to my work, andthe second bottle effected a cure."For nale at 25 and 50 per bottle by alldruggists and dealers. Benson,Smith & Co. agents for H. I.

Company 6, Citizens Guard.

THERE WILL BE A MEETING OFthe above Company TONIGHT (Saturday)Januarv4ih. in the Court Room, PoliceStation, at 7 o'clock, for the distribution ofarms aud commissions, ny order

W. P. O'BRIEN,4190-l- t Captain.


Copartnership Notice.

THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT GEORGEMcDougall and George W. McDoueall ofriailua, Island of Hawaii and William P.

cDougall of Kohala. in said Island ofHawaii constitute the firm of G. McDou-gall & Sons, doing business in North Kona,m said Island of Hawaii, as Cattle Kaisers,Coffee Planters, Restaurant Keepers andJJealers in uenerai Merchandise.

G. McDOUGALL & SONSKailua. January 1, 1896. 4190-- 4t

Assignee's Notice.THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEENappointed Assignee of th Estate of ChuSain of Kailua. Hawaii, a bankrupt, herebynotifies all creditors of the said Estate topresent their claims dulv authenticated.to the undersigned, and all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to makeimmediate payment to the undersigned atthe omce of Then. tl. Davies & Co., L'd.

T. KICH'D. ROBINSON.Assignee Estate of Chu Sam, Bankrupt.

Honolulu. January 3d. 1896. 4190-- 3t


Standard Sewing Machines

At one-hal- f price for a lew days only.- '


Miss Elenore IngersollTEACHER OF THE VIOLIN.

Residence with Mrs. E. E. Wall, Bere- -rania and Miller streets. Addreis, P. O.Box 403. 4189 lm


jyB SECOND-HAN- D DELIVERYWagon to carry about 2OC0 pounds. AddressP. U. Box 84. 4143-t- f


bourne, hve located on King street, Wai-kik- iof J. B. Atherton, and vvili tnke pupils

for tuition in Pianoforte and binging. Le-so-

$1 per ho r. Telephone SSK. 4f49

Cottage Wanted.FURNISHED COTTAGE OF TWO ORthree rooms. Centrally located, no chil-dren. Address "G. W." this office.

41S9-3-t ,

LOST.BROWNIE PIN. FIGURE OF BROWNIEcarrying lantern in which is a smUdiamond. Finder will please leave at thisomce and receive uhpral reward. 4189-t- f

CHONG KEE,Restaurant cor. Merchant and Qaeen sts.Meals First-Clas- s.

Chicken Served Twice a Week.Meals 15 cts. down stairs, 25 cts. up

stairs. 4'89-l-


of the Hawaiian Gazette Company,Ltd.. held at their office, Thursday, Jan.lfc96, Wra. W. Chamberlain was electedSecretary an i C.G. Ballentvne. Treasurer.


Honolulu. Jan. 2. iS9i. 4189-3-t


by a younfr American girl. Best ofreferences furnished. Address "A. F."Advertiser.- -

J AVAL.OSS Pennington. Pieman, Hilo.Ubb Baltimore, Day. Japan.

MUCBlKTMIS.(This liti doe not Include coater.)

Bark Don Adolfo. Nissen. Newcastle.Ger bark 11 Hackfeld, Barber, New York.Schr Kobert Lew era. Goodman, HiJo.Am bark Mohican. Johnson. Callao.Schr Aloha, Dabel, ban Francisco.Am sh Tam-- o --bhanter. beabody. ewc tie.Am bktne Willie R Hume, lineman, Newc.Br bk Aldergrove. Robertson . JLiverpoo'8chr King Cyrus, Christiansen. Newcastle.nit. &iuen Desse, ruiier, oau - innn.Nor bk Seringa, Newcastle.Am bktne Amelia, Ward, Eureka.Am bktne Archer. Calhoun, ban Francisco.Schr Aloha, Dabel. ban Francisco.Bktne 8 N Castle, Hubbard. S FBark Albert. Griffiths, ban Francisco.Schr Henrietta. Anderson, Victoria.Bark Andrew Welch. Drew. Ban rrancisco.Schr Esther Buhne, Anderson, Eureka.Bktn C F Crocker. Pilt. Newcastle.OSS Australia, Houdlette, Kan Francisco.

roBiiftii vbibsz.ii izraoTiu.'Vessel. Where from. DneGer bk J C Pfluger.. Bremen ..... DueBk Foxglove Port Stanley DueBk Bern Port fctanley uueBk Paul Isenbere... Liverpool DueSchr Transit 8 F DueBk Holliswood New York Feb lu

ABSIVAU.Friday. Jan 3.

OSS Australia, Houdlette, from SanFrancisco.

ctmrWGHall, Simerson. from Mauiand Hawaii.

OKPARTURKS.Friday. Jan 3.

Stmr James Makee, Peterson, for Kapaa.at 4 p m.

Stmr Ke An Hon, lnompson, lor i.iiau- -

ea, Kauniwaianu iianaiei.

VF.88KI.H LKAVIMb TOOA.Schr RW Loean, Bray, for the Caroline

islands.tetmr Iwalani, Smythe, for Lahama, Lu- -

kuihaele and Honokaa, at 4 p m.

IMPOKT8.Per W G Hall 3534 bags sugar, 270 bags

coffee, 20 head cattle, G7 bdls hides and 1



From San Francisco, per S 8 Australia,Jan 3 Robt Abercrombie, wife and child.S M Ballou and wife, A H Bachelder, .1 ABuck. Dr F M Crane, C M Cooke. Mrs C HEnsign and 2 children. Judge Wm Foster,J H Fisher and wife. Miss 1 Fisher, Stafford Heapy, E A Huber, C J Holdsworthand wife. B V Hoover, wife and child. MrsM Li Hoover, Prof r A ilosmer. Wm JKline, F M Lewis, Miss C Moulder, WmMarks. Mrs F E Nichols and 2 childrf u,Miss Nfchols. J O Ohlandt, Miss Russell, JA Rodnenez. Miss M Sullivan, C E vanHorn, D V Waldron, Prof A F Zamlochand 1G in steerage.

From Hawaii and Maui, per stmr W GHall. Jan 3 E R Hendry, Col Norris, J ARodanet, J W Mason. C E King, W Green- -

well, F Greenwell, Ching Hoon and son.John Arnassin. Mrs Lvle. Miss Lyle, MissWallace, Miss M farmenter, Master r ix)t.1 Japanese and 37 on deck.

MAltKIED.WAIT-SCOT- T On December 23, 1835. at

the residence of the bride, Kahulu, NorthKona, Hawaii, by the Rev. 8. H. Davis,William G. Wait to Mrs. Katnenna I.Scott

Diamond Head, Jan. 3, 10 p. m.Weather, clear; wind, calm.Repairs are going on slowly on

the bark Don Adolfo, now at therailway wharf.

The schooner John D. Tallant,Olsen master, sailed for Kahului,December 25th.

The steamers Ke Au Hou andJames Makee sailed for Kauaiports yesterday.

The steamer Iwalani sails forLahaina, Kukuihaele end Honokaa this afternoon.

The brig Lurline, Matson master, arrived in ban Francisco,eighteen days from Hilo.

The schooner Transit, Jorgensenmaster, sailed from ban Franciscofor this port December 22d.

The Pacific Mail steamer Chinaarrived in San Francisco December24th, six days from Honolulu.

The fondness of natives foronions was pretty well demonstrated on the Oceanic wharf yes-terday after the arrival of the Aus-tralia. Onions that had drounedfrom bags and boxes were quietlystowed away in the pockets of thelaborers.

The Oceanic liner Australia,Houdlette master, arrived fromSan Francisco shortly before noonyesterday after a quick trip of alittle over six days. Following isthe report of her voyage: Sailedfrom Sah Francisco, Dec. 2Sth at10 a. m. with forty cabin and sixteen steerage passengers togetherwith forty-riv- e bags of mail; expe-rience strong northerly winds andfine weather until Dec. SOth; fromsame date to Jan. 1st, southerlygales with rain; thence to port,light southeast winds and fineweather. Dec. 31st passed a bark,on the wind steering southwest,900 miles from Honolulu.

Attorney Ballou Home.Sidney M. Ballou, the attorney, 2.

returned by the Australia, brin (T.

iner with him a Kentucky bride.t7

Mrs. Ballou is a daughter of GeneralBasil W. Duke, of Louisville, Ky.,and was a prominent member ofsociety there. She will be a valuedaddition to Honolulu society

Steamers f th bovc line, nmnJnC incocmectioo with thC CANADIAN PACIFICRAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver,S. C., and Sydney, N. S. W., and callingt Victoria, B. C; Honolulu and Suva

Are Due at HonoluluOn or about the da$ bdow stated, via:

toa Mro ii m. for ficlifia

H Yinier. B. t:S. S. " M IOWERA'"- - IVetnbf 2S. S.WARRIM'lO!'.... ..January 1, '96S. S. "MIOWEKA"? Februarv 1S. S. WARRIMOOi . . . . March 3

ft licioiGiia 10 BUM. 8. C. (Of

Suva mm8. 3 "MIOWER". ...December24S. S 44 W RRIMOO January 24, 96s .s. l J p. l.--v t-- ebruarv 24S. S. "WARRlMOq?.. March 24

Through tickets Issued from Honokiluto Canada, United States and Europe.

For Freight and Passage and all generalInformation apply to

Theo. H. Dav?es 8c Co., Ltd.,GEXERAlj AGENTS.



iili III MfeFor San Francisco:Th New and Fine " Ai Steel Steamship


Of th Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about . v

JANUARY 9th,And will leave for . tha above port withMails and Passengers, on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fine vAi Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from San Francisco onor about

JANUARY 16th,nd will have prompt dispatch with Mails

nd Passengers for the above ports.

Uafcrsicaei Are Now Preparedto

Through Tickets to All Points


Far further particulars regarding Freightr Passage apply to

I. G. Ill ffl, 1,General - Agents.




S.S.AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.

Dec. 9 D"d6Jan. 3, '96 Jan. 6, '96Jan. 27, '96 Feb. 1, '96Feb. 21, '96 .......Feb. 26, '96

THROUGH LINEFrom S. F. for From Sydney fer

Sydney. S. F.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honoiuta.

Mariposa... Nov. 21 Monowai...Xov. 14Monowai....Dec. 19lameda....Dec. 12Alameda Jau 16, '96 Mariposa Jan 9, '96Mariposa Feb 13 '96;Monowai Feb 6, '96


WALL, NICHOLS:. COMPANY AREduly appointed as our local agents toreceive subscriptions and advertisementsand make collections for our account.


wm mm

c o os 2! g ? 3

II !?3 5C m mI

1 I

11inn 2 2 30 2 29 93 66 78 .03 72 6 E-- s 1Won.i3 3".0:i2a 9H C7 .00 ,H1 3 sw 1Tue.j24 30.05 2'J 97) 64 79 00 7 7.3 ke 2--5Wed;25 30.')29 99 71 77 .0-- ) 71 6-- 2 XE 5- -3

2m w-i- J 71 78 02 67 2 NI 4Frl. 27 a).P4 29 97i 71 78l .00 7u 4 NI 4Sat. 28 3 ) 06 29 951 72 77! 09 73 3 KB 3

Barometer corrected for temperature and ele- -TfttloD, but not lor latitude.

fll. Vun and Moon.DC

o en oa 4 oDay. x am aa

a.m. p.m. p.m. a.mWon ... SO 3. 0 2.83 8. 6 10 SI 6.3S 5.28. 5 44Tnes 3 4i-- S.i'5 8.4-- i 11 10 6 3S 5.9, 6 43

ti Irises

VTed . 4 20 4.25 9 S7 11 46 6.39 5 29. 6 45I p.m.

Vburt 2! S. 3 5.36 10.27 12 2 6 35 6 30 7 40fnd. 5 43; 6.11 11. '2i. ;2.50i 6.4 5 3 i 8 XIat .. 41 if. VQ 7 12! 1.20 a in. 40 6 Hi) y 25.un . t 7. 2i 8.'20 1.55 0 2 J 6.40 8.31 10.20

I I 1

Full moon on the 31st at 10b. 0m a. m.rime wbintie bics at iz nr. u miu. u aec.

(midnight) Greenwich iiiean tlai, which is 1 hr28 nun. 34 sec. p. m. of Honolulu meau time.



The Bark "Iolani 99

Will co on the berth in ew ork onor about January 1st, and sail for

this port on or about

. FEBRUARY 1st. 1895.If sufficient inducement offers.

For particulars, call or addressCrI AS. BREW Eli fc CO.,

27 Kilbv street, Boston, orC. Brewer it Co.. Id.,

A?ent. Honolulu.

S. TAKEMURA,405 Kins Street,


Japanese Fancy GoodsFAXCV CinUSTMAS TOYS



Comprising all good and durable articles

Straw Hats, Mattings and General Mer- -

chandise.Japanese Art Books published monthly.

Don't Forget the Number !

. . . w W X I

S. TAKEAIUKA, - 1UZ otreeu


Hotary Public and Typewriter,

Barnesju ii 11 ' 'jIu

a high OILADi: AVIIEKL, with:ALL Till:


And an extra j air of droi jhandlea.

Just the Thing for a HolidayPresent.



to ring up if you wnnt an v Plumbing 05Tin woik done pr.-mptl- and prperly.

I am prepare ! to do all kinds of work famy line at the Loweut Possible Rates.

Jobbing a Speciality.JAS. NOTT, JR.,

Tinsmith and Plumber.STREET.11 KAAHUMANU

P. O. Box 335. Telephone 345 4188-I- w