y kingsbury high school · thank you also to atiya zia, one of our year 12 photography students for...

KINGSBURY HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 28 - May 2018 L O O H C S H G I H K I N G S B U R Y Page 1 Website: www.kingsburyhigh.org.uk Email: [email protected] Taking P.R.I.D.E. in All We Do kingsburyhighschool @kingsburyhigh FINAL WEEK FOR OUR YEAR 11 STUDENTS Last week was a memorable week for our Year 11 students. First they were invited to the Year 11 Evening of Achievement which is designed to give KHS an opportunity to recognise the tremendous amount of effort and commitment our Year 11 students have applied to all aspects of school life over the past two years in the Examination Stage. It was a very difficult job for the teachers to decide who to nominate from a year group with so many diligent students, and KHS is fortunate to have such well motivated, trustworthy and courteous students who manage to fulfill their potential. This is only made possible by the continued support of both parents and staff. 140 students were nominated by various faculties, with the awards reflecting the KHS values of PRIDE- Personal Excellence, Respect and Friendship, Inspiration, Determination and Courage and Equality. Musical entertainment was provided by Monica Motealoo on piano, and the evening culminated with the presentation of the Headteacher’s Gold, Silver and Bronze awards for Student of the Year to Shruti Hirani, Eden Behl and Andrei Roman. Thank you also to Atiya Zia, one of our Year 12 photography students for attending the event and taking photos. This was followed by the annual Year 11 Leavers Assembly on Friday 11th May which Year 11 students attended before their GCSE examinations commenced. The day started with traditional shirt signings in their classes followed by a the Leavers Assembly in the School Hall. The occasion was filled with a mixture of sentiments as the students were taken through their five years at KHS. Students took to the floor to thank their Form tutors and then after a musical interlude, they were given a send off full of emotion. ‘’At KHS we take pride in celebrating this important moment in their lives, confident that they are ready and able to take the next step. I look forward to their future with a great sense of optimism, and wish Year 11 good health, happiness and every success.’’Special thanks go to Basmah Mohamed for her spoken word reflections on school life, and to Tahaa Doraid for his musical performance. We wish all our Year 11s the very best for their exams and their future. Sandip Das, Examination Stage Leader

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NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 28 - May 2018



Page 1Website: www.kingsburyhigh.org.uk Email: [email protected] Taking P.R.I.D.E. in All We Do



Last week was a memorable week for our Year 11 students. First they were invited to the Year 11 Evening of Achievement which is designed to give KHS an opportunity to recognise the tremendous amount of effort and commitment our Year 11 students have applied to all aspects of school life over the past two years in the Examination Stage. It was a very difficult job for the teachers to decide who to nominate from a year group with so many diligent students, and KHS is fortunate to have such well motivated, trustworthy and courteous students who manage to fulfill their potential. This is only made possible by the continued support of both parents and staff.

140 students were nominated by various faculties, with the awards reflecting the KHS values of PRIDE- Personal Excellence, Respect and Friendship, Inspiration, Determination and Courage and Equality.

Musical entertainment was provided by Monica Motealoo on piano, and the evening culminated with the presentation of the Headteacher’s Gold, Silver and Bronze awards for Student of the Year to Shruti Hirani, Eden Behl and Andrei Roman. Thank you also to Atiya Zia, one of our Year 12 photography students for attending the event and taking photos.

This was followed by the annual Year 11 Leavers Assembly on Friday 11th May which Year 11 students attended before their GCSE examinations commenced. The day started with traditional shirt signings in their classes followed by a the Leavers Assembly in the School Hall. The occasion was filled with a mixture of sentiments as the students were taken through their five years at KHS. Students took to the floor to thank their Form tutors and then after a musical interlude, they were given a send off full of emotion.

‘’At KHS we take pride in celebrating this important moment in their lives, confident that they are ready and able to take the next step. I look forward to their future with a great sense of optimism, and wish Year 11 good health, happiness and every success.’’Special thanks go to Basmah Mohamed for her spoken word reflections on school life, and to Tahaa Doraid for his musical performance. We wish all our Year 11s the very best for their exams and their future. Sandip Das, Examination Stage Leader

NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 28 - May 2018

Dear parents, carers and members of the community,

It has been an unexpected pleasure to be back at the school this half-term and to see all of our staff and students again, having said goodbye to them in the summer. Last week I was able to say goodbye to Year 11 a second time and that wonderful photograph on the front page of this edition, taken from their final assembly reflects a superb day, with a wonderfully joyous atmosphere – and a few tears thrown in for good measure. A marathon assembly, some two hours in length, featured videos, speeches from students and a lot of laughter. It was preceded by the traditional shirt signing and ended with a truly emotional conclusion to a great event. We wish them all the very best and hope to see many of them back with us in the Sixth Form.

We haven’t stopped preparing our Year 11s for their GCSEs even now. They have a programme of revision sessions which continues until the third week after half term. Half term itself sees a revision school in Maths for forty invited students.

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Upper School Princes Avenue Kingsbury London NW9 9JR Tel: 020 8206 3000

Lower School Bacon Lane Kingsbury London NW9 9AT Tel: 020 8206 3000


LOWER SCHOOL SIGN LANGUAGE SUCCESSWe have so many fantastic cultures and languages at KHS and we are lucky to have a window into deaf culture and be able to see and learn sign language. KHS is the only secondary school in Brent to have a Total Communication Resource (TCR) to support deaf students.

Sarah and Spartakus in Year 7, Max in Year 8 and Yesha in Year 9 are part of the TCR and worked hard to teach and then test sign language during form times and lunch time clubs.

62 students in Years 7,8 and 9 took the opportunity to begin to learn British Sign Language this year. They have all passed Part One of the KHS Sign Language course and have all received certificates. Jackie Jacobs ,TCR

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I’m looking forward, too, to seeing the current Upper Sixth complete their time here: the first year group to have experienced the Kingsbury Guarantee, graduation and a whole different way of doing things. A nice full circle. Enjoy half-term, the weather, Eid, the World Cup and everything. Jeremy Waxman OBE, Headteacher



NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 28 - May 2018

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Website: www.kingsburyhigh.org.uk Email: [email protected] Taking P.R.I.D.E. in All We Do


We wanted to update you regarding our partnership with Powerleague Fives Limited (Powerleague) and the proposed development of new multi-sport facilities at the School.

As you may remember, we submitted a planning application in March 2016, in partnership with Powerleague, for a new multi-sport facility on our Bacon Lane site. The scheme proposed new artificial sports pitches, cricket nets and a clubhouse, as well as refurbishment of our sports halls, redecoration of changing rooms and improvements to our other sports pitches. Regrettably, this planning application was refused by Brent Council in June 2017.

We were naturally disappointed by this decision, but remain committed to improving our sports facilities and enhancing the opportunities available for our students. We continue to believe that the proposals we put forward represent an appropriate scheme which would revolutionise sporting provision for our diverse student population and provide substantial health and wellbeing benefits, whilst respecting our site neighbours.

As such, we have submitted an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate with a view to achieving permission to proceed with this significant investment in the school.

We need your help, to demonstrate the strong desire within the school community for improved sporting facilities.

How you can support our plans We need your support for our appeal in order to demonstrate how important these new facilities are for our students.

We would encourage you to show your support in one of the following ways:

• Visit the Planning Inspectorate’s website at https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/. Enter the reference number 3191326 where it says ‘Search for a case’. Click ‘Make representation’ and follow the instructions.

• Send a letter to the address below, making sure to state the full reference number (APP/T5150/W/17/3191326) and provide your name and home address.

• The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3N, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN.

• Send an email to [email protected], making sure to state the full reference number (APP/T5150/W/17/3191326) and provide your name and home address.

Although you are required to state your name and address in the letter / email to the Planning Inspectorate, if you do not want these to be disclosed, please state this in your correspondence.

Please make sure all comments are provided by the deadline of 13th June and we would like to thank you in advance for your support.

If you have any questions, please contact Stephen Moore on 020 8206 3000 or by email at [email protected].

Alternatively you can contact a member of the development team on 0800 080 3163 or email [email protected].


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NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 28 - May 2018

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Website: www.kingsburyhigh.org.uk Email: [email protected] Taking P.R.I.D.E. in All We Do




On Wednesday 18 April, Dr. Matthew Aldridge from UCLH Foundation Trust, delivered a lecture on the topic of Medical Physics.

The lecture opened with an overview of the new Proton Beam Therapy Centre, a multimillion-pound project that will be able to offer proton therapy, a new highly precise and effective form of radiology.

From X-rays to PET scans or Gamma cameras, Dr Aldridge took the interested audience over the different imaging techniques which allow medical practitioners to “see” inside our bodies. He explained how Physicists are closely involved in assessing and treating patients.

Medical Physics is one of the fastest growing areas of employment for physicists. Students received a detailed explanation of the different career options and the requirements to enter into the profession. Dr.Aldridge also told the students about the training programs which could lead to a to a career as a clinical or medical technologist.

The lecture ended with an invitation to visit the medical physics facilities of UCLH which was very much appreciated by the students. Maria Gonzales, Science

The Year 7’s have embarked on a really exciting project with James Redwood, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Brent Music Service that is taking place during the Summer term.

Students attended launch events on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th April which involved starting to learn the project song and body percussion and listening to an octet of musicians from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

James Redwood returned to school with some of the musicians on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th April to lead workshops with 6 of the Year 7 forms. The project has a theme of Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story. During the project students will learn and perform the project song Star crossed lovers, body percussion for the piece Mambo Time and each class will undertake a creative compositionproject. The classes will perform with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra musicians later on in the term. Emily Eastmond, Head of Music

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Upper School Princes Avenue Kingsbury London NW9 9JR Tel: 020 8206 3000

Lower School Bacon Lane Kingsbury London NW9 9AT Tel: 020 8206 3000

A few of the Year 13 HSLA students (more commonly referred to as red shirt) thought that it would be lovely to invite some students from the Village School to KHS to participate in several sporting activities. Some of our Year 7 students wanted to join and were thrilled that they were given this opportunity. This event aims to bring both schools together through sport. One of the teachers from the Village School said “this was a fantastic opportunity for 18 students from the Village School to participate in a fully inclusive festival. It was extremely well organised and so much fun. The activities were so well planned - hope that we can repeat the experience again.’ - Mary Blake We were extremely happy to hear these words as it shows that our hard work in planning the event has paid off. Anika Patel Year 13


The English Department are pleased to announce that a range of students from Years 7 - 11 that entered the Young Writer’s Poetry Games Writing competition have had their poems published.These talented writers have taken it upon themselves to write about various topics ranging from underlying issues within the community to comedic and joyful poems. KHS held a ceremony to commemorate the students’ hard work with hot chocolate, croissants and a spoken word poetry session. These poems are a true testament to the raw talent, passion and dedication we have to writing at Kingsbury High School. We with them all the success for the future. Anisha Ruparelia, English Department




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NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 28 - May 2018

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Website: www.kingsburyhigh.org.uk Email: [email protected] Taking P.R.I.D.E. in All We Do


In April seventeen students from Years 12 and 13 successfully navigated the trials and obstacles of the academic research process by concluding their extended essays for the AQA EPQ, which is essentially a 5,000 word dissertation for A-level students. In keeping with the dissertation theme, students have to present their findings to an audience of staff and peers, which is the final assessed part of the qualification. Every year, Mr Windrich keeps a video record of the presentations to assist the examiners and these will be placed on eStream in due course.

The point of the projects is to extend learning beyond the A-level specifications and to give students the opportunity to choose their own research topics, thus playing to personal strengths and enthusiasms.

This year has been a great year for considering the wide range of passions and interests our Sixth Form students hold:Akira Allman (Politics and Philosophy: the merits of pan-Africanism);Haider Nazerali (the provision of education for hearing-impaired students);Siham Sahal (clan dynamics in Somalia and the persecution of one group); Pranay Vekaria (Physics: cold fusion as a potential source of energy);Shaneilla Lewin (why we use certain colours for wedding and funeral garments); Abeena Devanand (the implications for society of longevity drugs)Hamza Butt (the merits of drone technology) Gobindth Kaneshwaran (cryptocurrencies versus fiat currencies)Adam Badawy (Napoleon: aggressor or defender?); Wahab Rahmani (Physics: Are we living in a simulation?)Lemah Islam (Law: on the effectiveness of English law in relation to “honour” crimes)Nikita Patel (Law: a “good samaritan” law for the UK?) Don Jayasekera (Medicine: on tackling dengue fever); Muriel Gilbertson (Law: on English law’s impact on the issue of racial equality)Aaron Stevens (on military aviation, and the influence of the Horton 229)Saara Ali (True crime: was the hanging of Hanratty a miscarriage of justice?); Yasmin Warsame (on the reasons why Somalia might be regarded as a failed state).

The projects are currently being assessed and will be sent to the AQA Exam Board by 15 May. After that, on Thursday 24th May, Year 9 students will be presenting their shorter academic research projects for a related qualification, the HPQ, from 5pm in Tyler’s and Croft Hall. Please support this wonderful event if you can.

For further information about this evening, please contact Ms Ruparelia. Andrew Mitchell, Assistant Head of Sixth Form


NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 28 - May 2018

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Website: www.kingsburyhigh.org.uk Email: [email protected] Taking P.R.I.D.E. in All We Do


COACH EDUCATIONWe had a busy Easter break, with variety of courses for students to get involved in to develop their leadership skills and equip them with the knowledge they require when working with young children in a variety of activities. 13 Year 8’s, learnt how to organise a Tri Golf competition, they practiced leading 8 different stations to each other.11 Year 7’s across 2, 2-day courses learnt the skills and knowledge required to ride safely onthe road.32 Year 12’s & 13’s underwent a ‘Keeping Safe in Sport’ course which highlighted importantsafeguarding points of those they are leading as well as themselves.

14 students from Year 7 right through to Year 13 were involved with the Junior FootballOrganiser Awards. They learnt and got the opportunity to practice, different types of competition formats, coaching/leading and refereeing.


This was a three week programme where we had Niomi Cavaday, former ProfessionalBritish Tennis Player work with eleven Y9 girls to improve their tennis skills but also understand how to relate values we learn from sport to everyday life and future employment. They were lucky enough to also be joined by Alex Slabinsky previously ranks British number 4 who helped them work on their back hand shots for one session.

After their 3 week training they put their knowledge and learnt skills into action on at the Brent Y3/4 Tennis competition.




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NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 27 - March 2018

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NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 28 - May 2018

Upper School Princes Avenue Kingsbury London NW9 9JR Tel: 020 8206 3000

Lower School Bacon Lane Kingsbury London NW9 9AT Tel: 020 8206 3000


We carried out an audit, as part of our LCV programme, that highlighted participation in leadership activities was lowest amongst males in the SEN and FSM categories in Y7-9. With this in mind we organised a ‘Raising Aspirations’ workshop targeting these two particular groups of students.

We were joined by Alistair Partick-Heselton one morning who worked with the group. Alistair’s story of being a professional footballer, which came to an end at age 23 due to injury then being involved in a car accident that left him in a coma and on life support, to finishing his career as a footballer at the Paralympic games, really inspired the group who then gave it their absolute all to work together and complete a range of activities, including the tight rope.

The group have all been invited to take part in GamesForce training with the hope that they will support the Brent Multi Sports events later in the term.


BRENT Y3/4 TENNIS This is an annual competition where the winner goes through to the London Youth Games Final to represent Brent. We ran two competitions: a ‘Cup’ competition which had 7 schools competing and a ‘Shield’ competition with 4 schools. It was a afternoon that showcased some really good tennis in both competitions with St Joseph’s Harlesden finishing first in the Shield and St Robert Southwell who finished first in the Cup.

Y5/6 TRI GOLFThe weather stayed dry for this year’s competition where we had the most number of entries to date. 60 young people took part in a carousal of golf based activities to gain the most amount of points for their teams. Byron Court the winners will go on to represent Brent at the LYG competition in July. Teachers commented on how fair, energetic and confident the leaders were that supported the activities.

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Upper School Princes Avenue Kingsbury London NW9 9JR Tel: 020 8206 3000

Lower School Bacon Lane Kingsbury London NW9 9AT Tel: 020 8206 3000



My favourite memory:My favourite subject since primary school has been Art. I studied Art at GCSE level however, I decided to choose other subjects such as English Language, Sociology and Psychology for my A levels. Although, I decided not to pursue Art as an A level, I explored other opportunities available at KHS and one of those opportunities was EPQ.

Since leaving KHS:I am currently studying Psychology and Sociology at Brunel University.

My biggest achievement:One of my most successful acheivements has been completing EPQ, as this gave me the opportunity to explore my passion in my own way. For my EPQ I decided to create an artefact as well as an essay, my question was: “How the development of animal art has influenced Kim Thompson and other artists in creating realistic paintings through techniques developed over a period of time and how I can take inspiration from these sources in developing animal art of my own?” Mr Mitchell was my tutor for EPQ, he encouraged indepedence however was very supportive and understanding through the process of completing my EPQ. Because of this support, I was able to produce a large scale display in a local primary school and link this to my EPQ, creating a unique approach. Due to the support and help from Mr Mitchell I was able to achieve an A* for my EPQ.

My advice:I would suggest to any student who wishes to pursue an interest whether it be something that is academic or not, to invest time in completing EPQ as although, this is not an A level it does show indepedence and passion.

My next goal:My next big goal is to finish university with a highly qualified degree in Psychology and Sociology.

NEWSLETTER - ISSUE 27 - March 2018 NEWSLETTER -ISSUE 28 - May 2018

4 June Term starts

28 June 4.00pm - 5.00pm Friends and Family Concert

28 June 6.30pm -8.00pm UCAS Parents Evening

29 June Inset Day

2 July 6.45pm- 9.00pm Year 13 Awards Evening

4-6 June Excel Days

10 July 6.30-8.00pm Year 8 Graduation

11 July 6.30-9.00pm Year 7 & 9 Evening of Achievement




Upper School Princes Avenue Kingsbury London NW9 9JR Tel: 020 8206 3000

Lower School Bacon Lane Kingsbury London NW9 9AT Tel: 020 8206 3000

Stalls For Hire:Following the recent creation of the Kingsbury High School Friends Association, we are offering parents, staff and local businesses a chance to have a stall to promote themselves and sell their food/gifts/crafts at this year’s Summer Fayre.

The event has been advertised on the school’s website and through social media. With 2000 students at the school, we hope to draw in a big crowd! Stall prices are just £10 and we kindly ask that you donate a gift for the raffle. Availability is on a first come first served basis. Payment is required in advance to secure your place. Thanks for your support!To reserve your space, please contact Tara Randall by email or phone: [email protected] Telephone: 020 8206 3020

Volunteers and helpers - These events cannot take place without help and support from staff, families and students.... We are in need of volunteers to help out on the day. If you’re interested please contact Tara Randall by email or phone: [email protected] Telephone: 020 8206 3020

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