y3 u2 being healthy

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Being Healthy


YEAR3/UNIT2/BEINGHEALTHYListening&SpeakingReadingWritingLanguage Arts

Content Standard

1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 2.1 Able to apply knowledge of sounds of letters to recognize words in linear and non linear text. 3.1 Able to form letters and words in neat legible print.

4.1 able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs.4.1.2 able to sing action songs, recite jazz chants and poems with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

Learning Standard1.1.2- listen to and enjoy stories1.1.4- talk about a stimulus with guidance2.1.4 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell. 3.1.2Able to copy and write in neat and legible printa) small ( lower case) lettersb)words4.1.2 able to sing action songs, recite jazz chants and poems with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

Set Induction1. Teacher hides two pictures of food (fruit salad & oily burger) under the pupils chairs before the class starts.2. Pupils search for the pictures and come to paste it on the board in front.3. Teacher asks pupils question. Who likes to eat burger? Who likes to eat salad? Which one is healthier?1. Teacher writes the phonemes /m/ and /n/ on the whiteboard. 2. Teacher aks the pupils to sound the phonemes.3. Pupils are asks to think of a word start with these phonemes.1. Teacher introduces some word cards to the pupils.2. Teacher asks whether the pupils understand the meaning of the words. 3. Teacher explains the meaning of the words to the pupils. 1. Teacher prepares five balloons. In each balloon consists of a word strip.2. Few pupils are picked randomly by the teacher to come in front.3. The pupils have to blow and pop the balloons to get the word strip.4. The pupils, one by one, have to act out the action and the other will guess it.

Pre/Presentation1. Teacher projects pictures of foods on board.2. Teacher asks pupils what is the name of the food3. Teacher plays the audio record of the correct pronunciation3. Teacher again demonstrates the correct pronunciation.4. Pupils repeat after the teacher.5. Teacher corrects the pupils pronunciation until they manage to pronounce it correctly.1. Teacher shows the flash cards of words begin with /m/ and /n/ sounds . 2. Teacher read them aloud and pupils repeat after her3. Pupils spell and do the action for phoneme 1. Teacher writes the chants/rhyme on the whiteboard. (activity book part 1 page 15 and 16)2. Teacher asks pupils to chant the rhymes with actions.3. Teacher picks pupils randomly to pick the correct word cards according to words said and show them to the class.1. Teacher pastes a poem on board. It is about swimming.2. Teacher reads the poem. Pupils repeat after the teacher.3. Teacher stresses on the correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

While/Practice1. Each pupil gets a piece of checklist about Marias and Ronas daily menu.2. Pupils need to read the instruction and say aloud the name of the foods found in the checklist.3. Teacher plays the audio story about Marias and Ronas daily menu.4. Pupils listen attentively and mark M for Marias food while R for Ronas food.5. Teacher plays the audio record one more time so that pupils can check and confirm the answers.1. Each pupil gets a worksheet.2. Pupils, individually, finish up the worksheet.3. Teacher calls few pupils, one at a time, to come in front and write the correct answer.1. Pupils are asked to trace the words in the activity book.2. Pupils then have to copy the words in neat legible print on the activity sheet.activity book part 1( page 15 and 16)1. Pupils are divided into five groups.2. Leader of each group comes to draw lots the topic.3. Each group is provided with a manilla card and marker pen.4. Pupils have to create a poem of four lines.

Post/Production1. Pupils are divided into four groups.2. Based on the story listened on previous stage. 2 groups will be talking about Maria. 2 groups will be talking about Rona. Each group will be provided with a stimulus as guidance (picture of Maria and Rona).3. Pupils might want to go beyond the stimulus (to encourage HOTs). Adding ideas that is still relevant to the stimulus.4. Each group presents while the rest listen.5. Teacher immediately corrects the pupils if there is any mispronunciation made.1. Pupils are divided into groups of 4.2. Teacher sets the Spelling Bee rules.3. The group that gets most correct answers will win this game.1. Teacher then checks the students work. 2. Pupils are chosen randomly to write the words on the whiteboard. 3. Teacher corrected the pupils if there are any mistakes like spelling error or etc.

1. Each group has to come in front and paste their poem on board. All the group members must recite the poem.2. Teacher prepares a music as the pupils recite the poem.3. Teacher corrects the pupils if there is any mispronunciation made.4. The group that gets the loudest applause will be the winner.5. Teacher prepares a prize for the winning team.

Closure1. Pupils stands in big circle.2. Teacher plays a song while a poison box is being passed around the pupils.3. The pupil who holds the box while the song is paused have to answer teachers question.4. The game continues until all the questions prepared by teacher are answered.1. Teacher concludes the lesson by calling out few pupils to talk about what they had gain through the lesson.

1. Teacher concludes the lesson by calling out few pupils to spell the words that they had learnt in the lesson.

1. In the same group, each of the pupils gets a BINGO template.2. Teacher lists out the names of activities that pupils must use to fill in the BINGO boxes.For example: swimming, cycling, fencing, painting, fishing, jogging, dancing, skipping and boxing.3. Once the boxes are filled, the pupils can begin the BINGO game.4. The first member, in groups, who gets at least three strikes will be the winner.

*below are the attachments for every skill, grammar and language arts.

Listening & SpeakingSet Induction Pre-Listening (for every picture below, please provide the sound of the correct pronunciation)

While-ListeningMarias story This is Maria. She is healthy and beautiful. Maria likes to eat. But, she will make sure that she only eats healthy food. She likes have cereal and milk for her breakfast. Bread is also her favourite. Maria likes fruits so much especially papaya which is good for the heart and banana which is good for the eyes. She also likes vegetables and her most favourite one is brinjal. Brinjal is great for the heart.Ronas story This is Rona. Rona likes to eat too but Rona does not choose her food correctly. She likes chocolates and candies so much. Everyday she will get her favourite fast food which is burger and fries. She does not like to drink plain water, but she likes carbonate drinks. She does not like any meat other than fried chicken.Checklist of Maria and Ronas favourite food. (create a checklist with all the pictures of food in the pre-reading stage on it. Add on other food as well, as to make the pupils to listen very attentively to the foods mentioned in the audio record)


Closure1. What is the benefits of papaya?2. What is the benefits of banana?3. what is the benefits of brinjal?4. What is the effect of eating to many candies? 5. What is the benefits of drinking milk?

ReadingSet Induction

Riddle Yellow, bend, smooth skin, sweet taste, sweet smell. I am fruit. What am I?


Reading passage.

Marias favourite fruit Maria likes to eat fruits and her most favourite fruit is banana. There are so many benefits of consuming banana. Maria wants to keep fit and she likes exercise. She needs banana before doing the exercise. Banana acts as energy booster. Banana contains high vitamin C, antioxidant and fiber. It also contains mineral and good carbohydrates. Maria also wants to stay slim and banana is her best helper. Banana is free from fat and cholestrol. Marias friends always envy her body figure. Maria also has beautiful eyes. Banana contains vitamin A and it helps Maria to protect her eyes.

Comprehension questions:1. What is Marias favourite fruits?2. Maria likes to exercise and she needs her favourite fruit before exercising. Why does she need it?3. How Marias favourite food helps her to stay slim?4. Her favourite food contains vitamin A. What is the function of the Vitamin A?

Post-reading(For this board game, you have to prepare a board, four tokens and a dice. Below are the questions that you may want to insert in the board game.)1. What is the taste of banana? Sweet2. If you want to keep yourself fit, what should you do? - Exercising3. To get good body figure, what should you do? Diet with banana4. Other than banana, name another fruit or vegetable that is also good for the eyes? - Carrot5. What movie that used banana as the main characters? Minion6. Name the famous evening banana snack in Malaysia. Banana fritters.

WritingSet Induction-swimming, cycling, jogging, fishing, painting, fencing.


GrammarPresentation(these are the explanations) Singular noun to show a person, place, or thing. Plural noun to show more than one person, place or thing. Add s to form the plural of most nouns. (girls, books) Add es to form nouns that end in ch, sh, s, x or z. (benches, dishes, buses, boxes, quizzes)

PracticeWorksheet (please add pictures in the brackets below)

1. She has a _________(picture of a bench) in front of her house. School has so many _______(picture of benches)at the canteen.

2. Amira washed only her ______ (picture of a dish) after eating. She left the other _______ (picture of dishes) to her mom.

3. A_________ (picture of a bus)can carry up to 44 passengers. So if there are two _____ (picture of two buses), we can have 88 passengers altogether.

4. This ____ (picture of a box) is mine. But, those ____ (picture of boxes) are hers.

Production(prepare nouns that is for s and es only)

1. Fox2. Cat3. Wish4. Church5. Pupil6. Table7. Chair

Language ArtsSet inductionWord strips : swimming, painting, fencing, jogging, fishing, cycling.PracticePoem about swimmingHush, hush, hush,I am breathing then kicking,So peaceful and relaxing,That is how I swimming.ClosureB I N G O


