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A. Background of the problem Reading skill has an important role in mastering English. Reading gives a great contribution to the students who suppose to gain information and knowledge. Reading also gives a great bridge to understand a textbook, lesson materials and other resources since they are written in English which students have to comprehend. Reading comprehension ability is the key to students success in the process of education. Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text, this understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how to trigger knowledge outside the text, reading comprehension skill increases the pleasure and effectiveness of reading. However, there are some problems related to reading comprehension, implementation of learning reading comprehension in the researchers classroom. the teacher giving the task to the students to read the text before the project is implemented, the teacher lecturing on information deemed pertinent to the students about what to do, the teacher asked the students to read the text from the beginning up to end of the text, if the students do not understand the contents of the text, the students will repeat reading. In the researchers classroom, many students cannot read well.The researcher found some difficulties that arise when students in grade X of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu read Narrative text, the first problems related to students reading comprehension is students are still low in reading comprehension ability . The second is the students are not also involved in learning process actively because teaching and learning process is more teacher, centered and the students still look passively, it is shown in interaction learning does not appear, there questions were not answered, there is problem but the students do not want to disclose, material in teaching no less varied and students interest. The third is the teacher only still use the lecture method of teaching, after that the teacher gives questions related to the text as the exercise for the students. Based on the fact, students of class X of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu are difficult to comprehend reading a text, They did not understand what they read and many students still look passively, and there questions were not answered. In another words, the based competence of reading was not reached yet. Score of KKM at Grade X is point 70, as the result (40%) students could reach the minimum criteria of achievement, and (60%) the students should follow remedial class. The researcher needs a strategy that could assist the students to comprehend text they the read at before, during, and after process, Students are also supposed to be involved actively. Students also need a strategy that could help them .Students more easy to comprehend a text, and that strategy benefical to improve students reading comprehension, and teaching strategy which could give significant effect on reading comprehension is KWL ( know, want, learn) strategy.According to Ogle (1986: 564), KWL is instructional technique used to improve reading comprehension an a students ability to remember the material ,kwl is most often used with expository reading materials such as classroom textbooks, research articles, and journalistic pieces, K-W-L (What I Know, What I Want to Learn, What I Learned) is a teaching model designed to help students learn from nonfiction text in any content area. KWL strategy also provides and enjoyably class activity which involves students before, during, and after reading actively. Based on problems above, researcher is decides to conduct a research entitled: IMPROVING STUDENTS READING COMPREHENSION OF NARATIVE TEXT BY USING KWL STRATEGY AT GRADE X STUDENTS OF MA NURUL JIHAD TEMBILAHAN HULU.

B. Identification of the problem Based on the background above the problem of this research are identified as follows:1. The English teachers still use the lecture method of teaching2. The Students are less enthusiastic in participating in the lesson3. Students reading comprehension are still quite apprehensive because students generally have difficulty in reading comprehension4. Students of class X MA Nurul Jihad require techniques that can improve reading comprehension skill.

C. The limitation of the problem Based on the identification above, the researcher limits this research on the using KWL strategy in teaching reading narrative text and beneficial to improve students reading comprehension.D. Research Question Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher formulated research question: How can KWL (know, want, learn) strategy give significant improvement on students reading comprehension of narrative text?.E. Purpose of the ResearchBased on the formulation of the problem the researcher states the purpose of this research is to know whether students could improve their reading comprehension of narrative text by using KWL ( know, want, learn).F. Significance of the Research It is believed that this classroom action research has some benefits to be conducted. Practically, to increase the researchers knowledge of teaching reading to Senior high school students and share experiences in teaching them by using KWL ( know, want, learn). Theoretically, for other English teachers, to improve teachers knowledge about better strategy in teaching reading, for researcher, to provides valuable information and facts about the use of KWL ( know, want, learn) for improving students reading comprehension of narrative text at Senior high school level. For students, to make students be active in learning process.

G. Definition of the termsTo avoid misunderstanding in this research, it is important for the researcher to explain the terms used in this research. They are as follows: 1. Reading comprehension: According to Guthrie in Eviyarni (2012:6) reading comprehension is process of learning from text where the reader interacts with the printed material to build new meanings.2. Narrative text: narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people. (Wardiman et al, 2008:93) 3. K-W-L ( know, want, learn): is an introductory strategy that provides a structure for recalling what students know about a topic, noting what students want to know, and finally listing what has been learned and is yet to be learned.( Ogle, 1986 : 564).

CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATUREA. Review of the related theories 1. Reading Comprehension Reading comprehension has an important skill to communicative, communication does not only occur between speaker and listener, it also takes place between reader and writer. Readers gain meaning which writer tries to tell the readers through the text. In this case, writer sends message through symbols in a text, and readers receive it through reading. To receive what writer exactly mean in a text, reader do not only need to read the text simply. Comprehend a text in order to get the meaning of the text. According to Guethrie in Eviarni (2012:6), reading comprehension is process of learning from text where the reader interacts with the printed material to build new meaning.According to Singer in Nadri (2012), reading comprehension is a process of interpretation of written symbols, the assimilation of ideas, and the process of thinking while deciphering symbols,. It means that reading comprehension begin with the process of decoding the writers words, understanding the meaning and contracting them with readers background knowledge to gain writers idea. Since reading comprehension is a process of constructing meaning of the written text with readers background knowledge, the readers prior knowledge directly impacts new learning situations. When readers get new knowledge from the text, they will relate it with their prior knowledge, while reading process, readers will create the visualization of the relation in their mind in order to get what the writer means in the text ( Williams, 2008).From those explanations above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is process of learning from text where the reader interacts with the printed material to build new meaning and begin with the process of decoding the writers words, understanding the meaning and contracting them with readers background knowledge to gain writers idea. 2. Type of reading According to Brown (2010:228), there are four types of reading performance, types of reading that consist of perseptive, selective, interactive and extensive. 1. Perseptive, in the keeping with the set of categories specified for listening comprehension, similar specification are offered here, except with some differing terminology of capture the uniqueness of reading. Perseptive reading task involve attending to the component of large stretches of discourse: letter, word, punctuation. Bottom up processing is implied. 2. Selective, this category is largely an artifact of assessment formats. In order to ascertain ones reading recognition of lexical, grammatical or discourse features of language within a very short stretch of language, certain typical task are used: picture- cued tasks, matching, true / false, multiple choice, etc. Stimuli include sentence, brief paragraphs and simple charts and graphs. Brief responses are intended as well. A combination of bottom up and top down processing my be used. 3. Interactive, include among interactive reading types are stretches of language of several paragraphs to one page or more in which the reader must, in a psycholinguistic sense, interact with the text. That is, reading is a process of negotiating meaning; the reader brings to the text a set of schemata for understanding it, and intake is the product of that interaction. Typical genres that lend themselves to interactive reading are anecdotes, short narrative and description, excerpts form longer texts, questionnaires, memos announcements, direction, recipes, and the like. The focus of an interactive tasks is to identify relevant feature ( lexical, symbolic, grammatically and discourse) within texts of moderately short length with the objective of retaining the information that is processed. Top down processing is typical of such tasks, although some instances of bottom up performance may be necessary. 4. Extensive, extensive reading, as discuss in this book, applies to texts of more than a page, up to including professional articles, essays, technical reports, shorts stories and books. ( it should be not that reading research commonly refers to extensive reading as longer stretches of discourses, such as long articles and books that are usually that outside a classroom hour. Here that definition is massaged a little in order to encompass any texts longer than a page). The purposes of assessment usually are to tap into a learners global understanding of a text, as opposed to asking tests takers to zoom in on small details. Top down processing is assumed for most extensive tasks.

3. Genres of readingThen , in this section the researcher will describe about the genres of reading In accordance to Brown (2010: 225) states that three kinds of the genres of reading, namely;1. Academic reading 1) General interest articles2) Technical reports3) Reference material4) Textbooks, thesis5) Essays, papers6) Test direction 7) Editorial and opinion writing 2. Job related reading 1) Messages2) Letters/ e-mails3) Memos4) Reports5) Schedules , labels, signs, announcements6) Forms, application, questioners7) Financial documents8) Directories 9) Manuals3. Personal reading 1) Newspapers and magazine2) Letters, e- mail, greeting cards, invitations3) Messages, notes, lists, blogs4) Schedules5) Recipes, menus, maps, calendars6) Advertisements 7) Novels, short stories, jokes, drama, poetry 8) Financial documents9) Forms, questionnaires, medical reports, immigration documents10) Comic strips, cartoon 4. The types of the Reading SkillAs stated by Brown ( 2010 : 227) that there are two kinds of skill in reading, namely;a. Micro skills 1) Discriminate among the distinctive graphemes ( letters or letter combinations that produce a phoneme) and orthographic patterns of English.2) Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short term memory3) Process writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose 4) Recognize a core of words and interpret word order patterns and their significance5) Recognize grammatical word classes ( nouns, verb, etc), system ( e.g tense, agreement, pluralization ) , pattern , roles, and elliptical forms6) Recognize that a particular meaning may be expressed in different grammatical forms 7) Recognize cohesive devices in written discourse and their role in signaling the relationship between and among clauses.b. Macro skills 1) Recognize the rhetorical convention of written discourse and their significance for interpretation. 2) Recognize the communicative function of written texts, according to form and purpose 3) Infer context that is not explicit by activating schemata ( using background knowledge)4) From describe events, ideas, etc., infer links and connections between events, deduce cause and effects, and detect such relations as main idea, supporting idea, news information, given information, generalization, and exemplification.5) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.6) Detect culturally specific references and interpret them in a context of the appropriate cultural schemata.7) Develop and use a battery of reading strategies, such as scanning and skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning of words from context, and activating schemata for the interpretation of text.8) From all the skills that stated above, in this research the researcher focuses only on point D of macro skill namely from describe events, ideas, etc., infer links and connections between events, deduce cause and effects, and detect such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification.

5. Narrative text Narrative is one genre in English, according to Wardiman et al (2008:93) narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people. The purpose of narrative text to amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experiences in difference way, Sudarwati( 2007: 62). A narrative starts with an orientation, it is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced (who, when, where), following the orientation, a complication, it about a series of events in which the main character attempts to solve the problem. Finally , a re-orientation, it is optional, the ending of the story. It is sometimes contains the solution. Based on syllabus, narrative text is provided for students at Senior High School in the first semester. Based competence in learning narrative text for reading is students are able to understand and fluently.As another text genre, narrative text also has its own generic structure, and the features of language which are used. 6. Generic structure of narrative text1. OrientationSet the scene and introduces the participants (characters) of the story, the time and place where the story happened (who, what, when, and where). 2. ComplicationA crisis, a series of events in which the main character attempts to solve the problem. 3. Resolution The crisis is resolved, for better or worse. 4. Re- orientation It is optional. The ending of the story. It sometimes contains the solution. 7. Language feature of narrative textThe feature of language that are used commonly in narrative text are:1. The use of noun phrases ( a beautiful princess, a huge temple)1. The use of connectives ( first, before that, then, finally)2. The use of adverbial phrases of time and place ( in the garden, two days ago)3. The use of the simple past tense ( He walked away from the village)4. The use of action verbs ( walk, sleep, wake up)5. The use of saying verbs ( say, tell, ask)6. The use of thinking verbs, feeling verbs, verbs of senses ( She felt hungry, she thought she was clever, she smelt something burning) 8. KWL strategyKWL is instructional technique used to improve reading comprehension of students ability to remember the material , KWL is most often used with expository reading materials such as classroom textbooks, research articles, and journalistic pieces, K-W-L (What I Know, What I Want to Learn, What I Learned) is a teaching model designed to help students learn from nonfiction text in any content area. K-W-L strategy allows students to take inventory of what they already know and what they want to know. Students can categorize information about the topic that they expect to use.According to Ogle (1986).The K-W-L strategy serves several purposes: elicits students prior knowledge of the topic of the text, sets a purpose for reading, helps students to monitor their comprehension.The purpose of the K-W-L procedures is to help students become good readers by learning to do the things that good readers do. Specifically it helps students learn to activate their background knowledge and to set purposes for reading. KWL stands for determining What I Know, What I Want to Learn, and reviewing What I Have Learned. 9. Procedures of KWL StrategyAccording to Ogle ( 1986: 570) The K-W-L strategy consists of a multi-step procedure: brainstorming and categorizing, purpose-setting through questioning, and examining answers to those questions,this procedure is intended to help teachers become more responsive to helping students access appropriate knowledge when reading expository text. K-W-L is also intended to support student learning before, during, and after reading.

B. Review of the related findings Nurul Husna ( 2012) in her thesis titled: The Effect of Using Know Want Learned (KWLs Technique) Toward Students Reading Comprehension of Hortatory Exposition Text at SMAN 1 Batipuh. This research is a type of Experimental. The population of this research is the students grade XI SMAN 1 Batipuh ( 2011- 2012), devided into two classes ( XI IPS 2, XI IPS 3), females 33 persons and males 29 persons, instrument which used is reading comprehension test ( pre test and post test), the test provided in form multiple choices test, it was about 40 items. Based on the results of the matter is conclude d that the use of learning techniques KWL can give a better effect on students understanding in reading.Effendi ( 2011) in his thesis titled: The Effectiveness of Using KWL Strategy to Increase Students Reading Comprehension Achievement. This research is a type of Experimental. He has proven that the average score of the experimental group in the reading comprehension posttest was ( 22.13), with a standard deviation of (1.48); while the average score of the control group in the same test was (19.41), with a standard deviation of ( 1.19). The different between the two averages was (2.72). Next Alice Lescure (2012) had conducted a study about the effects of K-W-L on ELL Middle School Students' listening comprehension of science content. This study addressed the effect of using a K-W-L strategy on the number of comprehension questions answered correctly on a test administered immediately after a science passage was read aloud to ELL, middle school students. Test accuracy during baseline conditions and during K-W-L conditions was compared. The participants in this study were middle school students in an ELL classroom at a suburban school located in Westerville, OH. The students range in age was 11 to 15. All students lived in the United States for less than three years and came from a country in which a language other than English was spoken.A reversal design demonstrated increased reading comprehension for all six students. Reading comprehension was measured by immediate recall on same day quiz accuracy. Each student was taught the K-W-L procedure before the initial intervention phase. Findings indicated that same day quiz accuracy improved during the initial K-W-L intervention and during the return to intervention phase.Based on the related finding above, it can be concluded that this research and previous researches above has correlation, in term of reading comprehension and its problem solving KWL strategy. However they have some differentiations, they are in term of the research design, participant, research question and also the place of the research.

C. Conceptual FrameworkProblem

Poor reading comprehension when reading narrative text

Using KWL strategy

Problem Solving

DiscussionUsing kwl strategy

Introduction teaching material

Read the narrative text and evaluation

Meeting 1

Meeting 2

Meeting 3


Meeting 1

Meeting 2

Meeting 3


Students reading comprehension of narrative text of X grade students of MA Nurul Jihad to be improveExpected result

The problem that will be research is the Students reading comprehension of narrative text at the X grade of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu, problem will be obstruct to improve in reading comprehension. Because of that, we need to solve the problem.To solve this problem by using KWL strategy this consisted of there are following explanation:1. Introduction the teaching material a. Teacher explains about past tense. b. Teacher explains narrative text. 2. Using KWL strategy a. Teacher makes KWL column on the board. b. Teacher mentions one example of the title about narrative text c. Students tell or write , what they know about the title, and make the questions about the title d. Teacher asks the students to read a text about the narrative e. Teacher and studentsaretogether answers on the questions that thestudents in column one. 3. Discussion a. Teacher divides students into five groups, and each group was divided one example narrative text. b. Students read the text. c. Students write down specific questions that they think may be answered in the text. 4. Read text narrative and evaluation a. Teacher asks the students to read a text narrative b. Students answers the questions about the text narrative.



CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGYA. Type of the researchThis research is classroom action research, the researcher chooses this kind of research to improve teaching quality and students reading comprehension by doing an action through using K-W-L strategy.According to Carr and Kemmis in Kusumah (2009:8) classroom action research is a form of a self reflective inquiry under taken by participants in social situation to improve rationality and justice of (a) their own social or educational practices,(b) their understanding of these practices and (c) the situation in which these practices are carried out. Based on the theories above, researcher supposes there would be some change when an action in this case KWL ( know, want, learn) strategy is applied in the teaching reading process that would improve students comprehension in reading. In other word, this research does not only affect students learning achievement, but also the quality of teachers teaching process. This research is conducted by using four steps in each cycle. They are planning, action, observation, and reflection.

B. Location and time of the researchThis research was conducted at the X grade of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu, this research was conducted from October up to November 2013. This school is located on Saptamarga street, Tembilahan Hulu. C. Participant of the researchThe participants of this research there are 26 students ( 12 males and 14 females), students in grade X. Table 1: participant of the research NO Class male female Total

1 X 12 14 26

Total 26

D. Research instrumentIn order to get the data for the study, the writer found the suitable research instrument, such as:1. Test In this research, the test was given in two Cycle, and test used multiple choices, the first is ( in fourth meetings). The second is in the last of the research ( in the eighth meetings).The test was given to the students as written test in the form multiple choices ( students are asked to choose the best answers: a, b, c, or d).

Test : Bandung Bondowoso and Roro Jonggrang ( The legend of Prambanan Temple) Once, there was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name was Roro Jongrang.Roro Jonggrang whose beauty was very famous in the land was the daughter of Prabu Baka, an evil king. One day, a handsome young man with super natural power, named Bandung Bondowoso, defeated and killed Prabu Baka. On seeing princess Roro Jonggrangs beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love and wanted to marry her. Meanwhile, Princess Roro Jonggrang felt sad due to the death of her father. She did not want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of Bandung. So to refuse politely, she made a condition. I will marry you but have to build one thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift. Requested Roro Jonggrang. Bandung agreed with this condition . Helped by the spirits of demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples. Approaching midnight, the work was nearly done. RoroJonggrang knew and though, What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than me. I will lose against Bandung. Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the palace and ordered them to make the noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the roosters would think it had already dawn. Bandung Bondowoso got frustrated because he failed to complete the thousandth temple. The princess has deceived me! following his anger, he cursed RoroJonggrang, you have cheated me. Now, the thousandth temple is you! At once, the princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung Bondowoso regretted this and he went away into a far land. From then, people called the temple Prambanan Temple and the princess statue, Roro Jonggrang statue.

Find out: 1. Who were the participants in the story?a. Roro Jonggrang, Bandung Bondowoso, Prabu Baka b. Malin Kundang, Pirates, Merchant. c. Prambanan Temple, Roro Jonggrang d. Javanese princess, Prabu Baka, Prambanan Temple. 2. What tense is mostly used in the story? a. Simple present tense c. Simple past tense b. Simple Future tense d. Present perfect tense3. Bandung Bondowoso fell in love and wanted to marry her. Her refers to.. a. Roro Jonggrang c. Prabu Baka b. Bandung Bondowoso d. Prambanan Temple4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? a. The princess turned into a statue . b. Bandung Bondowoso regretted this and he went away into a far land c. Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples d. There was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name RoroJonggrang. 5. What is the function of the last paragraph? a. Orientation c. Resolution b. Complication d. Re- orientation6. What are time connectives that use in the text? a. Once, Meanwhile, At once c. Next, finally b. Next, After d. Sunday, After7. What was PrabuBaka? a. An evil king c. A daughter Bandung Bondowoso b. A handsome boy d. A husband Roro Jonggrang8. What is the title of the story? a. Prambanan Temple b. Bandung Bondowoso a handsome boy c. Bandung Bondowoso and Roro Jonggrang d. Roro Jonggrang statue9. The antonym of the word far is a. Near c. smart b. Beautiful d. happy10. The main idea of paragraph...is there was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name Roro Jonggrang. a. Two c. Four b. Three d. One

MALIN KUNDANG A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, lived a woman and her son, Malin kundang. Malin kundangs father had passed away when he was a baby, and he had to live hard with his mother. Malin kundang was a healthy, diligent, and strong child. He usually went to the sea to catch fish, and brought it to his mother, or sold it in the town. One day, when Malin kundang was sailing as usual, he saw a merchants ship which was being raided by a small band of Pirates. With his brave and power, Malin kundang defeated the Pirates. The merchant was so happy and asked Malin kundang to sail with him. Malin kundang agreed. Many years later, Malin kundang become a wealthy merchant, with a huge ship, loads of trading goods, many ship crews, and a beautiful Wife. In his journey, his ship landed on a beach.The villagers recognized him, and the news ran fast in the town: Malin kundang became a rich man and now is here. His mother, in deepful sadness after years of loneliness, ran to the beach to meet her beloved son again. When the mother come, Malin kundang, in front of his well dressed wife, his crews and his Malin kundang and for three times yelled at him. At last Malinkundang said to her Enough, old women! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly peasant! Then he ordered his crews to set sail. Enraged, she cursed Malin kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didnt apologize. Malin kundang just own gloriness, denied to meet that old ,poor and dirty women. For three times she begged laughed and set sail. In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin kundang apologized. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, fell on a small island, and suddenly turned into stone.

11. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? a. Malin kundangs father had passed away when he was a baby b. Malin kundang was a healthy, diligent, and strong child c. The merchant was so happy and asked Malin kundang to sail with him d. He usually went to the sea tocath fish 12. The merchant was so happy and asked Malin kundang to sail with him. Him refers to.. a. Malin Kundang c. Merchant b. Pirates d. Mother13. The antonym of the word dirty is a. Beautiful c. Diligent b. Ugly d. Clean 14.What is the function of the first and second paragraph? a. Orientation c. Resolution b. Complication d. Re- orientation 15. What are noun phrases that use in the text? a.Strong child, Huge ship, a beautiful wife. b. Malin kundang, Pirates, Mother c. Healthy, diligent, happy d. One day, many years later, a long time ago. 16. What is the title of the story? a. Dirty women c. Malin kundang b. rich man d. Turned into stone.

17. Where is Malin kundang stone located at? a. South Sumatra c. Riau b. West Sumatra d. North Sumatra 18. Based on the text, these statements are true, except.. a. Malin kundang became a rich man, with a beautiful wife b.Malin kundang had to live hard with his father c. The merchant was so happy and asked Malin kundang to sail with him. d. Mother cursed Malin kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didnt apologize. 19. I have never had a mother like you, The pronoun I function as a. Subject c. Possessive b. Object d. Possessive pronoun 20.Which one of the following phrases indicates an adverb of time in the text? a. In the town. c. In a small village b. In the quiet sea d. Many years later

2. Observation SheetThe observation is used to determine whether the use of KWL can improve students reading comprehension of narrative text or not. Observation checklist for teachers developed lesson plans based on each meeting, while the observation sheet for students reading comprehension of a discourse. Based on the indicators that students are able to recognize, identify and understand the contents of the discourse. The observation will be conducted by collaborator while the researcher teaches the students.3. Field noteA field note used by the researcher in collecting the data. It is used to identify the detail behaviors or action which would be done by the teacher and students in teaching and learning activities. E. Research ProcedureThe procedure of this classroom action research involves planning, action, observantion, and reflection. Here is the figure that adapted from Kemmis and Taggart in Eviarni (2012: 38) show model of this research procedure..

Figure 3.1 Cyclical process of this Research procedure

The procedure of this research will be designed based on figure 3.1, thus , the procedure is as follows:Cycle 1 In cycle 1, there were fourth meeting, and the last meeting the researcher do reading comprehension test for cycle 1.Meeting 1 1.Planning In this research, the writer explained about past tense and narrative text before teaching kwl strategy, to improving students reading comprehension of narrative text at grade X of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu. The preparation for this planning such as:a. Prepared lesson plan.b. Prepared the materialc. Prepared the kwl strategy d. Prepared teachers observation sheete. Prepared students observation sheet 2. Action Pre- teachinga. Greeting and checking attendance listb. The teacher introduced the topic of the lesson While teachinga. The teacher explained about the past tenseb. The teacher explained about the narrative text c. The teacher gave a narrative text to the students to read and ask the students about comprehension about the text. Post teachinga. The teacher giving conclusion about the lesson b. The teacher closed the lessonMeeting 2 1.Planning In this research, the writer planed to the application of using kwl strategy in improving students reading comprehension of narrative text at grade X of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu. The preparation for this planning such as:a. Prepared lesson plan.b. Prepared the materialc. Prepared the kwl strategyd. Prepared teachers observation sheete. Prepared students observation sheet 2. Action Pre- teachingc. Greeting and checking attendance listd. The teacher introduced the topic of the lesson While teaching a. Teacher make KWL column on the white board. b. Teacher mention on example of the title about narrative text c. Students telling or write, what they know about the title, and make the questions about the title Post teachingc. The teacher giving conclusion about the lesson d. The teacher closed the lesson Meeting 3 1.Planning In this research, the writer planed to the application of using kwl strategy in discussion to improving students reading comprehension of narrative text at grade X of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu. The preparation for this planning such as:a. Prepared lesson plan.b. Prepared the materialc. Prepared the kwl strategyd. Prepared teachers observation sheete. Prepared students observation sheet 2. Action Pre- teachinga. Greeting and checking attendance listb. The teacher introduced the topic of the lesson While teaching a. Teacher divides students into five groups, and each group was divided one example narrative text. b. Students read the text. c. Students write down specific questions that they think may be answered in the text. Post teaching a. The teacher giving conclusion about the lesson b. The teacher closed the lesson Meeting 4 Evaluation a. Teacher asked to the students to read a text narrative. b. Students answers the questions about the text narrative text 3. Observation The reseacher and collaborator observed the students activities in learning the narrative text and the teacher activity in teaching narrative text and the use of KWL strategy by using observation checklist . 4. ReflectionAt the point, the researcher reflect on and , evaluated and discribed effect of the action. If all of the participants get the good score 70 ( score of KKM), it means that writer successes to do this classroom action research. Consequently, the cyclical process of this research can be stopped. Cycle 2 In cycle 2, there were fourth meeting, and the last meeting the researcher do reading comprehension test for cycle 2.Meeting 1 1.Planning In this research, the writer explained about past tense and narrative text before teaching kwl strategy, to improving students reading comprehension of narrative text at grade X of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu. The preparation for this planning such as:a. Prepared lesson plan.b. Prepared the materialc. Prepared the kwl strategy d. Prepared teachers observation sheete. Prepared students observation sheet 2. Action Pre- teachinga. Greeting and checking attendance listb. The teacher introduced the topic of the lesson While teachinga. The teacher explained about the past tenseb. The teacher explained about the narrative text c. The teacher gave a narrative text to the students to read and ask the students about comprehension about the text. Post teachinga. The teacher giving conclusion about the lesson b. The teacher closed the lesson

Meeting 2 1.Planning In this research, the writer planed to the application of using kwl strategy in improving students reading comprehension of narrative text at grade X of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu. The preparation for this planning such as:a. Prepared lesson plan.b. Prepared the materialc. Prepared the kwl strategyd. Prepared teachers observation sheete. Prepared students observation sheet 2. Action Pre- teachinga. Greeting and checking attendance listb. The teacher introduced the topic of the lesson While teaching a. Teacher make KWL column on the white board. b. Teacher mention on example of the title about narrative text c. Students telling or write, what they know about the title, and make the questions about the title Post teachinga. The teacher giving conclusion about the lessonb. The teacher closed the lesson

Meeting 3 1. Planning In this research, the writer planed to the application of using kwl strategy in discussion to improving students reading comprehension of narrative text at grade X of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu. The preparation for this planning such as:a. Prepared lesson plan.b. Prepared the materialc. Prepared the kwl strategyd. Prepared teachers observation sheete. Prepared students observation sheet 2. Action Pre- teachinga. Greeting and checking attendance listb. The teacher introduced the topic of the lesson While teaching a. Teacher divides students into five groups, and each group was divided one example narrative text. b. Students read the text. c. Students write down specific questions that they think may be answered in the text. Post teaching a. The teacher giving conclusion about the lesson b. The teacher closed the lesson Meeting 4 1. Planning In this research, the writer collected the students reading comprehension test to result students reading comprehension of narrative text at grade X of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu. The preparation for this planning such as: a. Prepared lesson plan. b. Prepared the material c. Prepared the field note d. Prepared reading comprehension test 2. Action Pre- teachinga. Greeting and checking attendance list b. The teacher introduced the topic of the lesson While teachinga. The teacher gave reading comprehension test to the students Post teaching a. The teacher colleted the students reading comprehension test result 3. Observation The reseacher and collaborator observed the students activities in learning the narrative text and the teacher activity in teaching narrative text and the use of KWL strategy by using observation checklist .

4. ReflectionAt the point, the researcher reflect on and , evaluated and discribed effect of the action. If all of the participants get the good score 70 ( score of KKM), it means that writer successes to do this classroom action research. Consequently, the cyclical process of this research can be stopped. F. Data Collecting Technique.In collecting the data, the writer used the test, observation and field note. The test was given to the students is answer the questions based on the narrative text. Test was given twice in this research, for that reason the researcher prepared narrative texts. 1. Test In the test for the students, Test was provided in form multiple choices, this test was given in the last meeting of each cycle, in doing the test students was work individually. The result of this test shows the students reading comprehension improvement after the teacher finished the action in each cycle. 2. Observation sheets As mentioned before, there are two kinds of observation sheet. The first observation sheet for teacher and observation sheet for students. The observation is used to evaluate students and teachers activities and condition of the class while teaching and learning process.

Table 2 Observation sheets for the teacher activitiesNoTeaching& learning activitiesAssessment






Introduction the teaching material The teacher explains about past tense. Teacher explains Narrative textUsing KWL strategy Teacher make KWL column on the board. Teacher mention one example of the title about narrative text. Teacher asked to the students to telling or write, what they know about the title, and make the questions about the title Teacher asks the students to read a text about the narrative Teacher and students are together to answer on the questions that the students in column one. Discussion Teacher divides students into five groups, and each group was divided one example narrative text. Teacher asked to the students to read the text. Teacher asked to the students write down specific questions that they think may be answered in the text.Evaluation Teacher asked to the students to read a text narrative. The teacher asked to the Students to answers the questions about the text narrative text

Observation sheets for the Students activities Table: 3No Teaching& learning activitiesStudents Attention



The students pays attention to the teacher explanation about the use past tense

The students pays attention to the teacher explanation about narrative text

The students read a narrative text and ask the students about comprehension about the text


The students pay attention when the teacher shows the column Kwl in the whiteboard

The students pay attention when the teacher mention one example of the title about narrative text

The students telling and write in the whiteboard, what they know about the title

The students read a text about narrative text


The studens pay attention when the teacher divides students into fourt groups, and each group was divided one the title narrative text

Students write down sefisific questions that they think may be answered in the text

The students read the text narrative

3.Field NoteThis field note is also needed to describe the situation of the class and students reaction during learning process.Table 4: Field noteNo

Day and date Activities


1 2 3 4

G. Technique of analyzing Data a. Quantitative dataData collected in the form of quantitative data were analyzed calculating and percentage. This technique is used a general picture the behavior of students in the learning process, the effectiveness of actions, and obstacles encountered in the implementation of action research and the learning outcomes achieved by students at the end of each cycle. The reseacher using these formulas follow:

1. Individual scoreTo analyze individual score of each student in answering the test, the formula was used: M = X 100 N ( Haris et al in Nadri: 2012: 32) M = Individual score X = Number of correct answer N = Number of itemsFor example, there were 20 items in the test and the correct answers were 15. The score was: 75 15 100 = 75 202. Facility of Value To find out how easy or difficult a particular item\in the test, it was calculated by: F.V = R N ( Heaton in Nadri: 2012: 33) F.V = Facility Value R= Number of correct answer N= Number of students taking the testThe item was accepted if the index of difficulty was between 0.30 0.70. it was rejected if the index below 0.30, called too difficult and over 0.70 called too easy.3. Mean Score After that, find mean score using this formula.m = N( Airasian: 2000: 3) m = mean score = The sum of students scoreN = Total number of students4. Standard Deviation It shows how much the variation of the score from the mean or expected value. A low standard deviation indicates that the score tend to be very close to the mean, whereas high standard deviation indicates that the score are spread out over a large range of values. Sd = 2 N- 1( Arikunto : 2004: 115) Sd = Standard Deviation X = Score X = Mean score/ expected value N = Number of participant After calculating standar deviation of the test, the reseacher made some range of score based on its standard deviation and the KKM ( 70), and then accounted the number of the students who got score in each range. b. Qualitative dataTo analyze the technique of qualitative data, in analyzing the qualitative data, the researcher use technique of data analysis that suggested by Miles and Huberman will be used as cited in Eviyarni (2012 : 41) . Miles and Huberman suggest there activities:a. Data reductionData reduction is the process of selecting data which are relevant important , meaningful, and the data which is not useful in order to explain about what is going to be analyzed, the research only focus on the data that can be analyzed in order answer the researcher question of this research.b. Data DisplayThe Data are displayed by making or describing them into group charts or network , this activity is especially for the data from reading compression test, the purpose of this activity is to make organized information, so that the researcher could see what was happening ( whether the scores or achievement of reading compression improve or not).c. Drawing conclusionDrawing conclusion is the gist analysis that give statement about the effect of classroom action research the result of observation, field note and reading compression test will be together in order to answer the research question of this research.


A. The Description of the Data Action research is aimed to improve the quality of education and solve any problems which are occurred in teaching and learning process using an effective way. This action research has purpose to improve students reading comprehension through KWL strategy. And this chapter is going to discuss about the research finding during the action research . The findings include the process of using KWL strategy during the action and its effects on students reading comprehension. Before starting the activity, the researcher gave Try out to the students of class X. The Try out was given one day before cycle was conducted in order to know students reading comprehension ability before using KWL strategy. After that, the researcher taught by using KWL strategy. The first cycle consisted of four meetings. During the teaching process, the teacher english in MA Nurul jihad observed the students and teachers activities using observation sheet. After the cycle 1 finish, the researcher gave the post test in order to know the improvement of students reading comprehension after conducting cycle 1. All of the items in post test were exacly same as in the try out. It consists of some texts where each contains some related questions. It is multiple choice test, consists of twenty questions. The students had to answer the questions based on the text.B. The Presentation of the Research Findings A . The Result of Try Out Before giving the post test, all of the items in the post test were tried out to other X year students in other class which the students were not the participants of this research, because in MA Nurul jihad X grade only 1 class so the researcher try out to MA Sabilal Muhtadin in class X. This consists of 23 students and all of them joined the try out was given at October 29th 2013. Try out was given in order to know the validity and realibility of the test. The items were accepted if the facility value were between 0.30 0.70. They were below 0.30, called too difficult. And if the scores were over 0.70, the items were too easy.Table 5: The Facility Value of the Try Out Facility Value Number of itemsTotalPersentage

Accepted ( 0.30 - 0.70)1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,1517,18,19.1680%

Rejected Difficult ( < 0.30) 6, 20210%

Easy( < 0.70) 8, 16210%

Based on the result of the try out in the table above, there were 16 items (80%) that were accepted to be used. And there were 4 items that were rejected. They were 6, 20, 8, and 16. Some of the rejected items had scores below 0.30, they were number 6, 20. The other items had score over 0.70; items number 8,16. All the rejected items were revised before giving them in the post test. The facility value of the try out was showed in appendix XIII Table 6Result of Students Scores in Try Out NoStudents NameScoresKKM ( 70)

1Agus merliana55 Incomplete

2Agustina70 Complete

3Anti safitri55 Incomplete


5Arbaiyah50 Incomplete

6Suriyan60 Incomplete

7Dita eka safitri60 Incomplete


9Khairiah55 Incomplete

10Jamilah60 Incomplete

11Kasmawati45 Incomplete

12Kurniawan utama p65 Incomplete

13M. erwin50 Incomplete

14M. lutfi65 Incomplete

15M. rian firdaus70 Complete

16M. syah55Incomplete


18Novianti35 Incomplete

19Ramadania65 Incomplete

20Ria mardani30 Incomplete

21Siti amisah70Complete

22M. khairurizal35 Incomplete

23Uci anjella. P35 Incomplete

B . The Result of the Reseach in the First Cycle A. The Result of Observation During the teaching process by using KWL strategy, the Teacher english in MA Nurul Jihad observed the students and teachers activities using observation sheet to see how they were involved in the process. The result of observation of the students activities can be seen from the table below:

Table 7 The Observation Result of Students Activities in cycle 1NO Observation point Students Attention

Yes No

Introduction F PF P

1The students understand about the topic of the lesson 869.2% 830.8%

The students pays attention to the teacher explanation about the use past tense 16




The students pays attention to the teacher explanation about narrative text 2076.9% 623%

The students read a narrative text and ask the students about comprehension about the text. 17




TOTAL 68.25%31.7%

2 Using Kwl Strategy

The students pay attention when the teacher shows the column Kwl in the whiteboard 18 69.2%830.8%

The students pay attention when the teacher mention one example of the title about narrative text 2076.9%623%

The students telling and write in the white board, what they know about the title 1661.5%1038.5%

The students read a text about narrative text 2180.8%519.2%

TOTAL 72.1%27.9%



The studens pay attention when the teacher divides students into fourt groups, and each group was divided one the title narrative text 2076.9%623%

Students write down sefisific questions that they think may be answered in the text 1973%726.9%

Student read the text narrative 16 61.5%1038.5%


Average = P/370.3%29.7%

In the introduction as we see on the table 7 that the highest point was when the teacher explanation obout narrative text by the total 76.9%. In addition, in the KWL strategy the highest point was when the teacher mention one example of the title about narrative text by the total of persentage is 76.9%. And the class discussion the highest point was when the teacher divides students into fourt groups, and each group was divided one the title narrative text, by the total persentage is 76.9%. The detail of students activities are presented in Appendix

Table 8 Observation Result of Students Activities in the Cycle IStudents activitiesStudents Attention

Yes No


Introduction68.25% 31.7%

Using kwl72.1% 27.9%

Group Discussion70.5%29.5%

Average 70.3%29.7%

B. The Result of Post Test 1 After conducting four meetings in the first cycle , the reseacher gave post test 1 to the students in order to know the improvement of the students reading comprehension after using kwl strategy . It was multiple choices test, consisted of 20 questions and they were exactly same as the questions in the post test. The participants were 26 students. It was conducted on 7 November 2013. The students scores are presented in Appendix XIV Based on the the analizing data of the result of post test 1 ( see Appendix XVI) the standard deviation was 12. And then, The reseacher clasified students score based on the standard deviation as in the following table. Table 9: The percentage of Students scores in the post test 1No Score Result


1 70 - 82 7 26.9%

2 58 - 69 10 38.5%

3 46 - 57 4 15.4%

4 34 - 45 5 19.3%

Total 26 100%

F: Frequency P: PercentageTable 9 shows the Result of post test in the cycle 1. There were 7 students ( 26.9%) who got scores over than 1 standard deviation ( 1Sd) from the KKM. It means that the scores were in the range 12 point (1Sd) over than (70 82). There were 10 students (38.5%) got scores less than 1 standard deviation (-1Sd) from the KKM. These students got scores in range 12 point under the KKM (58 69). And 4 students ( 15.4% ) got scores less than 2 Standard Deviation (-2Sd) from the KKM, their scores were in the range 24 point under the KKM (46 57). And there were 5 students ( 19.3%) got scores less than 3 standard deviation (-3Sd) from the KKM. Their scores in the range 36 point under the KKM (34 45).Totally, there were only 7 students (26.9%) who could reach the KKM. The average of post test 1 was 60 . It means that the students achievement in reading comprehension was still under the criteria of successful on minimum standard of achievement (KKM). C. Reflection 1Based on the result of the action in the first cycle, it was found that the average score of post test 1 was 60. It means the score did not reach the KKM that is 70. Therefore, the reseacher had reason to continue the reseach to cycle 2. It means that the first cycle was not successful yet. C. The Result of Research in the Second Cycle A. The result ObservationAs in the first cycle, the Teacher english in MA Nurul Jihad observed the students and teachers activities using observation sheet to see how they were involved in the process. Based on the result on the observation sheet, it seemed that the students and teacher activities in teaching and learning process were better than before, as the result students achievement in reading comprehension also increased. The result of observation of the students activities can be seen from the table below:

Table 10 The Observation Result of Students Activities in Cycle II

NO Observation point Students attention

Yes No

Introduction F P P F

1The students understand about the topic of the lesson 2076.9% 623%

The students pays attention to the teacher explanation about the use past tense 2180.7% 519.2%

The students pays attention to the teacher explanation about narrative text 19 73% 726.9%

The students read a narrative text and ask the students about comprehension about the text. 23



TOTAL 78.5%20.15%

2 Using Kwl Strategy

The students pay attention when the teacher shows the column Kwl in the whiteboard 21 80.7% 519.2%

The students pay attention when the teacher mention one example of the title about narrative text 23 83.4% 311.5%

The students telling and write in the white board, what they know about the title 20 76.9% 6 23%

The students read a text about narrative text 21 80.7% 5 19.2%

TOTAL 80.4% 18.2%

3 Discussion

The studens pay attention when the teacher divides students into fourt groups, and each group was divided one the title narrative text 23 83.4% 311.5%

Students write down sefisific questions that they think may be answered in the text 24 92.3% 2 7.7%

Student read the text narrative 25 96.1% 1 3.8%

TOTAL 90.6 % 7.7%

Average = P/3 83.1% 15.3%

. Table 11 Observation Result of Students Activities in the Cycle IStudents activitiesStudents Attention

Yes No


Introduction78.5% 20.15%

Using kwl80.4% 18.2%

Group Discussion90.6 % 7.7%

Average 83.1%15.3%

Chart 1Percentages of Students Activities of Observation in Cycle I and II

B. Result of Post test 2After conducting third meetings in the second cycle, the reseacher gave the post test 2 to the students in order to know the students improvement in reading comprehension after teaching by using KWL strategy. The result of post test 2 was also compared with the post test 1. The post test 2 was given to 26 students of class X. It was conducted on November 21, 2013. It was multiple choiches, consisted of 20 questions. The students scores are presented in Appendix XVII. Based on the analyzing data of the post test 2 result ( see Appendix XIX), the standard deviation (Sd) was 7. And then, the reseacher classified students scores based on the standard deviation as in the following table. Table 12: The percentage of Students scores in the post test 2No Score Result


1 85 91 2 7.7%

2 78 84 5 19.2%

3 70 77 12 46.2%

4 63 69 4 15.4%

5 56 62 311.5%

Total 26 100%

F: Frequency P: PercentageTable 12 show the result of post test in the cycle 2. There were 2 students (7.7%) who got scores over than 3 standard deviation (3Sd) from the KKM. It means that these students got scores in the range 21 point ( 3Sd) over the KKM ( 85 91). 5 students (19.2%) got scores over than 2 standard deviation (2Sd) from the KKM. It means that their scores were in range 14 point (2Sd) over the KKM ( 78 84). There were 12 students (46.2%) got scores over than 1 standard deviation (1Sd) from the KKM. These students got scores in the range 7 point over the KKM ( 70 77). There were 4 students ( 15.4%) got scores less than 1 standard deviation (-1Sd) from the KKM. Their scores were in range 7 point under the KKM ( 63 69). And their were 3 students (11.5%) got scores less than 2 standar deviation (-2Sd) from the KKM. There scores were in the range 14 point under the KKM ( 56 62).Totally, there were 19 students ( 73% ) who could reach the KKM. The average score of post test in cycle 2 was 72.5. It can be concluded that the result of reseach in cycle 2 was successful because it was over than the minimum criteria of successful action or KKM ( 70). C. Reflection 2Based on the result of the post test 2, the mean scores was 72.5. There score improved 12.5 points from post test 1 in the first cycle ( 60). It has reached the minimum criteria of successful action ( 70). The result of the observation showed that most of the students did their activities during the four meeting in cycle 2. The students could participate in learning process more actively. It can be concluded that the result of the research in the second cycle was successful since it can be seen from: 1. The mean score of the post test was 72.5, it has reached the minimum criteria of successful action. 2. Most of the students did their activities in learning process, The researcher could stop the action because the result of the second cycle was successful. C. The comparison of Try Out, Post Test 1, Post Test 2. In conducting this research, the writer found that using KWL strategy improved the students ability in reading comprehension of narrative text. It could be seen from the result of post test 1 and post test 2 can be seen in the cart below. Chart 2: The average score of the students in the try out, post test 1 and post test 2

A. Discussion of Research FindingsThis research was conducted for two cycles. The researcher strived to improve students reading comprehension by using think pair share. In every cycle, the writer taught English by think pair share. As the result, students reading comprehension had improved from cycle to cycle. The mean score of students reading comprehension test result increased 60 This was categorized as Enough in cycle I. In cycle II, the mean score also improved become 77 was categorized Good. Thus, the researcher stopped at cycle II. The data observation in cycle I showed that 66% of students paid attention during teaching learning process. Then, in cycle II showed that 80% of students paid attention during teaching learning process. This means that, there was improvement of students who were involved on teaching and learning process. It was from 66% (cycle I) into 80% (cycle II).The observation result of students activities in the cycle I showed that students paid attention during teaching learning process at meeting 1 was 62%.then, at meeting 2 was 73%. At meeting 3 was 63%. While, in cycle II showed that students paid attention during teaching learning process at meeting 1 was 75%. Then, at meeting 2 was 89%.atmeeting 3 was 75%. The data of observation in cycle I showed that 66% of students paid attention during teaching and learning process. Then, in cycle II showed that 80% of students paid attention during teaching and learning process.Besides, based on the result of observation sheet for students there was an improvement between students participation in cycle I and cycle II, from 66% into 80%. The improvement of the students activities between cycle I and cycle II as much as 14%.The result of the study using kwl showed that the students active participation was increased. The number of students shared, asked and answered questions was increased. This occurred since the strategy encouraged students to share ideas, asking questions as well as answering questions between pairs. The success of the implementation of Think-Pair-Share that had been proven to improve the students reading comprehension as well as enhancing students participation in terms of sharing ideas, asking and answering the questions was closely related to the role of the teacher. The teacher did not only involve in designing lesson plan, preparing the materials as well as the media but also in developing the procedures of Think-Pair-Share that ultimately resulted in the increase of students reading comprehension scores and participation.


CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A . Conclusion After conducting all of the treatment and calculated the data, it can be seen that using KWL strategy could improve reading comprehension of the X Grade students of MA Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu. Based on the students scores in the post test 1, and post test 2, there was a significant improvement among the scores. B. Suggestions Based on the result of this reseach , finally the reseacher wants to offer some suggestions for teacher and students that want to use KWL strategy . For teacher who wants to used KWL strategy in teaching reading , it is suggested for the teacher to be able to manage the time well in using this strstegy because it spends much time espesially in class with large amount of students.


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