yazici kalkan algorithmanalysis 2011 week2a

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  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 1

    Analysis ofAlgorithm

    Week 2a

    Adnan YAZICISinan KALKAN

    Dept. of Computer EngineeringMiddle East Technical Univ.

    Ankara - TURKEY

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Measure the height of a tall building

    with a barometer

    What would be your answer?

    One student answered:

    I would tie the barometer to the

    end of a rope and release the rope

    till it touches the ground. The

    length of the rope then gives me the


    Of course, the instructor rejects theanswer since it doesnt include any


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 2

    Check the following for two different versions of the `legend:


  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Measure the height of a tall building

    with a barometer (contd)

    There are other ways:

    1. Drop the barometer from the top, and measure the time

    it takes to reach the ground.

    2. Make a pendulum and time its frequency at the top and

    the bottom of the building.

    3. Walk down the stairs marking "barometer units" on the


    4. Measure its shadow and the buildings shadow.

    Workout the height of the building from barometers


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 3

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Analyze/Compare Algorithms

    = Pros and Cons of Algorithms =

    What are the disadvantages of these?

    1. Drop the barometer from the top,

    and measure the time it takes to

    reach the ground.

    2. Make a pendulum and time its

    frequency at the top and the

    bottom of the building.

    3. Walk down the stairs marking

    "barometer units" on the wall.

    4. Measure its shadow and the

    buildings shadow. Workout the

    height of the building from

    barometers height.

    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 4


    1. You lose the barometer; it breaks.

    2. You need a loooong rope and how

    long that rope is going to be

    depends on the answer to the


    3. It takes too long. It is too tiring.

    4. What if there is no sun?

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Where does the word algorithm

    come from?

    From a Persian mathematician, astronomer andgeographer: Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khwarizmi

    Algorithmi is the latin form of his name

    He contributed to science by

    Decimal positional number system(e.g., 32 = 101x3 + 100x2)

    Presented the first systematic solutions to

    linear and quadratic equations

    In fact, the word Algebra comes from one of hisoperators (al-jabr: subtracting a number from both

    sides of an equation) for solving equations

    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 5

    Mohammed ibn-Musa



    Source: Wikipedia

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Where does the word algorithm

    come from? (contd)

    al-Khwarizmi reduced equations to one of thefollowing six forms by using al-jabr (in Arabic:

    restoring, completion):

    squares equal roots (ax2 = bx)

    squares equal number (ax2 = c) roots equal number (bx = c)

    squares and roots equal number (ax2 + bx = c)

    squares and number equal roots (ax2 + c = bx)

    roots and number equal squares (bx + c = ax2)

    For example,x2 = 40x 4x2 is reduced to 5x2 =

    40x. From this reduced form, it is easily deducable

    that the variable is either 0 or 8.

    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 6


    Compendious Book

    on Calculation byCompletion and


    Source: Wikipedia

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    What does algorithm mean?

    A procedure or formula for solving a


    A set ofinstructions to be followed tosolve a problem

    an effective method expressed as a finite

    list of well-defined instructions forcalculating a function

    step-by-stepprocedure for calculations

    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 7

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    A more formal definitionBetter

    suited to us

    Starting from an initial state and initial

    input (perhaps empty), the instructions

    describe a computation that, when executed,will proceed through a finite number of

    well-defined successive states, eventually

    producing "output" and terminating at afinal ending state.

    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 8

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    A more formal definitionBetter

    suited to us

    There are three important aspects to thisdefinition:


    Well-defined successive states

    Terminate at a final state

    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 9

    Starting from an initial state and initial input (perhaps empty), the instructions describe a

    computation that, when executed, will proceed through a finite number of well-defined

    successive states, eventually producing "output" and terminating at a final ending state.

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Computation (cont.d)

    Problem: Find temperature of the water if

    A&B were mixed together.

    Any suggestions on how to solve it?

    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 10

    A B

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a



    Digital vs. analog computation

    Sequential vs. parallel computation

    Batch vs. interactive computation Evolutionary, molecular, quantum


    Physical computation / Digital Physics The whole universe is itself a computation

    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 11

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    Well-defined successive states

    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 12

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Terminate at a final state

    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 13

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 14



    algorithmis a set of instructions to be followed to solve aproblem. In other words, an algorithm is a complete set of rules

    that transform the input into the output in a finite number ofsteps.

    There can be more than one solution (more than onealgorithm) to solve a given problem.

    An algorithm can be implemented using differentprogramming languages on different platforms.

    An algorithm should correctly solve the problem.

    e.g., for sorting, this means even if (1) the input is already

    sorted, or (2) it contains repeated elements. Once we have a correct algorithm for a problem, we have todetermine the efficiency of that algorithm (computationalcomplexity).

    i /

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    What properties/aspects

    algorithms should have other than


    In this course, we

    concentrate on


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 15

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 16

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    Aspects of studying algorithms:

    1. Designing algorithms: putting the pieces of the puzzles together,

    choosing data structures,

    selecting the basic approaches to the solution of theproblem,

    The most popular design strategies are divide&conquer, greedy,dynamic prog., backtracking, and branch&bound.

    2. Expressing and implementing the algorithm

    Concerns are:

    clearness conciseness



  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 17

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    3. Analyzing the algorithm

    Algorithm analysis is assessing the time and space resourcesrequired by an algorithm as a function of the size of theproblem, without actually implementing the algorithm.

    4. Compare UB and LB to see if your solution is good

    enoughAnalyzing the algorithm gives us the upper and the lowerbound to solve the problem

    5. Validate the algorithm

    We show that the algorithm computes the correct answer forall possible legal (or given) inputs

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 18

    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    6. Verifying the algorithm (or program)

    An algorithm is said to be correct (verified) if, for every inputinstance, it halts with the correct output.

    7. Testing algorithms

    There are two phases; Debugging: The process of executing programs on sample data sets to

    determine if faulty results occur, and if so, to correct them.

    Debugging can only point to the presence of errors, but not to theirabsence

    Edsger W. Dijkstra (19302002)

    Profiling: the process of executing a correct program on various datasets and measuring the time (and space) it takes to compute the results.

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 19

    Algorithmic Performance

    There are two aspects of algorithmic performance:

    - Time & space

    Time Instructions take time.

    How fast does the algorithm perform?

    What affects its runtime?

    Space Data structures take space

    What kind of data structures can be used?

    How does choice of data structure affect the runtime?We will focus on time:

    How to estimate the time required for an algorithm

    How to reduce the time required

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a



    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 20

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 21

    Analysis of Algorithms

    Analysis of Algorithmsanalyze the efficiency of different methods of


    How do we compare the time efficiency of twoalgorithms that solve the same problem?

    Nave Approach: implement these algorithms in aprogramming language (i.e., C++), and run them

    to compare their time requirements.

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 22

    Analysis of Algorithms

    Comparing the programs (instead of algorithms) has


    What data should the program use?

    Any analysis must be independent of specific data. Execution time issensitive to the amount of data manipulated, grows as the amount of dataincreases.

    What computer should we use?

    We should compare the efficiency of the algorithms independently of aparticular computer. Because of the execution speed of the processors, theexecution times for an algorithm on the same data set on two differentcomputers may differ.

    How are the algorithms coded?

    Comparing running times means comparing the implementations.

    We should not compare implementations, because they are sensitive toprogramming style that may cloud the issue of which algorithm is inherentlymore efficient.

    absolute measure for an algorithm is not appropriate.

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 23

    Analysis of Algorithms

    Analyze algorithms independently of

    specific implementations, computers, or data.

    To analyze algorithms: First, we start to count the number of significant

    operations in a particular solution to assess itsefficiency.

    Then, we will express the efficiency of algorithms

    using growth functions.

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 24

    What is Important?

    An array-based list retrieve operation is O(1), a linked-

    list-based list retrieve operation is O(n). But insert and delete operations are much easier on a

    linked-list-based list implementation.

    When selecting the implementation of an Abstract Data Type(ADT), we have to consider how frequently particular ADToperations occur in a given application.

    If the problem size is always very small, we can probablyignore the algorithms efficiency.

    We have to weigh the trade-offs between an algorithms timerequirement and its memory requirements.

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 25

    Analysis of Algorithms

    A running time function, T(n), yieldsthe time required to execute the algorithm of

    a problem of size n.

    T(n) may contain unspecified constants, which

    depend on the characteristics of the ideal


    We cannot determine this function exactly.

    T(n) = an2 + bn + c, where a, b and c are unspecified constants.

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 26

    The Execution Time of Algorithms (cont.)

    Example: Simple If-Statement

    Cost Times

    if (n < 0) c1 1

    absval = -n; c2 1


    absval = n; c3 1

    Total Cost

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 27

    General Rules for Estimation


    The running time of a loop is at most the running time of the

    statements inside of that loop times the number of iterations.

    Nested Loops

    Running time of a nested loop containing a statement in theinner most loop is the running time of statement multiplied

    by the product of the size of all loops.

    Consecutive Statements

    Just add the running times of those consecutive statements. If/Else

    Never more than the running time of the test plus the larger

    of running times of c1 and c2.

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    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 28

    The Execution Time of Algorithms

    Example: Simple Loop

    Cost Timesi = 1; c1 1

    sum = 0; c2 1

    while (i

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 29

    The Execution Time of Algorithms (cont.)

    Example: Nested Loop

    Cost Timesi=1; c1 1

    sum = 0; c2 1

    while (i

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 30

    Analysis of Algorithms

    We measure the complexity of an algorithm by identifying a

    basic operation and then counting how any times thealgorithm performs that basic operation for an input size n.

    problem input of size n

    searching a list lists with n elements

    sorting a list lists with n elements

    multiplying two matrices two n-by-n matrices

    traversing a tree tree with n nodes

    Towers of Hanoi n disks

    Basic operation



    accessing a node

    moving a disk

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 31

    Algorithm Growth Rates

    An algorithms proportional time requirement isknown as growth rate.The growth rate of T(n) is referred to the

    computational complexity of the algorithm.

    The computational complexity gives a conciseway of saying how the running time, T(n),varies with n and is independent of any

    particular implementation.

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 32

    Definition of the Orders of an Algorithm

    -Notation: Given two running time functions f(n) and g(n), we say that f(n)is (g(n)) if there exists a real constant c, and a positive integer n0, such

    that f(n) c.g(n) for all n n0O-notation gives an upper bound for a function to within a constant factor.

    Example: We want to show that 1/2n2+ 3n is O(n2)

    f(n) = 1/2n2+ 3n g(n) = n2

    to show desired result, need c and n0 such that 0 1/2n2 + 3n c.n2

    try c =1

    1/2n2 + 3n n2 3n 1/2n2 6 n i.e. n0 = 6.



    f(n) O(g(n))

    Al i h G h R

  • 8/2/2019 Yazici Kalkan AlgorithmAnalysis 2011 Week2a


    Anaysis of Algorihms, A.Yazici & S. Kalkan, Fall 2011 CEng 315 33

    Algorithm Growth Rates

    We can compare the efficiency of two algorithms bycomparing their growth rates. The lower the growth rate, the faster the algorithm, at least

    for large values of n.

    For example; T(n) = an2 + bn + c, the growth rate isO(n2)

    The goal of the algorithm designer should be an

    algorithm with as low a growth rate of the running timefunction, T(n), of that algorithm as possible.