yazoo 1 teaching programme

Yazoo 1 Teaching Programme Primary Education Primary First English Teaching Programme – Yazoo 1

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Yazoo 1

Teaching Programme

Primary Education

Primary First


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Starter UNIT.


lha"et a#$z

Num"ers 1#1% & 'olours

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say the name of the characters of Yazoo!

- Introduce self and greet others.

- Say names and sounds of the alphabet (A-.

- Say "ords for each letter of the alphabet.

- #ount from $-$%.

- Say colour names.

&nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:

- )ecognize the characters.

- &nderstand common greetings.

- )ecognise and *no" names and sounds of the alphabet letters.


Identify "ords that begin "ith each letter of the alphabet.- )ecognize numbers from $-$%.

- Identify colours.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to read common greetings.

- e able to read character names.

- e able to read letters of alphabet (A-.

- e able to read simple alphabet "ords.

- e able to read the numbers from $ to $%.

- e able to read names of colours.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to "rite letters of the alphabet in upper and lo"er case.

- e able to "rite numbers from $-$%.

- e able to trace names of numbers from $-$%.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:Teaching Programme – Yazoo 1

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- 1reetings: Hello/Hi, I’m….What’s your name?   2y name3s40 1oodbye0 girl0

boy0 animals.

- 5etter sounds and names (A-

- Alphabet "ords: apple, ball, car, dog, egg, fish etc.

- 6umbers $-$%: 7o" many8

- #olours: red, yellow, green, blue, orange, pink, purple, black, white,

brown, grey.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

5anguage structures:

What’s your name?, I’m ()ob.

!his is "!rumpet# He’s a "elephant#

$y name’s "%icky# &oodbye.5anguage to re,ie":

-6umbers from $ to $% 9Hello'

)ecepti,e language:

-e uiet!0 /e lo,e you!0 2r0 2iss-5et3s learn0 today

Interdisciplinary language:-numbers (one0 t"o0 three0 four0 fi,e0 si'0 se,en0 eight0 nine0 ten.

names "apple, ball, car, dog, egg, fish, gorilla, horse, insect, (elly, kite,lorry, monkey, nut, orange, pen, )ueen, rabbit, star, tree, umbrella, *iolin,

watch, fo+, yoyo, ebra#

colours "red, yellow, green, blue, orange, pink, purple, black, white,

brown, grey.

)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation:

-hant to practise letters of the alphabet.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

-&se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- )emember ne" "ords.

- 5ogical thin*ing: ordering "ords in alphabetical seuence.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.


1reet and say goodbye in =nglish. Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


- 5etter sounds of letters A-.

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

- 1irl0 boy0 animals.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Singular regular nouns.

- What’s your name? I’m 4 .

-!his is….He’s a…he’s a…

- How many? 

Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples.

1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

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4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- &se the s*ills of obser,ation.

- )emember ne" "ords.

- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Play a memory game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n. Interdisciplinary contents:

- 2aths: ?o count.

- Arts and music: #lap numbers0 label0 trace0 tic* and dra"0 sing a songabout alphabet letters.

- 5inguistic abilities: )ead and interpret flashcards.


,inguistic cometenceAll sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of the

communication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten and chant  (Alphabet P pages @-$$0 5isten and and sing (7ello! P Page

0 5isten and point and say (6umbers P page $B.

Play a game (<lashcard and /ord and Picture games-2atch and trace alphabet

letters. P pages @-$$.

5isten to the story. ?hen act out (7ello! P Page C. Act out a story (7ello! P

Page .

8ata rocessing and digital cometence

• &se means of information and situations of di,erse types of communication

to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't information

Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- ?ic* charts for each lesson.

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Practice and get familiar "ith a ,ariety of digital competences

and information throughout the course applying the components of the


- Acti,e ?each for Interacti,e /hiteboards -(interacti,e P and A0 audio

material0 digital flashcards0 "ord cards and story cards0 e'tra acti,ities0

interdisciplinary digital posters0 )eader0 interacti,e games0 do"nload P;<section "ith printables0 tests0 ,ideos "ith real characters related to the &nit0

Interacti,e board games0 a ,ersion a,ailable as a P;< "ith /or*sheets to

copy0 tests0 etc.

- Acti,e oo* (an Acti,e ?each ,ersion to use at home.

- #lass Audio #;s.

- #; )2s

- #ourse "eb page

'ultural and artistic cometence

- ?his competence is de,elop by "or*ing "ith the abilities and s*ills essential for

communication0 li*e:

-;ialogues and communication e'changes0 understanding "hat they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class acti,ities0 playing0 building0 and accepting

classroom rules0 in pairs and in "hole group. (7ello! P pages C-

- 5earning to participate and cooperate "ith peers through acting out the story

of the unit. (7ello! P page .

5earning a foreign language implies the *no"ledge of cultural aspects lin*ed to

the spea*ers of that language. ?he story (7ello! P pages C- al"ays ma*es

reference to social aspects and ,alues of a democratic society.

?his competence is de,eloped through the *no"ledge of the interdisciplinary

sections related to the theme of the &nit.

- 5earn about colours (#olours P page $D.

e able to communicate the results of their o"n "or*: (Alphabet P pages @-$$.

,earning to learn cometence

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

&nderstand and use learning strategies in the classroom: ;o a class sur,ey of 

the colours learned in the unit (P page $D

&se their o"n abilities "or*ing in acti,ities indi,idually (P Alphabet pages @-

$$ "hile familiarizing "ith pre-reading and pre-"riting.

)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it: (#olours and

names of obEects P page $D.

&se the reference materials: reference bars in the P.

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

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?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith stic*ers (Alphabet A page


;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and

team"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: Alphabet P pages @-$$0 7ello! P


;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: 7ello! Page

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld

(#ommon greetings.

'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its social

interactions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

- Sho" respect to others and themsel,es. : 1reetings and fare"ells. (G7ello!3 

P pages C-.

- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: ProEects "ith stic*ers0

cross-curricular "or*sheets (A page @.

- Social Studies: 5earning ho" to interact "ith others.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basic

number operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0

measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- #ount0 Identify and use ,ocabulary about numbers.

Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills andlearning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of theirbac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and

*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- ?a*e turns in "arm-up acti,ities (Alphabet H'-z P page $% and 6umbers $-$%

P page $B.

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E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupil and Acti,ity oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for

language practice:

- <lashcards0 /ord cards0 #;s and #;-)om and )eader.

Acti,ity oo*:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities. Acti,ity oo* Alphabet stic*ers

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (Alphabet flashcards A-0 numbers $-$%.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:

- /or*sheets to copy (classroom language

- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- Acti,ities for the song in 7ello!

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

Summati0e e0aluation

Tests )e,ie" $ page BC (8iagnostic Test0 (?eacher3s Pac*.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit (Alphabet 5esson0 pages @-$$.

Pupil3s oo*:


E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

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Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable


- Identify and name Yazoo characters.

- 5earn to as* someone3s name and introduce themsel,es.

- &seF hello, goodbye.


Say numbers from $ to $%.- Say a chant (Alphabet.

- Sing a song (7ello!.

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

- )ecognize the characters.

- A chant (Alphabet letters

- A song (7ello!.

- A story "ith ,isual cues.


),('- . 2eading and 3riting

-)ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral

form0 about familiar and interesting topics:

- e able to read the numbers from $ to $%.

- e able to read phrases that e'press: number obEect.

/rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a


- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace and copy the numbers.


),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiarconte'ts.


5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary (2e0ie3 1 Test0 page BC 8iagnostic Test-

?eacher3s oo*:

- 1reetings: Hello', &oodbye!

- #haracters: >ic*i0 )ob0 2r Jima0 2iss 2aru0 ?rumpet0 #abu0 Paco

-5etters A-

- 6umbers from $ to $%.

- (2e0ie3 1 Test0 page BC 8iagnostic Test-?eacher3s oo* colours-red0

green0 pin*0 blue


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- &nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly:  5anguage structures:

What’s your name?, I’m (>ic*i. ?his is (?rumpet 7e3s (an elephant


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation.

- ?he sounds of the letters of the alphabet

- ?he sounds b9p

2e5lection on learning.

&se basic strategies on learning to learn0 li*e as*ing for help0 use gestures "hile

communicating and identifying some personal aspects that might help them


=,aluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.(Sel5#e0aluation:

Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit. (?he alphabet A- and

#olours pB-K.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize

the linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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UNIT 1: School things.

1a#It<s a "oo/

1"#Is it a encil=

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

- As* and ans"er uestions about simple classroom items.


<ollo" simple commands. &nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:

- Identify obEects usually found in a classroom conte't.

- )e,ie" classroom language.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to read the names of simple classroom obEects.

- )ecognise colour names.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to "rite simple colour descriptions about obEects.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

- School things: pencil0 boo*0 ruler0 bag0 pen0 rubber0 crayon0 pencil case.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

5anguage structures:

- What is it? It’s a "book#

- Is it a pencil? es/0o.

)ecepti,e language:

- Here you are.

- !hank you.

- &uess again.

-I don’t know.

Interdisciplinary language:

- #olours0 bEects.


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation:

- Intonation used for )uestions and e+clamations1 What is it? 2ook, it’sa bag' It’s green. What is it?

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- 3ecognise and use repetiti*e language and structure for game 4imon


- !he sounds of /b/p/ at the beginning of words.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.


<ollo" instructions- )emember ne" "ords.

- 5ogical thin*ing: #onnecting obEects "ith suitable colour adEecti,es to

describe them.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- As* and ans"er simple uestions. What is it? It is…

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language thantheir o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


- Initial letter sounds: 9b9p9

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

- School things: pencil, book, ruler, bag, pen, rubber, crayon, pencil case.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Singular regular nouns.

- Simple colour adEecti,es.

-5uestions and answers4 .3/hat is it8 I don3t *no"3 

Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples.

1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

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4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- &se the s*ills of obser,ation.

- )emember ne" "ords.

- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Play a memory game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n. Interdisciplinary contents:

- 2aths: ?o read and "rite numbers.

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: Sing a song0 dra".

- 5inguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


,inguistic cometenceAll sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of the

communication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten0 point and say: 5esson $a It3s a boo* (P page $C0 5isten and sing:

5esson $b Is it a pencil8 (P page $@0

Play a game: 5esson $a Identify the obEects (P page $ and 5esson $b Is this

your (ruler8 (P page $K

5isten to the story. ?hen act out (5esson $a P page D.

8ata rocessing and digital cometence

&se means of information and situations of di,erse types of 

communication to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't information

  -5oo* at pictures as a mean of information: (2y picture dictionary (P page LM.

Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- ?ic* charts for each lesson.

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Practice and get familiar "ith a ,ariety of digital competences

and information throughout the course applying the components of the


- Acti,e ?each for Interacti,e /hiteboards -(interacti,e P and A0 audio

material0 digital flashcards0 "ord cards and story cards0 e'tra acti,ities0

interdisciplinary digital posters0 )eader0 interacti,e games0 do"nload P;<section "ith printables0 tests0 ,ideos "ith real characters related to the &nit0

Interacti,e board games0 a ,ersion a,ailable as a P;< "ith /or*sheets to

copy0 tests0 etc.

- Acti,e oo* (an Acti,e ?each ,ersion to use at home.

- #lass Audio #;s.

- #; )2s

- #ourse "eb page

'ultural and artistic cometence

-?his competence is de,eloped by "or*ing "ith the abilities and s*ills essential forcommunication0 li*e:

- ;ialogues and communication e'changes0 understanding "hat they transmit

(Play P page $0 Play P page $K

- Socialize and participate in class acti,ities0 playing0 building0 and accepting

classroom rules0 in pairs and in "hole group. (='tra ? page $0 e'tra ?

page $@

- 5earning to participate and cooperate "ith peers through acting out the storyof the unit. (P page $C.

5earning a foreign language implies the *no"ledge of cultural aspects lin*ed to

the spea*ers of that language. ?he story al"ays ma*es reference to social

aspects and ,alues of a democratic society. ?his competence is de,eloped through the *no"ledge of the interdisciplinary

sections related to the theme of the &nit.

- 5earn about school obEects and describe them.

e able to communicate the results of their o"n "or*: (Acti,ity oo* page $$.

,earning to learn cometence

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

&nderstand and use learning strategies in the classroom: #ollect information

about the items in their school bag.

&se their o"n abilities "or*ing in acti,ities indi,idually (Acti,ity boo* pages M-

$% "hile familiarizing "ith pre-reading and pre-"riting.

)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it: (G/hat about

you8 A page $$ and P page $K.

&se the reference materials: 5abelled pictures in the P and Picture dictionary

P page LM.

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egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*:

(Picture ;ictionary.

;e,elop critical thin*ing: (ProEects "ith stic*ers &nit $a0 )eference cross-

curricular lin*s G2y school P page $%D0 /or*sheet GI can do it!30 A acti,ities

pages M-$$

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith stic*ers (&nit $a P page


;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and

team"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: N/ho is it8 P page $@0 #hant

 GSimon says3 ='tra in ? page $@.

1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: ;ra"

round-up ? page $02ime round-up ? page $K0 ;ra" (A page $$.

;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Acting out the story of the &nit P page D

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld

(school life.

'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its socialinteractions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

- Sho" respect to others and themsel,es: (Play0 P page

- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: ProEects "ith stic*ers0

cross-curricular "or*sheets (#ross-curricular G2y school P page $%D0 P

stic*er acti,ity page $0 GI can do it3 "or*sheet on Acti,e ?each.

- Social Studies: learning about the places "here things belong to (School

obEects in the classroom.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basic

number operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and

*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

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- )ead and "rite numbers (A page $$

Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of theirbac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in pairs0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P page $.

- Play game in a small group0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing

turns appropriately (P page $K.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo* (&nit $a and $b Pages $C-$K:

- Play the game (for 5esson of &nit $a and $b.

Acti,ity oo* (Pages M-$$:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

- Picture ;ictionary "ith *ey ,ocabulary stic*ers. (P page LM.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (school obEects.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:- /or*sheets to copy.

- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.

- Acti,ities for the song in

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

)eference section acti,ities (&nit $ Ouiz:

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (&nit $a and unit $b.

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Summati0e e0aluation

Tests &nit $ Ouiz (8iagnostic Test0 (Acti,e ?each resources Section.


Acti,ity oo*:

-Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit (G/hat about you830 page $$.

Pupil3s oo*:

- ?he game GIs it yours83 (page $K

E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable



Identify and name Yazoo characters.- 5earn to as* someone3s name and introduce themsel,es.

- &seF hello, goodbye.

- 6ame simple classroom obEects

- ;escribe the obEects using colour names (GIt3s green3

- Say a chant (GSimon says3.

- Sing a song (G/ho is it83.

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

- )ecognise the characters.

- )ecognise classroom obEects.

-A chant (GSimon says3

- A song (G"ho is it83.

- A story "ith ,isual cues.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral form0

about familiar and interesting topics. (Unit 1 >uiz ;iagnostic Test-Acti,e ?each


- e able to read names of classroom obEects.

- e able to read phrases that e'press: colour obEect.

/rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing amodel:

- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace and copy "ords (ruler0 pencil0 crayon0 pencil case0 bag


),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

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Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiar



5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary (2e0ie3 1 Test0 pages BC-B 8iagnostic Test-

?eacher3s oo*:

- School obEects: pencil case0 ruler0 pencil0 rubber0 pen0 crayon0 bag

- #haracters: >ic*i0 )ob0 2r Jima0 2iss 2aru0 ?rumpet0 #abu0 Paco


- &nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly:  5anguage structures:

/hat is it8 Is it a pencil? es it is.


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation.

- ?he sound: 9b9p9 at the beginning of "ords.

2e5lection on learning.

&se basic strategies on learning to learn0 li*e as*ing for help0 use gestures "hilecommunicatingF use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects

that might help them learn.

=,aluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit. (Acti,ity oo* G/hat about

you8 Page $$.

- Picture ;ictionary.

-),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize

the linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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UNIT : Family.

a#This is my mum

"#Here<s Trumet.

Social Science#7y school

2e0ie3 1.

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

- ?o as* and ans"er uestions about families.

- ?o gi,e simple instructions.

- ?o as* and ans"er uestions about different people "ho "or* in a school.

&nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:

- )ecognize the characters.

- &nderstand simple descriptions.

- )ecognise family ,ocabulary.

- )ecognise school ,ocabulary.

- )ecognise and use greetings.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to read the names of the characters

- e able to read simple descriptions about the characters.

- e able to read family ,ocabulary.

- e able to read school ,ocabulary.

- e able to read simple greetings.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to "rite family ,ocabulary.

- e able to "rite school ,ocabulary.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

- <amily: mum0 dad0 sister0 brother0 friend0 elephant0 lion0 parrot.

- Pupil0 school0 teacher0 secretary0 coo*

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

5anguage structures:

- !his is my "mum/dad# he’s my…Who’s he/she? Teaching Programme – Yazoo 1

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- Here’s …He’s/she’s a/n…

- Hello "6en#.

- How are you? 

- I’m fine, thank you.

)ecepti,e language:

- orry'

- 0ice to meet you.

- 2et’s go and play.

- !his is my school.

- $rs.Interdisciplinary language:

- #haracter names: )ob0 >ic*y0 ?rumpet0 Paco and #abu.


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation:

- Intonation used for e+clamations1 orry'

- Intonation used for )uestions1 Who’s he? Is it dad? 

- 2etter sounds r,p in chant 4Is spy’ "warmup acti*ity in !6 page 78#

-Initial letters1 m, d. s, b, p.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- )emember ne" "ords.

- 5ogical thin*ing: /or* out )ob and >ic*y3s path (P page B$.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- 1reet and say goodbye in =nglish.

- As* and ans"er uestions about self and others.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld

-In a family conte't

-In a school conte't.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


- Initial letter sounds: 9m9d9s9b9p9

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

- <amily: mum, dad, brother, sister, friend.

- chool1 teacher, pupil, secretary, cook.

- 9+pressions1 !hank you. orry' 0ice to meet you.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

-Proper nouns.

- Who’s she? 

- !his is my "mum#.

- Here’s…"!rumpet#

- He’s an "elephant#

Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples.

1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

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Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- &se the s*ills of obser,ation.

- )emember ne" "ords.

- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Play a game.

- #reate a proEect.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

Interdisciplinary contents:

- 2aths: ?o count.

- Social Studies: family life

- Social Sciences: school life.

- Arts and music: 2ime0 act out0 sing a song0 dra".

-5inguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


,inguistic cometenceAll sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of the

communication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten and point and say (P page $M0 P page B%0 5isten and sing (P page


Play a game (P page B$.

Presentation of a proEect (GYour proEect3 in Social Science section P pages BB-


5isten to the story. ?hen act out (P page $M

8ata rocessing and digital cometence

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• &se means of information and situations of di,erse types of communication

to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't information

5oo* at pictures and photographs as a mean of information: 2y

-picture dictionary (P page LM

-#ross-curricular lin*s (P page $%D. Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- ?ic* charts for each lesson.

Practice and get familiar "ith a ,ariety of digital competences

and information throughout the course applying the components of the


- Acti,e ?each for Interacti,e /hiteboards -(interacti,e P and A0 audio

material0 digital flashcards0 "ord cards and story cards0 e'tra acti,ities0

interdisciplinary digital posters0 )eader0 interacti,e games0 do"nload P;<

section "ith printables0 tests0 ,ideos "ith real characters related to the &nit0

Interacti,e board games0 a ,ersion a,ailable as a P;< "ith /or*sheets tocopy0 tests0 etc.

-Acti,e oo* (an Acti,e ?each ,ersion to use at home.

- #lass Audio #;s.

- #; )2s

- #ourse "eb page

'ultural and artistic cometence

- ?his competence is de,eloped by "or*ing "ith the abilities and s*ills essential for

communication0 li*e:

- ;ialogues and communication e'changes0 understanding "hat they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class acti,ities0 playing0 building0 and accepting

classroom rules0 in pairs and in "hole group. (Play the game P page B$

-5earning to participate and cooperate "ith peers through acting out the storyof the unit. (Act out story P page $M.

5earning a foreign language implies the *no"ledge of cultural aspects lin*ed to

the spea*ers of that language. ?he story al"ays ma*es reference to socialaspects and ,alues of a democratic society.

?his competence is de,eloped through the *no"ledge of the interdisciplinary

sections related to the theme of the &nit.

- 5earn about family and friends and their relationships to us.

- 5earn about people "ho "or* in a school and their relationships to us.

e able to communicate the results of their o"n "or*: ()ound-up Acti,ity oo*

page $ and G)e,ie" $3 self assessment A page $K.

,earning to learn cometence

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

&nderstand and use learning strategies in the classroom: ;ra" pictures of 

family members and school staff "ith the ,ocabulary learned in the &nit.

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&se their o"n abilities "or*ing in acti,ities indi,idually (P pages $M-B$ "hile

familiarizing "ith pre-reading and pre-"riting.

)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it: (G/hat about

you83 A page $ and )e,ie" $ A page $K.

&se the reference materials: #ross-curricular lin*s0 Picture dictionary0 ?ic*

charts and picture diagrams in the P. egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*:

Picture dictionary (P page LM0 #ross-curricular lin*s P page $%D.

;e,elop critical thin*ing: (;ra" )ob and >ic*y3s path P page B$

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: ;ra"0 as* and ans"er (&nit Ba P

page $L0 GYour ProEect3 ;ra" and say (Social sciences lesson P page BD.

;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and

team"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: GI spy3 5esson Ba0 ? page $M and

sing G37ere3s43 (5esson Bb0 P page B%

1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: ;ra"

(P page $L and GYour ProEect3 (P page BD.

;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Acting out the story of the &nit P page $M.

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld

(<amilies and School life.

'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its social

interactions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

- Sho" respect to others and themsel,es:(/or* in teams to play the game0lesson Bb page B$

- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: ProEects "ith"or*sheets (GI can do it3.

-Social Studies: ;escribe family and school relationships.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basic

number operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and

*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0

measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.?his competence is de,elop in the &nit through:

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- )ead numbers.

Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of theirbac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in a small group0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing

turns appropriately (P page B$.

- Presentation of proEect. Spea* and listen to classmates as they present proEect

"or* (P page BD.

-Play game "ith "hole class0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ingturns appropriately ()ound-up G7angman3 ? page BD.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo* (&nit Ba and Social Sciences section.:

-Students present their dra"ings of family members.

-Students present their dra"ings of school staff.

Acti,ity oo* (Pages $B-$@:- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

- Picture ;ictionary (P page LM.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (family members.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:

- /or*sheets to copy.

- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.


/or*sheets.- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

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#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (P and A &nit Ba0 &nit Bb and Social sciences


Summati0e e0aluation

Tests &nit B uiz (8iagnostic Test. (Acti,e ?each resources section.

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of the &nit (GI can do it!3 "or*sheet


Acti,ity oo*:


)e,ie" $ (A page $K- )e,ie" $ (P pages BC-B

E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable


- Identify and name Yazoo characters.

-5earn to as* someone3s name and introduce themsel,es and othermembers of their family and friends.

- &seF hello, goodbye0 How are you?  

- &seF than* you.

- Say a chant (GI spy3.

- Sing a song (G7ere3s43.

- Present a proEect (GYour proEect3 in social sciences section.

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

- )ecognise the characters.


)ecognise family ,ocabulary.- )ecognise school ,ocabulary.

- A chant (GI spy3

- A song (G7ere3s43.

- A story "ith ,isual cues.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

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)ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral form0

about familiar and interesting topics. (Unit >uiz  8iagnostic Test-Acti,e

?each resources section:

- e able to read family ,ocabulary.

- e able to read school ,ocabulary.


e able to read phrases that e'press: Introduction of obEect (G7e3s anelephant3

/rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a

model (Acti,ity oo* pages $B-$:

- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 number and copy family ,ocabulary.

- e able to trace0 number and copy school ,ocabulary.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiar



5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary:

- 1reetings: Hello', &oodbye!

- #haracters: ?rumpet0 Paco and #abu.

- Animals: elephant0 lion0 parrot

- <amily: mum0 dad0 sister0 brother0 friend.

- School: pupil0 school0 teacher0 secretary0 coo*.


&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly: Unit >uiz  8iagnostic Test-

(Acti,e ?each resources section )e,ie" $:

- 5anguage structures: !his is my mum/dad/brother/sister/teacher etc…

Here’s my bag/book/pencil case. 7o" are you8 -I3m fine.


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation.- ?he initial letters m0d0s0b0p.

2e5lection on learning.

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UNIT 4: Pets.

4a#I<0e got a et

4"#Ha0e you got a et=

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use ,ocabulary about animals.

- Identify and use ,ocabulary about colours.

- ?al* about pets.

- As* and ans"er uestions about animals.

- ?o use Gha,e got3.

- Sing a song (7a,e you got8

- Interacti,e acti,ities: cutouts0 stic*ers0 games etc.

&nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:

- )ecognise ,ocabulary about animals.

- )ecognise the colours.

- &nderstand asic classroom instructions.

- A song (7a,e you got8

A story "ith ,isual clues G5oo* at my pet3 (P pages DM-DL

- &nderstanding uestions and ans"ers.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to read ,ocabulary about animals.

- e able to read simple phrases.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about animals.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

- Animals: pets0 hamster0 guinea pig0 rabbit0 cat0 dog0 sna*e0 bird0 parrot.

-#olours: orange0 grey0

- Phrases: ?han* you0 please.

- Ouestions and ans"ers: 7a,e you got a (pet8 -Yes0 I ha,e. +6o0 I


&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

5anguage structures:

- I’*e got a "rabbit#

- I ha*en’t got a "hamster#

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- 7a,e you got a (pet8

- Yes0 I ha,e a (pet96o0 I ha,en3t got a (pet.

)ecepti,e language:

- -an I see it please?

- es, of course.

- 5uick'

- nap.

- Here it is.

- $iaow, woof, hiss, sweet.

Interdisciplinary language:

- #olours1 orange, grey.

-  <nimals1 hamster0 guinea pig0 rabbit0 cat0 dog0 sna*e0 bird0


- AdEecti,es: small0 big0 scary.

)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation:

- Intonation of )uestions and answers1 -an I see it please? es, of 


;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- )emember ne" "ords.

- Play a game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- As* and ans"er simple uestions about pets.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


- )hythm and intonation.

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

- Animals: hamster0 guinea pig0 rabbit0 cat0 dog0 sna*e0 bird0 parrot.

- #olours: range0 grey

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Positi,e and negati,e statements (I3,e got a4I ha,en3t got a4

?his is my4- Positi,e uestions (7a,e you got a48

- Positi,e and negati,e ans"ers (Yes0 I ha,e got 46o0 I ha,en3t


Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples.

1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

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Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- &se the s*ills of obser,ation.

- )emember ne" "ords.

- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Play a game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

Interdisciplinary contents:

- 2aths: ?o "rite numbers $-C.

- Arts and music: Sing a song about pets0 colour and dra".

- 5inguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


,inguistic cometenceAll sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of the

communication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten and point and say  (P pages B@ and BM0 5isten and stic* (P page BK

5isten and sing (P page BM

Play a game (Snap! &nit Da P page BK and &nit Db P page BL.

5isten to the story. ?hen act out (P page B@.

5isten0 read and follo" the story G5oo* at my pet3 (P pages DM-DL.


8ata rocessing and digital cometence

• &se means of information and situations of di,erse types of communication

to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't information

Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

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- ?ic* charts for each lesson.

Practice and get familiar "ith a ,ariety of digital competences

and information throughout the course applying the components of themethods:

- Acti,e ?each for Interacti,e /hiteboards -(interacti,e P and A0 audio

material0 digital flashcards0 "ord cards and story cards0 e'tra acti,ities0interdisciplinary digital posters0 )eader0 interacti,e games0 do"nload P;<

section "ith printables0 tests0 ,ideos "ith real characters related to the &nit0

Interacti,e board games0 a ,ersion a,ailable as a P;< "ith /or*sheets tocopy0 tests0 etc.

- Acti,e oo* (an Acti,e ?each ,ersion to use at home.

- #lass Audio #;s.

- #; )2s

- #ourse "eb page

'ultural and artistic cometence- ?his competence is de,elop by "or*ing "ith the abilities and s*ills essential for

communication0 li*e:

- ;ialogues and communication e'changes0 understanding "hat they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class acti,ities0 playing0 building0 and accepting

classroom rules0 in pairs and in "hole group. (Snap! P page BK &nit Db

1ame P page BL

- 5earning to participate and cooperate "ith peers through acting out the story

of the unit. (P page B@.

5earning a foreign language implies the *no"ledge of cultural aspects lin*ed to

the spea*ers of that language. ?he story G5oo* at my pet3 (P pages DM-DL

Al"ays ma*es reference to social aspects and ,alues of a democratic society. ?his competence is de,eloped through the *no"ledge of the interdisciplinary

sections related to the theme of the &nit.

- 5earn about animals0 pets (P pages B@-BL.

e able to communicate the results of their o"n "or*: (A page B$ G7a,e you

got a pet83 and class sur,ey acti,ity (G)oundup3 ? page BL.

,earning to learn cometence

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

&nderstand and use learning strategies in the classroom: 2a*e a class pets

sur,ey using ,ocabulary learned in the unit.

&se their o"n abilities "or*ing in acti,ities indi,idually (A pages $M-B$ "hile

familiarizing "ith pre-reading and pre-"riting.

)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it: (G"hat about

you83 P page BL.

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&se the reference materials: 2y picture ;ictionary (P page LM

egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*:

(stic*ers0 cut-outs and picture dictionary.

;e,elop critical thin*ing: (#lass pets sur,ey-ma*e comparisons ? page BL

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

?his competence is de,eloped throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith stic*ers (&nit Da P page

BK and cut-outs (P games pages BK and BL

;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and team

"or*: play games (P pages BK and BL

1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: #ut-out:

cards for GSnap!3 game P pages BK and BL

;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Acting out the story of the &nit P page B@

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld


'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its social

interactions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

-Sho" respect to others and themsel,es:(As* and ans"er uestions politelyusing Gplease3 and Gthan* you3

- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: ProEects "ith stic*ers0

cross-curricular "or*sheets.

- 5earn and reflect on care of pets0 animals etc. (P pages B@-BL.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basic

number operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and

*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.?his competence is de,elop in the &nit through:

- #ount0 identify and "rite numbers.

Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

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?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of theirbac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and

*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in a small group0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing

turns appropriately (P page BK.

- Play game in pairs0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P page BL.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo* (&nit Da:-#utouts. (<or 5esson C &nit Da.-Story time $-G5oo* at my pet3 (P pages DM-DL

Acti,e oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for language


- <lashcards0 /ord cards0 posters0 ,ideos and )eader.

Acti,ity oo* (Pages $M-B%:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (Pets and animal names.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:- /or*sheets to copy.

- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- #ard games.

- Acti,ities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises (&nits Da0 Db.

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- e able to trace0 copy and complete "ords about animals.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiar



5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary:

- Animals: pet0 hamster0 guinea pig0 rabbit0 cat0 dog0 sna*e0 bird.

- #olours: pin*0 grey.


&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly: 

-5anguage structures: Ha*e you? I’*e/ I ha*en’t


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation.

- Intonation of e'pression and e'clamation (5oo*! Ouic*! Snap!

2e5lection on learning.

&se basic strategies on learning to learn0 li*e as*ing for help0 use gestures "hile

communicating0 use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects

that might help them learn.

=,aluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.

(Sel5#e0aluation:Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of &nit. (G/hat about you83 A pageB$.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize

the linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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UNIT 6: Parts o5 the "ody.

6a#She<s got 5our legs

6"#Her eyes are "lue.

Social science: Peole are di55erent!

2e0ie3 .

Story Time 1#,oo/ at my et.

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use ,ocabulary about animals using ha,e9ha,en3t got

- Identify and use ,ocabulary about parts of the body.

- )e,ise use of ,ocabulary about colours.

- As* and ans"er uestions about animals and parts of the body.

- ;escribe people and tal* about different features.

- Sing a song (G?his is my friend3

&nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:

- )ecognize ,ocabulary about animals.

-)ecognise ,ocabulary about parts of the body.

- )ecognise ,ocabulary that describe facial features.

- )ecognise ,ocabulary about colours.

- &nderstand and follo" classroom instructions.

- A song (?his is my friend.

- A story "ith ,isual clues (5oo* at my pet.

- &nderstand uestions and ans"ers.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to read and recognize ,ocabulary about animals.

-e able to read and recognize ,ocabulary about body parts.

- e able to read simple phrases.

- e able to read and follo" a story "ith ,isual clues about pets.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to trace and copy ,ocabulary about body parts.

- ?race and copy simple phrases.

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),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

- ody parts: body0 arms0 legs0 "ings0 tail0 hair0 nose0 mouth0 eyes0 ears.

- AdEecti,es: long0 short0 straight0 curly0 small0 big0 scary.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

5anguage structures:- /ho3s48

- She3s my friend. It3s (#abu

- He’s got "four legs#

- he hasn’t got "wings#.

- His/her "eyes are blue#

- I’*e got…"fair/long/short/curly# hair.

)ecepti,e language:

- 2ong= oh dear' It’s ok. >air, too= 2ook at…We’re all different,

 people, school, true/false, try again' 2ose 7 point, well done.Interdisciplinary language:

- #olours: green0 bro"n0 red0 blue.


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation:

- Initial letter sounds 9*9g9

- 3hythm and intonation.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- )emember ne" "ords.

- 5ogical thin*ing: label tic* chart correctly0 ma*e connections bet"eenpictures and diagrams.

-)eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the&nit.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Introduce and describe other people.

- )ecognise that e,ery person is different.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situations

and oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


- )hythm and intonation.

- Initial letter sounds 9*9g9

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

- ody parts: body0 arms0 legs0 "ings0 tail0 hair0 nose0 mouth0 eyes0 ears.

-  <d(ecti*es1 2ong, short, straight, curly, small, big, scary.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.- 7e3s got9 hasn3t got

- I3,e got9ha,en3t got.

- 7is97er (eyes are4

Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples.

1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

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• &se means of information and situations of di,erse types of communication

to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't information

5oo* at photographs as a mean of information: (#ross-

curricular0 GPeople are different3 (P page $%D.

Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.- ?ic* charts for each lesson.

Practice and get familiar "ith a ,ariety of digital competences

and information throughout the course applying the components of themethods:

- Acti,e ?each for Interacti,e /hiteboards -(interacti,e P and A0 audio

material0 digital flashcards0 "ord cards and story cards0 e'tra acti,ities0interdisciplinary digital posters0 )eader0 interacti,e games0 do"nload P;<

section "ith printables0 tests0 ,ideos "ith real characters related to the &nit0

Interacti,e board games0 a ,ersion a,ailable as a P;< "ith /or*sheets to

copy0 tests0 etc.

- Acti,e oo* (an Acti,e ?each ,ersion to use at home.

-#lass Audio #;s.

- #; )2s

- #ourse "eb page

'ultural and artistic cometence

- ?his competence is de,elop by "or*ing "ith the abilities and s*ills essential for

communication0 li*e:

- ;ialogues and communication e'changes0 understanding "hat they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class acti,ities0 playing0 building0 and accepting

classroom rules0 in pairs and in "hole group. (Play a game: &nit Cb and GPeople are different3

- 5earning to participate and cooperate "ith peers through acting out the story

of the unit. (P page D%.

5earning a foreign language implies the *no"ledge of cultural aspects lin*ed to

the spea*ers of that language. ?he story al"ays ma*es reference to social

aspects and ,alues of a democratic society.

?his competence is de,eloped through the *no"ledge of the interdisciplinary

sections related to the theme of the &nit.

- ?al* about the fact that e,ery person is different (P pages DC and D.

e able to communicate the results of their o"n "or*: (GYour proEect3 P page


,earning to learn cometence

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

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&nderstand and use learning strategies in the classroom: ma*e a model

acti,ities "ith the ,ocabulary learned in the &nit.

&se their o"n abilities "or*ing in acti,ities indi,idually (A pagesBB-B "hile

familiarizing "ith pre-reading and pre-"riting.

)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it: (G"hat about

you83 A page B. And )e,ie" B (A page BK and P pagesD@-DK &se the reference materials: #ross curricular lin*s P (page $%D egin to

manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*: (2yPicture ;ictionary P (page LM.

;e,elop critical thin*ing: (Play the game G?rue or false3 )e,ie" B (P page DK

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith stic*ers (&nit Cb A page


;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and

team"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: Gthis is my friend (P pageDB.

1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: ;ra"

your friend (A page B ;ra" and say GYour proEect!3 (Social sciences section

P page D

;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Social sciences G='tra3-;escribe themsel,es (? pageDC )eading story aloud G5oo* at my pet3 P page DM-DL

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld

(school life and society ,alues-G=,eryone is different3.

'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its social

interactions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

- Sho" respect to others and themsel,es:(?a*e turns in &nit Ca G5oo* and say

P page D$ Play game (&nit Cb P page DD

- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster proEects "ith

stic*ers0 cross-curricular "or*sheets (Social sciences section GPeople are

different.- Social Sciences: 5earning that e,eryone is different.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basic

number operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and

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*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0

measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.?his competence is de,elop in the &nit through:

- #ount0 Identify and use numbers.

- Interpret simple tic* charts and flo" diagrams.

Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of their

bac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in a pair0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P page DD.

- Play game in a small group0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing

turns appropriately (P page D.

- Presentation of proEect. Spea* and listen to classmates as they present proEect

"or* (P page D.

- Play game "ith "hole class0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing

turns appropriately ()ound-up ? page D.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo*:

- Social sciences acti,ity "ith cross-curricular lin* (P pages DC0 D and $%D

- 2y Picture ;ictionary (P pages LM-$%D and #;B ?rac* %@

Acti,e oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for language


-<lashcards0 /ord cards0 posters0 ,ideos and )eader.

Acti,ity oo*:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

- Pages BB-BK

- Stic*ers (for 5esson of &nit Cb.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (family members.

Story cards.Teaching Programme – Yazoo 1

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?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:

- /or*sheets to copy.

- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.


Acti,ities for the song- /or*sheets for the Portfolio.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

-#onstant super,ision during class.

-#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (P pages D%-D.

-)e,ie" target ,ocabulary using Picture ;ictionary and #ross-curricular pages in P

pages LM-LL and $%D and also #;B ?rac*s % and %@.

Summati0e e0aluation


#Progress )e,ie" D C (8iagnostic Test0 (Acti,e ?each )esources section.

-&nit C uiz (Acti,e ?each )esources section.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit ()e,ie" B A page BK.

Acti,e ?each )esources section:

- NI can do it!3 "or*sheet.

Pupil3s oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit ()e,ie" B P pages D@-DK.

E0aluation criteria:

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable


-Identify and use ,ocabulary about animals using ha,e9ha,en3t got-Identify and use ,ocabulary about parts of the body.

-)e,ise use of ,ocabulary about colours.

-As* and ans"er uestions about animals and parts of the body.

-;escribe people and tal* about different features.-Sing a song (G?his is my friend3

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

-)ecognize ,ocabulary about animals.-)ecognise ,ocabulary about parts of the body.

-)ecognise ,ocabulary that describe facial features.

-)ecognise ,ocabulary about colours.

-&nderstand and follo" classroom instructions.-A song (?his is my friend.

-A story "ith ,isual clues (5oo* at my pet.

-&nderstand uestions and ans"ers.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

- )ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral

form0 about familiar and interesting topics:

- e able to read the names of different body parts.


e able to read the names of different animals.- e able to read phrases that e'press: person and article.

/rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a


- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace and copy animal names0 colours and body parts.


),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiar



5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary:

- ody parts: body0 arms0 legs0 "ings0 tail0 hair0 nose0 mouth0 eyes0 ears.

- AdEecti,es: long0 short0 straight0 curly0 small0 big0 scary.


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&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly: 

- 5anguage structures: I’*e got/ha*en’t got, He/she’s

got/ha*en’t got…


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation.

- ?he sound: 9*9g9.

2e5lection on learning.

&se basic strategies on learning to learn0 li*e as*ing for help0 use gestures "hile

communicating0 use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects

that might help them learn.

=,aluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.(Sel5#e0aluation:

Acti,ity oo*:

-Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit. ()e,ie" B A page BK.

-Picture ;ictionary #ross curricular lin*s acti,ity "ith #;B ?rac*s% %@

Pupil3s oo*:

-Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit ()e,ie" B P pages D@-DK.


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize

the linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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UNIT ?: Toys

?a#They<re cars

?"#re they your dolls=

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use ,ocabulary about toys.

- Identify and use ,ocabulary about colours.

- As* and ans"er simple uestions about toys.

- Sing a song (GAre they your (dolls3

- Play a "ord chain game "ith toy ,ocabulary.

&nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:

- )ecognise ,ocabulary about toys.

- )ecognise ,ocabulary about colours.

- )ecognise and understand simple uestions about toys.

- A song (GAre they your (dolls3

- A "ord chain game "ith toy ,ocabulary.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

-e able to read ,ocabulary about toys.

- e able to read ,ocabulary about colours.

- e able to read understand simple uestions about toys.

- e able to read and follo" a story "ith ,isual clues.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about toys.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

- ?oys: doll0 robot0 car0 teddy0 plane0 train0 ball0 puzzle.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.5anguage structures:

- What are they? !hey’re… What’s your fa*ourite toy? Is it a


)ecepti,e language:

- Help', on’t worry, &uess again. es, they are, 0o, it isn’t..Interdisciplinary language:

- #olours: red0 green0 orange0 blue0 blac*0 pin*0 green0 yello".

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)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation:

- Intonation re)uired for )uestions and e+clamations.

- @ronounce the sounds /t/d/ at beginning of words.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.


&se prior *no"ledge.- <ollo" instructions

- )emember ne" "ords.

- 5ogical thin*ing: ?o match cards and play guessing game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- As* and ans"er simple uestions "hen playing games.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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&se the reference materials: 2y Picture ;ictionary.

egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*.

;e,elop critical thin*ing: (2atch pictures and labels in unit b.

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith stic*ers (&nit a P pageC$.

;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and

team"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: GAre they your (dolls8 &nit b0 NI3,e

got a (doll "ord chain unit b

1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: ;ra"

&nit a A page BM and unit b A page D$

;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Acting out the story of unit a.

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld


'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its social

interactions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

-Sho" respect to others and themsel,es:(?a*e turns "hen playing games.

- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: ProEects "ith stic*ers.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basic

number operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and

*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.

?his competence is de,elop in the &nit through:

- #ount0 Identify and use ,ocabulary about toys and numbers.

Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of their

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bac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and

*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in a pair0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P page C$.

- Play game in a small group0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing

turns appropriately (P page CD.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo*:

- #utouts. (<or 5esson @ of &nit b.

Acti,e oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for languagepractice:

- <lashcards0 /ord cards0 posters0 ,ideos and )eader.

Acti,ity oo* (pages BM-D$:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

- Picture ;ictionary "ith stic*ers.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (toys.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:

- /or*sheets to copy.

-#ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.

- Acti,ities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (a b in P and A.

Summati0e e0aluation

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Acti,e ?each )esources section:

-  GI can do it3 "or*sheet.

- &nit uiz.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of b- "hat about you8 /hat3s your fa,ouritetoy8 (A page D$

E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictablesituations:

- Identify and name Yazoo characters.

- Identify and use ,ocabulary about toys.

- Identify and use ,ocabulary about colours.

- As* and ans"er simple uestions about toys.

- Sing a song (GAre they your (dolls3

- Play a "ord chain game "ith toy ,ocabulary.

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

- )ecognise the characters.

- )ecognise ,ocabulary about toys.

-)ecognise ,ocabulary about colours.

- )ecognise and understand simple uestions about toys.

- A song (GAre they your (dolls3

- A "ord chain game "ith toy ,ocabulary.

- A story "ith ,isual cues.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral form0

about familiar and interesting topics:

-e able to read ,ocabulary about toys.

-e able to read ,ocabulary about colours.-e able to read understand simple uestions about toys.-e able to read and follo" a story "ith ,isual clues.

/rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a


- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about toys.


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?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize

the linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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UNIT @: Ha0ing 5un

@a#I can dra3

@"#'an you Aum=

Science: 7aterials

2e0ie3 4

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and use language for tal*ing about actions.

-As* and ans"er uestions about "hat people can do.

- Sing a song (G#an you483

- Sing a chant in the round (?he alphabet

- Identify and use language about materials.

- Identify and use language about toys.

&nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:

- )ecognise language for tal*ing about actions.

- )ecognise language about materials.

- )ecognise language about toys.

- )ecognise animal names.

-&nderstand simple uestions about actions.

- A song (G#an you483

- A chant in the round (?he alphabet

- A story "ith ,isual cues.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to read the numbers from $ to @.

- e able to read action ,ocabulary.

- e able to read animal ,ocabulary.

- e able to read ,ocabulary about materials.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to "rite the numbers $ to @.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete action ,ocabulary.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete simple phrases.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about materials.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

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- Actions: dra"0 s*ip0 dance0 ride a bi*e0 sing0 Eump0 climb0 s"im0 fly

- 2aterials: metal0 plastic0 rubber0 "ood.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

5anguage structures: can0 can3t0 Yes0 I can0 6o0 I can3t0 5oo* at4It3s4


)ecepti,e language:- %ery good' !hat’s all right, up and down, round and round, but,

I’m not a…

Interdisciplinary language:

- Animals: parrot0 insect0 cat0 sna*e0 fish0 bird.

- ?oys: puzzle0 train0 robot0 doll0 ball.

)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation:

- 3hythm, accentuation and intonation of alphabet chant.

- ounds of /t/d/ at the beginning of words.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

-<ollo" instructions

- )emember ne" "ords.

- 5ogical thin*ing: patterns (in order to sing chant in the round.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- 1reet0 as* simple uestions and praise others in =nglish.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language thantheir o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


-3hythm, accentuation and intonation of alphabet chant.ounds of /t/d/ at the beginning of words.

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

- Actions: dra"0 s*ip0 dance0 ride a bi*e0 sing0 Eump0 climb0 s"im0 fly

- 2aterials: metal0 plastic0 rubber0 "ood.

-Animals: parrot0 insect0 cat0 sna*e0 fish0 bird.

  -?oys: puzzle0 train0 robot0 doll0 ball.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Present tense ,erbs.

- Singular nouns.

- AdEecti,es-It3s (plastic

- can0 can3t.

- Yes0 I can0 6o0 I can3t.

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- 5oo* at4

- It3s4?hey3re4

Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples.

1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content. Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- &se the s*ills of obser,ation.

-)emember ne" "ords.

- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Play a game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the&nit.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

Interdisciplinary contents:- 2aths: ?o count.

- Sciences: materials.

- Arts and music: ma*e a poster about materials0 chant0 sing a song about

actions0 dra".

- 5inguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


,inguistic cometenceAll sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of the

communication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten and chant  (Alphabet "arm up in @a P page CC0 5isten and sing (G#an

you483 in @b P page C@0 ;ra" and say (Your proEect in Sciences section P

page CL

Play a game (&nit @a P page C and unit @b P page CK.

5isten to the story. ?hen act out ( &nit @a P page CC.

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*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0

measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.?his competence is de,elop in the &nit through:

- #ount0 Identify and use ,ocabulary about numbers.

Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills andlearning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of their

bac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and

*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in a pair0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P page CK.

- Play game in a small group0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing

turns appropriately (P page C.

- Presentation of proEect. Spea* and listen to classmates as they present proEect

"or* (P page CL.

- Play game in a pair0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately ()ound-up ? page CL.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo*:

- #utouts. (<or 5esson @ of &nit @a P page C.

Acti,e oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for language


- <lashcards0 /ord cards0 posters0 ,ideos and )eader.

Acti,ity oo* (pages DB-D@:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

- Acti,ity "ith stic*ers. (Page DC.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (Actions.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:

- /or*sheets to copy.

- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

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- oard game.

- Acti,ities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (&nits @a0 @b Science: materials.

Summati0e e0aluation

)e,ie" D -;iagnostic ?est. (P pages%-$

&nit @ uiz (Acti,e ?each )esources section.

Progress )e,ie" @ (Acti,e ?each )esources section.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of &nit @b ()e,ie" D Page DK.

-  G/hat about you8 (Page D

Pupil3s oo*:

- Picture dictionary (P pages LL-$%D and #;B (?rac*s BL and D% to self-re,ie"

target ,ocabulary.

E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable


-Identify and use language for tal*ing about actions.

-As* and ans"er uestions about "hat people can do.-Sing a song (G#an you483

-Sing a chant in the round (?he alphabet

-Identify and use language about materials.

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-Identify and use language about toys.

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

- )ecognise language for tal*ing about actions.

- )ecognise language about materials.


)ecognise language about toys.- )ecognise animal names.

- &nderstand simple uestions about actions.

- A song (G#an you483

- A chant in the round (?he alphabet

- A story "ith ,isual cues.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

• )ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral

form0 about familiar and interesting topics ()e,ie" D ;iagnostic tests in P

and A:

-e able to read the numbers from $ to @.-e able to read action ,ocabulary.-e able to read ,ocabulary about toys.

• /rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a

model ()e,ie" D ;iagnostic tests in P and A:

- e able to "rite the numbers $ to @.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete action ,ocabulary.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete toy ,ocabulary.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete simple phrases.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiar



5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary:

-Actions: dra"0 s*ip0 dance0 ride a bi*e0 sing0 Eump0 climb0 s"im0 fly-?oys: puzzle0 train0 robot0 doll0 ball.


• &nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly: 

#5anguage structures: can0 can3t0 Yes0 I can0 6o0 I can3t0 5oo* at4It3s4


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)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation.

3hythm, accentuation and intonation of alphabet chant.ounds of /t/d/ at the beginning of words.

2e5lection on learning.

&se basic strategies on learning to learn0 li*e as*ing for help0 use gestures "hile

communicatingF use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects

that might help them learn.

=,aluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of &nit @b ()e,ie" D Page DK.

-  G/hat about you8 (Page D

Pupil3s oo*:

- Picture dictionary (P pages LL-$%D and #;B (?rac*s BL and D% to self-re,ie"target ,ocabulary.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognizethe linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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UNIT B: Home

Ba#She<s in the "athroom.

B"#Is he in the garden=

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

- ?al* about "here people are in the house.

- As* and ans"er uestions about "here people are.

- Identify and use ,ocabulary about home and garden.

- Identify and use animal names.

- Identify and use numbers $-$%.

- Identify and use character names.

- Sing a song ()e,ie" &nit @b and sing in unit Kb GIs he in the garden83

&nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:

- )ecognise the characters.

- )ecognise ,ocabulary about home and garden.

- )ecognise people names.

- )ecognise simple uestions and ans"ers.

- )ecognise animal names.

- )ecognise numbers $-$%.

- A song ()e,ie" &nit @b and sing in unit Kb GIs he in the garden83

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to read ,ocabulary about house and home.

- e able to read simple uestions (G/here3s4(mum8 And ans"ers (She3s

in 4

- e able to read animal names.

- e able to read the numbers from $ to $%.

- e able to read and follo" a story "ith ,isual clues.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:

-e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about people.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about home and garden.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about animals.

- e able to "rite numbers $-$%.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

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- 7ome: bedroom0 bathroom0 *itchen0 li,ing room0 house.

- 1arden: garden0 tree.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

5anguage structures:

- Where is…? Where are…?


He’s/she’s/I’m in the "li*ing room#. He/she isn’t in "thebathroom#.

- Is4in the48

- Yes0 it9he9she is. 6o0 it9he9she isn3t.

)ecepti,e language:

- -an’t I can’t find…

- 6ubbles.

- 2o*ely. 3eady.

- I’m here.

- ee.

Interdisciplinary language:

- Animals: rabbit0 cat0 sna*e0 dog.

)ecognise and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 stress and intonation:

- 3hythm, stress and intonation used for )uestions and answers 42isten

and $atch’ acti*ity "<6 page ;A#.

- tress and intonation re)uired for mimicking *oices when acting out 

the story in unit Ba.

- ?he sounds: /Q9R9

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

-)emember ne" "ords.

- 5ogical thin*ing: ?o locate animal in the game in unit Kb.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- As* and ans"er uestions about "here things are in =nglish.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n. 5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- &se the s*ills of obser,ation.

- )emember ne" "ords.

- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Play a game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

Interdisciplinary contents:

- 2aths: ?o count.

- Social Studies: home life.

- Arts and music: sing a song0 dra".

-5inguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


,inguistic cometence

All sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of the

communication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten point and say (P pages B C 5isten and sing (P page C

Play a game (P pages D .

5isten to the story. ?hen act out (P page B.

8ata rocessing and digital cometence

• &se means of information and situations of di,erse types of communication

to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't information

Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.Teaching Programme – Yazoo 1

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- ?ic* charts for lesson D &nit Kb.

Practice and get familiar "ith a ,ariety of digital competences

and information throughout the course applying the components of themethods:

- Acti,e ?each for Interacti,e /hiteboards -(interacti,e P and A0 audio

material0 digital flashcards0 "ord cards and story cards0 e'tra acti,ities0interdisciplinary digital posters0 )eader0 interacti,e games0 do"nload P;<

section "ith printables0 tests0 ,ideos "ith real characters related to the &nit0

Interacti,e board games0 a ,ersion a,ailable as a P;< "ith /or*sheets tocopy0 tests0 etc.

- Acti,e oo* (an Acti,e ?each ,ersion to use at home.

- #lass Audio #;s.

- #; )2s

- #ourse "eb page

'ultural and artistic cometence- ?his competence is de,elop by "or*ing "ith the abilities and s*ills essential for

communication0 li*e:

- ;ialogues and communication e'changes0 understanding "hat they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class acti,ities0 playing0 building0 and accepting

classroom rules0 in pairs and in "hole group. (Play the games in units Ka  


- 5earning to participate and cooperate "ith peers through acting out the story

of the unit. (&nit Ka.

5earning a foreign language implies the *no"ledge of cultural aspects lin*ed to

the spea*ers of that language. ?he story al"ays ma*es reference to social

aspects and ,alues of a democratic society. ?his competence is de,eloped through the *no"ledge of the interdisciplinary

sections related to the theme of the &nit.

- 5earn about places (in the house and garden.

e able to communicate the results of their o"n "or*: (G;ra" yourself and a

friend and "rite3 A page C$.

,earning to learn cometence

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

&nderstand and use learning strategies in the classroom.

&se their o"n abilities "or*ing in acti,ities indi,idually (A pages DM-C$ "hile

familiarizing "ith pre-reading and pre-"riting.

)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it: (G;ra" yourself 

and a friend and "rite3 A page C$.

&se the reference materials: (>ocabulary 5ists.

egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*:

(Picture dictionary in the P..

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?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of theirbac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and

*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in a pair0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P page D.

- Play game "ith "hole class0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing

turns appropriately (P page .


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo* (pages B-:

-Picture ;ictionary (page $%%.

-#utouts. (<or 5esson @ &nit Ka page D.-Stic*ers (for lesson C &nit Ka page D.

Acti,e oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for language


- <lashcards0 /ord cards0 posters0 ,ideos and )eader.

Acti,ity oo* (pages DM-C$:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (7ome and garden.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:

- /or*sheets to copy.

- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.

- Acti,ities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (&nits Ka Kb.

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Summati0e e0aluation

Tests &nit K uiz (8iagnostic Test0 (Acti,e ?each resources section.


Acti,e ?each )esources section:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit (GI can do it!3 "or*sheet

E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable

situations:-?al* about "here people are in the house.

-As* and ans"er uestions about "here people are.

-Identify and use ,ocabulary about home and garden.-Identify and use animal names.

-Identify and use numbers $-$%.

-Identify and use character names.

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:- )ecognise the characters.

- )ecognise ,ocabulary about home and garden.

- )ecognise people names.

- )ecognise simple uestions and ans"ers.

- )ecognise animal names.

- )ecognise numbers $-$%.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral form0

about familiar and interesting topics:-e able to read ,ocabulary about house and home.-e able to read simple uestions (G/here3s4(mum8 And ans"ers (She3s in 4

-e able to read animal names.

-e able to read the numbers from $ to $%.

-e able to read and follo" a story "ith ,isual clues.

/rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a


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- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about people.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about home and garden.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about animals.

- e able to "rite numbers $-$%.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiar



5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary:

-7ome: bedroom0 bathroom0 *itchen0 li,ing room0 house.

- 1arden: garden0 tree.

- 6umbers from $ to $%.

  -Animals: rabbit0 cat0 sna*e0 dog.


&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly: 

- 5anguage structures: Where is…? Where are…?

- He’s/she’s/I’m in the "li*ing room#. He/she isn’t in "the


- Is4in the48

-Yes0 it9he9she is. 6o0 it9he9she isn3t.


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation.

-?he sounds: /Q9R9

2e5lection on learning.

&se basic strategies on learning to learn0 li*e as*ing for help0 use gestures "hile

communicatingF use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspectsthat might help them learn.

=,aluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.


Acti,e ?each )esources section:

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-&nit K uiz

-GI can do it3 "or*sheet.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize

the linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm stress and intonation.

!he sounds1 /Q9R9

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

-7ome obEects: house0 table0 bed0 chair0 cupboard0 floor0 door0 bo'0 shelf.-6umbers: one0 t"o0 three0 four0 fi,e0 si'0 se,en0 eight0 nine0 ten0 ele,en0

t"el,e0 thirteen0 fourteen0 fifteen0 si'teen0 se,enteen0 eighteen0 nineteen0


-School obEects: boo*0 pencil0 crayon0 bag0 robot.

-People: girl0 boy.-?oys: car0 teddy0 doll.

-Animals: cat0 dog0 rabbit0 hamster.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

3egular singular and plural nouns.

@repositions1 on/in/under.

Where are "my ob(ects#? !hey’re "not# in/on/under.

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8ata rocessing and digital cometence

• &se means of information and situations of di,erse types of communication

to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't information

5oo* at photographs as a mean of information: (#ross-

curricular0 (P page $%D.

Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- ?ic* charts for each lesson.

Practice and get familiar "ith a ,ariety of digital competences

and information throughout the course applying the components of the


- Acti,e ?each for Interacti,e /hiteboards -(interacti,e P and A0 audio

material0 digital flashcards0 "ord cards and story cards0 e'tra acti,ities0interdisciplinary digital posters0 )eader0 interacti,e games0 do"nload P;<

section "ith printables0 tests0 ,ideos "ith real characters related to the &nit0

Interacti,e board games0 a ,ersion a,ailable as a P;< "ith /or*sheets to

copy0 tests0 etc.- Acti,e oo* (an Acti,e ?each ,ersion to use at home.

- #lass Audio #;s.

- #; )2s

- #ourse "eb page

'ultural and artistic cometence

- ?his competence is de,eloped by "or*ing "ith the abilities and s*ills essential forcommunication0 li*e:

-;ialogues and communication e'changes0 understanding "hat they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class acti,ities0 playing0 building0 and acceptingclassroom rules0 in pairs and in "hole group. G='tra3 (? pages @0 K0 M

Play game (P pagesL0 @$

- 5earning to participate and cooperate "ith peers through acting out the story

of the unit. (G/here3s 2olly8 P pages @C-@.

5earning a foreign language implies the *no"ledge of cultural aspects lin*ed to

the spea*ers of that language. ?he story (G/here3s 2olly83 al"ays ma*es

reference to social aspects and ,alues of a democratic society.

?his competence is de,eloped through the *no"ledge of the interdisciplinary

sections related to the theme of the &nit.


5earn about obEects and "here they are *ept at home and in school. e able to communicate the results of their o"n "or*: GYour proEect3 (P page


,earning to learn cometence

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

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&nderstand and use learning strategies in the classroom: ma*e a portfolio "ith

the ,ocabulary learned in the &nit.

&se their o"n abilities "or*ing in acti,ities indi,idually (A pages CB-C@ "hile

familiarizing "ith pre-reading and pre-"riting.

)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it: )e,ie" C (A

page CK. &se the reference materials: #ross-curricular (P page $%D

egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*:

(Picture ;ictionary P page $%%.

;e,elop critical thin*ing: (G<ind the difference3 )e,ie" C P page @D.

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

?his competence is de,eloped throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith stic*ers cut-outs (&nit MbA page CC P page L.

;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and team

"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: G5et3s ?idy up!3 (P page M0 It3s a (redhouse4It3s number (thirteen (P page @%.

1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: 2ime

 G='tra3 ? page @0 GPresent: GYour proEect3 (P page @$.

;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Acting out the story of the &nit P pages @C-@.

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld

(school and home life.

'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its social

interactions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

- Sho" respect to others and themsel,es: 5isten and respond appropriately to

classmates (Presentations of GYour proEect3

Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: ProEects "ith stic*ers0

cross-curricular "or*sheets (&nit Mb A page CC P page L.- Social Studies: learning about the places "here things belong to (G?idy up the

toys (P pages M-L.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basicnumber operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and

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- /or*sheets to copy.

- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.

- Acti,ities for the song

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (P pages@-@.

Summati0e e0aluation

Tests )e,ie" C (8iagnostic Test0 (P pages @B-@D.

Acti,e ?each resources section:

Progress )e,ie" K M.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of &nit. ()e,ie" C Page CK.

Pupil3s oo*:

Picture ;ictionary (P page $%%-$%D and #;B ?rac* D C.

Acti,e ?each resources section:

-  GI can do!3 "or*sheet.

-&nit M uiz.

E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

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Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable


- Identify and name Yazoo characters.

- Identify and say the name of obEects.

- Identify and say the name of animals.


Identify and say names of places in the home.- As* and ans"er uestions about "here things are.

- As* and ans"er uestions about things and "hose they are.

- Identify0 say and count numbers $$-B%.

- Sing a song G5et3s tidy up3 (P Page M.

- Say a chant GIt3s a (red house. It3s number43 (P page @%.

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

- )ecognise the names of obEects.

- )ecognise the names of animals.

- )ecognise the names of places in the home.

- &nderstand uestions and ans"ers about "here things are.

-&nderstand uestions and ans"ers about things and "hose they are.

- 6umbers $$-B%.

- Song G5et3s tidy up3 (P page M.

- #hant GIt3s a (red house. It3s number43 (P page @%.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral form0

about familiar and interesting topics:

- e able to read the numbers from $-B%.

- e able to read ,ocabulary about obEects.

-e able to read ,ocabulary about places in the home.

- e able to read simple uestions and ans"ers.

- e able to read a story "ith ,isual clues.

e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about places in the home. /rite

"ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a model:

- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to "rite the numbers $-B%.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete ,ocabulary about obEects.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiar



5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary:

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-7ome obEects: house0 table0 bed0 chair0 cupboard0 floor0 door0 bo'0 shelf.

-6umbers: one0 t"o0 three0 four0 fi,e0 si'0 se,en0 eight0 nine0 ten0 ele,en0t"el,e0 thirteen0 fourteen0 fifteen0 si'teen0 se,enteen0 eighteen0 nineteen0


-School obEects: boo*0 pencil0 crayon0 bag0 robot.

-People: girl0 boy.-?oys: car0 teddy0 doll.

-Animals: cat0 dog0 rabbit0 hamster.


&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly:

- 5anguage structures: Where are "my ob(ects#? !hey’re "not#in/on/under.

- Is this your…? <re they your…? 

- @ut your "ob(ect# in/on/under the "place#.



)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 stress and intonation.

!he sounds1 /Q9R9

2e5lection on learning.

&se basic strategies on learning to learn0 li*e as*ing for help0 use gestures "hile

communicatingF use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects

that might help them learn.

=,aluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of &nit. ()e,ie" C Page CK.

Pupil3s oo*:

Picture ;ictionary (P page $%%-$%D and #;B ?rac* D C.

Acti,e ?each resources section:

-  GI can do!3 "or*sheet.

- &nit M uiz.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

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?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize

the linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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UNIT : Food and drin/

a#I li/e salad

"#8o you li/e sand3iches=

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

-Identify and say the name of food and drin*.-Identify and say the name of characters.

-As* and ans"er uestions about li*es and disli*es.

-As* for (food9drin*.

-Sing a song G;o you li*e483 (P Page @M.

&nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:

- )ecognise the characters.

- )ecognise and use the ,ocabulary for names of food and drin*.

- )ecognise and understand uestions and ans"ers.

- A song G;o you li*e483 (P Page @M.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to read the unit ,ocabulary.

-e able to read a story "ith ,isual clues.

- e able to read uestions and ans"ers.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete the unit ,ocabulary.

- e able to "rite letters-?9<.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

- <ood and drin*: hungry0 "ater0 chic*en0 cheese0 salad0 biscuits0 sand"ich0

crisps0 apples0 tomatoes.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.5anguage structures:

- I like/don’t like "salad#.

- o you like "sandwiches#? 

- es, I do. /0o, I don’t.

- -an I ha*e some "water# please? 

)ecepti,e language:

- >ood 

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


Initial letter sounds "of names of food in unit#.!he sound1 /t ʃ  9

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

-<ood and drin*: hungry0 "ater0 chic*en0 cheese0 salad0 biscuits0 sand"ich0

crisps0 apples0 tomatoes.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

-Plural regular nouns.

- I like/don’t like "salad#.

- o you like "sandwiches#? 

- es, I do. /0o, I don’t.

- -an I ha*e some "water# please? 

Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples.

1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

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Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- &se the s*ills of obser,ation.

- )emember ne" "ords.

- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Play a memory game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

Interdisciplinary contents:

- 2aths: ?o count0 ma*e a class sur,ey.

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: Sing a song0 dra"0 act0 mime.

- 5inguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


,inguistic cometence

All sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of the

communication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten0 point and say (P pages @@0 @M0 5isten and sing (P page @M.

Play a game (P page @K and @L.

5isten to the story. ?hen act out (P page @@. Act out being in a restaurant (P

page @K. $ime " ? G='tra3 Page @@ #

8ata rocessing and digital cometence

• &se means of information and situations of di,erse types of communication

to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't information

5oo* at photographs as a mean of information: (#ross-

curricular0 (P page $%C.Teaching Programme – Yazoo 1

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)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it: (G"hat about

you83 A page $.

&se the reference materials: #ross curricular (P page $%C.

egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*:

(Picture ;ictionary (P page $%$.

;e,elop critical thin*ing: (2atch names to food

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith stic*ers (&nit La P page

@K. /or* "ith cut-outs (P pages @K0 @L.

;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and

team"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: Sing song (P page @M.

1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: Act out

being in a restaurant G='tra3 (? page @K. ;ra" (A page CM0 $.

;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Acting out the story of the &nit P page @@.

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld

(school life9 food and restaurants.

'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its socialinteractions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

- Sho" respect to others and themsel,es: 5isten and share as others read0

spea*0 mime etc.

- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: ProEects "ith stic*ers0

cross-curricular "or*sheets.

- Social Studies: learning about foods and personal preferences.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basicnumber operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0

measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.

?his competence is de,elop in the &nit through:

- #ount0 Identify and use ,ocabulary about numbers (,ote and ma*e a class


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Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of their

bac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in a pair0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P pages @K0 @L.

- Act out being in a restaurant in a small group0 listening and spea*ing to one

another and ta*ing turns appropriately (? page @K.

- Act out the story "ith "hole class0 listening and spea*ing to one another and

ta*ing turns appropriately (P page @@.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo* (&nits La Lb:

- #utouts. (<or 5essons @ of &nit La and unit Lb page @L.

- Picture ;ictionary (P page $%$.

Acti,e oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for language


- <lashcards0 /ord cards0 posters0 ,ideos and )eader.

Acti,ity oo* (pages CM-$:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (food and drin*.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:


/or*sheets to copy.- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.

- Acti,ities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

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+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (P pages @@-@L.

Summati0e e0aluation

- Tests &nit L Ouiz.

(Acti,e ?each )esources section.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit. (/hat about you8 Page


- Acti,e ?each )esources section:

-  GI can do it! /or*sheet.

E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable


-Identify and name Yazoo characters.

-Identify and say the name of food and drin*.

-Identify and say the name of characters.-As* and ans"er uestions about li*es and disli*es.

-As* for (food9drin*.

-Sing a song G;o you li*e483 (P Page @M.

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

- )ecognise the characters.

- )ecognise and use the ,ocabulary for names of food and drin*.

- )ecognise and understand uestions and ans"ers.

- A song G;o you li*e483 (P Page @M.

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),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral form0

about familiar and interesting topics:

- e able to read the unit ,ocabulary.

- e able to read a story "ith ,isual clues.

- e able to read uestions and ans"ers.

/rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a


- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete the unit ,ocabulary.

- e able to "rite letters-?9<.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiar



5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary:

- <ood and drin*: hungry0 "ater0 chic*en0 cheese0 salad0 biscuits0 sand"ich0

crisps0 apples0 tomatoes.


&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly: 

- 5anguage structures: I like/don’t like "salad#.

- o you like "sandwiches#? 

- es, I do. /0o, I don’t.

- -an I ha*e some "water# please? 


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 stress0 and intonation.

Initial letter sounds "of names of food in unit#.!he sound1 /t ʃ  9

2e5lection on learning.

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),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

- 7obbies: dancing0 sport0 football0 *arate0 gymnastics.

- Instructions: turn0 sha*e0 left0 right.

- <ood: rice0 bread0 mil*0 plant0 sausages.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.5anguage structures:

- o you like "dancing#? 

- es, I do. /0o, I don’t.

- tand up. it down.

- It’s from animals/plants.

)ecepti,e language:

- 1ood at0 I3m stuc*.

- I lo*e…

- -hips.

)ecycled language:

- Instructions1 put, high, low.

-<ood: eggs0 orange0 apple0 salad0 crisps0 fish0 chic*en0tomatoes0 cheese0 fa,ourite0 animal.

- <a,ourite0 animal

)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 stress and intonation:

!he sound1 /t ʃ  9

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- )emember ne" "ords.

- 5ogical thin*ing: 2a*e connections0 match "ords and pictures.

-)eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the&nit.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- As* and ans"er uestions in =nglish.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


!he sound1 /t ʃ  9

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

-7obbies: dancing0 sport0 football0 *arate0 gymnastics.

-Instructions: turn0 sha*e0 left0 right.

-<ood: rice0 bread0 mil*0 plant0 sausages.

-&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.


o you like "dancing#? - es, I do. /0o, I don’t.

- tand up. it down.

- It’s from animals/plants.

Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples.

1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

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Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- &se the s*ills of obser,ation.

- )emember ne" "ords.

- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Play a "ord chain game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

Interdisciplinary contents:

- 2aths: ?o count0 *eep a tally chart.

- Social Studies: Sports9hobbies.

- Arts and music: Sing a song0 dra"0 act out0 mime.

- 5inguistic abilities: )eading and interpretation of a story. Presentation of aproEect.

-Science: <ood and "here it comes from (animal9plant.


,inguistic cometenceAll sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of the

communication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten and sing (P page KB0 5isten0 point and say (P pages K%0 KB.

Play a game (P page K and P page KK.

5isten to the story. ?hen act out (P page K%. 2ime actions (P page K% KB.

Present a proEect (P page K.

8ata rocessing and digital cometence

• &se means of information and situations of di,erse types of communication

to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't informationTeaching Programme – Yazoo 1

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egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*:

(Picture ;ictionary P page $%$.

;e,elop critical thin*ing: (?rue9<alse )e,ie" P page KK

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith stic*ers (&nit $%b A pageC.

;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and

team"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: Sing song: 3Stand up!3. /ord chain:

game: GI li*e rice3.

1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: GYour


;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Acting out the story of the &nit P page K%.

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld


'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its social

interactions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

-Sho" respect to others and themsel,es: )ecognise different people ha,edifferent interests.

- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster proEects "ithstic*ers0 cross-curricular "or*sheets.

- Science: learning about different food and "here it comes from.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basic

number operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and

*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.

?his competence is de,elop in the &nit through:

- #ount0 Identify and use ,ocabulary about numbers.

- #ount and create a class tally chart.

- #omplete simple tic* charts.

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Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of their

bac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in a pair0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P page K.

- Play game in a small group0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing

turns appropriately (P page KK.

- Presentation of proEect. Spea* and listen to classmates as they present proEect

"or* (P page K.

-Play game "ith "hole class0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ingturns appropriately ()ound-up ? page K.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo* (&nits $%a $%b science section:


#utouts. (<or 5esson of each &nit.- Picture ;ictionary.

Acti,e oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for language


- <lashcards0 /ord cards0 posters0 ,ideos and )eader.

Acti,ity oo* (Pages B-@:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

- Stic*ers (unit $%b.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (sports9hobbies actions.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:- /or*sheets to copy.

- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.

- Acti,ities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

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Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (P pages K%-K.

Summati0e e0aluation

Tests: )e,ie" (P pages K@-KK.

Acti,e ?each resources section:

&nit $% uiz.

Progress )e,ie" L $%.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of &nit. (G/hat about you8 Page .

- )e,ie" (page K.

Pupil3s oo*:

- Picture ;ictionary (P page $%$-$%C #;D ?rac* $C.

- )e,ie" (pages K@-KK.

Acti,e ?each resources section:

 GI can do it!3 "or*sheet.

E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable


- Identify and name Yazoo characters.

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- Identify and say ,ocabulary to do "ith sports9hobbies.

- As* and ans"er uestions about sports9hobbies.

- ?o use terms right9left "hen gi,ing instructions.

- ?o identify and use ,ocabulary to tal* about fa,ourite things.

- ?o identify and use ,ocabulary about food and "here it comes from.

- ?o sing a song GStand up!3 

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

-)ecognise ,ocabulary about sports9hobbies.

-)ecognise and follo" simple uestions and ans"ers.

-)ecognise and follo" simple instructions.-)ecognise ,ocabulary about fa,ourite things.

-)ecognise ,ocabulary about food and "here it comes from.

-A song GStand up!3 

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral form0about familiar and interesting topics:

- e able to read the numbers from $ to $%.

- e able to read and ans"er simple uestions.

- e able to read and follo" simple instructions.

- e able to read a story "ith ,isual clues.


/rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a


- e able to "rite their names.

-e able to copy0 trace and complete the ,ocabulary of the unit.

- e able to "rite simple sentence ans"ers to uestions.

- e able to "rite simple descriptions about fa,ourite food.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiar



5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary:

- 7obbies: dancing0 sport0 football0 *arate0 gymnastics.

- Instructions: turn0 sha*e0 left0 right.

- <ood: rice0 bread0 mil*0 plant0 sausages.

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&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly:

5anguage structures: o you like "dancing#? 

- es, I do. /0o, I don’t.


tand up. it down.- It’s from animals/plants.


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation.

!he sound1 /t ʃ  9

2e5lection on learning.

&se basic strategies on learning to learn0 li*e as*ing for help0 use gestures "hile

communicatingF use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspectsthat might help them learn.

=,aluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of &nit. (G/hat about you8 Page .

- )e,ie" (page K.

Pupil3s oo*:

- Picture ;ictionary (P page $%$-$%C #;D ?rac* $C.

- )e,ie" (pages K@-KK.

Acti,e ?each resources section:

 GI can do it!3 "or*sheet.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize

the linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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- colours1 pink, red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, brown.

- @lease/thank you.

)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation:

!he 9 ʃ  9 sound.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- )emember ne" "ords.

- 5ogical thin*ing: problem sol,ing.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.- 1reet0 as* and ans"er simple uestions in =nglish.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


!he 9 ʃ  9 sound.

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

-#lothes: ?-shirt0 s*irt0 trousers0 s"eater0 shorts0 coat0 hat0 soc*s0 shoes.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.


)egular nouns and adEecti,es.- I’m wearing/not wearing "a pink skirt#.

-  <re you wearing "a coat#? 

- es, I am/ 0o, I’m not.

Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples.

1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

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Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- &se the s*ills of obser,ation.

- )emember ne" "ords.

- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Play a memory game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

Interdisciplinary contents:

- 2aths: ?o count.

- Social Studies: School life.

- Arts and music: Sing a song0 dra".

- 5inguistic abilities: )eading and interpretation of a story.


,inguistic cometence

All sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of the

communication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten point and say (P pages KM M%0 5isten and sing (P page M%

Play a game (P page M$.

5isten to the story. ?hen act out (P page KM. 2ime (? G='tra3 page KM.

8ata rocessing and digital cometence

• &se means of information and situations of di,erse types of communication

to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't information

5oo* at photographs as a mean of information: (#ross-

curricular0 (P page $%C.

Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.Teaching Programme – Yazoo 1

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- ?ic* charts for each lesson.

Practice and get familiar "ith a ,ariety of digital competences

and information throughout the course applying the components of themethods:

- Acti,e ?each for Interacti,e /hiteboards -(interacti,e P and A0 audio

material0 digital flashcards0 "ord cards and story cards0 e'tra acti,ities0interdisciplinary digital posters0 )eader0 interacti,e games0 do"nload P;<

section "ith printables0 tests0 ,ideos "ith real characters related to the &nit0

Interacti,e board games0 a ,ersion a,ailable as a P;< "ith /or*sheets tocopy0 tests0 etc.

- Acti,e oo* (an Acti,e ?each ,ersion to use at home.

- #lass Audio #;s.

- #; )2s

- #ourse "eb page

'ultural and artistic cometence

- ?his competence is de,elop by "or*ing "ith the abilities and s*ills essential for

communication0 li*e:- ;ialogues and communication e'changes0 understanding "hat they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class acti,ities0 playing0 building0 and accepting

classroom rules0 in pairs and in "hole group. (P pages KL M$

- 5earning to participate and cooperate "ith peers through acting out the story

of the unit. (P page KM.

5earning a foreign language implies the *no"ledge of cultural aspects lin*ed to

the spea*ers of that language. ?he story al"ays ma*es reference to social

aspects and ,alues of a democratic society.

?his competence is de,eloped through the *no"ledge of the interdisciplinary

sections related to the theme of the &nit.

-5earn about different clothes.

e able to communicate the results of their o"n "or*: (G/hat about you8 A

page @$.

,earning to learn cometence

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

&nderstand and use learning strategies in the classroom: ma*e a portfolio "ith

the ,ocabulary learned in the &nit.

&se their o"n abilities "or*ing in acti,ities indi,idually (P pages KM-M$ "hile

familiarizing "ith pre-reading and pre-"riting.

)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it: (G/hat about

you8 A page @$.

&se the reference materials: #ross-curricular pages in the P.

egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*:

(Picture dictionary0 Pupil #;.

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;e,elop critical thin*ing: (As* and ans"er logical uestions0 match "ords and


utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith stic*ers (&nit $$a P page


;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and team

"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: GAre you "earing your (hat8 (P page


1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: Play the

game (P page M$. 2ime and Act out (P page KM

;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Acting out the story of the &nit P page D

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld

(school life.

'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its social

interactions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

- Sho" respect to others and themsel,es: ?a*e turns "hile playing games. (Ppage KL0 M$

- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster proEects "ithstic*ers0 cross-curricular "or*sheets (P page KL.

- Social Studies: learning about the different clothes "e "ear.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basic

number operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and

*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.

?his competence is de,elop in the &nit through:

- #ount0 Identify and use ,ocabulary about numbers.

Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of their

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bac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and

*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in a pair0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P page KL M$.

- Sur,ey "ith "hole class0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately ("arm-up ? page M$.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo* (&nits $$a $$b:

-Picture ;ictionary (page $%B


Acti,e oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for language


- <lashcards0 /ord cards0 posters0 ,ideos and )eader.

Acti,ity oo* (pages M-@$:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (clothes.

Story cards. ?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:

- /or*sheets to copy.

- #ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.

- Acti,ities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (P pages K@-KL.

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- 4I can do it'’ worksheet.

Pupils oo*:

- Picture ;ictionary.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize

the linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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UNIT 1: ;oing a3ay

1a#It<s time to go.

1"#,et<s ha0e a arty!

Social Science: 'lothes and 3eather.

2e0ie3 @.

Story Time 4: nimals at the zoo!

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say the ,ocabulary co,ered in oo* $.

- Identify and say the names of animals0 obEects0 food0 clothes0 toys0 house

and garden ,ocabulary0 actions0 colours0 and numbers.

- Identify0 as* and ans"er uestions.

- 1i,e simple instructions.

- )espond to simple instructions.

- Present a proEect (#lothes and "eather.

- Sing a song (G5et3s ha,e a party!3.

&nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:- )ecognise the characters.

- )ecognise ,ocabulary co,ered in oo* $.

- &nderstand and ans"er simple uestions.

- &nderstand and follo" simple instructions.

- )espond to ideas and suggestions of others in an appropriate "ay.

- 7o" to do a presentation.

- A song (G5et3s ha,e a party!3.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to read the numbers from $ to B%.

- e able to read ,ocabulary from oo* $.

- e able to read a story "ith ,isual clues.

- e able to read uestions0 ans"ers and instructions.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:

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- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete the ,ocabulary in oo* $.

- e able to complete simple sentences.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

- 1oing a"ay: photo0 zoo0 surprise0 party0 shout0 home.

- #lothes and "eather: hot0 cold0 rainy0 sunglasses0 boots0 umbrella.

- Animals at the zoo: gorilla0 zebra.

- <ood: ice cream0 carrot.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

5anguage structures:

- It’s hot.

- What are you wearing? I’m wearing…

- Ha*e you got? I’*e/ he’/s she’s got.

- o you like? 

- I like…

-I’m a …

- I can…

- -an I ha*e…? 

- Here you are…

)ecepti,e language:

- Ha*e fun, run about, we’re off to…

)ecycled language:

- ;ance0 sing0 Eump0 fly0 s*ip0 name0 shout0 fa,ourite0 toy0 doll0

plane0 train0 boo*0 school0 pet0 friend0 hamster0 cat0 dog0 red0

?-shirt0 hat0 coat0 s"eater0 trousers0 dress0 shorts0 "hite0 apple0

doll0 li,ing room0 shiny0 animal0 mum0 girl0 boy.- 5oo* at me! 7ere3s a 4for you.

- 6umbers $-B%.

)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation:

!he 9 ʃ  9 sound.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- )emember ne" "ords.


5ogical thin*ing: 2a*e connections0 problem sol,ing.- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

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- 1reet and say goodbye in =nglish.

- As* and ans"er uestions about clothes and the "eather in =nglish.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


!he 9 ʃ  9 sound.

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

-1oing a"ay: photo0 zoo0 surprise0 party0 shout0 home.-#lothes and "eather: hot0 cold0 rainy0 sunglasses0 boots0 umbrella.

-Animals at the zoo: gorilla0 zebra.

-<ood: ice cream0 carrot.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

- Prepositions (in9on9under

- It’s hot.

- What are you wearing? I’m wearing…

- Ha*e you got? I’*e/ he’/s she’s got.

- o you like? 

- I like…

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- I’m a …

- I can…

- -an I ha*e…? 

- Here you are…

Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples.

1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'tsbased on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

-&se the s*ills of obser,ation.

- )emember ne" "ords.

- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Play a game.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n. Interdisciplinary contents:

- 2aths: ?o count.

- Social Studies: school life0 clothes and the "eather.

- Arts and music: sing a song0 dra".

- 5inguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.


,inguistic cometence

All sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of the

communication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten and sing (P page MC0 5isten0 point and say (P pages MB0 MC0 L%.

Play a game (P page MK.

5isten to the story. ?hen act out (P page MB.

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&se their o"n abilities "or*ing in acti,ities indi,idually (A pages @B-@ "hile

familiarizing "ith pre-reading and pre-"riting.

)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it: ()e,ie" @.

&se the reference materials: (#ross-curricular P page $%C.

egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*:

(Picture ;ictionary #;D. ;e,elop critical thin*ing: (2a*e choices0 match "ords and pictures

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith dra"ings (Social Science P

page MK.

;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and team

"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: N5et3s ha,e a party!3 (P page MC. 1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: ;ra"

and trace (A page @0 GYour ProEect3 (P page MK.

;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Acting out the story of the &nit P page MB.

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld

(school life0 describe the "eather.

'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its social

interactions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

- Sho" respect to others and themsel,es:(?a*e turns to as* and ans"er


- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster proEects "ith

cross-curricular "or*sheets.

- Social Studies: learning about the "eather.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basic

number operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0

measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.

?his competence is de,elop in the &nit through:

- #ount0 Identify and use ,ocabulary about numbers.

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Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of their

bac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Play game in a pair0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P page MK.

- Presentation of proEect. Spea* and listen to classmates as they present proEect

"or* (P page MK.

- Play game "ith "hole class0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing

turns appropriately (='tra! ? page MD.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities

Pupils oo* (&nits $Ba0 $Bb0 Social Sciences. Pages MB-MK L%-L$:

- Picture ;ictionary (pages $%B.

- #ross curricular (page $%C.

Acti,e oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for language


- <lashcards0 /ord cards0 posters0 ,ideos and )eader.

Acti,ity oo* (pages @B-@@:

- Pre-reading and pre-"riting acti,ities.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (party.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:

- /or*sheets to copy.


#ross-curricular /or*sheets.- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.

- Acti,ities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

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Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (P pages MB-MK.

Summati0e e0aluation


- Progress )e,ie" $$ $B (8iagnostic Test

- &nit $B Ouiz.

( <cti*e !each 3esources section.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit. ()e,ie" @.

Pupil3s oo*:

- Picture ;ictionary (Pages $%B-$%C #;D ?rac* D@ DK

- )e,ie" @ (Pages MM-ML.

 <cti*e !each 3esources section1

-  GI can do it!3 "or*sheet.

E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable


- Identify and name Yazoo characters.

- Identify and say the ,ocabulary co,ered in oo* $.

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- Identify and say the names of animals0 obEects0 food0 clothes0 toys0 house

and garden ,ocabulary0 actions0 colours0 numbers.

- Identify0 as* and ans"er uestions.

- 1i,e simple instructions.

- )espond to simple instructions.

- Present a proEect (#lothes and "eather.

- Sing a song (G5et3s ha,e a party!3.

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

- )ecognise the characters.

- )ecognise ,ocabulary co,ered in oo* $.

- &nderstand and ans"er simple uestions.

- &nderstand and follo" simple instructions.

- )espond to ideas and suggestions of others in an appropriate "ay.

- 7o" to do a presentation.

- A song (G5et3s ha,e a party!3.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral form0

about familiar and interesting topics:

- e able to read the numbers from $ to B%.

- e able to read ,ocabulary from oo* $.

- e able to read a story "ith ,isual clues.

- e able to read uestions0 ans"ers and instructions.

/rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a


-e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete the ,ocabulary in oo* $.

- e able to complete simple sentences.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit and structures "ithin familiar



5earn and de,elop ,ocabulary:

- 1oing a"ay: photo0 zoo0 surprise0 party0 shout0 home.

- #lothes and "eather: hot0 cold0 rainy0 sunglasses0 boots0 umbrella.

- Animals at the zoo: gorilla0 zebra.

- <ood: ice cream0 carrot.

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&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly:

5anguage structures: It’s hot.

- What are you wearing? I’m wearing…

- Ha*e you got? I’*e/ he’/s she’s got.

- o you like? 

- I like…

- I’m a …

- I can…

- -an I ha*e…? 

- Here you are…

Prepositions: in9on9under.


)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and intonation.!he 9 ʃ  9 sound.

2e5lection on learning.

&se basic strategies on learning to learn0 li*e as*ing for help0 use gestures "hile

communicating0 use a picture dictionary and identifying some personal aspects

that might help them learn.

=,aluate if basic teaching strategies are helping them in their learning process.


Acti,ity oo*:

- Self-e,aluation acti,ity at the end of each &nit. ()e,ie" @.

Pupil3s oo*:

- Picture ;ictionary (Pages $%B-$%C #;D ?rac* D@ DK

 <cti*e !each 3esources section1

-  GI can do it!3 "or*sheet.

),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

?o sho" interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize

the linguistic di,ersity as an opportunity to enrich their li,es.

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The Yazoo 7usic Sho3.

Hay Ne3 Year!

)oo/ 8ay.

I. ()*E'TI+ES

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say the ,ocabulary co,ered in oo* $.

- Identify and say the names of animals0 obEects0 food0 clothes0 toys0 house

and garden ,ocabulary0 actions0 colours0 numbers.

- Identify0 as* and ans"er uestions.

- 1i,e simple instructions.

- )espond to simple instructions.

- Present a picture0 boo* (7appy 6e" Year! oo* ;ay.

- Sing a song (G7appy 6e" Year3 and (GI lo,e boo*s3.

- Perform a musical (?he Yazoo 2usic Sho".

&nderstand simple oral te'ts "ithin the classrooms conte't:

- )ecognise the characters.

- )ecognise ,ocabulary co,ered in oo* $.

- &nderstand and ans"er simple uestions.

-&nderstand and follo" simple instructions.

- )espond to ideas and suggestions of others in an appropriate "ay.

- 7o" to do a presentation.

- A song (G7appy 6e" Year3 and (GI lo,e boo*s3.

- A musical (?he Yazoo 2usic Sho".

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases + Pre-reading acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to read the numbers from $ to B%.

- e able to read ,ocabulary from oo* $.

-e able to read a musical script.

- e able to read uestions0 ans"ers and instructions.

/rite simple "ords and phrases- Pre-"riting acti,ities (ptional:

- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete the ,ocabulary in oo* $.

- e able to complete simple sentences.

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),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

Identify0 apply and use the ,ocabulary of the unit:

- 6e" Year: dragon0 lantern0 present0 money0 head0 fire"or*s0 7appy 6e"Year!

- oo* ;ay: story0 bra,e0 pirate0 day0 mouse.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

5anguage structures:

- I’*e/ he’/s she’s got.

)ecepti,e language:

- -hina, cotland, 0ew ear’s ay, make.

- &reat.

)ecycled language:

- )ed0 money0 loo*0 dance0 sing0 play0 friend0 doll0 boo*0 school0

fa,ourite0 ueen0 animal0 toy0 girl0 boy0 plane0 cat0 train0 dog.

- 6umbers $-$%.

)ecognize and reproduce sounds0 rhythm0 stress and intonation:

!he rhythm, intonation and stress of a musical score.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- )emember ne" "ords.

- 5ogical thin*ing: 2atch sentences and pictures.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Performance s*ills in =nglish.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

5earning about the language0 lifestyle and culture of =nglish-spea*ing "orld.

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),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

&nderstand simple oral messages to perform classroom tas*s.

5isten and understand simple oral messages.

Participate in oral interaction in real and pretend situations gi,ing ,erbal and

non-,erbal responses based on routines of communication.

Produce *no"n oral te'ts pre,iously through acti,e participation in songs0

presentations0 role-plays0 rhymes and guided interactions.

;e,elop basic strategies to understand and produce oral e'pressions.

>alue a foreign language as a tool for communication.

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead simple "ords and phrases learned pre,iously in real and pretend situationsand oral interactions.

egin to use reading strategies: ,isual and ,erbal conte't.

/rite "ords and phrases0 pre,iously learned through oral interactions and

readings to be able to communicate and share information socially.

egin to use reading learning programmes.

Sho" interest in the care and presentation of "ritten "or*.

),('- 4. -no3ledge o5 the language.

4.1. ,inguistic /no3ledge

egin to recognize and reproduce the sounds0 rhythm0 accentuation0 and


- !he rhythm, intonation and stress of a musical score.

Identify and use the le'ical terms:

-6e" Year: dragon0 lantern0 present0 money0 head0 fire"or*s0 7appy 6e" Year!

-oo* ;ay: story0 bra,e0 pirate0 day0 mouse.

&nderstand and apply grammar rules correctly.

I’*e/ he’/s she’s got.

Associate global "riting0 pronunciation and meaning from "ritten e'amples. 1et familiar "ith the use of basic strategies of the production of "ritten te'ts

based on a model: chose the addressee0 the purpose and content.

Interest and curiosity in "idening *no"ledge related to the =nglish language in

different situations.

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4.. 2e5lection on learning.

;e,elop effecti,e language-learning practices.

- &se prior *no"ledge.

- <ollo" instructions

- &se the s*ills of obser,ation.


)emember ne" "ords.- <le'ible thin*ing.

- Present a proEect.

- 2a*e a sur,ey and ,ote.

- )eflect on their o"n "or* and self-e,aluate themsel,es at the end of the


),('- 6. Socio#cultural asects and intercultural a3areness

)ecognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Sho" a recepti,e attitude to"ards those "ho spea* a different language than

their o"n.

Interdisciplinary contents:

- 2aths: ?o count0 ma*e a sur,ey.

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: ma*e a lantern0 ma*e a boo*0 sing a song0 participate in amusical production0 dra".

- 5inguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a script and stories.


,inguistic cometenceAll sections and acti,ities of the &nit contribute to the de,elopment of thecommunication aspect of the linguistic competence0 especially the acti,ities:

5isten and sing (P pages LB-LD0 L0 LK0 5isten0 point and say (P page L@.

Perform (P pages LB-LD.

5isten to the story. ?hen act out (? page L@

8ata rocessing and digital cometence

• &se means of information and situations of di,erse types of communication

to combine communication and reading s*ills:

- Stic*ers0 cut-out0 etc (connect ,isual and te't information

5oo* at photographs as a mean of information: (#ross-

curricular0 (P page $%C.

Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- ?ic* charts for each lesson.

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Practice and get familiar "ith a ,ariety of digital competences

and information throughout the course applying the components of the


- Acti,e ?each for Interacti,e /hiteboards -(interacti,e P and A0 audio

material0 digital flashcards0 "ord cards and story cards0 e'tra acti,ities0

interdisciplinary digital posters0 )eader0 interacti,e games0 do"nload P;<section "ith printables0 tests0 ,ideos "ith real characters related to the &nit0

Interacti,e board games0 a ,ersion a,ailable as a P;< "ith /or*sheets to

copy0 tests0 etc.

- Acti,e oo* (an Acti,e ?each ,ersion to use at home.

- #lass Audio #;s.

- #; )2s

- #ourse "eb page

'ultural and artistic cometence

- ?his competence is de,elop by "or*ing "ith the abilities and s*ills essential for

communication0 li*e:

-;ialogues and communication e'changes0 understanding "hat they transmit.

- Socialize and participate in class acti,ities0 playing0 building0 and accepting

classroom rules0 in pairs and in "hole group. (Perform ?he Yazoo 2usic Sho"

P pages LB-LD

- 5earning to participate and cooperate "ith peers through acting out the storyof the unit. (oo* ;ay P page L@.

5earning a foreign language implies the *no"ledge of cultural aspects lin*ed to

the spea*ers of that language. ?he story al"ays ma*es reference to social

aspects and ,alues of a democratic society.

?his competence is de,eloped through the *no"ledge of the interdisciplinary

sections related to the theme of the &nit.

-5earn about festi,als and special e,ents (oo* ;ay.

e able to communicate the results of their o"n "or*: (2a*e a boo*.

,earning to learn cometence

?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

&nderstand and use learning strategies in the classroom: ma*e a portfolio "ith

the ,ocabulary learned in the &nit.

&se their o"n abilities "or*ing in acti,ities indi,idually (2a*e a boo*0 ma*e a

lantern "hile familiarizing "ith pre-reading and pre-"riting.

)eflect on "hat they ha,e learned and ho" they ha,e learned it. &se the reference materials: #ross curricular (P page $%C.

egin to manage effecti,ely a set of strategies0 resources of intellectual "or*:

(2y Picture ;ictionary #;D.

;e,elop critical thin*ing: (>ote follo"ing class sur,ey.

utonomy and ersonal initiati0e

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?his competence is de,elop throughout the unit through the follo"ing acti,ities:

e responsible "ith the "or* and acti,ities of the &nit0 by organizing their

personal "or* as a strategy for learning: /or* "ith materials (2a*e a lantern0 a

boo* P pages L0 LK.

;e,elop social s*ills and character traits li*e respect0 cooperation and

team"or*: Sing songs0 rhymes and chants: ?he Yazoo 2usic Sho"0 I lo,e


1et used to "or* in acti,ities to create ideas0 to plan and act out0 etc.: ?he

Yazoo 2usic Sho"0 2a*e a boo*0 Act out story from Goo* ;ay3.

;e,elop and ,alue personal ualities li*e initiati,e0 perse,erance and

o,ercoming difficulties: Perform in front of an audience (the Yazoo 2usic Sho"0

1et started on strategies to re,ie" and reflect on their o"n learning and self-


Immerse in the language0 tradition and culture of the =nglish-spea*ing "orld

(<esti,als and oo* ;ay.

'ometence in interaction 3ith the hysical 3orld

Part of this competence is the a"areness of the physical spaceF its socialinteractions and human acti,ities and abilities to interact in it.

- Sho" respect to others and themsel,es:(5isten0 respond0 ta*e turns to

present and perform

- Percei,e and interact "ith the physical space throughout the *no"ledge of 

cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: ProEects "ith cross-

curricular "or*sheets (<esti,als P page $%C.

- Social Studies: learning about festi,als and traditions in other countries

(#hinese 6e" Year.

7athematical cometence

2athematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers0 basic

number operations0 symbols0 and mathematical thin*ing. Also0 the use and

*no"ledge of basic 2aths s*ills and concepts (different types of numbers0

measurements0 symbols0 geometry concepts0 among others.?his competence is de,elop in the &nit through:

- #ount0 Identify and use ,ocabulary numbers.

- #reate a simple chart to reflect class sur,ey.

Interersonal social and ci0il cometence

?his competence relates to building basic essential communication s*ills and

learning to interact "ith others in an appropriate manner0 regardless of their

bac*ground. Also0 understanding ho" to e'press opinions appropriately and*no"ing ho" to beha,e in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

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?his competence is de,eloped in the &nit through:

- Perform in a small group0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (G='tra3 ? page L@.


Presentation of proEect. Spea* and listen to classmates as they present proEect"or* (N='tra3 ? page L0 G2a*e a boo*3 P page LK.

- Perform "ith "hole class0 listening and spea*ing to one another and ta*ing turns

appropriately (P pages LB-LD.


E9tra#ractice and e9tension acti0ities Pupils oo* (Pages LC-LK:

-Picture ;ictionary "ith #;D

Acti,e oo*F acti,ities and interacti,e games to practice for language


- <lashcards0 /ord cards0 posters0 ,ideos and )eader.

?he )eader (in digital and print:

<lashcards and /ord cards (festi,als.

Story cards.

?eacher3s )esource 2aterials:

- /or*sheets to copy.

-#ross-curricular /or*sheets.

- 2ini <lashcards0 2ini /ord cards.

- oard game.

- Acti,ities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stic*ers.

- ='tra practice and challenging acti,ities (for fast learners.

Acti,e ?each0 acti,ities and interacting games for language practice.

+. E+,UTI(N

Formati0e E0aluation

#onstant super,ision during class.

#omplete the numbered e'ercises. (P pages LC-LK.

Summati0e e0aluation

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=,aluate oo*s made by students for Goo* ;ay3.


Pupil3s oo*:

-Picture ;ictionary (2y Picture ;ictionary (Page $%C #;D ?rac* DK.

E0aluation criteria:

),('- 1. ,istening sea/ing and con0ersation

Participate in oral interactions about familiar topics in common and predictable


- Identify and name Yazoo characters.

- Identify and say the ,ocabulary co,ered in oo* $.


Identify and say the names of animals0 obEects0 food0 clothes0 toys0 houseand garden ,ocabulary0 actions0 colours0 numbers.

- Identify0 as* and ans"er uestions.

- 1i,e simple instructions.

- )espond to simple instructions.

- Present a picture0 boo* (7appy 6e" Year! oo* ;ay.

- Sing a song (G7appy 6e" Year3 and (GI lo,e boo*s3.

- Perform a musical (?he Yazoo 2usic Sho".

&nderstanding the main idea and most rele,ant details in oral te'ts "ith the

help of linguistic and non-linguistic elements related to the contents of the &nit:

- )ecognise the characters.

- )ecognise ,ocabulary co,ered in oo* $.

-&nderstand and ans"er simple uestions.

- &nderstand and follo" simple instructions.

- )espond to ideas and suggestions of others in an appropriate "ay.

- 7o" to do a presentation.

- A song (G7appy 6e" Year3 and (GI lo,e boo*s3.

- A musical (?he Yazoo 2usic Sho".

),('- . 2eading and 3riting

)ead and identify "ords and simple phrases presented pre,iously in oral form0

about familiar and interesting topics:

-e able to read the numbers from $ to B%.-e able to read ,ocabulary from oo* $.

-e able to read a musical script.

-e able to read uestions0 ans"ers and instructions.

/rite "ords0 common phrases and e'pressions "ith a purpose follo"ing a


- e able to "rite their names.

- e able to trace0 copy and complete the ,ocabulary in oo* $.

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