year 11 gifted and talented excursion · david armstrong for their overall coordination and...

8th Edition - 25 May 2018 This newsletter can also be accessed via our web page STUDENT ABSENCES Please text 0429 347 300 (SMS ONLY), email [email protected] or call 3327 8393 before 9.30am on the day of your student s absence Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number: 00608A May 2018 29 ICAS Science (Years 7 and 8) 29 Mezzo Strings and Concert Band performance, Sherwood State School 29 Parent Information Evening - SATE 6.30pm, The Peter Doherty Theatre 29-30 Year 11 Biology Camp 31 Year 10 Geography Camp 31 Science Lecture, The PDT, 11.25am (see page 9) 31 Student Theatre Company (Years 7-12) 6.30pm, Amphitheatre June 2018 1 Year 10 Geography Camp 1 Met West Cross Country Trials 1 Percussion Ensemble performance, Brisbane State High School 1 Student Theatre Company (Years 7-12) 6.30pm, Amphitheatre 8 Somerville House Autumn High Schools Chess Teams Invitational, 6.00pm - 10.00pm 8-15 Years 11 and 12 Exams 9 HAS test for 2019 Year 7 Maths Acceleration 13 P&C Meeting 7.00pm 16 Grounds and Bush Care 19 Indro Tour 9.30am 21 Year 11 BCT Excursion 22 Winter Junior Gala Day (Years 7-9) 25 Year 12 Geography Excursion 27 Year 11 Academic Conferences 28 Year 12 Academic Conferences 29 Athletics Carnival END OF TERM 2 July 2018 16 School resumes YEAR 11 GIFTED AND TALENTED EXCURSION On Friday 11 May, fourteen Year 11 students, accompanied by Ms Cosoff, were privileged to attend an Oxford Masterclass. We heard from three different speakers on topics ranging from the definition of truth and the construction of a logical argument to the nature of the universe and the physics of rock music. The various talks provided something interesting for everyone, and had plenty of sound advice packed in with the philosophy and science. Its possible that the speeches raised more questions than answers (should we always tell the truth? What is the ultimate nature of reality and the human consciousness? How can particles be made from absolutely nothing? Is everything just made out of really, really tiny strings?); however, they also gave us a very valuable sneak peek at many topics that we simply dont get the chance to explore in our normal classes. I hope that this experience is just the start of a broadening of our knowledge outside of our classes and into the wider world beyond. Riley Guyatt Year 12 Student From left: Benjamin, Riley, Ella, Vicky, Peter, Lambert, Liam, Xander, Roy, Giaan, Arabella, Riley, Josephine, and Imogen.

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8th Edition - 25 May 2018

This newsletter can also be accessed via our web page

STUDENT ABSENCES Please text 0429 347 300 (SMS ONLY), email [email protected] or call 3327 8393

before 9.30am on the day of your student ’s absence

Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number: 00608A

May 2018 29 ICAS Science (Years 7 and 8) 29 Mezzo Strings and Concert Band performance, Sherwood State School

29 Parent Information Evening - SATE 6.30pm,

The Peter Doherty Theatre

29-30 Year 11 Biology Camp

31 Year 10 Geography Camp

31 Science Lecture, The PDT, 11.25am (see page 9)

31 Student Theatre Company (Years 7-12)

6.30pm, Amphitheatre

June 2018 1 Year 10 Geography Camp

1 Met West Cross Country Trials 1 Percussion Ensemble performance, Brisbane State High School

1 Student Theatre Company (Years 7-12)

6.30pm, Amphitheatre

8 Somerville House Autumn High

Schools Chess Teams Invitational, 6.00pm - 10.00pm

8-15 Years 11 and 12 Exams

9 HAS test for 2019 Year 7 Maths Acceleration

13 P&C Meeting 7.00pm

16 Grounds and Bush Care

19 Indro Tour 9.30am

21 Year 11 BCT Excursion

22 Winter Junior Gala Day (Years 7-9)

25 Year 12 Geography Excursion

27 Year 11 Academic Conferences

28 Year 12 Academic Conferences

29 Athletics Carnival


July 2018 16 School resumes


On Friday 11 May, fourteen Year 11 students, accompanied by Ms Cosoff, were privileged to attend an Oxford

Masterclass. We heard from three different speakers on topics ranging from the definition of truth and the construction of a logical argument to the nature of the universe and the physics of rock music. The various talks provided something interesting for everyone, and had plenty of sound advice packed in with the philosophy and science. It’s possible that the speeches raised more questions than answers (should we always tell the truth? What is the ultimate nature of reality and the human consciousness? How can particles be made from absolutely nothing? Is everything just made out of really, really tiny strings?); however, they also gave us a very valuable sneak peek at many topics that we simply don’t get the chance to explore in our normal classes. I hope that this experience is just the start of a broadening of our knowledge outside of our classes and into the wider world beyond.

Riley Guyatt Year 12 Student

From left: Benjamin, Riley, Ella, Vicky, Peter, Lambert, Liam, Xander, Roy, Giaan, Arabella, Riley, Josephine, and Imogen.








OPEN DAY Yesterday we enjoyed a wonderful Open Day with a large number of prospective students and families taking the opportunity to gain an insight into our school culture and programs. Once again our students shone on tours, in performances, at the coffee venture and at curriculum displays and activities. As well as this, a wide variety of presentations were delivered by staff members. As always, our dedicated Parents & Citizens’ Association members turned up in large numbers to provide the much appreciated free sausage sizzle. A huge thank you to our students, parents and teaching and support staff who so enthusiastically gave their time and energy to present our school across the five and a half hours of Open Day, in addition to the associated setting and packing up time required. Special thanks to Jesus Bergas Paz and David Armstrong for their overall coordination and leadership of this special school

event. Finally, for those prospective parents reading this newsletter who attended, sincere thanks for coming along so that we could share our school with you.

Lois O’Reilly Executive Principal

NEW QCE SYSTEM PARENT INFORMATION EVENING On Tuesday 29 May (6.30pm - 7.30pm) Indooroopilly SHS will host a parent session to provide more detail about the changes to senior schooling being implemented in Queensland for the first time next year. The session will outline information about the new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE system), which includes:

new and redeveloped senior syllabuses

changes to assessment, including external exams, and

a new tertiary entrance score replacing the Overall Position (OP) - Australian Tertiary Entrance Score (ATAR).

We will also outline Indooroopilly SHS’s preparations to assist our students and staff with a smooth transition to this new system.

As this session will outline changes to senior schooling in Queensland beginning with Year 11s of 2019, it has particular relevance to our current Year 10 students and their families. Parents of Years 7 - 9 students are also welcome to attend. The session will be a useful precursor to the Parent Information Evenings we hold each year in Term 3, which assist parents and students in making their subjection selections. These dates are listed below for your planning purposes.

Year 10 into 11 Parent Information Evening: Thursday 2 August Year 9 into 10 Parent Information Evening: Tuesday 7 August Year 7 into 8 and Year 8 into 9 Parent Information Evening: Tuesday 21 August

In the meantime, if you wish to find out more about the changes to senior schooling, you may wish to view the information at

We look forward to seeing you at the information sessions noted above.

Brad Blashak Head of Department - SATE Implementation and Literacy

Ms Hinch conducting a performance by Indooroopilly Voices


Throughout Term 2, students will be involved in preparations for the School Interhouse Athletics Carnival that will be held on Friday 29

June. A range of activities that are conducted at the carnival have an element of risk that will be

managed in accordance with Department of Education guidelines. Events such as Discus, Javelin and the Fosbury Flop in High Jump have been evaluated within the risk assessment process as being “high risk” activities. All teachers undertaking these activities have been appropriately instructed in the management of these events. As part of the curriculum content within the Health and Physical Education Department, all students in Years 7, 9, HPE, Years 11 and 12 Physical Education classes will undertake activities in Discus, Javelin, Shot Put, Running events, Long Jump and Triple Jump, and will be instructed in the proper methods to minimise the risk of injury. In the lead up to the Athletics Carnival, lunch time pre-carnival events will be undertaken in some events, and there may be the opportunity for coaching before and after school. High Jump events will not be covered in HPE classes. During the Athletics Carnival, only students who have been instructed in the correct Fosbury Flop technique at an Athletics Club will be permitted to use that technique in competitions. Students not experienced with the Fosbury Flop technique will be instructed to use the scissors technique. As the Athletics Carnival is a normal school day, we strongly encourage all students to attend and participate in events at the Carnival and in the lunch time events in the weeks leading up to the carnival. Hope to see you on the track and field in the upcoming weeks, and remember to bring a hat. Aaron Jefferd, Selena Tainton and Lauryn Gaunt HPE Teachers



Student Resource Scheme We have a number of families who have not yet made a decision to join our Student Resource Scheme. Please advise the school immediately if you are intending to purchase your own resources and not take part in our scheme. The 2

nd instalment of the Student Resource Scheme was due by 27

April. If you have not yet attended to

this can you give this your earliest attention. Payments Thank you to the families who have already made payment or arranged Payment Plans for their school fees. Over the next few weeks we will be doing a full mail out of statements showing outstanding balances, so if you already have a Payment Plan in place this is just so you can check how you are tracking. If you still need to make arrangements for this please contact me as I am happy to assist. As most of our communication is via email please make sure the school is advised of any changes to your address. BPoint and EFT are the most convenient ways for payments as this avoids students having to wait in large queues at the cashiers. Your BPoint or EFT receipt will be the official receipt for this transaction. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding your account. Robyn Forbes Business Manager


Throughout the year teaching staff have been engaged in our Professional Learning Community through PODs, Swap and Share, professional development and presenting digital pedagogy at the Dance State Conference. PODs At the start of the year staff selected a Challenge of Practice within the categories of Content (methods of delivering curriculum), Feedback (methods of delivering feedback for formative and summative tasks) and Context (methods of developing student self-efficacy). Staff are organised into groups (known as PODs) with the POD consisting of teachers from different faculties and levels of experience to enable a broader scope of trialling tools and strategies for improved pedagogical practice. This year Challenges of Practice focus on the explicit teaching of Critical Thinking Skills in alignment with the General Capabilities embedded in the Australian Curriculum and 21

st Century skills articulated in the new

QCE System (SATE). Swap and Share On Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons staff share tools and strategies used in their classes with their peers. Resources that have been shared include: Using OneNote for class, Plickers, Quizlet and Quiziz, Flipped Feedback for practical assignments, Cornell notetaking, accessing and using ITC Think Drive and many more. Professional Development – Coaching Heads of Departments, Assistant Heads of Department and teaching staff were engaged in a full day of professional development around coaching and observation delivered by Katie Bailey, our Learning and Teaching Mentor. Supporting the school’s focus area of capability development, educators engaged in a number of professional discussions to promote continual development of practice with their colleagues.


April Student Free Day – teachers in PODs planning on how to use

their selected tool or strategy.

Kristy Hinch sharing with staff how she uses OneNote for her classes

Cathy Lu and Shailee Thompson discussing Peer Coaching Katie Bailey explaining the Peer Coaching triad practice


Professional Development – the New ASOT The Learning and Teaching Team recently attended The New Art and Science of Teaching two-day conference hosted at the QLD Cricketers Club. Currently Indro’s pedagogical framework is informed by Robert Marzano’s The Art and Science of Teaching (ASOT) as well as informed by the Indooroopilly Pedagogical Principles (Critical Thinking Skills, Collaboration, Creative Problem Solving and Connectedness). The conference highlighted the key difference between the New and Original ASOT as being student-centred, underpinned by cognitive skills and mental processes extended to self-efficacy and categorising an approach to pedagogy through Content, Feedback and Context. It was a conference that affirmed the direction Indro is moving toward regarding pedagogy and improving student outcomes. Indro Digital Pedagogy Spotlight Melody Campbell, Dance and English teacher, presented a one-hour workshop on the benefits of using Flipped Feedback at the Dance State Conference. She delivered this presentation in front of 75 secondary dance educators, Heads of Departments and academics. The session detailed improved student outcomes due to the ability to access detailed feedback via video that can be played back and repeated. The workshops also included a live demonstration of how to create Flipped Feedback. This method of feedback is slowly being introduced at Indro across a broad range of subject areas. Prior to the Conference presentation Melody also delivered a version to Indro staff through our Swap and Share sessions. Moneth Montemayor Learning & Teaching Coach


The Learning and Teaching Team with Dr Janelle Wills

Melody receiving a gift from Helen Mullins, Project Manager, on behalf of the Ausdance Teacher Association


Fanfare 2018 Preparation for Fanfare is well underway. Good luck to all students in the competition next week and the week after. A reminder for the dates and locations again and please return permission forms to Ms Hinch in L Block staffroom:

String Orchestra, Big Band, Symphonic Winds, Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Strings Friday 25 May at Craigslea SHS All Ensembles leave ISHS 11.30am – return at approximately 4.30pm

Mezzo Strings and Concert Band Tuesday 29 May at Sherwood SS Concert Band leave ISHS 7.30am – return at approximately 11.30am

Mezzo Strings leave ISHS 10.00am – return at approximately 1.30pm

Percussion Ensemble Friday 1 June at Brisbane SHS Percussion Ensemble leave ISHS at 11.00am – return approximately 2.00pm

Year 8 Integrated Arts

Visual Media Technology

‘VMT’ is an integrated subject that combines the fundamentals of Visual Art, Media and Technology into one subject. Students have just completed the Visual Art unit which saw them visually represent significant and important scenes from their own lives. Students analysed and drew inspiration from the works of several artists including Pablo Picasso, Jeffrey Smart and Danie Mellor who used the elements and principles of art to successfully convey their perspective of the world. They learned skills in one-point and two-point perspective drawing to convey interior spaces while others experimented with the use of colour for their outdoor drawings. See if you can recognise any of the following scenes from around our school!

Daniella Capelo Arts Teacher


Mr Grainger and Alex Year 9

Tayla Evelyn



Theatrical Movement Studies Clowning Workshops ‘THM’ is also an integrated Year 8 subject that combines the elements of Drama and Dance together. Laughter was the goal for the THM students in weeks 2 and 3 this term. They were fortunate to participate in Clowning workshops with a guest artist: Actor, Clown, Writer, Director and Educator Andrew Cory. Andrew is a highly experienced clown with over 20 years experience, having studied with Ecole Philip Gaulier (London), Centre Selavy Mask School (France), Todo Performance Academy (Denmark), the School for Mime Theatre (USA) and Bont's International Clown School (Spain). Andrew taught our students how to create clown characters using the three centres of the body, how to create comedy by using dramatic tension, status and the clowning elements: Clown Chaos, Clown Stupidity, Elastic Reality/Fantasy, and Lazzi. Most importantly, students learnt how to establish a relationship with the audience using “the Contract” – making eye contact with the audience that breaks the “fourth wall” in live performance. Students will be developing the clowning skills they learnt with Andrew and finding their own inner clowns to devise improvised clown scenarios for assessment in week 9.

Katie Joel Arts Teacher

Student Theatre Company

A reminder about the upcoming performance of David Burton’s play Orbit by our Student Theatre Company.

Thursday 31 May, 6.30pm

Friday 1 June, 6.30pm Auslan interpreted performance

ISHS Amphitheatre

Tickets available from:

Audrey and Kip - Year 8 Students

Olga, Robert, Zander, Olivia, Keesha-Lee, Kayla and Kip (front)

Julie Ben







A Series on Contemporary Science Topics

Date: Thursday 31 May

Time: 11.25 am

Guest Speaker

Ruben Meerman aka the Surfing Scientist

Topic: Science: an endless adventure

Ruben Meerman is a physicist, author and television presenter better known as the ABC’s Surfing Scientist. A generation of kids watched his experimental antics on Roller Coaster, Studio 3 and he was the first ever resident scientist on Play School. Ruben studied physics at QUT and science communication at ANU. He worked in the laser industry manufacturing optical coatings for medical, military and industrial lasers, and toured Australia with the Shell Questacon Science Circus before launching his own science outreach program on the Gold Coast. His most recent research, which traced all the atoms in a triglyceride (fat) molecule through the body, was published in the British Medical Journal. Ruben’s family migrated to Bundaberg from The Netherlands when he was nine years old. He learned to speak English at Thabeban State School and graduated from Kepnock State High School in 1988. Ruben is passionate about STEM education, health literacy and blowing stuff up (safely) to spread the joy of science. The lecture will cover a range of topics including

SCHOOL > Ruben’s unexpected adventures from high school to Play School

TV SHOWS > Why science makes the best television

CODING > The incredibly simple algorithm behind famous movie scenes

MATHS > The unreasonable accuracy of many wild guesses

BIOLOGY > The biochemistry of a Guinness Record breaking breath hold


Indooroopilly State High School Ward Street, Indooroopilly.

Telephone: +61 3327 8333

Email: [email protected]


Join us





Spanish Immersion Program

What is an Immersion Program?

An Immersion Program provides students with the deepest possible exposure to a second language and culture.

In these programs:

English-speaking students in Years 7 to 9 receive instruction in 50-60% of the curriculum in Spanish

Key Learning Areas such as Maths, Science, History, Geography and Physical Education are taught in the second language

Why Spanish Immersion?

After English, Spanish is the fastest growing language. It is currently the 4th most spoken language in the world with over 500 million Spanish speakers in the world. In the past decade, enrolments in Spanish at University level in Australia have increased 80 per cent.

Indooroopilly SHS has an established program of Spanish instruction in both our International Baccalaureate Diploma

Programme (Years 11 and 12) and QCAA Language programs

Indooroopilly SHS has developed successful links with the School of Languages and Cultures of The University of

Queensland. Students may have the opportunity to travel to Madrid, Spain, where they will attend classes at the prestigious Real Colegio Alfonso XII High School.

Beyond Year 10, students may complete their Senior Spanish studies in Year 11 and may choose to study Advanced

Spanish at The University of Queensland in Year 12. Alternatively students may choose to undertake the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Years 11 - 12.

Chinese Acceleration Program

What is the Chinese Acceleration Program?

This program of Chinese language studies allows selected students to complete an intensive program across Year 7 to Year 9.

The program will equip students to excel in QCAA, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme or Chinese Proficiency tests (HSK)

Indooroopilly SHS boasts one of the most successful and innovative Chinese language programs in Queensland. The program is taught by well-credentialed and dedicated teachers with over 10 years of

experience in foreign language teaching and acquisition. Indooroopilly graduates have won scholarships to continue their Chinese language studies in China.

Why Study Accelerated Chinese?

More people speak Chinese than English. Chinese is the second most widely used language in the world.

China is one Australia’s biggest trading partners and source of tourists. Australia’s economic future is inextricably linked to China through trade, education and tourism.

China is the biggest exporter of students to Australia.

Chinese is an intellectually challenging and rewarding subject.


Are you really good at Maths?

Do you find “doing” Maths easy?

Does your Maths class go too slowly for you?

Do you like puzzles?

Do you solve Maths problems very quickly?

Are you interested in mathematical challenges?

Do you enjoy Maths competitions?

We have just the opportunity for you.

Students entering Year 7 at Indooroopilly State High School in 2019 will have the option of joining an innovative

and challenging course in Maths and Engineering. This course takes students through the Maths program in a

shorter time than the usual 6 years. It also incorporates Broad-ranging enrichment activities and exposes

students to pathways which are mathematically oriented.

The five-year course (plus The University of Queensland-linked final year) is designed to foster and enable

students with high-mathematical ability to perform at their best.

The course covers the Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) secondary

Maths program, as follows:-

Junior Maths: Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 completed in Years 7 to 9

Senior subjects Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics completed in Years 10 and 11

Senior subject Engineering completed in Years 11 and 12

University Maths subjects commenced in Year 12

This course will not affect student’s subject selections in Junior and Senior years.














‘The sky’s the limit’

New Recreational Pilot Licence half the price of Private Pilot Licence

Aviation studies is a subject for students who are looking Forward to either a career in aviation or flying for pleasure. Students are able to enrol in Aviation Studies in Years 10, 11 and 12. Students go to a flying school at Archerfield Airport each week during the year. Initially students work towards performing their first solo and must be 15 years of age to do so. Students work towards a Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) and then, after successfully completing navigation flights, gain a Private Pilot Licence. Students will be required to pay their chosen flying school each week for their lesson. This is a pay-as-you-go arrangement with the hire rate of an aircraft and instructor plus landing fees meaning that each flying week costs between $300 and $400. The total cost to attain solo flight is estimated to be $6,000, with a further $5,000 to Recreational Pilot Licence with the total cost of a Private Pilot Licence being roughly $21,000. The theory, comprising Flight Radio Operator’s Licence (FROL), Basis Aeronautical Knowledge (BAK) and Private Pilot Licence Theory (PPL), is studied during weekly class time and study at home. Topics include: aircraft familiarisation, aviation terminology, communications, aircraft general knowledge and control, rules and procedures of flight, theory of flight, meteorology and navigation. Students also practise flights in the school’s flight simulator during these lessons. It is preferable for students to complete the aviation medical and apply for an Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC) and student pilot licence before commencing flight training, as the first solo flight is not permitted until the documentation has been processed by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

For more information contact either Peter Rolandsen [email protected] or Kelly Breen [email protected].





The IB Diploma Programme is designed as

an academically challenging and balanced

programme of education with final

examinations that prepares students,

generally aged 16 to 19, for success at

university and life beyond. The programme is

normally taught over two years and has

gained recognition and respect from the

world’s leading universities.

Mission Statement

The International Baccalaureate Organisation

aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable

and caring young people who help to create

a better and more peaceful world through

intercultural understanding and respect. To

this end the IBO encourages students across

the world to become active, compassionate

and lifelong learners who understand that

other people, with their differences, can also

be right.

For further information contact

IB Coordinator Peter Day on

[email protected] or (07)3327 8333.



The Networking Academy Program is a

two year course offered by

Indooroopilly State High School in

conjunction with Cisco Systems, a

world leading manufacturer of

networking equipment.

What do Students Learn?

Students learn to construct and

configure Local and Wide Area

Networks (LANs and WANs) using

state of the art equipment. LANs and

WANs interconnecting our computing

equipment and the entire global


A student who has successfully

completed the course and attained

certification will be able to build,

maintain and interconnect computer

networks. The student will be able to

configure networking equipment such

as routers and switches which direct

and manage network data.

For further information contact

CISCO Coordinator Andrew Waddell

on [email protected].