year 3 christianity christianity islam … · 2014-09-11 · christmas easter baptism/christening...

CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM ISLAM/CHRISTIANITY JUDAISM CHRISTIANITY JOURNEY OF LIFE Why we mark special moments in life. Naming ceremonies Baptism INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Jesus’ baptism JOURNEY OF LIFE Initiation ceremonies Confirmation INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Jesus’ life: birth and childhood SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Christmas (advent) INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Life of Muhammad Revelation BELIEFS & QUESTIONS Belief in one God (Allah) As creator, Guide & Provider Belief in human nature and angels WORSHIP Prayer Mosques as centres for worship and teaching SYMBOLS Symbols – star and crescent JOURNEY OF LIFE Ceremonies to mark stages in a person’s life e.g. Birth RELIGION, FAMILY & COMMUNITY Home, family and extended family life e.g. Responsibilities & duties of parent & child Importance of honesty, greeting, visiting, respect to guests Hospitality, code of hygiene BELIEFS IN ACTION Importance of community SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Easter: joy, sadness, joy BELIEFS & QUESTIONS One God (monotheism) JOURNEY OF LIFE Bar/Bat Mitzvah RELIGION & THE INDIVIDUAL Aids to prayer: Tefillin, Tallith, Prayer Book SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Ascension Pentecost INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Jesus the teacher: Parables RELIGION, FAMILY & COMMUNITY Marriage (promises) YEAR 3

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Page 1: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special


JOURNEY OF LIFE Why we mark special moments in life. Naming ceremonies Baptism INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Jesus’ baptism

JOURNEY OF LIFE Initiation ceremonies Confirmation INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Jesus’ life: birth and childhood SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Christmas (advent)

INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Life of Muhammad Revelation BELIEFS & QUESTIONS Belief in one God (Allah) As creator, Guide & Provider Belief in human nature and angels WORSHIP Prayer Mosques as centres for worship and teaching SYMBOLS Symbols – star and crescent

JOURNEY OF LIFE Ceremonies to mark stages in a person’s life e.g. Birth RELIGION, FAMILY & COMMUNITY Home, family and extended family life e.g. Responsibilities & duties of parent & child Importance of honesty, greeting, visiting, respect to guests Hospitality, code of hygiene BELIEFS IN ACTION Importance of community SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Easter: joy, sadness, joy

BELIEFS & QUESTIONS One God (monotheism) JOURNEY OF LIFE Bar/Bat Mitzvah RELIGION & THE INDIVIDUAL Aids to prayer: Tefillin, Tallith, Prayer Book

SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Ascension Pentecost INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Jesus the teacher: Parables RELIGION, FAMILY & COMMUNITY Marriage (promises)


Page 2: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Analysing Questioning Reflecting

AT1 Understand why and how believers mark special times in their life. AT2 Recognise own special occasions and why they are important to remember.

Special time Celebration Anniversary Birthday Wedding New Year Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate

Important times in a child’s life. Special days e.g. Christmas. How events are celebrated or remembered.

Show some examples of how we remember special times e.g. certificate, birthday card. List pupils’ examples of special times in their life and talk about how these are remembered. Why is it important to mark special times or events? Design a card or certificate to celebrate a special time.

I can describe some things religious people do. I can describe feelings and experiences of special times. (Level 2)

Observing Interpreting Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Describe what happens at a Baptism. AT2 Understand and reflect on the symbolism used in Baptism.

Baptism Baptismal Christening Candle Font Priest Symbols Promise Godparents Belonging to Church

Process of Baptism Symbols used in ceremony

Invite local minister to tell children about ceremony. Show pictures and artefacts from Christianity box. Why are Christians baptised? Explain the significance of the candle, water, cross, font at entrance to church. Explain that in some churches adults are baptised instead. What is the role of godparents?

I can describe what happens and explain the meaning of a special religious celebration. I can explain some symbols used in religious practice. (Level 2)


Page 3: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Interpreting Reflecting Empathising Applying

AT1 Retell the story of Christ’s baptism and appreciate its importance to Christians. AT2 Make links between this story and baptism for babies. Describe feelings when asked to do an important job.

Baptism John the Baptist Forgiving of sins/ starting a new life River Jordan Symbolism of water Doing an important job for someone

Story of baptism of Christ by John the Baptist Reasons for Baptism Explanation that John invited people to change their ways for the better by total immersion. Symbolism of water to wash away sins Important jobs

Recap on last lesson. Tell story of the baptism of Christ. Act story out. Explain why John baptised people. How would he feel to do such an important job? What important jobs do pupils do? How do they feel when asked? Talk about links between this story and the baptism of babies.

I can recognise and describe accurately some things to do with religion. I can give an example of a way different people show that religion is important to them. I can talk about the meaning of important symbols. (Level 2)

Observing Interpreting Reflecting Empathising

AT1 Recognise that some people choose to be baptised. Recognise features of an adult baptism. AT2 Make links with baptisms of Christ and babies. Reflect on the ideas of belief and choice.

Adult baptism Immersion Choice and decision Symbolism of water in ‘bath’ Commitment

Features of adult baptism Baptist church Being a believer and making a choice to show commitment to God Links of baptism of Christ

Describe an adult baptism using pictures and drama. Share feelings of how adults would feel being totally immersed in water. Explain about commitment, choice and decisions. How does adult baptism compare to Christ’s or a baby’s? Make a baptismal card.

I can give an example of a way different people show that religion is important to them. I can recognise and describe accurately some things to do with religion. I can describe different feelings and experiences (Level 2)


Page 4: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Reflecting Analysing Applying

AT1 Understand the importance of initiation ceremonies. AT2 Recognise the importance of such events in our own lives.

Belonging Initiation Ritual Hindu naming ceremony Baptism

Clubs and societies pupils belong to. Initiation ceremonies. Recap on baptism and Hindu naming ceremony. Feelings about belonging.

Show a collection of membership artefacts e.g. Beaver/Rainbow and list clubs pupils belong to. Share experiences of being a member and describe how they joined. How did they feel when accepted into the club? Recap on how babies join the church and how Hindu babies are welcomed into the family.

I can talk about different ways people show religion is important to them. I can use some words correctly when I talk about a religion. I can describe different feelings and experiences. (Level 2)

Observing Interpreting Reflecting

AT1 Describe some features of a Christian confirmation ceremony and understand why it is important to Christians. AT2 Reflect on the idea of promising.

Confirmation Promise Sacrament Holy Communion

Features of a Confirmation ceremony. Special promises to God by older child following baptism as baby. Sacrament of Holy Communion, purpose and reason for. Making promises to others.

Explain how in many churches older children confirm their belief in God and membership in the church in a special ceremony. Share any experiences pupils have of a church service. Talk about what confirmed people can do (Holy Communion). Share examples of when pupils make promises. Are they hard to keep?

I can talk about different ways people show religion is important to them. I can use some words correctly when I talk about a religion. I can describe the feelings I have about things that are important to me. (Level 2)


Page 5: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Applying Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Describe some way that Christians prepare in Advent for Christmas.

AT2 Share own experiences of ‘getting ready’ for a special time such as Christmas.

Advent (coming) Preparations Apprehension Excitement Nativity play Advent church services Carol Decorations Candle wreath Christingle service

How Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus How pupils prepare for a special time Feeling associated Symbols used in Advent: candles Christingle orange Altar colours

Discuss how we prepare for Christmas or another special event. Make a list of jobs to do. Find out how Christians get ready for the birthday of Christ: in church and at home and compare with how other people prepare. Explain the symbolism involved. What feelings do we have before a special event. Do Christians have the same feelings in Advent? Make a Christingle.

I can give examples of ways different people show religion is important to them. I can describe some symbols used in festivals and explain their meaning. I can talk about my own experiences and feelings. (Level 2)


Page 6: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Questioning Reflecting

AT1 Understand why Muslims call Muhammad the messenger of God.

AT2 Compare their own experiences of quietness for reflection, with those of religious people such as Muhammad.

Arabia Messenger Islam Muslim Revelation p.b.u.h. = ‘peace be upon him’ reflection. A life changing experience.

Traditions about Muhammad. Time for reflection. prophet-mohd.htm Use website for questions about the prophet. Use Folens for ideas and worksheets. Describe Muhammad’s experiences on the mountain. Write short captions showing his life.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can describe how special times, places or experiences are important to some people. I understand the importance of reflection.

Questioning Reflecting

AT1 Understand what God means to a Muslim. AT2 Share and question own ideas of God.

Belief Allah Creator Provider

Questions and ideas about how a Muslim perceives God/Allah Allah.htm Use website and books for information. Compile list of questions children would like to ask a Muslim about his belief in Allah.

I can describe some of the beliefs and teachings of a religion. I can recognise religious questions and talk about different people’s ideas. (Level 2/3)


Page 7: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Questioning Reflecting

AT1 Understand the concept of ‘Angels’ to a Muslim.

AT2 Share and question own ideas of ‘Angels’.

Angel Allah Messenger Gabriel Servant Protector

Questions and ideas about the Islamic belief in angels. Angels.html Use website for information. Compare the beliefs of the Muslim on angels with those of a Christian. Discuss whether there are angels. What proof is there that they exist?

I can describe some of the beliefs and teachings of a religion. I can recognise religious questions and talk about different people’s ideas. I am beginning to see similarities in different religions. (Level 2/3)

Interpreting Analysing Applying

AT1 Understand that Muslims believe that prayer is a means of communication between people and Allah. AT2 Reflect on the importance of prayer in children’s own lives.

Prayer Allah Communication Commitment

Prayer Why do people need to pray? How does prayer help in an understanding of God? How often do Muslims need to pray?

Discuss ways of communicating. Talk about prayers that children know. Discuss importance of reflection. htm Research on importance of prayer to a Muslim. (More detailed work on prayer in Year 4)

I can recognise religious questions and talk about different people’s ideas. I can describe some of the ways in which people show religion is important to them. (Level 2/3)


Page 8: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Understand some of the symbols used in Islam.

AT2 Appreciate how believers use art in their religion.

Symbol Crescent Guidance Submission Obedience Calligraphy Geometric design

Symbols of the star and crescent and their significance to a Muslim. Art in Muslim world: geometric designs prayer mat designs carolrb/islam/geography.html carolrb/islam/art.html Use website for recap on the meaning of ‘Islam’. Look at symbols and explain the significance of them to a believer. How do they differ in significance from the symbols of Christianity and Judaism? Look at various examples of Islamic art. How does it compare to the art seen in Christian places? Create some Islamic designs which could be used for the cover of a Sacred book or a prayer rug.

I can talk about the meaning of important Islamic symbols. I can create an Islamic design. (Level 2)


Page 9: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Questioning Application Reflecting

AT1 Understand how Muslims behave and celebrate after the birth of a child.

AT2 Recognise the importance of birth ceremonies in marking a stage in the journey of life.

Allah Call to prayer Ceremony Ritual Sacrifice

Ceremony to mark the birth in the family. Comparison to other faiths. Use website, books and pictures to explain the ceremonies and rituals which accompany the birth of a Muslim. How does Islamic ceremony compare to that of a Christian? How do we celebrate a new birth? Are any sacrifices or promises made?

I can describe how a Muslim shows religion is important. I can describe my own feelings and experiences of new life. (Level 2)


Page 10: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills &


Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Reflecting Applying

AT1 Understand the importance of family life for a Muslim.

AT2 Recognise our own responsibilities in the family.

Responsibility Duty Respect Hospitality Hygiene

Family life in a Muslim home. Importance of respect. family.htm Research, using websites and books, family life including the roles of parents and the duties of children. How do we greet visitors and show respect to guests? What code of hygiene do we have in our homes? How do we help at home?

I can talk about how Muslims show respect for their families. I can describe my own experiences and feelings. (Level 2)

Observing Reflecting Applying

AT1 Understand the importance of community life for a Muslim. AT2 Recognise our own responsibilities in the community.

Community Responsibility Duty Charity

Role of the Muslim in the community and the importance of the community to a Muslim. Research on the Islamic community using websites and books. How important is the community? html What does the word ‘community’ mean to children? How are children involved in the local community?

I am beginning to link together different aspects of religious life and practice. I can talk about my own and others’ ideas about things of importance. (Level 2/3)


Page 11: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Reflecting Analysing Expressing

AT1 Understand the concepts of joy and sadness at Easter and the reasons why.

AT2 Recognise how Christians show joy and sadness at Easter. Share own experiences of these feelings.

Easter Joy Sadness

Recap on Easter story. Concepts of joy and sadness felt by Christians at Easter. easter/easter01.htm Retell from Bible account of Easter (from arrest to resurrection). Use website to research how Christians feel at different stages of the story. How do they show these feelings in worship? When do we experience feelings of sadness and joy?

I am beginning to explain simply some of the links between the story of Easter and how Christians celebrate it. I can talk about my own feelings. (Level 2/3)


Page 12: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Researching Reflecting

AT1 Know about the special artefacts worn by Jewish men when they pray, and the significance of these objects.

AT2 Explain the importance for a Jewish man of using the Kippah, tallit and tefillin as an aid to prayer and reflection, and explore the use of such objects in children’s lives.

Kippah Tallit Tefillin Prayer Artefacts Torah Shema Sacred

Identity Recap on: kippah/ tallit/tefillin. Explore ideas of how what is worn can define a person’s identity. Discuss the significance of special or sacred objects in children’s lives.

Focus on issues of identity, respect and remembering. Write a poem/reflection/ prayer which expresses these ideas.

I can explain the meaning of a range of terms used of Judaism. I can explain how many people think it is important to reflect and how they use different things to help them. (Level >3)

Interpreting Analysing

AT1 Know what happens at a Bar/Bat Mitzvah and what it means for those involved. AT2 Describe how a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is important and sacred to a Jewish person, and reflect upon similar initiation occasions in own lives.

Bar Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah Synagogue Shabatt Hebrew Blessing Bimah Torah Tallit Teffilin Kippah

The significance of special times/places/ rituals in children’s lives especially ‘coming of age’. What happens at Bar/Bat Mitzvah and its significance for Jewish boy/girl. video/1719 Use video/books/website to research ceremony. Discuss the meaning of responsibility and coming of age. Reflect on own experiences of initiation and having responsibilities.

I can explain some of the ways in which religion can influence a person’s life. I can describe a simple ceremony. I can explain why different people think some things are special or sacred. (Level>3)


Page 13: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Researching Interpreting Reflecting

AT1 Know that Jews believe in one God and show their total commitment in the prayer ‘Shema’.

Prayer Shema Total commitment

Belief in one God God (monotheism) Shema (Deuteronomy 6 v4-9)

Discuss Shema and its expectations on Jewish people. Recap on the first commandment given to Moses by God. What does total commitment mean?

I can describe some of the ways in which people show religion is important. I can explain why many people think it is important to reflect. (Level 3)

Questioning Interpreting

AT1 Know about the special artefacts worn by Jewish men when they pray, and the significance of these objects. AT2 Explain the importance for a Jewish man of using the Kippah, tallit and tefillin as an aid to prayer and reflection, and explore the use of such objects in children’s lives.

Kippah Tallit Tefellin Prayer Artefacts Torah Shema Sacred

Examining prayer aids shells/strath_jafacts.html Use artefacts, pictures and websites to show aids. Discuss their uses and focus on kind thoughts, feelings and actions. Design a small box into which to put own words about kind thoughts, feelings and actions.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show religion is important. I can explain why many people think it is important to reflect. (Level 3)


Page 14: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Questioning Applying Empathising

AT1 Know that Christians believe that Jesus was an inspirational teacher and that he told parables to convey his message. AT2 Reflect on the concepts of injustice and forgiveness. Consider whether they have been fairly treated.

Parable Jesus Teaching Injustice Forgiveness

What makes a good teacher? Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18 v 21- 35) Meaning of the parable. How easy is it to forgive someone who has treated you unfairly?

Read story and interview the various characters. Write a version of the story for younger children. Role play everyday situations when injustice occurs. Act as an agony aunt.

I can retell and explain in detail the meaning of a parable. I can share my own ideas and questions on important religious teachers. (Level >3)

Questioning Applying Empathising

AT1 Know that Christians believe that Jesus was an inspirational teacher and that he told parables to convey his message. AT2 Reflect on the values of fairness, honesty and generosity. Think of similar situations today.

Parable Fairness Honesty Generosity Justice Equality

The parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20 v1-16) What might the parable mean? What does it say to children about fairness, honesty and generosity?

Drama/role play story. Petition explaining why the owner is not being fair. Reflect on personal situations where similar responses have been experienced by children.

I can explain some of the ways in which Christianity can influence a person’s life. I can discuss my own and other people’s ideas about things which we value and make ask relevant questions. (Level<4)


Page 15: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Reflecting Questioning Expressing

AT1 Retell the ascension of Jesus and describe how Christians celebrate this important occasion and the symbolism involved. AT2 Recognise and appreciate different viewpoints and make relevant questions

Jesus Disciples Ascension Bible Gospels Acts of the Apostles

Story of Jesus’ ascension into heaven. festivals/ascension/index.html Research website to tell story and for ideas and activities. Read the various accounts from the Bible and compare the versions. Share ideas about what heaven is like.

I can describe some of the beliefs of Christians and how they show that religion is important to them. I can recognise different viewpoints and express my own questions and answers with more detail. (Level>3)

Analysing Reflecting Questioning Expressing

AT1 Describe why and how Christians celebrate Pentecost and explain the symbolism involved. AT2 Recognise and appreciate different viewpoints and make relevant questions.

Pentecost Jesus Disciples Holy Spirit

What happened to Jesus at Pentecost. How Christians celebrate this special day. pentecost/pentecost01.htm festivals/pentecost Use websites for story, explanations, activities. Read accounts in the Bible. Discuss how Disciples would have felt. How do Christians feel the Holy Spirit helps them?

I can describe some of the beliefs of Christians and how they show that religion is important to them. I can recognise different viewpoints and express my own questions and answers with more detail. (Level >3)


Page 16: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Describe how a Christian celebrates marriage. AT2 Explain the meaning of the symbolism involved. Reflect on the importance of the giving promises.

Wedding/ marriage Sacrament Promises/ vows Commitment Symbols Faithfulness

Christian marriage service How a Christian prepares for the marriage Meaning of commitment and vows. dowhat/weddings/wedding01.htm Use website for information on a Christian marriage. Look at a copy of a service sheet. Discuss the symbolism involved. What are the vows and when are promises made? Share ideas on the importance of making promises.

I can describe what happens at a Christian marriage ceremony. I can show some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I understand the importance of making vows or promises. (Level 3)


Page 17: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Yr Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6

1 Hinduism Hinduism/Christianity Christianity Christianity Christianity Christianity

2 Judaism Judaism/Christianity Hinduism Christianity Christianity Hinduism

3 Christianity Christianity Islam Islam/Christianity Judaism Christianity

4 Judaism Christianity Christianity Christianity/Judaism Islam Islam 5 Islam Christianity Judaism Judaism/Christianity Christianity Christianity

6 Christianity Christianity Christianity Christianity Buddhism/Sikhism Sikhism

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Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6

Harvest Foods from around the world Saying thank you Stories about greed e.g. selfish crocodile, Tiddolik Bible Story Moses as a baby Showing kindness

Divali Story of Rama and Sita Good and evil story Hindu celebrations: Indian food, music, Rangoli patterns, clothes etc. Christmas Nativity story Celebrations Presents

Bible Stories Jonah and the Whale Obedience Feelings such as fear The Lost Sheep Saying sorry and being forgiven

Chinese New Year Celebrations Dragons, festivities Chinese food, customs, music and animals Easter Celebrations Symbols New life: Spring flowers and baby animals

Bible Stories Noah’s Ark Obedience and promises The Wise man Listening to others Being sensible The Creation Looking after the world

Bible Stories Daniel in the Lion’s Den Being brave People we trust Joseph and his brothers Jealousy and unkindness


Page 19: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Interpreting Reflecting

AT1 Recognise different foods and their source. Understand the term ‘Harvest’ and what it means. AT2 Identifying favourite foods and where they come from.

Harvest Gathering Collecting Food types

Main types of food, which ones are harvested and which ones are processed. Origins of our harvested food.

Identify foods in a shopping basket. Find out where food was harvested or made using labels and a map of the world. Collage of food pictures or compare raw and processed foods.

I can identify different foods and recognise the features I like or dislike.

Observing Interpreting

AT1 Recognise different forms of ‘Harvest’

Harvester Netting Farming types

How is our food harvested? Who harvests? Farmers and fishermen. Different machinery.

Look at pictures of machinery on a farm. Watch video of Sarah and Paul. Read and act out the story of The Little Red Hen.

I can recognise different methods of collecting our food and that ‘harvest’ is a special word.

Observing Empathising Expressing Applying

AT1 Understand what a celebration is. Realise that people like to thank God for the harvest. AT2 Recognise a time when pupils are thankful.

Thanksgiving Celebrate Festival God Thankful

Harvest festivals and other celebrations. Special songs and prayers. Pupils own special times. Pupils own reasons for gratitude and when and whom they thank.

Look at pictures of a festival or celebration and talk about what people are doing. Learn a harvest song e.g. Oats and Beans and Barley Grow Talk about times pupils say ‘Thank you’.

I can talk about a time I celebrate. I recognise some religious words. I understand that others deserve my respect and gratitude.

Foundation TERM 1 HARVEST

Page 20: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Interpreting Reflecting Empathising Expressing Applying

AT1 Listen carefully to a story about greed and sharing. Understand that many people are hungry because of greed. AT2 Talk about a way we can help people who have very little.

Greed Sharing Charity Awake Mercy Home

Stories of ‘The Selfish Crocodile’, ‘Tiddlik the Greedy Frog’, ‘The Selfish Giant’ Why are some people starving? Do we have enough or too much? What can we do to help?

Read a story about greed. Ask children to talk about what they had in their lunch boxes or for school lunch. Share a bowl of rice and explain that this meal is what many children in the third world have every day. Talk about what happens to the food after the Harvest Festival. How else can we help? (Mention Awake Mercy Home in India)

I understand that there is a right way to behave and that people need to help each other. I understand the importance of sharing.

Foundation TERM 1 HARVEST

Page 21: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Responding Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Retell the story of Moses as a baby AT2 Talk about the pupils’ own experiences as a young child. What could they do as a baby? What do babies need?

Family love Sacrifice Growing up

Moses as a baby hidden by mother, watched over by Miriam and found by a princess. Pupils’ families. Babies’ needs.

Read story of Moses as a baby. Drama using a doll. Show pictures of children and staff as babies. Make a list of baby’s needs. Bath a baby. Draw pictures of family members.

I understand that there is a right way to behave and that people need to help each other. I understand the importance of sharing.

Foundation TERM 1 BIBLE STORY (Moses as a baby)

Page 22: YEAR 3 CHRISTIANITY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM … · 2014-09-11 · Christmas Easter Baptism/Christening First day at school Holiday Certificate Important times in a childs life. Special

Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Respond Express

AT1 Retell the main events in the story of Rama and Sita. AT2 Talk about other good and evil characters they know in stories.

Good and evil Divali Rama Sita Hanuman Ravana

Story from the Ramayana about Rama and Sita and the defeat of Ravana.

Illustrate story with artefacts from Hindu box. Drama using music Masks Puppets Video of Rama & Sita Make a class book of pictures from the story.

AT1 I can use some simple words to retell some elements of a religious story. AT2 I can tell the difference between good and bad characters.

Observe Reflect

AT1 Realise that many people celebrate the return of Rama. Recognise and use some key words associated with Divali. AT2 Talk about the feelings which pupils have about their own special times and symbolic objects.

Festival Celebration Celebrate light

Celebrations of Divali Look at lighted Divali lamp. How does light shining in a dark place make you feel?

Read a book about Divali and show pictures. Video Use artefacts from Hindu box Ask a visitor to talk about Divali Make some clay Diva lamps Try some Indian food Make Rangoli patterns Listen to some Indian music Make a Divali card Reflect on light using lamps

I am beginning to know about other peoples’ culture which is different to mine. I can recognise some religious words. I can identify some religious symbols. I can talk about my own feelings of experiences.

Foundation TERM 2 DIVALI

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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Responding Expressing

AT1 Retell the main events of the Nativity story. AT2 Think and talk about the pupils have about the story.

Nativity Christmas Manger Angel Gabriel Mary and Joseph Bethlehem Nazareth King Herod Star Wise men

Story of the birth of Jesus.

Video (Animated Stories) Teddy Horsley Puppets Cribs and Nativity Models Books and Pictures Make a booklet of the Nativity story

I can retell the main elements of a religious story. I can identify a few religious artefacts. I am beginning to ask questions about puzzling and interesting events.

Reflecting Observing

AT1 Recognise and use some key words associated with Christmas celebrations. AT2 Talk about how pupils celebrate Christmas. Express own feelings about the special time.

Presents Carols Nativity Play Christmas Church Service Decorations

How do we celebrate the special time? What presents do we give, to whom and why? Christmas preparations, celebrations: food, parties etc

Talk about a Christmas meal and list the foods. Talk about how the pupils spend the day. Wrap some ‘presents’ Make cards Decorations Talk about pupils feelings and experiences of Christmas

I can talk about the special events associated with a celebration. IO can talk about my own experiences and feelings of a special time. I am beginning to know about my own culture and beliefs and those of others.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Listening Observing Applying Speaking

AT1 To listen carefully to a Bible story. AT2 Talk about own feelings of fear and obedience.

Jonah God Fear Brave Obedient

Story of Jonah and the whale. Sing whale song. Children share own experiences of being afraid when told to do something.

Read story from a children’s Bible. Sing the song online the_whale2htm Ask children how Jonah felt at different stages of the story. What did he do wrong? When are children afraid? Are they ever afraid to do something? Paint/draw/collage pictures of a large whale.

I can listen carefully to a story. I can retell some of the story. I can talk about my feelings.

Listening Observing Applying Speaking

AT1 To listen carefully to a Bible story. AT2 Talk about own feelings of being lonely, sorry or forgiving.

Lost Found Sorry Forgiveness Forgiving

Story of the Lost Sheep. Children share own experiences of feeling lonely, saying sorry and forgiving.

Read story from a children’s Bible. Ask children how farmer felt during the story. Tell children that Jesus told this story because he wanted people to know that God loves everyone even those who do bad things and are sorry. Talk about times children have done something bad. How did they feel? Are they ever lonely? Draw/speech bubble of shepherd looking for his sheep.

I am beginning to know about other peoples’ culture which is different to mine. I can recognise some religious words. I can identify some religious symbols. I can talk about my own feelings of experiences.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Understanding Interpreting

AT1 Understand how the Chinese celebrate New Year. AT2 Recognise a special time and share experiences of own special time.

New Year Celebration Celebrate Festival Names of animals Special Chinese food

Show pictures of Chinese celebrations. Listen to some Chinese music. Try some food e.g. rice or poppadom.

Listen to some Chinese music. Can children guess where it comes from? Show pictures and artefacts of celebration and read story of the calendar animals. Ask children to talk about other special times e.g. Christmas or Divali. How do they celebrate New Year or another special time? Make a large dragon collage. Try some food. Make lanterns.

I can talk about the Chinese New Year. I understand what a celebration is.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Understanding

AT1/2 Think about Easter as being a time for new life.

New Spring Easter Young Celebration

Spring walk to see any signs of new life. Pictures of baby animals and flowers. Symbols of new life.

Go for a walk to see any signs of new life. Look at pictures etc of baby animals. What spring flowers do children know? Explain that the egg is a symbol of new life to remind some people that Jesus died and came back to life. Most trees or flowers look dead in the winter but come back to life in Spring. Children may want to talk about a pet or relative who has died. Draw from still life some flowers. Decorate some hard boiled eggs.

I can recognise that an egg is a symbol of new life. I can name some spring flowers.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Responding Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 To retell the main events of a religious story. AT2 Understand the importance of listening to others and making promises.

Jesus Wise and foolish Listening Sensible

Story of the wise and foolish builders. Meaning of the story. Sharing ideas on listening and being sensible. bible/jesus/builders/builders02.htm Use website and children’s Bibles to tell the story. How were the two men different? Sing song about the Wise man and the Foolish man. children/songs.htm#Wise%20Man Share ideas on importance of listening to others and being sensible.

I can retell the elements of a religious story. I can recognise aspects of my own experiences and feelings in a religious story. I understand the importance of listening to others and being sensible.

Interpreting Responding Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 To retell main events of a religious story. AT2 Understand the importance of looking after the world.

God Creation Whole world

Christian Creation story. Sharing ideas about favourite things e.g. animals in the world. infant_topics/old_testament/ old_testament.html Read story of the Creation. What did God create? What does create mean? What can we create? List children’s ideas on what is wonderful in the world such as favourite animals or places. How can we help to look after the world?

I can retell the elements of a religious story. I can talk about something wonderful in the world. I can share ideas on how we can look after the world.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Responding Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 To retell the main events of a religious story. AT2 Understand the meaning of obedience and promise.

Noah’s Ark God Flood Obedience Promise

Story of Noah’s Ark. Sharing ideas on obedience and making promises. infant_topics/old_testament/ old_testament.html Use website, children’s Bibles and model of Ark to tell the story of Noah. Why did God tell him to make the ark? Why did he make the ark? Why did the other people laugh at him? Share ideas on obedience. Whom do children obey? Why is it important to obey? What did God promise? When do people make promises? Sing song ‘Animals went in two by two’.

I can retell the elements of a religious story. I can recognise aspects of my own experiences and feelings in a religious story. I understand the meaning of obedience and promise.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Expressing

AT1 To retell the story of the Christian Creation. AT2 Share ideas on how we can look after the world.

Creation God Living things Caring Pollution

Story of the Christian Creation. Sharing ideas on how we can look after the world. infant_topics/old_testament/ old_testament.html infants/reonline/world/world13. htm Use website for the story of the Creation. Make a list of animals and plants children are familiar with. How can we look after the world? Paint pictures of the Creation story.

I can remember a religious story. I can talk about things that are important to me.

Interpreting Expressing

AT1 To retell the main events of a Bible story. AT2 Understand the importance of trust and recognising bravery.

Daniel Bravery Trust God Jealousy

Story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den. Sharing ideas on trust, jealousy and bravery. infant_topics/old_testament/ old_testament.html Use website to tell the story. Role play to emphasise the feeling of jealousy. Talk about the meaning of trust. Who do we trust? When are people brave? When do we have to be brave?

I can remember a religious story. I can talk about things that are important to me.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Expressing

AT1 Retell the main parts of the story of Joseph and his brothers. AT2 Recognise the implication of the story in own lives.

Joseph and his brothers Jacob the father God Jealousy Unkindness

Story of Joseph and his coloured coat. Sharing ideas of jealousy and unkindness.

Use books, video, music and role play to tell the story of Joseph and his brothers concentrating on the jealousy and unkindness of the brothers.

I can retell the main parts of a religious story. I can share my ideas on jealousy and unkindness.


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BELIEVING Introducing Hinduism – One God (Brahman) – different names and images, including Ganesh, Krishna, Rama, Lakshmi. Story of blind men and the elephant.

STORIES Stories from scriptures e.g. how Ganesh got his elephant head and broken tusk. How Krishna was saved at birth Other stories from the childhood of Krishna CHRISTIANITY CELEBRATIONS Christmas Good news and news bringers

LEADERS AND TEACHERS Specialness of Jesus BELONGING AND MYSELF Jesus’ family and upbringing STORY Stories about Jesus’ childhood Baptism Wedding at Cana Man lowered through the roof

BELIEVING God as Creator Loving Father/parent STORY Specialness of the Bible Stories about Jesus e.g. Jesus stills a storm, Zacchaeus Feeding of 5000 Jesus heals a blind man 10 lepers CELEBRATIONS Easter New life and changes

CELEBRATIONS Sunday SYMBOLS Special buildings i.e. churches symbols e.g. cross, candle, water BELONGING/MYSELF Baptism, marriage

STORY Stories Jesus told e.g. The Good Samaritan The Lost Coin The Prodigal Son The Great Feast


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting Enquiring

AT1 Understand in simple terms about the Hindu deity. AT2 Recognise that other people have different ideas and beliefs.

Hinduism Hindu India deity Brahman Visnu Shiva Murti

One God with different names and images.

Read ‘Hindu big book’ introducing a Hindu girl. Find India on a map. Use Murti artefacts from Hindu box, books and pictures to explain deity. Draw pictures of deity.

I can recognise and name some things important in Hinduism. I can recognise and describe things that are special to others. (Level 1)

Interpreting Observing

AT1 Understand in simple terms the Hindu deity. AT2 Recognise that other people have different ideas and beliefs.

Ganesh Krishna Rama Lakshmi Hanuman Parvati Saraswathi Murti

One God with different names and images.

Recap of story of Divali. Show pictures of gods. Use Woodlands Jnr School web pages for images and goddesses. Explain their role and how they help a Hindu. Talk about from whom pupils ask for help. Do they know people who ask God for help?

I can remember some religious words. I can talk about my own feelings and experiences. (Level 1)

Interpreting Analysing Reflection Applying Expressing

AT1 Retell in simple terms a story from the Hindu tradition. AT2 Appreciate the relevance of story in our own lives.

Respect Story from Hindu tradition: The Blind men and the elephant. Meaning of respect.

www.sin/org/uk/storyboard/13htm Read poem telling story. Talk about meaning and its importance. How do we show respect to others? Act out story and think about other stories children know.

I can retell a religious story. I can talk about what I like and dislike in a story. I can talk about things that concern me. (Level 1).


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Interpreting Reflection Application Expression

AT1 Retell in simple terms a story from the Hindu tradition AT2 Appreciate the importance of the story of pupils’ own lives.

Respect Compassion Powerful Trust

‘The Monkey King’ a story from the Hindu tradition. Trusting and compassion to all.

www.sin/org/uk/storyboard/13htm Tell story and talk about its meaning. Talk about and list the people we trust. How do we show compassion for others?

I can retell a religious story. I can talk about what is important to me and others. (Level 1)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Interpreting Reflecting Applying Expressing

AT1 Retell in simple terms a story from the Hindu tradition. AT2 Appreciate the importance of the story in their own lives.

Shiva Parvati Ganesh Loneliness Caring

Story of how Ganesh got his elephant head. Feelings of loneliness and caring for others.

www.sin/org/uk/storyboard/13htm Read story of Ganesh. Recap on who Shiva and Parvati are. Use the artefacts in the Hindu box. Talk about the good and bad actions and the concepts of loneliness and caring for others. When do the children feel lonely? Retell story with pictures and captions.

I can remember a religious story and talk about it. I can recognise religious symbols and words. I can talk about my own experiences and feelings. (Level 1)

Analysing Interpreting Reflecting Applying Expressing

AT1 Retell in simple terms a story from the Hindu tradition. AT2 Appreciate the importance of the story in their own lives.

Krishna Kamsa Cruelty Jealousy

How Krishna was saved at birth. Feelings of jealousy and cruelty.

Website (as above from Hindu listing – Stafford). A Tapestry of Tales. Read story and talk about events. Discuss: why was the king cruel? When are children jealous of others? Why is cruelty wrong?

I can remember a religious story and talk about it. I recognise that some characters are bad. I can talk about my own experiences and feelings. (Level 1)

Analysing Interpreting Reflecting Applying Expressing

AT1 Retell in simple terms a story from the Hindu tradition. AT2 Appreciate the importance of the story in their own lives.

Krishna Yasoda Deceptive Bravery

Stories about the childhood of Krishna. Bravery and judging by outward appearances.

Website (as above) A Tapestry of Tales. Read stories of the childhood of Krishna. Talk about his behaviour to others. When was he brave? When do we have to show bravery? What other stories include bravery?

I can remember a religious story and talk about it. I can talk about my own experiences and feelings. (Level 1)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Reflecting Analysing Interpreting

AT1 Explain the birth of Jesus from the Annunciation to the escape to Egypt. AT2 Appreciate the relevance and importance of the story in their own lives.

Mary Angel Gabriel Tax Roman Governor Nazareth Bethlehem Kind Herod Frankincense Myrrh Egypt Jealousy

The Nativity story in greater detail, including the visit of the angel to Mary and the escape to Egypt. The feelings of Mary, the shepherds and Herod.

Watch video ‘Sarah and Paul’. Describe in detail the story using pictures and puppets. Talk about the feelings of Mary after the visit by Gabriel. How did the shepherds react? Why was Herod worried? When do we have good news? How do we feel? Children could interview a partner.

I can retell a religious story. I know there are special people and times. I can talk about my own feelings. (Level 1)

Observing Reflecting Questioning Applying Expressing

AT1 Describe some aspects of Christmas. Realise that Christmas is a happy time for Christians. AT2 Recognise and describe what is of interest to pupils.

Celebrate Celebration Angel Good news Carols Bible story (Gospel) Christian

How the ‘good news’ was spread to all. How people celebrate the ‘good news’ (singing carols, Nativity plays, going to church).

Ask children to retell the Nativity story. Show where we can find the story in the Bible. Explain that the Gospels were written by people who lived when Jesus did and tell people of the ‘good news’. Talk about the role of the angels. Can children describe an angel? What are angels for? Talk about the purpose of carols. Listen to one. Teach one e.g. Away in a Manger.

I can use some simple words to describe what happens in a festival. I can give examples of ways different people show religion is important to them. I can talk about puzzling ideas.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Responding

AT1 Know that the Bible describes the birth and childhood of Jesus. AT2 Share own experiences of family and growing up.

Family Childhood Special Belonging Carpenter Nazareth Bethlehem Egypt

Recap on the Nativity story of the childhood of Jesus. Discussion of own families and childhood.

Quiz children on story of Jesus’ birth. Read from children’s Bible about the escape to Egypt and then return to Nazareth. Look at pictures of Jesus as a child. How as his childhood different to that of children’s? Draw pictures to show family or describe something children like to do.

I can talk a little about the childhood of Jesus. I can share my own experiences and feelings.

Expressing Empathising

AT1 Know that the Bible describes how Jesus was baptised and that Christians continue to follow this example AT2 Explore idea of Baptism being a new beginning.

Jesus God John the Baptist Baptism Bible New beginning

Baptism of Jesus (Mark1 v9-11). Why is baptism so important for Christians? Feelings about starting something new.

Read story from Bible and sequence events. What might characters have said or felt? Explain that this event is very important for Christians and that they continue to follow this example. Talk about starting somewhere new e.g. school or a new club. How do you feel? Make a class book on New Beginnings.

I can retell the story of the Baptism of Jesus. I can describe the feelings I have about things that are important to me.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Responding Evaluating

AT1 Know that the Bible describes how Jesus chose 12 special friends. AT2 Explore the importance of friends in children’s lives.

Jesus Disciples Friends Bible Faith

Calling of the Disciples (Mark 1 v14-20) Our own special friends and why they are important to us.

Drama: re-enacting the choosing of the 12 friends. Discussions about friends. Draw a friend and label with words describing their friendship qualities.

I can recall a story from the Bible. I can talk about what is important to me. (Level 1)

Interpreting Empathising

AT1 Know that the Christians believe that Jesus did special things because of his relationship with God. AT2 Discuss feelings of special occasions.

Jesus Wedding Miracle Bible Special occasion

Wedding at Can (John2 v1-12) Why Mary asked Jesus to help. Feelings at special occasions.

Drama of story. Hot seating of the various characters. Share feelings of own special occasions in role play.

I can remember a story from the Bible. I can recognise and talk about things that are important to me.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Responding Emphasising

AT1 Know that the Christians believe that Jesus did special things because of his relationship with God. AT2 Begin to develop empathy with those whose lives were changed and share own experiences.

Jesus Friends Healing Miracle Faith Relationship

The man lowered through the roof (Mark2v1-12) Why friends were so eager to see Jesus. How does it feel to be ill? How does it feel to be better?

Tell story from the Bible and talk about the feelings of the friends, the sick man, Jesus and the other people in the house. Share own experiences and feelings of being ill and how these changed on becoming better. jesus/friends/friends03.htm

I can describe the feelings I have about things that are important to me.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Empathising Expressing

AT1 Know and retell the story the ‘Feeding of the 5000’. AT2 Understand that greed is wrong and sharing is right. Appreciate what we have and recognise that some children/people are not so fortunate.

Harvest Greed Fairness Sharing Hunger Charity Christian Aid Jesus Miracle

Story of ‘Feeding the 5000’ (Mark6v35-44) Video of Sarah and Paul. Discussion on sharing: what do we share? including abstract ideas e.g. love, attention. Discussion on greed.

Read story from the Bible and talk about what happened. Explain that this was one of Jesus’ miracles. Can they remember any other ones? List things we share. Watch Sarah and Paul video on harvest and giving. Why are some people greedy? How do children feel about greed? What charities help people?

I can retell a story about the life of Jesus. I can share my experiences and feelings about sharing and greed.

Analysing Empathising Expressing

AT1 Know and retell the story of Zacchaeus and how his meeting with Jesus changed the way he behaved. AT2 Recognise times when children say sorry. Develop a simple understanding of the Christian belief of repentance and reconciliation with God.

Repent Sorry God Jesus Zacchaeus Forgive Cheat

Story of Zacchaeus. PowerPoint Feelings of various characters. Meaning of ‘repent’ and ‘forgiveness’. infants/bible/Bible02htm Read story from Bible/show PowerPoint (Public) Talk about the feelings of characters and right and wrong actions. Listen to song ‘Zacchaeus was a wee little man’. Talk about times children have said sorry or forgiven someone.

I can retell a story about the life of Jesus. I can share my experiences and feelings about right and wrong actions. I recognise times when I say ‘sorry’ and understand that Christians ask God to forgive them.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Expressing Evaluating

AT1 Know the events in the story of ‘The Centurion’s Daughter’. AT2 Begin to develop empathy with those whose lives were changed and discuss changes in children’s lives.

Jesus Healing Miracle Bible Faith Centurion Servant Roman Separation Important

The Centurion’s Daughter (Luke7v1-10) Why did the Roman centurion want to speak to Jesus? What is it like to be separated from someone who is important to you and what is it like when they come back.

Discuss the story characters. How were they feeling? Talk about people who are important to children and why. How do we feel when we are separated from a loved one? Make a display of special/ important people to children.

I can remember a story about Jesus. I can talk about an own experience. I can describe feelings I have about someone important to me. (Level 1)

Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Describe what happened when Jesus stilled the storm. AT2 Discuss emotions in difficult situations.

Jesus Miracle Bible Fear Secure

Jesus calms the storm (Matthew8v23-27) What happened? Children’s own experiences and feelings of a storm.

Read story from children’s Bible and role play acting out the different emotions of the characters. Talk about own experiences of being in a storm. How did they feel and what did they do to make themselves feel better? Make masks to show different emotions.

I can remember a story about Jesus. I can talk about an own experience. I can describe feelings I have about something important to me. (Level 1)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting Evaluating

AT1 Know and retell the story of ‘The blind man of Jericho’. AT2 Develop an understanding of the meaning of ‘Faith’. Recognise times when Christians ask God for help.

Jesus Faith/trust Blind Healed

Story of the healing of the blind man (Mark10v46-52) Talk about meaning of ‘Faith’. Identify people who help us when we are sick.

In circle time talk about things children like to look at. Read story from Bible. Discuss feelings of the blind man before and after being healed. How do children feel when they are sick? Who does mum call for help and why? Do they ever pray? Explain that Christians ask God for help because they have faith and trust him.

I can recall a story from the Bible. I can talk about what is important to me. (Level 1) I can describe the feelings I have about things that are important to me. (Level 1)

Observing Analysing Reflecting Evaluating

AT1 Know and retell the story of when Jesus healed the 10 lepers. AT2 Recognise the importance of showing gratitude

Jesus Leper Leprosy Disease Faith Healing Gratitude

Story of the ‘Ten Lepers’ (Luke17v11-19) Talk about feelings and actions of the ten lepers. Talk about times we say thank you and how.

Talk about meaning of ‘disease’ and briefly leprosy. Why were men living on their own and why did they ask Jesus to help them? List times when we say thank you. How else can we show gratitude?

I can recall a story from the Bible. I can talk about what is important to me. (Level 1)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Reflecting

AT1/AT2 Develop an understanding of the symbolism of new life at Easter

Symbol Easter Cross New life

Symbolism of cross and eggs at Easter. Meaning of ‘New life’ to a Christian. festivals/easter/easter04.htm Ask children what they know about the Easter story. Read story from Children’s Bible. Explain that though Jesus died on a cross, Christians believe he came back to a new life. The egg also symbolises the tomb stone. Make a mind map of ‘Eggs’. Talk about where crosses are found.

I can talk about what is important to me. (Level 1) I can talk about the feelings I have about important symbols. (Level 1)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Expressing Reflecting

AT1 Learn how Christians celebrate Sundays. AT2 Consider the idea of a special day.

Sunday Christian Church Service Special

What Christians do on Sundays. Sharing ideas on what we do on Sundays or a special day. church/church01.htm Use website to find out how Christians treat Sunday as a special day. List things children do on Sunday. What other special days do they have?

I can talk about how Christians spend a Sunday. I can talk about my own ideas of a special day and what I do. (Level 1)

Observing Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Understand the meaning of the word ‘church’ and how the special building comes in different forms. AT2 Share own ideas on the symbols used in church.

Church Steeple Spire Chapel Symbol Cross Crucifix Candle Water Light etc

Looking at different buildings used as churches. Symbols used in church and their meanings. Feelings about symbols. buildings/building00.htm symbols/symbols14.htm Use websites and pictures to observe the different buildings used for churches. Discuss the use of symbols in our lives. What do symbols in church mean?

I can describe and explain some of the symbols used in church. I can talk about my feelings about symbols used by Christians. (Level 1)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Reflecting Emphasising Expressing

AT1 Describe a baby’s baptism. AT2 Explore the feeling that Baptism means joining the church.

Belonging Baptism Symbols of water, light Font Promise

The baptism of a baby. Sharing ideas about joining and belonging. reonline/milestones/baptism/ believersbaptism01.htm milestones/baby/baby00.htm Watch parts of video on the websites or videos. Use artefacts to discuss the symbolism involved. Role play the actions of the priest. Talk about the role of the parents and godparents. Recap on the baptism of Jesus.

I can talk about how what happens at a baptism. I can talk about feelings I have about joining and belonging. (Level 1)

Observing Reflecting Empathising Expressing

AT1 Describe what happens at a wedding in a church. AT2 Discuss emotions and feelings involved.

Marriage Service Promise/vow Bridegroom Best man Symbolism of ring milestones/wedding/wedding01.htm tellme/wedding/wedding01.htm Use websites to discover what happens at the ceremony. Who is involved and what is promised? Share ideas of when children make a promise.

I can talk about a wedding service. I can recognise and talk about things that are important to me. (Level 1)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Retell the story of the Good Samaritan. AT2 Recognise the good and bad actions of the characters in the story and share own feelings.

Jesus Parable Jew Samaritan Neighbour Kindness Caring for all

Story of the Good Samaritan. Sharing own experiences of good actions in stories. Sharing own feelings about the story. jesus/Samaritan/samaritan01.htm Read story and talk about the different characters. Who was a good neighbour? Explain that Jesus told this story to teach people how they should behave. Mind map other stories involving an act of kindness.

I can retell the story of the Good Samaritan. I can share my own ideas and feelings about the story. (Level 1)

Analysing Empathising Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Retell the story of the Lost Coin. AT2 Recognise the good and bad actions of the characters in the story and share own feelings.

Jesus Parable Lost and found

Story of the Lost Coin. Feelings associated with losing and then finding something or someone special.

Hide some chocolate coins in the classroom and choose some children to find them. How do they feel when they have found the missing chocolate? Read story from the children’s Bible. Compare with the story of the Lost Sheep. What does the story mean?

I can retell the story of the Lost Coin. I can share my own ideas and feelings about the story. (Level 1)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Reflecting Empathising Expressing

AT1 Retell the story of the Prodigal Son. AT2 Recognise the good and bad actions of the characters in the story and share own feelings.

Parable Jesus Forgiveness/ forgiving

Story of the Prodigal Son. Feelings of the characters during the story. Sharing own ideas and feelings about the story. reonline/jesus/son01.htm Read story and talk about the actions and feelings of the characters. Why did Jesus tell this story? When do we forgive people? When do others forgive us?

I can retell the story of the Prodigal Son. I can share my own ideas and feelings about the story. (Level 1)

Analysing Reflecting Empathising Expressing

AT1 Retell the story of the Great Feast. AT2 Recognise the good and bad actions of the characters in the story and share own feelings.

Parable Jesus Excuse

Story of the Great Feast (Luke14v12- 24).

Read story of the Feast. Talk about the reasons the people did not go when invited. Who did go to the feast? Why did Jesus tell this story? Share ideas about who children would invite to a party. How would they feel if no one came?

I can retell the story of the Great Feast. I can share my own ideas and feelings about the story. (Level 1)


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BELIEVING One God Creator God God’s promise to Abraham (God’s people/Promised land) CELEBRATIONS Sukkot LEADERS AND TEACHERS Abraham, Moses, David STORY Abraham journeyed to the Promised Land Moses in the Bullrushes David and Goliath Esther

CELEBRATIONS Shabbat Hanukkah SYMBOLS Mezuzah-Jewish home Candles Hands on Children’s head in blessing Bread and Wine Havdalah symbols (Shabbat) Star of David Chanukiah BELONGING/ MYSELF Jewish home Kashrut Shabbat Involvement of children in religious ceremonies Christianity CELEBRATIONS Christmas gifts and gift bringers

CELEBRATIONS Raksha Bandham Holi Divali

CELEBRATIONS Saints’ Day e.g. St David St Patrick St Andrew St George

BELONGING AND MYSELF Love and forgiveness Church – One big family, community Caring for others and the World around you

BELONGING/MYSELF SYMBOLS Birth ceremonies A Hindu home and extended family, including worship (Puja) at home shrine SYMBOLS Symbolism of murtis Om


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Observing Interpreting Enquiring

AT1 Understand in simple terms the term ‘One God’. Retell the Jewish story of God’s creation and lay foundations for work on Shabbat. AT2 Become inquisitive about puzzling ideas.

Judaism Jew Jewish One God Creator Creation Day of rest

One God who created the universe. Creation story.

Introduce children to Judaism using simple books and tell the story of the creation by one God. Paint scenes form story. Emphasise that the seventh day is a day of rest and very important to Jews.

I can talk about some things people believe about God. I can retell the story of the Creation. I realise that some ideas are hard to explain. (Level 2)

Observing Analysing Reflecting Applying Expressing

AT1 Retell in simple terms the story of God’s promise to Abraham and his subsequent journey. AT2 Share own ideas of a perfect land.

Abraham Perfect land Promise Covenant Belief Obey

Who was Abraham? God’s promise to Abraham. Journey of Abraham to promised land. A perfect land.

Tell story of Abraham and his journey. Act out scenes. Children share their own ideas of what makes a perfect land. Paint/draw pictures. Make an annotated map of Abraham’s journey showing any hazards he would have encountered.

I can retell a religious story. I can describe the feelings I have about something important to me. (Level 2)

Observing Analysing Reflecting Applying Expressing

AT1 Know the reason for Sukkot and how it is celebrated by Jews. AT2 Recognise symbols in own lives and how these remind us of important times.

Belief Symbol Celebrate Festival Sukkah Israel Israelite Synagogue

Sukkot festival celebrations. History of Sukkot. Special symbols children have to remember an important event.

Show pictures of a Sukkah. Tell story of the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt (after crossing the Red Sea). Use Woodlands Jnr School website to describe festival. Make a simple Sukkah. Talk about symbols in own lives.

I can talk about the meaning of a religious celebration. I can give examples of how religious people celebrate. I can talk about the meaning of important symbols. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting Responding Applying

AT1 Retell in simple terms the story of David. AT2 Recognise attributes of bravery and trust.

Trust Belief Loyalty Bravery Goliath David Israelites King Saul Philistines Enemy

Story of David and Goliath. Meaning and examples of bravery and trust.

Tell story using drama and pictures of David and Goliath emphasising the trust David had in God and his bravery against a fearsome enemy. Talk about what it means to be brave. Share times children have shown bravery. Whom do children trust?

I can retell a religious story in simple terms. I realise that some actions are right and others wrong. I can talk about feelings I have about some values in story. (Level 2)

Observing Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Retell in simple terms the story of Esther and Mordecai. AT2 Reflect on the quality of selflessness.

Esther Mordecai King Xerxes Evil Jews Selflessness Haman

Story of how Esther’s actions saved thousands of Jews. Meaning of selflessness and loyalty.

Tell story of Esther and how she influenced the king to save all the Jews. Discuss the good and bad characters and right and wrong actions. Share times when we put others first. Consider other stories when a character thinks of others before himself e.g. ‘Jack and Beanstalk’, ‘Lion, Witch and Wardrobe’.

I can retell a religious story in simple terms. I realise that some actions are right and others wrong. I can describe different experiences and feelings I have about important issues. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Interpreting Reflecting Applying Empathising

AT1 Understand how Shabbat is celebrated as an important day of the week. AT2 Recognise that there are special times in own life and be able to share feelings about them.

Shabbat Sabbath Special food Havdalah Challah bread Candles Prayer Day of rest law Remembering Symbolism Blessing Family

The ceremony of Shabbat and how Jewish family behave. Reason for Shabbat Symbolism used in ceremony. Importance of family. Special rules in own home. Feelings about special times.

Recap on Creation story. Talk about the laws, ceremonies and symbols of Shabbat. Talk about the family and how each member has a part to play. Share own experiences of special times and rules involved. Compare Shabbat meal with own family meal. What do children do on ‘day of rest’?

I can use simple words to describe a religious festival. I can talk about the meaning of some religious symbols. I can recognise and describe the feelings I have at special times. (Level 2)

Observing Interpreting Reflecting Applying Empathising

AT1 Understand why and how Hanukkah is celebrated. AT2 Talk about own feelings about symbols such as light.

Hanukkah Festival of light Freedom Chanukiah/ Hanukkah Dreidel Special food

Story behind Hanukkah. Importance of light and its symbolism. How Jews celebrate Artefacts used in ceremony. Game of Dreidel.

Tell story of Hanukkah and its importance to Jews. Show how it is celebrated. Talk about the role of the candles. Explain the reasons and rules for the Dreidel game. Discuss why light is important and how it makes us feel with and without it.

I can use some words correctly when describing a religious celebration. I can talk about the meaning of the symbol of light in a religious celebration and how it makes me feel. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Interpreting Reflecting Applying Empathising

AT1 Understand what special rules Jews have at home. AT2 Compare different customs and develop respect for others’ ideas and ways.

Kosher food Keeping the faith

A Jewish kitchen. Kosher food and how it is prepared. Rules at home. Keeping special rules for all family helps to maintain the faith.

Show pictures of a Jewish kitchen. How does it compare to children’s? Talk about foods that are allowed (kosher) and those forbidden. Design a menu for a Jewish meal. Taste some special food e.g. Matzos.

I can talk about the meaning of some religious practices. I can give examples of ways different people show religion is important to them. I can talk about my feelings on important issues. (Level 2)

Observing Interpreting Reflecting Applying Empathising

AT1 Understand the importance of reminders and ritual in a Jewish home and how a mezuzah helps. AT2 Recognise times when reminders and ritual help in own life.

Mezuzah Prayer/Shema Reminder Ritual

Muzuah and prayer. Value of reminders and ritual.

Show a picture or artefact of a mezuzah. Read the Shema (prayer of devotion to God). Explain how it is used. Talk about how children remember something of importance. Do they have reminders? Do they have rituals at school or home? How does it make them feel? Write a prayer and make a ‘mezuzah’ (Smarties box or tube).

I can talk accurately about some things religious people do. I can give examples of ways people show religion is important to them. I can describe the feelings I have about what is important to me. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Observing Reflecting Applying Enquiring

AT1 Understand that giving and receiving are important to Christians. Appreciate that Christians believe Jesus was a gift from God. AT2 Reflect on own feelings about giving.

Gift Wise men Gold Frankincense Myrrh Christian Jesus/God’s gift

Why we give presents at Christmas- Wise men. Types of present. Qualities Christians believe Jesus brought to the world. Giving or receiving? The gift of love.

Recap on Nativity story with emphasis on visit by Wise men. Talk about why we give presents to people. What would be the best gift? Why do Christians consider giving and receiving so important? What qualities did Jesus have? (e.g. hope, happiness, joy, peace, safety). How could we show our love for someone?

I can describe some things religious people do. I can describe examples of how religious people celebrate a special person. I can reflect on important issues and talk about my feelings. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Interpreting

AT1 Explain how Prahlada was rescued. AT2 Predict what might happen in a story.

Good and evil Holi Prahlada Holika Vishnu

Story of Prahlada and his rescue from danger by Vishnu

Read story allowing for prediction. Interview story characters. Pictures from story. religion/Hinduism/holi.shtml Talk about own symbolic objects.

I can use some simple words correctly when talking about religion. I can talk about the feelings I have about things that are important to me. (Level 2)

Questioning Empathising

AT1 Describe some Holi celebrations. AT2 Talk about celebrations when special food was made.

Festival Celebration Right Wrong Coloured Paint

Celebrations of Holi. Have there been times when you could have chosen to do something bad instead of something good (like Prahlada).

Use website (above) for activities. Make some special food e.g. coconut ice.

I can use some simple words correctly when talking about religion. I can talk about the feelings I have about things that are important to me. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Applying Interpreting

AT1 Understand why Hindu children wear a bracelet at Raksha Bandhan. AT2 Talk about similar items that people wear at special times and why.

Festival Celebration Hindu Rakshah Bandhan Brothers/sisters Rakhi Care Protection Respect

Celebration of Raksha Bandham. The importance of looking after each other. Symbolism of bracelet. Other special clothes etc.

Read about the celebrations or watch video of Hindu family. Talk about the feelings and behaviour of the sister and brother. List the ways that we help or protect our brothers and sisters. Look at some Rakhi and special RB cards. Make some ‘friendship’ or ‘family’ bracelets.

I can use some simple words correctly when talking about religion. I can talk about the feelings I have about things that are important to me. (Level 2)

Observing Reflecting

AT1 Recognise and use some key words associated with Divali. AT2 Talk about the feelings which pupils have about important symbols and reflect on symbolic objects in own lives.

Festival Celebration Celebrate Divali Rama/Sita Light/diva

Celebrations of Divali. Artefacts used by Hindus. How does light shining in a dark place make you feel?

Recap story of Rama and Sita. Look at pictures and artefacts of Divali. Make some Diva lamps. What types of light are there? Reflect on light using lamps.

I can use some simple words correctly when talking about religion. I can talk about the feelings I have about things that are important to me. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Understand what a ‘saint’ is. Know about St David and how he is celebrated in Wales. AT2 Recognise symbols associated with the saint.

Saint Patron Martyr Wales David Cathedral Symbol

Meaning of the word ‘Saint’. Story of David. How he is remembered. dowhat/saints/saints02.htm dowhat/saints/dewi.htm Use websites to find out about saints. How is David remembered in Wales?

I can give examples of ways people show that religion is important to them. I can talk about special people and symbols.

Observing Reflecting

AT1 Know about St Patrick and how he is celebrate is Ireland. AT2 Recognise symbols associated with the saint.

Saint Patrick Ireland Priest Trinity Shamrock Faith Slavery

Events of the life of Patrick. Symbols used by Patrick. dowhat/saints/patrick.htm Look at map of Ireland and Wales. Show video of Patrick. Discuss his work as a Christian. Look at symbols e.g. shamrock. Listen to his prayer. Write similar prayers.

I can give examples of ways people show that religion is important to them. I can talk about special people and symbols.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Talk about the patron saints of England and Scotland and how they are remembered. AT2 Talk about how we remember special times in our life.

Saint George Andrew Disciple Scotland Christian Crusade Hold Land Symbols Red cross

Who was George and what did he do? Ways of remembering and celebrating the saint. dowhat/saints/george.htm saintphp?saint_id=280 Use websites and books for info/ pictures. Ask children what they know about the saint and why he is important in England. How is he remembered? dowhat/saints/andrew.htm Use website and books for info/ pictures. Compare the lives of the two saints. Talk about own special celebrations.

I can talk about special people and symbols. (Level 2)

Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Talk about how Francis became a saint and how he lived his life spreading Christianity. AT2 Recognise what is of value to children and what would be difficult to give away.

Saint Nun Pope Friar Bishop Alms Charity Value Sacrifice Loyalty

Who was Francis? How did he become a saint? What things do children value? How would they feel if they had to give them up? dowhat/saints/francis.htm Use website and video to show the life of the saint. Discuss meaning of sacrifice, charity.

I can talk about special people and symbols. (Level 2) I can talk about how some people show that religion is important to them. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Interpreting Expressing

AT1 Retell the story of the Good Samaritan. AT2 Recognise the importance of the story in children’s own lives.

Jesus Samaritan Love your neighbour Enemy

Story of Good Samaritan. Interpretations of love and how we show it. Who is our neighbour? Feelings involved. reonline/jesus/Samaritan/samaritan01. htm _testament/new_testament.html Read story of the good Samaritan. Discuss its implications. What does it mean to love? Whom do we love? How do we show love? Who is our neighbour? Share ideas of other stories with love as main theme. What happens when we don’t love our neighbour? How do we feel to be loved or unloved?

I can talk about the meaning of some religious stories. I can describe the feelings I have about things important to me. (Level 2)

Observing Interpreting Expressing

AT1 Retell the story of the Unforgiving Servant. AT2 Recognise the importance of the story of children’s own lives.

Jesus Forgiveness

Story of the Unforgiving Servant. Discussion on the importance of saying you are sorry and of forgiveness.

Read the story of the Unforgiving Servant. Why did Jesus tell this story? What does it mean to forgive? What other stories did Jesus tell using the theme of ‘Forgiveness’? What does saying you are sorry imply? forgiveness/forgiveness01.htm

I can talk about the meaning of some religious stories. I can describe the feelings I have about things important to me. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Analysing Expressing

AT1 Understand the concept of ‘Church’ as both a building and family of Christians. AT2 Describe the feelings and experiences of a special place.

Church Belonging Family God

What is the meaning of the word ‘Church’? Activities in the church and in local area. reonline/church/church01.htm List the times children may go to church. When are churches used apart from worship? Visit a local church to find out what happens there. Invite local curate to come in and talk about all the activities that Christian families do in the church and in the local area.

I can give examples of ways Christians show the importance of the church. I can describe the feelings I have about special places. (Level 2)

Interpreting Analysing Expressing

AT1 Understand the concept of ‘Church’ as both a building and family of Christians. AT2 Describe the feelings and experiences of belonging.

Church Belonging Family God

What Christians do when they worship in Church. Meaning of community. tellme/worship/worship01.htm talkabout/talkabout_belonging.pdf Research on what happens when Christians go to church. Research the meaning of the church community. What does it mean to belong to a community? What communities do children belong to? What must we do to help our communities?

I can give examples of ways Christians show the importance of the church. I can describe the feelings I have about belonging to a community. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Expressing

AT1 Understand the importance for Christians to care for others and the world around them. AT2 Describe the feelings children have about things that are important to them.

Caring for the community. Caring for the world.

Christians’ ideas about caring for the world. Some Christians that care for others. reonline/world/world01.htm world01.htm Invite a member of the local church or the Salvation Army to talk about their work helping others in the community. Use materials in the artefact box to research on how Christians care for the world around them.

I can give ways that Christians believe religion is very important to them. I can describe the feelings I have about important issues. (Level 2)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Recognise the meaning of the Aum symbol and murtis for Hindus. AT2 Understand the meaning and importance of symbols for a believer.

Hindu Symbol of Aum Murti God

Recap on what children remember about Hindu. God and the deity. Looking at a variety of murti used by Hindus. primaryschoolspage2.htm Use artefacts and websites. Recap on the Hindu deity. Use website to explain what Hindus believe about God and how he is represented. Show how he is invisible but everywhere by salt dissolving in water. Discuss the value of symbolism. What symbols or aids do children use to help them learn and understand?

I can talk about the meaning of some symbols and artefacts in the Hindu religion. I can understand the relevance of these symbols and artefacts in worship. I can describe what happened and my feelings of own experiences. (Level 2)

Interpreting Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Describe how a Hindu baby is welcomed into the faith. AT2 Compare this special time to those experienced in children’s own lives.

Hindu Birth Ceremony Symbol

Hindu birth ceremony. Comparison to Christian christening. php? Use website to research on the Hindu practices. Compare the ceremony to that of a Christian christening. What is the purpose of a ceremony at a special time? What ceremonies have children been to? What symbolism is involved?

I can describe a Hindu naming ceremony. I can describe a special event in my own life.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Describe a Hindu home shrine and how it is cared for. AT2 Reflect on own experiences of special places and relate these to the importance of the shrine.

Home Shrine Reflect Worship Devotion

Special places for reflection. The home shrine.

Talk about special places at home. Discuss where the children go if they want to be quiet or to think. Look at pictures, artefacts and videos of a shrine. Ask the children to describe what they can see. Discuss how one might prepare for the visit of a special guest. How do we try to make people feel welcome? Explain that Hindus treat the images of the gods and goddesses like extra-special guests: they are respected, cared for, talked to, offered food and kept clean.

I can describe how a shrine is cared for in a Hindu home. I can reflect on my own experiences of special places, and relate them to the importance of a shrine in a Hindu home. (Level 2)

Interpreting Questioning Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Explain the meaning, symbolism and act of Puja for Hindus. AT2 Reflect on own experiences of giving and showing devotion.

Puja Puja tray Hindu worship Offering Devotion primaryschoolspage4.htm Look at artefacts of Puja. Make a list of questions about the items, and use website and books to find out the purpose of each artefact on the tray, and it is used in worship. Think about the concept of ‘offering’. Whom do we give things to? When? Why?

I can describe a Puja in the Hindu home and understand the symbolism. I can reflect on my own experiences of giving love. (Level 2)


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WORSHIP Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur BELIEFS & QUESTIONS God: Creator, loving, just God: Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit

PILGRIMAGE Life as a journey Canterbury Rome Lourdes The Hold Land RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Festivals Christmas (Light)

RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Festivals: Epiphany Lent: Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Jesus’ temptations

SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Pesach and Sedar Plate Moses and Exodus from Egypt Easter (Betrayal and trust)

TEACHINGS & AUTHORITY Traditions about Muhammad Guidance from the Qur’an Qur’an as the word of God, its study and treatment WORSHIP 5 Pillars Of Islam: Shahadah (faith) Salah (prayer)

WORSHIP 5 Pillars of Islam: Zakah (almsgiving) Sawn (fasting in month of Ramadan) Hajj (pilgrimage) Status of Ka’bah RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Festivals: Id-ul-Fitr Id-ul-Adha


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Enquiring Analysing Reflecting Applying Expressing

AT1 Explain the festival of Rosh Hashanah and its importance to Jews. AT2 Recognise that the festival has relevance in own life.

Jewish New Year Creation Holy Judgement Repentance Self- examination Shofar Remembrance

Festival of Rosh Hashanah – New Year (5767) Discussion on self- examination

www.learn.jtsa.ed/topics/kids/together/ roshhashanah www.torah/org/learning/yomotov/ roshhashanah Research the origin and meaning of this special Jewish festival. Recap creation story. Describe some ways festival is celebrated. East some ‘apples dipped in honey’. Explain symbolism involved. What comparisons are there with own New Year ceremonies? Discuss concepts of judgement and self-examination. Why are they important and how can they help us improve our behaviour?

I am beginning to explain simply some of the links between different features of a religion. I can describe how special times are important to some people. (Level 3)

Observing Enquiring Analysing Reflecting Applying Expressing

AT1 Explain the festival of Yum Kippur and its importance to Jews. AT2 Recognise that the festival has relevance in own life.

Yom Kippur Roshhashanah Sabbath of Sabbaths Teshuvah Tallit Kol Nidre Fasting Repentance Promise

Festival of Yom Kippur Ideas about ‘fasting’ Repenting and making or re-making promises

www.learn.jtsa.ed/topics/kids/together/ yomkippur/index www.torah/org/learning/yomotov/yomkippur Research the reasons and meanings of this most important time in the Jewish year. Discuss the value of fasting. Show a ‘tallit’ and how it is worn. Explain briefly the ‘Kol Nidre’ and ‘Tesuvah’. Talk about own unfulfilled promises. Share ideas of how pupils could promise to become a better person.

I am beginning to explain simply some of the links between different features of a religion. I can describe how special times are important to some people. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Interpreting Reflecting Questioning

AT1 Describe some Christian beliefs about God. AT2 Question, reflect on and share own ideas about God.

God: creator loving and just Sacred Holy

Ideas about God What Bible says about God Stories about God and creation God01.htm Share ideas about the appearance of God. Describe the characteristics of God. How do we know? What proof is there? In pairs make up a selection of questions to decide what God is like. What does the Bible say about God? Use website to find examples of a loving God (e.g. Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world because he loved it so much).

I can describe some of the beliefs of a religion. I can ask a range of questions about puzzling ideas. I can compare my ideas with those of others. (Level 3)

Analysing Interpreting Reflecting Questioning

AT1 Try to understand the Christian concept of the Trinity. AT2 Question, reflect on and share own ideas about God.

God: Trinity Holy Spirit St Patrick Shamrock

God the father, son and Holy Spirit trinity01.htm List tri (meaning three) words. What do pupils know about Jesus the son? Use website to explain the Trinity. (St Patrick used a shamrock to explain). How is God a different father to our own? What do Christians think about the Holy Spirit? Is it in evidence in our world?

I can describe some of the beliefs of a religion. I can ask a range of questions about puzzling ideas. I can discuss my own and others’ ideas. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Reflecting Applying

AT1/AT2 Understand the concept of life being a journey and recognising the important stages.

Naming ceremonies and child initiation: baptism (Christian) Hindu naming Confirmation (Christian) Bar Mitzvah (Jewish) Marriage (all faiths) Death

The meaning of ‘journey’. How it applies to our lives? What special events occur in our lives or a believer’s life?

Discuss the meaning of ‘journey’. How could it apply to our lives? List the main events in our lives. Are they the same for everyone? Do people in different faiths have special ceremonies to mark special events? Use drama to act out various stages of life.

I can describe the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I realise that some features of religion influence my own life. (Level 3)

Observing Analysing Reflecting Applying

AT1 Understand the term ‘pilgrimage’ and why it is important to believers. AT2 Recognise special places in own life and importance of making a special journey.

Pilgrimage Special places Sacrifice and hardship Canterbury Holy Land Rome Lourdes

Special places Meaning of ‘pilgrimage’ and what it implies. Introduction of some places of pilgrimage for Christians. pilgrimage/pilgrim01.htm Explore the meaning of ‘pilgrimage’. What does it involve? Who goes on one and where to? Share experiences of making a journey to a special place. What preparations were necessary? Were conditions difficult? What emotions did pupils feel on the journey and at destination?

I can describe the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I realise that some features of religion influence my own life. I can describe how special times and places are important to some people. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting Empathising

AT1 Find out about a special place for pilgrims: Canterbury AT2 Develop appreciation of other peoples’ actions.

Pilgrimage Pilgrim Canterbury Cathedral Thomas Becket King Henry Martyr

Canterbury Cathedral Thomas Becket

Visit Canterbury Cathedral website on pilgrim places (see last lesson). Research about Thomas Becket’s death. Discuss right and wrong actions and why people would want to visit Becket’s place of death. Explain that Cathedral was already on route to Rome but then became a place for pilgrims itself.

I can describe the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can recognise some important places of worship. I can describe how special places or experiences are important to some people. (Level 3)

Observing Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Find out about a special place for pilgrims: Rome. AT2 Develop appreciation of other peoples’ actions.

Pilgrimage Pilgrim Rome St Peter Disciple of Jesus

Rome as main place for pilgrimage for many Christians. Who was Peter?

Research on the Basilica in Rome and explain why it is an important place for Christians. Do pupils know of any stories about Peter with Jesus? E.g. catching fish (Luke4:18v22) or denial of Jesus after arrest (Luke 22).

I can describe the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can recognise some important places of worship. I can describe how special places or experiences are important to some people. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting Empathising

AT1 Find out about other special places for pilgrims: Holy Land, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela and why these places are visited by Christians.

Pilgrimage Pilgrim Faith and hope Miracle and cure Holy Land Lourdes St Bernadette Santiago de Compostela St James

Further places for Christian pilgrimages. Land where Jesus lived and died. Meaning of the term ‘miracle’. Saints

Recap on reasons for pilgrimage. What is a miracle? Explain that some pilgrims are looking for a miracle at special place (Lourdes). Others want to visit place where Christ lived (Holy Land). Work in groups to research these and other places of pilgrimage using website and books.

I can describe the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can recognise some important places of worship. I can describe how believers use Holy places. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting Application

AT1 Recognise when, how and why the symbol of light is used at Christmas. AT2 Appreciate the significance of light in own life.

Symbol of light at Christmas Star of Bethlehem Darkness Carols by candlelight Jesus the light of the world

Uses of light in own lives. Uses of light by Christians. Darkness as symbol of evil as opposed to light symbol for good.

Mind map all the resources and uses of light. How does light make us feel? When is darkness used to portray evil? List the ways light is mentioned or used at Christmas. Why is it an important symbol? Christians believe Jesus is the light of the world. symbols/symbols11.htm Look at picture by Holman Hunt. Discuss why Christians think Jesus is light of the world. Recap on how light is important in other faiths e.g. Divali for Hindus and Hanukkah for Jews.

I can describe some of the symbols used in religion. I can explain the significance of symbols in worship. I can talk about my own feelings on what is important to me. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing

AT1 Recognise that Epiphany is an important time in the Church calendar. AT2 Understand the significance of Epiphany for a Christian.

Church calendar Epiphany Jesus Gentiles

Church calendar starting with Advent The giving of the gifts by the 3 kings at Epiphany. The meaning of the word for Christians. church%20year/church%20year01.htm Recap on the main events of Christmas. Explain using website that the church has its own calendar and Christians remember the visit of the kings (Gentiles not Jews) how they worshipped baby Jesus and that God gave Jesus for everyone not just Jews.

I can describe how special times are important or sacred to some people.

Observing Analysing

AT1 Describe the importance of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. AT2 Talk about times we are sorry.

Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday Symbolism of ashes Reflection

How and why Christians celebrate the beginning of Lent. lent/lent01.htm lent/lent05.htm Use websites and books to discover the meanings and significance of these two days in the church calendar. Talk about the symbolism of the ashes. Share in role play own experiences of feeling sad because of a wrong doing.

I can describe some of the ways that Christians show religion is important to them. I can describe some ways in which people reflect at a special time. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Applying Reflecting

AT1 Learn about the temptations of Jesus by the devil. AT2 Reflect on the concept of temptation and share own experiences.

Lent Jesus Devil Wilderness Evil Temptation Resisting

Temptation of Jesus (Matthew4 v1-7) Meaning of temptation Children’s own experiences of temptation.

Read from Bible the account of the temptation of Jesus. How else did Jesus spend his days in the wilderness: fasting and praying, preparing for his work ahead. lent/lent01.htm Role play some examples of temptation. Use a variety of books in the Christianity box for ideas e.g. worksheets, pictures

I can describe some of the beliefs and teachings of Christianity. I can discuss and share my ideas and feelings about things of importance. (Level 3)

Interpreting Applying Reflecting

AT1 Recognise that Lent is an important time in the Christian calendar. AT2 Reflect on the importance of fasting or sacrifice.

Fasting Lent Holy Week Jesus

How Christians remember Lent by fasting and prayer. Children’s own ideas about fasting and sacrifice. lent/lent02.htm Recap on story of Jesus in the wilderness. Use website to explore how Christians spend Lent at home and in Church. Make a list of things to give up for Lent. What sacrifice could children make? What could children to as ‘extra’ during Lent?

I can describe some of the beliefs and teachings of Christianity. I can describe some ways in which people reflect at special times. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Interpreting Reflecting Evaluating

AT1 Know the story of the exodus from Egypt and the reason why Jews celebrate Pasach (Passover). AT2 Understand the value of freedom.

Moses Exodus Israelites/Jews Hebrew Slavery Suffering Freedom Plagues Pharaoh

Story of the exodus of Moses and the Israelites. Discussion on what freedom means.

Read the story of the slavery of the Israelites in Egypt and how Moses was told by God to lead the people back to Israel. Talk about the feelings the different people had. Discuss what slavery entails and what freedom means to the children. What are they free to do? What are they not free to do?

I am beginning to explain the links between some features of a religion. I can discuss my own and other peoples’ ideas about things we value. (Level 3)

Analysing Interpreting Reflecting Evaluating

AT1 Describe the Seder plate. AT2 Understand and reflect on the symbolism involved.

Passover/ Pesach Jews Seder plate Chazeret/ Bitterness Zeroa Sacrifice Maror Slavery Charoset Karpas Beitzah

The role of the Seder plate for Jews at Pesach/Passover resources/flash.php?&file=seder Use website, pictures and artefacts to explain the role of the Seder plate and the foods placed on it. How does it link back to the story of the exodus?

I am beginning to explain the links between some features of a religion. I can describe the symbols used to help Jews remember a special time. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Interpreting Empathising Reflecting

AT1 To understand how Jews celebrate Pesach. AT2 Reflect on the celebration of an important event.

Pesach/ Passover Judaism Freedom Slavery Promise Covenant Remembrance

How Jews celebrate the Pesach/Passover in their homes with all the family. Reflecting on how we remember an important event e.g. World wars Judaism/judai1.html Research on how Jews prepare themselves and celebrate the festival of Pesach. Recap on reasons for the festival. Emphasise importance of family. Discuss reasons for remembrance, discuss when and how people remember an event. Reflect on the need for remembrance.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important. I can describe how special times are sacred to certain people. I can describe different ways in which people reflect at special times. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Understand the concepts of ‘Betrayal’ and ‘Trust’ at Easter. AT2 Reflect on own experiences of these concepts.

Jesus Holy week Easter Betrayal Letting down Trust Disciples

Story of Maundy Thursday with the betrayal of Jesus (John ch13 v1-38) Meaning of ‘Trust’ Who betrayed Jesus apart from Judas? Sharing own experiences and thoughts on the two concepts. holyweek/holyweek02.htm Read from the Bible events of Maundy Thursday up to crucifixion and discuss the feelings of the people concerned (Jesus, Judas, Peter and other Disciples). Discuss own ideas on ‘trust’ and ‘betrayal’.

I can explain and describe the concepts of ‘Betrayal’ and ‘Trust’ and how these were important aspects of Holy Week. I can make connections between religions.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Questioning Reflecting

AT1 Understand why Muslims call Muhammad the Messenger of God. AT2 Compare their own experience of quietness for reflection, with those of religious people such as Muhammad.

Arabia Messenger Islam Muslim Submission Revelation p.b.u.h.= ‘peace be upon him’ The night of Power Reflection a life changing experience

Traditions about Muhammad Arabia on the map Story of ‘The Night of Power’ (Any story of how Gabriel spoke to Muhammad) Discuss ideas of a messenger and revelation. prophet-mohd.htm resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks1/re/re_ quiz/quiz1amuh.htm 15.htm Discuss about life changing experiences. Reflect why many people feel the need for a place and time of quiet, allowing pupils time to reflect, looking at e.g. a mountain poster. Describe Muhammad’s experiences on the mountain.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can describe how special times, places and experiences are important or sacred to some people (Level 3)

Analysing Empathising

AT1 Understand that the Qur’an is fundamental to Muslims because it is the ‘word of God’, and thus it is treated with great respect. AT2 Discuss own special books

Qur’an Arabic Allah Revelation Word of God Respect

Qur’an as the word of God, its study and treatment. After washing hands, show a Qur’an then place it on a stand. Look at examples of illuminated sections of the Qur’an. Use video, pictures, artefacts and websites to understand the respect shown to the Qur’an. Write something very neatly that you would like to remember, and give it an illuminated border. Learn part of a beautiful poem by heart. Compare this with Muslims learning the Qur’an by heart.

I am beginning to explain simply some of the links between different features of a religion. I can discuss my own and other people’s ideas about things which we value.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Empathising Applying

AT1 Learn why and how Muslims fast during Sawn. AT2 Understand how special times are important for some people.

Fasting Giving up something Ramadan Self- discipline Will power

Reasons for Ramadan Time of year for fasting Discussion of things we would find hard to give up. Meaning of will power. Comparison with Lent (Christian fasting) b_tidcombe_rct/re/5_pillars.html Use websites to research on Sawn. Record what has been learnt about Sawn.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can describe how special times, places and experiences are important or sacred to some people. (Level 3)

Interpreting Empathising Applying

AT1 Learn about the Pillar of Hajj (pilgrimage). AT2 Understand how special times and places are important for some people.

Pilgrimage Commitment Lifetime obligation Makkah Ka’aba Pillars

Reasons for pilgrimages Research on the Hajj ceremonies and rituals. b_tidcombe_rct/re/5_pillars.html microsites/H/hajj/index.html Video of Hajj Use websites to research on the pilgrimage.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can describe how special times, places and experiences are important or sacred to some people.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Recognise that Muslim beliefs and practices are rooted in the Qur’an. AT2 Discuss their own responsibilities

Qur’an Arabic Allah Responsibility Beliefs Actions Role model Hadith

Guidance from the Qur’an Discuss concept of responsibility – Muhammad’s responsibility as God’s messenger. Read some stories and sayings of Muhammad

Reflect on what responsible role they might like to be chosen for. Who are their role models? Share ideas with a partner. Discuss in a group how Muhammad lived his life, and reflect on what they can learn from the Hadith stories.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can discuss my own and other people’s ideas about things we value. (Level 3)

Analysing Empathising

AT1 Learn about the 5 Pillars of Faith. AT2 Share their own ideas for the most important belief in their life.

Belief Prayer Statement of faith Shahadah Salah Submission to the will of Allah

5 Pillars of Islam: Shahadah (faith) Salah (prayer) Part 1. Discuss the idea that just as pillars support a building, so the 5 Pillars help Muslims to be aware of Allah in all they do.

Discuss the purpose of a statement of faith. Discuss in groups reasons for having rules and consider how the Qur’an contains rules for living, such as instructions for prayer.

I can describe some of the beliefs and teachings of a religion I have studied. I can recognise religious questions and talk about different people’s ideas about these questions. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Applying

AT1 Learn how Muslims prepare their bodies and minds for prayer. AT2 Discuss routines in their day.

Salah Prayer mat Outward sign of cleanliness Inner preparation Ritual Washing Wudu Direction of Makkah The Ka’aba

Salah (prayer) (2) Use posters, books, short extracts of videos/DVDs, ICT website resources to show the ritual washing before prayer and the prayer positions. Looking at a prayer mat. displayframe.php?src=194/ consultants_resources%2Fre%2F WUZU%2FWuzu.html+ Prayer.htm Design and colour a prayer mat. Record what has been learnt about prayer through writing, captions and drawings.

I can define some of the key words we used when I study religion. I can describe what the word ‘symbol’ means when applied to the Muslim ritual of Wudu. (Level 3)

Interpreting Applying

AT1 Learn how Zakah (almsgiving) is important for Muslims. AT2 Discuss ‘giving’ in own lives.

Charity Zakah Self- discipline Self- purification Obedience to God

Zakah (almsgiving) Use websites to find out why Zakat is a Pillar of Faith for Muslims. Mind mapping different forms of ‘giving’ and charities we give to and why. zakaat.htm b_tidcombe_rct/re/5_pillars.html Record what has been learnt about Zakah through writing, captions and drawings.

I can define some of the key words we used when I study religion. I can discuss my own and other people’s ideas about things which are important.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Applying

AT1 Learn why and how Muslims celebrate the festival of Eid-Al-Adha. AT2 Appreciate that the festival is a time for sacrifice, sharing and celebration.

Eid Festival Eid Mubarak Sacrifice Ibrahim Ismael Hajj

Story of Ibrahim and his son. How and when Muslims celebrate the festival. Meaning of sacrifice and application in children’s lives. hsc/eidaladha.shtml#curr teachingandlearning/assesmblies/index. cfm?mode=searchdisplay&id=80&history= keyword Make some special foods such as Samosas. Research on Mehnid. Make some Eid cards with traditional designs or Arabic writing.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can describe how special times, places and experiences are important or sacred to some people. (Level 3)

Analysing Applying

AT1 Learn why and how Muslims celebrate the festival of Eid-Al-Fitr AT2 Appreciate that the festival is a time for giving, sharing and celebration.

Eid Ramadan Charity Lunar calendar

How and when Muslims celebrate this festival.

http://www.funsocialstudies.learninghaven. com/articles.eid.htm favourite-day-eid.htm Record what has been learnt about Eid-Al-Fitr. Make some cards.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can describe how special times, places and experiences are important or sacred to some people. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Evaluating

AT1 Explain at least one of the Muslim traditional stories. AT2 Reflect on the meaning and value of the traditional Muslim tales

Courage Obedience Respect Honesty Muhammad

Some traditional Islamic stories involving Muhammad or ones he told. Use books and website for stories. Discuss the morals and values behind each story. Are there comparable stories in other faiths?

I can describe some of the values and ideas of Islam told in stories and link them to how a Muslim behaves. I can discuss my own and other people’s ideas about important issues. (Level 3)


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RELIGION & THE INDIVIDUAL Terms: Islam & Muslim WORSHIP & SACRED PLACES Worship in the Mosque (importance of Friday) RELIGION & THE INDIVIDUAL Role of Imam JOURNEY OF LIFE & DEATH Death ceremonies

WORSHIP & SACRED PLACES Worship at church Different styles of worship: Anglican SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Eucharist RELIGION & COMMUNITY Improving our local environment

WORSHIP & SACRED PLACES Synagogue worship, including the role of the Rabbi RELIGION & THE INDIVIDUAL Revise-aids to prayer- tefillin, tallith, prayer book

INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Moses and the giving of Law of God TEACHINGS & AUTHORITY Torah, especially the Shema and the 10 Commandments SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Easter – Good and Evil

WORSHIP & SACRED PLACES Worship at home Different styles of worship: Methodist INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE Local Christians, e.g. local charity worker Christian Aid, local hospice BELIEFS IN ACTION The local church and its work in the community

JOURNEYS OF LIFE AND DEATH Handling loss/change/ grief Funerals and what people think about life after death


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Recognise the importance of Friday to Muslims. AT2 Share own experiences of a special day and appreciate the actions of others.

Islam Muslim Sabbath Mosque Salat-prayer Sermon Imam Jumu’ah/El Gumah (assembly)

Islamic idea of creation- God ascending the throne on the seventh day Sabbath – Friday Special prayers and sermon by Imam Routine of a special day School Council Recap on meaning of terms: Islam, Muslim, Salat. Recap on story of creation emphasising that Muslims believe God ascended throne on the seventh day not rested. Research how Muslims spend Friday in mosque. What do pupils do at the weekend? What happens at school council? How is this similar to the assembly in the mosque after the prayers?

I can define some key words in religion. I can describe some ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can link the way I behave to that of a believer. (Level 3)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Researching Interpreting Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Recognise the role of Imam. AT2 Draw on own experiences of belonging to a community with a leader.

Islam Mosque Community Imam Duty Respect

Role of Imam Being a leader Muslim community Pupils’ own communities Respect for leaders

Use Folens book on Islam for information and ideas and activities. Research role of Imam and list duties. Share experiences of belonging to a community and what this involves. How do we show respect for leaders?

I can describe the role of an important religious person. I can link the things that are important to me and to other people. (Level 3)

Observing Interpreting Reflecting Applying Expressing

AT1 Find out some features of Islamic death ceremonies. AT2 Express own ideas and experiences about death

Ceremony Ritual Mourning Prayers

Islam death duties Emotions associated with mourning Research on death duties in Islamic community. How does it compare to own experiences? What emotions are felt by mourners? What do people believe happens when one dies? Is there an afterlife? ‘Exploring The Journey of Life and Death’

I can explain some of the ways that religion can influence a person in life and death. I can share my own beliefs about life and death, referring to ideas from religion. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting Applying FOR 2 LESSONS

AT1 Recognise the role of Imam. AT2 Recognise that the church contains features which are important for worship by many Christians.

Church Denomination Protestant Anglican/Church of England Henry VIII Vicar Curate Bishop Lay reader Sideman Youth worker

Different denominations and origin of Anglican church Features inside a typical Anglican church Workers in the church churches.htm Use website including the virtual tours along with books to find out about the Anglican church. Visit St Paul’s, Sandgate. Explain how the Anglican church started. List the features found in most Anglican churches and explain how these are used by Christians. Who works in church? Are there voluntary helpers as well? E.g. Sunday school teachers or flower arrangers.

I can describe a place of worship and how it is important to a believer. I can recognise that some features are different in the same religion. (Level 3/4)

Observing Analysing Reflecting FOR 2 LESSONS

AT1 Describe some ways an Anglican uses the church for worship. AT2 Appreciate that people of a faith behave in a special way.

Service Congregation Sermon Communion Eucharist Common prayer Bible Readings Confirmation Wedding Funeral

Types of services on a Sunday Format of typical service with communion Other services and uses of the church

Use above website to find out about how Anglicans worship in a church. Ask curate from St Paul’s church or St George’s church to come and talk about various ways the church is used during the week. Look at a prayer book, Hymn book, order of service and a church magazine. Find out which prayers are incorporated into services. What artefacts, symbols and decorations aid a believer in the church? How do believers behave in the church? Do they perform any rituals? Learn a prayer such as the ‘Lord’s prayer’. Make a wall display on the Anglican church.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can explain how ritual and symbolism help in worship. (Level 3/4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting Applying Empathising Expressing

AT1 Describe the actions and symbolism involved in the Eucharist. AT2 Consider ritual, expression and commitment in a Christian’s as well as own life.

Sacrament Eucharist Holy Communion Lord’s Supper Passover Breaking of bread Mass Chalice & paten Confession Sin Forgiveness Salvation

The service of Eucharist and reasons why it is so important to Christians. Symbols and religious expression used and why. Sharing own experiences. communion/communion01.htm Recap on the story of ‘The Last Supper’ Christ had with Disciples (Passover celebration). Use website, pictures and books to illustrate the process of Eucharist. Compare Anglican and Roman Catholic services. Use the artefacts to help with a discussion on how symbolism plays an important part as well as religious expression in the form of prayers etc. Explain that Christians believe that God’s presence in their lives is demonstrated through public expressions of commitment. Share experiences of pupils’ own lives when they show commitment and belief in something special. Are there any special rituals? Do they remember a special event?

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can describe simple ceremonies and differences within a religion. I can explain how people use symbols to help the reflect. (Level 3/4)

Analysing Respecting Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Describe some things a church might do to improve the environment. AT2 Consider how we can show care and concern for the environment.

Creation Caring for local environment Conservation Christian Ecology Link

Christian ideas Bible references

Use above website for information on environment and check out Bible references. Discuss Christian ideas about the creation and environment. Make posters to illustrate the Christian ideas. Use website for information and ideas. Also activity ideas in Christianity artefact box.

I can describe some practical ways Christians might care for the world. (Level 3/4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Describe the features of the synagogue. AT2 Recognise that the synagogue contains features which are important for worship of Jews.

Judaism Jew Synagogue Temple Artefacts

Research on the exterior and interior of a synagogue. Rules and practices in the synagogue. parry_carmarthenshire/e_index_ synagogue_old.htm Research on the synagogue using websites, books and pictures from Judaism box. Discuss the use of artefacts and visual aids in the synagogue. Compare the interior to other places of worship.

I can describe the interior and functions of a synagogue. I can name and explain in detail some of the artefacts found in the Holy place.

Observing Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Describe how a synagogue is used for worship. AT2 Consider the ideas of ritual, expression, and sacred words and actions.

Judaism Synagogue Worship Torah Blessings Rabbi

Research on how the synagogue is used for worship. Reflection and ideas about ritual and expression. Comparisons with worship in other faiths. displayframe.php?src=465/consultants_ resources/religiouseduc/judaismS/ service.html+ Use website and books to find out about worship in the synagogue. Discuss the different ways that Jews reflect about their religion.

I can describe some ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can describe different ways that people reflect in special places. (Level 3/4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Empathising Questioning Reflecting

AT1 Explain the role and importance of the Rabbi. AT2 Explore the importance of leadership.

Synagogue Rabbi Teacher/ leader

Role of Rabbi Meaning of the terms: leadership and guidance synagogue/rabbi.htm Use website to find out role of Rabbi and his belief in God. Discuss the term ‘leadership’. What does it imply and what problems may be encountered.

I can describe some ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I am developing a greater religious vocabulary. I can ask a range of good questions when studying religion. (Level 3/4)

Researching Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Revise the special artefacts worn by Jewish men when they pray and the significance of these objects. AT2 Explain the importance of artefacts as an aid to prayer and reflection, and explore the use of such objects in pupils’ lives.

Kippah Tallit Tefillin Prayer Artefacts Torah Shema

Recap on the prayer aids used by a Jew in worship. Explore the ideas of how what is worn can define a person’s identity. Discuss the significance of special or sacred objects in pupils’ lives. displayframe.php?src=465/consultants_ resources/religiouseduc/judaismA/tandt .html+ Revise using websites, pictures and artefacts from the Judaism box, the prayer aids worn by Jewish men. Focus on issues of identity, respect and remembering. Relate to own experiences. Write a poem/reflection/prayer which expresses these ideas.

I can explain the meaning of a range of terms used when studying a religion. I can explain how many people think it is important to reflect and how they use different things to help them. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Applying

AT1 Understand that Jews believe that prayer is a means of communication between people and God, and that Jews have three daily prayer times. AT2 Reflect on the importance of special experiences including times of prayer in pupils’ lives.

Prayer God Communication

Prayer and the need for it, what people pray for and how this helps in their understanding and relation with God. Times Jews pray each day: Morning -because Abraham prayed early to meet God before the business of the day. Afternoon-because Isaac stopped his business to pray Evening-because Jacob stopped to thank God after each day.

Discuss ways of communicating and how useful these might be. Talk about prayers pupils know and how these are helpful. Mind mapping activity on communication, prayer, reflection and routine.

I can describe some ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I am describe different ways in which people communicate with God. I can explain why many people consider it is important to reflect. I can share my own experiences of prayer and reflection. (Level 3/4)

Researching Reflecting

AT1 Know some of the prayers which are prayed by the Jewish people. AT2 Reflect on the meaning of total commitment.

Prayer Siddur Shema Amidah Total commitment

Jewish prayers. Explain: Siddur: (Jewish prayer book in Hebrew) Shema: Deuteronomy ch6v4-9 Amidah: ‘Blessed are you O Lord our God Lord of the Universe’.

Discuss Shema and expectations on Jewish people. Decide when blessings might be used. Discuss commitment.

I can retell and explain some of the Jewish prayers. I can explain why many people consider it is important to reflect and pray. I can explain the importance of commitment.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Questioning Interpreting Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Understand the role played by Moses for the Jewish people. AT2 Reflect on the need for law and order and explain others’ ideas.

Moses God Hebrews Commandments Laws

Story of the exodus from Egypt, the burning bush and the giving of the 10 commandments to Moses from God. Discussion of laws and rules at school, at home and in society, and why necessary. moses/index.htm Use Jewish website or books to recap story of Moses and exodus from Egypt. (If you read from Bible explain that Christians regard Moses important as well and that account is similar to that in the Jewish Holy Book, The Torah). Discuss why God have the laws to Moses. Share views on law and order, what happens when these laws are broken?

I can give a more accurate and detailed account of a special story. I can explain different peoples’ ideas about important issues. (Level 3/4)

Questioning Interpreting Applying Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Understand the significance of the 10 commandments for Jewish people. AT2 Discuss the relevance of the laws in own lives.

Moses Commandments Shema

Discussion of the 10 commandments given to Moses from God and their importance and relevance today for both Jews and non Jews. commandments/tencomms.htm Use posters and books to find out 10 commandments in child friendly language. Discuss the importance of these laws to the Hebrews with Moses and also today. Do they apply to everyone? Recap on the Shema. htm

I can give an accurate account of the main commandments. I can explain different peoples’ ideas about important issues. (Level 3/4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment


AT1 Understand that the Torah is the body of law and teachings for Jews. AT2 Explain why Jews consider the Torah as sacred.

Torah Tanakh Scrolls Yad Chumash Talmud Mezuzah

The Torah both written and oral. Recap on how Holy scrolls are used in worship and the Mezuzah. Written tanach_facts.htm Use artefacts and websites to research on the sacred writings of the Jews.

I can give an accurate and detailed description of the sacred books of Judaism. I can explain why some people think the Holy books are special and important.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Interpreting Evaluating Expressing

AT1 Recognise and describe the concepts of good and evil in the Easter story. AT2 Share and compare own ideas of good and evil.

Easter story Concepts of good and evil 10 commandments

Recap the Easter story Discussion on the good and evil aspects of the story. Discussion on what constitutes ‘evil’ and evil doers. christianity/easter/easter.htm Recap using website the story of Easter and mind map all the instances of good and evil shown by different characters. What was the motive behind their actions? Which of the 10 commandments were broken? How do Christians depict ‘good’ and ‘evil’ in the festival?

I can describe and explain the symbolism of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ in the Easter story. (Level 3/4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Researching Reflecting

AT1 Research on and learn how Christians worship at home. AT2 Explain how religious commitment affects daily life.

Worship Symbol Artefact Prayer Commitment

How do Christians think of God at home using prayer. What aids they may use to help with worship. How Christians involve their faith in their home life and job. prayer/prayer02.htm heads/heads.htm Use websites/local minister to research how Christians worship at home. Ask minister to come in and talk about how religion affects their life.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can explain how religion affects the daily life of a Christian. (Level 4)

Observing Analysing Researching Reflecting

AT1 Learn about the style of worship of a Methodist. AT2 Recognise that the church contains features which are important for worship by many Christians.

Denomination Methodist John Wesley Bible Hymn

Features inside a typical Methodist church. How was the church formed and why? (John Wesley) Workers in the church What happens in Methodist worship and how does it compare with that in an Anglican church? methodists/methodists01.htm tours/Wesley/tour.htm Research using websites and books. Comparisons between the different denominations.

I can give an accurate account of the method of worship and other activities in the Methodist Church. I can make comparisons between different styles of worship and explain different viewpoints. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Researching Empathising Reflecting

AT1 Research on the work of Christian Aid. AT2 Understand and explain why some people work for a charity.

Charity Christian Aid Voluntary Volunteers Poverty

What is the meaning of charity? Work of the charity Christian Aid around the world. How the charity is funded. This would take at least 2 lessons to explore thoroughly. faithfile/aboutca.html christianaid/chrisaid04.htm

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can explain different people’s ideas about the things they value and hope for. (Level 4)

Researching Empathising Reflecting

AT1 Research on the work of CREE (Christian Response for Eastern Europe). AT2 Understand and explain why some people work for a charity.

Charity Christian Aid Eastern Europe Poverty Soup kitchen

The work of the charity in Eastern Europe. Activities to raise money. cree/cree01.htm

I can discuss my own and other people's ideas about things which we value.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Interpreting Empathising Expressing

AT1 Learn about the work of the Salvation Army. AT2 Understand and explain the motivation and dedication of Christian volunteers.

Salvation Relief Charity Voluntary Humanitarian Support service Homeless Dedication

Work of the Salvation Army both locally and worldwide. army/army01.htm schools uki/www_uki.nsf Research the work of the Salvation Army using the websites. Invite a member of the local branch to talk about the work and why he/she feels it is an important job. Two lessons should be used for this topic.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can explain different people’s ideas about the things they value and their vision of life. (Level 4)

Observing Analysing Interpreting Empathising Expressing

AT1 Learn about the work of the Folkestone Rainbow Centre. AT2 Understand and explain the motivation and dedication of Christian volunteers.

Relief Charity Voluntary Humanitarian Support service Homeless Dedication

Work of the local charity. What it takes to be a volunteer.

http://www.folkestonerainbowcentre. Research the work of this local charity using the website. Contact the charity for further information and/or a possible speaker.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can explain different people’s ideas about the things they value and their vision of life. (Level 4/5)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Interpreting Empathising Expressing

AT1 Learn about the work in the community of the local church. AT2 Understand and explain the motivation and dedication of Christian volunteers.

Community Faith in action Outreach Pastoral care

The local church and its work in the community.

http://www.thetrinitybenefice-folkestone. Invite a minister from one of the Benefice churches to talk about the work of the church in the community. Find out about activities that take place in the church such as Scouts, weddings, funerals etc.

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can explain the meaning and significance of practices in the Christian community. (Level 4)

Observing Analysing Interpreting Empathising Expressing

AT1 Learn about the work at a children’s hospice. AT2 Understand and explain the meaning of motivation and dedication.

Relief Charity Life limiting illness Dedication Family support Respite Bereavement

Work of the Demelza Hospice for terminally ill children. Use the website to explore the work of the hospice. Share ideas about the requirements and attributes of the staff who look after the children and their families.

I can explain different people’s ideas about the things they value and their vision of life. (Level 4/5)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Interpreting Empathising Expressing Questioning

AT1 Understand the Christian beliefs about death and then life after death. AT2 Develop own ideas and lines of enquiry about the ‘journey of life and death’.

Resurrection Life after death Soul Judgement of God Heaven and hell

Story of the resurrection of Jesus. The belief of Christians of Eternal life. death/life01.htm death/after_we_die.pdf funerals/feelings.htm Use website and books to explain the Christian belief about life after death. What proof is there that this happens? How do people feel when someone they love dies? Discuss and make a list of difficult questions.

I can give an accurate and detailed account of the belief of Christians regarding death. I can offer questions about something hard to understand. (Level 4)

Observing Analysing Interpreting Empathising Expressing Questioning

AT1 Know what happens at a Christian funeral. AT2 Explain the meaning and significance of this Christian rite of passage.

Funeral Undertaker Burial Cemetery Cremation Mourner Mourning Grief Symbols of hope Memorial Tombstone

What happens at a Christian funeral. What symbols are used. How the service comforts the mourners. funerals/funeral01.htm funerals/script.htm Research what happens at a funeral. How are mourners helped in their grief? What symbols are used? How are the dead remembered? What happens at a memorial service?

I can describe some of the ways in which people show that religion is important to them. I can explain the symbolism used in a Christian funeral or memorial service. (Level 4/5)


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TEACHINGS & AUTHORITY The Bible Old and New Testaments different books and genres, e.g. history, law, poems, proverbs, gospels Letters Different translations Mary Jones Source of beliefs and teachings for Christians Jesus the teacher sermon on the mount Two Great Commandments

TEACHINGS & AUTHORITY Jesus the teacher Parables e.g. The Unforgiving Servant The Good Samaritan Workers in the Vineyard Parables of the Kingdom e.g. The Pearl of Great Price The Treasure Field The Mustard Seed SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Christmas (accounts in Matthew & Luke)

TEACHINGS & AUTHORITY Jesus, friends and disciples Jesus, teaching about forgiveness Jesus as Healer Miracles of blind Bartimaeus Jairus’ daughter Healing of 10 lepers Famous Christians (use ICT) e.g. St Francis, Mother Teresa Missionaries and famous Christian workers today

RELIGION, FAMILY & COMMUNITY Faith in action i.e. Christian teachings Encourage people to act in certain ways BELIEFS IN ACTION IN THE WORLD Church – worldwide community. Work of Christian charities e.g. Tear Fund, CAFOD, Christian Aid SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Easter (who was Jesus?)

TEACHINGS & AUTHORITY Guru Nanak Guru Gobind Singh SYMBOLS & RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION 5 Ks The turban Nishan Sahib IkOnkar Khanda WORSHIP & SACRED PLACES Gurdwara – worship/centre of community The role of Guru Granth Sahib The Akhand Path

BELIEFS & QUESTIONS Beliefs about the nature of God: God as One God: Creator, Sustainer Mool Mantar WORSHIP & SACRED PLACES Granthi Prasad Golden Temple of Amritsar (use ICT) RELIGION & INDIVIDUAL Commitment - Khalsa Service - Sewa RELIGION & COMMUNITY Marriage Equality


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment


AT1 Recognise the Bible as a special collection of literature for a Christian. AT2 Share a favourite ‘book’ explaining how it is special and how it is treated.

Literature Testament Authority Teachings Genre Reverent Sacred

Sharing favourite pieces of literature and explaining why or how it is so special to pupil. Introduction to Bible; Old and New Testaments. Bible01.htm Talk about own special book. What type of literature is it? Does it inform or have a moral? How is it treated? Use website for ‘RE request’. What experiences have pupils had using a Bible? List known Bible stories. Are they from Old or New Testament? When are Bibles used? What translations are there? Explain that a Bible is very special to Christians worldwide and is treated reverently.

I can explain the meaning of a range of terms used when studying religion. I can explain why different people think some things are special.

Analysing Appreciating Applying Reflecting

AT1 Recognise a variety of books and genre in the Bible. AT2 Appreciate how the different types of books in the Bible would be special to a Christian.

Genre Testaments Proverbs Psalms Gospels Laws Letters

Exploring the different types of books in the Bible. Sorting books into different categories. Discussing how they are a guide to a Christian.

Website as above. Explain the meaning of ‘Gospel’ and ‘Testament’. Different groups research on the different parts of the Bible and report back findings – make a collage of verses, stories, laws etc. Do the pupils know any proverbs found in Bible or the Ten Commandments? Discuss which and how the different books would be used as a guide for living by Christians.

I can explain the meaning of a range of terms used when studying religion. I can explain why different people think some things are special. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Empathising Reflecting Applying

AT1 Find out about Mary Jones who inspired the formation of the Bible Society. AT2 Consider the motivation and determination of Mary Jones and apply these values in own lives.

Mary Jones Thomas Charles Welsh language Determination Motivation Translation

Story of Mary Jones the Welsh girl who wanted a Bible. Sharing examples of determination and motivation.

Read story of Mary Jones. Explain that the only Bibles in Wales at that time were in English. Discuss the different attributes of Mary Jones. Share experiences of times pupils have shown determination in times of difficulty. Find out more about the Bible Society.

I can explain some of the ways religion can influence a person’s life. I can explain different peoples’ ideas about things they value. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Questioning Reflecting Applying Expressing

AT1 Retell and explain some of the Sermon on the Mount. AT2 Reflect on the values contained in Christ’s teachings and how these are relevant in pupil’s own life.

Christ as teacher Christian values Sermon Gospels of Matthew & Luke Authority Lord’s Prayer

Sermon on the Mount (Matthew ch 5-ch 7) Lord’s Prayer

In groups discuss the meaning and importance of sections of the ‘Sermon on the mount’. Read from Bible. Report back to class as role play/drama. ‘Happy are those…’ ‘You are the light…’ ‘An eye for an eye…’ ‘Love your enemies…’ ‘Forgive others…’ (ch 6 v 14) Design a poster or advert. Read through ‘Lord’s Prayer’. Write it out in child friendly words.

I can explain some of the ways religion can influence a person’s life. I can express my own views and feelings with reasons on religious issues. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Questioning Applying

AT1 Know that Christians believe Christ was an inspirational teacher and that he told parables to convey his message. AT2 Reflect on the importance of learning in ways which help us to discuss different ideas.

Parable Story with meaning Fable Message Teacher God Jesus

What makes a good teacher? Why did Jesus use parables? E.g. ‘Good Samaritan’/’Lost Sheep’/’Lost Coin’ (Luke 15 v 1-10) What have you learned from discussing these parables.

Recap on stories or fables which convey a message. Write a version of a parable for younger children clearly explaining meaning. Write of act out contemporary version of story.

I can explain some of the ways religion can influence a person’s life. I can express my own views and feelings with reasons on religious issues. (Level 4)

Analysing Empathising

AT1 Retell the parable of the ‘Unforgiving Servant’. AT2 Reflect on the concepts of injustice and forgiveness. Consider whether they have been treated fairly.

Parable Injustice/fairness Forgiveness

The parable of the ‘Unforgiving Servant’ (Matthew 18 v21-35) Meaning of parable. How easy is it to forgive someone who has treated you unjustly.

‘Interview’ the characters. Role play everyday situations where injustice may occur. Act as an agony aunt to unjust scenarios.

I can explain some of the ways religion can influence a person’s life. I can express my own views and feelings with reasons on religious issues. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Questioning Applying Expressing

AT1 Retell the parable of the ‘Workers in the Vineyard’. AT2 Reflect on the values of ‘fairness’, ‘honesty’ and ‘generosity’. Relate to similar situations today.

Parable Fairness Honesty Generosity Justice Equality

The parable of the ‘Workers in the Vineyard’ (Matthew 20 v1-16) Meaning of parable What does parable say about fairness, honesty and generosity?

Drama/role play with focus on workers’ responses. Petition explaining why owner is not being fair. Describe owner’s response. Discuss own situations and experiences of similar themes.

I can explain some of the ways religion can influence a person’s life. I can express my own views and feelings with reasons on religious issues. (Level 4)

Interpreting Evaluating Expressing

AT1 Explain at least one parable which Jesus told about the Kingdom of God. AT2 Reflect on the values contained in Christ’s teaching in some of the parables and upon value of these in pupils’ own lives.

Parable Kingdom of God

The parable of the ‘Pearl of Great Price’ (Matthew 13 v45-46) The parable of the ‘Treasure Field’ (Matthew 13 v44) The parable of the ‘Mustard Seed’ (Matthew 13 v31-32) Meaning of parables Features of God’s kingdom.

Story swapping between groups given different parables to work on. Collage/poster work to express ideas about the kingdom of God. Write short personal response to the ‘Kingdom’ parables.

I can explain some of the ways religion can influence a person’s life. I can express my own views and feelings with reasons on religious issues. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Questioning Reflecting Expressing

AT1 Retell the two great Commandments Christ taught. AT2 Reflect on the importance and relevance of these commandments.

Commandment Devotion to God Neighbour Outcast Samaritan

Old Testament commandments Christ’s 2 commandments Story of the Samaritan Outcasts or deprived people Work of the Samaritans action/army/army01.htm bibe/jesus/goodsam/goodsam01.htm Read account from Luke ch 10 v25-37 and use websites for ideas. Discuss who may be an outcast or deprived person in modern day. Research on the work of the Salvation Army to help these people. Contact local branch for visiting speaker.

I can explain some of the ways religion can influence a person’s life. I can express my own ideas on values concerning me and how religion affects how I behave. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Interpreting Expressing

AT1 Compare the two versions of the story of Christ’s birth in the New testament. AT2 Compare the Bible’s version to previous concepts of the birth.

Gospel Matthew Luke

Story of Christmas as written in the Gospels Comparisons between accounts and own ideas of Christmas.

Read through two accounts of the birth of Christ. Compare them. Does writer show feelings or knowledge that he was present? Discuss way story is written and compare these accounts to how the story is written in other books.

I can describe an important event and compare different people’s accounts and experiences of this same event. I can express my own views on religious issues. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Researching Analysing Interpreting Questioning

AT1 Describe the disciples and friends of Jesus. AT2 Explain the concept of ‘disciple’ and what it means today for Christians.

Disciple Names of disciples Other friends of Jesus

Research on the calling and activities of the 12 Disciples Meaning of word ‘Disciple’ Importance of friendship thetwelve.htm Find out about the calling by Jesus of the 12 disciples. Why did Jesus need them? What did they do? Did they let him down? What does term ‘Discipleship’ mean today? How is it different to friendship?

I can give an accurate account of some aspects of Jesus’ life. I can explain the meaning of a range of terms used in religion. (Level 4)

Researching Analysing Interpreting Questioning

AT1 Understand Jesus’ teaching of ‘forgiveness’ as shown in his parable. AT2 Reflect on the concept of forgiveness.

Jesus Parable Repentance Forgiveness Injustice

Stories of ‘The Prodigal Son’ (Luke 15 v11-32) and ‘The Unforgiving Servant’ (Matthew 18 v21-35) bible/jesus/lostson/lostson01.htm resources/pdf/pages.htm Read stories of forgiveness and compare to other stories children know on this theme. Discuss concept of forgiveness. When is it hard to forgive? Is it always right to forgive? What feelings are involved? Share own experiences.

I can describe in detail and explain the meanings of some stories Jesus told. I can explain the significance of the stories to Christians and how they affect our lives.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Reflecting Questioning

AT1 Accurately describe a miracle Jesus performed. AT2 Identify puzzling questions and offer appropriate answers.

Miracle Blind Bartimaeus Jesus Faith

Story of the healing of Bartimaeus. Discussion on miracles and importance of faith for Christians. bible/miracles01.htm Discuss the meaning of ‘miracle’. How does it compare to magic? What miracles do children know already? Read story/role play of the healing of Bartimaeus or any other stories involving blind men. bible/miracles02.htm Why did Jesus heal people? Could it have really happened? Do miracles happen in modern times?

I can give an accurate and detailed account of healing miracles. I can suggest and use a range of good questions and suggest suitable answers.

Analysing Reflecting Questioning

AT1 Accurately describe a miracle Jesus performed. AT2 Identify puzzling questions and offer appropriate answers.

Miracle Jesus

Story of Jairus’ daughter (Mark ch 5 v22-24, 38-42)

Read story from Bible and discuss the feelings of the characters. Who had faith? Who was Jairus? How does story differ to other healing miracles?

I can give an accurate and detailed account of healing miracles. I can suggest and use a range of good questions and suggest suitable answers.


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Reflecting Questioning

AT1 Accurately describe a miracle Jesus performed. AT2 Identify puzzling questions and offer appropriate answers.

Miracle Faith Leper Leprosy

Story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers (Luke ch7 v11-19) Diseases and quarantine Faith and prayers for the sick today

Read story of the 10 Lepers. Explain leprosy and the reasons for their isolation from other people. How does this compare to other miracles? Discuss faith today. Is it difficult to have faith? Can people with faith be healed?

I can give an accurate and detailed account of healing miracles. I can suggest and use a range of good questions and suggest suitable answers. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Interpreting Analysing Reflecting Applying

AT1 Research on the life and deeds of one of the Christian saints. AT2 Relate the actions of the saint to how Christians are meant to behave.

Saint Francis Assisi Charity Catholic Church

Research on Saint Francis. Discussion on meaning of charity and why Christians use the saint as a role model. Text from the Bible Luke ch 9 v2-3 dowhat/saints/francis.htm saint.php?saintid=50 Use websites and books to find out about Saint Francis and how he behaved as a Christian. Discuss meaning of ‘charity’. Is it always the giving of money? Mind map incidences/examples of charity. Refer back to the Gospel (Luke) for verses which are relative to the life of St Francis.

I can explain some of the ways in which religion can influence a person’s life. I can explain different people’s ideas about the things they value in life or their ‘vision of life’. (Level 4)

Observing Interpreting Analysing Reflecting Applying

AT1 Research on the life and work of Mother Teresa. AT2 Understand the reasons for the actions of some famous Christians.

Charity Mother Teresa Calcutta Poverty Missionaries of Charity Nobel Peace Prize

Life and work of Mother Teresa What makes her a candidate for sainthood? Reasons for her actions. dowhat/saints/saints02.htm dowhat/saints/sainthood.htm history/teresa/teresa08.htm Research the life of Mother Teresa. Discuss who/what motivated and influenced her. Discuss the evidence for making her a saint.

I can explain some of the ways in which religion can influence a person’s life. I can explain different people’s ideas about the things they value in life or their ‘vision of life’. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Interpreting Analysing Reflecting Applying

AT1 Research on the life and deeds of one of the Christian saints. AT2 Relate the actions of the saint to how Christians are meant to behave.

Saint Francis Assisi Charity Catholic Church

Research on Saint Francis. Discussion on meaning of charity and why Christians use the saint as a role model. Text from the Bible Luke ch 9 v2-3 dowhat/saints/francis.htm saint.php?saintid=50 Use websites and books to find out about Saint Francis and how he behaved as a Christian. Discuss meaning of ‘charity’. Is it always the giving of money? Mind map incidences/examples of charity. Refer back to the Gospel (Luke) for verses which are relative to the life of St Francis.

I can explain some of the ways in which religion can influence a person’s life. I can explain different people’s ideas about the things they value in life or their ‘vision of life’. (Level 4)

Observing Interpreting Analysing Reflecting Applying

AT1 Research on the life and work of Mother Teresa. AT2 Understand the reasons for the actions of some famous Christians.

Charity Mother Teresa Calcutta Poverty Missionaries of Charity Nobel Peace Prize

Life and work of Mother Teresa What makes her a candidate for sainthood? Reasons for her actions. dowhat/saints/saints02.htm dowhat/saints/sainthood.htm history/teresa/teresa08.htm Research the life of Mother Teresa. Discuss who/what motivated and influenced her. Discuss the evidence for making her a saint.

I can explain some of the ways in which religion can influence a person’s life. I can explain different people’s ideas about the things they value in life or their ‘vision of life’. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Interpreting Analysing Questioning Reflecting Applying

AT1 Research on missionaries and their work. AT2 Understand the reasons and motivations for actions of a modern missionary.

Missionary Charity Spreading the message

Work of modern missionaries using websites. dowhat/missionary/missionary01.htm Find out about modern missionaries around the world and their work. What qualities and characteristics are essential for the job? Why do they do the job? (Relate back to the teachings of Jesus).

I can explain some of the ways in which religion can influence a person’s life. I can explain different people’s ideas about the things they value in life or their ‘vision of life’. (Level 4)

Observing Interpreting Analysing Questioning Reflecting Applying

AT1 Revision of important Christian teachings. AT2 Explain how Christian teachings encourage people to act in a certain way.

Jesus ‘Love Your Neighbour’ Charity Christian

Recap on the main teachings of Jesus, especially his two commandments. Discussion on how some famous Christians lead their lives in a Christian way. index.html Recap on the main teachings of Jesus. Research on the lives and faith of various Christians e.g. sportsmen How can faith and modern living mix?

I can explain some of the ways in which religion can influence a person’s life. I can explain different people’s ideas about the things they value in life or their ‘vision of life’. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Interpreting Questioning Reflecting

AT1 Research on the work of Tearfund, a Christian charity. AT2 Understand and explain the motivation and dedication of Christian volunteers.

Tearfund Charity Volunteer Dedication Injustice

Research on the work of the charity ‘Tearfund’ action/tear/tear01.htm Use websites and magazines to research on the work and dedication of this Christian charity.

I can explain the ‘vision of life’ of Christian charity workers. I can explain some of the features of a religion which influence how people behave. (Level 4)

Observing Interpreting Questioning Reflecting

AT1 Research on the work of CAFOD, a Christian organisation. AT2 Understand and explain the motivation and dedication of Christian workers.

Third world poverty/debt Social justice Humanitarian Catholic church

Research on the work of CAFOD charity organisation action/cafod/cafod01.htm Use the websites and magazines to research on the work and dedication of this Christian charity.

I can explain the ‘vision of life’ of Christian charity workers. I can explain some of the features of a religion which influence how people behave. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Observing Analysing Interpreting Empathising Expressing

AT1 Research on the work of Christian Aid, a Christian charity. AT2 Understand and explain the motivation and dedication of Christian volunteers.

Poverty Third World Donation Volunteer Christian Aid Week

Work of the Christian Aid charity action/christianaid/chrisaid01.htm Research on the work of this charity. Use websites and materials in the artefact box.

I can explain the ‘vision of life’ of Christian charity workers. I can explain some of the features of a religion which influence how people behave. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Researching Interpreting Evaluating Questioning Expressing

AT1 Research and consider who Jesus was. AT2 Identify religious questions and describe how different people have responded to these.

Jesus Son of God Saviour

Research on what Christians think Jesus was. Discussion of our own ideas on Jesus and God. basics/jesus/Jesus01.htm Research on the way Jesus was/is portrayed e.g. in art, Bible, music and literature. Who was he? Why do Christians consider him unique?

I can give a clear account of the main beliefs of Christians about Jesus. I can suggest a good range of probing questions and express my views. I can explain a range of symbols that are used to express important ideas such as in art. (Level 4/5)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Analysing Reflecting

AT1 Describe Sikh beliefs about God. AT2 Pupils discuss own beliefs about God and respect ideas of others.

One God Creator All pervading Spirit Mool Mantra

The nature of God as One Suggest pupils close their eyes to think about their own ideas of what God is like. carolrb/sikhism/sikhism1.html Design a poster for Sikh children to help them remember what God is like. Design a poster showing their own ideas of what God is like.

I can describe simple similarities and differences both within and between religions e.g. When I compared Sikhism and Christianity and belief in one God. (Level 4) I can explain and offer thoughtful comments about the beliefs of a person or community. (Level 5)

Researching Empathising

AT1 Learn about the life of Guru Nanak and how his religious experience led to the founding of Sikhism. AT2 Think about people who are important in our lives and consider why.

Religious experience Founding Important

The life of Guru Nanak Research his life, using books and websites. Place the events on a timeline. carolrb/sikhism/sikhism1.html Storyboard about the life on Guru Nanak. Write a poem about someone who is important to them.

I can give a clear account of a wide range of different features and can explain the key beliefs and teachings of a religion e.g. when I explained what led to the founding of Sikhism. (Level 5) I can explain why different people think some things are sacred e.g. why Guru Nanak is important to Sikhs. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Investigating Reflecting

AT1 Investigate what is inside a Gurdwara. AT2 Reflect on the importance of special places.

Gurdwara Nishan Sahib Takht Langar Khanda Granthi Amritsar

Role of the Gurdwara Explore what a Gurdwara is and what its importance is to Sikhs. Investigate codes of behaviour in a place of worship. /re/ks1_2/resources/examples/ year4crackingre.ppt nframe.php? ngfl/re/m_parry_carmarthenshires/ e_index_gurdwara_old.htm Visit a Gurdwara. Research Gurdwaras and their role using various resources. Produce a presentation. Communicate presentation to class. Make a model Gurdwara. Consider their own special place – why is it special?

I can explain some of the ways in which religion can influence a person’s life e.g. when I explained the importance of the Gurdwara for a Sikh. I can explain why different people think some things are special or sacred e.g. when I explained how special places are important and comparing this with places special to me. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Evaluating

AT1 Explain how and why the 5Ks and symbols are significant to Sikhs. AT2 Explain the meanings of Sikh artefacts and symbols.

Kesh Kirpan Kangha Kara Kachera Symbol Sacred Turban

The 5Ks and the turban Artefacts lesson: What are they? Why are they important to Sikhs? Discuss the ideas of identity, promises and making a stand. re/re_Sikhism.htm nframe.php?http://atschool.eduweb. Look at different artefacts. Be careful with Kacchera and suggest their functions. Use websites to write about each artefact, explaining why it is important to Sikhs.

I can explain some of the ways in which religion can influence a person’s life. I can explain why different people think some things are special or sacred e.g. when I explained the significance to Sikhs of the 5Ks. (Level 4)

Researching Interpreting

AT1 Learn about Sikh ceremonies and stages that mark a person’s life. AT2 Think about different ways people reflect at special times.

Reincarnation Funeral pyre Cremation Amrit Gurpurb

Sikh Beliefs and ceremonies about Birth, marriage and Death. Research, leading to class discussion. nframe.php?http://atschool.eduweb. Group poster work giving pupils opportunity to research, use ICT and look at artefact.

I can give an accurate and detailed account of important features, beliefs and teachings of a religion I have studied. I can describe a range of different meanings of symbols e.g. journey. (Level 4)


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Key Skills & Processes

Learning Objectives Key Words/ Concepts

Content Activities Assessment

Interpreting Empathising

AT1 Learn how and why the Khalsa was formed. AT2 Reflect on the idea of being a member of a community.

Baisakhi Panj Piare Amrit Commitment Amrit Ceremony

Guru Gobind Singh and the forming of Khalsa. Have a discussion about the celebrations the pupils might have.

Read about Baisakhi 1699, then write down key points. Role play the events of Guru Gobind Singh forming the Khalsa. Discuss how being a member of the Khalsa is similar to living in a community.

I can give a clear account of an example of a way in which religion has influenced the life of an individual or community on moral and ultimate questions e.g. how Sikhism affects how a Sikh behaves. I can explain and offer thoughtful comments about the beliefs of a person or community. (Level 5)


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