year 3 literacy: day 1 today you are going to write a

Year 3 Literacy: Day 1 LI: To write a setting description Success Criteria: I can create setting in narrative I can use a range of noun phrases for impact I can use prepositions eg: beside, under, below, across, among, between, towards Today you are going to write a setting description of the village of Mousehole, where Mowzer and Tom live. Task 1: Reread the beginning of the story and make a note of all the descriptive language, focusing on the adjectives. Task 2: Use the pictures below to write your own setting description of the village, expanding on the one in the story. Make sure you use a range of prepositions to show location, as well as expanded noun phrases to add detail. Use the sentence starters to help you: Beside the quay, Along the harbour, Between the houses, Towards the sea, Among the boats, Across the water,

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Year 3 Literacy: Day 1 LI: To write a setting description Success Criteria: I can create setting in narrative I can use a range of noun phrases for impact I can use prepositions eg: beside, under, below, across, among, between, towards Today you are going to write a setting description of the village of Mousehole, where Mowzer and Tom live. Task 1: Reread the beginning of the story and make a note of all the descriptive language, focusing on the adjectives.
Task 2: Use the pictures below to write your own setting description of the village, expanding on the one in the story. Make sure you use a range of prepositions to show location, as well as expanded noun phrases to add detail.
Use the sentence starters to help you: Beside the quay, Along the harbour, Between the houses, Towards the sea, Among the boats, Across the water,
Year 3 Literacy: Day 2 LI: To write a recount Success Criteria: I can write in an informal style using the first person I can sequence events chronologically using time adverbials I can use emotive language to describe feelings Today you are going to write a recount as Mowzer the cat, describing a normal day in her life, and how things change when the storm cat arrives. Task 1: Reread the story up until page 6, thinking about how things might have changed for Mowzer as the terrible winter arrives.
Task 2: Imagine you are Mowzer! You are going to write a recount describing where she goes, who she meets and what her and her pet Tom get up to. Make sure to focus on how things change when the storm cat arrives in your second paragraph. Remember to use time adverbials to order the events.
Paragraph 1 To begin with, All morning, Later that day, In the afternoon, When evening arrived, Paragraph 2 One morning, When the storm cat arrived, All of a sudden, A few hours later,
Year 3 Literacy: Day 3 LI: To create dialogue Success Criteria: I can alternate dialogue and narrative I can use a range of synonyms for said I can punctuate speech correctly Today you are going to write a dialogue between Mowzer and Tom, imagining their conversation as they decide whether or not to go out to sea to save the village. Task 1: Reread pages 6-8 of the story, thinking about how both Tom and Mowzer feel as the decide what to do.
Task 2: Now you are going to write your dialogue between the two characters. Make sure to think about how Tom and Mowzer are speaking and to use a range of synonyms for said. Example: One evening as Tom and Mowzer watched the storm outside, Tom sighed, “Mowzer my dear, I’ve decided that I must go and face the storm cat.” Mowzer, worried for her pet Tom, miaowed, “But Tom, won’t it be terribly dangerous?” “It will be dangerous Mowzer, but I fear that the village will starve if I do not go fishing for them,” Tom replied sadly. “Oh Tom, you are very brave,” Mowzer purred. “I will go with you to keep you company and help you catch as many fish as we can.” Tom whispered, “I am very lucky to have a friend like you Mowzer.”
Use the following link to help you remember how to use speech marks correctly: (BBC Bitesize KS2 Speech Marks)
Year 3 Literacy: Day 4
LI: To create suspense Success Criteria: I can use a range of adjectives to describe setting and emotion I can use adverbs to add impact I can use a variety of punctuation including exclamation marks and ellipses Today you are going to rewrite the part of the story where Mowzer and Tom leave the village to go fishing and face the storm cat. Task 1: Reread pages 9-10 of the story, thinking about how the storm is described.
Task 2: You are going to describe Mowzer and Tom’s experience of going out into the storm, thinking about how they might be feeling and what they see, hear and feel on their adventure. Think about how you can create suspense and action in your writing by using ellipses and exclamation marks. Example: As Tom and Mowzer approached the edge of the harbour, the waves crashed furiously around them. The dark, menacing sky loomed over them and the rain lashed heavily down. The fragile boats rocked jaggedly on the foamy water when suddenly… A tremendous wail filled the air, filling Mowzer with terror and making Tom jump into the air! From beyond the harbour wall, the great storm cat leapt viciously and the sea swirled, water sloshing into their boat. Bravely, Mowzer sat at the front of the boat and faced the storm cat.
Use the links to help remind you how to use the different punctuation marks: BBC bite size: How to use an ellipsis BBC bite size: How to use an exclamation mark
Year 3 Literacy: Day 5 LI: To compose a poem or song Success Criteria: I can explore imagery within a poem I can use rhyme and rhythm I can use adventurous vocabulary
Today you are going to write your own version of Mowzer’s song, the song which she sings to calm the storm cat. Task 1: Reread pages 12 and 13 of the story. If you can, watch the video below to see Mowzer and Tom’s boat struggling in the storm! You tube: The Mousehole Cat trailer
What do you think Mowzer says in her song?
Task 2: Use the example below to help you, thinking about what Mowzer would see and feel, and how she would persuade the storm cat to let them through and to keep their boat safe. Make sure that you think about each verse of your poem and how you might use rhythm and rhyme effectively.
Across the sea we hear your mighty call.
Your claws that splash and teeth that bite,
Fill brave fisherman with deadly fright.
The village of Mousehole is hungry and weak,
Of fishes and stews we can hardly speak.
Please let us pass and save our boat,
Don’t let us sink, keep us afloat!
Year 3 Literacy: Day 6 LI: To write a letter Success Criteria: I can follow the structure of a letter I can use emotive language I can use an appropriate tone to convey meaning
Today you are going to imagine you are one of the villagers of Mousehole and you are going to write a letter to Tom, thanking him and Mowzer for saving the village. Task 1: Reread pages 14 - 17 of the story, thinking about what Tom and Mowzer have done for the people of Mousehole.
Task 2: Now you are going to write your letter to Tom. Make sure to think about how you felt before Tom left to go fishing and how you feel now that he has returned. Make sure to start your letter with ‘Dear Tom,’ and to close your letter with ‘From…’ Think about:
- Introducing your letter
- Concluding your letter
Use the sentence starters to help you: I am writing to tell you… When the storm first arrived, … As winter went on, I… When we ran out of fish, … When I heard what you were planning, … As you sailed into the storm, … I was worried that… When you returned, … Now that we are saved, … In conclusion, I would like to …
Year 3 Literacy: Day 7 LI: To create a story plan Success Criteria: I can order key events chronologically I can differentiate the beginning, middle and end of a story I can use summarise key information using concise sentences
Today you are going to plan your own version of The Mousehole Cat. Task 1: Reread the whole story, thinking carefully about which events happen in the beginning, middle and end of the story.
Task 2: You are going to write the key events of the story under the following headings: Beginning Middle End Remember that you do not need to include lots of detail or descriptive language, but you must ensure that you include the key events of each part. Example: Beginning The village of Mousehole is described. Mowzer the cat is introduced as well as Tom the fisherman. Mowzer and Tom are shown to be great friends. Tom goes fishing to catch their daily dinner. Tom makes dinner for Mowzer and all the different fish dishes are described.
Year 3 Literacy: Day 8 LI: To write a narrative from a different perspective Success Criteria: I can create character and setting in narrative I can use the first person consistently I can use a range of descriptive language features eg adjectives, adverbs and noun phrases Today you are going to rewrite the story of the Mousehole Cat from the perspective of Tom the fisherman. Make sure that you use your plan from yesterday’s learning to ensure that you include all of the key events of the story. Watch this video to help remind you of the differences between writing in the third person (him, her, they, she, he) and the first person (I, me, my, mine, we, us): BBC Bitesize KS2 First and Third Person As you are writing in the first person, you will have to think about how Tom feels at every part of the story. Make sure you think clearly about how the story begins, what happens in the middle, and how to end your story.
You may use one of the story openers below or choose your own. Let me tell you about the most terrible winter my village ever had. I lived with my cat Mowzer, who was my best friend in the whole world, in the village of Mousehole… Once upon a time, during a terrible winter, I had to make a choice to save my village. In Mousehole, a narrow, windy and peaceful fishing village, Mowzer the cat and I lived peacefully… One dark, cold winter, Mowzer the cat and I went on a terrifying fishing trip. Up until that winter, we had lived a peaceful life catching fish in the village of Mousehole…