year 5 · the circulatory and immune systems. along with proper breathing, these poses or asanas...

Additional tasks instructions Year 5 Monday 8th June Wednesday 10th June

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Additional tasks instructionsYear 5

Monday 8th June Wednesday 10th June

Hello Year 5!

Welcome back to this week’s additional tasks - we hope you have had a good couple of weeks over half-term. The next few slides contain some additional information for some of your additional tasks. Hopefully you will find the extra information helpful! Don’t forget to tweet us!

Take care and remember to ‘Keep being kind’.

Mr Preacher and Mrs Mcquade

Literacy Task - Identify adverbials that help make a paragraph cohesive

Your task this week is to identify adverbials that help make a paragraph cohesive.

First of all, let’s have a recap.

1) What do we mean by cohesion?

You can think of cohesion like glue holding the text together.

2) Ok, so now we know what cohesion means. What does it do in a paragraph?

It keeps order in the paragraph.

Related ideas are kept together.

It makes it easier for the reader to understand the text.

Ideas flow more smoothly.

It provides links between ideas.

Creating Cohesion

Creating Cohesion

List the adverbs/adverbials used to connect ideas in the paragraphs on the following slides.



Task - Research the world famous naturalist Sir David Attenborough

If you haven’t heard of Sir David Attenborough then you may well recognise his voice from the many television programmes he has made about wildlife and the natural world. Watch the video below.

Now read this information about Sir David Attenborough.

Can you answer these questions about Sir David Attenborough.

1) Why was he disappointed when serving for the British Navy during the Second World War.

2) Explain why you think ‘Life on Earth’ was such a popular program?

3) Do you think Attenborough deserved his knighthood? Explain why.

PE - Yoga

The movements practiced in a yoga class (called poses or asanas) are much

more than just stretching. They open the energy channels throughout the

body, increasing flexibility of the spine, strengthening bones and stimulating

the circulatory and immune systems. Along with proper breathing, these

poses or asanas also calm the mind and reduce stress.

A regular yoga practice helps with overall physical and mental health.

Performing the poses slowly and with mindful control also acts as a mental

exercise in concentration and meditation.

The movements practiced in a yoga class (called poses or asanas) are much more than just

stretching. They open the energy channels throughout the body, increasing flexibility of the

spine, strengthening bones and stimulating the circulatory and immune systems. Along with

proper breathing, these poses or asanas also calm the mind and reduce stress.

A regular yoga practice helps with overall physical and mental health. Therefore contributing to

the possible prevention of diseases such as diabetes, acute anxiety, low bone density, asthma

and obesity. All problems that pose an increasing threat to the development of our children

today. Performing the poses slowly and with mindful control also acts as a mental exercise in

concentration and meditation.

PE - Yoga

For today’s P.E. task, we would like you to come up with a sequence of yoga moves. Try to hold each position for about 30 seconds. Play some

relaxing music to help create a relaxing environment. Use the next slides to help decide

which positions you would like to use.

The movements practiced in a yoga class (called poses or asanas) are much more than just

stretching. They open the energy channels throughout the body, increasing flexibility of the

spine, strengthening bones and stimulating the circulatory and immune systems. Along with

proper breathing, these poses or asanas also calm the mind and reduce stress.

A regular yoga practice helps with overall physical and mental health. Therefore contributing to

the possible prevention of diseases such as diabetes, acute anxiety, low bone density, asthma

and obesity. All problems that pose an increasing threat to the development of our children

today. Performing the poses slowly and with mindful control also acts as a mental exercise in

concentration and meditation.

Ardha BhekasanaFrog Pose

BenefitsTones legs and increases hamstring flexibility.Squat on the floor, balancing on your toes, knees spread wide, hands on the floor or out in front of you. Wherever makes you feel most balanced.

Look up and inhale. As you exhale, straighten your legs so you are in a standing position, lower your head towards your knees.

Return to the first position, then repeat.




Ardha BhekasanaHappy Baby Pose

BenefitsGently stretches inner groin and spine, calms the mind and helps relieve stress and fatigue.Lie down on your back.

Exhale, bend your knees into your belly and hold onto your feet.

Allow your body to gently rock side to side.




Tri Pada Adho Mukha SvanasanaThree-Legged Dog Pose

BenefitsCalms the mind, relieves stress, energizes the body, strengthens arms and legs, stretches upper and lower body, relieves headaches, back pain and fatigue.Begin in downward-facing dog (hands and feet on the floor, bottom in the air in an upside-down V).

Lift one leg, hold, then lower with an exhale.

Repeat with the opposite leg.




Bear PoseBenefitsStretches arms, legs, sides and chest; releases tension.Begin on your knees, then sit back on your heels.

Spread your knees comfortably apart.

Bend forward, lowering your chest to the floor.

Bring your hands in front of you, locking your fingers together.

Exhale through your mouth, warming your hands.






BalasanaChild’s Pose

BenefitsStretches the hips, thighs, and ankles; calms the mind; relieves stress and fatigue.Kneel on the floor, touching your big toes together.

Sit back on your heels and separate your knees hip-width apart.

Exhale, bringing your head down, and rest it on the floor in front of you.

Place your hands wherever they are comfortable by your head, your knees, etc.

Relax and breathe, holding this pose.






Virabhradhrasana IIWarrior II Pose

BenefitsStrengthens and stretches legs and core; stretches chest and shoulders; relieves backaches.Stand with your feet wide apart. Turn your left foot out 90°.

Inhale, and lift your arms parallel to the floor.

Exhale and bend your right knee. Be careful not to extend your knee past your ankle.

Keep your torso tall, turn your head, and look out over your finger tips.

Inhale and straighten your legs and lower your arms. Repeat on the opposite side.






Cross Curricular - History

Have you seen the news coming from America over the last two weeks?

Use the link here if you are unsure of any of the recent events:

This week feels like a good opportunity to research and celebrate an important figure from black history.

Harriet Tubman

Watch the above link on Harriet Tubman. She was born into slavery in 1820, she grew up working in the cotton fields. At that time, slavery was legal and people like Harriett had no choice about their lives. She witnessed another slave escape and when she was older, escaped herself.

It was a long and lonely journey to freedom.

However, when she reached the border with Pennsylvania, she realised she needed to help others escape too.

A network of helpers, known as 'The Underground Railroad', helped slaves on their way to freedom.

Harriet took groups of slaves through the forest to freedom and throughout her life she helped to free over 70 slaves.

TaskMake notes whilst watching the film of key events and dates throughout Harriet’s life. We would like you to create a timeline of Harriet’s life. See below for an example.


Can you research when slavery ended in America and the UK?

What was Britain’s role in the slave trade?