year 8 history spring 1: the rise of year 8...year...

Globe Academy Home Learning Booklet Year 8 History Spring 1: The Rise of Hitler Name: _________________________ Teacher: _______________________

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Globe Academy Home Learning Booklet

Year 8 History

Spring 1: The Rise of Hitler

Name: _________________________

Teacher: _______________________

Globe Academy Home Learning Booklet

Home Learning Task One:

Match the key terms to the definitions and then use each of the term in sentences of your own.

Key term



A form of compensation; the money that has to be paid by a country or organisation to pay for damages.


Someone who takes things to the limits and uses any means to achieve what they want.


A period of time when the economy of a country is weak and there is high unemployment (lots of people do not have a job).


A formal written agreement made between two or more countries, organisations or




The basic principles and rules by which a country is governed.















Success Criteria WWW EBI

You have matched the correct words to the definitions

You have used the words correctly in sentences.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar is accurate.

Globe Academy Home Learning Booklet

Home Learning Task Two:

The terms of the Treaty of Versailles can be remembered with the acronym LAMB.

The acronym HARE can be used to remember the impact of the Treaty of Versailles.

1. Match each word to the sentence to describe each of the effects of the Treaty of Versailles.

2. Create an image to depict the impact of the Treaty of Versailles.



Clause 231-The War Guilt Clause- caused the most hatred as many Germans did not feel they were 100% to blame for the war. The reparations of £6, 600 million

made this worse and some Germans wanted revenge for this.


People blamed the Weimar Government for having agreed to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and a ‘Stab in the Back’ myth developed saying that the

Weimar Government betrayed the German people by agreeing to the Treaty of Versailles.


The German economy had been weakened by the war. Demands for Germany to start to pay reparations immediately led to great financial strain and Germany could

not afford to pay them. This led to Germany printing more money which created further problems!


Many Germans felt the Treaty of Versailles was unfair and they felt the punishment

was too harsh. The Germans had not been allowed to take part in the talks and were just told to sign it.

Success Criteria WWW EBI

You have matched the correct

words to the descriptions.

Your image shows Germany being humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles.

You have labelled your image.

Land: Some of German’s land was taken away by the Treaty of Versailles.

Army: The size of Germany’s army was reduced dramatically.

Money: Germany had to pay reparations for the damage caused in World War One.

Blame: Germany had to accept 100% of the blame for World War One

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Globe Academy Home Learning Booklet

Home Learning Task Three & Four:

Prepare for your assessment by learning the content on the next few pages. You need to re-write all the content in a

new format e.g. Mind Map, revision cards or revision notes of your own.

What will your assessment consist of?

Your assessment will focus on the rise of Hitler.

You will have 45 minutes to answer one question with as much detail and explanation as possible.

Your essay will be marked according to the following criteria:

You are able to:

LEVEL 3 Identify causes of a Hitler’s rise.

LEVEL 4 Describe the causes of Hitler’s supporting points with detailed knowledge.

LEVEL 5 Explain the causes of Hitler’s rise (This led to, as a result, therefore).

LEVEL 6 Prioritise (say which were the most important) causes of Hitler’s rise. Stick to an argument from the start to the end of your essay.

LEVEL 7 Links the causes of Hitler’s rise together.

LEVEL 8 Produce an independently-researched and original argument, covering factors we have not examined in class.

You need to be able to explain what you think caused Hitler to become popular. In doing so you must:

Begin each paragraph with a clear, focused and specific point.

Support each point with detailed factual knowledge

Explain how the point you have identified caused Hitler to become popular..

What do I need to know?

Why did Hitler become so popular? Hitler became popular as a result of several long term factors which included:

German hatred of the Treaty of Versailles

Weak leadership of the Weimar Government.

Political skill of Hitler –Hitler was able to advantage of the problems Germany faced after World War One. However the trigger or the short-term factor that increased Hitler’s popularity was:

The Great Depression (an economic disaster which led to mass unemployment).

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1. Hatred of the Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI. As Germany had surrendered, they had not been allowed to take part in the talks – they had just been told to sign. The Germans thought that the terms of Treaty of Versailles were unfair and described the treaty as a ‘diktat’ (dictated peace).

The Germans hated Clause 231-The War Guilt Clause; it said they were to take full blame for the war.

The Germans hated reparations (money paid as compensation) they said France and Britain were trying to starve their children to death. Germany has to pay £6,600 million in reparations.

The Germans hated their tiny army. They were only allowed to have an army of 100 000 and said they were helpless against other countries.

The Germans also hated the loss of territory. Germany lost 10% of its land - they claimed that the treaty was simply an attempt to destroy their economy. Germans were also angry that they could not unite with the Austrian Germans.

Hitler promised to get rid of the Treaty of Versailles and restore German pride.

2. Weak leadership of Weimar Government

Many events took place that the Weimer Government did not control well. This convinced many of the

German people that the government was weak and ineffective.

The Constitution (the rules and laws a Government has to follow) did not make a strong Government; it was

hard to get a majority to rule in the Reichstag (German Parliament). In the years 1919-33 the longest

government only lasted two years.

This caused political chaos; many people thought that democracy was a bad idea.

In addition to this, many Germany blamed the Weimar Government for signing the Treaty of Versailles and

a ‘stab in the back’ myth was linked to the Weimar Government. The members of the Weimar Government

were also called the ‘November Criminals’ for ending the war in November 1918.

Lots of groups wanted to destroy the government. This included judges, when groups tried to overthrow the

government they would not send them to prison or would give them short sentences.

Hitler tried to overthrow the government in 1923 in the Munich Putsch. He was caught but the judges only

sent him to jail for 9 months.

Hitler wanted to get rid of democracy and return Germany to an era of strong government.

3. Charisma and appeal of Hitler

Hitler was a brilliant public speaker, who made very persuasive speeches.

He was a good organiser and politician. He used propaganda well to influence Germans.

He presented himself as a messiah who had come to save Germany.

Lots of the policies Hitler spoke about appealed to the German people: He wanted to get rid of the Treaty of Versailles, have strong government in place and restore German pride.

When times were good people had less reason to listen to Hitler but when problems arose, people looked to Hitler for solutions.

Wealthy businessmen also supported the Nazis because they wanted to see a return of strong and stable government and they wanted to prevent communists becoming powerful.

The financial support of wealthy businessmen gave Hitler the money to run his propaganda and election campaigns.

His self-belief persuaded people to believe in him.

4. Impact of the Great Depression

Despite the hatred people had for the Treaty of Versailles and the weaknesses of the Weimar Government Hitler only had 12 seats in the Reichstag in 1928.

Globe Academy Home Learning Booklet

The key event which massively increased Hitler’s popularity was the economic depression which hit Germany in late 1929, following the Wall Street Crash in America.

In the 1920s the USA has loaned Germany money to help it rebuild its economy. However, after the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the US called in its loans to Germany, and the German economy collapsed.

Businesses closed and the number of unemployed grew; people starved on the streets. By 1932, there were 6 million Germans who had no work (around ¼ of adults were unemployed).

In the crisis, people wanted someone to blame, and looked to extreme solutions – Hitler offered them both (he blamed the Weimar government) and Nazi success in the elections grew.

The number of Nazi seats in the Reichstag rose from 12 in 1928 to 230 in July 1932 and Hitler’s party became the biggest party in Germany.

Germans turned to Hitler’s Nazism because they were desperate. Hitler’s popularity grew because of the desperate economic situation in Germany during the depression.

Success Criteria WWW EBI

You have re-written content in

a new format (e.g. MindMap,

Revision notes).

You can score at least 70% in

a factual knowledge test.

Globe Academy Home Learning Booklet

Home Learning Task Five:

Fill in the gaps below with the most appropriate word and correct the misspelt words. There is one in each sentence.

1. Hitler was an excellent public ____________ He had qualities of determination and persistance.

2. He was able to make the __________ of his oportuneties.

3. Moderate Weimar politiceans failed to work together and were willing to come to deals with __________like


4. Many people were frigtened of the ___________ and therefore supported the Nazis as the party who promised

to stand up against them.

5. The economic ____________ led to the unemployment of around 6 million. Many unemployd were attracted to

Hitler's promise to solve ____________. Many middle class people supported Hitler because they were scared

that the unemployed would vote for the ______________.

6. People lost respect for ______________ because the frequent electieons never seemed to produce a sensible

government. Many saw the appeal of the return to a __________ ruler.

7. The Nazis used force, terror and fear. The SA fought battles on the street with their___________opponants

deliberately creating the impression that the crisis was out of control and the country needed a

strong ________.

8. The Nazis used sofisticated __________to get their message across including radio, rallies, marches, posters


9. President__________ was over 80 years of age and was easily manepulated by Hitler. Hitler persuaded

Hindenburg that the Nazis were too popular to be ignored and Hindenburg invited Hitler to

become _____________in 1933

Success Criteria Teacher Comment Student Feedback

You have included an appropriate word in each gap.

Spelling is accurate. You have corrected misspelt


Globe Academy Home Learning Booklet

Home Learning Task Six:

Read through the information below to recap key knowledge and then answer the essay question.

The Nazis improved the economy and brought benefits to workers:

1933: 6 million unemployed, 1939 labour shortages; jobs in public works

Schemes like the KdF brought benefits like cheap holidays and Volkswagen car

Restored pride to the nation; reversing Treaty of Versailles; providing strong government

The Nazis discriminated against some groups and there was a lack of freedom:

Jews lost their German citizenship (Nuremberg laws 1935) and faced violence (Kristallnacht 1938)

Other groups were targeted- black people, homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled.

No freedom of speech- all political parties banned- concentration camps (e.g. Dachau)-fear of SS and Gestapo

Essay: Did life under Nazi rule benefit all people living in Germany between 1933 and 1939?


























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Success Criteria WWW EBI

Have balance in your answer

(write from both sides) Use detailed factual knowledge to

back up your points Come to a conclusion

Globe Academy Home Learning Booklet

Stretch and Challenge

Write at least 500 words for each question.

Home Learning Task

Big Question


What would have made the Treaty of Versailles fair?


How would the situation have been different if the Treaty of Versailles had been less



Why do people turn to extremes when the economy is poor?


Are the German people to blame for Hitler’ rise?


Is dictatorship ever a good thing?

Holiday Homework

Research the Holocaust and come to class able to explain what it was.