year 9 french home learning booklet learning skillsthere are also lots of false cognates or faux...

Year 9 French Home Learning Booklet Learning Skills Name: Tutor Group: Teacher: Given out: Monday 6 June Hand in: Monday 13 June Parent/Carer Comment: Staff Comment: Target:

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Year 9

French Home Learning Booklet

Learning Skills


Tutor Group:


Given out: Monday 6 June Hand in: Monday 13 June

Parent/Carer Comment:

Staff Comment:


This homework booklet will help you to develop and practise your skills in languages

and give you a chance to reflect on your progress.

It contains some of the key skills you have learned this year and which will be vital

for your GCSE course.

Each exercise is labelled as:

Must: All pupils must try to complete.

Should: All pupils should attempt.

Could: Some pupils could try to complete.

Pupils must complete the self-evaluation boxes at the end of the booklet.

All learning objectives are in accordance with the new Key Stage 3 framework for


Exercise 1a

Cognates are words which are the same or similar in another language e.g. le

college = school. They are sometimes called vrais amis (true friends). If you don’t

have a dictionary to hand you can often work out the meaning of a French text by

guessing the meaning of words which look similar to words in English.

Guess what these cognates mean in English based on words they look like. To check

your answers use a dictionary or an on-line dictionary such as

égalité - …………………………………

démocratie - ………………………………..

banane - …………………………………

victoire - …………………………………

couleur - ………………………………

idée - ……………………………

mémoire - …………………………………

signer (verb) - ……………………………….

juger (verb) - ……………………..

Exercise 1b

There are also lots of false cognates or faux amis (false friends). These look very

similar in both languages but actually mean different things. This can confuse you

but they need to be learned. Words can also often have two meanings, one which is

similar to English but one which is completely different.

See if you can guess what these false cognates mean but check them in a

dictionary before you write them in.

ancien - ………………………………..

avertissement- ……………………………..…

coin - ..……………………………..

commander - …………………………………

fournitures - ………………………………..

librairie - ……………………………….

pièce - ……….……………………….

propre - ……………..………………..

supporter (verb)- …………………..……………

decevoir - ………………..………………

Exercise 2

French adjectives change to agree in gender and number with the nouns that they

modify, which means there can be up to four forms of each adjective (masculine

singular, feminine singular, masculine plural, feminine plural).

Most French adjectives add E for feminine and S for plural. Example:

Adjective: vert (green) Masculine singular vert

Feminine singular verte

Masculine plural verts Feminine plural vertes

However, there are a number of irregular endings. These need to be learned. Example:

Adjective: personnel (personal) Masculine singular personnel Feminine singular personnelle

Masculine plural personnels Feminine plural personnelles

Fill in the gaps on these irregular adjectives. To find the answer use a dictionary or use

the internet to search e.g. ‘bon adjective endings’.

Adjective: bon (good)

Masculine singular bon

Feminine singular (1)……………….

Masculine plural bons

Feminine plural (2)……………………

Adjective: cher (expensive)

Masculine singular cher

Feminine singular chère

Masculine plural (3)…………….

Feminine plural (4)……………

Adjective: complet (full)

Masculine singular complet

Feminine singular (5)…………………………

Masculine plural complets

Feminine plural (6)……………………

Adjective: blanc (white)

Masculine singular blanc

Feminine singular (9)………………………

Masculine plural (10)…………………….

Feminine plural (11)……………………….

Adjective: flatteur (flattering)

Masculine singular flatteur

Feminine singular (15)……………………….

Masculine plural flatteurs

Feminine plural (16)…………………………

Adjective: heureux (happy)

Masculine singular heureux

Feminine singular (7)…………………………

Masculine plural heureux

Feminine plural (8)…………………………..

Adjective: neuf (new)

Masculine singular neuf

Feminine singular (12)……………………….

Masculine plural (13)…………………………

Feminine plural (14)………………………….

Adjective: idéal (ideal)

Masculine singular idéal

Feminine singular idéale

Masculine plural (17)……………………..

Feminine plural (18)………………………

Exercise 3- Forming the Past (perfect) Tense

Avoir – to have


tu as

il/elle a

nous avons

vous avez

ils/elles ont

Être – to be

je suis

tu es

il/elle est

nous sommes

vous êtes

ils/elles sont

Remember most past participles are formed by knocking the –er from the end of the

verb and adding é. e.g. jouer = joué.

If you’re not sure what the past participle is look it up in a dictionary (verb tables are

often at the back) or search the internet e.g. What is the past participle of faire? =


Don’t forget that most verbs use avoir in the perfect tense but some (mainly movement

verbs) use être. Look up ‘Dr and Mrs Vandertramp’ if you’re not sure. Those past

participles have to agree with the subject so don’t forget to add an extra e if feminine

(allée), an s if plural (allés) or even both (allées).

Fill in the gaps in these sentences. In all the sentences you need to include the correct

form of avoir/être followed by the past participle. Where necessary I have included

the infinitive to help you in brackets:

Example: Vous …..avez…. ….lu…… un livre. – You read a book.

1. J’………... ………………………….. au foot. – I played football.

2. Il …………. …………………………….. la télé. – He watched TV.

3. Nous ………………………. ………………….… de la natation. – We went swimming.

4. Ils ………………… …………………….. une pizza. – They ate a pizza.

5. Nous …………………… …………………. en ville. – We went to town.

6. Tu ……………. …………….. du limonade. – You drank some lemonade.

7. Elle ……………… …………………… [choisir] un DVD. – She chose a DVD.

8. Je ……………….. ………………………. [tomber]. – I fell over.

9. Il ……………… ………………………. [partir] hier. – He left yesterday.

10. Elles .................... ……………………. [venir] à la fête. – They came to the party.

Exercise 4 The near future tense describes events that are going to happen. You therefore use the

verb aller (to go) in the present tense + the infinitive e.g. Je vais jouer au rugby – I am

going to play rugby.

Aller – to go (present tense)

je vais

tu vas

il/elle/on va

nous allons

vous allez

ils/elles vont

Fill in the blanks on the same sentences but turn them into the near future tense.

Remember, you won’t be using any past participles, only infinitives (jouer, faire, boire,


1. Je …………… …………….. au foot. – I am going to play football.

2. Il …………. …………………………….. la télé. – He is going to watch TV.

3. Nous ………………………. ………………….… de la natation. – We are going to go swimming.

4. Ils ………………… …………………….. une pizza. – They are going to eat a pizza.

5. Nous …………………… …………………. en ville. – We are going to go to town.

6. Tu ……………. …………….. du lemonade. – You are going to drink some lemonade.

7. Elle ……………… …………………… un DVD. – She is going to choose a DVD.

8. Je ……………….. ………………………. – I am going to fall over.

9. Il ……………… ………………………. Demain. – He is going to leave tomorrow.

10. Elles .................... ……………………. à la fête. – They are going to come to the party.

Exercise 5 Read the interview with Guillaume, a film star and decide if the statements underneath

are true , false , or not mentioned (?).

Look for names, dates and places to help you answer them.

1. Guillaume played the hero in Johnny Malchance.

2. In Muscles au maximum, Guillaume worked with Jean-Claude Vin-Blanc.

3. Guillaume played the role of a robot in the film Robot, je t’aime.

4. Guillaume was in a horror film which was on TV yesterday.

5. Guillaume did kickboxing in his last film.

6. Guillaume’s girlfriend watched Lapin et Serpent.

7. Guillaume liked his holiday in Guadeloupe.

8. Guillaume didn’t go to Paris in 2005.

Exercise 6

In the table underneath write which tense each paragraph is written in (past, present

or future).




Find the French equivalent of these phrases in the text and write them in the box


French English

My favourite author is…

I read them all the time.

The story is interesting and original.

My favourite characters…

The fourth Harry Potter book…

My friends are going to come to my house.




Exercise 7- Error checking

Draw a circle around all the errors in this text about films.

They could be spelling mistakes, tense errors, wrong endings, missing accents, etc.

There are 11 mistakes in total.

J’aime bien aller au cinéma. Je vais au cinéma une fois

par semaine. J’aime buaecoup les film d’action. Un de

mes films préféres c’est Die Hard avec Bruce Willis.

J’amie ce film parce qu’il est plein d’action et les effet

spéciaux sont excellent.

Le weekend prochain je suis allé au cinéma et j’ai

regarder Battleship. C’est l’histoire des extra-

terrestres qui attaquent le planète. Je ne ai pas

beaucoup aimé ce film parce que c’était nul. Pourtant les

effets speciaux sont bien.

La semaine prochain je vais acheté Mission Impossible 4

en DVD. Un de mes acteurs préférés, c’est Tom Cruise.

J’aime livre de temps en temps mais je préfére aller au

cinéma ou regarder la télé.

Exercise 8 Connectives

Connectives link sentences together and improve the quality of your writing. Here are

some French examples:

et - and

parce que - because

aussi - also

ou - or

donc - therefore/so

mais - but

d’abord – first of all

enfin - finally

d'habitude - normally

pourtant - however

Below is a text about a holiday.

Place the connectives in a gap where they make sense.

Some of them can go in a few different places but try to use as many as possible.

__D’habitude__ je vais en vacances en France avec ma famille.

_____________ l’année derniére on est allé en Italie. La voiture était en

panne _______ nous avons pris l’avion. Le voyage était nul

______________ c’était ennuyeux. Pendant les vacances _____________

j’ai joué au tennis ________ j’ai fait de la natation. ___________ je suis

allé à la plage. C’était super ________ la mer était froide ! J’ai mangé une

______ deux pizzas. ________ j’ai mangé des salades vertes avec des

tomates. C’était délicieux !

Vocab : en panne (broken).

Exercise 9 -Thinking about French sounds

French people use text-speak just like us.

See if you can match the text speak from the box at the bottom with the actual


Look at acronyms, abbreviations, etc and think about how accents & pronunciation will

affect your answers.

French Text speak Actual French English

C C’est It is

C'est bien That's good

Je suis I am

D'accord OK

Je vais I'm going

Merci thanks

Ne sais pas I don’t know

o Au In the, at the

Parce que because

Cinéma Cinema

S'il te/vous plaît Please

occupé busy

weekend Weekend

J’ai un problème I have a problem

Où est-tu? Where are you?

énervé Annoyed

Je t’aime I love you

JTM Chuis parske dak J'vé

Wétu mr6 6né STP/SVP

WE cb1 G1 pb


Exercise 10a

Read this letter and underline every example of the past (perfect) tense. (9 more to find.)

Paris, le 12 mai Cher Patrice,

Salut! Ça va? Moi, ça va bien. Merci de ta dernière lettre que j’ai reçu avec plaisir.

Le weekend dernier était magnifique! Vendredi soir, je suis allée au cinéma avec mes copains. On a vu le film “X Men 2”. C’était superbe! Samedi matin, j’ai fait de la natation à la piscine avec mon frère. J’adore faire de la

natation! Samedi après-midi, J’ai fait du shopping avec ma cousine, Aline. C’était amusant. Hier, j’ai joué au tennis au parc avec ma mère. Malheureusement, ma mère a gagné! Hier soir, je suis allée au disco avec ma copine. C’était formidable

parce que j’ai rencontré un beau mec! Qu’est-ce que tu as fait le weekend dernier?

A bientôt! Janine

Exercise 10b

Find the time phrases below in the letter above.

Saturday afternoon - …………………………………………

Yesterday - …………………………………………

Last weekend - …………………………………………

Saturday morning - …………………………………………

Yesterday evening - …………………………………………

Friday evening - …………………………………………

Exercise 10c Answer these questions in English.

1. What did Janine do on Friday evening? - …………………………………………

2. What did she do with her brother? - …………………………………………

3. What did she do at the park? - …………………………………………

4. Who did she go to the disco with? - …………………………………………

5. Why did she enjoy it? - …………………………………………

Self Assessment

Fill in the boxes based on how you feel you have done in these exercises.

Write your target/comment about how you feel you did.

I can ……. Very well Fairly well Need more help

recognise/use the past/future

tenses in French.

find key language within a text.

spot errors in a text.

use connectives correctly.

scan information correctly.

confidently use a dictionary.

Self Evaluation of my Homework

I am a R____________________ learner. I know this because:




I believe that my effort and attitude to learning for this booklet is a:

1 2 3 4

I know this because:


