year 9 sports studies leadership styles - co-op academy

Objectives Leadership styles

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Leadership styles

• Starter• Bronze• List as many leadership roles as possible• Silver – Next to each role write which

leadership style suits it most• Gold – Select one of each leadership

style and explain why it applies to that role, give examples.

Example• Referee – Autocratic• Referees assistant – Autocratic• Physiotherapist – Laissez Faire• Captain – Democratic• Vice Captain – Democratic• Water boy – Laissez Faire (because they

only run onto the field when players need to hydrate.)

Autocratic• Single person in charge.• Command style• Does not consider the thoughts and

opinions of those they are leading.• Strict, straightforward, instruction giver.• Of the list of leadership roles you have

written, which roles would be autocratic?


One person is in total control

Autocratic - One person giving instructions one way. Those under the leader do all the





Why is autocratic used by a referee?

• A

Positives and negatives of democratic leadership

Positives • Promotes teamwork.• Everybody can have a say

regardless of their position.

• Still someone is in charge but with the support of the team.

• Big decisions can be undertaken by the team.

• The team can select their leaders.

• Makes team members feel valued.

Negatives• Can take time• Can cause arguments • Sometimes you get an

even split of decisions so cant get a solution/agreement.

• Not good for immature groups or those with poor understanding or behaviour.

• Takes the power away from the leader.





Democratic – make a list of the positives and negatives

Positives Negatives

Task• Bronze – Draw a picture of Autocratic and

democratic leadership.• Silver – Draw pictures of Autocratic and

democratic leadership with a full description/explanation and sporting examples.

• Gold – Draw pictures of autocratic and democratic leadership. Explain each in detail and giving sporting examples explain the differences between Democratic and Autocratic leadership and include positive and negatives for each style (10 marks)

Example answer:-SilverAutocratic: (Silver, explain)One person giving instructions, their decision is final Those under the leader do all the work. (silver, example) In sports a referee is autocratic because they must make fast decisions and not go back on them, if they do players will think them weak and argue.

Gold example: This style works for a referee or umpire because they need their instructions to be followed instantly but from a players point of view autocratic is harsh and they may be respected but not well liked, so it would not suit the role of a captain because they must have positive relationships with the other players.

Bronze - Example

What style?









What is Laissez faire?

• Leaving situations to run their own course.

• A more relaxed approach• You are still there to offer support and

guidance if needed. (unsafe / called upon)

• Sporting examples?

Laissez Faire

• Self organisation• Mostly free from a singular leader• Help can be asked for when needed• Players can make decisions on their own

when then wish.• Left to ‘run its own course’

Laissez Faire

Example – laissez faire -British Cycling

• Athletes / coaches etc are mature and experienced so don’t need / want to be told what to do all the time.

• Athletes and coaches who are given the opportunity to make their own decisions / mistakes improve more.

• Being the head of a big team means you cant do everything anyway.

Example – laissez faire Sports Doctor

• Highly trained / educated• Will only act when needed• When needed however they may switch

to autocratic leadership style.

Laissez Faire – make a list of the positives and negatives

Positives Negatives

Exam questions 1. Explain Laissez Faire Leadership - Use an

example from a sporting role to support your answer, (3 marks)

2. Explain 2 benefits of Autocratic leadership (2 marks)

3. Explain 2 negatives of Autocraticleadership (2 Marks)