yellow vests and the uprising of consciousness · yellow vests and the uprising of...

Yellow Vests and the Uprising of Consciousness John Scott with the collaboration of all those who read and follow these lines of thought, from far and wide. For in so doing they engage their own creative power of Consciousness.

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Yellow Vests and the Uprising of Consciousness!

!John Scott!


the collaboration of all those who read and follow these lines of thought, from far and wide. For in so doing they engage their

own creative power of Consciousness.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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These words lay no claim to theory and take pleasure in speaking for themselves. While they resonate with some, others will leave them aside and

continue to pursue their path joyously confident in their convictions.!They will be correct on all accounts.!

Bon voyage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yellow Vests and the Uprising of Consciousness!!!!To date, no coherent explanation has been forthcoming for the origin of the ‘Yellow Vests’ movement, which appeared spontaneously on the 17th November 2018. Thousands of individuals took to the streets wearing high-visibility yellow jackets to demonstrate throughout France. Five months later, the demonstrations continue uninterruptedly. French law requires every car to be equipped with a yellow vest for use in the event of accidents. So what had to be brought to light so suddenly, that had hitherto remained occult for so long, and why?!!The Yellow Vests movement in France started in response to the rise in the price of petrol, which was accompanied by a reduction in the legal speed limit from 90 to 80 kph. Already an attempt by the French government to try and reduce peoples’ movements? The French word for petrol is essence, which is a word that is also employed to refer to Consciousness. It would appear that the rising petrol cost (le prix de l’essence) here corresponds to a simultaneous rise in awareness (‘la prise de conscience’)! The ‘essence’ that here enables movement also symbolises the nourishment of life forces in all of its « manifestations », (which is the French word for ‘demonstrations’), both of which refer to human activity. For the human being can also be described as being an essence, a manifestation of Consciousness in our material reality. Here, the word ‘essence’ refers to the body-soul-spirit of the human being taken as a whole. Paradoxically, the price to be paid for by the French government in increasing the cost of petrol, which inevitably leads to a potential reduction in population mobility, has conversely provoked a ‘mass popular movement’!!!Yellow Vests immediately became visible throughout the land, creating spontaneous encampments and traffic-filtering operations at hundreds of roundabouts. Iconic location for the Yellow Vests, the primary function of a roundabout is to facilitate the safe passage of travellers around its centre as they arrive from all directions in life. It

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serves to slow down momentarily the pace of life in order to take stock of all of the available directions at this junction in life before reorienting oneself before once again engaging in the pursuit of the chosen course. It serves momentarily to focus the attention of traffic at a central point of reference. Like the central hub of a wagon wheel, it symbolises the coming together of all walks of life, uniting citizens from the four cardinal points in constant interchange. Many roundabout became manned by Yellow Vests around the clock in order to guard their presence and remain in the public eye. Rustic eating and sleeping facilities provide a base in which ongoing discussion, exchanges and friendly celebration of solidarity is to be enjoyed.!!The dissemination of ideas, the sharing of strategies and policies, the formulation of social and political demands together have become a regular feature here. The dissemination of information to Yellow Vests colleagues throughout the country is facilitated by the use of the existing social media networks. In addition, new forms of independent reporting such as the “Media pour Tous” (“Media for All’) and “Thinkerview”, enable national access to demonstrations as well as other related events and topics, incorporating live reportage and spontaneous interviews with respective participants. In this way, Yellow Vests alternative action has lead to the creation of a variety of new and diverse forms that reflect a more faithful representation of people’s concerns and activities in an alternative media…for all.!!Everybody and everything is Consciousness!!This movement symbolises the expression of Consciousness itself, which is wholly responsible for creation on both individual and!collective level, not to mention cosmic levels and beyond…Is it possible for us to name even one thing that does not exist in Consciousness? A single idea or concept, a being or an object, a thought or a real or imaginary apple tree? Clearly, the mere invocation of a real or imaginary ‘thing’, dead or alive, brings us back to Consciousness, which in turn contains it.!!

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Everyone represents a unique aspect of consciousness that manifests itself as ‘essence’. Consciousness creates this reality, along with everything that manifests within it, in order to experience itself. Furthermore, each individual incorporates all of consciousness! This is because logically Consciousness cannot be separated or divided, as it exists everywhere and in everything. Consciousness cannot be objectified. Were we not ‘all of Consciousness’, what and where would be the frontier between our singular expression as essence (our ego-personality) and Consciousness as a Whole? !!However, throughout millennia we have become so closely focussed upon, and identified as being solely the experiencer of Consciousness’ adventures, that we have completely lost sight of the fact that we were originally directly implicated in the creative process as a Whole. An essential oversight. We actively contribute towards the development and maintenance of this reality. Whatever we observe to be outside of ourself is intimately related to whatever else is occurring both from within and throughout Consciousness. Our so-called external reality is merely a projection of whatever film is being played from within us. The collective film mirrors what is occurring on the individual plane. And we are the light that projects the images onto the screen, which we then perceive to be our ‘reality’. As a singular manifestation but at the same time an integral component of Consciousness, this is our way of showing ourselves what we have yet to undertake. !!Upon reflection, it can be recognised that every single thing that we !see, hear, touch, taste, smell and imagine is experienced from within the confines of our physical body. Does this makes our physical body the largest object in the Universe? Perhaps! But as we have grown to identify ourself solely with the ego-personality-body over the course of millennia, we have long-since lost sight of and forgotten all of this. !!We have forgotten who and what we essentially are:!!- everything is Consciousness;!

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- Consciousness is limitless and cannot be objectified;!- each individual is an expression of Consciousness, - an essence;!- everything we perceive to be outside of our essence is, in fact, a

collectively influenced projection of our internal workings, because every single thing that we see, hear, touch, taste, smell and imagine is experienced from within the confines of our ego-personality, which we identify closely with the physical body;!

- as we constitute all of Consciousness , we are thereby empowered to create and influence the totality of our reality.!

!Until now, we have remained oblivious of our true nature, - that of Consciousness as a Whole. Our ongoing and rapidly expanding awareness is now leading us to manifest our reality in an original, increasingly expansive way. This is reflected in the Yellow Vests movement, itself an expression of Consciousness creating simultaneously on both individual and collective levels.!!Today everyone is experiencing the global rise in consciousness that is underway on an individual level, regardless of whether or not we like it. The Schumann’s Resonance (1), which is likened to Earth's ‘heartbeat’, is also undergoing an unprecedented ascent in frequency levels. Schumann Resonance had remained more or less stable at 7.83 Hz since it had been measured. However, on January 31, 2017 it is passed from its norm of 7.83 Hz to more than 36 Hz, which represented a fourfold increase. Several studies have suggested that the Earth's magnetic field is influenced by the level of human consciousness, and this reciprocally. (2)!

!The Yellow Vests movement is unique in the history of people uprisings, not only in its own right but also because it accompanies and reflects the rise in the world’s vibratory frequency (3), a rise on frequency that had been foreseen for millennia by many ancient cultures. We created this reality and designed to last for millennia, in order to enable human beings to apprehend and experience duality in all its multiple forms. In the process, our Ego-personality identified itself by distinguishing itself in terms of its difference from the observed world. In so doing, it turned its gaze away from its Self to become fully involved in the film that was being projected.

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Instead of remembering and recognising its own power, our power of Consciousness, it instead invested this power in the ‘other’ and in other different elements; icons, myths, gods, egregores, etc.. (4)!!When we observe an object, we are simultaneously the thing itself and outside of it. We cannot observe the nature of an object unless we are outside of it. We cannot taste sugar if our mouth is made of sugar. We cannot recognise a selfish state if we are not out of that state. The one who observes must be different from what he observes. But, and this seems to be a paradox, it is also impossible for us to know the nature of an object without simultaneously being the very essence of that object. So observing something means we are both inside and outside. We are that object. The act of knowing is a challenge to the logical principle of identity, because we could say that knowledge is a unified duality, a double unity! This challenge is sublimely encapsulated in a single interrogation: ‘How can we know the dancer from the dance?’ (5)!!“The perceived is in the perceiving but the perceiving is not in the perceived. The perceiver is not a fraction, mind, but Totality. Thus, the perception is already potentially in the perceiver, the All. It is not that there is no reality. It is simply that what we call 'reality' is not pure existence because 'reality' is only a part of the Whole.” (6) The current uprise in Consciousness throws new light upon all of the underlying mechanisms and structures that have served to control and to keep Man in quasi-slavery, which today assumes the form of Debt slavery. Now the veils are finally falling and nothing can prevent the truth from being brought out to the light of day. Nothing shall escape scrutiny.!!For everything we observe outside of us is just a projection of what is happening and what emanates from within ourself. Today, our attention is being drawn towards understanding not only what we create but how we create it - the growing awareness of our own direct involvement in the process of creation. Our creations, that appear to manifest only in external realty, serve to ‘demonstrate’ what is in fact taking place simultaneously within us.!!

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The external manifestation is a reflection of what is being conceived from within. !!So, what do we see when we look out onto the French scene today? Yellow! What significance does the colour yellow play with regard to the Yellow Vests movement? First and foremost, yellow is the most visible of colours, the colour that most readily attracts your attention, catches your eye. It has been statistically proved that yellow cars are the least likely to become involved in accidents. According to certain oriental disciplines, yellow is also the colour of the third chakra, that of the solar plexus. This chakra is related to our emotions, our e-motions - energy in motion - as is demonstrated each weekend in France! !!It also symbolises ‘radiate your power in the world’ like sun rays, and is characterised by the expression of will, determination, personal power and mental abilities. Yellow is also associated throughout the world with lightheartedness, humour and spontaneity. These are all qualities that members of the Yellow Vests movement have come to demonstrate and exemplify from the outset of their mouvement. Furthermore, yellow ochre pigment was one of the first colours to be used in art. The Lascaux cave in Dordogne contains a painting of a yellow horse which, too, symbolises the emotions, personal drive, passion and an appetite for freedom. Such qualities as these are commonly encountered among the Yellow Vests ranks. The painting dates back 17,000 years - one of the original examples of Man leaving their colourful imprint upon history! And of course it evokes gold! Gold is an atomic element and the precious metal par excellence of jewellery, coin manufacture and gold-backed currency, and medicine.!!Another significant originality displayed by the Yellow Vests movement is the spontaneous integration within its ranks of totally disparate orientations. Individuals from all walks of life and from a variety of different cultures and religious denominations. They also emanate from every colour on the political spectrum, ranging from right through centre to left, including those of a-political persuasion. A rich variety of social and class orientations co-exist in harmony.

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These range from the working class, the unemployed, small business owners, pensioners, members of the middle-class, artists, craftworkers and so on. They express demands such as recognition for the right to dignity and quality care for all, especially so for the most vulnerable elements of society; the homeless, single-parent families, those suffering with mental health issues or restricted ability, as well as all of those affected by illness in general... Improvements are called for in the status of the immigrant communities, whether historical or recent; the promotion of initiatives with a view to resolving the problems of stigmatisation surrounding suburban communities; the demands of Civil Rights and ecology activists, not to mention the demands of students and representatives of all colours under the famous yellow banner.!!Of course, as with all movements that threaten to challenge the established order, the Yellow Vests movement has attracted antisocial elements, the activities of whom are antithetical to the movement’s essential orientations. Destructive demonstrators, vandalising ‘rioters’ (‘casseurs’) often make their appearance towards the end of demonstrations, particularly those being held in wealthy Parisian tourist areas such as Les Champs Elysées. They infiltrate the demonstration, deviously camouflaging themselves by donning yellow vests, and proceed to smash prestigious shop windows and to steal whatever they can lay their hands on. They would appear to be motivated solely by personal gain and a sense of excitement.!!Anarchist (‘black-bloc’), anti-globalist and militant left-wing extremist anti-fascists (including ‘Antifa’) groups resort to black-bloc tactics. They invariably wear black clothing, scarves, sunglasses, ski masks, motorcycle helmets, or other face-concealing and face-protecting items. These outfits are used both to conceal the identity of the wearers and to protect them from criminal prosecution but in the process they serve also to contaminate the whole movement. Their anti-social actions are automatically associated with the Yellow Vests by the uncritical observer and the mass media. Masks are also worn to legitimately protect the face and eyes from the inevitable tear gas...!

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However, the systematic stop-and-search endured by many legitimate Yellow Vests demonstrators prevent them from being able to protect themselves from the effects of Police teargas, ‘flash-balls’, grenades and the perilous BD-40, not to mention violent truncheon-wielding riot-police charges. Meanwhile, and despite being familiar to police and intelligence services, the black-bloc are simply waved through unchallenged, free to indulge in their nefarious activities…unless, of course, they are caught on film!!!Over ten people have lost their lives during the demonstrations to date. More than twenty-three peaceful demonstrators have lost an eye, five hands have been blown off, with a similar number of feet being irreparably damaged. Two hundred or more individuals have suffered serious injuries, the repercussions of which shall remain for the rest of their lives. Surgeons throughout France report being called upon to treat what they describe as “war wounds”. Over one thousand law enforcement officers have been injured with more than two thousand five hundred Yellow Vests victims, of which over two hundred have suffered life-changing injuries. None of the Yellow !Vests injuries, - let alone the death of an octogenarian lady in Marseille, killed by a police grenade while closing her window shutters - has yet to be acknowledged by the executive powers and their minions, who are responsable for deploying the law enforcement agencies, determining tactics and issuing orders. Self-denial at its officially mandated best! But this too provides yet another example of how we systematically refuse to recognise and acknowledge our own responsibility for all of the situations in which we find expression!!!Finally, everyone is familiar with the historic resort to ‘agents provocateurs’. Recently, members of the police were filmed arriving at the scene in a police van, removing their badges and armbands, before equipping themselves with disguises, and hammers or other appropriate weapons. These false demonstrators then sneaked off to join the ranks of the rioters. On one occasion, the CRS were in the process of coshing a protestor who was writhing at their feet, when one of their other colleagues ran over shouting “Stop! He’s one of ours. He’s one of ours!” But of course, in actual fact, law

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enforcement officers, rioters, black-bloc, together with tourists, innocent by-standers and legitimate Yellow Vests demonstrators are all “…one of ours!”. They all belong to the same side. They all represent victims of exploitation and domination by the control system whose purpose for centuries has been repression through oppression. They all reflect an outer projection of our own internal turmoil, angst and contradictory ‘forces’ that struggle to contain and make sense of our mutually shared internal conflicting e-motions and experiences. ‘Divide and Conquer’ represents the ruling faction’s historical motto. But the divisive actions that they perpetuate both around and beneath them, too, serve only as a reflection of their own respective internal frustrations and self-alienation. They, too, are cut off from them Self. ‘Divide and Fail’!!!A striking example of the perverse collaboration of law enforcement officers implicitly colluding with destructive demonstrator tactics was the occasion in which they followed and filmed a miscreant for three and a half hours as they systematically vandalised properties, shops, even setting fire to a Porche. A ‘porch’ is, of course, the covered shelter that marks the interconnecting part, simultaneously designating the frontier between the ‘interior’ and the ‘exterior’ of any complex structure! We here witness three and a half hours of undercover shooting before the police finally break cover to arrest him! By allowing this rioter to act, the police themselves were guilty by failing to intervene in respectful obeisance of the law. Caught in the cross-fire! The proud release of the film by the Minister of the Interior to the mass media was designed both to vaunt the supposed merits of this subversive police activity that was now openly displayed in the light of day, and simultaneously to exploit the effects of the wanton violence of just one person in order to subliminally impress itself upon the psyche of the uncritical observer in an attempt to further discredit the Yellow Vests movement. Paradoxically, it merely served to project into the forefront the true nature of their own perverse activities. For it demonstrated the very antithesis of the function and role of authority, from which we expect integrity, honesty and transparency. This too, provides us with yet another illustration of our own contradictory operations!!!

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To recapitulate, on the one hand we witness the utilisation of non-intervention tactics on behalf of the established order in the police units are instructed not to intervene. This results in spectacular scenes of damage to property and shopkeeper’s livelihoods that may then be used to raise public opinion against theYellow Vests. On the other hand, subversive hit-and-run guerrilla warfare-style actions are also caught on film, being employed by trained units with a view to cause damage and likewise further discredit the movement. The conflicting expressions of the individuals involved in these examples, serve to reflect both singular and collective internal oppositions of our implicitly contradictory belief systems as they come into operation. It is upon the basis of these systems that our emotional feelings come in to play themselves out, in the process displaying the expression of our own psychological make-up.!!We are (all) constantly being torn between conflicting options, for how can we “love thy neighbour as thyself” when we have yet to fully, openly understand and acknowledge who and what we really are? The elite of this world have beed educated to believe that they are ‘superior beings’, whereas the evidence revealed by their behaviour manifestly belies such a claim. They are just as much a prisoner of their own illusions as the masses are…or rather were. Because every aspect of life as we knew it is now undergoing radical change from which no one is exempt.!!Each individual represents an individual manifestation of consciousness in the form of essence - its ego or personality. Humanity as a whole represents mass or collective consciousness. The Yellow Vests provide us with an example of how a group reflects not only the creations of the collective consciousness itself, but also mirrors the creations and activities of all of our constituant!essences, each of which represents a singular expression of Consciousness. In other words: We are at once an individual manifestation and all of the expressions of Consciousness itself! !How could it be otherwise? Consciousness, like the notion of ‘god’, according to certain belief systems, contains everything. As it is not possible for us to name so much as ‘one thing’ that exists outside of

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Consciousness, we can conclude that ‘we’ are at once an individual and all of Consciousness. In other words, by implication we are all responsable for creating and manifesting all external activities and creations, including those concerning the Yellow Vests movement! !!How do all of these external activities reflect what we are creating internally, and how does this translate to us as a singular manifestation of essence? !!In order to understand how we can all be at once interconnected and yet at the same time experience our self as being a ‘separate’ identity, a separate entity, we are required to turn our attention to the way in which Consciousness manifests itself, and why, as far as we are concerned. On the one hand, Consciousness manifests itself in the form of an ‘essence’, (for example ‘John Scott’), which represents a singular manifestation of Consciousness expressing itself through this ego-personality and life in order to explore and experience itself in this physical dimension through him.!!At the inception of…or rather when we created this particular physical dimension, the decision was made to create an environment in which Consciousness could further explore the infinite possibilities of its expression, like so many actors onstage. Shakespeare wrote: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players;”…(7) The structure within which emotions and gender are to be explored consists of ten primary or core ‘belief systems’, which contain a multitude of aspects within each belief system. These provide the basis in which gender and the multiple expressions of emotions can be explored, the dual basis of our perceived reality in this dimension. !!They can be summarised as follows: !!- relationships (e.g. intimate, family, work, social, political, etc);!- duplicity; !- sexuality; !- truth; !- emotion; !

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- perception; !- the senses (physical senses/inner senses); !- religious (spirituality); !- scientific (elements of physical reality); !- physical creation of the universe (including accidents and

coincidences). !!- All of these beliefs systems contain many many individual

aspects, and they provide globally the background upon which we experience and express our life.!

!Belief systems influence our perception and our perception is the element that creates our reality in its entirety.!!We incorporate every belief which is contained within all of the belief systems. However, while we incorporate every belief that is associated with all belief systems, we express only comparatively few of them. We select the beliefs which are associated and in accordance with how we choose to manifest our personality, the culture in which we choose to manifest within, what we choose to align with, and with particular reference to our families, our orientations and our preferences. We choose certain beliefs that we shall express, which are associated also with our opinions.!!The most important and recurrent belief is probably that of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ or good and bad. Religious belief systems teach us to “Love thy neighbour as (you love) thyself” while simultaneously telling us that we are sinners who need to seek redemption! This is just one of the contradictory contexts in which the individual personality, our ego, struggles to define its life. By nature, the ego-essence always considers that their worldview or opinion is correct. It feels threatened by the expression of ‘difference’. Paradoxically, this means that everyone’s point of view is always true…from their ego’s point of view! This applies to everything and everyone. Hence there are an infinite number of variations, all equally ‘true ' and ‘different’. None of them represents absolute ‘truth’. There is no absolute truth in this dimension, for it is only one of an infinite number of other varied dimensions, some of which are physical,

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others are not. Any notion of ‘absolute truth’ would therefore require reference to all of these dimensions…but this is not something that we will develop here.!!We often convince ourselves and tell one another how accepting we (all) are of other people, how tolerant we are of ‘difference’. Yet if we are honest with ourself, we recognise that this simply is not the case. Intolerance of one another often manifests itself even in our most intimate relationships, let alone within our friendships, with our family, in casual relationships, and so on. If we are not alike, if they exhibit difference, this is experienced as being unacceptable to us. We tell ourselves and each other that we appreciate difference but in actual fact we appreciate sameness. In reality, similarity in our life serves to validates us and makes us feel secure. !!Difference threatens us, for it is our presentment with the expression of duality – of good and bad, of right and wrong, of better or worse. Difference frightens us, for we are as yet unfamiliar with our true selves and of our true powers. As a result, we tend to look outside of ourselves and compare, creating this comparative action continuously. If we find no similarity in comparison or not enough similarity in comparison, if we see ourselves holding a different perception or not identifying with the same definitions as another or others, we reject them, because it threatens our identity. It threatens our sense of worth and value. For these comparisons provide us with the means whereby to measure our worth.!!When we encounter sameness we are validated, it comforts us and it gives us a sense of worth. When we encounter difference we perceive unfamiliarity, and unfamiliarity creates unease which introduces feelings or aspects of fear within us. Fear reinforces our lack of self-confidence and devalues the measure of our worth in our own eyes. All of this applies to life as it exists in a context that values and defines itself by competition.!!This is how we have been behaving for centuries!!!

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For millennia, we have been seeing red - rage, fear, anger and rejection. Today, we are starting to see yellow and its humanely inclusive, luminous qualities. There is no need any longer to camouflage our internalised feelings, sentiments and viewpoints. Everything and everyone is being provided with the opportunity to come out into the open. Humanity is raising its consciousness, and the Yellow Vests symbolically demonstrate how to lead the way forward. For centuries we have been hiding our Self from view, camouflaging, many our inner aspirations, through fear of ridicule and ostracism, because historically, banishment from the tribe meant certain death! From the moment we were born, amid simultaneous cries of agony and delight, we have applied ourself to the tenuous ongoing negotiation that co-exists between respecting our own integrity while assuring first parental acceptance before then pursuing that of siblings, teachers, contemporaries, lovers, employers, partners and friends, and even of those unknown to us.!!In order to survive, we have had to compromise, to toe the line, avoid rocking the boat and above all conform. But while we have continued to ‘play the game’, to obey orders and not be ‘seen’ to step out of line, putting on a brave face, internally we have often been seething beneath the weight of heart-felt injustice, oppression and rejection. We have slipped in and out of being our true self, gaining some comfort by complaining among ourselves about authority figures such as the ‘powers that were’ in which we have invested our own sovereignty. Our self-denial on an individual level, - too often claiming to be a victim of circumstance instead of admitting our own responsibility for having created our reality - was reflected in the surrounding reality, a necessary result of our individual and mass consciousness expressing itself in accordance with our personal and collective orientation of the times.!!So inasmuch as a manifestation of Consciousness, why did we create such a repressive regime, guilty both of police violence and the equally unacceptable violence that is suffered by the law enforcers themselves? Eighty-eight law-enforcement suicides alone were registered in 2018 in France, and their suicide rate is increasing literally by the day. They are exploited as cannon fodder

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to protect our mutual ‘masters’. Here, the police ‘authorities’ represent our own authority and sovereignty, caught in flagrant delete sending its/our own representatives into dangerous zones of activity, thereby running the risk not only of incurring injury but actually leading to self-destructive acts. !!Not only are the police officers betrayed in fulfilling their role as representatives of authority, but so too does ‘Authority’ betray itself. For we are the authority in question, here symbolised by police and Home Office representatives. This authority, and the misuse thereof, is symbolic of our own misuse of power over and by ourselves in the execution of our responsibility towards everything that relates to us, be it directly or indirectly. Why did we create black-bloc and disruptive demonstrators who operate from within our own ranks? Why did we create the destruction of property, the disfigurement of certain established Republican symbols, the destruction of cash distributors and bank premises, as well as setting fire to symbols of opulence such as ‘Le Fouquet’? For the very same reason that we destroyed the Twin Towers on 9/11!!!These people and actions are all objective external manifestations of what has been fermenting within us individually, here expressed in their collective form. The unarmed Yellow Vests demonstrators, who are stripped of their protective gear before being given permission to demonstrate, represents our own, historical internal bowing down to external authority. It also reveals how we systematically belittle ourselves, having learned so well the lessons that have been hammered into us by these external authorities in whom we have invested our power and to whom we submit our sovereignty. The black-bloc and rioters represent our own internal revolts, operating under anonymous cover, camouflaged, expressing themselves through periodic outbursts that contrast with the compliant being that we have been trained to represent, all be it against our will.!!Too often we have resorted to self-denigration or even self-harm through a lack of self-confidence. Conforming to our fundamental !

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desire as Consciousness to explore and manifest all conceivable types of experience, this has been our way to experience negativity in all of its forms. In the same way, the power figures, too, have been play acting, playing the role of the wealthy elite; just as long as the lights remain trained upon them, just as long as this ‘illusion of reality’ is maintained, an illusion which serves to occult their own internal fears and uncertainties in the shadows. And while “Paris burns”, (both literally and metaphorically) words such as liberty, equality and fraternity had become for a long time hollow, meaningless clichés. Today however, the Yellow Vests are reviving and restoring the humane message originally associated with “Liberty * Equality * Fraternity”, while the remaining symbols of the control structure that belong to the ancient paradigm are, just like ‘Humpty-Dumpty’ and the Twin Towers, tumbling down. !!9/11 served to symbolise objectively the process that is now subjectively underway. The Twin Towers represented financial stability, the ‘nerve centre’ of the US social structure, the base of american mass beliefs - finance. Two icons that towered loftily above all and sundry, symbolic of immoveable security and protection, evoking the two vertical bars of the $ insignia. Sodom and Gomorrah. They represented also the vertical power structure, in which 1% of the population owns 50% of global wealth. Like the Berlin Wall, another (‘Wall’ Street) wall came tumbling down. The attack on the Twin Towers threw into global perspective a final a desperate attempt at ‘self-destruction’, motivated by the desire to extinguish the dual source of our agony - finance and the illusion of appearances that are born out of self-deception. ‘Personality’ is personae in Latin, which means ‘mask’, indicating yet another way in which we coverer up our Self, revealing our own self self-deception in the process. Not to overlook a certain French presidential candidate in 2017 who, to all appearances (in public, that is), applied cosmetic support to their ‘Jupiterian’ mask to the tune of 40,000 euros at the height of the electoral campaign! A small price to pay for impunity?!!To return once more to New York in 2001, Consciousness then created another mass movement in the form of two massive

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vessels, two aeroplanes constituting the immense expression of energy in association with this shift in mass consciousness. This action struck at the core of the similarly immense structures of officially accepted beliefs - those of finance and of protection. Sustaining what we perceive to be life itself, in what we deem to be the most valuable and important expressions of finance, currency, and exchange, and in what we view to be essential within our physical existence - immense structures of security and protection.!!The new paradigm which we are currently creating world-wide, and which is symbolised by the Yellow Vests in France, is replacing this ‘power of finance’, which translates as debt for the masses, by ‘power for and from within the people’. The power symbolised by the two 9/11 aeroplanes represents this people-power that is disintegrating the ancient regime without completely destroying it. Foundations remain in order to facilitate the construction of a completely new paradigm. The symbolic occupation by the Yellow Vests of the ‘Défense’ in Paris, this iconic centre of major international business interests, demonstrated perfectly the manner in which the calm, peaceful, and joyous forces of the Yellow Vests displayed how they were regaining control of their own ‘vested’ interests in their own manner, motivated and nourished by their own newly rediscovered manna.!!The destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 9/11 served to illustrate Finance’s impending collapse and decline. Symbolising the imposing vertical control power structure, these two towers dominated the population and controlled the conditions of all activities of life. The fire at ‘Notre-Dame de Paris’ on the 15th April 2019 serves to illustrate the impending fall and disappearance of yet another pillar of control - that of religion. The twin belfries of Notre-Dame were considerably damaged by the fire too. It represents the fall of religion’s control in general and that of the Catholic Church in particular. While 9/11 involved a two-toothed external attack on finance, here the 'purification by fire' of occult religious practices was the veritable cause of the fire, identified as emanating from within. So what has occurred within the church that has become exposed in plain view in the 21st century?!

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!For some time, innumerable scandals have implicated the Catholic!Church throughout the entire world, including multiple acts of paedophilia and child abuse and innumerable disappearances in Catholic institutions. These atrocities that have been occurring over a period of many many many years, and would appear to reflect our own youthful potential being systematically challenged and repressed throughout the ages. At the same time, seemingly powerless people had been seething, burning with an anger from within while secretly hoping that this pillar of authority, the Church, would be brought one day to justice for the perpetuation of these sinfully horrendous deeds. yearning to ‘See’ the back of Rome!Today is Tuesday the 15th April 2019, the first day of Easter. The Notre-Dame, icon of the Catholic Church visited by millions of tourists from the four corners of the Earth, now lays itself bare to horrified scrutiny as its spire implodes while its very fabric burns beneath the purificatory yellow flames. The once towering splendour of Notre-Dame has now been reduced to that of a hollow corpse, flat on its back, down and burned out and shrouded in dust.!Indeed, immolation in deed! ! !Traditionally, the joyous resounding echoes of Catholic church bells have summoned the masses to attend…Mass. Once within, the music transforms into the more oppressive inflections of the grinding organ, weighing down upon the souls of the ‘sinners’ below. Today however, this pinacle of spiritual domination literally crumbles under the guilty weight of its own suppression, now laid bare for all to see. The implosion of its spire, vertical symbol of spiritual authority, disintegrates agonisingly under the burning weight of its own symbolic public disclosure, witnessed by viewers throughout the world. Only the tainted ‘façade’ remains for all to see. !!Not surprisingly, it is the French billionaires who spring forth immediately to proffer their respective ‘offering’, rushing to redeem themselves through indecently high donations (dough_nations). Why indecent? Because these opulent amounts, released as they were within in the blink of an eye amidst ecstatic media fanfare,

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appear in stark contrast to the realities of the nine million French people who live below the poverty line, not to mention the five hundred and sixty-six deaths among the SDF in 2018 alone, whose existence (while it lasted) seems to have “strangely” escaped the attention of these horripilant benefactors. Today, however, the attention that has been drawn by the media to these wealthy individuals in the spirit of sycophantic adulation, has fooled hardly any among the many. Not only were very few people fooled in light of this gala procession, strutting like saintly saviours to support their (own) holy house...homeland... heritage; they saw through it. Like Notre-Dame itself, the king is naked!!!So what is the connection between these apparent benefactors and each one of us, an all-powerful essence of Consciousness that is held to be responsible for having created all of this? Why today, did we create this incongruous demonstration of the inequality that reigns among roles being played out on the world stage, in our very own open-roof theatre, visible for all to see?!!!We have already seen how throughout the centuries the ‘people’ have learned to restrain themselves and hide their disapproval of the iniquitous and ostentatious behaviour of the wealthy - the Royal Families (e.g. ‘Saxe-Coberg and Gotha’, obscured by a name/facade change and replaced by the name Windsor); the American political dynasties (Kennedy, Bush, Clinton); the French 'Grandes Familles' (Louis-Dreyfus, Rothschild, Peugeot); and more recently these lauded 'Capitaines de l'Industrie' (including B.Arnaud, the “Empereur” and his 66.9€ billion). In face of these powerful rulers, the people continued to bow their backs, to suffer in silence behind their masks of complacency, without ever daring to utter a word against their masters. Inwardly, they felt anything but this silent calm that historically they had presented to the outside world, prisoners as they were beneath the agonising torment of opposing emotional forces that were relentlessly gnawing within their guts, tearing them apart like the blade of a knife relentlessly turning in the wound of their souls!…!!

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Well, as a matter of fact... once upon a time, we (Consciousness that is) organised our ‘reality’ along the lines of an hermetic laboratory experiment, unfolding like an theatrical performance in which everyone, each incarnated soul, came to play its role. Our very own « Space-Time » was created here on Earth in order to enable us to explore and play out our experiences through and over time. Our creation of space-time is particular to this dimension (but it is not the subject we are considering here). We are aware that when we fall asleep and dream we leave behind the apparent limitations of this space-time and enter into a completely different configuration of time and space. Similarly, N.D.E. experiences, and those related to the use of sacred plants and/or synthetic drugs, have allowed us to open and extend the spectrum of the limits of this space-time. These situations and experiences also serve to remind us that we are not limited to the confines of our physical body or material world and that, as in the case of lucid dreaming, we are perfectly capable of intervening from within the experience to modify our behaviour or events within the experience itself. Conversely, even while fully awake and engrossed in an activity that is pleasurable and which inspires us, we completely lose track of time. We are playing ‘in our own world’, poles apart from the comparative inaction of ‘day dreaming’, yet still sharing from an observer’s point of view the same space-time. !! Our belief systems are omnipresent, setting the stage upon which the actors come in to play with their emotions and gender, each actor representing one of ‘us’, as an essence. Just like the actors who play on stage in ‘real’ life, we willingly chose the role we wanted to play ‘on Earth’. Sometimes we have chosen to play the role of the ‘goodie’, sometimes the ‘baddie’, sometimes the executioner and sometimes a victim. And this is always of our own free will. Of course, once on stage, once we have entered into our role and depending on the emotions and experiences that we have given ourselves to play/live therein, once we have reborn into a new life and proceed from life to life and according to our desire, we forget that these journeys are planned a result of our own choice, in just the same way that we were the one who wrote the play, built

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the theatre, composed the music, etc. All this to say that there are no ‘victims’; no more than there exists ‘good’ or ‘bad. !!We have come here to experience! That is the essential purpose of this laboratory. These are only roles that we have created in order to be able to experience all imaginable possibilities within this reality-duality of ‘good’ and ‘bad’, of right and wrong as they express themselves through our emotions. We seek to explore and play with all of the colours of the spectrum, all of the musical notes of the scale, all possible emotional registers, together with every conceivable experience that falls within human potential. Another approach would be to compare our reality with the configuration of a video game that we have created from scratch. We have created all of its parameters, established the ten belief systems which furnish the scene within which we will play. We are the ones who originally planned, designed, built and fully equipped this video game - our virtual ‘reality’. But once the simulator helmet is on, we become so involved in the game’s intricacies as the action unfolds that we lose sight of the fact that we were at the origin of the game. What is more, we become so absorbed in the action and the challenges presented by the game that we completely forget that it is only a game and not reality itself. We can nonetheless stop and leave the game at any time, in order to regain our true occupation as a bona fide creator, - Consciousness. But now, having become so engrossed we have forgotten that, after all, it is only a game. !!As in ‘real life’, (which we call ‘reality’ and which is in fact nothing of the sort!), we bear within us the same qualities that are attributed to Consciousness it(our)Self. The same characteristics that have been used over time to describe our gods. For example, omnipresent, omnipotent or immanent, prominently pervading the universe, a “character which has its own principle in itself”… Indeed, by taking this game of life too seriously over time we end up taking it to be real, whereas as we saw earlier, it is only an illusion created by the creative power of Consciousness. A game in which to play in life while enabling Consciousness to play at life in this particular material dimension.!!

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Today, we invite our Self to expand the limits and comparatively restricted parameters of this video game so that we can gain access to the next level. A higher level of frequency in which low frequencies no longer have a role to play. Low frequencies reveal themselves through expressions such as anger, fear, hatred and violence. Now, we are tired of playing in these low frequency bands! At the inception of our video, the end of the game was programmed to occur around about 2012, (or as it is referred to in another temporal register: 20h12 - about the time when young children go to bed to dream?) This will be the time to start dreaming, or rather to start living our dreams. Called by some the « Golden Age », the rise in vibratory frequency that we are currently experiencing is heralding an entirely new era. At the next level, war, violence, fear, and all other low-frequency expressions simply will not exist. These elements will be unable to tolerate the higher vibratory states and will therefore no longer have a role to play. Simply by pursuing to the full our own interests and passions, we will now be able to realise the fulfilment of our own aspirations and inspirations, to the greatest benefit of all!!!However, some of the current actors are going to want to continue to explore as many of possibilities and probabilities that the reality-duality play of third-dimensional physical and material reality still proposes. These will stay at on stage, enclosed within a comparatively closed system. It is their free choice, taken in respect of their respective evolutionary stage and in perfect symbiosis with their current level of consciousness. There are no right or wrong choices in this domain. No hierarchical value judgments are involved. Because we can never be wrong and at the same time we can always be different. Similarly, we can never make a wrong choice or make a bad decision. For the very notion of errors and of accidents are arbitrary. They originates in our teachings and are then interpreted and influenced by our perception. !!For example, we are taught that the sun rises and likewise that the sun sets. So far so good. We are now aware that there are as many perspectives as there are points of view from which an object can be observed. This being so, it could be said that from the point of

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view of an observer in Space, the sun neither rises nor sets. There are as many perceptions on earth as there are perspectives, all of which are both true and different at the same time. They are true because they are perceived from our respective individual point of view, which suggests that we can never be wrong. They are different because two people never see the same thing, hear the same piece of music or appreciate a painting in exactly the same way. Once we have fully accepted this fact, we can proceed to celebrate the multitude of different viewpoints that the same thing is capable of generating. We can grow (up) together to learn how to create mutually acceptable differences. Simultaneously!!!Words like ‘accident’ and ‘error’ are descriptive terms that are influenced by our perception and correspond to our particular spacial position and ‘viewpoint' at any given time. In turn, it is our perception which creates our reality. As no two individuals perceive the supposedly ‘same’ thing in exactly the same manner, it could be said that there exist as many realities as there are individuals. Each individual creates their own unique reality. In addition, these (multiple) perceptions are potentially emotionally charged, in accordance with our respective educational and religious or spiritually influenced orientations which in turn interact with our emotional disposition at any given time. From one point of view, driving a car along the road on the left-hand side represents a (if not the!) perfectly logical way to proceed, because the driver’s heart is directed towards the inside of the car, furthest away from any potential point of impact with oncoming traffic. So far so good; no sign of an accident and no error involved. However, from a french point of view, this practice would be considered to be an highly irresponsible and dangerous accident-prone error of judgment! The conclusions drawn from a perfectly logical analysis of the safety aspects of the spatial dispositions involved in left-hand side driving, with reference to potential corporeal damage in the event of an accident, are perfectly correct. But from a french viewpoint, they constitute an error. Both viewpoints are correct, despite constituting diametrically opposed points of view. !!

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Obviously, the very idea of attempting to suggest to a french colleague that they drive on the wrong side of the road is tantamount to waving a red flag at a bull, or worse still attempting to introduce the subject of ‘Brexit’ into a civilised conversation during cream tea-time in the company of british families or friends! (It ‘Remains’ to be seen whether or not this subject shall be explored further in more depth than we have time for here - vote pending!) But the purpose of these perceived errors or accidents is to serve as pretexts, pretexts that relentlessly invite us to surpass the historical cultural conditioning and predominant social mores of the times, which kick in to influence, divert and dominate our attention thereby limiting our larger perspectives, spontaneously triggering the inevitably reactive, emotionally charged fight-flight responses which find their origin somewhere in the primordial depths of our psyche as they battle their way up through millennia of belief-system orientated dogma in a desperate attempt to reconcile opposing opposites as they seek out in desperation in much the same way that we are struggling at the moment in this present here and now moment to make sense of these lines while simultaneously seeking out the whereabouts of the end of this sentence…and we are nearly there! Because while we have spent millennia acting in and reacting to successive experiences and situations against a back-drop of, by implication, implicitly conflictual contradictory belief systems which, like red flags, divert our attention away from the essential question, we have rarely allowed ourselves the time and space to stop. Stop to ask ourself not only: “Why this accident?”, “Why me?”, “Why now?” but more importantly “What was my reason for creating this situation?” !!By calling it an “accident”, we displace and focus our attention away from our Self, seeking some external explanation for what is occurring within while positioning ourself as the ‘victim of circumstance’ along with all of its accompanying negative connotations. Powerless? Impotent? Vulnerable? The common tendency to focus upon what went wrong, upon who was wrong, who was responsable for the accident and therefore who committed an error, detract our attention from the essential issue involved - discovering the reason why we created the incident in the first

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place. By focussing upon treating the effects we are distracted from identifying the origin and motivations that are to be discovered through the identification of the cause. Are not these so-called ‘accidents’ and ‘errors’ simple invitations that we propose to ourselves to enable us to broaden our understanding of Self? They share exactly the same orientation as the challenges we created for ourselves in the video game. After all, a road sign that indicates Paris is not Paris it_self!!!This is the same dynamic that manifests itself through the machinations of the Mass media. In spite of appearances, together with its fundamental claim to inform its viewers/listeners of the why’s and wherefores of what is occurring in life, it actually serves to form in the latter, to format its public to adopt a specific point of view. When we discover that a mere fistful of billionaires own virtually 100% of global media ressources, it can be readily innerstood that they are by no means unbiased or neutral in the exclusive pursuit of their own vested interests. The impact of the rapid diffusion and succession of images and the subliminal messages that accompany their depiction of this ‘reality’, are designed to trigger the uncritical emotional reactivity of their unsuspecting audience. So while our attention is drawn to the sensationalist effects of their particular roller-coaster productions, the underlying and essential raison d’être of all life’s manifestations are successfully occulted from our view. Just as they are in the event of an ‘accident’. Media bias provides just one illustration of how we, inasmuch as Consciousness expressing itself through singular, in_divide_you_all essences, sought to ensure for a certain period of laboratory time - our forgetting of who and what we really are. Today the experiment is reaching the end of its ‘program’. With the increasingly rapid rise in global consciousness, more and more beings are piercing the veils of obscurity to disclose ‘reality’ in the enlightened dawn of a new day.!!Some have begun to take their final bow and retire from the stage, switch off the video game, step out into the the light of day to admire the golden sun rays that are inviting them to now advance towards reconciliation with their profound past, the ancient

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mechanisms which only now they can begin to understand fully as they aspire to the next level of the game - a return to the remembrance of Self.!!Mother Nature too is in the process of regaining her/our vested interests, as the current troubled climactic conditions attest.!!All four classic elements - earth fire air water - express our selves through our current climatic manifestations.!!Inasmuch as Consciousness, we are manifesting some of our innate qualities through numerous, extreme climatic expressions, reflected in the actions of wind, rain and fire on Earth. Traditionally, ‘fire’ symbolises anger and acts as an element of destruction and purification, leading to regeneration. Both scorched forests and fire-stricken symbolic structures such as Notre-Dame shall be reborn, albeit in different form, rising like the Phoenix from the ashes! Like fire, ‘water’ is employed as a universal cleansing element, from baptism to deluge. It is also linked to the psyche and to emotions, the internal workings of our subterranean nature revealed through dreams, intuition and expressed through our emotions. From psyche through manifestations of the physical body to the inner workings of our primal nature, water too reflects the ability to express itself back and forth between three different states - solid, liquid, and gaseous, - while remaining the same essence. Tsunami, floods, thunderstorms and torrential rainfall are currently rampaging across the planet, sweeping everything in their path to pave way for new beginnings. The increasing rise in frequency is causing considerable emotional tribulations on both social and individual levels. A combination of both those who yell high and yellow are making themselves seen and heard!!!Traditionally, fire and water have been considered to be mutually exclusive ‘enemies’. Fire evaporates water which in turn extinguishes fire. Nevertheless, they simultaneously collaborate in their joint role as the two vital elements that are essential in order to ensure life on Earth. Without sunlight and water there would be no

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mineral, plant, animal or human life. This provides a perfect example of supposed antithetical orientations coming together in cooperation to promote life. In the same way, the Yellow Vests movement exemplifies the reunion of opposites in the fundamental pursuit of life…with a little bit of help from the water cannons!!!‘Air’ is a symbolic of breath, of life, of communication and of ideas. !Tempests, hurricanes, thunderstorms and cyclones all serve to !announce the wind of change in the air… a change of era. ‘Earth’, a symbol of stability and fecundity, welcomes the expressions of tumultuous agitation, that are being reflected in the increasing manifestations of earthquakes and landslides. This hyper-activity serves to illustrate current social upheaval, which mirror our internal tensions and tormented heartbreaks. Earth consciousness already knows that they shall be followed by new growth and prosperity that herald a new paradigm.!!The cornerstone of the new paradigm is ‘acceptance’.!!Acceptance is the expression of no judgments and the prerequisite for genuine solidarity and fraternity. This replaces the role of ‘competition’ upon which the former dog-eat-dog debt-slavery financial system was based. Already, the Yellow Vests movement has succeeded in federating individuals from all walks of life under the common banner of mutual ‘acceptance’, a word which succeeds in reconciling the tripartite aim of ‘Liberty - Equality - Fraternity’. For despite a whole host of differences that are carried within the ranks of the movement and regardless of respective personal divergence, they are all accepted as being equally valid aspects of the overall picture. While the Yellow Vests succeed in incorporating all of its constituent parts in a spirit of fraternity, paradoxically it thrives by capitalising upon this preeminent ‘difference’ as it enlists and applies its disparate multiple ressources to the general benefit of all. !!We have witnessed above the symbolic tumbling down and disintegration of the historical vertical control system that belonged to the old paradigm. The Yellow Vests movement reflects the

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development and implementation of selfless social organisation and equitable work practises. These are characterised by non-hierarchical systems which exclude the notion of ‘leaders’. Here, power-sharing and decision-making are organised in accordance with an horizontal structure. Ideas and ressources are shared and disseminated in an inclusive (as opposed to exclusive) manner. The pyramidal power structure is replaced by a circular, round-table system in which all voices and points of view are represented and taken into account. Round like the wheel of progress, this demonstrates the way forward. This is the antithesis of the capitalist and globalist vertical control systems in which systematically the interests of the vast majority are excluded.!!The Yellow Vests have adopted the R.I.C. (‘Citizen’s Initiative Referendum’) as one of their principal demands. It constitutes an exemplary mechanism whereby the equitable political empowerment of the People by the People is ensured. It serves to illustrate the essential orientation of the new paradigm. Designed ultimately to replace the existing (so-called) representational politics, it envisages enlisting the popular participation on a grass-roots level in determining both local and national policies and laws, as well as carrying powers of abrogation. It holds, then, the power to enact the removal of any elements that fail to adhere to the principles that respect, ensure and act upon the genuine interest of the people. While the Yellow Vests manage to incorporate all their constituent parts in a spirit of fraternity, they paradoxically prosper by capitalising on this difference by mobilising and using its many disparate resources to everyone’s profit. !!‘People before profit’ and ‘Political power to the People!’!!Yellow Vests initiatives are already providing an indication of what is to come. Having spent millennia observing what we created as reality, we are currently growing to learn how we are creators of our own reality, a reality that conforms to our own image. Nothing and no one can now reverse this trend which required the advent of ‘critical mass’ before being able to crystallise in material form. This conforms to the manner in which Conscious operates in this !

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dimension. First it transmutes itself into thought. Then thought and intuition express themselves through the expression of words and sound, which in turn crystallise into material manifestations. The !global rise in consciousness leads to exponential increases in awareness that result in the creation and manifestation of new, original expressions…which in turn inspire original ‘demonstrations’!!!The ancient, vertical, inhibitive, repressive, aggressive toxic control systems that were characterised by interminable wars, poverty, pollution, misery, fear and desperation today are crumbling in face of this uprising of Consciousness. !!Liberty and creativity is replacing subservience, fear and hopelessness. The new paradigm is being carried forth by the progressive realisation of non-judgment through Equality, and mutually reciprocal acceptance is evolving in the spirit of Fraternity. !!!!

This is how we are changing the world today, before our very own eyes, in the best “vested” interests of everyone.!



(15th April 2019)!! !

[email protected]!

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!1. Résonance Schumann Resonance:!!!!2. Electromagnetic theories of Consciousness:!“Jibu and Yasue suggest that the interaction between the energy quanta (corticons) of the quantum field and the bio-molecular waves of the neuronal network produces consciousness. However, another theorist, Giuseppe Vitiello, proposes that the quantum states produce two poles, a subjective representation of the external world and also the internal self.” !! Electromagnetic_theories_of_consciousness!!The Electromagnetic Field Theory of Consciousness:!!!3. To date, the Yellow Vests are to be seen demonstrating in twenty-two countries around the world.!!4. Here are some excerpts from an article entitled “Mysteries of the Egreos”:!!“We call egregore, the accumulation of the combined energies of several people, directed towards a goal or belief defined by them. It acts as an auric energy accumulator with its own characteristics, motivated by the faith or concentration of several people at once.”!!

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…” The power of an egregore depends on its “concentrated or mobilised psychic mass”.!!…” The power and nature of these currents determine the quality of the auric thought form. The more it is fed, the more it radiates. In return, the less it is nourished the more its strength weakens.”!!!!5. William Butler Yates: ‘Among School Children’ taken from!‘The Poems of W. B. Yeats: A New Edition’, edited by Richard J. Finneran. Copyright 1933 by Macmillan Publishing Company, renewed © 1961 by Georgie Yeats.!!6. Jean Klein: Who am I? - The Sacred Quest, (Editions Non-Duality Press.1988)!!7. William Shakespeare: ‘All the world’s a stage’ , Act II scene 7 line 138. As You Like It.!!!!!