yesmail's email marketing compass: the subscriber domain edition

Yesmail’s Email Marketing Compass: The Subscriber Domain Edition

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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The final quarter of the year often places heavy demands on marketers. Now that the weight of Q4 has lifted, Yesmail analyzed more than 6.4 billion emails sent during the 2013 holiday season. Read this edition of Yesmail’s Email Marketing Compass to learn about the much disputed relationship between subscribers engagement and email domain. Other topics in the benchmark report include: -How the four leading ISPs compare in terms of subscriber activity -Mobile revenue generated by email -"Hybrid” versus mobile-only email viewership -The number of new and active subscribers during the holidays


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Yesmail’s Email Marketing Compass:The Subscriber Domain Edition

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Introduction........................................ pg. 3

Purchase Behavior Metrics............. pg. 4 - 5

Mobile Metrics.................................... pg. 6 - 8

Subscriber Activity Metrics............. pg. 8 - 10

Subscriber Tenure Metrics.............. pg. 10 - 11

Subscriber Domain Metrics............ pg. 11 - 13

Resources............................................. pg. 14

Glossary................................................ pg. 15

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:In many industries, Q4 performance has great implications for the overall success of a brand’s email marketing program. With the holiday season behind us, Yesmail Interactive takes a look at over 6.4 billion emails sent in Q4 and identifies the most notable performance metrics and marketing trends that defined the final quarter of 2013. In addition, we investigate the hotly debated relationship between subscriber engagement and the email domain they belong to.

KEY FINDINGS:Purchase Behavior:In Yesmail’s Q3 Email Marketing Compass, we focused on customer purchase behavior and identified the importance of the mobile path-to-purchase. In Q4 2013, the mobile consumer was more relevant than ever. The number of mobile orders generated by email went up by 58%, and the mobile sales closed as a result of an email click increased by 52% from Q3 to Q4*.

Mobile:Mobile email opens and clicks showed consistent growth quarter over quarter, while hybrid email viewership continued its downward trajectory as consumers increasingly showed preference for a single platform to interact with email. In Q4, 55% of all email opens happened on a mobile device, a 5% increase over Q3. In the same period, hybrid email viewership dropped by almost 40%, indicating a notable shift in subscriber behavior.

Subscriber Activity:Subscriber activity and email volume are generally expected to grow during the busy holiday shopping season. Consequently, the number of active database subscribers increased by almost 4%, while the number of marketing emails they received, grew by 9% in Q4. This finding, while not surprising, corroborates the trend identified in previous Email Marketing Compass reports that higher emailing frequency (between 4-7 emails weekly) consistently yields a higher number of active subscribers.

Subscriber Tenure:Findings in Q4 solidified what most marketers already know: new subscribers are active at a considerably greater rate than existing ones. However, marketers may need a new approach in order to grow and capitalize on this most engaged segment of their database. The number of new subscribers, who were active within 90 days of subscription, increased by 20% in Q4, while the overall number of new subscribers surprisingly decreased by 11% over Q3.

Subscriber Domain:With its modest 10 years of existence, Gmail is a relative newcomer to the family of freemail giants, compared to veterans like AOL (est. in 1991), Hotmail (est. in 1996) and Yahoo! (est. in 1997). However, Gmail subscribers make up a significant part of marketers’ databases and, perhaps surprisingly, boast a significantly higher active subscriber rate than do the remaining 3 leading Internet Service Providers (ISPs): AOL, Yahoo! and Hotmail. Gmail subscribers make up 14% of marketing databases across all industries. However, in Q4, 19% of Gmail subscribers had been active within the last year, compared to 10% for AOL, 12% for Hotmail, and 14% for Yahoo!.

*All data and insights are based on the same client set, measured and analyzed over Q3 and Q4 of 2013.

This report is based on 6.4 billion emails sent in Q4.

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Purchase Behavior

PURCHASE BEHAVIOR METRICS:As consumers grow more comfortable purchasing on their mobile devices, marketers who use email as a driver of revenue continue to see a significant lift in purchases completed on a mobile device. In addition, the increase in mobile purchases seems to be tied to a definitive mobile device preference, as tablets are edging smartphones out as the purchase device of choice.

• With 59% of all mobile orders driven by email completed on a tablet, tablets continue to grow as the preferred mobile device for purchasing, showing more than 4% growth in Q4.

– iPad continues to account for 99.9% of tablet orders.

• In Q4, the number of mobile orders went up by 58% and accounted for over 18% of all orders placed as a result of a marketing email, a 13% increase over Q3.

• Conversions, defined as purchases completed as a result of an email click, predictably showed an overall increase in Q4 with desktop conversions growing by 11% and mobile conversions jumping by 23% across all industries.

Desktop | Mobile

Number of Orders

All Industries

Q4 RevenueIncrease by Platform

Number of Mobile Orders

by Device

41% Orders


59% Orders Tablet

*Under 1% of mobile orders were completed on a device, not operating with iOS or Android system

24% iPhone


16% AndroidPhone



18% 52%


Desktop Mobile


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Purchase Behavior Findings:Q4 delivered the expected seasonal lift in overall revenue, number of orders, and repeat purchasers as the holiday season went into full swing. What’s worth noting, however, is that those lifts were not created equal and differed considerably between the desktop and mobile platforms.

The Continued Ascent of MobileThe increase in mobile revenue and number of orders placed on a mobile device far outpaced their desktop counterparts, thus solidifying the continued growth of mobile adoption and further highlighting the importance of the mobile path-to-purchase. Mobile revenue generated by email went up by almost triple the rate of desktop revenue (52% vs. 18%), while growth in mobile conversion rate outpaced desktop conversion rate by more than 2-to-1 (23% vs. 11%). This interesting disparity in growth rate could mean that the holiday season has given marketers the necessary boost to implement key mobile-first digital strategies to successfully engage their on-the-go audience from the first touch (email), through landing & ecommerce pages, check-out, and cross-selling transactional messaging. By continuing to invest in their mobile marketing efforts through the use of mobile-first mobile strategies, marketers have the opportunity to turn first-time mobile purchasers into repeat mobile purchasers.

The Tablet: the Ultimate Device for the Mobile Path-to-PurchaseWhile email-generated desktop orders grew by 29% in Q4, the number of orders completed on a mobile device jumped by 58%. Tablet orders increased by 65% since Q3 and made up almost 60% of mobile orders in Q4. In 2012, many received tablets as gifts during the holidays and it appears many used them to complete their own holiday shopping, thus contributing to the notable growth of the tablet as the preferred mobile purchasing device.

Less Is More: Growth in Repeat Purchaser Rate Accounts for Lower Average Order Value Interestingly, quarter-over-quarter, there was an overall decrease in average order value. In Q4 the desktop average order value decreased by 8.6%, while mobile went down by a relatively modest 3.6%. One possible contributor to this decline is the increase in repeat purchaser rate observed in Q4. The desktop repeat purchaser rate increased by 17.4% and mobile increased by 2.3%. While repeat purchases translate to a higher conversion rate, they can also account for a lower average order value. For instance, especially during the holidays, many subsequent orders placed by the same purchaser tend to be add-ons to the original order, and have a smaller order size. It is also possible that follow-up cross-sell messaging contributed to add-on orders of smaller value thus, driving the average order value down, but boosting the number of orders, as well as revenue in Q4.

Purchase Behavior

Q4 Increase in Email-Generated Revenue




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MOBILE METRICS:Interaction with email on a mobile device continues to trend upwards. While many have projected that mobile adoption is reaching the point of saturation, and is thus slowing its growth, the trending data available from the last three quarters of 2013 would suggest otherwise.

• In Q4, 55% of email opens and 37% of clicks happened on a mobile device, accounting for a 13% increase in mobile opens and 16% increase in mobile clicks between June and December 2013.

• Email viewership preference has continued to shift significantly in Q4 with hybrid email viewers registering an almost 40% decline since Q3, and an overall 72% decline since Q2 of 2013.*

• In Q4, mobile-only email viewers grew by 10%, registering an overall increase of 64% between June and December 2013.

• The ratio of Apple to Android mobile clicks and opens remained unchanged over the last three quarters of 2013, at 82% and 17%, respectively.

• Interestingly, in Q4 both desktop and mobile click-to-open rates registered a decline of 2.7% and 5.7% respectively, due to opens increasing at a much higher rate than clicks.

*Hybrid Viewership is defined as subscribers who view emails on both mobile and desktop devices interchangeably.


Email Opens and Clicks by Industry

Mobile Mobile CTO CTO Industry Open Click Desktop Mobile

B2B 48.3% 28.4% 16.4% 7.0% Consumer Services 58.1% 46.6% 31.0% 19.6% CPG 49.8% 28.5% 24.5% 9.9% Entertainment 53.8% 16.2% 53.3% 8.9% Financial Services 54.0% 19.1% 12.3% 2.5% Healthcare 41.0% 23.2% 37.4% 16.3% Hospitality/Travel 57.3% 37.9% 16.6% 7.5% Insurance 53.4% 45.6% 35.7% 26.2% Marketing/Advertising 37.8% 19.6% 16.2% 6.5% Publishing 43.8% 26.6% 29.0% 13.5% Retail/Wholesale 60.1% 44.4% 19.0% 10.1% Technology 50.3% 27.9% 10.5% 4.0%

Q2 Q3 Q4


32% 35% 37%

Q2 Q3 Q4


49% 52% 55%

*As a percentage of all email opens and clicks.

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Mobile Behavior Findings:The Hybrid Email Viewer: a Dying BreedWhile the fact that mobile opens and clicks continue to rise at a consistent pace is not surprising, it is compelling to know that email subscribers are now more likely to view emails exclusively on their mobile devices. In only 6 months, the number of mobile-only email viewers has increased at a rate, almost inversely proportional to the decline of hybrid viewership over the same period. This extreme preference reversal can stem from a number of factors:

• More people own smartphones today than did six months ago.

• Increasing reliance on a single device for every aspect of life:

– While mobile-only email viewership has jumped by 64% between June and December of 2013, desktop-only viewership has also increased, albeit by a modest 5%.

• Existing smartphone users continue to develop a higher dependency on their mobile device by shifting their preferences.

• Rapid adoption of tablets over desktops as devices of choice for everyday life.

Desktop Mobile Hybrid Industry Only Only

B2B 46% 52% 1%

Consumer Services 39% 48% 13% CPG 48% 45% 7% Entertainment 45% 49% 6% Financial Services 47% 51% 2% Healthcare 55% 42% 3% Hospitality/Travel 38% 54% 8% Insurance 45% 50% 4% Marketing/Advertising 52% 42% 6% Publishing 47% 42% 10% Retail/Wholesale 36% 55% 9% Technology 46% 44% 10%

Q4 Email Viewership by Platform by Industry

Email Viewership by Platform Quarter-over-Quarter

Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 20130%


39% 40% 41%




14% 8%

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Mobile by the NumbersApple and Android continue to dominate the mobile space at exactly the same ratio during most of 2013. The consistency of the mobile market division is remarkable in and of itself with Apple accounting for 82% of all mobile events (opens & clicks) each quarter between June and December of 2013. Together, Apple and Android continue to account for almost 99% of all mobile events.

Subscriber Activity


TabletsTablet users are almost exclusively iPad owners, and account for 31% of the Apple mobile user base. This by-device division of Apple users is a striking contrast to Android which has a tablet user base of only 1%.

The Tail of

After the much buzzed-about release of the touchscreen Blackberry phone, the provider has experienced an overall decline of 52.5% between June and December of 2013, representing only 0.08% of all mobile events in Q4.

The publishing sector leads the way in terms of tablet usage. 35% of all mobile clicks and opens happen on a tablet (vs. the 25% average across all industries). This ratio can in part be attributed to an increasing number of online publishers producing content to be consumed on an iPad.

SUBSCRIBER ACTIVITY: With a few exceptions, subscriber activity is generally expected to rise during the holiday shopping season when consumers are typically closer to converting. However, having the right targeted content becomes a key factor in the amount of lift in subscriber activity.

31% 1%69% 99%

• The number of active subscribers increased by almost 4% in Q4. While still an increase, this growth rate is lower than the 5% jump in active subscribers from Q2 to Q3.

*Active Subscriber Rate = Percent of subscribers who have opened/clicked on an email in the last 90 days.

• Average opens per opener increased by 6.5%, while clicks per clicker marginally decreased.

• Message frequency increased by almost 10% in Q4 .

– Marketers sending between 4-6 messages a week continue to garner the highest percent of active database subscribers.

Mobile Device Usage by Operating System

Did You Know?

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Subscriber Activity Findings:In Q4, marketers are often mailing at a higher volume in order to reach a larger audience by expanding the customer segments they mail to, or to reach their current subscriber segments more frequently with the hope that more touches will translate to more conversions.

The Message Relevance PhenomenonEven though active subscriber rates went up in Q4, open and click rates continued on a downward trend, registering a decline since Q3. What this finding essentially means is that the number of subscribers opening an email increased, but the number of actions they took did not.

While the number of opens per opener went up by 6.5% in Q4, the number of clicks per clicker stayed essentially the same. This trend implies that, even though consumers seem to be amenable to higher frequency of messaging, the content they are offered is falling short of their expectations to receive customized and relevant offers.

Conclusion: Higher cadence doesn’t hurt engagement as long as content is relevant enough to the subscriber for opens to translate to clicks.

Key Database Metrics by Industry

Subscriber Activity

*As previously defined, Consumer Services industry pertains to largely exclusively online services that rely on email as their primary revenue driver. Examples include Groupon, Gilt Groupe,, etc.

Active Avg. # Emails Avg. Opens Avg. Clicks Industry Subscribers per Opener per Opener per Clicker

B2B 1% 1 1 1 Consumer Services 6% *13 19 7 CPG 6% 2 5 2 Entertainment 6% 3 5 2 Financial Services 7% 1 3 1 Healthcare 17% 1 3 2 Hospitality/Travel 16% 2 5 2 Insurance 3% 1 2 2 Marketing/Advertising 5% 5 4 2 Publishing 15% 5 9 3 Retail/Wholesale 13% 5 8 3 Technology 9% 2 4 1

Deeper Dive: FrequencyIn previous Email Marketing Compass reports, we noted an interesting and somewhat counter-intuitive connection between the frequency of a marketer’s emails and the active subscriber rate of their database. The trend we discovered and have substantiated over the last three quarters of 2013, stipulates that email engagement improves with every additional message sent per week. Based on the graph below, a marketer

*As percentage of entire database.

Emails Weekly Active Subscribers*






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who mails between 4 and 6 times per week, achieves quadruple the active subscriber rate of a marketer who mails once per week. However, the tipping point occurs when marketers exceed the one-email-per-day mark, at which point the active subscriber rate starts trending downward.

SUBSCRIBER TENURE: As overall subscriber activity generally grows during the holiday season, the activity levels in each subscriber segment are also expected to rise. However, the lift in activity for recent subscribers (within 90 days), varies significantly from that of mature ones (between 3-12 months) and those who have been in a marketer’s database for over a year. These variations reveal interesting implications for marketers.

Subscriber Tenure

• Unexpectedly, the number of new subscribers in marketers’ databases dropped by 11%.

• Engagement for the mature subscriber segment (opted in 3-12 months ago) increased by 7% and for subscribers with over a year of database tenure, by 6%.

• On average, only 14% of all subscribers have been active (opened/clicked) in the last year.

Subscriber Tenure by Industry

Subscribed within Subscribed 3-12 Subscribed over Industry last 90 days months ago a year ago

B2B 6% 27% 67% Consumer Services 3% 9% 88% CPG 3% 7% 90% Entertainment 7% 47% 46% Financial Services 8% 36% 56% Healthcare 5% 37% 58% Hospitality/Travel 9% 20% 71% Insurance 7% 24% 69% Marketing/Advertising 1% 15% 85% Publishing 5% 19% 76% Retail/Wholesale 8% 15% 77% Technology 3% 10% 87%

Q4 Engagement for new database subscribers (within 90 days) 20%Subscriber Activity

Subscriber Tenure Findings:The Engagement Sweet Spot: New Subscribers It’s not news to marketers that new subscribers are generally more engaged than existing ones. However, this finding is more relevant than ever during the holiday season. Compared to Q3, Q4 showed a 20% increase in new subscribers who became active within the first 90 days of subscription. This suggests that consumers who opt-in during the Q4 period have a stronger intent to engage. It is therefore critical to have a solid opt-in strategy executed by or before Q4. For instance, welcome messages, which are a brand’s calling card when new subscribers opt into an email program, should be tested along with all relevant elements of creative, and optimized prior to Q4. Extra points for those who customized their welcome messages for holiday shoppers.

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The Disconnect: While engagement for new subscribers increased by 20% in Q4, the number of newly acquired subscribers went down by 11%. This decline suggests that people may be starting to opt into marketers’ email programs in Q3 in order to prepare for Q4 gift giving season. This amplifies the importance of having an easy and convenient opt-in process year-round.

Strategy Alert: The discrepancy between the number of new subscribers and the engagement they boast reveals an area of opportunity for marketers who may reap great benefits from executing subscriber acquisition campaigns in Q4. This tactic could yield a higher number of active subscribers who are engaged from the get-go due to the pressing holiday season timeline.

Subscriber Activity by Industry

SUBSCRIBER DOMAIN METRICS: In the last couple of years, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have implemented a number of controversial changes to their freemail services. One is the institution of Gmail tabs, which has been largely discussed for its perceived adverse effect on customer engagement and the way subscribers interact with email.

Subscriber Tenure

Never Last opened/clicked Last opened/clicked Last opened/clicked Industry opened/clicked within last 90 days 3-12 months ago over a year ago

B2B 86% 1% 4% 9% Consumer Services 80% 6% 5% 9% CPG 72% 5% 7% 16% Entertainment 74% 9% 7% 10% Financial Services 76% 7% 7% 10% Healthcare 51% 17% 13% 19% Hospitality/Travel 45% 32% 13% 10% Insurance 71% 3% 7% 19% Marketing/Advertising 77% 4% 4% 15% Publishing 58% 16% 10% 16% Retail/Wholesale 65% 12% 7% 15% Technology 70% 9% 6% 15%

• The four major ISPs, AOL, Yahoo!, Gmail, and Hotmail, make up over 60% of marketers’ databases.

– Yahoo! users make up almost a quarter of databases.

• With 11% of all domain subscribers being active in the last 90 days, Gmail boasts the most engaged user base among the 4 major ISPs.

• Alternatively, at 79%, AOL has the largest base of subscribers who have never been active.

• Gmail users accounted for 43% of all new subscribers in Q4 – up from 39% in Q3.

Overall Database Domain Composition (Mailable Users Only)







*This category includes regional & international ISPs, corporate accounts, etc.

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In addition, Gmail users accounted for 43% of all new subscribers in Q4, which is more than 7 times the number of AOL users, over double that of Hotmail, and still significantly ahead of Yahoo!. Based on this trend, it is likely that the proportion of Gmail users in marketers’ databases will continue to increase at a consistent pace.

New subscribers (opted-in within Q4) by Domain

Domain Findings:Subscription Tenure by DomainCelebrating its tenth year since their beta release, Gmail is no longer the new kid on the block. Its user base has grown extremely quickly, closing in on the other freemail giants such as Hotmail and Yahoo!. However, the relative novelty of Gmail, compared to the other leading ISPs, is obvious when looking at how long different domain users have been subscribed to a marketer’s database.

Over 32% of Gmail users opted into marketers’ databases within the last year while this number is less than 21% for AOL, Hotmail and Yahoo!.

Subscriber Tenure by Domain






Subscribed within Subscribed 3-12 Subscribed over Domain last 90 days months ago a year ago

AOL 3% 8% 89% Gmail 9% 23% 67% Hotmail 8% 13% 83% Yahoo! 4% 13% 82%

Engagement by DomainGmail is the undisputed top performer in terms of engaged subscribers. In Q4, 19% of Gmail users had been active within a year, compared to 10% for AOL, 12% for Hotmail, and 14% for Yahoo!.

Though an increase in subscriber activity during the holiday season is to be expected, engagement (opened/clicked in the last 90 days) with Gmail users increased by 25% between Q3 and Q4 – by far the largest margin.

Subscriber Activity by Domain

No Activity within Activity 3-12 Activity over Domain Activity last 90 days months ago a year ago

AOL 79% 6% 4% 11% Gmail 70% 11% 8% 12% Hotmail 75% 7% 5% 12% Yahoo! 72% 8% 6% 14%

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• Volume sent increased by 18.6% between Q3 and Q4.

• Overall delivery rate for Yesmail clients increased slightly in Q4, reaching an average of almost 98%.

• Overall open rates decreased by 3%.


Considering that Gmail is the unequivocal leader in subscriber engagement among the four major ISPs, it is likely that recent changes the ISP has implemented, such as Gmail Tabs and image hosting, have minimal impact on overall user engagement. Though these changes impact the way consumers interact with emails within their Gmail accounts, there are too many individual user variables to definitively determine if the effect is negative. Based on Q3 and Q4 by-domain engagement metrics, Gmail has consistently produced the most active subscriber base.

STANDARD METRICS: Email volume predictably grew in Q4 as many marketers, especially in the retail industry, rely on Q4 to reach year-end projections. As overall volume and subscriber activity rate increased, however, open and click rates declined.

*Yesmail does not count multiple opens as part of an email’s open rate. Open rate is calculated solely based on unique opens.

Delivery Bounce Open Unique Total Click to Unsubscribe Industry Rate Rate Rate* Click Rate Click Rate Open Rate Rate

B2B 86.8% 13.1% 17.5% 1.4% 2.1% 8.4% 0.4%

Consumer Services 97.3% 2.6% 12.6% 2.1% 3.1% 16.9% 0.0%

CPG 97.9% 2.9% 17.3% 2.1% 2.9% 12.0% 0.1%

Entertainment 94.8% 5.1% 16.0% 1.6% 4.8% 9.9% 0.1%

Financial Services 95.1% 4.8% 23.7% 0.9% 1.6% 3.9% 0.1%

Healthcare 91.6% 8.3% 17.5% 3.5% 5.0% 19.9% 0.1%

Hospitality/Travel 97.5% 2.5% 18.5% 1.5% 2.1% 8.3% 0.0%

Insurance 96.9% 3.1% 25.7% 5.6% 7.8% 21.9% 0.3%

Marketing/Advertising 83.5% 16.1% 8.5% 0.7% 1.1% 8.0% 0.1%

Publishing 97.0% 2.9% 16.1% 2.5% 3.8% 16.0% 0.0%

Retail/Wholesale 98.7% 1.9% 13.2% 1.3% 1.8% 10.2% 0.1%

Technology 98.9% 1.1% 20.9% 1.1% 1.6% 5.4% 0.1%

Standard Findings: Q4 is typically the most challenging in terms of email deliverability as marketers tend to increase send volume and expand targeting to reach a larger audience during the holidays. As major ISPs are constantly changing deliverability rules and requirements, it is notable that inboxing in Q4 has not been negatively impacted by risky year-end sending practices. In fact, inboxing rates increased slightly from Q3, most likely as a result of better deliverability strategies deployed in preparation for Q4 higher sending volumes and target audience expansion.

More Active Subscribers, Less Frequent ActivityPerhaps unexpectedly, open and click rates showed a decline in Q4. One potential explanation for this decline is the continuous rise in mobile usage. For a number of devices and operating systems, the default “images off” mode prevents the detection of email opens. This can significantly impact overall open rate. In addition, due to this default setting which shows email content without images, once an email is opened, subscribers are less inclined to click, thus contributing to a lower click rate.

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WHY STOP HERE?At this point, marketers unquestionably recognize the definitive importance of mobile optimization, database segmentation, and targeted email campaigns. Of course, all of these are easier said than done. In each of Yesmail’s Marketing Compass reports, we’ve been providing resources for marketers to take their email programs to the next level.

Email Programs:


Keep an Eye Out! Five

Digital Trends Impacting

Marketers in 2014



Mobile-First Email

Strategies: Thinking

Beyond Just Design


Mobile Email Strategies for

the Holiday Season


Mobile Email Design:

Marketing Fit for the

Small Screen


Using Email Behavioral

Data to Engage and

Reactivate Your Customers


The Email Marketing Guide

Mobile Optimization & Design:

Database Segmentation:

Email Deliverability & List Hygiene:


Ready, Set, Segment! Using

Email Behavioral Data to Target

Customers and Drive Engagement


End the Nightmares!

10 Email Deliverability

Myths Debunked



Segmentation 101


You’ve Segmented your

Database, Now What?


3 Tips to Avoid Deliverability

Issues During the Holidays


Dirty Database: the Flat

Tire on the Road Trip

to Deliverability



Yahoo! Releasing Inactive

Email Addresses


Images Now Showing

on Gmail


What Gmail’s new

sorting feature means

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GLOSSARY:Purchase Behavior: % Desktop Revenue = $ Desktop Revenue/$ Total Revenue

% Mobile Revenue = $ Mobile Revenue/$ Total Revenue

% Desktop Orders = Number of Desktop Orders/Total Number of Orders

% Mobile Orders = Number of Mobile Orders/Total Number of Orders

Desktop Conversion Rate = Number of Desktop Orders/Number of Clicks on Desktop

Mobile Conversion Rate = Number of Mobile Orders/Number of Clicks on Mobile

Repeat Purchaser Rate Desktop = (Number of Desktop Orders-Number of Desktop Purchasers)/Number of Desktop Purchasers

Repeat Purchaser Rate Mobile = (Number of Mobile Orders-Number of Mobile Purchasers)/Number of Mobile Purchasers

Desktop Avg Order Value = $ Desktop Revenue/Number of Desktop Orders

Mobile Avg Order Value = $ Mobile Revenue/Number of Mobile Orders

% Orders Smartphone = Number of Smartphone Orders/Number of Mobile Orders

% Orders Tablet = Number of Tablet Orders/Number of Mobile Orders

Mobile: % Mobile Opens = Mobile Opens/Total Opens

% CTO Desktop = Unique Clicked Desktop/Opened Desktop

% CTO Mobile = Unique Clicked Mobile/Opened Mobile

% Desktop Only = Proportion of email viewers who only used desktop to interact with email

% Mobile Only = Proportion of email viewers who only used mobile to interact with email

% Hybrid = Proportion of email viewers who switched between mobile and desktop to interact with email

Subscriber Activity: % Mailable Database = Total Mailable Users/Total Users

% Active Subscribers = Proportion of database subscribers with opens clicks in the last 90 days

Avg # Emails per Opener = Number of emails an active subscriber received in the last 90 days

Opens per Opener = Number of opens per active subscriber in the last 90 days

Clicks per Clicker = Number of clicks per active subscriber in the last 90 days

Standard: Open Rate = Opened/Delivered

Total Click Rate = Total Clicks/Delivered

Click-to-Open Rate = Unique Clicks/Opened

Unsubscribe Rate = Unsubscribed/Delivered


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