ymca calgary · mexico, ymca canada and ymca usa representatives held discussions on international...

YMCA Calgary Annual Report 2011

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Page 1: YMCA Calgary · Mexico, YMCA Canada and YMCA USA representatives held discussions on international programs and services, youth development and leadership. • Grow the Aboriginal

YMCA Calgary

Annual Report 2011

Page 2: YMCA Calgary · Mexico, YMCA Canada and YMCA USA representatives held discussions on international programs and services, youth development and leadership. • Grow the Aboriginal

2 YMCA Calgary Annual Report 2011

Page 3: YMCA Calgary · Mexico, YMCA Canada and YMCA USA representatives held discussions on international programs and services, youth development and leadership. • Grow the Aboriginal

Building Healthy Communities 3

The YMCA Calgary Board of Directors come from as wide a variety of backgrounds as our members. It is that breadth of experiences that allows the board to provide insightful and clear strategic direction and oversight for the organization.

YMCA Calgary was a busy place in 2011. In addition to our wide array of programs and services, we were able to:

• OpenSaddletowneYMCAinearly2012aspartofthe Genesis Centre of Community Wellness, a $120 million multi-purpose complex dedicated to health, recreational, educational and cultural needs in northeast Calgary.

• FurtherourpartnershipwithAlbertaHealthServices and plan for health-promoting services out of the SouthHealthCampusWellnessCentre,currently under construction in Calgary’s southeast quadrant. This integrated health care campus will have a 2700m2 Wellness Center where YMCA will be housed.

• Celebrate20yearsoftheYMCAAchievementProgram (YMAP)—alifeskills,careerexplorationandleadership program for high school youth with an immigrant background.YMAPparticipantsare20%morelikelyto graduate than other youth in Alberta.

• Surpassour$1.3millionYMCAStrongKidsgoalby raising over $1,380,000 to support more than 12,500 children and youth.

• BegintheCollectiveImpactprojecttomeasurethe impact and quality of our programs and services. This concrete data shows YMCA Calgary is making a large contribution to building healthy communities.

• ExpandpartnershipswithYMCAUkraineandBogotá bysendinganinterntoUkraineforfivemonthsto run youth-at-risk programs. Two YMCA Calgary staff members spent three weeks helping at the Western Ukraineregionalcamp.Aswell,Ukrainiandelegates fromtheYMCAYouthPeaceNetworkPeaceCamp visited YMCA Calgary to share and learn.

• Sendfivedelegates(includingonefromYMCAUkraine) to the YMCA International Conference where YMCA Mexico,YMCACanadaandYMCAUSArepresentatives held discussions on international programs and services, youth development and leadership.

• GrowtheAboriginaldepartmenttoLouisRielSchool to help Aboriginal children and youth develop a positive sense about their cultural background.

• ContinuedimplementationofourGreenPlantolessen our carbon footprint. YMCA Calgary is focused on building healthy communities. Fromhealthandwellnessprograms,toimmigrantservicesand Aboriginal programs, to developing leadership and teamwork skills at Camp Chief Hector YMCA, we are working diligently to ensure the positive, healthy growth of people to strengthen the foundations of community.

YMCA Calgary’s Commitment to Building Healthy Communities

Helene Weir PresidentandCEO YMCA Calgary

Clarke Hunter Chair, Board of Directors YMCA Calgary

Page 4: YMCA Calgary · Mexico, YMCA Canada and YMCA USA representatives held discussions on international programs and services, youth development and leadership. • Grow the Aboriginal

“Ijumpedoutofbed... I was so motivated.My ultimate goal? To change my lifestyle to becomeahealthy,fitand active person.”

4 YMCA Calgary Annual Report 2011

Determined to be healthy and well

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Building Healthy Communities 5

“We tell our clients to apply their own oxygen masks before trying to help others for a reason. It’s a metaphor for living.” My daughter, a flight attendant, had told me this several times since my partner of 25 years had been diagnosedwithcancerinSeptember2010. It didn’t sink in until Christmas that year. I weighed 225lbs. I was taking 12 different medications to control hypertension and depression. My partner had undergone colonsurgeryinSeptemberandwaspreparingforliversurgery in January with chemotherapy following. My daughter’smessagetome:Unhealthy,you’realiability,not support. A change in lifestyle was necessary. But how?

The day before the liver surgery, CBC radio’s Angela KnightannouncedtheformationofaHealthyLivingteam.InconjunctionwithYMCACalgary,Icouldgetafree six-month membership to any Calgary branch. I was required to turn up once a week, exercise with Angela and learn about healthy living. Ijumpedoutofbed,searchedonlinefortheapplication,and submitted it immediately. I was so motivated. My ultimate goal? To change my lifestyle to become a healthy,fitandactiveperson.Thatmeantlosing55lbs,trying to get off some of the medications and change habits formed over a long career of helping others and ignoring personal needs.

ThetourofEauClaireYMCAthatfirstdaywasamazing. WemetKirsten,whobecameour‘NumberOne’supportand mentor.

WealsometJoelleandLindsay,whowouldhelpuswithprograms and provide further mentorship. My lifestyle began its change. To say that it was smooth sailingwouldbeludicrous.Lifehappens.Mydaddiedin May 2011 while I was trying to overcome withdrawal from antidepressants, followed by my mother-in-law’s death in June. Throughout it, the support of YMCA staff wasjustincredible.

Today, I weigh 165lbs. I take only three medications andIhavebecomeavolunteeratEauClaireYMCA teachingaquafitclasses. Mostdayswillfindmeeitherinthepoolorinthestrength and conditioning area. I love circuit training as well as the weight machines. I have a totally new wardrobethankstomysignificantweightlossandbodychanges. And best of all, I have a new way of living. Onarecentwalkalongtheriverwithmydaughterandfour month old granddaughter, my daughter looked at me and said, “I can’t imagine us even doing this a year ago. We are so proud of you.” There’snodoubt.Myoxygenmaskisfirmlyinplace.

MyCommitmenttoLiveRightNowBy Dan Moulton PhotographybyJenniferChipperfield

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“I’m determined to see that others may also enrich their lives withfriend-filledadventures at Camp Chief Hector YMCA.”

6 YMCA Calgary Annual Report 2011

A genuine belief in helping kids

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Building Healthy Communities 7

In Montreal, while learning to swim at the Hampstead YMCAin1952,ayoungDonSmilliebeganasixdecadejourneywithYMCAthatwouldtakehimfromMontreal totheRockyMountains,theArcticOceanandtothePacificOcean.Itwouldbeajourneypackedwithagreatmany friendships along the way.

Don and his wife Ruth are longtime friends of YMCA. Together, they are avid supporters of Camp Chief Hector YMCA and champions for dozens of children and youth whoarestartingorcontinuingtheirYMCAcampjourney.They have been mentors to many senior camp staff over the past twenty years.

Don’s own outdoor adventures have taken him along many hiking and skiing trails: Camping in Banff, Jasper, Yukon,NunavutandtheTorngatMountains,aswellasdistant lands such as Mongolia. Don reflected, “I have knownthejoyandstrengththatcamefromsuch experiences, and I’m determined to see that others mayalsoenrichtheirliveswithfriend-filledadventures at Camp Chief Hector YMCA.” As a volunteer driver for Camp Chief Hector YMCA’s northerncanoeprogramSacDene,Donhastakencampers andstafftoplaceslikeFortProvidence,FortSimpson,InuvikandPrinceRupert.Donhasseenfirsthandhowmany senior campers at Camp Chief Hector YMCA have enjoyedsimilaradventures. At Camp Chief Hector YMCA’s waterfront, when you see an excited camper select a canoe paddle from the paddle shed and push off from shore in a boat with a friend, you

can be sure that Don and Ruth have contributed to the paddle,thecanoeandthefinancialassistanceforthatcamper’s experience. Don built the paddle racks and he has also made possible the dreams that children themselves build with their friends.

AsCampChiefHectorYMCA’sStrongKidsCampaignChair, Don has strengthened communities by bringing togethernewsupportersandexcitedchildren.Supporters often visit Camp Chief Hector YMCA to directly see the differencetheyaremakinginacamper’slife.Lifelong relationships are built.

Don and Ruth have extended their support beyond YMCA StrongKidstoprovidepost-secondaryscholarshipfundsfor more than 18 outstanding staff via the Ruth & Don SmillieScholarship.WhenaCampChiefHectorYMCAstaff team member describes with passion their focus on assisting a child to embark on a life of friendships, you have witnessed the results of Don and Ruth’s dedication.

Don is active in several charitable organizations. With warm conviction he says, “I believe in and support the right of everyone to have a life of dignity and opportunity, and a world rich in friendship.” Whether Don and Ruth are hiking in the mountains, livinginasaltboxoutporthouseinNewfoundland,orstaying in a yurt in Mongolia, Don is leading by example. Extendinglife-affirmingjourneystoothersisanessentialpart of Don’s adventurous life.

CreatingOpportunities,ExperiencesandMemoriesByDougSaul PhotoretouchingbyJenniferChipperfield

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“Sweetgrasswas passed around the circle as a symbol of friendship and also to show that the circle had no beginning or end.“

Creating welcoming opportunities

8 YMCA Calgary Annual Report 2011

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Building Healthy Communities 9

YMCALanguageInstructionforNewcomerstoCanada(LINC)staffwantedaneffectivewayforstudentstolearnabout YMCA programs so they could begin to feel a sense of belonging to their new communities and to Canada. There is a lot to learn when arriving in a new country, so when newcomers can learn in a safe and welcoming environment,theyjumpattheopportunity.YMCA Calgaryoffersjustthat.

OurCommunityYMCAAboriginaldepartmentoffered tocomeintoaLINCclasstohelpbreakdownthe stereotypes that exist between Aboriginal people and thecommunityatlarge.Previously,theonlyexposureLINCstudentshadwiththeAboriginalcommunitycame from preconceptions passed on by people, TV or books.

Whenthegroupsfirstmet,theAboriginalcoordinatoraskedthemtositinacircle.Sheexplainedthemeaning ofthecircle—interconnectednessandequality. Sweetgrasswaspassedaroundthecircleasasymbol of friendship and also to show that the circle had no beginningorend.LINCstudentswereencouraged to ask any questions they had about Aboriginal myths, stereotypes, symbols, ceremonies and way of life. Questions were answered honestly by the coordinator and students learned a great deal about an important part of Canadian heritage.

It is amazing how a small gathering can change a person’sperspectiveonacertainsubject.Thissessionwas so meaningful that it has now become a regular partoftheYMCALINCprogram.Studentslookforward to the Aboriginal presentations and we are currently

workingonnewandinnovativeprojectstojointhetwodepartments together.

There are thousands of Aboriginal people moving into Calgary as well as families who have been here for several generations. These people make up a diverse and changing community from many backgrounds and experiences. LikemanynewcomerstoCanada,thecommongoaltheyshare is the preservation of their culture and identity, and to create a healthy city of multiple ethnic communities. Oneofthebarrierstoachievingthisgoalisovercomingstereotypes that exist in Canadian society.

EducatingnewCanadiansabouttherealitiesofCanada’shistory, and the value of Aboriginal peoples and culture, is anexcellentwaytocombatprejudiceandmoveCanadain a positive direction.

YMCA Calgary has risen to the challenge of addressing some of the pressing needs the Aboriginal community faces, such as leadership training for youth, recreational opportunities and culturally relevant after school care. YMCA has worked hard to build strong relationships in the Aboriginal community, which in turn makes Calgary a healthier and happier place to be.

TheCircleWithinUsByMorganRetzer-BowmanandKelliPring PhotographybyJenniferChipperfield

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A sense of hope and accomplishment

“‘OneGoal’isoursinglefocus on each other and ourselves to work hard, do our best, and crossthefinishlinewith heads held high!”

10 YMCA Calgary Annual Report 2011

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Building Healthy Communities 11

Learningtopaddleadragonboatisanimpressivefeat that’s often described as a uniting, motivational and empowering experience. And even more so for 68 women living with breast cancer who decided to take their training one step further to compete across Canada.

SistershipDragonBoatAssociationbeganin1998asthefirstdragonboatracingteaminAlbertacomprisedofwomen from Calgary and surrounding areas living with breastcancer.Participantsenjoyawarmrelationshipthathelpsthemrebuildtheirhealthandconfidence,whichalso drastically reduces the loneliness associated with the cancer experience.

Their spirit and commitment is commendable. Year-round fitnessexpectations,weeklygroupworkoutsatEauClaireYMCAfromFebruarytoMay,plustwice-weeklytrainingontheGlenmoreReservoirfromMaytoSeptemberwithadedicatedcoachingstaff,haveledSistershiptosuccessfuldragon boat competition throughout Canada.

DeidrePalik,along-timeSistershipmembersays,“Wepaddle to motivate ourselves and each other through group involvement, experience a sense of control in our lives, enable us to take pride in our accomplishments, and help us to move on by participating in a sport that encourages a healthy and active lifestyle. YMCA has enabled us to do all of this and more.”

Shecontinuesbyexplainingtheirmotto:“Twenty-TwoHearts;OneGoal.‘Twenty-TwoHearts’representsafulldragon boat crew consisting of a drummer, a steerer and 20paddlers—10oneachsideoftheboat.‘OneGoal’isour single focus on each other and ourselves to work hard,doourbestandcrossthefinishlinewithheads held high!”

ResearchfromtheNationalCancerInstitutesupportsthebenefitsofexerciseinthemanagementofbreastcancer to reduce cancer-related fatigue and as a means to gainmoreenergy.Physicalactivityisacriticalcomponentof‘energybalance’,atermresearchersusetodescribehow weight, diet and physical activity influence health.

Palikrecounts,“OurrelationshipwithEauClaireYMCAstarted more than a decade ago. We have the good fortune to train there and feel very supported in our goal to enhance the health and well-being of our paddlers in a clean, central and community-based environment. YMCA works diligently with us to secure the best options for our group’s programs.”

TheSistershipAssociationandmembersfeelitisimportantto give back to the community as shown by their support ofYMCACalgary’sStrongKidsCampaign.“Manyofusaremothers and grandmothers who know intimately the importance of caring for the next generation as a collective. Having an organization such as the Y lead the charge in this effort gives us all great hope for our kids.”

Working together in the spirit of camaraderie and understanding, these women continue to demonstrate their strength and determination. Their message of hope is for each of them, their families and supporters, as well as those in our community who have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. TheSistershipwomenfosterwellnessandpartnerwiththecommunityasambassadorstoheightentheprofileand importance of breast health. YMCA Calgary is proud tosupporttheendeavoursofSistershipDragonBoatAssociation.

WithTwenty-TwoHeartsandOneGoalByTanisCochraneandDeidrePalik PhotoretouchingbyJenniferChipperfield

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“If I am able to help one child in some way, then it is all worth it. I learn something new from the children all the time.”

Nurturing through values and play

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Building Healthy Communities 13

“I love going to class,” announces a three year old KangaroosandClimbersparticipant.“Mr.Normletsme go down the slide real fast!”

Everymorning,Mr.NormarrivesatYMCAby5:30amforhisdailyswimandworkout.Fornearly50years,hehasbeencomingtoYMCA.OnWednesdaysandSaturdays, he can be found volunteering for YMCA preschool programsafterworkingout.StaffandmembersareinspiredbyMr.Norm’spositiveenergy,nurturingspirit and his continuous dedication to health and wellness. Heisaffectionatelycalled‘Mr.Norm’,aninformalyetrespectful greeting known to everyone at YMCA.

WhenMr.Normwas11yearsold,hewassponsored byYMCAStrongKidstogotodaycampsinOttawa. This is where he learned to swim and this is where his love for YMCA began. When he was 16 years old, Mr.Normbecameacampleader,whichallowedhimto spread his excitement and enthusiasm to eager new camp participants.

Whileattendinguniversity,Mr.Normcontinuedto volunteer at YMCA as a gymnastics coach for young kids. Afteracaraccidentthatlefthimondisability,Mr.Normmoved to Calgary and naturally gravitated to YMCA whereheknewhewouldalwayshaveahome.Mr.NormstartedvolunteeringatEauClaireYMCAin1988and continues to be one of the most committed and caring volunteers at YMCA Calgary.

Mr.NormfeelsgratefultoYMCAandtheexperienceshe was given and now feels privileged to have the

opportunity to dedicate his time giving back through teaching 3 to 5 year old preschool kids.

“EverybodyhelpseverybodyatYMCA,”saidMr.Norm.“EversinceIfirstwalkedinthedoorswhenIwasakid, I have always felt like I belong.”

Mr.Normhelpschildrenbuildself-confidenceandself- esteem. He challenges them to take risks, to learn their own limitations and to remember to get back up if they fall. Many kids start out timid and unsure of themselves, but by the end of the 13 week program, they are excited to show their parents how high they can climb.

“If I am able to help one child in some way, then it is all worth it. I learn something new from the children all the time. The day that I don’t learn anything is the day that I will think about retiring.”

Mr.NormhastaughtthousandsofkidsatYMCA.Peoplehave long recognized his love and endless patience. He is continually acknowledged by parents of past and present students who have many fond memories of his classes.

At the end of every preschool program, parents thank Mr.Normforteachingtheirchildrennewskills.Mr.Norm’sresponse is always the same: It’s really the kids who are challenging and teaching him something new every day.

KidsAffectionatelyCallHimMr.NormBy Carollyne Cheng PhotographybyJenniferChipperfield

Nurturing through values and play

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“Shereallyfeelsa sense of belonging after being in YMCA Adventurers.Sheknowsshe matters in her school and her actions can have a positive effect on many people.”

14 YMCA Calgary Annual Report 2011

Fun opportunities for learning

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Building Healthy Communities 15

BuildingLeadersOneChildataTimeBy Carollyne Cheng PhotographybyJenniferChipperfield

A year ago, Amelia was the quiet girl in the back of the classroom, too shy to raise her hand when she knew the answer to the teacher’s questions. Today, she stands confidentandtall,andisoneofthemostcheerfulandhelpful kids in her Grade 5 class.

Amelia participates in YMCA Adventurers, a YMCA Calgary leadership program that runs out of her school every Tuesday night. This free program encourages students in Grades 5 and 6 to learn healthy living, community stewardship, become leaders and most importantly, have fun. It’s an excellent opportunity for children to have a place where they can belong, grow, thrive and lead.

Through the skills gained in YMCA Adventurers, Amelia acts as an ambassador for her school and circle offriends.“Shehasgrowninherself-confidenceandherself-esteem, and I notice she has become more assertive andmoresocialwithherpeers,”saysSuzanne,Amelia’smother.“Sheenjoysbuildingrelationshipswhiledoingactivities that help the community such as collecting itemsfortheCalgaryFoodBank.”

Amelia has gone above and beyond and has really becomeacaringandresponsiblestudent.Onatime-sensitiveproject,Ameliatookinitiativeandgaveuphergym-timetomakesureitwascomplete.“Shereallyfeels a sense of belonging after being in YMCA Adventurers,” saidSuzanne.“Sheknowsshemattersinherschoolandher actions can have a positive effect on many people.”

Inadditiontocommunityprojectsandleadershipbuilding,YMCA Adventurers lets kids be kids by building friendships and discovering on their own. “I get to play games, try new snacks from different countries, see friends that aren’t in my class and learn art and drawing. It’s really a lot of fun!” said Amelia.

Amelianowloveshelpingothers.Shevolunteersinhercommunity and has learned the importance of getting involved.OnewayYMCAAdventurersteacheskidsthevalue of helping others is by raising funds for YMCA StrongKids.“Wetookjarsanddecoratedthemsotheylook really pretty,” said Amelia. “I told my friends and family all about the campaign, collected lots of change andfilledupmyjarreallyfastforYMCAStrongKids.Iwasable to raise more money than anyone else in my class.”

Amelia shows amazing promise in her leadership abilities, having learned to blend fun with responsibility.

When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, Amelia’s response was right in character. “I want to grow up to be a rock star! But if that doesn’t happen, I want to be either a history teacher or a veterinarian to help people and animals.”

Whatever Amelia chooses to do, she has gained valuable skills to set her on the path to success.

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Responsible and Accountable

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Building Healthy Communities 17

Deloitte & Touche LLP700 Bankers Court850 Second Street S.W.Calgary AB T2P 0R8Canada

Tel: (403) 267-1700Fax: (403) 264-2871www.deloitte.ca

Independent Auditor’ s Report

To the Members of The Calgary Young Men’s Christian Association :

The accompanying summary consolidated financial statements, which comprise the summarized consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2011, and the summarized consolidated statement of operations and changes in fund balance for the year then ended, are derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of The Calgary Young Men’s Christian Association(“YMCA Calgary”) for the year ended December 31, 2011. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those consolidated financial statements in our report dated April 3, 2012. Those consolidated financial statements, and the summary consolidated financial statements, do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on those consolidated financial statements.

The summary consolidated financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. Reading the summary consolidated financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited consolidated financial statements of YMCA Calgary.

Management’ s Responsibility for the Summary Consolidated Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited consolidated financial statements on the basis described in the note to the summary consolidated financial statements.

Auditor’ s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary consolidated financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standard (CAS) 810,"Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements."


In our opinion, the summary consolidated financial statements derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of YMCA Calgary for the year ended December 31, 2011 are consistent, in all material respects, with those consolidated financial statements, on the basis described in the note to the summary consolidated financial statements.

Chartered Accountants April 3, 2012

SummaryConsolidated FinancialStatementsof THE CALGARY YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION December 31, 2011

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18 YMCA Calgary Annual Report 2011

FinancialsAs at and for the year ending December 31, 2011

ThissummarizedfinancialinformationisextractedfromtheannualconsolidatedfinancialstatementsauditedbyDeloitte&ToucheLLP.Acopyofthe completeauditedconsolidatedfinancialstatementsis available by visiting ymcacalgary.org or by writing toHeleneWeir,President&ChiefExecutiveOfficer,YMCACalgary,1013StreetSW,Calgary,ABT2P4G6. Note: Thissummarizedfinancialinformationhasbeenprepared in accordance with criteria developed by management. These criteria require management to ensure:

1) thesummarizedfinancialinformationagreewith or can be recalculated from the annual audited consolidatedfinancialstatements;

2) thesummarizedfinancialinformationcontains the necessary information and are at an appropriate level of aggregation, so as not to be misleading to the users of this information; and

3) adequatedisclosureofthiscriteria.



2,163 2,123









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011



2011 2010

AssetsCurrent assets 3,147,634 11,483,102Investments 6,101,414 6,140,340Long-termaccountsreceivable 18,000 70,000Propertyandequipment 34,470,862 24,476,717

43,737,910 42,170,159

LiabilitiesAccounts payable and accrued liabilities 1,845,116 954,371Othercurrentliabilities 2,936,310 2,809,126Long-termobligationsundercapitalleases 234,300 66,674

5,015,726 3,830,171

FundbalanceInternally restricted - invested in property and equipment 34,069,739 24,319,544Externallyrestricted 3,200,304 13,130,622Donor restricted endowment funds 315,037 330,786Unrestrictedfunds 1,137,104 559,036

38,722,184 38,339,988

43,737,910 42,170,159


Revenue 25,857,264 25,163,912Expenses 25,413,216 24,781,737

Operatingexcessofrevenueoverexpenses from continuing operations 444,048 382,175Operatingdeficiencyofrevenueoverexpenses fromdiscontinuedoperations - (1,047,109) Lossondisposalofpropertyandequipment (62,730) -Investment income 878 581,884

Excess(deficiency)ofrevenueoverexpenses 382,196 (83,050)Fundbalance,beginningofyear 38,339,988 38,423,038

Fundbalance,endofyear 38,722,184 38,339,988

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Building Healthy Communities 19

SourceS of funding 2011 ToTal: $25,857,264

Memberships 11,883,145(46.0%)

Programsandservices 9,764,279(37.8%)

Government grants 1,068,505(4.1%)

UnitedWayofCalgary 803,400(3.1%)

Donations 1,572,273(6.1%)

Capital expenditure fee 341,372(1.3%)

Other 424,290(1.6%)

expenSe diSTribuTion 2010 ToTal: $24,781,737

Salariesandbenefits 13,401,936(54.1%)

Programsandservices 3,677,563(14.8%)

Building operations 3,161,560(12.8%)

Administration 2,319,019(9.4%)

Communications 226,889(0.9%)

Amortization 1,994,770(8.0%)

SourceS of funding 2010 ToTal: $25,163,912

Memberships 11,712,144(46.5%)

Programsandservices 9,669,115(38.4%)

Government grants 1,229,100(4.9%)

UnitedWayofCalgary 772,500(3.1%)

Donations 902,317(3.6%)

Capital expenditure fee 349,938(1.4%)

Other 528,798(2.1%)

expenSe diSTribuTion 2011 ToTal: $25,413,216

Salariesandbenefits 13,997,489(55.1%)

Programsandservices 3,839,017(15.1%)

Building operations 3,023,024(11.9%)

Administration 2,395,304(9.4%)

Communications 160,297(0.6%)

Amortization 1,998,085(7.9%)

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Your contributions help build healthy communities.

When you invest with YMCA Calgary, you help provide valuable experiences to children, youth and families. Experiencestheyotherwisecouldn’t afford. Your generosity is changing lives and is helping people belong, grow, thrive and lead.

Onbehalfofthethousandsof children, youth and adults who havebenefittedfromyourdonation... Thank you. You truly are making a difference in the lives of others.

Everyeffortismadetoensuretheaccuracyfor our lists, however mistakes can occur. If your name is misspelled, incorrectly listed or omitted, please accept our apology and contact us at 403-781-1694 so we can correct our records.

20 YMCA Calgary Annual Report 2011

Thank you Donors Jan 1–Dec 31, 2011

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Building Healthy Communities 21

YMCACALGARY STRONGKIDSCAMPAIGNAt YMCA Calgary, everyone is given the opportunity to participate regardless of their faith, race, gender, age, orfinancialcircumstance.Today, YMCA Calgary provides financialassistancetoonein four children and youth through our YMCA facilities, our community outreach programs, and year round at Camp Chief Hector YMCA. Listedbelowaredonorswhomade a gift of $1,000 or more in 2011 to support more than 12,500 children and youth in their YMCA experiences.

Chair’s Round Table Gifts of $250,000+UnitedWayofCalgary&Area

Chair’s Round Table Gifts of $25,000–$99,999Anonymous(3) W. David Blain BusinessForeCalgaryKids Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities N.MurrayEdwardsCharitable Foundation ProvidentEnergyLtd NormaPyke TheCityofCalgary-FCSS- CalgaryAfterSchool TulsaCommunityFoundation

Chair’s Round Table Gifts of $10,000–$24,999Alberta Treasury Branches Anonymous(1) David A. Bissett BMOEmployeeCharitable Foundation Devon Canada GeorgeWestonLimited Robert & Anne Hobbs Clarke & Adele Hunter ImperialOilFoundation JackCarterFamilyFundatthe CalgaryFoundation

KritaInvestmentsLtd. McFeely,EdwardC. PennWestPetroleumLtd. GreggScott StandardLandCompanyInc.

Chair’s Round Table Gifts of $5,000–$9,999ARCResourcesLtd. Don & Cathie Archibald and Family BayerCropScience CalgaryCo-OperativeMemorial Society CanElsonDrillingInc. GeorgeFink PaulGiannelia Randall J. Green Glenn Hamilton IROCEnergyServices Partnership ShawnB.Irwin Kellie&RonnieLam BrianLemke AllanG.Lennox LionsClubofBearspaw RosemaryNation OrangeDirectional Technologies Inc. PetrolandServices(1986)Ltd.DavidPotter RegentResourcesLtd. Scott&KimSarjeant BillSembo RogerW.&LornaSmith Trent&JosieStangl Mark&BarbaraSuchan TAQANorthLtd. TheCarreraFoundation Aidan Walsh Deborah Yedlin

Chair’s Round Table Gifts of $2,500–$4,999995812AlbertaLtd. BirchcliffEnergyLtd. BulldogOil&GasInc. Callow & Associates Management Consultants Inc.CrowfootYMCALeadersin Training JamesT.Eagleson FirstEnergyCapitalCorp.

JodyForsyth&WilmaQuon- Forsyth Terry Gilbert Howard Gorman GRBEngineeringLtd. NancyJ.HetheringtonPeirce INGDIRECT ColleenKenny KyleStuartMemorial Foundation DionLegge LoblawCompanyLimited John Mawdsley Mechanical Management and Consulting Inc. NucorSystemsInc. ErnieSapieha ChristineShields WilliamH.Slavin TheAlvin&MonaLibin Foundation The Co-operators Michelle Vincent WildStreamExplorationInc. Helene Weir Paul&EileenWotherspoon

Chair’s Round Table Gifts of $1,000–$2,499AkitaDrillingLtd. AlbertaTubularProductsLtd Catherine Angus AnnapolisCapitalLimited Anonymous(10) Catherine Armstrong Grant & Jeanne Billing Vern Black KennethBremner Burnet,Duckworth&Palmer CalgaryCrowfootYServiceClub CanadaCapitalEnergyCorp CenovusEmployeeFoundation ChinookEnergyInc. TanisCochrane&PeterStraub Christy Daniels LindaDavies Deforest Ventures Inc. LanaDionne Dena Dixon & Mike Bentley BrigitteEdwards EnCanaCorporationEmployee GrantProgram JacquelineEngstrom ChantelleEthier

JoanFanstone NancyFarries FieraSceptreInc. FirstCalgaryFinancial RichardS.Fox GregS.Francis BrentFriedenberg&Andrea Nixon Huw & Anne Gibson Mike Good SamuelGray GreenFamily Donald H. Hadley Martin & Christopher Halliday Bob Hansell LisaHartman EvanHazell Peter&DeanneHenry MurrayHesje ThomasE.Hirst Joann & Blaine Hook ITPeopleLtd. Integrated Wealth Management Inc. NarminIsmail-Teja&Mohamed Teja EdJohnston SteveKapusta KeelerSchool KeithLordSportFoundation heldatvancouverFoundation KEMAManagementLtd Frances(Betty)E.Kent IanLamoureux LorneH.Larson LeahLawrence SusanLee LehighHansonMaterials Limited JohnLeskow SabinaLokanc NancyMacLeod Mair Investments Inc Merion Malone McConnellFamily DonaldG.McLean Andrew Melton J D Miller Jennifer Miron Duane Monea MorganFamily Mark Moss SamanthaNelson-Kennedy &IanKennedy

JohnC.Osler JohnParent RobPearson John&SuePetch,parentsof RobPetch HeatherPeters LlPeters Phillips,Hager&North InvestmentManagementLtd. RossF.Phillips Pipella&CompanyBarristers& Solicitors PeterPolesello TerenceA.Poole PrecisionDrillingCorporation Robert Reisig Donald A. Repka Ron Robinson Ronald Russell PeterSalamon DougSaul SavinFamily AllenSchink&SheilaRoddy PatSchneider Kelly&JamesScottandFamily LanaSherger HowardShikaze SistershipDragonBoatAssociation IsabelleRuthSkelton Don&RuthSmillie J.KellySmith RogerF.Smith JoanneStalinski StoneMountainResourcesLtd. MichaelJ.Swain Gisèle Tennant TheForesters Andrew Thiessen Brian & Carla Tough SuzanneTough PaulaTyler LarryP.vetsch Donald H. Watkins Janis Weasel Bear-Johnson Bob Welty Bill&SharonWoodward Jo Ann Yamauchi YMCACalgaryEndowment FundattheCalgary Foundation Courtney J. Yuck

Page 22: YMCA Calgary · Mexico, YMCA Canada and YMCA USA representatives held discussions on international programs and services, youth development and leadership. • Grow the Aboriginal

22 YMCA Calgary Annual Report 2011

$999 & underYMCA Calgary wishes to thank and acknowledge the 2,331 donors who made gifts at the $999 & under level.


YMCALeader ($10,000–$19,999)Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada Company

YMCA Counsellors ($1,000–$4,999)Allstream FirstCalgarySavingsandCredit UnionLtd. FitzFlooring LifeFitness MacleodDixonLLP NivenFischerEnergyServicesInc. W.E.GreerLtd.

YMCAGuides($500–$999)Media Marketing Group

Hole-in-OneSponsors TierOneTravel CamClarkFord

GIFTINKINDNickiCrampton Adele Hunter IBMCanadaLtd. Gordon Roper

INTERNATIONALDONORSThe following donors supported YMCA Calgary’s International partnership in Ukraine.EnergyAssociatesInternational NancyFarries J.KellySmith Helene Weir

YMCACALGARYENDOWMENT FUNDThe following people have made a gift to YMCA Calgary’s EndowmentFund.CalgaryCrowfootYService Club EstateofStanleyMiller EstateofWilburL.Griffith EstateofRoydenOttoFisher


PresentingSponsorWestern Management Consultants


MediaSponsorsGlobal Calgary The Calgary Herald

YMCACALGARY TIPIELDERCONTRIBUTORS At Camp Chief Hector YMCA more than 80 tipis are used to provide an incredible, unique living experience that helps promote some of the fundamental values that are integral to the YMCA camping experience. The following TipiEldershavegenerouslycommitted$5,000overfiveyears to support a tipi at Camp Chief Hector YMCA.Carole&StanDodds Jim & Josie Gray ShirleyL.Harris-Lennox Lorne&PatLarson MartinPasek EvelynWigham

OTHERSUPPORTERSAMMacKayContractors- Capital AMMacKayDiversified- Capital Bryan Mills Iradesso Corp - Website redesignCarol&GeorgePerkins-Tom PerkinsScholarship ChristChurchEndowment Trust - Canoe Don&RuthSmillie-Camp Chief Hector YMCA Scholarships FirstCalgaryFinancial- KnowledgeBuildersGrant Program GeorgeFink-MemberDinnerGisèle Tennant TDFriendsoftheEnvironment Foundation-Children’s Garden and GreenhouseThe Rotary Club of Calgary - LouMacEachernBursaryUniversalSurveys

YMCACALGARY HERITAGECLUBMEMBERSHIPAs of December 31, 2011.To date, 233 individuals have made planned gifts to the YMCAEndowmentFundand have become members of the YMCA Heritage Club.John & Catherine Aitken R.William&NancyAndrew Anonymous(5) Marietta Archer Matt&PeggyAufricht (Olive)ClaireBentley Grant & Jeanne Billing Joey & Debbie Bleviss Gordon&PhyllisBourns PaulBrakke Gisela Cantwell Joan & Grant Carlson Robert Chapman Tina Chaput Edward&MaryChwyl TanisCochrane&PeterStraub Tom & Mary Cumming Jack & Connie Cuppen Tami Davis

Bill&EvelynDever LanaDionne Stan&CaroleDodds AllisonEarl&PaulBakker Elkays(Kunelius)Fund NancyFarries RickFedoruk EdwardFilewych JodyForsyth&WilmaQuan- Forsyth Norm&JanetFrost Paul&MaureenGagnon Marg Gauley Paul&AldeenGiannelia JamesK.&JosieGray Randall&LoriGreen Bob Hansell EvanHazell Jim&SallyHerbison Tom & Julia Hirst Don Holloway Lori&LeeHunt Clarke & Adele Hunter Bob & Maxine Hyde Walter Isaacson NarminIsmail-Teja&Mohamed Teja Bob&SusanIverach Barry Jackson Noor&RoseJaffer FredL.&PattiJames JillJamieson&DougSaul Faye&PeterJones ColleenKenny&BobHolmes Robert&ArleneKerr Glen&IngridKindellan H.William&RuthKujat Lorne&PatriciaLarson TerryLauder&Anne McNamara EffieLecky Brian&MarianneLemke AlLennox&ShirleyL.Harris- Lennox BrendaJeanLeong Steve&DeborahLetwin Alan & Barbara Maitland W. Brian & Gail Martin James & Beth Mawdsley Kathy&RonMcKay Bill&TheresaMcNaughton Andrew & Deirdre Melton Tony & Mary Melton HowardP.Miller R. Vance & Maureen Milligan

Jean & Roger Morissette AndreaNixon&Brent Friedenberg Charles(Chuck)&vernice Nowlin PatO’Brien Don&MavisPark Derwin&ShannonParker Nick&JodiParkinson Patricia&DougPelton Carole&GeorgePerkins Wayne&PamelaPerkins Leigh&JudyPullen NormaPyke Mustang&KatrinaRandall Don Repka LynneRiker&DonFox Gordon R. & Margaret Ritchie Ron&LyndaRobinson Ronald Russell MarilynSaunders Jane&StephenSavidant Robert&LisaSavin FlorenceScissons Gary&valerieSilbernagel CrisSimmering HeberSmith J.KellySmith RobinW.Smith&Germaine Wilson Danielle&KenSutton Betty & Don Tait Gisèle & Michael Tennant Corinne Tessier & Bob Toews Jay & Gwen Thornton GarthP.&AnnToombs Brian & Carla Tough JohnG.Umbrite Al & Diane Vanderveer Michelle Vincent Mike Walters Donald H. Watkins Helene Weir EvelynWigham Trevor&EleanorWilliams Bonnie Woodard Vera Woodrow ElinorWork Paul&EileenWotherspoon Bill & Ida Wyllie

Page 23: YMCA Calgary · Mexico, YMCA Canada and YMCA USA representatives held discussions on international programs and services, youth development and leadership. • Grow the Aboriginal

Building Healthy Communities 23

Deceased Heritage Club MembersTony Archer Albert Avis PaulBrechen Matt Brownlee NeilTobyCantwell Jim Chaput Dr. Murray Davis LouisDubuc JohnI.England JamesRichardsonFish Jean&RoyO.Fisher NormanA.Gilliham WilburGriffith Gloria Hansell LaverneHerbert Dianne Jackson Ronald Jenkins OscarKeirle GeorgeC.Lancaster JohnLecky LawrenceE.Lee Doug MacDermid JohnAlexanderMcKinlay CharlesMcKinnon Fred&BeaMcKinnon StanMiller ScovilMurray WilliamHaroldOsbourne StanleyPallesen MurrayPyke RuthMarieSomerville AnneUmbrite Darol Wigham Lloyd“Bud”Woodrow Bill Work

BOARDOFDIRECTORSDon Archibald, Chairman, CequenceEnergyLtd. DougBanert,vPGeneral Practice,AonReed StenhouseInc. TarjinderBhullar,Event Coordinator, Arts & Culture, City of Calgary Randy Green, Managing Principal,NivenFisherEnergy ServicesInc. EvanHazell ClarkeHunter,Partner, NortonRoseCanadaLLP NarminIsmail-Teja,Director, Western Management Consultants LeahLawrence,President, CleanEnergyCapitalistsInc. JohnMawdsley,SeniorAdvisor CapitalMarkets,CanadianOil SandsLimited DuaneMonea,vP,Public Relations,MEGEnergyCorp. DavidPotter,viceChairman &DeputyHead,Scotia Waterous, Global Banking & Markets,Scotiabank PatSchneider,Partner, EmergeLearning HowardShikaze,Partner, MNPLLP BillSlavin,ManagingDirector, ARCFinancialCorp. PaulaTyler,President,Norlien Foundation GregWalter,Associate,Fraser MilnerCasgrainLLP HeleneWeir,President&CEO, YMCA Calgary Deborah Yedlin, Business Columnist, Calgary Herald JamesK.Gray,O.C.,A.O.E., LifetimeDirector

YMCACALGARYBOARDOFGOvERNORSR.W.(Bill)Andrew GordonE.Bourns Tom Cumming Bill Dever GeorgeF.Fink Donv.Fowke Marg Gauley JamesK.Gray Rick Hanson Tom Hirst StephanieHoLem Don Holloway FredL.James ColleenKenny FauziaLalani LorneH.Larson BrianLemke AlG.Lennox W. Brian Martin KimMcConnell NeilNcCrank Wm.J.(Bill)McNaughton Andrew Melton HowardP.Miller R. Vance Milligan ChuckL.Nowlin CarolePerkins WaynePerkins IrenePfeiffer LynneA.Riker Gordon Ritchie JaneSavidant RobertSavin BillSembo HeberG.Smith Brian Tough Barbara Warburton Don Watkins

YMCACALGARYSENIORLEADERSHIPTanisCochrane,vP, Children&YouthStrategy ShannonDoram,vP,Health& Wellness JoanFanstone,vP, Human Resources NancyFarries,SeniorvP, Association Advancement & Development Joann Hook, General Manager, Training & Development SabinaLokanc,CFO J.KellySmith,SeniorvP, Operations HeleneWeir,President&CEO


Page 24: YMCA Calgary · Mexico, YMCA Canada and YMCA USA representatives held discussions on international programs and services, youth development and leadership. • Grow the Aboriginal

YMCA Calgary proudly produces our Annual Report on FSCpaper.FSCistheonlypapercertification endorsedbymajorenvironmentalcharities,


YMCACalgary,AssociationServices1013StSWCalgary,AB,CanadaT2P4G6P403-237-9622IF403-269-4661|[email protected] Calgary Charitable Registration #11882-4168 RR0001

Mission Statement

YMCA Calgary is a charitable organization driven by its mission to facilitate and promote the spiritual, mental, physical and social development of individuals and to foster a sense of responsibility within the community.

Values Statement

YMCA Calgary is committed to practicing and demonstrating the core values of respect, honesty, responsibility and caring in all aspects of the organization.

Statement of Principles

YMCA Calgary is committed to the following principles which provide the core values for the organization:• Asupportiveenvironmentfosteringthegrowth and development of individuals in all their diversity and potential• Theprovisionofequalaccessandparticipationfor all persons• Thepromotionoffellowship,communityresponsibility and service• Acommitmenttoqualityleadership provided by volunteers and staff• Anethicalandindependentorganizationthatis financiallyself-sufficient• Aglobalperspectiveandparticipationwithinthe world community