yod cantwork to church comorrou) well with …

YOD CANT WORK WELL WITH A COLD Relieve It with Dr. Bell'· Pine-Tur-Honey NOBODY liCwTto be around a person suffering iron» a heavy cold. It «aposes them needless¬ ly. You can take care of your job and keep business and social engagements .law ily alter you begin uaing Dr. bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. For it is prompt in Wskjitaf Natur« expel phlegm, allay luflainuwition, ease breathing, and driving away irritating coughs. I -'se it . give it to the kiddie·. Don't »ufler a minute longer than you have to. The ingredient· used io Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Hooey axe highly beneficial in promoting the relief cold-euflerer· .eca. Sale and economical. At all di uggiste. 30c, our , $120. «Bells . _iite-Tdr-«Hoiiey ~/or Coughs and Colds Give tbe Pamlly R?D£l*i Correct tboae tsrdy boia*!· u«.acalla, .mooihly couloitably with Po-Do-La·. ? «re the la»y liver. Keep the I ¿rally healthy, piak- cheeked, free from conitloaitoa aod iu daiigei- 9U· reaulta 60 c. Dru··!·!· everywhere. DOhOlAX 1 ?t??p IX ana wnsaasa WHERE IS THE LIGHT? \JJ How many tinsi I liavo you goti«· tlirouKh this very I Inn ?. groping hlindly through th. dark for the gas Jet? Why ,«uffer this inconve¬ nience? Be modern.une elec¬ tricity in the home. And with all Its many advantages. It (Ines not COet anv more to UM electricity.in fact It's cheaper. Let us wire vour house or office for you. ? .iiunin ( heerfally ? n>,.ui...i We also fumigli complete llehting plants for rural light¬ ing. DAVIS ELECTRIC CO. 721 11th St. V, W. Thone ? ranklln Mi" Obtain N>>v T.lfe Taking noweii.LYMPHlNETablet· ''fetore lost nerve force, creating new ufe. Impr.vna.at rome» to «t»y. guaran¬ teed free from Chloral. Cnralne, Morphin· or other narcotic drugs. Write for booklet. Be·· p»ckagc contains 30 dnyV tr,-aiment by mall Jl f. II. Howells A Co.. »0 ¦"huren Kt New York. Seid by People'· Drug Stores and other trading drugglat·. McPHERSON CAFETERIA 916 McPherson Place loth. >cnr I·'.»«· \\ (? Specillile«* in Dinners T*r«*parcfi nnd ruokrd by nil "lionc.Nt lo aooilii«'a>fc" home cook. Ilrrakf.'iHl nnil Luncheon ? ?.a Carte. ninnerà, bbV lo 75c. Open Week liar* Onlj. ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 3% Union Savings Bank aOUHW !»AVIM.» UAISK 1> WASHINGTON" Made U. Couper. I'rmldeat· 711' Fnurtr. ·?? Street. BAD BRONCHIAL COUGH FOR 36 YEARS Mrs Bice finally »topped it, without changing climate. had bronchitis for years. When «as - years old. ? had whooplnc «ugh ami it left mo In an awful state. I took hundreds of dollars" worth or medicine, with but little, relief. I had in sit up m bed all night and cough nd choke unMI my eyes nearly hurst iivlt of their socket- 1 could not af- .ird to «hange (lunate. "Finally my husband urged me to ? Milks Emulsion, saying if if didn't iclp ine, 1 could get my money back. tried It and have continued ita uf intll now my bronchi·! tubes are fre¬ md clear and 1 can breath with ease "V'hen you think that I had this dread d disease all my life, you can see why want everybody to try Milks Kmul .ion.".Mrs. Ann» Bice. 1461 Wendall Columbus, Ohio. Spray» and gargles and local rim- dies do not touch a cough of this .und. The system must be built up to threw It off. Milks Kmulslnn cleanses the stem neh and how. Is of ¡ill Impurities, re «torlng healthy natural bow»l action and doing away with nil nerd of pins .Mid physics. It corrects the digestive . reni" nnd Improve· the appetite. Thus it helps nature t/i build up the blood nnd tissue and to strengthen the throat, stomach, and bow. Is. a build' r ..I flesh nnd Strength, Milks Kmulslnn Is Strongly recommended to those whom fickncua has weakened an·; s powerful aid in resisting and repairing Hie effects of wasting dis .SS's ('hrnn!,· stomach trouble and constipa-Ion are promptly relieved . aaually in en» day This the only solid emulsion made, and so palatable that II Is eaten with S spoon like Ice cream No mattar how severe your ess·, yeti hrt> urged (e iry Milk· Kmulsion un der thu guarantee T»k» sis bo-tie» home W|l ,i an use ?, Ver I., lire, Mi n.· ind ·('.,.,I ,i It U 11 ,. results, ¦ ?,, pt,,??, refunded ·(>. grid < Ue The Milks Rmulsl.·¦· Terr· HajltC Ind e],i hy druggi \rr\- <So to Church Comorrou) grroícrs Comorrouj Sermona touching upon mundane as well spiritual mattai· will be{ M. *td In the city's church pu.pit« to¬ morrow, on· or th· »igmnVant topics belo* that of th« Rev. Dr. Charle· A. liatón, of New York, who will preach In the »venina st the First Congrega¬ tional Church on "l'an Christianity Be Christianised?" At 11 a, m. lie will preach on "How to Happy " "Hew I Know I'm Qolng Into Heaven" snd "Pust-Pentecost Power" .re the «venins and morning sermon topics of the Rev. K. lies »wem, of the Centennial liaptlst Church. The Rev. Dr. James Hhera Mont¬ gomery, of the Calvaiy M 1·:. Church, will preach at 11 a. m. on "Thi Strength and Comfort of a Christian Memory." The tnS)l« for his evening sermon will be "Raymond snd Spirit¬ ualism by Sir Oliver l^odge." "Truth" will be the aermon theme at the following ("hrlatian Science ehurches: First Church, Columbia road and Kuclld street; Second fhurch, Northeast Masonl«· Temple; Third Church, Masonl·' Temple; Fourth Church. th>· Arcade In his church announcement today llie Rev. Dr ?, M Towers of Hie 1'nl- versallst Church, »ay»: "The Japancae lun now lie, steal and kill almost aa well aa any Christian: bring home the mlealonaries." Dr. Power« v. ill preach in the morning on "Hindering One- »elf," and at the evening nervio- lie will give an illustrated travel talk on "What About Ireland?" At the Church of Life and ?> l«14 N' etreet northwest, the Rev. C. A. Wrsgff will preach at 1 ? ?. in. oa "How to Dirt for Health und Spiritual (¦rowth." The Rev. I>r. Han y lisie will deliver the evening" aernr.n, his Hubject lieini; "Your Birthright of Success and How To Claim It." The Rev. Dr Herbert F. Randolph of the Foundry M. K. Church will have lor hin morning snd evening aermon topli-M, reapectlvely. "The· tiolden Pnanlonal" and "The Penitence of Peter." "Pennsylvania State Nlglit," will be observed at the lipworth League service at ß: 16 p. m. The subject for the morning *er- mon of the Rev. Dr. Clovis O. Chap- Ball at the Mount Vernon Place M. K. Church will be "An Old l.ove Song." In the evening he will preach on "The Adventure of the Man That Nobody Wanted." The Rev. Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierce of All Soula' Unitarian Church will havo for his evening sermon topic. "The Bible, The Mirror of the Soul." He will also preach In tho morning. At the Church of the Covenant, the Rev. Dr. Charlen Wood will preach at the evening service on "The King- 1"M 1111 I ¦H-l-I-i-M I I 1 I II I 1 ? Church of Life and ¦¦ Joy «1 llie New Thought Temple': ISM "N" Mt., N. M. St.NDAV. ,???G??? ?G>. 4.11:1?."How to diet for Health and.. . . Spiritual (.rimili I·» C. ?. Hr»n... ¦.13:30.Prosperity Claa«, directed by I · ¦I. Hlller. S:1S."Your Rlrthrtaht of Boeeeaa and" ' Ho« to Claim It," by Harry <;·»*,·" Minister. \\ MMaphyaic&l Library anil Ttea<lingee a ,Room» open r»very day In the woeli. ??,?. ????????. !f 1·?-? I 11? ?"?"?"?"1· ?-1'?-? 1"?-?··1"?"?"1-1· Congregational First Congregational Cburch Tenth and G SU. N. W. REV. WILMKR G. JOHNSTON, Asiiatant Taitor. NEW YORK. Will preach at ?? A. M.. .HOW TO BL: HAPPY.". 8 P. M.. CAN CHRISTIANITY BE CHRISTIANIZED?" Christian Science Christian Science Th· Churrh«· of Oirt«t. Scianti·«, of w anhingt on are: first Church Columbia road and Kuclld si, Second Churrh U. K. Meaonlc Trmpl». Ith and F ?. ? Third Churrh Maaonlo T'mpie. nth and ?. ? av« Fourth Church Tha Arrada, I4«h «nd r»rh rd Helijeet: ·t??:??." MilV!CM Sunday. 11 ? M and « r SUNHAT SCtlOOt, Jl A. M. WRPNESOAT BVKN1NO ?ßß?G??ß. li e'oleck. ?G.????? ROOMS Colorad· RM« . 1 4th and O «ta Heiira. » to » tW»d. J te I, and Sun. and holiday». ? jn to t. ¡toi IS03 Adama Mill Rd. N. W. Rour· 1" t^ « l>«r«ti R*»tl «?» fundara ??? lidi, lavai tl» r.»at ( apllol St. Unir» IJ in 1 »e·» day* "«'»?? holiday«) «t«n ¡ So tn 10 «tunda \ a The Arrad·. Mth and Park rd taaeond «Inori. IO «n l>:J" waak day· al«o 7 lo lo I B> m. («vrep* Wadnaaday·). Ti doni of Ih. Common Oood " H. will also pi ««uh at H a m. Th. U.V. Dr. Iluward Talbut will apeak at (li. a 30 ? m. luaplratluiial »»rvlc. ou "«.'Un· tian Oartalaty." Til.. Dr. Karl. Wllfley of the the Vermont Avenue Christian Church valli preach at the 11 a ni. a.rvic.a. There will b. mutimi plctuie» with special mude at th« evening aervlc. Service, will be conducted at (he usual hum» at Hie following Salva¬ tion army quarter·: itJU r.nnay tvanla av.nue, northwest, ?d??? Sevi-uth . tr.et, noi tliwest. ? .SS Seventh Uriel, aoulhea.t. ? special ma»» for newspapermen and all-night workers will be cele¬ brated at St. l'an el, .·, at 4 a. in The Rev. Dr. Wallace Kadcliffe. of Hi«« New York Avenue !'re»bylcrlan. will preach In the evening on "The (Jreat uuif Kiaeu." At the Teck Memorial I'rcabyterlan Church, the Itev lu-. Irving W int. hum will preach at 11 a. in. on "The Heul Jesu- " III· evening Hun¬ ter ? «III be "(Jod. Moses, l'haraoh. and Modern Conditions." Mrs. Char!·· Wood, wife of tin Uev. Dr. V\ ood, will give an Illustrili·'·! lec¬ ture Monday night on "The iiatlle- tlelds of Kuropo." Th«· subject lor the llcv lu. ¡eorge ?. Miller's evening sermon at the Ninth Street Christian Church will b·· Spiritualism." There will be com¬ munion at 11 a. m. and CongrOMman John M. Robinson of Kentucky Mill leach the men's Bible class at 0 a. in. I'rayera for the full recovery or I'ri'sldent Wilson will he said at noon tomorrow at the Hellenic Church. Sixth and C streets southeast, by the Itev. M. Q, Mctaxopniilo.,. The Uev. Hr. II. ?. ltrundage, of the Beklagten Pree»yterl»n church, win liave for his illumina and «venin*" ser¬ mon subjects, respei lively, "I'roof ok I ilscipleshlp" and "Life's Controlling Motives." At the First Baptist Church the Rev. Dr. Henry .Mien Tupper will preach ut 11 a. m. on 'Success; It h Source," and at H p. m. on "Suicida. It's ¿5ó;¡r"c." "The Divine Flam·" will be t 1 ritornine sermon topic of the Itev. Irr. (¡ove Hrifflth Johnson, of the. Irn- manu.l Baptist Church, He will preach in the evening on "Jew, fjen- :11c, and church of Hod." Special services will be conducted ;it the Bethlehem chapel of the Epis¬ copal Cathedral in honor of the fessi of St. Paul, The Right Rev. Hr lames Tie Wolf Terry, bishop of Rhode Island, will preach al the peo¬ ple's evensong and sermon at -I p. in "Spiritual efficiency" will be t lie subject of the morning sermon hy the Kev. Dr. Paul Sperry. at the Church of the New Jerusalem. In the even¬ ing his sermon theme will he "Swedenborgs Spiritual Kxperiences." The Rev. Or. William T. Adame, of Seattle, Wash., will preach at the Presbyterian ???ß??? or THE covenant. < «inn. »ve. and ? nt. Iti-JV. i'HUIIKS WOrin, I' !>. Minister SI'NHAY. JANUART It, 19:0. »:39.Sl'N'IiAY SCHOOL, wlrh Men's »nd vVi'Tnen'· eia«···. 11:10 Morning «ervlre Hr Wood preache» :i :. .ii -Thirty fifth Inspirational Servir· Ree. Howard Talbot will preach Subject CHRISTIAN· CERTAINTY." Sp». isl »... loist, Nett.-i Craig. Boprano. Knur anthcn-.i. by th* Srdo iMuhle «Jimrtct A aporia) musica.) servie, of sac----1 sona Sydney Lloyd Wrlghtann. director uf music, IUr- rj Murray, organist. 6:16. Christian Kndeavor T^a-Supp^r 6:41 -ChrlMtlnn Kndeavor ?··?··G S*rvir· 6:S0.SVENINO SKRVICB Sermón hv Pr Wood Subject -IHK KINGDOM OK THE COM.M'iN C'OH Bvrnlng «hoir of J00 voices Special noloiat, Tlernmn Kul¬ ler, baritone Sydney i.ic.yd Wrtghtson, director of musle. Harvey Murray, organ int: Claude Rnbeann, i'ian'st THCRSI'W. ?A START t», 19:0. 8:90.Midweek Prayer Bill »Isa ALL WHLCOMM._?4 Unitarian «VLL SOULS CHURCH, CORNER 1 Itti AND L BTS. CLTSSEB O. B. PIERCE. ? IV. Miniar.. 9 :4ft ·. In Sunday eehonl CI··· for th· Comparative Study of Religion 11 a in. Morning Bar« Ice, wrmnri hr 'he minister. There la al»o kindergarten during 'ha hour of morning worship. 8 p. m.. special rve*iing service, sermon hr Dr. Pierre. "The ?? hie the Mirror of the Soni." Program of mogie by Miss Nie. mann, contralto. Malor Tlttmann. baas Mr. Nemrier. violin. Mr Atwpter. organ Service followed by Infnrinal social hour. ':4 (.HACK HM'TIST.9th and ·*. «'. «ve. «G ?. PASTOR. G W JOHNSON 11 REV .1 C. Ml.LIAS. !'!lil«delp!ii». preach·· 7 «S- "THINKING IGNORANCE SAVKS" 24 Baptist En., Qauaain ''"»'or. Iella: How 1 . nfjl jwemj Know I'm going Intn Heaven.'' < ? m Height niiditorliini large free chaira irnen like thenil. song·« com* nosed bv th· paator. 11 a. ni "l'ont ?·. Incest. Pownr." C.at.BBlal Kapt. Ch .'ili . nd Bye ? e_14 Lecture. I org'd vour rvervdsy troubles and cms lo haar MAJOR MORCAN Give an tntar.stlng talk nn the Rlhle leg. .on tomorrow at 10 a ni at MT. TAPOR MKTIIOPIST l'Iti RCI!, 3t,th »t. and Wisconsin ave. Y. W. C. ?. T. W. G. ?. 1JI3 G St N W. 4;8fl G M. VBSPKR SERVICE, Mr and Mr· Fred S Untier. »Inging »«an gallai· An hour of aong and story, 24 Platform Meeting. First Congregational Church Tomorrow (Sunday! afternoon. I .'clock Ad.lr. «a. HON ISAAC l.OHK STIIA1 '.- Former Atlornev General of Mar« land Subject 'The Lord's Day and the Nation" _.'I Episcopal TRINITY CHURCH, 3rd «rut 4 Ma V >V. rvicRTnonv wants a momf. So do you Von ought to know «»hat a r·»! homi ?·. And ahar la t apeeiai work It ha· to perform At 8 ? m th· REV PAVID RANSOM '?\ ??.I. »ill *p«ak on "WHAT II TUB HOME KOR*" Er.ea.nrnt TOPIC AT 11 A. M. THE SERPENT" _ _U_ Salvation Arm« TH* SAI VATIOS ARMY ISaa.IH»I nom« for Men. Ill S'a aa» a«. ,. . under. 10 10 a m Truc» lay. ?;1ß ? m ( Umher· ?.··««?· ?»μ??·? ? . m ?·?ß· u. ?·".' |.|| ?"m Ri II oc nini-i HU. I,de., Maannle Temide, sth and F SI«. N. R. Snodar avhool. |? ? m Preaching. 11 ·. m anS r H ? m Slrangar» «r.lrom· J»li aa If Pethsiiy llaptiat Ch»rch In the even¬ ing on "The Nation· Dcatlny." The llev. Df, Hugh ? Stevenson will |.m .,. h III th· illuming uii "The Win laliy of Light." The R«v. Dr. Luther F Warner, pn-aideiit of th· Maryland Annual t nsferSRSR of the M ?. Church, will ? ? ¦ ·?> b a epet-ial aerinoti at tlie North ('¦indina Avenue ? ?, Church In th· evening. The R«v. J. Franklin ? van will preach at the 11 t m mi vu· on "The tjlory of Man'" The It. ? Linn C. Drake will oicup) the pulpit at ih.. Kendall Jlaptlat Church at the morning and evening B»rVlCSS, "Watchmen' will be hi» subject In the morning In the even¬ ing be will apeak on "Inviting lie·! ritinga " CHURCHES TO CONDUCT SECOND BIBLE CONTEST \1..v. m. ut lo Kncourage Study ?G Scriptures Plans Awsrdn Is) Children. A «eeoad cltv-whlo Bible ontcat, designed to encourage tlie aludy of the Scriptures, will be held beginning in February and coal inning until \prll 2i The subject will be the life of Vouch. Tlie coin nittee nn arr.ingénient? held · meeting in tlie Fil-nds church, Thirteenth and Irving Street», to COBS- plete plana f.ir the roRlsst. The plan for aw arda will be an- lounced ni s few day-. Th»· par· -tunnel of the varions commute.-h Is almost the came as in Ihe oiliest which was successfully conducted -omo time SCO. Il mi-lude* prominent religious, philanthropie, social, and Club lead· ra of the city. The mem- luih are: Arrangements . Mr·. i^oulse n. Iterili chairman; Mr· Kill· I<ogan, vice i.iuirman. Mrs. William B. An¬ drews. Mrs Wlllia.-n H. Beck. Mrs Philander P. Clax Ion, Mrs. Brasai M liaiiiel. Mra. Charle· V. Bu reside. Mr» lames A. Edgar. Mrs. J. W. Kribbelt. Mrs. .1 W. Orejnf, Mrs. William B. i;ibb, Mrs. Ma· HuUghtOR, Mr«. ? c. Hull, Mry. Jason Watci man, Mis* fjrace Pierce, Mrs. Isabella f'iirke, Mrs. tieorgo T. Smallwooil. Mrs Mary c. Sn.ll. Mrs. Uraco Spencer, Mr·. M. 1 Zoitler. < o m mil lee on .(¦¦ration·. Questions J >r. John C. Palmer président Föderation Pastora' l'iilona chairman; Mrs. Howard Hodaklns, presidi nt Federation Women'« Clubs. .Mr.-, .lohn ?. « "uJbertsori. president Women's Interdenominational HI« sionary Union; Dr. Forrest Pretty- man, · hapiain United States tienate: Theodore Hosteller, member execu¬ tivi committee Interdenominational Sunday school L'nlon; Milton Fair- ihild, president National Institution for Moral Education; Mis. Louise riardine Baril, chslrman i'.iblc de¬ partment D. C. Federation Women's lllba. ¦ onimltfrr on ? ? n ni. nn ? ion ·. Examination·.Mra Howard ?. Ifudgklns, president Federation Women's club-, chairman: Mrs. die- Scot! I tii ft » r. president Congre·· <¦' Mothers: George Otis Smith, presi¬ dent; Mis« Mu··- Deal, presiden) High School Teacher'« L'nlon; Paul A Draper, president Principals' Associ¬ ation of the Public Sch·.,.Ik: Herbert ;:. Demeron, president Federatlo Baptist Young People's Rocletle Mrs. William E. Chamberlain, pr»' .lent ('olisce Women's Club: Mrs. lohn c. itoyd, president Girla' Frii nd |y Societies; 11. [> Sh/iw, president Boy scouts; Mrs ciiftith Johnson director of rellglou« education foi Episcopal Diocese; Dr Lucius ciaii pastor chevy Ch» " ?. E Church, i>i J. Aivin Campbell, pasior Wal¬ lace Memorial Church; I>r. .lames l> lluhrer. pastor First Reformed Church: Floyd MlchseJa. presiden: Christian Endeavor; Dr. Benjamin .' Grossman; Clark Main, president of m E. Bpworth i.facu». *4 tannili Committee. T>r Cîeorge A- Miller, president Bible Society; Rtephen Elliott Kra¬ mer, assistant superintendent public schools Richard Wyche. president National Story Tellers' League. Mrs Emms Rnnford Stielten, preatdenl Woman's Christian Temperance Vn ion, Mrs. William Hamilton Bh\I> president Vnunc Women's Christian Association, Miss Maude Aito··, presi¬ dent Grade Teachers' l'nion; Mgr. c. F. Thomas, pastor St. Patrick's Church; Mr. "Wilbur Nash, Jr.. presi¬ dent Kpworth Lesene t'nion for the M. K. Church. South; Df. H, W. O Mulinatoti pastor Brookland Baptist Church; Or. l.indley Clark, pastor of Friends Church: Dr. Charles K. Pults, pastor 1'nite.l Brethren; l>r. John T. Muddle, pastor St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Art Committee Miss Annie Wilson, director of art In public schools; Clif¬ ford Hen vrnan. cartoonist for the Washington Evening Star, Malcolm Major, advertising artist for the Washington Herald. PLAN NEW D. C. CHURCH AS SOLDIER MEMORIAL As a tribute to American.« who served ov< rS'-as In the world wsr, a new church, inlcrdenominalion.il In its character, insy be erected In Washington. Under the plan, snnniineed In New- York yesl day. ? second church of the same ki id Will he built on Long Island. They will he known SS the Roosevelt churches. k \ formal campaign (or funds \\ be launched In the Collegiata Heform- ed Church of it. Nicholas, New York, tomorrow The campaign will be In charf« of 'he Itev. Lawrence Hunt, ? close frit nd of Colonel Roosevelt. TO TELL OF KOREA. ¦The Korean Revolution" win be the subject of an addrees lo he de. Ilvered hv the Itev. Dr. Phillip .lelsohn. director of the Bureau of in¬ formation of Hi.· "Republic of Korea." at Ihe reguliir meeting of Ihe Pastors' Federation on Monday morning at 11 o'clock at the New Tork Avenue Preebvl erlan Church Dr lelsohn Is principal of the Korean high school Honolulu, Hawaii, and Is one of Hie nio«t active workers In behalf of Korean Independence from Japanese imperialism. IV PARkllR'S HAIR BALSAM K#*n"*r· ?1· ?·?G ii(T i-Ms I a,? it,, R«Mtor*>· Color «net _Beauty to Gray and Fadod ll-tar ,' ~^^ MW* airi II ?? «a« 1rnrr>·»»« HAPENINGS IN SOCIETY Lansings Dinner Guests.Reception a ? French Embassy. Parties For Latin-American Visitors ??? tt.cr.tary uf State and Mr» LaUll.lllg Will be the |ii.|i.,r guest, at th. dinner win.li Wil¬ bur J. Carr, director uf Hie luniuUr aervlce, and Mr·. Carr will give to¬ night at Huuailier'». The »palliali \mba»«ador and Mine, d·' Ulano und tini Aiiibaaitadur uf l'eru and Mini-. l'elei will be Rjnong I tie aucat». Mrs. Charle· Sia·, uf Huston, arrived today tu attend th« dun., r and to be the guest i.f Mr«. Carr and her mollici, Mr·. Kara Kueo. Th· secretary «if Hie Treasury. Mr. (Hase, will givo un cifticial dinner ut the l'an-American liuildlng tonight to th. (li'l'Kain tu the »««.'und Pa·· American nuanci»! conference The delegates and inrinhra uf lililí fain- illea are spending today in An nap« II· ua guests uf the Sec re lui y of the N.iv > . nd were entertained at liancluoii there. Miss Margaret Wilson left M ingiuri I,mi «·?«·?????? tur ¡? »licit visit 10 Asili-ville, ?. C. The l-'rcrn h Aiuti,isaaditr ami Mine. Jusserand w.ie d.»-1r* at a ?«: d·· llgtltful riinctioll 1,1 I evening, ,1.1.1 tiiirniig In compliment to Mm.., Cl« iiirnceHii Inciiueiiialri . » Im made un gaMreas el the reception. rh, Secretar} ..? Htats >>?>? Mrs Lanalug and the Secrcfiry of II.· In let lor .ml .Mie. J^irie were presi ?'. and others in the company, which numbi-red about Iimi. wen- lln I nder- seeretary of Htats ansi Mr Krank l- I'ulk, the Assistant Secretary "f la·. Navy and Alt.·« I'rniiklm I) Roo···' v«ii. Rear Admiral and Mr·, cary T. Clrayson, Ifr. snd Mrs. Cliarles B. 11 n ml in. Mr. nnd Mr- Adolph Cm»· mi Miller, Qeaersl and Mrs T«sh*r llllss. Admiral and Mrs. William S. lìenson, Mr. and Mrs Louis llertle. .if «ìunstnn Hall; M re .'·«, -hall Iield. '?1. and Mrs. William dry Sanifcr Mrs. John Lindsay «forehead, and Henry White. Th« members of th. French embassy stalT were also près ent. fiarais at Dinner. The Spanish fVmhasssrlrir and Mme de Ulano were the guests of honor at the dinner which Mr. and Mrs. Waller Denegre cave last evening. The Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Lulu· dined with Mr«, .lames Carroll ITrager, who entertained for Mrs. Henry I-'. Dlmoek's guegt, Mis. Arthur Hodge of New York. The Secretary 01 Agriculture and Mrs. Houston and Senator and Mrg. Pet·· ijoelet lîerry w«re also hosts at dinner last evening. Amhaaaailor ? ? i, riela«. Tiie Argentine ambassador, Dr. To¬ ma.- LeBroton, entrriained at dinner laal «-vening in honor of Dr. Do¬ mingo E. Balaberry, Argentins minis¬ ter or finance, and head ,f the »r« geattBe delegation to the second l'an American financial conference The other iru'-sts were Secretary of the Treasury, Mr «lias.-; Secretary of Commerce. Mr. Alexander: !>r. Rich¬ arde C. Aidao. Luis B. Euberbuhler, delegates from Argentine; In. Leo S. Howe, head of the l.atln-Amrri "i division of the State Department; Al- «lii W. Kroch, of New York; Russi II ''. l.effingwell and Norman Davis, As¬ sistant Secretaries of the Treasury, loaeph C, Baldwin and Krault A. Van- e|| |i. of New- York ; R T. Sto' ¦- iiury. of Philadelphia; Julius (' L i\ if th« State Department: John Bar rett, director general of the pan- Vmerlcan Union; Die mayor of ? ? ton, Andrew .1. Peters; tl.c governo . r the Federal Reserve Board, Wll liam P. <;. Harding; the Argentin' minister to Venezuela, Hilarión Moreno, who is serving as COUnS' f the embassy here; Dr Pedro Pala nus. secreiary of the Argentine dl _.cion. and Alejandio Runge, tech¬ nical advisor to the delegation. The Chilean Ambassador and Se iiora Mathieu entertained at dil ??? last evening in honor of th Chilean delegates to the second I'm. American financial conference. The other gucstr» were ?*ie American Am¬ bassador to Mexico and Mt.<. II· nr e. Fletcher, Mr. Isquerdo, Mr an Mrs «laro, of Chile, Mr. Roble·, ? ? vVarburg and Mr. and Mrs Brad Of New York; .lohn Hay- llamr.-un 1 and Mr. and Mrs. láunapn. of Chile. senareir and Mrs. Medili McCormi '., entertained at a dinner last eventi m honor ot several of the delegates from South America to the l'a. American financial conference Th-ir guests were Sonor and Señora IM wards. Dr. Dec Ino, De. Bcteta. Mr and Mrs. Adolph C. Miller. Congre-a¬ man and Mrs. Henry D, Flood, Con pressman W. R. McKinley. Miss Jtlll« Mattis. Mme. Christian Haug·, Grl adier Cenerai and Mrs. Marlborough Churchill, ?. V. M ilrclg. of the i'.i lah embassy staff. Countess Q|g)ckJ and Mrs. William Hard. other dinners for delegate· to t|. l'an- Ann ? lean conference were givet by th" minister of Colombia, In Curios Adolfo Ifrueta, and by Di i,,.-.- Luis Tejada, formi r minist· of finance of Bolivia. IT Tei id. who entertained at Hotel Wash ? p Inn, had forty guests a-hed t.. p the members of the Bolivian <?·? tion. Dr. Pomponio Ousmsn, mini." ter of finance of Colombia, anil Charles S. Hamlln. of the lederai Ri serve Board« were the honor gui ut Dr. Vrueta's dinner. The Minister of the Serbs. Croat? and Slovenes and Mine. Qroultch «vili give a dinner on Thursdny evening. February 3. In honor of the Secretary >f State ar..'. Mrs L-inelng. On Tuesday Dr. and Mine. Qroulteh hud an informal luncheon lor the legni ¡on stuff and members To Help Make Strong, Keen Red-Blooded .nericane UHED M OW Brine ti«ed by orer three ^ million people annually ^a It will increti, th» _2»^ strength of wnk. tr^F'r\'-r\ou%. run · down iolkl in tao »eri«' «me In rnsnr In .l»nee«. A»lc your doctor or druggitt of the Mei blau colony In W ssliliigtuii m ?. Illation of the minister's tei. day. This s iterassi* Mm«, urouiuh »111 «peak between the act« at the matinee at l'olia Theater In behalf of th« Actoi· Meniotlal Day beuetit to be held next ST.I Stria» Mlalalcr Herr. 1 t ?.. » miniater ol .-« ItSW ? laad and Mine. Marc i'.ici. »Im MVlVSsI m Washington ><ateiduy, have taken apurtinenta In H animali Park Hot. I lor several wick«. Mis. William II. Hoaiilmaii and Ml«· Mabel lloirdmun «ill cut. Main at dinner lonlglit. Mr and Mm «icore«· T. Marye will he host« ut dinner tonight. Mrs. Mary·'· siater, Mr». Audi ¦¦ w Moreland, arrived today from Pittsburgh to be her gU'».t. Mrs. perry Heath will he hoste»· at . ?·.· this afternoon, entertaining at h>r residence, I1M H sir. et. Mr«. E H «¡hein ami Mr* Churl··» Wood «ill pr« -ole at Ilo t,t table, and tin hoate»· will he asalateil hv Mrs. War r. n Q Harding, Mr.s. Jaime ? Mano. Mrs. Albert L, Mills anil Mis» Mather no- Mill The tea table la decorateli in while lilac» aod Klllaruey rose» Mrs. Horace Muciarland will give tea this alt. moon In compliment to Mrs. Walter «'rosi··)-, who arrive.I yeaterdg) to he ber guest for a fort Bight. Mi». Septimus Austin and Mr... .lames Pr> or Tarvln will he ? the teg table and others assisting will I..· Mrs. F H. Moran and Mm Mal. oim McCOBlhe, mother and »later of th. hostess. Mr». Mlddleton Elliott and .Mrs l.arner. Mrs Frank Andereon ani her daughter. Mrs. Bush Southgate Pay will he at home Informally thl» after- nooa atol sgals next Suturday. The> will he assisted today by Mr·. C. <" Marbury, Mm. P. L*?e Phillip» and Mrs. «¡eorge c. Van Uuaen, of Min- neapolla, who is spending the winter In Washington, .lapaneae lliplnmnt Leave·. KaisuJI 1 «-buchi. who has been counselor of the Japunese embassy for .eversi year», has been appointed cliHtge d'affaires of the Japanese em¬ bassy In Berlin, and will leave for his new pout as soon as ho recovers from the attack of Influenza from which he la aufferlng. Mr. and Mr«. Charlea Laurence will return to their home In New York today aft· r a short visit with Repre¬ sentative aod Mrs. Nicholas l.ong- worth. Col A. F. A. N. Thome, assistant military attache of the British em- hassy, and Mrs. Thome have gee ? to Oitowa, and are guests at Govern¬ ment House for a week. St. John ? ? linea' (.neat·. Mr. and Mrs. St. John Frvlne, of Kiit-land. are at the Willard for a short stay. Mr. Ervine is the au¬ thor of the play "John Ferguson." which In being presented here this ¦reek. Edwin Morgan. American Ambas¬ sador to Brazil, who has been in Washington for a visit, will leave town tomorrow on his way to his i'OSt. Mrs. Richard H. Chinn and Mrs -nia China Walker will give a tea ¡ance this afternoon at the Washinc- ori Club) In compliment to Mrs ¦Yalker'l daughter. Miss Elizabeth '.Hlk.r. Mrs. Lou I* Wllcox, of Bal- Imore; Mrs. Edward H. Alsop, and Mrs. Kllphalet Frazer Andre«-« will preside at the tea table, and others usalatlng will he Miss Elisabeth 'hlnn, Miss Muriel Denys, arni a .loup of the debutantes of this sea¬ son. Tonight Mrs. Walker will cnter- "in at a young pcopl's dinner at the *?G? St. Marks for Miss Walker. fei cousin, M.ss Emily Price, who nade ner debut in Baltimore this 'inter. WS· to have been the guests ut will be prevented hy illness from being present. Mr and Mrs. Henry Marquant!. r>f N'ew- York, who have spent a great leal of time in Washington In the last >car or two have purchased a h< ure m Nineteenth street and will nake their fututc home here. Mr. and Mrs. r,. T. Sladen will en- tertaJn a party of twelve at the sap¬ per dance at the Cafe. Mark's tonight. Mr». M l. Stlth Here. Mrs. M. L. Stitli. of Detroit, Tins ; mei lier husbanil at Wariiman Park Hotel to iinnin several days, Mr ¦eaeae » aa»·» « « « si ««·«¦«¦ OLD-TIME COLD CURE-DRINK TEA! Gel s small package of Hamburg ?? ? al any pharmacy Take ? iblespoolifiil of thi.< tlSJnburg tea. ut ? Clip "f boiling water upon It, ur thron·., h a sieve and ili nk s irarupful at ruiy time. It the most prtlve «a> lo break a cold and ire t:rip. as it opens the pore«, re- pvlng congestion. Also loosen.« the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once li t.- Inexpensive end entirely veg able, therefore hsrmlces. Bluer than calomel Thnu?nnds Have Discovered Dr. ^wards' Olive Tablets are a I formless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets.the sub¬ stitute for calomel.are a mild but sure laxative, and tlioir effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. These little oüve- rolored tablets arc the result of Dr. Ed * «alls determination not to treat uvrrand bowel complaints with calomel. The pleasant little tablets do the pnod that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. Thev don't injure the troth like e?t??? liquids or calomel. They take hold of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the ciprnse of the teeth? Calomel sometimes ? ilays havoc with the gums, bo do strong liquids. It is beet not to take calomel. I*t Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets tnkc its place. Headaches, "dullness" «nd that lazy feeling etime from constmaüon and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive 1 ablets when von feel "logy"and heavy." Thev "clear"clouded brain wd "perkup"thrspirit* 10cand2ûi. strth h«· tuiiriiM eonssectlons In Washington. Mr«. Jefferson riaiilinin announces th. marriage of her granddaughter, Miss. Mariana Kliaabeth Nayl.n, to Ldward Harold Williamson on Sat¬ urday, January Hi, In Philadelphia. Th. young couple will live in Phila¬ delphia. Mi V\ illianiauii. who was m th. navy during- tli. war. wa. ate· tinned In Waahlngloo fur two year·. »ir: Menduin A. Hlumenberg. of the Highland», ha· been compelled by illneaa to recall invitations for the (.-a »he wa» to have given on 'In·· lay afternoon, January 27. The officer» of the Women's Guild uf Calvary M. K. Church will receive mi Wednesday, January ÜH, from 3 to I o'clock ut (he home of Mr.. J. I. Nuber, 1L'7 Columbia Itoad. Mlaa Butler To I . ?... r Ml.· Virginia Huiler will give the second of a »eri.· of ten lecture· on art this afternoon at ß o'clock before the Women*· City flub, 22 i.i. k.-on place. Miss Butler will talk on (¿reek art. wining the Washington women who have enrolled in the course ace Mia. in.und Li crinan Misa Louise Pat¬ terson. Mies Doiothy White, Miss S h·-, of the Dunlsh legation; Air*. I'.lien Spencer Musaey, Mrs. II. it Hurton, Miss Mary Dunn, and Mrs. l'euri Moore (Jruy. At the reception to be given In honor of Mme. Margarita Sylva by Mrs. Pearl Moore Gray tomorrow iiiernoon ut h«-r horn«·, ?'400 Sixteenth «tree!. Mrs. Gray will bo assisi« <1 by Mrs. Newton D. Baker. Mr». Kdouard Albion, und Miss Kllzabeth Howry, of the Washington Opera Organization collimine«·, and by Mrs. Charle» Pair· fa.*, Mrs. Frederick Karrington, and Mrs. Luc-· h. fole» Pomeroy. The volunteer services of Mme. Sylva, who will sing the role of Car¬ men at several performances of the Washington Opera Company during the week of February 0. have brought her Into the life of Washington In ns art wor!d. and this occasion Is offered to extend lier a personal wel¬ come and an appreciation of her great contribution to the community. The Robert K. Lee Chapter. U. D. C, will hold Ita regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening·. January 27, at the Confederate Memorial Home, 1322 V'-'mort svonue. After the regular order .if bugni- the following pro- ¡r«m w li be given: Karl carbaugh. songs; Misg Wil- mutli Oary, piano aolo; J. Lewis Moneyway, sketches in black and white; Mihh Ruby Kaymond, charac¬ ter songi; Miss Uuth Warnall, horn¬ pipe, and the Misses Mildred Hanson, Oertrude Louis and Kitty McLean, the Highland fling- Mrs. Walter E. Huiton, president of the chapter, will preside. Mrs. Samuel Burleigh Milton will e at home informally tomorrow aft- crnoon from 4 to ß o'clock and every Sunday afternoon until Lent. Tomor¬ row she will be assisted by her Bieter, Mr Wilfred Geiet Fronhelser. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosenborg will give a reception tomorrow evening from 7.-.?? to H o'clock at 1441 Ken« nedy street, which will bo in the na¬ ture of a house«arming. They will be assisted by Miss Mary Rosenburg, Mrs. H. A. Oiiker, Miss Minnie Weis- lenber·*. Miss Cecilia Wolf, Miss Irfna Wolf, Miss Leah Kaminsky, Miss Pre Ida Kirkstein. Miss Helen Schwartz, and Miss Sid Brlsgol, of Philadelphia, THE EAGLE AMERICAN-CHINESE RESTAURANT 316 Ninth St. N. W. Musine·· Lunch. t.V·. 11 »o 2 Dally. Special Dinner. i¡:»e up, S to 8 I'M. «unila.v niiiaer. II A.M. to 8 P.M. Special attention alven to arter. .healer partie«. Telephone Frnwkltll 7G? IF YOU HAD A NECK aa lomo aa this pcllow, ano had SORE THROAT TONSILINE wouLO ouicaxr auji vi IT sso-aadesc BseaMsJ BU·,··» Ì YOUR HORSE FALL UN ICÏ STREETS! G»* ???????'? 0\ IKHIIOKM. ru».r auteed lu prevent »llppm*. strapped un uver old »ho· in a in nut·*, $3,00 per «vet with «trap· ?p? ..u· m·-« We alao make the beat TRI < ? Tire CheJs·»*; vet them G?μ??? vour ¦upply deal· r or eend un your Tru'··.· tf) ... titeé. We are l.ateU in th« telephone directory under «.'ha-n n.a.t- IIIHMiN < ????? CO.. ??. ? m. >. %V. I'ri.iiir Main 16«. IS >\: Dr BU LUS Cough Syrup FOR THE ILLS OF SLOPPY WEATHER A Woman's Right is to «enjoy good health. The secret of good health is chiefly to maintain nor· mal activity of the stomach, bowel·, lirer, skin and kidneys, BEECHAM'S PILLS Ur»M« Sala ·** Any Mats» ciae 10 Ik» World. Sold «»tifwhari. U l~,«.. 10c, 25«. Miller's Anllaeptlc Oil, Kaomi aa Snake Oil Will malm, ?. Helle,r Pain la a ? >«··¦ Minate·. Try tt right now for Rheumatism. Neu¬ ralgia. Lumbago, «ore. «tiff and swollen Joint«, pain In the head, back and limbs, corn«, bunion«, etc. After one application pain usually disappears if Ir magic. A new remedy need Internally and ex¬ ternally for Cough», Cold«, rroup, Influ¬ enza, Sore Throat, Mphthcrla and Tonsi- lltla Thi« Oil conceded to be the meat pene¬ trating remedy known Its prompt «nd Immediate effect in relieving pain la due to the fait that it penetrate» to the af¬ fected part« at olire. an Illustratine., pour ten drops on the thickest piece of «ole leather anel it will penetrate this substance through and through in three minutes Accept no substitute. This gr^ii' oil la golden red col.»r only. Manufactured by Herb .Tuicc Medicine «Ompany. I'very bet- Room Renters! Get Ready for ¦sBnnSSSlsasSBSJafSsasas· ^a»»»BB««a»»».Mawa»»»»»»»«a«»«»»B.ak>sWs. .S»JBTf»ajSjajSj»T4ssss· The Shipping Board .the entire Philadelphia of¬ fice force of approximately 1,700 employes is coming: to Washington. If you have a room, furnished or unfurnished, phone The Times right now, Main 5260 and insert an ad.

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NOBODY liCwTto be around a

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Spray» and gargles and local rim-

dies do not touch a cough of this.und. The system must be built up tothrew It off.Milks Kmulslnn cleanses the stem

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Ue The Milks Rmulsl.·¦· Terr·HajltC Ind e],i hy druggi \rr\-

<So to Church Comorrou)grroícrs ComorroujSermona touching upon mundane as

well a» spiritual mattai· will be{M. *td In the city's church pu.pit« to¬morrow, on· or th· »igmnVant topicsbelo* that of th« Rev. Dr. Charle· A.liatón, of New York, who will preachIn the »venina st the First Congrega¬tional Church on "l'an Christianity BeChristianised?" At 11 a, m. lie willpreach on "How to B« Happy "

"Hew I Know I'm Qolng IntoHeaven" snd "Pust-Pentecost Power".re the «venins and morning sermon

topics of the Rev. K. lies »wem, ofthe Centennial liaptlst Church.

The Rev. Dr. James Hhera Mont¬gomery, of the Calvaiy M 1·:. Church,will preach at 11 a. m. on "ThiStrength and Comfort of a ChristianMemory." The tnS)l« for his eveningsermon will be "Raymond snd Spirit¬ualism by Sir Oliver l^odge."

"Truth" will be the aermon themeat the following ("hrlatian Scienceehurches: First Church, Columbiaroad and Kuclld street; Secondfhurch, Northeast Masonl«· Temple;Third Church, Masonl·' Temple;Fourth Church. th>· Arcade

In his church announcement todayllie Rev. Dr ?, M Towers of Hie 1'nl-versallst Church, »ay»: "The Japancaelun now lie, steal and kill almost aa

well aa any Christian: bring home themlealonaries." Dr. Power« v. ill preachin the morning on "Hindering One-»elf," and at the evening nervio- lie

will give an illustrated travel talkon "What About Ireland?"

At the Church of Life and ?> l«14N' etreet northwest, the Rev. C. A.Wrsgff will preach at 1 ? ?. in. oa"How to Dirt for Health und Spiritual(¦rowth." The Rev. I>r. Han y lisiewill deliver the evening" aernr.n, hisHubject lieini; "Your Birthright ofSuccess and How To Claim It."

The Rev. Dr Herbert F. Randolphof the Foundry M. K. Church will havelor hin morning snd evening aermon

topli-M, reapectlvely. "The· tioldenPnanlonal" and "The Penitence ofPeter." "Pennsylvania State Nlglit,"will be observed at the lipworthLeague service at ß: 16 p. m.

The subject for the morning *er-

mon of the Rev. Dr. Clovis O. Chap-Ball at the Mount Vernon Place M.K. Church will be "An Old l.oveSong." In the evening he willpreach on "The Adventure of the ManThat Nobody Wanted."

The Rev. Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierceof All Soula' Unitarian Church willhavo for his evening sermon topic."The Bible, The Mirror of the Soul."He will also preach In tho morning.

At the Church of the Covenant, theRev. Dr. Charlen Wood will preachat the evening service on "The King-

1"M 1111 I ¦H-l-I-i-M I I 1 I II I 1 ?Church of Life and ¦¦

Joy«1 llie

New Thought Temple':ISM "N" Mt., N. M.

St.NDAV. ,???G??? ?G>. j¡4.11:1?."How to diet for Health and... . Spiritual (.rimili I·» C. ?. Hr»n...¦.13:30.Prosperity Claa«, directed by I .· ·

¦I. Hlller.S:1S."Your Rlrthrtaht of Boeeeaa and" '

Ho« to Claim It," by Harry <;·»*,·"Minister.

\\ MMaphyaic&l Library anil Ttea<lingeea ,Room» open r»very day In the woeli.

??,?. ????????.!f1·?-? I 1 1 ? ?"?"?"?"1· ?-1'?-? 1"?-?··1"?"?"1-1·


First Congregational CburchTenth and G SU. N. W.REV. WILMKR G. JOHNSTON,

Asiiatant Taitor.

NEW YORK.Will preach at

?? A. M...HOW TO BL: HAPPY.".



Christian Science


Th· Churrh«· of Oirt«t. Scianti·«, ofw anhingt on are:

first ChurchColumbia road and Kuclld si,

Second ChurrhU. K. Meaonlc Trmpl». Ith and F ?. ?

Third ChurrhMaaonlo T'mpie. nth and ?. ? av«

Fourth ChurchTha Arrada, I4«h «nd r»rh rd

Helijeet: ·t??:??."MilV!CMSunday. 11 ? M and « r \«


li e'oleck.?G.????? ROOMS

Colorad· RM« . 1 4th and O «ta Heiira.» to » tW»d. J te I, and Sun. andholiday». ? jn to t. ¡toi

IS03 Adama Mill Rd. N. W. Rour· 1"t^ « l>«r«ti R*»tl «?» fundara ???lidi,lavai

tl» r.»at ( apllol St. Unir» IJ in 1 »e·»day* "«'»?? holiday«) «t«n ¡ So tn

10 «tunda \ a

The Arrad·. Mth and Park rd taaeond«Inori. IO «n l>:J" waak day· al«o 7 lolo I B> m. («vrep* Wadnaaday·). Ti

doni of Ih. Common Oood " H. willalso pi ««uh at H a m. Th. U.V. Dr.Iluward Talbut will apeak at (li. a 30? m. luaplratluiial »»rvlc. ou "«.'Un·tian Oartalaty."

Til.. Dr. Karl. Wllfley of the theVermont Avenue Christian Church vallipreach at the 11 a ni. a.rvic.a. Therewill b. mutimi plctuie» with specialmude at th« evening aervlc.

Service, will be conducted at (heusual hum» at Hie following Salva¬tion army quarter·: itJU r.nnay tvanlaav.nue, northwest, ?d??? Sevi-uth. tr.et, noi tliwest. ? .SS Seventh Uriel,aoulhea.t.? special ma»» for newspapermen

and all-night workers will be cele¬

brated at St. l'an el, .·, at 4 a. in

The Rev. Dr. Wallace Kadcliffe. ofHi«« New York Avenue !'re»bylcrlan.will preach In the evening on "The(Jreat uuif Kiaeu."

At the Teck Memorial I'rcabyterlanChurch, the Itev lu-. Irving Wint. hum will preach at 11 a. in. on"The Heul Jesu- " III· evening Hun¬ter ? «III be "(Jod. Moses, l'haraoh.and Modern Conditions." Mrs.Char!·· Wood, wife of tin Uev. Dr.V\ ood, will give an Illustrili·'·! lec¬ture Monday night on "The iiatlle-tlelds of Kuropo."

Th«· subject lor the llcv lu. ¡eorge?. Miller's evening sermon at theNinth Street Christian Church will b··Spiritualism." There will be com¬munion at 11 a. m. and CongrOMmanJohn M. Robinson of Kentucky Millleach the men's Bible class at 0 a. in.

I'rayera for the full recovery orI'ri'sldent Wilson will he said at noontomorrow at the Hellenic Church.Sixth and C streets southeast, by theItev. M. Q, Mctaxopniilo.,.

The Uev. Hr. II. ?. ltrundage, of theBeklagten Pree»yterl»n church, winliave for his illumina and «venin*" ser¬mon subjects, respei lively, "I'roof okI ilscipleshlp" and "Life's ControllingMotives."

At the First Baptist Church theRev. Dr. Henry .Mien Tupper willpreach ut 11 a. m. on 'Success; It h

Source," and at H p. m. on "Suicida.It's ¿5ó;¡r"c."

"The Divine Flam·" will be t 1ritornine sermon topic of the Itev. Irr.(¡ove Hrifflth Johnson, of the. Irn-manu.l Baptist Church, He willpreach in the evening on "Jew, fjen-:11c, and church of Hod."

Special services will be conducted;it the Bethlehem chapel of the Epis¬copal Cathedral in honor of the fessiof St. Paul, The Right Rev. Hrlames Tie Wolf Terry, bishop ofRhode Island, will preach al the peo¬ple's evensong and sermon at -I p. in

"Spiritual efficiency" will be t liesubject of the morning sermon hy theKev. Dr. Paul Sperry. at the Churchof the New Jerusalem. In the even¬ing his sermon theme will he"Swedenborgs Spiritual Kxperiences."

The Rev. Or. William T. Adame, ofSeattle, Wash., will preach at the

Presbyterian???ß??? or THE covenant.

< «inn. »ve. and ? nt.Iti-JV. i'HUIIKS WOrin, I' !>. Minister

SI'NHAY. JANUART It, 19:0.»:39.Sl'N'IiAY SCHOOL, wlrh Men's »nd

vVi'Tnen'· eia«···.11:10 Morning «ervlre Hr Wood

preache»:i :. .ii -Thirty fifth Inspirational Servir·

Ree. Howard Talbot will preach SubjectCHRISTIAN· CERTAINTY." Sp». isl »...

loist, Nett.-i Craig. Boprano. Knur anthcn-.i.by th* Srdo iMuhle «Jimrtct A aporia)musica.) servie, of sac----1 sona SydneyLloyd Wrlghtann. director uf music, IUr-rj Murray, organist.6:16.Christian Kndeavor T^a-Supp^r6:41 -ChrlMtlnn Kndeavor ?··?··G S*rvir·6:S0.SVENINO SKRVICB Sermón hv

Pr Wood Subject -IHK KINGDOM OKTHE COM.M'iN C'OH Bvrnlng «hoir ofJ00 voices Special noloiat, Tlernmn Kul¬ler, baritone Sydney i.ic.yd Wrtghtson,director of musle. Harvey Murray, organint: Claude Rnbeann, i'ian'st

THCRSI'W. ?A START t», 19:0.8:90.Midweek Prayer Bill »Isa

ALL WHLCOMM._?4Unitarian


CLTSSEB O. B. PIERCE. ? IV. Miniar..9 :4ft ·. In Sunday eehonl CI··· for

th· Comparative Study of Religion11 a in. Morning Bar« Ice, wrmnri hr

'he minister.There la al»o kindergarten during 'ha

hour of morning worship.8 p. m.. special rve*iing service, sermon

hr Dr. Pierre. "The ?? hie the Mirror of theSoni." Program of mogie by Miss Nie.mann, contralto. Malor Tlttmann. baasMr. Nemrier. violin. Mr Atwpter. organService followed by Infnrinal social hour. ':4

(.HACK HM'TIST.9th and ·*. «'. «ve. «G ?.PASTOR. G W JOHNSON

11 REV .1 C. Ml.LIAS. !'!lil«delp!ii».preach··


BaptistEn., Qauaain ''"»'or. Iella: How 1

. nfjl jwemj Know I'm going IntnHeaven.'' < ? m Height niiditorliini largefree chaira irnen like thenil. song·« com*nosed bv th· paator. 11 a. ni "l'ont ?·.Incest.Pownr." C.at.BBlal Kapt. Ch .'ili. nd Bye ? e_14

Lecture.I org'd vour rvervdsy troubles and cms


Give an tntar.stlng talk nn the Rlhle leg..on tomorrow at 10 a ni at

MT. TAPOR MKTIIOPIST l'Iti RCI!,3t,th »t. and Wisconsin ave.

Y. W. C. ?.T. W. G. ?.

1JI3 G St N W.4;8fl G M. VBSPKR SERVICE,Mr and Mr· Fred S Untier. »Inging »«an

gallai· An hour of aong and story, 24

Platform Meeting.First Congregational ChurchTomorrow (Sunday! afternoon. I .'clock

Ad.lr. «a.HON ISAAC l.OHK STIIA1 '.-

Former Atlornev General of Mar« landSubject

'The Lord's Day and the Nation"_.'I


3rd «rut 4 Ma V >V.

rvicRTnonv wants a momf.So do you Von ought to know «»hat a

r·»! homi ?·. And ahar la t h« apeeiai workIt ha· to perform At 8 ? m th· REVPAVID RANSOM '?\ ??.I. »ill *p«ak on"WHAT II TUB HOME KOR*" Er.ea.nrntTOPIC AT 11 A. M. THE SERPENT"_ _U_

Salvation Arm«TH* SAI VATIOS ARMY ISaa.IH»I nom«for Men. Ill S'a aa» a«. ,.

.under. 10 10 a m Truc» lay. ?;1ß ? m( Umher· ?.··««?· ?»µ??·? ? . m ?·?ß·u. ?·".' |.||

?"m Ri II oc nini-i HU. I,de.,Maannle Temide, sth and F SI«. N. R.Snodar avhool. |? ? m Preaching. 11 ·.

m anS r H ? m Slrangar» «r.lrom·J»li aa If

Pethsiiy llaptiat Ch»rch In the even¬ing on "The Nation· Dcatlny." Thellev. Df, Hugh ? Stevenson will|.m .,. h III th· illuming uii "The Winlaliy of Light."The R«v. Dr. Luther F Warner,

pn-aideiit of th· Maryland Annualt nsferSRSR of the M ?. Church, will? ? ¦ ·?> b a epet-ial aerinoti at tlie North('¦indina Avenue ? ?, Church In th·evening. The R«v. J. Franklin

? van will preach at the 11 t mmi vu· on "The tjlory of Man'"

The It. ? Linn C. Drake will oicup)the pulpit at ih.. Kendall JlaptlatChurch at the morning and eveningB»rVlCSS, "Watchmen' will be hi»subject In the morning In the even¬

ing be will apeak on "Inviting lie·!ritinga "


\1..v. m. ut lo Kncourage Study ?GScriptures Plans Awsrdn

Is) Children.

A «eeoad cltv-whlo Bible ontcat,designed to encourage tlie aludy of

the Scriptures, will be held beginningin February and coal inning until\prll 2i The subject will be the lifeof Vouch.

Tlie coin nittee nn arr.ingénient?held · meeting in tlie Fil-nds church,Thirteenth and Irving Street», to COBS-plete plana f.ir the roRlsst.The plan for aw arda will be an-

lounced ni s few day-. Th»· par·-tunnel of the varions commute.-h Isalmost the came as in Ihe oiliestwhich was successfully conducted-omo time SCO. Il mi-lude* prominentreligious, philanthropie, social, andClub lead· ra of the city. The mem-luih are:

Arrangements . Mr·. i^oulse n.Iterili chairman; Mr· Kill· I<ogan,vice i.iuirman. Mrs. William B. An¬drews. Mrs Wlllia.-n H. Beck. MrsPhilander P. Clax Ion, Mrs. Brasai Mliaiiiel. Mra. Charle· V. Bu reside. Mr»lames A. Edgar. Mrs. J. W. Kribbelt.Mrs. .1 W. Orejnf, Mrs. William B.i;ibb, Mrs. Ma· HuUghtOR, Mr«. ? c.

Hull, Mry. Jason Watci man, Mis*fjrace Pierce, Mrs. Isabella f'iirke,Mrs. tieorgo T. Smallwooil. Mrs Maryc. Sn.ll. Mrs. Uraco Spencer, Mr·.M. 1 Zoitler.

< om mil lee on .(¦¦ration·.

Questions J >r. John C. Palmerprésident Föderation Pastora' l'iilonachairman; Mrs. Howard '· Hodaklns,presidi nt Federation Women'« Clubs..Mr.-, .lohn ?. « "uJbertsori. presidentWomen's Interdenominational HI«sionary Union; Dr. Forrest Pretty-man, · hapiain United States tienate:Theodore Hosteller, member execu¬tivi committee InterdenominationalSunday school L'nlon; Milton Fair-ihild, president National Institutionfor Moral Education; Mis. Louiseriardine Baril, chslrman i'.iblc de¬partment D. C. Federation Women's

lllba.¦ onimltfrr on ? ? n ni. nn ? ion ·.

Examination·.Mra Howard ?.Ifudgklns, president FederationWomen's club-, chairman: Mrs. die-Scot! I tii ft » r. president Congre·· <¦'Mothers: George Otis Smith, presi¬dent; Mis« Mu··- Deal, presiden)High School Teacher'« L'nlon; Paul ADraper, president Principals' Associ¬ation of the Public Sch·.,.Ik: Herbert;:. Demeron, president FederatloBaptist Young People's RocletleMrs. William E. Chamberlain, pr»'.lent ('olisce Women's Club: Mrs.lohn c. itoyd, president Girla' Frii nd|y Societies; 11. [> Sh/iw, presidentBoy scouts; Mrs ciiftith Johnsondirector of rellglou« education foiEpiscopal Diocese; Dr Lucius ciaiipastor chevy Ch» " ?. E Church,i>i J. Aivin Campbell, pasior Wal¬lace Memorial Church; I>r. .lames l>lluhrer. pastor First ReformedChurch: Floyd MlchseJa. presiden:Christian Endeavor; Dr. Benjamin .'Grossman; Clark Main, president ofm E. Bpworth i.facu». *4

tannili Committee.T>r Cîeorge A- Miller, president

Bible Society; Rtephen Elliott Kra¬mer, assistant superintendent publicschools Richard Wyche. presidentNational Story Tellers' League. MrsEmms Rnnford Stielten, preatdenlWoman's Christian Temperance Vnion, Mrs. William Hamilton Bh\I>president Vnunc Women's ChristianAssociation, Miss Maude Aito··, presi¬dent Grade Teachers' l'nion; Mgr. c.F. Thomas, pastor St. Patrick'sChurch; Mr. "Wilbur Nash, Jr.. presi¬dent Kpworth Lesene t'nion for theM. K. Church. South; Df. H, W. OMulinatoti pastor Brookland BaptistChurch; Or. l.indley Clark, pastor ofFriends Church: Dr. Charles K. Pults,pastor 1'nite.l Brethren; l>r. John T.Muddle, pastor St. Paul's LutheranChurch.

Art Committee Miss Annie Wilson,director of art In public schools; Clif¬ford Hen vrnan. cartoonist for theWashington Evening Star, MalcolmMajor, advertising artist for theWashington Herald.


As a tribute to American.« whoserved ov< rS'-as In the world wsr, anew church, inlcrdenominalion.il Inits character, insy be erected InWashington.Under the plan, snnniineed In New-

York yesl day. ? second church ofthe same ki id Will he built on LongIsland. They will he known SS theRoosevelt churches. k

\ formal campaign (or funds \\be launched In the Collegiata Heform-ed Church of it. Nicholas, New York,tomorrow The campaign will be Incharf« of 'he Itev. Lawrence Hunt,? close frit nd of Colonel Roosevelt.

TO TELL OF KOREA.¦The Korean Revolution" win be

the subject of an addrees lo he de.Ilvered hv the Itev. Dr. Phillip.lelsohn. director of the Bureau of in¬formation of Hi.· "Republic of Korea."at Ihe reguliir meeting of Ihe Pastors'Federation on Monday morning at 11o'clock at the New Tork AvenuePreebvl erlan Church Dr lelsohn Isprincipal of the Korean high schoola» Honolulu, Hawaii, and Is one ofHie nio«t active workers In behalf ofKorean Independence from Japaneseimperialism.



K#*n"*r· ?1· ?·?G ii(T i-Ms I a,? it,,

R«Mtor*>· Color «net_Beauty to Gray and Fadod ll-tar

,' ~^^ MW* airi II ?? «a« 1rnrr>·»»«

HAPENINGS IN SOCIETYLansings Dinner Guests.Reception a ? French Embassy.

Parties For Latin-American Visitors??? tt.cr.tary uf State and Mr»

LaUll.lllg Will be the |ii.|i.,rguest, at th. dinner win.li Wil¬

bur J. Carr, director uf Hie luniuUraervlce, and Mr·. Carr will give to¬night at Huuailier'». The »palliali\mba»«ador and Mine, d·' Ulano undtini Aiiibaaitadur uf l'eru and Mini-.l'elei will be Rjnong I tie aucat».

Mrs. Charle· Sia·, uf Huston, arrivedtoday tu attend th« dun., r and to bethe guest i.f Mr«. Carr and her mollici,Mr·. Kara Kueo.

Th· secretary «if Hie Treasury. Mr.(Hase, will givo un cifticial dinner utthe l'an-American liuildlng tonight toth. (li'l'Kain tu the »««.'und Pa··American nuanci»! conference Thedelegates and inrinhra uf lililí fain-illea are spending today in An nap« II·ua guests uf the Sec re lui y of the N.iv >.nd were entertained at liancluoiithere.

Miss Margaret Wilson left Mingiuri I,mi «·?«·?????? tur ¡? »licit visit10 Asili-ville, ?. C.

The l-'rcrn h Aiuti,isaaditr ami Mine.Jusserand w.ie d.»-1r* at a ?«: d··llgtltful riinctioll 1,1 I evening, ,1.1.1

tiiirniig In compliment to Mm..,Cl« iiirnceHii Inciiueiiialri . » Im madeun gaMreas el the reception.

rh, Secretar} ..? Htats >>?>? MrsLanalug and the Secrcfiry of II.· Inlet lor .ml .Mie. J^irie were presi ?'.and others in the company, whichnumbi-red about Iimi. wen- lln I nder-seeretary of Htats ansi Mr Krank l-I'ulk, the Assistant Secretary "f la·.Navy and Alt.·« I'rniiklm I) Roo···'v«ii. Rear Admiral and Mr·, cary T.Clrayson, Ifr. snd Mrs. Cliarles B.11 n ml in. Mr. nnd Mr- Adolph Cm»·mi Miller, Qeaersl and Mrs T«sh*rllllss. Admiral and Mrs. William S.lìenson, Mr. and Mrs Louis llertle..if «ìunstnn Hall; M re .'·«, -hall Iield.'?1. and Mrs. William dry SanifcrMrs. John Lindsay «forehead, andHenry White. Th« members of th.French embassy stalT were also prèsent.

fiarais at Dinner.The Spanish fVmhasssrlrir and Mme

de Ulano were the guests of honorat the dinner which Mr. and Mrs.Waller Denegre cave last evening.The Secretary of the Interior and

Mrs. Lulu· dined with Mr«, .lamesCarroll ITrager, who entertained forMrs. Henry I-'. Dlmoek's guegt, Mis.Arthur Hodge of New York. TheSecretary 01 Agriculture and Mrs.Houston and Senator and Mrg.Pet·· ijoelet lîerry w«re also hostsat dinner last evening.

Amhaaaailor ? ? i, riela«.

Tiie Argentine ambassador, Dr. To¬ma.- LeBroton, entrriained at dinnerlaal «-vening in honor of Dr. Do¬mingo E. Balaberry, Argentins minis¬ter or finance, and head ,f the »r«geattBe delegation to the second l'anAmerican financial conference Theother iru'-sts were Secretary of theTreasury, Mr «lias.-; Secretary ofCommerce. Mr. Alexander: !>r. Rich¬arde C. Aidao. Luis B. Euberbuhler,delegates from Argentine; In. Leo S.Howe, head of the l.atln-Amrri "i

division of the State Department; Al-«lii W. Kroch, of New York; Russi II''. l.effingwell and Norman Davis, As¬sistant Secretaries of the Treasury,loaeph C, Baldwin and Krault A. Van-e|| |i. of New- York ; R T. Sto' ¦-

iiury. of Philadelphia; Julius (' L i\

if th« State Department: John Barrett, director general of the pan-Vmerlcan Union; Die mayor of ? ?ton, Andrew .1. Peters; tl.c governo. r the Federal Reserve Board, Wllliam P. <;. Harding; the Argentin'minister to Venezuela, HilariónMoreno, who is serving as COUnS'f the embassy here; Dr Pedro Palanus. secreiary of the Argentine dl_.cion. and Alejandio Runge, tech¬

nical advisor to the delegation.

The Chilean Ambassador and Seiiora d· Mathieu entertained at dil??? last evening in honor of thChilean delegates to the second I'm.American financial conference. Theother gucstr» were ?*ie American Am¬bassador to Mexico and Mt.<. II· nr

e. Fletcher, Mr. Isquerdo, Mr an

Mrs «laro, of Chile, Mr. Roble·, ? ?

vVarburg and Mr. and Mrs BradOf New York; .lohn Hay- llamr.-un 1and Mr. and Mrs. láunapn. of Chile.

senareir and Mrs. Medili McCormi '.,entertained at a dinner last eventim honor ot several of the delegatesfrom South America to the l'a.American financial conference Th-irguests were Sonor and Señora IMwards. Dr. Dec Ino, De. Bcteta. Mrand Mrs. Adolph C. Miller. Congre-a¬man and Mrs. Henry D, Flood, Conpressman W. R. McKinley. Miss Jtlll«Mattis. Mme. Christian Haug·, Grl .·

adier Cenerai and Mrs. MarlboroughChurchill, ?. V. M ilrclg. of the i'.ilah embassy staff. Countess Q|g)ckJand Mrs. William Hard.

other dinners for delegate· to t|.l'an- Ann ? lean conference were givetby th" minister of Colombia, InCurios Adolfo Ifrueta, and by Dii,,.-.- Luis Tejada, formi r minist·of finance of Bolivia. IT Tei id.who entertained at Hotel Wash ? pInn, had forty guests a-hed t.. pthe members of the Bolivian <?·?tion. Dr. Pomponio Ousmsn, mini."ter of finance of Colombia, anilCharles S. Hamlln. of the lederai Riserve Board« were the honor guiut Dr. Vrueta's dinner.

The Minister of the Serbs. Croat?and Slovenes and Mine. Qroultch «viligive a dinner on Thursdny evening.February 3. In honor of the Secretary>f State ar..'. Mrs L-inelng.On Tuesday Dr. and Mine. Qroulteh

hud an informal luncheon lorthe legni ¡on stuff and members

To Help MakeStrong,KeenRed-Blooded



Brine ti«ed by orer three^ million people annually^a It will increti, th»_2»^ strength of wnk.tr^F'r\'-r\ou%. run · down

iolkl in tao »eri«'«me In rnsnr In.l»nee«. A»lc yourdoctor or druggitt

of the Mei blau colony In W ssliliigtuiim ?. Illation of the minister's tei.

day. This s iterassi* Mm«, urouiuh»111 «peak between the act« at thematinee at l'olia Theater In behalfof th« Actoi· Meniotlal Day beuetitto be held next ST.I

Stria» Mlalalcr Herr.1 t ?.. » miniater ol .-« ItSW ? laad

and Mine. Marc i'.ici. »Im MVlVSsI m

Washington ><ateiduy, have takenapurtinenta In H animali Park Hot. Ilor several wick«.

Mis. William II. Hoaiilmaii andMl«· Mabel lloirdmun «ill cut. Main

at dinner lonlglit.

Mr and Mm «icore«· T. Marye willhe host« ut dinner tonight. Mrs.Mary·'· siater, Mr». Audi ¦¦ w Moreland,arrived today from Pittsburgh to beher gU'».t.

Mrs. perry Heath will he hoste»· at. ?·.· this afternoon, entertaining at

h>r residence, I1M H sir. et. Mr«. EH «¡hein ami Mr* Churl··» Wood «ill

pr« -ole at Ilo t,t table, and tinhoate»· will he asalateil hv Mrs. Warr. n Q Harding, Mr.s. Jaime ? Mano.Mrs. Albert L, Mills anil Mis» Matherno- Mill The tea table la decorateliin while lilac» aod Klllaruey rose»

Mrs. Horace Muciarland will givetea this alt. moon In compliment toMrs. Walter «'rosi··)-, who arrive.I

yeaterdg) to he ber guest for a fort

Bight. Mi». Septimus Austin andMr... .lames Pr> or Tarvln will he ?

the teg table and others assistingwill I..· Mrs. F H. Moran and MmMal. oim McCOBlhe, mother and »laterof th. hostess. Mr». Mlddleton Elliottand .Mrs l.arner.

Mrs Frank Andereon ani herdaughter. Mrs. Bush Southgate Paywill he at home Informally thl» after-nooa atol sgals next Suturday. The>will he assisted today by Mr·. C. <"

Marbury, Mm. P. L*?e Phillip» andMrs. «¡eorge c. Van Uuaen, of Min-neapolla, who is spending the winterIn Washington,

.lapaneae lliplnmnt Leave·.

KaisuJI 1 «-buchi. who has beencounselor of the Japunese embassyfor .eversi year», has been appointedcliHtge d'affaires of the Japanese em¬

bassy In Berlin, and will leave forhis new pout as soon as ho recovers

from the attack of Influenza fromwhich he la aufferlng.

Mr. and Mr«. Charlea Laurence willreturn to their home In New Yorktoday aft· r a short visit with Repre¬sentative aod Mrs. Nicholas l.ong-worth.

Col A. F. A. N. Thome, assistantmilitary attache of the British em-hassy, and Mrs. Thome have gee ?to Oitowa, and are guests at Govern¬ment House for a week.

St. John ? ? linea' (.neat·.

Mr. and Mrs. St. John Frvlne, ofKiit-land. are at the Willard for ashort stay. Mr. Ervine is the au¬thor of the play "John Ferguson."which In being presented here this¦reek.

Edwin Morgan. American Ambas¬sador to Brazil, who has been inWashington for a visit, will leavetown tomorrow on his way to hisi'OSt.

Mrs. Richard H. Chinn and Mrs-nia China Walker will give a tea¡ance this afternoon at the Washinc-ori Club) In compliment to Mrs¦Yalker'l daughter. Miss Elizabeth'.Hlk.r. Mrs. LouI* Wllcox, of Bal-Imore; Mrs. Edward H. Alsop, andMrs. Kllphalet Frazer Andre«-« willpreside at the tea table, and othersusalatlng will he Miss Elisabeth'hlnn, Miss Muriel Denys, arni a

.loup of the debutantes of this sea¬son.

Tonight Mrs. Walker will cnter-"in at a young pcopl's dinner at the*?G? St. Marks for Miss Walker.fei cousin, M.ss Emily Price, whonade ner debut in Baltimore this'inter. WS· to have been the guestsut will be prevented hy illness from

being present.

Mr and Mrs. Henry Marquant!. r>fN'ew- York, who have spent a greatleal of time in Washington In thelast >car or two have purchased ah< ure m Nineteenth street and willnake their fututc home here.

Mr. and Mrs. r,. T. Sladen will en-tertaJn a party of twelve at the sap¬per dance at the Cafe. Mark's tonight.

Mr». M l. Stlth Here.Mrs. M. L. Stitli. of Detroit, Tins

; mei lier husbanil at Wariiman ParkHotel to iinnin several days, Mr

¦eaeae » aa»·» « « « si ««·«¦«¦


Gel s small package of Hamburg?? ? al any pharmacy Take ?

iblespoolifiil of thi.< tlSJnburg tea.ut ? Clip "f boiling water upon It,ur thron·., h a sieve and ili nk s

irarupful at ruiy time. It I« the mostprtlve «a> lo break a cold and

ire t:rip. as it opens the pore«, re-

pvlng congestion. Also loosen.« thebowels, thus breaking a cold at once

li t.- Inexpensive end entirely vegable, therefore hsrmlces.

Bluer than calomelThnu?nnds Have DiscoveredDr. ^wards' Olive Tabletsare a I formless Substitute

Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets.the sub¬stitute for calomel.are a mild but surelaxative, and tlioir effect on the liver isalmost instantaneous. These little oüve-rolored tablets arc the result of Dr.Ed*«alls determination not to treatuvrrand bowel complaints with calomel.The pleasant little tablets do the

pnod that calomel does, but have nobad after effects. Thev don't injure thetroth like e?t??? liquids or calomel.They take hold of the trouble andquickly correct it. Why cure the liverat the ciprnse of the teeth? Calomelsometimes ? ilays havoc with the gums,bo do strong liquids. It is beet not totake calomel. I*t Dr Edwards' OliveTablets tnkc its place.

Headaches, "dullness" «nd that lazyfeeling etime from constmaüon and adisordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards'Olive 1 ablets when von feel "logy"andheavy." Thev "clear"clouded brainwd "perkup"thrspirit* 10cand2ûi.

strth h«· tuiiriiM eonssectlons InWashington.Mr«. Jefferson riaiilinin announces

th. marriage of her granddaughter,Miss. Mariana Kliaabeth Nayl.n, toLdward Harold Williamson on Sat¬urday, January Hi, In Philadelphia.Th. young couple will live in Phila¬delphia. Mi V\ illianiauii. who wasm th. navy during- tli. war. wa. ate·tinned In Waahlngloo fur two year·.

»ir: Menduin A. Hlumenberg. of theHighland», ha· been compelled byillneaa to recall invitations for the(.-a »he wa» to have given on 'In··lay afternoon, January 27.

The officer» of the Women's Guilduf Calvary M. K. Church will receivemi Wednesday, January ÜH, from 3 toI o'clock ut (he home of Mr.. J. I.Nuber, 1L'7 Columbia Itoad.

Mlaa Butler To I . ?... r

Ml.· Virginia Huiler will give thesecond of a »eri.· of ten lecture· onart this afternoon at ß o'clockbefore the Women*· City flub, 22i.i. k.-on place. Miss Butler will talkon (¿reek art.

wining the Washington women whohave enrolled in the course ace Mia.in.und Li crinan Misa Louise Pat¬

terson. Mies Doiothy White, Miss Sh·-, of the Dunlsh legation; Air*.

I'.lien Spencer Musaey, Mrs. II. itHurton, Miss Mary Dunn, and Mrs.l'euri Moore (Jruy.

At the reception to be given Inhonor of Mme. Margarita Sylva byMrs. Pearl Moore Gray tomorrowiiiernoon ut h«-r horn«·, ?'400 Sixteenth«tree!. Mrs. Gray will bo assisi« <1 byMrs. Newton D. Baker. Mr». KdouardAlbion, und Miss Kllzabeth Howry, ofthe Washington Opera Organizationcollimine«·, and by Mrs. Charle» Pair·fa.*, Mrs. Frederick Karrington, andMrs. Luc-· h. fole» Pomeroy.The volunteer services of Mme.

Sylva, who will sing the role of Car¬men at several performances of theWashington Opera Company duringthe week of February 0. have broughther Into the life of Washington Inns art wor!d. and this occasion Isoffered to extend lier a personal wel¬come and an appreciation of her greatcontribution to the community.The Robert K. Lee Chapter. U. D. C,

will hold Ita regular monthly meetingon Tuesday evening·. January 27, atthe Confederate Memorial Home, 1322V'-'mort svonue. After the regularorder .if bugni- -¦ the following pro-¡r«m w li be given:Karl carbaugh. songs; Misg Wil-

mutli Oary, piano aolo; J. LewisMoneyway, sketches in black andwhite; Mihh Ruby Kaymond, charac¬ter songi; Miss Uuth Warnall, horn¬pipe, and the Misses Mildred Hanson,Oertrude Louis and Kitty McLean,the Highland fling- Mrs. Walter E.Huiton, president of the chapter, willpreside.

Mrs. Samuel Burleigh Milton wille at home informally tomorrow aft-

crnoon from 4 to ß o'clock and everySunday afternoon until Lent. Tomor¬row she will be assisted by her Bieter,Mr Wilfred Geiet Fronhelser.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosenborg willgive a reception tomorrow eveningfrom 7.-.?? to H o'clock at 1441 Ken«nedy street, which will bo in the na¬ture of a house«arming. They willbe assisted by Miss Mary Rosenburg,Mrs. H. A. Oiiker, Miss Minnie Weis-

lenber·*. Miss Cecilia Wolf, Miss IrfnaWolf, Miss Leah Kaminsky, MissPreIda Kirkstein. Miss HelenSchwartz, and Miss Sid Brlsgol, ofPhiladelphia,


RESTAURANT316 Ninth St. N. W.

Musine·· Lunch. t.V·. 11 »o 2 Dally.Special Dinner. i¡:»e up, S to 8 I'M.«unila.v niiiaer. II A.M. to 8 P.M.Special attention alven to arter.

.healer partie«.Telephone Frnwkltll 7G?


NECKaa lomo aa this pcllow,

ano had


TONSILINEwouLO ouicaxr auji vi ITsso-aadesc BseaMsJ BU·,··»


YOURHORSE FALL UN ICÏ STREETS!G»* ???????'? 0\ IKHIIOKM. ru».rauteed lu prevent »llppm*. strappedun uver old »ho· in a in nut·*, $3,00per «vet with «trap· ?p? ..u· m·-«We alao make the beat TRI < ?Tire CheJs·»*; vet them G?µ??? vour

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