yoga education ppt by kunal

YOGA ASANA ASANA Prepared By: Kunal E No.: A3013816001 Semester: B.P.Ed 1 st year 2 nd Sem

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Prepared By: Kunal E No.: A3013816001

Semester: B.P.Ed 1st year 2nd Sem

Page 2: Yoga Education PPT by Kunal

Standing Sitting Lying

Forward bending Hastapasana Paschimattasana Halasana

Backward bending Anjaneyasana Dhanurasana Matsyasana

Sideway bending Trikonasana Bharadvajasana Pavanamuktasana

Balancing Utthita Hasta padangustaysana


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Description -Uttanasana (OOH-tah-NAH-sah-nah) [needs IPA] (Sanskrit: उत्तानासन; IAST: uttānāsana), Intense Forward-Bending Pose, Intense Stretch Pose, Standing Forward Bend, Standing Forward Fold Pose, or Standing Head to Knees Pose is an asana.

Benefits• Calms the brain and helps relieve stress, anxiety and mild

• Stimulates the liver and kidneys

• Stretches the hamstrings and calves

• Strengthens the thighs

• Improves digestion

• Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause

• Helps relieve headache and insomnia

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• The asana consists of standing with feet together, then hinging forward from the hips, letting the head hang, with palms placed flat on the floor near the feet.

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• Avoid this pose with lower back or neck injuries

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Description-The name comes from the Sanskrit words

paschima (पश्चि�म, paścima) meaning "west" or "back" or "back of body", and uttana (उत्तान, uttāna) meaning "intense stretch" or "straight" or "extended", and asana (आसन) meaning "posture" or "seat".


• Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression

• Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings

• Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus

• Improves digestion

• Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort

• Soothes headache and anxiety and reduces fatigue

• Therapeutic for high blood pressure, infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis

• Traditional texts say that Paschimottanasana increases appetite, reduces obesity, and cures diseases.

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Initial Phase• This asana is practiced in four stages:• In the first stage, the yogi stretches their legs straight and swings the upper

part of their body back and forth. With each swing, the yogi tries to reach further with their hands, touching their knees, calves, ankles, and finally their toes.

Stay• In the second stage, the yogi bends forward to touch their knees with their

hands.• From the second stage above, the yogi reaches further to touch their toes

with their hands.Final Phase• From the third stage, the yogi tries to place their elbows at the side of their

knees, and touch their knees with either their nose or their forehead

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• Asthma

• Diarrhea

• Back injury: Only perform this pose under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

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HALASANADescription- Without proper rendering support, you may

see question marks or boxes, misplaced vowels or missing conjuncts instead of Indic text. Halasana (/hʌˈlæsʌnʌ/; Sanskrit: हलासन; IAST: Halāsana) or Plow Pose is an asana.


• Stretches all muscles and ligament in the practitioner's calves and thighs, resulting in greater leg flexibility

• Therapeutic for leg cramps

• Stimulates the practitioner's thyroid, parathyroid, throat, lungs and abdominal organs

• Helps relieve gas and upper/lower back pain or discomfort

• Promotes good digestion

• Stretches the practitioner's shoulders and spine

• Therapeutic for menopause, infertility, insomnia, headache and sinusitis

• Relieves stress and fatigue [4]

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• The practitioner lies on the floor, lifts the legs, and then places them behind the head. Experienced practitioners may enter Halasana from a standing position by tucking chin to chest, placing hands on the floor, walking the feet towards the hands and bending at the elbows to lower shoulders to the floor.

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CONTRRA- INDICATIONS• This asana can put significant strain on the cervical spine, which does not

normally undergo this type of stress, and can cause injury if not performed properly.

• Practicing this pose without leg support can lead to injury. To provide support for the legs, practitioners may elevate the feet on props such as blocks or on the seat of a chair instead placing the feet directly on the floor. As alternatives, simply lying on the back and raising the legs into a hamstring stretch, or doing a seated forward bend may be appropriate.

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Description-Ardha chakrasana is an intermediate asana that can help to prepare the body and mind for deeper backbends and heart-opening postures like chakrasana (wheel pose). The name is derived from the Sanskrit ardha, meaning “half," chakra, meaning “wheel," and asana, meaning “pose.”


• Stretches the front upper torso.

• Tones the arms and shoulder muscles.

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Initial Phase• Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the body.

• Balance your weight equally on both feetStay • Breathing in, extend your arms overhead, palms facing each other.

• Breathing out, gently bend backwards pushing the pelvis forward, keeping the arms in line with the ears, elbows and knees straight, head up, and lifting your chest towards the ceiling.

Final Phase• Hold. Breathing in, come back up.

• Breathing out, bring the arms down and relax

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• Those with serious hip or spinal problems should avoid this asana as well as those with high blood pressure and brain ailments.

• Peptic or duodenal ulcers and hernia patients should avoid this pose.

• Pregnant woman should avoid this pose.

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Description- Dhanurasana (DAH-noo-RAH-sah-nah [needs IPA]; Sanskrit:धनुरासन; IAST: Dhanurāsana), Bow Pose, or sometimes Urdva Chakrasana (Upward Wheel Pose) is an asana.

Benefits• Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.

• Stimulates the reproductive organs.

• Opens up the chest, neck and shoulders.

• Tones the leg and arm muscles.

• Adds greater flexibility to the back.

• Good stress and fatigue buster.

• Relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation.

• Helps people with renal (kidney) disorders.

• It provides relief from headache.

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First the practitioner should lie prone and grasp the feet to lift the leg and chest to form a bow. Remain in this position for some time and then return to the previous position.

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• High or low blood pressure

• Migraine

• Insomnia

• Serious lower-back or neck injury

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Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Description-etu bandha sarvangasana is one of the basic backbend poses that prepares one for advanced backbend versions. The term is derived from the Sanskrit setu, meaning "bridge," bandha, meaning "lock," sarva, meaning "all," anga, meaning, "limb," and asana meaning "pose."

Benefits• Stretches the chest, neck, and spine

• Calms the brain and helps alleviate stress and mild depression

• Stimulates abdominal organs, lungs, and thyroid

• Rejuvenates tired legs

• Improves digestion

• Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause

• Relieves menstrual discomfort when done supported

• Reduces anxiety, fatigue, backache, headache, and insomnia

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Initial Phase• Lie flat on the ground and keep your arms at your sides.

• Now lift your hips upwards as shown in fig as much you can (Should not over-stretch) with the help of pressing your palms.

Stay• Keep breathing deeply in this position for some time for 20-30 seconds.

• Now relax by touching your hips to the ground i.e. your starting position.Final Phase• Repeat this cycle for 3-4 times

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• Be careful while doing this pose if you have neck or any spinal injuries, as well a knee injuries

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Parivrtta Trikonasana

Description-Parivrtta trikonasana is a standing yoga asana that twists the body and demands balance and flexibility. ... The name for this asana comes from the Sanskrit parivrtta,meaning "revolve," trikona, meaning "triangle," and asana, meaning "posture." In English, it is called

revolved triangle pose or twisted triangle pose.


• Strengthens and stretches the legs

• Stretches the hips and spine

• Opens the chest to improve breathing

• Relieves mild back pain

• Stimulates the abdominal organs

• Improves sense of balance

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PROCEDURE• Trikonasana is usually performed in two parts, facing left, and then facing

right. The practitioner begins standing with the feet one leg-length apart, knees unbent, turns the right foot completely to the outside and the left foot less than 45 degrees to the inside, keeping the heels in line with the hips. The arms are spread out to the sides, parallel to the ground, palms facing down; the trunk is extended as far as is comfortable to the right, while the arms remain parallel to the floor. Once the trunk is fully extended to the right, the right arm is dropped so that the right hand reaches the shin (or a block or on the floor) to the front (left side) of the right foot, with the palm down if flexed. The left arm is extended vertically, and the spine and trunk are gently twisted counterclockwise (i.e., upwards to the left, since they're roughly parallel to the floor), using the extended arms as a lever, while the spine remains parallel to the ground. The arms are stretched away from one another, and the head is often turned to gaze at the left thumb, slightly intensifying the spinal twist. Returning to standing, the bend is then repeated to the left.

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CONTRRA- INDICATIONS• Back or spine injury. Perform this pose only with the supervision of an

experienced teacher or avoid it altogether. Also avoid this pose if you have:

• Low blood pressure

• Migraine

• Diarrhea

• Headache

• Insomnia

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Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

• Stretches the spine, shoulders, and hamstrings Stimulates abdominal organs such as the liver and kidneys Improves digestion

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Initial Phase • In a seated position, one leg is extended with toes pointing upward, and the

other leg is bent with knee pointing away from the straight leg and the sole of the foot in by the groin. The torso turns and folds over the extended leg.

Stay• Janu Sirsasana is a spinal twist, as well as a forward fold. The potential is to

free up constriction in different parts of the back and to loosen the hamstrings.

Final Phase • Janu Sirsasana differs from Paschimottanasana in its asymmetry in the legs

and hips, and in the twisting action this asana imparts to the spine.

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• Diarrhea

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• It helps in passing the gas,which is blocked in your intestine. It creates space for fresh air in the body to create maximum utilization of the bodily resources. This improves the digestion system and helps have good motion.

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Initial Phase • Lie flat on your back and keep the legs straight and relax breath deeply and


• Inhale slowly and lift the legs and bend in the knee. Bring upwards to the chest till your thigh touches to stomach

• Hug your knees in place and lock your fingers.Stay • Try to touch the knee with your nose tip. This is not easy in first time. But regular

practice you can do this. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. You can extend it till 1 minute as per your capability.

• Now exhale slowly and come back to the original position that is Shavasana (Lie straight)

Final Phase • This is very beneficial for stomach abs. The results are very impressive.

• Practice 3 to 5 cycles each day.

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• Those suffering for high blood pressure, Slip disc, Ulcer should not do this asana. In pregnancy and menstruation women should not practice this.

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Ardha Chandrasana

• Benefits

• Strengthens the abdomen, ankles, thighs, buttocks, and spine

• Stretches the groins, hamstrings and calves, shoulders, chest, and spine

• Improves coordination and sense of balance

• Helps relieve stress

• Improves digestion

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Final Phase • 1. Begin in triangle pose - trikonasana with the right leg forward. Bend your right knee softly and bring your left hand to your hip.

• 2. Bring your right hand to the floor in front of your right foot. Your hand should be under your shoulder when you are in the full pose, so in order to set it up in the correct position, place it about a foot in front of and five or six inches to the right of your right foot.

• Tent your hand so that just your fingertips on the floor.

• 3. Begin to straighten your right leg while simultaneously lifting your left foot off the floor. Keep your left leg as straight as possible. Stay

• 4. Open your hips, stacking the left hip point on top of the right hip point.

• 5. Bring your left leg straight and parallel to the floor. Flex your left foot strongly with the toes pointing toward the left side of the room.

Final Phase

• 6. When you feel balanced on the right leg, reach the left arm up toward the ceiling, opening the chest and making a straight line with the right and left arms perpendicular to the floor.

• 7. Finally, turn your head so that your gaze is lifted toward your upraised left fingertips.

• 8. Balance here for around five breaths before releasing the left leg to the floor and repeating the pose on the other side.

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PROCEDUREInitial Phase • 1. Begin in triangle pose - trikonasana with the right leg forward. Bend your right knee softly and bring

your left hand to your hip.

• 2. Bring your right hand to the floor in front of your right foot. Your hand should be under your shoulder when you are in the full pose, so in order to set it up in the correct position, place it about a foot in front of and five or six inches to the right of your right foot.

Stay• Tent your hand so that just your fingertips on the floor.

• 3. Begin to straighten your right leg while simultaneously lifting your left foot off the floor. Keep your left leg as straight as possible.

• 4. Open your hips, stacking the left hip point on top of the right hip point. Final phase • 5. Bring your left leg straight and parallel to the floor. Flex your left foot strongly with the toes pointing

toward the left side of the room.

• 6. When you feel balanced on the right leg, reach the left arm up toward the ceiling, opening the chest and making a straight line with the right and left arms perpendicular to the floor.

• 7. Finally, turn your head so that your gaze is lifted toward your upraised left fingertips.

• 8. Balance here for around five breaths before releasing the left leg to the floor and repeating the pose on the other side.

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CONTRA-INDICATION• If you have any neck problems, don't turn your head to look upward;

continue looking straight ahead and keep both sides of the neck evenly long.

• Headache or migraine

• Low blood pressure

• Diarrhea

• Insomnia

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• Benefits

• Strengthens the arms, belly, and legs

• Stretches and strengthens the wrists

• Stretches the backs of the legs (in the full version described below)

• Improves sense of balance

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PROCEDUREInitial Phase • Come into Dandasana (Plank pose).

• Slowly shift your weight on the right arm and foot as you swing your left arm and foot on it.

• Rest the left foot on the right foot and let the left arm rest on the hip.Stay• The right hand should be a little in front of the shoulder and not exactly below it. Also, ensure that

the palm is pressed firmly against the floor and the arm is not bent.

• As you inhale, slowly raise your left arm till it is perpendicular to the floor with fingertips pointing towards the ceiling.

Final phase• Now turn your neck towards the raised arm and gaze at the fingertips for a few breaths.

• As you exhale, bring the arm down to rest on the hip.

• Slowly come back into Dandasana and rest for a few breaths.

• Repeat the process on the other side.

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• Students with serious wrist, elbow, or shoulder injuries should avoid this pose.

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