you can start by creating a new folder. select an...

Page | 1 You can start by creating a new folder. Select an existing folder and press “Create Folder” button in “Add Report” dropdown. Insert folder name and press “OK” Select the newly created folder and click “Add Report” to start report wizard. Choose “Advanced Dashboard”. This report type combines MS SQL Server and Dashboard reports. MS SQL Server and Dashboards are still available as standalone report types for backward compatibility and for users

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Post on 31-Aug-2018




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You can start by creating a new folder. Select an existing folder and press “Create Folder” button in “Add Report”


Insert folder name and press “OK”

Select the newly created folder and click “Add Report” to start report wizard.

Choose “Advanced Dashboard”. This report type combines MS SQL Server

and Dashboard reports. MS SQL Server and Dashboards are still available

as standalone report types for backward compatibility and for users

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without “Advanced Dashboard” license.

You need to provide at least one stored procedure or text query for this report. They are defined as commands. The report

type supports multiple commands and they might be run against different databases. A sample query prepared in

Northwind Access database is presented here bellow.

SELECT Employees.LastName+' '+Employees.FirstName AS Employee, Customers.CompanyName, Products.ProductName, Orders.OrderDate, [Order Details].UnitPrice, [Order Details].Quantity, [Order Details].Discount FROM Products INNER JOIN Orders ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID INNER JOIN Customers ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID INNER JOIN Employees ON Employees.EmployeeID=Orders.EmployeeID INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID=[Order Details].OrderID

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Continue with the wizard and do not forget to set the role permissions for the report

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Once the report is saved it will appear in the report tree. Select it and press “Run” to start it.

During the first run the report will be completely empty because no tabs are defined

Click on menu File -> Tabs -> Add New Tab …

In the new dialog screen select the desired tab type. As of now 2 types are supported:

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1. SQL Report Tab – this tab will present the data in the same way as a SQL Report. You will be able to create a regular or a

Pivot table and apply filters, sorting, styles, summaries etc.

2. Dashboard Tab – this table will present the data as a dashboard

To create a Dashboard tab select type Dashboard from the dropdown list, insert tab name and click “OK” button.

Dashboard designer dialog will be shown. On the left you will see all the commands available in the report. You can select a

component from the Ribbon Insert group and drag command fields to assign values.

In some scenarios you might need to add additional fields to the commands. You can do that by selecting “Data source”

page and clicking on “Add Calculated Field” button. Define the expression using the expression editor, which is widely used

in R-Tag. In the given example field Amount is a result of the expression UnitPrice * Quantity.

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In a similar way you can create fields, which will use existing command fields,

functions or other calculated fields to evaluate runtime data. You can create

unlimited number of calculated fields. Once the new field is created it will be

available under the Calculated Fields node in Fields explorer.

To create a component click on one of the buttons in “Insert” group of the “Home” page.

One of the vastly used components is Chart component. Once selected, you will be able to drag fields from the Fields

explorer and to set values for “Values”,”Arguments”, “Series” etc.

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In similar way create other components. Pie chart is another commonly used component. Once a component is

added you can right click on it and edit the caption and texts.

To make the dashboard dynamic you need to set the interactivity

on page “Data”. For example, if you want to filter the data on all components when you click on a country select the chart

and press button “Multiple Master Filter”

When you click on an item on the chart all of the components will be filtered to show the data just for the selected item.

When you use “Multiple Master Filter” you can select multiple items by pressing the Control key. When you have multiple

commands you can also use “Cross-Data-Source Filtering”. If this button is pressed, the filter value will be applied on all

commands for the fields with the same name. For example, if you have a Command1, which contains the list of the

countries and Command2, which contains list of orders and both commands contain field Country. When the Cross filter is

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enabled and you filter Command1 to show just USA the same filter will be applied on Command2. The cross tab filter will

be applied just in case the name of the field is the same in both commands. Here is a sample dashboard with one chart and

3 pie charts. By selecting a country on the chart you will be able to see the amount and number of sales by city and sales

amount by employee. Selecting another country will result in updating the pie chart because the filter will change.

You can apply filters on more than one component. For example you can add components for products and show the data

by country and product. Applying a filter on employee (directly on Amount by Employee pie chart) will show the sales just

for the selected employees. To clear the selection right click on the component and click on “Clear Master Filter” or click on

the filter button in the upper right corner of the component.

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When the dashboard is ready click “Close” button in the upper right corner. And save the changes.

You will return back to the main screen and the new dashboard will be loaded

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You need to save the dashboard to the database in order to be able to use it in the future. To do that click menu File->Save

Sooner or later you will find that you need more real estate in order to work with complex dashboards. You can “Auto

Hide” Navigation and Activity panels using the pin button. There is an additional button on the upper right corner of the

main form, which allows you to also hide the ribbon.

As a result of this, you will have almost all of the screen for your dashboard. This mode is convenient when you work on a

touch screen monitor.

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To apply changes to the selected tab press button “Editor”.

This button will open the Dashboard editor again so you can change currently selected dashboard.

To print the dashboard use button “Print preview”.

It will invoke “Preview” dialog where you can set margins, orientation, header and footer etc. Preview dialog can be used

to export to PDF and Image.

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You can export the selected table to more formats if you select “Export Current Tab” menu.

The program will open the exported file with the default editor/viewer.

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In case you have multiple tabs you can export the whole report to a file. In this case the export will be restricted just to PDF

and Excel and each tab will be exported to a new page (for PDF) or worksheet (for Excel files).