you intimidate me! “this day i defy, [i dare] the ranks of israel! give me a man, and let us fight...

Download YOU INTIMIDATE ME! “This day I defy, [I dare] the ranks of Israel! Give me a man, and let us fight each other…” (1 Samuel 17:10). And Israel’s response?

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YOU INTIMIDATE ME! This day I defy, [I dare] the ranks of Israel! Give me a man, and let us fight each other (1 Samuel 17:10). And Israels response? On hearing [Goliaths] words], Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified (1 Samuel 17:11). Dont Surrender To Negative Voices Let no one lose heart, on account of this Philistine David exclaims, your servant, [me!] will go and fight him. (1 Samuel 17:32). And Saul replied. You are not able to goagainst the Philistine and fight him; you are only a boy, [but Goliath] has been fightingfrom youth. (1 Samuel 17:33). When I was growing up Muggsy once reflected, I used to take some chalk, put it on [the]...door in my room and measure how tall I was. [But] I got so fed up, because I was never growing; so I decided: [Ill] just erase this Muggsy Bogues [fill] your minds [with what is] truegracious the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the uglyDo that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. (Philippians 4:6, The Message). Remember Gods Faithfulness, Not Just Your Fear. I know you think Im too young, too inexperienced, too weak Saul; but Saul your servant, [me], has been keeping his fathers sheep [for some time now] [And] when [the lion or bear] turned on me, I seized itand killed it [1 Samuel 17:34-35]. So go figure Saul. The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lionand the bear, will deliver me from the hand of [big, bad wolf, Goliath]!! (1 Samuel 17:37). Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones [as a remembrance, as a memorial] [And Joshua] said to the IsraelitesIn the future when your descendents askWhat do these stones mean? tell them [They represent the faithfulness of the Lord; for the Lord did deliver us. And so these stones help us to remember]the hand of the Lord is [almighty and all] powerful (Joshua 4:19-21; 24). Let God Lift Your Worrisome Load. Then the Spirit of the Lord [spoke]Listen King Jehoshaphat [and all of Israel]Do not be afraid or discouraged, because of this vast army [this big, bad, wolf]. For the battle is not yours, but Godsstand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you (2 Chronicles 20:14-15; 17). 1) Im Called To Make A Contribution, Not Be A Savior; 2) God Really Is Sovereign, Able To Triumph Over Anything That Prompts Worry Or Fear; 3) God Really Is Sovereign, Able To Redeem Any Apparent Defeat, Working All Things Together For Good. Let God be Savior, let God be Sovereign letting go of your heaviest, most brutal, most fearsome load. o I will not lose heart (1 Samuel 17:32). o I will not be afraid or discouraged (2 Chronicles 20:15). o I will stand firm and [anticipate] the deliverance the Lord will give (2 Chronicles 20:17 for Church its true: The hand of the Lord is [almighty and all] powerful (Joshua 4:24) We have a big, wonderful, energetic God who is Sherpa Sovereign Savior able to protect all!!