young lives school survey lives school survey india round 1 (2010) teacher questionnaire (english...

YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details on the development and use of the Young Lives school survey questionnaires.

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Page 1: YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details




Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details on thedevelopment and use of the Young Lives school survey questionnaires.

Page 2: YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details

Young Lives – Teacher Questinnaire_2010 – India 1

0.1 Insert YL School ID INSC __ __ __

0.2 Insert Math Teacher ID [ __ __ ]

0.3 DATE OF INTERVIEW __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __

d d / m m / yyyy


FieldworkerName: _________________________________ Code: [ __ __ ]

Date of check :Signature: ______________________________ _ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __

d d / m m / yyyy

SupervisorName: _______________________________ Code: [ __ __ ]

Date of check:Signature: _________________________ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __

d d / m m / yyyy

Young Lives School-Based ComponentTeacher questionnaire

CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL STUDIESBegumpet, Hyderabad – 500 016, Phones : 040-23402789, 23416780, Website:

Data entryclerk (first Name: _______________________________data entry) Code: [ __ __ ]

Signature: _________________________ Date of first data entry:

__ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __

d d / m m / yyyy

Data entryclerk (seconddata entry) Name: _______________________________ Code: [ __ __ ]

Date of second data entry:

Signature: _________________________ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __

d d / m m / yyyy

Page 3: YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details

Young Lives – Teacher Questinnaire_2010 – India 2


\©K«~ü =ºHÎQÆ « ã¨=∂Kå~°=ÚSection 1. Personal Details ÃãHõΔ<£ 1. =ºHÎQÆ « q=~åÅ∞

1.0 Age =Ü«∞ã¨∞û [ __ __ ](completed years)

1.1 Gender eOQÆ=Ú01=Male; 02=Female [ __ __ ]

1.2 Social category – ™ê=∂lHõ =~°æ=Ú01=SC, 02=ST, 03=BC, 04=OC [ __ __ ]

1.3 Religion =∞ «=Ú [ __ __ ]01=Hindu, 02=Muslim, 03=Christian, 04=Other (specify) Specify ______________

1.4 What is your mother tongue? g∞ =∂ «$ÉèÏ+¨ Uq∞\˜? [ __ __ ]01= Telugu, 02= English, 03= Urdu, 04=Hindi, 05=Kannada ,06= Oriya, 07=Other (Specify) Specify ______________

1.5 Can you write a letter in the following languages? 00=No; 01=Yes

D „H˜Ok ÉèÏ+¨Ö’ L «Î~°O ~åÜ«∞QÆÅ~å ?

1.5.1 Telugu [ __ __ ]

1.5.2 English [ __ __ ]

1.5.3 Urdu [ __ __ ]

1.5.4 Hindi [ __ __ ]

1.5.5 Kannada [ __ __ ]

1.5.6 Oriya [ __ __ ]

1.5.7 Other (specify) [ __ __ ]

1.6 What is your marital status g∞ "≥·"åÇ≤ÏHõ ã≤÷u01=Unmarried, 02=Married, 03=Divorced, 04=Widowed [ __ __ ]

1.7 How many children do you have below the age of 14? [ __ __ ]

g∞‰õΩ 14 ã¨O= «û~åŠ֒Ѩ٠Ñ≤Å¡Å∞ ZO «=∞Ok L<åfl~°∞? (Children above 14 put=00)

1.8 What is your native place? g∞ ™⁄O « T~°∞ Uk?01=This village/town, 02=Village in this mandal03=Town in this mandal, 04=Village in this district05=Town in this district, 06=Village in another district in AP,07=Town in another district in AP, 08=Outside AP [ __ __ ]

1.9 Where are you now living? „Ѩã¨∞Î «O ZHõ _» x=ã≤ã¨∞Î<åfl~°∞?01=This village/town, 02=Village in this mandal03=Town in this mandal, 04=Village in this district05=Town in this district, 06=Village in another district in AP,07=Town in another district in AP, 08=Outside AP [ __ __ ]

1.10 In the last Academic year, on how many days did you encounterproblems on your journey to school that meant that youcould not go to school? [ __ __ ] DaysQÆ « q^•º ã¨O= «û~°=Ú ã¨∂¯Å∞H˜ "≥àı§„Ѩܫ∂}OÖ’ W|ƒO Œ∞Å =Å¡ Zxfl~ÀAÅ∞ If never put 00ã¨∂¯Å∞ =∂<ÕÜ«∂eû=zÛOk?

1.11 Usually, how much time does it take for you to get toschool from your place of residence? [ __ __ __ ] Minutesg∞ WO\˜ #∞O_ç ã¨∂¯Å∞H˜ "≥à◊§_®xH˜ ™ê è•~°}OQÍ ZO « ã¨=∞Ü«∞O Ѩ_»∞ «∞Ok

Page 4: YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details

Young Lives – Teacher Questinnaire_2010 – India 3

Section 2. Qualification, Training and Experience ÃãHõΔ<£ 2. J~°› «, tHõΔ} =∞iÜ«Ú J#∞Éèí==Ú

2.0 What is the highest level of general education you havecompleted (excluding any teacher training)?

ZO « =~°‰õΩ K« Œ∞=٠ѨÓiÎKÕâß~°∞? (\©K«~ü „>ÿxOQ∑ q∞#Ǩ~ÚOz)00=None01=Matriculation passed (10th)02=Higher Secondary Passed (12th)03=Degree (Bachelor), [ __ __ ]04=Masters (other post graduation),05=Ph.D., 06=Other (specify) Specify ______________

2.1 What is the highest level of teacher training educationyou have completed?

\©K«~ü „>ÿxOQ∑ U™ê÷~Ú=~°‰õΩ Ñ¨ÓiÎ KÕâß~°∞?01=None, 02=Dip. Ed./TTC/Any diploma [ __ __ ]03=B.Ed./TPT/HPT, 04=M.Ed., 05=Other (specify) Specify _____________

2.2 What is your rank/ designation in this school?

D ã¨∂¯Ö’¡ g∞ Ǩϟ^•/ ™ê÷~Ú Uq∞\˜?01= Principal/HM02= Regular Teacher03=Vidya Volunteer04=Community/informal teacher [ __ __ ]05=NGO sponsored teacher Specify _____________06=Other (specify)

2.3 Are you employed on a regular or temporary basis?

g∞~°∞ âßâ◊fi « „áêuѨkHõ (Ѩi‡<≥O\ò) ÉËã≤ãπ g∞ ŒQÆÅ \©K«~ü ÖËHõ `å`å¯eHõ„áêuѨkHõ g∞ Œ (>ˇOѨ~°s ÉËã≤ãπ) QÆÅ \©K«~å?01=Regular; 02=Temporary [ __ __ ]

2.4 During your teacher training education, did you specialise?

g∞~°∞ \©K«~ü „>ÿxOQ∑ tHõΔ} ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ U ≥·<å JOâ◊Og∞ Œ „Ѩ ÕºHõ tHõΔ}(ÃãÊ+¨Ö·*Ë+¨<£) á⁄O^•~å?00=No; 01=Yes (if no, skip to 2.5) [ __ __ ]

2.4.1 If yes, please specify area of specialisation:

ÃãÊ+¨Ö·*Ë+¨<£ U ã¨ÉˇH±ìÖ’ KÕâß~°∞?01=Maths, 02=Telugu, 03=English, 04=Hindi, 05=Urdu, [ __ __ ]06=Science, 07=Social Studies, 08=EVS,09=Physical education, 10=Other (specify) Specify ______________

2.5 In what year did you join this school? Year [ __ __ __ __]

U ã¨O= «û~°OÖ’ D ã¨∂¯ÖòÖ’ KÕ~å~°∞?

2.6 Are you currently registered for any further studies?

U"≥·<å ÃÑ·K« Œ∞=ÙÅ HÀã¨O g∞ ¿Ñ~°∞ #"≥∂ Œ∞ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ<åfl~å?00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

2.7 By the end of this school year (2010-11), how long(in total) have you been teaching in schools? [ __ __ ] Years

D ã¨O= «û~åO`åxH˜ (2010–11) "≥Ú «ÎO ZO «HÍÅOQÍ Dã¨∂¯Ö’¡Ñ¨xKÕã¨∞Î<åfl~°∞?

2.8 Of these years how long have you been a:

Wxfl ã¨O= «û~åÅ ã¨sfiã¨∞Ö’ g∞~°∞ ZO «HÍÅO D „H˜Ok áÈ+¨μìÖ’¡ ѨxKÕâß~°∞?

Page 5: YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details

Young Lives – Teacher Questinnaire_2010 – India 4

2.8.1 Vidya Volunteer q^•º"åÅO\©~ü [ __ __ ] Years

[ __ __ ] Months

2.8.2 Teacher (excluding Vidya volunteer) [ __ __ ] Years

\©K«~ü ( q^•º"åÅO\©~ü H͉õΩO_®) [ __ __ ] Months

2.9 Did you study English as a formal subject?

WOw¡+¨μ XHõ ã¨Éˇ‰õΩìQÍ K«k"å~å?00=No; 1=Yes [ __ __ ]

2.9.1 If yes, up to what level have you studied English as a

formal subject?

XHõ "Õà◊ K«kq Õ U™ê÷~Ú =~°‰õΩ WOw¡+¨μ ã¨Éˇ‰õΩìQÍ LOk?01=primary; 02=upper primary; 03=secondary (10th); [ __ __ ]04=higher secondary (12th); 05=college; 06=Masters;07=PhD; 08=Other (specify) Specify _____________

2.10 Did you study in English-medium before you became

a teacher?

g∞~°∞ \©K«~°∞ HÍHõ=ÚO Œ∞ WOw¡+¨μ g∞_çÜ«∞OÖ’ K« Œ∞=Ù‰õΩ<åfl~å?00=No; 1=Yes [ __ __ ]

2.10.1 If yes, up to what level did you study in English-medium?

J=Ù#∞ J~Ú Õ, U™ê÷~Ú =~°‰õΩ =~°‰õΩ K«k"å~°∞?01=primary; 02=upper primary; 03=secondary (10th); [ __ __ ]04=higher secondary (12th); 05=college; 06=Masters;07=PhD; 08=Other (specify) Specify _____________

2.11 Have you been trained to teach English to non-englishspeakers?

WOw¡+¨μ Jã¨Å∞ ~åx"åiH˜ WOw¡+¨μÖ’ É’kèOK«_»OÖ’ tHõΔ} á⁄O^•~å? [ __ __ ]00=No; 1=Yes

2.12 If you are a government Teacher, when wasthe last time you attended an in-service training program?

XHõ "Õà◊ g∞~°∞ „ѨÉèí∞ «fi áê~î°âßÅ \©K«~ü J~Ú ÕPY~°∞™êiQÍ ZѨÙÊ_»∞ W<£–ã¨sfiãπ tHõΔ}‰õΩ Ç¨[~°Ü«∂º~°∞?(if you are a private school Teacher, skip to 2.13)

(XHõ "Õà◊ „Ѩ~Ú"Õ@∞ ã¨∂¯Å∞ \©K«~ü J~Ú Õ 2.13 „Ѩâ◊fl‰õΩ "≥à◊§O_ç.01= 1–6 months ago, 02= 7–11 months ago, 03=1–3 years ago, [ __ __ ]04= 4–6 years ago, 05=More than 6 years ago

2.13 Have you received any training during the last academicyear (2009-10)?

áÈ~Ú# q^•º ã¨O= «û~°OÖ’ (2009–10) U ≥·<å tHõΔ} á⁄O^•~å?00=No; 01=Yes (if no, skip to 2.13.3) [ __ __ ]

(XHõ "Õà◊ ÖË Œ∞ JO>Ë 2.13.3 „Ѩâ◊fl‰õΩ "≥à◊§O_ç.

2.13.1 If yes, do you receive training on a regular basis

every year? XHõ "Õà◊ tHõΔ} á⁄Ok LO>Ë,„Ѩu ã¨O=û~°O „Hõ=∞O «Ñ¨Ê‰õΩO_® tHõΔ} á⁄O Œ∞ «∞<åfl~å? 00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

2.13.2 If yes, do you receive training more than once a year?

J=Ù#∞ J~Ú Õ, DtHõΔ} ã¨O= «û~°OÖ’ XHõ™êi HõO>Ë Z‰õΩ¯=™ê~°∞¡ LO@∞O^•? [ __ __ ]00=No; 01=Yes

Page 6: YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details

Young Lives – Teacher Questinnaire_2010 – India 5

2.13.3 If no, what year was the last training you received?

XHõ"Õà◊ áÈ~Ú# ã¨O= «û~°OÖ’ tHõΔ} á⁄O ŒHõáÈ Õ, PY~°∞™êiQÍ U Year [ __ __ __ __]

ã¨O= «û~°OÖ’ tHõΔ} á⁄O^•~°∞?2.14 Are you a member of a teacher association?

U ≥·<å Láê 蕺ܫ∞ ã¨OѶ∞OÖ’ g∞~°∞ ã¨Éèí∞ºÖÏ? 00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

2.14.1 If yes, are you an active member(i.e. you attend meetings regularly, etc.)?XHõ "Õà◊ ã¨Éèí∞ºÅ∞ J~Ú Õ Pã¨OѶ∞ HÍ~°ºHõÖÏáêÅÖ’ K«∞~°∞‰õΩQÍ áêÖÁæO\Ï~å?(ã¨OѶ∞O ã¨=∂"ÕâßʼnõΩ „Hõ=∞O «Ñ¨Ê‰õΩO_® Ǩ[~°∞HÍ=_»O =ÔQ·~å?00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

2.15 If you are working in a private school have youapplied for a government school teaching position (DSC)?g∞~°∞ „Ѩ~Ú"Õ@∞ ã¨∂¯ÖòÖ’ \©K«~°∞ J~Ú#@¡~Ú Õ „ѨÉèí∞ «fi áê~î°âßÅÖ’\©K«~°∞ Ѩ ŒqH˜ (_ç.Zãπ.ã≤) Œ~°MÏã¨∞ÎKÕâß~å?00=No; 01=Yes, 88=NA (If Govt. teacher skip to 3.0) [ __ __ ]

2.16 Do you have a written contract/appointment letter withthe school?D ã¨∂¯Å∞ g∞‰õΩ ~å «Ñ¨Ó~°fiHõ XѨÊO ŒO (HÍO„\ωõΩì)QÍx, xÜ«∂=∞Hõ Ѩ„ «OJáê~ÚO\ò"≥∞O\ò) QÍx WzÛO^•?00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

2.16.1 If yes, what is the duration of the appointment? [ __ __ ] YearsXHõ "Õà◊ WzÛ#@¡~Ú Õ g∞ xÜ«∂=∞HõO ZO «HÍÅO =~°‰õΩ? (put 99 unspecified period)

Page 7: YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details

Young Lives – Teacher Questinnaire_2010 – India 6

Section 3. Salary and incentives - r`åÅ∞ =∞iÜ«Ú „áÈ`åûǨÏHõ Éèí «ºO (W<£Ãã<£\˜"£û)

3.0 What is your current gross salary per month? [ Rs. __________ ]

g∞ <≥Å r «O "≥Ú «ÎO ZO «?

3.1 Is your salary paid on time every month?

„Ѩu <≥ÖÏ g∞‰õΩ r «O ã¨iQÍæ ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ JO Œ∞ «∞O^•?01=Always, 02=Usually, 03=Occasionally 04=Never [ __ __ ]

3.2 If you receive any other benefits, how much in total doyou receive each month in cash or in kind?

„Ѩu <≥ÖÏ \© «O H͉õΩO_® W «~° ™œHõ~åºÅ H˜O Œ P^•Ü«∞O Åaã¨∞Î#fl@¡~Ú Õ#QÆ Œ∞ ~°∂ѨOÖ’ ÖË • W «~° q è•Å∞QÍ ZO « Åaèã¨∞ÎOk?Please provide approximate cash value

(W «~°„`å Åaè¿ãÎ +¨μ=∂~°∞QÍ „"åÜ«∞O_ç) [ Rs. __________ ]If no, write 00

3.3 What is your total gross household income per monthother than/excluding your teaching salary? [ Rs. __________ ]

g∞ Láê 蕺ܫ∞ =$uÎ ^•fi~å HÍHõ, g∞ ‰õΩ@∞O|O "≥Ú «ÎO <≥Å P^•Ü«∞O ZO «? If none, write 00

3.4 Did you receive any rewards / incentives for goodperformance during the last three years in cash,in kind or in recognition?QÆ « =¸_Õà◊§Ö’ g∞ =$uÎ <≥·Ñ¨Ù}ϺxH˜ QÆ∞iÎOѨÙQÍ #QÆ Œ∞ ~°∂¿Ñ}ÏHÍx, W «~°q è•Å∞QÍ QÍx g∞~°∞ U"≥∞ÿ<å |Ǩï=∂<åÅ∞ QÍx P"å~°∞¤Å∞QÍx JO Œ∞‰õΩ<åfl~å?00=No; 01=Yes (If no, skip to 4.0) [ __ __ ]

3.5 If you have received any rewards / What type of rewards What was the sourceincentives in the last /incentives did you of the reward(s)/three years in cash or kind… receive? incentive(s) givenXHõ "Õà◊ J"å~°∞¤Å∞, |Ǩï=∂<åÅ∞, „áÈ`åûǨÏHõ ZÖÏO\˜q JO Œ∞‰õΩ<åfl~°∞? D |Ǩï=∞u ÖË • J"å~°∞¤#QÆ Œ∞ =ÔQ·~å JO Œ∞‰õΩ#fl@¡~Ú Õ Z=i #∞O_ç ÅaèOzOk?

01=Transfer, 01=School,02=Promotion, 02=Community,03=Additional Increment, 03=Mandal, 04=District,04=Recognition 05=State, 06=NGO,(e.g. Best Teacher 07=Other (specify)Award),05=Other (specify)

3.5.1 Reward 1 [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

Specify__________ Specify__________

3.5.2 Reward 2 [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

Specify__________ Specify__________

Page 8: YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details

Young Lives – Teacher Questinnaire_2010 – India 7

II. CLASS / TEACHING / COMMUNITY - «~°QÆu / É’ èŒ# / ã¨=∂[OSection 4. Teaching - É’ èŒ#

4.0 Do you prepare lesson plan for each lession?

g∞~°∞ áê~îåºOâßÅ∞ ~å «Ñ¨Ó~°fiHõOQÍ «Ü«∂~°∞ KÕ™êÎ~å?00=Never, 01=Yes, for every lesson,02=Yes, for more than half my lessons,03=Yes, for about a quarter of my lessons,04=Yes, rarely (e.g. in preparation for an inspection) [ __ __ ]

4.1 During the last academic year (2009 -10), have Have you faced this If yes, howyou faced any of the following challenges challenge in the last manageable waswith the class/es you teach and if so, how school year 2009-10? the situation?manageable was the situation?QÆ « q^•º ã¨O= «û~°OÖ’ (2009–10)Ö’ H˜O Œ K≥Ñ≤Ê# D W|ƒOk g∞‰õΩ Z Œ∞Ô~· Õ Uq èŒOQÍã¨"åà◊√§ Z Œ∞~˘¯<åfl~å?P ã¨"åà◊¡#∞ U q^èŒOQÍ (2009–10) Z^Œ∞~˘¯<åfl~°∞?JkèQÆq∞OKå~°∞? q^•ºã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ 01=Manageable

Z^Œ∞~°~ÚO^•? JkèQÆq∞OKå#∞02=Manageable with

00=No some difficulty01=Yes H˘O « Hõ+ìO`À JkèQÆq∞OKå#∞

03=Not manageableJkèQÆq∞OK« ÖËHõáÈÜ«∂#∞

4.1.2 Students who come from a wide range of backgrounds orsocial groups (e.g. economic, language) [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]qq èŒ ~°HÍÖ·# ã≤÷uQÆ «∞Å #∞O_ç =zÛ# q^•º~°∞úÅ∞(L^•. ™ê=∂lHõ, PiúHõ™ê÷~Ú, ÉèÏ+¨ =ÔQ·~å)

4.1.3 Students with special needs (e.g., hearing,

vision, speech impairment, physical disabilities) [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

„Ѩ ÕºHõ J=ã¨~åÅ∞ QÆÅ q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ (L^•. qxÑ≤OK«Hõ áÈ=_»O,ã¨iQÍæ =∂\Ï¡_»ÖËHõ áÈ=_»O (K≥q\˜, =¸QÆ, JOQÆ) JOQÆ"≥·HõźO)

4.1.4 Students with other difficulties in learning, shown by

poor marks in tests and homework [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

ǨϟO=~°∞¯ ã¨iQÍæ KÕÜ«∞HõáÈ=_»O, =∂~°∞¯Å∞ ÉÏQÍ «‰õΩ¯= QÍ ~å=_»O|\ì q^•ºiúH˜ K« Œ∞=Ù <Õ~°∞ÛHÀ=_»OÖ’ W «~° ã¨=∞㨺Å∞<åflÜ«∞x`≥Å∞ã¨∞‰õΩ#flѨÙÊ_»∞

4.1.5 Too many students in the class for one teacher [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ q^•º~°∞úÅ ã¨OYº KåÖÏ Z‰õΩ¯=QÍ L#flѨÙÊ_»∞

4.1.6 Few students in the class [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ q^•º~°∞úÅ ã¨OYº KåÖÏ «‰õΩ¯=QÍ L#flѨÙÊ_»∞4.1.7 Children from different grades in the class [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

"Õ~°∞ "Õ~°∞ «~°QÆ «∞Å („ˆQ_»∞Å) q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ XˆH HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ LO_»@O4.1.8 Disruptive children in the class [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ JO «~åÜ«∞O (JÅ¡i) HõeyOKÕ q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ L#flѨÙ_»∞

4.1.9 Irregular attendance of children [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ ã¨iQÍæ ~åHõáÈ=_»O

4.1.10 Problems with parents of the students [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

q^•º~°∞úÅ «e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å`À ã¨=∞㨺Å∞

Page 9: YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details

Young Lives – Teacher Questinnaire_2010 – India 8

4.1.11 Community interference [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

ã¨=∂[O *’HõºO KÕã¨∞HÀ=_»O

4.1.12 Community environment (e.g. unsafeviolent neighbourhood, etc.) [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

(„QÍ=∞ Ѩiã≤÷ «∞Å∞, ã¨O~°HõΔ} ÖËx „áêO «=Ú, <Õ~° ѨÓi «"≥∞ÿ#"å`å=~°}OÖ’ rqOK«_»O)

4.1.13 Parents not being able to afford the requiredmaterials [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ K« Œ∞=ÙHÀ=_®xH˜ J=ã¨~°"≥∞ÿ# =ã¨∞Î=ÙÅ∞ «e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å∞ã¨=∞‰õÄ~°ÛÖË#ѨÙÊ_»∞

4.1.14 Students tired and/ or not concentrating,

e.g. due to hunger [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ h~°ã¨OQÍ LO_»_»O ÖË • K« Œ∞=ÙÖ’ UHÍ„QÆ «K«∂Ñ≤OK«ÖËHõáÈ=_»O (L^•. PHõe)

4.1.15 Students from widely varying ages in the class [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

XHõ HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ WOK«∞q∞OK«∞ XˆH =Ü«∞ã¨∞ûQÆÅ q^•º~°∞úÅ∞H͉õΩO_®, "Õ~fi~°∞ =Ü«∞ã¨∞û#fl q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ ‰õÄ_® L#flã¨∞û_»∞

4.1.16 Other (specify)

W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç)Specify_________ [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

4.2 What is the main method you use tomotivate your students to study?q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ ÉÏQÍ K« Œ∞=Ù‰õΩ<Õ q èŒOQÍ „áÈ «ûÇ≤ÏOK«_®xH˜ =ÚYºOQÍg∞~°∞ U Ѩ Œúu J=ÅOaè™êÎ~°∞?01=Extra classes – J Œ#Ѩ٠H͡ѨÙÅ∞02=Recognition, e.g. praising, giving responsibility [ __ __ ]– ÉÏQÍ K«kq#ѨÙÊ_»∞ QÆ∞iÎOѨ٠L^•. á⁄QÆ_»@O, ÉÏ èŒº «Å∞ JѨÊyOK«_»O03=Counselling – "Õ~°∞QÍ fã¨∞ÔHo§ K≥ѨÊ_»O04=Small incentives, e.g. sweets, gifts Specify– z#fl z#fl „áÈ`åûǨÏHÍÅ∞ L^•. KåÔH¡@∞¡, z#fl |Ǩï=∞ «∞Å∞05=Provide more opportunity for them to participate in class– HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ K«∞~°∞‰õΩQÍ áêÖÁæ#\ÏxH˜ Z‰õΩ¯= J=HÍâßÅ∞ W=fi_»O __________06=Talk to parents – «e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å`À =∂\Ï¡_»@O07=Scolding students – q^•º~°∞úÅ#∞ u@∞ì@08=Beating students – q^•º~°∞úÅ#∞ H˘@ì_»O09=No steps taken – Jã¨Å∞ Uq∞ KÕÜ«∞HõáÈ=_»O10=Other (specify) – W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç)

4.3 What is the main course of action you would Courses of action:take in the following circumstances? fã¨∞‰õΩ<Õ K«~°ºD „H˜O Œ K≥Ñ≤Ê# Ѩiã≤÷ «∞Å∞ Z Œ∞Ô~·#ѨÙÊ_»∞ g∞~°∞ fã¨∞‰õΩ<Õ =∞Yº"≥∞ÿ# 01=Report to HMK«~°º Uq∞\˜? 02=Visit child’s home

03=Invite parent to school04=Talk to the child05=Help through teacher06=Scolding children07= Beating children08= Other (specify)09= No action

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4.3.1 Poor academic results [ __ __ ]

ѨsHõΔÖ’¡ =∂~°∞¯Å∞ «‰õΩ¯=QÍ ~å=_»O Specify ______________

4.3.2 Misbehaviour [ __ __ ]

„Ѩ=~°Î# ѨiQÍæ ÖËHõáÈ=_»O Specify ______________

4.3.3 Failure to complete homework [ __ __ ]

ǨϟO=~°∞¯ K≥Ü«∞ºHõ áÈ=_»O Specify ______________

4.3.4 Health problem or disability which affects school performance [ __ __ ]P~ÀQƺ ã¨=∞㨺Å∞ ÖË • K« Œ∞=ÙHÀ=_®xH˜ P@OHõO HõeyOKÕ JOQÆ"≥·HõźO/ Specify ______________W «~° ֒ѨO

4.3.5 Lack of textbooks, notebooks or pens [ __ __ ]

áê~î°º ѨÙãÎHÍÅ∞, <À\ò ѨÙãÎHÍÅ∞, ÃÑ#∞flÅ∞ =ÔQ·~å ÖËHõáÈ=_»O Specify _____________

4.3.6 Family has not paid school fees [ __ __ ]

ã¨∂¯Å∞ Ѷ‘A Hõ@ìHõáÈ=_»O Specify _____________

4.3.7 Other (specify)

W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=~°∞OK«O_ç) [ __ __ ]Specify ______________ Specify ______________

4.4 What proportion of children you teach are receiving privatetuition (outside of that provided through your school)?g∞~°∞ K« Œ∞=Ù K≥ѨÙÎ#fl q^•º~°∞úÖ’¡ ZO «=∞Ok „Ѩ~Ú"Õ@∞QÍ @∂º+¨#∞¡fã¨∞‰õΩO@∞<åfl~°∞? (ã¨∂¯Å∞ x~°fiÇ≤ÏOKÕ ZH±û„\ÏHÍ¡ã¨∞Å∞ H͉õΩO_®)00=None, 01=All, 02=Almost all, 03=Half, 04=Less than half,05=Less than a quarter If none, skip to 4.7(Z=fi~°∞ „Ѩ~Ú"Õ@∞ @∂º+¨#∞¡ fã¨∞HÀHõ áÈ Õ 4.7H˜ "≥à◊§O_ç) [ __ __ ]

4.5 Has this proportion increased since the last school year(2009-10)?QÆ « q^•º ã¨O= «û~°O (2009–10) #∞O_ç WѨÊ\˜=~°‰õΩ W\Ï¡ @∂º+¨#∞¡fã¨∞‰õΩ<Õ"åi ã¨OYº ÃÑiyO^•? 00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

4.6 Of the children who receive private tuition from outside,which proportion of these are male?

@∂º+¨#∞¡ fã¨∞‰õΩ<Õ "åiÖ’ =∞QÆÑ≤Å¡Å∞ ZO «=∞Ok?00=None, 01=All, 02=Almost all, 03=Half,04=Less than half, 05=Less than a quarter [ __ __ ]

4.7 Do you ever teach combined classes?g∞~°∞ ZѨÙÊ_≥·<å "Õ~fi~°∞ «~°QÆ «∞Å q^•º~°∞úÅO Œix XHõ HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ KÕiÛK« Œ∞=Ù K≥áêÊ~å?00=No; 01=Yes (If No, skip to 4.8) (ÖËHõ áÈ Õ 4.8H˜ "≥à◊§O_ç) [ __ __ ]

4.7.1 If yes, is the combining of classes a permanentarrangement (e.g. planned each term and happening onregular days), or is it temporary, (e.g. in response tounanticipated teacher absence)?XHõ "Õà◊ K≥a Õ Wk #i‡<≥O\ò U~åÊ\Ï? Z^•. „Ѩu @~ü‡Ö’ xiú+ì ~ÀAÖ’WÖÏO\˜ HÍ¡ã¨∞Å∞ [i¿Ñ x~°‚Ü«∞O [iyOk) ÖË • `å`å¯eHõ U~åÊ\Ï?(L^•. \©K«~°∞ ~åHõáÈ=_»O =Å¡ J#∞HÀ‰õΩO_® Z Œ∞Ô~·# Ѩiã≤÷u)01=combining classes is pre-planned and a permanent arrangement; [ __ __ ]02=combining classes is not planned, but sometimes happens,for example, when other teachers are absent or incase of few student Specify ___________03=Other (specify)

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4.7.2 If you ever have to teach combined classes, whatstrategies do you use to cope? 00=No; 01=YesZѨÙÊ_≥·<å «~°QÆ «∞Å∞ HõeÑ≤ É’kèOK«=Åã¨∞=¿ãÎ g∞~°∞ ZÖÏO\˜ K«~°ºÅ∞ fã¨∞‰õΩxѨiã≤÷uÑ≤ «@∞ì‰õΩO\Ï~°∞? Separate children in the classroom into class-specific groupsand divide teaching time between them [ __ __ ]q^•º~°∞úefl «~°QÆu "åsQÍ "Õ~°∞"Õ~°∞QÍ ‰õÄ~ÀÛɡ\ ì, "åiH˜ "Õ~°∞ "Õ~°∞QÍK« Œ∞=Ù K≥|∞`å#∞ Combine syllabus for different grades e.g. 3&4, and teach itover a longer time period, e.g. 2 years [ __ __ ]"Õ~fi~°∞ «~°QÆ «∞Å ã≤Å|ãπ HõeÑ≤, L^•. 3,4 «~°QÆ «∞Å#∞ HõeÑ≤ Z‰õΩ¯=HÍÅOJO>Ë Ô~O_Õà◊§ áê@∞ K« Œ∞=Ù K≥|∞`å#∞ Teach the syllabus of one of the classes to all students in theclassroom regardless of their class [ __ __ ]q^•º~°∞úÅ «~°QÆu`À ã¨O|O èŒO ÖˉõΩO_® U^À XHõ «~°QÆu ã≤Å|ãπ fã¨∞‰õΩxP JOâßÅ∞ q^•º~°∞úÅO ŒiH˜ K≥|∞`å#∞ Identify common elements in the syllabus of different classes,and teach these to all [ __ __ ]"Õ~fi~°∞ «~°QÆ «∞Å ã≤Å|ãπÖ’ L#fl HÍ=∞<£ JOâßÅ#∞ fã¨∞‰õΩx P JOâßÅ∞q^•º~°∞úÅO ŒiH˜ K≥|∞`å#∞ Other (specify) – W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç)Specify ___________ [ __ __ ]

4.8 Which syllabus (curriculum) are you following?

U ã≤Å|ãπ (áê~î°º„Ѩ}ÏoHõ#∞ g∞~°∞ J#∞ã¨iã¨∞Î<åfl~°∞?01=NCERT, 02=SCERT 03=Other (specify) [ __ __ ]Specify______________

4.9 Are you aware of the National Curriculum Framework(NCF) 2005?g∞‰õΩ *ÏfÜ«∞ áê~îåºOâßÅ xiú+ì x|O Œ#Å (Z<£.ã≤.ZѶπ– <Õ+¨#Öò Hõi‰õΩÅ"£∞„¿Ñ¶"£∞=~°∞¯ QÆ∞iOz ≥Å∞™ê?00=No, 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

4.9.1 If yes, have you received any training on the NationalCurriculum Framework?

J=QÍǨÏ# LO>Ë g∞~°∞ ^•O\’¡ tHõΔ} á⁄O^•~å?00=No, 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

4.10 Have your received any training on constructivism?

g∞~°∞ x~å‡}Ï «‡Hõ É’ èŒ# (Hõ<£„ãìHìq["£∞) Ö’ U ≥·<å tHõΔ} á⁄O^•~å?00=No, 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

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Section 5. Timetable and Time Allocation – >ÿ"£∞ >Ë|∞Öò =∞iÜ«Ú ã¨=∞Ü«∞O

5.0 Is a timetable provided by the HM/Principal?

ÃÇÏKü. Z"£∞ / „Ñ≤Ñ≤ûáêÖò >ÿ"£∞>Ë|∞Öò WKåÛ~å?00=No; 01=Yes (if no skip to 5.1) [ __ __ ]

5.0.1 If yes, how precisely do you follow the timetableprovided by the HM/Principal?

g∞~°∞ >ÿ"£∞ >Ë|∞Öò «∞K« «Ñ¨Ê‰õΩO_® áê\˜ã¨∞Î<åfl~å?00=Never, 01=Always, 02=Most of the time, 03=Sometimes [ __ __ ]

5.0.2 If you do not always follow the timetable, what is themain reason for this?XHõ "Õà◊ áê\˜OK«HõáÈ Õ =ÚYº HÍ~°}O Uq∞\˜?01=Personal absence - <Õ#∞ ÃãÅ=Ù ÃÑ@ì_»O =¸ÖÏ# [ __ __ ]02=Timetable is too challenging for students

- q^•º~°∞úÅH˜ >ÿ"£∞ >Ë|∞Öò KåÖÏ ã¨"åÅ∞QÍ LOk03=Teaching load - É’ èŒ<å ÉèÏ~°O KåÖÏ Z‰õΩ¯=QÍ LO_»_»O04=Administrative activities within the school

- ã¨∂¯Ö’¡ ѨiáêÅ#‰õΩ ã¨O|OkèOz# Ѩ#∞Å∞ Specify05=Administrative activities outside the school, _______________e.g. participating in censuses, etc.

- ã¨∂¯Å∞ |Ü«∞\˜ q Œ∞Å∞ L^•. [<åÉèÏ ÖˇHõ Å∞, ZxflHõÅ∞06=Timetable is not appropriate - >ÿ"£∞ >Ë|∞Öò ã¨iQÍ ÖË#O Œ∞#07=Other (specify) - W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç88=Not applicable - =iÎOK«^Œ∞

5.1 In a typical day, how much time do you spend onadministration tasks? [ __ __ ]XHõ ~ÀAÖ’ g∞~°∞ ZO «ã¨=∞Ü«∞O ã¨∂¯Å∞‰õΩ ã¨O|OkèOz# W «~° Ѩ#∞Ö’¡ hours (nearest hr)QÆ_»∞ѨÙ`å~°∞?

5.2 Do you maintain the following records? 00=No; 01=YesD „H˜O Œ K≥Ñ≤Ê# ilãì~°∞¡ áê\˜™êÎ~å?

5.2.1 Marks register - =∂~°∞¯Å il+ì~°∞ [ __ __ ]

5.2.2 Progress cards (student reports)

„áÈ„ÔQãπ HÍ~°∞¤Å∞ (q^•º~°∞úÅ iáÈ~°∞ìÅ∞) [ __ __ ]

5.2.3 Portfolio register (information on each child)

áÈ~°∞ì á¶ÈeÜ≥∂ il+ì~°∞ (q^•º~°∞úÅQÆ∞iOz Jxflq=~åÅ∞) [ __ __ ]

5.2.4 Children’s daily attendance (register)

q^•º~°∞úŠǨ[~°∞ il+ì~°∞ [ __ __ ]

5.2.5 Register of unique students achievements

q~åº~°∞úÅ∞ ™êkèOz# qt+ì"≥∞ÿ# q[Ü«∂Å∞ [ __ __ ]

5.2.6 Other (specify) W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç)Specify ___________ [ __ __ ]

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5.3 Do you prepare the following items as part of your teaching?

g∞ É’ èŒ# „Hõ=∞OÖ’ D „H˜O Œ q+¨Ü«∂Å∞ «Ü«∂~°∞ KÕ™êÎ~å?

Description of Item 00=No, 01=Yes77=Not Known

5.3.1 Annual plan - "åi¬Hõ „Ѩ}ÏoHõ [__ __]

5.3.2 Unit plan - Ü« x\ò „Ѩ}ÏoHõ [__ __]

5.3.3 Lesson plan - áê~î°º „Ѩ}ÏoHõ [__ __]

5.3.4 TLMs (Teaching and Learning Materials) [__ __]

\˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞ (\©zOQ∑ JO_£ ÖˇiflOQ∑ "≥∞\©iÜ«∞Öò)

5.3.5 Teacher diary/notes - \©K«~ü _≥·s / <À\òû [__ __]

5.3.6 Remedial teaching material for slow learner

K« Œ∞=ÙÖ’ "≥ѨÙHõ |_ç# q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ ÉÏQÍ É’ ŒÑ¨iKÕ qq èŒ Ñ¨iHõ~åÅ∞ [__ __]

5.3.7 Progress cards (student reports) - „áÈ„ÔQãπ HÍ~°∞¤Å∞ (q^•º~°∞úÅ iáÈ~°∞ìÅ∞) [__ __]

5.3.8 Preparing projects for the children

q^•º~°∞úÅ HÀã¨O „áê*ˇ‰õΩìÅ∞ «Ü«∂~°∞ KÕÜ«∞_»O [__ __]

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Section 6. Teaching and learning materials (TLM) – É’ èŒ# =∞iÜ«Ú J=QÍǨÏ<å ѨiHõ~åÅ∞ (\– É’ èŒ# =∞iÜ«Ú J=QÍǨÏ<å ѨiHõ~åÅ∞ (\– É’ èŒ# =∞iÜ«Ú J=QÍǨÏ<å ѨiHõ~åÅ∞ (\– É’ èŒ# =∞iÜ«Ú J=QÍǨÏ<å ѨiHõ~åÅ∞ (\– É’ èŒ# =∞iÜ«Ú J=QÍǨÏ<å ѨiHõ~åÅ∞ (\˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞)˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞)˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞)˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞)˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞)

6.0 How frequently do you use ‘new methods of teaching’?K« Œ∞=Ù K≥¿ÑÊ ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ g∞~°∞ ZO « «~°K«∞QÍ H˘ «Î É’ èŒ# Ѩ Œú «∞Å∞ J#∞ã¨i™êÎ~°∞?01=Always, 02=Usually, 03=Occassionally, 04=Never [ __ __ ]

6.1 How often do you use teaching and learning materials (TLM)?\˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞. ZO « «~°K«∞QÍ "å_» å~°∞?01=Always, 02=Usually, 03=Occassionally, 04=Never [ __ __ ]

6.2 To what extent do you use the prescribed text book as the main TLM?xˆ~ÌtOz# áê~î°º ѨÙãÎHÍÅ∞ =∂„ «"Õ∞ \˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞ QÍ ZO « qiqQÍ LѨÜ≥∂y™êÎ~°∞?01=Always, 02=Usually, 03=Occassionally, 04=Never [ __ __ ]

6.3 Do you think the use of TLM is beneficial to children? 00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]\˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞ =ã¨∞Î=ÙÅ LѨÜ≥∂QÆO q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ K« Œ∞=Ù <Õ~°∞ÛHÀ=_»OÖ’ ÖÏÉèíѨ_»∞`ÀO^•?

6.4 Did you receive a TLM grant this academic year?00=No; 01=Yes (If no, skip to 6.7) [ __ __ ]D q^•º ã¨O= «û~°OÖ’ \©zOQ∑ =∞iÜ«Ú ÖˇiflOQ∑ „QÍO@∞ ÅaèOzO^•?

6.4.1 If yes, how much was the TLM grant you received this year? Rs. [ __ __ __ __ ]ZO « „QÍO@∞ ÅaèOzOk?

6.4.2 If yes, did you receive your grant for TLM on time? 00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]ÅaOz Õ, \©zOQ∑ =∞iÜ«Ú ÖˇiflOQ∑ „QÍO@∞ ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ ÅaèOzO^•?

6.5 How have you used the amount given to you for TLM during the currentacademic year (2010-11)?D q^•º ã¨O= «û~°O (2010–11)Ö’ \˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞ H˜O Œ ÅaèOz# _»|∞ƒ#∞ g∞~°∞Uq èŒOQÍ LѨÜ≥∂yã¨∞Î<åfl~°∞?01=Prepared teaching and learning materials on my own\˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞ =ã¨∞Î=ÙÅ∞ <Õ<Õ ã¨fiÜ«∞OQÍ «Ü«∂~°∞ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ<åfl#∞02=Bought teaching and learning materials from the market\˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞ =ã¨∞Î=ÙÅ∞ =∂Ô~¯\ò #∞O_ç H˘<åfl#∞03=Engaged my students in producing teaching and learning materials [ __ __ ]\˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞ =ã¨∞Î=ÙÅ∞ q^•º~°∞úÅ`À KÕ~ÚOKå#∞04=Engaged an expert in producing teaching and learning materials SpecifyxѨÙ}∞Å#∞ xÜ«∞q∞Oz \˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞ =ã¨∞Î=ÙÅ∞ KÕ~ÚOKå#∞ _____________05=Have not used yet – _»|∞ƒ WOHÍ LѨÜ≥∂yOK«ÖË Œ∞06=Other (specify) – W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç)

6.6 Was the grant given for TLM sufficient?00=No; 01=Yes (if yes, skip to 6.7) [ __ __ ]ÅaèOz# „QÍO@∞ J=ã¨~åxH˜ ã¨iáÈ «∞O^•?

6.6.1 If no, in your view what is the amount required for TLM? Rs. [ __ __ __ __ ]

XHõ "Õà◊ ã¨iáÈ#@¡~Ú Õ, ZO « HÍ=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok?

6.7 Do you have remedial cards for Maths? 00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]QÆ}˜ «=Ú H˘~°‰õΩ Ô~q∞_çÜ«∞Öò HÍ~ü¤û Hõey L<åfl~å?

6.7.1 Does this class have remedial cards for Telugu?D HÍ¡ãπH˜ ≥Å∞QÆ∞Ö’ Ô~q∞_çÜ«∞Öò HÍ~ü¤û Hõey L<åfl~å?00=No; 01=Yes, 77=Not aware [ __ __ ]

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Section 7. Teacher appraisal and feedback – \©K«~°∞ ™ê=∞~°úºO JOK«<å =∞iÜ«Ú \©K«~°∞ P JOK«<åÅ#∞ É’ èŒ#Ö’ [ «KÕÜ«∞_»O

7.0 During the last school year (2009-10), how often was your work as a teacher in this school evaluatedby the following bodies?

D „H˜O ŒK≥Ñ≤Ê# JOâßÅ P è•~°OQÍ QÆ « q^•º ã¨O= «û~°O \©K«~°∞QÍ g∞ <≥·Ñ¨Ù}Ϻxfl ZO « «~°K«∞QÍ Ñ¨ijeOK«_»O [iyOk

Please indicate using the frequency By whom?

codes below Z=i KÕ «?00=Never 01=Principal01=Once a year 02=Other teachers02=At least twice 03=Schoola year Management Team03=Monthly 04=External individual04=More than or body (e.g. MRP,once a month MEO, DEO, external

school management, etc)05=Other (specify)

7.0.1 Examining students’ performance [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]q^•º~°∞úÅ „ѨuÉèí Specify ___________

7.0.2 Checking students’ attendance [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]q^•º~°∞úŠǨ[~°∞ Specify ___________

7.0.3 Checking your attendance and punctuality [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]g∞ Ǩ[~°∞ ѨxH˜ ã¨iQÍæ ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ "≥à◊§_»O Specify ___________

7.0.4 Examining your lesson plans [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]g∞ áê~î°º „Ѩ}ÏoHõÅ∞ (Öˇã¨<£ áê¡<£û) ѨijÅ# Specify ___________

7.0.5 Examining your interaction with students [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]q^•º~°∞úÅ`À g∞~°∞ "≥∞eˆQ f~°∞ Specify ___________

7.0.6 Examining your interaction with other staff [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]W «~° ã¨∂¯Å∞ ã≤|ƒOk`À g∞~°∞ "≥∞eˆQ f~°∞ Specify ___________

7.0.7 Unscheduled inspection of your teaching [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]g∞~°∞ áê~î°O K≥|∞ «∞#flѨÙÊ_»∞ ǨÏ~îå «∞ÎQÍ =zÛ Ñ¨ijeOK«_»O Specify ___________

7.0.8 Having an individual meeting to discussyour teaching [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]g∞ É’ èŒ#q+¨Ü«∞OÖ’ =ÚMÏ=ÚdQÍ K«iÛOK«_»O Specify ___________

7.0.9 Looking at student notebooksq^•º~°∞úÅ <À@∞ ѨÙãÎHÍÅ∞ ѨijeOK«_»O

7.0.10 Other (specify) W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç) [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

Specify ___________ Specify ___________

7.1 What were the impacts of your evaluation? 00=No;

g∞ ™ê=∞~°Ìº ѨijÅ# g∞ÃÑ· U"≥∞ÿ<å „Ñ¨ÉèÏ=O K«∂Ñ≤O^•? 01=Yes

7.1.1 My teaching has improved [ __ __ ]<å É’ Œ# "≥∞~°∞ÔQ·Ok

7.1.2 I have been given opportunities for professional development [ __ __ ]=$uΠѨ~°OQÍ Jaè=$kú K≥O Œ\ÏxH˜ <å‰õΩ J=HÍâ◊O ÅaOzOk

7.1.3 I have received public recognition from the principal and/or my colleagues [ __ __ ]„Ñ≤xûáêÖò ÖËHõ <å ã¨Ç¨ÏK«~°∞Å#∞O_ç <å‰õΩ QÆ∞iÎOѨ٠ÅaèOzOk

7.1.4 My classroom management practices have improved [ __ __ ]«~°QÆu x~°fiǨÏ} "≥∞~°∞QÆ∞ Ѩ_çOk

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7.1.5 My subject knowledge in maths has improved [ __ __ ]QÆ}˜ «OÖ’ <å *Ï˝#O ÃÑiyOk

7.1.6 My understanding of instructional practices in maths has improved [ __ __ ]QÆ}˜ «=Ú É’kèOKÕ Ñ¨ Œú «∞Å#∞ "≥∞~°∞QÆ∞ Ѩ~°K«∞‰õΩ<åfl#∞

7.1.7 I got downgraded – <å Ǩ^•#∞ «yæOKå~°∞ [ __ __ ]

7.1.8 I have lost motivation – <å‰õΩ É’ Œ#Ö’ „¿Ñ~°} «yæáÈ~ÚOk [ __ __ ]

7.1.9 No impact, no change – „ѨÉèÏ=OÖË Œ∞, =∂~°∞ÊÖË Œ∞ [ __ __ ]

7.2 Do you think that the following bodies are useful If yes, have you personally everin enhancing the quality of this school? made use of these bodies?g∞ ã¨∂¯Å∞ <å}º « ÃÑOK«_®xH˜ D „H˜Ok ã¨Oã÷Å∞ ZO «=~°‰õΩ J~Ú`,Õ D ã¨Oã÷Å#∞ g∞~°∞ LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞‰õΩ<åfl~å?™êÜ«∞Ѩ_»`å~Ú?00=No; 01=Yes; 88=Not applicable 00=No; 01=Yes; 88=Not applicable

7.2.1 SEC/AMC [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

7.2.2 PTA [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

7.2.3 PRI [ __ __ ] [ __ __ ]

7.3 How regularly were staff meetings held during the lastacademic year (2009-10)?QÆ « q^•º ã¨O= «û~°O (2009–10) Ö’ \©K«~°¡ ã¨=∂"ÕâßÅ∞ ZO « «~°K«∞QÍ [iQÍ~Ú?00=Never, 01=Weekly, 02=Fortnightly, 03=Monthly04=Quarterly, 05=Half-yearly, 06=Yearly, [ __ __ ]

7.4 How regularly do you attend staff meetings?ZO « «~°K«∞QÍ ã≤|ƒOk ã¨=∂"ÕâßʼnõΩ g∞~°∞ "≥à◊ å~°∞?00=Never, 01=Always, 02=Often, 03=Sometimes, [ __ __ ]

7.5 What were the two topic of the last staff meeting?H˜O Œ\ ˜ ã¨=∂"Õâ◊OÖ’ =ÚYºOQÍ K«iÛOz# Ô~O_»∞ =ÚYº"≥∞ÿ# JOâßÅ∞ Uq∞\˜?01=Academic-related – q^•º ã¨O|O èŒ"≥∞ÿ#«02=Student attendance– q^•º~°∞úÅǨ[~°∞ [ __ __ ]03=Budget– |_≥\ò Specify04=Discipline– „Hõ=∞tHõΔ} ____________05=School programmes such as mid-day meal – ã¨∂¯Å∞‰õΩ ã¨O|OkèOz# HÍ~°º„Hõ=∂Å∞(L^•. =∂ 蕺ǨÏfl Éè’[#O)06=Timetable for examinations and vacations07=Making formal requests to higher authorities [ __ __ ]08=Enrolment, drop out, repetition– #"≥∂ Œ∞, |_ç=∂<ÕÜ«Ú@ Specify09=Other (specify) ____________

7.6 Do teachers actively cooperate / help each other in school related matters?

ã¨∂¯Å∞ q+¨Ü«∂Ö’¡ \©K«~°∞¡ XHõiH˘Hõ~°∞ ã¨Ç¨ÏHõiOK«∞ ‰õΩO\Ï~å?00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

7.6.1 If yes, please give the details of cooperation in the following school-relatedmatters: 00=No;ã¨Ç¨ÏHõiOK«∞‰õΩ#fl@¡~Ú Õ D „H˜O Œ Uq+¨Ü«∂Ö’¡ ã¨Ç¨ÏHõiOK«∞‰õΩ<åfl~À ≥ÅѨO_ç. 01=Yes

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Young Lives – Teacher Questinnaire_2010 – India 16 Sharing of workloads – Ѩx ÉèÏ~åxfl ѨOK«∞H˘#_»O [ __ __ ] Sharing of administration tasks – ã¨∂¯Å∞ ѨiáêÅ# Ѩ#∞Å∞ [ __ __ ] When other teacher(s) absent – "Õ~ \©K«~°∞¡ ã¨∂¯ÖòH˜ ~å#ѨÙÊ_»∞ [ __ __ ] Preparation of TLM/ lesson plan – \˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞/ áê~î°º „Ѩ}ÏoHõÅ∞ «Ü«∂~°∞ KÕÜ«∞_»OÖ’ [ __ __ ] Sharing pedagogy – É’ èŒ<å Ѩ Œú «∞Å∞, "≥∞à◊‰õΩ=Å∞ [ __ __ ] Other (specify) – W ««~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç) [ __ __ ]

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Section 8. Parent and community interactions – «e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å∞, ã¨=∂[O =∞ Œº ã¨=∞#fiÜ«∞O

8.0 What is the main strategy used in convincing parents whoare reluctant to send their children to school?Ñ≤Å¡Å#∞ ã¨∂¯Å∞ H˜ ѨOѨ_®xH˜ «@Ѩ\Ï~ÚOKÕ «e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å#∞ XÑ≤ÊOK«_®xH˜U =∂~°æO ÖË • =ӺǨÏO J=∞Å∞ KÕ™êÎ~°∞?01=Repeated home visits by teachers\©K«~°∞¡ "åi Wà◊¡‰õΩ Ñ¨ ÕѨ Õ "≥à◊¡_»O02=Reporting to higher officials [ __ __ ]Ãã·JkèHÍ~°∞ʼnõΩ ≥eÜ«∞KÕÜ«∞_»O03=Involve peers – `À\˜ q^•º~°∞úÅ^•fi~å04=Involve NGOs – Z<£.l.F Å ™êÜ«∞O HÀ~°_»O05=Involve AMC Specify _____________Z.Z"£∞.ã≤ ã¨Ç¨ÏH˜~°O HÀ~°_»O06=Involve PTA – Ñ≤.\˜.Z ã¨Ç¨ÏHÍ~°O HÀ~°_»O07=Involve SHGs – Zãπ.ÃÇÏKü.lÅ ã¨Ç¨ÏHÍ~°O HÀ~°_»O08=Involve PRI – Ñ≤.P~ü.S Å ã¨Ç¨ÏHÍ~°O HÀ~°_»O09=Parents requested to come to school«e¡ ŒO„_»∞efl ã¨∂¯Å∞H˜ ~å=Åã≤OkQÍ HÀ~°_»O

10= No action taken– Uq∞ KÕÜ«∞‰õΩO_® =ke "ÕÜ«∞_»O11=Other specify – W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç)

8.1 How frequently are the parents of the class we haveobserved involved in the following activities? 00=Never,"Õ∞=Ú Ñ¨ijeOz# «~°QÆuÖ’x q^•º~°∞úÅ «e¡ «O„_»∞Å∞ ZO « «~°K«∞QÍ D 01=Sometimes, 02=OftenD „H˜Ok q+¨Ü«∂Ö’¡ áêÅ∞ѨOK«∞‰õΩ<åfl~°∞?

8.1.1 Visit the class and observe [ __ __ ]HÍ¡ã¨∞‰õΩ=zÛ QÆ=∞xOK«O_»O

8.1.2 Attend parent-teacher meetings [ __ __ ]«e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å∞–\©K«~°¡ ã¨=∂"ÕâßxH˜ Ǩ[~°∞HÍ=_»O

8.1.3 Discuss child’s progress during pickup or drop off [ __ __ ]q^•º~°∞úÅ#∞ ã¨∂¯Å∞ = ŒÌ =kÖË@ѨÙÊ_»∞ ÖË • WO\˜H˜ fã¨∞ÔHàı§@ѨÙÊ_»∞«=∞ Ñ≤Å¡Å K« Œ∞=Ù QÆ∞iOz \©K«~°¡#∞ J_çy ≥Å∞ã¨∞HÀ=_»O

8.1.4 Seek teachers’ advice on helping their child developspecific skills [ __ __ ]«=∞ Ñ≤Å¡ÅÖ’ „Ѩ ÕºHõ"≥∞ÿ# <≥·Ñ¨Ù}ºO ÃÑOK«_»OÖ’ \©K«~°¡ ã¨Ç¨ÏHÍ~°O HÀ~°_»O

8.1.5 Act as resource persons in class [ __ __ ]J=ã¨~°"≥∞ÿ#ѨÙÊ_»∞ q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ ã¨=∞㨺Å∞ Ѩi+¨ iOKÕ =ºHÎQÍ "≥∞ÅQÆ_»O

8.1.6 Doing homework activities that require parental participation [ __ __ ]ǨϟO=~ü KÕ¿ã q+¨Ü«∞OÖ’ J=ã¨~°"≥∞ÿ#ѨÙÊ_»∞ «e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å∞ áêÖ’æ#_»=Ú

8.2 What do you think is the most important reason forlimited parent involvement?«e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å∞ «‰õΩ¯=QÍ áêÅ∞ ѨOK«∞HÀ=_®xH˜ QÆÅ =ÚYº HÍ~°}O Uq∞\˜?

01=Parental work schedule – «e¡ ŒO„_»∞ŠѨx"Õà◊Å∞ [ __ __ ]02=Lack of interest – x~åã¨HõÎ «03=Illiteracy – x~°HõΔ~å㨺 « Specify _____________04=Social background of parents – ™ê=∂lHõ =~°æO05=Distance to school – ã¨∂¯Å∞ Œ∂~°OQÍ LO_»_»O06=Other (specify) – W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç)

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8.3 Do you make home visits? 00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]q^•º~°∞úÅ Wà◊§‰õΩ g∞~°∞ "≥à◊√ «∂ LO\Ï~å? (If No skip to 8.4)

8.3.1 If yes, how frequently do you make home visits to discuss thechild’s progress with the parents?J=Ù#∞ J#fl@¡~Ú Õ, q^•º~°∞úÅ K« Œ∞=Ù QÆ∞iOz "åi «e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å`À K«iÛOKÕO Œ∞‰õΩZO « «~°K«∞QÍ g∞~°∞ "åi Wà◊¡‰õΩ "≥à◊ å~°∞?01=Weekly, 02=Monthly, 03=Quarterly, 04=Yearly, [ __ __ ]

8.3.2 If yes, when did you last make a home visit?J=Ù#∞ J#fl@¡~Ú Õ, PY~°∞™êiQÍ ZѨÙÊ_»∞ g∞~°∞ "≥àϧ~°∞? 01=Last week, 02=Last month,03=1-3 months ago, 04=4-6 months ago,05=More than 6 months ageo [ __ __ ]

8.4 During the last academic year (2009-10), have there beenany occasions when you personally have securedsupport for the school from the community?QÆ « q^•º ã¨O= «û~°O (2009–10)Ö’ ã¨=∂[O#∞Oz ã¨∂¯Å∞‰õΩ ZÖÏO\˜=∞ ŒÌ «∞<≥·<å g∞~°∞ ã¨OáêkOK« QÆeQÍ~å?00=No; 01=Yes [ __ __ ]

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Section 9. Teacher attitudes – \©K«~°∞ "≥·Y~°∞Å∞9.0 What do you believe are the three most important goals for primary education?

g∞~°∞ #q∞‡# „áê èŒq∞Hõ q ŒºÜ≥∞Hõ =¸_»∞ „Ѩ è•# ÅHΔͺÅ∞ Uq∞\˜?Please use the code box below „H˜O Œ WzÛ#HÀ_£Å P è•~°OQÍ K≥ѨÊO_ç

9.0.1 Most important goal – "≥Ú Œ\ ˜ Ju =ÚYº"≥∞ÿ# ÅHõΔ ºO [ __ __ ]

Specify ______________

9.0.2 Second most important goal – Ô~O_À˜ Ju =ÚYº"≥∞ÿ# ÅHõΔ ºO [ __ __ ]

Specify ______________

9.0.3 Third most important goal – =¸_À Ju =ÚYº"≥∞ÿ# ÅHõΔ ºO [ __ __ ]

Specify ______________

Code box01=Students obtain good examination results – q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ ѨsHõΔÖ’¡ =∞Oz Ѷe`åÅ∞ ™êkèO_»O02=Students develop skills for employment – q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ L^ÀºQÆO ã¨OáêkèKÕ <≥·Ñ¨Ù}ºO ™êkèO_»O03=Students develop good discipline and moral values – q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ =∞Oz „Hõ=∞tHõΔ}, <≥·uHõ qÅ∞=Å∞ JÅ=~°∞K«HÀ=_»O04= Students get educated, because education is important – q Œº =ÚYºO HÍ|\ì K« Œ∞=Ù <Õ~°∞ÛH˘=_»O05=Development of their community – "åi "åi ã¨=∂*ÏÅ#∞ Jaè=$kú Ѩ~°K«∞HÀ=_»O06=Development of the nation – Õâßxfl Jaè=$kú KÕÜ«∞_»O07=Development of students’ creativity and critical thinking – ã¨$[<å «‡Hõ â◊HÎx, qâı¡+≤Oz PÖ’zOK«QÆŠѨiѨÓ~°‚ « ™êkèOK«_»O08= Development of students’ reading, writing and arithmetic skills.– q^•º~°∞ú K« Œ=_»O, ~åÜ«∞_»O QÆ}˜ «OÖ’ <≥·Ñ¨Ù}ºOÃÑOá⁄OkOK«_»O09=Other (specify) – W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç)

9.1 What do you think are the three most important indicators of a good school?=∞Oz ã¨∂¯Å∞ Jx K≥ѨÊ\ÏxH˜ =¸_»∞ Ju =ÚYº"≥∞ÿ# x Œ~°≈<åÅ∞ ≥eÜ«∞ KÕÜ«∞O_çOrder of Indicators of a good school How do you rate your school on thisimportance =∞Oz ã¨∂¯Å∞ J#_®xH˜ x Œ~°≈<åÅ∞ indicator compared to other schools?„áê=ÚYº « „Hõ=∞O H˜O Œ WzÛ# HÀ_£Å∞ LѨÜ≥∂yOK«O_ç q∞ye# ã¨∂¯à◊¡ À áÈeÛ#ѨÙÊ_»∞ g∞ ã¨∂¯Å∞ ZÖÏ LOk?

01=Better than other schools in the mandalPlease use codebox below 02=Same as other schools in the mandal

03=Worse than other schools in the mandal

9.1.1 First [ __ __ ] [ __ __]

9.1.2 Second [ __ __ ] [ __ __]

9.1.3 Third [ __ __] [ __ __]

Codebox01=School is easily accessible geographically – É∫QÀoHõOQÍ JO ŒiH˜ ã¨∞Å∞=ÙQÍ LO_®e02=Provision of food and safe drinking water – PǨ~°O, ~°HΔ « =∞Ozh\˜ ™œHõ~°ºO LO_®e03=Good school infrastructure, e.g. electricity, quality of buildings, sanitation facilities, playgroundã¨∂¯Å∞ Ö’ =∞Oz =㨠«∞Å∞, (L^•. HõÔ~O\ò, =∞Oz Éèí=#O, áêiâ◊√ ŒúºO ™œHõ~°ºO (=∞~°∞QÆ∞^˘_»∞¡) P@ã÷ÅO04=Provision of basic school supplies (blackboard, chalks, etc.)ã¨∂¯Å∞Ö’ LO_»=Åã≤# #Å¡|Å¡ (ÉÏ¡H±É’~ü¤) KåH±Ñ‘ãπÅ∞ =O\˜ „áê èŒq∞Hõ J=ã¨~åÅ∞ HõeyLO_»_»O05=Preparation and use of TLMs (teaching & learning materials)\˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞ (\©zOQ∑ JO_£ ÖˇiflOQ∑ "≥∞\©iÜ«∞Öò) K« Œ∞=Ù K≥ѨÊ\ÏxH˜ \©K«~°¡‰õΩ, K« Œ∞=Ù <Õ~°∞ÛHÀ=_®xH˜ q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ J=ã¨~°=∞ÜÕ∞º =ã¨∞Î=ÙÅ∞JO Œ∞ÉÏ@∞Ö’ LO_»_»O06=Gender sensitive classrooms – P_»Ñ≤Å¡Å∞, =∞QÆÑ≤Å¡Å J=ã¨~åʼnõΩ «QÆæ@∞ìQÍ LO_Õ «~°QÆu QÆ Œ∞Å∞07=Social category sensitive classrooms – Jxfl ™ê=∂lHõ =~°æ q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ HõÅã≤ ‰õÄ~°∞Û<Õ «~°QÆu QÆ Œ∞Å∞08=Good school management – =∞Oz Ü«∂[=∂#ºO09=Good teacher attitude – \©K«~°¡ „Ѩ=~°Î# =∞OzQÍ LO_»_»O10=Good learning achievement / exam results of children – =∞Oz Ѷe`åÅ∞ (q^•º~°∞úŠѨsHõΔŠѶe`åÅ∞)11=Good teacher qualification – =∞Oz J~°› «Å∞#fl \©K«~°∞¡ LO_»_»O12=Good community support – ã¨=∂[O #∞O_ç =∞Oz =∞ ŒÌ «∞ LO_»_»O13=High parental engagement – «e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å∞ K«∞~°∞‰õΩQÍ ã¨∂¯Å∞ q+¨Ü«∂Ö’¡ áêÖÁæ#_»O14=Strong links to higher authorities – ÃÑ· JkèHÍ~°∞Å`À =∞Oz ã¨O|O è•Å∞ Hõey LO_»_»O15=English medium of instruction – WOw¡+¨μ g∞_çÜ«∞OÖ’ Éè’kèOK«_»O16=Other (specify) W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç)

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9.2 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highlywith the following aspects of your job? Satisfied dissatisfiedg∞ L^ÀºQÍxH˜ ã¨O|OkèOz# q+¨Ü«∂Ö’¡ D „H˜O Œ KåÖÏ ã¨O «$Ñ≤ÎQÍ «@ã÷=ÚQÍ Jã¨O «$Ñ≤ÎQÍ KåÖÏK≥Ñ≤Ê# JOâߊѨ@¡ g∞~°∞ ZO « «$Ñ≤ÎQÍ ÖË • ã¨O «$Ñ≤ÎQÍ Jã¨O «$Ñ≤ÎQÍZO « Jã¨O «$Ñ≤ÎQÍ L<åfl~°∞?

9.2.1 Salary 1 2 3 4 5

9.2.2 Job security 1 2 3 4 5

9.2.3 Your position in the school 1 2 3 4 5

9.2.4 Appreciation from parents 1 2 3 4 5

9.2.5 Social status in the community 1 2 3 4 5

9.2.6 Cooperation from PRI 1 2 3 4 5

9.2.7 Facilities and resources in the school 1 2 3 4 5

9.2.8 Support/appreciation from senior Govt.officials/management 1 2 3 4 5

9.2.9 Support from other teachers/staff 1 2 3 4 5

9.2.10 Career development opportunities 1 2 3 4 5

9.3 How has your workload changed, over the past three years in this school?D ã¨∂¯Ö’¡ QÆ « =¸_Õà◊¡Ö’ g∞ Ѩx ÉèÏ~°O ZÖÏ LOk?01=Increased, 02=Remained the same, 03=Decreased, 88=NA [ __ __ ]

9.4 If your workload has increased, what is the main reason?Ѩx ÉèÏ~°O ÃÑ~°QÆ\ÏxH˜ QÆÅ =ÚYº HÍ~°}O Uq∞\˜?(if it has not increased, skip to 9.5)

01=An increase in the number of students per class [ __ __ ]q^•º~°∞úÅ ã¨OYº ÃÑ~°QÆ_»O02=Increase in the number of lessonáê~îåºOâßÅ ã¨OYº ÃÑ~°QÆ_»O03=Increase in non-teaching activities Specify _________É’ Œ<Õ «~° Ѩx ÉèÏ~°O ÃÑ~°QÆ_»O04=Students limited understanding of the language that we usefor teachingÉ’ èŒ<å ÉèÏ+¨#∞ H˘O « "Õ∞~°H J~°úO KÕã¨∞HÀ=_»O05=Lack of involvement of parents in their children’s educationÑ≤Å¡Å q ŒºÃÑ· «e¡ ŒO„_»∞Å „â◊ Œú «‰õΩ¯=06=Shortage of teachers Láê 蕺ܫÚÅ ã¨OYº «‰õΩ¯=07=Absenteeism among colleaguesã¨Ç¨Ï Láê^•ºÜ«ÚÅ∞ ÔQ·~°∞Ǩ[~°∞=Å#08=Lack of discipline among studentsÑ≤Å¡Ö’ „Hõ=∞tHõΔ} Ö’Ñ≤OK«_»O09=Time required to prepare new teaching and learning materials (TLM)H˘ «Î \ ˜.ZÖò.Z"£∞ «Ü«∂~°∞Ö’ Z‰õΩ¯= ã¨=∞Ü«∞O fã¨∞HÀ=_»O =Å#10=Other (specify) – W «~°=ÚÅ∞ (q=iOK«O_ç)

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Please read the following statements and Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Stronglycircle whether you strongly agree, agree, agree disagreeneither agree nor disagree, disagree andstrongly disagree.

D „H˜O Œ ~åã≤# "åHͺÅ`À g∞~°∞ QÆ\ ìQÍ JOwHõi QÆ\˜ìQÍ JOwHõi™êÎ#∞ U Jaè„áêÜ«∞O =ºuˆ~H˜™êÎ#∞ QÆ\ìQÍ =ºuã¨∞Î<åfl~å? F=∂kiQÍ JOwHõiã¨∞Î<åfl~å, Jã¨Å∞ U JOwHõi™êÎ#∞ ÖË^Œ∞ ˆ~H˜™êÎ#∞Jaè„áêÜ«∞OÖË •, =ºuˆ~H˜ã¨∞Î<åfl~å ÖËHõ QÆ\ ìQÍ=ºuˆ~H˜ã¨∞Î<åfl~å J<Õ q+¨Ü«∂xfl PÜ«∂ ã¨OYºH˜ ã¨∞<åflK«∞\ ì ≥eÜ«∞KÕÜ«∞O_ç.

9.5 Children do better in school if theylearn to read and write in their mothertongue 1 2 3 4 5"åi "åi =∂ «$ÉèÏ+¨Ö’ K« Œ=_»O, ~åÜ«∞_»O<Õ~°∞Û‰õΩO>Ë Ñ≤Å¡Å∞ ÉÏQÍ K« Œ∞=Ù`å~°∞

9.6 Children who have not been taughtwith English as a medium of instructionwill find it more difficult to get goodjobs in the future 1 2 3 4 5Ñ≤šʼnõΩ WOw¡+¨μ g∞_çÜ«∞OÖ’ K« Œ∞=Ù K≥ѨÊHõáÈ ÕÉèíq+¨º «∞ÎÖ’ =∞Oz L^ÀºQÍÅ∞ ^˘~°Hõ_»O KåÖÏ Hõ+ìO

9.7 English should be used as a mediumof instruction in first cycle so studentscan cope better with secondary school 1 2 3 4 5„áê èŒq∞Hõ Œâ◊#∞OKÕ WOw¡+¨μ =∂ Œº=∞OQÍ K« Œ∞=ÙK≥a Õ (WOw¡+¨μg∞_çÜ«∞O) ÃÑ· «~°QÆ «∞Ö’¡ ÉÏQÍ~å}˜™êÎ~°∞.

9.8 Students should learn subjects first intheir mother toungue 1 2 3 4 5Ñ≤Å¡Å∞ "åi ã¨Éˇ‰õΩìÅ#∞ "åi =∂ «$ ÉèÏ+¨Ö’<Õ<Õ~°∞ÛHÀ"åe

9.9 Using mother tongue in theclassroom will increase ability tolearn English 1 2 3 4 5HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ =∂ «$ ÉèÏ+¨ "å_»_»O=Å¡ Ñ≤Å¡Å∞ WOw¡+¨ ÉÏQÍ <Õ~°∞ÛHÀQÆÅ∞QÆ∞`å~°∞

9.10 I receive acknowledgement for mywork as a teacher 1 2 3 4 5\©K«~°∞QÍ <Õ#∞ KÕ¿ã ѨxH˜ <å‰õΩ QÆ∞iÎOѨ٠Åaèã¨∞ÎOk

9.11 My salary as a teacher is not adequate 1 2 3 4 5\©K«~°∞QÍ <å‰õΩ Kåe#O « r «O ~å=_»O_»OÖË Œ∞

9.12 My students respect me as a teacher 1 2 3 4 5\©K«~°∞QÍ <å q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ ##∞fl Q“~°qã¨∞Î<åfl~°∞

9.13 Teaching provides me withopportunities for professional andcareer development 1 2 3 4 5L^ÀºQÆO ÖË • =$uÎÖ’ Jaè=$kú ™êkèOK«_®xH˜\©K«~ü L^ÀºQÆO ™êÜ«∞Ѩ_»∞ «∞Ok

9.14 I want to change my career (i.e. dosomething other than teaching) 1 2 3 4 5<å=$uÎx =∂~°∞ÛHÀ ŒÅ∞K«∞‰õΩ<åfl#∞ (L^•. \©zOQ∑H͉õΩO_® =∞ˆ~ Œ~Ú<å L^ÀºQÆO)

Page 23: YOUNG LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY LIVES SCHOOL SURVEY INDIA ROUND 1 (2010) TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Please refer to accompanying justification documents for further details

Young Lives – Teacher Questinnaire_2010 – India 22

9.15 Learning mathematics is importantfor girls 1 2 3 4 5P_»Ñ≤Å¡Å∞ QÆ}˜ «O <Õ~°∞ÛHÀ=_»O =ÚYºO

9.16 Girls who go to school do not becomegood wives and mothers 1 2 3 4 5ã¨∂¯Å∞H˜ "≥o§ K« Œ∞=Ù‰õΩ<Õ P_»Ñ≤Å¡Å∞ =∞Oz ÉèÏ~°ºÅ∞`«Å∞¡Å∞ HÍÖË~°∞

9.17 I prefer to teach boys rather than girls 1 2 3 4 5P_»Ñ≤Å¡ÅHõ<åfl =∞QÆÑ≤Å¡ÅH˜ K« Œ∞=Ù K≥ѨÊ_®xˆH<Õ#∞ W+ìѨ_» å#∞

9.18 It is important for girls to at least learnhow to read and write 1 2 3 4 5P_»Ñ≤Å¡Å∞ Hõhã¨O K« Œ=_»O, ~åÜ«∞_»O<Õ~°∞ÛHÀ=_»O =ÚYºO