your adventure - wycliffe bible translators

God’s Heart & Mission, Your Participation YOUR ADVENTURE BEGINS HERE

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God’s Heart & Mission, Your Participation



Page 2: YOUR ADVENTURE - Wycliffe Bible Translators

EVERYONE is looking for power in a program,

in a methodology, in a technique, in anything

and everything but that in which God has placed

it — His Word. He alone has the power to change

lives for eternity, and that power is focused on

the Scriptures.

— R.C. Sproul


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HAS anyone within your church ever embraced a Bible as if it were a long-lost

child? Have they saved up for months to buy their own precious copy? Do

they weep when you read it on Sunday morning?

Probably not. But reactions like these are happening in communities all around

the world!

Mart Green, founder and CEO of Mardel Christian and Education Supply stores,

once saw a man in Guatemala weep with joy when he received a Bible in his

language for the first time.

Seeing the man overcome with emotion, Mart suddenly realized that although he

owned a chain of Christian bookstores, he wasn’t reading the Bible consistently.

He wasn’t treating God’s Word like his most treasured possession.

That night, Mart committed to read the Bible regularly for the rest of his life, and

today he’s one of the biggest champions of the Bible in America.

That’s just a small glimpse into the life-changing impact that God’s Word is having

all around the world.

What if your church could have an experience like Mart’s through a relationship with Wycliffe?


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HAVE you ever wondered how your church can be involved in the work of

Bible translation? Maybe you’re not sure what that would look like or even

where to begin. We’d like to help your church figure out how you can engage in

a partnership unique to your desires and needs.

A partnership with Wycliffe might look like:

Telling others about Bible translation so they can get involved, too.

Supporting a missionary financially, through prayer and encouragement.

Connecting with a specific people group somewhere else in the world and

promoting prayer for them, financially supporting the Bible translation

efforts in their language and building relationships with the people.

We want to connect your church with the amazing work that God is doing through

Bible translation. So let’s talk about it! We’re here to help you fulfill the goals and

vision that God has given your church. And through learning more about your

church, we can help you find your best fit.

To start a conversation today, email us at [email protected]

Deepen Your Partnership With a People Group


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EVERYONE needs the Bible! But more than a billion people are still Bibleless.

That’s why people are joining a movement around the world to help everyone

have access to God’s Word in the language they understand best.

We also want to see people reading the Bible and being transformed by it.

That’s why we want to partner with churches like yours to see the Bible change

lives. There are a lot of ways for your church to partner with this amazing work,

including using these resources we’ve designed that:

Teach kids the importance of the Bible and God’s love for all his children,

no matter where they live or what language they speak.

Empower women to be advocates of hope and lasting change in their

communities and around the world.

Share the amazing impact of prayer on Bible translation and how you can

be a part of it.

We hope these resources will not only inform but also inspire the hearts of people

in your church. We’re all called to be messengers of the gospel, and we want to

help your church see how you can be a part of spreading God’s Word to people

still waiting.


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WE must be global Christians

with a global vision because

we serve a global God.

— John R.W. Stott


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But the fun doesn’t have to stop there! A five-day summer

program is also included. Kids will get the chance to visit a

different region each day. They’ll memorize Scripture, learn

international games, make unique crafts and more.

Kate & Mack

MEET Kate, a Wycliffe missionary kid, and her friend, Mack. They’re on an

adventure to make new friends from all around the world, and your kids can

join them as they learn about different cultures, languages and countries. Along the

way, Kate and Mack discover that although there are a lot of differences between

them and their new friends, one thing is the same — they are all loved by a God

who speaks their language and wants to be their friend.

Your church can implement a five-

week Sunday school lesson series

that teaches elementary-age kids the

importance of having the Bible in the

language they understand best, how

to pray for people without the Bible

and so much more.

(Ages 5-11)

Help teach kids the importance of the Bible and about God’s love for all his people!


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N many countries around the world, women and children are marginalized. Their

rights are limited, and they live in societies where there is little opportunity for

education. This leaves them feeling powerless. These women and children need

advocates so their voices can be heard and lasting change can occur.

That’s what Wycliffe Women of the Word seeks to do. By raising awareness for

the issues that women and children often face in their various cultures, we are

able to take a stand and bring hope to them through Bible translation, Scripture

engagement, literacy, health care and more.

In this resource, the women of your church will journey through a four-week study

where they read stories about life in other cultures around the world, see the

impact that having God’s Word in their own language has and discuss ways that

they can make a difference — both in their own community and around the world.

Women of the Word

Be a part of empowering women for lasting change.


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PRAYER is the foundation of all we do. It’s life-changing and the gateway to

relationship with the Father. Jesus spent time with the Father in prayer, too,

and we desire to follow his example by doing the same.

One of the greatest ways you can partner with the work of Bible translation

is through prayer. Prayer should be incorporated into all aspects of reaching

people with God’s Word. We need people — just like you and those in your

church — interceding before the throne on behalf of God’s people. Whether

you’re able to pray in great detail or not, God hears your prayers, and he answers

them. We’ve seen just how prayer can impact the lives of people all around the

world as people have committed to praying for those who don’t yet have the

Bible in their own language.

These resources will equip your church with tools

that help you pray specifically and intentionally

for the work of Bible translation all around the world.

It’s through prayer that we get the work done, and your partnership is more important than you know.

Praying With Purpose


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GOD is pursuing with

omnipotent passion a

worldwide purpose of gathering

joyful worshipers for Himself

from every tribe and tongue and

people and nation. He has an

inexhaustible enthusiasm for the

supremacy of His name among

the nations.

— John Piper


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FOR the word of God is alive

and powerful. It is sharper

than the sharpest two-edged

sword, cutting between soul

and spirit, between joint

and marrow. It exposes our

innermost thoughts and desires.

— Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)