your application at a glance - uzh

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Dean's Office University of Zurich Dean's Office Rämistrasse 69 CH-8001 Zurich Provisional Confirmation of Supervision Subject to admission to doctoral studies by the Admissions Office 1 Your Application at a Glance 1 There is no entitlement to admission. Without admission to doctoral studies by the Admissions Office (incl. examination of the university degree), no legal claims can be derived from this confirmation of supervision. Approval (please leave blank) Kontrolldatum: ____________ Auflagen: Ja ____ Nein _____ Genehmigt durch (Stempel):

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Faculty of Arts and Social SciencesDean's Office

University of ZurichDean's OfficeRämistrasse 69CH-8001

Provisional Confirmation of SupervisionSubject to admission to doctoral studies by the Admissions Office1

Your Application at a Glance

1 There is no entitlement to admission. Without admission to doctoral studies by the Admissions Office (incl. examination of theuniversity degree), no legal claims can be derived from this confirmation of supervision.

Approval (please leave blank)Kontrolldatum: ____________

Auflagen: Ja ____ Nein _____

Genehmigt durch (Stempel):

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Faculty of Arts and Social SciencesDean's Office

Formular Vorbehaltliche Betreuungsbestätigung (en), PromVO 2019, Version Januar 2021

Please download the form and edit it with Adobe Pro or Adobe Reader. In the online version and with the preview app (Mac)the drop-down menus do not work.

Personal Information


First name:

Last name:


Swiss matriculation no. (if available):

Already matriculated at UZH this semester:

General Information on Doctorate

Master's level qualification:

Country obtained (if outside UZH):

Subject of doctorate:

Starting semester/Year:


Is a Cooperative Doctorate with a university of applied sciences or university of teacher education

supported by Swissuniversities planned?

Is a Cotutelle planned?

If so: Name of the partner university / City / Country?

Page 3/4 Formular Vorbehaltliche Betreuungsbestätigung (en), PromVO 2019, Version Januar 2021

Information on Supervisory Committee

Principal Supervisor



First name:

Last name:



Status at PhF:




First name:

Last name:



Status at PhF:

In case of UZH-external co-supervision:




*University of teacher education / applied sciences

In the case of supervision by members of a university of applied sciences / university of education with

a doctoral degree: In what form is the necessary application submitted to the Graduate School?

Additional co-supervisors can be registered with the doctoral agreement.

Faculty of Arts and Social SciencesDean's Office

Additional Requirements (max. 60 ECTS Credits) The requirements agreed here are decreed by the Admissions Office and must be fulfilled compulsorily. Credits to fulfill the curriculum (12 ECTS credits) are only agreed upon in a doctoral agreement.

Module number Module title No. of ECTS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Important InformationThe undersigned undertake to comply with the provisions of the applicable ordinance and doctoral program regulation (PromVO and DO), and are cognizant of the following in particular:

- The supervisory committee supervises doctoral candidates from admission until submission of theapplication for doctoral committee constitution (§ 12 para 1 PromVO).

- A doctoral agreement must be submitted to the Graduate School within 16 weeks of the approval of theprovisional confirmation of supervision.

- The doctoral agreement must be updated at least once a year. This involves discussing and reviewingthe previous year’s agreements and defining the next steps (including coursework) for the coming year.Minutes are kept of this discussion; these minutes are an integral part of the doctoral agreement, andmust be submitted via the Graduate School’s online services for doctoral candidates (§ 17 para 1PromVO). Please note that the supervisory committee must be involved (§ 16 para 2).

- The maximum duration of doctoral studies is six years. This period begins with admission to doctoralstudies and ends with conferral of the doctoral degree following publication of the thesis (§ 20and § 48 PromVO).

- Doctoral candidates are obliged to inform themselves about all matters relevant to their doctorate, inparticular the rules and deadlines that apply to them personally (§ 21 para 2 PromVO).

- In the event of a switch to another PhD subject, a new provisional confirmation of supervision must besubmitted to the Graduate School.


Place and date:

Signature of doctoral candidate:

Signature of principal supervisor:

Signature of co-supervisor:

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Hauptbetreuungsperson: ______________________________________ Unterschrift Ko-Betreuungsperson:


Faculty of Arts and Social SciencesDean's Office