your dreams start here

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Your Dreams Start Here!

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March 2015

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What I understand about dreams

By Rubén Ferrero, Dreams, what are they made of? According to some dictionaries a dream is a succession of images, thoughts or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. “An aspiration, a goal, an aim” for others. For me, the word “dream” is something out of reach that you want to get but does not depend on you. I prefer to talk about “steps”, “objectives” or expressions like “little by little”, “take a step forward”, “go ahead”. The reason is that I am an amateur triathlete and I workout everyday, during a year, for just only one day, the day of the race. Most people think I am obsessed with sport, they tell me, “Ruben, why do you train so hard if you don’t get any salary for that and you are not going to win?” The thing is that without this intensity in the trainings I would not be able to practice any sport and keep constant. At the beginning of the year, which for me is September, I usually create a list of objectives to accomplish. That keeps my motivation high. For this year some of these objectives are to finish a Marathon in less than 3 hours, to get the

Cambridge Advanced Exam and the most important one, to become a TEACHER. I have invested the last 5 years of my life training to be a good teacher, working and studying at the same time, having an Erasmus experience in Austria and making great effort everyday as I do in my trainings. We all deserve a reward after hours and hours of sacrifice. Don’t stop me now because I am having a good time and I don’t want to stop at all!

Image Yes! Author: Geralt from pixabay with license CC0 Public Domain

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An unreachable dream (By Álvaro Martín)

Once upon a twinkly time there was a boy who dreamed of the possibility of working as a physical education teacher.

Image ‘Kids on a jungle gym’ by j4p4n, from Openclipart with license CC0 Public Domain He knew that in his country it was impossible because the possibilities were reduced but he had that dream and he would do anything to reach it. He tried to study several courses related to his career but again it was not enough. So, one day he took a risky step and booked a plane ticket to go to the UK.

Image ‘Big Ben, houses of parliament’ by tom, from Openclipart with license CC0 Public Domain It was just crazy because he did not know anything about that country. However, he thought that it would be a good idea to learn English. One week later, he was there and

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he found lots of problems but he easily solved all of them. After nine months he came back to Spain and his English level was much better but again not enough for getting a job. Then, in Segovia, he met a fairy who would change his life.

Image ‘Psyche’ by johnny_automatic, from Openclipart with license CC0 Public Domain

She had magic dust and using it on him, she gave him the possibility to speak English perfectly with no problems. That was awesome and nobody knows why, he fell in love and tried to flirt with that fairy, however she didn’t want anything with a human. After some months, he realized that he got what he wanted (a good level of English) but he changed his mind some time later when he met that little piece of sky. He is still trying to find her although he became a P.E. teacher and now he is happier than a child with a lollipop.

Image ‘Lollipop’ by Magnesus, from Openclipart with license CC0 Public Domain

The moral of this tale is than even when you obtain what you wanted, you need more dreams to reach them. And never give up dreaming!

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MY DREAM by Montserrat Mejía Ortiz

Once I dreamed about wanting to live in Madrid, Spain. To reach my dream I had to look for tons of options. There were times the thought of not being able to make it crossed my mind, but people around me kept me focus and helped me reach my goal.

“Mapa Mundi”. By Metamario (Own work) CC BY 3.0., via Wikimedia Commons Modified by: Montserrat Mejía Ortiz After thinking a lot about it, I decided to look for a Master´s degree. Later on I found one in bilingualism education and I applied for it, some months later I received the acceptance letter and I got really excited. The next step was to look for finance and even though my parents support me. I got a scholarship form a foundation from Mexico. My dream was coming true!!

Author´s own Now I´m in the first step of my dream, living in Madrid and studying a Master´s degree. I'm

learning new things, meeting new people and enjoying it as best as I can.

“People” From CC Public Domain

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To continue living over here, I’m looking for a job, sending resumes to schools and believing to start working the next school year. By doing that I hope my dream will come true!

“Tablero” By geralt. From CCO Public Domain

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One day, I dreamed I was a famous teacher. I had to give a conference about creativity, it was what I said:

“There are a lot of ways to develop children's creativity but some teachers are not ready to do it or they do not want to do it. We have to develop teacher's and student's creativity if we want to get good results. Teachers can be trained in innovate methods and pedagogies, in the use of ICT in the classroom and in creativity. It will help to develop children's creativity. Teachers would be able to create or design interesting and innovative activities and students would learn in a fun way. Students can develop their creativity through all subjects. Teachers can’t kill children’s creativity.

By Susanaro (Own work) CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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I think if students learn in a creative and original way, they will be more creative and original and you will be able to use that creativity at different moments in their lives.

We cannot create children with the same features because all of they are different.

Creativity always involves originality. Teachers have to explain the same information in different ways. We have to use different materials, resources…

They have to create, experiment, play, dance, paint, draw, sing, write... Whatever they want. They are children. They have to be free.” It was amazing, people clapped, I was proud of my speech. And I woke up. BY MACARENA SAN PEDRO PALOMAR

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A little girl had a big dream Author: Elena Benito


Now I have a dream. I dream with a school for everybody. A school that integrates all the intelligences of the human cognition.

Elena Benito

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And I thought I was a dreamer… By Aser Santos Bajón (Click on the title and the pictures) When I first saw what we had to do for this activity I thought about picking a random cliche and developing it in a different way for it not to sound like a typical answer for this kind of activity. After thinking about it, I realized that doing that would be pointless. We always go with dreams that are out of our range or just impossible. Sometimes it is just better to be realistic and dream about things that can come true in our real life.

Image “Mano-Mundo-Bola,-Mantener-Niño” by artistlike. From Pixabay. Licence CCO Public Domain. Once I realized I didn’t want to talk about big dreams that would be impossible to achieve I realized how frustrating it can be for people to think about what they want to achieve and how often those dreams never come true. I always found it very frustrating to hope for things that might never happen and how those “dreams” would become nightmares that didn’t let me appreciate all the good things in life. Are those really the small things I want to dream of? Is it worth it for us to focus on what we don’t have and forget about all the good things that we have? That made me think that once they come true we tend to stop considering them to be dreams so we can move on and find new things we wish were real just because we don’t have them.

Image “lotto-billete-de-loter” by Hermann From Pixabay. Licence CCO Public Domain.

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Now that I know that, in my humble opinion, having dreams is not necessarily a good thing. I want to say that I consider my life my own dream. That is why I want to take advantage of every single second of it, try to make people around me happy and see as many things as I can. Things like family, friends and this fantastic world we live in are part of this dream we are all dreaming of. I guess we should go ahead and be happy and enjoy our dream. It came true a long time ago. Didn’t you know?

Image “puesta-de-sol-la-vida-silvestre-599826” by skeeze From Pixabay. Licence CCO Public Domain.

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A REALITY THAT COULD BE YOURS VERY SOON By Cristina Fradejas Nowadays, it is a fact that it is increasing the number of immigrants at school. They have different cultures and thinking to ours but they are still children. In order to be able to deal with this new situation, my dream would be to travel around the world in order to understand different ways of thinking and behaving. Not only will it change our way to teach these children, but it also will change our way of thinking. Sometimes, we tend to think that our culture and outlook of life is the best, but this is far from reality. Each culture has its advantages and disadvantages and we must not think that ours it is the one that must be respected above all else.

”Niño y niña de la mano Kids Escuela” by

OpenClips From Pixabay. Licence CCO Public Domain.

If all teachers had the opportunity to travel around the world to visit different countries, they would be more prepared to deal with this current situation in a proper way. As this is a little bit complicated, my dream can come true if teachers understand that even though they are going to be the ones that are going to teach students the contents and the values, sometimes, they are going to be taught too by children. Students have a lot of things to offer and we must be open- minded and respectful with them in order to help them to do it.

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There are plenty of ways to do something, if we understand that no one is better that the rest and respect all options equally, we will have reached the most difficult part. Do you agree?

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A poor little girl who dreams to be a teacher Author: Marta Plaza del MOnte

There was once a bunch of people…

Young people, old people, tall people, short people and even babies. People like

this, that or the other, all different but all quite happy with what they have in life

except a little girl called Marta. Marta lived with her poor family by the sea. Every

day, Marta’s dad left really early for a long day’s work in his neighbourhood bar.

He would not be home again till dark. A measly amount of money came back from

his job. Then, Marta, who could not stop dreaming of learning to read and write,

was just sitting on a chair all by herself all day long. All she has in that small

house was some dusty papers and some broken pencils and crayons. One night, an

enormous storm had raged around her house. In the morning, Marta went down to

the beach to see what had been left behind. As she walked along the shore, she

spotted something in the distance.

“You are my sunshine”. Photograph by Leon Brooks, taken from OPENPHOTO.NET

License CC BY-SA 3.0.

As she got closer, Marta could not believe her eyes. It was a shiny bottle with a

rolled up paper. Marta wondered what it was. So, as fast as she could, she got that

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paper out of the bottle. It was a picture of a traffic light with a message


Author’s own

“Don't wait for others to change your life. Feel free to see the green light” said the

message. She knew that all those letters said something but she could not read

them. That night, when dad arrived home, she asked him about that message. As

long as her dad explained it to her, she realized that she could not be just sitting

all day long doing nothing. She started working hard. She learnt how to read,

write, some mathematics, even she travelled abroad to learn English when she was

older. Nowadays, she started dreaming of raising money to build a little school in

her village where she could be a bilingual primary teacher.

…She has been dreaming of that ever since.

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By Lourdes Rosa Delmarés Is there anything better than living your own dreams? This isn't easy work, usually

you have to work, to be patient and to be a dreamer…

Image from Pixabay by stuarthampton with license CC0 Public Domain

I completely agree with our friend…

I consider myself a big dreamer, so I'm going to tell you a dream. I hope you like it!

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Once upon a time in a distant galaxy, there was a girl. She only wanted to be free. She wanted to visit new places, new cultures, new ideologies, new perspectives, new ways of looking at life.

She dreamed of the knowledge of humans.

Image from Pixabay with license CC0 Public Domain

And dreaming and dreaming, she was fulfilling her dreams…and she was

travelling and visiting new and awesome places!


Author’s own Praga

Author’s own

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Author’s own Egipt

Author’s own

And the dream continued for a long time…

MALTA Algarve

Author’s own

Do you want to know how the dream finishes?

With the longest dream…

“There isn't a better dream that your own life, live it!” Lourdes Rosa Delmarés

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Wonderful dream, wonderful world.

Image from Pixabay with license CC0 Public Domain

Once upon a time there was a girl who dreamed of a better world, , a world in which there were no differences between men and women. They were treated as what they are, human beings regardless our anatomy. . A world in which there were no fuss to see a child playing with a Barbie or a girl collecting football stickers. So, she decided to take a garbage bag and put inside one thing called discrimination. She also dreamed of a better world, where we can see the green colour more often than black. Where no one kills which gives us life, where every species besides the human race is respected as coexistence and respect is harmony. She picked up another bag and got inside one stinky thing called pollution. And her third dream was that each and all the faces she saw on public transport, in the street and on TV would always have a reason to smile and this should be stronger than a thousand reasons to be sad or angry. So she took one last huge bag and put inside one thing called sadness. When she collected all the trash bags, she carried them to a container, but not to an ordinary container... a recycling bin in which all the bags were recycled into spectacular things !! LOOK!

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Image from Pixabay with license CC0 Public Domain and own edited. Image from Iconfinder with license Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported

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Image “equality” from Pixabay with license CC0 Public Domain and own edited Image “environmental care” from Pixabay with license CC0 Public Domain and own edited Image “love” from Pixabay with license CC0 Public Domain. She had made all these horrible things into better ones then…

She started to be happy!!

Marta Gómez Campos

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UNDER THE SEA Source: image I, Jonathan Zander [GFDL

(, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

Source: image: By Jerzy Strzelecki (Own work) CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This story began when I closed my eyes… There was a girl who knew that that she mustn’t swim at night because her parents had told her thousands of times that the sea could be a really dangerous place, but she thought that as she has done many times before there was no danger if she just soak her feet. That way she went into the sea. She had just started to swim when suddenly she realized that it was so difficult for her to move, she tried to swim but the sea was stronger than her and pulled her inside it. She started to think that she should have obeyed her parents and just when she started to feel terrified she saw that there were two wolf coming to save her. Once she was saved she realized that it was not the sea, it was just a little puddle and... at that precisely moment I woke up.

By: Nora Lomas

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It's midnight and I can't sleep. I get up and dress in my wetsuit. I open the window

and the salty smell of the sea gives me its personal welcome. I go out and my feet

feel the soft and cold touch of the sand. The moon is so bright that even when I'm

under water it seems that it's midday. I swim as fast as I can until I lose the sight of

the shore. I'm alone but I'm not afraid, just enjoying the silence while I'm floating to

catch my breath. Below me, just the blue immensity.

Author’s own

I take a deep breath and begin to dive into the water. The moon gives a shiny silver

sparkle to the reef and the fish that makes this submarine landscape even more


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I think I could stay here forever.

Author’s own

Author: Marta López Fabero

Author’s own

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My Dreams (by Ana Bercovitz)

I have had several dreams along my life. Some of them were dreams that belonged only to a specific

moment in my life, disappearing afterwards, while some others remain or have appeared as new

dreams in my life.

When I was a little girl, I used to dream that I was a bird. It was amazing being able to fly everywhere,

and glide up high in the sky feeling the air in my face. This dream belongs to the first type, because I

do not dream of that anymore…

‘Flight bird’ By Luca from Licence CC BY-SA 3.0

Another type of dream that I have, is dreaming of my grandmother. I used to spend my whole

summers at the beach with her, while my parents were working in Madrid.

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“Playa Alcudia silla” by Juan Antonio Ruíz Gómez from Licence CC BY-SA 3.0

C BY-SA 3.0

She was a very important person in my life and I will probably keep on dreaming of her for the rest

of my life.

Then, I have my personal current dream, which is finding a job in a school as an English teacher. I

am working hard and I hope it ends up being for real!

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Image by Masterd at License: CC0 Public Domain

What is happening? “La bella durmiente” Image by Juanedc. License CC BY 2.0

How can we really know when we are having a

dream or a nightmare? What happens when a dream

turns into a nightmare? My dream started when I

realized that I was feeling different. My hands were

bigger, my tummy was a bit larger, I had more hair

than I usually have and even my feet were different. I

tried to look for a mirror but I could not find any at

home. I started to run. What was happening? Why

seemed that something was not going well? I tried to look for someone that could help me, but I

could not find anyone. I was desperate. I could not understand what was happening and

suddenly I found a spoon where I could be reflected. The surprise was to see that I turned into

an animated cartoon. The horrible monster of the last pixar movies. - Calm down, I thought. It

must be just a dream. Normally, I have weird dreams when I am stressed, and after the past

few weeks I am not surprised of having one of them. I will be awake soon. Suddenly, I heard a

big crash. My house was collapsing. I started to run, but I couldn’t. I broke my neck trying to run,

but nothing was working. I was really tired. I wanted to wake up. At that moment I appeared in

my bed. - Finally! I said. It was just a dream. But I still could not move. I was in the same

position for hours until I finally started to move my hand, then my head and little by little all my

body. It was one of the worst nights of my entire life.

Estefanía Blanco Hernández

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“Tree of PatriarchY” By Himynameishummingbird (Own work) CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Since I was a little girl I have had a dream that has been repeated in many occasions. I’m on a vast green field, it’s a

sunny day, the sun shines and there is not a cloud in the sky. In the distance I see a tree that attracts my attention. I

start to walk through the field, without stopping. It seems that the tree is further and further away, but after several

hours walking I arrive. It’s the biggest tree I have ever seen in my life, I touch its trunk, it is green and brown and very wrinkled. I raise my

head and I see the leaves, it’s full of leaves of different sizes, colors and shapes. I feel that this tree is different, it has

something special and mysterious. Suddenly I see a small hole at the base of the trunk. Something inside my head tells me to enter . I feel a huge

curiosity. I enter into the hole, it’s dark and musty. Suddenly a light goes on and I get speechless, it’s unbelievable,

it’s full of books, it seems like a big and old library, full of shelves with books. I start to walk through the corridors,

which are the roots of the tree and at the end of a root I find a small room with a sofa to relax. I take a book from a

shelf, I can not see the title, I sit on the sofa and then… I WAKE UP!

I love my dream, even though it never changes,, it looks so real and each time seems

that I had never been there before. I would like to tell you that two weeks ago I had the opportunity to work on my

school practices with the dreams. The teacher, all the students and i sat in a circle on

the floor and one by one the students were telling their dreams and then they had to

draw a picture. I explained my dream too and the teacher fell in love with my dream

So we decided to create a big mural for the reading corner to represent my dream

and… here it is!


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If you can imagine it… you can make it happens!!

Author: Marta Sánchez Hernández

When I was 9 years old, I had a vivid dream. I dreamt of a world of fantasy with strange places and

characters: books that are written when you have a dream, villages that were governed by children,

a kingdom where the king changes every week, forests where each tree has its own song…

The following day, I told two friends about the dream, Paloma and Maria. I could reproduce details

about the characters and places; they loved the story so we decided to write a book about this

world of fantasy. Each one had a different task in the creation of the book. Maria would draw the

pictures, Paloma would write the plot and I had to invent the story. At the beginning of the project,

we spent hours creating the map of our world, thinking about new characters and scenarios and

revising the text over and over again. That book was really important for us so we kept in mind that

we couldn’t waste the space in the book.

“Fungi 021” by Patty O'Hearn Kickham from Flickr with license CC BY 2.0

We took the decision of choosing a special notebook for our creative exercise. My sister gave us a

notebook whose cover looks like an old book. I used to hide the book in a secret place where

anybody could find it. It was part of our plan. I used to write at home when I felt inspired.

Sometimes, I woke up at midnight if I had a new idea for the story. Then, when my friends came to

my house, one revised the text, checking the spelling mistakes or giving details to the story. And the

other added the pictures in the text.

It was the first collaborating experience. Sometimes, it was really hard because we had different

point of view and it was not easy to reach an agreement. However, this experience helped me in

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order to understand the opinion of others. Nowadays, there are a lot of

different programs, websites and applications that we could have used

with the same purpose. If we had to start our book again, maybe we

would choose a different support. We didn’t finish the story (of course)

although, the most important thing is we started something creative that

we really and we worked hard for making it better.

Author’s own

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Dreaming at the


by Coral Muñoz González

Once I had a dream…a dream about…oh! Sorry, but I

don’t usually remember my dreams (neither my

nightmares) so it is pretty hard to tell you one.

Image ‘Signos de interrogación, Puntuación’ ’from with CCO Public Domain

However, one day I realized that my dreams were coming true when I was awake!

Isn’t that wonderful? People were happier than ever before, they were dancing,

singing, skipping, hopping, laughing…

Image ‘Kids, NIños, Juagando’ Author:Geyerbaby from with license CCO Public Domain

Image ‘NIña, Sonriendo, NIño, Lindo, Young’ Author: cherylholt from with license CCO Public Domain Image ‘NIño, Playa’ Author: tebielyc from with license CCO Public Domain But why were they so blissfully happy? Then I looked at me. I looked at them. I

again… looked at myself

Oh yes! I knew it! They were not just ordinary ‘people’, they were kids and I was

sitting on a bench at a playground.

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Image ‘Playgrpund’ Author: Glowman from with CCO Public

Domain It feels deeply sad when an adult realized

that never again will achieve the freedom

and happiness of a playground. So, as

coming back to the past is still unreachable,

my dream might be to find a moment

everyday in which we (as adults) can free

our minds for a while sharing with others around us. Image ‘Freedom’ Author: Nemo from with CCO Public Domain

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by Marta Moya Ripoll

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Eli who dreamed

of being taller. Actually, she was not very short but she thought

that she wouldn't be happy until she were taller. She tried hard

by drinking a lot of milk, eating a lot of food and playing

basketball, as she thought that by doing these things she would

get on in her try of being taller. She used to think about her

dream every day and she was unhappy because she was not tall


Author´s own

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One day, Miss Snyder, Eli´s teacher, told her students that they

should welcome a new student. She was Anna, a 10-year-old


The first time Eli saw Anna she was amazed. Anna looked very

happy sat in her wheelchair. Eli thought she couldn't be happy if

she was disabled and she didn't understand Ana´s attitude:

‘What’s wrong with this girl? Hasn't she realized that she is

disabled?´ Eli wondered if Anna had a dream as Eli´s dream of

being taller so one day she talked to her: `Anna, I have a dream.

I dream of being taller… What about you? What do you dream

of?´ Anna smiled and thought that Eli was a very nice girl. Then,

she answered: `I don´t dream of anything. I think that my life is

perfect just the way it is´ At that moment, Eli realized that life is

a treasure and happiness depends on us.

Little by little, Eli began to appreciate this gift that is life. She

enjoyed being alive and didn't mind not being tall any more. She

learnt to live without dreaming and preferred to take pleasure of

each moment instead. Life is the actual dream, a dream come


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Author´s own

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When I was little, I used to spend every Saturday with my sister at my grandparent’s. There, we were

more than happy and we could do whatever we wanted to. I have very good memories about those

Saturdays. I can remember my sister and I wearing my grandmother’s clothes and her rings and heels

pretending we were adults and we had an important job. I also remember a little house that my sister and

I used to create with my grandfather placing some blankets on the big table of the hall and hiding

ourselves under it. We had a lot of adventures and great fun together; I could not stop admiring my

grandfather and the way he treated us.

I loved him and I used to dream about him all the time, but I specially remember one dream in which my

grandfather was a real hero to me.

One Friday afternoon, I was in an amusement

park with my friends celebrating a birthday. It

was great, friends, attractions, chips and amazing day when you are eight

years old. My friend Ana and I were sliding in

the big yellow sledge (very scary but fun)

when suddenly, a voice through the speakers

alerted us that two very dangerous murderers

had entered the place and that one of us had

to go

Author’s own

and fight them so that the rest of the people could be safe. My friend Ana and I were panicking and we

decided to go with the rest of our friends to see what was going on. Once we were together, we decided

that one of us had to fight the two murderers, so we flipped a coin and of course, I was the lucky one who

had to do it.

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All my friends gave me some pieces of advice in order to win but I was scared stiff. When I finally decided

to go and try to catch the murderers, I started running without looking anywhere, I just wanted to

disappear. Suddenly, I heard a horn from my left, I turned my head and there he was, by grandfather in

his red cadillac, waiting for me,waiting to save me. My big hero.

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Just keep dreaming, just keep dreaming…

By Margarita Aldecoa

I don’t normally remember my dreams, and when I do remember them they are a bit stressful. I have dreamed a couple of times that suddenly one day I woke up and had no teeth, all my teeth were gone! It was a very weird sensation, trying to talk and not being able to do it, trying to bite or even eat and not being capable of doing it. I even remember looking myself at the mirror and seeing my mouth with no tooth at all. I still have that image in

my mind. Try to imagine a mouth like the one in this picture but with no teeth, because I am not going to add an image like that. I don’t want to upset anyone... Happy face - cara feliz by Hector Gómez from Openclipart. Unlimited commercial use

Another very recurrent dream is one of me falling into the void and of course there’s no end. I just keep falling and falling, also I try to scream but no sound comes out of my mouth. Well, apart from these stressful dreams I also have a dream that is really coming true this year, which is studying for becoming a teacher. This dream has been hidden for a long time in my life, I internally knew it was there, somewhere… For example, I’ve always had a very good relationship with children in general and since I was little I remember helping my little sister with her homework. I was pretty good by the way! because since I started helping her she started getting better grades! I remember I used to like that feeling of meaning something to someone. After that, I finished school and then went to University in order to study Business (nothing related to teaching) and kept with some private teaching but just for fun and for getting a bit of money. I liked it, yes, but never realized how much. It just came back again when I started teaching children (it was just private classes again) while I was living abroad. It was at that time when I realised that it was the dream I had been always looking for!

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So here I am, following my dream! I hope it ends coming true very soon because I cannot wait to start teaching and being part of some childrens’ life.

Children holding hands by Carlene from Openlipart. Unlimited commercial use

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Making dreams come true (by Natalia Arcos)

Once upon a time, there was a girl who

was passionate about hiking. She started when

she was young with her family.. A



Author’s own

As she is being older, she kept hiking on

her own. She used to go every week to a

different place in her city. Every week was a

new challenge. The beauty of this sport is that

you visit different places; you discover

extraordinary things and see amazing

landscapes. Author’s own

But there is a problem; she is so busy

with her study that nowadays has no time to

practice her favorite sport. Her current dream

is about visiting new places, and she is so

impatient about it that everything is already

arranged. Author’s own

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Dreams can come true, and as soon as she

finishes she will go on the move again. Dreams

are not always impossible if you make them


Author’s own

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Once upon a time, I dreamed about a world without injustices, an incredible world. It is a place

where my neighbors were not evicted from their houses if they couldn’t pay their rent. A world

in which the musicians of the underground who I saw every morning were recognized for their

talent and they turned to be famous artists with a place to sleep at least.

A world in which rich countries didn’t forget Africa or other poor countries in which thousands

of children die every day because they haven’t got any food to eat. In this dream teachers like us

could teach those children giving them an opportunity, a future. Obviously, in that world people

don’t kill others if they think different about ideas and thoughts. It was a place in which beliefs

were a reason to be a better person, and not to kill other people.

↤ Author´s own

Definitely, I dreamed about a world without

differences nor inequalities. A place without

murders, avarice, lies and poverty.

So, what can we do to get a better world? We

shouldn’t expect for politicians to decide to do

something, we should do it because we are the ones

who want to see a better world. It is not so difficult,

if all of us help needy people who live near

ourselves, we will improve the world easily.We

should change our own world with a little actions every day. Together we can get it, let’s dream, teachers!

by Manuel Lopez Lavado

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My nocturnal adventure (Jimena Acevedo)

I am going to tell you one of my true dreams. By true I

mean a dream I have actually had at night and which has

repeated three times over the last month. As it is just a

dream, it does not necessarily have to be about education,

but mine is a mixture of elements. First of all, you have to

know that I am a big fan of Harry Potter, so now you’ll

understand it better. I was inside a HP film, and instead of

pupils, Ron, Harry, Hermione and I, were teachers. We

were all together giving a lesson about hiding and

escaping from dementors. Our lesson was fantastic; our

students learned by doing, practised spellings and gave

mutual feedback, helping others while the teachers were

busy giving advice to some other pupils. All of a sudden,

me, Harry and Hermione were squirrels, and Ron was a

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pigeon, we were at Voldemort’s house, trying to negotiate

with him, but he wanted to kill us for teaching those

abilities, and especially Hermione, not only for being a

“mudblood” but also because she was obviously the best

of us. We started running and Voldemort started chasing

us, we put into practice all the advice we were giving to

our students and climbed buildings, jumped from tree to

tree and tried to hide into the top of the trees. We could

feel the cold breath of Voldemort on our necks, and we

were really scared, trying to do our best and to survive,

and suddenly, Ron broke one of his wings. Hermione took

her wand and fixed it with a spelling, but it was not

completely fine yet, it needed some time. Meanwhile,

Harry came up with an idea, we would make ourselves

tiny and so it would be much more difficult for Voldemort

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to find us. As tiny characters we run and run, hide into

ground holes, and rolled hill down, we suddenly felt we

were safe, as something told us that Voldemort had lost

our footprints, and being that tiny and that far away, it

would be very difficult for him to find us again.

Picture “Climbing trees” by the author

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I dreamed a dream

Image from: Volar en los sueños Author: Sueño consciente (Own work) License: [CC BY-SA 4.0

(], via Wikimedia Commons

Once I dreamed about a girl…

She used to walk alone at sunset. She knew a beautiful place to rest; a pier where she saw the

calm sea. That was the perfect moment to think about what was happening in her life. All

seemed to be perfect but one day she arrived at the pier just bursting into tears. Something wrong

occurred. She had had a bad experience with her workmates. They had been very rude with her

just for fun and she felt deeply sad. These actions repeated for several weeks. She wondered why

they were behaving in that way. She didn't understand anything so she made the decision to leave

the job in a business company. Even so, she couldn't stop thinking about that.

Nevertheless, that experience made her stronger and realized that she had to do something in

order to change the situation. One night, she dreamed about spreading kindness around her

surroundings (schools, offices, companies...). She didn't wait and next morning she started to

make that dream come true by giving talks about the importance of being kind. She always said

that people can be kind with small things that can have a big impact on others (give someone a

smile, offer help, listen, make people feel good, do something for another person without

expecting anything else…). Since that day, things started to get better and she felt really good

with her new life.

When I woke up I realized I had had a meaningful dream…

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Don´t hesitate and practise kindness! Little by little, we can make the world a better place.

‘Kindness’ by Shelly, from Sketchport. Licensed under CC-BY.


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DREAMING IS FREE OF CHARGE (MARÍA DAUDÉN) Would not it be great to change people´s lives? I have always dreamt of

travelling all around the world, visiting all kind of sites, from big cities to natural

parks and exotic places. Some stays would be short and others would be long. I

have always thought that it would be amazing to spend a while in a Third World

country, such as one in Africa and work there as a teacher. I am sure that it would

be such an incredible experience where I could transmit my knowledge at the same

time as I would learn from all those people who have a totally different view of


There is so much to learn from them as well as they need to know from us. By being

all together we could achieve great results. I would be really important to show

them a lot of support can be given and that they can count on us.

I have always pictured myself living an “adventure” like this, but I have to

recognise that I have not had enough courage to take a step forward. I know it is a

hard thing to do, but I really hope someday I will be able to do something like this.

After all, life is short and we have to make the most of ourselves now that we can.

Why being stuck in our comfort zone if we are free to do AMAZING things?

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“Ceremony near Kpalimé, Togo” . Image taken from photoree. License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

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By Silvia Peña Ledesma

Once upon a time there was a little girl who dreamed of travelling around the world. Since she had no

money, she decided to build a balloon. When she began to build the balloon, she realized she did not

have enough money to build her balloon, so she decided to start her journey on her bike. She prepared a bag with a world map, chocolates and water, but… when she started her journey night

fell in the first kilometer. Then, she decided to go back home, rest and postpone her trip for the next

day. The next day it rained a lot, so she could not begin her adventure either. She realized that travelling

the world was not as easy as she thought. For this reason, she decided to study what she liked to

achieve a job, make money, and be able to realize her dream. But when she grew up ... finding a job was not an easy task. However, she discovered she had a new

dream, which was to work with children, because he loved the desire that children have to discover

new things as…travelling around the world. That girl named Silvia was about to achieve her dream.

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I Por Hans Groß (1860-1924) [Public domain], undefined Por [CC BY 2.0 (], undefined

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My dream is your dream, by Mª Jesús García San Martín.

Our Acknowledgement to Jonathan Smith and his #twima, The World Is My Audience, who has made it possible for us to jump into #twima2 and write collaborative dreams with the world and for the world. Thanks, Jon.