youth ministry object lesson: briefcases

Youth Ministry Object Lesson: Briefcases Use this Object Lesson using briefcases for a discussion on appearances and of chasing after new things.

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Use this Object Lesson using briefcases for a discussion on appearances and of chasing after new things.


Page 1: Youth Ministry Object Lesson: Briefcases

Youth Ministry Object Lesson:


Use this Object Lesson using briefcases for a

discussion on appearances and of

chasing after new things.

Page 2: Youth Ministry Object Lesson: Briefcases

Materials1. As many smart-looking black executive brief-cases as you can borrow; inside each one place a clear plastic bag with something unsavory in it, such as a squashed tomato, an old sandwich or a broken biscuit; molded bread, curdled milk.2. A well-worn, old-fashioned brief-case; inside this case put a wallet or some cash. Alternatively you can use a wallets or purses.

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Object Lesson1. Talk about executive brief cases and the image that they convey, pretending that you have always wanted one. Compare the smartness of the cases you have borrowed and take a walk with each one, looking very important and pleased with yourself. Make fun of the old briefcase.

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2. Open each nice executive briefcase and express horror as you reveal the contents.3. Pick up the old-fashioned brief-case and discuss how this old thing could not possibly contain anything interesting or worthwhile. Open it and take out the money with complete amazement. Who would have thought? Something valuable inside an old case like this?

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Applications1. I sam 16 – God does not judge by appearances, what is on the outside, but by the heart – what is on the inside.

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2. 2 Kings – In the Northern Kingdom, God was concerned with the internal disobedience of the Israelites'. He was concerned with the fact that they did not put away their idols. For Israel, their new golden calves were like the executive briefcase- Looks great, but they led to the decay of Israel. They left corruption and disobedience in their hearts. Their faith had become old, seemingly forgotten and they did not believe they could find anything worthwhile in it.

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3. Many of todays youth view Christianity in the same way as the old briefcase. They are raised in a high tech, ever changing world. Whatever is new, sleek, and attractive is in. Whatever is old is out. For many of them, their faith has become like the old ragged briefcase. They do not believe that anything worthwhile can be found in it.

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Yet if they were willing to really look into it they would discover that inside it lies the greatest treasures. Just because something is old doesn’t mean it isn’t of great worth. Like Israel many of today’s youth run after every new fad and exciting new discovery only to realize later that they were hollow if not destructive.

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MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.Learn More…

Creative Object Lessons