zayed university...fellowship recognition these three ukspf dimensions are cross-referenced against...


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Page 1: Zayed University...Fellowship Recognition These three UKSPF dimensions are cross-referenced against four descriptors (D1-4), and HEA fellowship recognition categories. The Innovative
Page 2: Zayed University...Fellowship Recognition These three UKSPF dimensions are cross-referenced against four descriptors (D1-4), and HEA fellowship recognition categories. The Innovative

Zayed University

Innovative Teaching Program

Copyright © Center for Educational Innovation 2


INNOVATIVE TEACHING PROGRAM HANDBOOK ........................................................................... 2

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4

CEI Teaching Practice Framework (CEI-TPF) ........................................................................................4

Higher Education Academy (HEA) .......................................................................................................4

The UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) ...........................................................................5

Fellowship Recognition ........................................................................................................................5

The Innovative Teaching Program (ITP) ......................................................................................... 6

Rationale ..............................................................................................................................................6

Program Audience ...............................................................................................................................6

Fundamental Principles .......................................................................................................................6

Program Aims.......................................................................................................................................7

Program Structure: ITP ........................................................................................................................7

Constellation Module Descriptions .................................................................................................. 10

Pedagogical Approach ...................................................................................................................... 11

Commitment & Attendance ............................................................................................................. 12

Assessment & Feedback ................................................................................................................... 12

Support for Participants Making Fellowship Applications ............................................................ 12

Application Requirements for Fellowship ................................................................................... 14

Fellowship Claim Application Requirements .................................................................................... 15

Critical Review of Educational Practice ........................................................................................ 16

Peer References ............................................................................................................................ 20

Submitting Fellowship Claims ........................................................................................................... 20

Recognition Process ................................................................................................................... 20

Review Criteria .................................................................................................................................. 21

Appeals Process ................................................................................................................................ 22

Delivery team ............................................................................................................................ 22

Appendix A: CEI-TPF: CEI Teaching Practice Framework .............................................................. 23

Competency 1: Pedagogical Practices .............................................................................................. 23

Competency 2: Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SOTL) ............................................................. 24

Competency 3: Professional Practice ............................................................................................... 24

Competency 4: Learning Context ..................................................................................................... 25

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Appendix B: Fellow Review Criteria ............................................................................................ 28

Appendix C: Guide for References .............................................................................................. 32

What is the purpose of letter of reference?..................................................................................... 32

What do I need to provide in the letter of reference? ..................................................................... 32

What is the standard reference format? .......................................................................................... 32

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Innovative Teaching Program

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The Innovative Teaching Program (ITP) is a faculty professional development program designed

specifically to offer continuing support for all faculty teaching at Zayed University (ZU) and to help

them enhance their teaching and scholarly practices. This is achieved through a practical, reflective,

contextualized and critical engagement with new approaches to teaching and learning and

scholarship. The program is informed by scholarly research and based on best practice. Face-to-face

seminars are delivered on both the Abu Dhabi and Dubai campuses.

The Innovative Teaching Program has been developed to align to the Center for Educational

Innovation’s Teaching Practice Framework (CEI-TPF) and with the United Kingdom Professional

Standards Framework (UKPSF), (see appendix A). The UKPSF is an internationally recognized

framework which offers a comprehensive set of professional standards and guidelines for faculty

involved in teaching and supporting learning in higher education. On completion of the Innovative

Teaching Program – Taught pathway, participants may apply for the internationally recognized

Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

CEI Teaching Practice Framework (CEI-TPF)

ZU operates in a unique context with a relatively homogenous group of students but a very

international faculty complement. Our students typically speak Arabic as a first language and English

as a second or third language. ZU has developed a Pedagogical Framework to help meet the

challenges of teaching and supporting learning in the region. Inspired by this framework, the CEI has

developed the Teaching Practice Framework which is a set of actionable competencies that are

contextually relevant to ZU students and faculty. The Innovative Teaching Program design is rooted

in development of these competencies by participants.

The CEI Teaching Practice framework has four areas of practice:

1. Pedagogical practice

2. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

3. Professional Practice

4. Learning Context

The CEI competency framework maps directly onto the HEA UK Professional Standards Framework

(more information below, see appendix A below for this alignment). On completion of the Innovative

Teaching Program, participants may apply for the internationally recognized Fellowship of the Higher

Education Academy.

Higher Education Academy (HEA)

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) ( is a UK national body focused

on enhancing learning and teaching in higher education. They focus on improving approaches to

teaching, and individual teaching practice, to help improve student achievement of learning


Page 5: Zayed University...Fellowship Recognition These three UKSPF dimensions are cross-referenced against four descriptors (D1-4), and HEA fellowship recognition categories. The Innovative

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Innovative Teaching Program

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One HEA initiative is a recognition program called HEA Fellowships. An HEA fellowship is an

international recognition of a commitment to professionalism in teaching and learning in higher

education and demonstrates that your teaching practice is aligned with the UK Professional

Standards Framework (UKPSF). Upon completion of the Innovative Teaching Program, participants

may apply for the internationally recognized HEA Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.

The UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)

UKPSF aims:

1. Supports the initial and continuing professional development of staff engaged in

teaching and supporting learning

2. Fosters dynamic approaches to teaching and learning through creativity, innovation and

continuous development in diverse academic and/or professional settings

3. Demonstrates to students and other stakeholders the professionalism that staff and

institutions bring to teaching and support for student learning

4. Acknowledges the variety and quality of teaching, learning and assessment practices

that support and underpin student learning

5. Facilitates individuals and institutions in gaining formal recognition for quality enhanced

approaches to teaching and supporting learning, often as part of wider responsibilities

that may include research and/or management activities.

The UKPSF has three dimensions that make up professional practice within higher education

teaching and learning support:

1. Areas of activity

2. Core knowledge

3. Professional values

The first dimension are five areas of activity, which are common activities undertaken by higher

education faculty. The second dimension is the core knowledge about teaching and learning faculty

need to carry out the areas of activity successfully. The third dimension is the professional values

that a faculty member should embody.

Fellowship Recognition

These three UKSPF dimensions are cross-referenced against four descriptors (D1-4), and HEA

fellowship recognition categories.

The Innovative Teaching Program leads toward building a claim for HEA Fellow recognition

(Descriptor 2). It requires participants to demonstrates a broad understanding of effective

approaches to teaching and learning support as key contributions to high quality student learning.

The award of HEA Fellowships through the Innovative Teaching Program is based on the submission

of a claim, made up of two parts:

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1. A Critical Review of Educational Practice

2. Peer References (2)

Further details on in “Application Requirements for Fellowship Claims” below.

The Innovative Teaching Program (ITP)


Everyone responsible for the student learning experience at ZU should have a sound understanding

of the theory and practice of teaching and learning in higher education, and an understanding of the

unique context in which it is embedded. This program has been developed to provide opportunities

for teachers to undertake and evidence their professional development in academic practice. It is

designed to promote and embed high quality professional practice in learning, teaching and


Program Audience

The ITP is carefully designed to support the faculty teaching at ZU, regardless of their rank,

experience or discipline. The program offers participants a supportive, friendly and professional

environment in which they can develop their teaching and research aspirations. Whether you are

new to teaching and the community or an experienced faculty member, the CEI invites you to join

the ITP which focuses on faculty development, educational development, and innovative learning

design specifically in the Gulf context.

Seminars will be held on both the Abu Dhabi and Dubai campuses, so you can choose the location

and timing that is convenient for you.

Fundamental Principles

The following are the fundamental principles that guide the design and delivery of the ITP:

➢ Teaching in higher education is challenging, rigorous, developmental, and rewarding.

➢ Excellence in teaching requires disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge.

➢ A successful educator encourages critical thinking skills, motivates students to learn, and

engages students in the learning process.

➢ Quality education links classroom activities to the wider social and global contexts.

➢ Program and course design, teaching and learning strategies, and forms of assessment must

be aligned.

➢ Teaching and research enrich and complement one another.

➢ Our focus is on what faculty achieve, not what faculty do.

➢ Good teaching practice can be enhanced through collaboration and reflective sharing.

Page 7: Zayed University...Fellowship Recognition These three UKSPF dimensions are cross-referenced against four descriptors (D1-4), and HEA fellowship recognition categories. The Innovative

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Innovative Teaching Program

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Program Aims

Members of the faculty who enroll in the ITP will have ample opportunities to:

➢ Understand the foundations of student-centered approaches to teaching and learning

➢ Engage with teaching and learning theories and practices

➢ Design content and language-rich instructional material

➢ Choose and utilize educational technology to support learning

➢ Critically reflect on their teaching practices through the development of an evidence-based

teaching portfolio

➢ Use evidence and scholarship to enhance professional practice

➢ Gain a comprehensive understanding of how to design formative and summative


➢ Acquire new techniques to create inter-culturally attuned, supportive, motivating and

engaging learning environments

➢ Cultivate creative approaches to teaching, learning and assessment through collaboration

with peers

➢ Enrich research profile by engaging with the scholarship of teaching and learning

➢ Interact with colleagues to learn and share good teaching practices

Program Structure: ITP

The ITP is flexible and customizable, based on the individual needs of the participant. There are two

modules that are required (Program Orientation and Build the Claim), and many optional modules

participants can choose to take. Participants select optional modules based on their interest and


The required modules will orient participants across all areas of the CEI-TPF/UKPSF, and support the

collection and reporting of evidence in a written reflective account of practice, and the selection of

appropriate referees.

The optional modules will help to develop effective understanding and practical application of

current best practices in teaching and learning across all areas of the CEI-TPF/UKPSF.

In order to make a claim for fellow, candidates will need to successfully evidence their engagement

with all of the CEI-TPF/UKSPF dimensions. Based on participant’s backgrounds, they may have

individual gaps in their knowledge, or areas that they would like to develop further based on

interest. Participants should select modules that will support them to build knowledge in any

competency areas they need to develop.

Following the modules, participants will be mentored and supported through the drafting and

submission of a claim for fellowship.

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Innovative Teaching Program

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The following is a typical path through the ITP:

Program Orientation Session


This required session will orient participants to the CEI-TPF and

UKPFS, and help them select an appropriate recognition

pathway and modules to complete to support their claim

through a self-assessment. Participants will create a schedule to

develop an evidence-based and reflective teaching portfolio.

Selection of Constellation


Based on a participant’s previous experience and needs

identified in the Orientation Session, participants will plan a

personalized path through the constellation modules, choosing

to take as many or as few constellation modules as they wish to

build up their portfolio.

The modules have been developed to integrate the relevant CEI-

TPF/UKPSF standards.

See the Module Descriptions below, and Module Handbooks

[LINK TO WEBSITE] for further information.

Build the Claim Module The “Build the Claim” module is a required component of the

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Innovative Teaching Program

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(required) program. It is designed to support participants to draft

fellowship submissions, select evidence and select referees.

Participants in these workshops will be part of small writing

communities to provide peer and facilitated support for their


Participants will also be paired with a Mentor that is an HEA

recognized fellow and a ZU colleague. The Mentor’s role is to

give formative feedback on a completed draft of the

participant's claim with regards to the claim's components,

alignment with the CEI-TPF/UKPSF and critically reflective

narrative writing structure. Usually a mentor will give two

rounds of formative feedback.

See the Module Handbook Build the Claim for more information


Fellowship Claim Submission

and Examination

An independent, arms-length review and examination process is

used to judge fellowship submissions. Examiners are themselves

HEA fellows typically Fellow or Senior Fellows, and have

received specialized training. Where appropriate feedback from

the examiner is provided to the person making the submission;

feedback is designed to be formative and facilitative of a

subsequent re-submission should it be required.

While all participants have varied backgrounds and expertise to draw from, generally omitting the

optional modules is best suited to participants that have a sustained record of continued

professional development in teaching practice, with many years of teaching experience in higher

education in the Gulf region. The optional modules support participants that are either new to

higher education teaching, or new to higher education teaching in the Gulf region. The flexible

Module format allows participants to select only topics that are of interest or needed for them to

help evidence their understanding and application of current best practices in all areas of the CEI-


The HEA Fellowship program supports four categories of Fellowship: Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior

Fellow and Principle Fellow. However, only one category of fellowship is supported by the ITP:

Fellow. This category of fellowship has been chosen as being most appropriate for ZU faculty, as they

are expected to have a broad understanding of the theory and practice of teaching and learning in

higher education, and that is the focus of these categories.

A successful Fellow candidate will need to draw on their teaching background and knowledge to

demonstrate effective and broad understanding of current best practices in teaching and

learning. Candidates will need to be able to successfully evidence their engagement with all of the

CEI-TPF competencies and UKSPF dimensions.

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Innovative Teaching Program

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Constellation Module Descriptions

Below are general descriptions of the constellation modules available to ITP participants.

Participants can choose

ITPF-001 Instructional

Design and Planning

This module introduces participants to teaching in higher education

in the UAE. Participants will learn to use instructional design

methodology to develop lessons that align outcomes with teaching

and learning activities. Through collaborative work, participants will

describe their teaching philosophy and reflect on best practices for

building rapport with students and providing a culturally sensitive

context that fosters students’ engagement and learning.

ITPF-002 Assessment of Student Learning

This module introduces participants to the importance of the

linguistic and academic competencies students bring into the

learning environment. The module will also introduce participants to

effectively assessing students' learning. Through collaborative work,

participants will identify the linguistic idiosyncrasies of the UAE

context and develop methods to address them in their teaching and

assessments. Participants will be introduced to various assessment

techniques and choose assessment methods that align with their

course outcomes. Finally, participants will practice designing

conceptually clear assessments in a variety of formats.

ITPF-003 Enhancing

Teaching and Learning

Through Educational

Technology and Scholarly


This module introduces participants to effective

collaboration, EdTech integration and scholarly approaches to

teaching. Participants will learn how to use peer observation to

enhance teaching and learning. Additionally, they will demonstrate

scholarly approaches to teaching through the use of a variety

of EdTech tools.

ITPF-004 Scholarship of

Teaching and Learning

This module introduces participants to the Scholarship of Teaching

and Learning as an effective professional development model for

long-term change in teaching practice. The module engages

participants in an exploration of SoTL related research, an evaluation

of the effectiveness of different SoTL research methodologies and

designs, a discussion of tools available for analyzing qualitative and

quantitative data, and an understanding of the ZU processes and

procedures for conducting systematic and rigorous classroom-based

inquiries and engaging human subjects in research projects.

Participants will be expected to design a research project and submit

an ethics clearance form by the end of the module.

ITPF-005 Developing Meaningful Assessments

Participants will be introduced to formative, summative and authentic assessment through an inquiry-based, collaborative approach. Participants will review pertinent educational literature

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and participate in discussions with a view to critiquing a current assessment challenge. Some practical exercises will emphasize the creation of rubrics and the alignment of assessment to course learning outcomes. Participants will also create a digital media object that will summarize their learning.

ITPF-006 Enhancing Student Academic Literacy

This module will introduce faculty members to strategies to help

students improve their academic literacy in college level courses. It

will provide participants with a set of practical strategies to engage

their students in reading, vocabulary and writing. Through discussion

and hands-on sessions, participants will work to integrate those

strategies into their teaching. This module also encourages

participants to reflect on best practices of teaching and learning in a

second language context.

ITPF-007 Evidence-based approaches to developing students’ critical thinking skills

This module explores ways for teachers to develop students’ critical thinking skills using evidence-based approaches. Participants investigate a variety of critical thinking pedagogical models, assessments, and interventions, and use those, which are appropriate to their own students. Participants use a scholarly research approach to rigorously and systematically evaluate student development of critical thinking skills.

Pedagogical Approach

The ITP modules will be delivered through face-to-face seminars, with supporting on-line activities.

The modules are developed to provide participants with content and practice in the topic area,

opportunities to build their portfolio through in-class and between-class activities, and to leave most

sessions with something they can use in their next class.

Interactive face-to-face seminars:

• Seminar leaders are HEA recognized, familiar with ZU’s unique work environment, policies,

expectations and challenges as well as best practices in education.

• Participants attend interactive seminars where they share, discuss, apply and reflect on the


• Additionally, participants explore and reflect on teaching and learning issues that relate to

their discipline, course content and teaching context.

• Seminars will model a wide variety of teaching approaches for participants that they may

want to incorporate into their own practice.

Relevant and Pragmatic

• Seminars and activities lead to opportunities to practice what participants have learned

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Innovative Teaching Program

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• Artifacts (activities, materials, reflections, etc.) are structured to provide evidence via

teaching portfolio entries

• There is a focus on immediacy e.g., ‘what can I do by next Tuesday?’

On-line module support:

• Modules will use a corresponding Blackboard site, containing course materials for pre-

reading and reference, submission areas for module activities, as well as discussion areas to

interact with module colleagues.

Commitment & Attendance

The required Program Orientation Session is required as an introduction to the ITP. It is one session

that is 3 hours long.

The optional constellation modules consist of five two-hour seminar sessions offered over a period

of five to seven weeks. To successfully complete a module, participants are expected to attend all

sessions and participate in all between-class activities. In addition to attending the face-to-face

sessions, participants should expect to spend 2-3 hours weekly to complete between-class activities,

complete pre-readings.

The required Build the Claim module will consist of five two-hour sessions over a period of 8 to 10

weeks. Participants should expect to spend approximately 30 hours to write the 3,000 word Critical

Review of Educational Practice and collect peer references for their application for HEA Fellowship.

Assessment & Feedback

Formative assessment and feedback through self and peer assessments are embedded into the

modules, and will take place in a variety of forms and contexts depending on the module. Throughout

the modules, participants will engage in a variety of activities that allow them reflect on and develop

their teaching practices. These activities create artifacts that can be curated in a teaching portfolio

and provide evidence for HEA fellowship claim.

In the Build the Claim module, participants will be in a peer-writing community, and paired with a

mentor, both to provide feedback on their draft claims.

Support for Participants Making Fellowship Applications

ZU faculty and teaching-support staff who join the ITP will be supported throughout the duration of

their engagement with the program in a variety of ways. Participants are offered methodical, flexible

and goal-oriented support to build knowledge and skills, select evidence, and build fellowship

claims. Starting with the initial Program Orientation, continuing with work in the modules as needed,

and then drafting and submission of a claim for fellowship. If participants make successful

applications for fellowship, they may continue with programs to become a Mentor or Reviewer to

promote and support continual growth.

Program Orientation

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Innovative Teaching Program

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• In the Program Orientation, you will learn about the overview of the ITP and the CEI-TPF

and HEA fellowship pathways. Participants will have the opportunity to complete a self-

assessment, select an appropriate recognition pathway and modules to complete to support

their submission of claim. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions, and meet

other colleagues that are interested in pursuing fellowship.

CEI Follow-Up

• A member of CEI (email: [email protected]) will reach out to participants after the Program

Orientation Session and once per semester following, to offer one-to-one or group meetings

to ensure that participants are making progress towards their goals and submitting

applications. The CEI member is a Senior Fellow of the HEA, and fully familiar with the CEI-


• Individual one-to-one appointments will usually take place in the Writing/Resource room

(more information below).

Constellation Module Participation

• The Constellation Modules are the primary support for building a portfolio of evidence

reflective of current best practices in teaching and learning in higher education, particularly

in the ZU teaching environment. This portfolio can then be used as supporting evidence

build a claim for fellowship.

• Facilitators for constellation modules are all HEA recognized fellows and senior fellows, and

as such are familiar with the building of claims. The modules are designed specifically to

engage participants in knowledge building activities that will align with evidencing

competency across the CEI-TPF and UKPSF. As participants take constellation modules,

facilitators will be continually encouraging participants to consider the aspects of the CEI-

TPF/UKPSF and how they can develop and evidence their skills in all the areas.

Build the Claim Module

• The Build the Claim module is the primary support for drafting a claim for fellowship. A

facilitator will work through the claim requirements in detail, and help participants draft a

claim for fellowship and select appropriate forms of evidence. Participants will engage with

a writing community in the modules, where they will both review other colleagues draft

work, and receive feedback on their own.


• After completing the Build the Claim module and writing a complete draft of their claim,

participants will be paired with a CEI trained Mentor that is an HEA recognized fellow and a

ZU colleague. The mentor’s role is to provide feedback and constructive commentary on the

participants' fellowship claim in order to strengthen the claim for submission. The mentor

generally provides up to two rounds of review for revision.

Writing/Resource Room & Website

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• Finding time to write without interruption, and ensuring all the required resources are

available is challenging. To support this, there is a Writing/Resource room on each campus

set up, which is a physical space faculty can bring their laptop to and work.

• All support-related documents (forms, handouts, handbooks, descriptions, UKPSF, ZUPDP,

applications for recognition, and so forth) are made available to participants in hardcopy

format at the Writing/Resource Room

• All of the same resources available in the Writing/Resource Room are whenever possible

made available in digital format through the ITP Blackboard, our official learning

management system.


• The CEI faculty members invite participants to contact them should they need any form of

support, including one-to-one consultation.

• Pre-arranged appointments for individualized consultations can be requested through the

CEI email account: [email protected].

• For fellowship specific questions, or to address any concerns participants may have

throughout the academic year, participants may arrange meetings with the Program


Application Requirements for Fellowship

Through your application for CEI ITP and HEA fellow, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate,

and be recognized for, your professional practice as an educator. You will critically reflect on your

educational practices and provide evidence that you have met the requirements of fellow. Critical

reflection is intended to be a development opportunity for you.

As we recommend in the Orientation Session, we advise you build a teaching portfolio (in any format

you choose), with various types of artifacts from your teaching experience. You can then use this

portfolio as a collection of potential evidence for use while writing your Critical Review of

Educational Practice.

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Innovative Teaching Program

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The portfolio could also be maintained beyond recognition for an HEA fellowship. It can be used to

show continued professional development, and portions may be useful as a part of a ZU promotion


Fellowship Claim Application Requirements

All fellow applicants who are applying through the ITP for recognition are required to take the

Program Orientation and the Build the Claim module. These will provide mentorship and assistance

in building the fellowship claim.

To apply for fellowship recognition, you required to build a critically reflective fellowship claim that

provides the examiners with evidence that you have met the CEI-TPF (CEI-Teaching Practice

Framework) and the UKPSF (United Kingdom Professional Standards Framework) requirements [See

Appendices A and B].

A fellowship claim is made up of two separate parts:

A. Critical review of educational practice The Critical Review of Educational Practice is a 3000-word written reflective review of a

portfolio of evidence that demonstrates that you have met the standards articulated in the

CEI-TPF and UKPSF. The optional modules that make up the ITP support participants to build

artifacts for their portfolio.

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Innovative Teaching Program

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B. Peer references Your peer references provide written authentication of your practice as evidenced in your

fellowship claim. Peer references should have familiarity of your educational practices and

who have knowledge and understanding of the UKPSF. Guides for peer references can be

found in appendix C.

Critical Review of Educational Practice

Your 3000-word critical review should draw on evidence from your higher educational teaching

experiences and will enable you to demonstrate how you have met the CEI-TPF and UKPSF Fellow

criteria (appendix B). You may draw on a wide range of sources and evidence when writing your

critical review that demonstrate your understanding of higher education teaching and student

learning. Using a variety of evidence, you will demonstrate and reflect on your current teaching

practice and plans for future teaching development. You will need to support this with relevant

literature and sources. These sources will likely be related to teaching and learning, assessment in

higher education, pedagogical sources within your discipline and subject area, etc.

The critical review should draw on your own teaching practices and experiences, and show evidence

of meeting the standards in the CEI-TPF and UKPSF. You should include within your claims:

• Reflection and analysis of evidence of your educational experiences and practices;

• Evidence of how your practice relates to the criteria;

• Demonstrating and justifying how your practice is connected to your educational values;

• Demonstration of scholarly teaching – the core knowledge that has informed and influenced your teaching e.g. scholarly literature; Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research that you have conducted; conferences, shared practices, etc.);

• Through reflection and analysis, indicate how you plan to develop and improve your educational practice;

• Clearly articulate the value critical reflection in your practice and its likely impact on your future practice.

It is important to note that while you will likely reference and allude to a wide range of evidence

from your educational practice, however you are not required to submit individual artifacts

mentioned and discussed in your critical review.

It is recommended that fellowship applicants curate a teaching portfolio, which acts as a repository

for teaching artifacts and reflections. Fellows who have successfully completed modules in the CEI

taught program will have artifacts and reflections that may be used as evidence in their portfolios.

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Structure of Critical Review of Educational Practice

The UKPSF dimensions and CEI-TPF requirements:

To write your Critical Review of Educational Practice, you need to interpret the UKPSF dimensions

(Areas of activity, Core Knowledge, Professional Values) and CEI-TPF (ZU context) pictured above

through the ‘lens’ of the Fellow (Descriptor 2) criteria. These criteria are:

Demonstrates a broad understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning support as

key contributions to high quality student learning. Individuals should be able to provide evidence of:

2.i. Successful engagement across all five areas of activity. 2.ii. Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of Core Knowledge 2.iii. A commitment to all the Professional Values 2.iv. Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to the Areas of Activity 2.v. Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/ or scholarship within

the above activities, as part of an integrated approach to academic practice Successful engagement in continuing professional development in relation to teaching,

learning, assessment and, where appropriate, related professional practices

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2.vii. Successful engagement in the ZU context

Your 3000-word Critical Review of Educational Practice is constructed around the five Areas of

Activity and the ZU context – you should aim to distribute your narrative equally across these.

This table summarizes the main areas you should address in each of the Areas of Activity and the

CEI-TPF. Please note, the ZU context can be addressed in an embedded fashion (for example,

included in your narrative in A1, A2, A3 and/or A4), or as a separate heading:

Area of Activity/CEI-TPF Areas to address when drafting your Critical Review of Educational

Practice by reflecting on:

A1: Design and plan

learning activities

and/or programmes of


refers to all your


educational activities

where you are

preparing for

engagement with


• The main ways in which you design and plan learning sessions, schemes and/or programmes of study and reasons for using particular strategies and approaches

• How you successfully plan teaching to enable learning within your subject area at the different levels of academic study

• How you incorporate relevant Core Knowledge & Professional Values within this planning process

• Whether the planning has been influenced by evaluation or review of previous session/module/ programme delivery

A2. Teach and/or

Support learning

refers to your direct

engagement with

learners whether in

groups or individually

• The main approaches you use in teaching and/or supporting learners • The range of activities and methods you use and how they develop

student understanding of the subject discipline • How you select these and why they successfully support engagement

and learning • How your teaching/learning support has been influenced by student

evaluation and/or peer review • How relevant Core Knowledge & Professional Values informs this


A3: Assess and give

feedback to learners

refers to knowledge,

understanding and

application of

appropriate assessment

and feedback

• The main formative and/or summative assessment approaches

you use, both formal or informal • How and why you choose different approaches to ensure they

are valid indicators of achieving specific learning outcomes • How you ensure your marking is reliable and the standards

you set are appropriate; • How you give feedback to learners and ensure it supports and

improves their understanding of the subject, their performance

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and/or development as learners • How relevant Core Knowledge & Professional Values impacts on this


A4: Develop effective

learning environments

and approaches to

student support and


refers to how you make

effective use of

different environments

to facilitate learning

and support and guide

learners in different


• The main learning environments/spaces in which you practice, both

physical and virtual

• The range of support and guidance you provide for learners, both

formal or informal

• How you create different learning environments to support student


• How you have contributed to student support and guidance that

encourages and underpins effective learning of diverse groups

• How Core Knowledge & Professional Values are influential to this


A5: Engage in continuing


development in

subjects/disciplines and

their pedagogy,

incorporating research,

scholarship and the

evaluation of

professional practices

refers to how you

maintain and develop

your practice related to

teaching and learning


• Your main strategies for updating and developing your professional

practice related to teaching and/or learning support

• The formal and informal activities you have undertaken to update

yourself on aspects of learning and teaching, and the impact these

have had on your practice and core knowledge

• How keeping up-to-date with pedagogical research and scholarship

informs your practice

• The way you use your research in your subject discipline to inform

and enhance your teaching/learning support

• Where relevant, how you enhance your practice through sustaining

CPD in your professional discipline

• How you use these activities to demonstrate achievement of

Descriptor criteria 2.v and 2.vii

CEI-TPF: ZU Learning

Context (may be a new

section or may be


refers to how you make

• The methods you use to assess students’ linguistic and academic

competencies and how you use that information to support student


• How you build an effective and well-managed classroom through

building good rapport and developing and implementing effective

course expectations

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specific variations to

your teaching approach

to facilitate learning in

the ZU context

• How you demonstrate awareness of cultural context and avoids

cultural pitfall that could negatively affect the teaching and learning


Peer References

The second part of your fellowship claim is peer authentication of your critical review of practice.

You must provide within your fellowship claim at least two references written by colleagues who are

familiar with your educational practice, and more specifically with the evidence that you provide

within your critical review. Referees provide authentication and verification of your review. Ideally

referees are familiar with the CEI-TPF and the UKPSF. Referees do not have to be department heads

or have a ‘line managing’ role.

Peer references are a mandatory component to you fellowship claim and your claim will not be

reviewed without them. You can find a guide for referees in appendix C.

Submitting Fellowship Claims

Faculty are expected to submit their completed claims (Critical Review of Educational Practice and

two Peer References) to the CEI for recognition.

Submissions are done through the Blackboard site to ensure secure and efficient access by internal

and external reviewers. Faculty can submit their claims during the designated peer review cycles

(minimum 2 per year). The dates can be found on the CEI website [WEBSITE LINK].

Any claims submitted after each deadline will be deferred for review in the following cycle.

Recognition decisions about claims are made using a review criteria [Appendix B]. These criteria can

also be used by the applicants as a self-review tool prior to submitting their claim. The criteria are

aligned to the CEITPF and UKPSF.

Recognition Process

The examination process of the completed claim is carried out by well-trained, experienced Faculty

in the CEI and the wider ZU academic community who are of appropriate HEA fellowship. Fellow

applications are also reviewed by selected internal and/or external reviewers. The process is

designed to be rigorous, professional and constructive while adhering to rigorous predetermined

criteria for Fellowship category.

As soon as a claim is submitted, a designated CEI faculty is responsible for coordinating the

examiner’s feedback and discussions until a decision has been reached about each claim. Both

internal and external examiners are required to use Fellow specific rubrics and criteria to evaluate

each claim and make their judgment. Claims in the Fellow category are examined by a minimum of

two examiners at least one of whom is a FHEA and one of whom is external.

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While internal and external examiners assess claims independently, they reach recognition decisions

collaboratively through discussion ensuring that the Fellowship criteria are applied as per CEI and

HEA guidelines and standards. Examiners must reach consensus as to whether the applicant has

provided the necessary evidence to be recognized as Fellow.

Reviewers can choose one of the following possible decisions:

• Recognition – this decision indicates that the claim can be accepted for the Fellowship without any further action. The applicant will receive feedback and recommendations for further professional development, if needed.

• Recognition conditional upon minor changes – this decision indicates that the claim could be awarded the Fellowship after minor changes (such as clarifications, additions, deletions, etc.) have been made by the applicant based on the reviewers’ feedback. Applicants are expected to resubmit within two weeks of judgments. Resubmitted claims with minor changes are reviewed by a CEI fellow, who ensures that the reviewers’ recommendations and changes have been successfully applied to the claim by the applicant. If the applicant chooses to disregard one or more of the reviewers’ recommendations, he/she must provide justification. The applicant’s justification and the final claim is then fully reviewed by one of the original internal reviewers who must make a judgment as to whether the claim can be accepted 'as is' based on the information and justification provided by the applicant or whether the applicant needs to make further changes. In case of further changes, the applicant is notified and the cycle of revision and review starts again. Each cycle of revision and review lasts 2-4 weeks.

• Decision suspended pending review following resubmission – this decision indicates that the applicant has not satisfied the criteria for the target fellowship. Feedback from the reviewers will provide guidance to the applicant on how to improve and enhance the claim, which will need to be resubmitted for another cycle of review. Resubmitted claims are ‘fast-tracked’ and whenever possible the same assessors review the resubmitted claim. In case the original assessors are not available for the second review, new assessors will be assigned. If the second review process yields the same result, i.e., Decision suspended pending review following resubmission, the applicant is assigned a CEI mentor who will work closely with the applicant to prepare the claim for resubmission. The cycle of resubmission and review can be repeated as needed until the claim is accepted without further action.

The results of the examination process are later ratified and faculty receive their Fellowship

recognition certificate in due time.

NOTE: To avoid conflicts of interest, fellowship examiners cannot be mentor or referee of the

fellowship applicant, nor a facilitator of any module in which the applicant attended.

Review Criteria

Fellow claims will be assessed using the Fellow criteria. Recognition decisions about the claim are

made using the assessment criteria for Fellowship level. The criteria are aligned with UKPSF and CEI-

TPF [Appendix A – CEI Teaching Practice Framework]. Criteria are available to applicant and can

serve as a self-review tool prior to submitting their application. [See Appendix B]

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Appeals Process

Participants may appeal a decision if they feel there was an error in process. Appeals may filed be on

the basis of perceived failure to follow proper examination processes. Appeals are forwarded to the

Program Coordinator who will ensure the appeal is complete and clear, and will then forward to the

Ratifying Committee for a decision. The Ratifying Committee will review the judgments from the

examiners and the process used to arrive at those judgments. If the committee finds that proper

process was not followed (e.g., one or more examiners did not follow process, materials were

missing, etc.), then a new examiner may be asked to review the fellowship claim. In extreme cases

the examination process may be restarted with a completely new set of examiners.

Delivery team

Module facilitators will be CEI and/or HEA recognized faculty with teaching experience in ZU and/or

Arabian Gulf contexts.

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Appendix A: CEI-TPF: CEI Teaching Practice Framework

The CEI Teaching Practice Framework was developed to meet the needs of ZU faculty, to align with

the strategic directions of the university including quality assurance, and to integrate the

Pedagogical Framework developed by university faculty (see Criterion 1 for a more complete


The CEI TPF was developed using an iterative process involving members of the CEI team and faculty

working with the CEI through secondments (see Criterion 1 for description of hub-and-spoke model).

Iterations continued until there was consensus regarding the dimensions and competencies.

The four categories of the CEI TPF are:

1. Pedagogical Practices

2. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

3. Professional Practice

4. Learning Context

Following the completion of the CEI TPF a mapping exercise was conducted to ensure alignment with

the UKPSF.

Competency 1: Pedagogical Practices

Descriptor UKPSF Fellow

1.1 Evidence of

scholarly teaching.

A1, K1, K2, K5,


Incorporates scholarly approaches into teaching

practices within their discipline

1.2 Instructional /

Course Design

A1, A2, K2, K3,

K4, K5,

Incorporates appropriate instructional and/or

course design models and approaches with in their


1.3 Assessment of


A3, K3, K5 Incorporates a variety of appropriate formative

and summative assessment approaches to

effectively measure and enhance student learning

1.4 Educational


K4 Incorporates a variety of appropriate educational

technologies to enhance instruction and improve


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Competency 2: Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SOTL)

Descriptor UKPSF Fellow

2.1 SoTL Research

A5, K5,

K6, V3

Able to incorporate classroom-based research

that is relevant and appropriate to discipline

2.2 Writing a SOTL research

grant proposal.

A5, V4 N/A

Competency 3: Professional Practice

Descriptor UKPSF Fellow

3.1 Reflective Practice

Demonstrates ability to improve T & L via

reflective practice

3.2 Collaboration

A4, A5, V4 Participates in collaborative activities with

colleagues that have resulted in reflecting and

improving one’s teaching practice

3.3 Leadership

K6,V2, V4 Leads small and limited number of projects,

interventions, and activities that support a

positive and effective T & L environment within

one’s department.

3.4 Professional Development

A5,K1, K6,


Attends a variety appropriate professional

development opportunities which has provided

opportunities to improve T & L within one’s


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Competency 4: Learning Context

Descriptor UKPSF Fellow

4.1 Linguistic and academic


A4, K2,

V1, V2

Demonstrates ability to assess students’ linguistic

and academic competencies which informs the

design and delivery of content in the pursuit of

achieving course learning outcomes

4.2 Student rapport and


A4, K3,


Develops an effective and well-managed

classroom due to building good rapport and

developing and implementing effective course


4.3 Cultural sensitivity

A4, K3,


Demonstrates good understanding of cultural

context and avoids cultural pitfall that could

negatively affect the T&L environment

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CEI Teaching Practice Framework mapped to UKPSF

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UKPSF Competency Structure mapped to CEI Teaching Practice Framework

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Appendix B: Fellow Review Criteria

Applicant: Recognition reference:


Being a Fellow through the Innovative Teaching Program at Zayed University means successful

applicants demonstrate a broad understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning

support as key contributions to high quality student learning in this context. It is awarded to

professionals who can demonstrate that they meet the criteria of Descriptor 2 of the UK

Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education, as well

as the additional competencies Center for Educational Innovation’s Teaching Practice Framework

specific to the Zayed University context.

Descriptor relating to Professional Values Accept Refer Borderline

2.III A commitment to all the Professional Values


If accepted, only comment if there are substantial strengths which it would be good to share with the

applicant or more widely. If referred or borderline, indicate what the applicant needs to do to be


Examiner 1

Examiner 2

Descriptors relating to Areas of Activity Accept Refer Borderline


Successful engagement with all five areas of Activity


Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices

related to the Areas of Activity


If accepted, only comment if there are substantial strengths which it would be good to share with the

applicant or more widely. If referred or borderline, indicate what the applicant needs to do to be Accepted.

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Examiner 1

Examiner 2

Descriptors relating to Core Knowledge Accept Refer Borderline

2.II Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of

Core Knowledge

2.V Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/or

scholarship within activities, as part of an integrated approach to

academic practice


Successful engagement in continuing professional development in

relation to teaching, learning, assessment and, where appropriate,

related professional practices


If accepted, only comment if there are substantial strengths which it would be good to share with the

applicant or more widely. If referred or borderline, indicate what the applicant needs to do to be Accepted.

Examiner 1

Examiner 2

CEI-Teaching Practice Framework Accept Refer Borderline


Successful engagement with CEI-TPF Learning Context


If accepted, only comment if there are substantial strengths which it would be good to share with the

applicant or more widely. If referred or borderline, indicate what the applicant needs to do to be Accepted.

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Examiner 1

Examiner 2

Do the referees broadly corroborate the applicants account?


Summary remarks:

If successful - use this section to provide the applicant with any constructive feedback that would be valuable

for them to know in terms of their claim and/or future development. Comment if there are substantial

strengths which would be good to share more widely.

If referred - use this space to list the recommendations for what the applicant needs to do to be accepted:

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Review panel recommendation (highlight as appropriate)

Award Recognition Recognition conditional

upon minor changes

Decision suspended

pending review following


Examiner 1 Signature

Examiner 2 Signature


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Appendix C: Guide for References

This guide is designed to help you provide a reference for your colleague who is applying for

fellowship in Zayed University’s Innovative Teaching Program.

The Center for Educational Innovation’s Innovative Teaching Program is designed to support faculty

and academic staff in the engagement of the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and

Supporting Learning in Higher Education (UKPSF) and the Center for Educational Innovation Teaching

Practice Framework (CEI-TPF). The Innovative Teaching Program is accredited by the Higher

Education Academy (HEA) and leads participants towards applications for Fellow of the HEA.

What is the purpose of letter of reference?

The letter of reference provides a peer review and verification of the applicants teaching and

learning practice. As a referee, you should have knowledge of the applicant’s work, and be able to

provide commentary that supports the applicant’s Critical Review of Educational Practice for

recognition by the Center for Educational Innovation and the HEA. It is important that you have read

the applicant’s Critical Review of Educational Practice and are able to comment on its content.

What do I need to provide in the letter of reference?

Your reference should refer to the applicant’s experience and achievements in their teaching

learning practice, which may include research activities that directly informs teaching and learning. It

may be helpful to review the CEI Innovative Teaching Program Teaching Practice Framework and the

UKPSF as a guide. Depending on your knowledge of the applicant experience and practice, you may

want to comment of the following:

• The nature by which you have experience and knowledge of the applicant’s teaching


• The applicant’s roles and responsibilities in regards to teaching and learning

• Particular examples that illustrate your experience and understanding of the applicants

teaching practice

• Addressing examples raised in the applicant’s critical review of their practice

• Relationship between research practice and teaching practice

What is the standard reference format?

There is no set format per se. The references are personal accounts of your knowledge of the

applicant. However, this is different from a reference for promotion or job appointments and you

may want to clarify points with the applicant. The applicant will collect the reference from you. Most

referees write around 500-800 words.

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Please provide an electronic copy of your reference to the applicant and ensure that it includes

verifiable information: your name, job title, organization (including department where applicable),

email address and preferably your signature.