zendesk pro tips

www.compete.com Zendesk Boston User’s Group How Compete uses Zendesk to create a positive customer experience. Presented by Lindsey Mark

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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This presentation was from the Zendesk Boston User's group kick-off event. These slides show you a little bit about how Compete PRO uses Zendesk as well as some other projects within our group. For questions regarding these slides feel free to reach out to me.


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Zendesk Boston User’s GroupHow Compete uses Zendesk to create a positive customer experience.

Presented by Lindsey Mark

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• Compete is a market research company specializing in providing digital insights to global brands.

• We have about 200 employees with multiple Zendesk instances!

• Happy Zendesk users since 2009.

Compete & Zendesk

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• Ceri Landrum & the Consumer Input Team

• Supports our data acquisition, survey, and mobile efforts.

• Sam Fisher & the Data Team

• Supports the product and vertical team’s data inquiries.

• The PRO Client Relations Team

• Sarah Friedman & Kristina Lopez

• Serves Compete PRO customers and our freemium Site Analytics users.

Compete Teams & Zendesk

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1. It saves us time in responding to customers (macros)

2. Allows us to manage expectations (triggers & automations)

3. Helps us measure (gooddata and zendesk reporting/views)

4. Working with Zendesk feels like a partnership

5. The product is dogfoodable – they use it too!

Why we love Zendesk

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We aspire to work with Zendesk as a partner.

Leverage Zendesk as our Compete’s choice provider for organizing all of our product and services requests.

• Show the value of Zendesk as a productivity tool with superior integrations.

• Push to leverage Zendesk’s forums for knowledge sharing by storing information and organize our communications as “living documents”.

• Facilitate adoption by helping others in our company understand it’s vast capabilities and sharing our successes.



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What I’ve learned,as a customer of Zendesk.

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Winston Churchill

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”  

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Salvador Dali

“Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.” 

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Benjamin Franklin

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” 

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Zendesk PRO tipsThe Compete Client Relations Team’s Favorite Configurations

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The Problem…Clients & colleagues email us directly.

• We need to record our interactions in order to track our interactions and measure ourselves

• We want to be friendly and respectful of our client’s time, while gently acknowledging the benefits of best outreach practices.

Photo Credit: uzvards

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The Solution…

• A trigger that fires when a mail is received from an @compete.com email

• Organization = Compete // AND

• The body of the email contains one of the following // THEN…

• Auto_close_ticket

• Auto_assign_{{agent_name}}

• Auto_assign_{{group}}

• Compete PRO TIPWhen using HTML email

make your trigger text white &

small so clients don’t see it.

Photo Credit: juhansonin

Organizations & Triggers

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The Problem…We need to ensure our communications are relevant.

• Right message, at the right time, to the right people.

• Organize and track our communications.

• Delegate out messages to other departments.

Photo Credit: dysturb

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The Solution…Leverage the power of tags, targets, and ticket sharing.

• Custom email templates triggered by macro tags.

• Welcome Emails

• New Tickets

• Delegate via Email Targets

• Blog inquires

• Marketing inquires

• Ticket Sharing

• Custom macro templates include use information

Photo Credit: Khalid AlHaqqan

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The Problem…We need to measure our performance.

• Keep tabs on performance

• Ticket volumes

• Timeliness of responses

• Ticket touches

• Customer satisfaction

• Voice of the Customer (tags)

• Track our projects and tasks.

• Gain visibility into group and team member performance.

Photo Credit: billaday

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The Solution…Zendesk and GoodData Help Us Fetch Information.

• Build & Automate Reports

• Analyze Performance & Share Insights

• Recent Insights

• We need to facilitate a self-service option.

• Site changes have impacted ticket volumes.

• Customers are more likely to respond as satisfied when they’ve spoken to us via phone.

Photo Credit: ajagendorf25

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Team building, staying focused, and celebrating customer praise

Outside of Zendeskthe importance of alignment & values

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1. What are some of your personal core values?

2. What motivates/discourages you?

3. What is example of an accomplishment you’re proud of (can be anything)?

4. I feel most happy when?

5. What was the last customer service experience made you feel warm & fuzzy?

6. I pride myself on?

7. How do you like to be recognized, acknowledged and rewarded for a job well done?

8. What makes you feel like a valuable contributor?

9. My biggest strength/weakness is?

10.If you could focus on improving /learning one thing this quarter what would it be?

It’s much easier when you first agree on your values.

Striking a balance can be difficult.

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1. We are committed to anticipating our customer’s needs, proactively reaching out, and carrying ourselves with patience and infectious optimism.

2. We are advocates for our clients —acting as liaisons within our organization to facilitate timely and accurate data, must-have features and functionality, and externally to promote the knowledge and understanding to derive actionable insights from our products.

3. We’re respectful of our client’s time, listen carefully, and are thoughtful in our actions and recommendations.

4. We work hard to keep up-to-date on industry trends so that our clients value our expertise and think of our products and services as “must have”.

5. We have a strong appreciation of facial hair, specifically mustaches and coffee too!

Our Team Values

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How we stay customer focused…

• Our values live in context of real, positive customer feedback that’s updated regularly.

• Updated weekly using our satisfaction surveys and VOC tags.

• Anyone on the team can submit content in any format.

Our Internal Tumblr Account

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Twitter @linji



Questions and outreach welcome!

Icons Credit: yootheme.com