zero-touch windows 10 migrations

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Now that Windows XP is dead, even ‘last mover’ enterprises are gearing up for the big move to Windows 7 or 8.

For many, this migration will start a lot like the last one, with manual processes, an army of engineers and tens of thousands of desk-side visits.

Soon they’ll realize what most early migrators have already discovered: the old migration model and methods aren’t going to work this time. The OS is too big (more than 2.5GB with service packs compared with 800MB for XP); there are far too many apps out there; and users just aren’t going to accept the disruption.

More to the point: trying to migrate using old-school tactics will take years and millions you don’t have.

This eBook is about a different approach that will get you and your users to Windows 7 or 8 in a fraction of the time and cost – and with minimal user frustration or business disruption.

We call it Zero-Touch Migration because – while there will always be exceptions that demand personal attention – it eliminates the vast majority of manual work and desk-side visits.

To dig into more detail, you’ll want to read our white paper, The Automated Migration: An Analysis of Options. This will give you an overview of the new approach and its benefits.

We hope it helps accelerate and de-risk your own migration. We also hope it saves you a fortune in manpower, licenses and servers. Most of all, we hope you get in touch to discuss your next migration. We know we can help.

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This is how the typical migration works:

1. The IT department develops a migration plan, tests the apps and schedules the roll-out.

2. Each user is given their slot: “We’re coming to migrate you at 2:30pm on Tuesday.”

3. The user waits for the visit, then kills a few hours while IT does the install.

4. The IT army moves on to the next user.

5. The helpdesk gets hammered with requests for apps that didn’t make the cut.

6. Repeat steps 2-4.

This model is based on the old ‘command and control’ style of IT. It helps the IT department handle the sheer scale of the challenge… but the penalties are enormous:

It costs too much. It takes too long. It frustrates users. It disrupts the business. It pulls IT pros away from high-value activities. And very little knowledge or value is gained or retained from the experience.

In short, traditional migration fails because not only is it not user-centric, it’s not IT friendly either.

There has to be a better way to do this.

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When you manage a big migration, you’re not really migrating hardware and software. You’re migrating users.

So it helps to start with what users really want.

And users actually don’t want IT at all – they want the things IT lets them do.

They want always-on access to the technologies that help them do their jobs. And they want it in whatever way causes them the least pain:

They want to be listened to. If they really need Adobe FlyCatcher 5.3, they want to be heard.

They want instant access to their apps. Without complex requisitioning and provisioning processes.

They want to be able to help themselves. Without waiting forever for IT resources.

They want to be able to keep working. Without disruption, interruption or having to learn new software.

The good news is that none of these things are unreasonable.

The even better news is that they dovetail really nicely with what the IT department wants…

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The IT department of large enterprises has the toughest job in the business world. And it’s getting even tougher.

Users are more demanding. Business is moving faster than ever. Budgets aren’t growing at anywhere near the same pace.

To make it all even tougher, there are more things to manage than ever before: networks, data centers, desktops, security, storage, apps, mobile and consumer devices, user data, cloud… and major migrations.

One thing is clear: the strategies, systems and processes designed for a simpler world simply don’t work anymore. So what does IT want?

IT wants to automate as much as possible. Because manual processes are expensive.

IT wants users to self-service. Who wouldn’t?

IT wants to put an end to desk-side visits. The biggest cost and time drain in every migration.

IT wants to stop paying for things no one uses. This hidden waste is the ultimate budget-killer.

IT wants it all as a Business-As-Usual process. Not a major exceptional project that interrupts everything.

Counter to what most people think, this actually maps pretty well to what users want.

Done properly, IT in general and big migrations in particular should make life better for users, IT and the entire business. It’s not a zero sum game. But it is a Zero-Touch one.

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Here’s a quick summary of what good looks like:

The IT department runs an automated survey of the entire app estate and its actual usage. To get an accurate picture of the challenge.

Legacy apps are mapped to new apps. So you can reduce the number of versions out there.

You rationalize the app portfolio. Reducing the estate, slashing license costs and making migration faster and easier.

Users decide when to migrate. And initiate the process for when they’re sleeping or on a long lunch.

The new OS is delivered automatically. With no downtime, desk-side visits and no need for local servers.

Users provision the apps that aren’t in the core image. Using a self-service app store, at their convenience.

This isn’t a distant vision – it’s how hundreds of major enterprises are running their Windows 7 and 8 migrations right now.

And you already have most of the pieces of the puzzle.

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To run a Zero-Touch Migration, you need to have the essential pieces in place:

Microsoft SCCM. You’ve already got that (or we’ll deploy it for you).

A network. You’ve got that too.

A remote app survey tool. Ideally without agents and definitely without manual intervention.

A way to map old apps to new apps. So you can reduce your app estate intelligently.

A self-service enterprise app store. Where users can find and provision their own apps.

A way to deliver images and apps to PCs. Without visiting them, without added hardware infrastructure and without slowing down your network.

A way to wake up machines remotely. So you can access even PCs that are shut down.

That’s really all it takes.

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The Zero-Touch Migration approach is based on solid ideas:

1. IT is there for users. Not the other way around.

2. Automated is better than manual. No matter what the outsourcers and integrators tell you.

3. Desk-side visits are criminal. Unless they’re to have a proper chat to get to know your users better, desk visits are a colossal waste of time and money. It’s not 1998. Every PC is networked. Use it.

4. Self-service is win-win-win. Users love it. IT loves it. Businesses love it.

5. You have to know what you’ve already got. With total confidence in the picture of your app estate, desk-side visits start to feel a lot less risky.

6. Your budget is better spent on your company’s priorities. Instead of wasting it on licenses, service engineers and unnecessary hardware. The vendors will survive. Keep your money.

7. Getting to Windows 7 or 8 shouldn’t kill you. Attack it and you can save millions, months and migraines.

8. Zero-Touch extends far beyond migration. It’s also the best way to manage desktops on an ongoing basis.

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IT’S TIME FOR ZERO-TOUCHOld-school, command and control IT is bursting at the seams.

Zero-Touch, automated, self-service IT is not just the best way forward, it’s the only way forward.

The only question is this: who gets the benefit of your budget, you or the massive vendor community that’s designed to profit from the long, hard way to do things?

As you consider your options for your own Windows migration, you’ve got a choice. Do the things that got you to XP. Or take the automated, Zero-Touch route.

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Here’s the essential toolset for your Zero-Touch migration:

NomadTM is the clever way to distribute your OS packages.

• Dramatically reduce desk side visits.

• Eliminate hardware infrastructureand server waste.

• Minimize impact on the network.

• Overcome the toughest bandwidth constraints.

• Save millions and months.

AppClarityTM makes it easy to discover and rationalize your app estate before you spend a fortune migrating it.

• Take a complete app inventoryand usage profile.

• Identify the savings available.

• Rationalize your app estate.

• Reclaim and recycle unused licenses.

ShoppingTM is the self-service app store that lets users provision themselves.

• Let users choose and downloadtheir apps in their own time.

• Limit deployments to approvedapps and versions.

• Secure your entire app portfolio.

You’d like some expert help to make the whole migration go smoothly:

Expert Services from 1E and partners make migrating easy.

• Evaluate the challenge and set the strategy.

• Rationalize your app estate.

• Accelerate and streamlineyour migration.

• Drive down costs dramatically.

1E has helped some of the world’s biggest enterprises migrate hundreds of thousands of users to Windows 7 and 8 – even in the most complex, bandwidth-challenged environments.

Learn More: Visit

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ABOUT 1EIT departments spend far too much on simply maintaining existing systems.

1E helps attack overspend and return wasted IT budget so you can fund innovation.

Our exclusive Analyze-Optimize-Realize methodology and suite of ActiveEfficiency Tools drive a cycle of continuous savings, identifying and removing billions of dollars in wasted IT costs.

The result: dramatically lower spending on server infrastructure, software licenses, application delivery and energy consumption.

Overcoming the challenges of Windows 7 Migration

1E’s Zero-Touch migration accelerators help organizations achieve phenomenal deployment metrics. One large telco was able to:

• Migrate 80,000 systems in four months – and over 30,000 in one month

• Averaging 1,000 – 1,500 systems per day

• While measurably driving down disruption and risk

Our unique approach eliminates desk visits by 90% by empowering end-users to migrate themselves using a self-service portal.