zero-touch windows 7 migration with hp client automation

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An overview of complex OS migration solutions from HP


Page 1: Zero-Touch Windows 7 Migration with HP Client Automation

©2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

Session ID: BTOT-WE-1515/7

Page 2: Zero-Touch Windows 7 Migration with HP Client Automation

©2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

Speaker Name: Ralf Van DorsselaerDate: December 1st 2010Session ID: BTOT-WE-1515/7

Zero-Touch Windows 7 Migration with HP Client Automation

Page 3: Zero-Touch Windows 7 Migration with HP Client Automation

”If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

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Agenda– High-level view of HPCA processing during actual OS migration

– Mechanics• Hands-off settings

• Data migration

• Local service OS boot

• Hardware configuration

• Disk partitioning

• Custom exits

• Agent installation

• Join Domain

• Application installation

– Questions ?

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High-Level View

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What is being discussed ?

– A sample setup that:• Runs through an unattended OS migration from XP to Windows 7

• Uses local service OS booting

• Re-uses existing disk partitioning

• Runs user personality/data capture with local storage

• Performs some sample hardware configuration tasks

• Installs Windows 7 using Windows Setup

• Rejoins the domain

• Restores user personality/data from preserved local storage

• Kicks of a software connect to install applications

High-Level View

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What is not being discussed ?

– Image capture

– Image publish

– Reporting

High-Level View cont’d

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HPCA OSM Overview

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Sequence of events

– A Windows XP target is running• No HPCA agents

• Joined to the LAB domain

– Administrator uses HPCA Console to deploy the HPCA agents• Both Management Agent and HPCA Agent are installed

• Device registers with the HPCA infrastructure

– Administrator uses HPCA Console to start the OS deployment• Assigns OS policy

• Assigns hardware configuration policy

• Selects boot method

• Deployment is triggered


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Sequence of events cont’d

– Target device processing starts• HPCA OSM connect runs

• Local Service Boot files are installed

• OS policy queried and applied

• Personality and Data Capture runs

• Device reboots into Windows PE service OS

Process cont’d

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Sequence of events cont’d

– Windows PE service OS processing starts:• Gathers device parameters

• Queries OS policy

• Runs sample hardware configuration tasks

• Does not repartition, instead clears the OS partition

• Downloads Windows 7 image

• Kicks of the Windows Setup

• Sets up the agent installation

• Runs various custom exits throughout the process

• Reboots and hands over control to Windows

Process cont’d

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Sequence of events cont’d

– Windows installation finalization:• Runs Windows specialize processing

• Joins the LAB domain

• Installs the HPCA Agent

• Performs auto-login

• Runs 1st OS connect to finalize HPCA processing

• Runs personality/data restore

• Creates immediate timer entry for software connect

• Software connect is run

• Final reboot

Process cont’d

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Hands-off settings

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Hands off settings

– Desired result: no user interaction whatsoever

– How to: Set deployment behavior in CSDB• OS.BEHAVIOR.DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR

− Select Role – PMROLE: _CENTRAL_


− Acknowledge override – PMACKOVW: _NEVER_

− Action on initial discovery – PMINITL: _REINSTALL_

• Caution: PMINITL was set for purposes of demo and deployment to previously unmanaged device.

– What does this do ?• It skips any and all prompts during the HPCA Application Manager OSM and the service

OS installation phase.

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Data migration

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Data migration

– Desired result: save and restore user data; use local backup

– How to:• Uses well known NOVAPDC.CMD (backup) and NOVAPDR.CMD (restore) exit points.

− Exits can be deployed by an HPCA service.

− Exits can be deployed with HPCA Agent (along for the ride using /maint)

• Uses USMT 4.x− Called from NOVAPDC/NOVAPDR through the PBR.EXE HPCA Agent module

− USMT can be deployed by an HPCA service.

− USMT can be deployed with HPCA Agent and NOVAPDC/NOVAPDR

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Data migration cont’d

– Deployment with HPCA Agent:• Create C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HPCA\Media\client\default\win32\maint

• Add \USMT\*.*

• Add novapdc.cmd / novapdr.cmd

• Change novapdc/pdr to install USMT (basic file copy is sufficient)

• The HPCA agent media under C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HPCA\Media\client\default\win32 are used for remote installs.− In the demo scenario this takes care of setting up for data capture.

• Publish the directory also as the OS HPCA agent package.− In the demo scenario this takes care of setting up for data restore.

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Data migration cont’d

– Local data backup:• NOVAPDC calls PBR.EXE with /B /LOCALSTORE

• This backs up data to C:\OSMGR.PRESERVE

• Note:− Must NOT destructively repartition. Use Preserve partitioning type for deployment.

− Requires double the space for migrated data.

– USMT 4.x:• Can be “installed” using simple file copy

• Can be used for Windows XP data capture (not for restore)− Need only one USMT release for capture/restore

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Local service OS boot

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Local service OS boot

– Desired result: maximum independence of the boot order; no requirement for HPCA Image Deploy CD in drive nor does PXE need to be enabled.

– How to: Select “Local Service Boot” during HPCA Console OS deployment wizard

– What does this do ?• Local Service Boot injects the HPCA boot loader into the device’s local boot chain and

directs the boot sequence into a locally installed copy of the HPCA Service OSes as needed.

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Hardware configuration

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Hardware configuration– Desired result: perform hardware configuration (possibly) needed to

configure a target device before installing a new OS

– How to:• Uses hardware configuration elements (LDS/LME).

• Typically run under Linux but can also be run under Windows PE− Provided the utilities have a Windows PE compatible variant that is command line driven

• Requires using System Explorer and Publisher

• Alternative: run utilities from HPCA services when OS is still Windows XP− Depends on utilities supporting execution from production OS.

– What does hardware configuration do ?• It enables administrators to deploy and execute utilities to configure various hardware

components.− Examples: BIOS flash, TPM initialization.

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Disk partitioning

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Disk partitioning

– Desired result: keep existing partitioning. Do not wipe out local USMT backup store.

– How to: Set deployment drive map type in CSDB• OS.BEHAVIOR.DEFAULT_DRIVEMAP

− Drive map type – TYPE: Pres

– What does this do ?• Does not completely repartition (Replace) or replace just the OS partition(s) (Merge)

• Instead it wipes the OS partition

• It leaves <OS partition drive letter>:\OSMGR.PRESERVE

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Custom exits

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Custom exit processing– Desired result: include custom processing and files

– How to: service OS exit points

– What does this do ? Service OS processing calls 4 different exits if they exist:• Before partitioning occurs:


• Before resource download occurs:− PREDOWNLOAD.CMD located in X:\WORK

• Before the image is laid down (ImageX) or the setup started (Winsetup)− PREINSTALL.CMD located in C:\ or X:\WORK

• Before the control handover reboot to Windows after the OS image installation:− PREREBOOT.CMD located in C:\ or X:\WORK

• Note: command line parameters passed are OS instance name and disk being deployed to

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Custom exit processing cont’d

– Published through ADDON publishing. Auto-wired to the select OS service.

– Can include support files together with the .CMD files• Examples: drivers, additional WIM files.

– PREPARTITION.CMD and PREDOWNLOAD.CMD must be published as Service OS Driver and deployed to X:\WORK• Remember to select source directory containing WORK subdirectory containing actual

content !

– Exits must clean up before exiting• Delete itself

• Delete (if required) any additional content deployed to C:\

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Agent installation

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Agent installation– Desired result: Manage the Windows 7 target after OS installation

– How to: Agent is published as part of the OS publishing

– Tips• By default the agent install is always run, even if the image already contains an agent.

• Can use /maint directory to deploy additional and updated agent modules

• New 7.9 logic:− Call setup-standard.cmd to install the agent if that .CMD exists.

− If setup-standard.cmd does not exist, call setup.exe /qb to install.

! This allows you to customise setup-standard.cmd to support special installation scenario’s (or to skip the agent install alltogether).

• Agent can be published separately from the OS− Start Publisher, select OS image

− Point it to an MSI file for an HPCA agent.

− The Publisher will collect all files and all subdirectories of the directory that MSI resides in and publish.

− Can then use System Explorer to wire new HPCA agent package to OS services

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Join Domain

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Join Domain– Desired result: Get the newly installed Windows 7 target joined to a domain

– How to: through the unattend.xml

<component name="Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin“>










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Application installation

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Application installation

– Desired result: Install applications once the OS is up and running.

– How to: a scheduling instance is connected to the OS service instance. This instance triggers a software connect



- What does this do ?- Creates a TIMER instance during 1st OS connect


- As only one connect can run at a time, the software connect will run after the OS connect

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