zhalong a special place let ’ s have a competition and see who can name the birds first. 1....

Download Zhalong A special place Let ’ s have a competition and see who can name the birds first. 1. brownish feathers broad wings hooked beak ___________________

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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Zhalong A special place Slide 3 Let s have a competition and see who can name the birds first. 1. brownish feathers broad wings hooked beak ___________________ Golden eagle Slide 4 2. can talk like a person ___________ Parrot Slide 5 3. white feathers and long thin neck __________ Swan Slide 6 4.long pointed wings, forked tail and flies to northern countries in summer ____________ Swallow Slide 7 5. small brown and grey feathers __________ Sparrow Slide 8 6.long winged, web-footed, white and grey or black feathers ________ Seagull Slide 9 7. tall, long legs, long beak and long neck __________ Crane Slide 10 Red-crowned cranes Slide 11 I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to likeliterature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature. Go through the article 1.Answer two questions 1)Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve? 2)What kinds of animals live there? 2.Guess the meanings of some new words. Slide 12 Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve? It is in Heilongjiang in north-east China. Slide 13 north-east Northeast Northwest Southwest Southeast Slide 14 What kinds of animals live there? Different kinds of fish and birds Slide 15 Help Sandy choose the right meaning for each word. 1.wetlands a. river and seas b. areas of land with wet ground c. areas of land for farming or fishing 2. provide a. cook meals b.grow plants c. give sth. to sb. 3. Shelter a. a place to live or stay b. a larger zoo c. a place to hunt animals 4. endangered a. safe b. in a dangerous state c. a large number of 5. tourist a. people who are traveling b. people who keep shops c. people who study Geography Slide 16 Listen to the tape,read after it then do T or F. Slide 17 1.Zhalong is a nature reserve in China. ____ 2.Birds can find food easily in Zhalong. ____ 3.Some birds go to Zhalong for a short stay. ____ 4.The birds in Zhalong live in large cages. ____ 5.There are a lot of red-crowned cranes in other parts of the world. ____ 6.Many endangered birds live in Zhalong now.____ 7.Zhalong needs more people to feed birds. ____ 8.Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife. ____ T T T F F T F T Slide 18 I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to likeliterature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature I want you to like school literature. Listen to the tape carefully and try to answer some questions Further Reading Slide 19 1.Why is it a great place for wildlife? 2.Do lots of birds go there? 3.Why is there less and less space for wildlife? 4.Why are more and more birds in danger? 5.What are the members of Birdwatching Club doing this year? 6.What do they do once a year? Further Reading Slide 20 1.Why is it a great place for wildlife? Because it provides food and shelter for them Slide 21 2. Do lots of birds go there? Yes. Some of them go there for a short stay. Slide 22 3.Why is there less and less space for wildlife? Because people change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings Slide 23 4.Why are more and more birds in danger? Because they do not have enough space Slide 24 5.What are the members of Birdwatching Club doing this year? They are studying the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their numbers Slide 25 6.What do they do once a year? They do a bird count once a year. Slide 26 Back cranes endangered ideal wetlands wildlife Daniel : Why is it important to protect the _______ in Zhalong? Lots of people can live in Zhalong if we build some houses there. Sandy: Zhalong is important for _______. Daniel: Do lots of birds go there? Sandy: Yes. Some of them go there for a short stay. Daniel: Do the other birds stay in Zhalong all year round? Sandy: Yes.Zhalong is the _____ home for_____ and many other___________ birds. wetlands wildlife idealcranes endangered Slide 27 Try to retell the passage, using the key words: Part1: reserve,north-east, wetlands, provides food and shelter, ideal home Part2:all year round, stay there for a short time, fish, living area, red-crowned cranes Part3: change,space,farms,buildings,le ss and less, wildlife Slide 28 Part4: in danger, died, government,protect,endange red Part5: tourists,watch,Birdwatching Club, study,changes,number Part6:a bird count,more people,importance, take action Slide 29 : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ Slide 30 Slide 31 What should you do and what shouldn t you do in the reserve? walk slowly walk quietly speak in a low voice keep it clean follow all the rules of the reserve talk loudly make any noise run litter about catch the birds frighten the birds We shouldWe shouldnt Slide 32 Place: Land type: Importance: Rare birds: Dangers: Actions to take: Hope: Search the Internet and write a report about Yancheng Nature Reserve Slide 33