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<y ^Mir if * H* %|. H .Sfc*^' * is*?*. ! 1 \ "^ f , the S field nua lngftj NI J 51 » M'* /* S* * >A j ft ' ' i m' My a WeaaingB ^ <^**?£ P^we 6« He*v*i»^uld Ahki^HJRori tKe BwJh. he Poor., Norwood Personals r In, M M Roy Crabtree, Mrs. FranH «J> Rf T , /,jr,« T P slie Blydorn drove SLS 2B hst ^ ."^"gssi's: ii'nototed corpwate m the Clarkson xv J iff? C issued on November 15 by 1&ut WxlliamW. Sedrof themxh^ ' 4aiy faculty , Awver of the ' M 'Mr and Mrs. Donald Dwyer, oij. Potsdam Norwood road, are parent- j 3 >* Z bom Sunday, November «j. \ Edward E. Wright attended th« , rf-JFaimeis Business men banquet at J f ^| Sn^on, Thursday/November 13 , \iMk.k\ 'Mrs J J- Hogamata, who has oeen IWlving her sister and brother-m-la^, M V £ * £ L Mrs. W. L. Bassett, returns, o ;iei home fp. Yonkers, New York Robert Deshain has purchased thf George Molnar home on the Norwood- (L Norfolk road. It nas been known as m. the Marian Martin place. II * Anna Moody has •Pf.chased the ^ Mrgaret Dowell farm at Madrid. The mr8 ..j. u,r nonvp-e Molnar. ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 200 Wtaes. Improve UM ' ^-ICeremony In This Village Last Wednesday Evening Widow of Fred Worthing Passes Away in Manlius * Last Wednesday evening, the sec- ond St. Lawrence district, O. E. S v met in the Masonic Hall, this •villagfc to honor atnd install the fpllowing p^? fleers: R. W. Emma Wilkins as D^- trict Deputy Grand Matron; R. W. Howard Sanferd, District Grand Lec- turer and R. W. Max Grabenstei^ District Grand Lecturer of Fra'akbn district. .^. The retiring District Deputy, R. W. Martha Ure, presetated as a special guest of honor, R. W. Nellie Ruther- ^ . . , A n;«„ T, rt lo.. ofirnjlor-Phclps camp m the Adu« K ari ana xvu.. = - spen t Iheir I dacks. Between Saturdaly m o « „,., , — - - rentwood, L. L, have sp Tuesday, four days, Guy Tayloi Pittsburg, Pa.; three ^cation with Guy_ a»d_ ^f;^^ |; tf phel aM h i s s o n Earl and Ruth J rl of T r o Walter # Word was received here today of the death of Mrs. Helen Pratt Worth- ing, Mailius, widow of the late C. Fred Worthing of this village. guest of honor, R. W. Nellie Kutnei- Mrs. Worthing was employed as a f or( j, Associate Grand Coridactress "pf State nurse for five years and resid- the Grand Chapter, State of New ed in'Norwood with her husband at y 0 rk>and also R. W. Agnes Grabe^T- 15 Spring street. stein, D. D. G. M.,. of Franklin difa She was well known in this section trict. ' where she had numerous frirads and Fraak Jenkins, P. D. G. L., of Lyia acquaintances. Chapter, assisted by Trumah HaittEjn, Surviving are { a son, Thomas M. p. D. G. L., of Vega'Chapter, installed Lorimer of Manlius; a sister, Mrs., the Grand officers. •ft JV Mrgarei; IWKCU *.~ s,ale •was made by George Molnar. Clara M. Brown will motor to Mon- treal Thmsday a^idwill spend Thanks- giving there. Among those who attended the Syiacuse Colgate football game Sat- urday were Leo"Fre'ach, Ward Coty, Bob Wilkms, Murray Farmer, Hubert Clark, E J. WilWns, and Rev. Robert Jones Mrs James C. Wood spent the past week m Watertowh witti frindes. Mr and Mrs, Edward M. R<eaga{n, of Ogdensburg, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Margaret Simo-ads, 1 and sister Mary Simonds* Mr a'nd Mrs. J. E. Hurley of Og- densburg, were Sundaly guests of Mrs. James Creighton and B F. Rolfe and family Misses Maigaret, Mary a|nd Eliza- beth Rowlnd of Mornstown spent Sat- urday witn. then brother and wife, iMr. a*Sd Mrs. Thomas Rowland. •Mr. and Mrs. Alnndrew MacMillan leturhed Sunday night from Webstei, ^7- " - r r lpq Taylor, AlaHson /Mr. Phelps ana iu» =-. SS'-TwioTliip. inLthe^T^o 1! a ! li J ho^uc^ 'Aelps and '.ieips ana wuwu •••—*•- }.. j. ; ^ Vlason R. Sntijh. News Owner, Completes t)%l to Priiit abloid Paper for Soldiers IJUIU nayner 04. XH/I.DUUJ. S , X,*., ,,„*_„ brothers, Charles of Troy, Walter of New York city and Frajnk Pratt of St. John's, Quebec; and a granddaugh- ter, Carol Lorimer. Funeral services were conducted yesterday at the home of her, son at 2 p.m. Burial was made in Manlius. Mass , where they had beeh visiting their son ence ttieiv son \ Dr. and Mrs Edward H Stapleton sand Dr. aTid Mrs. A. D. Remand were dinner guests at the Norwood Inn on Monday evenng. Rev. Rohert Jones returned Satur-, day evening from Rochseter where he had been attending training school for Home Visitation Eva-igehsn. for the Methodist ministers. ated Mrs. Ida Hall, Mrs Irene Monn and Stent Mis. Loretta Fetter ^represented the J:drf- local -unit at the meeting of the Am- erican Legion Auxiliary Countfy unit held in Massena on Thursday. Mrs. Roy Martin a|nd infant daugh-. tei, Mary Lou Alice, have returned from Potsdam hospital. The Misses Stefani Petioski and BTmccord- Irene Poger, local school teacheis, are f&* spending the Thanksgiving holidays 9rZ> at their homes in Watertowii. Miss Elaine Rutherford will return tj'grow- home today to spend tSie holiday with tj&mora her, parents, Mr and ISlis. Leon Ruth- Sfeurg'a erford. Clarence Clark, Madrid Resident $ervices Today Announcement; was made this week* Uy Mason R. Smith, Gouvern'eur, pub- I Usher of the Tribune-Press of 'that place, and the Norwood News, of;, the publication of a (newspaper called'The Pihe Camp News, edited and owned-. by. Mr. Snaith, which will makej its 1 appearance 5 'bn December 6. '^ii";- The new publication will be. tabloid, in form and will contain 16 pages of news and pictures of the various ac- tivities at the soldier encampment. It will be printed, and ready for distri- bution every Saturday andiwilf have a circulation of approximately %0,000. Army officials and Mr. Smith com- pleted contracts l'ate last week. Ne- gotiations have been r under way - for nearly a month. . Alfred E. Beheller, at present man- aging editor of the Tribujne-Press, will resign to assume' charge of the new edition. Mr. Beheller's successor has not yet been named. I Extra copies fbr parents of the youths serving in the army will be available apd may be secured by ad- dressing a postcard to the Tribune- Press, Gouvemeur. Subscription rates will be announced in the near future. lumber Dealer Injured in Fall I From Porch Roof George A. Gibson, local lumber dealer, was painfully Jnjured last Sat- urday when he fell from the porch roof of the William Patterson home. Mr. Gibson received.a bruised nose, smashed two fingers on his left hand and suffered from shock.* He was removed to his home where Dr. James Smith treated;his injuries Christmas Seals on Sale November 24 Monday, Nov. 24 marks the open- ' <"'i-'vi«tvmas Seal e uranu umwiii. Participating with the above offi- cers in the installation were Martha Ure, P. D. G. M., 'Sherman Hamlm, P. G. L., and Ruth Perrin, P. D. D. G. M. ' Guests were present from Wfatti- rop, Potsdam, Massena, Canton, Wad- dington, Hermon, North Lawrence, Ogdensburg, Morristown,, Malone, Tupper Lake and Lockport-,*!!]. Gifts were presented to ~k\ W7 *- w —~*?. Emma Wilkfas by the associate mat- ' rons of the district and members of th& Doris Ross club. R. W. Howard Sanford was presented with a gift from members of Vega Chapter. Three Potsdam Normal students y**l Area Residents Receive Papers "I Three Fotsctam INUJ.""" ?r ~— Three ' Potsdam residents were presen ted a delightful' entertainment among the 87 St. Lawreinee county They were Miss H. Hosmer, W. iM- l( among: w»= u. ^.. ---••• . . .They were Miss H. Hosmer, W El persons to receive their final citizen- ^ ^ a n d L ThoiI1 p Son ... .• . . . „ _ ship^paperg at a naturalization term , - ^„^ „,.„„„„<: rm,^ .&* n j. ... n . -c -A About 200 guests were present. Tne of Supreme Court'in Canton Friday u , \-__ M _„,^ 1 llnl1T ^^ before Justice Ellsworth C. Lawrence. ' They were: Ireie Eastman, Mar- jorie Myers, and Henry Murphy. Oth- ers from this vicJnityy were Floyd Mattice, Norfolk; . Raymond Rose, Norwood; Adrian Vincent, Norwood; Victoria Eldridge, Brasher Falls, and William Lanning, Norwood. The re- patriation cases included Agnes Pealo of Potsdam. A, Norwood Group \promdes, Relief for School Children •evening closed with a social hour tfeat was sponsored by Lyra aftd Vega Chapters. i Grange Officers For Coming Year Elected WortWy Master Ralph Mullen pie- T v sided at the regular meeting of 15s bon Grange, No. 940, held Tuesday ^ -~~mg, Nov. 11. Thirty members ^ present. <~ The following officers were'elected f^L ** * i.% jd 1942, Master Glenn B. Sheldolis bvsa- [• seer David Petote, lecturer'Mrs Eve | lyn Akins, steward Alan Nelson, as [sistant steward George Dezell, chap During this year the Norwood Branch American Red Cross has pro- , xr 94 marks the op«n-,.vided eye glasses for school children Monday, Nov. ^ ,*, r =„ tmas Seal j and given very necessary relref m . sislajll slewalu ^ ^ -—-, - lag of the 35th annual ^ 1 5 ^ ^ , ^ ^ 4 efurnishinggg following firesU laj Mrs . Eth e l Lawrence, toasurer ( sale--throughout the un " e " oun .| T his branch has given relief and, Bartokl Lawrence, secretary l»a», its. possessions «"d many oi sea l medicin eduringg sickness, and made j Merkley, gatekeeper WiUiaW, ties abroad. t ^ ^ "itelj families more comfortate with t e c * - . - . « ™„ this year is a stauncn . ^ | cloth ing and bedding, lighthouse flashing out a at in . Alg0 home - service for men in ~~ of light as warning ,^ jr ° ill ' st tuber-1 army has been maintained during the, •^ x ^!lS^t!^'^^\^'t m - Telegramsand - rep ^ s culosis. The light oi .^ d have been Clarence Cla^k Douglas, a resideiit of Madrid for five years^, died holi- day morning at 5 o'clock at^the Pots- am hospital after an illness of one I week. He w a s 69 years old and had 4 been rn poor health for the past year;; j Mr. Douglas was born December/10, 11872, the son of James C. ahd Betsy Fisher Douglas. He was bom on.the. farm near Potsdam yhere he had lived" all of nis life until five years agef tyheji he moved to-Madrid and opeljM a Service station. On March 9, i|9$ , .he wag married to Harriet Wilson, of £f | Morley. He" is survived by his $5$* and two nephews, Douglas afa,d ^ef r« cott Wilcox. Funeral services will bf1 field Wednesday a t 1:30 p . m. ffbtt the home, Rev. Emerson Bmke witt have charge of t h e services and Me will he assisted by Rev, Heatheiangr lion >ejl '*™'**^ Dairy farmers To Receive $175 per Cwt. Dairy farmers of the New York milkshed will receive #. uniform Oc- tober milk price of $2.75 per hundred, it was announced by N. J. Cladakis, federal administrator. The price ex- ceeds the amihistrator's recent esti- mate biy three .cents. He estimated- it, would he f?.72. > The October'payment is 83 cents per hund^e.d.,higher thaiv of the same |' : m6nth,_a .yeaij'agb, The October, 1940 payment wa^ $1.92, It' is a 13-year hjggh mill?,price., J The priciei increase, to .be' disteibut- e'd»^:da : ii5y,men'SoC 25, represehts a show nls worK auu "-- .,. A ;53 :pefoen?'i!hc6me g a | i for'Nfew York al recognition that Dohanos, murahst, •^l&sn'ed.ikrm^rsp,'acCoran'g'to'Ad- illustrator, discovered' that h e had min1sti>ato'i*.\#adaife3 ; s i .The ttew'pay- tuberculosis. He had just been asked ••"' ' ' - w - . to loin via. art studio in New York by tuberculosis education guided Steven Dohanas, the artist of this (year's Christmas seal, back to health, his work and a normal, happy lif e> Out of his own poignant experi- ence Mr. Dohanos, conceived the light house as the-symbol of tuberculosis, work, spreading light, leading the way to safety. ' Mr. Dohanos, a native of Lorain, Ohio, this year joined the ranks of distinguished artists who have lent their talents to the seal sale. It was soon after he had beguh to show his work and had earned nation- past ycai. x»v.giu>„o -- 4 - have been numerous, many of which have elimijnated much suffering and .discomfort at- home and established better living conditions. ' lam, iviia. JJUICI u.. , ._ Bartoh Lawrence, secretary Miss Bea-^ sie Merkley, gatekeeper Wuham,. Speer, Ceres Lois Dunn, Pomona Bliss. , abeth-Dezell, Flora Kathleen'Sheldon^ lady assistant steward Mrs. GeorgS Dezell, eveeative committee, Ralph; Mullen, Matron,' Mrs. Nina Sheldon/ pianist Mrs. Maud Speer, service/ ana hospitality committee, chairman Mrs,, Myrtle Murphy. Officers will bo fe^ stalled Dec. 1. , ~?»>-*% Committee Given $13,500 Requests for Ag Extension j " Proposed appropriations totaling $13,500 for agriculture extension ser- vices were referred to the ways and means committee at a session of the St. Lawrence county board of super- visors Tuesday, following the hear- ing of annual reports of the three extension aaents. Mrs. Trwilino Attends Reunion At Ogdensliurg ^ B u ^ l MlLte,vrMadrid = e f ^ | S i l rm'n'istratOii'eiadaWs-. -Th? ^, ew ^ y " to join '^an art stt- I e l f c 2 t c^fc^Aundred; more than *M wag prepari ^ g to move there. .v^'set#is,^ctph.er-pool's net farm ^PSide^lplf^lMg 1 ••• Thi* iedf" Sit S t r k Kilburn und Culkin Split t . . _' . . iere ;. On Neutrality Vote The temptation of risk regaling-1 ^__^ n ^ n ^„ POTiel ^ ss Mrs. Hugh Trivilinoof this village attended a reunion .at the home of hfei parents, Mr. ajiduMrs. Emery Hickjy of Champion r-oad, Ogdensburg, tog week end, marking Mr Hickey's m birthdaj Otheis who attended |ere ,MiB Charle^-.O'Bnen and &**£$*> n Ixeuur^uKJ ' «-~ i Bernadettevand Mr. and Mrs Gfto^ The temptation of risk «prf*1, ',. ountt iv congressmen splat K otz of Ogd¥nsburg; M r . ^ ^ ^ , his h e J & i l e keepihg ^P Ws Work North ^ g * ^ f c e neu trality C .'Elliott ^f^atertow^, Mr• JdSta. %&", Buf Dohanps, guidej by j f l j « * J ^ of 221 to 194 charts < S o « * «***&&. l&iflWht "of 'tuterctitosis educationy \act passea DV * , Coagwssman HogaMboiK; JJ*. and Mrs f'P^J trcatme# and : comptete r e ^ ^ I t ww ag^ ^ ^ ^ Mal ^ e> of Qttawa . 'hot-llM^m^^H'S^^^jyiS^flie^ Republicans^ the r ^ ^ ^ norntai &m^ftf ® **& ,««*. ^ S S s e D ackihg the measure. Join the Red CrOSS \ 'SN^^.'aaij^^^Jft ^ Of all the agencies which t i ^ e ^ .-.*ttrA^*** Wkloh was still wait-. I ., . , ^ . . L _. the ir purpose ^humanitarian enfe either during periods of peace * -m mtltm WAR REUEF NOMgB - ,Anypne, v«ho Has completed ^ ^ - l£W la requested to tatn J « g *v to^rancis McNulty at 2|to. street afl soon as possible do hatishj KSP -* \^BJ* ^ a* the headctrt*ft**s imif-aMw.- "'-".w!—- v «. 3 -.-.- --v^ » K --|M«rfg-'D6hanot.Was-'cn^^e|i.»«x-«*~!v*s i ^. i i. _ .-,-. - A ^.i nT i«i ' Sunday Cross stands pre-eminent, i«»f S l e i ^ a | « W f n ^ a ^ ^?T%f1teL 8t#* Ufatution needs no official spoh^Ik W m m : >1?^ ' •• '••* Z *• ^ J W&$ Wm-^m^frnMS- X^W^ l^f&JSuJL^ni should not re^e tnuch m ih & jay ( ' A m m ^ m M m M ^ W m m ^ S ^ l ^ W ^ / ^ W ^ salesmanshm propaggarjda fe I <ittWt'''Roo^veW# i t^&'thiy^ and^he^enMrep>k 0 f; Haydn's quartet^Q. *^"; , tf -.^the public and tecewO " M """ : —— u u a * - l^^TK s«? ™Z%i0 iss^«w^,^;;;;|isis^^ """^ *<~ A ^ J ^ w*if >^ J5S,*fe^-jS^fr ,,.;.-".':. •>>} '.. '''"''i i yij'i iTiii '1'''i lii^Mii 'Jii'iUViiiiMiilBWl !-';:','.?'-,.';'-''i v*4. . w.^- .^VjHH^^'*^4:> 'V V'-'^

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Page 1: ™Z%i0 - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075693/1941-11-19/ed-1/seq-1.…nua lngftj NI J51 » M'* /* S* * >A j ft ' ' i m' My a ... nd Eliza beth Rowlnd



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WeaaingB ^ < ^ * * ? £ P^we 6« H e * v * i » ^ u l d Ahki^HJRori tKe BwJh.

he Poor.,

Norwood Personals

r In, M M Roy Crabtree, Mrs. FranH « J > Rf T , / , j r , « T Pslie Blydorn drove

SLS 2B hst ̂ ."^"gssi's: i i ' no to t ed corpwate m the Clarkson xv J i f f ? C issued on November 15 by

1 & u t WxlliamW. Sedrof t h e m x h ^

' 4aiy faculty , A w v e r of the '• M 'Mr and Mrs. Donald Dwyer, o i j .

Potsdam Norwood road, are parent- j 3 > * Z bom Sunday, November « j .

\ Edward E. Wright attended th« , rf-JFaimeis Business men banquet a t J

f ^ | Sn^on, Thursday/November 13 , \iMk.k\ 'Mrs J J- Hogamata, who has oeen I W l v i n g her sister and brother-m-la^, M V £ * £ L Mrs. W. L. Bassett, r e t u rn s ,

o ;iei home fp. Yonkers, New York Robert Deshain has purchased thf

George Molnar home on the Norwood-(L Norfolk road. I t nas been known as

m. the Marian Martin place. • I I * Anna Moody has •Pf.chased the ^ Mrgaret Dowell farm at Madrid. The

m r 8 . . j . u,r nonvp-e Molnar.

^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 200 Wtaes. Improve UM ' ^-ICeremony In This Village

Last Wednesday Evening

Widow of Fred Worthing Passes Away in Manlius

* Last Wednesday evening, the sec­ond St. Lawrence district, O. E. Sv

met in the Masonic Hall , this •villagfc to honor atnd install t h e fpllowing p^? fleers: R. W. Emma Wilkins as D ^ -trict Deputy Grand Matron; R. W. Howard Sanferd, District Grand Lec­turer and R. W. Max Grabenstei^ District Grand Lecturer of Fra'akbn district. . ^ .

The retiring District Deputy, R. W. Martha Ure, presetated as a special guest of honor, R. W . Nellie Ruther-


. . , „ A n ; « „ T,rtlo.. of i rnj lor-Phclps camp m the A d u « Kar i ana xvu.. = - s p e n t Iheir I dacks. Between Saturdaly m o « „ , . , , — - -rentwood, L. L, have sp Tuesday, four days, Guy Tayloi Pittsburg, Pa.; three ^cation with Guy_ a»d_ ^ f ; ^ ^ | ; t f p h e l a M h i s s o n Earl and Ruth J r l o f T r o W a l t e r #

Word was received here today of the death of Mrs. Helen Prat t Worth­ing, Mailius, widow of the late C. Fred Worthing of this village. guest of honor, R. W . Nellie Kutnei-

Mrs. Worthing was employed as a f o r ( j , Associate Grand Coridactress "pf State nurse for five years and resid- the Grand Chapter, State of New ed in'Norwood with her husband a t y0rk>and also R. W . Agnes Grabe^T-15 Spring street. stein, D. D. G. M.,. of Franklin difa

She was well known in this section trict. ' where she had numerous frirads and Fraak Jenkins, P . D. G. L., of Lyia acquaintances. Chapter, assisted b y Trumah HaittEjn,

Surviving are { a son, Thomas M. p . D. G. L., of Vega'Chapter, installed Lorimer of Manlius; a sister, Mrs., the Grand officers.



Mrgarei; IWKCU *.~ s,ale •was made by George Molnar.

Clara M. Brown will motor to Mon­treal Thmsday a^idwill spend Thanks­giving there.

Among those who attended the Syiacuse Colgate football game Sat­urday were Leo"Fre'ach, Ward Coty, Bob Wilkms, Murray Farmer, Hubert Clark, E J. WilWns, and Rev. Robert Jones

Mrs James C. Wood spent the past week m Watertowh witti frindes.

Mr and Mrs, Edward M. R<eaga{n, of Ogdensburg, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Margaret Simo-ads, 1 and sister Mary Simonds*

Mr a'nd Mrs. J . E. Hurley of Og­densburg, were Sundaly guests of Mrs. James Creighton and B F . Rolfe and family

Misses Maigaret, Mary a|nd Eliza­beth Rowlnd of Mornstown spent Sat­urday witn. then brother and wife,

iMr. a*Sd Mrs. Thomas Rowland. •Mr. and Mrs. Alnndrew MacMillan

leturhed Sunday night from Webstei,

^ 7 - " -rr l p q • Taylor, AlaHson / M r . Phelps ana iu» = - . * » S S ' - T w i o T l i i p . i n L t h e ^ T ^ o 1 ! a ! l i J h o ^ u c ^ 'Aelps and '.ieips ana wuwu •••—*•- }.. j . ; ^

Vlason R. Sntijh. News Owner, Completes t)%l to Priiit abloid Paper for Soldiers

IJUIU nayner 04. XH/I.DUUJ.S, X,*., ,,„*_„ brothers, Charles of Troy, Walter of New York city and Frajnk Pra t t of St. John's, Quebec; and a granddaugh­ter, Carol Lorimer.

Funeral services were conducted yesterday at the home of her, son at 2 p .m.

Burial was made in Manlius.

Mass , where they had beeh visiting their son


ttieiv son \ Dr. and Mrs Edward H Stapleton

sand Dr. aTid Mrs. A. D. Remand were dinner guests at the Norwood Inn on Monday evenng.

Rev. Rohert Jones returned Satur-, day evening from Rochseter where he had been attending training school for Home Visitation Eva-igehsn. for the Methodist ministers.

ated Mrs. Ida Hall, Mrs Irene Monn and Stent Mis. Loretta Fetter ^represented the J:drf- local -unit at the meeting of the Am­

erican Legion Auxiliary Countfy unit held in Massena on Thursday.

Mrs. Roy Martin a|nd infant daugh-. tei , Mary Lou Alice, have returned from Potsdam hospital.

The Misses Stefani Petioski and BTmccord- Irene Poger, local school teacheis, are

f&* spending the Thanksgiving holidays 9rZ> at their homes in Watertowii.

Miss Elaine Rutherford will return tj'grow- home today to spend tSie holiday with tj&mora her, parents, Mr and ISlis. Leon Ruth-Sfeurg'a erford.

Clarence Clark, Madrid Resident $ervices Today

Announcement; was made this week* Uy Mason R. Smith, Gouvern'eur, pub- I Usher of the Tribune-Press of 'that place, and the Norwood News, of;, t he publication of a (newspaper called'The Pihe Camp News, edited and owned-. by. Mr. Snaith, which will makej i t s 1 appearance5 'bn December 6. '^ii";-

The new publication will be. tabloid, in form and will contain 16 pages of news and pictures of the various ac­tivities at the soldier encampment. I t will be printed, and ready for distri­bution every Saturday andiwilf have a circulation of approximately %0,000.

Army officials and Mr. Smith com­pleted contracts l'ate last week. Ne­gotiations have been runder way- for nearly a month. .

Alfred E. Beheller, at present man­aging editor of the Tribujne-Press, will resign to assume' charge of the new edition. Mr. Beheller's successor has not yet been named.

I Extra copies fbr parents of the youths serving in the army will be available apd may be secured by ad­dressing a postcard to the Tribune-Press, Gouvemeur. Subscription rates will be announced in the near future.

lumber Dealer Injured in Fall I From Porch Roof

George A. Gibson, local lumber dealer, was painfully Jnjured last Sat­urday when he fell from the porch roof of the William Patterson home.

Mr. Gibson received.a bruised nose, smashed two fingers on his left hand and suffered from shock.*

He was removed to his home where Dr. James Smith treated;his injuries

Christmas Seals on Sale November 24

Monday, Nov. 24 marks the open-' <"'i-'vi«tvmas Seal

e uranu umwiii. Participating wi th the above offi­

cers in the installation were Martha Ure, P. D. G. M., 'Sherman Hamlm, P. G. L., and Ruth Perrin, P. D. D. G. M. '

Guests were present from Wfatti-rop, Potsdam, Massena, Canton, Wad-dington, Hermon, North Lawrence, Ogdensburg, Morristown,, Malone, Tupper Lake and Lockport-,*!!].

Gifts were presented to ~k\ W7 *-w—~*?. Emma Wilkfas by the associate mat- ' rons of the district and members of th& Doris Ross club. R. W. Howard Sanford was presented with a gift from members of Vega Chapter.

Three Potsdam Normal students


Area Residents Receive Papers

"I Three Fotsctam INUJ.""" ? r ~ — Three ' Potsdam residents were p r e s e n t e d a delightful' entertainment

among the 87 St. Lawreinee county T h e y w e r e Miss H. Hosmer, W. iM-


among: w»= u. ^.. - - - ••• . . .They were Miss H. Hosmer, W El persons to receive their final citizen- ^ ^ a n d L T h o i I 1 p S o n . . . .• . . . „ _ ship^paperg at a naturalization term , - ^„^ „,.„„„„<: rm,^ *»

.&* n j. ... n . -c -A About 200 guests were present. Tne of Supreme Court ' in Canton Friday u , \-__M „ _ „ , ^ 1 l l n l1T ^ ^ before Justice Ellsworth C. Lawrence. ' They were: Ireie Eastman, Mar-jorie Myers, and Henry Murphy. Oth­ers from this vicJnityy were Floyd Mattice, Norfolk; . Raymond Rose, Norwood; Adrian Vincent, Norwood; Victoria Eldridge, Brasher Falls, and William Lanning, Norwood. The re­patriation cases included Agnes Pealo of Potsdam.


Norwood Group \promdes, Relief for School Children

•evening closed wi th a social hour tfeat was sponsored by Lyra aftd Vega Chapters. i

Grange Officers For Coming Year Elected

WortWy Master Ralph Mullen p ie - T v sided at the regular meeting of 15s bon Grange, N o . 940, held Tuesday ^

-~~mg, Nov. 11. Thirty members ^ present. <~

The following officers were'elected f^L **




1942, Master Glenn B. Sheldolis bvsa-[• seer David Petote, lecturer'Mrs Eve | lyn Akins, steward Alan Nelson, as [sistant steward George Dezell, chap

During this year the Norwood Branch American Red Cross has pro-

• , xr 94 marks the op«n-,.vided eye glasses for school children Monday, Nov. ^ , * , r = „ t m a s Seal j and given very necessary relref m . s i s l a j l l s l e w a l u ^ ^ -—-, -

lag of the 35th annual ^ 1 5 ^ ^ , ̂ ^ 4 e f u r n i s h i n g g g following firesU l a j M r s . E t h e l Lawrence, toasurer(

sale--throughout the u n " e " o u n . | T his branch has given relief and, B a r t o k l Lawrence, secretary l » a » , its. possessions «"d many oi s e a l medicin eduringg sickness, and made j Merkley, gatekeeper WiUiaW, ties abroad. ™ t ^ ^ " i t e l j families more comfortate with t e c * - . - . « ™„ this year is a stauncn . ^ | c l o t h i n g and bedding, lighthouse flashing out a at i n . A l g 0 h o m e - s e r v i c e for men in ~~ of light as w a r n i n g , ^ j r ° i l l ' s t tuber-1 army has been maintained during the,

•^x^!lS^t!^'^^\^'tm- Telegramsand -rep^s

culosis. The light oi ™ .^ d h a v e b e e n

Clarence Cla^k Douglas, a resideiit of Madrid fo r five years^, died holi­day morning a t 5 o'clock at^the Pots-am hospital after an illness of one

I week. He was 69 years old and had 4 been rn poor health for the past year;;

j Mr. Douglas was born December/10, 11872, the son of James C. ahd Betsy

Fisher Douglas. He was b o m on.the. fa rm near Potsdam yhere h e had lived" all of nis life until five years agef tyheji h e moved to-Madrid and opeljM a Service station. On March 9, i |9$

, . h e wag married to Harr iet Wilson, of £f | Morley. He" is survived b y his $5$*

and two nephews, Douglas afa,d ^ e f r« cott Wilcox. Funeral services will b f 1 field Wednesday a t 1:30 p . m. ffbtt t he home, Rev. Emerson Bmke witt have charge of t h e services and Me wil l h e assisted b y Rev, Heatheiangr

l ion >ejl '*™'**^

Dairy farmers To Receive $175 per Cwt.

Dairy farmers of the New York milkshed will receive #. uniform Oc­tober milk price of $2.75 per hundred, i t was announced by N. J. Cladakis, federal administrator. The price ex­ceeds the amihistrator's recent esti­mate biy three .cents. He estimated-it, would h e f?.72. >

The October'payment is 83 cents • per hund^e.d.,higher thaiv of the same |':m6nth,_a .yeaij'agb, The October, 1940

payment wa^ $1.92, It ' is a 13-year hjggh mill?,price., J The priciei increase, to .be' disteibut-e'd»^:da:ii5y,men'SoC 25, represehts a s h o w n l s w o r K a u u " - - . , . A

;53 :pefoen?'i!hc6me g a | i for'Nfew York a l recognition that Dohanos, murahst, •^l&sn'ed.ikrm^rsp,'acCoran'g'to'Ad- illustrator, discovered' that h e had min1sti>ato'i*.\#adaife3;si .The ttew'pay- tuberculosis. He had just been asked

••"' ' ' - w - . to loin via. art studio in New York

by tuberculosis education guided Steven Dohanas, the artist of this (year's Christmas seal, back to health, his work and a normal, happy lif e>

Out of his own poignant experi­ence Mr. Dohanos, conceived the light house as the-symbol of tuberculosis, work, spreading light, leading the way to safety. ' Mr. Dohanos, a native of Lorain, Ohio, this year joined the ranks of distinguished artists who have lent their talents to the seal sale.

It was soon after he had beguh to show his work and had earned nation-

p a s t ycai . x»v.giu>„o --4-have been numerous, many of which have elimijnated much suffering and .discomfort at- home and established better living conditions. '

lam, iviia. JJUICI u . . , ._ Bartoh Lawrence, secretary Miss Bea-^ sie Merkley, gatekeeper Wuham,. Speer, Ceres Lois Dunn, Pomona Bliss.

, abeth-Dezell, Flora Kathleen'Sheldon^ lady assistant steward Mrs. GeorgS Dezell, eveeative committee, Ralph; Mullen, Matron,' Mrs. Nina Sheldon/ pianist Mrs. Maud Speer, service/ ana hospitality committee, chairman Mrs,, Myrtle Murphy. Officers will bo fe^ stalled Dec. 1. ,


Committee Given $13,500 Requests for Ag Extension

j "

Proposed appropriations totaling $13,500 for agriculture extension ser­vices were referred to the ways and means committee at a session of the St. Lawrence county board of super­visors Tuesday, following the hear­ing of annual reports of the three extension aaents.

Mrs. Trwilino Attends Reunion At Ogdensliurg

^ B u ^ l M l L t e , v r M a d r i d = e f ^ | S i l

rm'n'istratOii'eiadaWs-. -Th? ^ , e w ^ y " to join '̂ an art stt-I e l f c 2 t c^fc^Aundred; more than * M w a g p r e p a r i ^ g to move there.

. v^ ' s e t# i s , ^c tph . e r -poo l ' s n e t farm


••• T h i *

i edf"

S i t S t r k Kilburn und Culkin Split t . . _' . . iere;. On Neutrality Vote

The temptation of risk regaling-1 ^ _ _ ^ n^n^„ POTiel^ss

Mrs. Hugh Trivilinoof this village attended a reunion .at the home of hfei parents, Mr. ajiduMrs. Emery Hickjy of Champion r-oad, Ogdensburg, tog week end, marking Mr Hickey's m birthdaj Otheis who attended | e r e

,MiB Charle^-.O'Bnen and &**£$*> n I x e u u r ^ u K J ' « - ~ i Bernadettevand Mr. and Mrs G f t o ^

The temptation of risk « p r f * 1 , ' , . „ o u n t t iv congressmen splat Kotz of Ogd¥nsburg; M r . ^ ^ ^ , his h e J & i l e keepihg ^P Ws Work North ^ g * ^ f c e n e u t r a l i t y C . ' E l l i o t t ^ f ^ a t e r t o w ^ , Mr• J d S t a . % & " , B u f Dohanps, g u i d e j by j f l j « * J ^ of 221 to 194 cha r t s < S o « * « * * * & & . l&iflWht "of 'tuterctitosis educationy \act passea DV * , Coagwssman HogaMboiK; JJ*. and Mrs f'P^J

t r c a t m e # and :comptete r e ^ ^I t ww a g ^ ^ ^ ^ M a l ^ e > o f Q t t a w a . ' h o t - l l M ^ m ^ ^ H ' S ^ ^ ^ j y i S ^ f l i e ^ R e p u b l i c a n s ^ the r ^ ^ ^ norntai &m^ftf ® **& ,««*. ^ S S s e Dackihg the measure. J o i n t h e R e d C r O S S \ ' S N ^ ^ . ' a a i j ^ ^ ^ J f t ^ Of all t he agencies which t i ^ e ^ . - .* t t rA^*** W k l o h was sti l l wait-. I . , . , ^ . . L _ . t h e i r purpose ^humanitarian e n f e

either dur ing periods of peace <£ *


mtltm WAR R E U E F NOMgB - ,Anypne, v«ho Has completed ^ ^ - • l £ W la requested t o tatn J « g *v t o ^ r a n c i s McNulty a t 2 | t o . street afl soon as possible do h a t i s h j K S P - * \ ^ B J * ^ a* the headctrt*ft**s

imif-aMw.- "'-".w!—-v«.3-.-.- --v^ »K--|M«rfg-'D6hanot.Was-'cn^^e|i.»«x-«*~!v*si^.ii. _ . - , - . -A^.in T i«i ' Sunday Cross s tands pre-eminent, i«»f S l e i ^ a | « W f n ^ a ^ ^ ? T % f 1 t e L 8t#* Ufatution needs no official s p o h ^ I k

W m m : >1?^ ' •• '••* Z *• ^ J W&$ Wm-^m^frnMS- X^W^ l ^ f & J S u J L ^ n i should not re^e tnuch m ih& j a y ( ' A m m ^ m M m M ^ W m m ^ S ^ l ^ W ^ / ^ W ^ salesmanshm propaggarjda t» fe I <ittWt'' 'Roo^veW# it^&'thiy^ and^he^enMrep>k0f; Haydn's q u a r t e t ^ Q . * ^ " ; , tf - . ^ t h e public and t e c e w O

" M""": ——u— • u a* - l ^ ^ T K s « ? ™Z%i0 iss^«w^,^;;;;|isis^^ """^

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