zodiac qlippoth

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  • 7/22/2019 Zodiac Qlippoth


    Zodiac Qlippoth

    NASHIMIRON "Malignant Woman" Zodiac: Pisces Qliphothic Tunnel: Qulielfi Tarot Trump: The Moon

    Description: Colors of a stagnant gleaming watery bluem and their forms like hideous women, almost

    skeletons, united to bodies of serpents and fishes.

    BAHIMIRON "Bestial" Zodiac: Aquarius Qliphothic Tunnel: Tzuflifu

    Tarot Trump: The Star/The Emperor Description: Whose arms are derived from Behemoth, and their

    colors are black and brown, and their forms like those of awful beasts, like hippopotamus and an

    elephant, but crushed flat, or as if their skin was spread out flat over the body of a gigantic beetle or


    DAGDAGIRON "Fishy" Zodiac: Capricorn Qliphothic Tunnel: A'ano'nin

    Tarot Trump: The Devil Colors: Whise colors are reddish and gleaming, and their form like vast and

    devouring flat-shaped fishes.

    NECHESHIRON "Snakey" Zodiac: Sagituarrius Qliphothic Tunnel: Saksaksalim Tarot Trump:

    Temperance Description: Whose colors are like serpents, and their form like dog-headed serpents.

    NECHESHTHIRON "Brazen" Zodiac: Scorpio Qliphothic Tunnel: Niantiel Tarot Trump: Death

    Descriptionl Whose color is like copper, and their forms like that of a most devilish and human

    headed insects.

    A'ABIRIRON "Clayey" Zodiac: Libra Qliphothic Tunnel: Lafcursiax

    Tarot Trump: Justice Description: Colors like clouds and their form like grey bloated Goblins.

    TZAPHIPHIRON "Scratchers" Zodiac: Virgo Qliphothic Tunnel: Yamatu Tarot Trump: The Hermit

    Description: Colors are like those of earth, and their form is partially living yet decaying corpses.

    SHALEHBIRON "Flaming" Zodiac: Leo Qliphothic Tunnel: Temphioth

    Tarot Trump: Strength Description: Colors are fiery and yellow and their form like merciless wolves

    and jackals.

  • 7/22/2019 Zodiac Qlippoth


    SHICHICHIRON "Black" Zodiac: Cancer Qlipthothic Tunnel:Characith

    Tarot Trump: The Chariot Description: Colros are black and their form blended of reptile, insect and

    shell-fish, such as the crab and the lobster, yet Demon-faced withal.

    TZALALIMIRON "Clangers" Zodiac: Gemini Qliphothic Tunnel: Zamradiel

    Tarot Trump: The Lovers Description: Colours are like limped blood, tzelil, bronze and crimson. They

    are like savage triangular-headed dogs.

    ADIMIRON "Bloody" Zodiac: Taurus Qliphothic Tunnel:Uriens

    Tarot Trump: The Hierophant Descriptions: Colours like dam blood, mixed with water and dull yellow

    and gray. Their Form is that of lion lizards.

    BA'AIRORON "The Flock" Zodiac: Aires Qliphothic Tunnel:Hemethterith Tarot Trump:The Star/The

    Emperor Description: Their colors are dull and black; and their form is that of a Dragon-Lion