zoltán belicza · on wordpress and magento. additionally npm, yarn, gulp, webpack, vue, react,...

Zalaegerszeg - 2009 CISCO CCNA EXPLORATION, SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Zalaegerszeg - 2007 GANZ ÁBRAHÁM SZKI Zalaegerszeg - 2010 WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPER, CENTERNET EDUCATION Designing and developing the front-end part of various web sites, according to W3C standards, using some pre-compilers. Developing modules and creating front-end parts for various CMS systems (eg SiteCore, Umbraco, WordPress, Joomla). Participating in the implementation of intranet solutions for an enterprise-develop- ment financial company, mostly with PHP and MySQL technologies. 2010 - 2013 FRONT-END DEVELOPER, ALLWIN Participating in the development of web applications based on RoR, according to W3C standards with pre-compilers and Amazon marketplace integration. Developing a foreign-owned Open Source CMS blog engine as the Lead Front-end Developer. 2013 - 2014 CREATIVE FRONT-END DEVELOPER, SUPERCHARGE Developing the administrative side of a virtual reality managament system for 3D object managament with modern web solutions as a Lead Front-end Developer. Also creating 3D objects for the test cases. Introducing the task managament systems with Play framework to the workflow then participating in the implementation of the WebRTC and WebAudio technologies as part 2014 - 2015 UX ENGINEER, BME INFOKOM Participating in the development of an existing international multi-platform online gaming system; using various templating systems, pre-compilers and automated task 2015 - 2017 FRONT-END DEVELOPER, E-SAILORS Managing a variety of projects with multiple customers (eg. Rossmann, Riel, iStyle, LightWare, Meier Tobler, LifeTilt, Alinda). Static builds and dynamic portals, some based on WordPress and Magento. Additionally NPM, Yarn, Gulp, Webpack, Vue, React, MongoDB, etc. 2017 June - Present ENTREPRETEUR, FREELANCER WEB-DEVELOPER EXPERIENCE www.zoltanbelicza.eu [email protected] Platán sor 28. Zalaegerszeg, H8900 36-30-470-1622 CONTACT I am a Front-End Engineer with almost a decade of experience in the international business. I have successfully completed lots of front-end and back-end tasks for companies and individual people too. Get to know each other. PROFILE Front-End Engineer Zoltán Belicza

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Page 1: Zoltán Belicza · on WordPress and Magento. Additionally NPM, Yarn, Gulp, Webpack, Vue, React, MongoDB, etc. 2017 June - Present ENTREPRETEUR, FREELANCER WEB-DEVELOPER EXPERIENCE

Z a l a e g e r s z e g - 2 0 0 9

C I S C O C C N A E X P L O R A T I O N , S C H O O L O F B U S I N E S S

Z a l a e g e r s z e g - 2 0 0 7


Z a l a e g e r s z e g - 2 0 1 0

W E B A P P L I C A T I O N D E V E L O P E R , C E N T E R N E T


Designing and developing the front-end part of various web sites, according to W3C

standards, using some pre-compilers .

Developing modules and creating front-end parts for various CMS systems (eg SiteCore,

Umbraco, WordPress, Joomla) .

Participating in the implementation of intranet solutions for an enterprise-develop-

ment financial company, mostly with PHP and MySQL technologies.

2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 3

F R O N T - E N D D E V E L O P E R , A L L W I N

Participating in the development of web applications based on RoR, according to W3C

standards with pre-compilers and Amazon marketplace integration.

Developing a foreign-owned Open Source CMS blog engine as the Lead Front-end


2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4

C R E A T I V E F R O N T - E N D D E V E L O P E R , S U P E R C H A R G E

Developing the administrative side of a virtual real ity managament system for 3D

object managament with modern web solutions as a Lead Front-end Developer. Also

creating 3D objects for the test cases.

Introducing the task managament systems with Play framework to the workflow then

participating in the implementation of the WebRTC and WebAudio technologies as part

2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5

U X E N G I N E E R , B M E I N F O K O M

Participating in the development of an existing international multi-platform online

gaming system; using various templating systems, pre-compilers and automated task

2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 7

F R O N T - E N D D E V E L O P E R , E - S A I L O R S

Managing a variety of projects with multiple customers (eg. Rossmann, Riel , iStyle,

LightWare, Meier Tobler , LifeTi lt , Al inda) . Static builds and dynamic portals , some based

on WordPress and Magento. Additionally NPM, Yarn, Gulp, Webpack, Vue, React,

MongoDB, etc.

2 0 1 7 J u n e - P r e s e n t

E N T R E P R E T E U R , F R E E L A N C E R W E B - D E V E L O P E R


w w w . z o l t a n b e l i c z a . e u

h e l l o @ z o l t a n b e l i c z a . e u

P l a t á n s o r 2 8 .

Z a l a e g e r s z e g , H 8 9 0 0

3 6 - 3 0 - 4 7 0 - 1 6 2 2


I a m a F r o n t - E n d E n g i n e e r w i t h a l m o s t a

d e c a d e o f e x p e r i e n c e i n t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l

b u s i n e s s . I h a v e s u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e d

l o t s o f f r o n t - e n d a n d b a c k - e n d t a s k s f o r

c o m p a n i e s a n d i n d i v i d u a l p e o p l e t o o .

G e t t o k n o w e a c h o t h e r .


F r o n t - E n d E n g i n e e r
