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1 MODULE 1 EMPLOYMENT CORRESPONDENCE The ability to compose business correspondence, although a rare marketable skill, is not an unattainable one. It is not a skill one is born with. People learn how to write, just as they learn how to read, to type or to operate computers. But, just like learning to type, learning to write takes work and practice. One gets better at it the more one writes. Of all the different kinds of letters, perhaps none are more important for your personal career than those letters you write to apply for a job. Your curriculum vitae ( or resume in American English), and accompaning letter of application, if well planned and written, can do much to help you secure the job of your choice. CURRICULUM VITAE The curriculum vitae also called resume or data sheet is an outline of all you have to offer a prospective employer. It is a presentation of your qualifications, your background, and your experiences, arranged in such a way as to convince a busines sperson to grant you an interview. It must look professional and exemplify those traits you want the employer to believe you possess It must be typed on business-size band.

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  • 1

    MODULE 1


    The ability to compose business correspondence, although a rare marketable skill, is not

    an unattainable one. It is not a skill one is born with.

    People learn how to write, just as they learn how to read, to type or to operate computers.

    But, just like learning to type, learning to write takes work and practice. One gets better at it the

    more one writes.

    Of all the different kinds of letters, perhaps none are more important for your personal

    career than those letters you write to apply for a job. Your curriculum vitae (or resume in

    American English), and accompaning letter of application, if well planned and written, can do

    much to help you secure the job of your choice.


    The curriculum vitae also called resume or data sheet is an outline of all you have to

    offer a prospective employer.

    It is a presentation of your qualifications, your background, and your experiences,

    arranged in such a way as to convince a busines sperson to grant you an interview.

    It must look professional and exemplify those traits you want the employer to believe

    you possess

    It must be typed on business-size band.

  • 2

    It must have overall neat appearance: margins should be wide and balanced. Headings

    should stand out and should be parallel. Corrections should be invisible: the finished product

    must be perfect.

    The information contained on your CV must be accurate, expressed in short phrases,

    rather than whole sentences, and complete. It should consist of facts. Nowadays, it is preferable

    to keep a resume to one page. This means that you must be efficient in selecting the facts to

    include and clever in arranging them. In making these decisions, keep in mind the specific job

    for which you are applying.

    A curriculum vitae must be factual, objective and brief and it usually contains the

    following sections:

    Personal data: name, address, date and place of birth, sex, marital status,number of children, nationality.

    Employment objective: many career conselors recommend that this be included and listed first, immediately after your name and address. Mentioning a clearly

    defined job goal creates the favorable impression that you are a well-directed, motivated


    Education: list, in reverse chronological order, the schools you have attended, with names, dates of attendance, and degrees or diplomas awarded.

    Work experience: each job experience should be listed ( again, with the most recent job first ) with your position or title, employers name and address, dates of

    employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities.

    Extracurricular activities and Special skills: list anything that might help you to get the job, any facts that dont fit under Education or Work Experience, but which

    demonstrate an important aspect of your value to an employer (e.g. computer skills,

    command of foreign laguages, speed in taking decisions, skills in using high-tech office

    tools, communication skills, etc.).

    References: The last section of your CV is a list of those people willing to vouch for your ability and experience. Former employers and teachers (especially teachers of

    job- related courses) are the best references. Each reference should be listed by name,

    position or title, business address and telephone number. A minimum of three names is


    You need not use all of these sections; use ,of course only those that are most relevant. Also,

    the order in which you list the categories is flexible. You may list your strongest sections first,

    or you may list first the section that is most relevant to the job in question.

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    Some companies send application forms which contain more or less the same

    information as a CV. In that case it is not necessary to send a separate CV.



    Personal data

    First name: Cristian

    Surname / Family name: Andone

    Date of birth:

    Place of birth: ..

    Marital status: ..

    Nationality: Romanian

    Home address: .

    Phone No.: ...

    Business address: Romanian Bank for Development, IT Department

    Phone No.:

    Employment objective

    Feeling capable of assuming more responsibility in an emerging market economy, I would like

    the challenge of applying new concepts in real life.


    9 Banking College of the Romanian Banking Institute graduated in 1997, specialised in banking

    9 1995-1996 Bucharest, one week specialised courses on different banking matters run within the Training Center of the Romanian Banking Institute (RBI).

    9 March-April 1996: a three week Fulbright scholarship in Denver-Colorado. 9 Work Experience: bank clerk for the Bancoop (1994-1996 - computer assisted

    accountant for BRD (up to now).

  • 4

    Present position

    Head of the Computer Assisted Accountancy Unit of the IT Department,

    Romanian Bank for Development.

    Special skills

    9 computer skills 9 command of English, French, German 9 speed in taking decisions 9 communication skills

    Other personal details

    9 I am a hard working person 9 I enjoy team work 9 I never need an extra day off

    Date: 14th of September 1999

    Cristian Andone


    The purpose of a letter of application is to attract an employers attention and persuade

    him or her to grant you an interview. To do this, the letter presents what you can offer the

    employer, rather than what you want from the job.

    Like a CV, a letter of application is a sample of your work, and it is, as well, an

    opportunity to demonstrate, not just talk about, your skills and personality.

    Because a letter of application must sell your qualifications, it must do more than simply

    restate your CV. It should state explicitly how your background relates to the specific job and it

  • 5

    should emphazise your strongest and most pertinent characteristics. The letter should

    demonstrate that you know both yourself and the company.

    When writing a letter of application, keep in mind the following principles:

    9 start by attracting attention 9 continue by describing your qualifications 9 assure the employer that you are the person for the job 9 conclude by requesting an interview

    A complete application should contain both a letter of application and a CV. It is always

    most professional to include both.


    APPLICATION LETTER ----------------------Street



    Mrs. Lesly Quirk

    Information Engineering Group Ltd.

    Lloyd House

    22 Lloyd Street


    M2 5WA

    Dear Mrs. Quirk,

    I would like to apply for ...

    advertised in .

    As you can see . I have had

    I enclose and I will be available .-

    Yours sincerely,

  • 6


    Words and Phrases:

    application = a request for something, e.g. a job, a place in a college.

    application form = a document which is filled and signed by a person who is applying for

    something, e.g. a job, a passport, a driving license

    applicant = a person who puts in an application for something.

    asset = something that is owned by a person or a company, such as money, a building, a car.

    to asses = to judge the quality or worth of ( a person or thing )

    grant = a gift of money, e.g. from the government especially for education

    to advertise = to make ( something, usually goods or services) known to companies or the

    general public e.g. by means of newspaper, magazines, posters, cinema,

    television or radio.

    advertisment = a notice of something which is being advertised

    vacancy = the state of being vacant, a post which is vacant

    consumer market = all the people who buy to satisfy their own needs or those of their families.

    cost effectiveness = is a method etc., giving value for money, often in comparison with

    something else, e.g. spending money on advertising in newspaper instead

    of television.



    Read the following advertisment and write your CV and a letter of

    application for the position mentioned. Before writing them have a look at the explanatory

    notes above:

  • 7


    MONSATO has a vacancy in its fast growing Agricultural Products Company, for a

    MARKET RESEARCH SPECALIST (M/F) with responsibility for a selection of European

    countries. The position is based at our European Headquarters in Brussels and reports to the

    Market Research Mgr, Europe.

    The ideal candidate will be a university graduate, preferably with a degree in agricultural

    sciences or economics and have three to five years experience in the consumer market research

    area. Experience in advertising research as well as acquaintance with basic operations research

    would be assets. Frequent travel will be called for, and fluency in English as well as French

    and/or German is useful.

    The position holds responsibility for quality, methodology, cost effectiveness analysis

    and impact of market research projects in Europe.

    Opportunities for career growth associated with this appointment are exceptionally good.

    A competitive salary is offered and overall conditions are in line with what is expected of a

    major international company.

    Application in confidence should be addressed to L.Borrill Manager, Personnel at

    Monsato Europe S.A., avenue de Tervuren 270-272 at 1150 Brussels.

  • 8


    Animal science deals with the selection, breeding, nutrition and management of domestic

    animals for economical production of meat, eggs, milk, hides and other animal products.

    Cattle, horses, mules, sheep and goats, swine and poultry are some of the domestic

    animals raised by man throughout the world.

    Cattle are usually divided into two groups: beef and dairy cattle.Beef is the flesh from

    cattle older than 6 months, but when we speak of beef cattle we mean cattle raised for meat

    production.The sire is called bull.The female cow and their progeny calf.

    Sheep are raised for both meat and wool. The sheep meat is called mutton. The sire is

    called ram, the female ewe and the offspring lamb.

    Swine raising is another branch of the animal husbandry.The primary products of swine

    are pork, lard and hides. The female is called sow, the male is called pig or hog, and the sire


    Poultry include chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese but do not include game or wild

    birds.The life cycle of these domesticated birds includes the incubation of the eggs, the growing

    of the stock for either meat or egg production, the egg laying phase and the breeding stage. The

    chickens are the most valuable of all domesticated birds.

    The ordinary farm animals belong to the large group known as vertebrata, or animals

    with a backbone..Fishes,amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals all have a backbone.The

    capability to produce milk to feed young is one of the distinctive features of the ordinary farm

    animals and hence they are classified as Mammalia.

    All domestic animals are divided into three main classes: herbivorous, carnivorous and

    omnivorous.Herbivorous animals , such as cattle, deer, horses, sheep and rabbits live chiefly on

    plants.Carnivorous (flesh eating animals) such as cats , dogs sharks, etc. live on the bodies of

    other animals. Omnivorous animals such as pigs, rats, bears and others utilize both plant and

    animal food.

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    Words and Phrases

    animal husbandry = zootehnie (creterea


    animal science = zootehnie

    to breed = a ameliora

    breeding = ameliorare

    dairy cattle = taurine de lapte

    beef cattle = taurine de carne

    beef = carne de vit

    pork = carne de porc

    mutton = carne de oaie

    bull = taur

    calf = viel

    boar = vier

    sow = scroaf

    piglet = purcel

    hog = porc

    hide = piele

    lard = untur

    ram = berbec

    ewe = oaie

    lamb = miel

    male = mascul

    female = femel

    stock = efectiv

    to rear = a crete animale

    sire = reproductor

    game = vnat

    duck = ra

    turkey = curcan

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    PROGRESS TEST Give the feminine or masculine, as required of the following animals.

    1. bull ..

    2. duck

    3. ram

    4. goose

    5. hen ..

    6. stallion .

    7. sow

    For each animal below give the name of its young from the following list: calf, duckling, kid, kitten, chicken, lamb, colt, gosling, piglet, pup

    1.cow 6.cat

    2.dog 7.duck

    3.goat 8.hen

    4.horse 9.sheep

    5.pig 10. goose

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    MODULE 2


    When an animal eats, the food passes along the digestive tract. This is the tube which runs

    from the mouth to the anus, or in the case of poultry, the vent. It is known as the alimentary

    canal.Into this tube digestive juices, or enzymes are secreted. These enzymes break down the food

    into a form which the animal can digest, or absorb into the body through the bloodstream and use.

    The undigested part is rejected in the form of excrement.For example food protein is broken down

    into amino acids. These substances are the basic building blocks of body protein. They are absorbed

    into the body and used to build new proteins in the animal such as muscle and milk.

    Different types of farm animals have different alimentary tracts. Cattle, for example, have

    highly developed stomach systems which are made up of four parts. When a cow eats grass, it does

    not chew it but swallows it at once.The grass passes down the oesophagus to the stomach, or rumen,

    where it is stored. When the cow has filled its stomach, it often lies down. But, it goes on moving its

    jaws. This is because it is ruminating. The cow brings up, or regurgitates, some of the grass from its

    first stomach for a second chewing, or cudding, with its molar teeth.When the grass is well chewed

    and broken down, the cow swallows it again. This time, however, the food goes into the second

    stomach, or reticulum, where organisms start to attack the cellulose in the grass in order to release

    the nutrients which are enclosed within the cell walls.From here, the food passes through the

    omasum into the fourth stomach, or abomasum, into which the digestive juices are secreted.These

    enzymes kill the organisms in the food and make them available for digestion.Digestion and

    absorption of nutrients takes place in the small intestine.What remains undigested is then rejected

    through the anus as excrement.

    Cows and other animals with similar stomach system ruminate because their digestive

    systems are made to digest and transform roughages. These are fibrous materials such as hay, grass

    and straw. Hence, cows, goats, sheep and camels are known as ruminants.

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    Non-ruminants such as pigs and poultry have a single or simple stomach in which the acid

    digestive juices exist. Such stomachs,therefore, are unsuitable for the activity of organisms. In these

    animals the caecum is the place where there is most organism activity.However, since the products

    of this organ will pass out of the animal, the activity of organisms in the caecum is of limited

    value.Poultry have a crop which stores food before it enters the digestive tract.The gizzard is a

    muscular organ which grinds up the food in order to make digestion easier.

    Differences in the digestive system of animals are reflected in different feeding

    practices.Ruminants are fed mainly roughages. The stomach organisms use the protein in the

    roughage and non-protein nitrogenous substances to manufacture their own body protein.Non-

    ruminants can make little use of hay and straw, unless the caecum is highly developed, as it is in the

    horse. This is because no conversion of roughage takes place in their stomachs.Therefore, non-

    ruminants are fed on higher quality proteins such as barley and maize or fish and bone-

    meal.However, the very young ruminant is treated as a non-ruminant as regards food protein until

    its stomach is fully developed.


    Words and Phrases

    to chew = a rumega, a mesteca

    to swallow = a nghii (mncare)

    alimentary tract = tubul / tractul digestiv

    rumen = rumen, burduf (la rumegtoare)

    reticulum = reea, ciur (la rumegtoare); membran reticular

    omasum = omasum

    ruminant = rumegtor

    nutrient = aliment / substan nutritiv

    gizzard = pipot

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    Answer these questions:

    1) How do the enzymes which are secreted into the digestive tract function ?

    2) Why are amino acids so important ?

    3) How does food protein get used to build up muscle and milk ?

    4) What is a cow doing when it is ruminating ?

    5) Why is necessary to break down the cellulose in roughage ?

    6) Why are cows and goats etc classified as ruminants ?

    7) What effect does the difference in the alimentary tract of different animals have on animal

    husbandry ?

    8) Why can it be costly to bring up non-ruminants ?

    PROGRESS TEST Translate into Romanian:

    Ruminants, unlike ourselves, people, have four stomachs. Actually ruminants eat very

    quickly. They dont chew their food very much, and when they swallow it, they also swallow a lot

    of saliva.This food and saliva enters the first stomach,called the rumen.After the food has been

    partially digested by bacteria in the rumen, the food passes into the second stomach, called the

    reticulum.From here small balls of food are forced back into the cows mouth, where they are

    chewed again.We call this action chewing the cud.When the food is fine enough, the cow will

    swallow it again. This time the food goes into the omasum, which is the third stomach.The walls of

    the omasum are folded, in folds.These folds press on the food and strain some of the liquid out of

    it.Finally the food passes to abomasum. We often call the abomasums the true stomach, because it is

    the only stomach which produces enzymes. From here the food passes on to the small intestine.

  • 14

    Translate into English: Fiinele nu pot s triasc dect prin consumul nencetat de materii din mediul ambiant,

    denumite substane alimentare.Acestea sunt fie de natur animal (lapte, ou, carne, grsimi ), fie de

    natur vegetal ( iarb, fn, trifoi, etc.) cnd poart n general numele de furaje.Substanele

    alimentare, pentru a putea fi ntrebuinate de ctre celule i esuturi, trebuie s sufere o serie de

    transformri, cunoscute sub numele de digestie.Animalele superioare au un aparat n care se

    produce digestia, numit aparat digestiv.


    The constituents of foods. Food accounts for the major proportion of the production costs

    of all animal products, and errors in feeding can seriously reduce the farmers profit. A sound

    knowledge of foods, and of rationing, therefore, forms an integral part of the art of stockmanship.

    A study of feedingstuffs reveals that they are made up as follows:



    Dry Matter (Carbohydrate, Fats and Oils, Proteins,Minerals,Vitamins)

    The feeding value of the dry matter varies considerably between different foods, and in

    certain cases it can be of more value to some classes of stock than to others.

    Carbohydrates supply most of energy which farm animals require to enable their muscles

    to do work, to keep themselves warm, and, for example, to produce milk.They are compounds of

    carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

    The simplest carbohydrates are the sugars. An example is glucose which plants can produce

    in their leaves.To do this they combine water from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air and the

    suns energy.Plants then build this glucose up into more complex carbohydrates such as starch, for

    storage, or cellulose, which forms the young plants cell walls.

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    As plants become older their cell walls may be strengthened by lignin. This largely accounts

    for the very fibrous nature of old plants.The stems of hay made from very mature grass are typical

    examples of lignified foods.

    The cellulose and lignin within a food are frequently referred to together as the fibre.In

    general, when plants become older, and their fibre content increases, they reduce in feeding

    value.This because a large proportion of the fibre is indigestible.

    Cows and sheep have a digestive system which is adapted to deal with fibre.

    Most animal feedingstuffs are derived from plants and, consequently, our livestock are almost

    entirely dependent upon plants from their supply of energy.

    Fats and oils. Fats and oils are chemically very similar to each other, but at normal

    temperatures fats exist in a solid state and oils are liquids. Like carbohydrates, they contain carbon,

    hydrogen and oxygen, but they differ in the proportions in which these elements are combined.

    Just as the simplest building blocks in the carbohydrates were the sugars, such as glucose,

    the simplest building blocks in the fats are glycerol and fatty acids.

    Fats contain more than twice the energy of carbohydrates. When animals have a surplus of

    energy they convert most of it into fat for storage.This can be re-utilised if required in times of

    need.Fats and oils in the diet are also used as a source of energy, and can be converted into animal

    fat. Some feedingstuffs, for example flaked maize, contain oils which cause animals to lay down

    soft fat.Excessive fat in the diet may lead to digestive troubles. Consequently, although fat is very

    rich in energy, most of the energy requirements of farm animals are supplied by carbohydrates.

    Proteins. Proteins are required by animals to build up lean meat or muscle. They also use

    them to form internal organs, hair, wool, skin and to repair damaged body tissues. In addition , the

    milking animal will require protein to help to produce milk.

    Like carbohydrates and fats, they contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.However, they also

    contain nitrogen and some contain sulphur, phosphorus or iron.

    There are many different types of protein, but they are all built up from different

    combinations of simpler substances called amino acids.Over twenty amino acids are known to be

    important to farm animals.Stock produce many of them in their own bodies by conversion from

    other amino acids or from nitrogen containing substances within their food.These are called the

    essential amino acids. Foods which contain a wide range of these essential amino acids are said to

    be of high biological value.

  • 16

    Care should be taken not to overfeed stock with protein. They have the ability to extract the

    nitrogen and liberate the energy, but this puts a strain on the liver and kidneys.Protein-rich foods are

    also normally more expensive than those rich in carbohydrates.

    Minerals. Minerals also form an important part of an animals diet since they play a vital

    role in a very large number of the bodys normal functions.Those minerals which are required in

    comparatively large quantities are known as essential minerals.{Table 1}

    TABLE 1

    The Functions Associated with the Essential Minerals

    Calcium, phosphorus Bone and teeth formatiom

    Growth of soft tissues


    Magnesium Function of the nervous system

    Bone formation

    Iron Blood formation

    Sodium, potassium Regulation between acidity and alkalinity of body fluids

    Food digestion

    Sulphur Part of certain proteins, e.g. hair protein

    Although minerals only constitute about 3% of the total body, about 80% of the mineral

    matter, chiefly calcium and phosphorus, is found in the skeleton. It is , therefore , particularly

    important to ensure that young animals whose skeleton is growing rapidly obtain a good supply of


    The types and quantities of minerals found in differenr feedingstuffs are extremely variable.

    Animals feeding on certain diets may , therefore, need supplementary mineral rations to prevent

    deficiency diseases. A wide range of mineral supplements is available from commercial firms,

    although home mixes using a proportion of steamed bone flour, ground chalk and common salt are

    sometimes used to supply the essential minerals.

  • 17

    Other minerals which are only necessary in small quantities are called trace elementsThese

    include iodine, manganese, cobalt, copper and zinc.


    Words and Phrases

    carbohydrate = hidrocarbonat

    supply = aprovizionare; furnizare; livrare; rezerv, stoc

    supply and demand = cerere i ofert

    maintenance = meninere, pstrare; ntreinere



    Answer the following questions:

    1.Does all dry matter have the same feeding value ?

    2.What are carbohydrates made up of ?

    3.Why are some older plants fibrous ?

    4.Why do fibrous plants have less feeding value ?

    5.Which contain more energy, fats or carbohydrates ?

    6.Why can too much fat be undesirable ?

    7.How are proteins built up ?

    8.Which foods are said to be of high biological value?

    9.Which are the essential minerals ?

    10.What are trace elements ?

  • 18

    PROGRESS TEST Translate into Romanian:

    Food is made up of varying proportions of several substances. These substances include water,

    carbohydrates, fats and oils, proteins and minerals. Water has a number of functions. It carries

    nutrients from the intestinal wall to the cells and tissues. This process of transportation is carried out

    by the blood, the basis of which is water. Another function is to facilitate digestion by assisting the

    passage of food through the alimentary tract.

    Translate into English: Srurile minerale intr n constituia tuturor celulelor.Ele sunt necesare n special formrii

    scheletului, prului, lnii i laptelui. n corpul animalelor srurile minerale se gsesc n

    diferite proporii variabile cu starea fiziologic, cu alimentaia i cu starea de sntate.Srurile

    minerale sunt ncorporate prin alimente i ap i eliminate prin urin, fecale i transpiraie.n timpul

    creterii tineretului, n timpul gestaiei la femele,ca i n timpul lactaiei intense la vaci, animalele

    sufer uneori de insuficien a srurilor minerale.


    Feedingstuffs used on farms can be divided into two main groups: bulk foods and

    concentrates. Bulk foods contain a limited amount of nutrients in a given weight of food. Hay

    contains roughly 35 lb. of starch per 100 lb weight. Concentrates are richer in nutrients. Barley

    contains twice as much starch per 100 lb weight, or twice the amount of energy in an equivalent

    weighing of foodstuff.Both these groups of foodstuff are used in feeding livestock.The bulk foods

    satisfy the animals appetite. Concentrates are given to ensure that the animals have taken sufficient

    nutrients. Ruminants are particularly suited to consume bulk foods, because of their ability to break

    down fibre, but their diet should be supplemented with concentrates.The rations of non-ruminants

    consist mainly of concentrated foods because their simple stomachs cannot utilize fibre.

    Bulk foods consist of coarse fodders such as hay and straws, and succulent foods such as

    roots, green fodders (kales and grass) and silage.The former are low in protein and minerals; the

    latter have a high moisture content which makes them palatable. Three types of hay can be

  • 19

    distinguished: meadow hay, which usually contains a large number of grass species and clovers;

    clover hay, which is produced from fields planted with a clover crop; and seed hay which is more

    fibrous and coarse than meadow hay.

    Concentrates can be sub-divided into foods rich in carbohydrates such as oats, barley, wheat

    etc.; protein rich foods of vegetable origin, such as oil cakes and meals of linseed, groundnuts or

    soya beans; protein rich foods of animal origin including fish meals or meat meals; and home-

    grown foods rich in protein including leguminous crops such as peas and beans.The production of

    high quality home-grown feed is very important to reduce costs.

    Balance is an essential element of animal feeding. The balance of the total food ration

    should be correct otherwise the animal will be receiving an excess or deficiency of starch or protein.

    An imbalance in feeding ration may lead to unnecessary expenses and so reduce profits. Balance

    also applies to the effect which the foods in the total diet have on the digestive system.The best

    balance is a feeding ration which is palatable and mildly laxative. In addition, minerals and vitamins

    must be balanced to keep the animal healthy and productive.An incorrect balance in the calcium-

    phosphorous ratio can lead to infertility in cattle.


    Words and Phrases

    clover = trifoi

    meadow = pajite, livad, fnea

    meadow clover = trifoi rou

    hay = fn

    silage = siloz

    high feeding value = valoare nutritiv ridicat

    digestible = digestibil, asimilabil, care poate fi mistuit

    digestible energy = asimilare de energie

    meal = fin;pudr, praf;mncare, mas

    moisture = umiditate, umezeal

    oil cake = turt de oleaginoase

    straws = paie

  • 20

    green fodder = nutre verde

    coarse = brut, neprelucrat, grosier



    Answer the following questions:

    1.On what basis can feeding stuffs be classified ?

    2.Why does the diet of ruminants usually consist of both bulk foods and concentrates ?

    3.What characteristic of foods such as green fodder and silage make them valuable in a diet

    4. How can a livestock farmers costs be reduced ?

    5.What effect can an imbalance in food rations have on the animal and on the farmer ?

    6.What harm can a mineral imbalance in the diet have on an animal ?

    PROGRESS TEST Translate into English:

    Nutreurile sunt produse de origine organic, anorganic sau un amestec al acestora, care au

    rolul de a furniza animalelor energia necesar funciilor vitale, fiind totodat folosite de organism

    pentru obinerea diferitelor produse. Dup originea lor nutreurile se clasific n trei categorii:

    nutreuri de origine vegetal, animal i mineral. Totalitatea resurselor de hran folosite n

    alimentaia animalelor alctuiesc baza furajer. Majoritatea resurselor care intr n componena

    bazei furajere sunt produse de plante, au deci origine vegetal. n funcie de coninutul lor n

    substane nutritive, nutreurile de origine vegetal se mpart n urmtoarele grupe: concentrate,

    fibroase i suculente.

    Sursele principale care asigur nutreurile de origine vegetal sunt urmtoarele: culturi de

    cereale i leguminoase pentru boabe care produc cea mai mare parte din nutreurile concentrate

    (porumb, orz, ovz, soia, mazre,etc). Aceste culturi asigur totodat i nutreurile grosiere (paiele,

    vrejii, cocenii, etc.); culturile pentru nutre (anuale i perene) care produc nutreul verde, fanul,

    silozul i semisilozul; pajitile permanante i cultivate care asigur nutreul verde, fnul i n parte


  • 21


    Absorption involves the passage of food materials from the digestive tract into the blood

    stream. The blood then transports the food round the body.

    Most absorption takes place in the small intestine which is specially adapted for the purpose.

    In the cow it is 40 m long and in the pig it is 15m long.Its inner surface is folded into finger like

    projections called villi which greatly increase the surface area for absorption. Within the viili there

    are fine blood capillaries and lymphatic vessels. The amino acids and glucose enter the blood

    stream directly, but most of the fatty acids enter the lymphatic system.(The latter eventually joins up

    with the blood stream).In the ruminant some fatty acids, produced from the breakdown of cellulose,

    are absorbed directly through the wall of the rumen.

    The blood stream carries the food nutrients, together with oxygen from the lungs, to the

    parts of the body where they are required. The lymph is then able to pass through the walls of the

    blood capillaries and can bathe the actual tissues of the body.At the same time it carries food

    substances to these tissues.

    Digestibility of foodstuffs. Some of the food eaten by farm animals cannot be digested and

    passes out of the body as dung. The digestibility of the food is therefore very important and it is

    essential to consider it when feeding stock. In practice farmers actually use the term D-value to

    compare the digestibility of foods. This is the percentage of digestible organic matter contained in

    the dry matter of the food. The higher the D-value the higher the digestibility.

    This can be illustrated by reference to grass and silage. As grass gets older its cell walls get

    toughened with lignin and its digestibility falls. When making top quality silage farmers will aim to

    make a product which has a 70 D-value.This is very suitable for high yielding dairy cows but it can

    only be made from relatively young grass.As a result the yield per ha may be reduced compared to

    silage made from grass cut at a later stage.When feeding the dry, in-calf, beef cow some farmers

    consider quantity and bulk to be more important than quality. They cut the grass at a later stage to

    obtain silage with a D-value as low as 55 to 60, or even lower.

    A low D-value will probably result in the slowing down of the food in its passage through

    the body.This will limit the quantity eaten by the animal. In high yielding dairy cows, or beef cattle

    required to make good liveweight gains, this can be a serious disadvantage.With both classes of

    stock it is essential that a large amount of food nutrients are digested and made available for use in

  • 22

    the body.This is especially so with dairy cows in early lactation to avoid excessive loss of body

    weight and to promote high yields.


    Words and Phrases

    breakdown = descompunere

    stuff = materie brut

    digestibility = digestibilitate

    dung = blegar

    tissue = esut

    lungs = plmni

    bulk = mrime, cantitate (mare), magnitudine



    Are the following statements correct or incorrect ?

    1.The small intestine carries food materials round the body.

    2.The lymphatic system never joins the blood stream.

    3.Both food nutrients and oxygen are carried by the blood stream.

    4.Farm animals digest all the food they eat.

    5.Food with a D-value of 65 is more digestible than a food with a D-value of 60.

    6.Silage with a D-value of 70 can be made from old grass.

    7.All farmers agree that quality silage is better than quantity.

    8.Animals eat less of a low D-value silage.

    9.A low D-value is better for dairy cows in early lactation.

  • 23


    Ask 6 wh questions based on the text about the digestibility of foodstuffs .Use the prompts below:

    a. What ----------------------------------------------------------------?

    b. When ---------------------------------------------------------------?

    c. Where --------------------------------------------------------------?

    d. How ----------------------------------------------------------------?

    e. Which --------------------------------------------------------------?

    f. Why ----------------------------------------------------------------?

    Translate into English: Absorbia este un proces biologic, n care rolul activ l are epiteliul de absorbie, care las s

    treac n vasele sanguine i limfatice principii nutritive. Cunotinele actuale de fiziologie permit s

    privim absorbia ca un proces fiziologic legat de peretele intestinal organ de absorbie cu celule

    specializate n aceast direcie.Organele principale ale absorbiei sunt vilozitile a caror dispoziie

    mresc enorm suprafaa liber a mucoasei intestinale.

  • 24

    MODULE 3


    Reproduction in farm stock is controlled by complex chemical substances called hormones.

    These are produced by various glands wihin the body and in addition to influencing sex and

    reproduction, some members of the hormone group influence growth and lactation.


    Farm animals start life when a female egg cell is fertilized by a male sperm.Although there

    are many thousands of undeveloped eggs on the females ovaries, this fertilization process can only

    take place at a definite period within the females reproductive cycle, i.e. when one or more of these

    eggs has matured.It is therefore,essential to mate her at the correct time.

    After a certain age, called puberty, the females reproductive life is characterized by a series

    of what are called oestrus cycles.At the beginning of each of these oestrus cycles it is

    usual for one of the many thousands of undeveloped eggs to start to mature in the cow, and possibly

    two or even three in the sheep.

    When the eggs are mature the ovaries produce a hormone, oestrogen, which causes the

    female to come on heat or in season, and she will stand for service by the male.The eggs are shed

    into one of the fallopian tubes and pass on into a branch or horn of the uterus.

    If successful mating has not occurred the eggs die and pass out the reproductive tract

    unnoticed.A further oestrus cycle will then follow.


    When mating does take place the male deposits many thousands of sperms into female

    vagina.These pass through the cervix, which protects the uterus or womb from external damage, and

    meet the eggs on their way down from the ovaries, but only one sperm is required to fertilise each


  • 25

    When an egg is successfully fertilized, the cell which is produced divides many times and

    begins to grow into the young unborn animal. After a short period it becomes attached to the

    mother, within the uterus, by a navel cord.After this stage it becomes known as the embryo.Food

    substances can then pass from the mother to the offspring and waste products can travel in the

    opposite direction.

    During the initial stages of pregnancy the unborn animal makes little demands upon its

    mother.In the latter stages, during which it makes most growth, it requires a good supply of

    minerals for bone formation, and plenty of protein for the growth of internal organs and muscle.

    The length of time between fertilization and the birth of a young animal is known as the gestation



    Although the basic principles of reproduction are the same within the different types of farm

    animals, there are one or two important differences in detail. In addition to the differences between

    the number of the eggs shed at the mating period, the other main variations are as follows:

    Cow Sheep

    Usual length of heat 16-24 hr 27 hr

    Average interval

    between heat periods 21 days 14-19 days

    Gestation period 281-284 days 144-150 days

    or or

    9 months 1 week 21 weeks

    Heat periods occur at regular intervals throughout the year in healthy, non-pregnant animals,

    although they may be of relatively short duration in late winter.

  • 26


    Words and Phrases

    ovule = ovul

    oestrus = oestrum, perioada de clduri la animalele domestice i de rut la cele slbatice

    fertilize = a fecunda; a fertiliza/a ngra (agr.)

    spermatozoon, pl. spermatozoa = spermatozoid

    cervix, pl cervices = col uterin

    embryo = embrion, germen;fetus

    to come on heat or in season = a intra n clduri

    vagina ,pl.vaginae = vagin

    navel cord = cordon ombilical

    offspring = urma, progenitur



    Answer the following questions:

    1.How are hormones produced ?

    2.When can fertilization take place ?

    3.What happens at the beginning of oestrus cycle ?

    4.Which hormone causes heat ?

    5.What happens after unsuccessful mating ?

    6.How is an unborn animal connected to the mother ?

    7.When does the unborn animal make most demands on the mother ?

  • 27

    PROGRESS TEST Translate into Romanian:

    The mating of animals, or reproduction, is extremely important in animal husbandry. It is the

    farmers duty to make sure that mating is carried out correctly and that the animal is well looked

    after its pregnancy and at the time of birth.

    At the time of ovulation the egg or eggs which are released pass into the fallopian tube,

    together with the fluids from the follicle. The egg remains at the top of the tube for a while in a clot

    of fluids. When this clot dissolves the egg passes down the tube into the uterusWhile the egg is in

    this clot, or just emerging from it, fertilization that is, the union of the sperm and the egg

    occurs.At the time of mating the male sperm is deposited in the female tract near the cervix.It

    therefore has to travel the full length of the uterus and up the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg.Only

    one sperm enters the egg although several may swim around it.After that the two nuclei, one from

    the sperm and one from the egg , are joined or fused.The animal has now been conceived.

    Translate into English:

    Ciclul sexual se repat n tot cursul perioadei genitale i nceteaz o dat cu dispariia ovulaiei

    i a cldurilor. Durata fiecrui ciclu i a perioadelor sale depinde de specie, ras, climat, alimentaie,

    ntreinere i individ. n faza genital n cursul unui an, exist o perioad n care viaa se manifest

    mai intens, cunoscut sub numele de sezon sexual..Sezonul sexual este mai evident la animalele

    slbatice, la care nmulirea este legat de sezonul de primvar, cnd condiiile climatice i de

    ntreinere sunt mai favorabile. La animalele slbatice, ntr-un an se manifest un singur ciclu

    oestral. La carnasiere se manifest ntr-un an dou cicluri sexuale. Celelalte animale domestice

    (ovine, bovine, ecvine, porcine ) ntr-un an manifest mai multe cicluri sexuale.

  • 28


    Infertility in farm stock represents a very serious financial loss to the farmer.Several causes

    of infertility are known.Prompt action and good management helps to minimize their effect.

    When an egg is shed from the ovary, a yellow body grows in the cavity left by the egg.

    The yellow bodys main function is to produce a hormone. This hormone prevents more eggs from

    ripening in the pregnant animal.Normally the yellow body {will) disappear(s) if the animal is not

    pregnant.But sometimes it remains and prevents the animal from coming on heat again.And an

    animal that cant come into season is, of course, infertile.The cure for the farmer here is to call the

    vet. The vet can help, especially with cows because he can burst the yellow body with his fingers.

    The second cause of infertility is disease organisms. Disease organisms in the uterus, or

    womb.Some of these disease organisms can stop the embryo from becoming attached to the

    mother.And thats clearly no good. Some disease organisms, on the other hand, can make the young

    animal separated from the mother in the second half of pregnancy. And thats equally no good to

    the farmer.

    Infection of the uterus is very common in cows after they have had a difficult time calving.If

    the farmer sees a thick, white discharge he must call the vet, who will wash out the uterus.The effect

    of infection of the uterus is that it can kill the sperm before they can reach the egg and fertilise it.

    Wrong feeding can also cause infertility.For example, if the animal does not get enough of

    certain proteins, vitamins and minerals, its normal breeding pattern is affected.It is known that if

    cattle dont get enough of the mineral iodine, it can cause infertility.

    Overfeeding can just as easily lead to the same sorry state of affairs: infertility.If an animal

    is overfed, fat can be deposited round the ovaries. This fat round the ovaries may prevent the normal

    development of egg cells, and that of course will lead to an infertile animal.

    The fourth cause of infertility is abnormalities.For example if a cow gives birth to twins,

    two calves at the same time, one male and one female, then the female may be what we call a

    freemartin.In a freemartin the sex organs are not properly developed, and so of course the animal

    cant breed.The cause is probably that the female has received male sex hormones through the

    blood stream while in the uterus with her twin male.So, twins are not always a good thing if one is

    male and another female.

  • 29

    Another abnormality affects the male rather than the cow.Some bulls produce abnormal

    sperms, that is sperms that are incapable of fertilization.


    Words and Phrases

    yellow body = corpul galben

    blood stream = flux sangvin

    mating = mperechere



    Are these statements correct or incorrect:

    1.Protein deficiency is not a cause of infertility.

    2.Iodine deficiency is a cause of infertility.

    3.A freemartin is always infertile.

    4.The probable cause of a freemartin being infertile is the presence of male sex hormones.

    PROGRESS TEST Make complete sentences out of the following notes, putting the verbs in the right


    Very/financial/infertility/farm/serious/the/to/stock/farmer/a/in/loss (represent)

    Egg/ovary/when/an/the/from (shed), cavity/the/left/a/by/in/the/egg/yellow body (grow)

    Hormone/eggs/pregnant/in/this/more/animal/from/the (prevent; ripen)

    Such/assistance/in/veterinary/cases (need)

  • 30

    It/animal/heat/again/sometimes/and/from/but/the/on (remain; prevent; come)

    Function/yellow bodys/a/the/hormone/main (be; produce)

    Yellow body/if/the/normally/not/pregnant/the/animal (disappear; be)

    Translate into English: Corpul galben este o gland endocrin, al crui hormon este cunoscut sub numele de

    progesteron sau lutein.El se prezint la suprafaa ovarului, cu un aspect sferic, de diferite mrimi,

    cu perei sbrcii de o coloraie glbuie.Corpul galben evolueaz n cteva zile i dup ce a ajuns la

    dezvoltare complet, elaboreaz intens luteina. Acest produs hormonal acioneaz asupra uterului,

    provocnd procese proliferative i secretorii.

    MODULE 4


    Farmers endeavour to select the best animals to breed from, but the performance of an

    animal is not always a good guide to the performance of the offspring. There are two main reasons

    for this.The first is that an animals performance is very much influenced by the environment, such

    as the food it receives, the diseases it contracts and the way it is managed.This in addition to the

    influence of its genetic make up. The second reason is that many of the factors, or traits of

    economic importance are controlled by a large number of genes and not one gene. The permutations

    possible when genes are distributed during sperm and egg production are therefore enormous.Thus

    it is possible for the poorest characters of two excellent parents to come together to produce a poor


  • 31

    Some traits are very much more heritable than others and there is a greater chance that if

    such a trait is seen in the parents it will be seen in the offspring. A scale of 0-100% can be used to

    denote the heritability of traits although the terms high, medium and low heritability can be

    employed.Highly heritable factors include economy of liveweight gain and rate of liveweight gain;

    the medium category includes butterfat percentage from dairy cows and fleece weight in sheep; low

    factors include milk yield in cattle.In general growth rates tend to be high, but fertility and ability to

    survive are low.

    When selecting animals it is important to limit the number of traits being considered to those

    that are important.The larger the number of traits the greater the number of permutations possible

    and the more difficult is to achieve progress. Quicker progress will be made with traits of high


    It is obviously very important to select the correct sire since he can influence more offspring

    in a herd or flock than a single female.The proportion of the females selected for breeding

    replacements depends upon the number of replacements required.For example, with dairy cows the

    selection pressure can be higher in a herd with static number of cows, and where each cow has a

    long herd life, than in a herd which is expanding in size and where animals are culled after a limited

    number of lactations.

    The time between when an animal is born and when it produces young itself is also

    important since it can influence the speed of improvement.


    Production records help to spotlight both the good and bad animals within the group.Stock

    showing superiority in those commercial qualities required can be used for breeding replacements.

    Performance testing is the technique whereby measurements of the animals own

    performance are used to give a guide to the possible performance of its offspring. It is of value for

    traits which are highly heritable and is used, in particular, to assess the value of potential boars and

    beef bulls. Special testing centers have been established where the young animals are taken and

    their growth rate, economy of food conversion into liveweight gain and other highly heritable

    factors are measured.The best animals are then selected for use as sires. They can later be progeny


  • 32

    Progeny testing involves a careful study of the performance of an animals offspring. Those

    sires whose progeny consistently perform better than their contemporaries produced by other sires

    are then selected for extensive use. Sires with poor progeny, are slaughtered.The technique is

    particularly valuable in testing for traits with poor heritability, such as milk yield, and for traits

    which can only be assessed after slaughter or measured in one sex only.The main disadvantages of

    the system are that it is expensive and that it takes a considerable amount of time.

    Artificial insemination provides a means of making extensive use of the best sires.

    Although a bull only produces about 5 ml of semen at one time the semen contains a high

    concentration of sperm.One ejaculation can be diluted to serve a large number of cows.Boars

    produce 200 ml or more of semen, but it has a low concentration and can only be diluted for use on

    a limited number of sows.

    Artificial insemination is particularly important to small dairy farmers.Thus artificial

    insemination service can place much better bulls at their disposal than they can afford

    themselves.Keeping a young bull out of a good cow involves a lot of risk. The chances of him being

    good are not high.For example, it has frequently been shown that two full brothers can have entirely

    different effects on the milking ability of their daughters.A bad bull used by natural service can

    have sired a large part of a herd before it is known through his daughters that he is bad.


    Words and Phrases

    performance = productivitate, randament;performan, realizare

    breed = ras,soi, neam

    breeder = cresctor (de animale ); animal de prsil

    breeding = reproducere, nmulire; cretere (a animalelor)

    development = dezvoltare, transformare

    gain = ctig; spor; avantaj; profit

    trait = trstura, linie; particularitate

    slaughter = tiere, sacrificare ( a vitelor )

    herd = ciread, turm

  • 33



    Answer the following questions:

    1.What do you know about the performance of an offspring ?

    2.What is important when selecting animals ?

    3.What is performance testing ?

    4.What does progeny testing involve ?

    5.What are the main disadvantages of the system ?

    6.What do you know about artificial insemination ?

    PROGRESS TEST Translate into Romanian:

    Groups of animals became associated with the country, valley, or geographical area where they

    were selected or developed, and often became known by the name of that area.Most breeders who

    were involved in these breed development processes over a period of years or centuries were

    probably not aware that they were developing a breed as we know it today. In contrast to early

    development of our presently popular dairy breeds, beef breeds, and some of the sheep breeds,

    many of today,s swine breeds are of recent differentiation.This does not mean that hog raisers

    centuries earlier did not have breeds. History indicates they did. It probably does mean that the

    higher prolificness of swine has allowed swine raisers to develop new breeds more rapidly, to more

    adequately fit the environmental conditions.

    Translate into English: n mare , selecia se refer la alegerea i nmulirea indivizilor, care corespund nsuirilor

    urmrite, care de regul au n vedere o fecunditate i prolificitate ridicat, precocitate pronunat, o

    mare capacitate de valorificare a hranei i producii superioare, sub raport cantitativ i calitativ

    acestea pe plan economic, iar din punct de vedere biologic, se are n vedere capacitatea de adaptare,

    viabilitatea, vitalitatea, rezistena la mbolnviri etc.n funcie de scopul propus, obiectivele seleciei

    pentru o mai mare eficacitate pot avea n vedere mbuntirea unui caracter sau a mai multor

    caractere economice.

  • 34

    MODULE 5


    Livestock diseases cost farmers millions of pounds annually.In addition to deaths they cause

    loss of production and frequently a loss of body condition.Unthrifty animals require more food and

    take longer to fatten than healthy stock.

    The good stockman must be capable of detecting early symptoms of disease so that prompt

    action can be taken to reduce loss, and to prevent the disease from spreading.

    The typical symptoms of disease are:

    1.Variation in temperature can be measured by inserting a clinical thermometer into the

    rectum of an animal for 30 sec. High temperatures are usually associated with the increased activity

    of the body in fighting off disease.Young animals, females in late pregnancy and excited stock

    frequently have higher temperatures than the normal figures given below.

    Cattle 38.6 0C (range acceptable 37.8-39.2 0C)

    Sheep 39.4 0C (range acceptable 38.9-40.0 0C)

    2.Variations in pulse reflect the rate at which the heart pumps blood through the body.They

    can be measured with the index finger where arteries pass near the surface of the body. For

    example, in cattle the pulse can be taken under the tail. Normal pulse rates:

    Cattle 50-60 beats per minute

    Sheep 70-90 beats per minute

    3. Rapid and irregular breathing occurs in fevered conditions.Serious lung complaints

    may cause the animal to grunt with pain as it breathes.

    4. Loss of appetite is common to many diseases, but mouldy or unpalatable food may be


  • 35

    5.The coat should not have bald patches.These usually indicate rubbing to relieve irritation

    caused by parasites such as lice.The condition of the coat will vary with housing conditions and

    grooming, but when cattle are infected with worms, or have wasting diseases, their coat loses its

    bloom or lustre.In sheep the coat must not be dull and show signs of falling off.

    6. The skin condition in pigs can indicate several diseases.Pigs with one form of swine

    erysipelas are covered with purple patches. A tight skin over the ribs of cattle is particularly

    undesirable and is common to several ailments.

    7. The dung and urine are stained or darkened if they contain blood.Scouring is common to

    many diseases, but this may occur when an animal is fed on a very laxative diet.

    8. Milk yield in dairy cows will fall even if the cows have only a slight chill. Blood and

    clots within the milk indicate a disease of the udder probably mastitis.

    9.The behaviour of stock with certain diseases is abnormal. Animals with foot and mouth

    disease paddle their feet and produce large quantities of saliva, because they have sores on their feet

    and in their mouths.Cattle with grass staggers become excited and go into fits.

    10. The eyes in healthy animals are bright and alert. When they are injured by pieces of

    straw, they become watery and produce a discharge.Animals with fevers usually have sunken eyes.

    11. The head of a healthy animal is usually held fairly upright. Sick stock hang their head

    low and have a dejected appearance.The combination of symptoms shown by an animal will help to

    diagnose the disease from which it is suffering.The responsibility of the stockman is to detect the

    early symptoms.In some cases he will be able to treat the animal himself, e.g. by

    drenching.However, the prompt action of a veterinary surgeon, who has training and laboratory

    facilities behind him, may be necessary in many cases.

    Symptoms which can be seen by examination of the live animal on the farm are called

    clinical symptoms. Animals can have mild forms of a disease which do not produce sufficient

    symptoms for the stockman to see.Such conditions of disease are said to be sub-clinical..


    Words and Phrases

    condition = condiie, stare, situaie

    the condition of his health = starea/condiia sntii sale

  • 36

    fever = febr, temperatur

    lung = plmn

    to grunt = a grohi; a mormi

    complaint = boal; plngere

    coat = hain; nveli;strat

    louse ,pl. lice = pduche

    groom = grjdar;vt. a esla, a ngriji caii

    ailment = boal

    rib = coast

    dung = blegar

    chill = rceal;rcoare

    clot = cheag

    udder = uger

    foot and mouth disease = febr aftoas

    to stagger = a se cltina; a se blbni;a ovi

    sunken = scoflcit; scobit; supt;nfundat (d. ochi) n fundul capului



    Answer the following questions:

    1. Why should a stockman be able to recognize symptoms ?

    2. What temperature should cattle normally have ?

    3. What is the normal pulse rate of a sheep ?

    4. What symptom does an animal with a serious lung complaint show ?

    5. What may be the cause of an animal not eating properly ?

    6. What are the possible causes of a poor coat ?

    7. How does a healthy animal hold his head ?

    8. When should the stockman call the vet ?

  • 37


    Bacterial diseases are contagious. This means that they can be passed from one animal to

    another. Some bacterial diseases can only be spread by contact between stock and may be

    controlled by isolation. Others are highly infectious, and can be spread on stockmans clothes, in

    food and on lorry wheels.

    Bacteria enter the body through the mouth, nose, eyes, and other body orifices.Wounds and

    breaks in the skin are also common paths of entry. Infection may be only local, that is, confined to

    the site of access, or it may be carried all over the body.

    Viruses are even smaller than bacteria and are very infectious. A warm humid building is

    particularly conducive to the spread of virus diseases.Foot and mouth disease is a typical example

    of a virus disease and the ease with which it spreads is well known.


    Certain bacteria and viruses cause disease because fluids which they produce are poisonous,

    or toxic, to stock. The animal body has several defensive mechanisms against them.The most

    important of these are substances called antibodies, which either destroy the disease organisms or

    neutralize the effect of their toxins.

    There are several ways in which an animal can get immunity. Some are natural, others are

    artificial, or man-made.

    Natural immunity. When an animal contracts a disease it produces antibodies against it. If

    the defensive organisms of the body are sufficient the animal will recover. However, the body will

    usually continue to produce antibodies against the disease for several years, or throughout its life.

    The body has, therefore, acquired immunity naturally.It is prepared for a subsequent attack and,

    unless it becomes heavily infected, it will destroy the disease organisms before they can multiply

    and produce symptoms of the disease.

    Unfortunately, antibodies are fairly specific. This means that the antibodies against one

    disease will not attack organisms which can cause a different disease.

    Mothers are capable of passing on some immunity to their offspring, either while they are

    pregnant or, more particularly, in their first milk, the colostrum.This is why it is essential to see that

  • 38

    all young animals get their mothers milk within the first day of life.It is particularly important to

    sheep farmers who produce an artificial immunity in the ewe against lamb dysentery, which she

    passes on to the lambs in her milk.

    Certain species are immune naturally to disease which attack other species.For example,

    horses and poultry do not suffer from foot and mouth disease.

    Artificial immunity. Artificial immunity can be induced in animals by inoculating them

    with vaccines. These are fluids which contain bacteria or viruses in suspension that have been

    killed, or modified to slow down their activity. The body then produces antibodies against them and

    may develop an active immunity, lasting for several years, against the particular disease which they


    If an animal already has a disease vaccines must not be used. They take several days to

    produce immunity and inoculation at this time may even add to illness. However, an injection with

    a serum, which already contains antibodies against the disease, will prove effective. It does not

    stimulate the body to produce antibodies itself, because no disease organisms are actually

    introduced.It therefore confers a passive immunity which only lasts a short time.



    Complete these statements correctly:

    Some bacteria bring disease because

    1.they produce toxic fluids.

    2.they contain antibodies

    3.they destroy the animals antibodies

    4.they attack the animals fluids.

    An animal acquires natural immunity when :

    1.it is injected with antibodies

    2.it is given artificial antibodies

    3.its own body produces antibodies

    4.it has recovered from a disease

  • 39


    1.will attack any disease the animal gets

    2.will not attack any disease the animal gets

    3.are directed against a particular disease

    4.only defend the animal when it is heavily infected

    Are these statements correct or incorrect ?

    1.An active immunity will last the whole life.

    2.Vaccines do not contain viruses.

    3.You use a vaccine when an animal already has a disease.

    4.You use a serum when an animal already has a disease.

    MODULE 6


    Adequate knowledge of nutritional needs or desirable breeding programes are usually not

    the factors which limit the success of livestock and poultry production enterprises today. We do not

    need to increase our comprehension and mastery of these areas, and producers can make greater

    application of what is known, but the general area of management---shelter, equipment and disease

    control is often the bottleneck.

    We need to know the optimum climate temperature, humidity, and air movement for most

    efficient production, and the degree of impairment that results above or bellow the optimum. Only

  • 40

    then can we calculate the relative profitability of providing shade, fully insulated buildings, artificial

    heat, artificial cooling, fans, ventilators, dehumidifiers, sprinklers, etc.

    Animals vary in their reactivity to climatic stress. These variations are economically

    important especially in areas of the country where climatic extremes are typical.

    Animals must frequently be housed in order to comply with the demands of domestication,

    for the safety of their keepers, during illness, and as protection against the weather and predatory

    animals. Newly born young creatures must be given protection from chilling.

    Two important things must be said at the outset. The first is that, generally speaking given

    windbreaks, the possibility of shelter in inclement weather and of shade in summer, the avoidance

    of muddy conditions and of overstocking --- animals kept out-of-doors are likely to be healthier

    than those which are housed for long periods. In the past, housing of animals so often meant

    overcrowding in dark, damp, draughty or ill-ventilated buildings. Under such conditions disease is

    almost inevitable rickets, pneumonia or scours in calves, infertility in the bull, tuberculosis in the

    dairy cow.Some modern and costly buildings still have ventilation defects, leading to condensation

    inside and resulting in ill-health of the housed stock.

    The second thing is that, from a healthy point of view, not every development is an

    advance.Commercial competition may dictate the overcrowding of chickens to the point where

    feather-picking has to be counteracted by red lighting or debeaking; this may lead to shorten

    economic gains, but it is the antithesis of good animal husbandry, and the solving of the veterinary

    problems raised must be viewed accordingly.Intensivism can surely be pushed to a stage where not

    research but only a return to good husbandry, will succed in reducing the incidence of disease--- and

    also, incidentally, the size of the drug bill.On the other hand, the dairy cow has undoubtedly

    benefited from another dictate of economythe change from cowshed to the yard -- and parlour

    system for instead of being yoked or closely chained for long periods, she is free to move around;

    and such an exercise is in itself important.

    Intensivism had led to development on forced-draught ventilation, and to the efficient

    insulation of walls and roof of animal houses by means of Polystyrene, Fibreglass, and other

    substances.It costs over four times as much to keep an animal warm by feeding concentrates an

    internal fuel as by warming the livestock house. Minimum economic temperatures are given


    Housing has an important bearing upon the feeding of animals.Pigs, for instance, confined

    on concrete have no opportunity for the normal scavenging which can obviate mineral or vitamin

    deficiencies, and special rations accordingly become necessary for such housed animals. Vitamin A

  • 41

    and B deficiencies are particularly likely to occur.In store cattle, lack of a vitamin A supplements

    causes blindness on many farms. Residual infection is obviously important.

    CATTLE. An adjustable open-ridge method of ventilation is still recommended as the best

    for cowsheds. In winter, the optimum temperature inside appears to be within 44-55 0F. Milk yields

    are said to be depressed when the temperature falls below freezing point.In summer, there is an

    upper limit of about 77 0F, at which point cattle begin showing distress.High humidity, at

    temperature above 6O 0F, appears to diminish milk yield.

    For young calves, the temperature should be provided at the highest point, with a gap of 2

    feet between the top of the walls and the eaves.Open-fronted covered yards should not have a gap.

    PIGS. Given adequate straw, the most primitive arks on range will yield better results than

    a cold, damp house. A warm environment will reduce the risk of overlying by the sow. While

    different optimum temperatures have been given by different research workers, it seems that 70 0F

    is about the figure to aim at the farrowing house.For artificial rearing, a temperature of 86 has been

    recommended for the first 4 days.Cold, damp floors result in liver disorders which do not appear in

    buildings where the pigs have a warm, dry bed.Pregnant sows are better not housed. For fattening

    pigs, an optimum temperature would appear to be about 65 ;and 60 should be the

    minimum.Humidity does not appear to have adverse effect, though few authorities recommend it.

    Good ventilation is advocated.

    SHEEP.In general, the disease problem associated with the housing of sheep have been less

    serious than might have been expected, and there is a credit side as well as a debit side. For

    example, if lambs are born and reared to market weight indoors, there is far less risk of worm

    infestation causing trouble. It is recommended that pens should not contain more than 15-25 ewes,

    grouped according to lambing dates.Ewes housed for the winter after grazing should be wormed

    during the first week. Lambs must be protected against lamb dysentery, and any from unvaccinated

    ewes should be given antiserum.Infestation with lice may be aggravated by housing and spread

    more rapidly.Since it can cause serious loss of condition, dipping or spraying before housing is


    E.coli infections are as much a threat to the housed lamb as to the housed calf.

    Overcrowding and dirty conditions at lambing predispose to coli septicaemia, which is usually a

    sequel to navel infection. In early weaned lambs, the quality of the milk substitute is important if

    scouring is to be avoided; and measures should be taken to minimize contact between housed sheep

    and their dung,Slatted floors, regular cleaning, copious use of bedding material, periodical

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    disinfection all help in this direction.Good ventilation can go a long way towards reducing the risk

    of acute pneumonia.

    Infections which give rise to abortion may prove more troublesome indoors than out, and

    vaccination against enzootic abortion, caused by a virus, seems worthwhile.

    POULTRY. Chickens probably do best at temperatures between 55 and 65 0F. Egg

    production declines at temperatures below 40 or above 75 0F. A relative humidity of 50 percent is

    considered the optimum for grown birds. A cold, dry house is better than a warm, wet one.

    Ventilation requirements vary; for example, a bird may need as much as 1 cubic foot per minute per

    lb bodyweight in the hottest weather, but only one-sixth of this in the coldest weather.


    Words and Phrases

    shelter = adpost, acoperi;opron; umbrar,paravan

    building = cldire, construcie

    overcrowding = supraaglomerare, ngrmdire

    wound = ran, plag

    to insulate = a izola, a separa

    to fan = a ventila; a rcori; a face vnt

    feather = pan ( de pasre )

    yoke = jug; pereche de boi; cobili; vt. a njuga, a uni

    to house = a adposti

    to comply = a ceda

    shed = ur

    to worm = a deparazita

    pen = arc

    weaned lambs = miei nrcai

    coat = blan de animale

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    PROGRESS TEST Translate into English:

    Majoritatea animalelor domestice sunt inute n adposturi sau grajduri pentru protecia n

    special contra frigului i cldurii. Mediul protector procur confort i deci o mai mare

    productivitate, ns gradul de producie nu indic ntotdeauna gradul de confort.

    Clima adposturilor depinde de tipul de construcie al acestora, de amenajrile fcute pentru

    modificarea sistemului de nclzire i rcire, ventilaie i iluminri, etc.

    Efectul condiiilor de confort microclimatic asupra productivitii animalelor depinde de

    specia animal. Astfel, vaca de lapte este un animal destul de tolerant la frig, prezentnd o mai mare

    rezisten la temperaturi joase dect la cldur

    Pe msur ce relaiile i productivitatea animalelor n diferite condiii de clim devin din ce

    n ce mai cunoscute i tehnica construciilor mai avansat, apare posibilitatea amenajrii unor astfel

    de ncperi n care s se realizeze microclimate ct mai apropiate de limitele optime, cerute de

    organismele animalelor.


    The terms used in a discussion of agriculture become more complex as we begin to realize

    the many relations that are involved in a field of production that is absolutely necessary to everyone.

    Sound environmental management is essential for sustained agricultural development.Yet

    environmental degradation is evident throughout the developing world. Soil erosion, siltatation of

    rivers and reservoirs, flooding, overgrazing, poor cropping practices, desertification, salinity and

    waterlogging, deforestation, energy depletion, loss of biodiversity, and chemical pollution have

    become major problems.

    Soil erosion is slowly undermining agricultural productivity in many parts of the world. The

    extent of the world erosion problem is very difficult to assess because few nations have

    systematically surveyed the condition of their soil resources.Nevertheless, the amount of agricultural

  • 44

    land now being retired due to soil erosion is estimated to be at least 20 million hectares per year.The

    effects on productivity are potentially serious.Eroded soils typically are at least twice as rich in

    nutrients and organic matter as the soil left behind.Soil nutrient losses can be partially replaced by

    increased use of chemical fertilizers, but only up to a point, and fertilizer can be expensive. At any

    rate, the yields with fertilizers are lower than they would be in the absence of erosion, so that erosion

    reduces productivity below its potential.

    Desertification involves the depletion of vegetative cover, exposure of the soil surface to

    wind and water erosion, and reduction of the soil organic matter, soil structure, and water-holding

    capacity.Intensive grazing, particularly during drought years, reduces vegetative cover; the loss of

    vegetation reduces organic matter in the soil and thus changes soil structure.Moderate desertification

    may cause a 25 percent loss of productivity while severe desertification can reduce productivity by

    5o percent or more.

    Deforestation creates environmental problems on land and in the air.Forest play a vital role

    providing food, fuel, medicine, fodder for livestock, and building material.They provide a home for

    innumerable and diverse plant and animal species.They protect the soil, recycle moisture, and reduce

    carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.But forests are being cleared at an alarming rate throughout the

    world.Every year more than 11 million hectares are cleared, and the rate of cutting is increasing.

    Chemical pollution.The use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers has contaminated the land

    and water in many countries, damaging the health of producers and consumers, stimulating the

    emergence of pests resistant to pesticides, destroying the natural enemies of pests,and reducing fish

    populations or rendering them unsafe for human consumption.Acute pesticide poisonings are

    common, and little is known about potential long-term health effects.


    PROGRESS TEST Answer the following questions:

    1.Why are people so interested in environmental protection?

    2.How does peoples health and life depend on the environment?

    3.Who needs protection nowadays?

  • 45


    Environmental degradation can result from physical, economic, and institutional factors.

    Many environmental problems are interrelated; for example, deforestation, erosion and siltation of

    rivers and reservoirs are all linked. Natural resource degradation usually has both direct and

    indirect causes. For example, desertification can directly result from overgrazing and poor cropping

    practices, but indirectly result from poverty and population growth.Understanding the true causes of

    environmental degradation requires a searching for and analysis of complex direct and indirect

    physical, economic,and institutional linkages.

    Physical causes of natural resource degradation. Physical or technical causes of natural

    resource degradation are often the most visible and direct, even though a series of complex linkages

    may be involved.Land clearing for timber, fuelwood, cattle ranching, or farming causes

    deforestation.Deforestation results in loss of biodiversity and soil erosion.If the area is semi-arid,

    loss of forests can contribute to desertification. Desertification can also result from overgrazing,

    which itself is caused by too many cattle eating grass in an area subjected to dry spells or

    droughts.Many other examples of physical causes of natural resource degradation can be cited.

    It is important to identify physical causes of environmental problems, but it is even more

    important to identify the underlying economic and institutional causes including social, cultural, and

    policy-related causes.

    Economic causes of natural resource degradation. Poverty and environmental degradation

    go hand in hand.Poverty drives people to farm marginal lands intensively, to seek fuelwood

    relentlessly, and to follow other agricultural practices that produce food at the potential sacrifice of

    future production. Poverty reinforces population growth, which is a major cause of deforestation,

    overgrazing, and farming on steep slopes,drylands,and flood plains.

    Institutional causes of natural resource degradation. A major cause of environmental

    degradation is institutional failure, both private and public.Institutions are rules of behavior that

    affect private incentives. Existing social structures and local customs may not be adequate to

    preserve the environment as population growth and economic development proceed.

    Poverty, high rates of return to capital, debt problems, rapid population growth, and

    misguided public policies conspire against solutions. Environmental problems are interrelated,and

    understanding their causes requires sorting out complex physical,economic,and institutional

    linkages. Technical solutions are needed for each of these problems, but economic and institutional

  • 46

    changes must provide the incentives for behavioral change. As incomes grow, populatio pressures

    are reduced, and the demand for environmental protection increases. Economic development means

    more resources in the long run for addressing environmental problems.Changes in taxes,subsidies,

    regulations, and other policies can influence local incentives for conservation. Balancing benefits

    with costs, obtaining local input in the decision making process, and compensating losers are

    needed for effective solutions to local and global environmental problems. Because transactions

    costs must be reduced for natural resource conservation to occur, information flows must be

    improved and human capital must be developed. Education also becomes vitally important. Thus ,

    focusing on communications infrastructure and human-capital development are two of the keys to

    environmental improvement.


    policy = (1) a plan of action; (2) a statement of aims;(3) a document which contains a

    contract of insurance

    to evolve = to develop gradually and naturally

    incentive = incitement (to action,to do ) provocation, motive, payment or concession to

    stimulate greater output by workers

    output = (1) what is made, production; (2) information from a computer

    infrastructure = all the systems which support a countrys industry and economy, e.g. road,rail,

    post and airway systems, factory, hospital,housing and education systems; radio,

    television and telephone systems; water,gas and electric systems

    sustainable development = development that meets the needs of the present without compromising

    the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.

  • 47



    Are the poorest countries the most vulnerable to environmental degradation? Why, or why not?

    Translate into Romanian:

    The only way to understand our new role as a co-arhitect of nature is to see ourselves as part

    of a complex system that does not operate according to the same simple rules of cause and effect we

    are used to. The problem is not our effect on the environment so much as our relationship with the

    environment. As a result, any solution to the problem will require a careful assessment of that

    relationship as well as the complex interrelationship among factors within civilization and between

    them and the major natural components of the earths ecological system.

    (Adapted fromEarth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit by Al Gore 1992,

    page 34)

    MODULE 7



    The historical progression of agricultural development can be broadly broken into four

    distinct periods. From the time they first appeared on earth until the invention of settled

    agriculture, roughly 10,000 years B.C., human beings hunted and gathered their food.A

    combination of climatological changes and over predation of large game following the end of the

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    last Ice Age created conditions for settled agriculture. People, first in the Middle East, began

    collecting grains of wild plant-precursors of modern barley, wheat, and rye and planting them. This

    collection and planting of grains marked the end of agricultures first period.

    Agricultures second period began with the invention of settled agriculture and proceeded

    through the founding and evolution of traditional means of crop and animal production, many of

    which exist today. These systems evolved responding to the population pressures and resource

    bases and to the relative scarcity of different factors of production. The wide variety of agricultural

    systems found around the developing world is testimony to the resourcefulness with which

    traditional farmers adapt to pressures they face.

    The third period of agricultural development, propelled by scientific knowledge and

    industrial growth, began in the middle of the nineteenth century. This period was marked by the

    mechanization of agriculture, the development of more efficient crop varieties and animal strains,

    the application of science to develop chemical fertilizers and pest controls, and the creation of

    industry and infrastructure to integrate agriculture into the modern economy. The expansion of

    agricultural output has largely been a product of more intensive production on existing land.

    The creation and maturing of institutions government policies, legal structures, marketing

    structures, etc. help define the fourth period of agricultural development.Development efforts

    focus on improving t