zotero in 30: you can take it with you!

Zotero in 30: You can take it with you! Tim Williams, Mimi Smith- DeCoster, Beth Filar- Williams (no relation)

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presented 2/29/12 by UNCG Libraries, by two amazing LIS grad students


Page 1: Zotero in 30: You can take it with you!

Zotero in 30: You can take it with you!

Tim Williams, Mimi Smith-DeCoster, Beth Filar-Williams (no


Page 2: Zotero in 30: You can take it with you!

Poll: where do you stand with Zotero?

• A: It sounds cool, tell me more about it.

• B: I know what it does, but I don’t use it.

• C: I use it occasionally.

• D: I use it all the time, but want to know more.

Page 3: Zotero in 30: You can take it with you!

The Disclaimer

• UNCG does not support Zotero.

• While there are no official UNCG sources for troubleshooting, there are good online resources.

• Since the service does not need to be tied to a UNCG account, you can use it after graduation.

Page 4: Zotero in 30: You can take it with you!

Basics: What is Zotero?

• A "personal research assistant" (zotero.org)

• Captures bibliographic information, abstracts, PDF and HTML attachments

• Works with thousands of style guides to cite-while-you-write & create reference pages

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An Overview of Zotero

• Familiar iTunes-esque interface

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More basics: how do I get started?

• Download at Zotero.org (for Mac, Windows, or Linux)

• Find in-depth tutorials: Documentation > Screencast Downloads

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Capturing Bibliographic Information

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Creating a References Page (I)

• Zotero simplifies works cited pages, annotated bibliographies, and reference pages.

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Creating a References Page (II)

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• If you edit your collections on multiple devices (e.g. work laptop, home PC, phone), Zotero will automatically update your changes.

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Explanation of cool stuff

• The Zotero community is busy doing some rad stuff: mobile apps, major software updates, and more!

• http://www.zotero.org/blog/zotero-apps-go-mobile/

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Zotero & Endnote

• EndNote webinar coming soon: stay tuned!

• If you are an EndNote user who wants to try Zotero, you can export your EndNote collections!

• Format tab > Export References > Save as RIS format

• File (or the Settings wheel icon) > Import (select the RIS document you just saved in EndNote)

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Quick Recap

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Quick Recap (II)

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Quick Recap (III)

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Live Q & A

• What else would you like to know?

• Anything in particular you would like to see in action?

• Want further clarification about something we mentioned?

• Let us know in the chat box!