- 1930 - the kendrick gazette/1930 july - dec... · hi te, sf't.pr'es,f os, v>ei-pris....


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Page 1: - 1930 - The Kendrick Gazette/1930 July - Dec... · hi te, Sf't.Pr'eS,F OS, V>ei-PriS. C&hicr,- „ THE KENDRICK GAZETTE. FRIDAY, AUGUST l, IPÃ PERgoNALs l 8 JULIAETTA ITEMs HARVEST
Page 2: - 1930 - The Kendrick Gazette/1930 July - Dec... · hi te, Sf't.Pr'eS,F OS, V>ei-PriS. C&hicr,- „ THE KENDRICK GAZETTE. FRIDAY, AUGUST l, IPÃ PERgoNALs l 8 JULIAETTA ITEMs HARVEST





OS, V>ei-PriS.C&hicr,- „



JULIAETTA ITEMs8HARVEST TIME IS HERE AND %E ARE Ii M. O. Raby was a business visitor Mrs Mary Jones, lvfrs. Amanda

in Lewiston 'Wednesday.

LREABY To SERVE VOUl g E. H. Entery and family spent Sun- Sue Armstrong of Spokane visitedk'ay !with friends in Clarkstonwith Mrs Eben Adams. at Moscow.

aSOme Of Ou~ harVest ~e-'COn~@+ enees .', Rev. A. E. Janes was a business last Friday Mrs. Jones remained and

TheyfIjog Rottje~ ylggh Ljghtg H'isitor in r.ewiston Tuesday o this returned home on the Saturday noon pLENTQ pf 'ET(', SAQQGpggleS —VjSorS —+atCh68 —Pgpeg iPlate8, ~,'„.ay GrÃjth of SPokane.:is visiting .'Mrs..Edgar Wilcoxen was' Mos-at the'ome-of his sister,'rs. W. L.m Ice Cream Dishes —Spoons —NaPkins —anti I ""c«-y ands.r!em!try',, ... M„o'd M ': E It custer and ithr $ Q~dadhphd S~gk$lDBny Other. needS. c. --.....=-." . ~ .'.- 8 .the. Walter Thomaa home in Lewiston, " '

Luc,jjeM" Get g bottle of Gypsy Cream for Sunburn, Poison ~ G' w W'jl ' M'd; Gertrude:Gruell spent saturday mzht 9Q Eppes0Q'"u

Ivy 'Insect Bites and other Sinn Eruptjons — g date for 'judge of the- district court8 was, a,,Kendrick, visitor Wednesday.ppOne prdtsrq Spljejted, '' 'Miss Ruby Donaldson of Spokane, Three .persons narrowly s p' I g g g . g .Mph 24S

"'- ' 'jj'gthts'g 'SS7 .!ornieriy. oftv..rutltfnejbta visited a. 'sh'oit drowning in the ci«rwe" " " ~fsp .~rgb SQpplg pf pimps 2'g 'time,* at:.'the 'Lieith. home last Satur- last Sunday when Mr. Dav'dQ'-c . ~ ~WW ' " % I''g ~gp' da,t -,;...,....:. Potlatch ridge attempted to turn a

~lljM~I'X 'Mr., and Mrs.;-R., H. ~mey.and somersault., His:,wife'-noticed he was

famijy motored 'to Lewiston Sunday. having trouble and,went. to. ™I»it ee ~s x lr'sQ,'," '" '' " '',~%. ~~ $4re.''„I " . ' 8 They were accompanied by Mrs. was pulled down b'y Mr. Davidson, Lucy Thomas. " Arthur Johns, brother of Mrs. avvid-

,, I K""IDAHO"-,Mrs,'ida'o'n'es of,Spok'ane visited s/ick, which'some'one of.them man- KENDR g.a't." the;N.' Walker 'and H,,P. agf;d to grasp,, An inner tu e was

;-* l" -;;,, ',- - ...-l If."A;, j,'-t ~,",, jsc@pfer,',hotme's'ueida'y and,Wed also'ithrown in and Mrs. Davidson

', nesday'o'f .this "w'eek'.,;"'".,','btained t'hat, but was nearly drown-.'''~ester''Dam'marejj'and fantily came,,edt by her husbarid hoIding to hero


ov« from,Reutjens .Tuesday, evening Mr. Davidson went, under 'everal'o~r a,: vi»f w!th hIs,parents,,Mr. and 'times before being r'escu'ed..'0'nly a

' ' ', ''tThe Pujse of th p,f-i t., ~r .E II Damvma<ejj '„',, fe'w children arid Mrs'.. Philip Johns, . Juliaetta'.'Saytht C urc' bj«: 'Prank "Rider''a'n'd daught'er; .Iyere on'the ben'c'li"at the time,'r. 'A E yeast Pastor I IPrbtI'hd

helen'flen'e,''e'nt,."toj Spokane MoIj-'orter '.who )iv'ed. on. the'pposite Sund~"icbo'ol'at 10 A. M.";


. Id tj:d"y'y .moto r '„114 Mr.;,and Mrs.'hore, 'a'nd 'who,'heIpecd in rescuitlg, 'reachlfjg ~cp at'1 A M' . p"t"Comp!ton of'etI!lstony „'.."..'.thenI';,wNas,drrow'ned Mon'day 'while eve'y,sun'day '~U'ing 'oxcept, the ...I d'"I Ld"'„"~ j„":P;;'+ ~gikfdmy '"„'gv~~y:"CZ ';. 'i IMr„and UMrsn,Get. Leith'jnotoifed crorssing thai river on horseback. Hia, lourtj 'Suukday',of eacj modtj„:

.,:,Ii:.i; l ~i..i.::'.: «* » i ".: io' " ',,I;, Ipp,,'":,'z'I".,!Lsjt'wa'i'on'ijh'e(r retur nfor'' af'te'r he",went down.'

' '

'prayer." meeting y, o cjock'T'hu',r -',

Mx.,and,,Mi;s., Horst, Gunther .and 'day 'evening,'.' .

lIR~i «II fk ziid.Mrs. jforfis Wel..'",,',soiit. hunted, !ori.. hucldeberrles. nmrjj,l's guests-'n 'their home last'e govItI. last„sunday, They.returned ','ulia tta I, E Church

.:'da IsoBn',"fath'er'f. A. K.i .Carl- lionor of Mrs. Augusta Hein s at 7:30'p.'.:Third'unday,:-I'1:30tia'. ! QhristiIE„d'-iXXurieSS- -, -;y.d-.",", f-m M-..-,„'h:ib'Y hd '„'„'„', „,'. „d'.':3 '"!D ....,:.d.. U


Mrs. 'ary Trenary's .,seventy third ''Bofy'ommuor'on iiervicss wig'be;'on,Donald, froms Sppkanev anniversary. The afternoon was spent 'held July '8) It 11 a. m..

A~~~vya~ 'I -~>~g'"' ~ M f f ": >~j--. - - -' ' in singing and visiting and adeli-'"

ew',,'days 'visit, at the L. J. tives;at Spalding this weekes"hf'ok'™'.,.Graha'm"and Mrs. 'Last Friday. e e i, '

of' „„„.„~ b .~ .,

.,m at t ei, o 'n ey ome orj IO:$0.,D'ivine,j.services;in, En ii 1;.:,,g.,ju.g~ of.the dis- a bir~hda, par~y in. honor. of.Mrs., t; ~ ~

'" c'"eo'a'r't ""was 'li" Kendrick"visitor 'B b'S'l'''„'d' Y„"Mm„:I s:rugaetta,rgfoz,,

'Saturday in the interest of .his .gap-'. Kinjey.. Each lady'as prese t d' o'Ie vices.r--= =r~W.> -, '...-',Q$ y y.forkthe, nomination. for. rdi>tricot .new. dress.;, CaI,e and,ice,cream pere ',I - I "1-j .: ~ - ': .'-':...ser'ved.,'Those, pilteridjng, were Mes. Metgodhd:Epjmopef Chu~ liiie.;.: - .."

~ ~r


t F



'0".8-,"„-M,"",.;,dames..d,,McKiiiley,,; Millard,, Walsh,, Corabejle M, Teychm'yn Pasto''nur ".'" ' ' "" ' -Ã.:$ '.( "'::;"',,m;", ."!, custer,,Huntsberger, Nye, Hutchison,'p a. m, "sundiiy jeh l w'f ','' ''

D pt"'F

s';» -", ...,., '"p.,;.,a teynoqn„at Itl < home of. Mrs. Nutt. dren',s story —yMosq, bo t, th,:Hn .-:'-",,"„.d,;.„,,-,„e'w,o icers.were e ec e, aa o os.: pies(,,Girl in korea.".-Y,S o —,"Do,',, ~' 't IS —''f '""'",up ' '1 'd' tO' " -'Lsejr jjj'' rl;..'.';.'.rri,;. ".;; il .-,'"-i, ~ „ tt,,j.president; Mrs...,Grobse- the Woylp Seer Christ,.I Tgo,?",; .,:,',;, Qe,,""''""' '"'df t'' i<';;-,U;,:.r:'t„.o;>..t k-v;;i;:;,,;r-,',: close, .vice-president; M'rg gtinspp',



1L r



"i - ',*,:i:".,:',EmCh:fjuIch,Cf~oimdr,, secreta!sr..treasurer,'t Mrs,'v'norosc'cto'':.;.:-.;;:;,:....9 ey.,I&f';Immit f.;.the V-'.dim=: y,j;,U ': .'- IThe.: road . up. Brady; Gulch . was; asst itantr,hosteswsr Luiicheop.,was, ',', email.„.y y ~




Sy"re"'had."'..dfj fit . " closed lMqndayrmctrnlnijj',by:: the road.'ervt;rl,ou:,the,law'n,, „

y y




S thi M. E~liidies iid viill serv;: A new rear wag has been I i,t . 'N,'E'alkerthe work of "Pjjjifttngv "ln'-"a.'.new',bridg'tir cream, and wafersuoP <he; lawn between ' ng 'tore, re

~i:;.. BelieVhg thji,.-and putting the teaCh 4 - .I' and ~aking.a.fail} at.dtheitop,of Raby'. the bank '.and;Gros'eqiqses store. placing: one, that. had become some-, '',,,'.tgfl 'of ther:Goideo Rule'nto gctfoii, :yl s I 'httt:twist 'l'id completed',I,:.,-':,, Everyone. come and, patronize, th'em, krhat:deteriorated, ....','- . 'o- .~

m m m'e "serve 'promptly''nd"';ef fjcjently."'at"''~~f j'II<'f~,"'owg nccessa~, to. detour via',.;;.j:.:jjr,-; t. r» ij.„;.t,.: . 'Ih ''i:.'bliatetta;-'.;for,-,:Ipoints 'n Ainerican . 'ere'From ArkansasI:: r,s l ---,:.;:-',

'Little Rock, Arkansas,'arrived Tues-y~ ',': .;::y~rjhtAQO+TUAQ+ ~~~ +" " "' THURSDAY'S MARKETS da'y'vening 'for'a few days'isit'a

~lub —'biilk".;--"...".:i-'-' '.;-'.: " ''. 70 " Mr'. Dobbs an'd family'isited the g'i'





Wheat -'

the home of 'Mr: Dobbs'ister, Mrs.;, PHONKi333„338;-,i .''- ' ":r "'-'lub-'sicked:: "...;;..;' " . '3 Friank Rider, an'd family. (g~FAXlfvrdtfg~ef %Kg

.Red—r'sackedi '","...."..;.".."..;.;; '. l1 'Veljowstorje'Park on: their'way otit


jjjjjjjj jI IiSmall white .... -....-..;.... 3gc. return'ing to their Arkansas home. 9zSttstgwf

~ s.'-wt,F>.Peery,e,g, „;-

l 'IjII.:,"j~


' ~"- '-. -'...:"' "..'.."' '-'-'- bio'and 'states" that'verything ist a'bouts, jfro."'r-"-t ™"'~' - ' 'i "'the"'same'n-his':.h'oijrt'e"'statre as o t, Ie.':.,:-'-jfjSht'd ritt<youririetfjr's 'items-'we watit. this" vtray —'a'it'tie slow.'i,s Ot

Wgb,i ~, tgs0'jfty'agsi s-ntrn8"ewe:-'~"' '-': ' 'e 'wai a forme'r 'resident of this

.„.'.f,., p- f",.!tice~., PiA;1 j8/P: ziit): t'fjtp 0<"rsdtffsact'T ',1':;rk I 1. -;;-.: =d'l."'rr'k& ',ll.











~ 1 r

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aar ' . "zh '~ I',,S,,'.l; „,I u . t I. i r. ci r. ~...„.

i..'t „.f t.my«i

IrI z I~IP I~~ t 1 0


Ab pjII 3rs pie rds ofj -It:III=:q~j~(~p .-,. -,"k, r ..., ' vr,', „,,I ",efxcayytiopn wast taken 5y the villagp'e: ghj-.tblg,yield 'tjItjtl Offset the pf'jCe >lr

iO 1tjd. g (QQQQ, ',Al en.

apd',.M y'ers...resiilences, mak- I.

Sd „i; —The ., Cvopfj . yccpg gpe ":Wh~'ipe Occcrgthat proinit

'' '-'en insuring, ferrite your pohcy with The

'.h loa'ds of the dirt'or'illing. inAIthotfgh in close touch with nation-wide End world-wide eon- y"d " "" "'.-p"".--,, (,CU>;preeppyiesentative ljgs E'djjfsteti pIire'for years: candiwilt see ithat you get a fair adjustment inttons„we,hove,fatjlWwtptyug,epphed,dfurgelves" w olehieWffedltoy;a, i the event of g"loss. Do-fjc't d'eig'y cgjj, Write'Or

phone us fo1'- policy. l

f ', 'I u ', ', . - ~ l c

.+jq„.Bapk;,.has-.,works,.with., jnterest,landi.vr>oleheirted 'de-..i ',: ., -.',. RpTEBI THE gppyppp

'fo kc,,o,jfqsel, .,Gg., i p ty, t) comrjjefji„g,, +.,fi.:,spvec-, J8w81er ;Kenclrick.iaiiy to the (grmeI who!le vigjtpeet„fmhjfjjipr)jp'eiijg'sf'e.ski,cofb.-,, II, .'-,.

H,„, .

fgfp .re" 'ji l'. i Lottjf 'Q . srs ji '~if i IQ wb', r,t ~ . ''. ' ~ byt Me andi ~ tl

ij sj" Si'i't*":1'-h.i"e'ajjd ProsperI Do ~ The %Vork- Rightll

KENDRICK STATE BANK " """ '"'"'""" " THE FA RMERS:,OF KENDRK:K, ilDAHO,No Timepiece Too Sma]> or Too j~c . pp

~ . p mar- oj 1

w. w mm.m.m.m- n w m->.m.m.m xx.m xx.n. m.m .n m m.m ~. n xm4 m- n mmn wpl'mmm —mm mmmm w w www w wm w'm'rnrw'mmw' ww w' wwmmm np wv~rwmm'WWmmderww wnww wmm'w4+wmymm++ os+++'au~egret vdpsgm+


Vthusigztef'il S!HEESlutfb

ci '

Page 3: - 1930 - The Kendrick Gazette/1930 July - Dec... · hi te, Sf't.Pr'eS,F OS, V>ei-PriS. C&hicr,- „ THE KENDRICK GAZETTE. FRIDAY, AUGUST l, IPÃ PERgoNALs l 8 JULIAETTA ITEMs HARVEST












~ ]

adf "i'



Bill of Ld, nce enough voters to defeat the present memb rs of th BM~

l general. can influence

iilard Kit to G. W.; ..ommissionrs in the Primary, it is logical to believe that the nextJuly 24 1930; chattel dated July 25, 1930 gl pp

~ . Ite, dated s ep wdl be an efFort to get ten cents (lpc) a line for county printing, or@ t 16, 1929. ; interest in cro, four times what '


p on NEY 30'WY p, w at is now being paid. In all fairness we ask that the votersState Bank of Bovili to Lot- SEida 19; SW~SWY~ 20- . Y4 ounty ~~~~~d~~ the m~t~~~~ of the attacks ~h~~h have been ma

4 h Y4NWY4 29'E of Lstah Cog. Peterson et vlr S. B. dated M. Y4 o-38.3 W, B, We submit that neither the Moscow Publishing company nor p. L. Orcuttf ~ 27 1927; R. E, mortgage dated .....'e» e advisors for the public. We have honestly and consclentionsfy tried16, 1925

Q e

gsn. p b g ~e'«se « 'running Latah County to the minimum and a closero .ate Court of L '



Eid 'dge Securities Co. to B. Bates, ~

h—tah . County, y of the records of the County with the honest motive of determiningMsy 9, 1929; conditional sale T Wilk. d

te of Edgar dc every exPenditure made will reveal that not one dollar has been

~ 'n t e matter of the esta 'ach an~at dated May 4, 1928.

193p g e dated July 23, Pent by the Present Board of County Commissioners, in violation of theC J, Orland 'to Charks L. Com- 5.~P to Floyd Lawrence lots Purpose and intent of any law of the Statejof Idaho or in violation'of the

Ek t ux Mae, dated July 23, 1930;; ~

' R feet of block 2 duties which each member of the Board of'County Commissioners and theE ortgage dated"Jtine 23, 192S,o V e mer; to Edward Mahaffy Clerk of the Board'owe.to the puMic,Lieaa ',8000 for lots 1 2 3original Hehnei ~ to

and 4,block 2, ach of the undersigned'stands upon the record 'as m'ade and not as in-E

8. Floyd Law- t rPreted aud misrepresented by,', I, r'cilttt,'e ask the people in justke'er

rmes ' 'rence $65,00 lots 51930 +28 50 crops on and 6, Original to +emaelves to read this 'carefully 'and "

vote for inca who are - honeit 4eir motives and who have beeaa careful, of.,the expeiiiHtnres of tSe paabltei,,6W. B. M. moneys, The County expenses have been held to a minimum. Your;ttaxesStanley L, Smith (Middieb«y Ver have been increased by reason of increased municiyal, school and road leviei,I-, e t rn Hospital Ass~abon by mont) and Meroe E Cornelison The candidates supported by the Moscow Publi8hing-company and P LhI Bouffleur. Pres, dat~ July ( oscow. Idaho) dated July 5, 1930. Orcutt have never gven the public any:as8urance:that they wli vote a~ihst: .p ~, 1'"~1~, f„ii ev. Roger P. Oliver, officiating 'ny increase in the price of county printing. On the'ontrary,'eich 'one'ofHarleigh'ines (Elk River Idaho) them have signed a statement that in Perso'nal ex'Pehdi'tures they''will ch'arg,










ecil English (Spokane, Wash) o t"e mileage basis for the use of a private"aut'oniobile'inestead of'hirgingated July 5, 1930; Rev, R~g~~ P ih«ctual expenses which can. only include the gasolhie, lubricants and repair's 4~




Oliver officiating. 'n their personal cars,r ~


~.. Islaiid Motor Com'Piny to The'.

Respectful!y.. submitted, -..;c


uly S,, 1930; caPital Jack F$30 pppi Amount paid gp400... ' ',„,',,',. „JOHN.': L.,!+OODY, -", ',!And now comes word from Troy ', ...;.,


Connnnng ™. that a rather heavy frost gisited thatRothfork et ux Emma to iS ',' '~ - r: -::" COunty'.COmmiaaiOners.

i! Harry Rot or e ux mrna to section Saturday night and that some ', - .. '." H'ARRY'." THATCHER,"

--li E Hart, dated Dec ld 192d"', fields of beans w'15pppp; extended to Marph.i 193;i damaged, ii, '






ere quite badly Clerk of District Court'nd Ex-Oificior A'uditor "and 'Rec'order 'of:,Lfatah, 1 Frank Boyd says.there was frost in


the Boulder creek section SundaCAMEROON Nlapps IT@MS 'ndrErnest Chil'bergtof 'C,, goG. Clark to 'E.'. Chirk, be.

lyfi'and Ted'Rew and. Mrk,,Georgwe 7;d:, 'Trlplett and,- son. ail; -o. -:.hu'>+


ing a week here with"her p~ents, Ernest; Leiser.was als'0 a-,.g est,at,iMr. and Mrs. A. H. Blu~ 'he Ek an'-home.:.

, ~ 'man and,son Jack of. Orotino spent!~nip l 0 d D id: d B rt L yw.,Henry" Wendt and:, daughter y'-'Nfor Qistract Judge Second Judacia) ' '..Gus „Farrington's .m9 tract At The Repubhcan Prima 'pent several da s last week withAugust 5, 1930

Mr. and Mrs F W Newman'andTwenty years experience in the practice of law; owns a weil children called on Mr.,and Mrs, Geo.,,A''xr'cie E "..'.h: .b-t:.:7 .''.:.'l'kslanced library; has had experience in detailed court work as, Herman Meyer p 'h d- 'ist the past 'week'

pie+ of Court; has served in the State Legislature; has built a International combine and a new8 ., M-- h tra tor 1, t, k''", moved'to Bert Leisey'rs- Mbtn 8'.a8'.successful business in Moscow in the. past ten years; has taken,

M F d Mi I . 'o:be closer to their work -... *,part in most pubhc movements during that time; is a member of afternoon with MrL W. C. Mielke. '';: ~"

hauliqg, poles: tol. Kendrick,: working''.",-'.-':.various organizations including the Moscow Chambei 'f C~. ',r ... Albert Moskop of Spokane is visit-:

; ing with hii nephew', A, F. Wegner ay and rig t . „', .:'; ''";...:.:-:, ':...,.„,,!...merce, National Grange and American Bar Association. and family . ' GeorgeaDenler of Juliaetta'and Min-: <..l.,,;..., ..- ..:,.:: -':7':, .!;j .;,-I Miss Mart} Abitz arrived Sunday nie Craig of M nd were g mt ofTh~ ~ 8ome rea8ons why many friends are 8upporting Ms ffrom Spokane to spend her vacat' r. and Mrs. C.. C ighSu'nnday'e-,.e- --.d hm,".....:,

~ternoon.'hey all,'went to Spalding:candidacy.

eac sw mming,. taking- Vera Craig;dc e ome a- with thiem.Crescent Sunday afternoon were Mr', '::: "

~'' ', '.. „-. P, '; '..l, ':~ '...I.-.'ndMrs. Geo. Kruger ands.childr

f 'p-j hay at,, the; Cc,-, Craig:,. place, . was.",, pulling;the.hay fork-,'do'wn'-,when the,iy'an rs. I a i ow. 'ope broke; th'rowingr:himh out. of; theMargaret Davies- of .Kendrick.vis-

L g



rL S d


ig r

Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wend't rt has - become -increasingly aP.'nd

daughters Msrgery and Estherj,; parent, during: recent, years. thatthe 'THAT'iS pp'here'Gazette AdVertiSing eOmeS.h';- .',::,-. '-:,

Mr. and Mrs. A H. Blam and daugh„. automobile accident Problem will notters Etta and Mrs Clay Albright'' ,be solved by such: legislative b'oom-';

hdrs ld'a sltdaw ..'rangs as comPnlsary -lasnrance, hm ADVERTISING lets fplifa hROW What'au haVe~




Ai I I ~ I'

stoneburner and Miss Hartung were flagrantly guilty of causing acchients.r TO.BELL and bringS them,m tOuCh ppjth ypg; 'dIMrs. Stoddard and son E]lsworth . So long as. "cure" is subjugated to

and daughter Vera of I.ewiston, Rose "'ndemnity" the accident rrecord will -" .'ITMAKEB "n d~ n p'ts Z '-" t'ary

Hamilton of Gifford Louise continue to increase..' ',.-:,;,. ';.The pace of our modern

Schmidt and Marie Schwarz .. During 1929,'-"finan'cial resPonsibility8- -IT BRINGS your goods to- the attention 'of- otherN '-

era aCCelerated aS i iS by 4-Wd 'd''g '' California,-Iowa, New Jersey, New'gewigesprQQJ Qse Qf efecr weeks with relatives on the ridge 'ork andhwisconsidh None:.Of'thee AND THAT Is''+hat you,'/pant,'m~:conlhteng,+».7

mM Willi McCo and Dave and farce unconditional-:; comPulsary in-

Otto Schoeifier were Lewiston visk-d 1 ff d b VeitiSmg'arnd;.See'if it drOnyt,-;."„„,,: „,-., fj,;=.j~)j~IinCreaSing-.emPhaSiS. On the r "'~ '":

. 'hem.'T'h'ery"'ascot,ioiely iri.fthe; case 'of.' '- .'.':::.'',,;;'. ' ''"" ":'"'' "'" ' '" ''-'''~c *@«Or O< Safety . 'ly and Martha Abitz were callers at the careless';and <edcetPst ''GET RESULthe Hen Brammer home Sunday A large Percentage of: our, acc dentscan'. be-::attributed'o.;;outmoded;.'in-', ~-

'rs.ohn.'Sche and daughter adequate or dnenfo~ t affk and . ': " ' 8JQStry nothing iS left unr - '.' '„: ""-.'yy.': d',highway driving ordinaric'es. In many ":;~ THEN; TOO..

7dOn t;-foi'Net'4C p@165g'.-:$8l Sk 'lhi a waaaOne WhiCn Waaa «nCreaSe,ii'.l',",; ',

~ ." .--' ' 'giveii--to-any. wdho-'mk fora'thee~".f„. -, lent gg~ajj'-,*the M>~~ Of Safety anB i.':,":,i'iIIII':."...I itor Sunday.' -: ', -, 'esPective. of, their, ability, .experience'~i',-;::;jljI 't iS:l iini~ereagy reCOgnL'jib «,.fhIi


I "L~"~"i"",l",:i'j'it'|I' '> 8 ' 8 i"""'"'""""'i""h t ek with Mrs W C i every community does that we,wN DOES¹Tf lnSRe any tOO'.gOOd' reCOmjlendStiOI

t-" 'I'jq':"Il"Ij

Pl':",,",,:':::::::,:';::,;': Callers at the Emma Hartung hoine ' 'OR yOur buSineSSFred Mielke and son Herbert, Her- "

- %E ARE yrepared to dO any Md of job yrinttngiI.Iiiiliiii:iii;i': bert, Ernest and Lawrence Schwarz,' No greater compliment could be


(ltf! Jill!I!!Ii ., Donald Hartung and Joe Schmidt. paid the housewives of Kendrick andajiftn:i.,'r.and, Mrs. Henry Wendt and Juliaetta than that the Washington 'ROM A Visiting Card tO the IOSt COmj3hcated

WAJflf QQTQiaji 'j','ii',,",''i'j'': af Mr. and Mia carl Keeps. Iy every commnnlty where the Wash- RULEII foyfhs Iaeiodhhg ihe fhheea pf: Mr. and IIfr's. Heqry,Wendt and ington Water Power company has a!jIiI ~~~~ ~@~~ . !'-,.'|IIj", daughters were Sunday'dinner guests r'epresentative Irene Kerr, home

/iiiiI! . Of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Koepp, 'conomist for the Westinghouse Elec-tric company has been a demonstra

d7'RESCENT CLIPPINGS toi of electric cookery sponsored by

the Washington 'Water Power com-tj7 Mr. and Mrs. Nels Longeteig and pany, but,Kendrick has so far notill

Mr. and Mrs. H. Whitinger and been mentioned as even a possibilityd ughtcr Margaret were guests of for such a demonstration, indicating

i Csllp, ':ljatm I!R

"..e'„8 IIIfa Mr, and Mrs. Axel Ekman Wcdnes. that this company considers the wo-men of Kendrick capable of hand-

I la — ——— —+ a day.~",, S

" 't. !', ~ ~ ', Mr and Mrs, Charlie Greenwood hng electric ranges perfectly, without

8P h


h r8


l Mr'„; Frank Souders Sunday. It couldn't possibly be an over-,lIt - - Wm. Kauder of Southwick has sight.

~,'!;!: - ''bcn uttin up hay thc past week We'l venture the assertion that

there are as many electric ranges inafar'" +' ' 'g'iiinn:pfti"': 'll'j "7',' -, . IP M Gus Fsrington has been in the Kendrick-Juliaetta territory asit ji'"."iII .'„. "t':," 'Q. Le isto> 8 fehv days where her hus- any of the outlymg communities (the

hpspitah He is improv- sales being greater this year) and the



n P








possibihties for placing more arc justtend ~,':.'.;djja~

" +~ '

y «h headers 7 d twa sane hfnr- as good, lf nat hetter, than la anyMar'ti»'nd Frank Siduskie other community.


Page 4: - 1930 - The Kendrick Gazette/1930 July - Dec... · hi te, Sf't.Pr'eS,F OS, V>ei-PriS. C&hicr,- „ THE KENDRICK GAZETTE. FRIDAY, AUGUST l, IPÃ PERgoNALs l 8 JULIAETTA ITEMs HARVEST









-- ——--- —.-I --—.-Ch, ~ petr]Seg eypuaa '(

IGaa Had fo Say Laa~,'kd]djfy)ng'or pe'tr]fying thegro™d'n

2600 ')],'. 'a 'Saba)o)i)an k)nt' made pos)f)b)e by a chem)ca)proc.'arch)is'ed'omefriict]f'"pf 'Iii'nd anr'vo]ved b'y 8 Eur'opean sc)eat]st.

. I4 H 'had'he'raiissrf]dii recorded ln 'PI'e Compounds'contain]ng quartz")Ie +a,cise )anguage on a ]nile darli-gree) tepr)]))')i are'njecled ]ntb the sall in,gone. It ls worth ng)f)ng'haf thk, )]ties that'ccpiniillsh, fhe )to])d)

,-CCgg k)ng dM n'ot conAscate'the land tha I'I]cat]on )n a fem'i)iuuteL-PoPu]arhe wanted bui l ught lt f om the own., Mech%des'sgadneers ln a perfectly legal may) mh]th

shows hpw f]rm)y custos)]shed were . "d Wh rtbe" rights of "private owned@)P

b tfath'Were')tuiyu 'C'Onturlea''86.-Bpsf'On Beratd.,)eIhe"')Feat 'th)ng ln )]fe')i. tp,~polder "than !;;;..«:..: ': ! '

>hdt me a]I 4'ant]n))",I']Iii, hnd,'mheora,

eep,lan an)a-pee)a))ses )a; Norld'e,,Ra)a)oct Spot9e the other 'he dou])tfn] honor'of be)ng',the

s best bI)for wor)d'i rainiest spot haa now. been

bacli f'O.',tbq "e]aim'ed'for ',the ''en''@,,tItat]im, af .

'lglnafedin the sf)mm)t of Mon)it W'a)a'lea)e ]n

tain thht it the HAh))aa Is]anda hs th]8 p)ace )8

]iibh ftn'L'I!n" 'i)))nbte from')nmsri'' habYtat) pn and' g y Mt,'If lt haa 'ar)id! here.-only ence a-uyearI uf)th ~

el 86 fresh; )fuge gauge,'des]gned to:store the en"

;the; a es,: )t; t)rv):year'8: rsr)nfa)L

'ASSESSOR TAYLOR- ' 'nce aeliic~ve it wII] be invaluabIe I

]If@I)!ES"STATEMENT'at]d, titus't 'b'e studiously con'sc'tv'.'"T]I'er'e Is'io'' c'o'n'f]iCt betw'ee'ii the

There is a widespread proles'f m'e]]fire 'f taxpayers an'd'his 'e-among our citizen'i aga'inst ibe con- 'partirtenf if they 'ill take a 'suf-

sfanf increase in fhe burden of fax ficient]y long and broad view, con-

afioii. Perhaps our peop]e as a mho]e sider a]l the facts in the case and

are more exercised over the a]]eged strive io co-operate with us fo solve;J;incquifab]e distribution of this bur- « I ) p ob]em»»fh u cy,,'Adea ragger fhau because of iis gross to the truth aud an unfaltering resp- 'gmeighf. ]ution fo work for the greatest good .I>

of the greatest number. 'knThis office has prepared a com-

Walter Q. Taylor,assessor.,'atafivestatement and graphic charts .,',te

showing the inequalities of valuations prin the various c]asses of property over WHEAT SLIGHTLY FIRMERn Period of years, The~c p]efg show GQQD EXPORT INQUIRYthat farm property in this countyhas maintained ifs assessment valu- Receipts at Cincinnati were about fhc'ation of fully fifty per cent of itsactual va)ue. It is self-evident that fhe first pf. Ju]y pave been neat]y

same as a year ago. sports since

farm ] uds have a comParative]y fixed double those of a year ago, totaling .11vactus] value while city ProPerty and 6328000 bughc]g fo Ju)y 19 as coin tanother property (inc)uding public util-Pared with 3592Qpp bu~hc]8 fot

if]es) should show a consistent in-same period )ssf year. Market sjocks, -:=,

fnew homes and business buildings. than )agf yeaf aud! bn" Jy)y 19".fpfa']It is common knowledge that infhe City «M««w a ]argo»mb«)0444700/ bughc]s")u'-pfptpo'ca yearof new homes and-business buildings ago, This increase in stocks and ex-'have been constructed within recent ports suggests smaller takings by Ipayears and that the city has greatlY domestic mi]]s. Mi]] demand, how-'hincreased in value 'snd commercial ever, continues fait]y active and cur- Dpmimportance. During that Period more rent offerings were read)]y taiwan atthan $800,000 has been exePended in sfead pfcmiums )2 a)ppub1ic improvements —street pav-, '-'i''; '' .;: 'p

Arrivals af Xansaos City.;,'* showed

cfco loyvcr qua]ify and% larger prbppttion ~of ordinary protein types than earlier

E)evafots, warehouses aud dis- receipts. No.'1 hard winter so]d iniributing Plants to fhe value of more that market July Z5 at 8]i/c and 82c


. than +50,000 have been constructed. pct bushe), with .highet protein cou- narraBuilding permits issued by the city f f b f 3'.yr m I,,')clerk in the, last five years .exceed No. 1 grades ~ere.sciling a",„.:Ij",fo2

under No. 1. )]I!cociptk atppmaha; were - hgNotwithstanding these ]atge in- unusua]]y ]argc'<mif)i"'odntItneffetings ':+)

creases, the assessed valuation of sfi]) heavy, according fo trade re- yproperty in Moscow, from 1915.,fo ports. A'good demand prevailed, how-1929,shows an increase of less'.than ever, from mi]]s aud e]evator. infer-! gpgg$50,000, which is more than account- csts and:offerings'me]c teadi]y taken., y)j™ed for by the mcrease m merchandise No. 1 hard mmfer 12Yz per,ceu> pro '. m)8 tock8+ tein, sold July 25 at 833$c"'ank No.'.he

A great deal of atfenbon has been 2 hard winter,~l'Iw,.pe>."cenfriprotein'n'devoted to the equalization of real af -.80c per bu'shc].I!,A.:,.g'opd'port hoproperty assessments. To a large ex- demarid was tcporfned from' Fort.'"

, 'ent this phage is still meaningless fp Worth with exoprters bidding 95@a, +,a great number of taxpayers fo 96c pet bushel for ordinary pro-

The question is frequently raised tein No. 1 hard winter track Ga)- I ~i1whether or not the actual van«f vcston. Most of the receiPts at Fort', a'the county is growing less. If )8 Worth were destined to~ g)ii]f 'ports: '"Th

'charged that the falling pff .)n ag and cask offerings were 8m')). Mi]]sto'regateassessed .valuation misrepre- were bidding 'gc Per;-'export'rices

, sents the county's actual progress for 'o. 1 hard: minfc't'e]ivcted at: In))There seems to be rather a vague. Texas cpmnion points, An increase

: and erroneous pub)ic idea that in'n fhc Mexican import duty has ptac-I. some wsy taxes;csn be reduced by tic'a]ly eliminated demand from that',,

"'-'nderstatingthe, va)ue of property county. Harvesting. is reported. at its - "" 'erl

assessed.. -height in+Co]prado m'thethe'.:-q])a)ity'.-*the

Months of study has convinced mc of thy,„ckp,~,,exce]]qnt~, Re(eipfs at'fthe crying need of some .system- Denver:.".<qIa'tedo4l'4'.",cat', aii)d No 2

af]c method of arriving at assessed hard 8)IIAr,~mls".-',,fuofed -Ir;» O. B.'.values and the injection of approved that market or Colorado commonbui)ness practices in al) the .P«h- points at 6]c to 63c per bushel.]erne of this department. Anything Soft winter wheat markets weredesigned to proniote economy und«a]sp fitin with mill demand active,:the o]d system,wou)d be a make- patficu)ariy at.St. 'Lpu]s..Movement.shift an+".'@"'.)fa]IQft]6'i'<fr%)eh ''-vrgbM- ]ftpfki'he'8'tby'eittitor'y-'as "decreased

. have np )asbng effect and m]ght «but matkcfings from central Illinoisuntold harm.,i::,-. '", '",..';;]. i)iqt'eased; j teflecf)ngI'",;fQ'- 'yetafive]y

It is compartively easy'o'r infer; higher prices ptevai]ing at Sf.Louis'stcdor even selfish groups.>to pIo> cpmpated~wifh.„chIcagoi —,;I!I!o-.-1)

soft'osecha)fg58~.'dNgfip'd'-'fo") further miiftet" mc'ab 'quoted"afn'Sf" .Louis July':the]r omn ends; frequently with» 25 at 9pc to 9]c per bushel.

f ';i]the P" ),''+'me 'm~'~ "- "".-Sac)(ic" coast~'n~a~~t]c'ebs:.continuedfi)m buf ''rather inactive. Mill demand: '

m)nisttart]bn. u)M&',whiA.it ."o])eta " 'vein "e."Shfteryd 'yx'port safes were,

very r.)ittlei ]]rpgess ~has,-'been, <mad~e ~i'ft'pbf white m'])ca'f to Iri]anIi,'2,000;m ')he realm, of county government tons - fo Rotterdam, parce]s iota]ing,12;QI]p',",!of)s I tp', L]]iet']fop] „'aiid t-"<G]as-'.'"'y >~ 'gpm, 2,)jf]0 fons, tp Japan and ],pQQIknow that even other,acbvit in al) fans of ted„.whmt,to,.yu]]. Winter

The function of'viewing. Property gpn and Vct~)iigpn',:I@p@ej'g.'ihow-,val es tom a comfy-wide angle ever, me~ not offerin fteeIY" und

aa honest attcmPt )8 being made.to the fftgt-of Ju]p ~t Icp]umb]a !rive'n view"of comPe]Sng everY citi*en~~400 cats ai against '3Zpp cats fot ~

to contribute fp the public needsiac-'hcording to h)8 real property w'ea]th;

e)ass of individuals.The mP]os)ve vofet, and occasions1 wheat s]ight)y,.inferior,,)n.

qua)ify,'~y~,". mho.',)8'-'~A':-~- m ~<i"- -Sdmf;areN@ffg")/sf season'8 crop bufshM]d be strenuously supp'essMfor rcd ~heat. as good or better, At the'he

damager he. does; i~ diff)co)t.tfp,;yjs<>>~ t]f -.birkett Jiuy:.'-I25';;>reps)I"a'rN']isi co'nft)4u<ion "to "(he

hard "white B. B. b)uestem varietyso]ution of problems is below'ero. was quo)pd at,port]and)at g,08, No.That type of taxpayer whp is w)fh- soft anh'4e'sttctn ted "atf 93@ouf facts, shouts for econom)es where Ca]ifotnia wheat markets jic]d.verythey. -4rou]'d- be:.false;ec6nomies -.ind )tice))Y. FIarvbgtinL'8'n'oIw~ abpit't tmp- ',oppbscs cxpiiiditur'cs that are 'bise thids completed in Central Californiaand proI)et; and-: who .fakcsr othe at-,v))f)i qua]ify ..k'nd .Y)$]d..saf)sfacfptytitude Of)the fhauu'f'aiu'IOaf''Pn f]fe iccotding 'fo trade reports, Currentnarrow ttai] must not be a)]owed rto prices are 50C to 60c pet 100 under aplay an'.iin]I'brfarift p'a')'f'iitiiang -'fax- ycir"'a)tb 'aud''gtrdmer'8 are 'r'ep'otfedPayers'ovemcnf.

fp be storin compataf]v]y,]atgeThe man mhp 'mill .not face facte,, emouilfs.',~.Cilrteiif: 'quanta]flip'hs..'metewho wi]l not seek sc]entific evidence around g.30 tp $].40 pet ]pp sacked.in the solution ofo the complicated The Los Ange]es market mss quiteprob]ems of the present day, buf steady with prices ptacfica]]y un-whose suPerheated atmosphere )8 out changed. Demand for mining wheatof steP mifh any taxpay mo ve,was s]ighf]y more active, buf com-

petition from cheap bat]cy is re-This department hopes fhaf pne sfricfiug demand for feed wheat. Lo-of its greatest achievements wi)] bc ca] mi]]8 were reported obtaining afhst it has proven itself wptfhY of good volume of supplies direct fromfhc respect and confidence of tax-, San Joaquin va]icy points.

payetc and 8]) pub]ic officials. It hasrt]i .! upnu research . for tevca]ing

Beaavethe facts and on experieiice, iiife]]i- It seems to me I ha e mach real~ ~ seems o me ave mnc reagence and vision in intetpcfing them. pause for )nd)g sf]on. %1 t mn I dpThe work as outlined by this o about lt, la hope of gri< resp]fs9

fice cannot be comp]eted over-uighf»... I have concluded the nn)ybuf must, by the rather s]om pro- th)ng I can dp ls fn behave myself,peag n'. earnest endiezv ~r arid cou- spd be Injured Its ]litle as pngs)hie lnsigfeiit ar)herc!Ice in facts be built ~

f)Ie runumavs pf,other pcpp]i..—E. W,

up over a comparative]y long period.. I)owe'8 hfonfhly,t


%lena jam,J RPV]f)ll 4f'i

'itt1e Sb)ry'fDONtg'npw I'r~n)]t', h

'ktpnr- )8 Igr'obab)y lf thown, - lt's" a':gre'at" dealy of us npw a))ve. Indnr:archeologist who selilstorlc hninpr fp]dy Qatp accprd]ng. tp hl

ation and'e))P'f,') t'datedt Century'B.,'0. anrd h

orna' He" mas')')n]t'e'cer'eiilate'd at No%gate'prn dating th6 EllsabethaSo what I c)a)mr ))f tb>ed'his: long and'rema)nd'v)gprons through fN: gserves to. go-pn ))v)ngThe; modern])M)d. ,vers]on Is to. th)q.ect::,h vo)sltlng c)ergymanr )s tour;,g'..a s)tate. pin)tiritf'ry."..When.-b)a.and'I]i ']mo'st'" colnp)eteud'he 'sou

lned by one oi'he keepers,."My fr)end," says'the;ca]le'i "I amad I came tbday~rto <lils d]sma]'e

.dhII ""Qbnt-- hour)j "]wanderingroig]f its i)6ne-w'al)dd'eorr]dors, For

r;I':;am.;m&eubonv]heed than everat'dn "N'e. mind of'4h)], lpVfest andst; depraved,,'creature'here;,there ls,.

me love left. Every heart beats tome tender throbbing, some lingering

tlment-. of- affect]on;--In 'fact,- wt .8, mo)nefit I;hays. before, me .|!!roofI

't.'>'L'oem'o'ader.'",.'; hhd".. thh" m)fir, pp)anted ""a'" f]ng)Ir " t'owa'r'd" the,:

d."- ftoni- of'- a'hai'by ee)),''-'heyhell'5,'e'ent'on, '"that'.

]Ion'der ee)]'-')8: cpnpned" a''.e)an"sarv~ '

a life sentence;..fora-.bav)ag'..eoab! I

tfed'a.nero)d;b)opded:)ni]rder.! 'h'ndI

t see what he now,is,'.doing9,8e I

;,made. a fiend. a)Id., al comPanlon.~u,an .ordinary,„rat.!...ht,h)s ea]); lt;!'es.'Ciom." a" hole .,I''6'e'-:-mat)



It. Iy'8 abbbt h)m.'He d)'v')deizhls fohd,,

th, If..It gerehes,on h]s hand while'est'r'oke]) 'ff 8 !58'ek.":It''s 'h]s''frgiip]yd eon))d)n)i "cpmpahlbn I'In 'the'! lbngInks--.'of h)s".sd))tude:". rhe "turnkey,idity'' )n this ba))may;.Infornis:)ne'.t",]the',! two: are:)nseparab)e., ~„:.'so I as)i you, ls not th)e evidence I

ghat i,have„been say)nq9. But'.hold:all de'monsfrate'y,tbeot'y,'eyond,

doubt,",,'e r'everened gentleman adv'ances,,

the iie))'dt)or.': ",'My dear'br'other," he


"mon]d 'ydn-'m)nd'ell I

I'ee why--ypn'."."are so-':upkeep)y''"at-Ihed to this dumb an]ma) 9)'! .

e.- I,'ll, te)1:-'Y5u;",;.,answers the ',

min]))„",It'8 because once,he bit;.,)rarden.".

;,{eL-b',th'a MoNiught syne)esto, 1eo.)





,, Latah,Countyt





pan)lglag .fori

Harry A.Thatcher

DISTRICT JUDGE u ~ ~ >i ~ g*



RnPvsqc)N )'Icmanus . I q<o!)u>)o of g)nzor)ni>';

! Of Idaho. Probate Judge'-

,':l9D-l980..geSident . Of;L@R5.'QP„INS7JqeT..qqyg T,

AUDITOR Aad RECORDER ')atah'COunty 42 yearS.,;.!)o yt. I

,Byron Defenbach,')k .Sons. say: .

'-'For.'2Q.yeats wi: 'h'ave'atidifed",;

the books,'of;:Latf)h,tpiintoy, anod —'Duringa)] "of


'to" fhis" kou'nfy - as "onh "of't)ie'beit~-,']f" not Th'e B!esf,'-')h'''",,'State ]I) t'e" matter- ofi>ccbunt]n'g, - I

and a1so general management, 'iif-"~I

Hebte'diiees; -COB'O'l'Spat]pea, eIC."








Gillies D.


, Niagara, River "Iin -,the'C)I)ia'd)finI'iMe,'he 'water


three fol]rtha'i)f n': tant;:p<uear. the'shore; w)th a:%ax)mrna

'depthi'of;:10;feetdn tha-cef)ter.. Ori the.'mericanside the mater la.one-half

roof deep near the, shore.and two feet.deep,,near the center.




Frank F.Kimble

'-'Advertisers appreciate your 'hade;,

They.; ate.,re)iab) e,@LECTION



Louis G.Chris A. Hagan

.:A-. )Res)dent: pf: -Idaho. for &tet;'Poity.,Two Years

.'Meaibet, Hoiie,,t)f, RoiPreseafat)ves,

for:-,Oae Term: - -!'.IMc)a))ef"-.of- the" Idaho Senate" for'-

,Three .,Terms,




,AUGUST 5, ...1930.

Peterson Rcpubllcan .;



Former Prosemth]gAt-.'orney





Art]old,S. LypaI


NA'gIQNo. Il;|





. „gaad]date .Ppt,PROBATE JUDGE


;Adm)ited,.fq, Prat!tI:e'n,,)h),, gptceo;;

st)di Fedos) t;.Courts '-:.:.'!'.;, u '.Ii.' ':

Graduate of the Univets]ty of I


Present City Octk.and Po)]ce!

Judge of,]OIIoscow

, Guy W,Wolfe'ANDIDATE





Walter Q,


Wickliffe R,Smith





bors h Wh]fman county,Washington, 1878; .moved to Mos.cow i889; graduated frp mUni-vcts]fy of idaho 1899; admittedfp Bar 1900; scr'vcd as countyclerk, in Grant County,ihgton, 1909-1911.

You Must BEG>ST""You Wish toDates to Reine~""',;

JUI,> 26Last Day of ReG)s'"

for the Priil]3"7AUGUST 6.

primary Ele«'0"AUGUST 1F

County .Centi alIi]i),tee


1~.Countv Convo»:ron

CourtesyTETON C

.eg;]H"c'an Cant)"''t









AUGUST 5, 1930

Ia Orkv fo ~er Taxes WeMust Cut Expenses





COUNTYRepresentative Legis]afute

idaho, 1925,I










Canthite .PriIIjary, Spend,Judicial ljjfJtrict,I


PROBATE JUDQE: Cand)tdqte,at. Primary::; 0 .„.,'.+-., 00


. Election,.For,OV'eg,-ggi,yeais,,a, jmi-., NA'UON

dent of Idaho for'years!'in the mer'eantile'usines's.it 'Genesee," and ietijrely..associated in public pp'os

. Qgalifuied, by edueoition. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY

Page 5: - 1930 - The Kendrick Gazette/1930 July - Dec... · hi te, Sf't.Pr'eS,F OS, V>ei-PriS. C&hicr,- „ THE KENDRICK GAZETTE. FRIDAY, AUGUST l, IPÃ PERgoNALs l 8 JULIAETTA ITEMs HARVEST

Ii I






@pyEBAKgRIntroduces,r the,, greatest advance '

motoring since the selfstarter.'{]ent

as8,] t as a shado~. Enduring as

Qlbra]ter. Saves,,12. Peri-cent on,gas anand oj]. Come,.)n {md„:)et us

~egest Eight Bul]der 'ka &prod

F.FEEIY 4 SONS'gS W. Fg~,at,,r,,x>s~rW j'I

I t;00K'S BARBER '

SHO"P"-'" r —:I . e



Faeials a Syeicalty

Hair ¹15ing; "



Dr, GEO. %';McKEEVER'ental.,Surgeon ......„,

! Phones: 08]ce 812, Res. 1915

Kendrick, - Idaho




Urquhart Bldg, - 3rd St,Eoscom,i „.:,-.,': 'riiho

!~ r mr m o-'o rm m r m m >"o m



rrsrth Idlbtfsfri'srs."*"first

",, Our aim is to.perfect wafs,", and means of biin ing'u< I . Curirfpit'f(aQ" I-.'priV $yr'o

~ I,i'bove, all,,Speci 1zed, -.St)~™f. i, ';, ',, ~ ~1 i<fr ) "

$ ~

.IremiSton PhOI)6 275'* or"''Eendrlolf Hardware Oo.

Keijdriclt;" Idaho ":.'

)t]s ]Isles]s4tr)ssfssP4* pr si rihf m ohono.'im sm'rim>'a io-'m- -s-r r' ~ ~'r Fm 'o'rr'rtlmmeeen

We move anything" that'g''''Loose.

Residence .Phone 654



F(aii]t Bpy'd, Prt@''

Clea]ling .~@/ ."Q@lg'oTi: X)~ s<~OPII"".fia'f..

I, ',

( ~ala]".s-A.lts&ti0hs 'nd '



s Cifrarn md„,ggglfr Eitii ';,{ ~'

>rlj)n)'ewiiwton„,IdL'-,>I]Ir)w 8>xtl't) fr@

stage Paid f)nfl ~aj''~~~ ~ Er v ~ w w' W


Iie most e' ' Irnptefdements About-.C{] .Is)ed

haPPened tp any-'n't no u'se ta]kin'hose . S.,A. McA]]jete ' uttf'-"th .'.fi

Davidson a" ".,at Long's store ishing touches on his re id'k when he and

' P] a 's 'eyebrows when erty which.he lias been in the cp

going. rp di' " N ]aim.. But they both roof has been rearranged a 'd

t I' . '", ",, Po ]I QSp Tgthf]I


)0 Stpa) gpg bean I ''

are not going to. Ipt'as been built, adding very' 'l .... 0)I 8 0 6gO Ia,p]]eu used for spray'" o when they, ga again tp the appearance and ronve'njencq o~

Fpf'gpd'ipS ~'hp))ld iIe Agjppmp]I'h' 'A]1"'f ho"

~' 8P ay rnatter was set

o p fast that it wil]'. A little remodeling in the right"pr» -parks th em

',er: fjl] g]]" pft Place, ',arid a fewo ',:ga]Ious of pain( C tf „'his ' in the I I f ' ", ",, Properly apPlied addi hundreds of dol» ggvfngg paP b k Bas quite bad]y,'ny dp

' '.. o get the la s'"to'ithe'alue 'of anyr,.piece'f gnd canoe]]ed.checls, ~'@mt tb ft bpened th S" " '. h ine" just ask propert>.. ',-;; crooks,'hoa 'uiie thfs'material hfn for- B k,causing several. b]ister „,, arvin or Ira—and .there'

nc I t c ames either : gery,:.opeyatfonsdh fs:.urged'pn'bgnrk eus- and the Committee of the Assoc)at%riskilnoihi ' to;f.

D; I ~ B+ ht F nt . om r t.by,i g .„".,„, Im y. prf'r St'gt'er{;on,':Bgi]ri>,TP<xgtc)Qi'I](LE xs)-TI)ey,tried to shift the story tp ''anager. of ..thg Am ca ' Ba salted fn an gB N. Emmett, rvho,went .fjshin up' The "sayirjg is often heard„about Association', )i; charge i(if, its 'Protec-

t amendment to the Federal'ttatrrfgee,flarnes,. were put put, with a on Bpu](]cr. creek—.and.said„h ht Pepp]e,"displayingti a. bo]()l 'front.''. 'tive" I)qyadmept 'rThfs'dcepart'moent "fs,. dealfn'grmfth state orl]oca]''tgxgtforsoC

sma fire extinguisher before any ma fish .tpp,but t]iat 'u t „„'We]I; ljt'S. djffe'rerit ijn thiii; case. Dep I Cont)nua]ly vfgi]ant '.,)n'' ', yrpmotfng ngtfpnal banks th'at "maintains,the ${t '..teria] damage was done tp the truck. Mr. Emmett s id h h ':ba]d -Brothers are djsp]aying a ver'

g s,;,both P™~.,'„:bmh'cora':a d the tsgrfty,.ofo thy pro)ective,,yrfnp<(fp]es o)-T}ie aCCidCnt hap'„„d h

.'m S i e Caught fiah, aydi .. '«. ',, .+"g ".I general'yublfo .tO thmtart'..the.,Oyecr'at)O'n- tjie".geCtfOn''arndiS)S'rg'itf'afaLCtp'ry',.t(y theee»cotter Pla'ce; '

. wpr'

~' ' . '-" '-:-. 'e ndard

'" «''.' ~:,: '.,- --':":„-",.,",.„....,Commas Pnerg comm t ee . ssyg

ppened pn the Wal- We haVen.'t,any. reaSOn,tO dOubt .hia bright frOnt On their 'gairdige juSt nOW,: Of banh. I'CrplOIIS,",<bit,'-farm'ua]]y.',)nVea- I I I' tmprd There, is gpjng,. to be.ra:.Con th Stan ar Oi]..ciorn'Pany men hav-')gatei:-'.h]inndrgpdrr 'of.";jr)'mr)'s'„"altafnst '~egcgnBa+grpAssopfatfp~<o~test. soon: <between,.Mr. Elr)brett, g "dl in'g put on -:some.'very', bright:rCd: ban]{g-,,in<)',";)re]re'spponrglbl(')'=,.for;".tbe ma- 'Thomii';B.":,Patron,'tie.ormgranfzit)on'fsi 'Caught. Ljrn]t of Fish Marvjn, Emmett .saying, hq, cou]dl wp)jte.'nd'b]rje paint."It 'adds mtarl jorfty"',of,":grrresti among;:this.'-p]ass of General Counsel, fn,,making the ai-Dr E. H. Fi Id cat fish..faster-, than'aryin -cou]di teria]]y,tp..the ..appearance:.,of., ther crfmina]L "":,'..."':-'":::-,'. -".."-::,,;.'.'-'ouncement, says that previously yro-'igof M F'd M

y onsis - catch. them,<and Marvin.ways it 'ustl gara)19.. frontfpfthpyhi„]tsf-appearance.-'In a far'ge=.™ajorI)y."'if, cases of posed amendments .to the'tatnfts„"can't be gone,. either, so ')'he cpn Iwas always good. " ' '" -'"." 'forgeries on checkg or'sav ngg<mlth-'Mch f{r;Romafag)$ (fr)ffon.'f]218,'„hrgvr)st

m. atts and Miss Ril]a Qa'-, test i o, .:': .' 'few< ga]]oris of'aint '"addsi='Ve~'. drgwal to]'dprms". hvegtfgatedj .by'hr),b)gn,opposed when.- )tomas,feltsthefr r

» son returri'ed'ednes'day'"even "'W'h h 'rite~a] f tp) the a ears i American,'Bankers„Asspcfatfqn,. et()]ha'-:,term's om'ould'hriab]'g, an/'„-state'-'to'y]gorefng'f''Ia'st week'.'from a two d

c":t"e gaxettc for fu]1 par- b, .I iy'"' '. ".- ",, 'y blank chech'ii"oer""i'iavfngs pjsslu'okii banks)n a taxc classy them)le]vea..]

fiehin tri t he LGC ',a',:„' ' ."',, ',",' '"''" '' ""'::.," ." '-.""'Were t]](r,fprgertr,'dehlgf StpCk.)n trade," '- c-'Th'()h" Iam""aS it'-;Stan'da'c't'Oday,'r'"l

jrprm a]], rePOrte a Sp]endjd putjn'' '.."." " ., '-'" - -'r, 'Baum IfrgyS,,T;.„')Xn* many.'rfngtanCeg'='.Pamtpdn <'Saiyeg;"" l)Iermr'fig':ktgate:.".Or 1OCaLI.'e temptation'resented through. the" ."tax]it)on'eof'nat)ona]'-"Sat)'krs:- or thea;the champion-fisherman of the a t

-' " 'yron Deoba]dl'js)~6n"'t'hoe slick ~'I car'class handling by depositor» of cari--'hgreho]dgrgre {n'ne'"0".the-'ot] r ~but a]1 Cau ht'," ...The„FarmerS.. UniOn .; Warehpuee'hiS 'ek, haVipgd','t ken i11 ]mt 'Fri I.ee]led Or;blank CbeCkjrrOr, Paag bO(ala; 'the. fOur".."fe]IOW)ngr;.fOX'mS'el<the Shirre-mcsso pf fish, Company-at Jul)act{a has..be n.ver t]

~r'."r"-.'". o,'=-'" '.--. "',,".,-so(that.'they. fell )ntp the.-"sDr; 'ield'ays "it's''onderfu]'th d

' „one.',ry'y;:gt.eao'p

get to.

baSeS, then rajSirIg the p]]].'ilnb'erS '-'..'."'''." A]III'~j.gp~-~ S<OZ:.'": --.'Vt)fdr]eayfngr-them".ahOut @'guarded'. tii~mg'yIbre<CSO&]bfgeCÃthkRethfrdar.". '.W]th.r jaCk-SCreWS .and dry<in'g, n'eWI «IL T ji '".F'll"".:.'".."."'.-,N. ':.',.',,".'--, 'S(they eXerefarie fn ..reypeCtr''tO aetuil; fOurth; f(rrrfr<)f,'Othe'>-qpipprar'tfOn'S';aiSays Business "Good At Troy - .timbers,.il)to p]ace, at].. ii), prepgra'fjord, j'""."'":: «~Is<'-~ ''9 r' .,~P-,.

js""vier'! good 'at''roy)'an'(I',ltjiat'(c()ji., kem,:„g" vs'y .busy.. Placer thi's,'4'easo'l'r,s "DIP,'O"BEST'ROY"'o"-' -' ': any tampering with'he 'wires 'og inech-:,g'rs: mr]st'. bp 'jrt-''no'ngr'caste'r'; r'gte''-, t'hir'Li', '— Iections are fair, indicating t]fa't ".I]c„tp the .cherry pac](jn]I;,,fqr., this'"'„'-".:,'' '-';Mpjjjj NAdn

things-are slightly.pn.the, up grade a't "'s«rct, being done "there,,as .we]1, as ".."'-' ""':.-'."'-r~"": .,;-,'- ~ the. plan-of state polfce forpestnow em-,capita]; 'the.-~t@,', on',bank net,'income'„Troy'gt ]Cget ." .~....- ..",:"COnStruCtiOn Work.. t pr.':- '-

' '*., „'—':.: . '-':I I "'-'. I"..'IOyed.: lri:-a'eW. State]i;",::de'C]aria( that'-: ';muat)be."-cgf)I I)p;,:hfgher,rarte thin 'Oai.,:.'o- ';:'7'" m -"+'N{rz '.s,:rr'r 'i.'~ ";v) of'sr last year in seven eastern states whey()" other'. -)Ij)hc){1)-corrpoi'gntfong';<nor fthej::;:.; -.",-. ';, —.„

x< .- .:.glar)'eire])sg.'". jorcgi .wceore;-.maintained;".;f:hfghestorates..on-'m jrpogr'ntf]r')'nd'~)surf a-.',', ":-..'-":.'..'ida~y Shot 'Se]f .:,;,,ifo~edIgefoI'e@ IIt It,:;; f-,: there, were:on)Ir,:,tIp,-baI)k'oldupII as;'- facturo)Ifjg qygjijgfoas doing.,'biisfjg'jqL„'--- -'-';.'..:.,""Bids wi]] b

.d ., 'eorge Haugh,'on of Mr.'iud Mrsi I . I . !i..o:ri,:s-'-.";.-,,,„,;.,„,,i .;. g)Ijfh'st'"I'64 sfm') la% Attacks 'perp'g't'r'ated'ithe'the 'state '~'the" tkFi6'eksurmeh:Rgbiof the g]erk.of Joint.Corn S h I S ~ Baugh ''a'ccidentally 'sho} hinj'-'' .(Prep<lrd<liby the Qn)teg'

On Or befOre the 5th day pf Augug'tl' -': d'-h"., -, . t...'„,„,„-",S«ek Paragftea, )SSued recent]j':,5yi'the',rrInd qpprdfpatef)<j]Ct]On'gfynepbylgtate'd''jentfrq(neff fnCOme>frpn)a]j r]OurppSr"..,g

'iumr under construction.;: dis'ch'a'rge,'t"'havting''fbeen"'urned and.mange,-.Later,ft,:wf]] beptoo,cold:wr g of

"gvjjakded< to'successfu] bidders on the . "., " ",", e ', y, D,';E .~, Bblletfns -1I]oi)f '1889-'F'r'(shee]j""rN)ara"-''/IIII':-jfljfilgg4:,I(g'ill/~, ',.--, 'tfng,-monej()d (Iapf]930 at the a{fice'ield " The"injure(fr ydung "ma'iio'is.gffea)d 14{]8'.F>flies'< ~afrgefaland t]bkeIIj,.','f pf .,IgIQQK,Q,„Lpga)Of the Clerk at three O'CIOCk in the gne'ttihg'alrir)g rir'Ce]y.'".He'.Wae take'n,pf-'-bprgea) "q{)85.]t.-fbpdff"]le+,tiny.;Ib(r{I:".,':,',.'-*'.": -'- '"'" ""':""'="".-"--.' '::"-, Ir'rgthO{ISr~p'mft<ted,>a '.."thi)",gIItf)rt)tg;

'rftern'oon of said day. l-. to Lewisti)ii"arri< dgiven"a sjbr'um'Streak-'mrrf)ge);..-:]9]VIF. (eat{le,sciib) .f'f]80'F,'.,' 'AAg'RQ 'NNAANPCR ')to<of.,php

a'cc]dhnt "happened. ""' '.-.': "' .(sbqeP f)cd),;and(718-aF.,;,'; fshPey sc))b)]''TheBoar]].-reserves the.right'4(j re-; '" ' ''-":,,-: ~ -,-. ".- -,'ean u]),]I]ce."on,ppolu]trryrr See. It<grin-. ': ': Sy )Otic 'f). 1ONNBDA)LE""jeCt any and a]] bidS. I.-.II .—.-.',;.",*.,'..."',',.'rg'fu]let)I)S N<){r.,,lf']I]7F;ariIIt.80N]'r]t'., 'r.'-", Pre'SI()en'' Arjner]Cii)TIBra'nkerg:-'::-„".,cuing;Off thb ~&kg)VC 'PSO<S&mS'.4,Dated Jul/ 'I'6, '1930.',-.:,,:".'; '1, Entertained gt.Bridge';-",ir') tfi~":falj'ir'r'r'porn)))'g pf. pl'gs I)jan i-i] - ', Assprifaffpn':, -", .', ';;-capr;.'M]se-Pjrtpsjrpp)Qg 9ut'.'@C. A. OPPENB'ORN, '

Mrs. 'eorge, Leith er]tertained at,toi use'tbe'"'swfj)e-g'ar'iffaf]nii 's 's4m'rrs",EIEIII]]„greatest,nrtp(f,'~f, the,world htO yreme. Court, decision held. g stat<haClerk JOint COmmOn SChOGI 'DiStriCt ".„',". '()df{fe'd "<(jr-'Itrgr ()Wfn Lrg 'akgfd<r"'-fg'..~ d'

),'<nte'rprete-S Of O r'ime'S'XC]gg; '- t'aX.-pn-:8OrI]Oi'gtfpnS'n~:NO. 24, Latalr Sn<NCePCree Pcnri-: bri de in .the,'Cite Perh: TneSil'SÃ a'I,-, .„f<b„.,I,,O<, S. Sl, d,„, .;„„,N,fhe""'"S'"N '"' coils'"it<" i""a"".'federde'rifreOemme'eiadaf-'d'i]jes) Idaho.-.; "; i .'.<ll . "29-3; err)pan. There were tmo tables. and '...,~e" ' I: 'i " )8'ri@'p gfn 'r o"'f-'='" i:f b ', i,igndrloca).-,goyerrimiengbbqds'fen;,tahe':exl

" 'he'1] ''C(jr)su]t" Uhft'e(f'{irf'es'-",'Dle"'-mod()rn I)oaiilelg.'n'griculture, 'i

h'gh epee'went-I'„, Th as., ' artment df ', gtibu]t .r() 'e{I{]et:No ';-ffnacri . «.-'i]p]ftfbs::~'-'-,'" )«" ',';." '.-'- -.r '*-" '' -" '.--. 'e:-Estate Urider Execution. ' . 'he]ps to load 'lpfgs Smith,roun(lmormS,I a,ens eo ou .'::.

Not'Ce 'Of 'She"Iff'S Sale Of RealreS, Watta, "Z.ejth;.andi,Keene. -h


gItb t.. "'hie bdr '.e.",-):reich.„'gOme',- ragrgement., which:„WOJ. Or]and, p]aintiff, vs. Carl a'"ty re«eshments .of ice cream 'gnd,t kidney.,;ivorms.;;.At., pne,,packing '](fffffguit'p pcb]r) 's ..: ., '

cs, ..<P.m;.:..b '.!,.I,„d, <,'.;<r ..Erickson, Defendant....,, a»d'a e-%ere served arid muchien- rp]antiIn.,the Sniith.'lt was„]round; t])gf ",a:>.j'f„.lr . '.„,'em)sap)peers and avoid g. ontest.in Cars,",By,VIRTUE 'OF AN" EXECU joyed, "-', ' 'idney'mp ms and tjr()rri.,'1 ear(led me()eir)'sn .stl'uc "a<ri(t""fhffnu-TION, r,issued put of the District: ' ca'use an, rinnirnu] ]nss of„)80,00). Tbe <ence iotbosetd who "' „~n. tandppfpt, oh'tc xCOurt, SeCOnd JudiCial DiStriCt in arid ..' .:::.: " IIL:.I:::i";.".:f I". I '' -g e'th '')ndjf "., l'ain Obfeet)VeS hiVe beennan.

amend-'fmfted' ..;,;-'me w ',-w 'L h, h

'l ' " 'se 'of 'gr'.concrete'miir<tlo<j~'lh a afd n, .< —;.9,C»-. - ~: . omooeont wh)ch':wdould'=-yerrriit"'::rcertgrf)L,J; 'r]and 'as" Plaintiff" and Carl '' " .." P . %&P/ng.dpmtnt 'mpo'eam",fnfesfatf{)n's,"pi()". <T>sh'I'j,<,d .'.osN~..< ' "'.tatei'fo'r taf their'Io '.rate.tax,Erickson '',was ')efendant, "',upoii !a Paring our meg]s. Hotel 'enderc]L "vIddd 'lt'fg'grpcperly't()nest'iucted "rrj)'d 'r,~t,~e~ol.;,y')rosy~i ..' ')nti'gdtb]gras-"ahd fgh't <8)er 'rsa'me":tjudgement rendered the'nd d'ay of 1$ , )fl.' uie'd.'cee"II'rirrriers'Buliretfn:V~o."10%-'' '.''':. ~"

r)ve air gdequatee) but'not; excssgfvi)uE,.June ]930 fOr the Sum Of 'One Hun';,' '

', ','', F<fOr'dfeeetfnng r fear 'eOnkteOAJng'a])t]" ': '; .'-". )V Ib 'e',gnue'- fram natfOnal„" bink'<<Shar)Mfri~tdred'Fjffy-'nine 'ind 'r{p-]00 Dopars-, -" .: Irjifng concre'te;ma]lorna; -.:.' ''..r,l" ..<~ phn.'.,G'', nse-.;I ';.:;and gfr'Ygmendmq t hfch gqulr'I;ay~~dr

'n]awfu] money besides interest and ' W'ANT AIM ', .:!In';-regfons;-'.where pairisftes; inter.-.' . rp'IIr -';: i n(t.-:.". -'.",. j ':,'," .:-'f .I"-''-I -.':,,'gg certfgn'fn tartar) tprtadx, c(frpora

costs, I have this day levied rrpo'n ', .,:.. " - — fere .mftb sheep cra]sing,.-breqd egest knpwnr sit)ra orig'-',".are " fs'cs]oseddror- '- " 'judlng )neo 'Iall right title claim and interest of gUCUMBERS FOR SALE—Large )n tfme-to<lamb'ea'rly if you have-the lpuss]fng conditio)i'g explained'in logf- n

d t thSaid defendant;-'. Carl EriCk'On'"Of, in,,er, r]mal]..R„F..Dpug]PS:L,Phpne eIufpment," and,.mar'ket befOre 1 i leal )fgbt. The {I]™rTCgny)jeOjlr)'flijfeI-„b ""dc g 4 th '"" e r nr e f trit),and to, lthe-,fo]]owing dbsc'rjbed rea]: "'4j5 '' '" ' . '"

313 ."- '--',-~"" .e""..~: "":" "..Iio const)tilted that:they'.Can meet. aridLrit":Ten ":s'nd the Wciit half ol rl'pR'ALE —'Sn li'"'poihter ''ird Inlrnhii conle'b'a'ford thr'np''nnri''narffites'Irsbss:

'snddhadrfrstood.: It ls rfha'hhuofrr 'ttjren drbpooiihnr'rrtnrre banhs Jt hnb beLot Eleven 'o'f 'Block-'Fourteen, Wegfr „,,:,,i,, ]d,',, W hf .'~f.,l, '",. „>II")qojrI,,'the)r',"@I t'g~'"aid&ri<,Addition to the City of genes(her; '; . ~g'...yr.,""Pl .,r',„,„„,.;....",, ",„.:".'Tbfcs'"'cfaj<IH(fa,'" carr{])]jbd by, Sr'{

I d .:di t ."' "

Pro'trave y'r'fnctfpTeg'olf Sect)oint]]2IK'q. 'da]ro

>.,„'"„,:, l: .'; kfjgjb]e, but not'egistie 'e(],', Min8 ']f]]prie<if'ri( I]r)II,'%'ti)e.'])u'r({]rn')f 'iirilI,~ rid, ~ „' '.'<r 'neso I . I>.0,';:-~)rTh'e . Ohrr)ge'a'.Ageeei()'.;,ynr,

'i~.riu 'y gri " 'r:e ii -: . ~ -:~ .-.. „-,,- .. E « iy y ]r)rf' (r

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY"I"])'e'r'fecitly."')f000 rftakes "him".Q )n)il"fridust&y "~tglfni"r]6 f]gr i'eib)nd-" I So o aj', ns ro sr)tunas I,",'"-,g, g ~ '

ntttbeI>EN'hat I'wli]l"on Mon'day, thri . ''.."" f'; '-' "I '" '" fi.'':I i'" ', ~ „., -.'gbm()tjbfjng~ e bI)sfd6iij{ men"'pfrsr|Ilte i

'--"'"Ir)cthe<:»»y A]~PI~'an 'd



},q - f A "I]t A, D. ')930'it Sy y-'I-'' I'q -' "'tt ~ra 'f-'h m"«~ )ri".t»"yea~'d'f r the p If)) fan tp take,~+em(jft'tir I )gt)n]f yrqV Ir)on Pq99)@)g"95,~o0 ~O'Bmk. A. T 'f that day j)j '' ff)N'."Better-''"jrurryp'"," "'„','' general: gummiiry..b)', ymi..r(~{rri(I; prg;:, )But'fne~il)b)l'S. Prgier]t4~gy:.-Ptpgye'fits. I ban)r rjrpaJ'eg np,rhf)th))go<thariI ctbefront of the court House door, Mos'-''" " ', '",','-. 'Cg hf QP s 'a"a I+Li"<Tbg"4ntean be defined as a prod'uct';rasa]tin{I t u~pon corn>epPg,mm nf'I g apl&jdg,:".,l„atah...:Cpunty, itiahpI

"<'Se]l i't FOR SALE—WOOd, $5.N per hard; qndfir„bmkjeh fe,kl]SCe]igneous.„]~ub])Car'.jfrpm the buaineaa map'S bility tO i been mdh'Red Vit)tlie e ]Iles"t{)SC%)'])gb]i"''ti,'Io 't]{ri U t.d Sf I, ': Ptj f @00 P -'i a es ':@0 tfo 2I)-M; or:..nrj) ~;t]re,d))grtrn I 1.I t dy d 1 I I + t ~u- B,p ! 1' "g)bI'g')t'I)IIte'g u;go|do, pi;; ]] th ig]]t,t't], I i

'] ' . 1,000; .]lri]~, 50 "" d.,ri'P... Wlmr P b]] tfo'

jed. byl 6o to,,:,,Ha]l„~fo a.'. I,+ ~ h.- t '- d I «Ib ''.find()'ri'ho)eh,'- .)n'rri)drh]rjte'r'est'of'aid'efe'n'dant,Cargrosec]ose R. F. D. No. I Lenote; II mgv be pbtr)fned free, by apply''ng 'to,''»'t- ' jr'~.<'IP--«t —.'i>p i moneyed capftal ]fmftatfon""<eEricl son of, in.and to. the aboye de-.', ',' '., ',. ' ....... jgpecfiil ureaus to interPret the' me .',b d o' tg o'Sp'<mue]tiflherepnf ".Idaho '.,Phpr're, TekeaA.. '. 21-tf the Unfted 8{irteg KePartinent Of hg gpr them. II)easter, ]OOmg ppth])apg'n frh]rl]'rfut'bb:4] r)ate''th'akSbN

aS may be n<r eS'Sary'tops r'a]Se'jfuffiCjent .L,,': .. X)prdtutg'Wgghfngtpe:Di6;.'-»'-Xpr any fnduatry thj]t',go)sr blftb'<bsfy'-pn: thdbghargg Of Other ga& .I„'~satisfy said judgement, 'f in need of horses, see, J. H..',,I; .f, »,~;. —,-,-Il<=;,;. i:,ifi:„', l)ts way dayrrffter daj'-~th<out-'r)ae"ra-w]phd.interest< al)d',:.-casts,;: etc.',""tp'thc Phillips; Southwick.. 15-tf I r„,'waxy'gen )n",Atmosphere ., gird to s)guff]cant trends )n trade and vidual'd y

'i]r'heStand beSt bjddere., '', ' '- ' " '"'.ar]OurS„,]fgureS..br)yb.,b~n g]yen fOr buefn'()err"-'LI d]I.."<I,;-:.',,L,,-,T, -,, ','myIOyed fp'the. banM<ng, lOan Or"Qg'ted'(this'7th'fay'f Jjr]y, 1930'OR S'Af'E—'5'Rm."h'ouse'. I23AE 1oI's','be,att)pui)'t",oj''oxygen'by w'e]gbfInfhe.,')tpepgg Qp. Nlfth Qha'ngg ..'l'egtrrioent'fiifrjj)sss-"ntor'fgh'er tagragCHARLIE SUMMERFI ', gar. 5500 each or Ie S'Rel]t @ g'tn SI)I circe'Tbe"'figuhrefg '')tel)ehefaf]"' Leaders Of f]r)rrnc baV (ffrr(pyerrr'd 'h() rate aggegged uppn.; mgregntGmo»rlh. 'fe'niii ffnmltceiy, o'pohahe. lv iIn diner<I'be'oi'S on Iihehfbr lii b) 'that ther.'cannot rdmaln y'aeiinilisis

erinfan ~ + N s o ri "",b

oto™rera)'dele<micr'Itloriri"Ili'EBhbirihrjh<bl'8'"Clllic in s tfans tfo'sdt;atone, The..rii'ed'etriRph'SgAALLSE<—fisc<'rordson tractors: Analysis,'" br ill', Sirf <blltRaanrn <xiii f.'babnber not bfdd mbs't lii<off ilkoot the ':>,-a r,.

h '*lt'':ri tat'e.-,in nf1cs ad':,.;.-. -':r-'+++0++++4'" '"'~i Kendrick'Hard)vere Co.,I'.11- in the Sufi.rfn of the United States.: 'changing sty]eI) fn=pth6'lines of


FOR'SALE —10-20 Mcdprmjck Dee'r- 0Z4; A.-. Leduc gfvef the )Igurir,gg 28.2;,,the tl)tnsf()]|net]or)'s mh]oblate taking'dd togother. t(jtg);.'dfv en g ygfdAttorr)eY-at-I)aw,... ,',',iIf)g tractor and heavfyr tractor plow; .,;.,',,:;;-,,place )n hfjr umn., )Ie mayst:,bg„g m'grr, yreeediug year gnd the Rcreme +~Oearrtl Prgctiioe b',,outfit iised but ldi days,'85III pen-,, .)d,g )I . ) b) b.l ., of keener b>oader,vfs)on, because the,' 'r)t)~P.,",",.,„IdahO ' . dri', ay„m e, ~: "

~ f" ..:': The rrkr)nf e]ag'e]f}gaff()b t)f')r)rIkfl)({ I " "",. '»n 'N N " .' pjiffd")n'hV rjtt)CkhO]der'S, {<1)d '.tO d)V)dr)".'.oR gA jE~G'Qris John Deere gang'.Ifs. fn'{ive rgr]jr] {frpuba; thg.t'she)is]an have taken ylace fg eat"{r'nruj')'eri

'', this- taI" by>t r)ihnum er o gri'I'CS]lj,"ne'Wor@5' p {k r)t <Vhlta,.r])Ce, tbe udge,O)',h]hek:thee; We nOW Qdk Of b)II1O)]S Where g igm Tag gtg a<~ay.- tiX t]tr)f)f a ea aS

IO.12-in. gang pe> 'rh e c nt co -'' -'- ' ears'' .o m B,l "f.. ],„.,'.>, 4I]<rt '..>., the hfnngn]fan Or yeilpW ence, thy.:MS.::years.irMWg,t„lkhd -f m)llfphgf ..-., i upOn thfg gmpuntb gut, npt tp g Crig" 0'4.ja- '],'n 'y or brown.,race me.the hmedean.i Wg have O'Iy'egun oir chgoggg-'he rat on ether- corIIO

"cor orations fn y~"-" f 'I J. 9ICK '

4N ffj'n; p - P;,d',;. „,',~„..""g'nd]un,or red.race.'acb of these 'Wh,, I ft t, - f'. yo Ioq othefrnety;o{)tq ~gR" D ~

'( "P]aw," I{)Icirce]]crit']{SPc,"new Pajrjt' )Irt))I)rr ')fgj rffrbdf)r'fde'()')ripe l~r'kl)gg I <{,I@ - ] I .I':" 8% 8 t . ")g

i etj)bd fsr'd'e'sfgntldf for stafgS)ICENSEDIEhfBALMER... < „rs; . r ..S.)l-, . '' .;)thg man'y yroblems that they r) j f. t. sd.nitro"NggRALhg@R' "-'g5.""rKen'drjbk iHar

' rk' '„,;,,;brfiny]reS;: (tnt(rim)]]oft]st]rr ger]era]]y)n ''m)11 egg I r e e re 'p which have heretoorre'q]r)r)ettre4)fndu;people,r]s n)pm ri),srf; 1 I '-"f I-''d r ': bgn]err "ut)o5't]iefd 'gntfrgffrret )neo{us)„;<, WOOD FOR SALE—Also ppsftf 'tb r ',.- '.I "-' f.'...-..f ~ -.".-.',,lead, yon p'gt dZit's.gnd ., I f om gll gptu sg-'gt «;,Jr'(rtronajij',ather We Wj" fur ':,, '., p .'er. 'I'.gd, Craig..I '" '-'r". ».,". I;; .'," I.».;.r': Iferprsterg WhO Can res<If,ar<ICuratel

1 t t that-+gagged rrppn buefne"Sf'I:n<rpf tbe times,']jp t]r]{tw mayI t pn Th amour)t Whic

,During we .. 4:;,;sny, si,".e, G.ipi'r<, . ~

Ift f -..; ~ ~ '"'" "4 '

- Trudb Brit]E]h Accent ba e future actions and hoPes upon 'hb

g. pf fhe tax fg the paufva]enft'.

nish hpr e-dravfn cape l'i I . ILe]anri

nt w "']re sry) rk' for ],000 ft fg ga]() tb{)t Ih)g]fshrnen fear fhe I{heir.wfsd9m,.Thgiqufckest wa tp go'f,'l g,;oust)re',n'et a)'cp'r'a''

frpA]to cq P " 'acks pr s'rnk]]er ib)s'bf fie]d'run ye]-''disa)]p<bnrauce uf. tbe„ true;1]rlt]gb,gi:.,to tbe tlt,,rfs,to go',tj, flan,,bott 'in„of .~ ' i, be bbfng abscessed'g"-fusg,,) . /tock of gpo,, """, '. corn, f MARy, MEANS; .f'en) on'gcco'uut pf„the grid(furi) hlr)~„''things, 'a d'et'1< ho])e "th)rt','amonjf'thy'harnehbide'rbuljort hfe 'p <,;n'rty )W,>4,'hpI)c 143 kendrick pr', „., 'd h if'canjirrtfpii<){'F. ro pd TI)erft'ioila'i), ''them wf]] be, found msirIj™p~<)11) no't'he

sharck gnd npt-g ',fr<a upon theirpr sec, I l tp.s I em's. "' '" ' '; ge{'Na jbt <)'f A'ii<'r'crinIi pjbc fee,ttpg,''orrly "ispfrri to'Ieudersh]p but mi!I be,'lb k ft is npt open tp t], pb]ectfpQ,N. E gaiker 'Ken(]i jck, or Smi/h 1 —

I .'' 'th' an'tl 'oar'e'1]i]l'y 'I'I')j)t''t]ri'y']l mt'.vel 'et.'6'He 'suc4]sgfilf 'f)r reach]i)g'lh'<''ir'gpafr ':indirect tax on exem'«ncpme +*""'rOS,'elaI) . '

' . 'e „d dp;f r,g],t] 'I Out.~@eVejrmr)() iaido'- De'a]era-. ''*'"','. „.put o'a paper —an o i'rig)sa ~WwLriew ~

Page 6: - 1930 - The Kendrick Gazette/1930 July - Dec... · hi te, Sf't.Pr'eS,F OS, V>ei-PriS. C&hicr,- „ THE KENDRICK GAZETTE. FRIDAY, AUGUST l, IPÃ PERgoNALs l 8 JULIAETTA ITEMs HARVEST








;Ii li




CI lr

el I.std'.;:


'Ig bti g gi I


Unlimited Llfet]iggeGuarantee

Vo]. 1.

Canteens and water'ags?—Sure, lots of 'eml

Rea1er—Here are our latestCtnam4ne cars.

!13a]nty.Ma]d—I want pne for+tong the Clearwater,


'Started Comb]ne

'Clarence Morey and Eddyct a]loway started up their No.Sin ternational Combine Tues-Jay, ant] its some mach]ne, .

Be a real booster and let



~.:W I:—:.I AVY ...,...—,.::;.-.::-„:;;-..-;:-A<V:S..-s



the primary.Pete says the county printing is not

~N DctcNRrreON DttCNSybcq the issue, but that there is "graft" in

the court house that he, with hig

"Holier than thou" attitude, is going


~ .i YII the major portion of the county print-

SggR'vlegg ';;„-, (j I I


guy ~ 'I ".- ', g - the court house) The county com-dccgo.Fckggcrv PPKog! '. ll



I. v missionsrs gave the county Printingrr6 79cs"

~ ~


to the lowest competitive bidder —and'that caused th'e management of theIdal o Pos«o b'«me vc"' 'ALLON JUG ILL PICKLES 98cKendrick or Genegee.

iivy Duty Nl!Weaiheg ™The:story of an obsure man's ca-W t k th t the v'oters "Be

tory ii typicsi, ii it serves to ii- '" 4 " "~

dt M. L B'R. COFFEEs I LB .——————- 3)C.I3EAU !BRUMMEL FOR LOOKS— .,lustrate the conditions under which

h W t t 'o discredit i. HUSKY for. wear] Deep-cut,

'extri-th]e]c A]]-%'esther tread — and overcame trouble.'

l 'ing the voters to I FULL VALUE /OFFER 3 LBSu.FOR 6 cNtouter b]ochs beautifully prismed

. About the time of the Civil wal't thoge of pete (7flack s]de„wa]]s Six.p]y b~y of

daoodyear patented arid obta]nab]~ ",' 'S H } d f 1 dissue.'ccess to the files of the «s"

II I RMV4)NLY in Goodyear Tires. Great- . ~ „' cow publications wi]] confirm our con-iest dollar'-value'n tire history! 'ck fcg gee'ego

d D lf f } d f tention that the real issue is the pro-ecgyy .g)cjgy . - a good hand. iDrifting farther and far-

'ng of the county printing —and j~SPITZ @CATSUP, .LARGE BOTTLE ' - d a4etOIIE'pecial Dier On Paira. - p«,f,fg+geg.r r, ther tO the Weat, he fOund himSelf,Iand Coinprete Setig '::-' while yet a young man,'mong t e 'y strange that pete prcutt,

mii t id h Prsc lie stiy sn itinerant, can come into t RELIANCE COFFEE, VACUUM $f 3g

the o]d Nez Perce graB toward Flor-~,mi ht cpver ag much for many years w


.WHEAT .DELIVERED - combine on the Wilkins'lace earlyh h th 1 th t pf cia]a horn he is seeking to discre«t

ing distance.so they might communi- clean and we e'eve t e coun y OR

'Ro KENDRICK-RrOCHDALE this .week and the grain, is. being .'h, .] f 'i]l stand the limelight as we]1 as~]i!IggbItr r]i!

--' '- hauled to the Kendrick Rochdale ele- .: "'

himself.~ The ifirst wheat of the season .to vator. The yield is av'eraging 19 sacks ". If the county legal printing were ti ITLI]e%muEbtito;-Kendrick was delivered to the acre, or approximately 43

Th 1 1 not the bone of contention, then whyhou e bushels, testing 58 Pounds.' "

d i d ud the deroga'tory articles in the Star-Their, travels led them over a very

itm lathers'day oi:: last week by Bcn . There is considerable smut in thed ig

i h h dmicrror whso thc prtnting tvss first I HarVeat Tune Meat at NeW LOWaa, who res]des southwest pf fall "grain .but it is said'hei spring .",f

d f t} midst pf a given to the Kendrick Gazette inR~~d..nThe grain'"-is..of the, Forty- grain is comparatively. free from 'it..., h™]d f 1924, again when it was let to the PricesN]aQ '-variety,and:,tegnte'd,NO. 2., It has been stated that the hot .- .. 'enesee News in 1926, and againmountain sn'owstorm. The leaders of

g '. o.. o'g to weather of the. past few days .has1 'o o ert k th when it was returned to this office ,'YOUR HARVEST ORDERS WILL, BE FILLED

, .b tf ]'1' " P ' o]d i 1928 d .th G tt AT THE LO~ST PREVAILgqG PRI~E.",;phag...peterson, and dehvered to the ]ust how much wdl not be known, ear ago~ The Star-Mirror manage-'-:,--,."@>~t'.warehouse. 'It .also 'is of the for some .days..If a go'od. shower ': . 'ent published an article at each o' AV ATT rliIMKQComing ito a ]ittle frozen stream,~-go]d.vanety. 'ould come. aldng now there'ould, ' th; b k these 'times trying to beuittle theseictuilttz and .Wegner started their still be,a -buinper. bean'rop.'.

h h 'ld papers, and makmg statements that

„IS,h h bl d papers an ma ing s a emen s~n'hing eutfit on, the A; .O..Weg-,-r . -,-'.', ' -. ''-:»

h . h plainly showed the venom that theI


I]e acct ul that neighborhood.. place. to eat and sleep, when yoq stay ..1 commissioners who gave them the]Newmin and Wilkins started their, in town.. A4-

f'o'rward 'h ''ro'oke'd'r in vain, for the contract for the legal printing, and t CWORK GLOVES ---'Arh TO gy

agMV RVtracks..N'or'.Were'his companions able County Anditor Thatcher for not

~ ~~


~~fp]]pw the]i own tla]] back'hey giving that offlce a]l the Pr]««g at

IglttRi MPgg FPttttg tttgtt Pttg ggPtttgtt IPg PCCIPP' Pushed on to ths settlements. '"'""'p 'g t WORK SHIRTS —GOOD QUALITY --—'TogsIti]]]]DI 'ppgtbtpttig Wp Ittgtttgh 'plp Cp SOO' 'p

' Thus abandoned, 'ith no provts'l SpenSible firms, including 33 ban'ks. Our PerSOni;, ha f et et his supply of matches

,",;„"~'Y".."L:I!'SIljl JSI'!88 COLLE

same bill-of fare for dinner and suwith a Party of'oung folks., Dr.

per. - The next day, the same pro-~am. He used to tell in later years to Lewigton to be vaccinated to Pre-Little Flashes of Thia and That ~h™h.'„d"" dto "d,',RE."„'t

f vent lockjaw. At present he'is dp'ing i ~, I

Kendr]ck,'dahO,'." Ju]y '1 193p ",, Np, -4 . rescuing''arty found him, they fiBed Pearl Baugh came home Tuesday ', I ~him with food .and amputated, his evening. from Profino, where she has,',toes Then the nicknamed h]m «Lem- been working at the Helgeson hotel.

tvif (the:iPeppie- 'pf the Eath'e oil can, a real - slick, r]E for. - .' " ..'ash., to work on a fruit ranch.

f% ~ Dal Grose]coge was up from Fir p$4dck Hardware 'ompany,,: Remember: .'5 per -cent pff ' E . ~ . 'luff a few days ago after a load ofto I fp I ca0h . Th is ep isode ' as no t a11 of Lem

hi's career; it was only an incident. Ed' kl.

h f m p k i"The Home of Good Things to Rat and %'earMODERN gir]s evident]y do Naturally, 'elping Jpe Choate with his harvest~ FINE/ GgpQERlES FINER BERVIChworkRELIEVE that love grows co]d business.

' ' '... hf. G. and H. L'. Grosec]ose came t QI 1 g,ABECAUSE of;these ntycloth s, P te—What mt . Latah County aetting Better p o d y ] t e k to look afterMI'e 159

CUPID wears. 'ose —Shootin'raps. According to a report sent out from their cattle.Washington, D. C., regarding the Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Horn ofJack knives in all sizes ahd Many People 'evl "ly ~ «marriage calid'divorce records for La- Peck visited at the Joe Choate homeweights. that grey enamel ware f ha tah county it ls revealed that ln 1929 last Friday.

vest cooking is the best; judE- there were 184 marriages and 23 di- John Lind is at Dayton, Wash., Curb]ng Accidents the curricula in modern gnd p~The Rumanian coronation of ing from the nuniber th ig vorces and in 1928 there were 191 working. He is running a combine. The automobile accident menace will gressive schools.

~ ~ ~ ~ 'gg ~ 'og osg]hbuying it. And'e agree w]t" marriages and 35 divorces, which gives Raymond Fraiser is home for a not be curbed until drivers "think Every reckless and ««gpKing Carol has been set or

October, provided he does notthem. Economy and values ~ . tp

the reck 01929 a shade the best of the argu- while from the fire patrol. He had driver is a menace to all~

rd ggfctftmeet up with any more red- gdment. an accident, fracturing a bone in his D«ing the past ten years, through us. Persons who digreggr

Ihaired she speeders.Hen Peck says, My only The total number of marriages in right arm, He wi]l be aMe to go intensive safety work, the America'n should be prevented from u

~ '.„g]gg the,

regret is that I,have ut one the state in 1929 were 4,V9 with back soon. railroads have reduced fatalities on public highwayiLwife to send on a visit." ],p36 divorces and in 1928 4,636 mar- Mr. and Mrs. L. Clanin and Mrs. t"«r P'oPerty, owing to conditionsReal Machinery riageg .with 1,p23 divorces, 'll of John Lind went to Kendrick Tuesday, w thin their conti'pl, 61 per cen't,]E. H. Jones took out a 1P.which goes to shovr that there isn't They brought hfrg. Clanln's sigter, T"e accident record in almost a]] Bargl, Hay, Machinery, Buraft. power binder and L. J.much differencein the "hitching" and Migs Brock of Seattle, back with other industries has steadily de- Fire Saturda night destroyed thcSouthwick a bean special side- "unhitching" of human beings in all them, She vrB] spend a few weeks due to untiring efforts that hay bain pn the barn occupied hfic]cd]ivery rake. "Didn't you find your'nlckle, states. here with her sister. p egnated a knowledge and a Ben Kress o the highway bctvtcca

boy}" We had a severe wind and dust consc'ousuegs of safety in the m]nds N h W i d S ]diag. }fog'Naw,but my kid brother Farmers Mass., MeeH at..Spok ne storm here Tuesday. It lasted on]y o wor ers,did." .

S f A i 1'

d da felv minutctg but; was about the ontrast this wit~ the automobse th

f'Theniwhat 'ate you looking' " . y hardest wind we have ever known ident situation. 'ast year motor F ' ]pgt ]ac]udcg t<

Secretary of Agricultur'e Hyde and t e irc.Chairman Legee 'of the Federal I arm here.' vehicles were responsibl f, th

Farm eguiPment o 'lagcoclfor IMy kid brotherrg

" '-.y, Wnl. Grogec]pge and gpug purchased deaths pf ],5pp persons, a new high l Fa binder froln Lewis Schlifer recently ecord Th]s represented a 13 per 'r stock <ctmeeting at that time for farmers of cent increagRope, all sizes. Yoli ve no the Inland Empire. 'At this meeting

e on g cglg]"idea how handy extra rope is 'hey will discuss the workings of the Added Another Room but eight '. hf"" Mr. and Mrs. Kress are o

d ft be locatearound the place, Federal Farm 'Board and take 'up E. H. Emery has just cpmplcted cidents ]cad a]l th ing'rip and could no

hareespecially the marketing of wheat, another bed-room lu the upstairs ppr- dent.l d„th b . ay The fire wag c l~ corn.

a o er causes of acci- d: ~

ag bc];e„cd toKendrick Hardvvare Cougpgay This'eqting ig very important to tion of hig residence property, doing . + "ee" started byg i]sgeePtlonar Service the wheat growers and we are trying most of the work himgc]f. He used

'one encouragng c]r- bust]on

jrour position be so certain that Photge 562, to get representative farmers from all celotex as a ceiling material, cumgtancL Accidents to school ch]].those who fun IIIay tead. Eeadgrc]r, Iso parts of this country to attend, says'ea , dren are on the decrease due to the W ri dd* ]nv]tatioagisis

'ountyagent L B, Taylor. ead the adg-keep posted fact that safety education ig patt of aanotu mmtg. N]
